#Kevin Castanheira
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Staz Lindes by Kevin Castanheira for Free People June 2017 Lookbook
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justesurlapeau · 1 year
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quotesfrommyreading · 2 years
Complex decisions don’t just boggle our brains; they exhaust them too. If you give someone a choice between doing a difficult or easy math problem, most people prefer the easier mental lift, da Silva-Castanheira explains. His thesis investigates the effort behind decision-making, and, he says, “There's a lot of evidence behaviorally that suggests that people don't like making [preference or risk-based] decisions…So, for example, when a decision is really hard, people tend to do things like stick to the status quo, or not even choose at all.”
A famous illustration of this decision avoidance took place in a gourmet grocery store. Customers shown a display of six flavors of jam purchased a jar ten times more often than the people shown 24 varieties.
A different series of experiments hinted that decision-making takes a mental toll. For example, participants asked to plan their course load showed depleted self-control as compared to others who were asked merely to contemplate undergrad classes. The decision-makers tended to stop studying faster. In other tests, people who’d had to make choices gave up on basic addition problems more easily and pulled their hands out of ice water faster.
Cognitive fatigue also seems to impact our ability to make deeply thought-through choices. One study found that as Scottish nurses’ shifts wore on, they played it increasingly safe when deciding on whether or not to refer a patient to another medical provider. Another discovered that approval rates for credit loan applications sagged as reviewers approached their lunch breaks.
The Covid pandemic has stressed Americans out. Since 2020, self-reported stress levels have remained higher than they’d been since 2015. Fretting over who will take care of a child who has to quarantine due to a Covid exposure or budgeting for rising inflation only increases the baggage on our brains. During the spring of 2020, da Silva-Castanheira surveyed adults across the U.S. about their level of pandemic-related worry. Faced with a simple matching task, worrywarts were thinking slower than their more Covid-unconcerned peers; the psychologists theorized that their stress was, essentially, hogging background brainpower.
  —  Why It’s So Hard to Make Risk Decisions in the Pandemic
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miamaimania · 2 years
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TO BE PERCEIVED BY TOUCH emily labowe by kevin castanheira
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skirtmag · 3 years
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skirtjournal · 3 years
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Rock n Roll Babydolls
'FAKE CLUB SS16' is a big FUCK YOU to all of the copycat clubs, gangs, cults, sisterhoods popping up out there.. Because the original is always better than the copy..
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mellowyknox · 6 years
Marshall "Voice"
Director: Kevin Castanheira Creative Director: A.M. Sekora Cinematographer: Todd Martin Editor: Stephen Dunne Colourist: Simon Bourne
Post: Framestore London
Year: 2018
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helloyoucreatives · 6 years
Marshall Headphones is putting its impeccable rock’n’roll credentials front and centre of a new advertising campaign to promote the launch of two speakers at the centre of Marshall’s partnership with Amazon Alexa.
The campaign was created in house by Marshall, with the vital sound element devised by Scramble Soho. In it, a young man opens his front door and says ‘Alexa, play “Easy”’. The focus then switches not to a traditional voice-activated Alexa device but to a speaker that has the unmistakable design of a Marshall amp. Things start to get interesting when the man then says ‘Alexa, turn it up’.
Marshall worked with American director Kevin Castanheira to film the campaign, which was produced through DED and shot in multiple locations in Lithuania. Castanheira has worked for brands such as Huawei, PayPal and George Clooney’s Casamingo tequila.
The campaign supports two new speakers – the Stanmore II and Acton II – which were unveiled on 30 August. The Stanmore II Voice with Amazon Alexa goes on sale in the US on 2 October with other markets to follow.
The new campaign, which is the first joint initiative between Amazon Alexa and Marshall Headphones, consists of a 45-second online video, with 30”, 15” and 10” cut downs, as well as social content.
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indianfitnesscare · 3 years
Fear and Worry Over COVID-19 can Lead to Impaired Cognitive Function
Fear and Worry Over COVID-19 can Lead to Impaired Cognitive Function
. ‘The basic cognitive abilities measured here are crucial for healthy daily living and decision-making,’ said study author and McGill graduate student Kevin da Silva Castanheira in a statement released by the Canadian university. Participants were asked to rate their level of worry and complete an information processing test where they had to match pairs of digits and symbols according to a…
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gobackhome-rpg · 6 years
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Quando ela entra no salão principal todas as cabeças viram para olhar. É Elara Danielle Mohn! Possui dezesseis anos e está no sexto ano escolar em Hogwarts. É da Grifinória. Se parece muito com Leigh Anne Pinnock. Está atualmente ocupada.
