#Kochi news live
annlillyjose · 1 year
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hello there!
following through with my tradition of posting a new writeblr intro every single year, here we go – a brand new reintro where i talk a little bit about myself and my current writing projects. so, here we go, onto all that good stuff!
about me
i'm ann, a twenty-year-old writer from kerala, currently based in kochi
i live with my husband, who is a musician, and lead a very creative life of sorts
i'm an infp, enneagram type 2
i write literary fiction and poetry
i'm a discovery writer and have a thing for sad stories with traumatised characters
i work as a content writer and social media manager for a wedding company
you can find all my published work on my linktree
my aesthetics: wilted flowers, fallen leaves, silhouettes, shadows, gentle friendships, indie music, unplanned trips, birds, fireflies, annotated books, old libraries and buildings, post-colonial literature, voids, romance
my wips
i recently finished a litfic novel called dairy whiskey and am editing it right now, hoping to get it ready for agent submissions in a month or two. i put my heart and soul and blood and bones into it, so if you’d like to dive into the story and read a few excerpts, you can check out the intro here and every other excerpt here!
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rock salt is my main wip since finishing dairy whiskey. it is the story of identical twins rain and norah as they move out for college and navigate their lives on their own, which ends up in them growing apart. if you like complicated sibling relationships and the struggles of growing up, you’ll love this book!
i so badly want to start writing it, but i don’t think i’ll be able to until dairy whiskey is in a more secure position. so, there probably won’t be any updates for a few months, but you can read the wip intro here.
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this is a gay vignette novel that i started writing back in 2021 as a source of personal joy. this is the story of how a singer-songwriter desperate for normalcy meets a boy with a heart heavy with guilt. this is the story of how they fall in love and it’s honestly quite wholesome <3
i haven’t worked on this book in so long and i’ve been trying to sneak some words in, but it feels like the book needs a fresh start. i don’t know, i just might start it all over again. but until then, here’s an outdated wip intro.
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green room is a literary/experimental memoir documenting my teenage years as a writer. it is a deep dive into craft and how it affects life, particularly how it moulds you as a person. i haven’t started drafting this yet, but here’s a wip intro for now.
so, that’s about it!
if you’d like to be pinged when i drop a new publication or a wip update, just send me an ask to be added to my general taglist and i’ll tag you in those posts.
thank you so much for reading. i hope writing has been going well for you. if not, here’s some strength, some kindness, and some caffeine to keep going!
– love, ann.
general taglist (ask to be added or removed)
@shaonsim @heartfullkings @vnsmiles @dallonwrites @wannabeauthorclive @sienna-writes @violetpeso @flip-phones @silassghost @ambidextrousarcher @zoe-louvre @writing-with-l @magic-is-something-we-create @femmeniism @frozenstillicide @wizardfromthesea @rose-bookblood @coffeeandcalligraphy @rodentwrites @saltwaterbells @snehithiye @at-thezenith @subtlefires
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puthiyamugam · 5 months
A Jinn
Varadha has always been a free spirit. Loved wandering around places, he hardly stayed at one place for a long time. Whenever life seemed to get too hard, he would pack his bags and leave. He always moves from place to place in search of something new which was a very contrasting quality to that of his family. He belonged to a corporate family,Always working like robots. So he was the odd one out. Not even in his wildest dreams can he imagine to live a life like his family.
Right now he is on his way to kochi, escaped from his sisters engagement because his father started the 'stop with this hippie bullshit , join the family business and settle down' conversation yet again. So he packed his bags and escaped once again. He knows his sister's going to very upset with him but he can make up to her later.
He decided to stay in kochi for sometime and learn something new. He rented a 1bhk flat from a man called Usman and his on his way to that flat now. But the sight he had seen when he arrived at the flat was not quite what he expected. The images he has seen online was the complete opposite of what was infront of him.
The hall was messy and filled with too many things. Too artisty for his taste. He was furious that the flat wasn't cleaned. When he called Usman ikka to sort this out he said that he'll send someone to clean the flat. Varadha started looking around the house there were paintings, things made out of things? The previous tenant must have been an art lover he thought. When he was looking around something caught his eye, a Polaroid on the wall. There was a man in that picture surrounded by lot of kids. They all were laughing at something. All of them looked happy. For some unknown reason varadha found himself drawn to this man. He looked huge,had a very bright smile and oh those eyes , somthing about those eyes held varadha's attention. He stood there looking at that picture for a very long time wondering who was this man?
Saw charlie last night so thought why not a charlie au
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week In BL - I give out a bunch of 7/10s
Nov 2022 Wk 3
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) 3 of 12 - I’m beginning to get concerned about where the plot, pace, and conflict is going to come from. So far it’s all angst and internal conflict, and I’m not entirely opposed to that, but there needs to be some external stressors in Thai BL or it’s not enough to carry 12 episodes (especially if it’s helmed by New). WATCH ALONG HERE.
Ai Long Nhai (Mon iQIYI) 9 of 10 - something actually happened in this ep, we got some of Ai’s family history & backstory. Evil mother is evil. Sister may be evil too. But it’s still shirtless so I’m pleased. Also, yay, no singing!
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 7 of 12 - Name has finally made a new friend. JaFirst remain the most interesting. I actually don’t mind the show when it’s focused on them, but most of the rest of the time I find it, if not boring, at least not something that engages me personally. Although, the younger boy flirting with Em after cheer practice was kind of cute. 
I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) 2 of 12 - Thi is such a pushover. Look, I’m just not wild about this lead pair dynamic and I absolutely can’t stand the score.
609 Bedtime Story (Sat WeTV) 1 of 11 - Didn’t drop to WETV in my territory, no idea what’s going on. I’ll have a bit of a hunt when I get home. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Fri Viki) 8 of 12 - Every week I look forward to this show the most. We knew it had to happen, but it’s really sad to see our traumatized bar-boy break our beloved dentist’s heart. We all know they’re in love with each other, they also know it. But Bai Lang is very very scared of commitment and the dentist is a good boy who keeps getting hurt by other’s inability to trust and open up. The past romance was really sad and sadly true to life. Is it better to have a friend’s love or pity, if all you really wanted was friendship? I like how complicated all of these characters are. I love the conversation the leads had with each other after Bai Lang finally admits to his true feelings. Such a good show. 
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan Thurs Gaga) 6 of 8 - This show is so sad. I sometimes wonder if Kochi remains alive entirely because Michan wills him to be so. Does anybody else wonder if the gay biology teacher who lost his first love is a nod to Boys Love? Just me?
Choco Milk Shake (Korea Strongberry Tues YT) 7-8 of 10 - The pacing is so good in this show. Also, I am completely and utterly in love with the ex-bf (hi, Wild Dog, long time no see, wanna run away with me instead?) 
Happy Ending Romance (Korea Thurs Gaga) 1-2 of 8 - Very dramatic opening. I like it. Leo is stupid pretty. This is a complicated, if improbable, plot about writers and ego and reputation, but engaging. (For a change I like the OST, Leo is also one of my favorite main singers among the honey-voices of Kpop.)
