frogshunnedshadows · 1 year
I think the soundtrack from the Tetris movie is a banger. Good covers in Japanese / Russian of a few 80's pop songs, some variations on Korobeiniki, and no BS "album only" songs either.
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nikimatita-rugini · 5 months
Begleittext zur Installation Niki Matita ::: Rugini
Die größte dänische Insel Bornholm liegt näher an der größten deutschen (Ostsee)Insel Rügen als an ihrer Landeshauptstadt Kopenhagen.  Umgerechnet baut Dänemark 116,5kg und Deutschland 37kg Roggen pro Einwohner*in an. Damit sind die beiden Nachbarstaaten unter den fünf größten Anbauländern weltweit.
Über 1200 Jahre war Roggen synonym mit dem Korn, also dem Hauptnahrungsmittel, der Brotfrucht. Der Name der Insel Rügen (lat. Rugia) geht auf dieses Getreide zurück. 
Die Rugini (auch Ranen, Rujanen, Ruani) waren ein westslawisches Volk auf den Inseln Rügen, Bornholm und dem umliegenden Festland. Der Name des Stammes bezieht sich auf den Roggenanbau, der bis heute typisch für den Baltischen Raum ist. Wenig ist von ihrer Sprache, ihrer Musik und ihren Bräuchen überliefert, doch gibt es in den folkloristischen Künsten international einige, auch erotische, Bezüge zu dieser Feldfrucht, die bis weit ins Mittelalter reichen.
Fürst Wizlaw von Rügen und seine große Liebe, Fürstin Margarete, machen eine Reise. Über einen rutschigen Steg gelangen sie auf das Schiff, ein Geistlicher hilft ihnen dabei. Das Wasser des Meeres ist kalt, tief und salzig. Die Leute tragen schon warme Mäntel, denn das Wetter ist kalt. Auch der König der Dänen und Slawen, Erik Menved, ist auf dem Schiff. Er trägt eine goldene Krone. Zwei Knappen aus der Heerschar, Satko zu Saatel und der wendische Vyriz, blasen fröhlich auf langen Fanfaren. *Eine Ruginiliebesgeschichte, überliefert aus dem Polabischen - welches der Sprache der Rugini, dem Ranischen, ähnlich sein soll
Liner notes to the installation Rugini by Niki Matita
The largest Danish island Bornholm is closer to the largest German (Baltic Sea) island Rügen than it is to its capital Copenhagen. This means that Denmark grows 116.5kg and Germany 37kg of rye per inhabitant. That puts these two countries in the top five largest rye-growing countries in the world.
For over 1200 years, rye was synonymous with grain, i.e. the staple food, the breadfruit. The name of the island of Rügen (lat. Rugia) goes back to this grain.
The Rugini (also Ranen, Rujanen, Ruani) were a West Slavic people on the islands of Rügen, Bornholm and the surrounding mainland. The tribe's name refers to the practice of growing rye, which is still typical of the Baltic region today. Little has survived of their language, their music and their customs, but there are some references to this crop, including erotic ones, in the folkloric arts around the world, which date back well into the Middle Ages.
Prince Wizlaw of Rügen and his great love, Princess Margarete, go on a journey. They get onto the ship via a slippery footbridge, helped by a clergyman. The sea water is cold, deep and salty. The people are already wearing warm coats because the weather is cold. The King of the Danes and Slavs, Erik Menved, is also on the ship. He is wearing a golden crown. Two squires from the army, Satko zu Saatel and the Wendish Vyriz, are happily blowing long fanfares.
A story about Rugini lovers, passed on in Polabian - which is said to be similar to the language of the Rugini, Rani
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oktaviaslabyrinth · 2 years
Tetris: Type A // Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
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bakedbakermom · 10 months
every time this comes up on my ipod i must share it because sweet fuck
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simpeguitartabs · 2 years
This video will help you learn how to play an easy fingerstyle guitar cover for the Main Theme from the Tetris game originally from the song Korobeiniki. 
 The tab is arranged to be beginner friendly and quick to learn, while still sounding good on its own. 
🎸 You can buy my PDF tabs with either my PayPal or Patreon links below:
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lonelyleliel · 2 years
So TIL that the Tetris theme (aka Type A) is based off the Russian folk song “Korobeiniki”
and it’s very important you hear how it sounds with an orchestra, choir, and extraordinary sopranos.
I wouldn’t have even found this if I didn’t mistake the game’s theme to be based off Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 (D minor) by Liszt in some places. It kept bothering me while I was working and I’m so glad I was wrong lol
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the last is supposed to be “I have never heard of this song” but I can’t edit the damn poll >:(
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
Some opera and things
What else those hands do 👀
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dot-hpg · 7 months
I don't really know how to react to the fact the tetris theme is from a russian folk song
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frogshunnedshadows · 4 months
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It is Tetris Day, my dudes.
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captain-mozzarella · 2 years
Love that the Tetris song was chosen for the game because of goncharov
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velvetvexations · 4 months
Russophobia is when you call it the Tetris theme instead of Korobeiniki
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w3rn1ckz · 4 months
decided to repost all my tetris music covers so they can be with this new one
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canmom · 2 years
catching glimpses of the international fandom of the Mechanisms is so weird to me. because they were a fixture of quite a niche scene in London - you’d see them play at pubs, or events like Nine Worlds (short-lived UK con for nerd shit with a social justicey bent - in retrospect, it went about as well as you’d expect, but I was naive back then). i went to some of their gigs, and it was fun, but there was a bunch of audience interaction type stuff I wasn’t entirely clued in about - it was clear that most of the people who went were people who went to a lot of Mechanisms gigs and quite probably knew them personally. big overlap with the sort of cabaret/bi cuddle pile type scene, anyone remember ‘Lashings of Ginger Beer Time’ lol.
