#Kaya Mar
389 · 1 year
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LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 06: Political artist and painter Kaya Mar displays one of his paintings outside the Rolls Building at High Court where Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, is due to give evidence at the Mirror Group Phone hacking trial on June 06, 2023 in London, England. Prince Harry is one of several claimants in a lawsuit against Mirror Group Newspapers related to allegations of unlawful information gathering in previous decades. (Photo by Kate Green/Getty Images)
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onepiecexd · 15 days
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One Piece - Capítulo 1113
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chekhovs-harpoon · 2 years
kakos industries was recommended to me years ago, i never got into it cuz the idea of a comedy abt an evil company man didn't sound like my cuppa
but my tastes have changed so much now (lmao sayer really did awaken something in me)
now i gotta say im,,, intrigued, from what i can remember i've heard, the main dude sounds like My Type (evil and horny and queer??). so now it's Properly On My list. i haven't looked yet, but i assume there's prolly gonna be an insane backlog, assuming this show has been ongoing for like a decade now
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medya-press · 2 years
Mars keşif aracı Perseverance, kızıl gezegene "ilk harfini" çizdi
Mars keşif aracı Perseverance, kızıl gezegene “ilk harfini” çizdi
Mars’tan gelen kayalara söz konusu olduğunda, detaylar büyük önem kazanıyor. NASA da, Perseverance keşif aracı tarafından toplanan küçük kaya örneklerini incelemek için Dünya’ya geri getirmeyi planlıyor. Amaç, örneklerin Jezero Krateri’ne nereden geldiğini anlamak ve aynı zamanda ana kayadaki orijinal yönelimlerin takip edilebilmesi. Keşif aracı, bu amaçla Kızıl Gezegen üzerinde küçük bir…
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ystrike1 · 11 months
My Happy Marriage - By Agitogi Akumi (9/10)
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The anime adaptation of this is also good. Go watch it.
Redemption and trauma don't go together often. Most of the time it's easier to kill off evil characters, and rush into a happy ending. This happy ending is slow and painful, and our heroine has to fight for every single shred of happiness she gets.
Miyo is from the Saimori family. She was born for entirely political reasons. Her father had a beloved lover, who he had to abandon to marry her mother. He did his duty, but then his political bride died young.
He immediately brought his lover back into his life. He officially married her, and he gave her complete power out of guilt.
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Miyo loses her right to...everything. Her new mother sees her as an obstacle who almost ruined her true love. When they have a daughter that new daughter is superior in every single way.
Kaya Saimori is beautiful. Smart. She also has supernatural powers, as a daughter of the Saimori family should.
Miyo didn't manifest, so the abuse her "mother" puts her through gets worse...until finally Miyo is completely degraded.
At 19 she is a soulless husk who only apologizes.
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She also loses her only friend. Kaya gets to marry him instead of her. Kaya gets the family home. Kaya gets the spirit power. Kaya gets the love. Kaya gets the respect.
Miyo can't even be jealous.
She is so drained.
So tried of being ignored.
She "turns off" when her "mother" abuses her. She dreams of the mother who loved her. Of the love and future she cannot have because she is a useless...
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Her father marries her off to a powerful stranger. The head of the Kudo family. He has burned through a half dozen fiances. He doesn't like rude, prideful, rich women. He lives on a small estate despite his wealth, and he protects the world from supernatural monsters that rarely appear. He believes his work is important, even if said monsters only attack once or twice a generation.
He is a VERY serious man.
Miyo wins him over by being serious too.
She does not look down on him for living a quiet life.
She thinks his job is cool as hell.
She doesn't think he's a boring, stiff man.
She thinks he will abandon her when he notices she has no powers.
He could not care less.
He thinks her cooking is delicious, and when she makes a hair ornament for him he wears it right away. They are both stiff and awkward, together.
They are a great couple.
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When we see Kouji again he is miserable. He misses his only love. Here we see the illusion break. Miyo thinks Kaya is beautiful, irresistible and charming. She only thinks that way because of her isolated and awful upbringing. Kaya is actually an unbearable brat. Kouji isn't moved by her beauty or good breeding in the slightest.
In fact, he goes a little crazy.
He decides to pretend to like Kaya, so he can protect Miyo from her family. You see, they're all idiots. Miyo doesn't have powers, but she is her mothers daughter. Her real mother was from a family that can control dreams and minds. The most terrifying family. Her father realizes he gave away a very valuable bride for a low price, and now he wants her back.
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Kouji has her back though. He is her shadow ally, even during his most crazy moments.
Kaya falls in love with Kudo because she's a superficial moron. She also knew Kouji is in love with Miyo. She just took him to make Miyo miserable.
Kouji resists her bullcrap, because he knows she's a liar.
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Kaya's jealousy festers and explodes when she sees Miyo happy with her handsome husband. Her happy ending is at hand at last. Kudo storms to Saimori house. He demands an apology for Miyo before the marriage. He says she will be treated with respect from now on, or he will never use his considerable army influence to help them. He doesn't care if Miyo was given to him for political reasons. She is his now, and he has no real use for her family. He's strong enough on his own. Funnily enough he only accepted the proposal because he was tried of being nagged about marriage.
Now, he is a happy man who will protect his happy marriage.
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Miyo, sadly, gets kidnapped. Kaya spews toxic crap. She says she is more suitable for the handsome and powerful Kudo. Her horrible mother beats the shit out of Miyo the whole time. Miyo does not apologize. She knows happiness is within her reach.
The Saimori family isn't that great.
Turns out their power is on the decline. Kaya has excellent supernatural sight, but no combat abilities. She's middle of the pack. She was never special.
Miyo doesn't want to be special.
She wants to be happy.
She doesn't apologize. She defys her "mother". She looks down on Kaya, and she says nobody deserves Kudo except her.
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Kudo storms the house for real. He burns the gates with lightning. Kouji alerted him about the kidnapping. His plan to be a shadow actually worked great. He never once hesitated to be there for Miyo, even though he wasn't powerful enough to actually save her.
He stands back, and he watches Kudo crush the Saimori house. The awful house that abused his bride.
Miyo smiles.
She is proud of herself, because she didn’t even think of giving up her husband. The voices in her head didn’t win.
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My Happy Marriage is very...complicated.
Miyo struggles. Her mothers powers do manifest. The darkness makes her depression worse. The abuse she went through doesn't go away. She still believes she is stupid, and unworthy. Kudo has to slowly help her heal. He says he will kill anyone that gets in the way of her happiness (basically)...and the story moves on.
Kaya becomes a servant in a strict house, but she's still heir. She's still going to marry Kouji. Kouji has decided to better himself. He was thinking about killing Miyo, and then himself, so they could escape their hellish lives together. Now that she's happy he plans to move to the city. He's actually going to be with Kaya and rebuild the Saimori house into a respectable one, from the ground up. No execution. No gratuitous revenge.
Life goes on.
It's frighteningly mature.
Killing Kaya wouldn't solve a damn thing, because she's an immature idiot. Technically her mom was abusing her too. Kaya was pushed to be perfect and powerful. Her mother used to threaten her and say she would end up like Miyo if she didn't do well. So, in the end nobody in the Saimori family was happy.
Miyo still isn't completely happy, but she's trying.
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naisaspalace · 4 months
Personal Nakshatras observation series:
obs: this series will have multiple sources from random websites to authors/professors that contributed to the creation of this "Article". my opinions are not the ultimate truth and everyone has a different understanding of the same topic. my purpose is to spread my interpretations to help people. contact info will be available at the end of the post.
