morimox · 5 months
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My personal favorites of all my bg3 drawings :3
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insanekirby · 21 days
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It’s Mud Mephit Monday Wednesday
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brainonthebox · 5 months
Little Miss Mephit,
Saw the fight and said "F it,
I'll blow dust in each monster's eye."
The roper and hulk,
Couldn't help but sulk,
As they bid all their sight a goodbye.
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dailycharacteroption · 6 months
Class Feature Friday: Bell Implement (Pathfinder Second Edition Thaumaturge Implement)
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(art by cobaltplasma on DeviantArt)
A marvelous property of pure metals is their ability to generate such clear notes of sound when struck or vibrated. So beloved is this aspect of them that we’ve devised all manner of ways to shape metal for that exact purpose, be it complex instruments, wind chimes, or indeed bells.
A bell can be a simple instrument, or it can be a powerful tool of communication, often both at once. Bells can inspire fear and alertness when used as an alarm, or comfort when used to signal times of day or even times of worship.
Indeed, bells are strongly associated with various religions for their ability to signal when certain religiously significant times were approaching over a large area.
Its no small wonder that bells are often considered sacred instruments, and that there is a lot of folklore that paints the sound of bells as able to drive away evil spirits.
It is that significance that thaumaturges capitalize on with their occult arts, and many of them do adopt bells as one of their implements. These are often handbells, though handchimes, windchimes, and even larger bells such as those used by guards in some cultures. Anything that is notable for it’s ability to signal with sound might be appropriate. Such chiming instruments are associated with the cosmic caravan astrological signs of the daughter and the blossom.
Such implements, empowered by the belief and knowledge of a thaumaturge, become especially useful in driving away and disrupting the actions of monsters.
When their chosen foe casts magic or attacks, these thaumaturges can ring their bell to disrupt their concentration. Why they can’t lose the spell because of this, it can still reduce the intensity of the effect or throw off aim enough to help allies avoid the attack or magic.
Later on, their bell continues to resonate afterwards, causing the effects of the chiming to last longer.
They also learn to link their own strikes to the resonance of their bell, causing foes they exploit the weakness of to be more vulnerable to the bell’s disrupting chime.
Finally, those who master the bell learn to intensify it’s effects, as well as use it against all foes, not just the one they are currently targeting with their expertise.
Beyond that, a decent handful of feats are useful and/or thematic for those specializing in using the bell implement, such as Divine Disharmony, Haunt Ingenuity, Root to Life, Esoteric Warden, Turn Away Misfortune, Shared Warding, Thaumaturge’s Demesne, Esoteric Reflexes, Sever Magic, Unlimited Demesne, or Wonder Worker, though obviously your build will differ.
The bell implement is there to give you a way to help protect your allies by debuffing your foe as they attack, potentially protecting allies as they make saves and avoid attacks. That alone makes your thaumaturge a bit more of a support character, so you might consider building in that direction or diversifying to provide a more even approach of attack and defense.
Though thaumaturges aren’t quite the same as their predecessor class, the occultist, they share some of the same bones, so thinking about what sort of significance the instruments that thaumaturges might use as bells is interesting. One might be the bell of a town crier whose alert saved a village, or perhaps a bell from the parade raiment of a priest meant to frighten evil away, and so on.
A child of a magically-assisted union, Vokuss the Horn is a dromaar, or half-orc, but his other half is one of the stout kashrishi, those crystal-horned psychic beings. Though his appearance is unusual, he has a special knack for psychic resonance, particularly with his set of crystal chimes. As such, he has long worked a monster hunter, able to understand their weaknesses by listening to the notes of the chime.
Acclaimed monster hunter and thaumaturge Poculus has gone missing, and whats more, his signature brass bell has turned up, half-melted in the a forge downtown. The owner claims no knowledge, but his fire mephit assistant, Scorchfingers, is being evasive, as if he witnessed something, but it too afraid to reveal it.
The Nomoon community is a collection of various “monstrous” creatures living in the undercity far from the street level of Moonsilver. Though distrustful of outsiders, they are a surprisingly good-hearted band of misfits. They are a bit superstitious though, and refuse to move the bell left behind by a would-be monster hunter they drove out some years ago.
