#Kendrick Allen
dementedfilament · 7 months
Cedric Blair
A bit too chipper, Lilith vanquished her candle flame. “...There’s technically more to that story, but that’s all I should share about it.”
An awkward silence.
“I don’t remember hearing about that one,” Kai broke the quiet.
“Yeah, me neither,” Enzo agreed.
“That’s probably because everyone forgot about her so quickly, since she pushed everyone away like she did,” their senior explained, a subtle sadness welling up in her eyes. “No one talked about her after she disappeared. It was as if she never existed at all.”
Effie frowned. “That’s still really sad…I’m sure she would appreciate that you still remember her though.”
“...There are times I wish we could have swapped places, but that's probably wrong of me to think.”
“Hey,” Kenny began, “don’t think like that! We appreciate you being here, and I’m sure your friend would be happy knowing that you’re still around too. It’s not your fault all that happened.”
She responded to his words, and the mutual agreement around the room, with a small smile. “Thank you. You don’t need to try and comfort me though. I’ve reflected on it many times, and I can cope with my reality now.”
Beside her, Cedric was watching through the corner of one open eye.
“Ahh, I’ve spoken too much already. Let’s move on.” She leaned his way. “Figure out your story, my love?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Then, take it away!”
Cracking a smile, he gave a breathy chuckle. “Thank you.”
When I was born, the doctor that helped deliver me slipped on the sterile floors shortly after and fell on his head. This accident claimed his life that day.
When I was 3, my parents had no choice but to leave me with a babysitter for an undetermined period of time. They were forced to rearrange plans when she had an unexpected heart attack that took her life far too young.
When I was 6, I used to play with my neighbour’s children. We would enjoy running about, guided by our imaginations in our front lawns. That is, until my then-friends were hit by a drunk driver swerving off the road.
It was a tragedy, of course. And the fool of a driver was drunken, so it was clearly his poor decisions that caused this to unfold, correct?
When I was 9, a terrible storm struck the city and damaged our roof. My uncle came to visit for the holiday, offering to fix it while he helped my parents prepare the day’s feast. We had a wonderful time.
Eating quickly, my uncle then dismissed himself a bit early to get to work, and my father left the house to see if the neighbours had a few extra supplies that could be repaid later.
A series of loud crashes followed. My uncle had slipped and fallen off the ladder. He would have been fine, had the beam above him not fallen and impaled his side.
He was pronounced dead upon arriving to the hospital.
We mourned him, as he was a beloved family member. It was all because of the havoc the storm had wrought upon our home that his life was taken from us far too soon.
When I was 12, I visited a local faire with my parents. There were plenty of stalls, entertainers, food, colourful lights. One particular act I was taken with was a series of people dressed as knights, “re-enacting” battles of old—horses, armour, and lances included.
The group was filled with spectacular actors. I was almost convinced I had been transported to the past, witnessing the true squabbles of rival knights. But, perhaps that immersion went too far when one of them was unexpectedly struck and thrown from his steed. He didn’t move for several minutes, and had to be escorted out by emergency services.
I discovered later that he had broken his back. However, I heard that he has since recovered and is doing well. He’s taken to acting on the stage of these faires, and his brilliant acting carries him through a successful career.
When I was 15, I joined a dance group. I had become fascinated with dance after developing a crush on a cheerleader, but my interest led me into the love of the venture rather than the romance of another.
I was told I learned quickly, and could keep up with my seniors quite well. There were minor setbacks here and there, but we eventually worked hard enough to register for a small competition.
It was disastrous. Through a series of blunders, we lost miserably. Everyone around me was sent home with some sort of injury. Two of our members were forced to permanently retire from their dream as a result.
When I was 18, I took the bus to make a long trip for personal matters. The way home was much longer due to the stops that were made, and by the time I had nearly returned, a car drove into the side I was seated on.
Due to my not sitting by the window, I wasn’t directly caught in the crash as my seatmate was. As far as I heard, however, they managed to recover since I escaped the scene quickly.
When I was 21, a bridge I had been resting on while reading collapsed shortly after I departed. A passing bystander was caught with the rubble, but was thankfully rescued from the water, and walked away with only minor injuries.
When I was 24, a devastating explosion demolished half of one of the buildings at my former university. It was the building I primarily studied in.
Thankfully, no one, not even a janitor, was caught in the devastation, as it happened after-hours.
