#Kim Petas
theabigailthorn · 2 months
An Off-Brand Post About the Kim Petras Concert
this post isn't about acting or youtube stuff I just want to say I had a really fun time at the Kim Petras concert last night :)
I saw her four years ago and wow, she's really gotten better - like she was a good singer before but now she's really got the pipes! Great outfits, great backup dancers, also shout out the guy who mopped the stage before she came on: I see you working hard to make it safe and enjoyable for everyone, thanks buddy!
Thank you so much to all the people who recognised me and came up and say hello: I'm really touched by how much you enjoy my work? I often feel that what I make is silly or not good enough but it makes me so happy when people get something out of it. I'm also so happy you're excited for Dracula's Ex-Girlfriend!
Shout out to the cute girl who hit on me as we were leaving and gave me her number. You might have googled me by now, perhaps you found this post - hello! I'll text you when I get back from LA; I think you might be a bit young for me 'cause you mentioned you're a final year student, but hey maybe we can just go for a friendly coffee and chat about the concert :) I need to get a burner phone first (I've had problems in the past with stalkers pretending not to know who I am) so I may not give you my actual number until we've gotten to know each other properly - sorry, my life is strange sometimes, being a public figure makes it hard to meet people but I'm flattered you approached me
Also, the opening act - Georgia - WOW, she was so good! What a talent! I'm gonna check out her music, she was so heartfelt and it was amazing how she played the drums and keyboard and sang all at once! I gave her a big thumbs up and she smiled at me!
I was the only person in the venue wearing a mask? Made me feel slightly odd but I have to film a movie next week and I didn't want to get sick, so. (I took it off to snap a quick selfie, which was perhaps a little cheeky but I wanted to remember how much I was smiling)
Wild that the last time I saw Kim I was still in the closet! How times change!
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guavagyu · 2 years
rainy day - k.mg
not the majority of my works rn being abt mingyu 😵‍💫
wc: il y a les mots, plus précisément, 662 (there are words, specifically, 662) UGH THEY KEEP GETTING SHORTER IM SO SORRY
synopsis: on a casual rainy saturday afternoon, what better cure to your boredom than to play a game of whoever-cums-first-loses-whilst-cockwarming-your-boyfriend?
warnings/stuff: cockwarming (duh), smut (mdni! you've been warned!), unprotected sex (no. lets not), fem!reader, tall!reader (cuz someone here really likes it 👀), terms of endearment/nicknames (love, etc.), fluff, established relationship, non-idol!au, domestic shit <3, lemme know if there r any more!
"first one to cum loses, mk?" you said as you slowly sank down on his dick, the rain aggressively colliding with the many windows in your shared bedroom, branches of various plants brushing against them due to the audible wind,
"what happens if you lose?" mingyu softly whispered,
"dunno, nothing i guess," you lightly shrugged as you playfully clenched around him, making gyu whimper lightly as his dick twitched in your warm walls,
"are you sure? we can do something," he looked at you with soft eyes, making your heart flutter, his curly hair and pretty eyes, only making your heart swell even more,
"how about the first person to cum has to do whatever the other person says for the rest of the day?" he suggested,
"a tad unoriginal, but alright," you chuckled, smiling, lightly kissing his heavenly lips, unfortunately being broken a few seconds later when you say, "hmmm..tell me about your week," as thunder was heard in the distance,
"uh, o-ok. where do you want me to start?" he mumbled into your neck as you enveloped him with your arms,
"anywhere you'd like, love," placing affectionate pecks along his forehead and temples,
"um..ok. so basically on monday i was at the coffee shop down the road right? and like so i wanted to get some food cuz i was kinda hungry, and then this person walked up to me out of nowhere and quoted some random lovesong from the 70's and tried to ask me out on a date but then i told them that i had a girlfriend aka you and then so yeah. i showed them a picture of you and me together and they were really surprised that you weren't built like a twig next to me and that you were actually around my height and like then yeah…..and yeah. then on tuesday i was out buying groceries AND THIS CASHIER FLIRTED WITH ME TOO LIKE WHY AM I HOT LIKE?! WHY CANT PEOPLE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE IM LITERALLY GONNA START WALKING AROUND WITH GIANT SIGN TAPED TO MY FOREHEAD SAYING I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND I SWEAR. LIKE OH MY GOD IM LEGIT GONNA CRY ALL I WANTED WAS TO BUY SOME RAMEN AND SOME ASPARAGUS OR WHATEVER IN PEACE AND NOT BE BOMBARDED WITH AN ENDLESS TRAIL OF ADMIRERS LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK I JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE AND BE ABLE TO LIVE WITHOUT BEING DISTURBED AND TO JUST BE WITH YOU. AND THEN ON WEDNESDAY I SPILLED THE TTEOKBOKKI AND COOKIES THAT I MADE FOR YOU ALL OVER THE FLOOR SO I COULDNT ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING FOR YOU AND I WANTED TO JUST DO SOMETHING NICE FOR YOU. IM ACTUALLY ABOUT TO GO FERAL AT ANY MOMENT AND JUST LIKE START SCREAMING AND RUNNING AROUND LIKE A RABID DOG-"
"HOOOOOOOOOLD ON, IF YOU GO FERAL IM GONNA HAVE TO CALL PETA MINGYU, SO PLEASE DONT GO FERAL I LOVE YOU OK?" you quickly interrupted gyu with a non-grammatically correct but functional sentence nonetheless,
"fine," he pouted,
"alright continue," and as mingyu continued to ramble on about his horrible week, although you felt terrible for this sad puppy you were also extremely confused on how all of a sudden you felt his dick soften and his cum just sit there in your pussy,
"um, gyu?"
