#L: Saint Denis
gillesvalery · 9 months
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Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel-Loiret (les 3 petits cochons) (1)
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iweb-rdc001 · 11 months
Exclusivité : Le président du CNSA Joseph Olenga Nkoy mandaté par le pouvoir en place pour négocier avec Joseph Kabila une transition de 12 à 18 mois avec Tshisekedi
Par Gilbert Ngonga   Le pouvoir, dit-on, est comme une drogue. quand on y a goûté, il est terriblement dur de s’en passer. Arrivé au pouvoir en 2019 à l’issue d’un scrutin très contesté par l’Opposition politique, Tshisekedi ne veut pas si tôt céder le fauteuil présidentiel.   En effet, l’élection présidentielle très attendue qui doit désigner éventuellement le successeur du président Félix…
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megalony · 9 months
You Look Happy
This is an Eddie Diaz (911) imagine requested by a lovely anon, I hope this is what you wanted and I hope you all like it. Any other requests or feedback would be great.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway
Summary: Eddie keeps his private life away from the team, leading them to think he's single. They all get a shock at the annual BBQ when he brings a few special people along.
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"So, is everyone bringing someone on Friday?" Hen waved her fork in the air and glanced around the kitchen at her coworkers.
"I'm bringing Maddie along, she's excited to see everyone." Buck found himself a seat at the table and reached across the table for a slice of pizza.
It was the annual station cookout on Friday, they would have a BBQ going and everyone would be bringing a range of food, cakes and drinks along to make the day a big event. It was a chance for family to come and visit the station and see the team in their 'work habitat' as Bobby called it. They all needed any excuse they could get to have a party when their line of work wasn't always pleasant.
And everyone was encouraged to bring someone along, whether it was family or just a friend.
"Hmm, no special lady for you then?"
"There might be," A smirk started to form on Buck's lips and he glanced over at Eddie with a raised brow like it was a competition. "But it's too soon to bring her along to the station and meet everyone." He didn't want to push things too far, not yet when they were only just starting to go out on proper dates. Meeting the team Buck classed as his family would be a step too far too soon.
"What about you Eddie, do you finally have a lady to introduce us to?" Hen poked her tongue between her teeth, showing off a smile as Eddie looked up from his glass, suddenly realising he was being pulled into this conversation.
He could feel the heat rising to his cheeks and a splash of colour coating his skin just from the thought of bringing his special someone along to the cookout.
"The bachelor over here who lives at the station?" Buck turned around in his chair to look behind him at the coworker he classed as one of his best friends but his smirk dropped when he took in Eddie's stoic expression. "What, do you actually have someone in mind to bring?"
Eddie's lips pursed to the side and his jaw tightened just a little but after taking a deep breath, he managed a small smile to try and lighten his own mood. He didn't realise all of the team were in agreement that he was single. Although that was probably his own fault for keeping his life so shut off from the rest of them, but still, Eddie never denied it when they used to say he probably had someone waiting at home for him. It wasn't a secret.
It was a tough transition from the army into the fire department, Eddie was so used to keeping his life private because talking about his family when he was thousands of miles away from them only dampened his mood and brought him down. And he couldn't bring himself to put his wedding ring back on his finger after having it on a chain around his neck for so long.
It was always safer to have his ring tucked away beneath his uniform and in the dead of night when he was out on watch or he couldn't sleep, he would curl it in his fist and indent the shape into the palm of his hand. Eddie couldn't sleep if the ring wasn't around his neck, the small weight on his chest was a comfort he had grown used to.
But Buck had seen him leaving the showers and changing into his uniform hundreds of times, he thought his friend would have noticed the ring around his neck. He thought Buck knew but was just being respectful of his privacy.
"I have some family here in LA that can come along,"
Eddie took a swig of his drink and rested his hand on the counter, smiling around the rim of his glass. The team knew most of his family was back in Texas, his parents, his sisters and their families, a few of his aunts and uncles but he still had two aunts here in LA, plus the family his team didn't know about.
Part of Eddie wasn't sure if he would make it here in LA, if he would like the transition or get used to being here. It was why he kept himself so closed off from the rest of the team, he didn't want to get close if he was going to head back to Texas.
But it had been a year since he started at the station and he knew without a doubt that this was where he wanted to be and all of his family had adjusted to being here. They were here to stay. It was about time he let the team meet his family, after all, the team were like a second family to Eddie. He spent most of his time here with them and they were all important to him. It was time he merged both worlds together.
"That's great, you know you can bring anyone along. Siblings, nieces or nephews or friends, everyone's welcome." Bobby patted Eddie's shoulder as he passed him but his words didn't comfort Eddie as much as they unnerved him. Even Bobby didn't think Eddie had anyone special here, he was under the same impression that Eddie was a single guy who willingly spent all his time here at the station.
