#Kevin and Killer The Horses
bellshazes · 1 year
companion to my bdubs best-of, here's a cheat sheet of my personal favorite etho mindcrack episodes. going to organize this by topic, then miscellaneous stuff by season under the cut. because there is so much.
king of the ladder is one of the best, although you might want to watch the sky shrooms prank episodes leading up to it too. best hour you'll ever spend watching people climb a ladder over and over. sick aerial maneuvers.
boat prank with doc - boat boy! boat boys.
team canada - the first big prank on zisteau, and the painting one - payback will be a bitch. also, ???.
obsidian coffin prank - bdubs falsely claims etho pranked him, so etho builds bdubs a numbers puzzle. of death.
onion pranked - team boobee gifts etho one of his favorite foods.
fun house prank and von sway - a new architectural design style is born.
death games - in order to avenge pause, etho hunts his friends for sport but says if they kill each other, they can increase the amount of times etho will kill the other person. sometimes fails, but also this absolutely spectacular kill on nebris using respawn mechanics to surprise is so good. see also hostility rises.
death games 2.0 - now server-wide opt-in event in the following season. bdubs (and guude) try to kill etho. civil war and an arkas kill.
mass pvp - arena fight night, LENS BATTLE. spawn UHCs, arkasdam pvp,
horsegirl activities - the horse drive-thru, beyonc? and taylor swift, a horse timer, doing wheelies,
season 1
nether project - taking one for the team, etho begins his first nether hub construction in classic nether brick and sandstone. later expanded with help from the b-team.
nice prank - please enjoy this kevin mcleod speed cleaning montage. if you can.
bdoubleo - just before the trial, etho and bdubs discuss their upcoming court case while making trees, 3D cubes, and a big hole at spawn. tune in next to the etho vs the b-team trial to find out why he's got chocolate on his knees.
the underside - etho finds out he's got a roommate and continues his quest for an anvil kill.
the pet shop - etho prepares to open his extremely legitimate, fully-licensed, no illegal activity pet shop and feels just so bad for the poor b-team. also, this is the first episode hoppers existed, which has nothing to do with his new quartz generator.
king of the boat - a bunch of people come together to fix bdubs' flammable arena. shenanigans ensue.
seinfeld fans - etho shows beef his new trivia game.
pvp lesson with generikb - etho teaches pvp skills and learns a new word.
season 2
nether hub again - the nether hub falls on etho again but bdubs pitches in this time. ghost zombies, quartz tragedies, etho's little buddy (betrayal)
i feel fine - etho is NOT sick, tells firework stories while helping with doc's perimeter and helps bdubs fishing rod kill a piglin.
canadian killers - etho's escort service, live, from pauseunpause's gaping hole.
this one just for the wither kill at the end.
workers shack - i literally just love this build fr. he steals bdub's color scheme. for more arena work, see capture points, the layout, bed respawn, death counter, arena chit chat,
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girlblocker · 1 year
ok here are my riverdale webkinz assignments
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betty (this cat is blonde & could have serial killer genes)
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tabitha (magic looking fish. This fish can time travel)
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Veronica (bug… could be poisonous like her s6 powers)
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Cheryl (certified horse girl & it’s on fire)
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Toni (serpent leader)
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jughead(got rabies from a rat)
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Archie (got top surgery from a bear attack )
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gay Kevin (gay)
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dustedmagazine · 18 hours
Listed: Outer World — Part 1
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Outer World is the psychedelic partnership of Traci Wilson (of Dahlia Seed and Positive No) and Kenneth Close (also Positive No), born when Wilson had to work her way through the changes that long COVID forced in her singing style. In her review, Jennifer Kelly called the title track to their debut album, “a hands-in-the-air, hips-on-a-swivel psychedelic bop along the lines of Os Mutantes’ ‘Bat Macumba.’”
They've provided us with a supersized Listed, saying "We just completed the final show of spring dates and it feels like we should share some of the things that were playing in the van relating to the cities we traveled through." The second part is here.
Hard Copy — Torpedo 
Easily our favorite Richmond, VA band who joined us for our tour kick-off and record release. An incredible art-punk quartet who have mastered space and tension. Every time we see them they morph into a unique version of themselves and it was such a treat to have them be part of sending us off.
The Sewerheads — Man of Finite Sorrow
Our old band, Positive No, befriended and played many shows with The Gotobeds from Pittsburgh, PA. When putting together our show in that city, it was natural that Eli's new band The Sewerheads would be involved. We are big fans of anything he does, and The Sewerheads are no exception. They are brash and dive into a dirge feeling that's rooted in nostalgia but fresh all at once.
White Noise — Love Without Sound
Our dear friend Sam Richardson had the grand opening of his new record store, Feel It Record Shop (sharing the same name as his most excellent record label) the day we were playing in Cincinnati, OH.  As a record-collecting band, that was our first stop upon arriving in town. There were many goodies procured and finding a pristine copy of an Outer World favorite, White Noise was simply tops.
Clickbait — Sundae with Peanut
Jen Lenmasters came to our attention via her always informative and very cool IG account She Bop which focuses on women in rock/punk in her record collection. She and her husband Nick own Bric-A-Brac (record shop) as well as the Brewed (coffee shop), which we put on our short list of places to visit in Chicago. They also happen to play in an exciting art punk band called Clickbait who have a new record coming this July. It was a no-brainer to ask them to share a bill with us. 
Tyvek — Wayne County Roads
En route to Michigan, we were blasting Tyvek in the van and we all were bopping our heads to this song as it played. Such an anthem and great driving music to boot! Shelley, who is among the current line of the band, kindly helped us put our Detroit show together and we also shared the bill with another current Tyvek member’s band Deadbeat Beat who earned band most worthy of a record deal award of tour.
Randy Carlos — Satellite U.S.A 
Our first stop in Detroit was Hello Records where some of the Tyvek crew also works. We procured this beautiful Latin comp that looks like a stereo sound test record, but it is filled with goodies including this magical Randy Carlos song. 
The Makers — Don't Challenge Me
Kevin and Shelley from Tyvek DJ'd our Detroit show — seriously the best DJ set of all time. They played some of our all time favorite records to DJ, and this killer single was among them.
Winged Wheel — Grief in the Garden
We played Tubby's in Kingston, NY after a few days off (Earthquaker Devices, tiki drinks, and Niagra Falls - oh my!). Tubby’s is one of the coolest and most artist friendly spots on the east coast and is co-owned by Cory of Winged Wheel,Spray Paint, and Rider/Horse. The new Winged Wheel record came out a few days later and we not only played it on release day on tour, but it has lived on our turntable ever since we got home. A best of 2024 alert! 
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tilbageidanmark · 7 months
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Movies I watched this Week # 149 (Year 3/Week 45):
Between 'Mean Streets' and 'Alice doesn't live here anymore', Martin Scorsese made the documentary ItalianAmerican, which is basically a home movie. It features his parents bicker and talk at their apartment, remembering the old days of their families.
2 with teenager Scarlett Johansson:
🍿 Re-watch: Sofia Coppola's Lost in translation, while waiting for her latest 'Priscilla'. "Sleepless in Shinjuko". Sad and vulnerable 17-year-old Scarlett Johansson, a 'stranger in a strange land' is having a 'Brief Encounter' moment, with less-asshole-than-usual Bill Murray. (Photos Above).
Another melancholic exploration of a lonely young woman, who finds herself captured in a privileged gilded cage. An exceptional, subtle masterpiece. 10/10.
🍿 The horse whisperer starred 14-year-old Johansson as a horse-lover who becomes emotionally stunted after a riding accident that caused her to lose part of her leg (all in the first 10 minutes of the film). It's a sloooow, traditional 3-hour-long story about healing, told mostly in beautifully-cinematic Montana. But it worked for me, in spite of the well-shot sentimentality. 7/10.
My first 2 by German auteur Christian Petzold, both with Paula Beer:
🍿 Afire - a tremendous, complex drama about a vain, immature writer on a working vacation. The little summer cottage close to the Baltic sea, is soon encroached by a forest fire, as does his self-centered world view of himself and his art. It starts at one emotional point, and skillfully moves to a completely different, tense level. 9/10.
