#Kelly Severide x OC
themultifandomgal · 1 year
Please may I request something with Severide and pregnant!reader where he puts his hands under her belly and lifts to relieve some of the pressure on her back? Like the tiktok video
Maybe he does it at the firehouse and everyone awhs at how cute they are and what a good dad he will be
Kelly Severide- Relief
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Since finding out I was pregnant I've been benched. Normally I would be fighting fires with Matt as my lieutenant, but Boden has put me on paperwork duty and doing everyone's payroll. Which is kinda boring if I'm honest. I'm now 8 months pregnant and my back hurts so bad most of the time, but I'm determined to work right up until the birth. Although right now I'm rethinking that idea.
Sighing I stretch my arms over my head needing a break from sitting down. I get up and waddle to the kitchen where I find everyone
"Does anyone know if we have any pickles and chocolate?" this has been my pregnancy craving since I basically got pregnant
"Top cupboards, I'll get them down for you" Matt says walking over to me
"Thanks" I move out of the way for Matt who reaches to the top shelf for me. I take the chocolate place it in a bowl and warm it up
"Hey baby how you feeling?" Kelly walks into the kitchen from outside
"Alright. Hungry, tired, back hurts, just the usual" I sigh as the microwave beeps. I take out the now melted chocolate and dip in a pickle
"Remember when you hated pickles?" Hermann chuckles. Just as I'm about to  leave to go back to my little office Kelly stops me
"Come here. Let me help you back for a little" his arms move around my waist lifting up my bump. I let a moan out leaning back on to Kelly, relief from the extra weight I'm carrying
"Aww" I hear Gabby gasp
"Wanna carry on eating your chocolate pickles?" Kelly asks. I give him a nod before dipping another pickle in my chocolatey soup. Unfortunately my relief doesn't last to long since the alarms go. Gently Kelly lowers my bumps
"Won't be long and when I get back I'll hold the bump again"
When they return Kelly comes back to me holding a bag
"What you got in there?" I ask
"More pickles and chocolate" he says getting them out and placing them on the kitchen work tops "now lean back on me again" I do as he asks and once again he lifts up my bump giving me some relief from my discomfort
"You guys are going to be the best parents" Brett gushes watching the interaction.
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starset21 · 7 months
Going to War
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Standard disclaimer: I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may currently be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under the name @.itswildflower
A/N: We're skipping forwards a bit here but things will be filled in eventually. There will be a pt. 2
Looking for more? Chicago Fire Collection Masterlist 
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: cannon typical depictions of fires/accidents and injuries
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“Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25,” the alarm rings out, forcing Kelly and Dani to break apart and head towards the trucks. “Sounds serious,” she comments.  
“Seriously fun,” Kelly quips. “Hey. You better bring that body of yours back in one piece, because I have got big plans for it tonight,” Dani tells him before heading to the truck, pulling her turnout pants on and climbing in the back of the truck with her jacket. “51, get me a water supply from the standpipe. Truck 81, Squad 3, I need search teams. Engine 37, get the hoses into the north stairwell. Ambulance 61, set up triage. Get ready, people. We're going to war,” Boden orders as everyone arrives and climbs out of their respective rigs. “Fire's on the 20th floor,” the building manager tells them as they walk in. “How many units on each floor, and where's your alarm panel?” Boden asks. “12. It's right over here,” the man led them over to it. “Mouch, you're on lobby control. Get the elevators down here,” Matt ordered. “You got it, Captain.”
   “Okay, fire is confined to 20 for now. We need to investigate the fire floor. Get to everybody trapped above it. I made at least four people signaling from their windows,” Boden tells the gathered firefighters. “We riding or walking?” Kelly asks. “Casey,” Boden turns to the captain. 
“Mouch, what's happening?” Matt calls into the radio. “I have control of one, two, and four, but the number three car is stopped on the 18th floor, and I can't get it moving. Can we get a look inside of that elevator?” Mouch asks. “Number three? Right here,” the building manager shows them. “The car is empty, Mouch, but keep trying,” Matt tells him. “Copy. Okay, heat is interfering with the electronics,” Mouch calls out after a few moments. “That settles it. You're climbing. To all companies, we can't trust the elevators. Use the stairs only. Stage on 19. Truck 81, give me a primary search on 20. Squad 3, take 21. Engine 37 will attack the fire. Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go!” Boden orders. “I don't mean to be in your way, Chief. I'm just here 'cause Commissioner Grissom wants me to be,” Gorsch tells Boden who glares when he almost runs into the smaller man. 
  “Extra air tanks get stashed on 19! We'll attack from the north stairs. Use the south stairs for evacuation. Hey, Chief, we're approaching the 20th floor,” Matt calls into his radio. “Go. Come on, come on, come on. Come on, Ritter, what's the hold up?” 37’s lieutenant yelled. “These threads are in bad shape, keep sticking,” the candidate tells him. “I thought I told you to clean the standpipe,” the lieutenant scolds. “I did, Lieutenant,” Ritter tells him. “Yeah, not with your hands, with a wire brush!” the lieutenant yells. “He used a brush. I saw him,” Herrmann speaks up. “All right, let me in there. I'll do it,” the lieutenant huffs “I got it. It's on,” Ritter tells him. “Well, then open the valve!” the lieutenant exclaims. “Hey, Paxson. Go easy on the kid. He's doing great,” Herrmann tries to defend the candidate. “Mind your business, Herrmann,” Paxson huffs, turning to the candidate. “Hey, put your mask on.”
  “Chief Boden!” Someone yells. “Halstead?” Boden turned, after hearing the familiar voice call out to him. “Where's the fire? What floor?” Jay asks. “20, why? What's up?” Boden counters. “My dad lives on 23. Dani doesn’t really have anything to do with him so she doesn’t know,” Jay tells him. “Casey, what's it looking like up there?” Chief calls into his walkie. “Hang on, Chief, we're almost in,” Matt tells him. “And we're hooked up. Let's do this!” Paxson yells, grabbing the door handle. “Hey, hold on, we haven't had a chance to-” Kelly is cut off by the door slamming open and the fire jumping out at them all. “Casey, the door!” Kelly yells. “Hey, Candidate. Hey, you're good,” Herrmann tells him, wiping his mask off. “Yeah. Fire's too advanced at 20, Chief. We can't get a foothold,” Matt yells. “Okay, new plan. Squad searches 21. Truck continues up to 22. Engine 37, get a hold of that fire floor,” Boden orders. “Copy that, Chief. Let's go.”
  “So you're not searching 20?” Gorsch asks. “You heard him. That hallway is fully engulfed. Where's your father?” Boden asks. “He lives in 23C,” Jay tells him. “Is he up there now?” Jay shakes his head, “I don't know, he's not answering.” He turns to the building manager. “Excuse me, have you seen Pat Halstead today?” he asks. “Sorry, I don't know him. There's over 500 residents in the tower,” the manager tells him. “Chief, my dad's got a heart condition,” Jay worries. “It's okay. We're working our primary search. 23 is next,” Boden tells him. “How can I help?” Jay asks. “Keep that doorway clear, would you?” Boden tells him. “Absolutely. Everybody back. Clear this door.” 
  “Check every unit! Open every door! Fire department! Call Out!” Matt yells. “Go, join the group. Right this way,” Dani tells the people coming out of apartments. “Follow them, please. Stay low,” Otis told them. They worked efficiently to guide people to the stairwells. “Chief, we cleared 22. Halstead, and I are headed to 23,” Matt calls into the radio. “Copy that. Casey, I got Jay Halstead here. His father lives at 23C. He's not answering his phone. Take a look,” Boden tells him. “On our way. Let's go,” Matt looked at Dani and nodded. Dani frowned as she followed him up the stairs to the next floor. “Hey, Chief. We pulled three victims off of 21. I still got a few more doors to kick in. We'll send these down with Truck,” Kelly calls into his radio. “Okay, hey, my buddies Otis and Stella are gonna take you the rest of the way down, all right? Just do what he says,” Cruz tells the woman he had been helping. “You're not coming?” She asks. “I gotta get back inside. You'll be fine. I promise,” Cruz tells her. “Be careful,” she tells him before taking her dog and following after the other people. “Excuse me, ma'am. All right, everybody, follow me,” Otis calls out, taking the lead with Stella. “The stairwell is so smoky. Are you sure it's okay to be in here?” A woman asks. “It'll clear up once we're below the fire. Let's keep moving,” Otis assured her. “It's a long way down. Can't we take the elevator?” the same woman asked. “The elevators aren't safe. I can hold your baby if you want. Hey, buddy. Hey, little guy. You wanna come to Otis? Hey, come on. Let's go,” Otis offers, reaching out to take the child. “I can carry him. That's not the point,” the woman huffs. 
   “Let's go. Folks, we gotta keep the entrance clear. I need you to wait across the street. Come on,” Jay yells over the crowd of people trying to push past him. “Let's get two more engine companies hooked up to hydrants in case we start to lose pressure. And move Truck 40 down to the corner. I want to leave a lane open for ambulances coming and going,” Boden orders. “Copy that, Chief,” someone responds. “Chief, we're inside 23C right now,” Matt radios as they sweep the apartment. “Dad! If you’re here, call out!” Dani yells. “Halstead,” Chief calls over Jay.  “Go ahead, Casey. What'd you find?” Boden asks. “Nothing. The apartment's empty. No sign of Mr. Halstead,” Matt reports when Dani shook her head, the apartment was clear. “Carry on, Casey,” Boden tells him. “That's good news, right?” Boden asks the detective. “Yeah, I guess so. Thanks, Chief.” Jay walks away from the fray and pulls out his phone. “Hey, man, they just made it to Dad's apartment. He's not there, you hear back from him?” Jay asks Will. “No. I just tried his cell again. Still nothing,” Will tells him. “Same. You think of anywhere else he might be?” Jay asks, “Well, the guy likes to stick to his routines. You know that. A walk in the morning, then home for lunch. He should be back by now,” Will tells him. “All right, well, I'm gonna keep an eye out. You just let me know if you hear from him. I'm guessing he'll call you first,” Jay tells him before hanging up. “You all right?” Goodwin asks Will as he tucks his phone away. “He'll turn up. Old man's a survivor,” he tells her. “If you want you can head over there and join your siblings,” Goodwin tells him. “No, but thanks. I'm good. Can do more here as they bring victims in.”
“All right. I want a secondary search of the last few floors. Make sure we found everyone that was trapped up there,” Boden calls out as Otis comes down with the group of civilians. “Okay, when you get outside, go across the street, check in with the paramedics, okay? Good work. Go outside,” Otis tells them but when he doesn’t see the mother and child he stops one of the others. “Hey. Where's the woman with the baby?” he asks. “She stepped aside to let faster people go by. I didn't see her after that,” the woman told him and he sighed. “Herrmann. The mom with the baby. Did you see her exit the stairwell?” he asks. “I thought they were up front with you,” Herrmann tells him. “We gotta go up and find them,” Otis sighs. “Right. Just let me swap out my air tank,” Herrmann tells him. “Otis, can you take a look at these controls?” Mouch asks. “I'm not on elevator duty, Mouch,” Otis huffs. “I know, but the number three car is still fritzing out. It was stuck on 18 for a while, then it went up to 24, and now it's stopped again,” Mouch tells him. “The mom. I told her we couldn't use the… God! Chief, do we have eyes inside the elevators?” Otis asks. “Camera's out.” Otis turns to Mouch. “Damn it. Okay, you go with Herrmann, I'm gonna work on the elevators, try a system reboot. If that mom took her baby onto the elevator they could be trapped,” Otis tells Boden. “All units above the fire floor, keep your eyes peeled. We are missing a woman and a young child. I want them found.”
 “Severide. I need to get up to 24 to check on that elevator. Can you guys finish out on this floor?” Matt asks. “Yeah, on it. Any word on the mom and her kid?” Matt shakes his head. “Boden's got companies searching from 19 on down, but no sign of them,” he sighs. “She came from 22, right? Halstead, you and Herrmann sweep that floor again just to be sure she didn't go back up for something. Mouch, come with me and we'll start a primary on 24,” Matt orders. “Herrmann. You're looking a little peaked. I mean, you sure you don't want to stop, take a breather?” Dani teases as they stop at the entrance to the 22nd floor. “Like hell. I could do 20 more flights… And still run circles around you,” Herrmann laughed. “No doubt,” Dani nudged him after she put her mask on. “Fire department, call out!” She yelled entering the floor. 
