#Key west Lou KONK Life Column
keywestlou · 6 years
  Happy Fourth of July!
Independence Day. The birthday of our country.
Two hundred forty two years old. It was July 4, 1776 at the Continental Congress in Philadelphia that the Declaration of Independence was adopted.
We are a young nation. Compare our age to that of European nations. Still growing. Tensions abound. The Trump era crazy and dangerous.
America celebrates. Tonight, fireworks! In Key West, off the White Street Pier.
This past week has been strange politically. Relatively quiet. We have not heard from Rudy Giuliani and other Trump cohorts who were making the news. Are they quiet because of Michael Cohen on the verge of possibly flipping?
Cohen is making noise like Trump when he wants something. He is using the media. Cohen seems to be telling the Second District he wants to jump fence and play on their side. Thus far they have not picked up on his offer.
Spent yesterday afternoon fine tuning last night’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Thoroughly enjoyed doing the show. Covered a multitude of sins. Wish I had had more time.
Casey joined me for dinner before the show. At Roostica.
Casey and his 70′ x 30′ catamaran sit in the water off Hogfish. Casey new to Key West. Been here all of 10 days. Yesterday, he took his dingy and visited Wisteria Island. He is interested in Key West lore. The day before he went out into the Gulf a bit and did some diving.
Jennifer waited on us. It has been two years since I last saw her. She was pregnant at the time and due any day. She proudly showed me her son’s picture. Two years old. A handsome little man.
Good friends Fran and Tom Dixon have arrived. Buffalo their home. They visit four times a year. Stay at Ocean Key. Tom is on the Board.
We are doing dinner tonight. Meeting at 6 at the Chart Room. My turn to host. Probably the A&B Lobster House. Plan on calling for a reservation since today is a holiday.
Fran is concerned for me. She thinks I am not well fed. She brings me food from Buffalo. Tonight, I will receive at least 4 jars of homemade sauce containing pork, sausage and meatballs. Plus low carb bread and home made candy.
Love the woman!
You have to believe in guardian angels! God, too! Two examples evidencing why.
A few days ago, the cruise liner Norwegian Gallery was 28 miles off the northwest of Cuba. A crew member fell off the ship. His fall seen. The ship backed up and searched. Could not find him. Authorities notified. Air and sea searches proved fruitless.
The next day, the cruise ship Carnival Glory was traveling in the opposite direction. Twenty one miles off the north coast of Cuba. Saw the crew member in the water. He was rescued. In good health.
The man had been in the water 22 hours. Treading. No life jacket. Fortunately the water is warm and calm this time of year. Even more fortunate, a shark did not come upon him.
Did the man have a guardian angel? No question in my mind. God was looking after him.
A Thailand event the other example.
A 12 member soccer team and their coach got lost in a mountain gave in north Thailand. The boys 11-16.
The cave is part of a huge mountain. Full of corridors of all sizes. Some entrances small. The boys had to squeeze to get through. The team was able to get down into the heart of the mountain about one mile.
Then stuck. Water all around them. The caves have flowing water in various depths.
They could not get out. Spent 10 days in the dark and without food. Searchers and divers arrived from all over the world. A total of 1,000 looking to provide assistance. Two British divers found them over the weekend.
All basically in good health. Food, water and medical assistance provided.
At this point it is clear the kids and their coach had a special guardian angel looking over them. God directing their rescue.
The rescue is not complete however. It has been raining since the team got lost. The rainy season. Every day. The rain sometimes six inches in an hour. Cave passage ways flooding.
The team will have to swim and dive in order to get out. A mile.
None know how to swim or dive. Present plans are to teach them how to swim and dive. Then take them out. Two professional divers guiding each team person.
It is estimated the plan will take months. However so far the only way determined to get them out.
Hope the guardian angels and the good Lord stay with them.
Children detained in chain linked cages. We should be ashamed! I do not understand how Trump supporters find nothing wrong with the scenario: “They broke the law.” “They brought their children into the U.S.” “They invited what is happening to them.”
For shame!
The Christ Church Cathedral in Indianapolis is expressing its concern and disagreement. Statues of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus sit on the lawn of the Church in a chain linked enclosed cage.
BOB says it is a holiday. He is not writing today.
Enjoy your Fourth!
  HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
This blog is available on several sites. Most provide for comment. Some of the comments are vicious.
WordPress has the worst. Some days, it is World War III.
My KONK Life column this week is titled World Running Out Of Sand. Sand is a non-replaceable natural resource. We should be concerned. We are not. Probably because most are unaware. My purpose in writing about sand’s depletion was to bring the problem to the attention of others.
Kokomo Man is a frequent commenter on the WordPress site. One of the more reasonable. Kokomo Man commented re the sand issue: “This, just as other environmental problems, like global warming, is another problem that won’t go away while many…..wait for it…..stick their heads in the sand.”
“Stick their heads in the sand!” Love it! Humor instead of venom. A change of pace.
A busy mid day yesterday. Office Max, Walgreens, and Sandy’s Cafe.
I picked up the wrong drug. I take 11 pills a day so it is easy to screw up. This particular prescription was replaced with another by my heart doctor some time ago.
I have insurance. Still have co-pay, however. Yesterday, $114. How could it be. The sales person was no help. Showed me how my insurance company saved me $1,100. Bullshit itself.
No further help at Walgreens.
Called my heart doctor and got the problem straightened out. Back to Walgreens today to return the pills and get a $114 credit on my credit card.
Americans are getting screwed when it comes to the cost of prescription drugs. We may be paying the highest prices in the world. It takes a President and Congress to fix the problem. Previous Presidents have not.
Trump promised to do so in the campaign. He is now trying, but not as he had promised. His thought then was throw it into Medicare/make it work like Medicare.
A month ago, Trump made a big deal speech re the issue. He was going to fix the problem. By having the pharmaceutical houses sit down and negotiating fairer prices for the American people.
A far cry from the Medicare solution.
The Chart Room last night. John bartending. Small crowd.
Met Steve. An eighth grade math teacher from St. Petersburg. Enjoyed our conversation. John a part of it. Included some Steve Carlton.
Tyler and Jenn at the other end of the bar. From Newark, Ohio. Told them I liked their Governor Kasich for President.
Walked across the street to Hot Tin Roof for dinner. Watched a college baseball playoff game. Enjoyed the company of a vacationing couple. Irma a significant part of the conversation.
Pouring like hell at the moment! Has been doing so for 20 minutes. Ok. We are in to the rainy season. Once the rain stops and the sun comes out, the humidity will be overwhelming. As the saying goes, you can cut it with a knife.
My today begins with Lori and a haircut. Amazing! I have nothing but fuzz. Needs to be buzzed off every two weeks.
Then lunch and the newspapers a few doors down at Sandy’s Cafe.
Tonight, I do not know. Not concerned. Something always comes up.
Mark Rossi is a Key West business man and public servant. He owns the Red Garter on Duval. A moneymaker!
Rossi is running for mayor. Or, he was. Candidates for the office must pay a $225 fee by a certain date of filing. Rossi vacationing in Europe. He or someone on his staff forgot. The court ruled yesterday Rossi is ineligible to run.
A proper decision. We have enough problems as it is with our elections. Election laws must be strictly enforced.
Some dance to a different tune in the Keys. Voyeurism generally involves a man sneaking a look at a woman’s privates. Could work in another fashion. A man trying to get a look at another man’s privates.
A male employee at the Big Pine Walgreens some how got a video to photograph men in the men’s room. He got caught and has been arrested. The charge, video voyeurism. His excuse, he was aroused by viewing the film. Merely watched, never distributed.