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Finished This Week 
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Weds YouTube) 8fin - An excellent confession sequence. I was a little surprised. Usually confession scenes make me wince, but this one was lovely. I’m not a fan of the Kdrama “separation in the final episode” (see Big D) but in this particular instance, I understand why they did it. The characters did need to mature and build new lives. It’s just annoying that they couldn’t do it together. All in all? This is a light horror plus family drama built around a well executed BL trough-line that felt honestly queer with great chemistry from the lead pair. (I hope that we see more of them.) For me personally the surrounding cast, premise, and story didn’t resonate but if you like a touch of gothic in your BL this might appeal. RECOMMENDED WITH RESERVATIONS 7/10 
Big Dragon (Sat Gaga) 8fin - I really don’t like Thailand copying Korea’s arbitrary “separation in the final episode” thing. So for me this final episode wasn’t very satisfying. Ultimately? This is a decent execution of enemies to lovers, exploring some darker themes and nodding at kink in a more respectful way than Mame could ever dream, plus excellent chemistry, but something was askew around plot, directing, and ending. RECOMMENDED FOR THE LEAD PAIR, BUT NOT MUCH ELSE 7/10
Kabe Koji (Japan Mon Viki) 8fin - Japan sure does love the “running of the gays” trope. Only this time around they ran together. Which was kind of cute. Honestly? This probably should’ve been my favorite BL of all time, but for some reason it just never resonated with me. Also, I’m over the no kiss thing. I’m tired. If they kiss in het, they can kiss in gay. IT’S FINE. 7/10
Apparently, when Japanese BL is good, it’s very very good, and when it’s bad I’m annoyed.
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y (Thai Gaga) 20 eps - it’s just all too much for me.
To Sir With Love AKA Khun Chai 16 eps - could be sad v worried
2 Moons 3 (Thai Mon ??) 10 eps - Possibly a future binge watch. Rumor is it’s banal.
Love Bill  (Vietnam Sat YT) - Bah Vinh is back but I’m too distracted. Also there’s a lot of fund raising and stuff going on. I’ll wait and binge.
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How is he so hot? Asking for science. 
In Case You Missed It
My Roommate (Thai YT) 32 eps of 2 minutes each now done, it’s terrible production values so I’m not bothering but it’s been repackaged into 8 min chunks on the youtubes.
Fahlanruk (Thai GaGa) 12 eps - I cut my losses at ep 5 but it’s finished now, someone who knows my taste tell me if I should I bother? 
SELF (Thai Thurs YT) is complete at 6 eps, anyone watch this one? Is it sad? Worth watching?
LITA special - it’s exactly as trashy and kinky as you want it to be. Go indulge, you lushes. Rain & Payu, man, wow. Also, the sound is terrible. But no one cares much about the script, least of all the writers. 
GAP the series (Sat YT) is a classic office set romance. WATCH IT! It’s GL and this studio needs our support! (Also, the stairs are back!) 
Coming to Viki: Love in the Air, ITSAY & IPYTM, Remember Me, and new KBL, The New Employee.
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GMMTV posted their pilot trailers for 2023. I reported on them all here. Fewer this year than last which is a good thing, they should slow down and focus more. 
How did my predictions go? Not good. Scored a 6/10 maybe 6.5 if you’re feeling generous. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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2022 still to come?
Dec 9: Semantic Error movie (Viki) - the repackage rumored to have some added footage. 
Dec 19: Chains of Heart (movie? theaters?) trailer Suspense thriller about a forest ranger, smugglers, memory loss, and lost love. Stars Haii (Cirrus in TT2) and Poppy (Porpla in YYY). Adapted from a Y-novel of the same name by TJ Tommy. I don’t know if this is still releasing or if C19 has effected it. 
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Win, my love! Just call me his of the morning, hia. Just touch my cheek before you leave me, hia.
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In Stongberry we trust! *consent in the house* 
This week’s earworm: Just B - Me (srs where did these boys come from? so good) 
(last week)
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princelylove · 5 months
My Prince,
This is a bit personal, so feel free not to respond if you desire to do so. A fear I have is driving. I think I’m a bad driver. I get over it enough to drive, since I have to, but I’ve come home panicking over almost getting into a car accident. It feels terrible. My fear is that I’m going to accidentally kill/hurt someone and then I don’t know how I’d live with it. I’m mostly scared about myself driving, I feel less worried if I think the driver isn’t reckless.
I wonder if and how yanderes would use the fear to make me dependent on them.
They could screw up my car, sabotage it so it breaks down, or mess with my tires? They get to be a ‘knight in shining armor’ when they coincidentally show up to help if I’m stranded. Struggling to get money needed for repairs is also a good opportunity for them.
Show me videos or news reports of terrible car crashes or pileups to remind me of the danger, or tell me about people they knew that were injured or died in a car accident?
I don’t know how anyone could do this, but somehow orchestrate car crashes to happen around me so I see them up close?
Maybe they could make comments about my driving, insult my driving, make a joke out of it to hurt my confidence while driving and make me feel guilty? But I’d hope they would be at least somewhat gentle about it…
And then as I get more scared of being ‘behind the wheel’, they could slowly offer to take me places themselves, until it’s to the point I’m dependent on them for getting around. If I refuse to drive, they have significant control of my schedule and how I do things. It also makes it much harder to escape a kidnapping if I’m too scared to take transportation.
Who would most likely do these kind of things?
i apologize for this being so long, and it’s appreciated if Your Highness read through all this blabbering. Thank you very much.
You would like a yandere that scares you, anon? One that manipulates you? It's too easy sometimes.
I like it when my peons prattle, it's often cute.
Typical manipulators are going to abuse any sort of fear- Noriaki, Diavolo, Melone... the list goes on. Cars are tricky because they don't really come around until part two, and leave in part six. Part seven has very, very new ones- they count, I guess. There's a window where cars are just in development and not that reliable, but I don't see many yanderes in part three and behind as all that manipulative.
Sure, Caesar is, but he's too proud to take the easy way out. Lisa Lisa doesn't see the point in cars when you're meant to be living on her private island. Joseph respects the technique and isn't above sabotaging yours, but... that's pretty lame. He's more creative than that.
There's also the fact that some manipulative yanderes are out of touch or otherwise don't care for cars. Kars doesn't know what that thing is and he doesn't care to learn. DIO is newly acquainted, but isn't going to drive himself, as he's above it. Giorno is banned from being behind the wheel ever since the White Album incident. Leone is normally too tipsy to reasonably put himself behind the wheel, Bruno tends to walk everywhere...
Some yanderes could sabotage your car with their stand if they wanted to, but putting on the news works too. Court TV is on because knowing about the news is important, no you can't have the remote. Ohh, that man drove into a parade, that's crazy. They're saying he was drinking. Isn't that little treat you get during the day alcoholic? Ohh, no? I thought there was a lawsuit going on with the company that makes it, said they were putting it in and mislabeling it. Crazy, huh.