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Nakshatra Characteristics:
6.40 –20 degrees in Gemini.
Meaning: the star of sorrows.
Translation:  "The Moist One", "Fresh", "Green"
Deity: Rudra. (one of Shiva's manifestations)
this nakshatra story starts on the Rohini where Brahma (the creator) wanted to have an intimate relationship with his daughter, Rohini, so in the following constellation, mrigashira, Rohini turned herself into a deer to run from Brahma and he also became a deer to chase her and shiva became so furious that he opened his third eye in anger and from that a powerful spark emerged and transformed into Rudra and he cut off brahmas head to save Rohini.
this action shows the empathy and protective nature of Ardra.
ruler: Rahu. (north node)
element: water
guna: tamasic
dosha: vata
tree: Long Pepper or Krishna Kamal Flower (karimaram)
symbols: teardrop, diamond, and a human head.
yoni: female dog.
star: Belteguese
mode: balanced.
goal: kama (pleasure, desires, fulfillment)
Body parts: Top and Back of Head & Eyes.
Sex/Gender: Female.
Upward Facing.
Direction: West (or southeast). Color: Green. (mercury gemini)
Disposition:  Sharp and Forceful (Tikshna)
Chakra:vishuddha (throat chakra)
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story interpretation:
Ardra nakshatra is the first rahu-ruled nakshatra of three and it comes after mrigashira, ruled by Mars, the previous constellation talked about a mind that was constantly chasing something that most of the time ended up being things that would bring a sense of temporal satisfaction. Those people are those who usually are lost trying to search for something to satisfy themselves and after they are satisfied they simply go out searching for the next thing.
But things change when they arrive at Ardra, here is the first time the mind starts to wonder about what the mind storms and turbulences mean, and this time they actually are focused on getting to the end of the search that usually started at mrigashira, by dissecting the problem and arriving at the end goal fiercely like Rudra.
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The star of sorrows
The nature balances the universe with its constructive and destructive abilities. water creates lives and also ends lives by hydrating and drowning and by striking lightning to end the bad and damaged environment that can eventually become powerfully strong as a diamond or cause mass destruction. This is how Ardra's energy manifests itself they bring a storm that transforms us either for good or bad, you are the one who decides who you face this.
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pop culture manifestation
effy stonem (drug abuse, destruction, illusion)
Kaya Scodelario has moon-ketu (conjunction) at Ardra and she played Effy a troubled teen who started to drink and use drugs to cope with her emotions and ended up bringing destruction to herself and the people around her.
she was often seen as this sexy attractive woman and she used a lot of her seduction to cause chaos among the men
the illusion of drugs that make you feel like the mind is now pacified
she loved chaos so much that she chased it constantly or at least thought she loved it.
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a beautiful young woman having fun you might wonder what is wrong with that? effy grew up around an unstable family and this led her to idealize the use of substances to escape herself to a point where she would constantly run away and record vlogs asking her mom to find her and nurture her.
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ardra is the first rahu constellation, also called as the “birth of rahu” or his “infant state” alongside rahu it comes with the birth of the intellectual mind ardra is also called the star of sorrows and the symbol is a teardrop
effy represents a state of disorganized destruction and the consequences of self-neglect created by Maya, illusions, where one fails to find the strength to leave their storms and continues to feed their infinite hunger for emotional satisfaction and the inability to face reality as it is
the storms come to us but they don't come to destroy us they are here for us to thrive above to raise the heavens, just like Rudra throwing his arrow to the sky.
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"Rudra is known as the divine archer, who shoots arrows of death and disease and who has to be implored not to slay or injure in his wrath"
Effy ended up with a psychotic depression. She attempts suicide but Freddie (her boyfriend), foreseeing this, saves her and she is taken to the hospital and later, institutionalized. Eventually, she lost her memory because the doctor used strong medication and he also manipulated effy into breaking up with her boyfriend and attempted to make her fall in love with him and murder her boyfriend.
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to me, this is where the actress ketu comes into play, as you know ketu represents detachment and liberation and she finally achieved her freedom by losing her memory even if it was momentarily she finds a few moments of peace.
three years after this whole situation she moves to another place but we find her, she seems to be better but she ends up being arrested at the end of the series for being framed by her boss, he frames his fraud crimes into her. Eventually, she told his superiors and he got arrested as well
refusing to heal her past traumas, ketu, she ends up being followed by outside storms that mirrored her mental state; The star of sorrow indeed.
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Taylor Swift (profit, high goals and achievement, superation, philosophy, and fame).
taylor is a pop singer and writer who started her career at young age when she was discovered by a executive of a record label and became a famous celebrity later on.
revenge, pain, mental disturbance.
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(The snake is one of the rahu's symbols, hes the head of the snake represents the mental part)
she became successful due to her telling her heartbreak stories on her music, specifically her ex-relationships, her sorrows became her brand and she is often described as a revengeful person because if you mess with her she will just write a song and win millions with all of this chaotic mess.
Taylor has ardra moon-jupiter and her birth time is not confirmed some will say she is a sideral scorpio rising and others will say she is a Sagittarius, I personally agree with both but for the sake of this interpretation, I will ignore the house where this conjunction falls and give a general interpretation.
moon grants taylor the emotional unbalancing experience and jupiter grants her the wisdom to work with multiple music genres and the writing ability. We all know that jupiter amplifies whatever he touches and this granted taylor her huge popularity and success and guaranteed that she would be able to rise above all of the chaos she faced during her career. Taylor also knows how to play some musical instruments and when she began her career she also had some acting jobs.
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“Patience in the times of conflict, Humbleness in the time of success, Cleverness of tongue in company, Attack in battle, Wish during fame, Addiction in weaponry – These 6 virtues are in-built and can only be seen in the brave man. Whoever houses these virtues becomes a great soul. Thus, the one who wants to succeed and become greater than he is shall house all 6 of these virtues.)” ― HEM RAJ JAT, RUDRA: The Name of Destroyer
taylor symbolizes the high ambition and dreams of the ardra native, the amount of chaos she passed not only made her strong but she managed to won again and again jupiter guaranteed her success and the ardra moon gave her the ambition drive to achieve it all.
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rahu is highly ambitious and material-obsessed/attached and taylor shows this attribute by never stopping working on her career, she is one of the few artists who did not have a pause during her musical career and during the pandemic she not only announced two new upcoming albums with new and expensive merchandise
the world was in a pandemic state yet Ms. Taylor didn't lose the opportunity to make millions she broke records and became even stronger. rahu is also the significator of social media and taylor is highly influential there.
her gigantic success overshadows her character flaws and she also managed to create this persona, illusion, of ultimate good and moralistic character. this is once again due to rahu being a good manipulator and liar.
don't be mistaken I was once a huge fan of hers but this is an analysis and I cannot act blind towards her motives and actions, she is talented and manages to earn her success and she has good and bad actions just like all of us but we shouldn't be blind towards Rahu, right?
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overall she behaves like a good agent of maya making fame seem delicious, fun, and worth having. to me, her story is of superation, hard work, and good writing with philosophical intellectual exploration on her folklore and evermore albums and just like effy sorrows seem to follow her around.
