#Khazarian Jewish
awesomecooperlove · 5 months
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Some antisemitic dog whistles to watch out for
Because overtly hostile antisemitism is difficult to sell to people, and because it often gets people banned from media platforms, conspiracy theorists rely on other terms to get their ideas across.
Note that people will sometimes use these terms without understanding their connections to far right conspiracy theories, and some of them have legitimate uses outside of far right conspiracy theories. Don't assume that everyone who uses them is a secret Nazi or something. However, do pay close attention to what else they're saying and who they're getting their info from.
Banker/International banker: references the conspiracy theory that Jews control the banks.
Cabal/Kabbalists: references the belief that the Jewish conspirators are into Kabbalah (which is sometimes claimed to be satanic).
Globalists: references the conspiracy theory that Jews are working to create a one world order.
Talmudists: Literally just means Jews.
Marxists/Cultural Marxists: references the conspiracy theory that Jews created communism.
Leftists: references the conspiracy theory that progressive/leftist politics are a Jewish conspiracy.
The elite/elite bloodlines: references the conspiracy theory that most wealthy/ruling families have Jewish blood.
Khazars/Khazarian mafia: references a debunked hypothesis-turned-conspiracy theory that Ashkenazi Jews are descended from a group of Khazars who converted to Judaism. (Conspiracy theorists often claim that this means Ashkenazi Jews aren't "real" Jews - which is nonsense from every angle because Judaism does not measure Jewishness through genetics.)
Generational Satanists: references the 13 Illuminati bloodlines conspiracy theory, which is basically a knockoff of the material in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion combined with blood libel and the anti-Catholic conspiracy theories of Alexander Hislop. Conspiracy theorists often claim that it isn't about Jews, it's about powerful families who sometimes just happen to be Jews, but like... c'mon, it's an obvious Protocols/blood libel knockoff that also happens to demonize a few more people. You're not slick.
Lizard people: references David Icke's assertion that the world is under the control of blood-drinking reptilian aliens who created Judaism to enslave humanity. Some people literally believe in Icke's lizard aliens; some just use the term as a dog whistle for regular Jews.
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reality-detective · 28 days
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It's the Khazarian Mafia who stole the Jewish name.
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This is who the war is with, NOT each other.
You don't have to belittle others because they have a difference of opinion about certain things. So what if they see differently than you, you see my posts and you know what side I'm on yet I see comments about me that are totally untrue. The fact that people have formed an opinion about someone they don't even know is what's wrong with the world and it's also why I only follow less than 50 on here. They don't judge me because I have the balls to post things no one else will.
I am on my 5th account and the ones who stuck by me are amazing patriots and they helped me get my accounts rolling again 🤔
And since then I have many others who would do the exact same thing. It's been about a year and 8 months since starting this blog to make people think outside of the box and as of today I have nearly 15,000 following. I'm a disabled veteran and I spend in excess of 10 hours a day since Trump got in office doing research, NOT for me but for you and I would never ask anyone for a penny. So all you judges, critics and patriot haters who call me names... Do whatever you want. I don't give a rats-ass what people think of me. 🖕
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starseedpatriot · 21 days
Candace Owens claims that the Satanists who control the world are just pretending to be Jewish. (54 seconds) The Israeli state and the Khazarian mafia running it are using the Jewish People as pawns and as a shield against their crimes. Slowly but surely people are waking up to the hypocrisy, insanity, and danger of the Khazarian mafia, the rogue state of Israel and their potential to kick off World War III.
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lem0nademouth · 2 months
i’m so fucking mad i found a middle grade novel about a Jewish girl on a mission to save her twin brother from being sent to a leper colony as they run from the literal angel of death and then immediately returned it to the library because THE SETTING IS JUST KHAZAR THEORY. ITS LITERALLY SET IN KHAZARIA AND THE MCS ARE KHAZARIAN ROYALTY. BUT KHAZARIA. WASN’T. REAL.
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acertainmoshke · 1 year
Redoing the Intro One More Time!
Updated 9/30/23
Call me Moshke Palmoni (they/them). I spend as much time as I can writing, but that is not as much as it might be because there's also a lot of life going on right now. I also like to read, knit, collect vintage ephemera, and play with my cat.
