#Knutty's Art
author-a-holmes · 2 years
Okay give me the rundown on Stella because I think I'll love her
*vibrates with excitement*
Okay, okay, okay, Stella is my baby, so I'm afraid, since you asked about her, I might end up drowning you in details.
Stella is my main character for Stolen. She starts off the book as, what's known in world, as a Jack-Thief. This is a freelancer thief, unaffiliated with a guild, who dabbles in all types of thievery.
(Stolen Spoilers beneath the cut...)
Through plot events, she finds herself alone and in a strange city, and is approached by someone who wants her to steal some documents. They claim the documents belong to them, and that they're just reclaiming property that's already been stolen from them. Stella doesn't quite believe them and refuses the job.
She then finds this same person has broken into her room later that night, and realises this wasn't something she actually had a choice in.
The whole starting inspiration for Stella was I wondered what would happen, how things would play out, if an amature thief successfully stole plans from a guild master, in the very heart of their own guild, and then tried to sell those same plans back to him.
And that's what Stella does. She steals the papers, because she doesn't have a choice, and then tries to trade them back to the guild master she took them from in exchange for help escaping the city.
What my poor baby doesn't know is she's just stepped into the middle of a turf war between two guilds, and escaping the city isn't in any way, shape or form, a possibility. The group she's just betrayed has a network across the land, so there's nowhere for her to run.
The guildmaster offers her protection instead, and she takes it, and that's really the foundation of the plot.
Stella's wonderful to write though, she's truly so much fun, because there's so much dichotomy to her character.
She was raised in a very particular manner that gives her an unusual outlook on the world. Some things she's very worldly about, she's not shocked by sexual advances, or open flirting, or lying, or betraying people... and other things she's been kept very sheltered from. Like genuine caring relationships. Support and positive encouragement. Trust based relationships. Murder and violence.
And while it doesn't come up in the first book, until the very, very, end, and Stella herself doesn't become aware of it until Book Two, there's a very specific reason why she was raised in the way she was.
My other MC for Stolen, Reilly Mosswolf, will spend a great deal of time undoing the damage that's been done by her isolation, and when Stella finally realises how she was manipulated, it may or may not break her, just a tiny bit *evil smile*
And have some gorgeous art I had commissioned of Stella and Reilly, just because you asked about her, and I can't stop sharing this piece. It's gorgeous, and it was done by @knuttydraws
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musetta3 · 1 year
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Finally getting around to posting the Tumblr version of an exchange treat I made for @knuttydraws. Renaissance AU of Knutty’s Farie and Rylen. They’re wearing ensembles based on 1490s Italian court ensembles from Milan. The embroidery and sleeve textiles are traditional Lemko motifs, a nod to Farie’s character design. Rylen’s brocade is based on 15th century Italian fabric at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. I LOVED painting these two together <3   
AO3 version here! <3 
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amarmeme · 1 year
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I joined the Templartations Exchange this year and was honored with four incredible gifts. I encourage you to check out the exchange as a whole if you enjoy Dragon Age's resident templars, including Cullen, Alistair, Rylen, and even some smexy Samson. :) Dinner and a Show by @replicatortrash Bethany Hawke/Alistair Theirin, Rated E, 5,400 words MMMMMM this was so delightful. Everything you want in this ship -- two wardens stumbling through feelings and f*cking. A true GEM and exactly what I was hoping for with these idiots.
Your move, Commander by Toshi_Nama Cullen Rutherford/Original Female Character, Rated E, 5,000 words What a freaking sumptuous story — Cullen gets hounded at the Winter Palace and OC cuts him a deal that protects both of them. The OC is an Orlesian noble and I will not spoil it ...
The Whole World by @knuttydraws Cullen Rutherford/Lotte Trevelyan, ART! This gorgeous art by Knutty made my heart melt. The warmth, the colors, the satisfied looks and wholesome touches. Go feast your eyes on Knutty's lovely art style. It is so good.