“Hey! You hurt?” Matt asks the candidate clinging to the stairwell railing, who shook his head. “Hey buddy, you okay?” Mouch echoed. “Kay, he's locked up. Took a fireball to the face earlier. Probably shook him up. Get him back downstairs,” Matt ordered. “You sure, Casey?” Mouch asked. “Yeah. He's in the way. Get him out of here,” Matt tells him before heading onwards. “What's your name?” Mouch asked. The kid just shook like a leaf so Mouch leaned over to see his last name on this helmet. “All right. Come on, Ritter, let's go.” The candidate shook his head and clung to the railing tighter. “Hey! My captain just took off by himself 'cause of you. You get to your feet! Lives are at stake!” Mouch yells at him. “Engine 37, talk to me,” Chief called into the radio. “We're still working our way in, Chief. It's an inferno in here,” Paxson yelled. “Engine 62, put another line up on 20,” Boden ordered. “Copy that.” 
“Any news?” Boden asks Jay as he comes back into the building. “Nobody's heard from him. I'm worried he's still inside somewhere. Come on, you must have seen this guy today. Pat Halstead. He's a crusty old pain in the ass. He never smiles. Loves to yell at people,” Jay tells the building manager. “Okay, yeah, yeah. I know the guy. I haven't seen him today,” the manager tells him. “Does he have any friends in the building?” Jay asks. “I see him sometimes pushing Mr. Strouse. He's in a wheelchair. Ronnie Strouse,” the manager rushes. “A guy in a wheelchair? What floor does he live on?” Jay asks. “Uh, 25C. Top floor,” the manager tells him. “That's where he went, for sure,” Jay tells Boden, going to step around the chief and head for the stairs. “Okay. Halstead. I can't have a cop get killed on my fireground. My men will handle it,” Boden stops him, grabbing his arm before he could get very far. 
“Fire department, call out!” Matt yells as he searches the hallway. “Casey, what's your location?” Boden asks into the radio. “I'm on 24 looking for the number three car. We can't open the doors. There's no drop-key access,” Matt reports. “Okay. You make your way to unit 25C. Look for a wheelchair-bound resident,” Boden tells him. “Copy that, Chief,” Matt replies and walks further down the hallway, only to be almost blown back by fire erupting. “Chief, I've got fire coming up through a mechanical closet!” Matt reports. “On 24?” Boden asks. “Affirmative! Repeat! The fire has reached the 24th floor! The fire is traveling through the electrical shafts!”
Boden turns to the building manager now. “Is the wiring in this building original?” he asks. “Uh, no, we did a big renovation a while back. Upgraded all the old copper stuff with fiber optics,” the manager tells him. “That stuff's a lot thinner. It leaves gaps. You're supposed to seal those gaps off,” Boden tells him. “Hey, I don't own the place. If they cut corners, I don't know anything about it,” the manager tells him in return. “This is not good. The fire's traveling faster than we thought. To all companies… We are losing control of this thing. Wrap up your searches, retreat below the fire floor until we get another hose line in place,” Boden says into his walkie. 
“Come on. Ritter, you heard the Chief. Time is running out,” Mouch tells the candidate, who shakes his head again. “Okay. Okay, Ritter. Here's the deal. I don't like to exert myself unless absolutely necessary, but you're not giving me a lot of options here. If you don't get to your feet…” Mouch trails off. “I'm not like him,” Ritter tells him. “What's that?” Mouch asks. “I'm not that tough. I can't do it. I'm not like him,” Ritter manages to tell him. “Like who?” Mouch asks him. “Uncle Anthony. I called him Superman when I was a kid. He fought fires like this. But my heart won't stop pounding,” Ritter tells him. “Hey. I'm scared too. Any sane person would be. Difference is, civilians panic. Firefighters react. And you are a firefighter. Now you get your ass off that ground and let's go,” Mouch tells him, offering him a hand up. 
“All companies, be advised. The missing mother and baby have been… recovered. Continue secondary search for additional victims,” Boden’s voice crackles over the radio. “Hey, how's your air?” Dani asks Herrmann as they walk down a hallway. “I'm good. I got a new tank downstairs. Why, are you low?” he asks in return. Dani looks down at her gauge before nodding. “I, uh… I got a few minutes left,” she tells him. “All right. You know what, forget it. This floor is clear. Let's get below the fire,” he tells her. “Copy that,” she tells him. “Casey, what's your location?” Boden asks. “Just reached the 25th floor, Chief,” Matt tells him, before continuing further into the hallway. He opens the electrical maintenance door and sees sparks fly. “Chief, 25's going to hell now, too. I can't stay long,” he calls out. “Copy that, Casey. Do what you can,” Boden tells him. “Fire department! Call out!” He yells, entering the apartment.
“Over here! Help! He came to get me, but then he collapsed!” a man calls out. “I'm gonna get you both out of here. Chief, I got two victims on 25, Halstead’s father and his friend,” Matt reported. “Good call. What's their condition?” Chief asks. “They're both conscious and responsive, but Mr. Halstead's in rough shape. I need a hand,” Matt tells him. “I'll see who's close by. Any available firefighter to the 25th floor to assist Captain Casey,” Boden called into his walkie. “Hang in there, Pat!” Matt yells as he preps to carry and drag them to safety. He gets partially into the hallway before he has to stop and readjust. “Chief! Is anyone coming?” he asks. “Casey, we're here!” Mouch yells, coming with Ritter behind him. “Mouch, hurry! Take this one!” Matt gestures to Mr. Strouse. “Ready to hoist him up. Okay, stay low!” Mouch tells Ritter as they pick him up and Matt hoists Pat over his shoulder, carrying him out. 
“Dad! Is he all right?” Jay asks, spotting them exiting the building. “He was above the fire floor. Swallowed a lot of smoke. Been in and out of consciousness,” Matt tells him. “Casey, thanks, man,” Jay tells him, patting him on the shoulder before looking up at the building, he had still yet to see his little sister in the fray, and tried not to worry, she knew what she was doing. He shook it off as the paramedics began to assess his dad. “Dad! Hey, this is my father. His name is Pat Halstead. He's 64 years old. Listen, he had bypass surgery a month ago. Dad, can you hear me?” he asks. “He looks hypoxic. Let's get him on oxygen,” one of them says. “We can do CO levels and EKG en route, rule out cardiac dysrhythmia,” the medic tells his partner. “I'm, I'm okay, Jay,” Pat Halstead wheezes out. “Dad, Ronnie looks like he's gonna be okay. You did good. You're damn lucky to be alive,” Jay tells him before they load him up. “Pat going to be alright?” Mr. Strouse asks. “They'll take good care of him,” Mouch assures the man before turning to the candidate. “All right, here we go. You just got your first save, pal,” he tells him. “If it wasn't for me freezing up, you would have got there sooner,” Ritter mumbles. “Hey, Ritter. You could spend your life on "ifs" in this job. Don't do it. You hear me?” Mouch tells him and Ritter nods. 
“Empty,” Kelly calls as he leaves a room. “Same here,” Cruz tells him. “All right, Chief, Cruz and I are finished on 23. We're coming down now,” Kelly calls into the radio. “Help me!” A faint young voice echoes. “Whoa, whoa, hey, Severide. You hear that?” Cruz asks. “Fire department, call out!” Kelly yells. “Help me, please!” the young voice called. “Where are you?” Kelly yells. “20B!” Kelly looks at the door they were at, 23B. “20B? That's three floors down, that's the fire floor.” Cruz tells him. “Hey, kid, what's your name?” Kelly calls into a vent. “Josh! My mom isn't here and I can't get out!” the kid exclaims. “Josh! Stay right where you are! My name's Kelly. I'm coming down to get you!” The kid yells back okay and the two rescue squad members are on the move again. “Hey, Paxson! Paxson! We need to get in 20B! Can you take us there?” Kelly asked. “We're low on air!” Paxson yells. “I got a young boy trapped inside solo!” Kelly tells him.  “We'll get you in, but my guys need relief!” Paxson yells and they begin moving forward. “Hey Chief, Cruz and I are getting the victim on the fire floor, but 37 needs relief on this side line,” Kelly reports. “Herrmann and I are on 19, we'll be right there,” Dani tells him. “All right, we're gonna have to cut across to get to the attack stairwell. Come on,” Herrmann leads. 
“Hey! Severide! She's alive!” Cruz yells after pointing out another victim. “All right, here. You take her down. I'll get the kid,” Kelly tells him. “Copy that, be careful!” Cruz tells his Lieutenant. “Hey, Josh, where are you? Josh!” Kelly calls out. “Over here!” Josh yells, coughing. “Hey, bud! Come on. Let me get you out of here.” The fire blazes in the doorway. “Hey. It's getting a little crazy out there, - but we'll get through it, okay?” Kelly reassures the kid. “Hey 37, we're coming out. You ready?” he asks. “Negative! We're pulling back! Stay where you are!” Paxson responds. “What does that mean?” Josh asks. “Don't worry. Help's coming. All right. Hang on a sec,” he tells the kid, going to investigate. “Hey 37, what's your ETA? It's getting a little stuffy in here,” he asks. “The fire is pushing us back! Come on!” Paxson huffs. “Cavalry's arrived. Sit tight, Kelly!” Dani yells as she and Herrmann take over from 37. “Hey, Herrmann, Halstead, I hate to complain, but I got a young boy here,” Kelly tells them. “This thing is a beast! We're coming as fast as we can!” Herrmann exclaims. “This isn't working. I'm gonna bail out,” Kelly tells them. “Kelly, don't do anything stupid! Second line is on its way!” Dani calls out, noticing her air tank warning alarm was beginning to go off. 
“What are you gonna do? What's happening?” Josh asks Kelly. “I don't want to wait and see if they can get to us before the fire does. So we're gonna perform what's called a self-rescue. Don't worry. I've done this a bunch. And when we're all done, you'll have a hell of a story to tell your friends,” Kelly tells the kid before prepping the ropes. “All right, come here. Your job is to hold onto me. My job is to hold onto the rope. You got it?” he asks. “I hold onto you and don't let go,” Josh repeated. “No way,” he mutters as he looks out of the window. “Keep your eyes closed,” Kelly tells the kid as he finishes up securing things. “Hey, Halstead, Herrmann, get out of there. Meet me on 19,” Kelly calls into his radio. “One more minute, we got this. Hang on, Severide!” Herrmann calls out. “All right, buddy, it’s all good,” Kelly tells Josh as he begins his descent. “Oh, God,” the kid mutters. “Almost there,” Kelly tells him as he tries to kick in the window but it doesn’t break. “What's wrong?” Josh asks. “Nothing. Nothing, I'm just getting a tool to break the glass.” Kelly breaks the glass and kicks it clear so he can slide in. “Hey, hey. You okay?” he asks the kid. “Severide!” Capp calls as he busts in the door. 
Dani could feel the effects caused by lack of oxygen beginning and let go of the hose, moving to try and remove her mask. She was unsuccessful and felt herself falling back before passing out. Herrmann turns to tell Dani to head back down and sees her down. “Mayday, mayday! Halstead is down! I need assistance on 20!” Herrmann calls out, removing her mask and placing his own on her face in the hopes that she hadn’t been down long. “Mayday, mayday!” Herrmann called out again. “Hey, what happened?” Kelly yelled as he got to them, Dani’s pass alarm blaring. “Listen. She ran out of air!” Herrmann tells him. “Come on!” Kelly grabs her by the straps and Herrmann does his best to keep the mask on her. “Okay, clear out! Give us some room! Come on!” Boden yells as he makes a path for his firefighters to carry the youngest Halstead sibling through. “Get her up,” Matt tells them, and the four carrying her lift her onto the stretcher and set her down. “I've got a pulse but she's not breathing. Bag her,” Brett tells Foster. “Got it,” the woman jumped into action. “Her air ran out and she just dropped,” Herrmann tells them. “Come on, Dani,” Kelly mutters as he steps back to allow for Foster to move in with the bag. “Start bagging her, please,” Foster tells Herrmann once she gets it into position. “You got it,” he nods. 
“Lieutenant, cut her shirt so I can get the cardiac leads on her,” Foster orders. “Come on, Halstead,” Kelly’s voice wobbled, his eyes glued to her form. “Tube's in. Let's hang a Cyanokit on the way to Med,” Brett tells Foster. “All right, guys, let's get her in the rig,” Foster tells them. They load her up. “Boden, you've done the heavy lifting. I'll take it from here. Go check on your firefighter,” another battalion chief stepped up. “You're sure?” Boden asks. “Go.” Boden nods and turns back to his crew. “Severide, Herrmann. Stay with 61,” he orders. “Yeah come on, let's move,” Kelly says as he climbs up in the ambo. “Come on. Give them an escort,” Matt yells to the others. “I'll drive,” Foster tells Brett. “Thanks,” Brett nods before climbing in the back of the ambo and shutting the door. 
