#Kor Meteor
wrathofconpics · 29 days
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Magfest 2024 | Tales Of
Cosplayers: Message us and we’ll add your URL! marjolycookie (Guy) tonberrydoink (Lloyd & Sheena)
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tales-of-asteria-rips · 11 months
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berylliumcoffee · 1 year
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Triverse: - Breaking Point -
Felt like drawing the Protags of Tempest, Innocence, and Hearts at their breaking point. It first started out as a drawing of just Caius, but then I felt like drawing Ruca and Shing as well 😊. It’s somewhat my first time drawing Caius in his Leymon form and it looks very unhinged to me 😂
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somacruising · 7 months
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Chapter 6: The Atoning Hero and Remorseful Chosen (Part 4)
(Part 3) | (Part 5)
Whomp whomp I'm back again with more Rayslations. Now that we've finally got Mithos to Calm Down, everyone gathers around to discuss the next course of action...
Part 4 (6-3 Lotus Imperial Villa)
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Shing: First of all, before we get into everything—Mithos, I want you to apologize for what you did earlier. まず、色々事情を聞く前に——ミトス。さつきのことみんなに謝れよ。
Mithos: A human has no right to interfere with me. 人間がボクの邪魔をするからいけないんだよ。
Shing: What’s with that attitude!? You could have seriously injured Caius, not just me! 何だよその態度は!オレだけじゃなく、カイウスも大怪我するところだったんだぞ!
Mithos: I never touched a hair on Caius. カイウスには、まだ手を出していなかったけどね。
Mithos: If you’re this angry, then I’ll give you a special chance to hit me after your wounds have healed. You should be proud I would give this honor to a human. そんなに腹が立つなら、その傷が癒えてから特別にボクを殴らせてあげるよ。人間がボクを殴れるなんてありがたく思ってよね。
Shing: This isn’t a joke, damn it! ふざけるな!
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Caius: Mithos…don’t be discriminatory towards humans! ミトス……人間人間って差別するような言い方するなよ!
Mithos: It’s fine for me to discriminate, you know? * 差別してるんだからいいでしょ。
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Zelos: Yeah, yeah, let’s stop before we get in trouble again. So, what the hell happened? はいはい、また揉めるからそこまでにしようや。で、何があったのよ。
Mithos: Shut up, you backstabbing worm. 裏切り者のアホ神子は黙ってて。
Sync: Fufu… フフ……。
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Zelos: What was funny about that, Sync!? そこ、笑うとこかよ、シンク!?
Kratos: This isn’t going anywhere. I heard that Mithos was attacking everyone. What happened? 話が進まぬな。私はミトスが暴れていると聞いた。何故そんなことになった?
Shing: That’s what I want to know. Aster—he’s Richter’s friend—asked me to check on Dist. それはこっちが聞きたいよ。アステル——リヒターの友達にディストの様子を見るように頼まれたんだ。
Shing: So, Caius and I went over and found that Mithos was beating the hell out of Dist… で、カイウスと二人で来てみたらミトスがディストをボコボコに……。
Mithos: And I would have finished him off if you guys hadn’t stopped me. お前たちが止めに入らなければあいつにとどめを刺せるところだったのに。
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Sync: Really? What a shame. Why do you want to kill that Reaper, anyway? Not that I don’t understand why you’d get the urge. へぇ、それは惜しいことをしたな。で、なんであの死神を殺したいのさ。まぁ、殺したくなる気持ちはわかるけど。
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Mithos: …Because that maggot put his filthy hands on my sister. ……あのウジ虫が姉さまに手を出したからだ。
Zelos: Dist sure is one crazy bastard, and his research tends to be pretty dangerous. …Hey, I’ve got a bad feeling about this. ディストってのは、確か色々やばい研究をしてるイカレ野郎だったよな。……おい、嫌な予感がしてきたぞ。
Kratos: Mithos, was turning someone into a vessel for the goddess your idea? ミトス、神降ろしはお前の発案か?
Mithos: I realize this sounds like I was doing in our original world, but I have nothing to do with this. Richter and Dist are the ones turning people into vessels. 確かにボクが元の世界で進めていたことは話したよ。でも神降ろしを実行しているのはリヒターとディストだ。
Mithos: As long as I’m involved with this, there’s no way I’m letting my sister become part of it! ボクが関わっているならマーテル姉さまを関わらせる訳がない!
Sync: Whoops, you’re a little late on that. They’ve already snatched Martel to use as the next vessel. おっと、一足遅かったか。こっちもマーテルを次の神降ろしに使う可能性に思い当たったんだけどね。
Mithos: I was restrained while he took my sister. That’s why I tried to kill him… あいつはボクを足止めしている間に姉さまを攫ったんだ。だから殺してやろうとしたのに……。
Shing: …Hm? But isn’t the ceremony of the goddess meant to cure Kohaku? Why would Martel need to be involved?  ……ん?神降ろしはコハクの治療のために行ってたんだろ?どうしてマーテルさんが巻き込まれるの?
Mithos: Oh…that’s right. I’ll tell you since it’d be pointless to keep hiding it at this point. They’ve been lying to you, Shing. ああ……そうだったね。もう隠すのも馬鹿馬鹿しいから話してあげるよ。シングは騙されてるんだ。
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Shing: W-what do you mean? The divine descent is a ceremony to restore Kohaku’s lost heart, isn’t it!? ど、どういうことだよ。だって神降ろしは虚無に飛ばされたコハクの心を取り戻す儀式なんだろ!?
Kratos: You know Kohaku!? お前はコハクの知り合いか!
Shing: You know Kohaku!? Kohaku is my friend! コハクを知ってるの!?コハクはオレの仲間だ!
Shing: I’ve been struggling with doing all kinds of things I haven’t wanted to do, all because Mercuria promised she would help Kohaku…  メルクリアがコハクを助けてくれるって言ったから、オレは気が乗らないことも必死で我慢してきたのに……。
Shing: Was everything Mercuria said to me just a lie…? メルクリアの言ってたことは全部嘘だったのか……?
Mithos: Just a lie? …Who can say? She’s just a little girl. But, she’s certainly hiding something. 全部嘘……とはいえないかもね。あの通りのお嬢様だから。でも隠していることはある。
Mithos: …But Mercuria promised me similar things. She promised me that my sister wouldn’t be touched… ……もっともボクも同じことをされた訳だけどね。姉さまには手を出させないって約束だったのに……。
Kratos: As I was saying, Shing. Kohaku is in the care of the Salvation Front. I was told she was in danger of losing her heart. シングと言ったか。コハクは救世軍が預かっている。彼女は心を失って危険な状態にあると聞いている。
Shing: She’s lost her Spiria…that part was true!? スピリアを失って……そこの部分は本当なの!?