"how the fuck did you cum from talking about bad stuff that happened to you? is this some kink of yours that we haven't discussed yet?"
"how the f- oh.." mr kim of mingyu realized, "so..i lost.."
"so…what do you want me to do first?" gyu blushed,
"well, how about you eat me out and then we cuddle for the rest of the day?"
"hmm..ok!" mingyu smiled with his pretty canines and dived down in between your legs as the rain continued to fall against your windows, the wind and trees making the setting even more relaxing for your saturday chill.
© guavagyu 2022. all rights reserved. plagiarization, reposting, translating, and/or rewriting ANY and ALL of my works is prohibited.
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cloevr · 1 month
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Kim Peta suing ❓
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rag-cat-rp · 7 months
👑„Kings & Queens”👑 (Odc. 3️⃣)
Miriam Olsson (POV.) 🇸🇪
Bizneswoman, właścicielka spółki wynajmującej mieszkania na całym terytorium szwedzkiego Goeteborga. Choć to jedynie przykrywka dla pralni brudnych pieniędzy, która sukcesywnie się w tym miejscu rozwija. Dobre stosunki z służbami mundurowymi i lokalnymi politykami sprawiają, że nikt niczego nie jest w stanie jej udowodnić. Swoje nieprzeciętne znajomości wykorzystuje do prowadzenia działalności o gangsterskim charakterze. Zatrudnia kryminalistów, którzy przy użyciu siły ściągają należności od najemców, choć sytuacja zmusza ją, aby z jednym z nich zmierzyć się osobiście.
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~ Jak już wcześniej powiedziałam, nie wiem co z tym zrobisz, ale mnie w to nie mieszaj. Nie pierdol się z nim, w ciągu czterdziestu ośmiu godzin chcę widzieć, jak w zębach przynosisz mi sto patyków od tego frajera.
Nie czekając, aż mój tak zwany „pionek” udzieli mi jakiejkolwiek odpowiedzi, natychmiast się rozłączyłam. Zgasiłam papierosa i wrzuciłam niedopałek do śmietnika, po czym bez wahania wróciłam do willi. Usiadłam przy komputerze. Ktoś tego dnia mocno nalegał na spotkanie. W skrzynce odbiorczej głównego konta znalazłam kilkanaście maili od jednego adresu.
„Czego może chcieć i na cholerę wysyła tyle wiadomości. Liczy na odpowiedź, czy co do kurwy?” - pomyślałam w duchu, bo nie dawało mi to spokoju.
W oczekiwaniu na tajemniczego nieznajomego zalogowałam się do poczty elektronicznej, należącej do mojego partnera. Znalazłam tam wiadomość o treści, której nie mogłam zbagatelizować;
~ Wiem, kto za tym stoi i zrobię wszystko, żebyście trafili na dno piekieł, tam gdzie wasze miejsce.
Mój niepokój wzbudził już fakt, że mail pochodził z tego samego adresu, który zaspamował moje konto prośbami o spotkanie.
„Do kurwy nędzy, za kogo on mnie uważa!? Czy naprawdę nie zdaje sobie sprawy z tego, w jakie gówno się pakuje? Muszę mu coś dać do zrozumienia…”
Wyjęłam pistolet. I byłam zdana sama na siebie. Olafa, mojego partnera, nigdy nie ma, gdy jest potrzebny. Był po raz enty w pierdolonej delegacji, tym razem wywiało go do Sztokholmu, Choć coraz częściej miałam wrażenie, że robi ze mnie idiotkę i tak naprawdę pieprzy się z inną na boku. Gdy te wyjazdy, zwłaszcza w okolice stolicy, stały się normą, jestem niemal pewna, że ma kochankę.