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laureliere · 1 month
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Local flying demon-man says to "get good" and defeat a whole Ancient Dragon to unlock his romance rou- I mean be allies with his organization
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catbatart · 11 months
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Drawtober Day 19 of my RPG Monsters Prompt List Pt 2!
The mud one is my favorite I love all of my children equally.
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4 feet (1.2 m) tall, slow on the uptake, and can even summon friends! Just bring some sort of fire protection, as prolonged touch can start to damage organic materials. Still, nice if you're into temperature play!
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Catalogue No.: Omicron-XK9732331-C0-P5-12, Media Type: Textbook Excerpt, Title: On the Subject of Ley Travel (Earthling Edition) - "Introduction and a Brief History of Ley Particles," Author: Bosun Dal Tremor of the Cartographic Flotilla, Additional Text: Margin Notations by Mephit
Before one can properly discuss the nature of how Ley Particles and their confluences into Ley Paths allow for FTL travel without the requirement of opening a wormhole or draining a sun, it occurs to me that the reader should have a brief history of our discovery and naming of these particles to grasp onto.
This sentence has been circled with an arrow drawn from the below note to the sentence
Mephit here, yes that was a single sentence. Bosun Tremor, Dal to his friends, can be a bit long-winded at quite inconvenient times. He is, however, possibly the best Ley Cartographer who will ever live in his universe, so bear with it. I'll throw in a joke or two to keep you entertained. On with the knowledge!
As with much of this book, the scope of such discussions will be in relation to earthlings as this version is translated into Earth languages for training earthlings on Ley travel. If you were wanting more information in regards to a different collection of sentient species or a particular culture or culture cluster, please contact the Cartographic Flotilla Library Vessel on its service line and ask about an edition of my book for the pertinent species. That being said, let us continue.
Bright red underlining on the last sentence.
He only talks like this when he has to sound smart, way less formal after a nice wine. Feels like he has to be a fuddy-duddy to be respected, poor thing.
Humans first discovered an unorthodox particle they could not explain on deep space scanners in the Earth year 2350. By that time, enough deep space probes had been launched in order to more quickly achieve a relay time of only 17 years, 92 days and 15 hours from furthest probe to Earth using Colonel Alvin McTalbot's, of the Independent Scottish Navy's Communications and Navigations Division, then famous "Informational Railgun" technique of near-simultaneous blitz uploads across a series of satellites or other terminals/relay points. As completely useless as this would be today for communicating from even just Sol System to Alpha Centauri, It was brilliant for picking up never before seen data in almost-real-time.
Another underline, this time on almost-real-time. Angrier looking underline.
I checked all 977 pages and the reference material and additional guides, Dal you scatterbrained little shit! NOT A SINGLE MENTION OF WHAT THIS MEANS. Had to have a foreword about the history of particles, can't be arsed to mention time-slippage. Time slippage happens across any amount of space-time that is being warped by an object that warps or bends space-time itself. This includes black holes, but in Universe-78735-Zala, aka the Prime Ley Path Universe, Ley Paths also do it. Dal explains enough to see why that's important to know but never actually mentions that almost-real-time means that time slippage was at least 99% overcome if any occurred. In other words, they saw 2 minutes worth of footage without going over 2 minutes 3 seconds in terms of human time measurements. Carry on.
This data was incredibly strange and difficult to even fully process on standard equipment, leading to then United Nations of Earth Second Chancellor Harlan Quell to propose a plan to use an improved relay to search for the source of such particulates and additional information. The initial Long Chain Project was signed into Earth policy in Earth year 2352 and would set off almost 450 years of intergalactic discovery in an attempt to do so. Of the many discoveries made by the LCP of 2350, as it came to be known, one which was noteably missing was a source for the mysterious particles. Instead, in 2807, when the LCP took was starting to take almost 30 years to get information from the furthest satellite to Earth, near lightspeed travel became possible with the invention of the Horace-Lader drive and its use of near-perfect reclamation of the photoelectric effect and the underlying continuous yet infinitesimal breaks to space-time involved to power vehicles travelling at approximately 2.88x10^8 m/s, closer than any human would ever achieve prior to joining the IULPS (Intergalactic Union of Ley Path Societies).