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Caius: How could Mercuria do this? I couldn’t believe it when she turned Flynn into a Living Doll… メルクリアの奴、どうしてこんなことを。フレンをリビングドールにしたのも信じられなかったし……。
Caius: I wonder if she’s changed. あいつ、変わっちまったのかな。
Kratos: Let’s get a few things straight. You say Martel was kidnapped by Dist. What happened to Dist after you attacked him? 少し整理しよう。マーテルはディストが攫ったのだったな。ディストはミトスの攻撃を受けて、その後どうした?
Mithos: He was carried away by a bizarre robot while Caius and the others were stopping me. I tried to go after him, but here we are. あいつはカイウスたちに止められている間に変なロボットに運ばれていったよ。追いかけようとしたらこの有様だけどね。
Kratos: All right, I’ll call the Salvation Front for help and then we can start searching for her. Shing, how did Kohaku lose her heart? よし、そちらは救世軍にも応援を要請して捜索にあたろう。シング、コハクは何故心を失うことになったのだ?
Shing: Richter was suffering, so we tried to help him. リチャードって人が苦しんでたから助けようとしたんだ。
Shing: We tried to do a Spiria Link with our Soma to defeat this xerom-like creature inside of him, but then Kohaku suddenly collapsed— ソーマでスピルリンクして、ゼロムみたいな奴を倒そうとしたんだけど、スピルリンクに問題があったのか、コハクが突然倒れて——
Zelos: I see, I see…I see that I didn’t understand a single part of that! なるほどなるほど……ってその説明訳わかんねーよっ!
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Zelos: Can you please explain it like you’re talking to someone who doesn’t know anything? 何も知らない人間にもわかるように説明してくれっかなー。
Shing: Uh, so, we can use these weapons to get inside someone’s Spiria—their heart. えっと、つまりオレたちはこの武器で人のスピリア——心の中に入れるんだ。
Shing: Richter’s Spiria had some kind of monster in it, so Kohaku and I entered it to get rid of it. リチャードのスピリアの中に魔物みたいな奴がいたから、それを退治しようと思ってコハクと中に入ったんだ。
Shing: But, there was something really wrong and Kohaku collapsed. でも、何かがいつもと違っててコハクが倒れちゃったんだよ。
Shing: That’s when Mercuria came to our rescue and said she would restore Kohaku’s Spiria. そのときにメルクリアが助けてくれてコハクのスピリアを取り戻してくれるって言ったんだ。
Shing: But Kohaku isn’t in the Empire anymore, and if they were lying to me, then I’m not staying with them. でもコハクはもう帝国にいないし騙されてたのなら今更ここにとどまる理由はないよ。
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Kratos: …If you intend on leaving the Empire, then why not join up with us? If so, we’d actually prefer it if you stayed with them for a while. ……もし帝国を離れるつもりがあるなら我らと協力しないか?そしてしばらくの間帝国に留まったままで力を貸してほしい。
Sync: We can make use of someone close to the enemy. 敵の懐にいる奴は利用できるからね。
Shing: So you guys just want to use me, too!? お前らまでオレを利用するつもりなのか!?
Mithos: You want to use him as a spy instead of Chester? チェスターの代わりにスパイをしろってことでしょ?
Zelos: Well, Chester wasn’t spying on us, he was spying on Mileena and her friends. まあ、チェスターは俺たちじゃなくてミリーナちゃんたちからのスパイだったけどな。
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Caius: I’m…not in a position to help you directly, but Shing is. I’ll help Shing where I can if he agrees to spy for you. オレは……力を貸すことはできないけどシングはいいんじゃないか?シングがスパイとして動くなら、オレも協力するぞ。
Caius: I need to deal with Rubia and Lukius, so I can help as long as it’s not too obvious. ルキウスとルビアのことがあるからばれない範囲でになるけど。
Shing: All I want to do is go to Kohaku’s side. Just…give me some time to think about this. 本当は今すぐコハクの傍に行きたいんだ。だから……少し考えさせてくれ。
Kratos: Don't worry, we won’t force you to make a decision now. But, you have to understand that a mole within the Empire will be a great help to us. 構わぬ。無理強いするつもりはない。ただ、帝国の内情を知る人間は我らにとって大きな戦力になる。
Kratos: We aren’t just using you. We want to cooperate with you as equals. だから利用するのではない。お互い同等の立場として協力して欲しい。
Shing: I understand. I need to think about whether I can believe you. I've already learned my lesson about jumping the gun like I did with Mercuria. わかった。その言葉が信じられるのかちゃんと考えてみる。もうメルクリアの時みたいに慌てて飛びつくのは懲りたからさ。
Kratos: And—Caius, right? I know you have your reasons, but we'd appreciate it if you'd let us go. それから——カイウス、だったな。立場もあるだろうが、我らのことを見逃してくれるとありがたい。
Kratos: And if we can be of any help, let us know. It’s clear that you’re not serving the Empire willingly. そしてもしも我らで力になれることがあれば言ってくれ。どうやらお前も理由があって帝国に従わされているようだ。
Caius: …Thank you. But it’s not like I’m helpless. I’m working with some people I know to do something. ……ありがとう。オレも何もしてない訳じゃないんだ。知り合いと一緒にどうにかしようって動いてる。
Caius: If we need anything…I’ll let you know. 何かの時には……頼むよ。
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Kratos: …Mithos, will you join us? ……ミトス。我らのところに来ないか?
Mithos: ………!
Kratos: I want to work together to save Martel. This time, I want to save her, too. マーテルを助けるために協力しよう。今度こそ、私もマーテルを救いたい。
Mithos: —You listened to what everyone had to say and instructed them… You sound like how you were in the past. ——そうやっていろんな人の話を聞いて色々指示出して……。そういうとこ、昔と変わらないね。
Kratos: Is that so…? Humans are creatures that change, but humans also tend to have trouble letting go of their old habits. そうだろうか……。人は成長する生き物でありながら、凝り固まった自分を捨てられぬ生き物だからな。
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Mithos: That’s right. That’s why…I can’t go with you. I can’t work with you, Kratos. そうだね。だから……ボクは行けない。ボクはクラトスと一緒にはいられない。
Mithos: You’re no longer my teacher. You are no longer my subordinate. This is a different world. I’m not your lord anymore. もうクラトスはボクの師匠じゃない。部下でもない。ここは異世界だ。ボクはクラトスの支配者であることをやめたんだ。
Mithos: The oath of knighthood you swore to me has long since been null and void. Besides, I can't go back to the old me. ** ボクに捧げられた騎士の誓いはとっくに無効だよ。それにボクももう昔のボクには戻れない。
Mithos: That’s why I’m going to look for my sister. Of course, you can at least cooperate with me. だからボクはボケで姉さまを捜して助ける。もちろん協力はしてもいいよ。
*This doesn’t feel exactly right, but… I’m not sure so fkdndnd Mithos please ** I’m not that familiar with Symphonia so I’m assuming this is a reference to something that happened in the past.