Mariah fucks with your car before she asks you to drive her anywhere. Kochi could easily attach "Heavy!" under your car in traffic, as he did in canon. Akira could- well, to be honest with you, I'm not sure how cars work, but I'm sure Red Hot Chili Peppers could mess with it somehow. Machines are always going to be just that- machines. They break, they stop working. Fickle things.
As for who I think definitely would.... Melone likes to do tricks on his bike to scare you, Hol Horse would do just about anything to get one up on you, and Funny Valentine is absolutely not above orchestrating a crash in front of you. Newly invented, so unreliable.
But some yanderes are very understanding about it, can you take the train or just walk? Maybe bike? They'll come with you so you don't get lonely! Josuke normally takes a train to get to his university, he can teach you how to use the little card and how to get a good seat or stand in a good place.
Or, you could get lucky and get Jolyne, who wasn't gonna let you drive anyway and takes safety super, super seriously. Or Rohan, who could easily rewrite any of your fears! (But won't.)
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liliththunder · 8 months
11 Years of following one man's back
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Hijikata's four musicals:
2013 OG Hijikata Hen
Director: Mouri Nobuhiro Composer: Sahashi Toshihiko
Lead: Yazaki Hiroshi
2016 Shinsengumi Kitan
Director: Mouri Nobuhiro Composer: Sahashi Toshihiko
Lead: Matsuda Gaku
2018 Shitan Hijikata Hen
Director: Nishida Daisuke Composer: Sahashi Toshihiko
Lead: Wada Masanari
2024 Shinkai Hijikata Hen
Director: Mouri Nobuhiro Composer: Sakabe Go
Lead: Kubota Hidetoshi
Let's play "Guess what" for Shinkai Hijikata Hen, while we wait for it to come:
New songs or old songs revised?
Mouri and Sakabe haven't yet cooperated, will they reuse songs from the Nishida era? I highly doubt that they will reuse a majority, this gives Mouri a greater freedom to create a script that's really his. I'm sure he will draw inspiration from Nishida, but at since he's the father of Hakumyu, you know?
Good ending or bad ending?
Hard to say, there's one play twice and one play not his route by name. I, of course, hope there'll be a good ending for Kubohide. They might go with a similar strategy as Collar X Malice did and have one evening a good ending and one evening a bad ending.
Guest talk?
I think it's highly likely. Considering that almost all former Hijikata-actors are still actively connected to Hakumyu. This includes Yazaki, Gaku and Izawa. (Sasahide will be there, too of course.) Maybe we get lucky and a former HijiChizuru appears, but I don't have high hopes for that, since none of them is really active in the acting business. Mika lives in Kochi Prefecture on top of that.
Personal hopes?
I hope the songs for Chizuru are good and let Ruri shine in her profession as traditional singer. Maybe they can even use them as a BGM even, when the scene of going to Ezo comes (she is born in Hokkaido and has sung old Hokkaidoer songs before)
My friend @koto-wari hopes for the onigiri scene to be adapted and that the former "Ore dake no yume" and "Katana ni komeyo" scenes gonna be good and be ripping our hearts apart.
And well the most essential thing has to be:
The lead dynamic: between Kubohide and Ruri
The group dynamic: between Kubohide and his friends, comrades and the Shinsengumi.
Feel free to use the comments as a room for speculations and your thoughts on the matter!
Love you
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
au "Koichi the younger brother of Hol Horse" + au "Kochi dies but is reborn as act 3 with a hole in his chest in the alley of ghosts"
Hol Horse decides there's no more danger and is like "what if I leave my brother in this town with my new friends and go off to work?" and leaves (maybe this goes into one of your au "Hol Horse in part 5 works for Passion")
And of course. Kira Yoshikage himself in Morio. The man who later kills Koichi, but gets payback.
Imagine the horror everyone will feel not only from Koichi's death, but also from realizing what Hol's reaction to his brother's death will be when he finds out about it. No one called him about Koichi's death; everyone felt bad.
And then Koichi is reborn in Haunted Alley, and that makes everyone panic even more.
Just. Hol Horse had heard about RHCP and the Stand Arrows and came running. He helps guide Koichi and the other kids, Josuke and Okuyasu get to meet Koichi's funky morally grey brother, and it all goes great! He stuck around for a few more days after RHCP's defeat, but he felt confident that it was safe once again in Morioh now and things would be calm. The two bros promised to call every few days, and went about things as they usually did
And things are fine for weeks after that (RHCP was beaten sometime in mid/late May and Centipede Shoes happens somewhere after June 24th and before July 1st). Sure there's the occasional Stand User that pops up and stirs up trouble, but nothing the kids or Jotaro can't handle
And then one day there's a phone call. Or to be more specific, he doesn't get a phone call. Hol Horse waits for hours, but..... Koichi never calls him
At first he brushes it off. Maybe Koichi was busy or got roped up in more Stand shenanigans. He'd probably call tomorrow to make up for it.
But then he doesn't. Okay, a little weird, Hol Horse would think, but maybe it just slipped his mind.
The third day he gets anxious enough to be the one to initiate the call.
Hundreds of scenarios were running through his head. Maybe Koichi was hurt, maybe he got kidnapped, maybe he went missing, maybe he was-
The word echoes in his head as his aunt is sobbing on the phone, her words barely coherent but enough that Hol Horse can understand the meaning.
His baby brother is dead. Murdered days ago, with the killer nowhere to be found
He'd heard about the killer. About the ghost girl Koichi had met, about how they were probably responsible for all the missing cases, the anxiousness and questioning he'd had, wondering if Morioh was even as safe as he thought-
Well...... the answer was obvious now.
He drops everything to go back to Morioh. Screw whatever mission he was on, screw whatever target he had, he needs to get back right now because he's already too late, the least he can do is be there for the funeral and to protect the rest of the kids.
Hol Horse would immediately bar the kids and any other underage Stand Users from getting involved after this, a rule he only enforces more after he learns about Shigechi. Because that's what they were. Kids. Three 15 year olds who'd barely started high school, now two 15 year olds who are now going to be burdened with the weight of a dead best friend and a 12 year old for the rest of their lives
But then it turns out Koichi isn't as dead and gone as they thought. He was still dead, very much so....... but he was here.
And Hol Horse would be torn. On one hand he wanted, he needed, to hunt down the piece of shit who'd killed his baby brother. He needed to find Kira and make him pay for the pain he'd caused, and he was going to be sure his death was a slow, agonizing one.
