#Donna and Terri
umbrellacam · 2 months
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Tales of the Teen Titans #53 - Dick and Kory vs. Donna and Terry; very cute doubles match inside Titans Tower
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Batman (Vol. 1) #468 - Tim practicing against a ball machine at Wayne Manor. Bizarrely, he's shown playing both left- and right-handed in different panels (but primarily left). Artist mistake Ambidextrous Tim evidence?!
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Tales of the Teen Titans #1-4 main covers by Nicola Scott.
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allovesthings · 22 days
No thought, head empty just them:
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Bonus for maximum heartbreak:
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wondertwinsenthusiast · 2 months
Head full of around 30 yo Dick and Donna sitting and talking one late night and Liu and Terry come up. Dick was not even 17, Donna was around 19. Now they're both around the age Liu and Terry were. Those two relationships happend like a little more than two years apart, neither of them can call it what it was even after all this time, just imagine Dick and Donna finally unpacking everything. Devastating.
Might write this as a fic but idk
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classyinfur · 1 month
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The furs of Beverly Hills Madam (1986)
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jesamnelovelace · 4 months
Many people’s negative feelings towards Terry Long lead them to wanting him to be removed completely from Donna’s history. I understand why. He was a good decade older than her, and she was freshly an adult when they began dating. He didn’t respect her career as a hero, often complaining about it despite having known beforehand what he was getting into. He took her child from her in their divorce. Etc. 
Terry was not a good partner for Donna, but I don’t believe canon should just erase him. For better or for worse, Terry played a major role in Donna’s life, and removing him would change who she has become as a character/person.
The problem with Terry’s portrayal, especially prior to his and Donna’s divorce, was that the source material presented their relationship as healthy and tried to convince the readers of that. Clearly their relationship was not actually healthy.
When the age gap is brought up in the comics, it’s never for negative reasons. Sometimes it’s just a jab at Terry for being old, but often these references are used to show how mature Donna is. Wolfman has even said that he created Terry as Donna’s love interest because she needed somebody more mature like her. For him that meant she needed to date a man ten years her senior.
Only after their separation and divorce does their relationship start to be shown a bit negatively. However, even when it is, it’s not doing anything to show that the relationship was unhealthy when they were together. The negative things brought up and referenced about Terry are just that he was the one who initiated the divorce and left Donna and that he took Robbie away from Donna.
The ideal way, in my opinion, for what writers should do with their relationship is not to look back on it in a positive way, nor do I think they should completely ignore it ever happened. It should be acknowledged as something unhealthy that Donna didn’t seen at the time since she was young and naive. Something that took time/needs to take time for her to fully grasp.
However, this doesn’t mean I want for Donna to suddenly just completely hate him. I know many people enjoy revenge fantasies, and I know there are people that use Terry for those, and if that’s how you cope with things, that’s fine. I just personally don't see that as in character for Donna, nor do I really find it compelling.
Donna’s feelings towards Terry should be complicated. It should be something she struggles with at first that she later comes to terms with. There were some comics during and after the divorce that started to do this, but, again, her negative feelings were about the divorce itself and Terry taking Robbie away and not the relationship prior to these events.
During and after the divorce, despite everything Terry has been putting Donna through since he left her, she continues to believe she still loves him and thinks he must feel the same way about her. It ties a bit in with her issues with perfectionism. What they had was the perfect family she wanted, and she can’t fathom that she’s losing it. 
She believes that despite everything he is still a good person. She has occasional moments of anger towards him, but she still feels positively about him a lot of the time. It’s heartbreaking seeing these moments.
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New Titans #117
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New Titans #128
Even after his death her feelings remain complicated. She grieves for him along with Robbie. After everything he put her through. It would be so easy for her to be angry at him for Robbie’s death regardless of how much at fault he is. But she doesn’t. Instead she continues to feel love for him.  He took her son from her in more ways than one, and she still loves him.
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Girlfrenzy! Wonder Woman: Donna Troy
This display of complicated feelings, where she continues to love somebody she has every right to be mad at, isn’t just something she does with Terry. She’s done this with the Titans of Myth as well. They messed with her memories and manipulated her, but she still feels love for them. 
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Return of Donna Troy #4
To me it’s just a lot more compelling for her to struggle with the fact that she still loves these people who she has every right to hate. Even as she comes to terms with how poorly they treated her. She loves Terry. He was an important part of her life. But he hurt her. From the start their relationship was unhealthy. 
A story arc for Donna where it finally hits her how bad things were the whole time could be so much fun if handled correctly. And this is why I would prefer this over him being removed or just having Donna suddenly switch to just full on hating him. For her character it makes a lot more sense for things to be a bit more complex than that.
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nikrei · 4 months
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click for full quality
Group photo at the New Titans Gala! It's not a thing but it should be a thing.
See the full individual dresses:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Extra! - Roy and Garth
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cer-rata · 3 months
Forgive me for posting from Reddit, but...
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I'm sobbing help my girl out--
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viaov · 1 year
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Terry Dodson, Wonder Woman(s)
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The more they show dick being an outsider amongst people in Terry’s age group the worse his relationship with Donna comes off. Like dick clearly does not fit in here. These men have been married before, have kids, and hate their marriages. Not to mention they keep calling him kid.
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And while it’s played off as a joke here, someone is outright asking if dick’s old enough to watch something like this. Even dick is like wow being around you people makes me remember how young I actually am. As if the bride to be isn’t the same age as him give or take a year.
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marleneoftheopera · 10 days
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Portraits from the original Toronto production! Photos by Laird Mackintosh.
Paul Stanley
Kim Stengel
Glenda Balkan
Melissa Dye
Brent Weber
Peter Barnes
Catherine Duff
Tania Parrish
Jill Filion
Donna Kelly
Harriet Chung
Philippa Hayball
Anita Bostok
Samantha Adamson
Mimi Pineau
Deanna Pidwerbeski
Lisa Gaasenbeek
Janet Coates
Gary Krawford
Gerald Isaac
Tim Stiff
Terry Hodges
Paul Mulloy
Brian Duyn
Bob Meilleur
David Playfair
Devin Dalton
Kirk Hansen
John Dodington
Kelly Robertson
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thena0315 · 3 months
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Mariska Instagram Update with Kelli and the squad BTS of SVU25 3.22.24
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speedforce-paradox · 3 months
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codemonki · 1 year
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I've been reading volume 2 of the New Teen Titans and I thought that this cover would be fun to draw, also it forced me to come up with some slight redesigns for the characters !!
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The og cover btw
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confusedhummingbird · 15 days
Are ya a fan of Donna Troy, or just 100% Dickkory?
If so, how would you rewrite her & terry’s relationship?
(Since many people in the titans fandom HATES that guy with a burning passion XD)
I absolutely love Donna Troy! She's one of my favorite heroes! I love all the Titans but Donna is up there with Dick and Kory as my favorites.
If I had to fix her relationship with Terry I would. 1. Make their age gap a bit smaller. Like have her be 20 and him 23 for example and 2. Not have her be her college professor because that's creepy on so many levels. They could meet at campus but both as students. I would have them meeting and maybe finding some interest in each other and progress from there.
I'd also take away the whole taking Robert away from Donna thing. That's just cruel and vindictive and makes Terry look even worse. If they did have to divorce. I could get him being worried about Robbie and having a hero for a Mom, but realize it's not right to take a mother from her child when her only crime is just trying to be a hero.
Thanks for the ask! 😃
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