(Part 3) | (Part 5)
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toc-battlequotes · 1 year
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[Neverending Halloween]
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[Fledgling Somatic]
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bluestarrob91art-blog · 11 months
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Day 3.
Kor/Shing in his School costume from the DLC.
I just think the Hearts R school outfits are the best school ones of all of the school outfits. Just picked Kor/Shing since I just love his vibe
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Kor Meteor - Tales of Hearts
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richea · 2 months
A dive into Hearts R's localization
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I've talked a lot about Hearts R and the way it rips apart the original story and characters, but I haven't really talked much about its localization, which is truly its own can of worms. While I have stronger feelings about the Japanese version being poorly made in just about every regard than I do about its loc being a bit of a mess, I've gotten a lot more into translation and editing the past few years and I figure it's time to at least write something regarding this.
A lot goes into a localization, and that also means there's a lot more to unpack with Hearts R's loc than just the "Kor" rename and the fact that only a small portion of the dialogue matched up with the voice acting (these being the obvious things anyone can pick up on, even without knowing Japanese).
As a translator who has played through the localization numerous times, while also having gone through the game in Japanese and done a deep study on all the terms and their naming conventions, I want to go over some things, discussing characterization as well as what terms were good and which ones make me scratch my head.
There's a lot I won't discuss here simply due to the scale of the game, so don't expect nitty-gritty analyses and all the various examples of blatant mistranslations to be found in the game or anything. This is just to give an overview of some things I find interesting.
Let's start by discussing something that is crucial for characterizing the characters properly: character voice. Each character has their own "language" for how they're written. For instance, in Japanese Shing talks very casually, Kunzite talks very scientifically, Hisui talks like a punk, etc. Essentially the goal is that via reading written dialogue alone, more often than not you should be able to differentiate who is talking without even needing to see their name slapped next to it.
This is something that is not as easy to get across into English, however the skill still exists when localizing dialogue nonetheless. You'll still want to write Shing's dialogue in a laid back manner, and write Kunzite's to be scientific, and make Hisui's very rude.
Overall, I think the loc did a decent job establishing voices. There's definitely some hiccups, but at the end of the day, I'd say the vast majority of the text uses decent character voice for each character. It's far from perfect, but Chalcedony and Kunzite in particular I think were written very well.
However, where I think R fails is that the quips in the game come across very same-y. While the dialogue can be funny, the sass that Shing would say felt very similar to the sass Beryl might say. Beryl's sass is supposed to come more from finding things absurd while Shing's is supposed to be a bit more out of frustration, but the loc didn't differentiate this well. I'm not sure how to better articulate what I mean by this, but trust me that it was a thing.
Also, they would make the characters say quips in dialogue that they weren't really meant to, which sometimes completely changed the feel of a scene. Shing and Hisui got this the worst, and I also think they're the two characters who suffered the most in this loc.
Below I grabbed some examples of character dialogue for each main character so you can see their character voice and what went wrong or what went right. This isn't a full overview of each character but rather just a small selection of lines that stuck with me (Tumblr has an image limit unfortunately, and also there's just a lot of characters I would have to go over).
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Shing definitely suffers from overusing quips when he wouldn't normally, as well as his overall character voice coming off a bit more bratty than he was originally intended to be. I think everyone's aware of "Kor Meteor doesn't try, Kor Meteor DOES," which has... quite a different feel from what gandoko was originally intended to mean (which was just a cute wordplay on saying "let's go all out"). I will admit this is partially due to his rewrites in R in general as this is also an issue with him in Japanese, but the loc did him no favors. That said I don't think all of his dialogue is horrible, as the third image is an example of a line I think they did just fine.
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For the most part, I think Kohaku's character voice is fine. She definitely had some weirdness especially early on ("rapscallion" lives in my head rent free), but she definitely eased out and overall I think anyone who plays the loc gets a perfectly fine idea of the character that is Kohaku (at least her R portrayal).
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Hisui is, erm... well I'll just say the loc team had a lot of fun with him. Maybe too much fun. It feels like only a tiny amount of his lines were intended to be taken seriously, which is really disrespectful to his character when the whole point of his character is that it's hard for him to express himself in words. Why ruin his serious moments by throwing in random goofy quips and making him come off like a full time jerk? He's definitely not a polite character, but the loc just always tried to make everything that came out of his mouth sound back-handed, even when he was actually trying to be nice.
Another huge issue, which you can see in almost every pic here, is that he would say something from the Japanese (fine) and then the loc would add in another sentence below it that is completely original to the loc and also contributes nothing other than to make Hisui sound like a jerk. For instance in the first line, in Japanese he's (seriously and concernedly) saying "Innes is calling for us? Is she hurt and can't move?" so I'm not sure why they felt the need to make it Extra and Funny. There's an infinite amount of examples of this with his dialogue and every time it truly does paint him to be a much more meanspirited character than he really is.
They did some alright things with his character voice (see the last cap, which is fine), but overall, if you see Hisui say something unhinged and incredibly rude and out of pocket, it's probably the loc and not actually what he said.
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Beryl on the other hand is a character who DOES say sassy things a lot, so I think the overall writing for the loc played into her personality a lot better than it did with the above characters. It's all written very extra and over the top, which is exactly how Beryl needs to be written. I think my only gripe with her writing is that they did make her flub up words more than she originally did (especially simple ones...), but other than that I don't have a lot to complain about here.
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Innes is mostly a "no notes to be had, for the most part fine" character as far as her loc portrayal goes. I will say in Japanese she called the party "kids" a lot and the loc changed it to "mules" which, at least to me, gives off a slightly different nuance, but it does fit her character so I may just be nitpicking.
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Kunzite's character voice is very hard to mess up... so much so in fact that I think the loc actually did him justice (you can only hope they didn't mistranslate anything with all that kanji though).
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Like Kunzite, I find myself surprisingly content with how Chalcedony's dialogue was written. They got across his pretentiousness and formality just right with not a ton of hiccups.
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Galando completely falls in the "can never be taken seriously ever" category, except unlike Hisui I think this actually benefits his character. In Japanese, his dialogue and frankly personality are really unremarkable, but in the loc he says a lot of incredibly bizarre and goofy phrases. The loc team had a lot of fun with making him sound ridiculous and it did him a lot of favors when his overall implementation in this story was an absolute trainwreck.
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Richea's dialogue can be a bit hit or miss. Sometimes it's too stiffly worded, sometimes it's too casual. Overall I think her voice is fine though and it never really did her character too many disfavors.
For this section, here's a very useful reference which writes out most terms in the game, comparing the Japanese names (romanized very straightforwardly) to the loc. I will be using my own romanizations for terms below.