But on the other....... that isn't what Koichi needs right now. Koichi needs stability and security and someone to be there for him. The kids all have their lives and can't dedicate every moment to be with him but...... but Hol Horse can. And he does. Every step of the way, every new ability, every nightmare, every flashback, Hol Horse is going to be there with soft words and gentle hands to comfort and hold him
And if we throw in the Hol Horse In Italy Looking For Polnareff, this could add an interesting spin to that. For one, if he went undercover before Part 4, Sorbet and Gelato wouldn't be dead yet so his bond with La Squadra as a whole would probably be different. Still a bit distant because of Hol Horse's intentions, but that's cleared up much faster and easier when a few years down the line La Squadra decide to turn against Passione
But when this happens......... ho boy
If we make this at the point where relations are a tad strained with everyone but Pesci, this is probably going to just add more to that tension. At first it would be fine, Hol Horse requesting a couple weeks off because of some personal issue arising, maybe even coming back early because "it figured itself out faster than I thought" and things going fine...... but then a few weeks later he suddenly gives Risotto a notice that he's going to be gone for a bit and then just. Fucking off to who knows where for several months straight but still sending them money to help pay bills every few weeks(he probably got some kind of job in Morioh, maybe thanks to the SWF which essentially boils down to "compensation for tracking down and securing dangerous Stand Users")
And what if when he goes back....... he ends up bringing Koichi with him. Yes Italy isn't the safest and given Hol Horse's position he's probably in even more danger but..... while Kira's gone, that isn't going to just magically erase all the anxieties Koichi's been having. Maybe Italy can be a bit of a change of scenery, just to help him cope and process in a place that isn't full of memories, at least for a couple years. He still keeps in very close contact with his friends of course, something made easier by the fact he doesn't need to sleep and thus can bypass the issue of inopportune timezones, and it's a simple few days of flying to visit, so he's able to keep those bonds without too much issue
and when Pesci accidentally stumbles upon something he shouldn't...... what if instead of Hol Horse's plans to find the Boss, it's instead Koichi. Maybe he mistakes him as an enemy and attacks, nearly getting a bullet in his skull from a partially conscious INCREDIBLY protective Hol Horse who really shouldn't be moving right now. I do think Pesci would agree to keep this secret, and now at least Koichi has another person to talk to :D
hmmmmmmm....... maybe to tie this in to the rest of the Act 4 AU when Giorno's existence comes to attention, Koichi ends up taking the job to show that he's grown and more capable now. Not in secret of course, he tells Hol that he wants to do it and they have a LONG talk and set up all sorts of contingencies in case anything goes wrong
And massive shocker here, Things Go Wrong
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1esbrarian · 6 months
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List of Top 10 Smart Cities in India 2024
In 2024, India stands as a testament to urban innovation, leading the global charge in developing smart cities that seamlessly integrate technology, sustainability, and quality of life. These cities epitomize the nation's dedication to fostering vibrant, efficient, and interconnected urban environments. Let's explore the top 10 smart cities in India for 2024:
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Renowned as the Silicon Valley of India, Bengaluru maintains its status as a frontrunner in technology and innovation. With a robust infrastructure and a thriving startup ecosystem, Bengaluru continues to set the standard for smart cities worldwide.
Embracing innovative solutions to address its unique challenges, the capital city of Delhi is rapidly evolving into a model smart city. Enhanced public transportation systems, green initiatives, and digital governance initiatives are reshaping the urban landscape, improving the lives of its residents.
As India's financial capital, Mumbai seamlessly blends its rich heritage with modernity. In 2024, the city leverages smart technologies to enhance mobility, ensure safety, and optimize resource utilization, making it one of the most dynamic and livable cities in India.
Hyderabad's journey towards smartness is characterized by significant investments in infrastructure, innovation, and sustainability. Smart transportation systems, efficient waste management, and digital connectivity initiatives position Hyderabad as a model smart city in 2024.
Embracing smart urban planning strategies, Chennai addresses the challenges posed by its growing population and infrastructure requirements. From smart grids to eco-friendly initiatives, Chennai sets the benchmark for sustainable urban development in India.
Fueled by a vibrant culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, Pune emerges as a key player in India's smart city landscape. In 2024, the city focuses on creating connected communities, promoting renewable energy, and enhancing urban mobility to ensure a high quality of life for its residents.
Ahmedabad's transformation into a smart city is marked by its commitment to citizen-centric solutions and inclusive growth. Through smart governance and sustainable urban development projects, Ahmedabad redefines urban living standards in 2024.
Known as the Pink City, Jaipur embraces smart technologies while preserving its rich heritage. Implementing smart solutions for traffic management, heritage conservation, and civic amenities, Jaipur stands as a shining example of smart urban development in 2024.
Surat's journey towards smartness emphasizes cleanliness, sustainability, and technological innovation. With initiatives like smart waste management and green infrastructure, Surat emerges as a leading smart city, setting new standards for urban development in 2024.
Positioned strategically and guided by progressive policies, Kochi plays a pivotal role in India's smart city landscape. Prioritizing sustainable transportation, digital connectivity, and waterfront development, Kochi enhances its reputation as a vibrant and livable city in 2024.
In conclusion, India's top 10 smart cities of 2024 exemplify the nation's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and inclusive growth. Through the adoption of smart technologies and citizen-centric approaches, these cities pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous urban future. As India continues to urbanize, these smart cities serve as beacons of inspiration, showcasing the transformative power of technology in shaping the cities of tomorrow. Move with ease! Choose Rajbala Packers & Movers for reliable packing & moving services. Your seamless relocation partner awaits. Contact us today!"
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ayuvogue · 1 year
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Ayumi Hamasaki's official site has released the logo and official dates for her upcoming 25th Anniversary Live Tour. First announced at her one-night 25th anniversary arena show, the ambitious hall tour will visit all 47 of Japan's prefectures for the first time.
Ticket information has not been announced yet; we will no doubt have more details after TeamAyu is relaunched as an app next month. The tour dates are as follows:
July 8, 2023 (Sat) Chiba: Ichihara Civic Hall
July 9, 2023 (Sun) Chiba: Ichihara Civic Hall
July 15, 2023 (Sat) Saitama: Saitama City Cultural Center
July 22, 2023 (Sat) Aomori: Link Station Hall Aomori
July 23, 2023 (Sun) Iwate: Morioka Civic Cultural Center
July 29, 2023 (Sat) Niigata: Niigata Prefectural Civic Center
August 1, 2023 (Tue) Hokkaido: Sapporo Cultural Arts Theater Hitaru
August 5, 2023 (Sat) Yamanashi: YCC Prefectural Cultural Hall
August 18, 2023 (Fri) Osaka: Festival Hall
August 19, 2023 (Sat) Osaka: Festival Hall
August 26, 2023 (Sat) Aichi: Nagoya Conference Center Century Hall
August 27, 2023 (Sun) Aichi: Nagoya Conference Center Century Hall
September 2, 2023 (Sat) Ibaraki: The Hirosawa City Hall
September 8, 2023 (Fri) Ehime: Matsuyama Civic Hall
September 9, 2023 (Sat) Kagawa: Rexxam Hall
September 17, 2023 (Sun) Yamagata: Shelter Nanyo Hall
September 18, 2023 (Mon・Public Holiday) Fukushima: Kenshin Koriyama Cultural Center
September 30, 2023 (Sat) Tochigi: Utsunomiya City Cultural Center
October 2, 2023 (Mon) Kanagawa: Kanagawa Prefectural Hall
October 8, 2023 (Sun) Hyogo: Kobe International House Kokusai Hall
October 9, 2023 (Mon・Public Holiday) Kyoto: ROHM Theater Kyoto Main Hall
October 14, 2023 (Sat) Okayama: Kurashiki Civic Hall
October 15, 2023 (Sun) Hiroshima: Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen HBG Hall
November 4, 2023 (Sat) Gunma: Beisia Cultural Hall
November 18, 2023 (Sat) Miyagi: Tokyo Electron Hall Miyagi
November 19, 2023 (Sun) Akita: Yuzawa City Cultural Center
November 24, 2023 (Fri) Fukuoka: Fukuoka Sun Palace
November 25, 2023 (Sat) Nagasaki: Nagasaki Brick Hall
December 3, 2023 (Sun) Shizuoka: Shizuoka Civic Cultural Center Large Hall
December 30, 2023 (Sat) Tokyo: To be announced soon!!