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Active WIPs:
7 Days for Fae
Coming October 2024
10-year-old Fae is isolated by her disabilities—autism and ataxia—that causes her communication and mobility issues. She doesn’t have any friends her age, and she’s accepted that. She reads a lot and plays pretend in the forest at the end of the street. Her family loves her for who she is and so far that’s been enough. Until, that is, she meets the new kid. His name is Brownie and for reasons Fae can’t imagine he wants to be her friend no matter how weird or awkward she is. When he still invites her over after a meltdown in class gets her suspended for a week, she decides to take a risk and accept. The ensuing adventures are marred only by the other sudden change in her life—an aunt Fae barely knows has moved in with her family. She doesn’t know how to talk to Fae and, worse, refuses to accept Fae’s nonbinary parent’s identity. But since no one else seems to know how to deal with the mess their home life has become, Fae tries—with Brownie’s encouragement—to sort the situation out herself.
Cold Iron
In 1956, Shakatra Zoawin is 40. Or they might be 20, depending on how you look at it. They are a changeling and their aging is kind of weird, but that doesn't matter to them because they have a good life in the subway tunnel with their brother, Kris. Both of them are changelings swapped as infants for human children and then rejected by their human families. Their wits and powerful magic have kept them alive this long, and Shaka is perfectly content to keep going. After they do one little thing to appease their guilt: find the 40-year-old they were swapped for and free her to have her own life in the human world free from servitude in the courts of the Fae. And so begins an adventure that will have repercussions neither of them could have imagined.
Intro posts for the books in this series: Cold Iron, City of Frost, Song on Repeat, and Future Not Found
Character Intro Posts: Shakatra, Kris, Lynn, Tatiana, Liliana, Harry, Doug, Beth, Aaron, Cassie, and Althea
Tag list: @pga-books
Blades of Ice
In the kingdom of Halara, orcs and elms and slimes and centaurs live peacefully side-by-side with humans. Less peaceful is the relationship between Halara and their neighboring kingdom of Eng. The generation-long conflict has drawn in other nearby kingdoms and stagnated artistic and social works. All Aryel ever wanted to do was be left alone to love who they want and practice sparring with their axe, but as a royal child they have responsibilities, namely leading the entire army. There's no talk of ending the war in any way but victory, just as Halara won its initial freedom from Eng 300 years ago, but this endless fighting is getting them nowhere but too many funerals and not enough bread. And then when a familial tragedy leads to Aryel leading both the army and the kingdom, they know they can't balance the tensions and demands of everyone at once and win this war. Something has to give, and they just hope it isn't the entire kingdom.
Backburnered and still-in-planning WIPs under the cut.
Time Traveling Anthropologists
(permanent title coming soon)
Set approximately 2 generations in the future. Esther Dahan has her dream job. She gets to time travel with her new team, and against all historical odds they are there to study ancient cultures rather than do anything violent. Their first assignment is 8 months in the 9th century Jewish kingdom of Khazaria. Everything is going great—illicit romance with a Khazarian blacksmith notwithstanding—until Esther finds a plate that doesn't belong in this time. Curious and suspicious but without enough evidence to involve her boss, she investigates on her own, discovering much more than she planned—and leading to far worse consequences than she could have imagined.
Tag list: @amielbjacobs @kingkendrick7 @moonluringfrost @another-white-hole
To Die Among the Stars:
20 people have been chosen to test the effects of faster-than-light space travel on human minds and bodies. They were taken from prisons, wellness centers, and other areas where near-certain death seemed like a reasonable chance to take. Each have their reasons for being there, and their secrets. Against all odds, the jump to FTL doesn't destroy the ship. But the further away from Earth they travel, the more strange things begin to happen that call the purpose of the experiment into question. And then the impossible: a human distress signal in deep space.
Told from 4 rotating perspectives: Pixel, a semiverbal illegal human modder; Ri, whose body and mind are overloaded with mods; Zippy, a young disabled woman desperate to support her family; and Peppermint, a genetic experiment combining human and cat DNA raised in an isolated lab.