Let's talk about the elephant in the room: Kor. Why did they change his name? It's actually quite simple: Shing is based on kanji. It means 心具 (shingu; heart-tool). Yamamoto stated that among the characters in the game, he's the only one who's not supposed to have a mineral reference in his name. To get around this, they did Kor, which is based on cor which is the Latin word for heart.
I suppose in a vacuum, I get what they were going for. However, the decision fails to make sense for two very simple reasons: recognizability, and the fact that they left the names Hisui and Kohaku in which literally were translated into English in Graces' loc. It comes across as very ironic to me that they were so held up by Shing's name being Japanese wordplay, to the point of changing it entirely, yet ignoring the two party members with Japanese names. Why only Shing? Nobody would know (even Japanese players) that Shing was supposed to be wordplay on anything had Yamamoto not discussed it in an old blog post. Yet they left in the names Hisui and Kohaku, which are very obviously Japanese, and no English player would know what they're supposed to mean, or if they were even mineral references! Maybe their intent was that they're from Norqueen, and Kohaku has cherry blossom aesthetics to her, but this also doesn't make any sense when nobody else from Norqueen had a Japanese name. It's only them.
This isn't me advocating for them doing Jadeite and Amber from Graces' loc (as I think that was a similarly bizarre situation), but if you're going to change Shing, you could at least be consistent and commit to the idea of making everything Easily Understood References, instead of just changing one name to something completely unrecognizable (and frankly a bit dumb sounding) and not the ones that probably warrant it more.
Shing isn't the only character they did this with. For instance, the members of Chen's Corporation weren't intended to have mineral names. Their names are references to marine life in various languages. Chen's last name is Corallo, which is Italian for coral. Sango means coral in Japanese. Ecaille means scale/shell in French (with her real name being Mica, which is actually a mineral and the loc did keep). In the localization, they were translated to... Ultra Marine, Aqua Marine, and Coral respectively. While I don't think Chen and Sango's name changes were horrible, I still think they could have just kept them as is with no issue at all. "Coral" just feels disrespectful though. Why would you name her what Chen and Sango's names were SUPPOSED to be? Her real last name was changed too, from Zimmer to Zinnwald, which is really just pointless more than anything.
A lot of what the loc did can kind of just be boiled down to pointless. Here's some other pointless name changes for NPCs:
Isaac->Azide (is this even a mineral term?)
Pearl->Perl (?????????????? this one I genuinely don't get because pearl WAS a mineral to start)
Dona, Zektz->Kardia, Sydan (both were mineral names changed to heart terms to match with Shing, but really this is a pointless change. Iola's name wasn't turned to Japanese to match Kohaku and Hisui? Make it consistent if you're going to do these things?)
Sinhala->Benston (sinhalite is a mineral. I don't even know anymore)
Spin, Nel->Ward, Hope (spinel is a mineral...)
This isn't even all of them, but these are the most egregious. For a game really insistent on making everything a specific reference, it's almost hilarious how much the localization made things inconsistent with its own decisions, and how it broke things that would have worked perfectly fine had they just translated it literally. No Tales game has changed so many names arbitrarily and made them so unrecognizable with name alone if you compare to the Japanese names.
It's unfortunately not just the character names, as the location names suffered a bit from this too.
While character names are (mostly) based on minerals, the locations were based on fairy tale references. Most location names in Japanese were portmanteau of terms, whether it be author names, location names from fairy tales, titles, you name it. You can read all about this here, and these observations were made by Japanese fans as well. This stuff is about as common knowledge as the Shing naming convention among Hearts communities, so I would be willing to bet the localizers knew about it too.
Anyway, some of the loc ones I think were fine. For instance, a number of those terms just come across as awkward in English (such as シーブル, which I don't really have huge issues with them just going for Seaville). Yuraio needed to be changed anyway, as it's Japanese worldplay (though I can think of many better alternatives than just "Lion Park" if they wanted to keep the fairy tale reference).
However, I do take issue with some that completely change the reading for the name. "Dronning" and "Norqueen" (however you choose to romanize it) sound nothing alike. "Wonderidell" is a fairly straightforward romanization, and "Cind'rella" makes very little sense when in Japanese, Cinderella was the name reference for the Winged Whale ("Cendrillon" in Japanese, "Mysticete" in the loc). I also think Celland and Quartzia were absolutely fine and conveyed their meaning perfectly fine to English speakers, while I will admit it took me a while to figure out that Organica and Minera were supposed to be based on the words organic and mineral.
As for regular terminology, I don't have a ton of nitpicks. My biggest is that I don't really like the term "Spiria Nexus" as a translation for Spirmaze. The game already uses "Spiria Core" (for Spirune), and the words nexus and core are... very similar in meaning! I would probably opt for something like Spiria Labyrinth (and honestly, Spiria Maze works fine as is). Spirune is a bit of a hard one, because in the context of the story, it refers to both the whole and broken pieces of it, so I feel like they could have opted for "Spiria Shard/Fragment" for the broken pieces and "Spiria Core" and "Spiria Shard/Fragment" could have worked hand in hand. This might just be me nitpicking though.
For positives, I really like the terms "calcification," "Will Artes" and "synthetic Spiria". I'm also surprised "despir" (bungle of katakana) stayed intact given every other naming convention they went for (furuere got changed to Will Wisps, when the terms are similar in structure).
Artes are infamously something Tales is very inconsistent about, and how did Hearts R's loc fair?
To start, each character has their own "theme" to their artes. Shing's are light based and reference astronomy terms, Kohaku's are fire and cherry blossom based, Hisui's are all bird terms, Beryl's are artist babble, Innes' are French marine terminology, Kunzite's are dark based and a bit grim, Chalcedony's are aerial/holy based, and Galando's are... well all over the place. Shing, Kohaku, Kunzite, Chalcedony and Galando are all based on typical artes (and if not, their naming conventions, or are typical artes just a little to the left), while Hisui, Beryl and Innes have entirely unique kits.
Shing: My only complaint is the loc overused the word "meteoric," sadly including Crazy Comet (which I really wish they had left as is, since it's so iconic). So many celestial terms exist!
Kohaku: I just think Scarlet Halo is a bit messy, since it was already localized as Crimson Disc in Graces. Did they forget Graces loc ever happened?
Hisui: It's actually hilarious how bad his got mangled when his are some of the most straightforwardly translated artes in Tales. All of his arte names are just "[bird] [thing]" and if you translate them 1:1, you get a perfectly fine Tales arte name with no work needed. Yet somehow, they messed this up? An arte named wild-hawk got translated to Mosquito Hawk. What? Another one is kite-rain, which got translated to Rainbird. scatter-heron is Cuckoo's Egg. god-shot-chicken is Bird of Paradise. His artes are just very bizarre, because some are translated literally, and the other half just have completely random naming conventions. It makes for a really inconsistent kit of artes, not to mention each arte had a very specific bird associated with it, and the loc just mangled this. His artes really make me scratch my head at what they were thinking.
