zymogenn · 1 month
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bluemirrorangel · 16 days
dead poets' society modern(ish) headcanons
Most of these are school related because I'm going back to college next week. (most of these are things my friends or I have done.)
 has definitely written fanfiction for his creative writing assignments in English.
definitely has a semi-popular poetry account on TikTok/tumblr
Enters his poetry/writing into competitions and stuff when he gets a little bit more confident 
Loved by the dinner ladies
Eats the most heinous food combinations like beacon and fish finger sandwiches, just the most questionable foods. 
Has  walked into the set during a show because he  had to perform without his glasses.
His drama teacher's favourite student.
Most popular boy in the class
On the school newspaper 
Kissed Todd for the first time during the intermission of one of his plays and was so flustered after he almost missed his cue.
Banned from the library 
Ran against Cameron for school council/class president (they tied.)  
Him and Cameron actively hate each other but outright refuse to be separated from each other.
Has been kicked out of Assembly multiple times.
Music is his best subject
Banned from giving people dares in truth or dare
Debate team captain
On the track team
The kid teachers sit bad students next to, in hopes they behave.
He was sat next to Charlie in every lesson in year nine  for that exact reason.
This quickly changed when Charlie started to influence Cameron instead of the other way round.
Goes to homework club.
Almost flooded his bathroom after trying to see if he could  use oil to plug his sink.
Can’t swim but can hold his breath underwater for 2 minutes 
Hates sand
Taught himself and Pitts morse code.
Gets really competitive during kahoot
Loves halloween, plans his and Pitts duo costumes months in advance.
Freakishly good at table tennis
Can solve a rubix cube in under a minute
Top set for science 
Double jointed
Always being asked to help teachers get things because he's the  tallest in his year.
Terrible at Geography, like could not locate Canada on a map to save his life.
Broke his arm doing a cartwheel for a dare.
Can’t tell the difference between admiration and romantic interest for the life of him 
Fully had a crush on Charlie in year ten but just thought he REALLY wanted to be his friend.
Plays football
He tried out   for rugby to impress Chris, it did NOT go well.
Gets detention for riding his bike to school without a helmet.
leave a ship or fandom suggestions and I’ll do headcanons for them if you want :)
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honeylemonntea · 2 months
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Meeks and Pitts are chilling somewhere in the back
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grungelvrr222 · 10 days
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knarlie lover right here ‼️
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wordssricochet · 2 months
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hey man don't freak out i just have a question
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neilperryzlefttit · 10 days
Charlie's first kiss was a random girl in the back of a movie theater
Charlie's second kiss was Neil because he was curious
His favorite kiss? That belongs to Knox
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thiamblogger · 1 month
things i noticed while editing:
knox and his mummy!! (i haven't watched the movie in a while.. i know i should've seen it already.)
all the boy's are sat together- they all look at each other, not just knarlie!! (cameron squeezing in.)
knarlie talking on their way to class!!
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so cute- i am ✨️ addicted ✨️ to this small font.
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indeedagod · 24 days
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this had to be said
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anderperrylover · 2 months
Bonus edit - Cause I'm celebrating them today...OF COURSE I AM
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soyourethatanderson · 9 months
Charlie: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess. Neil: What the freaking kind of Subway are you going to? Knox: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit. Todd: Guys.
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women-swoon · 8 days
Charlie “would be fine loving a boy if it didn’t mean loving Knox” Dalton and Knox “would be find loving Charlie if it didn’t mean loving a boy” Overstreet
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lv3buzzz · 28 days
heyyy everyone
@neil-perrys-suicidal-tendencies has been shadowbanned cus they downloaded a vpn and tumblr doesnt like that (i know from experience)
or theyve been doing sm shady we dont know about /hj
so, please manifest that her account doesnt get deleted like mine and if she dont reply to something, message you back or anything, its not her fault. they literaly cannot read the message
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sizzy-ling · 2 months
Charlie "I fell first" Dalton and Knox "you tripped me and I landed right at your feet OH MY GOD IM IN LOVE WITH YOU" Overstreet
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honeylemonntea · 2 months
knox overstreet ♡ charlie dalton [headcanons]
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•Charlie making fun of Knox’s cheesy romantic gestures; writing poems, and gifts, opening the door for him, telling him pickup lines. (even though he would secretly die for it)
•Charlie fell first, Knox fell harder.
•Charlie is a terrible influence to Knox
•Knox has never skipped so many classes in his life before dating him.
•the two would either go to the kitchens and steal food or make out in the library. (or Mr. Nolan’s office just to piss him off)
•Knox is the big spoon but they like to switch depending on the other’s mood.
•kicking Cameron out of the room so they can have some alone time.
•Charlie once suggested that they do it on Cameron’s bed as a joke —which earned him a hard slap on the shoulder.
•if everything took place in a modern setting, Knox would so make a playlist about Charlie.
•Chris would be their BIGGEST supporter, you cannot convince me otherwise.
•partnering them together in a project is never a good idea.
•the two of them riding Knox’s bike together (they both fell over)
•double dates with anderperry !
•Charlie playing the saxophone outside Knox’s house during summer break.
•Knox loves to leave random flowers for Charlie to find, whether it be on his desk or in his pocket.
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rrcenic · 11 months
even more dps as things my friends/family have said
todd: shit
cameron: was it charlie?!
charlie: that’s what she said
knox: that’s not- she would not say that
charlie: if you really loved us, you’d skip the staff meeting
keating: both can be true. i can love you and still go to this meeting
neil: oh. i get it. so you DONT love us
knox: a car? who wants a stupid car? i want a big, burly truck
todd: oh god, i just want something with air conditioning
keating: keep the bouncy ball in your pocket, mister meeks
charlie: yeah, keep your balls in your pants, meeks
keating: i don’t let you choose your scene partners because you’ll make bad choices
keating: you’ll do your best friend and then fail at acting
neil: i feel called out
todd: *chokes on water*
cameron: get out of the way, jerk!
charlie: FREAK! i’m a freak, not a jerk!
charlie: hey all! knox and i are getting ready to send out holiday cards! if you want one, just let me know
cameron: sure-
charlie: nobody cares cameron
neil: …do you take ADHD meds?
charlie: I USED TO :))))))
neil: …and…you’re sure stopping was the right choice?
keating: mr overstreet, when i’ve already called out mr dalton for chatting, and you start whispering anyway…
keating: i just think… “knox bad”
charlie: smash his phone!
knox: i’ll smash you!
charlie: yes please
knox: what
keating: what
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dpsse · 11 months
Neil: *gently taps table*
Charlie: *gently taps back*
Knox: What are they doing?
Todd: Morse code
Neil: *aggressively taps table*
Charlie: *slams hand on the table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK
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