Another underline starting at with many exclamation points and an expletive followed by the word
This same year, First Chancellor of the United Nations of Earth Malia Varayev championed a new plan that left behind the continuing updates to the Long Chain Project and instead called for a one way manned flight by volunteers towards the newly predicted center of these particles (at this year commonly denoted McTalbot's Particles or Fairy Particles due to the former being responsible for the method of discovery and the latter being what humans thought they resembled). This operation was highly contested and debated for almost a decade until on December 12, 2816 of the Earth calendar The infamous Operation Heaven's Darts was signed into policy and launched. It would launch one of the darkest and most brutal periods in Earth history, so much so that to this day all Earthlings, humans included, hold a month long vigil starting on December 12 every year to commemorate the Month of Peace, the first month of Heaven's Darts in which no genocides, mass murders, forced disasters, or any other large scale death toll or oppression took place for the last month until the year 3030.
A simple arrow points to this last sentence.
I wish I could say that Dal was kidding or exaggerating, but he is actually going easy on the matter. There was a continuous series of horrific disasters and poverty crises forced by corporations who took advantage of Clause 19 in that policy that started almost exactly a month later. They only hit other humans at first. Dal says more, but he is kind to his reader. He doesn't wish you to have to dwell on the darkest portion of human depravity most members of the multiverse have ever seen in order to understand Ley particles. He simply wants to address the elephant in the room lest anyone forgets it. Personally I would go into every detail if I could, but I have actual respect for Bosun Dal Tremor. So... for gorey details see Cataloge No. Chi-JP9393321, I won't write them here. For Dal.
The process began by designating a number of private organizations that were not under direct governance of the UNE as targets for incentives to aid in the search for volunteers under what is now infamously known as Clause 19. This clause left a number of openings that led to private organizations propping up the efficacy of the UNE and the ability to make incredibly powerful actions and decisions with next to no oversight as time went on. Humans, as of 2817, were the only large population sentient species as cohabitant species would not be discovered until the 2900's and engineered species were in their infancy. As such, these organizations used economic, social, political and environmental data to ensure large swaths of human volunteers. Over time the UNE would, far too late, recognize its mistake and begin to further and further curtail harm that could be done to humans in order to receive incentives to generate volunteers. In 2873, the human population began to suffer greatly from the now 56 year process of volunteering to be shot into deep space and never heard from again in a single human lifetime. Human colonies on Mars and the Moon were beginning to finally show promise of true self-sustainability at this time and freight relay to colonies outside the asteroid belt were capable of helping there be a Sol System for humans to live and claim as home rather than just one or two planets and planetoids, however it was determined that it would not be enough to save the human race from extinction in the next few decades without serious action. This led to the UNE, slowly becoming the United Planets and Colonies of Sol behind the organizations' backs at this point, made its firmest action to prevent human harm with the Humanity Welfare Act the same year, a policy designed to stop rampant harmful genocides and environmental disasters in their tracks. Instead, it only directly protected humans and, as engineered species were no longer in their infancy, led to the private sector of Heaven's Darts to begin committing slavery and genocide on inorganic sentients such as androids, genetically modified sentients such as Siriusians (named for Sirius, the Dog Star), and genetically engineered sentients such as homunculi in order to achieve their continuingly less realistic incentives goals. When subterranean reptilian species Homo Herpetus aka Tariks were discovered in the early 2900's, and later the semi-aquatic species known as the Meeri in 2940 and the smaller mammalian species called Mauskin in the 2990's, they, too, became part and parcel of the actions of these organizations. The latter was folded into the private sector's "volunteer searches" shortly after the passing the Anti-Deification Act of 2989, an act which the beginning to burgeon UPCS passed to put incredibly strict guidelines on the production of engineered sentient species and the rights inherent to these species as sentient beings. Finally, In the Earth Year 3028, The UPCS announced its official status and separated itself from the entity known as the UNE completely, leaving behind only those most loyal to private sector causes, and led a 2 year military campaign alongside all species, cultures and races of sentient people in the known Sol System against the United Private Militaries of Earth and Allied UNE forces. It was an incredibly one sided affair that ended unilaterally in the UPCS's favor and led to the complete dismantling of Heaven's Darts and all of its components and constituencies on Earth Date May 19, 3030. This date is now known as Mayteenth across all Earthling colonies and is celebrated with planetwide feasting and partying in honor of the end of progress at any cost as well as the beginning of the unification of the Earthling species.
