#Kirill Kaprizov fic
a-g-u-s-t-d1432 · 9 months
Part 2 of why it is hard for me to get my work done
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So yeah overall I am packed which makes me not get any work done
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brandonduhaimes · 1 year
Love you more
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Gif credits to owner!
Pairing: Kirill x gn reader
Length: 2.3k
Authors note: im sorry this one took so long! Requested.
"Y/n you will find a new guy he will be so good to you and it will all work out for you its just that we don't." Your now ex boyfriend had just broke your heart into so many pieces that you weren't sure they would ever be put back together.
"Just get out Jamie, I don't need a whole sob story on how great I am after you dump me. Ill leave your stuff in a box that you can pick up outside on monday."
With that you ushered him out of the house before collecting a bottle of wine from the fridge and heading back to your couch. With that you decided your best move currently was to watch the wild game. You had promised Kirill that you would watch it and you intended to keep it.
You were able to block out the feelings as you watched the boys play, enjoying their three point lead and all the smiles on the bench as they goof off.
A wild game later Kirill texted you that he was on the way back to your shared apartment. Knowing that he was on the way back made you feel a little better as you knew he would be around to help but that didn't make the tears stop falling.
When Kirill walked in 20 minutes later followed by Zuccy, Dumba and Boldy and saw you on the couch crying he immediately kicked them out. While they were going celebrate the win Kirill had decided you were more important.
Zuccy gave you an apprehensive look before ushering the two younger ones out the door. As they left you could hear quiet mumbles of "I hope they are okay" and "feel better y/n." Before you could mutter out a thank you the door softly shut behind Mats.
As the door shut Kirill made his way to the couch plopping down onto it. "Whats up dorogája?" (Sweetheart) The simple question just made the tears fall faster.
"Can I give you a hug?" He asked trying to get any words out of you to slow down your breathing and take your mind off of whatever was troubling you.
You nod slowly and Kirill moves to wrap his arms around you while slowly rubbing your back. You collapsed onto his shoulder and cried while he quietly sang songs to you in Russian. While you had very little of an idea of what he was singing it comforted you. He always knew exactly what you needed.
After you had composed yourself a little you let him know what had happened. "Jamie broke up with me today and now I'm not sure what to do," you sniffled quietly.
Kirill's eyes widened as you spoke and he immediately went into protective mode. "What can I do to help? Oh wait I have an idea." He got up and started to look for the remote to the tv running around like a goofball and getting a small chuckle out of you.
After he finally found the remote he sat down on the couch and put on Lilo and stitch. He smiled knowing it was your favorite movie, and pulled you into his side again. You smiled and curled up onto the couch as he pulled a blanket onto the two of you.
You spent the rest of the night watching Disney movies and and searching the pantry for easy snacks. Kirill had opted to put the wine bottle back in the fridge since you hadn't opened it. After you had helped him through his last breakup he knew that it would only make things worse currently.
You cried a little every once in a while but hoped Kirill didn't notice as you felt bad for burdening him with this.
You really cared about him and while you loved Jamie it wasn't the way that you felt for Kirill. He had been there for everything the last few years. Your first fight with Jamie, graduation, when you finally got your first job in your field and he had promised to be there on your wedding day. He was the one who was there when you woke up and when you fell asleep.
He was always there to listen and you tried to he there for him just as much. Every regular season game, every group outing with the boys (who almost forgot you weren't a part of the team at times), and every playoff game possible. You would drop everything to be around for him if you could. You didn't want him to leave you more than anything.
What you hadn't realized though was that Kirill was livid. Not at you but at Jamie for being able to hurt you, he knew that he would have treated you so much better and that you deserved everything you ever wanted.
He loved you.
He had always loved you and now that he had the chance he was going to fight for you.
He watched the tears slowly stop as you began to fall asleep on his shoulder, exhausted from the last few hours.
At this point Kirill looked at the time reading 12:30 am. He knew that you had work in the morning so he got up and carried you down the hallway to your bedroom, and laid you gently on your bed.
He then went out and grabbed the blanket from the couch to put on top of you so he didn't have to make you wake up to pull the covers up. After he had you all tucked in he gave you a light kiss on the forehead before whispering to no one but himself, "I love you y/n you deserve so much better."
He then wandered down the hallway to his own bedroom and got himself ready for bed before laying down and slowly falling asleep.
When you woke up snow was falling outside, checking your work group chat you saw that your job was closed for the day due to an issue with something in the shop. At first you were excited to have a day off but then you remembered the events that had taken place last night. Opting to continue to lay in bed for a while you grabbed your phone once again and turned on tiktok scrolling through your for you page.
After a little while you heard the faint noise of feet padding down the hallway towards your door. It was soon followed by gentle knock. "Y/n," Kirill whispered through the door.
"Come in," you sighed and he silently opened the door and made his way over to you.
"You're going to be late for work you should probably get up," he giggled looking at your slight bedhead knowing that he would maybe get fought if he wasn't careful.
"They closed the shop so I don't work today, so I have more time to wallow in self pity. What are your plans for the day?"
Kirill frowned at this and decided that today he was not going to let you sit inside. He quickly got up and ran out of the room with a huge smile on his face.
"I wonder whats on his mind," you muttered to yourself before deciding to go get a cup of coffee.
You got up and walked into Kirill's room thinking he might be in there. When he wasn't you decided to steal one of his hoodies and headed towards the kitchen.
Once you reached the kitchen you could hear the clattering of pans and quiet swearing as Kirill tried to make breakfast.
You smiled to yourself as you turned the corner watching Kirill whisk together pancake batter. You then walked all the way into the kitchen and started the Keurig.
"Good morning!" Kirill says cheerily and you smile in response.
"What are you making?" You ask him and he scratches his head.
"I was trying to make pancakes but the batter is all lumpy and I can't fix it." He sighs and you giggle a little bit before coming over to inspect the batter.
"You just need to add a little bit more water and you should be good." You respond taking the bowl to the sink and adding the water before whisking the batter together.
"Thank you." He says and begins heating up the stove.
You smile at his effort and finished making your coffee and making one for him as well.
Kirill kept working at the pancakes. As he finished he set two plates up for both of you. He then set the table and got plates dished up.
As you sat down at the table he began to fidget with his hands in anticipation. "Hurry we have stuff to do today!" He smiles brightly making you laugh.
"What do we have to do?" You ask and he smiles.
"I can't answer that but I have the day off to so expect some fun." You smile at his effort and finish your pancakes and coffee quickly before getting ready to go.
Kirill met you at the front door dressed in a pair of jeans and a nice t shirt. He smiled at you before dragging you out the door to his car.
He drove you to the downtown area and you walked around looking at all of the small shops. The two of you window shopped and joked around while the cars flew by around you.
As you continued on you passed a small pet shop. Kirill had been wanting a dog for a while now so you smiled at him and went inside.
You looked around the small shop for a while playing with the kittens and puppies in the open play pens. You noticed that most of the puppies were really playful but Kirill had one that was taking a nap on his lap curled up in a little ball.
You smiled at him before asking, "is that the one?"
"He's only the one if you agree to it. Im going to need help taking care of him while I'm gone and I think it would keep you busy when I'm gone," he replied.
"I think you should get him he is so adorable." You smile and Kirill looks to the owner of the shop to start the transaction.
The two of you walked around the pet shop picking out toys treats and food. He made his way over to the collars and the two of you decided on a light blue collar. As you made your way up to the register he grabbed your hand and squeezed it lightly.
The two of you held hands through the rest of the pet shop falling into a comfortable silence while paying for the puppy and all of the extras. After paying you and Kirill dropped hands to grab all of the bags. "What should we name him?" Kirill asked, and you thought for a moment.
"What do you think of Winston?" You ask and he smiles at you.
"I love it."
You made your way to the car and then Kirill led you to a park to let Winston play outside for a little bit before going home. As you walked through the park with the little golden retriever he smiled and all you could think was that he looked ethereal in the sun.
He let Winston off the leash for a little bit to run around. The puppy played hard and chased Kirill around the small clearing in the park. As Kirill ran you couldn't help but laugh as he ran pretending to be terrified of the small animal chasing him.
You moved to grab your phone to take pictures of the two of them playing around in the field before being crashed into by Kirill as he was busy trying to keep the puppy from getting tangled in his legs.
The two of you landed on the ground with a thud before bursting out laughing as Winston immediately tried to grab Kirill's beanie off his head. You smiled and Kirill quickly re leashed him and you continued on your journey.
You found yourself reaching for his hand and he reciprocated gently holding it and smiling at you. As you walked you made small talk and goofed around. While you walked you couldn't help but think about the future.
Would he want the same things as you? A whole world of possibilities ahead of the two of you and you had no idea if he was interested in any of it.
As you were thinking Kirill stopped. Both you and Winston turned to look at him slightly confused.
"Y/n?" He asks "I know that this might be too early for this but, I need you with me forever. I cant bare to watch you get your heart broken again by someone who doesn't really care. I need you to be in my life and I'm more than willing to wait if you need time but I love you-"
He froze as you pressed your lips to his. It felt as though the world was stopping to wait for you. You pulled away and he moved his hands to your waist pulling you into a hug and squeezing as if he could never let you go again.
"I love you more Kirill. I couldn't imagine the future without you." He smiled and pressed his lips to your cheek.
When you finished Kirill was bright red and he had a big toothy grin plastered on.
"Can we go home and have a movie day?" You ask and he smiles and nods before latching your hands together.
"For the record I love you way more Y/n" he responds making his way to the car.
As you make your way in you stop to wonder how you got so lucky. You looked forward to the future and all you could see was a great outlook. "I don't think that's possible Kirill. I will always love you more."
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raysofcrosby · 1 year
CHRISTMAS WITH YOU – k. kaprizov
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warning(s): mentions of death and loss, but otherwise just tons of cute holiday cheer, an embarrassing near fall ice skating and just cute holiday fluff.
word count: 17,897
an: this better late than never, fic is my entry for @antoineroussel's winter fic exchange 2k23!! i had the absolutely pleasure of writing for @callsign-denmark who supplied me a list of players she enjoys reading about and got me broaden my horizons outside of my usual hockey men to write about and got me to write about the happy ray of sunshine that is kirill kaprizov!! as a sucker of friends to lovers, this is a friends to lovers fic, sprinkled with some nice christmas spirit and ofc, as a lover of happy endings– this one's got a good one!! i had fun writing this and i hope you enjoy 🥰💙
Tori Holly never understood when people said that Holidays could be some of the loneliest and saddest times in people’s lives. Growing up, she remembered how lively their house always was– filled with music, laughter and the smell of home cooking spreading throughout the house. Especially around Christmas time– that was always the most magical time of the year.
It was when her parents seemed to pull all of their magic together and turn the holiday into every feel good Christmas movie alive. And while both of her parents were only children and her one set of Grandparents that were still alive lived on the west coast– she and her older sister Jess (Jessica only if she was in trouble) never felt like their family of four celebrations were lacking. They were all each other needed and it was always more than enough.
The teaming up on their parents for the gingerbread house building contest, taking turns going shopping with their parents to be able to pick out gifts to buy using some of their saved up money (and in the younger years, their parents money of course). Watching their mom make her mom’s special hot cocoa recipe that she promised to share the recipe with them once they got older “and you two can do the same with your children one day.” Building snowmen, snowball fights, that horrible time Jess convinced Tori to climb into the igloo they tried to build and having it collapse on her (though thankfully it wasn’t a lot of snow and Jess tearfully pulled her sister out by her gloved hand.) Sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace and snuggled up beside their parents as they watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas after begging their parents to let them open just one present on Christmas Eve like they did every year without fail.
No, Tori Holly could never understand how Christmas time more specifically, could be one of the worst times of someone’s life– not until Christmas 2006, when it was going to be the first Christmas and her first birthday without her mom. She was only seven and Jess eleven when their mom got sick. She couldn’t remember a lot of the specifics, but she remembered her mom never looking or acting any differently even after her parents had sat them down on the couch and said “mommy’s doctors say that I’m very sick, but I’m not going to stop fighting.” Sure, her mom was slower around the house, maybe a little more tired– but there wasn’t anything specific that stuck out to her.
In fact, that last Christmas of ‘05, they still did every tradition they’d done in the years prior and she never once saw her mom falter or complain. And by May of ‘06, two months after Jess had turned twelve and only seven months until Tori would turn nine, she had completely forgotten about the “I’m sick” conversation there on the couch. Until right at the end of the September, when she’d gotten called out of class to go to the front office. And when she got there, she saw her Grandma Carol standing there speaking to the woman at the front desk.
“Your dad sent me here to pick you up and Grandpa Dan is going to grab Jess.” She had said it with a smile that Tori couldn’t pinpoint exactly, but instantly recognized it as a softer than her usual big, sunny smile.
She thought maybe they were going to grab ice cream and spend some more time at home with their mom. Seeing as only almost a month into school, their dad let them stay home on Friday’s just so they could spend a little extra time with her. But there was no ice cream and her Grandma didn’t take her home– they were at the hospital. And when she walked down the halls with her Grandma holding her hand and they saw her Dad, Grandpa Dan and a crying Jess, she remembered getting that sinking feeling in her stomach that something was wrong.
And something was wrong. Because it turned out that they were all there to say their last goodbyes to her mom. While she was there, she swore time dragged on– but looking back on it now, she realized just how fast her life had changed in one hour. 
They “celebrated” her ninth birthday and Christmas three months later and while their dad tried his hardest to not let the magic their home always held fade, and he really did try, there would always be a mom shaped hole in her childhood home and she wondered whether Christmas would ever be the same.
Luckily though, their dad was a Godsend. A man who was actively grieving the love of his life while adjusting to being a widower and parenting two girls– one of whom was entering her teenage years– Tori never once saw him waver. He was there at every school or after school event they had, he kept up their traditions, and was the shoulder to lean on and cry on whenever they needed one. He never once complained and after she got older, Tori always wondered how he did it. How he managed to parent them, stay strong and be everything they needed all while he was grieving on his own.
But that was just it– he was the hero their broken hearts needed and he helped heal theirs and his own every day of every month, and every birthday and holiday that came and went…he always managed to keep that magic alive.
To the point where Tori and Jess started to love Christmas once again and not see it as a mourning time for those childhood memories they left behind. And while their mom was a key figure missing at their poignant times– first days of school, first boyfriends, proms, first day of college, graduations, Jess’s wedding day to her high school sweetheart Steven and even the birth of their daughter Clara (their mom’s namesake), their dad, Jess and even she, always made sure that their mom was a part of it.
Especially once Jess and Steven had Clara, and on Tori’s 17th birthday, nonetheless, Jess had told Tori that suddenly she understood the kind of love that their parents had for them and how their dad managed to keep the magic.
Even a week later going on to say, “I would go to the end of the earth to make sure she was happy, and she just tore through my vagina like it was nothing, last week.”