You may have noticed a pattern by now. Perhaps I am surrounded by misfortune, and I have been chosen as the unlucky soul to witness such terrible tragedies.
Perhaps that is an honest statement to some degree, but it is not the truth.
Though, not every instance of ill fortune was so dramatic. When I was 5, a dodgeball somehow slipped past someone's hands and hit the classmate beside me in the nose. When I was 10, a classmate tripped and fell, landing on his own sharpened pencils. (As they were only pencils, he received but a few minor cuts). When I was 15, a close friend of mine would constantly slip and drop his lunch, often all over himself.
My mother took notice of the events happening around me when I was still young, and brought me to many witches and mages to figure out the cause.
Only one granted us an answer. "The boy was born with an ill aura. For as long as he lives, terrible things will happen to those around him. He cannot choose who, nor the severity of the event, as he lacks the vile soul for it to take root in. Perhaps you could say that he, too, was struck with ill fortune upon birth."
He also mentioned that my parents must be immune to the effects of it, as they, or my mother at least, would likely have perished long before I was born.
Despite this, my parents didn't wish to isolate me from society for something outside my control. So, my mother taught me how to ward myself and others in order to reduce or negate any possible consequences of it.
If you've visited Greenwall pharmacy, you may have noticed odd “decor” around the area. Those are not simply decoration; they are talismans I've set in place to protect my technicians and the public we serve. My team is also informed upon hire of the circumstances they'll be working under for their safety. While that has scared some away, my current employees have faithfully remained at my side despite the occasional mishaps.
But, before I stay in a public place for long, there is an incantation I must recite. I’ve also come to understand the feeling of my own aura before it triggers disaster, so I can quickly recite it beforehand and it will still take effect. While I’ve discovered other methods to keep those around me as safe as possible, my mother created and taught me my primary incantation herself.
It goes like this:
—Holding two fingers before his lips, Cedric clasped his hands together.—
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Scaretober 2023
Brisk Wind on a Dark Trail
Midnight Moon
Gargoyle's Watch
Cold Stones in the Fog
Spirits Rising
Haunted House
Witching Hour
Bubbling Cauldron
Spider Silk
Fangs or Talons
An Offering of Blood
Dark Ritual
Spook Scary Skeletons
Carnivàle Morte
Still-Beating Heart
Sharpened Blade
Looming Shadows
The Devil's Hand
Reflection in the Mirror
Rusted Chains
Precious Jewels
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Noelle (Anna Kendrick) VS. Santa Clause (Tim Allen)
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darkostudios-blog · 7 months
I grieve different.
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toxictranny · 1 month
10 + 31 ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
10. i mean … there are people who’d rather be dead than poor … and with them dead we can redistribute that wealth a lil … just sayin … (yes)
31. i have auditory processing disorder so music doesn’t do the grounding thing for me. i’m not very good at liking music tbh for example i enjoy meg and the front bottoms equally.
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instructionsonback · 1 year
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ronniemars · 1 year
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CAMP | 2003 | dir. Todd Graff
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dorawinifredread · 1 year
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sabanmoon · 2 years
why do i have such a strong attraction to sad looking manlets LOL
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nickzois · 2 years
Η δύναμη της μουσικής!
Η δύναμη της μουσικής!
(από το Release Athens Festival και την εμφάνιση του Nick Cave) Είναι καλοκαίρι 2022, όλος ο πλανήτης έχει επιστρέψει στα φεστιβάλ και τις συναυλίες κι ο κόσμος ναι, βρίσκεται εκεί, στις LIVE εμφανίσεις των αγαπημένων του καλλιτεχνών. Στον παγκόσμιο χάρτη από το Coachella στο Glastonbury παρελαύνουν όλοι, ο καθένας με τη μουσική του. No genres! Οι άνθρωποι πλέον επιλέγουν μουσική, δεν υπάρχουν…
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View On WordPress
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popculty · 2 years
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Musicians Speak Out Against the Reversal of Abortion Rights in U.S.
Taylor Swift
Mariah Carey
Billie Eilish
Phoebe Bridgers
Kendrick Lamar
Janelle Monae
Olivia Rodrigo & Lily Allen
Megan Thee Stallion
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dementedfilament · 7 months
Lottie Appletree
Ginger lifted the candle to blow it out.