Mayteenth is circled.
You have no idea how many jokes you will have to hear about 3030 vision that day. It's beyond obnoxious but the wine and music and drugs and food are to die for. Hell, even homunculi like Dal whip up amazing libations for Mayteenth, and they don't have a sense of taste. Some places it can be quite Bacchanalian in fact, I recommend at least visiting once for it.
Not three months later, the first ever transmission to return from a Heaven's Darts vessel was received on what all Earthlings refer to as Contact Day. The transmission was a recording of the third crew to leave Earth, a hundred-person cruiser named Zephyr 1 captained by Marla Moore, announcing the playback and data of a received transmission along with a large file of all notes. A second recording arrived a few days later detailing even more information that showed many references to the Fairy Particles in the received transmission as well as new study data on the particles themselves. 3 weeks later Zephyr 1's third and final transmission arrived detailing how it would be the final transmission ans Quartermaster Alan Moore (Captain Marla Moore's brother) detailed he was the last surviving crew member and would be jettisoning beacons until the ship decayed due to local time slippage in order to aid further vessels in finding it. QM Moore also detailed the last of the notes and how he intended to set up all data to be able to be collected by the LCP relay as quickly as possible with the aid of further ships. Over the course of the next 35 years, all information from every ship that made contact with one of QM Moore's beacons or those of his eventual successors. The original transmission received by Zephyr 1 itself was returned in full with no corruption as the final transmission by any Heaven's Dart vessel, along with the signoff "So long and goodnight everyone, the stars are calling me to the airlock."
The quotation is underlined with a doodle of a grimacing emoticon face next to it.
Dal doesn't always understand just how grim some things sound, this included I think. I think he just thought this would give a final feeling to the Heaven's Darts era. I honestly couldn't tell you if he realizes that person decided to take a long spacewalk without a helmet. Either way, bit of a yikes yeah?
This final transmission in 3065 marked the beginning of the Era of Cryptography for all Earthling species as the UPCS scrapped all non-localized space travel programs to instead focus on strengthening all Sol colonies and the decryption of the Deep Space Transmission Alpha (we now of course know Zephyr 1's discovery as the Ley Protospecies Transmission). It would take until the year 3315, almost 250 years to the day of receipt of final transmission, before retired UPCS Starfleet Commander and veteran of the Sol Unification War Dr. Sparky 'Sparks' McGruff and his team of the brightest minds of all of the Earthling species cracked the transmission wide open to reveal astounding information all about the then mysterious particles. It contained details from some sort of Protospecies about how these particles could be measured and why current equipment would have had trouble measuring them. It contained the name for what they were, calling them Flux-Oriented Aspatial Achronal Metatransitive particles when translated to English. The name became shortened to FOAAM Particles, however the name didn't translate well into other languages and presented a problem for communications. When the section detailing that these particles had a tendency to confluence into various sized flows both terrestrially and celestially was released, scientists quickly also discovered how to see such confluences on planetary surfaces and were startled to see they looked exactly like old human descriptions of Ley Lines, a phenomenon that had since spread to the consciousness of all Earthling species. As a direct result, all Earthlings now call these particles Ley Particles and their confluences as Ley Paths to ease communications. The most important section detailed how to use these Ley Paths to travel by charging them in specific ways to allow travel in directions along these paths only available by warping space-time. In 3363 Arcturus Fran became the first person to perform Ley-Flight in a single-person probe vessel that completed a path from Earth to Jupiter and back in less than an hour in local space-time. Most exciting of all, the pilot, also the Chancellor Adjudicator of the UPCS at the time, came back unharmed, the same age, and with almost minimal fuel costs. The Chamber of Chancellors of the UPCS immediately began a race to be able to use Ley-Flight for deep space travel in order to find the source of the Transmission or Ley Particles themselves. This would last for almost 900 years while Earthlings and now Solians, as sentient species who were non-native to Earth had long ago been discovered and created by accident by Earthlings, expanded the UPCS to achieve the resource load necessary to make the First Ark.
