digimoninteractions · 6 months
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[ID: A screenshot from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 33 showing Ken and Hikari standing together with serious expressions. End ID]
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patamon · 1 year
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Are we falling like snow at the beach? Weird but oh so beautiful - Taylor Swift
@digisecretsanta kenkari gift for @earlgreymon. Merry Christmas, Sky!
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avazans · 1 year
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Ya era costumbre de que Ken espere a Hikari afuera del su escuela después de clases, eso lo hacía desde hace semanas pero hoy fue algo diferente ya que Ken tenia algo especial para la castaña.
Hikari noto el nerviosismo de Ken y por alguna razón su cara empezó a tornarse roja y antes de que pueda preguntar al chico, el le sorprende con un beso para despues pedirle que fuera su novia.
Es la primera vez que hice un kenkari y debo decir que me gustó y a la vez sufrí por la pose de Ken 🥲
A pesar de que fue un apuesta con mi amora @toboe-mond y bueno ya saben quien perdió y es la mejor cosa que pude pagar, porque esta sip se volvió de mis favoritas gracias a ella... ufff tiene el poder de gustarte ship con solo hacer un oneshot, obvio también me gusta el kenyako y Takari pero no tanto como el Daiyako y esta ship 😅😅😅 culpa de los fics mimatos con una variedad de ship en ellos, jejejej el mimato es la única ship que a ellos solo los shipeo aunque se demostró lo contrario con un Jouto pero eso es un regalo especial para una de mis mejores amigas y si tengo que hacerlo otro pues lo hago 😌
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Fandom Shipping Polls - Ken Ichijouji Shipping Analysis (Poll I + Poll II)
As pointed out in the main post, every single Chosen Child will get their individual analysis post to check on the status of the current popularity of their ships. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at Ken, shall we!  
The overall results / spreadsheet
Disclaimer: As the “Someone from 01/02″ and “Others” options from poll 1 and the “Someone from 01/02″ option from poll 2 have been excluded from the final analysis due to redundancy reasons and all results were culminated in another “final count”, the results will not be 1:1 to what the polls look like:
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Overall votes: 148 (approx. 118 in sum after the exclusion), the main poll got 108 votes, the secondary poll got 40 votes.
The “Others” choice in the main poll received 4% (approx. 4 votes) and 5% (2 votes) in the secondary poll. The comments/tags did not specify any preferences here (aside from characters that were already part of the main choices).
Ship Analysis
1st place: With the biggest lead of all polls overall, Daisuke (61%) wins this vote with no real competition, as he had been in 1st place from the very beginning. Daiken is one of the most popular mlm Digimon ships on the planet - and for good reasons, as their anime portrayal provides for some very intense and intriguing mutual character development. Not only do they start off as “enemies” (with one of the parties unknowingly holding lots of the admiration for the other), but them turning into friends - and Jogress partners - is one of the most significant development fuels for both of them; nurturing each other’s (self) confidence while growing closer, developing great fondness, attachment and protectiveness for each other as they get more and more comfortable with themselves and in the other’s presence. It’s an endearing framing with a lot of heart, and with the additional anticipation of more news on the 02 movie, it’s really no surprise to see them being as prevalent and beloved in fandom as they are at the moment.
2nd place: With a huge gap to 1st place, Miyako (19%) comes in second, thus securing Kenyako’s spot as one of the few canonized endgame couples in the Adventure series. Thus, her popularity makes sense - with her starting off with a starstruck crush on Ken, then doubting her approach towards him during his redemption arc and reconsidering the whereabouts of her feelings, them slowly growing closer to understand each other is an endearing framing.
3rd place: This spot is a particularly tumblr’esque fan favourite - and even if Hikari received a comparably low amount of votes (5%) in comparison to the two fandom favourites, there is still a little group of dedicated Kenkari shippers in this space. Due to their portrayal as mirrors - Dark and Light - and their mutual connection to the Dark Ocean, they’re considered viable options when it comes to understanding one another’s struggles, finding hope and solace there.
Honorary mentions: Characters that got more than 1 vote include Ryo (4%) Takeru (3%), Koushiro (3%) and Yamato (2%), proving to be niche choices.
“The 1 vote squad”: As the majority of votes has been distributed among the choices mentioned above, there isn’t much left to be mentioned - so this spot is only reserved to the one-episode-only character Chichos (1%), who was shown to have a big crush on Ken.