BOB is taking another day off.
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement yesterday after 30 years of service. A serious loss to the Court. He was the occasional swing vote.
Kennedy’s replacement will be a conservative. Most likely, a far to the right one. Trump’s prerogative. In addition, he has a Republican Senate to back him.
Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. Conservatives have been dying to get it reversed since that time. It will come up while the new Justice is sitting. A woman’s right to abortion in anger. The Court will be 5-4 in favor of the conservative element.
Unless the new Justice pulls a Warren or Souter. Both representative of the Republican right. Both turned in rendering their decisions. Sided with the Court’sliberals.
Eisenhower said many times that his worst appointment was Warren.
Trump told us following his meeting with Kim that North Korea had agreed to denuclearize. If such was the case, why have recent satellite photos shown North Korea expanding a nuclear research center? Major infrastructure improvements moving at a rapid rate.
Trump is doing a summit with Putin July 16 in Helsinki. The man is crazy. Trump, not Putin. Trump no competition for Putin.
Possibilities coming out of the summit include a goodbye to NATO and U.S. defensive weapons removed from Poland.
Trump is saving Putin’s ass. The man who interfered in our 2016 elections. An avowed enemy of the U.S. and democracy. One seeking to return Russia to its former glory.
We cannot win in the confrontation. Trump says he is smart.  Putin is smart.
Enjoy your day!
      KOKOMO MAN…..HEADS IN THE SAND was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
My Saturday was quiet. As was Friday, the day before.
Slowing down in my old age.
I spent a part of yesterday afternoon continuing research for this week’s KONK Life column.The subject mater sand. The world is running out of usable sand. Comparable to the world’s water problem.
So bad, a black market in sand already exists in certain countries.
I look forward to writing the article this afternoon. Few are aware of the sand problem.
Got out last night! Dinner with Donna and Terri at Hurricane Hole.
Hurricane Hole is a hole. Therein lies its charm. A small marina on a small bit of water surrounded by mangroves. An open air bar and tables. Nothing fancy. Food good, however.
Not easy to find. Hurricane Hole sits on US 1. Less than .2 of a mile outside Key West. Just over Cow Key Bridge going north on US 1.
My ladies were tired. Getting ready to move. In a week. Still packing boxes. Their new abode will be in Bahama Village. At the corner of Whitehead and Petronia Streets.
Terri is doing well and not so well. Her eyes get worse by day. She needs assistance walking. An arm on her arm. She has a walking stick. Uses it well.
Some vision available for minor uses. Like eating. She wears two sets of glasses. One upon the other to get minimum vision. Soon, there will be no vision.
They have had Bear to the seeing eye dog trainer to determine if he qualifies. He does. Soon, the training will begin.
BOB an excellent learning tool, as well as informative.
Bob and Ann Smith were having lunch at Road Kill Cafe. Before my time. Never heard of it.
The waitress an acquaintance. She came up to Bob and asked if he had a smoke. He offered a cigarette. She was looking for a joint.
A conversation ensued re the high cost of grass. The question arose as to why? Because of golf, Bob said.
Bear with me. I am not sure even after reading the chapter several times how the two are interconnected. The story however interesting.
Bob explained that when they lived in Buffalo, there was a lot of snow. Everyone carried jumper cables in their cars. In the middle of the night, Bob’s front door bell rang. It was the police. A passer by had seen someone steal Bob’s jumper cables. The police were able to quickly apprehend the culprit. They wanted to make Bob aware.
Bob obviously was pleased. He asked the officer to hand him the jumper cables. The officer refused, explaining that the theft of jumper cables in New York was a Class A Felony and had to be retained for evidence.
Two weeks later, Bob received a notice to appear in court. The notice further advised that if he failed to do so, a warrant for his arrest could be issued.
Bob appeared. Directed to a large court room and told to take a seat. Bob estimates 300 people in the room. Bob was dressed suit and tie for the occasion. Most others, not.
Soon several of the others began asking him about the proceedings. Bob explained he was not a lawyer. Merely like them. Which he was not. Most were defendants waiting to go before the judge. Bob had been directed to the wrong room.
He went into the hall. Saw the public defender representing the man who stole his jumper cables and the arresting police officer. He went over and chatted with them.
Bob was anxious to get out of the place and asked them what had to be done. They said the action was on the floor above. Nothing really moved on the floor they were on.
So upstairs the three went. Into a maze of offices with a lone secretary sitting in the middle. Several assistant district attorneys plea bargaining cases. Bob described the scene as chaos.
The public defender and police officer knew what to do. Soon the guy who stole Bob’s jumper cables case was resolved.
Bob was free to leave.
He asked how plea bargaining came to be.
At first plea bargaining was used to get one defendant to turn on another in order to get a sweet deal. Flipping. The system worked well. Cases moved.
One judge said, in effect, hey this works terrific! Why don’t we use it to negotiate sentences so a sole defendant will agree to plead to a lesser charge. His motivation was that judges could get out of work earlier and have time each afternoon to play golf. In fact, he thought they could be out by lunch.
Plea bargaining born to provide judge’s with the opportunity to play golf. What all this had to do with the high cost of pot, I still do not understand.
Children separated from parents at the border. Commonplace recently in the United States. We read and talk about the impact on the children. To hear about it first hand from a person it actually happened to impactful.
The New York Times began an OPINIONS section this morning. It will run every Sunday. People writing about first hand experiences.
Victoria Smolkin today a history professor at Wesleyan University and an author. Thirty years ago, 8 years old. She, her parents and family were escaping Communist Russia. They had necessary papers. They reached the crucial point at the border. Theirs bags searched. The mother’s contained an inexpensive broach that was a family heirloom. The Russian guards thought she was taking expensive jewelry out of Russia.
The mother was taken away. The problem resolved two days later and her mother returned.
Here it is 30 years later. Victoria recalls how she developed a huge bald spot on the right side of her head and wet the bed for two years.
Trauma? You bet. Imagine what the immigrant children in the U.S. are experiencing and will suffer therefrom  for years.
Victoria wrote: “…..separating families at the border…..not about law and order…..about power, and the abuse of power – because if, in the collision between border and body, no one protects the body, the border always wins.”
Enjoy your Sunday!
HURRICANE HOLE was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
Bob Smith shares the Key West of the 1990’s in his book BOB. One character of that time and still alive is Peter. Commonly known as British Peter.
I was fortunate to know Peter. As many today who still enjoy the Chart Room. It was the Chart Room where we all met and became friends.
Peter was British through and through. Appearance wise, tall, thin, with a white mustache. His accent decidedly British. His demeanor conservative. BOB says “a more polite and erudite fellow you will never meet.”
Peter for many years lived on a sailboat. Moored it 2 miles out into the Gulf. Used a dingy to go back and forth. One night, Peter had a bit too much to drink. A moonless evening. He went out to return to his sailboat.
He left the dingy when he thought he was at his boat. He was not. Dingy floated away. Peter floating. Had to find the boat or die. He swam around a while and fortunately bumped into his boat.
Another Peter tale involves his world travels. He was somewhere in the Pacific off a small island on a sailboat. Pirates came upon him in the dark of night intending to rob and perhaps kill him.
Peter no slouch. Always prepared. He shot and killed one of the pirates before leaping off his boat and swimming to shore. As Peter tells the story, he fully anticipated the pirates to find him the next day and kill him for having killed one of their own.
Peter was off the island as dawn broke.