First Ark circled.
This time he's not mentioning it because everyone knows about it there. Big effing ship that transported a bunch of Solians to The Convergence and got the UPCS accepted into the IULPS. You know, the spoiler from earlier that still hasn't been explained? Anyways, the project is interesting and its development and broader context can be found in Catalogue No. Chi-SPT999332.
The remainder happens quickly as the First Ark finalizes building in 4212 and launches 10 years later with over 2 million Solians on board carefully selected for research and contact purposes. In 4224, The Convergence, a massive asteroid turned into a house of government for the IULPS. Solians expected to be met with the Protospecies but instead were met by hundreds of societies who had all discovered The Convergence as a result of some version of the same transmission. Ever since, all Earthling, and further Solian, species have been working with each other, the IULPS and the Cartographic Flotilla, and the Archivist Scionate to attempt to catalogue and discover the many nuances of Ley Path science as well as any information discoverable about the Protospecies that seems to have put everyone else on the right path for Ley-flight so many eons ago. As a scientist and Ley-cartographer, I recognize that this has little to do with the scope of this book and discussing aspects of Ley-flight, Ley travel, and the Ley Paths and science that make both possible directly. However, as a PERSON first and foremost as well as a Bosun with a duty of care to other people in this universe, I must reject this notion entirely. These discoveries you will read were not made in a vacuum and they instead exist in the context of countless choices of endless historical figures who worked to make them. Some of these discoveries were paid for in countless lives and dignity, others in a near resource collapse from overzealousness. Some were even paid for in sheer good luck, as in the case of Arcturus Fran's first flight. And yet others were paid for in kindness and care and unity. We people make decisions as to the context of the research we make, the maps we draw, the flights we take and so much more, and for ill or for good it will always change lives, potentially for generations. As my last thought for this foreword, I implore that, as you read and educate yourself all about Ley travel, you also educate yourself with a duty to use that information to do no harm. Thank you, and enjoy the book.
The last paragraph is almost illegible without aid from a layer separator program removing Mephit's edits as it is covered in various scratchings and scrawlings of laughter onomatopoeia (haha, hoho, etc) with a paragraph beneath it all.
Oh Dal, how hopeful you can be sometimes. And yet I know you are not reading this edit calling out how hopeful you are. I wonder why that might be? Ah well... end of notes.
Instead of a name, Mephit signs off with what appears to be a symbol of a smiling set of jaws.
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glassonlyrecycle · 1 year
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assorted sketches! ( ・∇・)ノ°* ੈ‧₊˚
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tomesmithpress · 1 year
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Howling winds and cold that bites through to your very bones. Only the mightiest of mortals can hope to survive the thunderous strike of a giant’s club or the snow storms created by fierce dragon wings.
Frost Giant
Goliath Warrior
White Dragon Adult, Wyrmling
Ice Mephit
Saber Toothed Tiger
Woolly Rhinoceros
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adaloreart · 2 years
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Commissioned by XituMephit (twitter) of their sona getting plushed by wayyy too powerful cleaning products.
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morimox · 6 months
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Ice Mephit ❄️
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manatearcomics · 2 years
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Nicole and the Corps - Page 18
You mean working for 5 days straight without a break and taking off the exhaustion negation outfit has...SIDE EFFECTS?
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Comm - Xitu - Back On The Clock
Commissioned by XituMarten (twitter) of her now en-Mephited sona. They'll probably be restricted from chasing down the skunk that caused this until they are 110% certain there is no lingering effects. Writing pieces to interact with my setting is fun. :)
Posted using PostyBirb
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Creature Corner: Outsiders (Elementals) part 1
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 The whispering of wind, the crackle of flame, the immovable presence of stone, the gurgle of a stream… the elements are combined and mixed together to form all that is material.
Of course, that belief is pretty archaeic nowadays with the understanding of atomic elements, but the idea of these forms of matter being fundamental building blocks is a classic one, as are the entities that embody these elements.