Daenerys Targaryen ( illusions, transformation, strength, fantasy and victory)
Emilia Clarke is a famous actress most known by her role as Daenerys Targaryen and she have a possible ardra moon
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daenerys had a hard life and she was dependent on her abusive older brother, Viserys, and was forced to marry Dothraki horselord Khal Drogo in exchange for Viserys' army to reclaim the Iron Throne in Westeros. she becomes the khaleesi and with this new title, she also gained three petrified dragons as a wedding gift.
a little time has passed and pregnant Daenerys loses her husband and child, but blood magic allows Daenerys to hatch three of her dragon eggs. The dragons provide her with a tactical advantage and prestige.
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Oftentimes serpents were described as dragons and magic is also another significator of rahu.
she managed to conquer the seven kingdoms and became the queen after many years of pain and trial she won with fierce and ultimately strength
Daenerys finds her inner strength and courage and emerges as a natural leader adored by her people. She is often described as honorable and compassionate, if somewhat naive, although she can be harsh and vengeful against those who seek to harm her or her followers.
here ardra manifests as a warrior whos strength and ambition led her to the ultimate goal the throne that she had lost and was willing to fight until she won.
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Don't forget that also took revenge and created destruction all around yet shes a manifestation of a fearless warrior determined to eliminate the opposition without hesitation, just like rudra.
however she had a sad ending, she was betrayed and killed by her lover Jon who was also another candidate for the throne, she found out near the end of the show, after she became mad like her ancestors
the mad queen was dead but her legacy and story lived on to show how great one can become by using the right methods and having a good character one is also capable of greatness but just like all of the ladies before the sorrows followed her into her death.
okay being serious the last season was awful and neither her nor Jon had a proper ending we didn't get the chance to see her becoming mad like her father and her character was destroyed yet her story was awesome i dreamed of jon having the throne and i hated the forced sibling rushed romance and I've loved jon i am a sucker for the forced to become a hero trope fight me ... she was doomed to fall because of the prophecy and she did but she didn't enjoy the throne and deserved better.
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End of the first part of ardra analyses.
this was my first post analysis so please be kind and i did my best to be impartial because i do enjoy taylor's work and the other two characters are good! i did not intended to throw hate at any these women i just did my personal observation using the constellation behaviour i hope i was able to spread some knowledge and also to help those who desire to learn.
please share your thoughts and if you want to recommend a theme for me to talk about feel free to do so.
and my reading services are open.
contact info.
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sofasoap · 1 year
26/May/24 - When the rain stops - Simon Riley x F!reader
22/May/24 - Teddy bear - 3 - John Price x F!Reader
19/May/24 - A glass of burbon, or a glass of whisky? - Simon Riley x F!reader
14/Apr/24 - Malen`kaya printsessa - Nikolai x F!reader
24/Mar/24 - At the Barber - John Price x F!Reader
26/Feb/24 - Te Amo - Alejandro Vargas x F!reader 24/Dec/24 - Christmas Love - CoD OCs + Side Gaz x F!reader
26/Nov/23- Lastochka AU - Seven Seas - 1 - Nikolai x F!reader
12/Nov/23 - Audentes Fortuna Luvat - Freya "Mini" MacTavish and Vladimir Makarov
09/Nov/23- Lastochka - in the hanger - Nikolai x F!reader
23/Oct/23 - Teddy bear -2 - John Price x F!Reader
21/Oct/23 - Lastochka AU - Strange tribulation - Nikolai x F!reader
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The Mandalorians
- Din Djarin
- Paz Vizsla
Call of Duty
- König
- Simon "Ghost" Riley
- John Price
- John "Soap" MacTavish
- Kyle "Gaz"Garrick
- Nikolai
-Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Sofasoap's Fic Rec (will be updated irregularly)
Credit: all headers and dividers are created by lovely @saradika
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danwhobrowses · 2 months
One Piece Chapter 1113 - Initial Thoughts
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It is time
One Piece is back again and the big announcement is almost underway. The Gorosei are circling though, much of the Straw Hats are cornered, will the revelation turn the tide?
Let's find out
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too!
A chess-themed colour spread this time; Robin playing chess with the crew as chess pieces
Contrary to the message the King should not be the attacking piece but other than that I did find it funny that Usopp is a Bishop with a bow and arrow, this cleric does harm!
Also lil Chopper pawns!
Picking up where we left off, Markus Mars has been stopped in awe of a sight in Punk Records
The remains of Vegapunk's humungous brain, as big or maybe even bigger than a giant, kept in a pod and still working even after his death
Mars does wonder if this is more Vegapunk's true self, which I guess if it has his brain it's probably the main part that's biologically living
People around the world brace themselves though
Syrup Village! Kaya, Merry and the old Usopp Pirates get a cameo
Despite her wealth being enough for Kuro to plan a murder/retirement spree, they do not have a Video Den Den Mushi
Though it seems like it's more size than price, and Kaya is already keen to hear what Vegapunk is saying, given his role in the medical field
Also lil' Merry details on the Den Den Mushi
The Marines are monitoring it too
Laboon and Crocus cameo!
And we even get to go to Baldimore, birthplace of Vegapunk
Some dialogue from the group that found Franky during the separation too
'I heard he's turned himself into a ship now' XD because of the bounty poster, and the bad timeline SBS image maybe, though I still think we could in the future get a Sunny mecha
Also got Chopper's bird and medic island listening in
The tribespeople even know about Vegapunk, they call him a 'king of modern science'
Even despite the Garp and SWORD attack, some pirates from Fullalead are listening in - some still wanna fight each other though
Mars tries to stamp out the Den Den Mushi, but it's of course a fake! It shatters to reveal just another regular Den Den Mushi
Fooled again motherfucker!
Vegapunk does introductions once more but now everyone wants him to get on with it XD
For the most part the more obscure world shots seem somewhat familiar, I couldn't tell what the rainy place was but it could be Water 7, the other one looked a bit familiar, the Longarm place looks like to have Brook's old talent agents too
But this campfire one, a child is hushed back to sleep by their likely mother, they're in tipi tents, what's interesting is the other person there, almost like Oda's pulling something sneaky
Through their collective telepathy, Mars announces his failure, it was a decoy so they have no leads
They wonder what Vegapunk intends to say, fearing that he'll carry on what Clover started before he was silenced
Back to Sanji and he hears a woman's scream
Bonney is being targeted by V. Nusjuro, Franky standing between them but Sanji demands to be the white knight
He jumps off the sword to kick him in the jaw
By comparison V. Nusjuro is pretty damn huge
His body sets on fire - fitting to his Yokai lore - but then the horse's head comes out to bite Sanji
Lots of crackling of bones, I wonder if his Healing Factor is still a thing
As Oimo and Kashii tackle V. Nusjuro (about the same size as them), Vegapunk's broadcast begins, admitting to committing two grave sins
Bonney turns into a giant with her fruit to attack V. Nusjuro, who has returned to his hybrid form
Vegapunk's broadcast admits that he is likely to be executed, and that this broadcast would start when his heart has stopped
Sabaody reacts first, realising that this means Vegapunk is dead
Duval has trouble processing this, since the news said that he was a hostage for the Straw Hats
Caesar's also mad, he and Judge went through that whole cover story alliance for nothing, so now they can promptly fuck off
And Morgans is angry because Vegapunk is giving BIG NEWS without him like it's not in his name
Interestingly, Vegapunk is quick to state that his killers should not be portrayed as 'evil' - because they're looking pretty damn evil to me
It seems maybe this is because he expects Luffy to have been pinned as to blame for his death, though it could be scanlations saying 'him'
Saturn faces off with the Labophase group, demanding they move away
Saturn and Robin however recognize one another, Robin from his voice back in Ohara and Saturn by her image
Seems Saturn blames Akainu directly for Robin's escape, I mean he did blow up the hostage ship but still, there were more marines out there
He goes to attack Robin, so all the other Straw Hats go into protection mode
Brook cuts a few limbs, but worryingly Chopper blocked some with his Guard Point - those limbs are poisonous remember? Though it's impressive that he could suppress a claw that could go straight through Kuma
Nami also remembers that she can use Zeus to block attacks
Mars is still on recon, but his senses can't pick up any 'telepathic waves' - wonder if that's a Haki feat or something relative to the Gorosei's shared thoughts?