BOB talks about Bob running into the Peter at the West Indies Lounge on one occasion. I do not recall the place nor could I find it on the internet. However, I am sure it was den of inequity with Peter and Bob observing, not participating.
Peter no longer with us in Key  West. He had inherited a home in the State of Washington years ago. Five years ago, he decided to move to the home and spend the rest of his days there. Peter has returned at least 3 times over the years to visit.
BOB shares another Peter story. One involving Rockland Key and cock fighting chickens. Saved for tomorrow.
One of Peter’s closest Chart Room buddies was Che. They discussed everything. Argued a better description. Che an in your face type. Peter would not let him get away with anything.
Che now 85. Ailing. None of us have seen him at the Chart Room in at least 6 months. He has become a recluse.
Jean Thornton thought it was time he got out. She has arranged for Che to be at the Chart Room at 5 this afternoon to meet and greet friends.
Che has a distinction. One of the holes in the Chart Room bar bears his name. He is one of two remaining alive. A portion of his ashes will be deposited in the bar when he passes on.
Spent yesterday afternoon researching this week’s KONK life column. Ten pages of notes. Not sure of the title yet. The topic involves Kim and Trump. Kim’s background emphasized. Trump is in bed with a dog who has fleas.
I will write the article this afternoon.
Snuck out for an hour for a pedicure and manicure with Tammy. Love Tammy! Respect and admire she and her husband Ricky’s success. They deserve it!
Last night, the Chart Room. Met Mary Anne. Has lived in Key West since 1990. We never met before. Amazing!
A small world. Mary Anne knows Bear. And, Donna and Terri. Mary Anne is the assistant manager at the Lower Keys Animal Clinic on Kennedy. A vet’s office. The Doc Bear’s vet.
Cori Convertino stopped by to say hello. Talented. Hard working. She is actually Dr. Cori Convertino. Has a Ph.D. She is in charge of the exhibits at the Custom House. Ever changing, time absorbing to erect. Each one a “work” in itself.
Jenna! My love! We have not seen each other in months. My fault. She calls, I am too busy. Accidentally saw her last night.
Jenna and her beau stopped in for a drink before seeing a movie at Tropic Cinema. We swore we would get together soon. Very soon!
Read an interesting report this morning. A recent study shows millionaires now control half of the world’s wealth.  Personal wealth globe wise in 2017 totaled $201.9 trillion. Up 12 percent from 2016.
The rich getting a lot more richer and doing it a lot faster.
Happy Father’s Day to all who will be remembered and to all who will not. Life moves in strange ways.
Enjoy your Sunday!
      BRITISH PETER was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
I am addicted to politics and world events. I am paying for it this morning. I remained awake most of the night watching the Singapore Summit. Trump’s press conference was 4 am.
My first thought is I should have gone to sleep. I am dead! Laid in bed till 9. Here it is after 11 and I am just beginning the blog. Still have to prepare for tonight’s podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Be awake and sharp while I do the show.
What a day it’s going to be!
Talk is better than fury and fire. Trump and Kim agreed on nothing significant. The joint agreement said nothing. Denuclearization danced around.
However, the two met. They are now friends. Trump invited Kim to Washington. The world’s worst dictator has come front stage. They will engage in telephone chats. Things kumbaya. At least for a while.
Not enough for Trump to win the Nuclear Peace Prize. A meet and greet insufficient. A promise to denuclearize was required. The man who deserves the Prize is Moon Je, President of South Korea. He is the person who got the ball rolling resulting in the Summit.
One final thought. Trump was not ready. He has to prepare for these meetings. He requires a knowledgeable staff to guide him. Trump’s personality, good or bad, insufficient when it comes to the details.
So no misunderstanding exists, I consider the Summit a failure, except that now two leaders have come to know each other and will communicate.
Success may come re nuclear weapons. Down the road, however.
History tells us of a major success that began as a failure.
Reagan and Gorbachev met in Reykjavik, Iceland in 1987. They were unable to agree on anything of importance. Nothing was signed. The Summit was considered a failure.
Reagan and Gorbachev however began to talk informally. They now knew each other. Those talks paved the way to the eventual end of the Cold War and at that time the threat of nuclear war.
My KONK Life column several weeks ago was titled: I’m The President, Aren’t I?” Concerned Reagan’s speech at the Berlin Wall. In front of Brandenburg Gate.
Reagan and aides had worked on the speech for several weeks. Reagan wrote what he considered a strong line in the speech: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” His top advisers thought the sentence too strong. Wanted it out. It came out. Reagan would put it back in. This back and forth continued.
It was the morning of the speech. Reagan in a quandary. The line out. He still wanted it in.
He had a conversation with Deputy Chief of Staff Duberstein.
Reagan: I’m the President, aren’t I?
Duberstein: Yes, sir, Mr. President. We’re clear about that.
Reagan: So I get to decide whether the line about tearing the wall                       down stays in?
Duberstein: That’s right, sir. It’s your decision.
Reagan: Then it stays in.
A dramatic moment. I recall watching Reagan on TV. “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
Two and a half years later, the wall came down.
Big trees from little acorns grow. The Singapore Summit could result in good. Or, not. Time will tell. One thing certain. Trump and Kim must continue to talk if good is to be accomplished.
My podcast tonight. Join me. Nine o’clock.  A quick half hour of my ramblings, sharing thoughts, etc. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.
The show must be good. Or at least, interesting. My numbers keep going up. The show has acquired national advertisers.
Enjoy your day!
    POST SUMMIT THOUGHTS was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
Robots are taking over the world. With a shocking quickness. Silently, however. Sneaking up on us.
Robots are working assembly lines, in warehouses, cleaning homes, even making love.
Now comes the hugging robot. Five years in development. The goal to design robots to give hugs humans will love.
Makes sense. People love to give and receive hugs.
Success almost here. Hugging robots being fine tuned at this stage.
Yesterday busy. Especially during the day. Many errands to run.
Squeezed in lunch at Sandy’s Cafe.
Last night, the Chart Room.
Packed. Surprising. Key West is into off season.
Jean Thornton’s birthday was being celebrated. Many celebrating with her.
Barb, whoever you are, where were you? You wrote and asked to meet me and if I would sign your copy of Irma and Me. I replied ok. Chart Room wednesday at 6. I was there. Apparently you were not. I asked several women if they were Barb. No Barbs. Bartender John was asked to look out for you also.
What happened?
On the way home, remembered I had not eaten. Stopped at Five Guys. Two cheeseburgers lettuce wrapped. No fries. A diet meal.
Another doctor visit this afternoon. Part of getting ready for my Cleveland Clinic visit. Following the doctor visit, I will be stopping by Liz’s for a drink and some interesting conversation.
My KONK Life column a couple of weeks ago concerned Black Caesar the Keys Pirate. Today Port Royal, a Caribbean pirate haven.
Port Royal was a small island off Jamaica. Six thousand five hundred residents. All one way or another involved with piracy.
The island headquarters not only for piracy, but also smuggling and debauchery. It has been described as the “most wicked and sinful city in the world…..one of the lewdest in the Christian world.” In other words, a fun place.
On this day in 1692, 3 powerful quakes hit Port Royal. A large tsunami, also. At one point, half the island was under 40 feet of water.
Port Royal’s population 6,500. Three thousand died that day. Thousands more in the days following the quakes.
Port Royal could not be rebuilt. People thought it was built on coral like Key West. Turned out not to be. Strictly dirt. The mud remaining prohibited rebuilding.