And for the longest time after their mom died, life seemed to slowly return back to what their dad had fondly called their new normal. Eventually, Tori had gone to and graduated from college and moved further into the city not too far away from Jess and Steven or their home to work as a social media intern for the Minnesota Wild. A job that she luckily got with some help from her college mentor who helped her apply and wrote quite the recommendation letter for.
The life she was building for herself felt like a dream. Sure, growing up just south of Saint Paul, she and her family had frequented both Vikings and Wild games. But working behind the scenes in social media for the hockey team whose games she grew up attending was a whole different atmosphere. She met great people within the organization and had even found herself on a first name basis with some of the players.
But it was when she moved into her post-grad apartment the season after commuting from her childhood home to Saint Paul that she became better friends with two players on the team. Jordan Greenway, who was going on his third season with the Wild, and Ryan Hartman who had come from the Philadelphia Flyers. The two weren’t roommates, but both coincidentally lived a few doors down on the very same hall that Tori had. And after bumping into each other a few times and also seeing each other at the rink, it was natural that the three formed a good friendship during her first season working for the team.
Things were going great and Tori had felt like she was on a high after that first season interning for the Wild for the 2019-2020 season. Even when Covid struck and things were in such a limbo. And at the end of what was a wild and unknowing what was ahead time, she felt blessed enough to have been invited back as an intern for the 2020-2021 season, even shadowing more on the producer side of players interviews and getting to see more behind the scenes. And with every day she went to work, she felt more and more confident in her job and herself. Moving away from home was scary, but she was starting to form a life for herself in Saint Paul that she knew her mom would’ve been proud of.
Ryan and Jordan both were amongst the first few people to congratulate her when they found out she got the second producer job within the same department in what would be her third year working for the team that 2021-2022 season.
And it was truly as if things couldn’t go wrong. She loved her apartment, she got to see her sister and her family often, and she had made a nice circle of friends in the job she also loved. And as she celebrated New Years Eve with the Wild at a hotel ballroom the organization had booked out for everyone to celebrate before the Winter Classic the next morning where they would host the St. Louis Blues at Target Field in Minneapolis. She invited Jess and Steven as her plus ones, booking them a room in the hotel so they didn’t have to drive the 30 minutes home the next morning and probably hungover.
Tori woke up early the next morning back in her apartment and went through her whole routine before getting dressed and heading out the door to catch her uber that would be taking her to the stadium where she would be getting everything together before heading over to the field to work the game. And it was just before she and her co-workers were heading out of Xcel Energy Center that she got a call from her dad, answering it like it was just any other old phone call and not one that would ultimately change her entire life.
Just like when she was seven, that sinking feeling in her stomach was back, only this time around it was more poignant and felt like it would knock her legs out from beneath her and sink her down to the floor.
There had been an accident an hour earlier on the same street that the hotel where the Wild New Years Eve party had been hosted– a car accident. Jess and Steven had decided to check out early, walking to the cafe down the block from the hotel to grab some coffee and donuts to take with them before they would drive back to her dad’s to pick up Clara– Tori had the text conversation with Jess in her phone to prove it along with a “not as hungover as we thought, but hungover enough for sugary donuts” selfie of Jess and Steven that Jess had sent with her “good morning, we had a great time and I’ll text you when we get home” text.
Only Tori would never receive that text, because Jess and Steven would never make it home to their dad’s to pick up Clara. They would get hit by a drunk driver who ran a red light while they crossed the street in a crosswalk.
In an instant, she had lost her older sister and brother-in-law, while her niece had lost both of her parents— and it was a pain that Tori never, ever wanted her to feel. To add on top of it, in the flurry of grief and ‘what happens next’ endless scenarios, it was revealed in their will that if anything were to happen to either Jess or Steven…then Tori would become the legal guardian of Clara.
She had made the commitment to accept the position as Clara’s Godmother when they had asked her almost two weeks after Clara was born. And now, she knew the best way she could honor both her older sister and a man who was like a brother to her, by dedicating herself to making the best life possible for Clara.
The last eleven months of seeing grief counselors, balancing work, frequent trips to her dad’s house where Clara was staying for the meantime and her new responsibility of taking care of a soon-to-be eight-year-old as a soon-to-be 25-year-old….all of it had finally come down to now.
It was December. The week leading up to Christmas. Five days until their shared birthday and most importantly, six days until what would be Clara’s first Christmas without her parents.
And Tori had her heart set on making it as great as a Christmas it could be for Clara, just like her dad had done for her and Jess after their mom had died. 
“Another month?!” Tori gasped, keeping her voice low as she leaned against the hall of her childhood home. “But Andrew, you said I’d be able to move in by tomorrow. I’ve already got friends to help me move everything up to that floor.”
“I know I did Tori, but they were finishing the inspection today and there was more mold in the apartment than we first thought, plus some issues with the kitchen and bathroom areas,” Andrew, one of the landlords of her apartment building said, actually sounding sincere. “I’m not going to let you and your niece move in there and put both of your healths at risk.”
Tori nodded, rubbing her right temple with her free hand. “I understand, Andrew.”
“Barb asked them to start as soon as possible because we know you need this two bedroom. So they’re going to start cleaning everything up tomorrow. The guy said that there might be a chance they finish before a month, but that’s the at most it’ll take, time that he gave her.”
“Thank you, Andrew. I appreciate it, really.” She replied, peeking around the corner into her Dad’s living room to see Clara still kneeling in front of the Christmas tree. “Thank you both for looking out for us, I really appreciate it.”
“You’ve had a really rough year, Tori and you’ve always been a really good tenant. Anything my wife and I can do to help you out, we’re more than happy to.”
Tori took a deep breath and exhaled, nodding again. “Keep me updated if there’s any changes.”
“Of course. Have a good day.”
Once she hung up the call, Tori let her head lean back against the wall once more as she closed her eyes. The moment that she had found out that she was going to be Clara’s guardian, Tori had put in a request for a two bedroom apartment. At the time, there was a six month waitlist, so her dad had agreed to take care of Clara until Tori could secure a two bedroom apartment for them both. It wasn’t like she had just dropped her niece off with her dad and went on with her life. On weekends when she had them free, she would drive back to her hometown and spend the night there, keeping herself as involved with Clara’s life as possible. She would pick her up from school, sometimes take her out of school and take her to lunch. She was just as involved in her niece’s life as her dad was, only she wasn’t sleeping down the hall every single night.
And three weeks ago, Barb, the other landlord of their complex, had called her to ask if she was still interested in the two bedroom apartment. And once she told Tori it was hers, Tori knew there were some steps to go through and she requested that Barb and Andrew have whoever it was doing the cleaning, be very thorough. Being grandparents themselves to kids around Clara’s age, they both agreed without a problem.
Until there was a problem that the hired cleaner had found and reported. Some mold that he thought might be more than a surface problem. Andrew and Barb had brought someone out to inspect…leading to the phone call that Tori had just hung up on. She knew it wouldn’t be a problem with her dad for Clara to live here for a month longer. He loved having Clara around, plus he knew that Tori was trying her best to get everything set up so that Clara would be comfortable and in a safe environment when it came time to move.
The only problem was that her dad was out west in Washington State, taking care of her Grandma Doris, who had fallen down in her apartment in the assisted living complex, broke her hip and needed to get surgery. He left only this morning when she and Clara dropped him off at the airport and his return was up in the air, but at most he said he could be back before or after New Years Eve. So now Tori was tasked with the problem of figuring out how they were going to spend Christmas and the week leading up to it, when she needed to be at work a few days this week and all of Clara’s belongings were here at her dad’s house.
Initially, she figured she’d just pack up her things and move into her dad’s place until he came back. Dealing with the extra commute wouldn’t be that bad and Clara wouldn’t have to relocate her things, more importantly they wouldn’t have to lug the already wrapped Christmas presents over to her apartment. However, the short trial run she did when her Dad had informed her of his trip out west– left her with leaving five minutes to spare before she would be deemed late to work.
Which is why they were over at her dad’s place– grabbing the presents already wrapped for her and Clara beneath the tree and putting them into an old foldable wagon before putting them into her car and driving back into the city.
“Aunt Tori, are we taking Grandpa’s too?” Clara asked, calling out.
Tori put her phone back into her front pocket and walked out from the hall, over towards the decorated Christmas tree. “We can if you want. That way if he’s able to come home earlier, we can have him come over to the apartment and open his presents there.”
Clara looked at her and then back at the tree. “But then Grandpa will have to drive back here with his presents, right?”
“He could always sleep on the couch,” Tori shrugged.
Clara laughed before scrunching her nose. “He’s old though.” She looked back towards the tree and sighed. “We can just drive over here when he comes home, right? So we can be with him when he opens his presents?’
“I think that sounds like a great plan, Clara.”
“Okay, I’ll leave them then,” she said, putting down the present that she’d been holding. “I think I got all of ours though. I’m ready.”
Tori nodded and grabbed onto the handle of the wagon as she let Clara walk ahead of her and they left her childhood home, tugging the Christmas presents that she and her dad had bought Clara, along with some of the presents Clara and her dad had bought for her. Once she helped Clara carry the wagon down the front porch steps, she walked back to the front door and made sure it was locked before walking towards her car to help Clara put her presents into the trunk.
This wasn’t how she expected to be spending Christmas. If anything, she was planning on spending the week here with her dad and Clara at her childhood home, making new memories and reliving old traditions– the three of them opening their presents together on Christmas morning and watching movies on Christmas Eve.
But life had a crazy way of flipping things upside down a lot of the time, and this was just one more hurdle she had to overcome.
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“We don’t need that many groceries, Clara. We’re just here for some quick necessities.”
“You have like, nothing in your fridge, Aunt Tori!” Clara whined, hanging onto the end of the cart. “It’s like you’re trying to starve me.”
Tori laughed, shaking her head as she put a carton of eggs into the cart. “I’m pretty sure you can go a week without the betty crocker cake mix. We’re just here to get some breakfast stuff, cookies for Santa, some carrots for the reindeer and then maybe we can find one of those gingerbread house making kits.”
Clara audibly groaned as she leaned her head back, acting more thirteen than she was near eight. Today was supposed to be the day that the four boys down the hall would help Tori and Clara move into their new two bedroom apartment just a floor above where they were staying now– however, seeing that the apartment wasn’t ready for them to move in just yet, it was instead just an errand day, seeing as Tori had already taken off of work. Leaving her with the responsibility of entertaining Clara for the whole day, especially since groceries was the only errand she could come up with.
It didn’t help that Clara had been spewing off a “what are we gonna do later?” question what felt like every fifteen minutes. What she didn’t want to do was keep Clara inside of the house and sit her in front of the tv all day. She wanted to take her to play in the snow, go sledding, maybe even ice skate– do fun things that she could report back to her second grade class once winter break was over. But aside from the rink and the local spot in her childhood neighborhood, Tori couldn’t think of any place they could go ice skating at, especially seeing as driving to and from her old hometown with holiday traffic wasn’t ideal.
“Aunt Tori, I thought you were fun,” Clara groaned, her tone echoing just the same as they were in the grocery store, only now they were standing in the apartment hall, just in front of her door as she fished for her keys from the depths of her purse.
“I am fun,” Tori huffed, digging her hands and moving around all the non important things she had shoved into the crossbody bag.
“That sounds like something someone boring would say.” Clara replied, leaning her right shoulder against the wall.
“Tori? Boring?” They looked down the hall to see Ryan Hartman walking down the hall. “You must have the wrong Tori, squirt.”
“Hi Ryan, Mason, Jordan and Kirill!” Clara smiled, perking up. “Did you guys do anything fun today?”
“Just practice,” Jordan replied, as the group of four came to a stop. “What about you?”
“Just grocery shopping,” Clara replied, looking at Tori. “Where someone wouldn’t buy the Betty Crocker cake mix.”
“You’ll survive,” Tori replied, moving the plastic bag further onto her arm so she could use two hands. “I just need to find the keys–”
“Here, Tori, let me help,” Kirill said, coming up and grabbing the plastic bags from off of her arm, holding them for her as he smiled and nodded. “Go ahead.”
“Well would you look at that boys,” Mason teased, patting Kirill on the shoulders. “What a gentleman.”
Tori tried not to tuck her chin into her chest too much and hoped that her warm cheeks weren’t turning pink as she nodded at Kirill. “Thanks, Kirill. My arm was killing me.”
She quickly found her keys in her purse and grabbed them, unlocking the front door and motioning for Clara to go inside. “Let them get back to their apartments and nap.”
“Oh great,” Clara sighed dramatically. “Now I get to be more bored and watch tv.”
“No plans?” Jordan asked, as Clara walked into the apartment.
“None that I can think of that aren’t back home. I spend every Christmas back there, I don’t know of anything happening around here.”
Jordan laughed, shaking his head. “Did you completely forget about the family skate they’re doing down at the rink later? The one’s for players and staff?”
Tori blinked, looking at the four of them. “Wasn’t that last week?”
“Try today in about two hours, Tor,” Ryan said. “We’re just grabbing lunch and then heading back.”
“CAN WE GO ICE SKATING AUNT TORI? I WANT TO GO!” Clara said, running back towards the door. “Please, please, please, please–”
“I– do you even know how to skate?”
“I can help!” Kirill chimed in, sheepishly smiling once he realized just how loud his interruption had been. “I don’t mind helping.”
“Fine, fine,” Tori laughed, shaking her head as she took the bags from Kirill and playfully pointed at him. “But I’m counting on you not to let her fall if she turns out to be a total bambi.”
“I won’t.”
“Alright, so get ready, we’ll swing by in a few to pick you up and we’ll all head over together,” Ryan said, patting both of Kirill’s shoulders before the four men made their way down the hall to their apartments and Tori walked back into hers.
“This is gonna be so much fun, I can’t wait!” Clara squealed, running back to Tori’s bedroom. “I need to grab some thicker socks!”
Tori just sighed, shaking her head as she locked the door behind her and moved the groceries onto the kitchen island, prepared to unpack them before the boys came back.
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It was funny. In all of her time working for the Wild, she’d never actually been to one of the family skates as a participant. Maybe once or twice to fill in and capture some stuff for their social media team– but even that was only just there for a few minutes and then she went back home. But now, now she was actively sitting in the bench surrounded by some of the team and staff’s family who were either choosing not to skate or were caring for little ones who weren’t going onto the ice– while the players and the staff who chose to skate with their family members, were out gliding around on the ice ahead of her.
She was leaning against the edge of the bench arena watching out for Clara as Kirill had stuck to his word and stayed with her to make sure that she wouldn’t fall down and hurt herself. Tori knew that Clara had been skating a few times before, but she wasn’t sure how she would be able to handle being out by herself or her skating abilities at all. And Tori would be lying if she said that watching Kirill holding onto Clara’s hands and skating backwards as he pulled her along, didn’t make her weak in the knees. Being the kindhearted guy she knew he was, he was probably telling her words of encouragement as they moved around the rink and every so often when he would let her hands go, he would be cheering her on to catch up to him.
