csodaturmix · 9 months
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Some altar updates! I added some extra prayer cards I have to Apollo and Artemis’s altars as small art prints. I buy these prayer cards from an Etsy seller who is very generous and includes extras! I also added Clio to my altar space, she shares one of Apollo’s altars, which is fitting considering his relationship to the Muses. I purchased a print of her and moved the scroll to be near the print.
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xxintuitionxx · 1 year
KLIO - Death Bed
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witekspicsart · 2 years
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Sculptures in a park near university in Opole, Poland,
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championsofthegate · 8 months
@tadbitfooled asked: [ dramatics ] as sender and receiver argue back and forth, sender launches forward and kisses receiver to stop the fight - Arzan to Klio
Arzan cutting her off mid sentence was one thing. Klio was pretty sure he did it just to piss her off, at this point. And she fell for it every damn time, snapping back and talking over him until they were squabbling like idiots again.
But Arzan cutting her off mid sentence with a kiss? Shocked would be an understatement. By the time her brain caught up with what he was doing, he started to pull away, and she gripped his shirt, pulling him back in roughly to kiss him again.
When they finally parted they were both panting, staring at each other wide eyed.
"I expect all our arguments to end like that, now," Klio finally managed when she found her voice. "No exceptions."
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argentsunshine · 2 years
milk candy + light ?
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[ID: A digital drawing of Light Field from Zero Escape, drawn in a limited palette of a warm off-white, pale pink, mid blue, darkish desaturated purple and a darker desaturated purple. He is sitting on a chair with one knee up, arm resting on the back of the chair. He is wearing a white shirt with a black turtleneck under it, a jacket in a military style reminiscent of his canon jacket, and loose fitting black trousers. The drawing is shaded with tone dots.]
is he. yknow
palettes here
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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This is it, the final muse. I have now covered all nine of the asteroids that were named after the nine muses from Greek Mythology. I'm going to be taking a break over the weekend and when I come back I hope to dive into some sample posts and maybe other posts types as well. I will probably still be covering new asteroids though, as there are still quite a few that I use in my actual practice that I have yet to touch on. But for now, enjoy this post on the final muse.
Klio is a goddess in Greek (and later Roman) mythology, described as being one of the nine muses. She is the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne and the mother Hyacinthus - yes, THAT Hyacinthus - by Pieros. According to some, Klio was forced by Aphrodite into falling in love with Pieros, because she had mocked the latter for her love affair with Adonis. Klio is regarded as the Muse of History or sometimes as the Muse of Lyre Playing. She is often portrayed as holding an open scroll, a book, or a set of tablets, or is sometimes seated next to a chest of books.
The asteroid Klio was discovered by Robert Luther on the 25th of August, 1865 in Dusseldorf, Germany. The name Klio had initially been suggested for the asteroid 12 Victoria due to the controversy around the name. It is also the parent asteroid of Klio asteroid family (413) which has around three hundred members. The asteroid takes roughly 1,326 days to travel around the zodiac, spending roughly 111 days in each sign.
Within my own research into the asteroid, Klio can be used to represent the native’s historical abilities, experiences with historical writing, propensity for history, experiences with string instruments, propensity for string instruments, and historical experiences of their life. Remember to check the sign, house, degree, and any aspects Klio makes when interpreting this placement. You can also have a look at Klio’s persona chart if you feel confident enough.