🍿 Petzold wanted to make a series of films about the 4 elements. Undine refers to the myth of 'water nymphs', so rivers, industrial diving, large aquariums, and drowning in a pool are all part of the story. It's a lovely, simple romance, which eventually turns into a dark fantasy. My 5th film with Franz Rogowski. 4/10.
3 More of Claude Chabrol’s Hitchcockian thrillers:
🍿 “… You like meat?…”
Le Boucher, a low-key, atmospheric thriller about a single woman who befriends a village butcher, who's also a serial killer. Fantastic snapshot of the people at 'the country' (Dordogne) at this time. 9/10.
🍿 The ceremony (La Cérémonie) is a similar dark story, set in a solid bourgeoisie family. Isabelle Huppert & Sandrine Bonnaire becomes friends and eventually decide kill them all. Like 'Stanley & Iris' from last week, the protagonist is illiterate. 6/10.
🍿 The Unfaithful Wife, another terrific, low-key, civilized study of a French bourgeois household. A loving husband discovers that his loving wife is having an affair, and ends up killing her lover. I liked it so much, and thought it would be a very good candidate for a modern remake. Then I remembered Adrian Lyne's 'Unfaithful' with the luminous Diane Lane in the Stéphane Audran role. Maybe I should watch it again! 8/10.
I discovered Chabrol late, and have only seen about 10% of his 74 movies. Now I have to see them all!
Milf, another film with Virginie Ledoyen, a soft-core sex comedy. Three older women looking to hook up with boys 20 years younger. A similar concept to the Naomi Watts film 'Adoration'. I only watched it because it is directed by a woman and had 13 on the Tomato score. Better than Zalman King.
Wow! After 4 months of anticipation, the venerable bio-pic Oppenheimer finally hit my free streamers. I watched all 3 hours of it but left completely underwhelmed. This is the seventh of Christopher Nolen's praised big-budget epic films that I saw, and so far none of them had floated my boat. Okay, so I'm not a big blockbusters fan.
It's not very hip to rail against McCarthyism in 2023. Twenty-twenty revisionist vision, mambo-jumbo pseudoscience, overwrought endless, loud soundtrack, and basically the usual biography of a "Great man", which is always a boring subject for a movie. 4/10.
3 by regular Fincher screenwriter Andrew Kevin Walker:
🍿 On the other hand, David Fincher’s new thriller The killer was a thrill ride that was a joy to watch. A cold blooded professional assassin, laconic and super-human, flies around the world ruthlessly killing people. Mesmerizing (but predictable) suspense with an effective Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross score. I could do without the inner monologue that replaced conversations in the story. Also, a great comic book knock-out fight after an hour and a half of deliberate, slow go. 7/10.
🍿 In 2001, BMW produced 8 short films by famous directors as "Branded Content", i.e. advertisements. Called 'The hire' they all featured Clive Owen driving Beamers around the world. AKW wrote two of them:
The Follow was directed by Wong Kar-wai, and was about an aborted diamond heist.
Ambush was directed by John Frankenheimer, and was about a woman being followed by her husband.
The other shorts were by John Woo, Tony Scott, Ang Lee, etc.
5 more Danish films, 3 with Henning Moritzen (The patriarch from ‘Celebration’) and 2 with Mads Mikkelsen:
🍿 Tænk på et tal (Think of a number), a 1969 old-fashion, enjoyable Danish 'Krimi' with an enduring theme song. A meek bank teller finds a discarded note from a bank robber, and gets involved in a lethal game.
This story was later remade into the Elliott Gould caper 'The silent partner'. I love such slow and delightful dramas, and I love Bibi Andersson.
it’s funny how movies that used to be throwaway entertainment products 60 years ago, gain completely different meaning today. I should start exploring the many Danish Noir from the 40's and 50's. 7/10.
🍿 50 years later, In the Oscar-nominated short The pig, Moritzen is old and fat, and is being hospitalised for some tests. There he lays and finds comfort in a simple picture of a pig jumping over a fence. Delightful!
🍿 On the other hand, Now is another Danish short (from 2003) starring Mads Mikkelsen. But it's an artsy-fartsy, humor-less, word-less "Art film", shot in black & white, with a constant baby crying. Like 'An Andalusian Dog' but without the charm and the magic… 1/10.
🍿 I was surprised to realize just now that my favorite Danish screenwriter Anders Thomas Jensen directed only 5 features and 3 shorts. (but he wrote 59 scripts!). Wolfgang is an early short of his, and not his best. Now I've seen all the movies that he directed.
I can't wait for his upcoming 'Monster of Florence' with Antonio Banderas and 'Back to reality'. Yeah!
🍿 So I took in one more viewing of his sentimental After the wedding, maybe for the 10th time. So full of emotional twists, old-fashioned melodrama, Sigur Rós score and peak Sidse Babett Knudsen.
Budapest Noir, a Hungarian murder mystery, set up in anti-semitic 1936. A hard boiled crime reporter investigates a murder of a beautiful prostitute, like a Jake Gittes named Zsigmond. Very strong 'Chinatown' vibes, including a smokey jazz score that tries to recreate its haunting atmosphere, and even the final line of dialogue "This is Budapest". 5/10.
[This is the 115th woman-directed film I've seen so far this year!].
Dumb money, the first enjoyable Reddit movie, about the 2021 GameStop short squeeze. Compelling Class War rhetoric with Seth Rogen as the billionaire 'heavy'. Up-to-the-minute updated drama of the 1% Vs. the unwashed masses. I think it will endure as another worthy addition to the sub-genre of 'highly entertaining explanation to boring real-life financial story', just like 'The big short' and 'Margin call'.
However, it used an Artificial Intelligent editing model that color-corrected the whole movie into a weird, fake, washed up look. 8/10.
First watch: Kurosawa's bleak Drunken Angel, an early post-war Yakuza film, and the first of the 16 collaborations between him and Toshiro Mifume. An alcoholic doctor befriends a young hoodlum suffering from tuberculosis. Located around an open sewer in a seedy neighborhood, still suffering under the American occupation.
Ikarie XB 1 (Or 'Voyage to the End of the Universe' as it was called in American), an influential and ambitious 1963 Czechoslovakian science-fiction saga, based on a Stanisław Lem novel. "Futuristic" space decor and story, very much in the Star Trek style. Cultish 1960's popcorn philosophy, but nonsensical and not a serious world building. Not for me - 1/10.
Thank Dog that the third season of Tim Robinson’s 'I think you should leave' was so short. The first season was outrageously different. The second season was a 'repeat on a theme'. This one was just cringey irrelevant. Absurd, awkward, confusing situations, exploding rage at small mistakes. No!
My first (and last) stand-up by comedian Nate Bergatze, The greatest average American. Average stories of 'relatable' everyday nitty gritty were hardly worth a chuckle.
(My complete movie list is here)
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godisasimp · 2 years
Because nobody asked for them
My honkai opinions !!!!!
Yeah I ran out of ideas, how can you tell ?????
1- Durandal being OG Kiana is shit and I don't like it because now everything OP she does can be explained by : Kaslana genes + Shariac genes = OP, so I would have preferred OG Kiana to be dead like we all thought she was for years. (Also Krishna is meh name her horse should be officially named Juan)
2- Kevin should be playable to compensate for the lack of HoV/Sirin content in this game.
3- Bronya is like almost as mistreated as Sirin by MiHoYo and it's actually a problem because we all know she is a trained killer and sniper and could and would actually kill people if Seele or the VodKa siblings were in danger. Stop making her lose literally every fight her power is actually one of the strongest and you know it.
4- You literally brought Kallen back to life and you're just not doing anything about it. Not even an event about that other reality. (Ok maybe they're keeping that for a later part of the story but still)
5- New CaptainVerse event ??? Like it's been ages since we had one and it's actually a dope story and we need more content about it please.