York is also having trouble figuring out where the Stella would've put it, since her position as a Celestial Dragon is on the line
Vegapunk's about to deliver his mission statement, which is putting the Gorosei into a panic
Mars considers blowing up the entire place, but Saturn and Warcury are weighing it against the possible losses; men, equipment, and any chance of recreating the Mother Flame
Wait. What?
"Our World...is going to sink into the ocean!"
Well you can't deny it: Global Warming is Real.
It's not just Water Seven and Aqua Laguna then, it's all going to sink, there's a lot of thematic consequences to that when you think about it.
Did the World Government ostracize the Fish-Men because of this? Knowing that they would inherit the world? Does this have any connection to Devil Fruits and why the Ocean really saps their strength? Did the ancient kingdom like Old Wano sink to the bottom of the sea?
It begets a lot of questions, in true Oda fashion.
The rest of the chapter was a lot more jam-packed than the last, even without Luffy. The carried tension of the announcement is followed by Saturn and V. Nusjuro's confrontations with the crew, giants and Bonney. As expected, Sanji took on V. Nusjuro, the hit didn't seem to do much in the long term as expected, though I kinda wish Franky also got a hit in but the extent of his own injuries is worth wondering.
I'm glad the Labophase crew are stepping up against Saturn, at least until the expected arrival of Zoro and Jinbe, but it does show their furthered growth versus Enies Lobby if they can successfully repel Saturn from Robin - her injury being validated by this scene, though I still wish we saw a flashback of the Straw Hats vs Seraphim and them uncovering York as the traitor.
Still it's bad PR from the Straw Hats either way, they're likely to be accused of killing Vegapunk, who was last deemed their hostage by the fake news machine (is Morgans still going to Egghead? I mean with Vivi with him we continue to tease a reunion), and while Punk Records still has a chance to live on this is definitely going to be something each crewmate will have to re-evaluate given the bigger picture. Still, that can come after getting off the island; Edison and the Sleeping Giant are still at play after all, Stussy still needs to release the barrier, it's looking more likely that we might finish up around 1120.
Still there has to be more to the announcement, if Vegapunk was waiting for a video display it means that there are visuals to corroborate his revelation - I wonder if the Gorosei are more open to this reveal coming out than what they expected with the Ancient Kingdom reveal they destroyed Ohara for? Like did Vegapunk dupe the WG into Buster Calling Egghead over a reveal they didn't care much for? He mentioned two grave sins too so there seems to be much more to his announcement than just the opening statement.
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alfisyahrin · 4 months
Pesanku, jadilah laki-laki baik, jadilah perempuan baik. sekalipun sedang dalam kondisi tersulitmu. Sebab kadang banyak hal yg kita sesali untuk kemudian kita tangisi karena ada sedikit nya kekeliruan yg sudah kita lakukan mungkin tanpa sadar atau bahkan dengan sadar.
Kekeliruan kita, kesalahan maupun keegoisan kita yang sangat manusiawi. Bentuk itu semua hadir karena barangkali kita sedang berada dalam masa yang tidak menyenangkan, menguras energi, menekan kapasitas diri kita lebih dari yang kita punya, atau bahkan sedang di tuntut untuk tetap berjalan dengan semestinya padahal diri kita sedang tidak dalam kondisi baik. Banyak sekali sebab mengapa kita jadi melakukan hal seperti itu, maka saling memahami dan mengerti adalah solusi terbaik dalam terus menyayangi sesama.
Untuk itu, kalau ada yang lakukan suatu kesalahan jangan kita hakimi orangnya, tapi kita fahami keadaan nya mengapa ia bisa sampai melakukan itu.
Sesederhana "kayaknya klo kita lakuin hal ini dia bakal sakit hati", "aku ga boleh bersikap kaya gitu nanti dia terluka", "oh kalau aku mau di hargai aku juga harus bisa menghargai"
sederhana bukan? Tapi, ternyata kita masih harus belajar untuk bisa seperti itu. Masih banyak yang belum bisa, jadi semoga; hari demi hari yang sudah kita lewati menjadikan pribadi kita mau untuk terus belajar.
Maka yang terpenting dari semuanya adalah tetaplah menjadi baik sebagaimana kita telah dilahirkan dengan selamat dan dalam keadaan penuh kebaikan dari Sang Pencipta melalui rahim sang Ibunda.
Senin, 11 Mar 2024
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sunb0rn · 4 months
02 Mar 2024
late post.
dadaanin ko muna sa small wins ang araw na ito kahit na trigger nanaman yung insides ko (*insides kasi kalma ko pa din outside kahit gusto kong umiyak o sumagot o manumbat)
naayos ko na SSS online portal ko na ilang beses ako nag move ng punta!!
ang saya din kasi nakita ko update ng contri ko from 2012. huhue. laki na!!
kumain sa KFC bcoz mashed potatoo 🥹
naalala ko yung way back 2022 na sa sobrang badtrip ko sa BIR shits, imbis na kakain sa KFC after mag asikaso eh umuwi nalang ako. like, gutom na talaga ako non at nag ccrave sa mashed pot pero it felt like di ko deserve kumain kasi ang careless ko kaya lumaki penalties ko sa BIR.
if Im not mistaken, eto unang KFC ko mula non (pero mej napapa isip din ako HHAAHA) bilang si Kar ang nakaka sama ko if mag fastfood at one year na niyang ayaw mag KFC dahil nagka diarrhea sya dahil umano sa gravy or maybe ice??
binilhan ko si dady ng Whopper sa BK
while waiting for my order naisip ko, "kapapasalubong ko lang pala sa kanila last week ng bahn mi" (ayaw nila, lalo ni mamy na nag uuwi ako lagi ng pasalubong) jinustify ko nalang sa sarili ko na naisip ko lang naman na bilhan sya ksi yung malapit na mall sa amin ay walang BK. eh fave ni dady at feeling ko may taon na last nyang kain don.
hindi ko binilhan si mamy ksi ayaw nya yan azza health conscious, tinapay from Kumori or Eng Bee Tin sana pero nag chat sya na wag na ksi kakabili lang nya from Eng Bee Tin. galing din sya kasi sa mall non sinamahan magpacheck up si ate Zen kay Henzo
thrifted a top for next weekend's fit
ilang weeks na ako conflicted sa isusuot ko sa gala namin nina @ipickedoutyourstar at @realithei .tas nung decided na ako last week, wala naman ako magamit na pantaas.
unang option ko was a shirt from Penshoppe, sale naman (php400??) un sa SM B pero di ko muna binili.
today, i checked out din blouses sa isang concept store sa Southmall. may nagustuhan ako (almost php400) pero maiiba sa vibe na gusto ko sana so di ko pa din kinuha.
from mall, pumunta ako derma tas paglabas ng BF sinubukan ko mag tingin sa ukay and found this top na mej iba din sa vibe, pero pwede na kasi ang cute nya and 150 pesos lang.
hope you are having a great weekend guys.