Beryl: Flying Colors (originally Slashing Colors) is the only arte of hers that's even remotely close what the Japanese had. This isn't really a complaint as I think changing the names is fine, more just an observation since the game didn't get dubbed and her arte names are actual spoken words and not strings of kanji.
Innes: The loc took hers which were two word structured and made them grammatically correct French. Don't really have any other notes here.
Kunzite: His artes are the most consistent to its own conventions, though I would probably change some to more clearly reference what the arte takes inspiration from.
Chalcedony and Galando I don't have any commentary on other than what I said for Kunzite. They're fine.
Closing thoughts
There's of course a lot I didn't cover in this post. For instance, I feel like skits were overall translated better than the story was, and there's a lot of nitty gritty things like titles and flavor text that I didn't touch upon. (Here's a very funny example of the loc team not picking up on a fairly obvious Abyss reference. Nobody knew this was supposed to be about Mieu)
But, I would say my main thoughts on the loc are that in some regards it was fine, and in some ways was highly disrespectful.
For the story dialogue, it feels like someone translated it roughly (and I will note that there are some lines that are just blatantly inaccurate to what was said, even removing the editing fluff, so I assume this was a rushed job), and then an editor came in and edited the lines without hearing any of the voice work attached to it. It's very rough around the edges, to say the least. I do think the game would have worked better if it was dubbed (like the script feels like it was intended for), even if the mischaracterization would still sadly persist.
To add a very personal comment here, Hisui is my favorite Tales character and it hurts that the only way the English fandom has to experience him is at the hands of his incredibly disrespectful localization writing. While I think his dialogue in it can be funny at times, it's not the kind of writing I want to see in very serious scenes. It's not good when a character can never be taken seriously, when that's not at all how they are intended to be viewed.
I will also add, as someone who plays games in Japanese and is heavily involved in fan translation, whenever I play Hearts R's localization, I just translate the dialogue in my head as I listen to the acting, then I read the translation on my screen and kind of laugh at how far it is from how I would have translated it. Not only is it a disservice to English speaking fans, but it is hilariously obvious to anyone who knows both languages how inaccurate it is, which is not how a localization is supposed to read.
(As a final disclaimer, the rants in this post are only intended to discuss Hearts R's localization. I support the localization practice in general, but I am allowed to nitpick when one was so obviously rushed out the door with poor communication. Please read this article to understand the ways in which I approached writing this post. I do not support the witchhunt on localizations that fandom is so currently obsessed with. All of my speaking points have come from someone who has studied Tales localization practices as well as Hearts specifically in depth, and who has aimed for putting out high-quality translation work myself.)
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berryetto · 1 year
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Tales of characters and their flowers and plants for Tales of Festival 2023!
▪︎ Alphen (Tales of Arise) - Hyanciths
▪︎ Cress Albane (Tales of Phantasia) - Daisies
▪︎ Stahn Aileron (Tales of Destiny) - Cineraria
▪︎ Kyle Dunamis (Tales of Destiny 2) - Cineraria
▪︎ Reid Hershel (Tales of Eternia) - Lilac
▪︎ Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia) - Sandersonia
▪︎ Emil Castagnier (Tales of Symphonia 2) - Pilea Peperomioides
▪︎ Veigue Lungberg (Tales of Rebirth) - Evening Sunflower
▪︎Senel Coolidge (Tales of Legendia) - Forget-Me-Not
▪︎ Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss) - Aster
▪︎ Caius Qualls (Tales of the Tempest) - Wisteria
▪︎ Ruca Milda (Tales of Innocence) - Chamomile
▪︎ Kor Meteor (Tales of Hearts) - Daylillies
▪︎ Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia) - Clemantis
▪︎ Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces f) - Kalanchoe
▪︎ Milla Maxwell (Tales of Xillia) - Pink Hibiscus
▪︎Jude Matthis (Tales of Xillia) - White Hibiscus
▪︎ Ludger Will Kresnik (Tales of Xillia 2) - Apple Blossoms
▪︎ Sorey (Tales of Zestiria) - Great Bougainvillea
▪︎ Velvet Crowe (Tales of Berseria) - Red Salvia
▪︎ Allen (Tales of Link) - Purple Tulips
▪︎ Ix Nieves (Tales of the Rays) - White Anemone
▪︎ Kanata Hjuger (Tales of Crestoria) - Morning Glory
▪︎ Leo Fourcade (Tales of Luminaria) - Cornflower
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the-anarcho-occultist · 6 months
Vandal Savage
Vandal Savage (born circa 50,000 BC) is a metahuman, immortal, warlord and conqueror who has been active under numerous aliases in numerous places. Savage was born Vandar Adg, a member of the Blood Tribe in Anatolia well before the Hyborian Age. Adg’s acquisition of immortality is somewhat shrouded in rumor, but most available information implies the alien race known as the Scrin signaled their presence via a meteor shower and granted Adg a regenerative form of immortality in return for alliance with them. Adg was also given superhuman strength and psychic insight into others, making him functionally a genius. Adg used this power to aid his tribe in a revolt against the Children of the Night, a hairy ape-like race that dominated much of the world outside of Europe in this era. Adg’s genius and powers made him a formidable fighter against the Children. After helping defeat the Children, Adg would wander the Middle East and southern Europe for millennia, somewhat aimless for a while. He fought with the Immortal and at one time attempted to overthrow the Sumerian king Gilgamesh. Eventually, Adg’s ambitions grew and he constructed his first falsified identity in the form of Alexander the Great. In this identity, Adg was not wholly malevolent–he saved the realm of Pentexore from the giants Gog and Magog, established institutions like the Library of Alexandria and the First Warehouse, and briefly met the god Apollo, for instance–but displayed a ruthless, brutal side. During his conquests as Alexander, Adg briefly attempted to fight his way through Hell and was told he would one day end the world. When he got to India, Adg defeated an undead army of those he had previously slain and displayed a willingness to end the world, though this would ultimately not come to pass. Adg’s forces drew the attention of a race of aliens seeking to eliminate mankind, who copied Adg and his army to a parallel world as a record. In the end, Adg’s reign as Alexander ended with a poisoning attempt by the precursors of the Assassins, who were upset at his use of Precursor technology in his conquests.