He was doing the extra shifts for the money, not the company or the thrill.
"Perfect," He was going to surprise them all.
A smile formed on Eddie's lips and he tried to balance his weight on his heels and keep his steps as light as possible so he couldn't be heard traipsing through into the kitchen. He'd already kicked off his boots the moment he walked in the door which gave him the advantage of being quieter.
He passed through the doorway into the kitchen where the radio was playing softly in the background, helping to cover up the sound of him returning home.
His sights set on the one person he was hoping to surprise and while she had her back facing him, Eddie picked up the pace and he seemed to time it perfectly right. Just as (Y/n) turned around, Eddie pounced and wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her off her feet in a split second. His smile broadened into a grin when she shrieked and he spun round on his heels as he felt (Y/n)'s arms deadlock around his neck and her face bury into his shoulder.
"Eddie!" (Y/n) swatted her hand down on his back and breathed his name into his neck but she could already feel him laughing against her before he kissed the side of her head.
He was always one for surprising her.
"You'll give me a heart attack one day," (Y/n) mumbled the words into his shoulder but she couldn't hold back a smile. Her arms tightened around his neck when he carefully set her back down on her feet and she could feel his hands roaming around her back and hips before he settled on cupping her stomach instead. "Oh, that's why you scared me is it?"
"What?" Eddie kept his head nuzzled against hers until (Y/n) cupped his face and tilted his head back so he could look down at her and he took the liberty of resting his temple against hers. He had a very innocent expression on his face but the way his eyes gleamed and his pupils started to expand gave away everything. And when his lips curved up and he flashed his teeth, (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh.
"You forget just how well I know you, Mr Diaz. You scared me to wake her up."
(Y/n) let her hands move down from cupping his cheeks to rub up and down his shoulders as he threw his head back to let out a hearty laugh. He had been rumbled.
Every time when Eddie was around and (Y/n) started to feel some movement from the baby, Eddie was there with his hands roaming her stomach only to find that their girl had settled back down. It was like she was teasing him and he didn't like it, he wanted to be there for everything, he didn't want to miss a thing and he loved to feel her kick more than anything.
Eddie just so happened to realise that whenever he snook up on (Y/n) or gave her a little jump scare which he was prone to doing, the baby woke up and she would wriggle and kick up a storm. If Eddie got (Y/n)'s heart racing, he could hold her stomach like he was doing now and he wouldn't miss a thing.
"Ah, you caught me, but I was right. See, she knows it's me." He continued to smooth his hands up and down her stomach while he pressed a kiss to her forehead and rested his lips there for a while.
"Did you have a good day?"
"Not too bad all things considered. Do you have plans for Friday?"
Adrenaline sparked in (Y/n)'s stomach when Eddie's hands moved to caress her hips and he walked her back until her hips bumped against the kitchen counter and he had her caged in. He stepped closer until he was practically stood between her legs, their hips and chests merged together and his forehead tipped down until it was resting on hers. His hands moved from her hips to rest on the counter either side of her, caging her beneath him like his prey and it sent her knees wobbling in the best possible way.
She tightened her hands on his biceps before she moved her palms to smooth her hands and fingertips up and down over his chest. It was something she knew drove him crazy and she could feel each breath becoming deeper and steady beneath her fingers.
"No, I don't think so. Why, what did you have in mind?"
"We're having a family day at the station in the afternoon, there will be a BBQ and Cap said we can bring anyone along. Fancy joining me with Christopher?" Eddie glanced his eyes down to (Y/n)'s lips as he spoke and subconsciously licked his own lips before he looked back up to her eyes.
"It sounds lovely… what's that look for?" (Y/n) rubbed her thumb across his chin and up along his jaw.
She knew that look in his eyes and the way his lips twitched up on one side like a slanted smile. It wasn't a bad or worried look but it was something different to excitement or happiness, he looked apprehensive.
"No one's expecting me to bring anyone,"
(Y/n) wasn't surprised. She knew Eddie like the back of her hand and he was a very closed off, private person. He could joke around at work and have a laugh and get to know people, but letting them into his life was much different and it was harder than it seemed. But Eddie was ready to let everyone in now, he knew they weren't the kind of people who would hurt him or turn on him, they were a new family and he wanted them in every aspect of his life.
Eddie kept his eyes on (Y/n)'s lips for a few seconds until she cupped his face in her hands again and brought him closer so their noses brushed together. But it was her smile that made his heart skip a beat and his eyes creased from the wide smile that spread across his face when she kissed the corner of his mouth.
"We'll just have to show them how loved you are then, won't we?"