“0 votes go to…”: Iori, Taichi, Sora, Mimi and Jou each received 0 votes - as for the four latter characters, this may be due to their lack of screentime/interaction in canon.
Annotations: N/A
What did the other polls say?
As mentioned, Ken won Daisuke’s poll (52%) with one of the biggest margins and came in second in Miyako’s (27%), thus mirroring his own results to a high degree.
However, he proved to be quite a niche choice for almost every other character he received votes for in the first place, such as Hikari (4%), Iori (3%), Takeru (2%), Taichi (2%), Yamato (1%), Koushiro (1%) and Mimi (1%). Even though in his own poll, Iori, Taichi and Mimi received 0 votes, Ken got singular votes in their respective polls.
Sora and Jou are the only characters he never got voted for, which was a mutual occurence.
Notable additions / comments / thoughts
Similarly to Hikari in 01, Ken has a built-in exposure bias in 02 due to the fact that he joined the team later on and had to go through a redemption arc first. Hence it isn’t a surprised that Daisuke got the highest scores overall, as he had been the most vital and most visible character in Ken’s personal development journey. One could almost call their relationship a legacy that has lasted throughout all these years and had always been going strong as a beloved mlm ship. Miyako and Hikari, while not having had as much of an impact and thus having received signficantly less votes, are still seen as viable choices due to their (either complementing or contrasting) personalities, potential (and, in one case, canonization). 
Considering how Ken’s polls received the second most votes overall (coming in second after Taichi), it can be assumed that those choices mentioned above can be considered to be the most viable options in fandom. As for the others - thanks to the aforementioned lack of (screen)time he shared, especially with the majority of the 01 cast, it’s no surprise that those received no or very niche attention (with Yamato and Koushiro basically being the only exceptions, as they have had the chance to interact with Ken in familiar and friendly ways). Takeru and Iori, as fellow 02 group members, were seen as less viable as well - probably due to the idea that they took significantly longer to warm up to Ken in the end, despite their relationships improving in the end. Ryo also has to be mentioned, as he may not be known as having been a companion of Ken, and thus only very few (namely the 5 people who voted for him) may see him as a valid choice.
The comments in the tags have only referred to the already mentioned choices. So the “Others” option did not reveal any other potentially preferred suitors. This leaves room for speculation, but usually, the option is reserved for OC ships, for when people prefer to not ship a character at all or when they’re considered asexual (which will definitely be a future option to include as well!). Thus, I really hope to reach a wider audience if I choose to repeat the polls once the fandom is not as quiet as it is right now.
Other Analysis Posts 
Taichi Yagami Shipping Analysis
Yamato Ishida Shipping Analysis
Sora Takenouchi Shipping Analysis
Koushiro Izumi Shipping Analysis
Mimi Tachikawa Shipping Analysis
Jou Kido Shipping Analysis
Takeru Takaishi Shipping Analysis
Hikari Yagami Shipping Analysis
Daisuke Motomiya Shipping Analysis
Miyako Inoue Shipping Analysis
Iori Hida Shipping Analysis
Meiko Mochizuki Shipping Analysis
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earlgreymon · 2 years
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they're literally just standing there yet this is already a muji-like aesthetic photo, wtf
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digimoncentral · 2 years
Winter Kenkari (not my art)
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Hikari and Ken
Hi Anon!
I take that you saw this post on your dash, reblogged by me, but officially written and posted by @seventeenlovesthree! Unless you actually want an answer from me, I gladly refer you to my friend Sanni ^^
I'm not as good at these analysis as she is, nor do I have the time.
However, short answer to Hikari and Ken: I can see it! But not actively shipping it.
Good luck!
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Ken Week 2023 - Day 6: Career/Hobbies
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: First Day At Work Characters: Ken Ichijouji, Wormmon and Hikari Yagami. Pairing: Ken/Hikari Summary: Ken has his first day at work and later receives a surprise from Hikari. Cross-posted on AO3 and FFN
Ken and Wormmon stopped outside the police station for a couple of minutes. It was their first day as detectives and the man was feeling a mix of excitement with anxiety. After years of hardworking in college, it was finally time to put his knowledge into action. “Ken, aren’t you going in?” “I am.” He replied, still staring at the door. “I’m just trying to assimilate everything first.” “I see. It’s a big moment.” “Yes, it is.” He took a deep breath and a step forward. “Alright, let’s go in.”