Undaunted, the pirates moved operations to Jamaica itself. Built a new city. Called it Kingston. Today, Jamaica’s largest city.
Trump is a historian of note. Written with tongue in cheek, of course.
Yesterday, he did it again. While he and Trudeau were having a heated telephone conference re the tariff issue, Trudeau asked how Canada could be a security threat to the United States. Trump’s reply was to the effect that Canada had burned down the White House.
Canada did not put the White House to the torch. It was the British. During the War of 1812. At a time when Canada was not even a nation. It did not become one till 1867. During the War of 1812, it was a British colony.
A year earlier, the U.S. had invaded Canada and burned down York. York today Toronto. The British were burning down the White House in retaliation for the Americans having burned the British colony of York.
The interesting and generally unmentioned story of the White House and its burning involves Dolley Madison. Dolley was the wife of then President James Madison. The White House had been evacuated. Dolley remained with a handful of workers.
Her concern was the portrait of George Washington. She did not want it to fall into the hands of the British.
The painting was screwed into the wall. The screws would not come out. Dolley ordered the frame broken and the canvas removed.
It was only then that she swiftly departed to avoid capture.
When word got out of her courage and the saving of Washington’s painting, Dolley became a national heroine.
A hundred years later, some historians claimed Dolley was not the person who saved the painting. She had long fled. It was some house slaves led by a Frenchman overseer type.
The Dolley Madison heroine story is considered more reputable.
Before I receive a ton of e-mails, Dolley is spelled correctly. The “e” is part of her name.
I sometimes wonder what Trump studied in college. It is obvious he did not read history books.
Enjoy your day!
  HUGGING ROBOTS was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
Bubbas are native born Key Westers. Also referred to as Conchs. A distinction. Those so born are proud of their heritage. Bubbas are also those who though not born in Key West have been residents a very long time and are deeply entwined in the business of the community.
On this day in 1985, the jury returned in a federal court criminal case involving 14 Bubbas. Twelve were found guilty. Involved were drugs.
The 1985 bust was not the only Bubba bust. There was one 10 years earlier in 1975 and another 10 years later in 1995. The feds would swoop down and make arrests.
The federal authorities in 1995 were concerned local authorities would reveal the investigation. The feds never advised local authorities of the investigation till arrests had actually been made.
The 1975 Bubba bust is best remembered.
James “Bum” Farto was Fire Chief. He was arrested and convicted of drug dealing. Following conviction, he disappeared on a trip to Miami. His car was found in a Latino neighborhood.
Bum Farto has never been found. A famous saying has developed over the years: Bum Farto Where are You? On tee shirts, etc. Farto has gained more notoriety in disappearing than if he had lived a calm routine life as Key West Fire Chief.
Tuesdays always quiet for me. I remain at home and fine tune my podcast to be delivered at 9 in the evening. The Show: Tuesday Talk with key West Lou.
Show went well last night. Love doing it! I sit back and vent. Share my feelings with everyone.
My numbers are increasing. I have national advertisers. Who would have believed!
Yesterday’s Rosanne Barr incident. ABC and Disney did the right thing. Costly, also. Not only for ABC and Disney. The many minions who worked the show, also. The little people. A hit show and their jobs lost.
Roseanne has a big mouth. Always has. Even 20 years ago. Would she have been as racist in her comments yesterday were it not for Donald Trump?
A President sets the moral tone for the country. The standard. Trump is a racist. Ergo, everyone else is entitled to be. He gives license to the Roseanne Barrs to be more vocal than they might have been.
This week’s KONK Life hits the stands at 5 this evening. My column this week: The FBI of Today The Jews of Yesterday. One of the best columns I have written. Read it, if possible.
In May 1937, the Volkswagen was born. Hitler wanted a state owned automobile company that could produce a cheap car. An affordable vehicle for the masses.
Hitler achieved his goal. The Volkswagen. Cost under 1,000 Reich marks. $140 American money.
The German term for Volkswagen means “The people’s Car Company.”
Hitler’s concept got its start in 1937. The company produced few or no cars. Hitler needed tanks. The plant was converted to a tank making facility.
The U.S. is in a time of diminishing influence world wide. For this we have Donald Trump to thank.
An example being the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear pact. There was and is money to be made in and with Iran. China recognized this fact immediately. It was recently announced a Chinese investment firm is going to invest $2 billion in an oil refining plant in Iran.
China and Russia are looking for ways to invest in Iran.
On this day in 1431, Joan of Arc was martyred. She was burned at the stake. By decision of the Catholic Church.
Burning at the stake. A religious inspired death. Concerned and caring.
Not one of the Church’s finest moments.
Church and government do not mix. Like oil and water.
We have a problem today with religion. Evangelicals have become politicized. They support Trump regardless of his many wrongdoings. The Catholic Church also on occasion.
Not a healthy scenario.
Have to hustle. I have a late morning heart doctor appointment with Dr. McIvor. Routine.
Frequent doctoring a scourge for the elderly. Tiring. A pain in itself. Necessary, however. I am glad I am able to do it.
Enjoy your day!
BUBBA BUSTS was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
Several times over the years, the Puritan/Pequot Indian battles have come to my attention. The battles interesting for various reasons. Each time I have written about them.
Today, I again write concerning one of the battles. To evidence the Christian souls of the early Puritans. Supposedly God fearing. I doubt however they were listening to God when they acted in Mystic in 1637.
The Pequot Indian battles consisted of three separate engagements. The first this day in 1637.
The Pequot Indians were not nice people. Far from it. Disliked the Puritan settlers especially. The Pequots were prone to attack the Puritans.
The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay were equally not nice. Disliked the Pequots. Decided to kill them all.
In the early morning darkness, the Puritans attacked in Mystic a sleeping Pequot camp consisting of 500 men, women and children. Massacred them. Most of the 500 killed.
Retribution? Who knows why wars really start. It was the next step in the Mystic battle that makes me look down upon the supposedly religious Puritans.
The blood of the 500 was not enough. The Puritans beheaded some of the Indian dead. Then proceeded to play kick ball with the heads down the streets of Mystic.
Rain in the morning yesterday. Rain again last night. I’m waiting for my house to float away.
I spent the day inside. Continued working on next week’s KONK Life column in the afternoon. Was getting ready to shower and go into town when it began raining again. Waited a while. Did not stop. Forget stopping, did not even let up a bit.
Decided to remain home. Enjoyed a small meal and watched the Cavalier/Celtic game.
LeBron James has to be the greatest basketball player of all time. He was on his game last night. Scored 46 points leading Cleveland to victory.
The final playoff game sunday night.
I had spent two afternoons preparing to write next week’s KONK Life column. The topic excited me. When I sat to do the blog at 6 this morning, I decided to write the KONK article instead.
The column completed and sent to the KONK editor. It will hit the stands wednesday evening.
The topic involves Trump, Hitler, lying, the Jews, and the FBI. Titled: The FBI of Today The Jews of Yesterday.
The topic intrigued me. The more I researched, the more interested I became. I am uncertain of the final product. My research may have been better than my writing in this instance. The subject matter difficult to explore with a 500 word limit.
Which means I am sitting here writing today’s blog at 11:30. Never that late!
Big evening tonight! Dinner with my lesbian wives Donna and Terri. I have not seen Donna in two weeks. She has been in Detroit visiting family.
I wrote a couple off days ago about the wonderful multi-facted Laura Richardson. Singer, bartender, Salt Gallery owner, newspaper reporter.