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austxnland · 1 month
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Bill Nighy (datunni)
Timothée Chalamet (Kimbra)
Alexander Skarsgård (Rhoda)
Ewan Mitchell (Pixerina)
Daniel Sharman (Mar)
Henry Cavill (leonoratupelomemola)
Theo James (prudencehalliwell)
Lorenzo Zurzolo (masterrpg)
Nicholas Galitzine (Motopapi)
Maxence Danet (Cinders)
Damian Hardung (Lotillo)
Jude Law (Aspen)
Ben Barnes (Aspen)
Aaron Taylor Johnson (Theorp)
Sam Caflin (herfuckinghighness)
Ken Bek (Strong)
David Morrisey (mariemaudite)
Josh O'Connor (Murdoch)
Collin Farrel (Luka)
Luke Evans (Aquiles)
Johnny Depp (fitzalanhoward)
Leo Suter (Wonderwall)
Anar Khalilov (ladycerise)
Kylle Soller (Dormer)
Leo Woodall (aqua)
Jonathan Bailey (Tilney)
Lee Pace (Vinda)
Jack Lowden (Prince)
Michiel Huisman (Apolo)
Jonathan Bailey (Disso)
Guy Remmers (Ese)
Logan Marshall-Green (Ruffian)
Luke Newton (Pajarito)
Tom Hiddleston (Silkyy)
Douglas Booth (Kai)
Leonardo Di Caprio (Ashurbanipal)
Freddy Carter (Bram)
Danny Griffin (missmyowndream)
Michael Fassbender (Lady A)
Mads Mikkelsen (Hamish)
Austin Butler (lastberserker)
Max Irons (Archibald)
Louis Garrel (Queensberry)
Sarah Gadon (datnunni)
Marina Aleksandrova (the-modified-girl)
Hannah Dodd (leireg)
Dominique Davenport (beautiful–ghost)
Elizabeth Debicki (Rhoda)
Michelle Dockery (Pixerina)
Lucy Boynton (Mars)
Alyda Grace (dillahokk)
Kaya Scodelario (dillahokk)
Yuliya Khlynina (Mar)
Nicola Coughlan (konohaironfist)
Harriet Herbig-Matte (Sadri)
Phoebe Dynevor (herfuckinghighness)
Taylor Swift (ethxreall)
Anya Taylor-Joy
Elle Fanning (Murdoch)
Jenna Coleman (Luka)
Laura Berlin (Lastberserker)
Arielle Chartrand (Moonpie)
Abigail Cowen (missmyowndream)
Emma Watson (ethxreall)
Bella Heathcote (H3)
Alina Kovalenko (ladycerise)
Katie McGrath (Moonlight)
Ella Purnell (aqua)
Florence Pugh (Milanesa)
Elina Kataeva (Lotillo)
Gabriella Wilde (Kairi)
Lily James (anya)
Jessica Barden (Kai)
Adelaide Kane (Kiki)
Emmy Rossum (Milanesa)
Florence Hunt (Golden)
Harriet Slater
Nikki Beiar (Gianna)
Simone Ashley (Foreigner)
Sara Bolger (Arien)
Sabrina Bartlett (Rocky)
Ashlie Atkinson (Vinda)
Emeraude Toubia
Alicia Vikander (BG)
Hailee Steinfeld (Tete)
Ashleigh Stewa (Tete)
Phoebe Tonkin (Erismoony)
Deva Cassel (delicatewerewolfblaze)
Noomi Rapace (MagicRules)
Lea Sydoux (Blue)
Anna Sahaydachna (Snowflake)
Natalie Dormer (Garbanza)
Winnie Harlow (Chantelle Brown-Young) Lady A.
Ana de Armas (Isolde)
Eleanor Tomlinson (Blacksver)
Anna Sitkina (Milanesa)
Holliday Grainger (Rosamund)
Kim Cattrall (Montrose)
Kristine Froseth (kairi)
Hijo varón (28 años) de la princesa Diana Elizabeth. (Kimbra) Hija de la Princesa Diana - Mujer. 23. Soltera. (leireg) Príncipe Philipp Joseph Laurence Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha (Rhoda) Esposa príncipe Philippe (Pixerina) Hija de 19 años de la princesa Charlotte (Mars) Gemelo hijo mayor de Princesa Eugenia Justine Hildegard Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha (Mar) Gemelo hijo menor) de Princesa Eugenia Justine Hildegard Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha (Golden) Hija de 20 años de Princesa Diana (dillahokk) Hijo de 18 años del príncipe Archibald Leopold (masterrpg) Hijo de 20 años del Príncipe Archibald Leopold (Cinders) Primer hijo de la Princesa Diana. Príncipe Edward George Charles Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha (Aspen) Hija de 23 de la Princesa Charlotte Eloise Cecile Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha. (Milanesa) Hija de 20 de la Princesa Charlotte Eloise Cecile Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha. (Kairi) Hija de 25 años de la Princesa Charlotte Eloise Cecile Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha (Anya) Hijo varón de 32 del Príncipe Edward (Prince) Hija de 23 años soltera de la princesa Aurora (melliza) (Gianna) Hija de 23 años soltera de la princesa Aurora (melliza) (Erismoony) Hija de 27 años del Príncipe Edward - Princesa (fitzalanhoward) Hijo de 30 años del Príncipe Edward (Kai) Hijo varón, 23 años, de la Princesa EugeniaJustine Hildegard Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha. (Lotillo) Hija Mujer de 25 años de la Princesa Aurora Epiphanía Victoria Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha. (Tete) Princesa Amelia Anne Aurora Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha (Snowflake)
Hijo varón (28 años) de la princesa Diana Elizabeth. (Kimbra)
Hija de la Princesa Diana - Mujer. 23. Soltera. (leireg)
Príncipe Philipp Joseph Laurence Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha (Rhoda)
Esposa príncipe Philippe (Pixerina)
Hija de 19 años de la princesa Charlotte (Mars)
Gemelo hijo mayor de Princesa Eugenia Justine Hildegard Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha (Mar)
Gemelo hijo menor) de Princesa Eugenia Justine Hildegard Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha (Golden)
Hija de 20 años de Princesa Diana (dillahokk)
Hijo de 18 años del príncipe Archibald Leopold (masterrpg)
Hijo de 20 años del Príncipe Archibald Leopold (Cinders)
Primer hijo de la Princesa Diana. Príncipe Edward George Charles Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha (Aspen)
Hija de 23 de la Princesa Charlotte Eloise Cecile Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha. (Milanesa)
Hija de 20 de la Princesa Charlotte Eloise Cecile Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha. (Kairi)
Hija de 25 años de la Princesa Charlotte Eloise Cecile Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha (Anya)
Hijo varón de 32 del Príncipe Edward (Prince)
Hija de 23 años soltera de la princesa Aurora (melliza) (Gianna)
Hija de 23 años soltera de la princesa Aurora (melliza) (Erismoony)
Hija de 27 años del Príncipe Edward - Princesa (fitzalanhoward)
Hijo de 30 años del Príncipe Edward (Kai)
Hijo varón, 23 años, de la Princesa EugeniaJustine Hildegard Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha. (Lotillo)
Hija Mujer de 25 años de la Princesa Aurora Epiphanía Victoria Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha. (Tete)
Princesa Amelia Anne Aurora Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha (Snowflake)
Lord Cavendish (Duque de Devonshire) - Condado Devonshire (datnunni)
Conde y Condesa de Essex (Earl and Countess of Essex). (the-modified-girl)
Condado de Carlisle (beautiful--ghost)
Ducado de York (Rhoda)
Ducado Dorset (Ballerina)
Lady Cavendish (Hija menor del Duque de Devonshire) - Condado Devonshire. (Mar) [Pactado con datnunni]
Familia Mountbatten Ducado de Sussex (Hija) (dillahokk)
Duquesa de Wellington (Duke and Duchess of Wellington). Familia: Wellesley. (konohaironfist)
Lady Cavendish (Hija del Duque de Devonshire) - Condado Devonshire. (herfuckinghighness)
Lord Cavendish (Hijo mayor del Duque de Devonshire) - Condado Devonshire. (herfuckinghighness)
Barón y Baronesa de Leighton (Baron and Baroness of Leighton). (mariemaudite)
Ducado de Buccleuch. (Murdoch)
Ducado de Malborough. Churchill. (Angie)
Duque de Norfolk - Condado de Norfolk (Theorp)
Condado de Bedford (Strong)
Baronía de Berkeley (Aquiles)
Baronía de Byron (lastberserker)
Duque y Duquesa de Northumberland (fitzalanhoward)
Condado de Warwick (Apolo)
Condado de Derby (Wonderwall).