Adg, however, was not to be kept down permanently via this method. Upon recovering, Adg once again sought to embark on conquest and domination. However, he would come to encounter a number of rivals to his power. Immortal Man, the Immortal, Hawkman, Hawkgirl and Ra’s Al Ghul were just a few of his long-running rivals. The Time Lord known as Professor Omega would regularly sabotage Adg’s efforts. The body-jumping being known as Doro became an enemy of Savage due to viewing him as a potential threat, a belief shared by Ayesha, the Queen of Kor. The time-traveling conqueror known as Kang likewise opposed Adg, viewing him as a threat. Despite these rivals, however, Adg was able to continue to assert himself. One of his most successful regimes was under the fabricated identity of Julius Caesar. As Caesar, Adg had multiple lovers including Egypt’s Cleopatra and the legendary warrior Xena, was targeted for murder by a time traveler and conquered most of Gaul outside the village of Amorica. Ultimately, Adg’s rule would collapse when he was stabbed multiple times by several members of the Roman Senate led by Brutus and Cassius-an attack which nearly actually killed Adg, a fact which caused him to go into hiding for centuries. Adg would reemerge in the 13th century as the Mongolian warlord Genghis Khan. After absorbing the remnants of the horde of Shan Yu (a notorious torture-happy Hun warlord who was killed by the warrior Fa Mulan) embarked on a conquest spree. Adg as Khan managed to establish what was at the time the world’s largest empire by land area and had numerous conquest-happy descendants including Khotun Khan, Shiwan Khan, and the Golden Claw. After being nearly killed by the Assassins, Adg went into a subtler form of operating.
Adg ultimately tired of operating in the shadows by the 1600’s, however. In this era, piracy was increasingly prevalent and here Adg saw his chance to once again become a feared warrior. Adg crafted the identity of Edward Teach and became a pirate, operating under the name of Blackbeard. In this identity, Adg would mentor several other pirates including Anne Providence and Connor Kenway, enter a relationship with Stede Bonnet the so-called ‘gentleman pirate’ and bury large amounts of treasure. Adg’s actions in this identity helped lead to him adopting his modern name of Vandal Savage and inspired a number of imitators, including one who would seemingly die in a confrontation with the Royal Navy only to be resurrected with dark magic. Savage’s nautical exploits would end with the Brethren Court’s unleashing of the goddess Calypso, which ushered in an event later dubbed the Alteration which made the seas deeply unsafe. Savage took refuge in Europe and resumed a role as a manipulator in the shadows. Operating behind the scenes, Savage influenced the likes of Napoleon Bonaparte and Otto Von Bludiron in the 19th century and in the 20th would be among the many vying to influence German Fuhrer Adenoid Hynkel. However, facing challenges from Hydra, Savage ultimately betrayed Hynkel and formed a common cause with communist forces in Eastern Europe, becoming a close confidant of Pottsylvanian dictator Josef Besstrashny.
The latter part of the 20th century saw Savage become more widely known as a supervillain. Savage would clash with the likes of the Justice League and Avengers on numerous occasions. Savage faced recurring failure, however, to secure what he really wanted. In an era where the likes of Victor Von Doom, Vega (also known as M. Bison), and Khan Noonien Singh managed to assert direct rule, Savage was full of envy. Savage was not content to stew in bitterness, however. Taking advantage of his latent-and secret-psychic abilities, Savage carefully constructed the identity of the enigmatic Kane and formed the organization known as the Brotherhood of Nod. Nod’s moment to threaten the world would come in the mid-1990’s with the arrival of the element Tiberium to Earth. Savage, on the advice of his ancient benefactors the Scrin, worked to secure the resource, viewing it as essential to his goal of conquest. However, the world refused to surrender. The formation of the Global Defense Initiative in 1996 helped contain Nod even amidst the turmoil of the Harvester and Fithp invasions. By 2000, a frustrated Savage retreated into hiding. Even the chaos of the early 21st century did not see Savage reemerge. It was only in the 2040’s-amidst worldwide turmoil-that Savage made another attempt at conquest. Savage emerged in this era in the identity of the so-called Grandmaster Meio and experienced much early success in conquering the world. However, in doing so, Savage ran afoul of the megacorporate institutions growing increasingly dominant over the world. Led by the Genom Corporation, they dedicated intense resources to imprisoning Savage. Ultimately, a chamber designed by the Vandein Corporation was deployed and Savage was lured into it. The trap was successful and Savage would be imprisoned for centuries.
Upon emerging, Savage had somewhat mellowed out and foreswore further conquest. He adopted the name Mr. Flint and attempted to live in peace for hundreds of years. Eventually, though, the constant attacks on Earth by aliens and dysfunctional Earth government led Savage to in the 3020’s launch a bid to seize control of the planet. The Earth government at the time, the United States of Earth, was a decrepit body led by the no-longer-sane resurrected head of Richard Monckton, whose blatant corruption and incompetence left the planet quite vulnerable. Savage’s attempt to seize control in a coup was derailed, however, by the simultaneous effort of Nathaniel Richards. Richards, who would in later time be better known as Kang the Conqueror, was a figure that Savage was vaguely aware of, but was not aware of his native time, which meant Kang (who had been in communication with versions of himself from other times) had the advantage. Kang’s forces were able to overthrow the USE and imprison Savage, but soon ran into further challenges. Neo-Queen Serenity, who had been ruling Japan for centuries already from Crystal Tokyo, challenged Kang’s rule of the planet, aided by the Legion of Superheroes, Savage, meanwhile, gave both sides the slip and escaped the planet. Enraged at being denied what he considered his right, Savage directed the Drej and Glorft fleets towards Earth, hoping that alien attacks would weaken both Serenity and Kang enough for him to take over the planet. Unfortunately for Savage, the Drej fleet was successfully repelled with ease and while the Glorft posed a much greater threat, the ultimate victory of Serenity’s Silver Millennium meant in the end the planet remained intact.
Savage spent much of his time in the early years beyond Earth biding his time. The emergence of the first galactic empire of humankind sparked Savage’s interest. Afterwards, Savage used his psychic capabilities to carve out a fiefdom under the pseudonym of ‘the Mule.’ In this guise, he sought to conquer the galaxy but was thwarted by Hari Seldon’s Foundation. Savage, undeterred, worked his way into the good graces of House Corrino of Salusa Secundus. Savage encouraged them to go beyond ruling a handful of star systems by waging war against rivals such as the Ekumen and the Star Kingdom of Manticore. Savage’s guidance led to the formation of a second empire, but Savage’s influence would be sidelined when Paul Atriedes overthrew the Corrinos with the help of the Fremen of Arrakis and his son Leto II scattered humankind. It was at this time Savage rediscovered Earth-a badly battered shell of its former self, still not having recovered from a war between Tsan-Chan and Panem that had occurred nearly 20,000 years earlier. Toons and Moureau sapiens who dubbed the planet Mobius dominated the place. Savage would seize the planet relatively easily, purging the nonhumans as well as the remnant Methusalahs who tried to supplant him at the last minute and from there proclaimed the formation of the Imperium of Man. Savage declared himself the Emperor of Mankind and began conquering the human worlds throughout the galaxy. Savage sought to bring benevolent tyranny to his subjects, but on being rendered comatose, his empire warped. Savage became hailed as a God-Emperor and his Imperium entered an era of dark, disastrous warfare. It is unclear whether Savage could end this if he woke up or if he would embrace what the Imperium has become either out of hubris or necessity, but for now his Imperium worships his comatose form while waging total war on a number of rival factions..
