hinganskies · 7 months
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Nagisa Kagamine ❤️‍🔥
Nagisa works as a bodyguard with a fiery disposition, a sharp tongue and an even sharper blade. She travels in search of knowledge and wisdom and loves a good meal with comrades.
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Onyx 🪻
Onyx is mysterious and has not told anyone about her past or where she came from. Despite being intimidating with her sharp fangs and ability to tower over everyone, she’s a total sweetheart who loves to share sweets with her friends.
Hello my name is Saturn! Feel free to give me a follow if you’re interested in ffxiv related content! ✨❤️ I’m happy to follow back and reblog your ocs!!!
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Character descriptions below:
Currently Nagisa works as a bodyguard/sellsword for multiple locations including the Namazu and Rads-at-Han. She is training in the art of the Samurai, as well as botany and alchemy. She is also a close friend and ally of Lord Hien as well as Lady Yugiri.
Nagisa’s place of birth is Sui-no-Sato, which lies beneath the Ruby Sea. Despite her kin’s efforts to shun the outside world, Nagisa’s passion and curiosity for the outside led her away from Othard entirely and towards a completely new world for a long time before returning. Her drive to learn about the world around her and to help others is often seen as a beacon of hope for her peers.
That being said, Nagisa has some very interesting characteristics about her including her viridescent skin dotted with ivory freckles and plentiful horns that protrude from her skull. These can be attributed to her being Au Ra Raen/Kojin. Growing up she knew she looked different from her peers and it was difficult for her to fit in a lot of the time. But she embraces her unique beauty and continues to pursue her dreams ❤️‍🔥
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faragonart · 1 year
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The Blue
Shomotsu was a small kojin trader who frequented Sui-No-Sato, trading journals and books from the outside world, and where Ridel got most of his books from. She was very fond of the boy, and helped him escape Sui-No-Sato when he asked for her aid around 5 years prior. She blamed herself when it was assumed that he didn't make it to the surface...
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shieldkeeper · 5 months
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Lalapril Day 16: Fathom
Deep beneath the waves do two lalafellins blessed by the Kojin explore its depths...
---> masterlist
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sleepinertia · 11 months
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I wanted to try my hand at what the Kojin may look like under their helmets.
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littlegeecko · 7 months
I made Kojin- Did you like him or not?-(I made him in Gacha Club)
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very cute, thank you!!
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paperjam0204 · 9 months
Character is from @littlegeecko
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heartofpenumbra · 7 months
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Kojin already felt smothered by his very average familial expectations before the whole “chosen one” thing happened. His heart is in the right place, but he’s a pessimistic and defensive guy and has some growing up to do.
The artsy one of the group and works as a smithy in his own independent forge. Due to this he has a sharp eye for detail.
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lightmelodyva · 11 months
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I don't think I ever posted this here. Here is Kouji Mazaki and Josh "Neko" Hale in their first original lives on Asteria.
Kouji Mazaki = Kojin
Josh "Neko" Hale = Heisuke Toudou
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madmarchhare · 2 years
So, Shibusawa is likely Atsuhi's father, or a relative. The headmaster from the orphanage is his father figure who forged his character and beliefs, I still think he'll turn up during the interrogation/fight scene in 104/5+, and now he has Dazai...
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detournementsmineurs · 8 months
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"Contact Lens" d'Haruka Kojin (2023) à l'exposition “Iris van Herpen. Sculpting the Senses” au Musée des Arts Décoratifs (MAD), Paris, février 2024.
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dongbangskies · 1 year
A ninja turtle just showed up to help me and now I’m really confused.
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hinganskies · 3 months
A Young Nagisa under the watchful eye of an elder of Sui-No-Sato.
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With Nagisa being half Kojin, she was often singled out and treated harshly for being different; almost as if it was expected that she would turn out to be some kind of beast. This only motivated her to prove them wrong as she excelled with her training and schooling, which eventually led her towards Kugane to start her journey to become a samurai just like her father.
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sunny-jade · 2 years
Riding her Petrel through the bubble opening, Lett grins as several Kojin recognize her and lift a hand in greeting.  Sliding off it’s back, the viis runs a hand across it’s head, Good derpfish...damn it Perle…
She hands it off to Makura with a slight bow of thanks before wandering off to find the various Kojin she’d come to talk to.
Later, Lett finds herself sitting amongst a group of Kojin, a shell filled with various bits of food in the midst of them.  She listens to stories of Shio, being found by Toro, learning with Makura to care for the rays, gaining martial prowess with Urokuzu.
She also has the privilege of offering her own stories.  The Kojin are often impressed by the tales of their littlest Kojin, gasping in the right areas, nearly growling in others as Lett tells them about some of the dangers and triumphs Shio has survived.