The noise from the inside of the office invaded Ken’s ears as soon as he walked in. Police officers were either talking loudly on the phone or to each other or walking around in a hurry, and no one gave him attention. Ken couldn’t help but wonder if that was a daily routine or something important and urgent had happened that day.
“Seems like a lot of work here. No one came to talk to us yet.” “I guess it’s just a routine.” Ken shrugged and checked his phone. Him and Wormmon had been sitting for about an hour, waiting to be noticed by one of the police officers.
Only after another hour or so that an officer came to talk to them. He apologized and said things were chaotic that day. Then he took them to a room in the end of the hall and quickly went back to what he was doing previously. “Looks like it’s just the two of us again.” “I wonder what’s going on for everyone to be so stressed.” “Why don’t you try to find out? Maybe you can be helpful.” “You think so?” Ken looked at Wormmon. “If they needed my help, they would have asked for it.” “Not exactly.” The Digimon said. “You’re the new employee here. I think you should volunteer to help.” “That’s a very good point.” He walked to the door and looked over his shoulder. “Come on, let’s go.”
They walked back towards what seemed to be the reception area. He couldn’t help but notice things were much calmer now and half of the staff seemed to be out. Still, he couldn’t find the officer who had talked to them earlier. “You shouldn’t be here, sir. If you want to talk to a clerk, you should wait your turn.” “Oh no.” Ken turned to a woman sitting on a desk, frantically typing on a computer. “I work here. Today is my first day.” “Oh, are you Ken Ichijouji?” She looked away from the screen for a moment. “That’s me.” “Nice to meet you. I’m so sorry. There’s a been a massive situation and we’re trying to solve it.” “That’s what I came to talk about. I was wondering if you needed extra help.” “Didn’t you say it was your first day?” “I did. But I thought I could offer to help if needed.” “Hmm, we don’t usually ask newbies to get to the streets so fast, but I guess we can make an exception. Still, I need to check with my boss. I’ll be right back.” “Alright.” He said as he watched the woman disappear in the hall.
The woman returned five minutes later with a piece of paper in her hands. She was distracted she didn’t even see Ken and Wormmon were still there until he fake coughed and she looked up. “Oh, that’s right. I’m so sorry! My boss is willing to make an exception this time, but you’ll have to be very discreet about it.” “Got it.” He said with a smile. “We’ll definitely be cautious about it.” “Good luck.” “Thank you. So what do we need to do?” “These are the instructions.” The woman handed a paper and some folded clothes. “And this is your uniform, you’ll need it from now on.” “Thanks.” He looked at his partner. “Let’s go, Wormmon.” “Let’s do it.”
“This place scares me.” Wormmon said as he looked around. Everything was dark and had a strange energy. “Are you sure this is the right place?” “That’s what it says in the paper.” Ken unfolded it again and looked at it. “Yes, that’s right.” “I’m not getting a good feeling from it. Can we go back and try to find another mission?” “I’m sorry, buddy, but we’ll have to do this. This is my first chance to prove I’m capable of being a good detective and I’m going to take it. You’re free to stay here if you want to.” “No, I want to go. As much as I’m terrified, you might need me.” “I can call you if I get in trouble.” “I’m going in with you.” “Then let’s go.”