Save Tonight by @charmcity-jess Cullen Rutherford/Female Trevelyan, Rated M, 2,500 words So sorry Cullen, we love to torture you with a bad time. But, it all makes good in the end with another lady saving you from the Orlesians — a non-Inquisitor Trevelyan. I was head over heels for this one. Go readdddd.
This was such a delightful exchange with a delightful group of writers and artists. I'll share my contributions separately, as this is already a longer post, but THANK YOU to @knuttydraws for hosting and for everyone else listed above. You are all lovely, talented people.
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moonofthenight · 3 years
Covered in Rainbow
Happy Pride Month to all the lovely people out there, this is a safe space for all of you and this is our month to celebrate who we are!
Credits for O’Knutzy goes to @lumosinlove
CW conversation of not being out
Leo woke up to a missing Logan and a sleepy Finn pressed to his side. The blonde glanced at the clock, 7:30am, they still had a few hours until they needed to be at the rink. 
It wasn’t Leo’s first pride game he will see but it will be the first he will actually play in and he was nervous. He didn’t exactly know why, it’s not like he will come out to the public or announce his relationship today, there wasn’t enough confidence there yet, but still, it felt special. 
“Mhh where’s Lo?”, mumbled Finn, face pressed into the pillows. 
Just as Leo was about to answer, the door opened and Logan padded into their bedroom, a package in his hand. His hair was everywhere and the left side of his face was still a bit red from the good night of sleep. It made Leo chuckle.
“Who the fuck decided that the mailman should work this early today? I don’t approve,” Logan grumbled as he crawled back between Finn and Leo, who wrapped his arm around Logan’s shoulder almost immidiatly while Finn cuddled back into the side of his brown-haired boyfriend.
“Let’s see what this is,” Leo said, ripping the package open with Logan’s help.
He pulled out three new jerseys, their numbers on the back in rainbow colours. The ones they would wear today are identical but probably already in the locker room. Normally, they don’t get another pair send to them but they specifically asked Arthur for three extras, just for them to keep and to remember.
Leo didn’t realise that he had just stared at his for a while now until a warm hand on his leg snapped him out of his thoughts.
“Hey, you okay sweetheart?”
“What? Oh, yeah, yeah. I’m just a bit nervous, I guess and maybe a bit sad that we can’t really, you know, be out and celebrate like Cap and Loops can.”
“We still can. We know, the team knows, our families know and one day everyone else will too but until then, we can enjoy the privacy while we show full support for Cap and Remus,” Finn said, now definitely a bit more awake.
They arrived at the rink a few hours later. They expected a bit of decoration, yes, but what they were welcomed with wasn’t just a little bit. Different pride flags hung on every wall, Lion’s stickers with the pride colours layed on the tables in the entrance hall for the fans to take and to Leo’s surprise, Nat was sitting at another table in the foyer, several brushes and paint in front of her. 
“Nat? What are you doing here?”, said Leo while he walked towards her, pulling her into a hug, Logan and Finn giving her a quick wave, already half way around the corner.
“I will paint a few faces today. Kase told me about the idea and I said I would to it. You wanna be my first?”
Leo looked at her, then at the paint and back at her. Maybe…
“Could you- can you put pride flags on my cheeks?”
She gave him a soft smile, “Of course I can, sit down.”
She prepared the colours and grabbed Leo’s chin to keep him in place.
“So, how is life?”
“Good, good,” Natalie answered, waiting patiently for Leo to spill his thoughts while she countinued to paint his face.
“I feel like I’m letting them down.”
There it is.
“They deserve what Sirius and Remus have and I can’t give that to them yet. It’s pride month, we should be able to go on the streets to celebrate ourselves, for fucks sake, this is just so unfair.”
Leo exhaled sharply, looking directly into Nat’s eyes. She let go of his face, set down the brush, giving him her full attention.
“You are not letting them down Leo, not ever. I don’t think they care, they love you and that is enough for them. Of course it’s unfair and you are right, you should be able to be out. But you can’t, I can’t, Kase and Alex can’t and we hate it as much as you do. But we will one day. Now, love, let me finish my work of art.”
That made Leo smile again and his heart a bit lighter. This is what he liked about Natalie so much, he always was so reasonable and reminded him that they weren’t alone.