Kirill has always been the kind, gentle guy he is, since she met him his rookie season. And while she hadn’t originally seen herself falling for the brown eyed boy’s nature…she couldn’t help but do so. Anytime they saw each other at the rink, he’d always make sure to say hi and talk to her. Even if they didn’t cross paths, it seemed like he would actively go out of his way to pass by her and Kaia’s office to say hi. In the interviews she got to run, he was always more than eager to play into whatever she had planned– more so than any of the most playful guys on the team.
Perhaps the one thing that hooked her onto him the most, was when there were home games…he’d always meet her at her office or wait for her in the parking garage to get to her car before driving back to their apartment complex with her– just so he could walk her to her door and say goodnight. He was a gentleman, that was for sure. And Tori has been trying so hard not to let herself fall for him, because he was one of her closest friends.
However, it was proving very, very difficult and the only thing keeping her from totally falling for him, was the realization that he had yet to make a move– the confident, kind, hockey player…hadn’t even done as much as try to hold her hand on their walk out of the elevator and down their hall to their respective apartments.
“Hey Tori,” Kirill said, coming to a stop just next to her on the other side of the ice. “Why not come out and skate, hm?”
“What? Did you lose Clara?” She laughed, trying not to let herself melt into his warm and welcoming eyes.
He laughed, shaking his head before looking out onto the ice for a few seconds and then pointing out across the way. “She left me. She’s a lot better of a skater than she said. Fast learner too.”
“And now you need a skating buddy?”
“Mhhm, so come on, what do you say?” He asked, leaning against the boards and smiling. “What’s Clara do? Oh yeah, please, please, please, please–”
Tori covered his mouth as she laughed and shook her head. “Okay, fine, fine, I’ll skate with you.”
He moved slowly down to the bench gate as Tori awkwardly walked on her rented skates and when she reached the open door, Kirill held out his hand for her to take. The small action actually caused her heart to thump against her chest and she stared at his hand before reaching out and grabbing it, allowing him to take her cold hand into his warm one.
“Do I need to teach you too?” He teased, still holding onto her hand as she balanced on the ice and pushed away from the boards.
“Ha ha, no,” she replied, rolling her eyes and not wanting to drop his hand– but also wanting to prove to him that he was just as good a skater. “You might not know this about me, but I did figure skating growing up.”
His eyes widened as he started to quicken his pace to follow her. “Really?”
“No,” she laughed, looking over her shoulder and smiling at him. “But, we did go ice skating sometimes. So I’ve picked up a few things when I was younger.” She turned herself around, slowly starting to skate backwards as she kept up her pace. “See?”
“You’re the best out here,” he laughed. “How’s Christmas shopping going?”
“I think my dad and I have gotten Clara just about everything she asked for,” she replied, turning herself back around and somehow keeping herself balanced. “The only thing I can’t find is this like, DIY living room tent thing? I don’t know, it’s something she saw on youtube and it’s like a cute tent she can put up with some lights and stuff.”
“Is that what she really wants?” He asked, looking concerned.
Tori nodded, bringing out her phone. “Yeah, she had it highlighted under both her birthday list and Christmas list.” She pulled up safari which opened up the link to the tent, handing him her phone. “I’ve looked at just about every retail store, Amazon, their website…and I guess I keep missing the restocks or something because I’ve had no luck.”
Kirill looked at her phone, and he noticed him scrolling, probably trying to read and look at the product. “Want me to help?”
“No, no that’s okay,” she replied, taking her phone as he handed it back and putting it into her front pocket. “I’m sure they’ll restock it after Christmas and I’ll find a way to grab it then.” 
“Hi Aunt Tori, hi Kirill, look at me!” Clara smiled, skating by them at a faster pace.
“Please be careful!” Tori called out, her plea falling on deaf ears as she slowly turned herself back to skating backwards. “She’s so cocky, I don’t know where she gets it from.”
“No?” Kirill laughed, raising his eyebrows.
“Totally a lie, she gets it from Jess and I. We were best friends, but we always used to compete at who was the best,” she smiled, starting to freely move backwards and getting a little more comfortable. “Jess could never really get the whole skating backwards thing, but me? Nailed it easily. You can tell too, can’t you?
“You could be on the team,” he smiled, staying close as he skated by her side.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” she said, brushing off her shoulder. “Wouldn’t want to take your job–oh!” 
She felt her skate hit a ridge, knocking her off balance and sending her falling backwards to the ice. She fully expected to make contact with the cold ice, even preparing herself for trying not to hit her head…but her body never met the cold ground. She looked up to see Kirill standing there…no, holding her– he’d caught her from hitting the ground.
“You okay?” He asked, looking down at her as he had her in his firm and secure grasp.
Tori nodded, trying her best to laugh it off as if her heart wasn’t racing inside of her chest. “I guess I’m still a little bit rusty.”
“Not too bad,” he smiled, helping her hand back up and then standing in front of her. “But maybe I should help you like I helped Clara, yeah?”
He held out both of his hands and Tori found herself thanking the cold environment for hiding the fact that her cheeks weren’t red from the cold, but from the blushing she had going on. She nodded and reached out, grabbing onto both of his hands and smiled. “Yeah, I could use a lot of it. You won’t let go, right?”
Her last comment was meant to be a little teasing, but deep down inside, she was asking him not to let go of her hands because she enjoyed holding them– feeling the callouses from years of playing hockey against her soft palms.
Kirill shook his head, still smiling. “I won’t let you go.”
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Tori never expected she’d have to go into the office while the team was on a two game roadie, but there she was, trudging into the office during a snowfall while Clara tagged along, practically bouncing her way down the halls as she took in the sights of the stadium. The one thing that Tori always loved about kids and hockey, was that it was always as if they were seeing the stadium and the halls and the decorative wallpaper with players and history past and present…for the first time. It was also just so magical to them, which reminded her to never lose that spark for her job.
Kaia had come in earlier, which is why Tori knew she needed to. There was some files that Kaia couldn’t locate on her work computer that had to do with their upcoming plans for interviews after the holidays and Tori knew they were on hers– the only problem was that her computer was in her office– not home with her. It was a simple fix, all she’d need to do was grab her laptop, check the files were on there and email them to Kaia before taking her laptop home with her.
Clara wanted to see everything though, because she’d never seen what Tori’s office was like. No one was there, so Tori let her look around the office and then as they were leaving, they passed one of the equipment managers who had stayed home on the trip and once Tori told him she was giving Clara a tour, he offered to let them take a look around the locker room.
It was nothing but excitement once they walked into the decorated locker room, Tori having been in there once or twice before, but never realizing just how huge it was when there were twenty some guys lounging around. Clara went on the search for the lockers of the four men from down the hall, sitting in each one and asking Tori to take a picture so she could send it to them. And when she did, she was greeted with lots of laughing emojis and a few “is she trying to take my job?” comments.
But once they were on their way home, Tori knew that they could relax for the rest of the day. Maybe order in some chinese and watch whatever it was on tv that Clara wanted to watch– Christmas movies or not. Once they parked, Tori felt her pocket vibrate and pulled out her phone to see she had a text from Barb saying that she had a package up at the front desk.
“Quick detour, Clara, we’ve got to pick something up at the front desk first,” Tori said, putting her phone back into her pocket and taking a left in the parking garage towards the door that would lead into the lobby of the apartment building versus the elevator to take them to their floor.
Barb was sitting at the computer behind the counter and immediately greeted them with a smile once she saw them. “Perfect timing,” she said, coming around the corner of the desk. “This just got dropped off about five minutes ago with the rest of the amazon deliveries.”
“Amazon?” Tori asked, furrowing her eyebrows. “I don’t remember ordering anything…”
“Maybe it’s from Grandpa!” Clara smiled. “A last minute present!”
“Maybe,” Tori said, taking the long box and realizing it did have her name on it. “Hm, we’ll just go upstairs and I’ll open it in my room to see what it is. Thanks again, Barb.”
“Of course, you two have a good rest of your day. Warm up a bit, your noses are red.”
“Bye Mrs. Barb,” Clara waved, now carrying Tori’s computer bag over her shoulder as they made their way towards the elevator, Tori trying not to struggle carrying the long box.
“Are you sureeee I can’t look at it?” Clara smiled as the elevator started to move.
“I’m sure,” Tori replied, smiling back. “It’s too close to your birthday and Christmas for you to open anything.”
Clara huffed as the elevator doors opened and they walked out into the hallway, making their way to the apartment door. Once Tori unlocked the door and nudged it open with her foot, Clara walked inside, resting the computer bag onto the island counter. “I’ll be right here, not looking at my present.”
“You do that,” Tori laughed, closing and locking the door behind her before making her way down the hall to her bedroom and locking that door behind her as well. She placed the box onto the floor and walked into her bathroom, grabbing a pair of scissors she had to trim the candles along her bathtub and walking back into the room, kneeling onto the ground.
She had stopped a majority of her Christmas shopping last week, anything she bought now was just some small stuff she figured that Clara would like that could go into her stocking, so she couldn’t imagine what was in this box, because as far as she knew, she didn’t have anything out for delivery. When she lifted the open edges of the box, her jaw dropped…it was the tent she’d been searching for for weeks– the only thing is…she didn’t order it.
But who did?
She grabbed the box and opened her bedroom door, walking out into the living room where Clara was on the couch. “Alright, I’ll let you open this one present before your birthday. But just this one, got it?”
Clara smiled, jumping off of the couch and running over as Tori put the box down onto the ground. She squealed in excitement once she saw what was in the box, throwing the sides open and reaching in to grab it. “Oh my God, Aunt Tori!!!! It’s the tent!!!!” She smiled, looking up at her. “Can we please clear some space so we can open it? Pretty please, please, please, please?”
“Of course,” Tori laughed, helping her take the box out of the amazon box and smiling. “Just give me a minute and we’ll clear out a space for it.”
She walked over to the island counter, resting the box against it when she saw her phone lit up with a text from Kirill.
Kirill 🐻: I see you got the amazon delivery. Was that the right one?
Her eyes widened as she looked over her shoulder to see Clara still admiring the box the tent came in. SHe walked further into the kitchen and kept her back to Clara as she clicked on his contact and opened up a facetime call. It only rang a few times before he answered it, his smiling face appearing on the screen. “Hey–”
“You bought it? But how did you– where did you–” Tori was speechless.
“I remembered you showing it to me at family skate,” he said, laying down in the hotel bed he was at. “I looked for it and I must’ve been lucky because they restocked it on Amazon that night, so I ordered it and paid for express shipping.”
“Kirill, I…” she sighed, shaking her head. “I don’t know how to say thank you, but–”
“You don’t need to,” he replied, shaking his head. “I saw you were stressed about it and I wanted to help. I like seeing you happy…Clara too,” he smiled.
Tori smiled, nodding her head. “Thank you so, so much. You just made her birthday I’m sure.” She looked over her shoulder at Clara. “Clara, come say thank you to Kirill for finding the tent.”
Clara ran over and in an instant, appeared right by Tori’s side and into the frame. “Kirill, you’re the best and you’re my favorite person in the whole entire world!” She squealed, jumping up and down.
Kirill laughed, shaking his head. “Can I see the tent when we get back home?”
“Duh!” Clara smiled. “You’ll be the first guest besides Aunt Tori! Unless you guys want to see it together.”
“Go unpack your text,” Tori replied, rolling her eyes and nudging Clara out of the kitchen. “Kirill, I really can’t express how much this means to her…and to me.”
“You don’t need too, just as long as it makes you both happy,” he said, sitting up in the bed. “I need to go now, got to get ready for the bus ride to the arena.”
“Good luck tonight, score a goal or two, hm?” She smiled, wrapping her left around around her waist.
Kirill laughed, nodding his head. “Make it two, one for you one for Clara.” She felt the butterflies liven in her stomach when he said it, still smiling. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Bye Kirill, good luck.”
“WAIT,” he said, appearing back in the frame. “Before I go, I wanted to know if um…” he cleared his throat, appearing a little nervous. “If you wanted to be my date for the Christmas Party…or we can go as friends–”
She felt her heart pound against her chest at the mention of that one word– date. She smiled, nodding her head. “A date will be nice,” she spoke softly.
Kirill lit up, his smile big as he nodded. “Okay, great, I’ll talk to you later then! Bye.”
She hung up the phone call, biting onto her bottom lip as she brought her phone up beneath her chin and tried to stop herself from smiling so big. She couldn’t wrap her mind around just how he had been searching for the tent after she told him how she was really wanting to buy it for Clara since it was the thing she wanted most. He didn’t have to do that…but he did, because he wanted Clara to be happy just as much as she did.
“Aunt Tori, come on,” Clara said, standing up in the living room. “I’ve got it unpacked!”
Tori laughed, nodding her head. “Alright, we’ve got a tent to build.”
She went to put her phone down onto the counter, seeing it light up one more time with a text from Kirill.
Kirill 🐻: Can’t wait! 😊
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If it was up to Tori, she would bring Clara along with her to the Wild Christmas Party tonight. Clara was a social girl, she seemed to love Ryan, Kirill, Mason and Jordan, and she knew there was no doubt in her mind that she would also get along with the rest of the players and staff she’d meet at the party. However, the party would go pretty late into the evening and keeping her up that late, even though she was on Christmas break didn’t exactly scream ‘I’m a responsible guardian.’ Even though she remembered all the times on holidays where her parents let her and Jess stay up late (and she thought they were great parents), this was something she was new at and she was too scared to mess it up– even over something so incredibly small.
So, she called up Maddie, her old childhood best friend and college roommate who Clara knows well, seeing as Maddie was close to Jess too, and asked if maybe she’d be able to babysit Clara for a few hours while Tori was just minutes down the road in one of the ballrooms at the St. Paul Hotel.
Once the two had left the arena after her brief stop into the office to check her emails, they went out to breakfast and then went shopping. Any and every store that Clara had wanted to stop in, Tori never said no. She wanted the day to be a good one. One where they stopped at Starbucks and got Clara a lemon loaf and a hot chocolate while she got herself a cake pop and a hot chocolate as well. Sipping and snacking on their drinks while they went to target and they took turns pointing out what they hoped Santa would bring for them– Tori taking pictures whenever Clara wasn’t looking so she knew what she could send an order out for tomorrow and have someone swing by and pick it up when she had the chance.
And when they came home, they sat down at the small kitchen table with their to-go lunches they grabbed from a panera down the street and sat down together to eat. Tori listened while Clara talked about which Christmas movies they should watch. How she relived telling her the play-by-play of the day she, Tori and the boys went ice skating three days prior. And when lunch was over, Clara sat in the living room watching Julie and the Phantoms (again) on Netflix while Tori took a quick shower, getting dressed into some light pajamas before walking out and checking on Clara.
“Everything okay here?” She asked, towel drying her hair. “Do you need anything?”
“I’m good,” Clara replied, looking over at her. “What are you doing?”