Ken opened the door from his apartment later that day and quickly threw himself on the couch after taking off his shoes and leaving them by the door. He took a deep breath and looked at his partner. “So, today was a good one, huh?” “Absolutely! I definitely wasn’t expecting to be thrown into a mission in the very first day.” “Neither was I. But I’m glad we were, so we could see what it was like.” “Was it what you expected?” “It was.” He looked at Wormmon and nodded. “What about you?” “Same.” Ken was about to say something when the doorbell rang, surprising him and his Digimon and making them look towards the door. “Were you expecting someone?” “Not really.” He stood up and went to open it. “But I have a feeling I know who it is.” “Who?” But he didn’t get his answer right away; it took a few more seconds until he heard Ken’s voice again. “Hey.” “Hi.” Hikari’s voice echoed. “I hope I’m not disturbing you, but I brought you food to celebrate your first day at work.” “Thank you.” Ken couldn’t help but smile. “You’re not disturbing at all, please come in.” “Thanks.” She walked in. “I promise I won’t take long. Hello, Wormmon. How are you?” “Hi, Hikari. I’m good, what about you?” “I’m good too.” The woman smiled at him and then turned to the bag over the sink, taking a few pots out. “There’s a whole meal here. Salad, main course and dessert.” “That’s quite a lot of food.” He said surprised. “I know. I purposely made more, so it could last a few more days.” “Wow, I can’t thank you enough for this. You work all day and still managed to make this amount of food.” “It wasn’t any trouble at all. I had to make it to myself too.” Hikari said softly. “So how was your first day at work?” “It was quite busy, actually.” “We went on our first mission today.” Wormmon said from his place on the couch. “Really?” “Yeah, we started in a rather chaotic day at the station.” Ken placed his hand in the back of his head and laughed a little awkwardly. “Isn’t this a standard? I assumed people would already get into action on their first day.” “Not on their own. First we follow more experienced officers before we have our own mission.” “Oh I see. And how was it?” “It was amazing, so thrilling. We had to go to a rather dark place.” “That doesn’t sound good.” “It was a terrible place.” “Wormmon was scared to death. He even suggested we should go back and get another mission.” “You agreed to that, didn’t you?” “He didn’t.” “Thank you, Wormmon.” Ken was ironical with his partner and then turned to his girlfriend. “He’s a sensitive Digimon. It wasn’t scary at all, it was just a normal place. Besides, it was a big opportunity to me.” “I’m not sure how I feel about that. It gets me worried. It’s too risky.” “Every job is risky.” “Being a teacher isn’t.” “You don’t have to worry about me, Hikari.” He assured her. “I can take care of myself. Besides, if anything more serious happens, I have Wormmon with me.” “I know, but…” Hikari looked away for a moment and bit her lower lip. She tried to look confident when she looked at him again. “Okay, I’ll believe you. But you have to promise me you won’t put yourself at risk if you can avoid it.” “I promise.” “Good.” She smiled. “Well, now that the food is here, I should go home.” “Already? Can’t you stay a little more?” “I wish I could, but I don’t want to get in the way of your routine. And I also have to work tomorrow too.” “You’re right.” Ken said disappointed. “We’re both working.” “Yeah, but the weekend is coming. We can definitely do something. I miss hanging out with you too.” She approached him. “Are you sure you can’t stay a little more? Just half an hour, I promise.” “It’s really hard to say no when you ask like that.” She looked up at him and smiled. “Okay, I’ll stay.”
“And then you put this piece over here.” Ken grabbed a piece from the board and moved to another position. “Check-mate.” “I honestly have no idea what you do did. You explained how to play chess, but I can’t get my head around it. It seems so difficult.” “It isn’t that much. It gets easier as you play.” “I bet it does. Would you be upset if I wanted to do something else?” “Absolutely not. It was getting boring anyway. So what do you want to do? Watch a movie?” “No, I need to go soon. If we watched a movie, I’d probably fall sleep and stay the night here.” “Would it be such a bad thing?” “Considering my mom would freak out if she found out I slept here when we’re not even engaged, then yes.” Hikari covered her mouth and her eyes went wide as soon as she heard what she had just said. “Oh my God! I didn’t mean to…” “It’s okay, don’t worry about it. I completely understand it.” “You really didn’t get offended by it? I don’t want you to think I’m pushing you into proposing to me in any way.” “I didn’t get offended at all. I think your mother would freak out too, so we better not push our luck.” “Yeah…” She bit her lower lip and laced her fingers together nervously for a moment. “How about we bake a cake?” “A cake?” “That’s a great idea! I’d love to eat some cake right now.” “That sounds perfect to me. Let’s do it!”