A few minutes in silence passed before Nat ruffled his hair, “All done.”
“Thank you, really.”
“You’re welcome. Now go and kiss your boys.”
“Will do,” said Leo with a smile, making his way over towards the locker room.
He was greeted with loud chatter and laughter.
“Knutty! Nice face paint!”
“Your girlfriend is an artist, Bliz!”
Leo threw his bag into his stall, searching for his two lovers.
“You look gorgeous,” a voice said behind him, two strong arms wrapped around his waist. 
He leaned into Finn’s warmth.
“I wasn’t sure if I should do it. Where’s Lo?”
“I’m here, sorry, Olli wanted to show me something. Oh, nice face paint you got there, sweetheart.”
Logan wrapped his arms around Leo too, over Finn’s, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I love you three, now give me a kiss too,” Finn said, moving, so he could grab Leo’s face properly. The kiss was so incredibly soft and filled with love, it made Leo’s knees go weak. 
They parted and Finn gave Logan a kiss too, Leo still being a bit out of it.
“Harzy, I have some rainbow tape for you,” said Remus suddenly, from the other side of the room.
The three of them looked over and couldn’t hold back a smile. Sirius’ head was hidden in the crock of Remus’ neck, his arms around his waist, the legs thrown over his lap.
“It’s in the bag in front of you. I can’t really move right now,” Remus smiled, pressing a kiss on the black hair.
Most of the team already taped their sticks with it so the three of them made quick work out of it and soon enough their sticks had rainbow tape on them too. 
Leo suddenly felt a big wave of appreciation as he changed. He couldn’t wish for a better team, a better family. He didn’t know what he would do without them, he didn’t even want to imagine what would be if they weren’t so supportive…
“Peanut, let’s go.”
Leo’s head snapped up as Logan grabbed his hand, pulling him forward, kissing it before letting go again.
Leo’s steps faltered when he got closer to the rink; he was blown away. 
The stadium was covered in pride flags, covered.
He took off his goalie mask, letting his gaze wander over the stands. This was insane.
There were a lot of younger fans, he noticed. Most of them looked like something between 16 and 19 but he couldn’t say for sure. He tried to read a few signs, squinting his eyes together.
Thank you for encouraging me
Love is Love
Best Captain Ever
He was in complete awe; This was better than he could have ever imagined it; He was standing on the ice, he was able to see it.
The Penguins on the other side of the rink smiled at them, occasionally stopping to chat with them and he noticed the same tape as his on their sticks. He smiled, brightly.
Leo touched his bracelet; one day. They didn’t know know but they know he supports it and that's enough. For now.
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onlydreamofmysoul · 3 years
A fun cubs come out fic!
Characters and their world by @lumosinlove
@im-oknutzy-trash - here you go!
(Just one last note - there is one scene with a little spicy quip but it doesn’t get in any way explicit :))
“I’m home!” Finn called as he came through the door to their apartment, duffle bag falling off his shoulder and crashing into the door.
“Wow.” Logan commented, coming over to help him. “Home for less than a minute and you’re already trying to wreck the place.”
“Oh hush.” Finn said, dropping his bags and pulling Logan in by the waist. “Hello to you too.”
Logan grinned and went soft, leaning into Finn’s kiss. “How was Alex?”
They moved away from the door to the couch, Logan setting Finn’s bag aside to be dealt with later. 
“Good, Kase and Nat are going out to see him in a few days so he was all excited.” 
Logan laughed, kicking off his shoes to curl his feet under him. “Now that I get.”
Finn smiled and glanced around. “Where’s Leo?”
“He just had to pop out to the shop. We’re out of milk. He should be back soon though.”
Finn nodded, looking down at his hands, fiddling with his fingernails. “Hey Lo?”
“I was thinking about… well what if… So like, you know Cap and Loops, right?”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “Our teammates? Yeah I think I’m vaguely familiar with them.”
Finn huffed, rolling his eyes. “Wow sassy. You know that’s not what I meant.”