Indeed, welcome to the final set of entries on the broad creature type of outsiders, in which we cover elementals!
Fundamentally different from other types of outsiders, which are typically made of quintessence, these elementals are either formed from material matter, or perhaps, represent the blurring point between soulstuff and atomic substance as we know it.
 Multitudes of cultures have all had mythical spirits of the elements in their stories across the ages, but the first time that such beings were categorized together as a group that embodied the four classical elements was Paracelsus in the 16th century, who described these being as somewhere between mortal creature and bodiless spirits, namely nymphs/undines, sylphs/sylvestris, pygmies/gnomes, and salamanders. You may notice that many of these names are used in Pathfinder and other rpgs for fantastical creatures, some retaining their connection to the elements, some not. It is said that followers of Paracelsus and similar orders that shared belief in such beings would actually choose to remain celibate in hopes of wedding an elemental, therefore gifting it with it’s own soul through their union. (Yes, that is real. Teratophilia is much older than the internet, I assure you.) Though one does wonder how such a belief would interact with polyamory and the like…
In any case, these elemental beings would inspire plenty of fantasy writers, and elementals as we know them now would appear in the novels of Michael Moorcock and in D&D and beyond, taking on their modern appearance as animate masses of the element in question, many being vaguely humanoid, but others being more fluid or even taking the shapes of other living creatures.
Indeed, the basic Pathfinder elementals do fulfill that image quite nicely, each elemental taking on a form that suits them, but still having the same basic stats by size. However, Pathfinder also has four mixed-element elementals: ice, lightning, magma, and mud, a fifth element “aether” elemental, and wood and metal elementals on the way in 2nd edition’s upcoming Rage of the Elements book. The former of those four falling in line with the old Planescape setting’s quasi- and para-elemental planes, while the last three coming from the idea of the fifth element and of eastern Wuxing elementalism, respectively.
Another common denizen of the inner planes are mephits, those oddly imp-like beings that are made from various combinations of the elements, and have distinctive, often somewhat comical personalities based on the nature of that element. Best not to underestimate them though, for while they are small fry, several have proven capable of attaining great personal power.
The classic civilized beings of the elemental planes are the various genie races, all tall, imposing beings that resemble humanoids, but are very much creatures of their element. While their societies vary by type, they are typically imperious beings capable of incredible power, including their ability to grant wishes. It is that power that often causes greedy mages to bind genies to their power, so even the most benevolent kinds of genies tend to be wary of mortals.
Of course, there are plenty of other elemental beings living on these planes, such as the masters of storm and wind known as the anemos, the dwarf-like and hardy azer, the structure-bound ahkhat, the electrical comozant wyrd, the invisible aerial servants and invisible stalkers, crystalline crysmals, the barely-tangible belker and mihstu, the earthen mudmen and sandmen, fiery magmin and salamanders, the golem-born ozimat, the harbor-blessing portunus, and so on. Some of these beings are natural denizens, though some arise purely from the actions of powerful spellcasters as well.
 The elements and the beings that are made from them may seem simple at first, but they have a surprising amount of depth even with that theming. Even still, elementals are clearly very different from other outsider types, their existence marked not by morality, but by composition. Because of this, they can have a much wider variety of alignments without “breaking the rules” and becoming risen/fallen beings. This means that there are a lot of stories you can tell with them as friend or foe.
 That does it for today, but we’ve only scratched the surface. First, we’ll talk about how elementals can be allies.
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jonjmurakami · 2 years
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#pungeonsanddragons •Bad puns of Dungeons & Dragons monsters: 031923 • Smoke Mephit • an imp-like creature comprised of air and fire. They were crude & lazy, as well as liars & tricksters who thrived on mockery & misdirection. • Remember Jim Carrey as The Mask? Ssssssssmokin’! :) •Keep smiling and stay safe! 🙂 #jonjmurakami #dandd #copic @copic_official_us #copicmarkers #comic #comicstrip #cartoon #dungeonsanddragons #dungeonsanddragonsmonsters #dungeonsanddragonscreatures #dungeonsanddragonsfanart #pun #puns #mephit #smokemephit #smokin #themask https://www.instagram.com/p/CqCLveFLOdb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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