December 31, 2023 (Sun) Tokyo: To be announced soon!!
January 7, 2024 (Sun) Kagoshima: Hozan Hall (Kagoshima Prefectural Cultural Center)
January 8, 2024 (Mon・Public Holiday) Miyazaki: Miyazaki Civic Cultural Hall
January 13, 2024 (Sat) Shiga: Biwako Hall Large Hall
January 14, 2024 (Sun) Nara: Nara Centennial Hall Large Hall
January 20, 2024 (Sun) Ishikawa: Honda no Mori Hall Rescheduled 4/24 due to earthquake
January 21, 2024 (Sun) Fukui: Phoenix Plaza Rescheduled 4/23 due to earthquake
January 27, 2024 (Sat) Gifu: Toki City Cultural Plaza Sun Hall
January 28, 2024 (Sun) Mie: Yokkaichi City Cultural Hall 1st Hall
February 3, 2024 (Sat) Tokushima: Asty Tokushima
February 4, 2024 (Sun) Kochi: Kochi City Cultural Plaza CUL-PORT
February 9, 2024 (Fri) Oita: Oita Holt Hall
February 12, 2024 (Mon・Public Holiday) Yamaguchi: Shunan City Cultural Center
February 17, 2024 (Sat) Saga: Saga City Cultural Center
February 18, 2024 (Sun) Kumamoto: Kumamoto Castle Hall
February 23, 2024 (Friday) Tottori: Rika Hall, Torigin Bunka Kaikan
February 24, 2024 (Sat) Shimane: Shimane Prefectural Civic Center Large Hall
March 1, 2024 (Fri) Toyama: Aubade Hall
March 2, 2024 (Sat) Nagano: Hokuto Bunka Hall
March 9, 2024 (Sat) Wakayama: Wakayama Prefectural Cultural Center Large Hall
March 10, 2024 (Sun) Osaka: Orix Theater
March 23, 2024 (Sat) Okinawa: Okinawa Convention Center
March 24, 2024 (Sun) Okinawa: Okinawa Convention Center
April 23, 2024 (Tues) Fukui: Phoenix Plaza (rescheduled from January)
April 24, 2023 (Weds) Ishikawa: Honda no Mori Kitaden Hall (Rescheduled from January)
The only dates without a set venue are the New Year's Eve Tokyo dates, suggesting the possibility of a more traditional COUNTDOWN LIVE.
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 019 - Rewinding Town
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[ Masterlist ] [ Read on AO3 ] [ Raws ]
Summary: Miranda Lotto and the No-Good Very Bad Groundhog Day.
Akuma: Where is the Innocence...?
Miranda: Is today not "today"? Miranda: Have I....
sfx: katsun [bootstep] Allen: Let go of that woman, please.
♦ 48
Allen: Evening, Akuma.
19th Night - Rewinding Town
♦ 49
sfx: don [wham]
Miranda: This, too, is something new. Miranda: "Today" contains no such person in black. Miranda: Things are diverging further and further. sfx: dah [footstep] Miranda: Praise God! Miranda: At last! Miranda, side: Ahahahaha~
sfx: chudo-n [kaboom]
Miranda: I have escaped from "today"!
♦ 50
sfx: zu-n [despair] sfx: puru puru puru [paper trembling in her hands] Miranda: Again, the paper for October 9th. Miranda: Same articles, same horoscope corner. Miranda: Same snowy sky. sfx: chirah [turns suddenly to stare at old grandfather clock]
sfx: kochi kochi kochi [tick, tock, tick]
Miranda: Five to eight.... Miranda: 3... Miranda: 2... Miranda: 1... sfx: goku [gulp]
♦ 51
sfx: GACCHA [shutters slamming open hard]
Miranda: Again.
Neighbour: Yoouuu!! You were with that woman again!!
Miranda: The neighbours and their marital spat.
Neighbour: I oughta pitch your faithless backside out this window! Neighbour, side: RAAARGH
sfx: gaku!! [Miranda sits down hard, overcome] Miranda: The 9th of October has come again.... Miranda: Mm... Miranda: Nnn... sfx: bubububuuubu [graceless sobbing] Miranda: For the thirtieth time....
sfx: kochi [tock] sfx: go-n go-n [clock tolls the hour of eight]
Miranda: !
♦ 52
sfx: go-n go-n [clock continues to toll]
Miranda: sniff sfx: kyuh [she sets a rag to the clock's glass face] sfx: kyuh kyuh kyuh [tenderly, repetitively, she rubs the dust and grime away] Miranda: You're comforting me? Thank you. Miranda: Come, let's make you shine.
sfx: kochi [tick]
Peter: Hey, look, it's the bad-luck biddy! Peter: Eat this!
sfx: sah [swift dodge]
Peter: Aw, what the heck, she dodged it!! Peter, side: Who said you could? shirt: "Peter"
Miranda: Hah! Who wouldn't, if you threw dung at them at the same time every day for a month?
Peter: Huh!? But I've never thrown any before! Peter, side: Ben (the dog) just happened to poop, so—
Boy: Peter, don't talk to Miranda! Her bad luck will rub off on you!
♦ 53
Boys: Miranda, Miranda, Miranda the Bad-Luck Biddy! ♪ Boys: She's uuugly, glooomy, cluuumsy ♫ Boys: Looking for work again today? She'll just get fired anyway ♫
sfx: yah [Miranda hits them with a bug-eyed glare]
Boys, side: Kyaaah! Boys: Kyaaahh, bad-luck beam! Boys, side: We'll catch the bad-luck bug!
Miranda: I am now in the midst of my thirtieth October 9th. Miranda: Once more, the town lives out its October 9th. Miranda: Yet again, its people retrace all their steps, none but me noticing there's aught amiss. Miranda: It will not change.... Miranda: Not the smallest detail....
♦ 54
Miranda: That's.... Miranda: the person I saw in yesterday's "today". Miranda: That's true. Miranda: My October 9th has always been "get splashed, go home, go to bed," but... Miranda: that isn't what happened in yesterday's version. That person was there, suddenly, and the monster, and things weren't the same at all....