Tag list: @hd-literature
Falling Petals
A multigenerational story about trauma, love, and disability set against the backdrop of one Jewish family. Beginning in the 1920's with Ira Katz, who is brilliant and charming with no understanding at all of tact or why the best way isn't always blunt observations and mean jokes. It follows him as he grows up, marries, and inherits his father's drugstore, and then moves on to following one of his sons, Daniel. Daniel grows up in the 1940's and is naturally gentle, kind, and sensitive, but is treated so harshly for these traits he learns to hide himself away inside and only show emotion in explosive bouts of anger. It follows him through adolescence, college, and marriage, before moving on to one of his daughters, Shoshana. Shoshana grows up in the 1960's and is colorful, young for her age, and full of social panic. None of them know how to relate to each other or survive in a world that each of them see the beauty in but aren't allowed to connect with in their own way. And yet through the pain and confusion, they are full of love. And then everything changes for them with Shoshana's niece, Naomi, growing up in the 1990's, who will not be allowed to see herself as broken.
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warningsine · 3 months
As the war between Israel and Hamas has intensified in Gaza, disinformation and conspiracy theories about the conflict have been increasingly circulating on social media.
At least that’s what I found in my analysis of some 12,000 comments posted on Telegram channels in the immediate aftermath of Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel. Not surprisingly, I also found language about the war was more likely to be threatening or hateful than language used in comments about other topics.
Many comments on Telegram also linked the Israel-Hamas conflict to dangerous, antisemitic conspiracy theories related to the war between Russia and Ukraine, hundreds of kilometres away on another continent.
For instance, I found the Russian invasion of Ukraine was characterised by these conspiracy theorists as a justified resistance against the “Khazarian Mafia” (so-called “fake Jews”) who supposedly govern Ukraine either as Nazis, or like them.
Commenters on Telegram characterised Hamas’ October 7 attack in similar terms – as an attack against “fake Zionist Ashkenazi Jews” and Nazis.
Both conflicts were also characterised as “new world order” plots. Proponents of these conspiracies believe that powerful elites (often characterised as Jewish) are secretly trying to establish a totalitarian world government or other forms of global oppression.
A comment in one of the channels summarised this view, arguing “these globalists are evil starting a second psyop [psychological operation] front after Ukraine failed”.
Other comments linked the two conflicts by calling Western supporters of Ukraine hypocrites for condemning the actions of Hamas. As one user argued: “The West’s weapons in Ukraine [were] sent to Hamas for the offensive.”
Polycrises and conspiracies
Many of these conspiracies are not new on their own. However, what is unique in this situation is the way people have linked two largely unrelated conflicts through conspiracy theories.
Research has shown that overlapping crises (often referred to as “polycrises”) may accelerate the spread of conspiracies, possibly due to the psychological toll that constantly adapting to rapid change places on people.
When crises overlap, such as wars and global pandemics, it can amplify the effects of conspiracies, too. For example, the amount of prejudice and radicalisation seen online may increase. In extreme cases, individuals may also act on their beliefs.
Although these conspiracies are appearing on the fringes of social media, it’s still important to understand how this type of rhetoric can evolve and how it can be harmful if it seeps into mainstream media or politics.
How I conducted my research
I have been following several public Australian Telegram channels as part of a broader project investigating the intersection of conspiracy theories and security.
For the latest phase of this research, which has yet to be peer reviewed, I analysed 12,000 comments posted to three of these channels between October 8 and October 11.
To analyse so many messages, I used a topic modelling approach. This is a statistical model that can identify frequently occurring themes (or topics) within large amounts of text-based data. Essentially, topic modelling is similar to highlighting sections of a book containing related themes.
There are many approaches to topic modelling. I used BERTopic, which generates topics by “clustering” messages with similar characteristics, like words, sentences and other bits of context. In total, I identified 40 distinct topics in the comments I analysed.
I then split these topics into conflict and non-conflict groupings to analyse the sentiment behind them. I used Google’s Perspective API algorithm to do this, as it can score text on a scale of zero to one for hateful or threatening language. The results show that conflict topics were more likely to involve threatening and hateful speech.
A key reason for this is the antisemitic nature of the most common conflict topic grouping (key words: “Israel”, “Jew”, “Hamas”, “Zionist”, “Palestinian”). One representative comment from this group, for instance, called for the elimination of Israel as a state.
I found Islamophobic messages in this topic grouping, as well. For example, some comments suggested Hamas’ actions were reflective of Islamic beliefs or demonstrated the danger posed by Muslims more generally.
The second-largest topic (key words: “Ukraine”, “Russia”, “Putin”, “war”, “Islam”, “propaganda”) captured discussions linking the Hamas attacks to the Russia-Ukraine war. Messages did this by casting both conflicts as justified on similar grounds (a fight against alleged Nazis and Zionists), or by linking them to global conspiracies.