She finds herself dozing off, carefully watched over by Shio’s family through the night.
The next morning, Lett spends some time helping throughout Tamamizu, cementing the Kojin’s good view of her outside of just being Shio’s wife.
When she collects her mount, the viis offers Makura a small parcel of gifts she had made while visiting, asking him quietly to pass them out.
Getting on her Petrel, she waves to the Kojin and takes off through the opening to the Ruby Sea, heading swiftly for home, for her Perle.
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shieldkeeper · 1 year
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Writing Prompt: A Fish Out of Water Word Count: 867
Far beneath the waves did two souls swim within in depths. Unaffected by the pressure no matter how down below they traveled, nor ever in need of fresh air. Blessed by the Kojin as they were, nothing stopped them from venturing the waters as much as they pleased.
There did they explore their surroundings, played around with the wayward sea life of all kinds, laughing and having a good old time! This was but a brief respite as the rest of the crew waited just above the surface. Anchored somewhere nearby no doubt. They were on a rather long days worths of travel before they would reached their destination. And occasionally, the two sea dwellers as they were, checked out their surroundings on the occasion.
Just to make sure of course! But mostly to have a little fun here and there for sport.
Typically, nothing of import would happen. They might find a shiny doo-dad or another, a particular species they had yet seen, some rocks and sand bars they might need to be wary of when passing through—if they were lucky, they would come across underwater caverns which made for all sorts of wonder! But this was no such day mind you.
As they were finishing up business beneath the waves and were right ready to rejoin the rest of the crew, Garen spotted something strange off in the distance. A little aways, a giant school of fish all bunching in on one another and panic swimming in one particular direction. Kojin was floating nearby, having only taken notice when Garen pointed it out.
“Wonder what’s going on over there…” Garen murmured as bubbles floated round.
Kojin merely blinked and shrugged. “Is it worth finding out…? More likely than not, it’s probably a big ol’ predator hunting them—and we probably don’t want to get caught up in that.”
“Still… their movement is just so strange. A quick peek and I’ll swim away if I sense danger.”
Without wait, Garen swam straight in that direction. And… well! Not one to leave a friend hanging, Kojin couldn’t simply let Garen go alone now could he? Besides, what would he tell the others if something did happen?
So onward the two swam, cautious as they approached the ever-speeding pools upon pools of mindless fish. Most of them muttering the same nonsense amongst another in garbled voices, all tinged with fear. The one word that rung out the most being “Hurry! Hurry!”
The pair shared a glance of concern.
“Mayhaps it better we hurry back after all—”
It was then that Garen realized that something hulking and loud was nearby. A massive boat roaring closer in fact! Hidden by the murky waters and the loud chatterings of the speeding fish, he hadn’t realized the boat had been keeping up right behind them—and with it, a net.
“Oh no no no no nO—”
In a flash, Garen was swept up in the current with the rest of the school. Too slow to move out the way, the net had captured him within its grasps and with it a large score of fish indeed. In one fell swoop, lifted out of the waters in one hulking mass and into the bright air above.
A fish out of water.
Vision blurred and limbs hanging out feebly between the netting, Garen soon found himself staring face to face with a number of fishermen and sailors. All out here simply doing their jobs of course. But also absolutely gawking at their catch. And the fact that this lalafellin creature was alive!
“Mermaid?” They echoed to one another in confusion. “Sea god? No mortal simply lives in the waters…”
When Garen looked below him, he saw Kojin barely poking his head above the water and giving a rather worried look. He mouthed the words ‘Need help?’ All eyes were too transfixed on Garen, so they took no notice of his friend.
With a meek nod (If one could call it as much! His face was currently plastered against the netting), he shifted his arm around his waist and wiggled out a dagger. One he kept on him on the off chance they did cross some wayward sea predator, though he hardly he imagined he’d need it for a situation like this!
The men on the boat caught side of the dagger and eyes grew wide as they shuffled hurriedly to try and drop the net on the boat. But it took Garen but a simple few flicks of the wrist before a couple ropes were cut and he dropped back into the water! Though with that little movement, a lot of fish was also tumbling right on back in.
Too bad. A shame it had to happen. The sailors had at least managed to save a little over half of the captured net that hadn’t fallen right back into the water with some quick thinking, but Garen and Kojin had already slipped away with the rest. Garen groaning all the while for what he would face once they returned.
A hefty shower from the fish smell was in order. And maybe a massage after being half crushed in a tin pack with the rest of ‘em!
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trans-der-vampire · 2 years
today I learned that the Kojin Do Not have shells as part of their bodies, but Do wear them strapped on like armor. I feel betrayed.
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littlegeecko · 2 years
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Style practice based on a Starved Eggman concept my friend made
I might start reposting my personal exe shiz over here eventually
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