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Look it bby
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coffeenewstom · 3 months
Kretisches Kaffeetagebuch: Giovanni's in Plaka
Kulinarisch kann man auf Kreta eigentlich nichts falsch machen, den gute und regionale Küche gibt es praktisch überall. Ein Blick auf die jeweilige Speisekarte genügt. Und trotzdem hat Kostas für heute etwas ganz besonderes für uns ausgesucht, nämlich die Taverna Plaka Giorgos “Giovanni’s”. Noch vor Jahren war Plaka, ein lauschiger, kleiner Hafen am westlichen Golf von Mirabello ein…
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bellarkeselection · 2 months
Hey could you write for Daemon targaryen like while he's being haunted in harnehal he finds his comfort in a prisoner and falls in love with her targaryen type of love and obsession and he married her like his second wife something he listens to her obeys her admires her while he fights war for rahaenya right guess she isn't happy with their marriage but have to accept as he's crucial for her but later on when they're leading she asks him her head so they both escaped with caraxes alive to anywhere you want
His Compass of Harrenhal
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Tag list - @only4thefics @superintenseart @universallyrascaldreamercookie
This request will have a couple of parts to it so enjoy and if you want to be added send that below in the comments 😊
I could hear footsteps slowly coming through the castle that I was forced to be a prisoner in. Not physically but mentally inside my mind for years and years to come. Sneaking through the hallway near the kitchen I raised my sword until I jumped around the corner feeling the cold tip of a sword against my throat. “Show yourself you ghost!”
“Not before you reveal yourself first!” I heard a deep man’s voice shifting my gaze up to meet his purple eyes that could only belong to a Targaryen.
I gulped slightly nervous that I must still be having another nightmare. “What is your name, ghost?”
“I’m no ghost, strange woman. I am Daemon Targaryen. The future king of the Seven Kingdoms. Now who the hell are you!” He growled under his breath glaring his eyes deadly in my direction.
The tip of my sword was pointed up against the fabric of his tunic shirt while he had his sword end up against my throat. Both of us never lowered our weapons while we spoke to one another. “My name is Y/n, Y/n Tully. I was wed to the late lord of this castle until I started hearing and seeing things that didn’t make sense. I’ve been attempting to escape ever since he called me a witch.”
“He’s named you a prisoner then?” Daemon raised a brow at me.
Shaking my head, I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. “I’m not quite sure anymore. I haven’t been able to trust my own mind to tell me what is real and what is fake for far too many years. Why are you here, if you’re truly here.”
“Have you known any of these ghosts you see to ever have a sword pressing against your throat.” He questioned me.
I replied, beginning to lower my blade off of his chest. “I can’t say that they ever have.”
“Then we may not be alone in whatever is going on inside this dreadful castle.” He placed his sword back in his belt, walking into the kitchen and I followed him knowing it was probably a better option then going back alone to my old chamber room. I couldn’t stand the idea of being a prisoner here anymore than I already had because I feared I wouldn’t make it through another night on my own. Not without Daemon by my side.
I wasn’t sure how long I had been staring into the burning flames of one of the candles I was holding in one hand and my sword tightly clenched in the other. The rain hadn’t stopped at all during the day and I didn’t believe it was going to stop throughout the night either. Hearing footsteps coming into the chambers I scrambled to my feet I spun around aiming my blade towards the shut window until someone put their hand over my mouth causing me to go into fight or flight mode. “Get your fucking hands off of me - gah!” I screamed attempting to cut the ghost with my blade.
“Gīda ilagon. Gīda ilagon, issa klios ābrazȳrys ( Calm down. Calm down, my fish wife ).” I sucked in a breath feeling the tension in my body beginning to fade recognizing the voice that spoke in my ear.
Closing my eyes I paused lowering my sword asking him a question. “Issi ao se vala nyke call issa zaldrīzes dārys? ( Are you the man I call my dragon king? ).”
Daemon’s voice whispered in my ear, hot breath framing on the side of my neck. “Kessa, issa byka ābrazȳrys ( Yes, my little wife ).”
“Daemon!” I squealed out in such a relief flinging my arms around his neck letting my sword clank to the floor without a care in the world knowing that he wasn’t in fact another ghost attempting to haunt my mind night after night.
He wrapped his arms around my waist clinging onto me like he needed me to physically breathe. He buried his nose into my hair barely letting some tears be shed from his eyes. “Y/n.”
Unaware of how long we had been there together we had come up with our own secret code system that we made sure no one else knew except for the two of us and us alone. He was fluent in high valyrian and very few people who weren’t a part of the Targaryen family could speak it. So he would teach me every chance he could when he wasn’t trying to raise an army for his queen and former wife Rhaenyra.