Condado de Montrose (Montorse)
Vizconde de Bridport (aqua)
Vizconde y Vizcondesa de Falkland (Viscount and Viscountess of Falkland). Familia: Cary. (H3)
Conde y Condesa de Shrewsbury (Lotillo)
Ducado de Cornwall (Aspen)
Ducado e Lovelace (Baron and Baroness of Lovelace). Familia: King. (leonoratupelomemola)
Lord Lennox (Hijo del duque de Richmond) para VInla
Marquesado de Bath (Foreigner)
Marquess and Marchioness of Salisbury. Familia: Cecil. (Silkyy)
- Vizconde y Vizcondesa de Gage (Viscount and Viscountess of Gage). Familia: Gage. (Ese)
Marqués de Winchester (Lady A)
Ducado de Argyll (lastberserker)
Ducado de Hamilton (Pajarito)
Barón y Baronesa de Montagu (Baron and Baroness of Montagu) (D)
Duque de Buccleuch y Queensberry (konohaironfus)
Ducado de Athol (Milanesa)
Ducado de Gloucester (Blacksver)
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balkanradfem · 1 year
Favourite Fictional Women poll: FINAL LIST nominations + RULES (nominations closed)
Elphaba (Wicked)
Hermione (Harry Potter)
Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter)
Luna (Harry Potter)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)
Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle)
Bella Swan (Twilight)
Lucy (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Susan (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)
Jo (Little Women)
Alanna (The Song of the Lioness)
Ichigo (Kamikaze Girls)
Momoko (Kamikaze Girls)
Phryne Fisher (Phryne Fisher Detective Novels)
Clarice Starling (Silence of the Lambs)
Robin Ellacott (Cormoran Strike)
Baru Cormorant (The Masquerade Series)
Gideon (The Locked Tomb)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Tattersail (Malazan Book of the Fallen)
Lyra (His Dark Materials)
Lisbeth Salander (The Millenium Trilogy)
Daja Kisubo (Circle of Magic)
Éowyn (Lord of the Rings)
Honor Harrington (Honor Harrington)
Zahrah (Zahrah the Windseeker)
Clair (Outlander)
Margo (The Magicians)
Camille Preaker (Sharp Objects)
Brienne of Tarth (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Cersei (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Daenerys Targaryen (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Arya (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Sansa ( A Song of Ice and Fire)
Rhaenyra Targaryen (Fire and Blood)
Eileen Dunlop (Eileen)
Romy Silvers (The Loneliest Girl in the Universe)
Lúthien (Sillmarilion)
Lady Sotofa (Echo series)
Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Angua von Überwald (Discworld)
Susan Sto Helit (Discworld)
Tiffany Aching (Discworld)
Nina Hill (The Bookish Life of Nina Hill)
Keladry (Protector of the Small series)
Shay (Uglies)
Cassie (Animorphs)
The Groke (the Moomins)
Tooticky (the Moomins)
Maximum Ride (Maximum Ride)
Auri (Kingkiller Chronicles)
Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables)
Emily Starr (Emily of New Moon)
Penelope (Circe by Madeline Miller)
Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy)
Katsa (Graceling)
Yennefer of Vengerberg (Witchier)
Dr. Scarlet Clarke (They Never Learn)
Inej Ghafa (Six of Crows)
Ronja (Ronja)
Violet (Asoue)
Medea (Greek Mythology)
Medusa (Greek Mythology)
Jude (Folk of the Air)
Agatha (Girl Genius)
Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
Carrie (Carrie)
Miss Honey (Matilda)
Matilda (Matilda)
Barbie (Barbie's universe)
Ellen Louise Ripley (Alien)
Evelyn O'Connell (The Mummy)
Peggy Carter (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Sarah Conner (Terminator)
Cruella de Vil (Cruella)
Yzma (Emperor's New Groove)
Dr. Ellie Sattler (Jurrasic Park)
Harley Quinn (DC universe)
Amy Dunne (Gone Girl)
Jennifer (Jennifer's Body)
Maude Lebowski (Big Lebowski)
Eurodia Holmes (Enola)
Amy Adam (Arrival)
Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)
Mary Mason (American Mary)
Elsa (Frozen)
Mulan (Mulan 1998)
Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill)
O-Ren Ishii (Kill Bill)
Trinity (Matrix)
Sidney Prescott (Scream movies)
Dani Ardor (Midsommar)
M3gan (M3gan)
Aila (Rhymes for Young Ghouls)
Princess Kida (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
Mother Aughra (Dark crystal)
Elizabeth Swan (Pirates of the Carribean)
Marla Grayson (I care a lot)
Heloise (Portrait of a Lady on Fire)
Diana (Wonder Woman)
San (Princess Mononoke)
Zeniba (Spirited Away)
Chihiro (Spirited Away)
Wlle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Rey (Star Wars)
Princess Leia (Star Wars)
Haley Graham (Stick it)
Cruella (101 Dalmatian)
Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service)
TV Shows
Xena (Xena the Warrior Princess)
Gabrielle (Xena the Warrior Princess)
Callisto (Xena the Warrior Princess)
Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Faith Lehane (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Willow (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Sabrina (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Morgana Pendragon (Merlin)
Catharine Cawood (Happy Valley)
Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Martha Jones (Doctor Who)
Female Doctor Who (Doctor Who)
Kaya (Supernatural)
Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)
Claire (Supernatural)
Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
Anna Clare (Being Human)
Poussey Washington (Orange is the New Black)
Sister Michael (Derry Girls)
Orla (Derry Girls)
Hayley (Hard Candy)
Vilanelle (Killing Eve)
Eve (Killing Eve)
Anne Lister (Gentleman Jack)
Ann Walker (Gentleman Jack)
Kim (Kim Possible)
Daria Morgendorffer (Daria)
Temperance Brennan (Bones)
Kim Wexler (Better Call Saul)
Katara (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Azula (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Toph (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Krosh (Kid Cosmic)
Guinan (Star Trek New Generations)
Bo-Katan Kryze (Star Wars)
Dong Eun (The Glory)
Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)
April Ludgate (Parks and Recreation)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99)
Dana Scully (X Files)
Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek: Voyager)
Calamity Jane (Deadwood)
Flea (Fleabag)
Michonne (The Walking Dead)
Trixie (Call the Midwife)
Sister Monica Joan (Call the Midwife)
Regina Mills (Once Upon a Time)
Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
Ruby Lucas (Once Upon a Time)
Mulan (Once Upon a Time)
Samatha/Sam Carter (Stargate SG-1)
Kira Nerys (Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