Amy Bondurant e-mailed me. Amy a former U.S. Ambassador. Now a Key West resident. Presently in Maryland preparatory to heading off to her Paris home.
Amy knows Laura and agrees she is multi-talented. Amy shared with me something I did not know. Laura is also an attorney.
The media is mentioning Alberto today when referring to the weather. Alberto has become a for real storm. Presently a sub-tropical storm.
It is anticipated Alberto will hit the westerly coast of Cuba and then come north into the Gulf of Mexico. Landfall anywhere from Louisiana to the Panhandle monday night or tuesday morning.
Alberto will not come near Key West. It will be way out to the west in the Gulf.
Does not mean Key West is not a player. Heavy rains anticipated through wednesday. Winds in the Keys up to 40 mph. Flash flooding a major danger to the southern Keys.
The irony of all this is that the hurricane season has not begun. Not till June 1 which is next friday.
Creatures of the sea get the best medical attention in the Keys. Especially, turtles. The Turtle Hospital is located in Marathon.
A small injured turtle was found off Little Palm Island. A rare species. A Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle. Entangled in a fishing line.
The little one has been names Echo. His problem a broken flipper.  He has been treated with laser therapy, wound care, antibiotics, fluids and vitamins.
His hospital stay anticipated to be 2 months.
The heavy rains can be disruptive of Key West fun times. The annual Schooner Wharf Minimal Regatta had been scheduled for tomorrow. Rescheduled to next sunday because of the rain.
Memorial Day ceremonies begin early monday. Nine at the Maine Memorial in the Cemetery. Ten at Bayview Park.
A parade? Not sure. Must be. I’ll find out and let you know.
United Airlines announced it will begin direct flights with Newark in the Fall. With Chicago, mid December.
Enjoy your day!
    KICK BALL IN MYSTIC…..INDIAN HEADS USED was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
The deluge has begun this morning. Amazing! So much rain on such a consistent basis.
Interestingly, no one appears to be upset with the rain. Including the tourists. They have been able to sneak in a few hours of sun bathing here and there.
The rain reminds me of Gene Kelly’s singing/dancing scene in the 1952 movie Singin’ In The Rain. A smile on his face.
Though the movie was produced in 1952, the title song was composed in 1929. Took a while to gain popularity.
The movie was not much of a hit when released. It took a few years. Today is considered the fifth best movie of all time.
The song rings in my head. The first 8 lines the most significant: “I’m singin’ in the rain / Just singing in the rain / What a glorious feelin’ / I’m happy again / I’m happy at clouds / So dark up above / The sun’s in my heart / And I’m ready for love.”
A lot of rain is best signified by what has fallen on Key West this month: 9.68 inches to date. The whole year to date: 13.25 inches. The numbers speak for themselves.
Now the good news (written with tongue in cheek). A tropical storm or hurricane is forming. Big rain. Will hit northern Florida sunday night. Alberto. Not expected to be bad. A category 1 if a hurricane.
After Irma, I find it difficult to believe anything re hurricanes. Hurricanes are fickle. They do  not move as anticipated. Nor are their winds always as projected. The storm has a will of its own.
Alberto can impact the lower Keys rather than northern Florida.
Alberto will be the topic of conversation in homes, around bars, etc. for the next 48-72 hours.
Spent yesterday afternoon working on next week’s KONK Life column. May actually write it this afternoon.
Driving to the Chart Room last night, I was surprised how little traffic there was. US 1 was not crowded at all, nor was the Boulevard.
It will all change beginning today. Heavy traffic anticipated for the Memorial Day Weekend.
Quiet at the Chart Room. Just John and I for a while. Then Omar came in. Met Omar for the first time.
Omar’s mother of Italian descent. Made for interesting conversation. Which got even better when Omar revealed he had gone to Syracuse University College of Law for a couple of months. He did not enjoy it. Left and got a Masters instead in Economics. Then worked on Wall street for years.
We live in scary times. Uncalled for, except for Trump’s antics.
Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis gave the commencement address to the Air Force Academy last night. Nine hundred eighty four new lieutenants. Four hundred heading for pilot training.
Mattis told the graduates to prepare for war…..They must be ready to fight and win.
A news item came to my attention this morning. The Air Force is considering calling 1,000 pilots out of retirement. For stints up to 48 months. A shortage of qualified pilots exists.
A U.S. war declaration has to be on most minds these days. The question arises as to who has the right to declare war. Most people believe it is Congress. Technically, yes. However the Presidency has usurped that power since the Korean War.
My KONK Life article on the stands at the moment is titled Right To Declare War. Read it, if you can. It explores the problem.
KONK life also publishes a daily internet news letter. E-Blast. This morning’s news letter carries the KONK Life column Right To Declare War, also.
Good basketball tonight. Cleveland/Boston. Boston up 3-2 in the playoffs. People are saying LeBron James older and tired whereas Boston’s players young and have more energy.
Cleveland has to win tonight or the season is over for them.
Wish you could be sitting with me and hear the rain in the background. The heavy rain driven by the wind. Sort of ominous.
Enjoy your day!
    WHAT A GLORIOUS FEELIN’…..I’M SINGING IN THE RAIN was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
Several years ago, a new type sales store appeared on Duval Street. A cosmetic shop. Sold all kinds of goodies to enhance a woman’s facial features.
Soon there were more such shops.
Each engaged in overcharging. Significantly. Unknown to the purchaser. A $300 purchase showing up on a customer’s credit card billing as $3,000 for example.
The police did not consider the problem criminal. The ripped off customer was left to suing the store directly. A long tedious process uncertain of success.
A handful of Key West citizens decided to do something about it. A vigilante committee of sorts.
The group organized the Rip-Off Rapid Response Team. They fought the cosmetic shops not with guns. Rather with signs and picketing. The signs reflecting the fraud involved.
The group almost immediately became successful. The cosmetic merchants did not want a bunch of vocal crazies (from their perspective) spoiling business.
This morning’s Key West Citizen has a front page story and photo of the group in action.
One of the cosmetic stores had overcharged/ripped off a 54 year old Vermont visitor to the tune of $9,752. It took sign carrying picketers 1 1/2 hours to get the store to capitulate. The cosmetic store reimbursed the ripped off man the $9,752.
Congratulations to the do gooders!
I have a concern, however. What continually happens in these situations is fraud. Clear and simple. Why do the police not deal with the problem?
Key West’s finest are the finest. I think our police force does an excellent job. However in this regard, they fail the public they serve.
My understanding is the police consider the rip-off a civil matter. Not a criminal one. Ergo, the defrauded person has to resort to civil remedies.
I don’t buy it. It’s like passing the buck, I don’t want to get involved.
A similar situation existed with the former Scrub Club on Duval. Men would go in understanding a “massage” was $300. When the credit card bill was received, it was $3,000. The police refused to get involved. Considered the wrongdoing a civil matter.
Comcast. A pain the ass! Finally got a repairman. Took five days.
Learned something I did not know. The repair people do not work for Comcast. Comcast contracts out the repair work. To a Tennessee company. The company maintains 7 repair men in the Key West area.
From what I could determine, the repair people are overloaded. My repair man showed up around 6 last night. Was due between 1 and 3.
Spent yesterday afternoon preparing for my podcast show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Then the show at 9.
I have become sick and tired of Trump, Trump, Trump, in the news. All around us. Last night I did a show 95 percent non- Trump. A change of pace. There are other things happening in the world we should be aware of, think about, discuss.
A point to be made with most of the topics. Of course, I made the point in each instance.
The show is archived. You can listen to it at any time at your convenience. You might especially enjoy listening to last night’s show. www.blogtalkradio/key-west-lou.