W ostateczności zawsze można było polegać na swoich ludziach. Poprosiłam trójkę z nich, by przez najbliższe godziny dyskretnie pilnowali bramy i informowali o zamiarach intruza. Przez kolejne dwie godziny niczego nie udało im się wytropić. Siedziałam bardzo niespokojnie, zachowywałam się nie jak bizneswoman, lecz jak pizda. Teoretycznie mogłam opuścić mieszkanie, ale wiedziałam, że lepiej tego nie robić. Z lekka przerażona, ale i ciekawa rozwoju wydarzeń, tak można określić, jak się w tym momencie czułam…
Wzięłam głęboki wdech i wydech. W międzyczasie zjadłam kawałek chleba posmarowany masłem i popiłam gorzką zieloną herbatą. Wróciłam do komputera. To nie był koniec brudnych gierek w wirtualnym świecie. Dostałam kolejną wiadomość od tego, który miał tu przyjechać. Po jej przeczytaniu odniosłam nieodparte wrażenie, że musi być bliżej niż nam się z początku mogło wydawać.
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Zadzwoniłam do jednego ze swoich ludzi. Nie odebrał. Żarty się skończyły. Byłam pewna, że gość nie był tutaj sam. W zasadzie to intruz…
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Miałam przeczucie, że jest w chuj blisko. Nie miałam pewności, lecz po raz kolejny intuicja mnie nie zawiodła. Dotarło do mnie, że moi ludzie nie żyją. Teraz naprawdę byłam zdana na siebie.
Widząc, w co się wpakowałam, musiałam odłożyć w czasie plan, który wcześniej zakładałam. Schowałam pistolet i wypiłam pięćdziesiątkę czystej wódki. Paliłam jak smok; przez ostatni kwadrans wypaliłam trzy papierosy. Usłyszałam pukanie, wyjęłam z ust peta i trzymając go w prawej dłoni, otworzyłam drzwi. Stanął w nich szczupły, na oko czterdziestoletni, facet w czapce i mierzył do mnie z pistoletu z założonym na lufę tłumikiem.
- Kim kurwa jesteś? I co, do jasnej cholery, tu robisz? - wycedziłam przez zaciśnięte zęby.
- Wiesz kim jestem… Koszmarem Twoim i Twojego fagasa.
Oznajmił to z takim wyrzutem, jakbym to ja go naszła w jego mieszkaniu i próbowała go zabić. Byłam przygotowana na dialog, zdobycie kilku istotnych informacji, lecz on nie był tym zainteresowany.
Głupio dopytywałam, choć wiedziałam, kim był ten mężczyzna. To jeden z tych „trudniejszych” najemców, którzy nie płacą w terminie. O nim właśnie dziś wcześniej rozmawiałam ze swoim wspólnikiem. W zasadzie o tym biznesie nie ma żadnego pojęcia, jest bardziej posłusznym wykonawcą moich poleceń niż jakkolwiek inaczej może mnie wesprzeć. Już samo to, że był mało dyskretny i pozwolił namierzyć stojącemu w drzwiach mężczyźnie mój adres było wystarczającym powodem, by sprzedać temu zdrajcy kulkę w łeb, albo wbić mu nóż w plecy. Wyrażałam chęć pokazania niewypłacalnemu lokatorowi jego miejsca w szeregu, lecz nie dziś, a najwcześniej za dwa dni. Ale skoro już się pofatygował i napatoczył.
- Nie pieprz bzdur. Porozmawiajmy jak ludzie, możesz wejść, co będziesz w progu stać… - wypaliłam nagle.
Mężczyzna bez słowa wszedł dalej niż za próg, cały czas trzymając mnie na muszce. Czułam się mocno niekomfortowo, ale w pewnym momencie podjęłam jedyną w tym momencie słuszną decyzję.
- Rzuć kurwa broń, złamasie! Nie chcesz chyba wiedzieć, co robimy z takimi, którzy do nas skaczą.
Niestety, pozostawał nieugięty. Jak ja nienawidziłam takiego pustego uporu. Nie pozostawił mi wyboru.
- Dobra, nie strasz, bo… - nie dokończył, ponieważ oddałam strzał.
Mężczyzna padł na podłogę i upadł niefortunnie. Nie tylko z rany postrzałowej na klatće piersiowej, ale i z bocznej części głowy strumieniami polała się krew.