Jadzia Dax(Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
Eleanor (The Good Place)
Annalise Keating (How to Get Away with Murder)
Cheryl Blossom (Riverdale)
Miranda Bailey (Grey’s Anatomy)
Lizzie McGuire (Lizzie McGuire)
Catherine the Great (The Great)
Dolores Abernathy (Westworld)
Maeve Millay (Westworld)
Lorelai (Gilmore Girls)
Paris (Gilmore Girls)
Morticia Addams (Addams Family)
Elisa Maza (Gargoyles)
Vera Bennett (Wentworth (2013)
Joan Ferguson (Wentworth (2013)
Constance Hardbroom (The Worst Witch (1998)
Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Marceline the Vampire Queen (Adventure Time)
Monica (Friends)
Phoebe (Friends)
Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)
Shiv Roy (Succession)
Hannah (Please Like Me)
Lupe (A League of Their Own)
Jess (A League of Their Own)
Shahrzad (One Thousand and One Nights)
Michael Burnham (Star Trek Discovery)
 Emperor Phillipa Georgiou (Star Trek Discovery)
Dee Reynold (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Kara Thrace (Battlestar Galactica)
Donna (Twin Peaks)
Laura palmer (Twin Peaks)
Audrey(Twin Peaks)
Marwa (What we do in the Shadows)
Nadja (What we do in the Shadows)
Love Quinn (You)
Allison (Orphan Black)
Cosima (Orphan Black)
Nyota Uhura (Star Trek: The Original Series)
Lisa Cuddy (House MD)
Leela (Futurama)
Bean (Disenchantment)
Pam (Archer)
Grace (Grace and Frankie)
Frankie (Grace and Frankie)
Helga Pataki (Hey Arnold)
Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle)
Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Hotaru - Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon)
Michiru – Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon)
Haruka – Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon)
Rei – Sailor Mars (Sailor Moon)
Homura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Sakura Kinomoto (CardCaptor Sakura)
Tomoyo Daidouji (CardCaptor Sakura)
Onpu (Ojamajo Doremi)
Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
Striga (Castlevania)
Carmilla (Castlevania)
Misa Amane (Death Note)
Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer)
Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Nana Osaki (Nana)
Hachi (Nana)
Jean (Claymore)
Clare (Claymore)
Theresa (Claymore)
Helen (Claymore)
Deneve (Claymore)
Casca (Berserk)
Haruno Sakura (Naruto)
Yosano (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Tome Kurata (Mob Psycho 100)
Nikaido (Dorohedoro)
Nia (Dorohedoro)
Maki Zen'in (Jujutsu Kaisen 0)
Yuno Gasai (Mirai Nikki)
Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Zakuro Fujiwara (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Historia Reiss (Attack on Titan)
Mikasa Ackermann (Attack on Titan)
Nancy Drew (Nancy Drew)
April Ryan (The Longest Journey)
Kate Walker (Syberia)
Zelda (Legend of Zelda)
Impa (Legend of Zelda)
Urdosa (Legend of Zelda)
Evie Frye (Assassin's Creed)
Senua (Senua's Sacrifice)
Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn)
Elisabet Sobeck (Horizon Zero Dawn)
Serena (Skyrim)
Frea (Skyrim)
Morrigan (Dragon Age Origins)
Kreia (Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II)
Kassandra of Sparta (Assassin's Creed Odyssey)
Heather Mason (Silent Hill 3)
Reika (Fatal Frame)
Rei (Fatal Frame:The Tormented)
An Shiraishi (Project SEKAI)
Nene Kusanagi (Project SEKAI)
Ena Shinonome (Project SEKAI)
Jesse Faden (Control)
Almalexia (The Elder Scrolls)
Billie Lurk (Dishonored)
Emily Kaldwin (Dishonored)
Cecelia (Dishonored)
Lizzy Stride (Dishonored)
Delilah Copperspoon (Dishonored)
Lohse (Divinity: Original Sin II)
Sebille Kaleran (Divinity: Original Sin II)
Siva (Divinity: Original Sin II)
Malady (Divinity: Original Sin II)
Dallis the Hammer (Divinity: Original Sin II)
Toriel (Undertale)
Undyne (Undertale)
Alphys (Undertale)
Commander Shepard (Mass Effect)
Tali'Zorah nar Rayya (Mass Effect)
Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect)
Aria T'Loak (Mass Effect)
Nyreen Kandros (Mass Effect)
Shala'Raan vas Tonba (Mass Effect)
Matriarch Aethyta (Mass Effect)
Yuna (Final Fantasy X)
Abby (The Last of Us)
Ellie (The Last of Us)
GLaDOS (Portal)
Chell (Portal)
Dr. Suvi Anwar (Mass Effect Andromeda)
Leliana (Dragon Age)
Parvati Holcomb (The Outer Worlds)
Chloe Price (Life is Strange)
2B (Nier Automata)
Stephanie Brown (DC comics)
Cassandra Cain (DC comics)
Zatanna Zatara (DC comics)
Elektra Natchios (Marvel comics)
Ebony Dark'ness Raven Dementia Way
Web comics
Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Jaden (Leasebound)
Antimony Carver (Gunnerkrigg Court)
Fictional Movies
Katya (Goncharov)
The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home from (Welcome to Nightvale)
Lady Mabeth (Macbeth)
Clytemnestra (Oresteia)
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
All fictional women from a category will be randomized, and put into polls
Whoever gets 50 votes automatically proceeds into the next round. There won't be only one winner for each poll!
We will do one category at the time. We'll start with books.
We'll decide on a winner of each category, and then whoever had the most votes, will proceed into the Final 10.
I'll calculate how many votes each woman got, so that at the end of the voting, you can see how many other women also adored your favourite ones :)
This also means that once you vote, if there's someone else you also want to see in the finals, you can reblog and let your followers know who already has enough votes, and who needs more in order to proceed. I'll also sometimes reblog polls announcing that a certain character has made the cut, and now others need your attention. We're trying to see which ones are loved and adored enough to actually get a lot of votes, even with competition. The voting starts at the end of nominations!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 months
And We're Live!
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Bruh a Miss Kaya update? Sweet! As we've said with Academy, this blog fully stans certified good girl Miss Kaya. I love her outfit here, she was really one of this series's first more classy, modest girlies and say what you will about how Oda draws women but I'm noticing she's not one of the ones who got a Timeskip breast augmentation. Usopp's former crew look like they're growing up fast too. This is a good group, still hope we get more Kaya in Academy because I really like her as the sickly girl who doesn't make it to school all the time. Clever use of a character on Sohei Koji's part.