He brought his hands up to cup hers before he leaned forward to press a feverish kiss on her lips. His fingertips itched and tapped against her hands and he shifted between her legs with a buzz of energy. He would have kissed her deeper, harsher, quicker. He would have lifted her up off her feet again and spun her round or sat her high on the kitchen counter if a certain voice didn't stop him in his tracks.
"Daddy, you're home!"
"Are we here?"
"Yep, this is where daddy works," A small bubble of anxiety dwelled in (Y/n)'s stomach when she approached the fire station looming ahead of them.
The only time (Y/n) had been here was when she had dropped Eddie off and picked him up from shift when his car was in the garage. She had never actually been inside and seen what it looked like on the other side. It loomed large like a beacon in society.
Where was she supposed to go? Did she have to sign in or let someone know she was here? Did they have a checklist or was anyone allowed to turn up unannounced? Eddie did say that anyone was allowed to be here and he had told everyone he was bringing someone but she knew he hadn't specified who was coming. He was going to surprise them and show them that he did have people waiting at home for him when his shift ended and his work like came to a finish.
(Y/n) unhooked her bag from her shoulder and looped it over the handlebar of Christopher's wheelchair that she was gripping so tightly her knuckles were almost popping through her skin.
Her eyes did another sweep over the pair of them, triple-checking that they looked okay to be here. Christopher had chosen himself a dark blue button up shirt and trousers and (Y/n) had gone with a floral yellow dress that looped up around her neck and came down just beneath her knees. It was one of the only dresses (Y/n) had that looked more sophisticated but also stretched enough to cover her six-month bump.
Clothes were starting to get snug at the moment and Eddie was coming home to find (Y/n) had confiscated a lot of his shirts and button ups since they fit her better than her own clothes.
The wide red doors that opened up for the trucks to get out were pinned open to let people flow in and out and (Y/n) could hear the music before they even got inside. And the atmosphere seemed to buzz through the air like speckles of sugar glistening all around the station.
"Are you ready?"
Smiling, (Y/n) reached down and ruffled his curls and looked down to make sure he was holding the two trays tightly. They had spent the morning baking cookies and a lemon cake which was Eddie's weakness and Christopher wouldn't let go of them all the way here.
Pinning a loose curl behind her ear, (Y/n) took a deep breath and pushed the chair forward into the station that was crowded with people moving about from all angles. Some were up high in the loft, leaning over and laughing and joking. Others were near the gym towards the right and people were dotted between the two trucks and the ambulance which had all been cleaned today by the looks of them.
Where was Eddie hiding? He had been here since eight this morning because he was technically on shift but he promised (Y/n) as soon as they arrived, he would be right beside her and he wouldn't leave unless he had to go out on a call.
She was sure the panic was written across her face when an older man approached them with a soft smile, bright eyes and broad shoulders.
"Hi, welcome, come on in. I'm Captain Nash but everyone calls me Bobby," He waved a hand over before both his hands moved to rest on his hips but he had a calming voice that made (Y/n) feel at ease. If everyone seemed as welcoming as him then this wouldn't be as daunting as she first thought.
"Hi, I'm (Y/n) and this is Christopher."
"We made cake!" He held the silver tray out for Bobby to see but it was clear he wasn't about to hand it over. He was proud and showing off what they had done but he was still protecting the treats they had made. He wouldn't put them down until he saw Eddie.
"Wow, thank you! Everyone here as a sweet tooth. Who are you here for and I'll go let them know you're here."
"Eddie, thank you," (Y/n) rung her hands together when Bobby raised a brow but his open mouthed expression quickly turned into a grin and he nodded. He waved them to follow him towards the buffet table where a lot of people were crowded round sharing jokes and playful taunts before he wandered off to find Eddie.
"Hey, look, someone made cookies!"
(Y/n)'s eyes darted over to a tall man who looked to be a little younger than Eddie, he had a broad smile and a playful aura about him that seemed to radiate to Christopher who smiled proudly. He crouched down beside the chair and folded his arms over on the armrest but his eyes were on the cookies Christopher was already trying to get the clingfilm off.
"Thanks, these look great," He kindly took the cookie he was offered and ate it in one, causing the eight-year-old to giggle happily. "I'm Evan, but everyone calls me Buck."
"Oh, you're Buck, Eddie talks about you a lot." (Y/n) smiled down at him before she leaned around the chair and carefully slipped her hands beneath Christopher's arms to pick him up from the chair. It was always easier to take him out in the wheelchair than make him walk too far on his crutches but (Y/n) knew he would be fine to walk and hobble round the station if he was slow and careful. "Why don't you put them on the table, baby?"