“It's Dani… Halstead. She took in a lot of smoke,” Brett tells the emergency room nurses that were with Dr. Choi but chokes up a little. “She had a pulse but wasn't breathing. We intubated, hung a Cyanokit on the rig, her CO is at 40%...” Foster trails off. “Okay. We got her. Let's transfer on my count. One, two, three,” Choi calls out. “Thank you for taking over,” Brett tells Foster, still watching the trauma bay. “I get it. It's family,” Foster tells her, rubbing her shoulder. The rest of the house walks in, some hanging back as Matt goes to Kelly and places a hand on his shoulder. Kelly swallows before shrugging Matt off and turning to Herrmann. “How did you let this happen?” he asks the older man, his eyes watering. “Hey. Severide,” Matt tries to get him to back off. “Huh? You're supposed to have her back, Herrmann!” Kelly shouts. “She didn't tell me that her alarm went off,” Herrmann’s voice shuddered a little. “She was trying to save you.” 
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samantha-chicago · 6 months
Fireproof - Day One
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 WC : 5657
As I walked up the driveway with my bag over my shoulder making the walk I’d been wanting to make for years. Not only just to be part of the firehouse but to see my brother which he had denied many times. I walked onto the apparatus floor looking about 
“Carver is it?” A man asked and I nodded 
“Rebecca Carver” I smiled holding my hand out and he shook it 
“Kelly Severide. Boden told me you’ve already had a tour and all you need to do is sign a bit of paperwork.” I nodded listening to his every words following him as he started to walk “Your turnout gear is already on the left side of Squad. I try to put everyone's out when I come in” I nodded 
“Thank you Lieutenant” I smiled as he walked into the Chief’s office 
“Ah Becca” Boden smiled and I smiled back. I try to get most people to call me Becca. I just like it better. 
“Morning Chief” I smiled and he placed some papers on his desk 
“Sign these and I’ll start my spiel” I smiled signing the papers as he started his talk. About how everyone is family and if I ever had a problem with a slight problem with anyone that I can go to him. Talking about how everything should be done by the book but not to be afraid of doing whatever is right. He then started about how I should just listen to whatever Severide says and the basic rules of the firehouse. “Well, then Becca. I’ll let you get to work” I smiled looking at Severide who nodded 
“I’ll catch up with you in a minute” I walked out and through to the locker room. I had stopped by yesterday to look around the place and meet Chief Boden without the rest of my shift being here. I waited in the locker room for Severide who smiled over as he walked in “Erm, here's a locker” He said after looking at them for a minute or two. I smiled as he handed me the roll of masking tape and a pen before walking out. I pulled a bit of tape off before putting it on the locker and writing ‘B. Carver’ on it. I looked at the lockers next to mine, Sam's and Mouch. I put my bag in before quickly getting changed before the rest of the shift walked in. The navy blue pants, the navy blue squad shirt and the squad zip up. I sat down on the bench pulling my boots on as the rest of the shift started walking in. I locked my locker up before walking out looking for Severide. 
“Lieutenant” I said walking over and he looked up 
“Call me Severide. What can I do for you?” He asked and I nodded at his first comment 
“Mind if I get myself used to your squad? I know you’ll probably have everything in a different place to where my old squad previously used to have them” I asked and he nodded
“Knock yourself out Carver I’ll call you over when the rest of this lot is here. Still too early for them” He chuckled and I smiled 
“Please call me Becca. It’s what I’ve always been called and I’d like to keep it that way” Severide nodded and I walked over to Squad. I looked through all the compartments getting myself used to where everything was even starting to test myself just to make sure I had it down. I was still doing that when I heard a voice 
“Becca?” I looked up from the compartment I had just looked into to see Sam standing next to me. I looked up at him 
“Oh hey Sam” I smiled getting up still unfortunately having to look up at him 
“What are you doing here? What happened to Squad Six?” He asked with a frown as I shut the compartment 
“Well I got transferred because Walker is a sexist fucker” I hummed 
“Language!” He exclaimed and I shrugged 
“I’m not eighteen any more Sam” Sam rolled his eyes walking off. “And even if I was eighteen. I’m still older” I reminded him and he turned around shaking his head 
“You just had to come here didn’t you? Just when things get normal for me you or Nathan have to come and force your ways into my life. You left Rebecca, not me!” 
“Oh so now it was my choice to leave was it?” I asked looking up at him and he shook his head walking off “This isn’t over Samson!” I exclaimed walking back out to the squad. I shrugged him off before climbing into the back of Squad and looking around at all the equipment in there. Memorising where everything was, was going to save time on calls and in the end save peoples lives faster. When I looked up Severide was standing at the other end of the squad. I jumped a little 
“Sorry. I’ve just put the pieces together” He said sitting down. I knew what he was talking about. 
“What gave it away?” I asked sitting opposite him 
“All of it but I’ve just had a read of your record as well” I looked down knowing that everything was unfortunately in there “What makes you think that I should trust you?” He asked 
“Look at the criminal record. I’ve served my time for that. As for the insubordination, well not my fault none of the lieutenants don’t want a woman on their teams.That’s what it’s all came down to. The fact I’m a woman and the first on Squad. If you don’t want me here I’d prefer you just tell me now so that I can look for another job without having to go through all the insubordination reports” I replied 
“Criminal record?” He exclaimed and I nodded slightly 
“I was a teenager and like I said I’ve done my time for that. I spent three years in Juvenile detention hence why Sam is so annoyed and I quote ‘Left us all alone’. They were petty crimes. Theft of food that kind of thing” I explained and he nodded 
“I want you on my team, Carver. At least for this shift. I want to see how you work before I make my mind up. I know the Lieutenants on the second shift Squad are sexist. I’ve worked with them all before and I’ve seen it first hand but there's a lot of insubordination on your record but from your Chief’s there's a lot of good things. The only way I can decide is by seeing you work. Now I get that sometimes Lieutenants and their Squad don’t agree on matters but I’ll always attempt to listen to your ideas unless it’s gonna take too long” I nodded looking at him 
“Come on. Breakfast is ready and the other three are here now” I got up with a slight nod putting everything back where I had found it. I followed him from the back of Squad over to the table 
“Cruz, Capp, Tony. This is Rebecca Carver, our newest member from today. Becca this is Harold Capp, Tony Ferraris and” I cut him off 
“Joe Cruz” I smiled as Joe gave me a hug 
“You two know each other?” He asked and I nodded 
“When I ended up on Engine Sixty-sixty, Becca was on Truck eighty-six” He briefly explained and I just left it there with a nod 
“Well I’m sure you know how well she works then” Severide nodded 
“She's great Lieutenant. You’ll love how she works” I smiled at Joe. Now he was just being nice. “Come on Becca. You want anything to eat?” He asked walking inside 
“Nah I’m good. I eat before shift” I nodded
“Forgot about that. Coffee?” He asked, turning around in the doors and I nodded following after him. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder “This is gonna be great” He cheered and I smiled, shaking my head as I walked with him. I poured myself a cup of decaffeinated coffee watching Joe fight for his breakfast. Before I knew it everyone was called into the meeting room everyone was taking their respective seats. I just hung about at the back in the corner 
“Good morning everyone. So quick briefing this morning because I know that your Lieutenants are desperate to start cleaning” There was a groan all around the room at the word cleaning. What’s wrong with cleaning? I like it “So I’m sure everyone guessed it’s cleaning day. The quicker you get started the quicker you get finished. I’d like you all to welcome the new member of Squad. Rebecca Carver. Squad opened up a fifth seat for her so please treat her like family” Suddenly all eyes were on me and it’s safe to say it was very awkward. Joe had a massive smile on his face and Sam didn’t even look at me “Alright everyone. Dismissed” Everyone slowly started leaning the meeting room with some introducing themselves as they passed. Soon it was just Sam and I left in the meeting room. 
“I’m not here because you’re here Sam. I’m here because Severide runs the best Squad in the city. Even then that’s not why I’m here. I got pink slipped by all three Lieutenant’s in my firehouse. Insubordination for running into a fire believe it or not. Not like that’s what I’m trained to do or anything” I moved sitting on the table in front of him “I didn’t leave because I wanted to. I’m not going to leave again. Not unless Severide also pink slips me then I’m well and truly out of a job” I looked down at him for once as he caught my eyes
“I might have overreacted just a little bit. But it is true. I got settled here and Nathan came and asked me for a whole load of money and I stupidly gave it to him then I get settled again and in walks Rebecca to save the day on Squad” He shook his head “Where were you when I needed someone?” He asked and I looked down at my lap 
“You know where I was and you know that you could have come and seen me Sam! You’re the only one who never did” I got up just as the bells went 
“Firehouse fifty-one, battalion twenty-five. Structure Fire 382 South Ada Street” 
I ran out to squad pulling my turnout gear on before climbing into Squad before Capp had even opened the door. Severide let out a little hum as he turned to look at me 
“Bonus points for beating Capp” I chuckled a little, pulling my tank on and checking my mask.
“Don’t get cocky out there Carver” I looked at Joe with a nod
“I’ve changed since the last time we worked together” I smiled checking I had enough air and all my tools were where I liked them as Tony started to drive. Tony soon parked outside a house and I looked out the window. A house. Fully inflamed. We all jumped out looking at Boden 
“Squad I want a primary search. As quick as you can. Truck get that roof vented” Boden ordered 
“Alright. Carver, I want you with me. Tony, Capp take the first floor. Cruz sees if Kidd needs any help if not join Carver and I on the second floor” I grabbed my halligan before walking behind Severide over to the door. “Ready Carver?” He asked and I nodded, pulling my SCBA on then my hood and helmet. Severide kicked the door in and I followed him up the stairs. 
“Fire Department” I called out as I opened a door letting Severide walk on. I searched the room, pulling out the bed and opening the closets. “Clear in here Lieutenant” I radioed to him before catching up with him as he had found people in one of the rooms. 
“Carver take the kids” He ordered and I picked the oldest up, placing them on my hip before picking up the baby in my other arm. 
“Cruz is here” I informed him nodding to Cruz as he walked in “Cruz help Severide” I told him and Severide shook his head 
“I’m okay. Help Carver” I shook my head
“I can manage these two Lieutenant. Stairs are still clear.” I replied walking out of the room and downstairs. 
“Carver is coming out” Joe radioed as I got to the front door and walked through all the smoke. As I got to the bottom of the porch stairs Sam came over taking the oldest kid from me while Violet took the baby. 
“Both found in one of the bedrooms. Severide is coming out with an adult female. Around 30. Burns on the left side of her body” I told them taking my SCBA off and moving out of the way for Joe and Severide
“Ambulance sixty-one to dispatch. I need two more ambos to my location” Brett radioed in as I walked over to Squad. Just as I pulled my tank off Severide and Joe walked out the house with the women. See I knew that stubborn ass needed help. 
“House is clear chief” Severide called over to Boden who then ordered Engine to put the fire out. I walked over to the ambo to check on the kids.
Brett looked over with a sad look and I looked down at the baby who was now intubated. I sighed walking back over to Squad. I put my tank back in its home with my mask as I looked back over at sixty-one Severide had just shut the doors and it sped off. I sighed looking back over to the house that still had smoke pouring out of it as the water removed the heat from the fire. 
“Good job in there Carver” Severide tapped my shoulder and I nodded a bit. 
“I don’t want you to think I’m emotional” I explained and he shook his head 
“If you’re not emotional at this job then that’s when I worry especially when it’s kids” I nodded a bit “Come on let’s go see if we can find out how this started” He grabbed another halligan and I did the same following him inside. I wasn’t a fan of overhaul or finding out how fires started but Severide was obviously interested in how they started. 
“It was a candle” I pointed to the starting point where the candle holder had made it through the fire and Severide nodded “If she had fallen asleep, the kid knocked it over. All possible” I shrugged and he nodded 
“Guess that didn’t help” I shook my head 
“I’ll get over it eventually. Just like everyone I have my ways of dealing with sad calls” I shrugged walking upstairs and he nodded following. 
“I walked into the bedroom picking up our halligans before turning around with Severide right behind me. I smiled a little
“Got everything?” He asked and I nodded now following him down the stairs. When we got out to squad I put the halligans back into their compartment before climbing in. 