6- Talking about CaptainVerse, Tempo event rerun ? Like on a discord server nobody agreed about what she was : some though she was a fusion of some kind between Rozaliya and Liliya and others thought she was like a big sister to them ; so like rerun the event and maybe make the story more clear when you do, because Tempo is like a cool looking character and she needs more love.
I'm done now y'all can cancel me <3
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dgct2 · 1 year
Season 3 Kristin Gaines
I started this project as a celebration of Alexa's birthday which is May 28th. This set features the 16 episodes before Dylan McDermott joins the show as Remy Scott.
As always click on the link to go to my gif-set. Please like or reblog if you want to keep them. Do not use the gifs for anything else. It took me a long time to make them.
COMPLETED: May 28th, 2023
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Other Kristin Threads
Season 3 Remy & Kristin - 3x17 to 3x22.
Season 4 Remy & Kristin - 4x01 to 4x22.
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3x01 Exposed
A local FBI case involving two murdered women and a sea of powerful men turns into a manhunt for the dangerous leader of a far-reaching criminal enterprise.
This is Part 3 of the 1st FBI Crossover. Alexa Davalos joins the show as Kristin Gaines. This crossover would also be the introduction of Luke Kleintank as Scott Forrester on FBI International. Alexa and Luke starred opposite each other in Prime Video's alt history thriller The Man In The Castle. That is my next set of gif sets that I will be working on.
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3x02 Patriots
New Fugitive Task Force member Kristin Gaines joins Jess and the team as they head to DC to find a dangerous fugitive from the January 6 Capitol riot.
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3x03 Tough Love
When a judge known for serving harsh sentences to juveniles is murdered, the team looks into his lengthy list of cases in the hunt for his killer; Kristin faces family hurdles while resettling with her teenage daughter in New York City.
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3x04 Inherited
The team must determine if the kidnapping of a young Chinese-American woman is a random hate crime or if she was specifically targeted; Jess and Sarah struggle with Tali's continued rebellious streak.
Trivia: We meet CIA Agent Kevin Miller in this episode. Kristin asks him about the interest the Chinese have in CRISPR tech. Kevin will show up later in 3x22 A Man Without A Country.
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3x05 Unhinged
After a deadly fire at an arcade, the team discovers the blaze was just the first step in an intricate plan to exact revenge on one of the victims; Hana rejoins the team, finding new adjustments in all aspects of her life.
Trivia: There is a blooper in this episode. When Hana and Kristin are talking to the loan shark you can see a wedding ring on Kristin's hand. Later when Kristin talks to Hana and Sheryll she tells that she's divorced from Nick.
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3x06 Lovesick
The team attempts to hunt down a family annihilator before he continues his murder spree; Barnes' intrusive mother puts pressure on her marriage.
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3x07 Gladiator
The team investigates the murder of a professional basketball player's wife, who was a famous lifestyle guru; Kristin and her ex-husband grow closer; special agent Isobel Castille checks in with the team on the high-profile case.
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3x08 Sport Of Kings
After a prized Kentucky racehorse is stolen and its groomer is taken hostage, the team quickly learns they may be the only ones who consider the young woman's safety a priority over the horse's; Byron returns to celebrate the holidays with Jess.
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3x09 Run Hide Fight
While holiday shopping, Barnes and Jess are caught in the middle of a mall shooting; Gaines, Hana and Ortiz try to help from the outside, knowing their team's family members are inside and at risk.
Trivia: This episode marks the introduction of David Hudgins as the new showrunner for FBI Most Wanted. It is also the first episode that follows a new format of jumping right into the action.
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3x10 Incendiary
The team hunts for a young man who is using napalm-style bombs to attack his targets; with Tali away, Jess and Sarah begin to adjust to their empty nest.
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3x11 Hunter
The task force chases a killer who plays a twisted game of cat and mouse with his victims; Hana shares something personal about herself with her new roommate, Ortiz.
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3x12 El Pincho ( 7 Parts )
The team searches for a notorious Colombian drug lord after he escapes from a U.S. prison; Kristin begins to open up to her ex-husband about her past.
Trivia: This is the episode that delves into Kristin's past in Miami. We'll learn more in 4x03 Succession.
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3x13 Overlooked
The team searches for a businessman wanted for murder and an embezzlement scheme; Jess takes advantage of his empty nest to properly court Sarah.
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3x14 Shattered
The team pursues an abusive man who is on the hunt for an ex-girlfriend trying to escape him; Jess and Sarah make plans to take their dream vacation together.
Trivia: This is the final episode with Julian McMahon as SSA Jess LaCroix.
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3x15 Incel
The team must track down a murderous member of the incel community targeting those he believes never give him a chance; Barnes, Hana, Ortiz and Kristin deal with their grief in the wake of Jess' death.
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Alexa Davalos is marked as the lead actor for this episode. This is the first time in the FBI verse. She was the lead actor on The Man In The High Castle.
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3x16 Decriminalized
The team gets called to Vermont after a married couple who grow illegal marijuana massacres their employees; Barnes begins to regret not taking any time off to bond with her new baby.
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frogsplashley · 1 year
Bray’s storyline is heavily inspired by the Hannibal tv show. Specifically season 2 episodes 8-10. In episode 8 we see a mentally disabled man being abused and accused of murder. This man is first shown tending horses, reminiscent of the vignette of how Bray ”fixed” Erick and Erick is seen petting plastic horses. I thought it was a cute coincidence and left it at that. But then episode 9 is when it gets obvious. Hannibal and Will start tracking a serial killer who rips apart his victims like a rabid animal. Hannibal knows this man. He was a patient of his who saw himself as more of a beast than a man. Hannibal visits him and asks him what clings to his teeth. The “beast”, Randall Tier tells him “ragged bits of scalp trailing their tails of hair like comets.” Hannibal is delighted to know that Randall has been embracing his nature and instructs him to attack Will. With Randall now donning the suit he created out of bones to make himself into a monster, Hannibal gives him an empowering speech.
“The solitude of what you do is to be respected, and I intend to honor that. I’ve only come to offer you words of encouragement. You are becoming, Randall, and this beast is your higher self. Your bodies, voices, and wills are all one.”
This speech ends with the words
“Revel in what you are.”
The episode ends with Will killing Randall and Hannibal being visibly thrilled by Will becoming a murderer and that he pushed him to it. This marks the moment where Will seemingly succumbs to Hannibal’s influence.
The next episode shows that Hannibal and Will then dismembered Randall and hang his flesh on the bones of a sabertooth tiger with his face drapped over the tiger’s head.
This entire arc is detailing how Hannibal’s ”therapy” is destructive, egging people on to commit murder. These episodes debuted in 2014. I wonder if that’s why he’s been using the death’s head moth logo. Maybe understanding Hannibal’s therapy can give us insight to how Howdy has been pushing him to be a monster. I also remember a conversation with Will that he had about how sometimes he shatters a teacup on purpose and is dissatisfied when it doesn’t come back together by itself, referencing how he “breaks” people and is never happy with the result. the disabled man named Peter from episode 8 is briefly shown in episode 9. he has a pet rat named Kevin that he keeps hidden. I thought that was cute because Erick’s spider was originally going to be a rat. Thinking about it, in episode 8 he is almost driven to murder when the man who has been framing him kills his pets. Erick’s spider was also killed. That one is purely coincidence but if Erick came back I’d love to see how that plays out. Will asks Peter about the murders since the attack patterns seem like different animals and he thinks whoever the murderer is is training these animals. He asks if someone could get a bear and a wolf to hunt together and Peter says with enough training you can make an animal do all kinds of things. Makes me think of how Cult Leader Bray used Luke, Braun, and Erick. Could we see a more wolfish Erick in the future? A more bear-like Braun? Watching interviews with Erick and he mentions an unseen rivalry between him and Braun that they wanted to explore. There’s a lot of inspiration in this show. Even considering how because the show runners couldn’t stay true to their vision due to licensing restraints which ultimately led to the show’s cancellation. Maybe he chose to emphasize this show’s influence as a reference to the release and how the story never went the way they wanted due to outside interference. It even points to how I MIGHT BE RIGHT ABOUT ISLA! assuming Bray is playing in Hannibal’s yard, there’s a nice fat clue in the moths. did you know in The Silence of the Lambs the death’s head hawk moth was originally a black witch moth? Little bit of trivia I‘ve known since I was a kid. Well. The black witch moth has some relatives. The owl moth and the white witch moth. Vincent and Dutch have referenced owls a lot lately (which are TERRIFYING btw)
and Isla Dawn used to be known as the white witch.