Logan tilted his head to the side in acquiescence, letting Finn continue. 
“I want to be like them.” Finn said quickly. “Can we be like them?”
He watched Logan frown for a moment, trying to figure out the difference between Remus and Cap and them. “Wait,” He murmured, eyes meeting Finn’s. “Do you mean?”
Finn nodded. “Yeah. I think maybe we’re ready?”
Logan opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by Leo coming in. 
“Hey Lo!” He said, without even looking around yet. “I got milk and that bread you like. Did Finn message you yet, he definitely should have landed by now.”
Leo reached the counter, putting the milk in the fridge before turning around and finally noticing the two boys in the room.
“I think his flight landed.” Logan said dryly, watching Leo take in Finn’s presence. 
“Hi baby.” Finn said, with a smile, truly grinning when Leo left the shopping bag half-empty and came over to kiss him hello instead. 
“Hi.” Leo said, slipping into the gap between his two boys. “I missed you.” 
Finn heard himself make a pleased noise as he leaned in to kiss Leo again. “Missed you too.”
“So,” Leo said as he pulled away, pulling Logan’s feet onto his lap. “What’re we talking about?”
Finn met Logan’s green eyes, pausing for a moment. “Um, I uh…”
Logan kicked his foot forward to nudge it against Finn’s thigh. “I got it Harzy.” He then turned to Leo. “We were thinking, maybe it’s time for us to come out? It’d be nice I think, not having to hide.”
Finn watched Leo carefully as the younger boy blinked in surprise before a small smile took over his face. 
“Yeah,” He breathed, looking between Logan and Finn. “Yeah that would be nice.” He bit his lip, looking smug and mischievous and Finn thought he might be falling in love all over again. “But I think we should have some fun first.”
Logan stumbled off the bus wearily - that four hour bus ride had just seemed to go on forever. Reporters stood outside the door to the hotel, despite the cold and the late hour but Logan leaned into Leo’s side anyways, Leo’s arm around his shoulder, Logan’s hand beneath his jacket. Photographers went wild, cameras shuttering quickly and Logan hid his smile in Leo’s jacket. This was going to be a whole lot of fun. 
Leo looked up as Marlene entered the locker room, glancing around to see who might be ready and available for an interview. Leo caught her eye and waved her over. 
“Hey Leo, how about a quick video for social media? I won’t keep you longer than five minutes.”
Leo smiled, he didn’t mind, this was all a part of their plan, the team and the rest of the staff had been made somewhat aware. Plus, he liked Marlene so he never had a problem with the interviews. “Sure.”
“Okay great!” She gave him a thumbs up as she started recording. “So, just last night, pictures of you and Logan Tremblay were released as you got off the bus - have you anything to say about them?”
Leo nodded, grinning. “Don’t forget James photobombing in the background. I think he was going for a ‘bunny ears’ effect but it ended up looking like he was doing it to Kasey instead. I think I need to get a copy framed.”
Marlene laughed, moving on. “So you and Logan are close then?”
Leo looked around the room comically. “What? You mean right now? Cause He’s in the PT room so a lot of the guys are closer.”
Marlene bit her lip, her eyes sparkling. “How do you feel about this game then?”
Leo sat back, finally going to answer a question honestly. “I’m feeling good. We’ve had a great start this season and I’m pretty confident.”
Marlene gave him another thumbs up and headed off to go chat to some of the other guys. A few stalls over, Finn met Leo’s eyes and blew him a kiss. 
“The media seems to have calmed down a bit.” Logan commented as they all sat at home watching a movie. “Think it’s time for our next one?”
“Ooh, yes!” Finn enthused. “I call being in this one.”
Logan laughed and pulled out of the way so he could take a picture of Finn kissing Leo’s cheek, Leo’s face all scrunched up in a smile. 
“There you go, post it.”
Finn grinned, going to Instagram and putting up the picture with the caption ‘Days like this’ before tagging Leo for good measure. 
“That should entertain them for a couple of days.” He said, satisfied as he tossed his phone to another chair and leaned back into Logan’s warmth, kissing the spot just below his ear. 