Beside her, Honey leaned onto one leg. “Damn. Just rub it in my face that you even had birthdays and shit. Ms. Privilege.”
“Urk, s-sorry. I didn’t mean it like that…”
She scoffed playfully. “Whatever.”
“I thought you didn’t like clowns?” Maggie asked.
“I don’t. I have no idea what my obsession with that thing was…” Ginger replied.
Kenny cocked his head. “Did the other girl see what you did, or…?
“No idea.” A pause. “...Y’know, now that I think about it, she went missing shortly after that.” Her gaze trailed off as she murmured, “In hindsight, maybe that was a bad idea…”
“That’s one way to take care of your enemies,” Honey chuckled.
“I guess.” After another moment in thought, she turned to her left. “Well, that’s mine.”
“Ufufufu, my turn?”
It was late afternoon, the sky alight in burning oranges. To the North, it was empty. To the South, it was empty. Through the trees all around…it was empty.
“Ufufufu…uh oh.”
Lottie stretched her arms, the rusted chains on her wrists clanking with the movement. She had been chillin’ on a bare tree stump for at least an hour, if not probably longer, waiting for the group to return for their “prisoner”.
However, she was getting tired, and it was getting late. She really didn’t want to be sitting there throughout the night, especially since they were probably just goofing off elsewhere if that scream was any indication.
Building her resolve to begin the trek home, she sighed and twisted her wrists a bit. Her hands easily popped out of the painted plastic and she slung the strand over her shoulder, nearly knocking off some of her accessories with the motion, then made way for the closest street to follow it home.
Down the lonely road she walked—she didn’t know where it went exactly, but she found herself at peace as she walked alone. A light breeze ruffled the crystal-clear fairy wings on her back, jostling them into a fluttering effect. Her curled hair twisted around the pointed ears mounted at the sides of her head.
Whirring sounded from the distance before whizzing past her. A blue pickup with the cover on. It was then her eyes found the clouds approaching from the distance; she was thankful she donned a warm costume, but she may need to find shelter before she’d make it home all the way.
It was long, this road. There were still nothing but trees and cement in view, and reddening oranges and scuttling clouds overhead. She was hoping to have some sign of her friends by now—be it a sound or even something they dropped—but no. Not yet.
Whirring sounded from the distance before whizzing past her. A blue pickup with the cover on. Hm, that truck seemed awfully familiar.
Eh, whatever.
She was beginning to realize just how far they had gone into the forest, and just how foolish that may have been. She still had quite the trek to go, and the darker clouds were growing ever closer.
Whirring sounded from the distance before whizzing past her. A blue pick—hey, wait a minute.
Lottie carefully read the license plate: HUN712.
The sky was really getting dark now. But Lottie was specifically keeping an eye out for that pickup again. As it had done 3 times already, it passed again at the same speed. HUN712.
She wasn’t sure what to do with this information really, but at least she knew it was the same truck, and that was very strange.
It was basically night now. Was the road always this long? She felt as though she’d made no progress, and she was getting tired of this charade.
HUN712 came whirring up again. If she didn’t know any better, she might’ve asked for a ride, but who in their right mind would ask the strange stalker truck for a ride without expecting to die, or worse?
Thus, she merely allowed it to whiz by as it had been. However, curiosity did cause her to squint at the mirrors and see if she could catch a glimpse of this shady person.
From what she could tell, it was a man in a black hat and matching suit. Very fancy for a repetitive drive through a dense forest. She sees you, Mr. Fancy Man.
And she saw her. Despite the lack of light, she could feel his gaze on her through his rearview mirrors, and she could distinctly make out the white glare of teeth as his lips spread into a wide grin.
Just kidding—she’s not seeing you, Mr. Fancy Man. She’s going to go back into the forest where you aren’t.
Man, who turned off the lights in here? The forest blocked off a lot of the light from the moon and stars, leaving Lottie hiking almost blindly through it. Even worse, it had started sprinkling a bit, but at least it was only a bit.
She managed to avoid most of the roots and stray branches strewn on the grass, but she nearly planted on her face when her foot hit something hard.
Stumbling forward, she caught herself on a trusty tree trunk. What was that clinking sound?
Inspecting the perpetrator, she discovered that a long, rusted chain was slithered across the dirt. She kicked it; it was heavy. She then leaned down a poked it with a finger; it was cold, and certainly more steel than the prop on her shoulder.