- Ty mówisz, ja robię… Taka jest między nami zasadnicza różnica. Zabiję też z zimną krwią twoich bliskich, jeśli będą stawiać opór i nie otrzymam tego, co mi się należy…
Intruz leżał nieprzytomny. Dobiłam go kolejnymi strzałami w brzuch i bez mrugnięcia okiem strzeliłam „na odchodne” po raz ostatni między oczami ofiary. Zabrałam z kieszeni nieboszczyka portfel i klucze, by odzyskać dług, który u mńie zaciągnął.
Wracam do wynajmowanego lokum. Mogę eksmitować mieszkańców, mogę się dogadać. A jeśli nie da rady po dobroci, wiadomo co trzeba będzie zrobić również z nimi…
Gra dopiero się zaczyna… Jestem zimną suką i niczego nie jesteście w stanie mi udowodnić.
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ourpickwickclub · 1 year
Most comments on all the news outlets on IG and Twitter have actually been positive and support or defend Gwen, Tiktok was a little more negative than positive so it’s actually creating publicity for her and her makeup line. Kim K actually planned her own flour throwing ambush by Peta for publicity when her perfume came out because all publicity is good no matter what it is.
Part of me does wonder if this was some sort of planned publicity stunt, but I don’t know because the backlash was pretty bad and I think she’s ruined any chances of younger tiktok beauty influencers wanting to promote her brand. If they do, their comments are going to be flooded with criticism.
— M
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fashioneditswebsite · 2 months
Peta protester storms Fendi catwalk at Milan Fashion Week
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"PETA Activist Disrupts Fendi Fashion Show in Milan" Luxury Italian label Fendi has kicked off the first day of fashion in Milan. Fendi is the latest fashion house to have its runway show invaded by an activist. A Peta protester stormed the autumn/winter 2024 catwalk at Milan Fashion Week holding a sign saying: 'Animals are not clothing' with 'Turn your back on animal skin' written on their back. Peta shared a video on Instagram. The caption read: "Animals feel pain and fear. They don't want to die for fashion." Furthermore, it's worth noting that Fendi, which was founded in 1925 as a fur and leather shop in Rome, continues to incorporate fur into many of its collections. Peta has been targeting some of the biggest shows of fashion month – at the recent Coach presentation at New York Fashion Week, a protester walked onto the runway holding a sign saying: 'COACH: Let Cows Live.' As a result of this significant move, other prominent fashion cities such as Paris, Milan, and New York, are expected to follow suit and ban fur in the near future. At the Fendi show, security swiftly removed the protester off the catwalk, and the show went on largely uninterrupted. Fendi started a jam-packed Milan Fashion Week schedule, showing an understated yet highly luxurious collection. The model's opening look sets the tone. She wears a chic black coat and leather boots. She holds a beige baguette bag. Impeccable tailoring ran throughout the collection, with experimentation seen in the innovative ways creative director Kim Jones played with knitwear. Knits were deconstructed and worn differently. Jumpers stuck to the front and back of the model's top. Models wore loose bodysuits with hanging poppers, adding to the surreal hints in the collection. Moreover, while the collection was visually appealing, it is worth noting that it lacked any significant challenge. The wardrobe was for the rich, with block color outfits and occasional classic art motifs. Accessories typically stood out. Delfina Delettrez Fendi, the fourth generation in the Fendi fashion empire, was responsible for the jewelry, with models wearing chunky necklaces and geometric earrings. The collection featured leather riding-style boots. A yellow thigh-high pair added a pop of color. In addition to showcasing its latest fashion collection, Fendi also made a strong case for the season's hairstyle. Models wore luxe tops with hoods and slicked-back hair styled into low buns, easy to replicate. Jones, the designer, accepted applause. He wore jeans, a cap, and a bomber jacket. Fendi has had a big week. Back To Black star Marisa Abela wore a black silk gown by the brand for the recent Baftas. Furthermore, it's worth noting that Anya Taylor-Joy, the talented actor, caught everyone's attention as she arrived at the British Vogue afterparty. She was wearing a stunning silver crop top and champagne pencil skirt from Fendi Couture. By Prudence Wade, PA Read the full article
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Birthdays 11.18
Beer Birthdays
Charles Buxton (1823)
Florentinus De Boeck (1826)
Eugene Hack (1840)
Henry F. Hagemeister (1855)
Peter Hoey (1979)
Rob Kent
Robin Goldstein
Five Favorite Birthdays
Margaret Atwood; Canadian writer (1939)
Alan Moore; writer (1953)
Graham Parker; rock singer, songwriter (1950)
Alan Shepard; astronaut (1923)
Carl Maria von Weber; composer (1786)
Famous Birthdays
Hank Ballard; singer, songwriter (1927)
Don Cherry; jazz trumpeter (1936)
Imogene Coca; actor, comedian (1908)
Louis Daguerre; photography pioneer (1789)
Dorothy Dix; journalist (1861)
Mike Epps; comedian (1970)
Linda Evans; actor (1942)
Alan Dean Foster; writer (1948)
George H. Gallup; pollster (1901)
W.S. Gilbert; English lyricist (1836)
Asa Gray; botanist (1810)
David Hemmings; English actor (1941)
August Kundt; German physicist (1839)
Wyndham Lewis; English artist (1882)
Delroy Lindo; actor (1952)
Johnny Mercer; songwriter (1909)
Mickey Mouse; cartoon character (1928)