“You and me next baby,”
Leo Knut and Finn O’Hara?
More than one couple in the Lion’s Den?
Knut cheating on Tremblay?
Logan laughed as he scrolled through the headlines and posts from fan accounts, taking screenshots of some of the art of them that had already begun to bubble up. Thomas was on the other side of him, watching a video of a fan analysing the teams interactions, trying to figure out who was actually in a relationship, laughing every few minutes. 
“Knutty,” Logan called, summoning Leo. “Look at this one.”
Leo took his phone and read the caption out loud. “Knut’s betrayal making Tremblay tremble?” He looked up and met Logan’s eyes, his face blank. “I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.”
“I do!” Finn interrupted, coming up behind Logan and wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s waist. “Okay Lo, you hold up the article, now someone take our picture please!”
Logan ginned and relaxed into Finn as James snapped them together before posting it to his own account. ‘Doesn’t seem to be trembling to me.”
“I’m gonna go get some coffee, do you guys wanna come?” Leo said, the three of them still lying in bed. Finn shook his head, still mostly asleep, but Logan perked up.
“From the café down the street?”
Leo nodded, laughing when Logan was up like a shot, pulling on his clothes. 
“We’ll bring you back some, okay sweetheart?” Leo said as he leaned over the bed once more to kiss Finn goodbye. Finn just nodded and burrowed deeper into the duvet. 
“Love you.” He mumbled and the two boys left him to his dreams, slipping out of the room quietly. 
They walked down the street, hand in hand, going mostly unnoticed by the public. It was still early and a Sunday, so there weren’t too many people up and about, but even those that were paid them very little attention. It was easy to forget, in moments like this, that they had entire fan pages dedicated to them and many days they weren’t even recognised on the street. 
They got their coffee and drank it there, holding hands over the table outside the front door, watching the people passing by and chatting idly. Leo thought he spotted someone taking a not-so-discreet picture of them, but they didn’t care. Logan went inside to grab Finn’s cup to go and Leo lounged in the sunshine for a moment, breathing in the cool, sharp air. 
He opened his eyes to find Logan standing over him, looking down amusedly. “D’accord, mon choupinet?"
Leo smiled and stood up, stretching lazily. “Oui.”
They came back home to Finn still in bed, and joined him under the covers while he sipped his coffee.
“Oh, look we’re back in the headlines.” Leo commented as he angled his phone for them both to see. A photo of Leo and Logan from just a half hour ago stared back at them, Logan laughing at something Leo had said. 
“That’s such a cute picture,” Finn noted, putting on his glasses to take a closer look. “You should save that.”
Knut and Tremblay reunited? No news yet on how O’Hara is taking this latest blow.
“O’Hara would be doing fantastic if he had another kind of blow.” Finn grumbled, then blushed when he realised he had spoken out loud. “I mean-”
“Oh, we know what you meant.” Logan said, taking the nearly empty coffee cup from Finn and setting it on the nightstand as Leo eased Finn back, slipping under the covers as Logan captured his lips. “And that can be arranged.”
“So when do you guys think you’ll let them know what’s actually happening?” Remus asked Leo as he helped the blond boy with his stretching. 
Leo bit his lip as he thought. “I don't know? Soon maybe though, because this is fun and all but I’m tired of being analysed all the time now. At least if we tell them the truth, they’ll be chasing after us for a couple of weeks but then it’ll all settle down and be nice and quiet again, you know?”
Remus nodded, smirking when Leo took a sharp intake of breath as he pushed his legs a little further apart. “Yeah for sure. It’ll be pure chaos for a bit, but then they’ll quickly move onto the next big thing, I promise.”
Leo nodded, a little lost in thought. “Yeah, I’m ready to have a bit of privacy again. I think I’ll say it to the boys tonight.”
Remus nodded and pushed Leo a little further, laughing when Leo cursed under his breath.
“Fuck, if I’m alive after all this that is.”
“Alright, we’re doing this so?” Logan confirmed, making sure everyone was in agreement. 
“Yup.” Leo said, popping the ‘p’.