She took the lemon cake from him and put it on the chair so he wouldn't be carrying too much and he could focus on putting the cookies down on the buffet table across from them. When she turned back to Buck, he was stood up again, hands in his pockets and a curious smile on his face.
"He talks about us, does he? Are you his sister?"
Something flashed across (Y/n)'s eyes and she forced herself not to laugh, settling instead on a kind smile. Surely she didn't look related to Eddie? They weren't similar in looks or features or height and (Y/n) certainly didn't look like any of his big sisters.
"Hey Buck, who's this?" Hen appeared at his side, handing him over a drink before she turned towards (Y/n) with one of the brightest smiles she had seen before- other than Eddie and Christopher of course.
"There you are," Eddie's voice was unusually soft and quiet but he knew (Y/n) had heard him when he saw her head turn to the side to try and see where he was. It had been a tempting idea to sneak up behind her and give her a small jump like he had done the other day but he refrained because they were in public and he didn't want to embarrass her.
He walked up behind her and his hands instantly found their home on her waist, cradling her hips comfortingly through her dress that stood out to Eddie from a mile away. He knew as soon as he walked down the stairs that his wife, his girl, was the one in the yellow summer dress that had sequins sewn into the hem and her hair curled into ringlets, pinned to the back of her head.
His chest glued up against (Y/n)'s back and she could feel his deep breaths resonating through her, no doubt full of anticipation about introducing his family to his work family. But (Y/n) could feel how oddly calm Eddie was behind her and she found herself closing her eyes when he kissed the side of her head and leaned down to keep his lips smothered against her cheek for a few seconds.
"Guys, this is my wife, (Y/n). Sweetheart, this is Buck and Hen, and that's Chimney over there."
Something about the way their jaws dropped made Eddie grin against (Y/n)'s cheek and he could feel pins and needles tingling down to his fingertips. They were expecting his aunts to be his company today or some distant relative or just a new friend he made whilst living here. They weren't expecting him to be married or to have a child either.
"It's lovely to meet you," (Y/n) shook Hen's hand when she held it out but her eyes were narrowed in on Eddie and her lips were pressed together like she was waiting for an explanation.
No one would have made fun of him or commented if he told them he was married. He knew all about their love lives, or Buck's lack thereof and he had met Hen's wife Rachel before and her son Denny. But this was the first they were hearing of him having a family.
"Wife? So, so you're married?"
"That's generally what it means, Buck." Eddie pressed another kiss to (Y/n)'s cheek before he hovered his lips over her ear when he noticed the cake sitting on the vacant wheelchair in front of her. "You made my favourite," He whispered the words quietly against the shell of her ear, feeling her shiver against him which only made his grin broaden.
"Oh, so he's your boy?" Buck pointed across to the buffet table where Christopher was already making a dozen friends with anyone who was within his reach. But as soon as his head turned and his eyes landed on Eddie, he was clapping and making his way through the crowd to get back to his parents.
"You have a kid too?" Hen turned round to catch a glimpse of who Buck was pointing to. This day just kept getting better and better.
"Yeah, here's my boy."
Eddie unravelled one hand from (Y/n)'s hip and crouched down enough so that when Christopher hurried over to him with open arms, he could scoop him up. He curved his arm around his boy and effortlessly lifted him up in one arm and perched him on his hip while his other arm stayed around (Y/n)'s waist, keeping the two most important people close at hand.
"Shall we go cut this cake? I'm starving," He bounced Christopher on his hip before he kissed (Y/n)'s forehead and reached down to grab the lemon cake that was calling his name. "I won't be a minute," He mumbled quietly against her skin before he headed over towards the buffet where Bobby was starting to plate a few things up.
His arm nudged against Bobby when he went to cut the cake and he smiled up at his captain when he felt his boy nuzzling into the crook of his neck with a big smile.
"Do you know what you're having yet?"
"A little girl," Eddie knew it was a sensitive topic but he couldn't stop himself from grinning like the Cheshire cat even as he bit down on his lower lip to calm down his smile. He had his son in his arm and soon he was going to have a little girl to spoil and show off to the team. He was beyond excited.
"That's why you've been picking up the extra shifts?" Bobby kept his voice quiet so no one else would pick up on their conversation but he spoke with a smile and a calm tone. He wasn't being rude or insinuating, he knew better than most what it was like to keep your family to yourself and have something that the rest of the team didn't know about. But Bobby thought it was good that Eddie was opening up to them all, he had been with them long enough to be one of the team and be part of their family.
"Yeah, I'll need to put in for a few weeks off soon, thought I may as well do extra now while I can." He was going to be asking for time off in a few weeks because in just over two months he wanted to be home with (Y/n) ready for when she went into labour and then afterwards to help her at home with the baby.
