#Kyle Lostboy
forthegothicheroine · 2 years
How would you sort your own favorite villains into those three categories?
Never did anything wrong in their lives:
Morgan le Fay (any version)
Jason "JD" Dean
Selina Kyle
Moll Flanders
Nadja of Antipaxos
Viago Whatwedointheshadows
Did bad things but for interesting reasons:
Sweeney Todd
Patrick Bateman
Annie Wilkes
Jonathan "Scarecrow" Crane
Long John Silver
Lord Henry Wotton
Alex Clockworkorange
Did bad things and that's awesome of them:
Pearl Forrester
Kinga Forrester
Israel Rank
David Lostboys
Hayley Stark (I wasn't sure where to put her but Ska put her here so I'll go with that)
Jonathan Teatime
Dracula (Hammer version)
Captain Hook
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kylewritesthething · 5 years
Simple Meditation Rites
Written and compiled by Kyle W.Meek
 Part 1: Intro to Simple Meditation 
   Meditation is a highly talked about a discipline that has great noted and known benefits that incorporate three aspects of man which are often described as Body, Mind, Soul, The benefits are so great that even if you read no other work by me I hope to impart to you just, in the very least, to try meditation on a daily basis for a week or so. A lot of the methods I’m going to talk about do not need fancy clothes, elaborate rituals or really anything but you, your time and a small amount of comfortable space,.Thouigh I would recommend a pillow to sit on, or chair, a notepad and pen to write notes and experiences before and after meditation, a timer I would suggest not using your phone because it can be a sneaky little distraction, but a regular digital timmer with a soft alarm not hooked up to the net so distractions are minimalized and a small sports bottle or canteen filled with water (special tea (cold), healthy juice, coconut water,etc) and perhaps even a small towel (for sweat,etc). It actually gives me a sense of great pleasure to impart my experiences and knowledge of meditation to you the reader. I’m sure you have already seen or at least aware of the enormous amount of information you can find out there on meditation and how to begin a practice in it. For that reason, this author would like to inform you that these simple meditations rites were designed to be done and have a great positive effect on our three parts of Self, though there are amazing physical benefits to the practice of meditation we will be focusing on mind control (control of your own mind of course) and expansion of Will. 
The Practice of Meditation: Form, Technique, and Posture 
  Meditation is challenging purely for how deceptively simple it is. You are merely only sitting (meditation in a fundamental/traditional posture) and focusing on your breath, while remaining mindful and aware of yourself, your sensations and the surrounding environment all while remaining still for a given amount of time. This type of form is considered to be traditional, but as we go along you will be introduced to new and some not new just not known, meditation techniques that all have various forms and postures. While I do believe having an alternative narrative for your meditation on the grounds of self-awareness and self-discovery is very useful in the study of meditation but this I feel is more for those on a monastery path or on a magick practitioner. That being said if you are new to meditation and spirit work in general then its best you practice just one form for at least a year, this is only a suggestion of course but new meditations need to understand consistency and formality of practice.  But of course, what groves you, I am merely speaking as one who hadn’t a clue and years later realized having a clue wasn’t the point more it was to do, practice and hold true to your word. This then is the traditional form I have come to know and if you were to only practice one and one ever I urge you to start here because as I have witnessed time and time again, you will end in that posture and wonder why you fought that form so much. 
Zazen: Zen Buddhism's Art of Sitting.
Essentially you are sitting in lotus or half lotus posture, spine straight as if it were pushing off the ground and reach for the sky, the neck and face soft. gently in your lap, your hands will be in what's called a mudra, or what is known as a special hand gesture that imparts some knowledge, wisdom or power. The zazen mudra is known as the Universal Mudra. The left hand is gently held in the palm of the right with the thumbs gently touching, palms are facing upward. This is an excellent mudra for two reasons, 1) the thumbs that meet above the palms need to be gently touching not pushing which you may find you do it automatically, bringing awareness to the reality of our body is an excellent form of contemplation and so the mudra provides a way to check in and see how relaxed you can become and maintain. 3) it's a great implement to ensure you are balanced and not able to easily sway or topple over because you are sitting from a center point the mudra insures this resilience, Ok, next your head should be slightly tilted downwards while looking forward from where you are positioned. your eyes should be open, only with a soft gaze and heavy eyelids not wide and strained. just focusing on either s focal point of the area and ground before you or whatever concentration device you have prepared before the session. The best concentration device is one we can never be without in truth, this is our breath and focusing on the breath brings mind fullness and awareness of the now. focus on the sensation of inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth slowly, calmly, and with control. The best way to achieve this is to breath out at first then slowly inhale deeply for a count of 4 seconds then hold your breath for a hold four seconds and then exhale your lungs completely for another count of four and hold again for four. Repeat. This breathing technique is known as the Four-Fold Breath. It is a favorite amongst occultist as it helps enhance the process of the experienced during meditation while still remaining aware and present.