Kevin Nealon; comedian, actor (1953)
Eugene Ormandy; orchestra conductor (1899)
David Ortiz; Boston Red Sox 1B (1975)
Ignace Paderewski; pianist, composer (1860)
Elizabeth Perkins; actor (1960)
Chloe Sevigny; actor (1974)
Duncan Sheik; pop singer, songwriter (1969)
William Shenstone; Scottish writer (1714)
Sojourner Truth; abolitionist (1797)
Brenda Vaccaro; actor (1939)
Kim Wilde; English pop singer (1960)
David Wilkie; Scottish artist (1785)
Owen Wilson; actor (1968)
Peta Wilson; actor (1970)
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kbanews · 7 months
Hanta Yudha: Wacana Ganjar-Prabowo Berkoalisi Lawan Anies-Muhaimin Menguat
JAKARTA | KBA – Peta politik Pilpres 2024 per hari ini masih terbagi dalam tiga poros, yang berpusat pada tiga figur yang memiliki elektabilitas tinggi. Yaitu, Anies Baswedan, Ganjar Pranowo, dan Prabowo Subianto. Anies diusung NasDem, PKB, dan PKS yang tergabung dalam Koalisi Perubahan. Ganjar didukung PDIP dan PPP. Sementara Prabowo bersama Koalisi Indonesia Maju (KIM) yang terdiri Gerindra,…
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mamaberg · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW Kim Chi Puff Puff Pass Set & Bake Powder.
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candy-floss-crazy · 11 months
Square Doughnuts
That staple of dessert goodness, the doughnut is round right. Everyone knows that. If a lost tribe was discovered in the Amazon jungle they would know little of modern life other than Kim Kardashian has a large posterior and doughnuts are round. Only they aren't as I have just discovered. Seems some adventurous blasphemers have been making them square. The Beignet  Actually as it turns out, the French (It would be them) have been making something called a Beignet for quite a long time. Seems it's made from something called Pets-de-nonne, which sounds exotic and enticing, until it is translated into the English of Nun's Fart. Lovely, so they eat frogs, horses and nun powered flatulance. By Jun Peta They also spread to the new world, in some of those states with French culture such as Louisiana and New Orleans. Being French they will no doubt taste fabulous. Actual Square Doughnuts Like many things it is arguable who made doughnuts square. Heck, people still argue over who made them round and who added the hole. The Square Doughnut Co in Terre Haute claim that their founder Richard Comer Sr. started making them in 1967. This could be true, though no doubt their will be a plethora of other claiming to have been square first. Square Doughnuts Read the full article
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
repeat offenders war execution coverups
repeat wicca laws, assassinations at blame the gays for the devil and child mutilation food farm, kit eat sex skin and eat flesh and fuck bones until explosions, america mass bombs tacoma wa, blame a gay man named Brandon, says americas entire social network on blame peta kim petras and german goblins and irish tongues
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Did Kim Kardashian Orchestrate Her Own 2012 Flour Bombing? Remember back in 2012 when Kim Kardashian was pelted with flour by an animal rights activist during the red carpet launch of her own perfume? It turns out that it might have all just been a shrewdly orchestrated publicity stunt.According to a new Channel 4 documentary The Kardashians: A Billion Dollar Industry, the reality star's former media strategist Sheeraz Hasan claimed that the incident was actually a planned "media moment" to promote Kardashian’s fragrance True Reflection. Related | Kim Kardashian Divides Fans With Deleted TikTok of Dogs in GarageThe flour bombing incident, which was famously captured in season 7 of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, was originally blamed on People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The animal right's organization had previously decried Kardashian for wearing fur, and the assailant even allegedly shouted "fur hag" as they threw the baking ingredient onto her. At the time, Kardashian claimed to have no knowledge that it would happen, describing it to E! as “probably the craziest unexpected… thing that ever happened to me.” She even went on to jokingly say to her makeup artist, "I wanted more powder, and that’s a whole lot of translucent powder right there.”However, Hasan claims that he had pitched the idea to Kardashian as a way to drum up publicity. “‘Okay, this is what’s going to happen. You’re going to be fine, you’re going to be safe, but we’re going to create a media moment,’” the media strategist recalls telling the fashion mogul when explaining the idea behind the stunt. “‘If we create media gold, guess what’s going to happen? Everyone’s going to be talking about your perfume, everyone’s going to buy it.’”According to Hasan, Kardashian and her team discussed the flour bombing prior to the perfume launch and even had gotten her blessing before executing the plan. Lending further credibility to the conspiracy, Kardashian ultimately never ended up pressing charges against the attacker who was later released from police custody. PETA also denied any involvement, with the organization's senior vice president Lisa Lange commenting to the New York Post, “Perhaps the bigger reveal is that Kim’s assistant is a secret PETA member?”Photo via Getty/ANGELA WEISS/AFP https://www.papermag.com/kim-kardashian-flour-bombing-2659094352.html
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theavenuebox · 1 year
Swipe Kim Kardashian has received a warning from People for the Ethical Treatme...