Eddie knew it was the best idea to do overtime now while (Y/n) was pregnant so it wouldn't affect them when he had to take leave and be home with her. He wouldn't be able to take a lot of extra shifts after the baby was born, he knew (Y/n) would need him home with her.
"Good for you, you look happy."
"Oh I am Cap," Eddie let his eyes wander back over to (Y/n) who was smiling and laughing along with Buck who was trying to cautiously feel her stomach but it wasn't something he had ever done before. "I am."
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Warning: male reader NSFW pet names (bunny, baby boy, baby, good boy, darling) virginity loss
Kaeya was absolutely smitten with the older brother of Barbara, soft gentle smiles as he helped Lisa around her Library when he wasn't at the church with his sister.
He was just so perfect and innocent.
"My my, If it isn't the church's prettiest deacon" Kaeya said smoothly as (name) stepped into the knights building, dressed in the male counterpart clothing of his sister albeit less idol themed "ah! Mr Kaeya it's a pleasure to see you again!" (Name) said with a slight blush as the handsome man sauntered over to (name), eyes doing filthy things to the poor man "what are you doing here though, Lisa is gone book collecting with the traveller"
"Well you see, I actually came to see you!" (Name) said cheerfully much to the blue haired man's surprise"really and why is that?"
"I...wanted to see if you possibly wanted to get lunch with me" (name) was a mess at this point as Kaeya took a moment to process this saint like creatures words but apparently he took too long because (name) looked a little heartbroken "O-oh I must have misread the signals, I'm very sorry Mr. Kaeya, L-lets forget I said anything..." (Name) said chuckling nervously as he turned to walk away only to be pulled back by Kaeya "now now, I never said no did I? Who could deny such a request"
(Name) was a goner at this point, his sister's didn't tell him what to do if he said yes!
The two went out and soon the day became more than just lunch, somehow (name) ended up pinned between the wall and Kaeya as the tanned man ravished his neck and hands slowly took apart his clothes while his leg rubbed against (name)s crotch "so fuckin' pretty, the prettiest little thing in the country" Kaeya said deeply as he let (name) tug at his hair, the sweet angel was most definitely a virgin.
"You want me to take you? Ruin you for anyone else?"
"I-I...please Kaeya...."
That was the first time he heard (name) say his name without 'mr' stamped infront of it and Kaeya would be a dirty liar if he said it didn't go straight to his cock "lemme take you home, your first time shouldn't be in a grimy alleyway"
(Name) let himself be led to kaeyas home and let the blue eyed man strip him down on Kaeyas bed "god, I might just keep you here... Serve my cock and be my little fuck bunny" Kaeya said almost thoughtfully as he imagined (name) in bunny ears and a cotton tail and groaned.
Another time.
He needed to focus on the shy baby boy before him, a red blush looking away with a painfully hard cock he tried to hide.
All for the taking.
Keaya stripped down and watched (name) carefully as the sweet Deacon gave into temptation "touch yourself for me" Kaeya commanded and (name) blushed heavily as he looked at the other "don't you want to be my good boy?"
That seemed to do something, Kaeya keeping that in his memory for later as he watched (name) shyly nice his hand down and stroke his cock, letting out soft moans as he looked away and his his mouth behind his hand.
He wanted to be a good boy for Kaeya so badly.
He like Kaeya so much it hurt, the thought of being bad for him oh (name) wouldn't allow it.
"Don't cum yet bunny" Kaeya said as he moved his hand the the base of (name)s cock "you only get to cum on my cock alright?"
"O-ok..." (Name) said obediently as he let Kaeya manhandle him, every touch seemed to unlock more and more of (name)s inner slut as he was settlled ass up as Kaeya licked his virgin hole "ah! No! That's dirty!" (Name) said panicked and kaeya just pulled his ass closer to his face "looks good to me" he mumbled before eating (name) out, keeping a tight grip on the beautiful shaking man's cock to keep him from cumming.
He'd cum on Kaeyas cock and it alone.
Using his spare hand he fondled (name)s glorious ass and spread it for better access as he continued his meal, the sound of (name)s beautiful melodic moans sent shivers down his spine.
They were so needy
So desperate
Like the call of a siren
And he was a foolish sailor
(Name)s ass had loosened enough for Kaeya to introduce his fingers and God he could tell already that even with prep his bunny was gonna be tight.
Three fingers and he still felt like a tight fuck toy.
"You sure you want this, you can always back down" Kaeya said softly to his bunny as he turned him over, (name) teary eyed and looking at him so desperately "p-please be gentle"
"Of course baby, don't wanna tear this cute little ass"
Kaeya grabbed some oil beside his bed and rubbed it on his cock, smiling all cocky as he guided his cock inside the others messy little hole.