“I’m gonna do my hair and put on some make-up,” Tori replied, softly squeezing the water out of the ends of her hair.
Clara perked up on the arm of the couch, a small smile on her face. “Can I help?”
Tori smiled, draping her towel over her arm. “You want to?” Clara nodded, pushing herself up onto her knees and Tori just nodded her over. “Alright, let’s go to my bathroom.”
Clara jumped off of the couch and ran over to her brushing by and going down the short hall before making a left into Tori’s bedroom. Tori just laughed as she followed behind, walking into her bedroom and then going into her conjoining bathroom where Clara was leaning against the sink.
“Once I’m done blow drying my hair, what do you think I should do? Curl it or straighten it?” She asked, grabbing her blow dryer and plugging it into an outlet.
“Hm…” Clara squinted as she focused on her. “Straighten! You already have curly hair.”
“I have waves,” Tori laughed, looking down at Clara. “Your mom got the curls from our mom, your Grandma Clara.”
She spoke before she thought about how mentioning Jess might affect Clara. It was just so natural for the words to come out, she couldn’t help it. She felt guilty when she thought she saw a flicker of sadness wash across Clara’s hazel eyes– her father’s eyes– before she just walked over and sat down on the edge of the tub.
“Can I play music on your phone while you dry your hair?” She asked, kicking her feet. Tori nodded and picked up her phone, handing it to Clara after she synced it with her bluetooth speaker that was set up in her bathroom. “Any requests?”
“Whatever your little Christmas loving heart desires,” Tori smiled, getting ready to turn the blow dryer on before turning back towards Clara, pointing the dryer at her. “Except the hippopotamus song, that’s my ultimate crossing the line song.”
“You’re no fun,” Clara replied, rolling her eyes before looking back down at the phone, her small fingers scrolling up the phone screen in search for a song to play.
Tori had to point out that she had a Christmas playlist on Spotify, ultimately finding it for her and then letting Clara pick whatever songs she wanted to play from the list as she blow dried her hair. The two of them sang along to all of the classics even as Tori switched from blow drying her hair to straightening it.
The both of them burst into song with smiles on their faces once Mariah Carey’s classic, ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ came on, and though the memories of her and Jess doing the very same thing when they were younger flooded her mind, seeing Clara sing her little heart out, belting the notes at the top of her lungs, was enough to wipe away the sad afterthought just long enough for Tori to finish straightening her hair.
“Are you sure about the gold eyeshadow? You don’t think it’s too much?” Tori asked, looking away from her small portable mirror and  turning to face the soon to be eight-year-old.
“I think it brings out your eyes,” Clara replied, swinging her sitting besides Tara on the floor, using the small bathtub carpet to place the make-up she had placed just in front of her to ‘help figure out our options.’ “You guys have pretty eyes…” Clara paused and then looked back down at the make-up containers in front of her. “Had, I guess.”
Tori swallowed the knot in her throat, wanting to comfort the sadness that Clara was feeling, but even her correction into a past tense had been so soft, Tori wandered if acknowledging it was going to be the right thing to do. “Well I think you have the prettiest eyes.”
“They’re alright,” Clara shrugged, picking up a lip pencil. “They’re just brown.”
“They’re hazel,” Tori corrected, putting down the liquid golden eyeshadow after closing the tube. “And even if they were just brown, they’re still beautiful. Brown eyes are like…” she paused, trying not to let herself picture the moment at ice skating when she almost embarrassed herself falling down and Kirill caught her fall. “They’re warm and sometimes when they’re really brown, they’ve got this depth in them…like that person’s got all of the secrets in the world hidden behind their eyes. And when the light catches them? Magical. It’s like they can change a multitude of shades and–”
Clara was smiling, catching Tori off guard. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Because you have a crussshhhhh,” Clara sang, handing Tori the pencil. “And it’s on Kirilllllll.”
“I do not,” Tori scoffed, taking the pencil and looking at the shade before uncapping it, shaking her head. “I do not, nope.”
“Yes you do,” Clara giggled, sitting up from her butt and onto the backs of her heels. “And you know how I know? Because he has brown eyes and you went all,” she fluttered her eyelashes and smiled, cupping her hands beneath her face as if she was playing a lovesick girl in a movie. “When talking about brown eyes.”
Tori laughed, turning her focus back to the mirror to apply her lip liner. “Just because he has brown eyes and I romanticized them to make YOU feel better, doesn’t mean I have a crush on Kirill. Now find me a shade of lipstick, my little make-up guru.”
Ever like her mother, Clara rolled her eyes at Tori’s playoff of the all too real situation that she’d brought up. But crushing on the guy just down the hall wasn’t really something she wanted her niece to call her out on. It was bad enough that it had been something Jess had picked up on last year when she and Steven had a date night to a game and met her afterwards.
And it didn’t help that Tori had always been the kind of girl who let the smallest of moments and things turn into the biggest when it came to love and things like it. Thoughts always spent a little extra time in her head and her brain would spin them and turn them into special butterfly inducing memories until her feelings were almost as big as the heart her mom always told her she had and one that “anyone would be lucky to have love them.” The absolute last thing that she needed was for her brain to spin the small moments, big moments, and every funny tik tok, simple text or wave from Kirill, into something butterfly inducing. The absolute, very, very, VERY last thing she needed…was to have feelings for the kindhearted, brown-eyed boy down the hall.
Or, you know, that she needed to acknowledge them. Because she knew deep down that there were feelings there for him, small or large she didn’t know. She didn’t want to allow herself to feel those, when she wasn’t even sure about whether or not him having similar feelings for her were possible.
“Aunt Tori,” Clara said, waving the lipstick in front of her face. “How’s this shade?”
Tori cleared her throat, removing herself from her inner thoughts before looking at the perfect match of a shade of red lipstick and smiling. “It’s perfect. I should just have you do my make-up from now on, that way I can sit back and relax while you do all the work.”
“Only if you boost my allowance up to $10,” she said, standing up and brushing off her pants.
“Only if you actually do your chores,” Tori replied, carefully applying her lipstick onto her top lip before blotting it with the bottom.
Clara extended her hand out, nodding. “Deal.”
Tori laughed and shook her hand before returning back to applying her lipstick, Clara coming over with a folded up piece of toilet paper before she even had to ask. “Do you just watch those beauty youtubers all the time?”
“Mainly tiktok, but sometimes I watch youtube. I’m gonna go get a snack.”
“Okay, I’ll be out there in a bit,” she replied, capping her lipstick and blotting using the toilet paper. She collected the makeup from beside her and put it all back into the storage where it belonged before standing up and putting her make-up all back onto her bathroom counter.
She took a step back from the counter, moving her hair off of her shoulders and towards her back as she took in the job that she and Clara had done together. She was still getting used to the way her curtain bangs were framing her face, knowing that Jess would be right over her shoulder and telling her that she knew she’d second guess getting the hairstyle. That was the thing though, she wasn’t sure if she did second guess getting it…she just liked the idea of being able to hear her older sister tease her in the back of her mind.
Besides, Clara, her dad and Kirill said that they liked her hair. Though perhaps Kirill’s approval was right up there with Clara’s– almost a close second.
Tori turned off the bathroom light and walked into her bedroom, going over to her walk-in closet and opening the door, not even needing to turn on the light to know where her dress for tonight was at. She’d hung it just next to the door the moment after she’d washed it…the same day she bought it. She’s been excited to wear it from the moment she saw it on a random shopping trip during her lunch break with Kaia. It wasn’t anything extravagant, but it was a dress that when she jokingly tried it on…she felt different in it.
She imagined, as she stood there in that dressing room with the lights illuminating her closed stall, that this feeling…whatever it was, was what her mom had talked about when she and Jess were growing up. That one day, when they were engaged and wedding dress shopping, that it would be nothing like shopping for homecoming dresses or prom dresses was going to be. That the dress, would make them feel like they were the most beautiful person in the room. Her mom was right, she and Jess never felt that way shopping for their homecoming or prom dresses– but she knew Jess had felt that moment the day she, after trying on what felt like every dress in the bridal shop, tried on the dress she would wear when she walked down the aisle to Steve.
Granted, Tori hadn’t bought her dress while preparing for her wedding, but the way she suddenly saw herself in a different light as the deep green, sparkly velvet material hugged her body as if it were made just for her. Feeling the soft material cut in an A-line on her chest and flare out into a skater dress just at her mid thigh, she stood there so long in that dressing room admiring the way the dress looked, that Kaia had knocked on the door saying “the dress can’t be that bad.”
And it wasn’t, because the moment Tori walked out of the dressing room, Kaia told her to turn right back around and change because, “you are so buying that dress.”
She grabbed the hanger, bringing the dress out of her closet and then walking towards her bed as she laid it down on top of her comforter. She changed out of her sweatpants and tank top and grabbed the dress, sliding the material off of it’s hanger and stepping into the dress, the material hugging against her body, feeling the velvet against the palms of her hands as she rubbed her hands down the stress, flattening out any wrinkles. Also in her closet, were the shoes she was going to wear tonight as well.
“What, Clara?” She called out, swearing she heard Clara’s voice. She bent down and quickly slid on each heel before making her way out of her bedroom and down the short hallway, eventually coming into her shared living and dining rooms.
“I said, Maddie’s here,” Clara replied, walking over towards the couch and sitting down next to Maddie.
“You answered the door?” Tori asked, eyes wide as she walked over to the small island counter where she had set down the purse she was going to use tonight, was. “I know for a fact that you were taught not to answer the door–”
“For strangers,” Clara replied, shrugging. “I got a chair and looked through the peephole to see who it was. Maddie’s not a stranger, so I answered it.”
Tori sighed, shaking her head. “Okay, technically she’s not a stranger, but you should’ve come back and told me that Maddie was here before opening the door. For all you know she could be on one of her crazy trips and rob us blind.”
Maddie rolled her eyes as she sipped on her Starbucks refresher. “Ha ha, very funny. Mind you, I’m here aren’t I?”
“Yes and thank you for that,” Tori replied, grabbing her small clutch and making sure she had transferred everything over that she’d need for tonight.
“Yeah, yeah, what are besties for, now come over here so we can see the final look.” Maddie said, waving her over. “Full on fashion show like the ones we used to do in fifth grade.”
This time, Tori rolled her eyes as she put the clutch back down onto the island and walked into the living room. “Do I really–”
Maddie held her hand up, shaking her head. “I said, fashion show. So strut.”
Clara laughed, sitting up on her knees in excitement as they both had their eyes on Tori, who was giving into the demands and like when she was a kid, put on her best “supermodel” runway walk and walked into the living room, doing a twirl and then playfully flipping her hair over her shoulder before stopping in front of them and sighing, shrugging her arms. “So? Thoughts?”
Maddie looked at Clara and then leaned over, cupping her ear and whispering as Clara shook her head and then nodded, her face going through a whole slew of emotions before finally nodding again. Maddie sat up straight and the two looked at each other before Clara looked back at Tori and smiled. 
“We think you look hot.”
Tori laughed, throwing her head back just barely as she shook her head. “Well thank you, but hot should not be in your vocabulary yet. Wait until you’re like…I don’t know, 18.”
“18?! But that’s forever!” Clara whined, falling back against the couch. “14.”
A knock on the door interrupted what Tori was going to say as she pointed at Clara. “We’ll talk about it later.” She walked towards the door, already knowing who was going to be on the other side since this was about the time that they agreed in their group chat to meet up so they could all travel to the party together.
“Hey guy…oh, hi” she expected to see Ryan, Kirill, Mason and Jordan, along with three of their dates she knew were tagging along. But instead…it was only Kirill standing at her front door, dressed very nice in a black suit that had gold trim, along with a dark gray shirt underneath. 
And he was wearing the hell out of the suit.
“Hi,” he spoke, clearing his throat soon after as he pointed his thumb down the hall. “The guys sent me here. We’re ready to go, are you?”
“I am,” she nodded, trying not to focus on the way she could see his eyes taking in her dress. “I just um,” she looked over her shoulder. “Need to grab my purse…come on in.”
“Thanks,” he nodded, sucking in his lips as he kept his hands in his pockets and walked into her apartment, closing the door behind him.
“Hi Kirill!” Clara said, standing up from the couch and walking over. “What’s with the funny suit?”
Kirill smiled as he held out his fist for her to bump. “Funny suit?”
Clara giggled as she shook her head. “You’re just really dressed up! I only ever see you wearing jeans and stuff.”
“Oh,” he replied, looking a little embarrassed as Tori turned around. “A Christmas party. I’m picking up Tori.”
“Mhhm and now we’re getting ready to leave, so please be on your best behavior for Maddie,” Tori said, draping the chain of her clutch purse over her shoulder and pointing to Maddie. “And no obscene amount of sugar after eight.”
“No fun,” Maddie replied, waving at Kirill. “Hey Kirill, take care of our girl tonight please. No shenanigans.”
“Shenanigans?” He asked, looking at Tori, his cheeks tinting pink as he looked for a translation.
“No pranks, practical jokes,” Tori replied, shaking her head. “Ignore her.” She turned back towards Clara bending down to her level and holding out her pinky finger. “Promise to be on your best behavior?”
“You’re leaving?” Clara asked, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked between Tori and Kirill.
Tori nodded, adjusting her clutch chain, going to kiss the top of Clara’s head. “Just down the street to the team Christmas party. I promise I’ll be back–”
“No!” Clara yelled, backing herself away from the affectionate moment.
The three adults stood there in shock at the way the personable and bubbly, but often quiet, Clara raised her voice so defiantly.
“No, you can’t go!” Tori could see the way Clara’s face began to crumble and knew she was only moments away from crying. “If you go, you won’t come back! My mommy and daddy didn’t!”
Tori stepped towards Clara, ready to comfort the now crying child. “Clara–” Just as she went to get down to her level, Clara spun around on her heels and ran back towards the only bedroom of the apartment– Tori’s– slamming the door shut behind her.
The silence was loud and heavy as she stared down the hall, the most outrageous part expecting her for Clara to come back out laughing– that it was all a joke. But the big part of her, the one that knew Clara was genuinely upset, scared even…that part tugged at her heart, causing an ache so deep that it didn’t take her a second to turn around to face Kirill.
“I’m sorry,” she spoke, shaking her head as she took her clutch off of her shoulder. “I can’t go tonight. I can’t–” she looked back over her shoulder, shaking her head as she looked back at him. “I can’t leave her like this.
She couldn’t tell what exactly it was that he was feeling– confused at what went down, sad that she was bailing, concerned for Clara or maybe even a little scared at the outburst– but like he always did, he put on that small, comforting smile that always gave her the biggest of butterflies, and nodded his head.
“I’ll let the guys know.” He walked back to her door, opening it as she followed behind him. He turned back around, his eyes looking just past her and over her shoulder. “Tell Clara I hope she’s okay.”
Tori leaned against the door, nodding. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Again, I’m sorry. I know–”
“It’s okay, Tori.” He replied, still smiling as she rocked back on his heels. “See you later.”