We can talk about Academy over Golden Week though, because Vegapunk's message is going live! Which means sadly we're done with the fun of dicking around for ten minutes. The Vega Coffee bit was so, so good though. We'll get to the ramifications as we go but first there is a reason for Miss Kaya. Take note of all these people we see, how places like Torino highlight that darker side. VP will even own up to some of his own "sins" in his message. It's a very diffuse reaction to the man. Someone who inspires a lot of different reactions. It's important to pay attention when a story does that, but let's move on:
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Hahaha lol eat a dick Mars. Classic decoy maneuver. We did get the brain in a jar! In a chapter where Vegapunk "confirms" his own death and an arc where we've played this game with Kuma. Remember Mars doesn't actually know the deal, he himself is pondering a little over what counts as the real Vegapunk. So I'm inclined to ponder if it is just what we see; part of his brain serving as more or less a hard drive. As much the real him as that paw bubble of memories was the real Kuma. Shout-out to Bonney and her Giant-ish future by the way. It was cool, but pretty much reinforces the same themes. You're acting like Luffy and the crew has fully shifted to treating you (appropriately) as a little kid to watch out for.
The decoy snail though...I like it. Could it have been a long game by Vegapunk? Of course, and keeping York out of the loop is believable. But being on the floor randomly is still weird and putting it right in front of the big brain tank seems rather risky for Vegapunk. Why would he want to nudge at that connection. Get what I'm saying? This is a weirder beat than it seems, but it would make perfect sense through the lens of someone else reacting. Great way to cover one's tracks by just letting the natural assumption take course. There's one part of Vegapunk's speech that bolsters this to me:
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Please do not assume that the ones who strike me down are evil. That plus what he says here? Do...not track with thinking the Gorosei would be the ones who came after him. Sounds a little more like he expected Luffy, Bonney, someone like that to take him out. Or even Lucci. It's subtle, but actually a great remind that this all has nothing to do with the Straw Hats. Remember that old theme? The extra effort from the World Government is because of an emperor drifting into the situation. You can't act so casually when the world rocks in your wake. That still seems to be the core lesson for Luffy.
Speaking of, we get another nudge at one of last night's big mysteries. How did Robin get in such rough shape? The scenes before we skip the night set it up okay, she was headed right into a confrontation with York. But it's still a lingering question. And speaking of "lingering," you have the Gorosei hammering that Bakura Town/Ryokugyu theme hard. Reminds me of someone who knows no one called Vermin. The message though, it's what we're all here for. Well, I'm here for Nami Protect Mode.
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I have some thoughts about this. Not the reveal itself. Sorta what we saw with Lulusia at the start, the fallout I mean. Excellent through line with Wano and it's own history. Makes Iceberg look so cool in hindsight because he at least was a good enough leader to see it happening locally. Type of thing a shipwright-turned-politician would notice your typical noble wouldn't. Very classic looming threat, makes me think of Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou which was our world after massive sea level rise.
Let me just say one thing. This is fucking hilarious from a certain perspective. Imagine you're chilling. Doing your thing. Every PC and Windows product in the world fires up. Bill Gates is streaming live. He takes ten minutes to dick around with coffee then promptly announces his death before telling everyone their own death is imminent because [government conspiracy]. The reaction is going to be wild. Makes me think of David Bowie's "Five Years." If you're a fan, see if you can find the live version from the Dinah Shore show. You won't regret it. That Man Who Fell to Earth look was iconic and you gotta love managing a 4th wall break in a rock opera.
We've talked about this with Robonosuke, who's hanging around in the background still. This is an even better detail someone who learned a lot from Toki would know. Even if it's indirect relevance, it's the exact type of knowledge a modern scholar would find as a big surprise but a friend of the lady from the Void Century could just casually know. Maybe not a fancy sea chart, but say to the degree of a rough map?
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Just saying, type of thing there's scenes to support it. The map is right there with some of the first ones that really show Kiku acting like a nanny with Momonosuke. The Act plot with Olin had a lot of subtle bait the girl's a little distinct from the group we'd build on in Act 3. Aside from all that though, just this basic setup of the chapter? We start on a few vignettes around the world showing different reactions to Vegapunk. Then we set up everyone in dire straits as Luffy's run out of gas. Injected a little new mystery through Stussy/York. Now we end on a big reveal that doesn't affect the matter at hand as we pull away from the island?
It's easy to say at a lot of points but if there's a third cutaway...we may be going into it after Golden Week.
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dodgebolts · 1 year
what's this? another friend has arrived, this one a pretty kitty! they'd like to know who some of your favorite bloggers are!
ok this one is going to not be comprehensive at all but I went and listed all of my mutuals and it looked like a massive wall of text so I picked out the people I interact with the most BUT I LOVE U ALL DEARLY
jo @tinynap, salty @toxicsapolo, blaze @sapnapgirlie, rey @vadergf, alexia @gogystyle, milky @honkkarl, phoenix @honktales, liv, @everybodywhamwham, aria @100blocks, cello @princeandreis, jenna @badboyslaylo, lucas @axolotldrevm, friday @georgeeehd, sally @gogienotfound, nick @dwttv, iny @sapybara, bella @calamitydaze and jules @gogtopia are some of my fav people to chat with, they're some of my oldest mutuals and I love them loads ^_^
and ofc I can't forget about my gnf and punz mains bc we are all holding hands ace @gnfcatcowboy, em @georgelore, basch @speedrunnercrafting, kit @kaustic, @rivalsjoy, leigh ann @prettygnf, miffy @gogciety, sage @powergnf, nyx @hashtagdnf, riv @gogchat, and claire @choconotfound <333
also my lovely dnf and general dteam posters, y'all make the dash such a fun place :D veri @tinamybeloved, celestial @sweetcelestialdreams, @georgenotfoundeyebags, rosie @ouchgnf, charlie @primeboysbffs, mandragora @minecraftdog, mar @patchesjam, nov @suenitos, cam @tooshisms, teana @patchesbeanie, kaya @dreamiara, meme @dnfblr, skeasy @dnfed, cliff @709-404, and lee @dreamhot!!
special shoutout to the two people who always entertain and level with me about my valo esports insaneisms @dnfingtons and @churchprime u guys are the real ones bc we all managed to flip over sen swapping marved and tenz on the roster today at different times LMAOOO
finally I don't think I can tag everyone here but everyone who I didn't mention above but I absolutely love seeing y'alls' art, fics, edits, gifs, or clips—you guys carry us whenever the boys are inactive and even moreso when they are active <33 ty for all u guys do -> demonstars, catsinstem, stonersap, respiteresponse, curoopeez, mahikamihan, traidyy, amethystcove, nervouswaltz, ourillusions, ourwaterfalls, sappymix1, yellumina, selvish, gologie, orkidays, fooshogie, milktea-green, carpedzem, tinogie, nonoqy, xomoosexo, urlwasfound, foolishhappy, bastardbvby, dreambaited
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vocalsynthbdays · 4 months
happy birthday Hanakuma Chifuyu(synthv studio/ cevio ai) !!!! [mar 2]
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(synthv and cevio)
Hanakuma Chifuyu is a japanese synth developed by TOKYO6 ENTERTAINMENT in collaboration with ah software, and released on 20 oct 2022 for both synthv studio and cevio ai. her character birthday is mar 2 however. she is voiced by Kaya Okuno, and illustrated by Nari Teshima
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taurusmoon2008 · 2 months
Purane msg padh liye ab Maro poori raat ro baith kar 😔
Tera kuch nahi ho sakta Kaya mar jaakar bhaad me Jaa kisne kaha tha dm kholne ko ab uske liye aansu baha jo tere baare me soche bhi na
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