DC Comics, Conan the Barbarian, Command and Conquer, SCP Foundation, Invincible, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Dirge for Prester John, Warehouse 13, Alexander (1925 film), Dante’s Inferno (video game), Reign: The Conqueror, A Time Odyssey, Assassin’s Creed, Doctor Who, Professor Omega, Wild Seed, She, Xena: Warrior Princess, Criminal Case: Travel in Time, Asterix, Julius Caesar, Firefly, Mulan, Ghost of Tsushima, The Shadow, Marvel Comics (Agents of Atlas, The Avengers), Anne of the Indies, Our Flag Means Death, On Stranger Tides, Pirates of the Caribbean, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, Meccania the Super-State, The Great Dictator, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Mortal Kombat, Star Trek, Independence Day, Footfall, Strider, Bubblegum Crisis, Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force, Futurama, The Company, Sailor Moon, Titan AE, Megas XLR, Foundation, Dune, Hainish Cycle, Honor Harrington, Cthulhu Mythos, The Hunger Games, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, The Island of Doctor Moureau, Sonic the Hedgehog, Trinity Blood, Warhammer 40K
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cs-screenshots · 1 year
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The Tales of Festival 2023 Key Visual Illustration was revealed! And Leo Fourcade makes an appearance between Kor Meteor and Velvet Crowe up on stage!
Fans also noticed that Leo’s getting an official key visual acrylic keychain available for preorder at the event venue here.
And Asobistore is accepting preorders for Tales of Festival 2023 merch from May 18, 2023 to May 28, 2023 (JST). The merch is the same as written and linked in this post, so if you didn’t get a chance to order merch from the last preorder period, then this is another opportunity!
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mainsdis · 2 years
Tales of hearts episode 1
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#Tales of hearts episode 1 movie#
#Tales of hearts episode 1 full#
#Tales of hearts episode 1 series#
#Tales of hearts episode 1 tv#
Hanks himself stars as the contact person of a dating service and there are other supportive roles for Frances Sternhagen ("Misery", "Outland") and Sugar Ray Leonard as the mysterious gravedigger. The hilariously grotesque finale is indescribably cool and the make-up effects are downright nauseating. How will Suho fight against the monsters attacking Earth, and will he be able to survive this time with his current skills Start reading top-tier fantasy. My Playthrough of Tales of Hearts R for the PSVITA with Live English commentary.Recorded Video using a Sony Cybershot and Audio recorded directly from the sy. Betretet die Schehera-Wüste von der Oasen-Seite aus und folgt dem Weg zurück, bis ihr beim Steinmonument ankommt. Geht in der Anders-Mine in den Raum mit den Gemälden und betretet das Licht, um den Dungeon abzuschließen. Howard's macabre intentions are so obvious and yet he appears to be so natural and reliable that even the most sober widow would fall for him. Diese Nebenaufgabe lässt sich gut mit der Nebenaufgabe 'Schattensomas' kombinieren. Shining Force Game Guide Shining Force: Game Walkthrough Chapter 1 - Runefaust. Granted, the plot outline is among of the oldest and most overused ones in cinema, but Hanks' approach to the subject matter is surprisingly raw and very comical. This is the Walkthrough Page for the game Kingdom Hearts 1. Tales of Symphonia the Animation: Tethealla Episode Specials. Meanwhile, Howard surely doesn't hesitate to eliminate third parties that come too close to discovering his working methods. Tales of Symphonia the Animation: Sylvarant Episode - Kaette Kita Kratos Sensei no Private Lesson Add to list. With David Buck, David Dodimead, Megs Jenkins, Freddie Jones. He plays smooth but utterly shifty Howard Prince who successfully entices lonely but very rich old widows before poisoning them & claiming the inheritance. "None but the Lonely Heart" is fantastic entertainment and features a lot of gore, delightful black humor and a truly splendid performance by Treat Williams. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, has won the hearts of people of. Impressed by Kor’s increasing skills, his grandfather leaves to him an atypical weapon known as a Soma. Ladybug Is Amazing Odyssey Miraculous Ladybug Episode 1, Miraculous. Quite an effort because, even though Hanks debuted in horror (in a forgotten 80's slasher called "He Knows You're Alone"), he was mainly occupied with doing comedy and drama during the time this episode got released. Generally favorable reviews based on 124 Ratings Your Score 0 Summary: Kor Meteor is a youngster surviving in a small village by the sea who trains with his grandfather in the ways of the sword. For the first episode of the fourth season, HBO managed to trap no less than Tom Hanks into co-starring and even directing a wonderfully distasteful tale. Stream Purple Hearts on Netflix (opens in new tab).
#Tales of hearts episode 1 series#
Hopefully, that’s everything you need to know so that you can decide on whether or not to watch Purple Hearts! Board of Education ) D / 1-15-93 ( 1-18-93 ) THE SIMPSONS ( Fox ( animated series ) 100th Episode D / 5-2-94 Bart of Darkness 6th season premiere ).
#Tales of hearts episode 1 tv#
Nicholas Galitzine (he’s Luke) played Prince Robert opposite Camila Cabello in 2021’s Cinderella cast, and has also appeared in The Craft: Legacy and the TV show, Chambers. Its characteristic genre is ' A New Meeting Between Hearts RPG ' (. It has been weeks since there has been an outing that deals with such. They are written by Liz Braswell, Jen Calonita, Elizabeth Lim and more recently Farrah Rochon. Only two days to go until the release of Extreme Hearts Episode 1.
#Tales of hearts episode 1 full#
Sofia Carson (who plays Cassie) is a singer/actress who got her start on the Disney Channel, and has appeared in the Descendants franchise films and in shows like Descendants: Wicked World, Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists, and Famous in Love. Tales of Hearts R is a re-imagining of the story developed for the PlayStation Vita, similar to its predecessor, Tales of Innocence R, and received a full transition to 3D in both overworld and battle. Watch 01:40 The Sandman Will Keep You Awake - The Loop A Twisted Tale is an anthology series of books based around alternate 'what-if' spins on classic animated Disney films. If you checked out the Purple Hearts trailer, you might be wondering where you’ve seen the actors portraying the main characters before.