This week’s KONK Life on the stands. My column Right To Declare War. Congress’ right Constitutionally. However one that the Presidency has usurped since the Korean War. Interesting reading.
Pythons a dramatic problem in south Florida since Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Pythons sexually inclined. Now number in excess of one million. Most centered in the Everglades.
They can never be eliminated, eradicated. Too many. Hopefully, contained.
The State of Florida is always declaring war on the pythons. Last year, the State authorized 25 hunters to catch and kill them. A joke! Since March 2017, the 25 have caught 1,000 so far.
Like a drop of water in the ocean or adding a grain of sand to a beach.
Dentist appointment at 11:30. I think the endoscopy procedure might have screwed up an implant.
Enjoy your day!
RIP-OFF RAPID RESPONSE TEAM was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
Yesterday, a Key West day all day. Rare.
The most important event was taking Terri grocery shopping at Publix. Donna is out of town for a week.
Terri could not take herself. She is not driving any more. Her eye sight is failing.
I volunteered.
I had a concern. How was Terri going to maneuver around the store. The first thing that struck me was whether she could direct the cart.
I asked her: Who pushes the cart?
Her response: I PUSH THE CART!
Sorry I asked.
We shopped. Pleasantly.
Next, she wanted to stop at CVS to pick up a prescription. I did not even bother to go in with her. I was confident she could handle it.
Love Terri!
Terri was the third scheduled event for the day. I started earlier with a haircut with Lori. It takes all of 2 minutes to cut my hair. She never wants to charge me. I give her $20.
Ran into Lori later in the evening. I was having dinner at the bar in Roostica. There was Lori and her husband at the end of the bar. A good looking couple. We chatted a bit.
Stopped at Sandy’s Cafe for a quick lunch after the haircut. Sandy’s and Lori’s are like 5-6 doors apart on White Street.
Then, it was Terri’s turn.
I had one more appointment following Terri. A manicure with Tammy.
Tammy always a pleasant experience. Admire what she and her husband have accomplished developing their business Lee Nails.
Business was slow. The season over.
Last night, a lecture sponsored by KWAHS at the Custom House. A history of Duval Street from its beginnings to 1970. I was disappointed. Insufficient detail.
Always a smart ass or two in the audience. Three or four asked questions whose answers were known to God alone.
I was early for the lecture. Ran into Karen who was early also. We went across the street for a drink.
A pleasant half hour. Karen and I have not talked alone that long in 15 years.
Then to the Chart Room.
Packed! John busy!
I stayed a couple of hours. I was the only local. Unusual.
Met two charming ladies from New Jersey. Their 16th year visiting Key  West. Doing it up big. An ocean front room at the Pier House.
One a hospital comptroller. The other, retired.
I am always interested in how people feel about Trump, did they vote for him, etc. Apparently neither I nor the questions are offensive. People are happy to share their thoughts.
The retired woman a Trump supporter. Voted for him and thinks he is doing a great job. Making up for Obama’s failures. She was also thrilled with her retirement account. The market is up.
My stomach was growling. Time to eat. Stopped at Roostica’s on Stock Island on the way home. Great Italian food at reasonable prices. Seated at the bar next to me was Jim Clark. I have not seen him in a while.
We first met at bocce. I used to hate playing his team. Jim good! He shot first for his team. The polina always long, always down the middle. His ball on top of it. I always followed him. Rarely did I get close.
Jim into into social media, advertising, etc. He publishes Best Key West Restaurant Menus.
The weekly KONK Life publishes an internet paper daily. KONK Life E-Blast.
My column this past week in KONK Life was Black Caesar…..Keys Pirate. It was run this morning on E-Blast. Unusual. I suspect the column was a filler.
Sometimes a piece of news leaves you feeling empty. Following is one that did.
Scott Peterson was a Broward County Deputy Sheriff. He was the deputy on the scene at the Parkland high school shooting three months ago. The only one. He heard the gun shots and ran to them. He never opened the door to enter the school. He remained frozen outside.
Peterson recently retired after 25 years on the job. He is 55 years old. His pension $104,000 a year.
We worry about China and trade wars. Meetings at the moment in Washington between the U.S. and China.
China has been struggling with a declining birth rate over the years. The matter has become of concern to the government. One which limited families generally to one child per couple.
All of a sudden, the U.S. is experiencing a similar problem. The birth rate hit an all time low in 2017. Three million eight hundred thousand. Two percent lower than 2016, the lowest ever recorded in 30 years.
The cause is attributed to economics. Although 2008 is behind us, economic uncertainty remains. Such concern does not bode well for those wishing to have children.
Enjoy your day!
    WHO PUSHES THE CART? was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
History records many famous sea battles. Samalis (480 B.C.), Defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588), Trafalgar (1805), and Midway (1942) amongst others. Not mentioned however is Key West’s Great Sea Battle (1982).
Important to the Florida Keys. A battle for independence. Resulted in the birth of the Conch Republic.
The Great Sea Battle is reenacted every year. In April. This year, tonight. The forces of the Conch Republic meet those of the United States. A sea battle like no other.
Involved on the side of the United States are Naval jet fighters and Coast Guard vessels. For the Conch Republic, World War I bi-planes and pirate ships.
Bombs from the World War I bi-planes will be dropped on the Coast Guard vessels. The bombs, rolls of toilet paper. A sight to behold as they flutter downward continually opening. Conch bi-planes will also engage the Navy jet fighters.
On the sea, two pirate ships will appear on behalf of the Conch Republic. Maned by pirates and their wenches. Dressed appropriately. The wenches all young and beautiful.
The pirate ships will attack the Coast Guard vessels with rotten cabbage heads, tomatoes and eggs. The pirate ships will also be equipped with large hoses from which they will spray the Coast Guard with ocean water.
The best show in town! The Best Key West has to offer! Exciting!
The Battle takes place on the Gulf side of Key West off Schooner Wharf. Thousands lined up all along the shore line watching.
Firefighters from near and far are to be complimented in how they have been battling the Big Pine fire. The fire began sunday.
Covers 100 acres. A tough fire. Sixty percent under control as of today. The fire at this point considered minimal. Hot spots being moped up and defensive space around homes and structures being created.
A 65 year old war ended. North Korea and South Korea signed a peace pact. Unquestionably historic.
I was in the last three years of high school during the war. Had it not ended as a practical manner when it did in 1953, I would have been drafted. My life thereafter would have been different.
The U.S. Marine Hymn…..From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.
On this day in 1805, the Marines were in Derna. Derna a part of Tripoli. Tripoli had been testing the mettle of the new  U.S.
Pirates from the Barbary Coast had been capturing American sailors and charging the U.S. high ransom for their return. The Marines were sent to resolve the situation, teach a lesson, etc.
They did their job. In so doing, deposed the ruler and replaced him with one sympathetic to the U.S.
Student loans. A guarantee for most of a lifetime of debt.
A foremost expert on the subject of student loans has been Drew Cloud. His writings have appeared in major news outlets, including The Washington Post and CNBC.
Cloud the informed person with advice to students with college debt. Portending to be an advocate for their financial well being.
One problem. Recently discovered. There is no Drew Cloud. He does not exist. A phony.
The Student Law Report is affiliated with lenders who loan to students. “Drew Cloud” articles, etc. were prepared by any staff person available.
Students getting screwed by those they thought were helping them.
Trump is running America into the ground as he did with his businesses. Along the way, he is causing the U.S. to lose face.