“I think we need a trip out” Severide hummed and I looked at him. Joe raised his brows 
“Boat trip the day after tomorrow. Get to know Becca a little more” I looked at him 
“Think I’m busy” I joked 
“Mandatory Carver” I shook my head 
“Don’t worry. I have no plans ever” I shrugged as Tony reversed onto the apparatus floor. I jumped out of Squad, pulling my turnout gear off before walking into the common room. I poured myself another cup of coffee and leaned against the counter as someone stood next to me 
“Blake Gallo. Didn’t get time to talk to you before the call out” He smiled and I turned to look at him 
“Becca Carver” I nodded 
“Can I ask you a question?” He asked and I nodded 
“You just did” I joked 
“Another one” I nodded
“Go on” I smiled, turning to look at him as I took a sip of the coffee. 
“Why Squad?” He asked 
“To be honest with you. I just did the training for fun” I shrugged “Then obviously I finished the training and got offered a spot on Squad twelve I think it was. Bounced around for a while. Squad’s not a typical place for women. Landed up here and hoping I’m going to stay here for a nice little while” I explained and he nodded 
“Makes sense. I hope you’ll like it here” He walked around to the fridge and I nodded walking out to the Squad table. 
“Where should I start cleaning?” I asked Severide and he looked up 
“You want to clean?” He asked and I nodded slightly 
“I enjoy cleaning? That a problem?” I asked and he shook his head 
“Nope. I mean you can mop the apparatus floor if you want” He shrugged and I walked inside looking for the cleaning supplies. I looked up as Joe walked in 
“Joe. Where’s the cleaning supplies?” I asked and he waved me over. I followed him into a cupboard. 
“Everything is in here” I smiled with a nod. I grabbed the mop and bucket before walking into the showers and filling the bucket up with water and bleach before pushing it out to the apparatus floor. I started mopping it down 
“Hey Lieutenant” I called and he looked over “Can we move the trucks or do you want me to just work around them?” I asked
“Tony go move Squad, Capp get Herrmann, Kidd and Brett to move their trucks” I smiled in appreciation as I moved out of the way of Tony
“Yo Severide? Why are we to move?” Herrmann asked walking out of the common room 
“Becca is mopping the floors. Can’t do it with a fourteen tonne truck on top of it” He shrugged
“Why’s the new kid mopping the floors?” Kidd asked 
“Because she wanted to. I was gonna leave the cleaning to you lot” He shrugged and Kidd looked over 
“You wanted to clean?” She asked and I nodded 
“After a call like that cleaning helps me to relax” I shrugged just as the bells went yet again
“Ambulance sixty-one, truck eighty-one, squad three. Multi-vehicle crash. Highway ninety” 
“Guess cleaning will have to wait” I shoved the mop and bucket away before running over to squad. I pulled my turnout gear on before jumping in. 
“So I was just reading your record” Severide started and I looked at him
“Thought you read that already” I shrugged 
“Not your academy and squad training records” I nodded slightly 
“You got some pretty good times there Becca. Bet some of mine unfortunately” He chuckled and I smiled a little 
“Which ones Severide?” Capp asked 
“You’d like to know” Severide chuckled
“That’s why I asked” Capp shrugged and I chuckled 
“Repelling and water rescue” I replied
“How do you know Carver?” Severide questioned and I shrugged 
“After I beat them, instructors would tell me how long you went unbeaten against them.” 
“Of course he would” Severide shook his head jumping out of Squad. I climbed out and looked at the crash with a frown. Two cars. Three victims in one car and not a single person in the second car. The windscreen was smashed in the second car. I looked about with a frown. Walking over to the edge of the bridge and climbing over the railings and looking into the water “Carver, what the hell are you doing?” Severide asked through the radio. I looked back before climbing back over the railing onto the bridge as Severide stood behind me. I smiled a little sheepishly “Well?” He asked 
“I was checking if the driver of the red car wasn’t in the water. Sorry Lieutenant. I won’t do it again” I replied and he nodded slightly 
“And is the driver in the water?” He asked 
“Inconclusive” I replied 
“Then gear up” I jogged over to squad pulling my turnout jacket off. I pulled my turnout pants and my uniform quickly off before pulling the wetsuit on before jogging back over to the bridge where Joe was now set up for a water rescue. As I looked at Joe Tony and Capp were already tying me to Joe
“Be safe down there Becca” He smiled and I nodded, pulling the mask over my face and opening the valve on the tank before letting myself down into the water. 
Just another rescue. I muttered to myself. I was never allowed to do one of these before. ‘Too weak’ I was always told never mind being allowed to do one for myself. I soon spotted someone swimming over to them. It was a teenage girl. I grabbed her under the arms before tugging on my rope twice letting Joe know I had the victim. I quickly attached her to the spare rope tugging it three times to tell the boys to pull her up. I wanted to look about just in case there was someone else with her. I’d never forgive myself if there was. And I was right. I grabbed the teenage boy by the shirt, taking my rope off and securing it to him before tugging on it three times. I surfaced from the water looking up at the bridge. I could see Severide shake his head before I removed my mask 
“Another victim coming up” I shouted looking around before pointing to land where I was going to swim to. Severide shook his head as Sam appeared at the edge of the bridge 
“Carver just wait there. Rope is coming down” Severide called back down and I swam over in the direction of the rope. If I caught this then it would be a total miracle. I did have to swim over to the rope but I soon secured it to myself before giving them a nod that they could pull me back up.  I was soon being pulled back up into the air and before I knew it Severide was pulling my over the railing by my wetsuit 
“I’m okay Lieutenant” I responded and he nodded 
“Don’t ever take your line off again” He warned and I nodded 
“Sorry Lieutenant” I replied looking down. Severide walked off and I walked back to squad. I knew Sam was following me “Go do your job Sam. You can lecture me later” I replied, getting in the back and pulling the door shut behind me. I rubbed my face as I sat down on the bench and removed the wet suit. I hung it back up before grabbing a towel and quickly drying myself off. I pulled my uniform back on along with my turnout pants before stepping out of Squad. I pulled my radio over my body before walking over to Chief figuring it was best to stay out of the way. 
“That was reckless Becca and so stupid. But I have to admit it was a good save” Boden looked down at me and I looked up at him 
“Sorry Chief. I’m just going to stay out the way” I replied and he shook his head 
“Go help your team. They need it. If Severide says otherwise he’s got me to deal with” I walked back over to Severide. 
“Carver grab the other side of the backboard” He ordered and I did as told by taking the other side of the backboard so that Capp could run around the car and help from the other side. I looked into the car. It was just a young woman left inside. She couldn’t have been older than maybe twenty-five. How her life was going to change. Once she was on the backboard we quickly moved it onto the stretcher before letting the paramedics whisk her away “Carver go get a brush” I nodded walking over to Squad where Sam was standing with the brush for me. 
“Figured you’d need this.” I rolled my eyes at his petty behaviour, taking the brush and walking off. I sweeped up all the broken glass to the side of the road so that the road could get opened quicker. As Capp and Tony put all the gear away and Severide stood about supervising. Joe walked over standing next to me as I sweeped the pile as close to the side as I could 
“That was a good save. No matter how dangerous it was. Severide would have done the same thing so don’t let him or Boden or anyone else tell you otherwise Becca. We all know that you did what you had to” Capp nodded standing next to him
“Don’t beat yourself up, Carver. You saved that kid's life. We save some, we lose some. That’s part of the job unfortunately” I smiled a little leaning against the brush as the recovery truck came into sight. 
“Thanks guys” I nodded to them in appreciation before putting the brush away. I threw my turnout jacket on my seat before walking over to Severide. 
“Good save Becca. Just don’t scare us like that again please. Cruz almost dropped that kid when he realised it wasn’t you” I shrugged a little 
“Life would be boring if I didn’t scare him every so often when working with him” Severide chuckled 
“Come on then” He chuckled walking over to Squad “Let’s go squad” He called and I climbed into the back. I rested my head back against the window. Re-doing my bun as Tony drove back to the firehouse. 
“Lieutenant. We need to fuel up” Tony informed Severide who nodded
“Just do it Tony” We got to the gas station and I sat up. 
“I’ll do it” I exclaimed, getting out of Squad. I walked around and started filling Squad up. As I looked about I noticed a Chief’s buggy pull up. I smiled as my favourite Chief pulled up. Well he wasn’t exactly my chief but oh well. I walked over to his buggy “Boo” I chuckled walking up behind him
“Becs what are you doing here?” He asked looking about 
“I got transferred again. I’m with squad three” I smiled and he shook his head. In disappointment? Maybe.
“Again Becs?” He asked and I shrugged
“Hey I think Severide’s gonna keep me” I shrugged while walking backwards. 
“He better keep you. I don’t want you back” I smiled waving to him before getting back into Squad 
“You know Hawkins?” Severide asked and shrugged a little 
“Started off as partners when I used to be a paramedic. Then we dated a little. By a little I mean like a week? Maybe two? Then he became my chief. And now he’s just stuck with me” I shrugged as Joe laughed 
“Dated for four months” He laughed and I shook my head
“Hooked up for four months. Dated for two weeks” I replied and he shook his head laughing “You’re meant to be nice to me. Anyway, What’s this I hear about Mrs Cruz, baby Cruz and child Cruz?” I asked and he looked over proud 
“Chloe and I got married. Then adopted then had our own kid” I nodded listening to him “Javi we adopted after I rescued him from a fire. Brian is our own kid. Oh he’s so cute. I’ll show you pictures later” I smiled 
“Where was my invite to the wedding?” I asked dead seriously and he looked at me
“Didn’t think you’d want to come? You know. You always told me the stories” I gave him a look as if to say ‘you’re stupid’
“You’re stupid Joe Cruz” I hummed getting out of Squad as Tony parked 
“Hey that hurt” I shrugged as Sam came storming over. 
“What the hell was that Rebecca? Seriously? You just go risking your life for random teenagers? We both know you’re that stupid to do that! I don’t understand you Rebecca. You tell me that you’ve changed. That you don’t risk your life like you used to any more then you pull fucking stunts like that? In Chicago? In spring?” I shook my head as he raised his voice 
“This! This is why I got arrested. This whole. I’m better than you thing that you have going on! I tried my best to save you from Nathan. I did. I got arrested instead. I tried my best to change and not risk my life anymore but you know what. That was a teenager. With his whole life ahead of him. I was conscious. I can fucking swim Samson!” I exclaimed after pulling him onto the driveway away from the rest of the firehouse “I will always be older than you. You will always be the youngest child whether you want to be or not. I don’t care. If you’re not happy with me here then pink slip me. Get everyone involved. Do it. I dare you!” I challenged him walking away and inside the house 
“Hey Carver. Ridder cooked you want some?” Gallo asked and I shook my head walking to the bunk room. I knocked on the door to Kidds quarters who waved me in 
“Girl to girl. You care if I hide in here for a little?” I asked and she motioned to the bed for me “I’m gonna explain everything to you because Sam won’t” I replied sitting on her bunk and she nodded looking up from her paperwork 
“Oh please do. He’s harder to break than Mouch” I chuckled 
“Sam’s my little brother. He’s got this stick up his ass because I got sent to juvie after trying to save him from my other younger brother. Sam’s older brother. I’m the oldest. I think Sam thinks that I’m here to sabotage him. I’m not. This was the only firehouse I hadn’t been at. Sexist Lieutenants. I’m sure you understand that one. Anyway he also likes to think that he’s older than me and does this whole protective thing” I explained and she nodded 
“So what happened to his arm? That true?” She asked and I nodded 
“Yeah. It was about a week, maybe two before I got sent to Juvie. I was seventeen. Nate was fifteen and Sam was about nineish. I was leaving for college. I tried to steal some food for Sam. I had enough to pay for myself but I was gonna take him with me. I didn’t make it to college or manage to save Sam” I looked down playing with my hands “I failed as a sister in that respect. Nathan’s always been the golden child. Could never do anything wrong. Me on the other hand. I was disowned. I don’t know about Sam though. We’d talk a lot as we grew up and I managed to get into the academy. He wasn’t happy about it at first but we got there. I can see that Sam likes it here and if that means I’ve got to leave then I will” I added and she frowned 
“I don’t think you should leave. What are you going to do if you leave?” She asked
“I might have an in as a paramedic. Helps that the Chief really likes me” I chuckled and she shook her head with a laugh 
“Look as Sam’s Lieutenant I appreciate that whole story” She motioned with her hands and I smiled a little “But from firefighter to firefighter. Don’t give up on that Squad part. From girl to girl. You’re welcome to hide out in here any time” I smiled over to her 
“Thanks Lieutenant” I smiled 
“Call me Stella” 
“Then call me Becca” I smiled, taking my phone out of my pocket. I checked my messages “I’m gonna go get some food” I got up walking out of her quarters. I walked into the common room as Ridder held up a plate and I nodded walking over
“I don’t need to start cooking any vegan or vegetarian options do I?” He asked and I shook my head
“Just no shellfish. I’m allergic” I replied 
“Don’t worry. I can’t cook seafood” I smiled, taking the plate from him as he handed it to me.
