kinzzatariq · 7 months
Truth, Magic in disguise?
Truth can take us places. It can lead us to conclusions or back to beginnings. Truth can beour best friend or our worst enemy. Truth can slap us in the face and leave us spinning,unsure where to turn next. Yet, through the power of reflection, we can find truth rightbeside us. The power of reflection is something that continues to astound me, and I hold itvery close to my heart. What are your…
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kinzzatariq · 6 months
How to Navigate in a Toxic Workplace!!
Are you facing challenges in a toxic work environment? Many professionals encounter toxic dynamics that can impact their well-being and productivity. But fear not! With the right approach, you can manage and even thrive in such environments. Managing in a toxic workplace can be challenging but here are some tips to help you navigate:- – Self-care is Key: Prioritize your mental and physical…
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kinzzatariq · 9 months
5 Life Hacks for Someone Turning 25!!
At age 25, you already have a few of life’s biggest milestones behind you: the day you took your first steps; your first “words”, your first day at school; graduation… and then comes 25. 25 is the unsung heroes of milestones: the age at which most people have a little more life experience behind them and start feeling like “adults”. (If you don’t, yet, that’s totally fine, too!) When it comes…
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kinzzatariq · 11 months
Farewell, dear Chandler!!
In Loving Memory of Chandler Bing – ‘The One Where We All Lost A Friend’ or ‘The One Where Our Hearts Are Broken’! On Sunday 29 October, we bid a heartfelt farewell to Chandler Bing, a beloved friend, cherished family member, and a truly remarkable soul who has left an indelible mark on our lives. Actor Matthew Perry is being remembered by his beloved Friends character Chandler Bing who…
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kinzzatariq · 1 year
Bonds of friendships are woven together; like threads, tighter by each memory that is made, each welcoming tear, each smile we share. Fate selects us for one another and allows us to learn together. About life, how it’s blessed, how it’s tough, and how it goes on. And friendship; it’s not a mere connection, but a fusion, whole different chemistry; it’s there. Albeit not understood by all. Which…
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kinzzatariq · 2 months
It’s okay to say 'No'
It’s okay to say no. It’s okay to say no to someone you love. It’s okay to say no to a friend. It’s okay to say no to a parent or child. It’s okay to say no to a job or relationship. It’s okay to say no to sexual advances. And it’s okay to say no to a person who’s romantically interested in you. Even if it hurts someone’s feelings, even if you disappoint people, even if you’re judged and…
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kinzzatariq · 3 months
Stop Micromanaging: Trust Your Team to Thrive!
Micromanagement can be a major roadblock to innovation and productivity in today’s fast-paced work environment. While it’s natural to want to ensure everything is perfect, hovering over every detail can hinder imaginative thinking and lower morale.Instead, let’s focus on empowering your teams. I am sure, you’ve hired talented, capable professionals—let’s trust them to do what they do best. When…
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kinzzatariq · 8 months
ADIOS 2023!
Am I too late to the party? Who cares, better late than never! So dass me bidding farewell to 2023 – a year to remember, whether you like it or not. It has been a year like no other!!Tis the year I lost, won, failed, cried, laughed, loved but above all I learnt. I learnt that things not always turn out the way you planned or the way you think they should. I learnt that there are things that go…
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kinzzatariq · 10 months
10 Steps to Self Reflect At End Of The Year!
Reflecting on the end of the year can be a valuable exercise for personal growth, self-awareness, and planning for the future. Here are some steps you can follow to effectively reflect on the end of the year: 1. Review your goals: Look back at the goals you set for the year. Consider what you accomplished, what you didn’t, and why. Reflect on the progress you’ve made and identify any goals that…
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kinzzatariq · 11 months
How to stay Motivated During Difficult Times
Navigating through life’s challenges can be tough, and everyone – from students to CEOs – faces periods when motivation wanes and the path forward seems unclear. The key is to remain resilient and keep your eyes on your goals. Here are some strategies to help you stay motivated during difficult times. 1. Set clear, achievable goals: Having a clear goal can provide you with a reason to stay…
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kinzzatariq · 1 year
A couple of years ago, I wrote a post about losing my father, titled ‘A different kind of grief’. This time, I am writing about another different type of grief which you may not realize has a similar grieving process to bereavement.A common misconception about grief is that it just refers to a loss brought on through death. A more accurate and inclusive definition from Grief Recovery is “the…
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kinzzatariq · 2 years
Read this when you're sad!!
Read this when you’re sad!!
Let it out. Go ahead. You don’t deserve what’s happening to you, but that doesn’t mean you should stop being nice. you can find joy in spreading it to others, and while some may find it fun to bring you down, it’s slowly destroying their soul. Talk to God. Only he knows what your going through, no one else can really help you except for him. take a shower. Listen to happy music, not sad music.…
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kinzzatariq · 2 years
New Workplace buzzword - Quiet Quitting!
New Workplace buzzword – Quiet Quitting!
I have been hearing the term “quiet quitting” over the last several weeks and pretty sure you all have been too. Quiet quitting is taking over TikTok, and the app is ablaze with the term. The term is becoming the new workplace buzzword, mostly among remote Gen Z and younger millennials, which does not mean that you are outright quitting your job but instead you are quitting the idea of going…
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kinzzatariq · 2 years
True Picture
I have come to a point in my life where I have realized how shallow the reality of life is!! How easily we keep building castles of sand that are based upon fake promises by others, and just like sandcastles, the tides are bound to ruin those castles too; leaving behind remains, of what were once our dreams. This world is nothing but a huge trade house, where everyone is not for sale,…
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kinzzatariq · 2 years
Importance of YOUM-E-ASHURA
Did you know? The day and date of Ashura holds importance in Islamic history for various happenings. It is reported by Hazrat Umar bin Khattab (R.A) that on the day of Ashura following happened: Allah (SWT) created the skies and Earth.The end of Dunya.Created Hazrat Jibrael (A.S).Birth of Hazrat Adam (A.S) & Hazrat Bibi Hawwa (R.A).Formation of Jannah.Allah (SWT) ordered Hazrat Adam (A.S) to…
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kinzzatariq · 2 years
Some lessons that I have learnt in life
Some lessons that I have learnt in life
I’ve learned from life that often, the darkest times can bring us to the brightest places. That our most painful struggles can grant us the most necessary growth; and that the most heartbreaking losses of friendship and love can make room for the most wonderful people (speaking from experience). I’ve learned that what seems like a curse at the moment can actually be a blessing and that what seems…
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