He was right.
Even with prep his ass was still tight as hell "f-fuck!" (Name) squeaked out and Kaeya felt his brain short circuit as he took in (name), the sweetest and most innocent man in all of mondstadt just swore.
He didn't even think that was possible honestly.
"God you're so fucking hot"
Kaeya slowly pulled his cock out to the tip before thrusting harshly in, creating a slow deep and rough pace as (name) quickly came undone, already fucked out and begging for more.
Who knew he would be such a little cock whore?
"God baby, you're so good" Kaeya said pulling (name) into a soft kiss, continuing his thrusts as he slowly heated the kiss up, swallowing all those cute noises he produced as Kaeya dominated the kiss and (name)s mouth as he explored his newly conqored territory.
"P-please..." (Name) begged as he clung helplessly to Kaeya "please what? I'm no mind reader" Kaeya said as his hips snapped slow and hard, taking his time to make (name) his hungry little cock whore line he was destined to be. "F-faster..." He mumbled looking away with a heavy blush only to make a choked sound when Kaeya gripped his waist and began absolutely pounding into him "see? That's not so hard is it baby?"
(Name) couldn't even reply as his world was rocked, Kaeya taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking and biting roughly, before moving and leaving Hickeys wherever he so desired.
(Name) was his, he could do whatever he wanted with his slutty body.
(Name) was completely cock drunk as he let Kaeya take what he desired and in return he took what Kaeya gave him.
"Fuck baby, I'm close you gonna cum for me? Gonna be a good boy and cum for your Kaeya?"
(Name) could only nod as Kaeya continued his work, strong grip bruising his pretty skin as he felt himself draw close.
Kaeyas hips stuttered as he climaxed into (name), pulling out and watching his cum leak out "messy boy"
"'m sorry..." (Name) mumbled as his body vibrated and tingled, coming down from his high as his body was covered in sticky cum "my, even after sex you're still such a polite boy"
"I-is this--- are we--" (name) struggled to find words as Kaeya chuckled and kissed him sweetly "I don't think I could ever let something so wonderful like you go, are you alright with that?"
"I like that..." (Name) smiled softly as they began softly kissing "sleep now darling, I will be here when you awake"
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reddeaddamnation · 1 year
RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 PREFERENCE: Their reaction to your death
Arthur Morgan
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"Get me a doctor, come on!" Arthur yelled, galloping into camp with you in front of him, seemingly barely hanging on on the saddle. The gang immediately gathered around, shocked and worried about your condition. "What happened?" Dutch asked. "O'Driscoll boys." Arthur sneered "Ran into us on the way back. Got them to back off but not without trouble."
Miss Grimshaw carefully took you down from the saddle, grimacing at the gushing wound on the side of your belly from a gunshot. "Miss Grimshaw. Put her to lay down somewhere. John, go into town and get a doctor. Quick!" Dutch started barking orders around "Mr. Pearson, give her something for the pain. Arthur..." he looked at the man with a look of sadness and muttered quietly "I'm sorry, son."
"I don't think she's gonna make it." Micah said indifferently, watching Susan carry you away, as you slipped in and out of consciousness while stumbling on your way. "You shut the hell up!" Arthur yelled, jumping down from his horse and grabbing Micah by the shirt "What do you know?" Micah scoffed "I know enough that if there's an exit wound, she's lucky enough to make it here alive enough to say goodbye."
John Marston
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Someone ratted you out. This was a trap. The stagecoach was a setup, because as soon as you, Arthur, John and Sadie stopped it, you were overrun by Pinkertons, who chased you into the woods to a cave where you hoped to hide. Except that they cornered you inside and were nearing your hiding spot while Arthur was cursing and looking for a way out discreetly behind some stalagmites. There was a tight opening near them, but you would be too slow to escape in time. You looked at John, heart pounding in your chest as the voices neared. Arthur was urging Sadie to go in the opening and beckoning you to follow her. You squeezed John's hand. "I got this." You got up, ignoring the hushed scolding "Are you insane?", "What are you doing?"
"Sirs." You walked out of the hiding spot slowly, hands up "Agent Milton." You nodded at the Pinkerton. There were at least 15 people aiming at you. "It seems... you caught me. It was a fun chase." You scoffed. "Surrender your weapon, miss L/N." Milton ordered "This doesn't need to get bloody." You slowly dropped your gun to the ground, side eyeing the others, who watched you from behind the rocks. "Where are your associates?" Milton interrogated. "It seems we got split up. I'm lost and they left me behind." You answered, walking closer to them so their attention is only on you.