“Touch me, Daemon.” I muttered under my breath barely pulling away from his embrace. Needing just a tiny bit more proof that it was truly him.
He moved his hands up to cradle the sides of my face in his own hands , crashing his lips down onto mine in a very deep kiss leaving me breathless when he broke it. “I’m here, Y/n. Your dragon husband is right in front of you.”
Wrapping my arms around his neck I drew him in for another long kiss. He threaded one of his hands into my hair drawing out a moan from me. We remained attached to one another making our way back to the bed where I collapsed onto my back with him hovering above me.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I went to kiss him but a loud knock came from the other side of the door. “You’ve got to be freaking kidding me.”
“I’ll go tell the asshole to leave.” Daemon got up from the bed, flinging the door opened seeing the caretaker of Harrenhal. “What the hell do you want this late hour!”
The man extended his hand holding out a letter. “A letter from Dragonstone, my king.”
“Who’s it from?” I asked him sliding down off the bed walking over to him, taking it from his hands and tearing it open. I began reading it aloud since Daemon seemed to be in no mood for any company tonight except for me. “Dear Daemon, I have been wondering how the search for men for my army is going. It’s been quite a while since I’ve heard anything from you so this is me asking for an answer. I need more men to secure my throne and my birthright. Keep your word and loyalty to your queen and wife , Rhaenyra Targaryen.”
“You’re first wife. She’s the one the late king Viserys named his rightful heir right?” I asked him sitting the letter down on the nearest table.
Daemon lowered his purple eyes to meet my gaze. “She’s actually my second wife. My first died on her horse, then her until the night I met you in this castle. I need to give her an army to help her take the throne back.”
“You’ll need the support of the Riverlords. House Tully controls how loyal they are. I can speak to Lord Grover for you.” I draped my arms over his neck and he put his hands on my hips bringing me closer to his body.
Daemon smiled widely down at me, kissing me deeply a second time not caring the lord was here. “Brilliant and beautiful I certainly won with you Lady Y/n Tully.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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csodaturmix · 9 months
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She likes him for his fat ass and autistic swag
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I went to my first pagan event this weekend, and while I couldn’t stay very long due to the heat, I had a great time! I picked up a few things, including this beautiful sky goddess statue, a love spell, a set of witch bells, and a blue agate slab with some art on it. I also now have a scroll to represent Clio, this is something I’ve had on my shopping list for awhile, and this one happened to come with something my boyfriend bought. He didn’t want it and I thought it felt perfect for Clio, so now it sits on my altar!
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xxintuitionxx · 1 year
KLIO - Paradise
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brielledoesastrology · 11 months
Astrology Observation #5
by : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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finally another quite long astrology observation post that i havent made in like 1 year maybe.... Also happy halloween guys 🎃✨
- Brielle
Pisces mars really gotta be careful. I am being for real. These people have a really hard time realizing or knowing who their enemies are and who aren't. Most of them also can have anger or emotional breakdowns for things that they imagine themself or things that aren't even real. These are the type of people that suddenly hate you for no actual reason. This placement is the definition of "sometimes delulu is not always the selulu." They are also the type of people to start a whole drama or fight first because of their own delusions that aren't even real and then end up blaming other people.
Asteroid Klio (84) is such an underrated huge fame indicator/potential asteroid that people rarely talk about here in this community. This is the type of fame that is until history, the type of fame that makes someone a historical figure, or at least remembered in history.