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jamiemottram · 1 year
The 39 Best Albums of 2022 For Real
Can’t believe I’ve been doing this for a decade now, loving it. (See previous lists down low.)
No particular order this year, other than the top ones being my most played new releases.
For me this’ll be the year that I finally saw The War on Drugs ... twice! Double the live Drugs! 
They didn’t put out a new record in ‘22; that’ll have to wait until like ‘25, at their pace. They did put out some killer B-sides, though.
And we still have all of this to enjoy. Give me a shout if I missed something you think I’d like ... 
Spotify playlist: Best Albums of 2022 for Real | Bonus playlist: Best Songs of 2022 for Real
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Kurt Vile :: (watch my moves) 
Wilco :: Cruel Country 
MJ Lenderman :: Boat Songs 
Kevin Morby :: This Is A Photograph
Band Of Horses :: Things Are Great 
Spoon :: Lucifer On The Sofa 
Plains :: I Walked With You A Ways
Eccentric Soul :: The Shiptown Label 
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever :: Endless Rooms 
Danger Mouse & Black Thought :: Cheat Codes
Color Green :: Color Green
Freddie Gibbs :: $oul $old $eparately 
Tim Heidecker :: High School
Goose :: Dripfield 
Pusha T :: It’s Almost Dry
Big Thief :: Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You
The Smile :: A Light For Attracting Attention
Built To Spill :: When The Wind Forgets Your Name
Kendrick Lamar :: Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers
Wild Pink :: ILYSM
Angel Olsen :: Big Time
Alvvays :: Blue Rev
Bill Callahan :: REALITY
Futurebirds :: Bloomin’ Too
Martin Courtney :: Magic Sound
Florist :: Florist
The Reds, Pinks and Purples :: Summer At Land’s End
Tyler Childers :: Can I Take My Hounds To Heaven?
Toro y Moi :: Mahal
Damien Jurado :: Reggae Film Star
Spiritualized :: Everything Was Beautiful
Revelators :: Revelators Sound System
S.G. Goodman :: Teeth Marks
Nas :: King’s Disease III
Erin Rae :: Lighten Up
Jake Xerxes Fussell :: Good And Green Again
Beach House :: Once Twice Melody
Past years: The Best Albums of 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 368
Comic Reviews:
Batman: Dear Detective by Lee Bermejo
Black Adam: Justice Society Files – Atom Smasher by Bryan Q. Miller, Cavan Scott, Marco Santucci, Travis Mercer, John Kalisz, Michael Atiyeh
Dark Knights of Steel: Tales From the Three Kingdoms by Tom Taylor, CS Pascat, Jay Kristoff, Sean Izaakse, Michele Bandini, Caspar Wijngaard, Antonio Fabela, Romula Fajardo Jr
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths 4 by Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere, Alejandro Sanchez
My Buddy Killer Croc by Sara Farizan, Nicoletta Baldari
Amazing Fantasy 1000 by Dan Slott, Kurt Busiek, Jonathan Hickman, Neil Gaiman, Ho Che Anderson, Rainbow Rowell, Michael Pasciullo, Armando Ianucci, Michael Cho, Anthony Falcone, Ryan Stegman, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Marco Checchetto, Jim Cheung, Olivier Coipel, Todd Nauck, Goran Parlov, Terry Dodson, Steve McNiven, Rachel Dodson, Klaus Janson, JP Mayer, Matt Wilson, Rachelle Rosenberg, Jordie Bellaire, Sonia Oback, Frank Martin, David Jay Ramos, Richard Isanove
Alien 1 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Julius Ohta, Yen Nitro
All-Out Avengers 1 by Derek Landy, Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Frank D’Armata
Fantastic Four: Full Circle by Alex Ross, Josh Johnson
Infinity Comics
It’s Jeff by Kelly Thompson, Gurihiru
Antioch 1 by Patrick Kindlon, Marco Ferrari
Dark Horse
Shock Shop 1 by Cullen Bunn, Leila Leiz, Danny Luckert
Ninjettes 1 by Fred Van Lente, Joe Cooper, Dearbhla Kelly
Star Trek 400 by Wil Wheaton, Mike Johnson, Chris Eliopoulos, Declan Shalvey, Rich Handley, Joe Eisma, Seth Damoose, Luke Sparrow, Megan Levens, Angel Hernandez
Everyday Hero Machine Boy by Irma Kniivila, Tri Vuong
Karma GN by Dan Wickline, Carlos Reno
Kali GN by Daniel Freedman, Robert Sammelin
Garlic and the Witch by Bree Paulsen
Always Never by Jordi Lafebre
Sabrina Anniversary Spectacular 1 by Dan Parent
Last Line 1 by Richard Dinnick, Jose Holder, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Dave Sharpe
Highball 1 by Stuart Moore, Fred Harper, Lee Loughridge
Boogyman 1 by Mathieu Salvia, Djet
E-Ratic: Recharged 1 by Kaare Andrews, Brian Reber
Ray’s OGN Corner: American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang, Lark Pien
Longbox of Horror
Additional Reviews: 13: The Musical, Cuphead Show s2, Butterfly Garden, She-Hulk ep4, Lost in Space s3, Uploads s1, Pinocchio, Cars on the Road, new Simpsons short
News: Dead-End Paranormal Park returns in October for s2, Theme Parks, Stan Sakai back to Dark Horse, Disney+ Day, D23 news, Wish/Elio/Inside Out 2 from Disney/Pixar, Mufasa: The Lion King, October is Jeff month, Radiant Pink, Radiant Yellow, Squid Game star takes on Star Wars role, Paper Girls cancelled, Netflix release model, Anthony Ramos as the Hood, Matt Shankman of WandaVision to direct Fantastic Four, Don Cheadle lead in Secret Invasion and Armor Wars, Leader and Sabra confirmed for Cap 4, Thunderbolts cast, Young Jedi Adventures, Otto Schmidt, Dark Web details
Trailers: Knives Out 2, Quantum Leap, Disenchanted, Little Mermaid, Wendel and Wild, Willow, Andor, Tales of the Jedi, Mando s3, Secret Invasion, National Treasure, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Santa Clause, Percy Jackson, Fabelmans, Werewolf by Night
Comics Countdown:
Always Never GN by Jordi Lafebre
Garlic and the Witch GN by Bree Paulsen
Batman 127 by Chip Zdarsky, Belen Ortega, Jorge Jimenez, Luis Guerrero, Tomeu Morey
Twig 5 by Skottie Young, Kyle Strahm, Jean-Francois Beaulieu
Dark Knights of Steel: Tales From the Three Kingdoms by Tom Taylor, CS Pascat, Jay Kristoff, Sean Izaakse, Michele Bandini, Caspar Wijngaard, Antonio Fabela, Romula Fajardo Jr
TMNT 132 by Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman, Sophie Campbell, Pablo Tunica, Ronda Pattison
Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine 2 by Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor
Punisher 6 by Jason Aaron, Paul Azaceta, Jesus Saiz, Dave Stewart
New Champion of Shazam! 2 by Josie Campbell, Evan Shaner
Once and Future 29 by Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain
Check out this episode!
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duelcafe · 2 years
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people!
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WHORE, in this moment  —  so how can this be? you're praying to me. there's a look in your eyes... i know just what that means. 
BURY ME FACE DOWN, grandson  —  i won't go quietly, i'm bringin' my crown. and when i go into that ground, oh, they gotta bury me face down.
DIFFERENT WORLD, alan walker  —  broken smile, tired eyes... i can feel your longing heart. call my name, howling from afar.
SAVAGES, marina and the diamonds  —  i'm not the only one who finds it hard to understand... i'm not afraid of god, i am afraid of man.