She waved as she watched him walk back down the hall towards his room most likely to grab the rest of their group before looking back into her apartment and sighing, nodding at Maddie. “You should probably go too.”
Maddie nodded, getting up off of the couch and collecting her things off of the island counter before coming over to Tori, not hesitating a single moment before wrapping her arms around her and hugging her. “It’s not your fault.”
“I didn’t–” Tori paused, as Maddie pulled back and she looked down the hallway. “I should’ve known she’d get upset and I didn’t think about that.” She took a deep breath, exhaling as she looked back at Maddie, feeling the tears burn in her eyes. “Jess would’ve known what to do. She would’ve known–”
“Hey, don’t get down on yourself, Tor,” Maddie said, holding onto Tori’s arms. “This…all of this is new to you, but you’ve done a hell of a job so far. No one expects you to be perfect, okay? You had one slip up and even then…you’re doing your damndest. You’re canceling your plans to make sure that Clara is okay.”
Maddie reached up and cupped her face, gaining her attention as she looked into her eyes. “You’re trying, Tori. You’re trying and you’re learning…and that’s all Jess and Steven both would have wanted.”
Tori nodded, hugging Maddie again before pulling away. “Thank you.”
“You know I’ll always be here for you,” she smiled, walking out of her apartment door. “And send me that receipt for your Target order, I’ll swing by and pick it up tomorrow. Love you Tor.”
“Love you too, Mads,” Tori replied, waiting until she saw Maddie get into the elevator before closing and locking her apartment door for the night.
She took a few deep breaths as she took off her shoes and placed her purse back onto the counter before making her way back down the hall, coming to a stop in front of her bedroom door. She raised her fist, holding it there for a few spare moments before knocking on the door. “Clara?”
Tori pressed her ear against the door, hearing her fan on the other side of the door blowing, but not a peep from Clara. She knocked again, keeping her ear against the door. “Clara, can you come out please? Or let me in?”
Still silence and Tori was starting to feel defeated as she exhaled and let her body fully lean against the door. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about the party. I…I didn’t even think about,” she paused, unsure of how to say the idea that maybe Clara would have some kind of reservations about Tori going to a party, without making it seem as if she wasn’t considering her feelings. “I’m sorry that I made you upset, that’s the last thing I ever want to do.”
“I sent Maddie and Kirill home, so it’s just gonna be me and you tonight.” She crossed her arms, focusing on the sounds from the other side of the door. “And I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of hungry…so I think I’m gonna order a pizza. If you want some, just let me know.”
The one thing that she learned between her Dad and Clara’s therapist, was that she needed to let Clara come to terms with things on her own time. Not to force her to talk about it before she was ready or ignore it when the time came. If she had questions, then it was okay to answer them until Clara either started to look uncomfortable or stop asking questions altogether. So that’s what she was going to do, she held out her olive branch of a pizza offering and was going to sit in the living room and wait until Clara hopefully would leave the room and join her.
Tori had ordered the pizza on her phone and sat down onto the couch, leaning back into the warm material as she stared at the “are you still watching?” Netflix screen. It was only a few minutes after she placed the order for pizza when she heard her bedroom door open from down the hall, Clara appearing at the end of the hall a couple of seconds later.
“You still want to watch Julie and the Phantoms?” Tori asked, nodding towards the tv screen.
Clara nodded, keeping quiet as she slowly made her way over to the couch and sat down right beside Tori, immediately curling herself up against her side. “Why didn’t you go to the Christmas party?”
Tori shrugged, reaching up and brushing Clara’s hair back as she continued to play the show. “You were upset and I didn’t want to leave you behind,” she replied, looking down at her. “Besides, hanging out with you is a lot more fun than going to a fancy Christmas party.”
“I’m sorry for yelling at you,” Clara spoke softly, resting her head against Tori’s chest. “I just–”
“Sh, you don’t have to apologize, Clara,” Tori replied, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. “I know.”
They sat there for a relaxed moment before Clara looked up at Tori, pouting. “But now you’re all dressed up and pretty…”
Tori smiled, sitting up straight. “How about we change over into some pj’s, then I can do your hair and make-up and after that, we’ll clean it all up and have a spa night like your mom and I used to have with our mom?”
Clara perked up and nodded, a smile on her face. “Okay!” She scrambled off of the couch and headed towards the hall. “Face masks too?”
“Of course,” Tori scoffed, standing up off of the couch and following behind her, holding onto the hand Clara had outstretched towards her. “We’ll go all out, I promise.”
And they did.
After changing into some comfortable pajamas, Tori rounded up all of the spa stuff she had available in her bathroom and they walked back out into living room area with spa and make-up stuff in hand. Just like when Clara was helping Tori get ready, she had picked out all of the colors she wanted to wear, and Tori would apply it. She opted for having her hair curled and once it came down to make-up. And to no surprise, Clara had handed Tori the golden eyeshadow she had picked out for her earlier in the evening, when Tori had asked what eyeshadow she wanted.
“With as knowledgeable as you are about make-up, I give it until you’re 12 to be better at it than me,” Tori joked, carefully applying the finishing touches on the eyeshadow. “I was never this good at make-up, I only learned a little in high school and then a little more in college.”
Clara kept her eyes closed as Tori shut the eyeshadow pallet and then grabbed the eyeliner. “I like watching youtube and tik toks,” she said, sitting still as Tori began applying the eyeliner. “Plus I really liked watching my mom do her make-up, she looked really pretty.”
Tori smiled softly, nodding her head even though Clara couldn’t see. “Your mom was always very pretty.”
Silence settled over as Tori carefully applied the eyeliner to Clara’s top lid before having her open her eyes so she could apply it to the waterline. Words were none even as she put the eyeliner down and then grabbed the mascara, even more carefully applying it so she didn’t accidentally poke Clara in the eye.
“All right, you’re all done,” she smiled, putting the mascara tube down and grabbing the make-up mirror that she’d brought out from the bathroom and held it in front of Clara. “What do you think?”
Clara scooted closer to the mirror, turning her face side to side as she even played with the curls of her chestnut colored hair. “Do I look like my mom?” She asked, looking up at Tori with a softened expression.
“I–“ a knock on the door interrupted Tori’s reply, signaling that hopefully the pizza was here. “That must be the pizza.”
Tori got up off of the floor and walked over to the front door, peeping through the peephole and seeing the pizza delivery man. She opened the door, making small conversation as she was handed the receipt to sign before finally wishing the delivery man a good night and taking the pizza, closing the door behind her and walking into the kitchen as Clara walked in. They grabbed some plates and each put two slices of pizza and a cheesy breadstick onto their plate before Clara took their plates into the living room while Tori grabbed them each a cup of water to drink.
When they settled back into the living room and sat on the floor, Tori noticed the small silence that was still there as Clara started to eat her pizza and focus on the Hannah Montana episode that was playing on Disney+. She knew it was most likely because she’d never gotten the answer to her question since the pizza had been delivered and so Tori put her pizza back down onto her plate and turned towards Clara.
“You do look like your mom,” she said, watching as her response took a few seconds before it sunk into Clara’s focus that she had said something.
“I do?” Clara asked, her bite of pizza still in her mouth as she quickly chewed it and swallowed. “Or are you just saying that?”
“No, you do,” Tori smiled, nodding her head. “You have her hair, especially now with the curls–“
“But we curled it…”
“Your mom’s hair didn’t get curlier until she was 14, before that, her hair was straight just like yours. You have her nose and her cheeks,” she smiled, scooting closer to Clara. “You have your dad’s eyes and his dimple, but your smile,” she reached out and gently poked right by the outside corner of Clara’s left eye. “You definitely have your mom’s smile, it reaches up into your eyes.”
Clara smiled and just like she said, for a moment, Tori could see a glimpse of Jess just in her smile alone. “Thanks Aunt Tori.” She sighed, picking her pizza up again. “I’m sorry for ruining your date with Kirill.”
Tori laughed, shaking her head. “It wasn’t really a date…I was just his date to the party is all. And besides,” she nudged Clara, smiling. “I think we’re having more fun doing this than I would at a party.”
“Even if it meant you couldn’t go on your date?” She frowned.
Tori nodded. “Even if it meant missing out on tonight. Besides, if Kirill has a problem with me canceling so I can spend more time with you, then he’s not worth it.” She picked up her pizza and looked at Clara. “Boys will come and go Clara, but family is forever.”
Clara smiled and picked her pizza back up to eat and Tori joined in, sneaking a glimpse at her phone to see that she still didn’t have any messages from Kirill. It’s not like she was expecting him to text her throughout the night, because it was, after all, a team Christmas party…but she was also hoping that her hypothetical ‘if he has a problem’ scenario wasn’t real. Because a big part of her, though she would deny it if asked, did care for Kirill.
And she hoped he felt the same way.
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It’d been maybe an hour and a half into their night, the make-up was all washed away and the two of them were lounging on the couch in their face masks, complete with some chopped up cucumbers to snack on as they watched The Polar Express, one of their favorite Christmas movies they watched as kids. If it wasn’t so late, Tori might have suggested the two of them bundle up into a jacket and boots and wander down the street to get some ice cream. But, since tomorrow was their birthday, she figured that could be something she treated Clara to during the day.
Because right now, Clara was close to being ready to fall asleep and a sugar rush would only keep her up for a little bit longer.
“Who’s that?” Clara asked, looking towards the front door following the soft knock they heard. “Is Maddie coming back?”
“I’m not sure,” Tori said, getting up off of the couch and keeping her blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She walked over to the door, looking through the peephole and immediately stepping away. “Shit.”
“What? Who is it?”
“It’s Kirill,” she replied, reaching up and touching her dried clay mask. “And my face is completely purple…”
Clara jumped off of the couch and ran by Tori, nudging her out of the way and unlocking the door locks before swinging the door open. “Hi Kirill! Come in!”
“Hi,” he laughed, going along as Clara grabbed onto his coat jacket and tried to tug him in as best as she could. “What are…” he paused and looked between both girls as Clara shut the door. “What’s on your faces?”
“Face masks to help us look young,” Clara chimed in, pointing at the plastic bags he was carrying. “Whatcha got there?”
He looked down at the plastic bag and then held it up. “I brought ice cream.”
“But,” Tori paused, seeing that he was still dressed up in his suit. “What about the party? It doesn’t end for another two and a half hours.”
Kirill smiled and shrugged. “It wasn’t fun and Ryan said he’d tell everyone I wasn’t feeling good.”
“Does this mean we can have ice cream, Aunt Tori?” Clara gasped, turning towards her and grabbing onto her hand, pouting. “It’d make me feel so much better! Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty pleasseeeeee?”
“Yeah Tori, pretty please?” Kirill laughed, looking at her.
More than anything, she just wanted to wash the clay mask off of her face, even though it was looking like Kirill didn’t care that she was wearing it. “Okay,” she nodded, holding her blanket tighter. “We can have ice cream. We’ll just go wipe this stuff off our faces real quick and then–”
“No need!” Clara ran around the counter into the kitchen and grabbed the small stool Tori had for her, moving it in front of the sink and then turning the water on, vigorously rubbing her face with the water until the face mask was off.
Tori just sighed, grabbing a paper towel and ripping it, handing it to Clara. “Wipe around, you’ve got some flakes leftover.” She looked at Kirill and nodded. “I’ll be back.”
She swiftly made her way down the hall to her bedroom, walking in and going to the bathroom to wash the face mask off her face. She tried not to let her racing heart make her nervous at the fact that Kirill had left his own team’s Christmas party hours earlier, just to come by her apartment to make sure that they were okay. And he even brought ice cream. Those were two wins in her book and if she were to text Maddie and Kaia, no doubt in her mind that they would tease her and say that he’s definitely got feelings for her.
But she didn’t want that disappointment, because maybe he was just a friendly guy.
When she wiped her face dry, she walked back out and down the hall, seeing Kirill still standing at the counter, only now he was holding an ice cream scooper in his hand and looking at Clara for approval as he dropped a second scoop into the bowl. “Good?”
“Mm, one more.”
“No, two is good,” Tori laughed, shaking her head. “You need to sleep at some point tonight, because tomorrow is a big day.”
“Our birthday!” Clara smiled, looking at Kirill. “Are you guys coming to my party? It’s just Aunt Tori, Maddie and me right now.”
Kirill laughed as he handed over the bowl of ice cream. “I would love to come.”
“Sweet,” Clara smiled, grabbing her bowl before giving him a hug. “Thanks Kirill, you’re the best.”
She ran off before he could reply and Tori walked over, taking her place at the end of the island. “This was really nice of you to do,” she said, leaning against the counter. “I thought my spa night and pizza was good, but you really took the cake with this ice cream.”
“Took the cake?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed as he dropped a scoop of ice cream into her bowl.
“It means you won,” she smiled, nodding at the ice cream. “Plus, it’s like you have a radar in your head and knew I was craving something sweet.”
Kirill smiled, shrugging his shoulders. “I know you.”
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It was a good day– a day to be celebrated in many ways.
It was Christmas Eve and then it was both Clara and Tori’s birthday. A bittersweet day, but also one that needed much celebration in it’s own right. When she woke up this morning, Clara was still fast asleep in the bed beside her, so Tori took the chance to get up and make a phone call to her dad– hoping it wasn’t too early in the morning for him.
The first thing he’d said when she answered, was wishing her and Clara both a happy birthday. And after the polite conversation and questions about how they were doing had come and gone, Tori had asked him the most important question for the day– “how did you do it?”
“How did I do what, Tori?”
“How did you make that first birthday after mom died, so special?”
There was silence on the phone before her dad sighed. “Well, I didn’t shy away from the topic if you wanted to talk about your mom. We did a lot of talking about her and past birthdays. We kept up with those traditions, and just made sure to include mom as much as we could.”
Tori was biting her long sleeve as she stared at the Christmas tree. “I’m just nervous I’ll ruin it,” she whispered, feeling the tears burn in her eyes. “You made that birthday and every one after that so special, even when deep down I was missing mom so much. I– I want to do that for Clara, I don’t want Jess and Steven’s death to overshadow her and make her hate her birthdays every year.”
“As long as you just talk about Jess and Steven when she wants to and you validate those feelings she has, you won’t ruin it, Tori. She loves you and you’ve got a way of making everyone feel special, especially on their birthdays. Just do things you’ll think she’ll enjoy or if she asks to do something, do that too.”
It was her dad’s advice that made her feel a lot less nervous going into the day. First up on the day, she’d made Clara a special breakfast– chocolate chip pancakes complete with whipped cream and some cut up strawberries– a birthday breakfast that their mom had made Tori and Jess every year on their birthday since they could remember. And it was a tradition that Tori knew Jess had kept up with, because when Clara finally woke up and joined her out in the living room, her eyes lit up when she saw the pancakes on the kitchen island– even if the smile wasn’t there.