♦ 55
Miranda: Who is that!? Miranda: Stop right theeere!! sfx: dah [Miranda leaps into action]
Allen: ACHOO!!1
Lenalee: What is this? Lenalee: Allen!
sfx: pah [Timcanpy comes to rest in his hood] sfx: zubi [gross snotty sniff] Allen: ...I'm sorry.
♦ 56
Lenalee: Don't give me "sorry". How could you lose her?
Allen: Well, she was very quick on her feet.... Allen: But look, I've drawn you a likeness! That's her.
Lenalee: "Likeness"...?
Allen: Y-Yes...?
sfx: koso koso koso [creeping stealthily closer] Miranda: He's a b-b-boy... Miranda, side: I can't hear... sfx: koso [sneak] Miranda: His hair is w-white... what strange country is he from?
Allen, side: What's wrong with it?
Lenalee, side: What isn't... Lenalee: I suppose we shouldn't have split up to search. Lenalee: The Akuma you exterminated yesterday evening definitely said the word "Innocence", right?
Allen: Yes. Allen: I lost my way and wandered into an alleyway, and stumbled on them entirely by accident.... Allen: That was a spot of luck. She's at the heart of this, I'm sure of it. sfx: gatsu gatsu gatsu [stuffing his face]
Lenalee: Yeah, we're absolutely sticking together this time. Lenalee, side: You lost her and got lost yourself?
Allen: How'd do you do on your end?
♦ 57
Lenalee: Mm, well.... It seems to be just as my brother surmised. Lenalee: The moment we got into town, we turned around and tried to walk back through the gates, Lenalee: but found ourselves right back inside before we could blink. Lenalee: So I tried breaking through the wall, just in case, but that was no good either.
Narration: Should lead out, but....
Stick figure: Huh?
Lenalee: When I walked out through the hole, I found myself walking back into town again somehow.
Allen: Right... which means....
Lenalee: We're trapped here and can't get out, yes. Lenalee: Unless we can solve the Innocence phenomenon, that is.
Allen: About three months after I joined the Order, Allen: Komui assigned Lenalee and I a mission that had him at the end of his rope.
Komui: It's probable, you hear? Komui: Probable that there's Innocence there.
♦ 58
Komui: By which I mean it's possible, not certain, all right? Don't get your hopes up. It's only a strong maybe. Komui: Certainly not a guarantee. There's just a chance. That said, it really could be there, you know? It might be. sfx: zuzazaza [the pile of books Komui lives under shifts a bit, some falling off the top]
Allen: Just perhaps. Understood.
sfx: gyaaa [a scream from the unfortunate soul — Reever — who was on the floor where those books landed]
Komui: So, how do I put this. There's a town that... rewinds? I suppose?
Allen: Rewinds?
SD member, side: Foreman Reever!
Komui: Indeed. Space and time there seem to be hung up on a particular day, replaying it over and over.
Reever, side: P-Present.... Reever: We launched our investigation upon receiving testimony from a wholesaler in the next town over, who had dealings with the town's pub owner. Reever: On October 9th, he received a telephone order from the pub: "Ten barrels of rosé for the 10th." So, the next day, he went to deliver them. sfx: gata gata [gaunt bones knocking together] Reever: On arriving, though, the wholesaler found himself unable to get through the town gates. Whenever he tried, he just found himself walking back out again. That gave him the willies, so he gave it up for a bad job and went home.
sfx: tsuu tsuu tsuu [indistinct voice through the phone receiver]
Reever: Every day after that, however, at the same time, he got the same call: "Ten barrels of rosé for the 10th."
Allen, side: How unsettling....
Reever: He's been hospitalized with a nervous breakdown, by the way.
Komui: We'd like to investigate, but like the wholesaler, our Finders are unable to get in.
♦ 59
Komui: So that's the gist. Now here are my guesses: Komui: 1.) If this is indeed an Innocence phenomenon, someone carrying Innocence themselves — such as an Exorcist — may be able to get in. Komui: 2.) If the town really is stuck on October 9th, however, getting out may be the greater hurdle. Komui, side: The area may be completely sealed off. Komui: Your mission: investigate and retrieve! Exorcists' time is precious, but we don't have much of a choice here. Komui: Dismissed.
Allen: Komui didn't seem entirely well, did he.
Lenalee: ...... Lenalee: My brother... is a workaholic, with a lot of worries on his plate.
Allen: Worries? About you?
sfx: poko! [bonk!]
Allen: !
Lenalee: About the Earl!
Allen, side: Ah.
♦ 60
Lenalee: He doesn't know what to make of the Earl's actions lately. Lenalee: He's on edge, and keeps saying "I have a bad feeling, as if this is only the calm before the storm".
Allen: The Earl is— sfx: gacha-n [Allen's fork falls out of his mouth and clangs]
sfx: jiiii [staaaare]
Lenalee: ? Lenalee: You've dropped your fork—
Allen: Ahhh!!
sfx: gikuh [startle] Miranda: Gasp!
Allen: That's her, Lenalee!
sfx: gacha-n [another metallic clang; Lenalee's fork?]
♦ 61
Miranda: Exor...cists...? sfx: ze- ha- ze- ha- ze- ha- [hyperventilation]
Allen: Yes... Allen: But why are you running away? Allen, side: Out the window, no less... sfx: haa haa [panting]
Miranda: Very sorry, it's just a reflex... sfx: ze- ha- ze- ha- [still hyperventilating]
sfx: jiriririri [phone ringing]
Pub Owner: Hello, this is the Bellini Bottle Shop2 calling. I need ten barrels of rosé for tomorrow, the 10th, please.
Miranda: I-I'm Miranda Lotto. Miranda: I'm so glad someone else has noticed... Miranda: Everyone I've tried to talk to has laughed me off. It's been so hard, I've honestly thought about killing myself. Miranda: Ah, well, at least I can dodge the dog dung now. sfx: ufufufufu [laughing wryly through her nose]
Allen: Dung...?
Allen & Lenalee: Fit to be tied3, isn't she.
Allen: Miss Miranda, do you remember anything about the day the problem began?
Miranda: Oh, yes. Everyone seemed to have forgotten that the day before had been October 9th. sfx: gesoh [haggard] Miranda: Everyone but me...
♦ 62
Miranda: Will you help me? Oh, please help me! I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown, here! Miranda: You saved me from that strange creature yesterday, didn't you? You've helped me once, so help me again, I'm begging you!! sfx: zuwah [shoves her face right into Allen's space]
Allen: Eek, I'm scared! Allen, side: Lenalee, help! Allen: Please calm down, Miss Miranda! We'll help you, so let's dig out the root of this problem together.
Miranda: The root, you say? By the time I realized, it was already always October 9th...!
Lenalee: Something must have happened on the real October 9th. Does anything come to mind?
sfx: piku [something tweaks Allen's senses] sfx: pii [his cursed eye spins up] sfx: gata [he stands up, looking around] Allen: Lenalee, get Miranda out of here right now.
Lenalee: !