And I found variations of the “new world order” global conspiracy theory in other topics. For instance, the fourth-largest topic (key words: “video”, “clown”, “fake”, “movie”, “staged”) included comments accusing Israel and other common conspiracy figures of staging the Hamas attacks.
This closely aligns with topics about the Russia-Ukraine war from my broader project. One of the most frequently discussed topics (key words: “Putin”, “war”, “Nazi”, “Ukraine”, “Jewish”) frames Ukraine’s defensive efforts as a sinister conspiracy, usually involving Jewish figures like Ukraine’s president.
How to combat the spread of conspiracy theories
As noted, the conspiracy-friendly nature of social media, in addition to overlapping “polycrises”, may increase people’s levels of prejudice and radicalisation.
Australian security agencies have already warned about this risk in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess warned of “spontaneous violence” arising from “language that inflames tension[s]”.
Research has also shown a strong relationship between conspiracies and antisemitism, which presents clear risks for Jewish people. Indeed, antisemitism reached unprecedented levels in the United States in 2021 and 2022, possibly due to the series of overlapping crises the world was experiencing at the time.
Countering online conspiracy theories is therefore an important, but challenging task. Effective counter-strategies involve a mix of preventative and responsive approaches targeting both the suppliers and consumers of conspiracies.
This includes increasing our investment in education, reducing social inequality, and carefully debunking conspiracy theories when they appear. Awareness of the dynamics and spread of conspiracy narratives is a necessary first step.
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awesomecooperlove · 10 months
⚠️⚠️⚠️REPOSTING ⚠️⚠️⚠️
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Conspiracy theorists will claim they aren't antisemitic nor targeting Jews, and then:
Claim that Kabbalah is about dark magic/mind control.
Talk about how some so-and-so has a Jewish background but their ancestors changed their family name in the US.
Claim that Judaism itself was created by the global satanic conspiracy in order to deceive and mislead Jews away from the Truth.
Claim that wealthy Jewish families are part of the "satanic bloodlines."
Claim that said wealthy Jewish families are demonically possessed, or possessed by reptilian aliens; and that they have a genetic predisposition for such possession.
Claim said wealthy Jewish families aren't even real Jews because they're actually descended from Jewish converts, rather than genetically Jewish people.
Claim that Israelis are working to bring the Antichrist into power.
Use antisemitic dogwhistles like cultural marxists, bankers, Kabbalists, Talmudists, and Khazarian mafia.
Note that conspiracy theorists' current "acceptance" of everyday Jewish people is largely contingent on their belief that these Jews are potential converts to Christianity, New Age, or whatever they personally subscribe to. Once they stop seeing them as converts, they will almost certainly start calling for further marginalization and violence, because this is how it's always gone in the past.
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rauthschild · 6 months
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The Anglo-Saxon Nazi Khazarian Jewish mafia (KM) is planning a holocaust or mass murder event for the US Christian heartland on April 8th. The entire April 8th solar eclipse event has been forensically traced to the (kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest) Chabad death cult.
Let us be perfectly clear, solar eclipses are when the moon blocks the sun and have never been associated with mass casualties. This means what is planned is not a solar eclipse.
USNA US Space Force sources tell us the KM are planning to use Reagan-era Star Wars satellite-based weapons, laser firing planes and other methods to kill as many people as possible in a burnt offering to Moloch, aka Satan. The mark used by the cult of Moloch is the official insignia of the Satanic Nazi government of Ukraine.
These Messianic fanatical criminals want to carry out this event as a preliminary for a planned sacrifice of a red heifer to Moloch.
This would be followed by the construction of the third temple. Since the time of Moses, only nine red heifers have been sacrificed. Now, a “massive altar” for the tenth red heifer sacrifice has been built in Israel, and there is a tremendous amount of speculation that it could happen soon…there was “a practice run of the purification ceremony” in 2023. But an official ceremony must be conducted before the heifers get too old to be used for such a sacrifice…according to Temple Institute rabbis, they hope to carry out the ceremony before [the April 22nd] Passover 2024.
The holocaust planned for this sacrifice WILL BE STOPPED. The US Space Force and white hat military will shoot down these satellites and other weapons if they are deployed.