Tori didn’t remember much about that first birthday without her mom, part of her thinks she probably blocked it out because it was too sad to think about, but watching Clara go through it, she probably experienced the same thing. The sniffles and tears while eating her breakfast, the smile on her face but one that didn’t reach her eyes as she opened the gift Tori’s dad had gotten her. The apologizing for feeling sad and the “it’s okay,” from Tori when she had apologized.
It felt like uncharted territory, even though she’d been in it before. The only thing that had even boosted her mood just a little bit, was when the four boys from down the hall stopped by to wish them both a happy birthday, even giving her some presents.
Kirill’s was the only one that Clara was actually interested in– maybe it was because it was from him or maybe because it was the only one that wasn’t personally signed Minnesota Wild merchandise. It was a Polly Pocket set, one that Tori wasn’t sure whether or not he just saw in a store and thought that she’d like it or if it was something he knew that she wanted. At least not until before they left, Tori had asked him how he knew what to get her and he said– “we're best friends, duh. She said she liked Polly Pockets, so I just went to the store and asked someone for help.”
Once the boys left, they just hung around the apartment, watching whatever Clara wanted to watch. It wasn’t until she started to feel a little antsy that Tori had asked what was wrong. Clara looked at her, a sad look on her face as she played with her hands and said, “I want to go see mommy and daddy…if that’s okay.”
Visiting the cemetery back in her hometown wasn’t exactly what Tori had on the birthday card for today, but she remembered what her dad said about being open to whatever Clara wanted to do and agreed. They had gotten dressed and left the apartment complex, getting to the garage and getting into her car before setting out for the drive back to Saint Paul. Christmas songs were on the radio, but that was the only sound in the car on their drive, especially once they neared the cemetery where her mom, Jess and Steven were all buried in the same section, but only plots away from each other.
They’d stopped at the store, buying some flowers before reaching the cemetery and once they parked off to the side, they got out and walked through the snow, trying their best to find the headstones. They’d found her mom’s first and Tori bent down and wiped off a few extra whisps of snow before placing the red poinsettias into the flowerpot. It wasn’t the first time since her mom had died that Tori had come to the cemetery, but each time was just as emotional as the first time after the funeral.
“Aunt Tori, can I go find mommy and daddy?” Clara asked, pointing just head. “I think they’re eight up.”
“Okay, just stay in view.” Tori nodded, watching as Clara walked just ahead in front of her. She took a deep breath and sighed, staring down at her mom’s engraved name. “I know you told us that even if you weren’t here anymore that you’d always be around…but I really hope that’s true because I feel like I’m out of my league.”
“I hope you’re with Jess and Steven up there, and I hope you guys are looking down at us and show up in times we need you. Dad’s doing good, Clara’s doing as good as you can expect her to…and I think I’m doing okay,” she replied, wiping her running nose. “You and Jess would be glad to know that I finally might’ve found someone I really like, though I’m not sure if the feelings are mutual. And I think you would’ve liked him, his name’s Kirill and he plays for the Wild. Jess has met him and she liked him, so I’m sure she’s told you all about him. He’s everything you always told us we deserved and needed to find in someone, one day.”
Tori laughed, shaking her head. “And honestly, I wouldn’t be all that surprised if you somehow sent him to me.” She looked up to see that Clara was squatting down towards the ground and knew she’d found where Jess and Steven were. “I miss you a lot, mom and I wish you were here all the time, but I know you are just like you said you would be. I love you and I’ll visit again soon, hug Jess and Steven for me.”
Tori quickly wiped her face and calmed herself down before walking away from her mom’s headstone and taking the short walk up to where Clara was at, not getting to close as to not want to interrupt Clara, wanting to give her privacy. When she stood up, Tori walked over and stood next to her, draping her arm over her shoulder. “You okay, Clara?”
Clara sniffled, wiping at her face and shaking her head. “I miss them,” she sobbed. “It’s not fair.”
Tori squatted down to her level and wrapped her in her arms, hugging her as she tried not to cry herself. “I know, I know,” she whispered, cupping the back of her head before leaning back. “But you know what my mom always told your mommy and I when we were little and she got really sick?”
Clara shook her head, sniffling again as she wiped at her nose. “No.”
“She told us, that even if she wasn’t here physically where we could see her and hug her,” she said, reaching up and wiping away the tear stains on Clara’s cheeks. “That she would always be right here in our hearts,” she reached down and patted Clara’s heart. “And that she would never, ever leave there.”
“Can I talk to her there too?” Clara asked, wiping at her face again.
“Always,” Tori whispered, holding onto Clara’s arms. “I was going to wait until tonight to give you this, but I think now might be better.”
“What is it?”
Tori reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out the small red gift box and lifting the lid and the small tissue paper from over it, revealing a small silver locket. “When you were born, your daddy bought this for your mommy. It says, ‘home is where the heart is’ on the front and on the back, it’s got all three of your guys initials,” Tori smiled, showing Clara both sides before opening the locket. “And then inside, they added this picture of the three of you smiling in the hospital room. See? There you are right there in your mommy’s arms.”
Clara leaned down, looking at the locket before looking up at Tori. “I was so small.”
“You were a few hours old,” Tori smiled, pointing to the empty side. “And then right here, if you want…we can add a picture of the three of you from that family photo session we all did together, yeah?”
“Yes please,” she nodded, wiping at her nose. “Can you put it on me?”
Tori nodded, taking the locket out of the box. “I figured you were old enough to have this now, that way you’ll always have your mommy and daddy to look at when you get a little sad and I’m not there to comfort you.”
Once she put the locket around her neck, Tori let it rest against her chest and Clara reached down and held it into her palm with a small smile before looking up at Tori. “I love it Aunt Tori and I love you.”
“I love you too, kiddo,” she smiled, hugging her again, this time just a little tighter.
It was hard trying to decipher whether or not Clara’s trembling lips and body were from her crying or from the harsh cold winter air. So they said one last goodbye to Jess and Steven, Tori saying her own goodbye in her head before they made their way back to their car, staying close to each other and holding hands. When they got back into the car, Tori turned around to make sure Clara was settled before offering her a small smile.
“How about we got get some hot chocolate from the cafe your grandma Clara used to always take your mom and I to when we were kids and we’ll talk about your mom and dad?” Tori suggested, unsure of how Clara would respond.
She sniffled again, wiping at her nose. “Do they have cake pops? Daddy loved cake pops.”
“They do,” Tori laughed, nodding her head. “We’ll get a cake pop too.”
They spent hours in that cafe, ordering hot chocolates and cake pops, nursing them as Tori told stories of Jess when they were younger and answered any questions about her mom and dad that Clara had. By the time it was time for them to start driving home so they could meet Maddie at the apartment for the small dinner and cake they were going to do for Clara, Clara was smiling for the first time that entire day– genuinely smiling.
It wasn’t until they got in the car that Tori saw she had a missed call from Kirill and a voicemail. And when she listened to it first, she smiled. “Kirill called, did you want to hear what he had to say?” She asked, looking over at Clara.
“Yes please!!!” Clara nodded, sitting eagerly in her car seat.
“Hey Tori, I just realized that I forgot to do something when I swung by earlier. I know it’s Clara’s birthday, so I wanted to wish her a happy birthday again and this time, do it the way we always did growing up.” He said something in his native Russian, probably something along the lines of happy birthday and then, the part that made Tori smile, he started to sing the simple tune of happy birthday– still in his native language.
“THAT WAS SO COOL!” Clara smiled, eyes wide. “Next time I see him I’m gonna ask him to teach me russian!”
Tori laughed, putting her phone down and starting her car. The only thing Clara didn’t know was that Tori had ended the voicemail seconds before he went on to say what he did after.
“I know it’s your birthday too, so I wanted to say happy birthday and I’m very happy I met you. You’re doing a great job, Tor.” And then he said something else in russian before translating it for her. “I am the happiest man on earth because I met you, bye.”
She didn’t need Clara teasing her until she was red in the face, but also, she knew that she would never get his voice out of her head– constantly replaying the compliment on their drive home.
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The day had come and gone, the sun was set and all around Minnesota, Tori was sure parents had their kids all tucked into bed. But in their small bedroom apartment, Tori, Maddie and Clara were watching ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’ like all the Christmas Eve’s before, snacking on some of the leftover cookies they’d made for Santa and just enjoying each other’s presence.
“Did you have a good birthday, kiddo?” Maddie asked, looking over Tori as Clara sat down on the floor, wrapped up in a blanket Maddie had gotten her that was a picture of Clara, Jess and Steven together from last Christmas.
“Yeah, one of the best,” Clara smiled, looking over her shoulder at them. “Thank you guys a lot.”
“You’re welcome, Clara,” Tori smiled, tucking her legs beneath her on the couch. “I’m glad you had a good day.”
“I feel bad though,” Clara frowned, holding the blanket around her. “It’s your birthday too, Aunt Tori and you didn’t get a cake to make a wish or anything.”
Tori smiled, shrugging her shoulders. “That’s okay, I got what I wanted and that was for you to have a good day. I know how hard those firsts can be when you lose someone important to you and all I wanted was to do for you what Grandpa did for me and your mom when we were younger. To make sure you could still have a good day, even if you were a little sad.”
Clara got up and walked over to the couch, leaning over and giving Tori a hug. “I love you Aunt Tori, you’re the best ever.”
“I love you too, Clara,” Tori replied, rubbing her back as she held onto the hug.
A knock on the door interrupted the hug and Clara jumped back, handing her blanket off to Tori. “I’ll get it!”
“What did we say about answering doors?” Tori laughed, holding the blanket in her lap.
“Yeah, Clara,” Maddie smiled, looking at Tori. “I wonder who that could be.”
Tori folded the blanket the best she could before getting up off of the couch, just as Clara opened the door. “GRANDPA!!!!!” Clara squealed, being lifted up moments after as Tori’s dad walked into the apartment, closing the door behind her.
“Dad?” Tori asked, eyes widening. “What are you doing here? I thought you were back with Grandma?”
“Oh no, she got tired of me hovering,” he laughed, shaking his head. “Her surgery went successful and she maybe lasted two days of me staying with her in her little apartment before she told me I needed to come home and be here with you guys. She’s got some good staff looking after her and I told her I’d be on the first flight out if she ever needed anything.”
Tori walked over with a smile, hugging him with one arm as he held Clara. “It’s good to have you here, we missed you.”
“I missed you guys too,” he said, kissing them each on the temple. “And happy birthday to you both. Hi Maddie.”
“Hi Mr. Holly, I’m glad you’re here,” she smiled, sitting up on the couch. “Though you’re not quite who I was expecting.”
Tori’s dad laughed. “If you’re talking about a certain Wild hockey player, he’s still hanging out in the hall. Looks a bit nervous if you ask me.”
“What?” Tori asked, looking at them as her dad put Clara down and Clara started to drag him over to where she had put her Christmas presents down.
“Oh yeah, he’s out there giving himself a pep talk, open the door if you don’t believe me,” her dad laughed, following behind Clara.
Staring at the closed door, she knew that Clara would’ve announced Kirill’s presence if he was out there. She practically adored him just as much as Tori did. But more of a point…why was he out there pacing in the hall? Tori opened the door and didn’t even need to look out into the hall, because there was Kirill, wearing a Christmas sweater and moving himself right into view of her apartment door.
“Kirill,” she said, still surprised even though she was told he was out here. “What are you doing?”
He brought his hands out from behind his back, holding an all too familiar pink bakery box from Tori’s favorite bakery down the street. “I wanted to give you this, it’s your birthday.”
She was speechless as he handed over the box to her and she lifted the lid, seeing her favorite three layered chocolate mousse cake she would always treat herself to a slice or two whenever she stopped by the bakery. On it, was white icing that was written in script that said– look up. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at Kirill to see him holding out a small plastic mistletoe decoration with nervous eyes. “What–”
“I know it’s probably lame,” he sighed, dropping his arm by his side. “But I didn’t know what else to do and it’s your birthday and I didn’t want to overlook that. But you’re one of my best friends out here and you’re beautiful and kind and you always make me laugh. I’ve been too nervous to tell you or do anything which is why the guys like to chirp me about you– but I do. I like you a lot, Tori. I like watching movies with you and Clara and ice skating and I’m not good with stuff like this but–”
Tori smiled, before closing the lid on the box and stepping forward, leaning up onto her toes and cupping the left side of his face with her right hand before leaning in and kissing him. She’d always been afraid of making that first move, too nervous about ruining their friendship. Even after they’d spent most of the family skate days earlier, holding hands– playful manor or not. But now, with the cake and his equally adorable rant…she knew that he had feelings for her too and nothing was going to stop her from doing what her hearts been wanting this entire time.
When she pulled away, he looked at her with wide eyes before smiling, holding up the mistletoe. “So it wasn’t cheesy? Because Ryan said it was cheesy and–”
“I loved it, it was very sweet,” she smiled, nodding her head. “Want to come in? We’re just watching a movie.”
He nodded, stuffing the plastic mistletoe into his pocket before walking into the apartment and then coming to a deadstop. She closed the door and turned around, her eyes going wide to see her dad, Clara and Maddie all standing there with smiles on their faces. “Oh…uh…”
“Really guys?” Tori sighed, feeling her cheeks grow hot.
“Took you a while huh, Kirill?” Maddie said, playfully shaking her head. “
He reached up and rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, I just got nervous. Especially when you walked up, sir.”
“No need to be nervous, I’m a friendly guy,” her dad said, walking over and shaking his hand. “However, why don’t we go sit on the couch and talk about your intentions with my daughter, hm?”
“DAD!” Tori gasped, quickly ushering them away. “All of you go sit in the living room and I’ll cut up the cake.”
“CAKE?” Clara asked, eyes wide as she ran over and lifted the lid to the pink box. “You’ve gotta make your wish first, Aunt Tori!”
“Fine, fine, but you guys go in there and I’ll make my wish in here,” Tori said, as Maddie and her dad went back into the living room while her, Kirill and Clara were in the kitchen. Tori opened a drawer and grabbed the lighter, lighting the two candles.
“Make a wish, Aunt Tori,” Clara smiled, resting her arms on the counter and then her chin on her arms. “Even though I already know what you’re going to wish for.”
“You do?” Kirill asked, playing along.
“You do not,” Tori scoffed.
“Sure I do,” Clara smiled. “For Kirill to be your boyfriend.”
“I guess I did forget something after all,” he laughed, taking the plates from her as she grabbed a knife to cut the cake. “Is that something you want? Because–”
Tori just leaned in, kissing him again before pulling away with a smile, subtly nodding her head. “It’s a yes.”
“Okay, me too,” he nodded, blushing as he motioned towards her cake. “Make another wish.”
Tori blushed, tucking her chin into her chest as she smiled., looking around the room. She had her best friend in the entire world and her dad here, Clara was starting to look more like her old self even after the rough year that she’d been through…and the guy from down the hall she’d been crushing on for almost as long as she’s known him…had finally confirmed what her heart had been telling her all along– that he had liked her too. There wasn’t much more in the world that she could want, but maybe there was, and maybe it was just that she wanted Jess, Steven and her mom to know she was trying her best and she wanted them to be proud of her.