Allen: With your Dark Boots, you can lose these Akuma and get her home, right? Allen: Seems they're also cottoning on that Miranda is behaving differently from the other townspeople.
sfx: gata gata [men stand up from their stools at the bar]
♦ 63
Allen: If we ask ourselves why Miranda alone hasn't been affected by this phenomenon... Allen: ...it can only be because she's the one in contact with the Innocence at its root. sfx: vuvuvuvu [Innocence initializing]
Miranda: What?
♦ 64
sfx: vun [Lenalee's boots initalize]
sfx: don [Allen beats up an Akuma]
sfx: ban [the restaurant's windows blow out]
Narration: Miranda, Miranda, Miranda the Bad-Luck Biddy ♫ Narration: She's uuugly, glooomy, cluuumsy ♫ Narration: Looking for work again today?
♦ 65
Narration: She'll just get fired anyway~ ♫
sfx: kochi kochi [tick tock] sfx: go-n go-n go-n [the clock tolls ten]
This is a reference to the common East Asian superstition that sneezing means someone is talking about you behind your back. [ ♠ ]
♦ Though this establishment is described as a liquor store (酒屋 sakaya), it's clearly a bar or pub (at a liquor store, you buy alcohol to drink elsewhere; at a bar or pub, you drink it there, and can usually order food as well, as the characters are doing here). Perhaps it started out as a liquor store and expanded, but kept the name? ♦ "Bottle shop" is a synonym for "liquor store"; I just liked the alliteration with "Bellini" (ベルリーニ beruri-ni is the Japanese transliteration of the Italian opera composer Vincenzo Bellini's surname, despite the apparent extra syllable). [ ♠ ]
"Fit to be tied" is an 1800s UK idiom for someone who is so angry they have to be physically restrained from getting violent (generally an exaggeration). The Japanese original was この人だいぶキテるっぽい kono hito daibu kiteruppoi, "this person seems really pissed off". [ ♠ ]
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subidesign · 1 year
Unleashing Digital Success: Discover Digicult, the Premier Digital Marketing Agency in Kerala
To grow and succeed in the new digital age, organisations have to accept the potential of internet platforms. The top digital marketing company in Kerala, Digicult, steps in to help with that. Digicult is here to improve your brand's online presence and produce noticeable results with a heavy focus on social media marketing, search engine marketing, and branding. Let's explore further why Digicult is the go-to company for digital marketing requirements.
The Power of Digicult's Expertise
A digital marketing company known as Digicult, with its main office in the growing town of Kochi, has a wealth of experience and knowledge in assisting companies to succeed online. Digicult maintains a team of seasoned experts at the forefront of digital marketing trends to keep your company one step ahead of the competition.
Unleashing the Potential of Social Media
Digicult is skilled in using the power of social media platforms, which have become an essential part of our everyday lives, to increase the visibility of your brand. Digicult assists you in engaging with your target audience, fostering brand loyalty, and generating relevant conversations about your goods or services through effective social media marketing initiatives.
The Art of Search Engine Marketing
Being found online is essential in the modern digital world. Digicult uses both pay-per-click (PPC) and search engine optimisation (SEO) advertising tactics as part of their all-encompassing strategy to search engine marketing. Digicult makes sure that your brand ranks higher in search engine results and sends quality traffic to your digital assets by optimising your website and performing focused PPC ads.
Crafting Memorable Brand Experiences
Your brand is the heart of your company, and Digicult is aware of the need of forging a unique brand identity. Digicult assists you in creating a powerful brand that connects with your target audience, promotes loyalty, and identifies you from rivals through careful research, imaginative storytelling, and appealing images.
Unlocking Digital Success with Digicult
Working together with a respected digital marketing agency is essential as organisations travels the digital world. The leading digital marketing company in Kerala, Digicult, has a lot of experience in branding, search engine marketing, and social media marketing. Digicult is prepared to realise the full potential of your business in the digital age thanks to a committed team and a dedication to achieving measurable results. Get in touch with Digicult right away to start your transformational road to digital success.
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thereader-radhika · 1 year
These articles quote a lot from K. V. Krishna Ayyar's The Zamorins of Calicut and Wikipedia (which again uses the aforementioned text as the main source). So all credits go to K. V. Krishna Ayyar and the Wikipedia contributors.
Samoothiri - Zamorin, the King of Kozhikode
Valluvakonathiri - The King of Valluvanadu
1. The Legend of the Cheraman Perumal
Legends and traditions constitute the main, if not the sole, source of our information for the origin and early history of Kerala. The legend of the Cheraman Perumal exercised significant political influence in Kerala over the centuries. The legend is now considered as "an expression of the historical consciousness rather than as a source of history".
The Keralolpathi tells us that the Namboothiri brahmins were unable to live peacefully, and sought the help of foreign princes. Though we have historical evidence to prove that they had nothing to do with the arrival of these rulers, these stories have perhaps some reference to the disagreements amongst them.
These legends say that Namboothiris brought a prince from a country east of the Ghats to Thirunavaya, placed him on a seat of honour on the banks of Perar, and proclaimed him the "Perumal of Kerala".
Alexander Hamilton says that it was a custom for the Perumal to rule only for 12 years. The king was obliged to kill himself by cutting his own throat. His was cremated with great pomp and splendour, and the Namboothiris elected a new Perumal for the next term. Some sources say that he was only supposed to abdicate and go away.
We do not know about the origins of Mamankam. Thirunavaya is one of the very few places in India where Brahma is given equal importance with the other two members of the Hindu trimurti. These temples and associated traditions like Mamankam must have been founded long ago, before Brahma worship receded to the background.
When the influence of the Perumals increased, they refused to abdicate after 12 years. The Perumal attended the Mamankam but instead of commiting ritual suicide or abdicating, he seated himself in a tent, strongly guarded by his bodyguards who have pledged to die and kill for him.
The candidates of the kingship and the warriors who swore their lives to them were supposed to force their way through this and kill the sitting Perumal. Theoretically, he who succeeded was to be immediately crowned for the next term. If no one succeeded, the same Perumal was to reign for another term. The last Perumal is said to have ruled for 36 years by surviving three Mamankams at Thirunavaya.
According to Keralolpathi, when the last Cheraman Perumal divided his kingdom before abdicating, he gave Thirunavaya sandbank, Thirumandhamkunu Bhagavati's blessings, and the privilege of conducting the Mamankam festival to Valluvakkonathiti. Other sources say that Perumbadapu Swaroppam (the royal family of Kochi), who were the nephews of the last Perumal, got these rights. Anyway, they stopped attending Mamankam after some time and Valluvakonathiri became the Rakshapurushan (Great Protector) of Mamankam.
In the latter half of the 13th century, Samoothiri conquered Valluvanadu. The war was at last decided by the fall of two princes belonging to the clan of Valluvakonathiri. The Zamorin became the master of Thirunavaya and the Great Protector of the Mamankam.  All those who had supported the Samoothiri received liberal rewards. To the Samoothiri, the Mamankam was not only a religious and trade festival but also an occasion for the display of all his pomp and power.