“It’s just spaghetti bolognese. You missed the garlic bread though” 
“Don’t worry about it. Thanks Ridder” I sat down at the little circle table in the corner of the room not wanting to interrupt any conversations or sit anywhere where I wasn’t meant to. I looked up as I felt someone sit next to me. 
“So Becca can you cook?” Gallo asked 
“Do you want the firehouse standing?” I asked and he chuckled 
“I’ll take that as a no” 
“Then you’d be right,” I nodded, taking another bite. “I can bake though” I added and his head picked up. 
“Seriously? Oh you’ve got to let us try some” He replied Ridder sitting down nodding his head at the same time
“Maybe. My apartment isn’t really big enough to cook in but maybe sometime” I shrugged
“I’m going to hold you to that Carver” Severide said walking in and I nodded
“Note the fact I said. Maybe” I replied and he shrugged 
“You could bring something to the boat. Let us test your baking before the rest of the house” I chuckled a little 
“Maybe. Just maybe” I chuckled. I looked over at the clock. Thirteen hours into shift. How time goes so fast I will never know. “I’m gonna hit the beds before the bells go off again. Thanks Ridder” I got up putting my plate into the dishwasher. I walked through to the bunk room lying on an empty bunk that had no belongings next to it. I pulled my boots off before pulling the cover over myself. Scrolling on my phone until Gallo sat on the bunk next to me. 
“You picked a good bunk Carver” I chuckled, putting my phone down. “Night Becca” He smiled
“Night Gallo”
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severidescigar · 2 years
The Right Person At The Wrong Time - Introduction
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Fandom: One Chicago
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Valentina Pierce (OC)
Disclaimer: This story follows most Chicago Fire storylines with my personal twist added to them. The only character belonging to me is OC Valentina Pierce.
A/N: This story will put some very beloved characters into a slightly bad light so I hope you will still enjoy it for the sake of the storyline 🤗
Next Chapter
Having a rough upbringing life has given Valentina many lessons and one of them was, you can't escape your past...but she obviously didn't listen. After graduating paramedic academy and finally landing a job, she thought she finally had gotten out of the struggling state to make ends meet in which she has been trapped for most of her life...and she did for around 6 years, more or less.
After being a floater for a few months she was finally posted at Firehouse 51, she had a great partner, she was building lifetime long friendships and her relationship with her boyfriend was nothing short out of a telenovela. But oh man...she never loved anyone else the way she loved him and quite frankly he was the only man she ever fell in love with.
But disaster and chaos struck her life inevitably...growing up she and her little sister were raised by her older brother, who became overnight their legal guardian after their mother checked out on them. Long story short, her big brother got involved in some sketchy stuff in order to put food on the table and put them through school. Now many years later, after all of them successfully left that kind of life behind, they were forced to leave Chicago for their own safety.
And it was the toughest decision Valentina had to make in her entire life. That mixed with pain and irrational thinking, she decided to cut everyone off so she could move on without spiraling down into a complete wreck. Her departure has left behind a lot of unanswered questions and hurt people...and she knew that. Why? Because she never found peace in the new city that was supposed to be her new home. Chicago was home. And after "hiding" for a few years she knew she had to come back...only a whole lot of things were to change.
Sitting across the table from the man that first believed in her professional skills and gave her first stable job her foot was unconsciously bouncing up and down. "I'm really glad to have you back here...and I'm sure everybody else will be just as happy to see you again." "I have to thank you Chief...for basically keeping my seat warm all this time." Sharing a laugh his eyes drifted behind her, as another person was making his towards the office.
Valentina knew who it was before she ever turned around. It was the reason why she didn't go straight to the locker room and instead came into the Chief's office.
"Chief you wanted to see me?" A very familiar voice echoed through the room making Valentina get up from her seat and turn around to come face to face with him.
"Oh you have to be kidding me..." He spoke the moment he realized who was standing right in front of him.
"Severide...Valentina will be taking back her seat on Ambo. Now...I brought you in here because I need to hear from both of you that you can work together from now on...and whatever has happened in the past won't become a present issue in my firehouse." Chief Boden spoke hoping the Ambo saga will finally be over, as he has had a tough time with floaters recently.
"It's fine by me Chief." She quickly answered as she started to feel the tension already building up. "Same with me." The Lieutenant mumbled, still trying to piece together what had just happened.
"Good, you're dismissed!"
Leaving the office and walking together towards the common area, there was nothing but unpleasant silence among the two former lovers...until Valentina stepped in front of Kelly making him stop abruptly.
"I know a lot of things have happend while I've been gone and I know you're married now...but I swear I didn't come back to raise any havoc." In her mind, the sooner they got out the weird, uncomfortable conversations, the better...but she could've waited at least a bit longer.
"Not raise any havoc? Really? That doesn't sound like you..." And with that, he continued walking, leaving her just standing in the middle of the hallway.
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proceduralpassion · 1 year
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𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬
𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐝- 𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲.
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐘𝐨𝐮- 𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐲.
𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬- 𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲, 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦.
𝐓𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐲- 𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 ��𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐧.
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𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮- 𝐀 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞. 𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐱 𝐎𝐂.
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ummm-okay · 11 months
dad kelly💕
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squad3-sevcase · 1 year
Posting a snippet of the new fic to keep me motivated to write! It's called "When there's no one to hold you, I will still hold you down". The title for this fic is taken from the song Hold You Down by X Ambassadors, and the song itself pretty much provides the tone for this fic. I should warn in advance, this fic is non-canon compliant.
Without further ado, the snippet!
She turned on him and he thought the look in her eyes was powerful enough to level a building; loneliness and anger and mistrust, months of difficult emotions she'd fought like hell to keep at bay now crashed to the surface like a tidal wave. She pointed an accusatory finger at his chest. "You are pathetic!"
He scoffed, unsure whether to be offended or annoyed by her critical analysis of his character. "Oh, I'm pathetic? Me?"
"Yes, you!"
"I don't walk around here acting like she's going to come through the front door at any moment! Now that's pathetic."
He watched as her cheeks flamed a slight red, embarrassment joining the flood of emotions locked and loaded in her arsenal. "That's rich, real fucking nice. You're right, you don't expect to see her walk through those doors anymore. You're just disappearing for months at a time and sleeping your way through half of Chicago like she never existed!" she said, biting back bitter tears. "God, what did she see in you?"
"If you hate me that bad, Hale, why are you still here?" Kelly asked, gritting his teeth.
Hale took a deep breath. Her hazel eyes had dimmed under the accusations that had flown from Kelly's mouth. The exhaustion was easy to see. "Because for some fucking reason that I will never understand, Shay loved you with her whole life. Right down to her last breath. Even when you didn't deserve it,―and believe me, you didn't deserve it a lot―she loved you. And I loved my sister. And I can't be mad at you anymore, Kelly. It's too much."
For the second time since Leslie Shay's death, Kelly Severide watched Hale Shay fall apart and felt a desire to put the pieces back together.
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eddieheart · 2 years
My favourite tv trope:
Man whore just desperate for a family
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at1nys-blog · 2 years
Dream I had that feel like I shifted pt.1/?
Disclaimer: I know little to nothing about shifting, I never tried to shift before and I don't think I will try it in the near future but sometimes I have such vivid dreams about something and somehow when I tell my friend about it they are like "dude that sounds like shifting the hell?!" So, this morning I had another of those dream and thought why not making a serie where I share those moments? And here I am.
If you don't care and want to spoil yourself the 3x01 of the show do it but again don't come at me with "why did you spoiled me this?" because as I stated before IT IS NOT MY FAULT but yours entirly, now let's get into the dream/shifting moment
Episode 1: Big Brother Kelly Severide
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I was minding my business in front of the Fire Station 51 waiting for Kelly, the man needed some sense slapped into him and today was that day. No one was able to bring him back to reality since Shay's death so Herman and the rest of the fire house came to me for some help.
I checked the time hoping the end of Kelly's shift was coming soon enought for me to have the time to talk to him and then go carry on with my original plan, when a car sprints to me almost hitting me. My fisrt reaction? Shock, what the fuck was happening? Who on earth would hit me out of the blue? Then when I saw Hermann getting of the car I wished nothing but to scream at him.
-I know, I'm sorry. Hop on we have to go.- he tells me and looking inside the car I see there is no space for me. -Oh come on, is not like the police is gonna stop me. Get in.-
-Herman you called it. If the police stops us you need to give me 100$ or let me drink for free for an entire month.- he rolls his eyes and agrees to the little bet. Once in the car I greet Cindy and the kids and then we drive off of somewhere anonimous to me.
During the whole drive I get lost looking outside the window, noticing a very amazing but unfamiliar scenery. The tall trees and all that greenary getting all my attention until we stop and Hermann basically screams at us to get off.
-Cindy one of this days he is gonna loose his voice and we all can be blassed.-she laughes and follows the direction her husband just gave us, and so I did as well.
The firefighter points at an entrance telling me to go in first and once I'm in I see Boden playing chess or something of that sort, I can't really tell since other firefighters are hiding my visual to their game.
-Hello guys.-I say getting the men attention and when the Chief of the 51 sees me his eyes sparkle and his smile is so big that I thought I never saw him smiling that much.
-Oh my God, what are you doing here?- he asked me after giving me a bone cracking hug.
-You know, I was walking by and decided to pay you a visit.- I joked making averyone in the room laughing a little bit. Me and Boden strated talking about nothing in particular to be honest, just some small talks that's it, until Hermann came as well and told me to go and talk with Kelly, who was in the room next door.
-Listen talk to him about everything but keep Shay out the conversation. I just did and it was horrible.- I salute him responding with a mocking "got it sir".
Entering the room I see the man I consider my big brother being someone I never saw before since I meet him, he looks kinda pathetic but I understand he just lost his best friend. I make him notice I'm there as well and when he turns around his face is picturing something completely different from what I imagined but something inside me knew the reason why he was doing that: keep me away from comforting him.
-Why are you here?-he asked confused but happy or so I hope to see me
-I think you are deaf I just explained this to Boden.- I started joking. -I was just passing by- I repeated and he laughed as well what a nice occurance after the incident. -Now what were you doing here all alone?-
-You know same old things. Ehy look what I found?.- he shows me a cassette and I know is a video he and Shay made when they went to live together. My first thought was to tell him to avoid to see it now but honestly? Now was better than later.
-Show me.- I say, he grabs my hand and makes me take a seat on the couch while he inserts the cassette and then gets under the blanket next to me. -Ehy, before you press play I have something to tell you. I hope you know Shay wouldn't like how you are dealing with it, am I right?- he just nodds and press play.
Watching that tape with him was funny and a little bit healing for the man and I'm happy for him. He nedded that and I think me being with him during this process was what he nedded as well.
-I know, about you said before. You are right but I don't know if I can do this alone.-
-You have Casey, your man and everyone at 51. You also have me to relay on so don't worry, you are not alone.-
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Can I get a little something with either Kelly Severide or Matt Casey please where he sees the readers baby bump for the first time? Perhaps it becomes really prominent and he soon becomes obsessed with it
Kelly Severide- Little Baby Bump
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YN and Severide wanted to have a baby for a while. They knew that as soon as they got married they would try for a baby, but unfortunately for them it took a lot longer than they thought for them to conceive. A year later after trying YN started to have pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, swollen breasts, tiredness.. etc. Of course Kelly was immediately at the nearest shop to get some pregnancy tests and got home in record time. Within a few minutes they were celebrating the fact that they were going to be parents.
That was 5 months ago and while YN has been looking a little bloated there wasn't a prominent baby bump until today. The weather in Chicago has been rather nice recently, so YN gets dressed into a maxi dress. What she doesn't realise is that the dress being tight fitting shows off her small baby bump. YN leaves her shared bedroom with Kelly and heads downstairs into the living room where Kelly is sat watching the TV
"Is it just me or is it really warm?" YN asks
"Just you babe. Well it's warm, but not..." Kelly stops when he sees his wife. Kelly looks at her little bump
"What? Is their a stain on my dress" YN goes to look down
"No it's just, your bump is showing"
"What?" Kelly takes YN's hand and guides her back upstairs to their bedroom where there is a full length mirror "Kel what are you..."