She closed her eyes, making the wish that she hoped all of this would stay– the happiness and the peace that her family had adapted after tragedy, her very new relationship with Kirill…there was nothing more in this world that she wanted than to see Clara’s smile and hear her laugh, or getting to feel Kirill’s hand in hers and experience the fireworks she had when they kissed. After savoring the moment, she blew out the candles and opened her eyes again.
There they were, Clara and Kirill. Clara with her big smile, the one that had the best of both Jess and Steven. And then there was Kirill, smiling just as big and looking at her with a kind of love in his eyes that made her heart patter against her chest.
“Best Christmas Eve and birthday ever.”
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krllkprzv · 17 days
fic recs
just some fics i've found myself returning to, or thinking about, recently (with my commentary attached). feel free to recommend me more! (or make your own posts because we should recommend fics more)
wait, is that...? by malk1ns g, 1748 words
cute, sweet, funny, and lighthearted. i love fics written from an outsider perspective looking in and i re-read this when i'm looking for something fluffy.
All is Fair by beggingwolf t, 3285 words
emotional post-retirement fic with established relationship that's on the rocks between sid and geno. sweet and romantic ending!
The Real Thing by sevenfists e, 34892 words
fics with time travel are always so interesting to me because it gives us a chance to contrast people in adulthood vs. adolescence. in the case of sid, not just as a player, but as a partner. it's lovely to see the way the author has characterized geno and how his affection for past vs. present sid and the differences between them.
anything that touches by saysthemagpie e, 48578 words
brutally (seriously, heed the warnings) angst-filled, but also incredibly... cathartic (?) read. depicts familial death, graphic violence, and non-consensual/dubiously consensual situations. tension is tightly written and maintained throughout the entire fic and that really elevates the tender moments that sid and geno share between all of the really bleak scenes. i have probably read this a dozen times or more.
Mating in Captivity by beggingwolf e, 25005 words
3.5 words: heartwrenching clownfish mpreg. it'll tug at your heartstrings and also teach you something about clownfish reproductive systems.
Uncontrollable by al-the-remix e, 15798 words
the image of sid cradling an octopus geno lovingly on ice to prevent him from becoming calamari is sweet enough to keep me coming back... amusing and funny, sweet, romantic, sometimes sad and emotional...
All I Ever Wanted by WolfSpider e, 18927 (and its sequel, (was to make you mine)) (jonas brodin/brock faber)
i actually first read this from @simmyfrobby's rec list and it's really good! brods' contemplation of his dynamic, experience on ice, and past with dumba altogether compared to being scented by brock is really interesting and is conceptually blended altogether in a lovely way that doesn't feel "too busy" at all! i liked jeek's role as a side character as well. also i listened to the basshunter song this fic was named after a lot growing up so...
A tale of crushes and de ageing and a very blonde Jeff Carter by Belzebubcat e, 1964 words (tristan jarry/jeff carter)
the world (archive of our own) needs more tristan jarry being paired with overly sincere and eager people (and by people i mean jeff carter)
play pretend by daisysusan e, 6417 words (matthew tkachuk/quinn hughes)
sad, but also hot-sexy.
all dolled up by nationalhorribleleague e, 2109 words (matthew tkachuk/quinn hughes)
hot-sexy, but also funny. recruited me into the eldest daughter 4 eldest daughter ranks.
count me in by Anonymous e, 6888 words (matt boldy/kirill kaprizov)
funny! i love how flirty the dialogue is between boldy and kirill and the wink-wink nudge-nudge ending for the potential of something more between them...
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wyattjohnston · 1 year
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and just like that, the exchange has come to an end! thank you to everybody who participated—all 43 people!
if you take the time to read these fics, take the extra minute to reblog it and let the writer know how much you enjoyed it. the only way to spread things on tumblr is to reblog them. likes don't get the word out there!
please respect all warnings at the beginning of fics. if a fic has been marked as smut or 18+ and you are younger than, do the right thing and do not read it.
keep your eye out for the summer fic exchange 2k23 sign up post. if you want me to let you know when it's happening you can click here.
the winter fic exchange 2k23 masterlist
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Buffalo Sabres
Tyson Jost
- A Christmas 3+1 by @2manytabsopen for @ bqstqnbruin
- cooler by @jostystyles for @ butgilinsky
- it's always the boy next door by @ya-pucking-nerd for @ ilyasorokin
- Slowly, Then All at Once by @color-offside-the-lines for @ jostystyles
Carolina Hurricanes
Andrei Svechnikov
- All I've Tried to Hide by @laurenairay for @ hoesforthecanes
- The Myster of Love by @comphy-and-cozy for @ idontgiveaflyinggrayson69
Colorado Avalanche
Cale Makar
- i love you, grumpy by @nylwnder for @ gravestrain
- tell me you want it a thousand miles away from the day that we started by @fallinallincurls for @ hockeylvr59
- Unexpected Love by @buttercupjosh for @ wildrangers
JT Compher
- this song is about you by @torontoflames for @ comphy-and-cozy
Nathan Mackinnon
- I Got You by @hockeylvr59 for @ raysofcrosby
- The Problem with Maddie by @luvsherleafs for @ fallinallincurls
- you always did feel just like home by @wyattjohnston for @ blueskrugs
Minnesota Wild
Kirill Kaprizov
- Christmas With You by @raysofcrosby for @ callsign-denmark
Montreal Canadiens
Josh Anderson
- promise this won’t change a thing by @matthewtkachuk for @ luvsherleafs
Juraj Slavkovksy
- second times the charm by @ilyasorokinn for @ lam-ila
New Jersey Devils
Jack Hughes
- sweet nothing by @gravestrain for @ quinnshuggy
Nico Hischier
- be my fire in the cold by @tinyhockey for @ lifeofpriya
New York Islanders
Anders Lee
- Welcome Home by @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 for @ barzysunflower
Anthony Beauvillier
- holiday cards by @fear-of-flyers for @ buttercupjosh
- It Was Real For Me by @lam-ila for @ sorryjustafangirl
- tell me that you'll open your eyes by @liquidflyer for @ 2manytabsopen
Mat Barzal
- comin' home to you by @quinnshuggy for @ color-offside-the-lines
- Last Christmas by @bitchinbarzal for @ liquidflyer
- New Year's Surprise by @barzysunflower for @ bitchingbarzal
- Sparks Fly by @hoesforthecanes for @ tinyhockey
Seattle Kraken
Andre Burakovsky
- They Shoot Websters, Don't They? by @bqstqnbruin for @ laurenairay
Jamie Oleksiak
- i won't say (i'm in love) by @barkbarkbeauvillier for @ jxmieoleksiaks
- seizing the moment by @butgilinsky for @ typical-simplelove
- the untitled date day by @jxmieoleksiaks for @ barkbarkbeauvillier
- Untitled by @selfindulgentpoorlywritten by @ tippedbykreider
St Louis Blues
Colton Parayko
- something just like this by @tippedbykreider for @ senditcolton
Toronto Maple Leafs
Mitch Marner
- won't you stay til the a.m? by @senditcolton for @ fear-of-flyers
Morgan Rielly
- babe for the weekend by @sorryjustafangirl for @ broadstbroskis
William Nylander
- choosing you by @broadstbroskis for @ nylwnder
Vancouver Canucks
Brock Boeser
- fools rush in by @pcttymcrlecu for @ torontoflames
Elias Pettersson
- here comes your man by @thomasschabot for @ selfindulgentpoorlywritten
- Home by @wildrangers for @ thomasschabot
- Nervous by @typical-simplelove for @ ya-pucking-nerd
Quinn Hughes
- More than a Memory by @blueskrugs for @ matthewtkachuk
- What the Heart Wants by @lifeofpriya for @ pcttymarleau
Washington Capitals
TJ Oshie
- What We Had by @callsign-denmark for @ cellythefloshie
Winnipeg Jets
Adam Lowry
- Last Christmas by @cellythefloshie for @ wyattjohnston
if you wrote a fic and the person you wrote it for did not reblog it, tell me! if you know you haven't reblogged the fic written for you (and left some nice comments!), please go do that now.
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ahockeywrites · 1 month
hi hi just curious if you would write a smut for kirill kaprizov for me :)
hi! Thank you for the ask :) I don’t know much about Kaprizov so don’t feel as though I’d be able to do a fic justice. Apologies (I feel so bad saying no but I don’t follow the wild much at all)
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leafsbabe · 1 year
𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐟𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐞'𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡
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𝐡𝐢 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐬, as you might have guessed from the title i hit a pretty big follower milestone at the beginning of the month and thought we could have some fun with it! i still can’t believe there are four fucking thousand of you following this silly little blog, i love you all so much! send me a player and a number and get something nice xoxo
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𝟏𝟏𝟏 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - send me a player and a song (or just a player and i’ll pick a song i think fits them) and i’ll write you a little something for them
𝟐𝟐𝟐 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 - send me a player and a prompt and i’ll make you a little insta au
𝟑𝟑𝟑 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 - send me fic recs, blogs to check out, just things that need a little love
𝟒𝟒𝟒 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - send me a player and i’ll write you a boyfriend headcanon for him
𝟓𝟓𝟓 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 - send me a player and i’ll write you a dad headcanon for him
𝟔𝟔𝟔 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭 - send me any ask game, fuck - marry - kill, who’d you rather, players and a prompt for me to rate...
𝟕𝟕𝟕 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤 - send me a player and get a smutty headcanon, be it a sex headcanon, nsfw alphabet, maybe even a breeding kink... you can request a specific one or just let me pick
𝟖𝟖𝟖 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 - send me a player and i’ll make you an aesthetic/moodboard for him
𝟗𝟗𝟗  𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 - send me a player and a prompt and i’ll write you a little blurb, can be fluffy or smutty, whatever your little heart desires
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blurbs will probably be around 500 words & things will get posted towards the end of the month and early april , requests are closed ♡
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♡ Kirill Kaprizov - nsfw alphabet
♡ Quinn Hughes - breeding kink headcanon
♡ Elias Pettersson - insta au
♡ Jeremy Swayman - nsfw alphabet
♡ Colton Parayko - moodboard
♡ Colton Parayko - insta au
♡ William Nylander & Auston Matthews - insta au
♡ Owen Power - nsfw alphabet
♡ Luke Hughes - nsfw alphabet
♡ Leon Draisaitl - boyfriend headcanon
♡ Vince Dunn - blurb
♡ Luca Fantilli - sex headcanon
♡ Jordan Kyrou - breeding kink headcanon
♡ Lucas Raymond - boyfriend headcanon
♡ Nathan MacKinnon - song blurb
♡ Alex Turcotte - nsfw alphabet
♡ Andrei Svechnikov - song blurb
♡ Morgan Rielly - breeding kink headcanon 
♡ Mat Barzal - blurb
♡ Brady Skjei - boyfriend headcanon
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the-jarvy-party · 11 months
✭ the-jarvy-party 's masterlist ✭
requests are open / closed all works have individual warnings last updated : 07.16.2023
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all of these works are either discontinued, not being written for or are individual works for one fandom
✭ seth jarvis [hockey]
mistletoe - s. jarvis
✭ kirill kaprizov [hockey]
redemption - k. kaprizov
✭ jesperi kotkaniemi [hockey]
amnesia - j. kotkaniemi
✭ vance hopper [TBP]
tidal wave - v. hopper [AO3]
✭ neymar jr. [SOCCER/FOOTBALL]
in the moonlight - neymar jr.
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cod fanfics are being worked on, all have individual warnings
✭ task force 141
valentine’s day with the 141
✭ simon “ghost” riley
war and peace - s. riley [discontinued]
✭ könig
antisocial - könig
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rdr2 fics are currently being worked on, all have individual warnings
✭ javier escuella
the cowboy you are - j. escuella [nsfw]
✭ arthur morgan
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✭ things i do not write
incest - you should already know why
suicide - i don’t feel comfortable writing it, and i also don’t think anyone would be comfortable reading it.
abuse/addiction of any sort - again it’s just smth i do not feel comfortable writing about
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ilyasorokinn · 5 months
misc. masterlist, part 2 (western conference)
this masterlist is basically just blurbs, and maybe some fics, that i'm not proud of (but don't want to delete) or players i no longer write for. just because they are on this list doesn't mean i don't write for them. this list will probably grow as time goes on, i don't know.
key: name = do write for currently name = no longer write for *= from a prompt list
arizona coyotes,
✷ 3+1 (travis dermott) - y/n tells travis some very exciting news.
colorado avalanche,
✷ cute babies (bowen byram) - y/n tells bowen they make cute babies and wants to have another one.
✷ post-roadie cuddles (ross colton) - ross comes home after a roadie and all he wants is to cuddle. *
✷ hair transformations (cale makar) - y/n and cale have a youtube channel together, and y/n surprises scale with a hair transformation.
chicago blackhawks,
✷ make it better (anthony beauvillier) - Anthony had caught word that y/n has a bad day, so being the good boyfriend he is, he takes care of her and helps turn her bad day into a semi-good one. *
dallas stars,
✷ bubs the pup (roope hintz) - y/n finds a dog and brings it home with her.
✷ beach braids (roope hintz) - y/n and roope braid each other's hair on the beach. *
✷ wired autocomplete interview (tyler seguin) - y/n and tyler do a wired autocomplete interview.
✷ couples account (tyler seguin) - y/n and tyler pull tiktok pranks on each other (and the dogs).
✷ slow swayin' in the kitchen (tyler seguin) - the only rosie can fall asleep is if someone is holding her and swaying. *
edmonton oilers,
✷ an old married couple (dylan halloway) - y/n and dylan are kind of like the old married couple of their friend group, so everyone always goes to them for advice. *
los angeles kings,
✷ cuddle (erik portillo) - movie nights are erik's favorite. why? cuddling.
✷ there for him (erik portillo) - y/n's there for erik after the loss.
✷ safe in these arms (alex turcotte) - alex had a pretty bad day, but knows the second you wrap your arms around him, he'll be okay. *
✷ proud of you (alex turcotte) - y/n and alex are talking about their future, and talking about how proud they are of each other. *
minnesota wild,
✷ hat trick (matt boldy) - y/n's with matt when he scores his first hat trick.
✷ matt boldy's imfamous cheese quesadillas (matt boldy) - y/n has a bad day, so matt makes her his world-famous dish. *
✷ sweet dreams (matt boldy) - matt wakes up after a bad dream. luckily y/n's there to help him fall back asleep.