Swipe Kim Kardashian has received a warning from People for the Ethical Treatme…
Swipe ⬅️ Kim Kardashian has received a warning from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) after videos went viral of her Pomeranians being kept in the basement. The video was posted on her daughter North and her joint TikTok account and immediately started receiving backlash in the comments after which she deleted the video. What do y’all think of this situation⁉️ Source
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thunderrabby-blog · 1 year
Kim Kardashian slammed for keeping dogs Sushi, Sake in garage, PETA issues response
Kim Kardashian slammed for keeping dogs Sushi, Sake in garage, PETA issues response
For years, fans of the Kardashians have wondered where their abundance of pets end up. New pets seem to float in and out of their reality show but are sometimes never seen again or only seen rarely. Over the years, members of the family have confirmed they have given away or rehomed various pets. Recently, fans have been wondering what happened to Kim Kardashian‘s two Pomeranians, Sushi and…
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caohuyetapblog · 2 years
5 nghề nghiệp có thể ảnh hưởng sinh lý nam giới #namkhoa From: giaiphapdoanhnghiep.com Không chỉ nhiều áp lực, căng thẳng, những nghề như tài xế, nhân viên văn phòng, công nhân hoá chất còn có những đặc thù ảnh hưởng xấu đến sức khỏe sinh lý nam giới.
Tài xế
Nghề tài xế khiến đàn ông phải ngồi sau vô-lăng hàng giờ liên tục, gây áp lực lên bộ phận sinh dục, đặc biệt là tinh hoàn, vốn được coi là "nhà máy" sản xuất tinh trùng và hormone sinh dục nam testosterone. Tài xế cũng là công việc căng thẳng, đòi hỏi nam giới phải thức đêm nhiều, tác động tiêu cực tới sức khỏe và sinh lực phái mạnh.
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Giới kinh doanh
Dân kinh doanh thường bị trêu là "tuy mạnh mẽ trên thương trường nhưng lại yếu ở trên giường". Dù đây không phải là tình trạng chung của tất cả nhưng cũng phần nào nói lên được vấn đề mà những người làm công việc này gặp phải. Nguyên nhân đến từ việc các quý ông thường xuyên phải chịu áp lực công việc, giờ sinh sinh hoạt thiếu điều độ và hay phải uống rượu, bia khi gặp gỡ đối tác.
Nhân viên văn phòng
Ngồi nhiều, ít vận động, tiếp xúc trực tiếp với bức xạ máy tính và thường xuyên đối mặt với áp lực công việc là đặc trưng của nhân viên văn phòng. Hiện nay, xu hướng nhân viên tại các công sở phải làm thêm giờ, thậm chí làm vào cuối tuần khiến cho họ càng không có thời gian hoạt động thể chất trong khi áp lực, căng thẳng lại tăng lên. Khi nam giới bị stress lâu ngày, cơ thể sẽ tiết ra nhiều cortisol, yếu tố giúp cơ thể điều hòa căng thẳng nhưng lại gây suy giảm nội tiết tố testosterone. Bởi vậy mà ngày càng có nhiều quý ông công sở gặp rối loạn chức năng tình dục.
Những người làm việc ca đêm
Những người thường xuyên phải làm việc ca đêm như bác sĩ, y tá, công nhân, bảo vệ, nhân viên bán hàng... dễ gặp phải các rối loạn chức năng tình dục như giảm ham muốn, xuất tinh sớm, rối loạn cương. Nam giới phải làm việc thâu đêm suốt sáng khiến cho nhịp sinh học bị đảo lộn, ảnh hưởng đến quá trình sản xuất hormone testosterone của cơ thể.