“Art is made by the alone for the alone.”
► Eu cometi muitos erros na minha vida, mas acho que é normal para alguém que quer crescer. ◄
Deixada pelos pais ainda bebê, Elara viveu uma vida simples e sem muito recursos, aos cuidados do primo mais velho, Mike, e junto de Kevin, que tem a mesma idade da garota. Os dois cresceram bem próximos, e se defendem com unhas de dentes, ninguém pode mexer com um sem receber a fúria do outro, além de terem uma conexão mental muito forte, e conhecerem até mesmo o silêncio um do outro.
É uma garota extremamente protetora em relação aos seus primos, que são a única família que já conheceu, e com seus amigos, muitas vezes se tornando algo até um pouquinho sufocante, mas nunca deixando alguém na mão. Também é encrenqueira, e não tem muitos problemas em comprar uma briga ou provocar alguém, não pensa muito antes de agir. Em seus verões no Brooklyn, vive com os olhos roxos e o nariz sangrando, mas passou a pegar mais leve depois do incidente envolvendo seu primo, mas parece que sempre as confusões batem em sua porta.
A garota não leva desaforo pra casa, e não é do tipo que abaixa a cabeça, mas não podemos alegar que seja confiante, porque tem uma insegurança muito grande em relação à si mesma, usando sua força apenas como uma casca. Mesmo com sua personalidade forte, Elara tem um lado sensível e inseguro, sempre acha que vai ser passada trás pelas pessoas que ama, e tem um forte sentimento de rejeição dentro de si, sempre acha que não vai ser boa o suficiente pra nada e nem ninguém, mas não demonstra, estando sempre de nariz em pé e as vezes sendo até meio grossa, além de ser muito crítica com si mesma mesma e com terceiros. Sua facilidade em captar detalhes e olhar julgador são, provavelmente, a coisa mais marcantes na garota, quebrando apenas com o sorriso grande e despreocupado.
Perto de seus quatorze anos, seus pais passaram a procurar pela menina, tentando uma reaproximação, da qual a garota se nega até hoje, e sabe que o primo desaprova, levando em vista que é órfão. A garota sabe tão pouco sobre seus pais quanto os Day’s sabem sobre a família, mas foi uma alegria imensa quando ambos foram convocados para Hogwarts. Mike também, mas nunca chegou a ingressar na escola, porque precisou cuidar das duas crianças.
Os primeiros anos de Elara foram muito pacatos, cheios de brigas, não gostava de ninguém e sentia que era recíproco, mas as coisas passaram a ser melhores com a amizade de Kevin e Wylan, apesar da garota morrer de ciúmes (e não admitir), acabou pegando uma forte amizade com Angie. Ela possui uma personalidade ácida e indecifrável, mas amorosa, é questão de tempo até que ela se abra com as pessoas próximas. Elara não é muito fã dos amigos de Wylan, de forma geral, e crítica bastante os hábitos ruins e imagem que eles passam, fazendo sempre com que esteja no pé, e que sua preocupação muitas vezes pareça implicância.
Assim como primo, Elara é fã de esportes e perde horas com o primo disputando todos os jogos possíveis, mas não é tão competitiva e consegue lidar bem com uma boa derrota. Após o incidente no verão, causado por ela, ela sente que é de sua responsabilidade cuidar de Kevin, e o faz com o maior zelo possível.
Traços Positivos
✧ Protetora ✧ Descontraída ✧ Independente
Traços Negativos
✦ Encrenqueira ✦ Orgulhosa ✦ Desajeitada
Melhor Amigo: Angie Van Eck e Elara Mohn se conheceram através da amizade entre Kevn e Wylan, apesar de dividirem o dormitório desde o primeiro ano. No começo não se batiam muito, graças as suas personalidades ácidas e propensas à brigas, mesmo grudadas como são hoje em dia, as garotas vivem de trocar farpas e brigarem discretamente, mas não conseguem ficar em clima pesado por muito tempo.
Paquera/Namorado/Ex: Dougie d’Maurier foi seu primeiro e único namorado, e tinham um bom relacionamento. Se conheceram em uma das idas da garota à Paris, mas já estudavam juntos a tempos. Suas personalidades batiam, e dois tinham o humor ácido e negro, quando era pra brigar, brigavam mesmo. Com o tempo Dougie foi se afastando, e seu estilo entrando mais em um punk alternativo, despreocupado com brigas, não ligava muito para as coisas que aconteciam ao seu redor, as mudanças não agradaram Elara, que nunca superou o término dos dois, apesar de ser claro que o garoto não se importou muito.