"This one could be a valuable asset to lure Van Der Linde out of hiding, sir." Agent Ross mumbled to his colleague "With her, we don't even need to look for the others. They will come to us." Until the end, you were sure nobody would shoot. You knew they know how close your gang is. Surely even if you were captured, they would come to save you and the agents knew it. Milton was thinking silently. "You know what, Ross?" He thought "I don't think so." Gunshot. You gasped and hunched over, leaning on one of the rocks, holding your chest, where blood quickly painted your shirt red. "It's easier picking them out one by one."
John wanted to scream. He wanted to jump out and massacre them all. You slid down the stalagmite until you were sat. Your eyes briefly met his before the life drained from them and he was left, locking eyes with a corpse. He was ready to jump out and start shooting, before Arthur grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back roughly. "We'll come back. We'll avenge her. I swear. Let's go."
Charles Smith
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How many more people was he going to bury? Lenny, Hosea, Arthur... now... the unthinkable. Saint Denis wasn't a place for you and he was cursing himself for bringing you here ever since you settled in. You always told him how much you hate the big city and how would love to have a homestead somewhere in the countryside... he knew everything about you. How depressed you feel in this grey, corrupt city, how it made you feel chained and small. He swore you will buy a homestead soon when you have money.
But that day never came. Today, tuberculosis finally got the better of you. And Charles blamed everything on himself. From where you contracted the illness, he didn't know. All he knew was that he despised this disease ridden society. He couldn't listen to your painful hacks and coughs day and night without his heart wretching in pain. You were such a shining and bubbly person before the illness dimmed your flame.
After the burial, he sat at your grave all day. Neither crying nor smiling, not thinking or moving. He felt empty. For all he cared from now on he could die too for bringing this upon you. He knew he shouldn't have moved you here... he would blame himself for the rest of his life.
Dutch van der Linde
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Guns blazing in the distance. The O'Driscolls scattered, panicked, reaching for their guns. You watched them with a smirk. Dutch was coming. You heard him. "Face me, you scum!" He yelled, mercilessly shooting anyone in his way, his gang behind him. "He's gonna get you now, Colm." You teased your captor "And he won't be as gentle as you were." You sneered menacingly, spitting blood on the ground, which had been drenched in your blood from five days of torture and malnutrition. "Shut your mouth, harlot." Colm was panicking. "I told you but you didn't listen." You laughed "What do you know, huh? We've been through this before, me and Dutch. And I'd do it again." Colm grabbed you by the throat "You're just a disposable toy to him. I bet in a month from now I'd be doing this with another wench I don't even know the name of." You spit in his face, making him back off.
"I'd think you're in love with him more than me, Colm. You're obsessed. You wanna be next in line, huh?" You mocked, laughing loudly to let Dutch know where you are. "Why you..." he grabbed you by the hair and aimed his gun at your neck. "Colm!" Dutch kicked the door in, aiming his gun at Colm's head, along with Arthur and Bill.
The house you were kept in was in a remote place in the mountains near the Grizzlies. Dutch must have rode for days without rest for him to find you so fast. "Here we are again, Dutch." Colm smirked "Too bad I don't have a brother for you to kill nearby."
Dutch growled "It will not happen again. I guarantee it." Silence. Colm thought for a moment before raising his hands "Alright." He cut the ropes holding you up "You win, Dutch. You outnumbered me. I won't be the one to kill her." You fell to the ground, wrists sore from the days of being hung up. Colm backed away towards a window. "My darling Y/N." Dutch held out his hand, but not leaving Colm out of sight "Let's get out of here."
You were about to stand up when a gunshot pierced your side and Colm disappeared through the window, broken by the bullet. "No!" Dutch screamed falling to his knees to hold you. He didn't have any words left to describe his hatred for Colm. No punishment would be enough for him. Arthur ran to the window but quickly ducked before the sniper could shoot him. "Y/N.." Dutch caressed your cheek "I'm here." History was repeating itself. "Dutch..." you whispered before passing out. If he didn't have a reason to live before, Dutch was now determined to destroy Colm O'Driscoll's life and give him the most painful death.
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x reader
Summary: The most important question...
A/N: It’s been too long since I’ve written for my Sasha, and I need some stress relief from school lol
Y/B/S is your birthstone
Aleksander paced, fighting to control his breathing.  He wiped his palms on his kefta, worrying his lip between his teeth.  There was a ball tonight, and it was at said ball that Aleksander would ask you the most important question of his life.  He was sure of your answer, but even so, worry and doubt clawed their way through him.