"Look" Kelly stands behind YN rubbing her little bump "our little baby is in there"
"We've waited a long time for this" a tear falls from YNs eyes.
That night YN and Kelly lay in bed together, Kelly rubbing her bump ever so slightly before sitting up and little and then leaning down
"Hey little one. Mummy and daddy can't wait to meet you. Tomorrow we're going to paint your bedroom, well I am. Mummy is going to keep out of the room because of the fumes instead she's going to sort out the millions of clothes she's bought" Kelly laughs making YN chuckles. Kelly lays back down on his back, YN turns over so that she can lay on Kelly's chest
"I love you Kel"
"I love you too" Kelly replies before they both fall asleep.
The following day Kelly, Matt and Jay go upstairs to build the baby furniture and paint the walls while YN and Gabby sort through the already washed baby clothes and the ones that need to be washed. Again the weather is warm so YN is wearing another maxi dress with the air con on. She notices Gabby shiver a little
"Sorry if it's to cold, I've just been so hot"
"No it's ok don't worry"
"I'll grab you a jacket" YN gets up smoothing down her dress
"I bet Severide is excited about being a dad"
"Very. Last night he spoke to the bump, then all night he would either be holding my bump or stroking it a little" YN grabs a jacket off the back of the dinning room chair and hands it to Gabby
"You guys are so sweet. Your going to be amazing parents. Just remember I am godmother" Gabby jokes
"Of course. You want a drink? Bet the boys will want a beer"
"I'll just have a soda"
"Ok" YN goes into her kitchen and opens up the fridge grabbing 2 sodas, one for her and one for Gabby. She then grabs 3 beers for the boys upstairs. YN takes the beers let's Gabby know her soda is in the kitchen while YN takes up 3 beers.
YN opens up the nursery room looking at the sweaty men in front of her
"Beer anyone? It's cold"
"Thank you YN" Matt walks over to her smiling
"What are you doing in here? The fumes..."
"Won't hurt for a couple of minutes. The rooms looking good" Kelly wraps his arm around YN's waist rubbing his thumb up and down against her bump slightly
"How's the clothes folding coming along?" Jay asks taking his own beer
"Ok rather be in here helping you guys, but I'm way too hot" YN chuckles "I better get back downstairs, left Gabby folding"
"We'll be down in a bit" Kelly presses his lips to YN's forehead before kneeling down to place a kiss on her bump.
Since YN started showing, Kelly has been constantly touching and kissing the bump. Basically he's obsessed. Kelly is going to be one of the most amazing dads ever.
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starset21 · 7 months
When to Let Go
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Standard disclaimer: I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may currently be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under the name @.itswildflower
A/N: Here's pt. 2 to Going to War!
Looking for more? Chicago Fire Collection Masterlist 
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: cannon typical depictions of fires/accidents and injuries, medical inaccuracies?
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“Pop tried to play the hero. He forgot he was in his 60s with a bum ticker,” Jay huffs. “Yeah, well. This is your fault to begin with. Stick me in that fire trap,” Pat Halstead coughed. “Pop, stop talking,” Will tells him. “You said you liked the place,” Jay reminded him as he pushed Will and the Nurse away, insisting he didn’t need this. “Paramedics said you were complaining of chest pain. Did you forget you had a quadruple bypass a few weeks ago? Come on, stay still,” Will huffs. “Hey, if it isn't my favorite patient. How you doing, Mr. Halstead?,” Connor greets. “Fine,” the older man grumbles. “So you felt some tightness in your chest, huh?” Conner asks. “It's nothing.” Jay gives him a look. “Well, you might be right. I don't see any ST elevation or depression. No left access deviation. Looks like a strong and healthy heart to me.” Pat sighs. “Oh good. Are we done?” he asks. “Nope, not yet. You still have a pretty nasty inhalation injury. Can I get a CBC, CMP, and a carboxyhemoglobin? And add a full cardiac workup,” Rhodes tells the nurse. “Dr. Rhodes, you’re needed for a consultation,” Maggie pops in and tells him. “Yeah. Mr. Halstead, a pleasure as always,” Rhodes tells him before leaving. Will stops him for a moment, “Thank you, Connor.” Connor nods before heading to his consult. “I don't need all this,” Pat huffs again. “Calm down, you're getting yourself worked up,” Jay tells him. “What do you know? You're no doctor,” Pat grumbles. “Pop,” Will warns. “Forget it,” Jay tells him, turning away for a moment. “You had no right to sell my house,” he shouts. “You want to talk about this again? It was a wreck. You couldn't take care of the place,” Jay tells him. “You just wanted my money,” Pat throws at him. “Hey,” Will tries to intervene. “You don't have any money, you thankless old prick,” Jay says before walking out. 
“Hey, how are you guys doing?” Maggie asks the 4 firefighters standing just outside Dani’s room. “Choi kicked us out,” Kelly tells her. “Yeah, he needs room to work, Kelly. Try to be patient,” Maggie sighs before moving on. Kelly watches as Choi and the nurses move around Dani, tears lined his eyes again but he didn’t allow them to fall. “Get her on the vent and make sure she's 100% oxygenated,” Choi tells April. “Right,” she responds, beginning to prep things when Dani starts sputtering and coughing, trying to sit up. “She's waking up. Push 4 milligrams of midazolam,” Choi orders. “Whoa, easy, easy. Easy, easy. All right. - Easy, Dani,” the nurses and Choi try to soothe her. “BP and heart rate are stable. She's settling down,” April tells him. “Draw a blood gas with carboxyhemoglobin,” Choi tells them before stepping back and discarding his gloves. “Hey... what's happening?” Kelly asks as Choi steps out into the hallway. “Her vitals are holding, but she's in pretty bad shape. We're running some tests and should know more soon,” Choi tells those gathered outside her room. An alarm begins going off in her room. “Blood pressure and sats are dropping,” April calls out and Choi rushes back in, accessing her. “All right, she's bleeding in her airway. Hang a unit on the rapid transfuser, suction her ET tube, and get a chest X-ray,” Choi orders.  “Blood's coming too fast. Every time I suction the tube, it fills back up again,” April sighs. “Hang another unit and just do your best to keep up,” Choi tells April. “Where’s the X-Ray?” Rhodes asks, walking in. “Here you go,” A nurse told him as soon as they had taken the image. “She's got a massive hemorrhage in her right lung. It's impossible to say where it's coming from. All right, call the blood bank, trigger the MTP,” Rhodes orders. “Can you find it?” Kelly asks, looking from Dani to Dr. Rhodes. “First I've gotta find it. Let's set up for a bronchoscopy, someone fill in the Halstead brothers please.”
“Jay!” Matt calls out when he finds the detective. “Casey?” Jay asks, turning around. “Is Dani ok?” Matt shakes his head, walking up to him as Jay furrows his brow. “What’s happened?” he asks. “She ran out of air, she had a pulse but wasn't breathing, they had to intubate her, she’s down in the ER with Choi and Rhodes,” Matt tells him. Jay’s breath hitched. “Does Will know?” Jay asks. “Someone should be telling him as we speak,” Matt reassures him. “What are we standing around here for? Let’s go,” Jay tells him and the two of them take off for the emergency room.  
“She's lost a significant amount of blood. Unfortunately, the only way we can be sure to completely stop her bleeding is to remove her entire lung,” Rhodes tells him. “What?” Kelly asks. “Kelly, it's the best chance we have of saving Dani's life,” Choi tells him. “She can't be a firefighter if she only has one lung. There's gotta be something else you can do. April?” Kelly asks his friend. “What if we tried Ekmo? It would rest her lung so we have enough time to locate the bleed…” April trailed off. “No. We'd have to give her anticoagulants to keep the lines open,” Rhodes tells her. “Isn’t it worth the shot?” April asks. “It would make her bleed even worse. She's too unstable,” Choi tells them. “Believe me, Kelly, this is the best course of action,” Rhodes tells him. “Sounds to me like you've thrown in the towel before you even tried to save her lung. Being a firefighter is the only thing Dani cares about. I'm not gonna let you do it,” Kelly shakes his head. “I'm sorry. But it's not up to you,” Choi tells him. Will and Jay come quickly around the corner with Matt and Stella. “What’s going on?” Will asks. “She’s losing blood from a massive hemorrhage in her right lung. The only way we can be sure to completely stop her bleeding is to remove her entire lung, but of course the ultimate decision is yielded to the family,” Rhodes tells him. Will looks at Jay who looks lost and unsure. “She can't be a firefighter if she only has one lung,” Kelly tells them, practically pleading with them to tell them to do it some other way. Will looks at Dani laying on the bed, intubated with machines hooked up in the trauma bay. “Do whatever you have to to save her life, but if you can, save the lung,” Will tells him. “Get her upstairs,” Rhodes tells them quickly before starting to walk away. 
Kelly sent Will a grateful look before walking off with the other firefighters. “Dr. Halstead, Mr. Halstead, there was a problem with your father,” a nurse comes up to them. As if the day couldn’t get any worse for the Halstead family. “How long before sinus rhythm was restored?” Will asked. “He was down for around five minutes,” the nurse who had helped with the code tells him. “Well, that's consistent with what I'm seeing. Almost no EEG waveforms,” Dr. Abrams speaks up. “Are we not seeing some brain activity?” Jay asks, wiping a hand down his face. “Artifacts. Distortion, interference. Dust on the window,” Abrams tells him. “Okay, I am... I'm not following,” Jay tells him. “Your father's brain-dead,” Abrams tells him simply. “So he's just not coming back? Like, you... you're saying that there's... there's no chance?” Jay asks. “If I had to calculate the odds, I'd say 1,000 to 1 against. This vent could be put to better use,” Abrams says, turning to Will. “Are you serious?” Jay asks. “Jay-” Will tries to calm him. “The hell is wrong with you, man? Are you kidding me?” Jay asks. “We'll talk about it. Thanks, Sam,” Will says with a firm nod. Abrams narrows his eyes and nods before leaving. 
“I don't like that guy, man. I want a second opinion,” Jay tells Will when they were out in a hallway. “He's our top neurosurgeon,” Will counters. “So all your degrees, all that money, all those years in school, this is the best you can do?” Jay nearly shouts. “Jay, Dad almost died two years ago. He's been living on borrowed time,” Will tries to reason with him. “Abrams didn't say Dad had no chance,” Jay huffs. “1,000 to 1 is no chance. I'm trying to be realistic. I've seen a lot of patients in his condition,” Will tells him. “There goes that doctor's voice,” Jay says sarcastically, throwing his hands up in surrender. “I'm sorry, but I am a doctor,” Will tells him, crossing his arms. “Yeah, don't worry, we got that message,” Jay scoffed. “And Dad knew you thought you were better than us. We always came in second, you weren't there, and now you want to decide what happens?” Will runs a hand through his hair. “That is not true, Jay, you know-” he starts to tell him. “There you are,” a woman comes up to them. Will sighs and turns to her. “Ms. Garrett, this is my brother, Jay,” Will introduces. “Yes. I'm the hospital's COO. I heard about your father. I'm very sorry,” she tells them. “I want you both to know that there's no hurry in making any decisions about Mr. Halstead. You have the full support of this hospital. And we will provide your father with any and all resources,” she tells them. “I appreciate that,” Will tells her. “We take care of our own. This... is my cell phone. You call me if you need anything,” she tells Jay, handing him her card before walking away. “It's decided. We're not giving up. I’m going to go see if there’s any news on Dani,” Jay stated with a finality before walking away.