Nghề tiếp xúc với kim loại nặng hoặc hóa chất độc hại
Những kim loại nặng như cadimi, chì, niken, kẽm,... và các chất hóa học như thuốc trừ sâu, thuốc nhuộm, chất tẩy rửa mạnh... có thể tàn phá nhiều cơ quan trong cơ thể, bao gồm hệ sinh dục. Nếu không được bảo hộ kỹ càng, làm việc trong môi trường độc hại sẽ khiến cho sức khỏe quý ông đi xuống và "chuyện ấy" giảm đi sức mạnh và sự bền bỉ.
Giáo sư Trần Quán Anh cho hay sức khỏe sinh lý liên quan đến nhiều yếu tố, từ lối sống, dinh dưỡng cho đến nghề nghiệp. Công việc rất khó thay đổi, nhưng quý ông vẫn còn rất nhiều cách để cải thiện phong độ của mình. Trong đó, dinh dưỡng hợp lý, tập luyện đều đặn và bổ sung các dưỡng chất tốt cho sức khỏe và sinh lực là những gợi ý hữu ích với phái mạnh. Điều quan trọng nhất là nam giới biết cách cân bằng giữa công việc và thời gian nghỉ ngơi, chăm sóc tốt bản thân để luôn có thể lực sung mãn, phong độ bền lâu.
Về chế độ dinh dưỡng, quý ông nên ưu tiên các thực phẩm có tác dụng hỗ trợ cơ thể tăng cường sinh lý như hàu, các loài cá giàu chất béo (cá mòi, cá hồi, cá trích...), các loại rau lá xanh đậm, trái cây như chuối, dưa hấu, bơ... Một chế độ dinh dưỡng lành mạnh, hạn chế tiêu thụ thức ăn nhanh, hạn chế uống rượu bia sẽ là cơ sở để nam giới đảm bảo sức khỏe toàn thân và nâng cao đời sống sinh lý.
Về tập luyện, các chuyên gia cho rằng những bài tập tạ, chạy nước rút, bơi lội sẽ giúp cơ thể quý ông tăng sản sinh testosterone. Cánh mày râu cũng có thể tập bất cứ môn thể thao nào, từ bóng đá, bóng chuyền, cầu lông... Duy trì tập luyện khoảng 45 - 60 phút/ngày vừa giúp phái mạnh có thân hình chuẩn, tăng cơ, giảm mỡ vừa giúp sức khỏe thể chất và hoạt động tình dục tốt lên.
Hiện nay với sự phát triển của công nghệ, các nhà khoa học có thể phát triển và tinh chiết các dưỡng chất từ thiên nhiên, cung cấp cho cơ thể những thành phần thiết yếu nhằm nâng cao sức khỏe toàn thân và tăng cường sinh lý. Trong đó, Eurycoma Longifolia, chiết xuất thông biển Pháp và tinh chất hàu đại dương có tác dụng thúc đẩy cơ thể tăng sản sinh testosterone và nitric oxide nội sinh. Testosterone tham gia vào quá trình tạo cơ bắp và các đặc tính nam như hình thể, giọng nói, lông tóc, nâng cao sức khỏe thể chất và tinh thần, còn nitric oxide giúp nâng cao sức khỏe tim mạch, tăng cường trao đổi chất và hoạt động của cơ bắp. Về sức khỏe sinh lý, cả hai thành phần này hỗ trợ nam giới tăng cường ham muốn tình dục, cải thiện rối loạn cương, tăng cường sinh lực phái mạnh.
"Nếu như testosterone đã được biết đến với vai trò tạo nên ham muốn và sinh lực sung mãn thì nitric oxide lại giúp nâng cao sức chiến đấu, kéo dài thời gian quan hệ cho quý ông. Đây chính là bộ đôi quan trọng với đời sống tình dục của nam giới", Giáo sư Trần Quán Anh khẳng định.
