#Kirkland OC
aberranttree · 10 months
Delve Deeper
just a lil thing I thought of talking to @slimegirl-selkie
The Party hadn't seen the light of day in days, hell it might even have been a week since the 3 of them and their pet monster, Ze, had descended into the caverns beneath the citadel. At first, the going was easy; their packs were full and their bodies well-rested. Now, they weren't so sure they'd see the sun again.
The caves weren't cold at first. Warmth from the buildings above had seeped into them, but after an hour or two descending into the system the radiating heat faded and the party realized they were going to be facing something they were not prepared for.
The first day, the narrow caves threatened to press Kirkland til he popped.
The second, heat dissipated and the cold set in.
On the third day, Ariana started speculating:
"Wh-what if i-its a white dra-dragonn?"
"What?! Kirk, how could you possibly know that"
"Dragons like that wouldn't tolerate being stuck under the citadel. Dragons don't like the citadel, it used to be one of the safest fortresses from them in its heyday. Until the guards-" He shot Merrith a look. "-killed all the dragons in the mountains around the citadel. Now, I don't think a lone dragon would strike back."
"It's not like I killed them."
Kirkland grunted. He was big and kind, built a grizzly bear, but acted like a Teddy Bear. Ze perched on his shoulder, a little ball of green Ooze curled up against his neck. Merrith wondered how he got over the feeling of the slime, rolling down the front and back of his shoulders and even morphing entirely around parts of him sometimes.
Merrith shivered. She hadn't been this cold since her winters at the Sorrengard Military Academy, all the way to the north of the continent. She thought she'd never be that cold again when she moved to the Southern Empire, but here she was, freezing in a cave in the middle of the hottest summer she had ever endured.
"W-we should huddle t-together f-f-for warmth"
"Buck up Merrith, we'll find the beast that's been murdering people in the citadel and slay it any minute now"
Merrith loved that about Kirkland. He never let his worry show. No matter how helpless he felt, he always had the confidence that was supposedly expected of her as one of the guards at the citadel. Maybe it was because Ze was so small that he always had to be brave for it, but Merrith somehow knew that even without Ze, Kirkland's attitude wouldn't be much different. After all, Ze wasn't the first monster he'd adopted knowing full well that one day it would outgrow his ability to care for it. There was one of those invisible panther things before Ze and something about its passing made Merrith think it wasn't the first either.
"I'm sure you would like to cuddle with big, strong Kirk" Ariane teased.
Merrith hated that about the petite girl. Everything was about love with her. She was always scared. Ariane, if Merrith was allowed an opinion (and she always allowed herself an opinion) did not belong on this adventure, she belonged in a temple, healing and repairing humanity's connection with the Gods.
On the fourth day in the caves, the group stopped in front of a wall of frozen blue goop. Kirkland crouched by it and took out one of his mallets. Merrith could never tell them apart in battle but as Kirkland raised it and smashed the frozen substance, she noticed the runes carved into the handle and recognized the mallet as Chisel, Kirkland's right-hand mallet.
"Well, I think I know what we're dealing with, even if i've never seen or heard of one before"
that's part 1 I guess. I don't wanna rush the ending and need to establish the characters so part 2 may be soon, I'll try to attach it here somehow when I do post it, but I'm not sure how I do that.
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chocobox · 2 months
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Alcohol fandom
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A little thing for Father's Day since Mary has so many dads from around the world in a magic book taking pictures (i wonder who's the one taking the picture!) :o) and this is especially for those who:
never had a father figure in their life
have a difficult relationship with their dad
lost their father in their lives
i lost my dad when I was really young, so I have comfort in writing a silly story about Mary and her nation dads to heal from countless years of trauma from my family. regardless of that, peace and love on planet earth <3
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ducktheverb · 9 months
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When you Scholar on your Correspondence until you [WOUND 8]
Ver. Without the filter
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moicat · 1 month
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Messy drawing... no I will not clean it up.
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hikikoarts · 3 months
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I don't remember this scene from the movie...
screencap taken from @hetaliascreencaps !
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almon-yippee · 22 days
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Joining the trend :3
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sunnysssol · 1 year
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[New York, 1746 – First meeting ]
In 1744, King George's War was fought between the British, the British-American forces in the colonies and the Iroquois Confederacy against the French and the Wabanaki Confederacy of New France. Part of the Austrian War of Succession, it was fought mainly in New York and the Massachusetts bay. The battle meant tremendous losses for the colonies, with an estimated loss of 8% of the male population in Massachusetts. The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ended the war in 1748, returning colonial borders back to how they were before the war. Three years later however, the town of Louisbourg was returned to France in exchange for the city of Madras (renamed to Chennai in 1996) in India. This city was captured by the French in September 1746 from the British, thus the "exchange". This angered New Englanders, who provided funding and personnel. The British paid Massachusetts £180,000 (roughly £32,281,486.29 in 2022), which the province then used to retire their currency.