I noticed a lot of pluto in the 7th house people enjoy admiring other people from social media. Sometimes they also enjoy following social media trends from following other people too especially stuff relating to skin care or makeup or anything else that they will think to give them that "glow up". (These types of influence will be stronger if the pluto is aspecting venus too). On the other hand if they aren't admiring they could easily be jealous or envying those people who they think that looks or are doing better than themself. Or They could easily attract jealousy or envy from other people too (beware of attracting people that drains u)
I've seen asteroid toro (1685) being prominent in the astrology natal charts of a lot of people that are bullies or being bullied or being accused of bullying. The asteroid was not named after a mythological figure but a person, but it really resonates with its Spanish meaning. "Toro" is "bull" in spanish. Usually if they aren't being bullied or a bully they usually have this intimidating look to people.
example of people who have asteroid toro (1685) prominent in their chart :
- Rihanna has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her mars (0 orb)
(accused of being a mean girl)
- Kim Garam has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her mercury (0 orb)
(accused of bullying)
- Cardi B has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her mercury (1 orb)
(accused of being a mean girl)
- Hailey Bieber has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her midheaven (1 orb)
( the public always accuses her of bullying or being a mean girl even for the pettiest reason )
- Marilyn Monroe has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her sun (2 orb)
(From early on, Monroe was reputed to be difficult: bullied by misogynistic directors, and frustrated at her lack of control, she was cited as debilitatingly late and forgetful. Zanuck suspended Monroe in 1954 when she frustratedly refused yet another pin-up role)
I noticed most people with mars in gemini use the "spread rumors" (either fake or real ones) tactics for revenge or if they feel offended by something or someone. I am not surprised since gemini is ruled by mercury and mercury represents "communications" in general. But it works differently than virgo.
Mars in virgo revenge tactics are more into gathering proofs or receipts (either fake or real ones) then making it very detailed and very specific compared to mars in gemini .
I noticed both of the top male n female rappers in the rap game got asteroid hannibal (2152) prominent in their chart. Especially strongly aspecting mercury and 3rd house placements.
- Nicki minaj have asteroid hannibal (2152) conjunct her mercury and conjunct her neptune on sagittarius all on 0 orb.
- Eminem have asteroid hannibal (2152) conjunct his moon in aquarious in 1 orb in the 3rd house.
(for a context the asteroid hannibal is named after hannibal barca which he was the no.1 most greatest and most feared enemy of the roman empire)
I see so many people with Gemini moons really don't have a problem posting their emotions in social media publicly so all people can see. I also saw most of these people are very bad at keeping things privately to themselves. They can't really "cry or suffer in private" usually most of the time because of their own behavior.
Scorpio placements are not always private or very introverted like what most people say about the sign. I have seen many scorpio placements who just say what they think bluntly n they don't care if other people think that it is too deep or dark or offensive.
Fun fact : Did you know that the name asteroid Swift (5035) exactly conjunct taylor swift's sun in her astrology natal chart! Name asteroids r really interesting!!!!
This is controversial to say, but i have to say it. Not all women or girls who have lilith (1181) or black moon lilith (h13) prominent in their charts are a "girls girl / supporting each other women" or a "feminist". It is because most people with Black moon lilith (h13) or asteroid lilith (1181) have at least ever experienced a very long phase of their life of being cast out of a social group (well obviously this can be done by both genders either males or females social groups casting them out ).
But most of the time i see that for the Women or Girls who have Black moon lilith (h13) or asteroid lilith (1181) prominent in their chart have ever been at least ever experienced a very long phase of their life of being casted out by a social group of their female friends (most of the time because their female friends did something terrible/bad to them that leads the h13 lilith/1181 lilith women or girl being or feeling casted out from their group). This could lead to internalized misogyny about their feelings of women if they grew up without fixing this issue.
This is weird but i have seen many many many men who have venus - pluto in square,opposition or even conjunctions ended up being incels.
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championsofthegate · 8 months
@tadbitfooled "do you want to be with me?" Arzan to Klio
Klio blinked at Arzan, scrunching up her nose in annoyance. Her mother was right. Men were idiots.
Of course, her mother had often said it with fond exasperation while looking at her father, but Klio was just going to gloss over that part.
"Was I giving you some other idea shoving my tongue in your mouth at every opportunity?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Not that I don't enjoy this little dance we've been dancing, but yes, Arzan. I do want to be with you."