“It’s time.” Finn confirmed as they all pulled up the same picture they had chosen to post - a photo of the three of them taken at a party at Dumo’s. Logan sitting in Leo’s lap, head tilted up as he kissed Finn who was handing them their drinks. 
“Captions ready?” Finn asked and the other two nodded.  “Okay. Three,”
“Two,” Leo said.
“One.” Logan breathed and they all clicked ‘post’ at the same time. 
The next day, all the headlines were their Instagram captions-
Leo and Logan.
Finn and Leo.
Logan and Finn.
(Three’s not a crowd).
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
hi! i saw that your requests were open soooo maybe you could write some about leo!! maybe the team realizing how much of a BAMF he is for being so young? or maybe him totally acting like a kid while everyone is just loving it!!
Okay, I wasn’t really sure where to go with this because erm...Leo is always a BAMF, and I think the team knows it. Anyway, I kind of went rogue I think, but I love the idea of the team protecting their cub. I hope you enjoy it too! Sorry if it’s not what you were after.
CW: There's a couple of food mentions.
Let me know if you think I missed anything.
Rating: G
Credit for the characters and the sweater weather universe goes to @lumosinlove​
5 times the Lions protected their cub
Leo leaned against the bar, head cocked slightly as he listened to the woman; Bree, gush about her upcoming art show. She swept her fringe back and toyed with the cherry perched on top of her drink.
"You know, I can tie this stem with my tongue," she giggled. "Wanna see?"
Thankfully, before Leo had to decide how to reply, the bartender made their way back over and set three glasses onto the bar. "Sorry about that," they said. "Two beers and a cosmo, right?"
Relieved for the escape, Leo nodded. Still, Bree had been nice enough to chat to until his drink arrived. He'd always found something mesmerising about the way bartenders worked - gracefully but with such speed - and he didn't hear Thomas approach. But there he was, putting himself between Leo and Bree.
"Are you a reporter?” Thomas demanded.
“Er...” Bree hesitated.
“You’re a rookie too, I see," Thomas huffed a laugh. He glared as he hooked an arm around Leo's shoulder. “Come on knutty. You’ve gotta be more careful.”
Leo was crashing into his net, the wind knocked out of his lungs, before he had even registered the opponent hitting him.
Under the weight of his uniform, he struggled to get upright. He blinked up at the bright white arena lights and thumped a gloved fist against the ice. Seconds later, James and Olli offered him a hand each, and he managed to pull himself up. The rest of the team were stood shoulder to shoulder forming a line in front of him.
Did Cap just growl?
“Alright, alright," one of the orange clad opponents laughed. "You're going to have to let the cub loose at sometime though."
“Can we go to Disney whilst we’re in Florida?” Leo asked. He’d mostly meant it as a joke, but the team leapt on it.
“Can we Coach? We could swing another couple of days down there, right?” Finn said, already pulling up the ticket page.
“Are you going to deny this little face,” Thomas squeezed Leo’s cheeks.
“He’s never been Coach, it’s just sad!” Logan insisted.
Finally, Coach Weasley relented, telling them they needed to fund the extra nights themselves. It was at that point Leo felt it necessary to point out he was terrified of roller coasters.
“It’s okay, we’ll hold your hand,” James patted him on the back with a laugh.
4. The airport was busy. It was the third or fourth time Leo had done this now, but between the flashes of paparazzi cameras and the loud chants from the fans, he wasn’t sure he was ever going to get used.
“Hey, are you okay?” Dumo asked quietly, pulling Leo’s hoodie over his head. “Keep your eyes down if you don’t want them to take photos.”
Leo smiled at Dumo, still half asleep from the short nap he’d finally managed to catch on the plane. “Yeah, I’m good. Just forgot how crazy this is.”
The crowd of hockey players stopped. Everybody else seemed to know what was going on, but Leo was confused.
“If anybody needs to use the restroom go now. We will not be stopping the coach. Finn, I’m talking to you,” Coach Weasley spoke to group. A few members of their security team ushered those that need the bathroom away.
“Sure you don’t need the toilet?” Dumo questioned softly.