and what they do is such an unabashedly nerdy thing, like the typical structure is to take a theme - fairy tales, Greek mythology, etc.; then reinterpret it in a grimdark scifi context - grand space opera, cyberpunk noir, space western, Lovecraftian horror - and assign various members of the band to assume the roles of the characters in the story, find some small corner for the Mechanisms themselves to appear and be nihilistically violent, and then the songs are... well, I don’t know about all of them, but definitely a lot of them are pastiches of existing songs. in Once Upon A Time (In Space) we have for example Our Boy Jack is to the tune of Bella Ciao, No Happy Endings is Korobeiniki - and you’re kind of expected to pick up on that I think!
anyway don’t get me wrong I love concept albums that tell a story, that’s one of my favourite genres of music, so I actually really quite like the Mechanisms. but it definitely feels like they’ve broken containment lmao.
anyway at much that same time I became good friends with Maki Yamazaki (Dr Carmilla), who originally created the Mechanisms as a backing band in the first place, so I mostly get her side of that split. which adds an extra dimension. bc it’s like “oh yeah, Maki’s old band”.
meanwhile the average fan’s encounter is like... so as I understand, one of them starred in a really popular podcast or something? The Magnus Archives. and at some point fans of that caught wind of this older project and brought all the same fandom machinery with them. so years after the band broke up, they now have a bunch of people making fanart and writing fanfiction and writing big old meta posts on tumblr, mostly coming at it from that angle. they’re getting really into it, it’s fascinating to observe a slice of that via @arianwells. also makes me feel really old...
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 month
The world-famous "Tetris Song," Korobeiniki (The Peddlers), is a Russian folk song / dance of unclear composition (first published in 1898), taking lyrics from a poem from 1861.
The poem, by influencial early socialist poet Nikolay Nekrasov (died in 1878 at 56), is about a poor peddler trying to woo a woman, with cheeky retail / agrarian metaphors for sex. It ends with them either doing it in a field at night, or her messing with him and just buying a ring and fucking off. I don't know enough about 19th century Russian sex metaphors to know for sure.
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jules-has-notes · 9 months
Aca Top 10: Video Games — VoicePlay music video
Legend has it that video games helped keep the boys of 4:2:Five out of trouble during their early touring days. And photographic evidence indicates that it continued well into the VoicePlay era. But gaming isn't just about passing time and bonding with friends when you're a traveling musician. It can also be a source of inspiration for a wildly entertaining musical medley.
title: Aca Top 10 — Video Games
original songs: [0:07] HALO theme (2002); [0:26] Angry Birds theme (2009); [0:44] Pokémon Red & Blue opening theme (1996); [0:56] Minecraft theme (2009); [1:08] Final Fantasy main theme (1987); [1:22] "Dragonborn" from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011); [1:40] "Type A" theme from Tetris (1988); [1:56] "Mortal Kombat (Techno-Syndrome)" from Mortal Kombat (1992); [2:14] Legend of Zelda overworld theme (1987); [2:50] Pong sound effects (1972); [2:57] Super Mario Bros. overworld theme (1985)
written by: HALO theme by Martin O'Donnell & Michael Salvatori; Angry Birds theme by Ari Pulkkinen; Pokémon Red & Blue theme by Junichi Masuda; Minecraft theme by Daniel "C418" Rosenfeld; Final Fantasy main theme by Nobuo Uematsu; "Dragonborn" Skyrim theme by Jeremy Soule; Tetris "Type A" theme based on Russian folk song "Korobeiniki", arranged by Hirokazu Tanaka; "Mortal Kombat (Techno-Syndrome)" by Maurice "Praga Khan" Engelen & Olivier Adams; Legend of Zelda overworld theme by Koji Kondo; Pong sound effects created by Allan Alcorn; Super Mario Bros. overworld theme by Koji Kondo
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci & Layne Stein
release date: 24 February 2015
My favorite bits:
the 8-bit logo during the intro, and Layne making sound effects for Earl's requisite Mountain Dew
all of them bopping around to some degree during the Angry Birds section
Twitch streamer Layne and his adorable laugh
impressively whistling in three-part harmony for Tetris
Earl button mashing like a filthy casual, then covering his eyes during the gory fatality part
Layne using ingressive phonation to replicate the digitized voice effect at the end of Mortal Kombat
techo remix Zelda!
Geoff working so hard to not laugh after doing his part of the Pong bit
Tony just watching and having snacks during the Mario section because the 8-bit music didn't provide a part for him to sing
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○ Several of these pieces have appeared in later VoicePlay videos:
They did a full version of the HALO theme with founding 4:2:Five member Scott Porter in 2021 as a tribute to a departed friend.
Adriana Arellano and Cesar De La Rosa joined them for a short, soothing rendition of the Minecraft theme.
They added a sample of the main Skyrim theme to their cover of "The Dragonborn Comes" with Omar Cardona.
The guys included a snippet of "Still Alive" over the patron roll just as a fun bonus for themselves, but it received such an enthusiastic response from fans that they recorded a full version of it during their first PartWork series.
They integrated elements of the original NES Mario theme and sound effects into their arrangement for "Peaches" from the 2023 Super Mario Bros. movie.
○ Apparently, Geoff cracking up during the Pong bit caused several outtakes. (Good thing they were all filmed separately, so he was the only one who had to start over when he broke.)
○ Their wardrobe represents a few different video game franchises.
Tony has a Pikachu hat from Pokémon.
Eli is repping an old-school Atari logo shirt, which was already part of his regular wardrobe.
Geoff wears a Minecraft creeper shirt from Hot Topic.
Earl is sporting a Mega Man shirt.
Layne has a subtle Minecraft hoodie with enderman eyes on the hood from ThinkGeek.
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