Against what may have been better judgement, she chose to sate her curiosity and follow the line to where it either began or ended.
Upon nearing it, she covered her nose with her free hand.
Surrounded in drying blood was a large, metal bear trap. It was too dark to make out anything that may have been in close proximity, but the ferocious metal jaws were pried apart.
Scaretober 2023
Brisk Wind on a Dark Trail
Midnight Moon
Gargoyle's Watch
Cold Stones in the Fog
Spirits Rising
Haunted House
Witching Hour
Bubbling Cauldron
Spider Silk
Fangs or Talons
An Offering of Blood
Dark Ritual
Spook Scary Skeletons
Carnivàle Morte
Still-Beating Heart
Sharpened Blade
Looming Shadows
The Devil's Hand
Reflection in the Mirror
Rusted Chains
Precious Jewels
0 notes
Sorry for the long text, but I need to get this out of my system. The memes and reactions were fun, but it’s time to get a little serious.
No one wants to protect kids, everyone wants to be the kind of person that protects kids.
Epstein, Dan Schneider, R Kelly, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, “allegedly” Drake - all have been an “open secret” for years. And have been protected by their network and business deals and whoever spoke about it got out of the industry or the bullet. Society is very happy to “catch predators” - most men daydream of murdering a bad guy to “protect women and children”. But violence is fun and apparently when your skin is on the line “protecting” is lowered in priority. Also every conversation about fixing the trauma afterwards or helping victims is shunned - just look at those who missed the meaning of “Mother I Sober”. I refuse to believe everyone in Ovo is a pedo, but I’m sure many of those people see this shit as “he is weird with girls but he is a very nice guy” or “the girls looked okay with it” or even “don’t bit the hand that feeds u”. This is why women choose the bear, because no one has a bear on payroll, no one is afraid of the bear’s lawyer or the bear’s network or that angering the bear will end their careers. I get that policemen will ignore it if your pockets are greased, but damn do we really need to do Sun Tzu mind games to send these rotten pedos in the cell?? This is not about Kendrick because he is one man, who probably just got the mole too, but about all those who knew everything and said nothing for years.
ALSO MORE IMPORTANTLY everyone wants to protect kids until they are palestinians bombed in Gaza. CHILDREN ARE BOMBED RIGHT NOW. Because this issue keeps going on and the only diss against zionists is signed by Macklemore. And a diss is nice and all, but it’s limited activism. Again people will dance to songs discussing politics and have the meaning fly over them. It’s not something I wrote about much but I went to protests. Apparently popular opinion is that only the “crazy” people still join. Apparently “normal” people don’t try to protect children too much, it gets cringe after x protests. Apparently protecting children has an emotional warranty until it starts being bad for your optics.
I’ve worked with refugee kids and people would call me a “saint” for doing the work, but accuse me of being woke when I actually got ideas - the thing that inevitably happens when you do the work. almost like protecting children is more than a cute ego stroke. Apparently children are only worth protecting as far as your college applications appreciate it, nothing more afterwards.
My point is - we should start really protecting kids. All kids. And maybe people would want to have kids again if we didn’t feel like we live in which no one is bothered to really protect kids.
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cxndiedvi0lets · 3 months
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ㅤㅤ𖤐ㅤㅤ ⩇⩇:⩇⩇ㅤㅤ─ㅤㅤ ☠︎︎
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ㅤ ⎾ ̄ ̄ ̄
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ㅤㅤ✞︎ㅤㅤㅤMy DMs are always open to talk
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤdon't be shy to message me anytime. :)
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐌𝐞. ❀
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤHi, im Violet, and I'm a Ghost. Boo.
Hi, Im Violet, and I'm 18+, Please ask for my age in DM. Thank you ! I'm a She/Her, but I'm comfortable with any pronouns. I'm also a founder of the band called 'The Nomads' and lead singer. I am an INFP-T, My house is Slytherin, My Cabin is Cabin 5 Ares, and my Zodiac Sign is a Gemini. I am also a Semi-Literate Roleplayer, and I'm dead. lol.
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American Horror Story, Breaking Bad, Tokyo Ghoul, NANA, Junji Ito, Bungo Stray Dogs, Skins, Euphoria, Chainsaw Man, Bridgerton, Hannibal, 13 Reasons Why, Mandela Catalogue, Happy Meat Farms, Local 58, Marble Hornets ...