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pickettritter9 · 2 years
hermes crocodile bag 13
How To Navigate The World Of Hermès Exotics This VERY RARE & WANTED Birkin is a real COLLECTOR'S ITEM. It comes within the very exhausting to search out bourgainvillier shade, which is a surprising cool purple tone and is made out of Porosus cr... This VERY RARE & WANTED Birkin is an actual COLLECTOR'S ITEM. It comes in the very onerous to search out bourgainvillier colour, which is a surprising cool purple tone and is made out of Porosus c... Hermès Birkin 35 Bougainvillier Crocodile Porosus GHW This uncommon Birkin is available in a beautiful tone of rouge bougainvillier which is a superb mix of scorching pink, orange and pink. Every bag, subsequently, is exclusive compared to different luggage of the same leather-based kind. Of these three leather-based varieties, Porosus crocodile is the most uncommon and desirable, therefor the most costly. This Himalaya Birkin is in Niloticus crocodile with palladium hardware and has tonal stitching, front flap, two straps with heart toggle closure, clochette with lock and two keys, and double rolled handles. In Zimbabwe, two undercover Peta investigators were able to get a tour of Padenga, one of many largest suppliers of crocodiles and alligators for pores and skin. In recent years, although, the ostentatious style has been so overexposed in paparazzi pictures and on actuality TV that it’s almost turn out to be outre. Last 12 months, many pop culture observers gagged when Kanye West gave Kim Kardashian an Hermes Birkin bag for her thirty fourth birthday that had been hand painted by their 1-year-old daughter, North. And in 2010, Lady Gaga made headlines for defacing her white Birkin with a Sharpie. It might additionally sign a tipping level within the development of ethical consumerism, and the way it will outline the method ahead for luxurious. The Himalaya Kelly is crafted from Nile crocodile cover. The designation ‘Himalaya’ doesn't apply to the origin of the bag, however somewhat to the fragile gradation of the color. The smoky gray fades right into a pearly white, resembling the majestic, snow-capped Himalayas. The strategy of dyeing a crocodile disguise is time-consuming and exponentially more difficult because the shades lighten — to create the immaculate white of the snow and the gradation to rocky gray requires nice skill and a fantastic eye. It was at that moment the Hermes Kelly Bag would rise to its reputation and become the style must-have it's today. The Hermes Birkin sizes are numbered in 25, 30, 35 and 40. Birkin 50 and 55 are exceptional; they're much bigger and greatest used for travelling as a substitute of buying or as an on a regular basis bag. Thomas admits the group has been pushing different areas of the business, corresponding to style and textiles, so it is not so reliant on leather-based luggage, however says this space continues to be its fastest-growing product line. “It can take three to 4 crocodiles to make one of our bags so we are actually breeding our personal crocodiles on our personal farms, mainly in Australia,” Patrick Thomas told the Reuters Global Luxury Summit in Paris. The previous report was additionally set by Christie's last 12 months – its protagonist was a Kelly handbag as well. wikipedia hermes crocodile It was fabricated in a special dimension and with no diamonds. The story of the prospect invention of the Hermès Birkin bag had lengthy been one of the cleverest advertising narratives in the luxury items world, providing a human contact typically missing from glossy leather-based products. A Hermès diamond and Himalayan Nilo Crocodile Birkin handbag on display at an auction home in Beverly Hills, USA. The Philippine Star reported in March 2013, that a high-end, 30-cm Shiny Rouge H Porosus Crocodile Birkin with 18-carat gold fittings and encrusted with diamonds was bought for US$203,150 at an auction in Dallas, Texas, US. The metallic hardware are plated with gold or palladium. It stated the animals have been "crudely hacked" in crowded and fetid situations, and the skins have been used to make Hermes luggage and watch bands. Another masterpiece by Pierre Hardy, this extremely valuable Hermes bag options elaborate and complicated styling which took the artist two years to make. The bag is adorned or quite made of 1,a hundred and sixty diamonds including as much as 33.ninety four carats. This bag is part of Hermes Haute Bijouterie collection with only three items made, making it a really valuable collectable. To make this art work part of your assortment, you will be required to also part with over $2 million, making it prime on our list. Though the Faubourg Birkin has been round for 35 years, Hermes made a quantity of limited edition purses that have been 20cm and had a number of new details that had never been seen. Hermès ostrich baggage aren't marked by a particular foil image next to the emblem stamp. Ostrich leather-based is probably the most durable unique skin, and much-admired for the character and patina it develops over time. https://phoenet.tw/replicas-hermes-bags/hermes-crocodile-alligator-bag.html However, ostrich is prone to discoloration, and bag handles normally darken in contact with skin. Ostrich is also rather troublesome to clean and stains can leave everlasting harm. I don’t assume yellow gold would swimsuit the Himalayan colours. The 18k white gold one is definitely more uncommon and useful than the palladium ones. The skins usually are not solely used for baggage, but additionally sneakers and watch bands. The king of exotics, fetching the highest prices on the primary and secondary markets, is Porosus Crocodile. This pores and skin is acquired from the underbelly of Crocodylus Porosus crocodiles, which Hermès farms in Australia, however it is a saltwater species common to the complete Indo-Pacific region. Although Birkins are some of the unique and sought-after baggage today, they actually weren't all that well-liked when they first launched.
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