She hesitated, biting her lip. What if he was asking because he didn't want to be with her? Was he just playing with her? Using her? Having a laugh at her expense?
Anxiety settled in her stomach like a stone. "Do you want to be with me?"
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rmstitanics · 4 days
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Determine the sign, planetary ruler, and the house that ASTEROID SHAKESPEARE (2985) is in to figure out which genres of Shakespeare plays you might enjoy the most!
╰► Example: My own Shakespeare asteroid is in 5H Pisces, and Pisces is ruled by Neptune. The 5th house is associated with romance, while Neptune governs illusions, mysticism, secrets, prophets, and deceptive idealism. So I would probably enjoy his romances and comedies such as Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
In my natal chart, ASTEROID WASHINGTONIA (886) CONJUNCTS SUN. This asteroid was named after George Washington, and the Sun represents our Ego + Core Identity. Guess whose first ever fixation as a historian was the American Revolution? ✨Me✨.
Look for ASTEROID KLIO (84) in your chart to determine what types of history you should study! For example, I have 11H Klio in Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury. So this means that when it comes to history, I might be drawn to studying the friendship dynamics that existed between historical figures (shoutout to Abraham Lincoln and William Henry Seward as well as Ulysses S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman my BELOVEDS) as well as public discourses and social movements of a given time period.
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9H VENUS placements might be more comfortable with befriending strangers on the internet + having online relationships than they are with developing their in-person connections.
While working on my Famous Individuals With Your Moon Sign post, I noticed that a LOT of authors have ARIES MOONS. This absolutely checks out because Aries Moons tend to be assertive individuals who become pioneers in their fields of interest, which many of these authors were.
If you have difficulty relating to your SUN SIGN or BIG THREE placements, check the aspects in your chart and spend some time researching them! HARD ASPECTS to your personal planets may be the culprits responsible for this.
VENUS rules over the 5H of creativity, so check the house that your Venus placement is in to determine your most prominent sources of creative exploration!
╰► Example: Taylor Swift has Aquarius Venus in the 1H. Her music is often inspired by 1H themes of exploring her core identity, and it is known to have Aquarian undertones of progressivism and rebelliousness. When I saw this placement in her chart, I immediately thought of her songs “The Man” and “Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?”.
╰► Example: William Shakespeare had Gemini Venus in the 12H. His works are widely known for their explorations of hidden enemies, endings, spirituality, mental health, and loss — and with his Venus being in Gemini, it’s clear that he had a lot to say about these topics.
Because the MOON rules over the 4H of home and roots, the house that your moon sign is in can show you where you might feel most at home. For example, I have my moon in the 9th house of higher education, and I’ve always felt the most at home in academic settings.
12H JUPITER placements might do well pursuing an occult career field, such as becoming a professional astrologer, tarot reader, palm reader, or even a past life regression hypnotist.
Going through a period of writer’s or artist’s block? Check to see if your TRANSIT SATURN is in the 5H or if Transit Saturn is aspecting the 5H!
TRANSIT MARS in the 9H is a time of yearning for academic recognition and success. If you have this placement and are currently a student, take advantage of opportunities for class participation, extra credit, study abroad, and extracurricular activities!
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MIDHEAVEN OPPOSITION URANUS natives loathe adhering to social norms and are prone to having unpopular opinions that, if expressed, would drastically alter their social status.
MOON OPPOSITION MARS can indicate strong willed and incredibly assertive personality types that, if caution is not taken, may be viewed by others as “bossy”. They’re the type of folks who like to take the reins and lead the group during a group project.
SUN CONJUNCT URANUS people strike me as the type who enjoys researching conspiracy theories, especially if their Sun sign is Scorpio or Gemini.
MERCURY-URANUS as well as MERCURY-VENUS are the types of people who could be uniquely prone to social media / screen time addiction.
VENUS TRINE SATURN natives are sensitive to rejection, and when rejected, might carry it as a deep wound for a long time.
MERCURY CONJUNCT PLUTO individuals have the potential to be excellent speechwriters, poets, songwriters, and journalists.
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