Bidding for the 2026 World Cup is in process. Two bidders. A joint bid by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. A bid by Morocco.
Trump tweeted wednesday that countries we support should support us in this bid. Tweeting, “Why should we be supporting these countries when they don’t support us (including at the United Nations)?”
A bully and an asshole. Sorry, I cannot describe him any other way. Tiny Morocco being stepped on by the big and mighty U.S. Other nations being stepped on also.
Interestingly, French President Marcon was in the U.S. this week for a state visit. He and Trump were all over each other. Pawing. Showing affection for each other. Buddies.
France has announced it is supporting Morocco.
Enjoy your day!
        GREAT SEA BATTLE was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
I viewed last night’s dinner as my Last Supper. Till tomorrow night. Today, liquids only.
Tomorrow morning, a colonoscopy and endoscopy. I have had them before. The procedure nothing. Knocked out. The prep today the problem. You who have had the procedure understand. Those who have not, your time will come and you will understand.
I enjoyed lamb chops at Antonia’s. The lovely Nicolle bartending. As I think about it, I was enjoying lamb chops last monday at La Trattoria when it became necessary for Carrie the bartender to Heimlich me.
One of the reasons for the procedures tomorrow.
After Antonia’s, It was Publix. I had to buy various liquids to consume today. No food till tomorrow afternoon.
Prior to dinner, I stopped at Aqua. my usual monday evening haunt. Dueling Bartenders. Tom Luna and Rick Dery great. My friend Liz sitting on the other side of the bar enjoying them also. Liz looked great! A new hairdo.
Due to the fun time I shall be enjoying today and tomorrow, some activities/events have been cancelled. My Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou podcast will not be aired this evening. Nor this blog and my Key West Lou Live video tomorrow morning.
Paraphrasing General Douglas MacArthur, I shall return thursday.
Big Pine is 30 miles up the road. North on US 1. Got killed by Irma. Still recovering. Many yet homeless.
Sunday another disaster befell its residents. A raging wildfire. Still burning yesterday. Thought to be under control, but will not be sure until today runs its course.
Smoke covering the Key.
Local, state and federal forestry personnel battling the flames. Fire crews brought in from all the agencies. Including a helicopter which dropped 500 gallons of water at a time.
As of last night, 100 acres already burned. Strong winds encouraged the fire. Dried vegetation left over from Irma fueled it.
A tough fire to fight. The firefighters would put out one area only to find another had begun elsewhere.
Fortunately, losses limited to one house and one garage. No lives.
William Hackley became a part of our lives 2 years ago. Hackley lived and worked in Key West prior to the Civil War. He kept a diary. The Key West Citizen found portions of it and has been reporting Hackley’s life on a daily basis.
I have read 99 percent of the articles. Hackley is moving. Leaving Key West. He has been packing for a couple of weeks. Somewhere along the way, I must have missed a diary entry. I do not know why he is moving.
While in Key West, Hackley and his family enjoyed the life of the well to do. Hackley an attorney holding various positions.
I did a little digging and came up with Hackley’s life after leaving Key West. Only 10 years. He died during a yellow fever epidemic while living in Memphis in 1867.
Hackley left Key West in 1857. Settled in Joliet, Illinois for 6 years. Ran into financial difficulties. Moved to Memphis, Tennessee.
From 1863-1865, Hackley worked as a special agent for the US Treasury and as a cotton agent. In 1865, he became a special agent of the Treasury Department responsible for gathering cotton which had belonged to the Confederate States in Mississippi.
A yellow fever epidemic of great proportion struck in 1867. Hackley infected. He died in Memphis from yellow fever in 1867.
Trump making noises about immigration again. The “caravan” immigrants from Honduras and Guatemala trying to reach the United States. Most seek asylum. They have the necessary paperwork prepared for presentation to US officials at a border point.
Trump announced in recent days that the “caravan” was reaching the Tijuana crossing into the United States. He ordered the Department of Homeland Security to deny them entry.
Typical of Trump, he made it sound like barbarians were at the gate.
Not so.
The initial group leaving Honduras and Guatemala totaled 1,200. Families, many with children and babies. All walking.
The group reaching Tijuana 50. A handful. With papers.
Trump is going to deny them entry without even a proper review of their papers. Some or all just might qualify for entry.
Trump is a big man physically and a big man in every other respect. A giant. He is beating up little people.
Enjoy your day!
      LAST SUPPER…..MINE was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
Trump’s recent Key West visit gives me concern.
The Miami New Times videoed the Trump caravan as it passed City Hall and made the turn onto United. Short and shocking.
First, shouts of Love Trump’s Hate. Then boos and hisses. Followed by FUCK YOU! Loud. Several times. Topped off with a woman giving the President the finger.
Fuck You! is not Key West. I cannot believe Key Westers would utter such a profanity to a President of the United States.
Many lack respect for the President. Properly so. A man who does not give respect cannot expect it in return. FUCK YOU! goes beyond a mere lack of respect. It shows disrespect. The dis important. It requires affirmative action regarding the respect issue.
Key West would not disrespect.
I have been a part of the Key West community one way or another for 30 years. A homeowner 20. A resident 12. I know my friends, I know the people of Key West.
Contrary to thought, Key West is a conservative community. Take away several blocks of Duval and what is left is small town America. A blend of conservative and liberal values.
I read somewhere last week that organizers from outside our community were coming to Key West to organize an anti-Trump protest. I have to believe it was the outsiders who were dirty mouthing and fingering the President.
If correct, then we have to be careful in the future who we listen to with regard to protests.
I personally am anti-Trump. From day one. His record before and since President reflect him to be inept, corrupt, immoral, a racist, and homophobic. My hope is we survive his Presidency.
I spent the better part of an hour yesterday watching the Barbara Bush service. Touching. Moving. I cried.
What the world needs are more Barbara Bushes.
The Chart Room first to meet Buffalo’s Fran and Tom Dixson last night. Great people! Good friends!
Fran brought me 4 jars of sauce and pork. A couple loaves of low carb bread. And some other goodies.
Fran and Tom just returned from 2 weeks in Sicily and southern Italy. Fran, Sicilian. My former wife and her mother were Sicilian.
Sicilians tough people. I some time wonder how I survived my wife and mother in law.
From the Chart Room to the A&B Lobster House for dinner. Outstanding!
We did not have a reservation. Lucked out. Sloan’s daughter Shaina hosting. We were seated immediately. Great conversation, drinks and food. We chatted the evening away.
I have a long day ahead of me. This week’s KONK Life column due today. I have delayed to the last minute. Several topics in mind. Not sure which one yet.
Today is Earth Day. The first Earth Day in 1970. Always celebrated April 22.
The purpose of an Earth Day was to increase awareness of the world’s environmental problems. Such has constantly been accomplished since 1970.
Interestingly, 1970 also found the EPA being established. Its purpose to regulate and enforce national pollution legislation.
The United States a healthier and safer place to live and work because of the EPA. The same EPA today being torn apart by Trump. Years of safety regulations killed by the stroke of a pen. For the sole purpose of helping corporate America make more profit.
Corporate America generally comes out on top. Today’s example Wells Fargo.
Wells Fargo was fined by the Trump administration $1 billion for predatory mortgage practices.
No big deal for Wells Fargo. The company will be pocketing more than $3 billion this year as a result of Trump’s new tax law.
The World Bank is an international friend to business and countries.
The draft of its annual World Development Report came out this week. It recommends that countries eliminate minimum wage requirements, dismantle wrongful dismissal rules, and repeal laws providing contractual protections for workers.