Ken finished putting the ingredients and bowls on the sink and went to get an apron for Hikari and one for himself. “Is this all we need?” “I think so. You’ve never baked a cake before?” “Not completely on my own. I’ve helped my mother before, but never really bothered learning it. It’s not something I feel proud of right now, honestly.” “Well, there’s always time to learn it and change things if you want to. Do you?” “Absolutely, let’s go.” “Alright. Then let’s start. First you need to put flour into the bowl and then…”
Ken and Hikari were looking at the oven to see if the cake was ready. She had a large smile on her face. “Looks like it’s ready. It also looks beautiful, you did a great job on your first time.” “Really?” He looked up at her with his eyebrows raised. “Can you tell just by looking at it?” “Of course. I can tell it looks soft, which is a good thing. No one wants to eat a cake that doesn’t look soft.” He couldn’t help but smile and looked at the oven again. “You should really feel proud.” She grabbed the thick gloves on the sink. “Some people take months or maybe years to learn how to bake a cake. Some never do.” “Did you?” “At first, yes. It took me a few months to learn and a couple of them after I learned to mess it up again.” She laughed. “Until I learned for real. So getting it right the first time is a huge accomplishment. Great job.” “I only did good because of you.” “No, I didn’t do anything.” Hikari shook her head and said in a reassuring tone. “I was just guiding you. You did all by yourself and deserve all the credit for it.” “Thank you.” Ken smiled at her. “You’re so amazing.” “I know.” She bragged and giggled before opening the oven. “I think we can take it out now.”
“So, what do you think?” Ken turned to Wormmon when he finished eating his slice of cake. “It’s so delicious, Ken! You’re such an amazing cook.” “See? I’m not the only one who thinks so. I’m very proud of you.” Hikari ate some of her cake. “By the way, I completely agree with Wormmon. You’re an amazing cook.” “Well, then I’ll have to bake cakes more often. That way you can come here more and spend more time.” “Oh, so is that a bribe?” “Absolutely not. I could never do that.” “For the record, I wouldn’t need a cake as an excuse to come here. I already have enough of a reason to.” “You two are so cute! I’m so happy you found each other.” “Me too.” “So do I.” She leaned over and kissed him briefly. “I hate saying this, but I really have to go now.” “Alright.” Ken stood up and noticed she was collecting everything from the table. “What are you doing?” “I’m pick the dirty dishes to wash them.” “Absolutely not.” He picked them up from her hands and went to place them on the sink. “I will do that.” “Are you sure? Cause I don’t…” “Yes, I’m sure.” He walked to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “I don’t want you to get in trouble with your mother for being at your boyfriend’s house more than you’re supposed to.” “Okay, okay. I’m going.” “I’ll walk you to the door.” “Thank you.” “Text me when you get home.” “Alright.” She kissed him briefly. “I’ll see on the weekend.” “Of course. Thank you again for the food.” “You’re welcome.” “Ken?” Wormmon spoke when his partner closed the door. “What is it?” “You do know that Hikari wants to get engaged, right?” “I do.” He leaned against the door and closed his eyes. “And it’s gonna happen soon.”
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clawz-out-archive · 2 years
Thoughts on Hikari & Ken?
I do like the idea of Ken and Hikari being Jogress partners quite a bit! They both have kind of a "light and darkness" thing going on, and they both have a connection to the Dark Ocean.
Honestly, if Ken and Hikari were to jogress, it would most likely involve the Dark Ocean, somehow. I'm thinking something like they're both trapped in the Dark Ocean, and they need to get out. They'd help each other with the darkness within them (or something like that... sounds emo), then BOOM! Stingmon and Tailmon jogress into a weird cat bug thing (I'm thinking something like a butterfly or a fuzzy moth)! Then they get the hell out of there!
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variouscolors · 1 year
[Shipping tag dumpmon]
[← main menu]
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digitalgate02 · 2 months
@rurulaura replied to your post “I wanna know tell Ni!!”:
I like eijis design. He’s a cute lil guy! I can’t remember her name. But she was either a daikari kid or kenkari kid. Like her too
​ya mean Eiji's sis, Hoshi? She's a KenHika kid. Or you mean Amy, who's Akira's baby sis and is a DaiHika kid?