2. Mamankam During the Reign of Samoothiri
3. Chavers of Valluvanadu
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digicultonline123 · 1 year
Advertising Agency in Kochi
Digicult: Strengthening Brands with Digital Marketing Techniques
 the top advertising firm in Cochin. You've found the proper place if you're looking for Kerala's top digital marketing firm. We at Digicult are committed to assisting companies in thriving in the digital era. We have successfully established ourselves as a reliable partner for brands wishing to create an impact in the online space thanks to our cutting-edge methods and skills in social media marketing and digital marketing. Join us as we explore the tactics that lead to success in the dynamic world of digital marketing.
1. Unleashing the Power of Digital Marketing:
Traditional marketing is no longer sufficient to draw in your target audience in this fast-paced digital world. Learn about the many components of digital marketing and how it can transform your company. We'll look at a variety of digital marketing strategies, such as search engine optimisation (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, that can help your company expand and produce measurable outcomes.
2. Utilising the Potential of Social Media Marketing
Leveraging social media's power is essential for every business looking to succeed because it has become a vital part of our lives. Join Digicult as we explore the realm of social media marketing and talk about the significance of sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. Learn how to create a social media plan that engages your target audience, raises brand awareness, and promotes sales.
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Find out how important it is for your brand's success to select the best advertising agency in Cochin. Discover the extensive services provided by Digicult and how our team of creative specialists, business strategists, and technicians collaborate to create successful campaigns catered to your specific company objectives. We make sure that your brand stands out in a crowded market through brand building, content creation, and media planning.
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At Digicult, we think that effective digital marketing requires a combination of technological know-how, strategy, and creativity. We are here to help you navigate the dynamic world of internet marketing as the top advertising agency in Cochin and the best digital marketing firm in Kerala. Join us on this adventure as we examine the newest trends, present insightful information, and give your company the tools it needs to succeed in the digital era. Contact Digicult right away, and we'll help you realise the full digital potential of your company!
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Is it okay if you list all of the members of cool kiddies squad/little line and their personalities?
The Cool Kiddies squad/the little line! (The ones I could remember 😅 I think...)
Melaudile, is the plastic kiddie microphone that's loud and carefree! She'd love to talk a lot, but she can be a bit clingy to bots (or humans) that she takes interest in... Even to ignore her own safety
Loomine, the loomband that's way too attached to bright colors! She'd go as far as marking her "territory" with colorful rubber bands
Cacticutie, the youngest of the garden guardians/ greenhouse groove, he always had a hard time talking and socializing due to his... "Prickly" body... But he's nothing more than a sweet boy... But don't make him angry, he can pack a punch as he's also one of the strongest in his squad
Momoyaki, the takoyaki, she's always the late to meetings and always seen at some pot hot springs, can you blame her? She likes it later than sooner
Super Orbe, the superball, he loves to play hero, but he can be a bit... Naive and childish
Catch-a-pic, the kid camera, she always try and mimic Fomo, but that's not the worse part... She has imposter syndrome... Sure, the rest of the cool kiddie squad/little line are cool with it, but it's hard for her to be likable to older bots
Icizen, the cupcake, an actual hero... Acting as a regular cupcake, but if there's trouble, he's on his way to save that night!
Bubblespell, the bubble bottle, loves acting as a wizard and casting fake spells... Surely he would love Larping!
Crepe Carie, the crepe, she loves playing fairy! Which annoys most of the older bots
Silensile and Rutile, the conjoined headphones, they always love the nice kids music... On loop...
Snip Safe, kid safe scissors, he has a hard time trying to cut things other than paper... Which he also have a short temper
Meow meow lightie, the kitty night light, she loves to sing lullabies and always remind the cool kiddies squad when to stop before the mall opens
Bebe Cino, the babycino, she's always energetic and fast and boisterous! But meeting new bots make her feel nervous
Pani Kake, the pancake, she loves to decorate anything with whipped cream and berries! Which makes a huge mess...
Gimbi, the gimbap, he always talk in 80% Korean which makes a language barrier between everyone... He sad :,(
Mallow, the marshmallow, he has an evil mind going on.... He's planning something...
Kochi Mochi, the mochi, she's shy but super friendly and kind
Mami Pasta, the spaghetti, she's a mummy so she really wants to be into character and scare everyone!
Majathy, a lily of valley, she's apathetic towards everyone, who let her in?
Cell-annoy, the toy phone, she's... Self explanatory...
Cherrimit, wireless microphone, she's a popular idol to the botbots, her brother always makes sure she lived life to the fullest by covering for her... even idols need to have fun with bots their own age too!
Tenderglow and Everstar, the rechargeable lanterns, these bot scouts are going to be the greatest botbot scouts there ever is! Together!
Kompaoke, the compact karaoke machine, she's similar to Snorg, but the only difference is... Don't call her "cute" or "little"
Baburufurōto, a literal bubble, they're fragile and scared of the big scary world they live in
Spume Havoc, a bubble gun, they love to cover everything with slippery soap!
Sweetie Cavity, the baby tooth, she's always finding ways to offer unhealthy snacks to anyone...
Celsilli, the fun size chocolate bar, he always knows something is wrong with the temperature!
Belgicro, the mini waffle, he loves to be cute and dumb...
Marie Mountini, the swiss meringue, she acts like Darla Dimple...
Layerpop, a Cake pop, very... Ignorant on how mean the Sugar shocks are...
Kinocake, mushroom cupcake, he's loud as Toad!
Heidi, a baby mannequin head, she loves to play hide and seek!
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abunayeem · 2 years
Study abroad consultants in Kochi as prospects dim at home
The 2 million rupees ($25,035) they figured out covered the expenses for English language educational cost given by Western Abroad, one of many visa consultancies in Ambala, around 250km from of New Delhi, that commitment better lives through Study abroad consultants in Kochi. “My fantasy is to settle abroad as I see no future in India,” said Sachin, who utilizes just a solitary name. He currently plans to travel to Canada where he desires to finish a two-year certificate in business the executives and in the end secure a more extended work visa.
While working class Indians have for a really long time looked for better possibilities in different nations, demolishing financial circumstances are presently driving families from less fortunate country regions like Sachin’s to make large ventures to set up new lives for their youngsters abroad. Sachin says his two companions now in Canada procure about C$1,200 ($918) a month through temporary work while reading up for recognitions. With numerous nations currently lifting Coronavirus limitations, the quantity of Indian understudies making a beeline for places like the US, Canada, Australia, UK, Ireland and New Zealand was very nearly 1,000,000 in mid 2022, generally multiplying from pre-pandemic levels, as per government and industry gauges.
Study abroad consultants in Kochi like Western Abroad give training to English language capability tests, administrations for course choice, visa application handling, travel and even situations for temporary work. In Sydney, Catriona Jackson, CEO of Colleges Australia, expressed in excess of 76,000 Indian understudies were currently chasing after schooling in Australia, as would be considered normal to advance after the two nations marked a reciprocal exchange settlement this year. Many are applying for short courses in Canada and Australia driven by progressively depressing position possibilities at home and as Western state run administrations relax movement necessities to fill college and occupation opportunities.
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