[ Disclaimer : I am not, nor do I claim to be any expert on anything. I am constantly learning, so this post and others like it are subject to retcons and the like. Appropriate warnings will be given as I go. Also, please note that this, whilst based on history, is still a work of fiction. I do not condone nor support generally morally reprehensible things directly mentioned or alluded to on these. ]
1746 was more or less the midpoint of this war (with France launching a major expedition to recapture Louisbourg, the previous figures for Massachusetts losses being from 1745-46, etc.) and so the idea was for Susannah to act as the crown's (and by extension, Arthur's) eyes and ears to the colonies in direct response to the growing unrest. Alfred up until this point had been a loyal and steadfast son and subject, despite his eternal curiosity leading him to consume more and more literature that directly put old beliefs into question. Though he was not initially aware of Susannah's double allegiances, Alfred was aware of the formal, employer-employee arrangement between himself and Susannah. Despite that, his warm personality and similar wavelength of interests allowed him to easily breach the gap between 'acquaintance' and 'friend'. His father was often entire oceans away and this is the first time he met someone whom he could get attached to without fearing their mortality (see: humans Alfred had befriended throughout the years) or any perceived double national interests. The exchange of Louisbourg for Madras had been one of the many events that would plant the idea that his father was not entirely devoted to him in Alfred's mind. His conflicting feelings about the exchange and his place in the empire allowed him to open himself up to befriending Susannah, perhaps thinking that if he behaved well and treated who was essentially a bureaucratic extension of his Lord Father's presence well, perhaps he could earn his favor again.
Susannah on the other hand, was caught off guard by his lack of formality and had even found him to be somewhat "uncultured" in the beginning. The mainland British had mixed feelings about the colonists, but many of them held prejudices and saw them as "uncouth". As Suzie's household had mainly been attendants and tutors brought in from Britain, she shared their beliefs throughout her childhood. But slowly, as Suzie began to spend more time with Alfred, she warmed up to him, happy for the chance to finally be taken seriously instead of waved off for her more intellectual pursuits. Susannah was born in the colonies. But due to her ancestor, Sir Wilfred Knightley, whose affection and counsel she received growing up, her family has and continues to hold deep ties to the crown. Her beliefs and viewpoints were shaped simultaneously by her birthplace and her family's values. Though they were seen as upstarts in Britain, the Knightleys were an esteemed family in the colonies. She interacted with a lot of people from the mainland, a lot of important family friends and other acquaintances, but she'd also spent a lot of time talking to and mingling with colonists, both ranking ones and average, everyday people. To reflect the attitudes of many colonists, Susannah identified as a loyalist up until the middle of the Revolution.
[ commissions open | do not repost ] ocs by sunnysssol
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cobaltsunflower · 9 months
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Doe-eyed thing no more…
(messy doodle to celebrate my girl’s new penhouse at the bazaar)
Og sketch:
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one0p1nk · 7 months
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“Hey pins- are these ships romantic? Or Platonic?”
“Yes.” :)
//I just want them to vibe with her, man/ih
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alfred has been chased by the cops for 1: settign the forest on fire several times and 2: using a lawnmower to travel on the open roads.
francis and arthur have a rivalry where whey see who can roast each other better. they stick their heads out of their oppsoing windows and point out the other's flaws, they'vre gotten so many noise complaints for this lol)
the only way that the neighborhood knows that kiku is still alive is that every week yao drops off some fresh groceries at his door and immediately an arm pushes the door open, grabs the groceries and then dissapears back into the void.
yao orgsnises like all of events and cooks for all of them.
roderick is playing his piano at like 3 am just to freak out gilbert and alfred.
gilbert helps decorate for like all the events.
arthur has a massive garden of flowers and francis keeps stealing his roses.
alfred is one of the only neighbors that go into ivan's house and come out alive.
ivan is the chillest neighbor and will tell the neighborhood kids fairytales if they hsve the guts to talk to him (the kids who have experienced this arent scared of him anymore)
ludwig's crazy dogs are actually pretty chill.
feliciano makes a pizza for every new neighbor who moves in.
romano grows tomatos and will beat you with a broom if you steal any one of them.
alfred likes to feed the birds.
we're pretty sure alfred hasn't committed any federal crimes.
matthew lives next to kiku and just has a polar bear that the neighborhood just accepted.
matthew has ridden a moose home don't ask questions.
alfred and matthew are like the cool uncles of halloween .
matthew's house is the place you want to go to if you wanna talk about feelings.
jack just calmly takes his tarantula on a walk sometimes.
alfred and ivan live in the same house and have a sign on the door that says ivan and al's house :)
alfred and ivan just walked out their house with wedding rings on their fingers and the neighborhood has learned not to ask questions about that.
whenever arthur has a party francis cooks.
sweden and finland's is the house universally known as the Clubhouse bc's of all of the playdates sealand has had there (sealand's their adopted kid)
ludwig and feliciano (married) live together and the neighborhood kids comeover for feliciano's pizza and to pet ludwig's dogs.