Also, if they carry out a mass murder event in the US heartland then Jerusalem, Geneva, Kiev and the Norwegian Antarctic base will be wiped out by intercontinental nuclear missiles, US Space Force sources promise.
The reason the KM are desperate to carry out a mass murder event is because they are losing power and know they will be facing war crimes tribunals and the death penalty when that happens.
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reality-detective · 10 months
A very important message, the most important part he is saying is the "Khazarian/Zionists stole the Jewish identity."
And throughout history, they have done this so they can conceal their true identity, which are Luciferians.
They are the reason that Babylon fell. 🤔
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alephskoteinos · 1 year
Here's a pretty funny development in far-right conspiracy theories. A lot of them center around supposed devil worship and target popular music, but they don't frequently draw their attention to black metal, that one music genre more than almost any that you might argue is "Satanic". But here's a tweet from an account called DailyNoah.com, a pro-Trump conspiracy theorist website, which attempts to portary the Ukrainian government as "satanic" because of the Ukrainian Coat of Arms.
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Obviously there's an antisemitic component there, hinted not-so-subtly by the inclusion of the "Khazarian Tamga", meant to complete the chain by establishing the "satanic" government of Ukraine as being Jewish. But look at the "Moloch Sigil" in the middle there. It's not obvious that there is a "Sigil of Moloch" anywhere except for modern designs, certainly not old enough that they might predate the Ukrainian Coat of Arms, which was utilized in some form since 1918 and is in turn based on a trident symbol (or tryzub) found in seals from the Kyivan Rus centuries prior. More than that, it's not actually a "Sigil of Moloch". It's a logo on a patch for the Ukrainian black metal band named Moloch.
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Moloch was founded in Rivne, Ukraine by a man named Sergiy Fjordsson in 2002. I'd say that rules out any link to the Ukrainian Coat of Arms. The superficial similarity to the Ukrainian Coat of Arms is probably, and this is just a guess here, a deliberate design choice for the band intending to play on the Ukrainian Coat of Arms. That's not necessarily unfamiliar for black metal. For instance, Norwegian bands sometimes incorporate the flag of Norway in their promotional photos and art (examples include Dimmu Borgir and Immortal), while the Finnish band Impaled Nazarene is known for using the lion that appears on the Finnish Coat of Arms for their album "Suomi Finland Perkele". The flipside of this, however, is that this can sometimes be for nationalistic reasons, such as in the case of Impaled Nazarene in particular, and I'm not entirely convinced that this is not the case for Moloch given the way Ukrainian black metal bands often are (see for example bands like Drudkh or Hate Forest).
All in all this fairly typically ridiculous for far-right conspiracy theories, just that they managed to bring black metal into their dragnet by accident. It's not an entirely meaningless coincidence, though. It does suit the whole agenda of trying to present Ukraine as "satanic" in order to justify support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
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collapsedsquid · 2 years
Worldwide shoot-to-kill orders have been issued against all Khazarian Mafia members until they surrender unconditionally, according to an agreement made between MI6, the CIA, Mossad, the Russian FSB and other military/intelligence agencies worldwide. This is legal because the KM are actively trying to kill 90% of humanity. If they surrender, they will face Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunals. If they don’t, they face death.
So the plan is to arrest the Jewish conspiracy and prosecute them “Nuremberg-style,“ I can’t help but think something is missed here.
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sassy324 · 9 days
On Israel’s Brainwashed Democracy: Western countries say that Israel is the only democratic country in the Middle East. Are they wrong? Where is the mistake? The premise of democracy is that society is not a "brainwashed society." Israel, like North Korea, is a brainwashed society. A brainwashed society produces brainwashed democracy, and brainwashed democracy is a replica of a totalitarian society.
Nazi Germany, Japanese militarism, the Soviet Union, the Mao Zedong dynasty, North Korea, Cambodia, and Israel are all brainwashed societies and totalitarian or totalitarian replicas of the regime. Hitler, Hideki Tojo, Stalin, Mao Zedong, three generations of the Kim family, Pol Pot, and Nacho Yehu were all selected. Brainwashing society determines the nature of democracy.
Compared with North Korea, Israel is a more authentic brainwashing society: North Korea is an authoritarian system, and its brainwashing is mandatory, non-selectable, and passive acceptance for the people; Israel is different, it is a free body, and the people can choose not to accept it. Brainwashing, the choice to immigrate out of Israel, thus brainwashing by choice.