✷ kirill night (kirill kaprizov) - after. aloss, y/n spends the night comforting kirill. *
nashville predators,
✷ new job - (juuse saros) y/n works with kids, so she gets sick at least once a year, but luckily juuse’s always there to take care of her. *
st. louis blues,
✷ time to go (colton parayko) - colton drags y/ out after a long day of work where they fall alseep, mid party. *
vancouver canucks,
✷ job opportunities (brock boeser) - y/n gets a call, while hanging out with family, that she got the job she wanted. *
✷ daddy's girl (conor garland) - stella garland is a daddy's girl, especially when she gets hurt.
vegas golden knights,
✷ red, taylor's version (brendan brisson) - y/n finds out brendan is (secretly) a swiftie.
✷ post college anxiety (brendaon brisson) - y/n's been getting lots of job opportunities for after school, and brendan's getting stressed.
misc. players,
✷ britney and the astronaut (ethan edwards) - y/n and ethan's halloween costume is iconic.
✷ proud of you (ethan edwards) - y/n is there for than after the loss.
✷ sore (mark estapa) - after a hard game, mark's sore everywhere, so y/n gives him a massage.
✷ looking a little low (mark estapa) - mark comes back from the bathroom to see a guy getting a little too close.
✷ root beer floats (jimmy lambert) - y/n has a tradition of whenever she watches harry potter, she makes root beer floats. jimmy knows this, and ditches the guys to join her.
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eusuntgratie · 11 months
1, 3, and 22 for the hockey asks! ⛸️🏒🧊
ooh thank you!! <3
who was the first team you ever became a fan of
the atlanta thrashers, who no longer exist. i was a very normal, generic fan of my local team (who were terrible). i couldn't name a single player, i barely knew what was happening in the game, i had a PLAIN jersey with NOBODY'S NAME ON IT (gasp), but i would cheer loud as shit and loved going to games. the thrashers got sold to winnipeg and that team became the winnipeg jets, who i still have a vague fondness for for sentimental reasons.
in my current, ferally obsessed hockey era, the philadelphia flyers, who i still love mostly bc of tk and because they're my daughter's team.
3. team you recently became a fan of and how it started
hmm for teams that are like MY TEAMS definitely the pittsburgh penguins who are absolutely my ride or die team now. it started with tumblr posts about geno's 1000th and me being intrigued by the core and then a friend recced a sidgeno fic and then i actively started looked for sidgeno/pens stuff and there was no hope. i'll always love the flyers but i love the culture of the pens and i love the core and i love sully and i just really really really love this team and how much they love each other. (yes i'm still crying about dumo how many times can i watch that interview where kris declares his love for him apparently a lot)
for like, teams i'm generally fond of and root for, the minnesota wild. a lot of pens fans have love for the wild bc of flower (beloved pens goalie who we lost in the first expansion draft and nobody ever got over it) but also kirill kaprizov is just sort of irresistibly adorable.
22. are you superstitious during the playoffs?
i'm not, but this is my first year being intense enough about hockey to watch them, and NONE of my three teams made the playoffs this year. it took me a bit to even start watching playoff hockey but i really enjoyed it when i did even though it was SO STRESSFUL GAH so i can't wait to be feral about the playoffs next year when my boys make it back. will sid's neurotic superstitious ways rub off on me? we shall see.
hockey asks | ask me
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wildrangers · 2 years
Hi!! This is your winter fic exchange anon. I have a few questions for you:
1. So based off of the players and themes you selected (Nico Hischier. Quinn Hughes. William Nylander. Matt Boldy. Connor Dewar. Joel Eriksson Ek. Mason Shaw. Kirill Kaprizov. Cale Makar. Jack Hughes. Elias Pettersson. Andrei Svechnikov. Trevor Zegras. Ryan Lindgren. Alexis Lafreniere. K'Andre Miller. Dougie Hamilton. fluff, smut (18+ only), angst - with a happy ending. Reader Insert or OC), do you have a specific set preferences in mind (Ex. you would really prefer if I wrote for Cale Makar/you would prefer anything fluff) or could I just pick any of these things for the story?
2. I like to write based off of songs so do you have any specific songs (or artists) in mind or could I pick any song?
3. Do you prefer for the fic to be set in the winter, around Christmas or New Years or any other winter holiday, or it doesn’t matter to you when the story is set?
4. Do you like 3+1 or 4+1 stories?
5. Do you like already established relationship stories or do you prefer a story that establishes the relationship?
Thank you :)
Hi!! I’m so excited to see what you come up with 🥰
1. So I put a ton of people to make it easier for her to match me up with someone. I’d say my top 5 would be Nico, Cale, Quinn, William, and Joel but again anyone on that list works too. I don’t really have a preference for type of fic as long as it’s resolved at the end. I slightly prefer reader insert but OC would be great too!
2. I LOVE THIS. I am a huge Swiftie but also enjoy Greta Van Fleet, Florence and the Machine, Harry Styles, and Maggie Rogers. If you’re not familiar with those artists though, that’s totally cool and you can surprise me with a different artist/song.
3. Id prefer it to have a winter setting but it doesn’t have to be holiday specific or a huge focal point.
5. I love both equally. I tend to write stories that establishes relationships so I’m always impressed when writers can create an established relationship right off the bat. Whatever your heart desires ☺️
Let me know if any more questions pop up!
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saharamae21 · 2 years
So Chapter 4 of We Were Wild will be out this weekend, but will anyone read if I start a Tyson Jost fic?? I love him so much 😖
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sydnikov · 3 years
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Status: CLOSED.
NOTE: My prompt list for requesting is below. Please keep in mind that these tropes/prompts with or without links are merely guides, you are free to request whatever you wish.
...after you check out these links below :)
Players I write for
Blog/writing rules
Happy requesting!
Prompt List:
NOTE: All of the links attached in this prompt section are just starters I like. You do not have to request from this list specifically or the links attached.
sidenote: The "tropes" section is separate from the "prompts" section. If you want to request a trope, it is optional to include a prompt from the "prompts" section.
Separate section from the Fluff & Angst Prompts
Enemies to lovers: One, Two, Three
Friends to lovers
Strangers to lovers
Soulmates AU
Established relationship
Dialogue (scroll to the "fluff" section)
Dialogue (scroll to the "angst" and/or "general" section)
EXAMPLE: Can I request #1 from the Angst Prompt list with #11 from the Enemies to lovers prompt list One for Andrei Svechnikov?
Don't feel limited to just this list of tropes and prompts!! The ones I put down are just my personal favorites. Feel free to request anything else. (with keeping in mind my blog rules please)
Join my taglists:
18- (SFW)
18+ (NSFW)
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girldewar · 3 years
FDNSJNDJ IN MY DEFENSE. in my DEFENSE. i did not plan it. i did not anticipate it. i started writing a five minute dystopia fic on a plane ride and then it bit me like a radioactive spider once i landed. and now i... am here. with an unfinished 10k words of vague kirill/ilya and a whole bunch of bad vibes
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leafsbabe · 2 years
all my Joe Burrow fics 
52/52 of 2022
trying to post once a week for a year, 52 posts in 52 weeks
current status: 52/52
1. Ryan Graves - nsfw alphabet
2. Trevor Zegras - boyfriend headcanon
3. Kevin Hayes - breeding kink
4. Nico Hischier - nsfw alphabet
5. Kaapo Kakko - boyfriend headcanon
6. Sam Reinhart - sex headcanon
7. Joe Burrow - nsfw alphabet
8. Chris Kreider - breeding kink
9. Justin Herbert - boyfriend headcanon
10. Justin Herbert - kink list
11. Justin Herbert - nsfw alphabet
12. Jason Robertson - boyfriend headcanon
13. Jason Robertson - sex headcanon
14. Sebastian Aho - nsfw alphabet
15. Leon Draisaitl - breeding kink
16. Thomas Bordeleau - boyfriend headcanon 
17. Mikey McLeod - boyfriend headcanon
18. Alexandar Georgiev - sex headcanon
19. Brock Boeser - breeding kink
20. Matthew Tkachuk - breeding kink
21. Auston Matthews - nsfw alphabet (mlm/neutral)
22. Justin Danforth - boyfriend headcanon
23. Kirill Kaprizov - breeding kink
24. Sebastian Aho - breeding kink
25. Roope Hintz - nsfw alphabet
26. Jonathan Drouin - boyfriend headcanon
27. Andrei Vasilevskiy - sex headcanon
28. Nick Blankenburg - sex headcanon
29. Ross Colton - sex headcanon
30. Nick Blankenburg - boyfriend headcanon
31. Nick Blankenburg - breeding kink 
32. Cole Sillinger - boyfriend headcanon 
33. Owen Power - sex headcanon
34. Owen Power - boyfriend headcanon
35. Kent Johnson - boyfriend headcanon
36. Leon Draisaitl - nsfw alphabet 
37. Quinn Hughes - nsfw alphabet
38. Mikey McLeod - sex headcanon
39. Axel Jonsson-Fjällby - boyfriend headcanon
40. Michael Bunting - sex headcanon
41. Michael Bunting - boyfriend headcanon
42. Sidney Crosby - breeding kink
43. Joe Burrow - smut 
44. Kent Johnson - sex headcanon
45. Cayden Primeau - boyfriend headcanon
46. Jeremy Swayman - sex headcanon
47. Jack Hughes - boyfriend headcanon
48. Justin Herbert - breeding kink
49. Nick Blankenburg - nsfw alphabet
50. Ethan Edwards - sex headcanon
51. Ethan Edwards - boyfriend headcanon
52. Brendan Brisson - sex headcanon
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the-jarvy-party · 2 years
Redemption- K. Kaprizov
Kirill Kaprizov x fem!Reader (Cursing)
this feels so weird to rewrite / main @takethewarning
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Following the original plot of my story. During the first round of the playoffs, you and Kirill get in a stupid argument. So, you show up to Xcel Energy center in a Vegas Jersey.
“It isn’t my fault you deliberately did something I told you not to do. I mean getting near my sister can end badly.” I grab Kirill by the collar of his shirt and he stays quiet. “She’s like a cat in heat, just constantly my goodness.”
You just wanted to look out for your best friend, since he’s come to Minnesota you’ve enjoyed his presence.
“I don’t know why you’re so angry, I just wanted to talk to her.”
“She has done that to both of my ex boyfriends and dated them right after we broke up. I’m just looking out for you.”
“I don’t need a grown woman looking out for me, I’m 24.” He takes your hand off of the collar of his shirt and rubs his neck.
“Fun fact, you would’ve hooked up with my sister if this grown woman didn’t look out for you.” You shrug and he rolls his eyes.
“Aw, Cmon dude. Why are you being so petty today?” You rip off the piece of notebook paper on your door.
It was something in Russian.
“I am not being petty, by the way.”
“ ‘Your sister is hotter’ I mean what the fuck?” You throw the price of paper at him and he starts to laugh.
Today was the day that I would get him. Metaphorically.
I used to be a huge Vegas fan, so I found my jersey. I’m wearing it tonight just to get back at him.
“Okay, I’m leaving. See you there. Your ticket is right near the glass.” He hands me the ticket and walks out of the house.
“Bye!” I wave and he waves back. I go into my closet and got the jersey on.
I walk into Xcel Energy Center and hand the woman my ticket.
I sat right near the glass and went on my phone.
Kirill knocks on the window and looks at me.
‘What the fuck?’ He mouths and I flip him off. He takes off his glove and does it back.
I roll my eyes and they go back to the locker room.
It was a tense first period, leaving both teams scoreless. During intermission, I see one of the WAGs and she glares at me.
"Its a joke, Jess!" I yell and walk to the bathrooms and roll my eyes. “Fucking bitch.” I whisper and walk into the bathroom.
To be honest, all the WAGs were like that. Some weren’t, they still wouldn’t talk to me either way.
‘You’re too.. out there.’
So I became way out there, Kirill was fine with it and honestly thought it was funny. I should be mad at him right now.
One of the Wives taps me when I walk out of the bathroom and I look at her.
“Yeah?” I close the bathroom door and she looks at my jersey.
“I don’t wanna be rude, but Jess is shit talking you again.” Spurgeons wife looks around.
“Oh, I know. I’m pissing Kirill off, he was about to sleep with my sister!” I smile and she starts laughing.
“I bet she isn’t that bad.”
“Oh, she is. My ex boyfriends cheated on me with her.” I mess with the jersey and she looks down.
“I better go, I don’t want my seat stolen. I hope to see you after the game, though. My kids absolutely adore you and Kirill.” She smiles.
“I will, and I’ll see you after the game.” I wave and she walks away.
She was the only wife I liked, how she didn’t judge me and actually talked to me.
The Wild won their first game, 1-0. I got up from my seat to go to the locker room.
“Watch it, bitch.” Jess looks at me and shoves me. So I shoved her back, she dramatically slammed herself against the wall and her kids even laughed.
“What just happened?” Kirill looks at me and shrugs.
“I don’t know..” I smile and he looks down at my jersey.
“We also need to fix that.. shiny atrocity.”
“I actually like it.” I put my hands on my hips.
“No, you’d actually look better in my jersey.”
I look at him and elbow him.
“Not really, 97 isn’t that good of a number.” Kirill gasps sarcastically and I laugh.
We went out to celebrate the first win of our Stanley Cup road, journey sounded.. cliché or corny.
Anyways -
I ordered a few drinks and Spurgeons wife came over.
“Can I buy you a drink?” I smile and she shakes her head.
“No! You don’t need to.”
I had her my unopened beer and get another one.
“I insist, everyone else is at a table drinking wine.” I laugh and she smiles.
“I was over there, they’re talking about how their husbands don’t make enough.”
“What? Do they have no consideration for the people who barely make ends meat?” I roll my eyes and drink.
“Apparently not.” She drinks too.
Someone taps me in the shoulder and I look back.
“You wanna go home?” I look at Kirill and he nods. “And I need to drive.”
“Yep” He hands me the keys and I take them.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, I gotta get this big baby home.” I smile and wave.
“Bye!” Spurgeons wife laughs.
“You could’ve ordered an uber or something.” I start the car and he laughs.
“Just drop me off at your sisters house, she said I could stay the night.” He hands me his phone and buckles his seat belt.
“Nope. You’re going to your apartment, and I will lock all windows, doors and fill in gaps between the doors.”
I was jealous, but I never really tried to overtake my actual emotions.
“Cmon, just one night.”
“No, she’ll take you and she smells like hamster!” I bang my head onto the steering wheel of the car and the horn goes off.
“She never takes care of those hamsters!” I keep banging my head on the steering wheel.
“What?” Kirill puts his hand on my forehead.
“I don’t want you going to my sisters house, that’s basically what I’m trying to say. She only wants you because I do.”
“If I wasn’t drunk right now, I’d be shocked.” He looks at me and runs his hands through his hair.
He wasn’t drunk, I can tell. He usually just stares at me and laughs every time I talk.
“Yep, you’d definitely be.”
“I’m glad you took that jersey off.” He looks at me and smiles.
“So am I.” I smile back.
This is a rewritten version of the Original Redemption! I made the argument more serious and tried not to end in a kiss. Kind of like a season 1-3 ish Anne with an E love story. I hope you enjoyed it!
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