BATTLE CRY, imagine dragons  —  stars are only visible in darkness. fear is ever-changing and evolving.
WHITE DOVE, koda  —  i had this feeling that you'd betray me if i gave too much and you took too much to keep, but here we both stand.
UNBECOMING, starset  —  and i swam in the wakes of imposters just to feel what it's like to pretend. there's no dreams in the waves, only monsters.
LET IT ROCK, kevin rudolf  —  truth is hard to swallow, so you pray to god to justify the way you live a lie.
WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG, the killers  —  you sit there in your heartache waiting on some beautiful boy to save you from your old ways.
ALL THE KING'S HORSES, karmina  —  there is a reason i'm still standing, and i will run fast, outlast everyone that said no.
TAGGED BY:  stole from @2citiez! TAGGING:  whoever wants to!
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quoththemaven · 4 months
2023 Favoritest Jams
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Home is Where’s The Whaler - Never heard of them two months ago, totally obsessed! 
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The Chemical Brothers’ For That Beautiful Feeling - Kings gonna 👑 Did not foresee hitting this point in my 40s where I listen to the Bros more than LCD, but here we are. Hooks for days, nary a missed beat, plus my single/jam of '23 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRtxogXp8sY).
Black Country, New Road’s Live at Bush Hall - the future 😍
Fever Ray’s Radical Romantics - also fave show of the year, love them weird ass earworms like Wrath of Khan
MSPAINT’s Post-American - what a name and what an eardrum assault
Ulrika Spacek’s Compact Trauma - if you miss Deerhunter….
Wednesday’s Rat Saw God - oh we can have the whole wall of guitars don't mind if I do
Young Fathers’ Heavy Heavy - while we wait endlessly wondering if TVOTR will ever play again 🤷‍♂️
Yves Tumor’s Praise A Lord Who Chews But Which Does Not Consume; (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds) - fave new act of the last few years, bring the weird, bring the pop, tip cap to Prince
boygenius’s the record; the rest
bar italia’s Tracey Denim
Blonde Redhead’s Sit Down For Dinner
Blur’s The Ballad of Darren
Bully’s Lucky For You
Deerhoof’s Miracle-Level
Danny Brown’s Quaranta
En Attendant Ana’s Principiia
feeble little horse’s Girl with Fish
Feist’s Multitudes
Fireworks’ Higher Lonely Power
Girl Ray’s Prestige
Hotline TNT’s Cartwheel
Indigo De Souza’s All of This Will End
Janelle Monae’s The Age of Pleasure
JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown’s Scaring the Hoes
Kevin Drew’s Aging
Grandaddy’s: Sumday Excess Baggage
Killer Mike’s Michael
The Kills’ God Games
M83’s Fantasy
Mandy, Indiana’s I’ve Seen a Way
Militarie Gun’s Life Under the Gun
Mitski’s The Land is Inhospitable and So Are We
MJ Lenderman’s Boat Songs
The National’s First Two Pages of Frankenstein; Laugh Track
The New Pornographers’ Continue as a Guest
Queens of the Stone Age’s In Times New Roman…
The Rural Alberta Advantage’s The Rise & The Fall 
Sigur Rós’s ÁTTA 
Sufjan Stevens’ Javelin
Tanukichan’s Gizmo
US Girls’ Bless This Mess
Wilco’s Cousin
yeule's softscars
Yo La Tengo’s This Stupid World
Youth Lagoon’s Heaven is a Junkyard
0 notes
kanye--westeros · 5 months
Top Albums of 2023
1. V - Unknown Mortal Orchestra (Favorite Track: The Garden)
2. Scaring The Hoes Vol. 1 - JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown (Favorite Track: Garbage Pale Kids)
3. STRUGGLER - Genesis Owusu (Favorite Track: The Old Man)
4. Let’s Start Here - Lil Yachty (Favorite Track: IVE OFFICIALLY LOST ViSiON!!!!)
5. Soul, PRESENT - Q (Favorite Track: Incapable Heart)
6. Lahai - Sampha (Favorite Track: Stereo Colour Cloud)
7. This Is Why - Paramore (Favorite Track: You First)
8. Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love? - Kara Jackson (Favorite Track: rat)
9. My Back Was A Bridge For You To Cross - ANOHNI and the Johnsons (Favorite Track: Why Am I Alive Now?)
10. Praise a Lord Who Chews but Which Does Not Consume; (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds) - Yves Tumor (Favorite Track: Parody)
11. The Patience - Mick Jenkins (Favorite Track: Show & Tell)
13. Higher - Chris Stapleton (Favorite Track: White Horse)
14. Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Lana Del Rey (Favorite Track: Paris, Texas)
15. PetroDragonic Apocalypse - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard (Favorite Track: Dragon)
16. Time Will Wait For No One - Local Natives (Favorite Track: Just Before The Morning)
17. Snake Sideways - Do Nothing (Favorite Track: The Needle)
18. falling or flying - Jorja Smith (Favorite Track: Try Me)
19. NEVER ENOUGH - Daniel Caesar (Favorite Track: Toronto 2014)
20. Through & Through - Baby Rose (Favorite Track: I Won’t Tell)
21. Desolation’s Flower - Ragana (Favorite Track: In the Light of the Burning World)
22. But Here We Are - Foo Fighters (Favorite Track: Beyond Me)
23. Javelin - Sufjan Stevens (Favorite Track: Shit Talk)
24. UTOPIA - Travis Scott (Favorite Track: MY EYES)
25. MICHAEL - Killer Mike (Favorite Track: Something For Junkies)
26. Porches - REASON (Favorite Tracks: Caucasian Estates!)
27. VOLCANO - Jungle (Favorite Track: Candle Flame)
28. PANIC - TOBi (Favorite Track: Keep From Falling)
29. PHANTOM OF THE AFTERS - Kojaque (Favorite Track: Cabra Drive)
30. Unreal Unearth - Hozier (Favorite Track: De Selby - Part 2)
31. Everything Harmony - The Lemon Twigs (Favorite Tracks: Any Time Of Day)
32. That! Feels Good! - Jessie Ware (Favorite Track: Pearls)
33. JAGUAR II - Victoria Monet (Favorite Track: Smoke)
34. Fountain Baby - Amaarae (Favorite Track: Sociopathic Dance Queen)
35. MID AIR - Paris Texas (Favorite Track: Sean-Jared)
Honorable Mention:
F65 - IDK, LoveSick - Don Toliver, Lavendr - Muhteyoh, Across The Spiderverse Soundtrack - Metro Boomin, My 21st Century Blues - RAYE, Cracker Island - Gorillaz, A Reckoning - Kimbra, Maps - Billy Woods & Kenny Segal, Space Heavy - King Krule, The Great Escape - Larry June & The Alchemist, Ends & Begins - Labrinth, Masego - Masego, Red Moon In Venus - Kali Uchis, Alchemy - Disclosure, Sunburn - Dominic Fike, Quest For Fire - Skrillex, Gag Order - Kesha, AURORA - Daisy Jones & The Six, Slugs Of Love - Little Dragon, 72 Seasons - Metallica, Playing Robots Into Heaven - James Blake, Timeless - Davido, I Was Mature For My Age, But I Was Still a Child - grouptherapy., ...And Nobody Made A Sound - Model Home, Gold & Heaven - Cleo Sol, the record - boygenius, Radio Misterio - Pedro Martins, Scarlet - Doja Cat, Life Under The Gun - Militarie Gun, Sundial - noname, Desire, I Want to Turn Into You - Caroline Polachek, In Times New Roman... - Queens of the Stone Age, Water Made Us - Jamila Woods, nadie sabe lo que va a pasar mañana - Bad Bunny, Blanket - Kevin Abstract, Quaranta - Danny Brown, The Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We - Mitski, Blondshell - Blondshell, The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess - Chappell Roan, Black Rainbows - Corinne Bailey Rae, Metamorphosis - Infinity Song, Soft Spot - JMSN, Paranoia, Angels, True Love - Christine and the Queens, The Art Of Forgetting - Caroline Rose, How Do You Sleep At Night? - Teezo Touchdown, Am I British Yet? - V V Brown 
Albums Worth Checking Out Despite Not Making HM:
*Metropolis - Kahlil Blu, The Pink Tape - Lil Uzi Vert, Feed The Beast - Kim Petras, Business Is Business - Young Thug, For When It Hurts - Jake Isaac, Flounder - quinnie, Better Luck In The Next Life - Chiiild, The Age Of Pleasure - Janelle Monae, 4:23 - Mike Dean, Electrophonic Chronic - The Arcs, Once Upon A Time - Deante Hitchcock, College Park - Logic, EVERGREEN - PVRIS, THE RAT ROAD - SBTRKT, Rocket Power - Quavo, FORWARD - Jordan Ward, Fridayy - Fridayy, I Told Them... - Burna Boy, KAYTRAMINE - KAYTRAMINE, Hit Parade - Roisin Murphy, Magic 2 - Nas, Drumwork: The Album - Drumwork Records, Victor - Vic Mensa, CHAI - CHAI, And Then You Pray For Me - Westside Gunn, A Brief Nirvana - Khamari, Mirror To The Sky - Yes, Something To Give Each Other - Troye Sivan, For All The Dogs - Drake, The Above - Code Orange, Special Occasion - Emily King, another triumph of ghetto engineering - Open Mike Eagle, Future Reference - Yeek, Bewitched - Laufey, The Silver Cord - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, Heaven Knows - PinkPantheress, Me You & God - Jidenna, Magic 3 - Nas, BB/ANG3L - Tinashe, VOIR DIRE - Earl Sweatshirt x The Alchemist, WON’T HE DO IT - Conway The Machine, New Blue Sun - Andre 3000, GUTS - Olivia Rodrigo, Multitudes - Feist, SUBMISSIVE - Destin Conrad, Jackman. - Jack Harlow, We Only Talk When We’re Fucked Up - Bas
Notable EPs/Mixtapes:
6 - Kenny Mason, BAD PREMONITION EP - Tei Shi, Clear 2: Soft Life - Summer Walker, High Profile - Nafe Smallz, Split Decision - Dave x Central Cee, Scaring The Hoes: DLC Pack - JPEGMAFIA x Danny Brown, The Estate Sale - Tyler, The Creator, RIP Human Art - Earthgang, RAVAGE EP - Rema, Scrapyard I-III - Quadeca, Flying High Pt. 2 - The Alchemist, Scary Hours 3 - Drake
Great Songs on Decent to Bad Albums:
“No God” by Sam Smith
“Everybody Hurts Somebody” by Lance Skiiwalker
“Lain (Phone Clone)” by Miss Grit
“Handstand” by Miley Cyrus
“white wine” by Kamal.
“Talk” by 6LACK
“Miracle” by Jonas Brothers
“Something Real” by Post Malone
“Over There” by The Japanese House
“Wall Paper” by Paul Wall x Termanology
“JEALOUSY” by Offset x Cardi B
“Motorbike” by Poppy
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playlistjunkie · 9 months
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Kevin’s Picks - Spotify Playlist
Curated by Kevin Costner
November 2021
Without You by Luke Combs
Heavy Like the Rain by Kevin Costner & Modern West
Feathered Indians by Tyler Childers
Sleeping on the Blacktop by Colter Wall
What Are You Listening To? by Chris Stapleton
Hippies and Cowboys by Cody Jinks
Follow You to Virgie by Tyler Childers
Only Thing That’s Gone by Morgan Wallen
Skeletons by Brothers Osborne
no body, no crime by Taylor Swift
Long White Line by Sturgill Simpson
Tabasco & Sweet Tea by The Cadillac Three
Six Feet Apart by Luke Combs
Crazyland by Eric Church
Trailer We Call Home by Whiskey Myers
The Killer by Kevin Costner & Modern West
Bluebird by Miranda Lambert
Southside of Heaven by Ryan Bingham
Like Jesus Does by Eric Church
Country Squire by Tyler Childers
All the Makin's of a Saturday Night by The Cadillac Three
Strong Enough by Ray LaMontagne
Ain’t Always the Cowboy by Jon Pardi
Where Rainbows Never Die by The SteelDrivers
Angel From Montgomery by Bonnie Raitt and John Prine
Mistakes by Lake Street Dive
Long Haul by Ian Munsick
Heaven's Gate by Kevin Costner & Modern West
Starting Over by Chris Stapleton
Must Be the Whiskey by Cody Jinks
Frogman by Whiskey Myers
Last of My Kind by Jason Isbell
Nose on the Grindstone by Tyler Childers
Take This Heart of Gold by Watchhouse
Letting Me Down by Margo Price
Poison in My Heart by Kevin Costner & Modern West
Arkansas by Chris Stapleton
Through My Ray-Bans by Eric Church
Heading South by Zach Bryan
Cover Me Up by Morgan Wallen
On the River by Whiskey Myers
Count On Me by The Lone Bellow
Feeling Like the Last Time by Kevin Costner & Modern West
Straight Up Sideways by Lainey Wilson
Take The Highway by Blackberry Smoke
Worry B Gone by Chris Stapleton
To Hell & Back by Maren Morris
Make It a Good One by Brothers Osborne
November Air by Zach Bryan
Hell of a View by Eric Church
The Man I Am by Kevin Costner
Like a Wrecking Ball by Eric Church
Ain’t a Train by Cody Jinks
Same Devil by Brandy Clark
Dreamsicle by Jason Isbell
I Don���t Mind by Sturgill Simpson
Whiskey’d My Way by Morgan Wallen
Outlaw by Morgan Wallen
Fuss & Fight by Koe Wetzel
Till the Wheels Fall Off by Blackberry Smoke
Glitter Ain’t Gold by Whiskey Myers
Wilder Days by Morgan Wade
Away From The Mire by Billy Strings
Some People Do by Old Dominion
Horses in Heaven by Kylie Frey
Paradise by Sturgill Simpson
Saint by Maggie Rose
Younger Me by Brothers Osborne
Runs in the Family by Alex Hall
A Little Dive Bar in Dahlonega by Ashley McBryde
Martha Divine by Ashley McBryde
Heavyweight by Kassi Ashton
Villain in Me by Tenille Townes
'Til You Can't by Cody Johnson
Red Dirt Clouds by HIXTAPE
Thank God It's Raining by Josh Grider
Trouble by Sophie & The Broken Things
When You Feel It by Sam Outlaw
Doin' This by Luke Combs
Mercy by Cody Jinks
Hurt You by Cody Jinks
0 notes
smashpages · 1 year
Nominees announced for the 2023 Eisner Awards
Comic-Con International has announced the nominees for this year’s Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards. This is the 35th year for the awards, which will be given out at this year’s Comic-Con International on July 21.
In terms of publishers, Image Comics received the most nominations, followed by DC, Fantagraphics, Marvel and Dark Horse. Creator-wise, Zoe Thorogood led the pack with five nominations. Hall of Fame nominees and inductees were announced earlier this month.