More wealth and advantage for the rich based on the ashes of the working class.
The World Bank explains its decision. These drastic moves are required to discourage employers from rushing into robots and automation which would eliminate many human jobs.
A non-sensical excuse. The World Bank must think people are stupid.
Enjoy your Sunday!
FUCK YOU NOT KEY WEST was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
First, a major screw up yesterday. The blog was titled Tosh Memorial Service Today. I forgot to click PUBLISH when finished. Ergo, it never got published yesterday.
Upon discovering my error this morning, I published the blog even though a day late. It bears today’s date. Read it with the mistake in mind. Otherwise, you will pickup on a Lincoln death date that will read wrong.
I am now doing today’s blog. Note both blogs will bear the same date. So read both.
Jean rode a high speed 196 mile per hour train over the high mountain regions of Spain yesterday. Madrid to Barcelona. Reports the landscape on the mountains desert like.
Started raining as the train descended into Barcelona. Jean wrote, “So apparently the rain in Spain does not stay mainly on the plain but rather near the train.”
From the train to a bus to the ship. Ship magnificent. She and Joe were greeted with champagne and warm towels.
Their stateroom gorgeous! King sized bed, flat TV screen, big closet, 2 sitting chairs, a coffee table and mini fridge. The bathroom large.
They were booked for an off ship flamenco dinner show. However, jet lag was beating them up. They opted to remain on board for dinner. The meal delicious. Then took in a Cuban music show. Jean said she could not keep awake. Her head kept bobbing. Left the show early for bed.
Jean has been in Spain 48 hours. She is already acclimated to the language and customs. Her good bye to me was “Adios!”
Attended Tosh’s memorial service at St. Paul’s yesterday afternoon. The respect for Tosh obvious. The Church was packed. I would estimate 400.
Service excellent. His children’s words touching. His grandchildren beautiful.
At the conclusion of the service, a Scottish bagpiper appeared. He played some tunes. Then led the Pastor, Tosh’s immediate family and close friends out a side door to St. Paul’s burial ground. His ashes were interned in St. Paul’s Memorial Garden and Columbarium in a private ceremony.
I started to write this week’s KONK Life column earlier in the afternoon. Could not put it together. Not the material. The set up on the computer. Got nothing done.
Sloan is due here this morning around 11:30 to set me up. Thank God for Sloan!
I hope she makes it. She will have to travel over Cow Key Bridge just before the race starts. A thousand people to get through.
I had planned dinner with Donna and Terri in the evening. Received an e-mail from Catherine earlier in the afternoon. I forgot I was supposed to join her for a sunset cruise anniversary party. Cancelled Donna and Terri. Understanding people.
The cruise was on a Southernmost Island Charter. A big vessel. One hundred fifty guests. Mostly members of the Key West Sunrise Rotary.
It was a 30th anniversary celebration. The host is a member of the Rotary and invited the members to join he and his wife.
Cruise 3 hours. Two in the sun. Followed by sunset. Then another hour on the water.
Food and refreshments excellent. A good time had by all.
The last time I did a sunset cruise was 5 years ago. Last night’s a reminder I should do it more often.
The Chorale Concert this afternoon at 4 at St. Paul’s. Fifty plus singers. Everything from Mendelssohn to Billy Joel.
A $20 donation requested at the door.
My day scheduled. Sloan and then actually writing this week’s KONK Life column. Followed by Hot Dog Church, the Chorale, and Kate Miano’s Gardens. Terri is singing.
I will only be able to make 2 of the 3, if I am lucky. Terri is a definite. The Chorale hopefully. Hot Dog Church will have to do without me this week.
Enjoy your Sunday!
  RAIN IN SPAIN DOES NOT STAY MAINLY ON THE PLAIN was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years
I refer today for the first time to Trump as Mr. President. Not because he has achieved that recognition in my mind. Because for the first time he may be leaning that way.
My concern Syria.
The President has challenged Putin for the first time. Especially this morning. Recognizes Russia as a partner with the bad guys in Syria and bearing responsibility for the gasings.
The President said he was going to do something re the chemical attack. That was over the weekend. All recognized time was of the essence. If there was to be retaliation, it had to be immediate. Don’t give Putin and others time to move their war machinery around, get ready for a military hit, etc.
The President screwed up. It is now wednesday. The too long a time has passed. Putin however kept it alive with his tweet that he and his friends had the where with all to knock down any missiles the US might shoot.
An added concern is that the US has at least 2 Naval vessels in the area that are subject to retaliatory missiles.
I believe we have no choice but to go for it. Destroy something big time in Syria. Take the gamble with Putin. He has thrown down the gauntlet. The US cannot do what Obama did. Nothing.
Note that Russia is in bad shape. Their economy is way down. The ruble fell again last week. Putin cannot afford an all out war.
I further believe if Putin sees the US is serious, he will back off on the rhetoric and find a way to quiet the confrontation. He has done such in the past.
I criticize the time it has taken with no reaction yet by the US. Where is our planning? Where have the CIA and military been? Plans should have already been prepared and held in abeyance till needed.
An obvious failure in Washington in protecting the US. This fault may include the Obama administration.
Yesterday, my first book signing. Sold ten books in 3 hours. Not disappointed. Did not think prior to the signing I would sell one.
More experienced authors Reef Perkins and Robert Coburn participated also. I doubt they sold more than 10 books each.
The problem was no one came. We were alone for 3 hours in the hot boiling Key West summer sun.
Ross Pipkin was part of the program. Ross does voice overs for books. He did a reading. Interesting and humorous.
I thank good friends Kate Miano and Lynda Frechette for attending. A Jane who I never met before.
Towards the end of the 3 hours, Bob and Stevie from the Chicago area arrived. We had never met before. They came especially to buy my book. Bob and Stevie are loyal readers of this blog.
They leave today for home. Hopefully, we will meet next year when they return. We agreed on the Chart Room.
My favorite female bartender Nicolle showed up with her partner Dara. Nicolle works at Antonia’s. She did not buy a book. Did not have to. She had already purchased a copy through Amazon. She brought the book in for signing. My pleasure!
The book signing was at the Andrews Inn. Michael and Albena new owners. Eight months. Albena from Belgium. The Inn was run down when purchased. They have fixed the place up. Irma interrupted and added to the renovations.
The Inn is lovely. Tiny adding to its quaintness.
Michael noticed the crowd was sparse. Actually, non-existent at one point. He showed ingenuity. Went out on the street and dragged about 20 tourists in. Induced them with the free food and drink. A smart guy. The Inn cannot fail.
The book signing was a charity fund raiser. Titled the Bow-Wow Meow Book Signing. A fundraiser for the SPCA. Help the dogs and cats.
Not much help yesterday. I feel guilty. I plan on sending a check.
I enjoyed doing my podcast last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. A mix of topics. Key West, Anchorage, and a little Trump. I try to include topics about what is going on involving persons other than Trump. He is available enough on the media.
The weather continues to be hot. Summer definitely here. Eighty six yesterday. And humid! Will be the same today.
Very likable and talented artist Jon “Tosh” McIntosh died last month. A memorial service will be held this saturday at 3:30 at St. Paul’s Church.
Sons and Daughters of Italy meeting tonight.
I was doing a Key West Lou Live video every day til about 2 months ago. Louis ranting and raving about some issue for a few minutes.
Renewed the show this morning. It is revived! Look for it daily on Facebook.
Enjoy your day!
  MR. PRESIDENT…..WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? was originally published on Key West Lou
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