“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks Dad,” Leo laughed.
“You are 4 years older than Adele! Still a child,” Dumo ruffled Leo’s hair through his hoodie.
5. Leo woke up to seven new text messages. One was from his mother, but the rest were from members of his team.
Tremz: Hey Leo, me and Finn are going to Sid’s later. Feel free to join.
Talker: Heard you were a bit of food fiend. I make a mean curry. Would love your opinion if you want to come around?
Kase: Do you like basketball? Me and Nat were going to have a game. Would be cool to have you along. Just us goalies.
Loops: Leo, I know it can be a bit daunting around here to begin with. I’m sure you already have plans, but I’d love to go to that new Medieval lit exhibit that just opened at the museum if you’re around?
Nado: Kuny’s forcing me to watch Star Wars for the 1100th time. Come and save me?
Cap: Hi, Leo. How are you settling in. Give me a call if you need any hints or tips. I’m sure Finn’s got you covered, but he’s still pretty new himself.
Leo’s frown got deeper with each message. He was grateful for the offers, but it sure did seem strange. He hauled himself out of bed, and followed the sound of the coffee machine to find Finn in the kitchen, eating a bowl of dry cereal.
“Can you help me?” Leo asked.
Finn perked up at the question, smiling at Leo, “Sure! What’s up.”
“Everybody is being weird.”
“How so?” Finn chuckled.
Leo showed Finn the messages he’d received, his housemate’s laughter growing with each one. “I think they are trying to keep you occupied,” Finn explained.
“The first couple of weeks suck,” Finn shrugged. “It’s easy to get homesick. They’re just looking out for you.”
Leo felt oddly emotional about it all, and considered that maybe the team had a point after all. “Okay then, how do I pick then?”
Finn looked at him, bringing another piece of cinnamon crunch to his mouth and chewing slowly. “Leave it to me,” he eventually gave an answer, tapping his fingers over his phone with purpose. A few moments later, Leo’s phone flashed up with a message from The Lions group chat.
Harzy: Back off. Leo’s mine for today.
Leo laughed as a barrage of replies that came back complaining about the lack of fairness. He added his own message telling them it was all going to be okay, there was plenty of him to share and he’d hang out with them all eventually. He hadn’t even known he’d needed the offers, but he realised now that he truly had picked the best team.
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ao3feed-larry · 5 years
Ninfee Blu
by Knuttie
A Harry Styles, giovane studente dell’accademia d’arte, manca soltanto il blu per completare la sua parete dei colori e non avrebbe mai pensato di trovarlo in un pomeriggio di fine luglio durante il suo turno da guida turistica al Musée d'Orsay.
A Louis Tomlinson, invece, manca il verde dalla sua vita da troppi anni e con esso la speranza che ci sia qualcosa di bello per lui ad aspettarlo.
E se entrambi trovassero ciò di cui hanno bisogno in un dipinto di Monet?
Words: 15564, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Italiano
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Humor, Larry Stylinson Is Real, Strangers to Lovers, Art
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/2rgGEOz
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petrinakauai · 7 years
Tumblr media
Knutty for Knitty Shop by rescuedofferings featuring photographic wall art
Short Sleeve Dress etsy.com
wool slippers, slippers, wool socks, socks womens, womens slippers,... etsy.com
Vintage pendant necklace etsy.com
Silvertone jewelry etsy.com
Scarf and gloves, Fingerless Gloves, scarf, pastel color, knitted... etsy.com
Sleeve glove etsy.com
Sleeve glove etsy.com
Travel toiletry case etsy.com
Photographic wall art etsy.com
Modern cross stitch tile of pretty little bluebells. Contemporary... etsy.com
Autumn Digital Photography, Digital Download Photography, Autumn... etsy.com
Cloisonne Charm and Swarovski Crystals etsy.com
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Knutty for Knitty Shop by rescuedofferings featuring photo wall art ❤ liked on Polyvore
Short Sleeve Dress, £40 / wool slippers, slippers, wool socks, socks womens, womens slippers,..., £14 / Pendant necklace, £35 / Silver jewellery, £16 / Scarf and gloves, Fingerless Gloves, scarf, pastel color, knitted..., £34 / Fingerless glove, £21 / Fingerless glove, £21 / Make up bag, £17 / Photo wall art, £7.58 / Modern cross stitch tile of pretty little bluebells. Contemporary..., £5.14 / Autumn Digital Photography, Digital Download Photography, Autumn..., £3.95 / Cloisonne Charm and Swarovski Crystals, £12
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author-a-holmes · 1 year
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Day 15 of the #writerfriendschallenge - Share Book Art for World Art Day!