And the nominees are …
Best Short Story
“The Beekeeper’s Due,” by Jimmy Stamp and Débora Santos, in Scott Snyder Presents: Tales from the Cloakroom (Cloakroom Comics)
“Finding Batman” by Kevin Conroy and J. Bone in DC Pride 2022 (DC)
“Good Morning,” by Christopher Cantwell and Alex Lins, in Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood #4 (Marvel)
“Silent All These Years,” by Margaret Atwood and David Mack, in Tori Amos: Little Earthquakes (Z2)
“You Get It,” by Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto, in Amazing Fantasy #1000 (Marvel)
Best Single Issue/One-Shot
Batman: One Bad Day: The Riddler, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC)
Mary Jane & Black Cat Beyond, by Jed Mackay and C. F. Villa (Marvel)
Moon Knight: Black, White, and Blood #3, edited by Tom Brevoort (Marvel)
Star Trek #400, edited by Heather Antos (IDW)
A Vicious Circle Book 1, by Mattson Tomlin and Lee Bermejo (BOOM! Studios)
Best Continuing Series
Daredevil, by Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto and Rafael de Latorre (Marvel)
The Department of Truth, by James Tynion IV and Martin Simmonds (Image)
Killadelphia, by Rodney Barnes and Jason Shawn Alexander (Image)
The Nice House on the Lake, by James Tynion IV and Alvaro Martinez Bueno (DC)
Nightwing, by Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo (DC)
She-Hulk, by Rainbow Rowell, Rogê Antônio, Luca Maresca, and Takeshi Miyazawa (Marvel)
Best Limited Series
Animal Castle, by Xavier Dorison and Felix Delep (Ablaze)
Batman: One Bad Day, edited by Dave Wielgosz and Jessica Berbey (DC)
The Human Target, by Tom King and Greg Smallwood (DC)
Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age, by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham (Marvel)
Superman: Space Age, by Mark Russell, Michael Allred, and Laura Allred (DC)
Best New Series
The Atonement Bell, by Jim Ousley and Tyler B. Ruff (Red 5)
Love Everlasting, by Tom King and Elsa Charretier (Image)
Public Domain, by Chip Zdarsky (Image)
Star Trek, by Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Ramon Rosanas (IDW)
Traveling to Mars, by Mark Russell and Roberto Meli (Ablaze)
Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8)
Beneath The Trees: A Fine Summer, by Dav (Magnetic Press)
Fox + Chick: Up and Down: and Other Stories, by Sergio Ruzzier (Chronicle Books)
Grumpy Monkey Who Threw That? by Suzanne Lang and Max Lang (Random House Studio)
Hey, Bruce!: An Interactive Book, by Ryan Higgins (Disney/Hyperion)
The Pigeon Will Ride the Roller Coaster! by Mo Willems (Union Square Kids)
Best Publication for Kids (ages 9-12)
Adventuregame Comics: Leviathan, by Jason Shiga (Amulet/Abrams)
Frizzy, by Claribel A. Ortega and Rose Bousamra (First Second/Macmillan)
Isla To Island, by Alexis Castellanos (Atheneum/Simon & Schuster)
Little Monarchs, by Jonathan Case (Margaret Ferguson Books/Holiday House)
Swim Team, by Johnnie Christmas (HarperAlley)
Best Publication for Teens (ages 13-17)
Chef’s Kiss, by Jarrett Melendez and Danica Brine (Oni)
Clementine Book One, by Tillie Walden (Image Skybound)
Do A Powerbomb! by Daniel Warren Johnson (Image)
Heartstopper Volume 4, by Alice Oseman (Scholastic Graphix)
Wash Day Diaries, by Jamila Rowser and Robyn Smith (Chronicle Books)
Best Humor Publication
Cryptid Club, by Sarah Andersen (Andrews McMeel)
I Hate This Place, by Kyle Starks and Artyom Topilin (Image Skybound)
Killer Queens, by David Booher and Claudia Balboni (Dark Horse)
Mr. Lovenstein Presents: Failure, by J. L. Westover (Image Skybound)
Revenge of the Librarians, by Tom Gauld (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Anthology
Creepshow, edited by Alex Antone and Jon Moisan (Image Skybound)
The Illustrated Al: The Songs of “Weird Al” Yankovic, edited by Josh Bernstein (Z2)
The Nib Magazine, edited by Matt Bors (Nib)
Sensory: Life on the Spectrum, edited by Bex Ollerton (Andrews McMeel)
Tori Amos: Little Earthquakes, The Graphic Album, edited by Rantz Hoseley (Z2)
Best Reality-Based Work
Alfred Hitchcock: The Master of Suspense, by Noël Simsolo and Dominique Hé, translation by Montana Kane (NBM)
Alice Guy: First Lady of Film, by José-Louis Bocquet and Catel Muller, translation by Edward Gauvin (SelfMadeHero)
But I Live: Three Stories of Child Survivors of the Holocaust, edited by Charlotte Schallié (University of Toronto Press)
Flung Out of Space, by Grace Ellis and Hannah Templer (Abrams ComicArts)
Invisible Wounds: Graphic Journalism, by Jess Ruliffson (Fantagraphics)
Pinball: A Graphic History of the Silver Ball, by Jon Chad (First Second/Macmillan)
Best Graphic Memoir
Down to the Bone: A Leukemia Story, by Catherine Pioli, translated by J. T. Mahany (Graphic Mundi/Penn State University Press)
Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands, by Kate Beaton (Drawn & Quarterly)
It’s Lonely at the Centre of the Earth: An Auto-Bio-Graphic-Novel, by Zoe Thorogood (Image)
So Much for Love: How I Survived a Toxic Relationship, by Sophie Lambda (First Second/Macmillan)
Welcome to St. Hell: My Trans Teen Misadventure, by Lewis Hancox (Scholastic Graphix)
Best Graphic Album—New
The Book of Niall, by Barry Jones (Ellie & Beatty)
Crushing, by Sophie Burrows (Algonquin Young Readers)
Francis Rothbart! The Tale of a Fastidious Feral, by Thomas Woodruff (Fantagraphics)
The Night Eaters, Book 1: She Eats the Night, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Abrams ComicArts)
Ultrasound, by Conor Stechschulte (Fantagraphics)
Best Graphic Album—Reprint
Days of Sand, by Aimée de Jongh, translation by Christopher Bradley (SelfMadeHero)
Geneviève Castrée: Complete Works, by Geneviève Castrée, translation by Phil Elverum and Aleshia Jensen (Drawn & Quarterly)
Mazebook Dark Horse Direct Edition, by Jeff Lemire (Dark Horse)
One Beautiful Spring Day, by Jim Woodring (Fantagraphics)
Parker: The Martini Edition—Last Call, by Richard Stark, Darwyn Cooke, Ed Brubaker, and Sean Phillips (IDW)
Super Spy Deluxe Edition, by Matt Kindt (Dark Horse)
Best Adaptation from Another Medium
Chivalry by Neil Gaiman, adapted by Colleen Doran (Dark Horse)
Rain by Joe Hill, adapted by David M. Booher and Zoe Thorogood (Syzygy/Image)
Ten Days in a Madhouse, by Nellie Bly, adapted by Brad Ricca and Courtney Sieh (Gallery 13/Simon $ Schuster)
Tori Amos: Little Earthquakes, The Graphic Album, edited by Rantz Hoseley (Z2)
A Visit to Moscow by Rabbi Rafael Grossman, adapted by Anna Olswanger and Yevgenia Nayberg (Turner)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material
Always Never, by Jordi Lafebre, translation by Montana Kane (Dark Horse)
Blacksad: They All Fall Down Part 1, by Juan Díaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido, translation by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (Dark Horse)
Down to the Bone: A Leukemia Story, by Catherine Pioli, translation by J. T. Mahany (Graphic Mundi/Penn State University Press)
The Pass, by Espé, translation by J.T. Mahany (Graphic Mundi/Penn State University Press)
Tiki: A Very Ruff Year, by David Azencot and Fred Leclerc, translation by Nanette McGuinness (Life Drawn/Humanoids)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
Black Paradox, by Junji Ito, translation by Jocelyne Allen (VIZ Media)
The Hellbound vols. 1-2, by Yeon Sang-ho and Choi Gyu-seok, translation by Danny Lim (Dark Horse)
Look Back, by Tatsuki Fujimoto, translation by Amanda Haley (VIZ Media)
PTSD Radio vol. 1, by Masaaki Nakayama, translation by Adam Hirsch (Kodansha)
Shuna’s Journey, by Hayao Miyazaki; translation by Alex Dudok de Wit (First Second/Macmillan)
Talk to My Back, by Yamada Murasaki, translation by Ryan Holmberg (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips (at least 20 years old)