“Dani’s still in surgery last I checked,” Jay says as Will first walks into the room, not even looking up from their father’s face. He had come straight back after he hadn't been told of any updates to Dani's condition. Will decided to file that information away for now, focusing on this and the information he had just learned. “Hey, Jay. We gotta take Dad off the vent.” This causes Jay to look at him. “No, no, no. He… I've been sitting with him, and he blinks his eyes. And I grabbed his hand, and he squeezed my hand. He squeezed my hand.” Will looked at his younger brother with sympathy. “Those are just reflexes. They don't mean anything,” Will tells him softly. “I'm telling you, man, he knows that I'm here,” Jay insists looking back at their dad. “He doesn't. He can't,” Will places a hand on his shoulder. “We can't. He's… He's gotta come back, man, 'cause... that can't be the last conversation I ever have with him,” Jay tells him, wiping his eyes. “Look, whatever regrets you have, you're not gonna resolve them here. You just gotta accept that.” Jay glares at Will. “Don't tell me what I got to accept.” Will was trying his best to keep it together. “Jay, the reason Gwen encouraged us to take our time with Dad? His bypass was 29 days ago. If he dies before 30 days are up, regardless of why, it's a fatality for the hospital. So Gwen's just trying to keep Dad alive for one more day so the hospital doesn't take the hit,” he explains. “I get it. You feel betrayed but I don't care. I care about Dad,” Jay tells him. “And you think he'd want to be kept alive to buff some numbers?” Will asks. “You need to get out. You gotta get out, man,” Jay shouts. “They're using him,” Will tells him calmly as he steps back towards the door. “That's your problem,” Jay seethes with anger. “Jay, he's gone,” Will finishes before leaving. 
“You guys put me in a terrible position. But... we were able to isolate the bleed, and we only had to take out a portion of her lung. It was a thoracoscopic procedure, minimally invasive. That's all to say that... she should be back to work in no time,” Rhodes tells the firefighters from Truck 81 gathered in one of the waiting rooms. “Oh, thank God. Dr. Rhodes... you're the man,” Herrmann tells him, shaking his hand. “Yeah, you guys are okay too,” he chuckles before turning to April, “Go find Kelly, let him know, I’m heading for Will and Jay.” April nods before walking off. Matt shakes Connor’s hand with a firm nod before heading down the hallway with Sylvie, Stella and Herrmann to go tell Boden and the others.
“Kelly. She's awake. Wants to see you,” April calls into one of the various waiting rooms. Kelly let out a sigh of relief, thanking whatever higher power that she made it through ok. April nodded her head to the door, silently telling him ‘let’s go’ and he stands, following after her. He stops for a moment in the doorway, simply taking her in. Dani turned her head and looked at him, she was a little groggy but she smiled. Kelly smiled too, moving to her bedside and leaning over to press a kiss to her forehead. He pulled a chair closer and sat down, taking her hand in his and squeezing it. “I’m so glad you made it,” he tells her. “Of course, I’m always going to come back to you,” she tells him quietly, her throat still a little bit sore. “Come here,” she tells him, and he leans over, laying his head in the crook of her arm to which she wraps around his head and plays with the short ends of his hair, pressing a kiss of her own to his head. Kelly shudders a little and Dani knows he’s probably crying again so she continues playing with his hair and holding him the best she could.
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samantha-chicago · 6 months
Fireproof - Prologue
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Rebbeca ‘Becca’ Kimberly Carver. The oldest sibling of Sam and Nathan Carver. Becca always dreamt of protecting Sam during her teenage years but when she was unable to and ended up in Juvenile detention it was safe to say Sam would never forgive her for leaving and being unable to protect him. 
Becca was able to get into school to become a paramedic after the help from a certain detective who managed to get her file locked and placed confidentially. After working as a paramedic for a few years Becca finally got her acceptance letter from Chicago Fire Academy. Where she started training to become a firefighter. 
Once passing her firefighters test both on paper and physically she then instantly began working for her Squad Certification. Just out of candidacy she was able to pull a spot on Squad. After bouncing around houses for a while because her Lieutenant’s decided that whatever she did wrong was insubordination or even just because she was female she finally found herself where she always wanted to be. Squad Three with Lieutenant Kelly Severide.
Will Severide give her the chance she deserves? Or will he just treat her how all her other Lieutenants did? 
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severidescigar · 2 years
The Right Person At The Wrong Time - Chapter 2
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Fandom: One Chicago
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Valentina Pierce (OC)
Disclaimer: This story follows most Chicago Fire storylines with my personal twist added to them. The only character belonging to me is OC Valentina Pierce.
A/N: This story will put some very beloved characters into a slightly bad light so I hope you will still enjoy it for the sake of the storyline 🤗
Previous Chapter
The night before, clothing pieces were flying left and right in Valentina's apartment. Her and Carver barely got a few drinks in when they decided to cut the night out short...and truth be told Valentina knew this was what he meant by "drinks not dinner".
She was also no stranger to such practices, but it was only once these antics landed her in a relationship and it was the one with Kelly, which lasted for a few good years and slightly changed the trajectory of her entire life.
The morning after, Valentina slid out of the warm bedsheets and tip toed out of the room as quite as she could. Walking into the living room, clothes were scattered all over the floor and a smirk appeared on her face as memories from the night before came in flooding her mind. She had a good time...hell even a great time, but she knew she was walking on a thin line and things could go south very easily...which she obviously didn't want to since she had just returned and finally got her life together. But for real...out of all the men in Chicago, of course she had to pick the one working with her and with her ex in the same firehouse.
As all these things were going through her mind, she got dressed and got herself ready for shift. Making her way to the kitchen and fixing herself a cup of coffee she was still deep in her thoughts when she heard footsteps approaching her...and it was no other than Carver, half dressed, having the same cheeky smirk on his face like she did minutes ago. "How nice of you to also make me a cup of coffee...", the sarcasm in his voice was loud and clear as he took the cup out of Valentina's hands and sipped out of her hot beverage. It took everything in her to not push him against a wall again and he probably noticed that, so he was closing the gap between them to the point she could feel his breath. "I...had a really, really great time...but this has to stay between us." Raising her head to his level, she managed to say all that while keeping eye contact and a serious face. Nodding in agreement, Carver took one step closer to her if that was even possible. "Tell me one thing...who's the firefighter that ruined it for me?" The question took her by surprise...slightly, but she knew what game he was playing and she wasn't one to back off. "You wouldn't want to know....and you should get going or you'll be late for shift." "Fair enough...I'll see you later then!" Carver said and pecked her cheek quickly before he left.
"I thought I'd be seeing you at Molly's?" Brett said as she walked into the locker room and saw Valentina sitting on the bench while tying her shoelaces. "Yeah we all did. You haven't been there since you came back." Ritter pitched in immediately after. "Yeah...ugh, something came up and I had to call it a night very quick. But I will come next time...I promise." She was a horrible liar and she knew it, but everybody else just had to be happy with that answer for now. "Chief wants us in the briefing room in 5." Cruz appeared through the door and announced.
"I'm going to the bathroom real quick and I'll meet you there." Val told Sylvie before she disappeared out of the door. She just wanted to make sure she didn't look hungover or overly tired so she splashed some cold water on her face. As her eyes were still closed she heard the door behind her open and then immediately close. "Good Morning!" Kelly's voice filled the room as they were now looking at each other through the mirror. "Morning!"
"You seemed happy when you came in this morning." He continued as he leaned against the sink crossing his arms. "Is that such a strange thing for you? To see me happy?" Why was she giving him an attitude at 8 am...she never enjoyed speaking to him like this let alone hurt him in any way. "Is this how it's going to be between us?" He asked and Valentina could feel his eyes piercing through her as she initially avoided looking at him, but she turned around and took a deep breath in, that could easily come off as annoyed. In reality she just didn'twant to melt so easily into his blue eyes...because those used to be her weakness. "Like what Kelly?"
"Like you hating me." She was almost offended by those words, because in what world would she be able to hate him? Not in this one for sure. "I don't hate you Kelly...I don't have it in me to hate you, but I am indifferent to you, because what else am I supposed to do?" She thought about this moment...about the moment where they can finally talk, get it all out and moved on, but despite all the scenarios she made up in her head she was still not ready. "You hate me because I moved on! You just left and I was supposed to guess that you will come back? I was supposed to wait?" Frustration could be heard in his words as his voice grew louder.
"You moved on with the person you assured me so many times you had nothing to do with...and I believed you. You married that person...you didn't just move on, you made a lifetime commitment to her." It was all coming out now and there was no way back. "We were together what? 6, 7 years and we never once discussed marriage because I knew you weren't that kind of guy...and then I'm gone not even 3 years and I come back...and the one person I thought I knew so well did a complete 180°." There were a lot of underlying emotions, frustrations and feelings between the two and this conversation was bringing them all out. "Exactly Val! After 7 years you just got up and left...with an excuse of an explanation I had to deal with tha-"
"You two! This is not the place to be having this conversation...I can hear you from down the hall." Hermann appeared through the door, interrupting their screaming match. The room fell into silence and Valentina felt her breath get rapid so she quickly made her way out. Arriving into the briefing room she realized she was late...really late and Boden did not look happy. A few minutes later after the meeting was done the chief turned to look towards her. "And since Pierce and Carver were late, they have the honor of cleaning Ambo and Truck inside out."
'Of course he was late too.' She thought to herself as she looked to her right seeing the man she woke up next to earlier today. Getting the cleaning supplies she felt his presence behind her. "You know why I'm late...why are you late?" He asked and pretty much cornered her into the supply closet. "Figured I find a way to get stuck with you without making it obvious." He loved her attitude and she loved the tension that was building between them naturally everytime they were in each other's presence. "Now will you let me go clean the Ambo or are you going to push me into the wall?" If they had a choice the answer would be clear, but they didn't so he moved to the side for her.
"You're an awfully punctual person, what happened earlier? You know Boden hates when we're late." Brett asked as she watched her partner scrub every inch of the Ambo. "If I tell you, you can't make any faces, you can't judge me nor will you speak about this to anyone..." Valentina said stopping from whatever she was doing and saw Brett nodding in agreement. "I slept with Carver." She barely got the words before Sylvie gasped dramatically. "Sorry you can continue..." "And then I ran into Kelly in the bathroom this morning and...it got ugly to say the least." As she was saying all this out loud she realized how foolish the whole situation sounded...the situation or her? "My...very humble opinion? One or the other. Don't dig a deeper grave for yourself than you already have. I can't tell you to fight for Severide because that's a married man right there, but I also know what the two of you had in the past...or just move on. Your new friend seems to be helping you with that." Sometimes she hated how painfully honest Sylvie was with her, but who else was going to knock some sense into her if not her very own best friend. "Come on, I'll help you finish up...you already look like you're struggling." Brett pitched in making her partner let out a relieved sigh.
As Valentina wanted to continue her work she couldn't help but hear a pretty serious conversation going down a few feet away from her. "House fire in Pilsen going wrong? Really?" Stella's voice could be heard asking and a frown appeared on Valentina's face not realizing who was on the other end of the conversation. "I don't appreciate you lying...I don't like liars especially when I'm trying to make them part of my crew." She continued and Valentina just grew more confused and curious as she unintentionally eavesdropped. "You need to be honest with me for this to work...so go ahead." "All due respect Lieutenant, but it's a private matter and I guess I will just shut up from now on." Carver's voice could finally be heard and Valentina was immediately felt a bitter taste in her mouth...she knew what they were talking about and for some reasons it pissed her off badly.
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proceduralpassion · 2 years
Love You | Chapter Seven
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Summary: A chance encounter has all the makings of a lifetime love.
Series Masterlist
WC: ~1k
Warning(s): mention of blood, mild language
It only took a day before Kelly could no longer hold off on calling Odette. He ran out of excuses as to why he shouldn’t in the first place. In the end, he decided that none of the reasons mattered because he enjoyed the time he spent with her and there was absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to continue starting something with her. It wasn’t too late into the night where he thought she’d be sleeping but late enough that he winced when he glanced at the time. 
Still, she answered, albeit with a breathier voice than he was used to.  
“Hey babe, you okay?” He asked, his mind already on high alert. He foresaw that even if he wasn’t sitting in his CFD office quarters right now, the first responder instinct would never leave him.
There was a pause before she spoke and he sat up straighter the moment he caught it.
“Y-yeah, I’m okay,” she coughed and elicited a stronger voice within herself as she continued, “How’s your shift going so far?”
Kelly frowned, but decided in the moment, to answer her question instead of pushing her, “Uh, it’s fine. We don’t use the Q word around here, so I’ll settle for calling it ‘calm.’”
Odette chuckled, “Well, when you’re done with your calm shift, how do you feel about breakfast tomorrow? Almond croissants and hot chocolate are calling my name.” 
“That can be arranged,” Kelly smirked into the phone. He himself had called to ask her out on a breakfast date tomorrow morning. “You really know how to beat a guy to the punch.”
“It’s a talent,” It’s almost like he could hear her smile through the phone as she joked with him. 
“How was your day?” He inquired. Sounding farther away from the phone, he heard her intake of breath and the doubt that was slowly dripping out of his body had rushed back in. “‘Dette, is there something wrong?”