For ArtFight July 2022, I was lucky enough to be gifted a piece of art for Lizzy Hail, the Main Character of the Fey Touched Trilogy.
The art was created by @knuttydraws an amazing artist who I've also been lucky enough to commission previously for another set of characters.
One day, when I win the lottery, I'll be able to just hire Knutty to make art for all my books & characters, but until then I'll shout about her talent until she gets embaressed and yells at me on Discord…
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author-a-holmes · 2 years
Catch Up Tag Game
Thank you @valpur for the open tag <3 Stealing the template honestly ^_^
Tagging forward to; @queen-kass-the-writer @artbyeloquent @afoolandathief @whispersintheparchment @faelanvance
Songs that have gotten stuff in my head recently:
Some Things Never Change - Frozen 2 Soundstrack
Umbrella - Rihanna
Foods that I have eaten recently
Pasta Carbonara
Toast and Marmite
Things that I have searched for recently:
Magnum Opus
The 100 Azgeda King Name
Arrogance Synonym
Items I have bought recently:
Stella/Reilly Art by Knutty
Sentences I have said recently:
I'm awake. I need coffee.
Love you, talk to you later.
I'm playing Division with [my brother], so if you need me, don't.
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ao3feed-larry · 5 years
I See Your True Colors Shining Through
by Knuttie
La vita di Harry Styles è sempre stata un continuo susseguirsi di vittorie e successi, soprattutto in ambito universitario. E Harry ne sarebbe anche felice se solo suo padre non li avesse programmati da quando lui era in fasce. A volte, però, una variabile non considerata può sconvolgere la vita di una persona e anche gli infallibili piani di Charles Styles.
Louis Tomlinson ha imparato sulla sua pelle che nulla può essere programmato perché la vita è imprevedibile, così come le persone e i loro sentimenti. Nonostante questo, ha sempre perseverato nel suo rigido modo di guardare il mondo: o bianco o nero. Per lui il grigio non è neanche contemplato.
Poi, gli accade qualcosa.
Precisamente, gli accade Harry Styles e il suo mondo, fatto di bianco e di nero, all'improvviso si tinge per la prima volta di verde.
Words: 17708, Chapters: 3/15, Language: Italiano
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Art, Strangers to Lovers, Car Accidents
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/2CakL5L
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ao3feed-larry · 5 years
I see your true colors shining through
by Knuttie
La vita di Harry Styles è sempre stata un continuo susseguirsi di vittorie e successi, soprattutto in ambito universitario. E Harry ne sarebbe anche felice se solo suo padre non li avesse programmati da quando lui era in fasce. A volte, però, una variabile non considerata può sconvolgere la vita di una persona e anche gli infallibili piani di Charles Styles.
Louis Tomlinson ha imparato sulla sua pelle che nulla può essere programmato perché la vita è imprevedibile, così come le persone e i loro sentimenti. Nonostante questo, ha sempre perseverato nel suo rigido modo di guardare il mondo: o bianco o nero. Per lui il grigio non è neanche contemplato.
Poi, gli accade qualcosa.
Precisamente, gli accade Harry Styles e il suo mondo, fatto di bianco e di nero, all'improvviso si tinge per la prima volta di verde.
Words: 10889, Chapters: 2/15, Language: Italiano
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Lottie Tomlinson
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst, Art, Larry Stylinson Is Real, Don't ask who tops cause they share that, Hospital, Coma, Sex
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' http://bit.ly/2XujU91
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