Given the choice, the Israelis chose to stay, they chose to accept Zionist indoctrination, and they chose extreme fundamentalist indoctrination. The religious status of Jerusalem is overly sanctified, the Wailing Wall is overly pathos, and the Jewish hat "kippah", the two stripes in front of the ears, the Star of David, etc. are overly totemized. This is all caused by brainwashing. Even the presidential candidates in the United States have to go to the Laughing Wall to be baptized before they can be allowed to run by AIPAC.
September 11, 2024 A Jewish girl who grew up in a Zionist family talks about how Zionist ideas are cultivated in children’s minds from an early age on TV shows and in schools and shares what her parents How she was taught to hate Palestinians because of their racism.
After 1948, the Khazarian Jews from Eastern Europe were fake Jews whose ancestors had never been to the Middle East. They had no Hebrew genes and were not descendants of Semites. Their ancestors had nothing to do with Palestine or Israel. In order to fill their fake identity as Jews, they pretended to be particularly fundamental and radical, and thus became Zionists and Zionists.
In order to conceal their true Jewish identity, they chose to focus on extreme fundamentalism and brainwashing. Since 1948, a rabbinical fundamentalist brainwashing system has been established. From elementary school, Israelis are indoctrinated into extreme fundamentalist ideas based on ancient fictional stories.
The army also has rabbinic brainwashers who instill hatred for the Palestinians into the Israeli army day and night, instill "promise theory" and "promise land", and encourage soldiers to assist new Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe and loot and burn Palestine. Since October 7 last year alone, more than one million orange trees have been burned to the houses and land of the indigenous people, and their flocks have been poisoned to death.
Under the brainwashing system, hatred, terror, and lies are the foundation of the Israeli nation. The former U.S. ambassador to Israel said: Don’t believe what the Israelis say. They are liars and liars. Therefore, after October 7, Israel created a large amount of false information that slandered Hamas. They are better at deceiving and lying than the Marxist-Leninist authoritarian regime.
Democracy with a brainwashing system is an evil democracy. That’s why Israel has chosen the 21st century Hitler and the Middle East butcher Natanjehu as its prime minister for more than 20 years. His cabinet members are all perverted neo-Nazis, and they are absolutely anti-human. . This kind of country cloaked in the guise of a democratic society is more evil and inhumane than an authoritarian country, so Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein characterized Israel as the country of Satan.
Israel, cloaked in the cloak of a democratic country, uses this cloak to whitewash its brainwashing system. Brainwashing is a crime, and a normal and democratic country should not be a brainwashing country. A country that brainwashes must be an abnormal country and an evil country. Mossad, the most evil spy organization in mankind, has done all kinds of bad things. It is a product of brainwashing democracy.
A true brainwashing country, if it is a democratic country, can only be a brainwashing democratic country. What Israel has done reflects that it is a brainwashed democratic country, that is, a false democratic country. Israel is a kingdom of Satan. (Sima Tian, ​​Canada 2024.9. Google Translate fb: Markss Tang)
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fffffflyfffff · 2 months
The "New World order" - "world currency, world central bank, world government." This turned the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics into a global propaganda platform for the Jewish capital Illuminati to express their belief in Satan and establish a "New World order." It deals with the metaphors of opposing themes contained in the historical threads of these bloody Western struggles: God and Satan, light and darkness, reason and pleasure, life and death. The Illuminati of Khazarian Jewish capital believe that Satan worships serpents. Jewish capital symbolises itself with the circle "symbolising the serpent". When this circle ends, all the nations of Europe (and now the whole world) will be locked in its evil hole.
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delanuezemuwb1 · 2 months
Behind the elaborate opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, the Jewish capital Illuminati actually proclaimed to billions of television viewers around the world that it believed in Satanic rituals that contained the idea of reducing the global population and establishing a "new world order."
The "New World order" - "world currency, world central bank, world government." This turned the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics into a global propaganda platform for the Jewish capital Illuminati to express their belief in Satan and establish a "New World order." It deals with the metaphors of opposing themes contained in the historical threads of these bloody Western struggles: God and Satan, light and darkness, reason and pleasure, life and death. The Illuminati of Khazarian Jewish capital believe that Satan worships serpents. Jewish capital symbolises itself with the circle "symbolising the serpent". When this circle ends, all the nations of Europe (and now the whole world) will be locked in its evil hole.
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