Bungleton Green and the Mystic Commandos, by Jay Jackson (New York Review Comics)
Come Over Come Over, It’s So Magic, and My Perfect Life, by Lynda Barry (Drawn & Quarterly)
The George Herriman Library: Krazy & Ignatz 1922-1924, by George Herriman, edited by J. Michael Catron (Fantagraphics)
Macanudo: Welcome to Elsewhere, by Liniers, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics)
Pogo The Complete Syndicated Comic Strips: Volume 8: Hijinks from the Horn of Plenty, by Walt Kelly, edited by Mark Evanier and Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books (at least 20 Years Old)
The Deluxe Gimenez: The Fourth Power & The Starr Conspiracy, by Juan Gimenez, edited by Alex Donoghue and Bruno Lesigne (Humanoids)
The Fantastic Worlds of Frank Frazetta, edited by Dian Hansen (TASCHEN)
Home to Stay! The Complete Ray Bradbury EC Stories, by Ray Bradbury and various; edited by J. Michael Catron (Fantagraphics)
The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Ominous Omnibus 1 (Abrams ComicArts)
Walt Disney’s Uncle Scrooge: The Diamond Jubilee Collection, by Carl Barks; edited by David Gerstein (Fantagraphics)
Best Writer
Grace Ellis, Flung Out of Space (Abrams ComicArts)
Tom King, Batman: Killing Time, Batman: One Bad Day, Gotham City: Year One, The Human Target, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (DC); Love Everlasting (Image)
Mark Russell, Traveling to Mars (Ablaze), One-Star Squadron, Superman: Space Age (DC); The Incal: Psychoverse (Humanoids)
James Tynion IV, House of Slaughter, Something Is Killing the Children, Wynd (BOOM! Studios); The Nice House on the Lake, The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country (DC), The Closet, The Department of Truth (Image)
Chip Zdarsky, Stillwater (Image Skybound); Daredevil (Marvel)
Best Writer/Artist
Sarah Andersen, Cryptid Club (Andrews McMeel)
Kate Beaton, Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands (Drawn & Quarterly)
Espé, The Pass (Graphic Mundi/Penn State University)
Junji Ito, Black Paradox, The Liminal Zone (VIZ Media)
Zoe Thorogood, It’s Lonely at the Centre of the Earth (Image)
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Jason Shawn Alexander, Killadelphia, Nita Hawes’ Nightmare Blog (Image)
Alvaro Martínez Bueno, The Nice House on the Lake (DC)
Sean Phillips, Follow Me Down, The Ghost in You (Image)
Bruno Redondo, Nightwing (DC)
Greg Smallwood, The Human Target (DC)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Lee Bermejo, A Vicious Circle (BOOM! Studios)
Felix Delep, Animal Castle (Ablaze)
Daria Schmitt, The Monstrous Dreams of Mr. Providence (Europe Comics)
Sana Takeda, The Night Eaters: She Eats the Night (Abrams ComicArts); Monstress (Image)
Zoe Thorogood, Rain (Syzygy/Image)
Thomas Woodruff, Francis Rothbart! The Tale of a Fastidious Feral (Fantagraphics)
Best Cover Artist (for multiple covers)
Jen Bartel, She-Hulk (Marvel)
Bruno Redondo, Nightwing (DC)
Alex Ross, Astro City: That Was Then . . . (Image); Fantastic Four, Black Panther (Marvel)
Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)
Zoe Thorogood, Joe Hill’s Rain (Syzygy/Image)
Best Coloring
Jordie Bellaire, The Nice House on the Lake, Suicide Squad: Blaze (DC); Antman, Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age (Marvel)
Jean-Francois Beaulieu, I Hate Fairyland 2022, Twig (Image)
Dave McCaig, The Incal: Psychoverse (Humanoids)
Jacob Phillips, Follow Me Down, The Ghost in You, That Texas Blood (Image)
Alex Ross and Josh Johnson, The Fantastic Four: Full Circle (Abrams ComicArts)
Diana Sousa, Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins; The Mighty Nein Origins: Yasha Nydoorin; The Mighty Nein Origins: Fjord Stone; The Mighty Nein Origins: Caleb Widogast (Dark Horse)
Best Lettering
Pat Brosseau, Batman: The Knight, Wonder Woman: The Villainy of Our Fears (DC): Creepshow, Dark Ride, I Hate This Place, Skybound Presents: Afterschool (Image Skybound)
Chris Dickey, The Night Eaters: She Eats the Night (Abrams ComicArts)
Todd Klein, Chivalry (Dark Horse); Fables (DC); Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age (Marvel)
Nate Piekos, Black Hammer Reborn, Minor Threats, Shaolin Cowboy, Stranger Things: Kamchatka (Dark Horse), I Hate Fairyland, Twig (Image)
Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo (IDW)
Thomas Woodruff, Francis Rothbart! The Tale of a Fastidious Feral (Fantagraphics)
Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism
Alter Ego, edited by Roy Thomas (TwoMorrows)
Comic Book Creator, edited by Jon B. Cooke (TwoMorrows)
The Comics Journal #308, edited by Gary Groth, Kristy Valenti, and Rachel Miller (Fantagraphics)
PanelXPanel magazine, edited by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou and Tiffany Babb (panelxpanel.com)
Rob Salkowitz, Forbes, ICv2, Publishers Weekly
Best Comics-Related Book
The Art of the News: Comics Journalism, edited by Katherine Kelp-Stebbins and Ben Saunders (Oregon State University Press)
Charles M. Schulz: The Art and Life of the Peanuts Creator in 100 Objects, by Benjamin L. Clark and Nat Gertler (Schulz Museum)
The Charlton Companion, by Jon B. Cooke (TwoMorrows)
Gladys Parker: A Life in Comics, A Passion for Fashion, by Trina Robbins (Hermes Press)
Resurrection: Comics in Post-Soviet Russia, by José Alaniz (Ohio State University Press)
Best Academic/Scholarly Work
Bandits, Misfits, and Superheroes: Whiteness and Its Borderlands in American Comics and Graphic Novels, by Josef Benson and Doug Singsen (University Press of Mississippi)
Graphic Medicine, edited by Erin La Cour and Anna Poletti (University of Hawai’i’ Press)
How Comics Travel: Publication, Translation, Radical Literacies, by Katherine Kelp-Stebbins (Ohio State University Press)
The LGBTQ+ Comics Studies Reader: Critical Openings, Future Directions, edited by Alison Halsall and Jonathan Warren (University Press of Mississippi)
Teaching with Comics and Graphic Novels. By Tim Smyth (Routledge)
Best Publication Design
Francis Rothbart! The Tale of a Fastidious Feral, designed by Thomas Woodruff, Jacob Covey, and Ryan Dinnick (Fantagraphics)
A Frog in the Fall (and later on), designed by Linnea Sterte, Olle Forsslöf, and Patrick Crotty (PEOW)
Joan Jett & the Blackhearts 40X40: Bad Reputation/I Love Rock-n-Roll, designed by Josh Bernstein and Jason Ullmeyer (Z2)
Mazebook Dark Horse Direct Edition, designed by Tom Muller (Dark Horse)
Parker: The Martini Edition—Last Call, designed by Sean Phillips (IDW)
Tori Amos: Little Earthquakes, The Graphic Album, designed by Lauryn Ipsum (Z2)
Best Webcomic
Deeply Dave, by Grover, http://www.deeplydave.com/
Delilah Dirk: Practical Defence Against Piracy, by Tony Cliff, https://www.delilahdirk.com/dd4/dd4-p46.html
Lore Olympus, by Rachel Smythe (WEBTOON), https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/lore-olympus/list?title_no=1320&page=5
The Mannamong, by Michael Adam Lengyel, https://mannamong.com/episode-1/
Spores, by Joshua Barkman, https://falseknees.com/22ink1.html
Best Digital Comic
All Princesses Die Before Dawn, by Quentin Zuttion, translation by M. B. Valente (Europe Comics)
Barnstormers, by Scott Snyder and Tula Lotay (Comixology Originals)
Behind the Curtain, by Sara del Giudice, translation by M. B. Valente (Europe Comics)
Ripple Effects, by Jordan Hart, Bruno Chiroleu, Justin Harder, and Shane Kadlecik (Fanbase Press)
Sixty Years in Winter, by Ingrid Chabbert and Aimée de Jongh, translation by Matt Madden (Europe Comics)
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kaiju-z · 4 years
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All the art from Session 30 of Seon Adventures. 
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