gilbert and matthew live together and hold a sledding race during the winter together. matthew almost always wins (sweden)
alaska (alexei) and hawaii (alana) (human names ) rusame kids (go by nicknames : alex and lana)
peter (sealand) (sufin)
emil (iceland) (sufin)
monica (gerita kid)
leon wang (hk)
macau (chen wang)
 Lien wang (Nguyen)
arthur kirkland
francis bonneyfoy
yao wang
kiku honda (wang) (little brother to yao)
Berwald Oxenstierna (sweden)
Tino Väinämöinen (finland)
gilbert beilschimidt
ludwig vargas (beilschimidt) (bros with gilbert lol)
feliciano vargas
romano vargas
matthew williams
ivan braginski jones
alfred f braginski jones
roderich edelstein?? (not sure if thats his last name)
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melis-writes · 1 year
Arthur Kirkland fluff please? Maybe he just got home from work and wants to cuddle with the reader.
Arthur Kirkland fluff prompt coming right up!! I love him so much, your honor. 🥺❤️ Now I just have to cuddle with him. 🥰
This Moment.
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Arthur lets a long, drawn-out sigh, pushing open the front door and stepping inside his apartment.
Mentally exhausted and worn out from a full day of trial only for the jury to begin arguing with one another and the judge to storm out, Arthur’s already tired tomorrow from knowing how much paperwork and overtime he’ll have to do.
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Arthur’s tie has loosened and hangs crooked over his chest, one of his dress shirt buttons has popped off and he neither has the will or energy to pretend like he’s not slouching.
Warmth crosses over Arthur’s expression when he looks up to see the lights in the living room are dim and low; a sign you’re already snuggled up in bed but not yet asleep.
Shrugging off his messenger bag and slipping out of his dress shoes, Arthur makes his way towards the bedroom—finding the door ajar and only a lamp on to illuminate the room.
Snuggled up under the covers with your back against a propped up pillow and a mug of hot chocolate in your hands, your eyes brighten at the sight of Arthur by the door.
“Hi, baby,” Arthur greets you, raking a hand through his hair. "Finally back."
“Hi,” your cheeks flare up with blush, “I didn’t hear you come in. That late, huh?”
“Oh, you have no idea,” Arthur mumbles, approaching the bed. “I didn’t know I’d be staying that late either. You’d be surprised what Judge Francis can do when he’s in a shitty mood.”
“How did it all go?” You frown, sitting up in bed and kicking off the covers. “I mean, I know the preliminary trial as a mess and all, but…”
“The jury didn’t started arguing amidst one another and throwing punches is all I’ll say,” Arthur sets his suit jacket over the armchair in the corner of the room with his tie. “The prosecutor riled them up but who does Judge Francis blame, me? Ugh,” Arthur groans, plopping down on the bed. “It was a mess.”
“But you’d never find yourself doing anything else,” you give Arthur a reassuring smile, caressing his face.
“Exactly,” Arthur cracks a smile, pecking a kiss over your lips. “And that’s how you know I’ll never change, so as long as everything else doesn’t.”
“You’re a good man, Arthur,” your hands move down to Arthur’s shoulders, tenderly massaging over them. “You are. You’re also just too hard on yourself and refuse to see it. Then again,” you roll your eyes, “dealing with Judge Francis isn’t a walk in the park.”
“It was better when you still worked in the D.A.’s office,” Arthur relaxes his muscles, beginning to unbutton down his dress shirt. “At least I had something to look forward to.”
“But you still come home to me,” you let out a soft laugh as you pull the duvet covers over Arthur too. "Come here. Mm, I've missed you."
“I need you to come to me,” Arthur murmurs, nuzzling your neck. “I miss you all the time.”
“I’ll make up for it,” blushing, you both embrace one another over the plush duvet and layers of cozy blankets upon the bed—laying in each other’s arms in peace.
“I want nothing more,” Arthur speaks softly, lacing a hand with you. “If I could get away with it, the only thing I’d do is just lay here.”
“Yeah?” You let out a soft laugh, planting a sweet kiss over Arthur’s cheek. “I think I’d prefer that too. Keep the moment going forever.”
“You’re the only comfort I know,” Arthur rubs his eyes, exhaustion speaking through his tone of voice. “That’s why.”
“You’re a good man, Arthur Kirkland,” you whisper against his forehead before kissing it, stroking your hands through Arthur’s silky, black hair softly. “And I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Arthur’s eyes meet with yours—a smile growing over his lips.
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chocobox · 7 months
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i drew china for the first time ever and some other stuff (Oc uses he/him!!!)
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feautiring @propanefan67 and someoe else I love you
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poor mary just wanted to be with her dads and uncles and only got (1) jelly bean and (1) tiny cup of lemonade! at least wales is doing his best to make it good to her!
i lowkey kinda rushed this shitpost bc its a certified late night shitpost but this entire willy wonka experience is leaving me in stitches
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ducktheverb · 7 months
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When I find That wretched old saboteur it’s so over…
Ver. sans filters + Backgrounds
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moicat · 7 months
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Gosh why do I like this guy??? WHY???
The last two gifs I HOPE to finish!
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