“No,” she immediately answered, “No, not really. I mean, it kind of is. But also kind of not. And it’s under control so nothing to worry about.” She rambled hurriedly and almost incoherently, which only further worried him despite her assuaging words. 
“Hey,” he interrupted her, “Talk to me.”
“Well-” she started. Whatever words she was about to say got drowned out by the blaring alarms calling for Squad 3 and the other fire companies of House 51. Kelly’s groan was almost something of a growl. 
“It’s okay,” she soothed, “We’ll talk later. And you’ll see for yourself tomorrow that I’m really okay.”
Kelly was already up and out of his quarters as they bid their goodbyes. 
Odette sighed a mix of relief and discomfort as she hung up the phone from Kelly. The scalp wound on her head was still dripping with blood even with all the multiple times she had softly dabbed it. The bleeding not stopping after thirty seconds was enough to cause alarm, but her call with Kelly had been a distracted detour from getting her things together to head into the ED.
She was woozy now and knew it’d be irresponsible to drive herself. With the meddling yet well-meaning neighbors she had, she didn’t even need to ask for the older couple to take her to the ED as the wife had all but forced her into her car while the husband stayed back at her house to survey and attempt to fix some of the damage from her now broken window. 
Odette wasn’t entirely sure how a tennis ball had landed itself through her living room window, but she was more focused on the bad luck she had to have been standing right near her bookshelf when it burst through the glass. One of the shards had slashed right where her hairline met her forehead on the side of her face along with several other smaller, more superficial cuts on her arms from when she had blocked her face from the damage. 
She sat back in the passenger seat of her neighbor’s car and decided to silently let her neighbor fuss over her instead of insisting she was okay. Doing anything more took too much energy from her and she was already fading fast the longer she reclined against the seat. Her neighbor’s voice became a muffled noise and she could just barely suss out the sounds of nearby ambulance sirens and lights emanating from the hospital’s ED bay.
When Kelly finally got settled back into his officer quarters, it was after midnight. Odette would more than likely have been asleep by now, but he was still tempted to call her back and pry an explanation out of her. Something felt wrong from their last interaction and he couldn’t shake the feeling. 
There was a knock on his office door and Dawson poked her head in precariously.
“What’s up?” he asked. The hesitance on her face gave him pause.
“Brett and I just got back from taking the last of the fire victims to Med. Some woman had brought in Odette, that girl you’ve been seeing, with a major head lac.”
Kelly was back out of his chair instantly, “What?!” Almost asleep voices from outside in the bunkroom murmured irritatedly at him. “I just got off the phone with her. What the hell happened?”
“I don’t know,” Gabby shrugged, “She was literally brought in just as we were leaving. I told Will that we knew her and asked if he could give us an update when he could… It was a lot going on. She looked barely conscious.”
Kelly shook his head, not content with waiting to hear what happened. Instinctually, Gabby backed up as he exited his quarters. Unaware and uncaring of what attention he was drawing to himself, he stalked straight to Boden’s office, who was getting ready to take a nap on his sofa. 
“Chief, I’ve got an emergency. I need to step out. Can you have Cruz cover for me?”
If there was anything following the confused and alarmed nod of his battalion chief’s, he hadn’t taken stock.
A/N: Don’t forget to like, reblog, and leave reviews if you enjoyed!
Taglist: @sparklemichele @smoothdogsgirl
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ummm-okay · 10 months
cold as you is now published!!!!
oc x will halstead
@ okay_ig
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queerminalminds · 1 year
chapter 03: you look nice today!
+-~+-~ Christopher's POV ~-+~-+
It was the next day, Saturday, I didn't have a shift today which I was happy about because after the day I had yesterday, I don't think I could handle anymore of that Bailey kid within 24 hours. For some reason I had left the curtains to my only window in my apartment open, so when the light came in from the sun, it hit me directly in the face.
I groaned and rolled over the sun wasn't in my face anymore, I heard a text notification sound coming from my sound, I dreaded who it could be because I didn't really want to go out today. I sat up and looked at my phone to see who the text was from and it was from Darren. 
* Darren *
hey chris! hopefully i didn't wake u up, u should be up anyways btw 😈. was wondering if u wanna go out today with me and some of the guys. it's alright if u dont feel up to it. also dont worry nathan isnt coming with us lol. :)
Sent at 11:21 AM.
I chuckled a little reading the last part of the text, Darren assuring that Bailey isn't going. Then I groaned and threw my head back on my pillow, not knowing how to reply to Darren's text. I really did hate letting Darren down and saying that I'm busy, which is a lie, I just never felt like going out. I'd much rather just sit my dark apartment and drink, which I know isn't the best but was the only thing that made me feel better. 
I started typing out an excuse to not go out, but then deleted it, debating on how to answer him. I decided to actually say yes to his offer of going out with some of the guys today.
* Darren *
hey chris! hopefully i didn't wake u up, u should be up anyways btw 😈. was wondering if u wanna go out today with me and some of the guys. it's alright if u dont feel up to it. also dont worry nathan isnt coming with us lol. :)
Sent at 11:21 AM.
                                                                                  Hey Darren, that sounds good, where should I meet you?
                                                                                                                                                                    Sent at 11:27 AM.
Almost immediately after I replied to Darren's text, I saw that he was already typing back.
* Darren *
hey chris! hopefully i didn't wake u up, u should be up anyways btw 😈. was wondering if u wanna go out today with me and some of the guys. it's alright if u dont feel up to it. also dont worry nathan isnt coming with us lol. :)
Sent at 11:21 AM.
                                                                                  Hey Darren, that sounds good, where should I meet you?
                                                                                                                                                                    Sent at 11:27 AM.
great! meet us at millennium park in like 30 mins? is that ok? Sent at 11:28 AM.
                                                                                                                              Sounds good Darren. See you soon.
                                                                                                                                                                    Sent at 11:29 AM.
I put my phone aside on the bed and rubbed my forehead. Deciding I should take a shower, I started stripping out of my clothes while heading to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me out of habit, usually Cindy would be in the other room... I shook the thought out of my head and turned on the water of the shower, finding a good hot temperature I got in. I swept my hair backward so it was off of my forehead, I washed my hair quickly and scrubbed the rest of me, not wanting to be late to meeting Darren.
I hopped out of the shower a few minutes later and wrapped a towel around my waist and used another towel to dry my hair, I opened the bathroom door and stepped back into my bedroom. I took some fresh clothes out of my dresser and quickly put them on, after I picked up my old clothes off the floor and threw them into a basket to wash later. I picked out a white t-shirt with a flannel over it, some beige jeans and some converse, definitely not an outfit I would usually wear but I didn't really care how I looked. I decided to ditch breakfast and to head straight to Millennium Park. I tied my shoes and grabbed my keys, quickly leaving the apartment and walking down the stairs to get to my car. 
I eventually made it to Millennium Park, I parked my car and walked around the park until I saw Darren.
"Hey Chris!" I heard faintly and I turned my head around and saw Darren waving me over to some park tables. I started walking over towards Darren's direction, eventually meeting him, I took in who else was there. Which included of: Casey, Severide, Cruz, Capp, Mouch and... wait.. Bailey? Darren told me he wouldn't be here...
"Here Chris, sit down here." Darren told me, scooting over so I could sit next to him, Mouch being at my other side. I sat down and eyed Bailey who was sitting across from me, next to him was Casey and Severide who had their fingers intertwined, Capp next to them, and Cruz was on the other side of Mouch. 
"Darren, you said he wouldn't be here." I whispered into Darren's ear, pointing to Bailey with my eyes.
"I didn't know he would be here, I think Capp invited him or something." Darren whispered replied, I looked at Capp and he smiled and gave me 2 thumbs up. I rolled my eyes and adverted my eyes from him.
"Hey Lieutenant! It's nice seeing you today!" Bailey said and I sighed inside.
"Hey candidate.." I replied hesitantly, which got the attention of Casey.
"No need for formalities here right guys? We're not working today." Casey said, kissing Severide's cheek afterwards.
"I guess so." I mumbled.
"You look nice today Herrmann, glad you decided to come." Bailey- no Nathan told me, which I wish he didn't say because I could feel a blush creeping upon my cheeks. 
"Thanks Nathan, you do too." I replied confidently, it would be rude to not compliment him back too right?
"Why thank you, I try." He responded with a wink, which made me groan quietly and tried to hide my face yet again. Why did bodies react like this? I hate it.
"You ok Chris?" Darren asked me with an eyebrow raised and with a slight grin on his face. I shoved him playfully and rolled my eyes.
"So, does anyone have any plans for the rest of the day?" Cruz asked everyone.
"Me and Matt are going out for dinner tonight, then maybe head to Molly's." Kelly replied to the question.
"Yeah, me and Trudy plan on going to Molly's tonight." Mouch said.
"Sounds good! How about we all meet at Molly's at like 9 tonight?" Cruz suggested and everyone gave an approval. 
"Me and Chris will be there, right?" Darren asked me.
"Yeah, sounds like a plan." I replied, just wanting to go to drink and get lost in my thoughts, I wouldn't admit that to anyone though.
"So, Nathan what's your story?" Casey asked the British man.
"Well I was born in England, obviously, my younger sister came over here to the States for college? That's what you Americans call it right? Anyway, I followed her here, she goes to the University of Chicago. Once she moved here I decided to join the Fire Academy, I had always wanted to go on more of an ambitious career path. And yeah that was 2 years ago, and here I am now." Nathan explained.
"You got a girlfriend Bailey?" Cruz questioned afterwards.
"Haha no, unfortunately no boyfriend either." He laughed and my eyes widened, so he was into guys... I looked at Darren, who was already eyeing me.
"Oh wow, I think Mouch and Capp are the only straight people here!" Cruz exclaimed and laughed, which caused Nathan to look at me, but then he looked back at Cruz.
"You into guys Cruz?" He asked Cruz, who nodded.
"Yeah, I used to be in a relationship with Otis, he used to be a firefighter here actually..." Cruz got quiet near the end of his sentence.
"Oh yeah? What happened to him?" Nathan asked, being intrigued. Cruz shifted in his spot uncomfortably.
"Otis was one of the best firefighters out there, he was a kind friend and an even better firefighter. That memorial in front of the firehouse driveway? That's for Otis." I replied for Cruz who mouthed 'thank you' at me. I saw Nathan's face change from intrigued to sad, probably realizing what I meant.
"Oh, I saw that memorial when I came to the Firehouse yesterday, it said Brian though didn't it?" Nathan questioned me.
"Yes, his name wasn't actually Otis, that's just what we called him. His name was Brian Zvonecek." I answered, Nathan then nodded in understandment.
"I'm sorry Cruz, that I brought him up." Nathan apologized to Cruz, who shook his head.
"No worries Nathan, it's been a couple of years, I'm married, but I still miss him." Cruz told him.
"Yeah, I'm sure he was a great guy." Nathan stated.
Everyone talked amongst each other for what was apparently a couple hours. It suddenly became the time where everyone usually eats dinner. I had then realized that I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning. I decided to fare everyone goodbye and go to get myself something to eat, since my stomach was growling now.
I eventually left the group and walked back toward my car. I got in and headed towards a sandwich shop not far from where I already was. Once I got there, I parked on the side of the road and headed inside. All I ordered was a turkey sandwich and a bag of chips and went back to my car. I ate in silence as the radio started playing some music. I guess I apparently zoned out because the next thing I knew a lady was knocking on my window, I rolled the window down afterward.
"Are you okay sir?" She asked me, which had me confused.
"Yes, I'm fine? Why?" I questioned.
"You've been parked here for hours, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Have a nice evening." She replied and walked away. I rolled up my window questionably and looked at my car's clock. 7:30 pm. How was it 7:30 pm already? Was I really sat here for that long? I sighed and decided to head over to Molly's a bit early.
I drove to Molly's and parked in my usual spot and headed inside, luckily I didn't have to work the bar tonight. I went inside and saw it wasn't too busy, which is nice. Of course no one from the Firehouse would be there yet because Cruz scheduled us all to meet here at 9. I decided to get a pint and sit by myself at a table, since I'm one of the owner's I get my drinks for free, which is just what I need right now.
Eventually, people started pouring into the bar and it was already 9 o'clock. I hadn't realized I had gone through 6 pints already. I decided I wanted to get more so I unsteadily stood up and walked over to the bar to order some more rounds for myself. I noticed Darren and Nathan were already at the bar chatting, I quickly got my beers and avoided them, wobbly walking back to my table to drink alone. 
A guy and his many, many beers. What more could a guy ask for?!
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