#The World Upside Down
sashaspasiba · 6 months
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Sasha Gymn for Giorgio Armani
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sashaspaciba2 · 5 months
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yonemurishiroku · 4 months
Percy and Nico are so funny. Never have I seen two characters who would, literally, die and kill for each other, whilst in the same time cannot look into each other’s eyes or spend three minutes in the same room without the air turning uncomfortable. Ha ha ha
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Hierosonic: The World Upside Down
Song of the Day: April 29, 2023
“ Maybe all I'm battling down here is you, but now I know that never was the truth. In the end it's always and only me. “
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evanzbuck · 2 years
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#same eddie same
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darlingod · 4 months
In TCP, Cardan was hella fast pitching attempts to make Jude beg. Seriously, buddy would not leave her alone. It was constant fan behavior pls.
Then we’re here in the beginning of TWK and the first bold move that beautiful lunatic makes on Jude is, “Kiss me again. Kiss me until I am sick of it.”
Literally begging. Dignity void. Pathetic. I love him.
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faultyvessel · 8 months
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Can you believe it’s been a year since this started? What a hell of a ride
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chronicowboy · 2 months
just gone back to watch the helicopter scene and seeing buck's face when tommy makes the fake mouth static after last week is literally. it's too much for me. his GRIN. like!!! that's a little boy with a crush!!!!! this guy is so cool!!! and he has butterflies about it!!! and he wants to get to know him!!!
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avasetocallmyown · 10 months
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𝟭𝘅𝟭𝟲 || 𝟰𝘅𝟬𝟯 || 𝟲𝘅𝟬𝟲 || 𝟳𝘅𝟬𝟳
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
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Buddie Countdown to Season 7:
35 days.
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sashaspasiba · 7 months
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bylerspookie · 4 months
me after seeing tiktok/twitter 'discover' a byler theory that tumblr has been discussing for a year
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sashaspaciba2 · 5 months
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piratefishmama · 11 months
Fake it 'till you make it | Part 5
Eddie was almost half certain that he was either hallucinating, or still asleep and dreaming the whole thing. But Steve Harrington was in his living room, perusing the mug collection as if it were fine art or some shit, and he wasn’t there to buy drugs. The van had gotten uncomfortable pretty quickly after Eddie’s tragic realisation, and while his Uncle was definitely there, and giving Eddie a very obvious what the fuck Ed’s ‘look’ while he made them both coffee, Steve seemed pretty at ease in the place.
He didn’t look like he belonged in any way shape or form, with his mega-bucks hairstyle, the polo that probably cost more than Eddie was making per day on those dates, and the jeans that probably—okay he needed to stop pricing up what Steve was wearing.
Needed to stop making assumptions about him.
“You take sugar, kid?”
“Uh—yes! Yeah, uh, cream two sugars, please. Thank you.” If Steve noticed the surprise on Wayne’s face at the presence of manners well… he didn’t seem offended by it. in fact he was still pretty amazed by the mug collection. “Where’d you get all these?”
“Spent a few years’a my life as a long haul trucker before Ed’s landed on my doorstep back in the day, the road ain’t no place for a kid so I packed it in, but there’s always lil knick knacks in pit stops along the way, had people say they’d probably be worth somethin someday, bit‘a history an all that, but… that ain’t why I have em. Each one has a memory attached to it, makes somethin as mundane as a mug, precious.” Memories, the walls were littered with memories.
Such a small space packed with so much. So many little bits and bobs, clutter that told stories, personalities told by clutter.
Steve loved it. He found it… comforting.
Eddie couldn’t stop the foot he so ungracefully stuck into his mouth however with the quip “must seem messy to you, huh?” That wiped the smile right from Steve’s perfect face. Replaced it with a little frown of confusion.
“Hm? No… no, not at all, what? What makes you think that?”
“Well, I’ve seen your house dude, it’s looks straight out of a showroom or somethin.” Couldn’t take the foot out of the mouth now, best just chew on it until his uncle whacked him round the back of the head with a newspaper, hissing,
“Manners don’t cost nothin boy, I raised you better than to be a little shit to guests. The hell’s your problem?”