Sabe que é bruxo desde sempre. Possui pai e mãe bruxos, Estella e Dollas Mohn, portanto é sangue puro. Madeira de Castanheira, 13cm, pouco flexível, com núcleo de pena de Abraxan. Seu patrono é um rinoceronte. Não participa de nenhum clube.
► PLAYER ◄ Myzinha.
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Staz Lindes by Kevin Castanheira for Free People June 2017 Lookbook
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quotesfrommyreading · 2 years
The Covid pandemic has stressed Americans out. Since 2020, self-reported stress levels have remained higher than they’d been since 2015. Fretting over who will take care of a child who has to quarantine due to a Covid exposure or budgeting for rising inflation only increases the baggage on our brains. During the spring of 2020, da Silva-Castanheira surveyed adults across the U.S. about their level of pandemic-related worry. Faced with a simple matching task, worrywarts were thinking slower than their more Covid-unconcerned peers; the psychologists theorized that their stress was, essentially, hogging background brainpower.
Making decisions about what is or isn’t safe in a protean pandemic is a mental workout, essentially asking your brain to do burpees in a funhouse of distorted logic. Is there any way to make all of this easier for our poor minds? The experts Smithsonian interviewed offered a few tips:
First, make sure the information you’re basing a risk assessment on is accurate. Covid misinformation abounds, so double-check the source of the fact and make sure you understand its context. You don’t need to memorize every statistic, but make sure your core takeaways—what Reyna would call the “gist”—pass scientific muster. “You get [to a logical decision] much easier once you have intuitions that are rooted in correct scientific knowledge,” Reyna says.
Don’t overweigh anecdotal evidence, Yang advises. Just because a neighbor dined indoors in packed restaurants during the Omicron surge and didn’t get sick doesn’t mean you won’t if case counts shoot up. Instead, the communications professor recommends leaning on information from official sources, like the CDC or your local health department. (Admittedly, reliance on uncounted rapid tests and reduced government reporting can muddy the data; this website will point you to wastewater virus surveillance near you, and you can access CDC community-level reports here.)
Finally, sit tight when emotions are high. “Even though we might feel an urge to go out and have dinner for Valentine’s Day, for instance, it’s important to realize that emotions come in waves…they do dissipate. As much as possible, delay decisions, even if for an hour or two,” Yang suggests.
Personally, I’d call the past 25 months (and counting) wearying, especially as someone whose mind slicks over with a sheen of anxiety and indecision when confronted with a health risk. The science says that no matter how hard I try to weigh the pros and cons of going to a crowded concert, my conclusion will be messy instead of mathematically calibrated. So I’ll keep fumbling along, comforted a bit by the knowledge that I’m not alone in the exhaustion that takes hold every time another variant appears and disrupts our newest version of the “new normal.” Risky decision-making is a tall and taxing order, psychologically speaking. But by taking some simple steps and arming yourself with solid information about both outside circumstances and your own mental biases, you can have more faith in your judgments.
  —  Why It’s So Hard to Make Risk Decisions in the Pandemic
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babyfreesoul · 7 years
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Come un orrizzonte che non sa in che occhi perdersi...
_Gabriel García Márquez
Photo by Kevin Castanheira
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skirtmag · 3 years
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Alice reading Le Canard enchainé a French satirical weekly newspaper.
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universomovie · 7 years
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Creative Direction: Doub Hanshaw. Producer: Emily Bonner. Director of Photography: Kevin Castanheira. Art Direction: Jordan Horner. Styling: Coryn Madley. Post Production: Kevin Castanheira. Models: Staz Lindes & Cole Benedetti.
Free People’s Junho 2017 Lookbook Summer of Love Creative Direction: Doub Hanshaw. Producer: Emily Bonner. Director of Photography: Kevin Castanheira. Art Direction: Jordan Horner. Styling: Coryn Madley. Post Production: Kevin Castanheira. Models: Staz Lindes & Cole Benedetti.
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mellowyknox · 7 years
La Salle "Never Lost"
Production: Eskimo New York Director: Kevin Castanheira Cinematographer: Kate Arizmendi Editor: Scott Hanson
Year: 2017
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