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lostboymagic · 5 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/album/7iAwdIwOvWktMJlyueO3Hp?si=rLHLHm2RQ3_oZrRISuzddg)
This album is one I consider to be what I personally consider is my “sacred music soundtrack”, James Blackshaw is a guitar wizard, master of the 12 string, his albums have a very intrinsic “deep” feel to them and his song titles often suggest, at least in my mind, that he is totes familiar with occultism and hermetic principles. His songs are, for the most part, all done on guitar, but this album features songs like “Fix” that is a soothing and deeply moving piano instrumental and others like “Cross” have other sound elements including Accapella singers (only singing non-lyrical notes of course) but it is a feature not very common in Blackshaw’s other albums. Give it a listen your ears and your spirit with being thankful, You’re Welcome. 
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gloriouskingofwands · 4 years
Daily Tarot Spread Friday, Jul 24, 2020
Hello, Dear Ones Welcome to Today, Friday, July 24th, 2020.
We are casting the #DailyTarotSpread.
Today's reading is explained in the video as interpreted by myself.
Reading Stats: -Tarot Card of the Day: #8ofwands -Task: #9 #TheHermit, Trump of Virgo -Chance: #2ofWandsInReverse
Deck Used: Santa Muerte Tarot Deck: Book Of The Dead by Fabio Listrani​ -You can get your own Santa Muerte Tarot Deck by clicking this link:                       ---> [ https://amzn.to/2CDvZUh ]
Process - 3 card daily tarot spread, laid out from right to left, starting with the far-right card as the 1st card which represents the Tarot Card of the Day, 2nd card is to the left of its side and it represents the Task of the Day, the final 3rd card is to the far left, the left side of the 2nd and it represents the Chance of the Day.
May The Wheel Turn In Our Favor!
Book an Online Live Tarot Reading with Me! Just follow this link to be redirected to my Square Appointments Booking Site          [ https://is.gd/psychickyletarot ]
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Stranger Things Gorillaz album cover style shirt
Stranger Things Gorillaz album cover style shirt. Happy #Halloween kids! My #synthwavecover of Cry Little Sister from The #LostBoys is here! Watch the full video below and please Like and Share if you enjoyed it. Thanks to the great people at Lakeshore Records​, we are delighted to announce that we will be releasing a cassette version of Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein’s GRAMMY nominated score to…
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taylikesthis · 7 years
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Stranger Things on @netflix
If you are a child of the 80′s, StrangerThings is a love letter written just for you! The series is a foggy neon mix of Goonies meets ET with a healthy side of LostBoys. If you like scifi, rpgs and binge-watching, this is the series for you. Play the opening credits on full volume with all the lights in the room turned off and the bass turned up. 
**Extra Credit**
The amazing 80′s inspired art was created by ProCreate master, Kyle Lambert. You can see more of his gorgeous work here: https://www.behance.net/gallery/40664543/Stranger-Things-Netflix-Poster-Art
The spooky and sublime soundtrack was created by nightmare music makers, Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein of S U R V I V E. You can find them on  https://www.facebook.com/survivesurvive or https://open.spotify.com/artist/12cKwxUl6Ku3VpSB3LjrM5
See also #JusticeForBarb
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lostboymagic · 5 years
Happy Sunday Dear Ones
Today’s music choice is ‘High Society Swing’ playlist on Google Play/Music.
With the Feast Holidays soon to come I’ve been on a hard hustle to prepare for the work opportunities that come with these seasons. Having a background as a Pastry Chef/Cook and in Luxury/Retail Sales opportunities abound in the ‘traditional‘ jobs that are available here in Hollywood, California. I even landed a job…
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lostboymagic · 5 years
8/21/2019 Tarot card of the day: King of cups reversed
Task: Knight of Pentacles reversed
Chance: Queen of swords
Focus cards: 6 of pentacles reversed > the Wheel of Fortune
Outcome/ overview: Justice
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