“I honestly have no idea.” Eddie didn’t even complain about the whack, it didn’t hurt, but it did dislodge the foot from his mouth, allowing him to level Steve and his confused face an apology “sorry man, I’m just…”
“S’fine, I get it.” And wasn’t that just fucking heartbreaking. Especially since he smiled so sweetly when Wayne gave him his own little steaming mug, it had mickey mouse on it. “For the record though, I like it. The collection I mean… I think I’d like something like this in my own house someday, just… memories everywhere… neither of my parents are big on collections, I think the only ones they have are my mom’s vinyl’s and my dad’s wine.”
“Your mom has vinyl’s?” The wine collection was predictable but vinyl’s?
“Mm, up in the attic, I’ll show you sometime.” He had a player in the sun room, could probably bring a few boxes down and let Eddie rifle through them someday, maybe even convince his mom to bring some of them with them to the chalet, Eddie might get a kick out of at least a few of the records in there. “If you still wanna be seen with me after all this” an if she wouldn’t take them, best get the idea that they could still be friends after it all out in the open!
Eddie wasn’t bad, and Dustin adored him, constantly trying to get him to give Eddie a chance, sneaky little shit setting this up, probably had ulterior motives, so… why not?
Eddie didn’t get a chance to answer though, although his mouth was open ready to speak, Wayne beat him to it. “Now, it’s none’a my business but… what do you mean by all this?” Leaving Steve awkwardly sipping his coffee, looking at Eddie over the rim of his cup in question. Was it okay? Would it be okay to talk about it?
“As much as I’d love to say, ‘Steve’s invited me somewhere for a week!’ and have that be totally believable and not cause you a stress aneurysm… Wayne’s cool, Steve, you good with me talking about it?” There was obvious hesitation, more strangers who knew the riskier it could be for him, but— he nodded. He’d trust Wayne, as insane as that was, he didn’t even know Wayne, but… the man gave off a weird kind of trustworthy energy. And Eddie vouched for him so, “You know how I do that whole… date thing to freak parents out for girls? Stevie here needs my services.”
“You aint plannin on doin what I think you’re doin, are you boy? Are you out of your damn mind? Do you know how danger—”
“It’s okay!” Steve blurted cutting off the expected worry rant “it’s safe, I promise, my parents are… well… they might seem really detached from reality but—you don’t know them. I recently realised that neither do I… he’s not… gonna be freaking them out either, he’s just… playing a part to get them off my back for a while… I’m uh… I’m—” he looked at Eddie, briefly but long enough to catch the little nod of encouragement. It was okay. It was safe. So far things had been fine for him coming out, so far he’d been okay, there’d been no danger, and maybe doing it so many times had made it easier or something because it just… came out “I’m bisexual, they know, and have been throwing both women, and men at me trying to get me to finally settle down with someone and… while I agree, that’d be nice… I would love to do that, i’m not jazzed about the quality of the people they’re throwing at me.”
“…Your parents. The Harringtons, rich folk. Those folks… they’re safe?”
“Apparently, my dad’s even restructuring his company values to include people like me, trying to make it a safer place for us, and this was before I told them.” Something he’d had no idea about, something that he couldn’t believe, hence why he kept bringing it up, it was insane to him, how little he actually knew his parents, how wrong he’d been about them.
How wrong everyone had been about them.
“His parents are takin him to this chalet in Canada next week, Steve thinks they’re gonna ambush him with some random person that he’ll have to spend a whole week avoiding, so… he’s hiring me to act as his boyfriend. That cool with you, Wayne?” He didn’t have to ask. Eddie was a grown adult, he could do whatever he wanted, go wherever he wanted, but… Wayne deserved to know.
“… Can I meet em before you go?”
“Of course!”
“Not a chance.”
The worst part was, they both spoke at once. And Steve’s very positive answer, happened to be louder.
Part 7
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sp1resong · 6 months
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i (tumblr user sp1resong) will see some bugs and go 'is anyone gonna put those in a maze' and not even wait for an answer
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
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Every day I want to leave this franchise behind and then they drop stuff like this. This ain't queerbating this is queertrapping. Let me go
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