Scream, It, The Shinning, The School for Good and Evil, Heathers, Mean Girls, Wild Child, Jumanji, Sherlock Holmes, Enolma Holmes, Girl Interrupted, Twilight, Blade Runner 2049, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, All The Bright Places, The Breakfast Club...
Musicals & Plays
Heathers, Be More Chill, Harry Potter Cursed Child, Beetlejuice,...
Books, Comic Books & Mangas
The Stranger, A Little Life, The Idiot, Inferno, NANA, Junji Ito, Chainsaw Man, Red Hood & The Outlaws, The New Teen Titans, Portraits of Dorian Gray, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Sherlock Holmes
Left 4 Dead, Silent Hill, The Last of Us, Fatal Frame, Roblox, God of War, Undertale, Five Nights at Freddy's, Legend of Zelda, Life is Strange, Cyberpunk 2077, Mad Father, Sally Face, Alice in Madness, Franbow, Little Misfortune...
Music Artists
Mirah, Rob Zombie, Feeding People, Arctic Monkeys, Melanie Martinez, Gun N' Roses, Rolling Stones, The Kinks, The Strokes, Hole, Nirvana, Deftones, Panic! At The Disco, The Clash, The Killers, Hole, Radiohead, Chase Atlantic, The Neighbourhood, The Weeknd, Poppy, Mars Argo, Blur, Slowdive, Soundgarden, Ramones, Wisp, Strawberry Switchblade, Maneskin, Muse, Ice Nine Kills, Insane Clown Posse, Sleeping with Sirens, Joy Division, Sonic Youth, The Beatles, Pierce the Veil, Alice in Chains, Bikini Kill, Feeding People, Mother Mother, Paramore, My Chemical Romance, Ayesha Erotica, Ashnikko, Avril Lavigne, Three Days Grace, YUNGBLUD, Lil Peep, Kendrick Lamar, Pixies, Mazzystar, The Cranberries, David Bowie, Peneloppe Scott, Pearl Jam, Vocaloid, Widowspeak, The Smashing Pumpkins, Buzzcocks, Sex Pistols, The Smiths, Morrissey...
Gabriel Picolo, Michael Angelo,
Edgar Allen Poe, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Brothers Grimm, Albert Camus, Franz Kafka, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Max, Jane Austin, Virginia Woolf ...
Loud Noises, Assholes, Narcissists, Egotistical People, Crowded Places, Musical Snobs
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𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐬
Discord: candied.vio.lets
Instagram: cxndiedvi0lets
Twitter: cxndiedvixlets
Tiktok: cand.iedvixlets
Spotify: TheGhostofMyFormerSelf.
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fayiaz · 3 months
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my intro !! 𖦹 | i won’t be writing ୨୧
about me : i’m blk, i love music, my fave colors r dark green dark green and purple and pink, i LOVE editing, LOVE french fries, i’m a taurus, um yeah that’s basically all i could think of rn 😭
my favorite music artist r : brent faiyaz, fiona apple, kendrick lamar, tyler the creator, lana del rey, drake, steve lacy, earl sweatshirt, frank ocean, billie eilish, faye webster, mitski, sza, nicki m, j cole, macdemarco, alex g, karrahboo, ariana grande and lil yachty
my fave actors r : ariana greenblatt, zendaya, sydney sweeney, drew starky, alexa demie, taylor russel, victoria pedretti, jeremy allen white, jenna ortega, millie bobby brown, calebmclaughlin, and sadie sink
fave shows + movies : the umbrella academy, shameless, stranger things, cobra kai, victorious, sam and cat, mako mermaids 🙏🏽, outer banks, level 16, do revenge, never have i ever, enola holmes, on my block, barbie, the barbie movie, you, and the hollow
fave youtuber : triplets obv, coryxkenshin, sinjin drowning, daydrian harding, larray, nai, courtreezy, dorisxchi, kanal joesph and deb smikle :)
fave influencers : triplets, larray, nai, quen, sophia birlem, alexis carrington 💗, madison beer, sab quesada, maddie ziegler, kenzie ziegler, hayley leblanc, madi f, jules leblanc, enya umanzor, and drew phillip !!
.. the end 🧍🏽‍♀️
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ronniemars · 1 year
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CAMP | 2003 | dir. Todd Graff
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dorawinifredread · 1 year
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