#Tales of hearts episode 1 movie#
Sofia Carson And Nicholas Galitzine Star In The Movie The story, which was originally published on Ap(opens in new tab), is a work of fiction and was Wakefield’s first novel for adults. Should you want to know even more about the story behind Purple Hearts than what’s been described above, never fear, as the movie is actually based on a book by author Tess Wakefield. The Story Is Based On A Book By Tess Wakefield
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tales-of-asteria-rips · 11 months
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shyonaaisha · 3 years
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Spirit gear characters design notes of Velevt, Estelle & Kor (Mirrage Artes)
Source: 1, 2
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tales-of-asteria · 2 years
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[Special Gacha] Swimsuit 2022 Duration: 7/18 (Mon) 16:00 ~ 8/3 (Wed) 15:59
Chance to get Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ Colette [Swimsuit], Kana [Swimsuit] and Kor [Swimsuit]
The already-running awakening partners Zelos, Zephyr and Kohaku can be used to awaken Colette, Kana and Kor respectively.
✶ This gacha features a 5 Step Up gacha, where you pay a discounted rate to draw 10 characters and continuously raise your chances of pulling a 5☆. Steps will not be resetted even if you get a featured 5☆.
✶ You will also get rewards after a certain number of steps, and with the 15th you will be able to choose one of the featured characters (you need a total of 660 Asteria Stones to reach the 15th step).
In this gacha will also reappear other Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ characters. The rates of this gacha’s featured characters will be higher than other 5☆.
A special pick up event will be held, where one of the featured characters will have the summon rate higher than the others on certain days:
Colette: from 7/21 (Thu) 16:00 to 7/24 (Mon) 15:59
Kana: from 7/24 (Mon) 16:00 to 7/27 (Wed) 15:59
Kor: from 7/27 (Wed) 16:00 to 7/30 (Sat) 15:59
For the event, the single daily pull will cost 3 Asteria Stones instead of 5.
There’s also the paid option to get a 5☆ character with a multi-roll.
(More on Awakening here, and on Bond Awakening here)
Characters artes and skills details:
Wind 5☆ Colette Brunel
Stats at LV80 HP: 23,500 | Power: 2,010 | Defense: 2,340
Mystic Arte: ホーリージャッジメント Holy Judgment Power: 200% (Target: Single) | Hits: 50 | OL: 20 (high hit & fast OL charge type)
Arte1 - グランシャリオ Grand Chariot Power: 200% (Target: Single) | Hits: 6 | Activation: 50%
Arte2 - レデュース・ダメージ Damage Guard Wind defense +50% | Activation: 25%
Arte3 - ホーリーソング Holy Song Wind attack +50% | Activation: 25%
Co-op skill: Magic Defense Boost 7 + Luck Heal (defense type) Increases magic defense by 90%  for 180 seconds. Also, there is a 40% chance of recovering 30% HPs. (wait time 06:00)
Wind 6☆ Colette Brunel
Stats at LV80 HP: 27,500 | Power: 2,210 | Defense: 2,740
EX Skill: The wind members' attack will be increased by 120% if their HPs are at 100%
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): ホーリージャッジメント Holy Judgment Power: 200% (Target: Single) | Hits: 50 | OL: 20 (high hit & fast OL charge type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Wind members' attack +30% (activated turn)
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): ホーリージャッジメント Holy Judgment Power: 200% (Target: Single) | Hits: 105 | OL: 40 (20+20) (high hit & fast OL charge type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Hit count +15
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - グランシャリオ Grand Chariot Heals the wind members by 15%
Arte2 - レデュース・ダメージ Damage Guard Heals the wind members by 25%
Arte3 - ホーリーソング Holy Song Unseal the wind members
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
Light 5☆ Kana
Stats at LV80 HP: 22,100 | Power: 2,250 | Defense: 2,240
Mystic Arte: トリニティ・ノヴァ Trinity Nova Power: 440% (Target: All) | Hits: 55 | OL: 40 (high hit type)
Arte1 - デルタレイ Delta Ray Power: 220% (Target: All) | Hits: 6 | Activation: 50%
Arte2 - トリニティ・ヒール Trinity Heal Heals all by 30% | Activation: 30%
Arte3 - 天雷輝刃 Tenraikijin Power: 330% (Target: All) | Hits: 10 | Activation: 20%
Co-op skill: High Shine Shot 8 (magic type) Performs a wind magic attack with 490% of power. (wait time 05:00)
Light 6☆ Kana
Stats at LV80 HP: 26,100 | Power: 2,550 | Defense: 2,540
EX Skill: The wind members' defense will be increased by 35% for each enemy
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): トリニティ・ノヴァ Trinity Nova Power: 440% (Target: All) | Hits: 55 | OL: 40 (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Light members' defense +50% (activated turn)
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): トリニティ・ノヴァ Trinity Nova Power: 770% (Target: All) | Hits: 100 | OL: 70 (40+30) (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Light members' attack +100% (activated turn)
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - デルタレイ Delta Ray +2 OL points to the light members
Arte2 - トリニティ・ヒール Trinity Heal Light members' defense +20% (3 turns)
Arte3 - 天雷輝刃 Tenraikijin Light members' attack +40% (1 turn)
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
Water 5☆ Kor Meteor
Stats at LV80 HP: 20,700 | Power: 2,430 | Defense: 2,120
Mystic Arte: 翔旺神影斬 Solar Wind Power: 400% (Target: Single) | Hits: 4 | OL: 10 (fast OL charge type)
Arte1 - 海連刃 Corsair Slice Power: 240% (Target: Single) | Hits: 4 | Activation: 40%
Arte2 - 獅星烈翔刃 Meteoric Beast Power: 240% (Target: All) | Hits: 4 | Activation: 40%
Arte3 - 星影連波 Solar Parabola Power: 400% (Target: Single) | Hits: 4 | Activation: 20%
Co-op skill: Physical Attack Short Boost 7 (attack type) Increases physical attack by 125%  for 90 seconds. (wait time 06:00)
Water 6☆ Kor Meteor
Stats at LV80 HP: 24,000 | Power: 2,830 | Defense: 2,420
EX Skill: When a water party member is on a frame with an Attack UP buff on it, the frame's boost effect will be increased by 80%, if it's on a OverLimit boost frame, the gauge will be powered with an addition of 4
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): 翔旺神影斬 Solar Wind Power: 400% (Target: Single) | Hits: 4 | OL: 10 (fast OL charge type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Own power +30% (4 turns)
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): 翔旺神影斬 Solar Wind Power: 1100% (Target: Single) | Hits: 4 | OL: 65 (10+55) (finish type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Water members' attack +100% (activated turn)
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - 海連刃 Corsair Slice Target enemy defense -10% (activated turn)
Arte2 - 獅星烈翔刃 Meteoric Beast Water members' attack +25% (2 turns)
Arte3 - 星影連波 Solar Parabola Critical rate +50%
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
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Tales of Hearts!
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