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digimoninteractions · 6 months
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[ID: Gifs from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 31 showing: (1) Hikari rushes over and crouches beside Ken as he holds his head. Wormmon is at his side, and off to the side are Miyako, Tailmon, and Hawkmon watching in concern. (2) Miyako and Tailmon watch as Ken stands and Hikari helps support him. (3) Everyone walks alongside them as Hikari continues to support Ken. (4) As they walk, a black portal appears in front of them, and their forms glitch. (5) They continue to glitch and gradually turn greyscale as they unknowingly walk into the portal. End ID]
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starspatter · 7 months
Some random Daisuke/Daikari headcanons + hopes(?) for 02TB (I haven't seen the movie yet so no spoilers please):
-during the Odaiba Fog incident, Daisuke was the only kid in line not crying as he was paraded in front of Tailmon - and even tried to fight Vamdemon himself in order to protect his family (only to have his ass beat ofc, thus leading to his feelings of wanting to become stronger in order to save others in the spring 2003 drama CD ;()
-if 02TB follows a similar story to Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, it'd be cute/ironic if lil' Hikari develops a crush on the "mysterious cool oniichan with sunglasses" and completely ignores Ken even if it hurts my childhood Kenkari heart
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timelessanimo · 1 year
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KenKari for @kyanitedragon lolo
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These ships are not the usual mainstream, but - according to my fandom experiences - seem to have their dedicated little corners here and there! Of course there are waaaay more ships out there, so feel free to let me know in the tags or comments what's YOURS!
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earlgreymon · 2 years
headcanon requests, you say? do you have any kenkari headcanons?
kenkari headcanons feel free to interpret these as platonic or romantic! #kenkariwasrobbed
hikari gave ken some hairclips after watching his match one day. she thought it must be a bother playing football with such long (and beautiful) hair, so maybe hairclips would help.
the next day, daisuke called them twin because of the similar haircut and the clip.
so ken started to tie his hair during a match. not that he didn’t like the hairclip; he was just shy.
(and hairclips were so much better than wearing a hat. sorry, takeru…)
in terms of kenyako, hikari was actually the one who helped ken to make a move (or to answer to miyako’s move, because let’s just be real: miyako’s the active one). ken often came to hikari to consult about miyako, even after ken had started dating miyako, and deep inside hikari felt so proud about that. (“hehe, i’m her jogress partner and her best friend—i know her better than mr. boyfriend do!”)
i still believe other than daisuke and miyako, hikari was actually the one who approached ken after the kaiser arc because she felt his struggle with darkness, even though it was still hard for her to apologise for his menace back then. (cue to ep 32 where hikari messaged ken before the kids headed to the digital world)
to be clear, they were not afraid of oceans. be that as it may, at one point in their life, she asked him to go to the beach. they did nothing; just staring at the vast, open water in silence. the ocean was the epitome of darkness for them, so they kinda “train” themselves to get used to it. they learned to suppress the darkness together—maybe “this year, i’ll be brave” was also ken’s mantra, chloe? :p
the beach visit became their routine agenda. every time ken wanted to go to the beach, he would definitely ask hikari too, and vice versa.
among the other digidestineds, hikari was the first one who ask to greet osamu (in japanese household, usually a family had some sort of altar to remember the dead, and one can “greet” the dead by praying in front of the altar). hikari had an older brother like ken, and she couldn’t imagine the burning pain if she lost taichi, hence she wanted to pay some respect.
while in the beginning tailmon was very sceptical towards ken, tailmon then found ken as one of the nicest people ever. being a mature digimon, tailmon really liked to be around someone who was intelligent and could have a meaningful discourse together. tailmon saw ken as one.
on the other hand, wormmon LOVES hikari—but who doesn’t? perhaps because hikari always had this warmth for digimon. if it’s not ken, other than daisuke, minomon only wanted to be hanged in the arms of hikari.
yes, they accidentally bought their mantle at the same place. (if it’s not them going to muji together…)
also, we knew that ken became a heartthrob in college thanks to the newest 02. don’t care what other people said, but i think he would ask hikari to pretend to be his girlfriend once to avoid the fangirl commotion. she was his only option considering miyako was abroad.
ken developed an interest to protect kids after the event with the dark spores. when he studied psychology in college, one of his favourite subjects was child psychology. he conversed a lot with hikari who also took the same class
this was also the reason why, after he became a police, he would drop by around the daycare/kindergarten where hikari worked even though he might not be posted around the area. he wanted to make sure that the kids were safe.
(jk, he actually wanted to see her too)
every year, hikari would pester him to come to the career day as your friendly neighbourhood policeman. he gladly accepted though
(no, he didn’t have the ability to shoot spider web, but he came with wormmon who could shoot sticky nets, so that’s basically the same thing… right?)
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