You were the daughter of an Earl, but that hadn’t meant your life had been easy.  Your mother had died in childbirth, and your father had wanted a son.  He’d provided the bare minimum for you, what a father was required to give his daughter, but nothing more.  Your position at court was yours because you’d fought for it; because your intelligence and wit had paved a path for you that your pathetic excuse for a father had refused to.
That was what put you in Aleksander’s life, and from the moment he laid eyes on you, his fate had been sealed.  Yours was a passionate love, a true, undying love, one that burned hotter than an Inferni’s flame, that ran deeper than the depth of the True Sea.  Aleksander had never been so besotted, so hopelessly in love.  If you denied him…..he couldn’t even entertain the notion.
He wanted to be yours, completely and irrevocably yours, he wanted to care for you, provide for you, treat you like the goddess you were.  And Saints willing, he soon would.  “Aleksander?”  Your voice broke him from his stupor, and he turned to face you.  “Are you alright?  I said your name five times.”  If he was breathless before, he was certainly breathless now.  You stood before him in a gown of burgundy silk, the neckline sweeping below your collarbones, sleeves falling from your shoulders.  Your hair was twisted into a braid, and glittering rubies hung from your ears and neck.
“You are simply a vision, my love,” he said, taking your hand and kissing it.  “Perfection.”  You felt yourself blush, and hooked your arm through Aleksander’s as he led you into the ballroom.  You were soon swept into conversation as Aleksander was pulled away by his advisors, but you managed to find each other for the first dance of the evening.  When Aleksander found himself alone at the refreshments table, he felt his heart begin to pound once more.
What if she says no, what if I embarrass her, what if she hates me, what if I mess up, what if, what if what if–  “Aleksander.”  You laid your hand on his arm, and with a single touch, all his fears and worries vanished.  “Yes, my love?”  “Something’s bothering you.  You were staring at the wall and fidgeting.  Are you alright?”  Of course you’d noticed his nerves, you knew him better than anyone else.
You knew everything about him: his wretched past, the lives he’d taken, the mistakes he’d made, how long and hard he’d fought.  And you’d never turned away, never shied from him, never feared him. You loved him exactly as he was, loved each and every flaw, and that was all he’d ever wanted.  “I’m just fine, Y/N.  There’s something I want to ask you, thought.”  At once, your full attention was on him, and his nerves returned in full.
“From the moment I set eyes on you, I knew I was yours,” Aleksander began.  “And every moment since then, I have only become more sure.  You saw a broken, flawed, imperfect man and chose to love him exactly as he was, and I will be forever grateful for that, my love.  I know that life has not been kind to you, but you have handled every challenge that it’s thrown at you with grace.  I will care for you, Y/N.  I will love you unconditionally, I will provide for you, I will cherish you, worship you, if you do me the honor of continuing to love a flawed and broken man.”
With shaking hands, Aleksander reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring.  Glittering black diamond and Y/B/S set on a silver band.  You covered your mouth as he sank to a knee  “Y/N L/N, please, do me the greatest honor of making me your husband.  Marry me, Y/N, and I will spend the rest of my life showing you how deeply and endlessly I adore you.”  The party had halted around you, watching as Aleksander professed his love for you, and you felt tears well in your eyes.
Aleksander had never shied from you, never judged you, never balked at your lack of pageantry for your status.  Other men would have turned their noses up at a nobleman’s daughter who had such wit, who was well read, who knew her worth.  Things you’d had to do since your father wanted nothing to do with you.  Aleksander loved you exactly as you were, loved each and every flaw, and that was all you’d ever wanted.  “Aleksander….yes!”  For the barest second, he thought he’d misheard you, but then you were nodding, tears spilling over.  “Yes!  Yes, I will marry you! Yes, yes, yes!”
He stumbled to his feet and caught you as you threw yourself into his arms, spinning you around with glee.  People cheered around you, but you didn’t hear them; you were laughing with joy, crying with elation.  You wrapped your arms around Aleksander’s neck as he twirled you, his own around your waist.  “Oh, my love!” he said, tears of his own falling.  “You have no idea how happy you’ve just made me!”
An elated giggle left your lips as he set you down and pulled you into a kiss, dipping you towards the ground.  His hands splayed across your back, ensuring you wouldn’t fall, and you tipped your chin to deepen the kiss, never wanting this moment to end.  Aleksander was never this affectionate in front of others, but damn it, he was happy.  And if he wanted to kiss his fiance, then he would.  
When he righted you, Aleksander kept you in his arms, resting his forehead against yours.  “I swear it, Y/N, you will never want for anything.  I will move the heavens for you, just say the word.”  You smiled, nuzzling your nose against his.  “Just love me, Aleksander, that’s all I’ll ever need.”  “That, I am more than happy to do.”  He took your hand and slid the ring onto your finger before lifting it to his lips and kissing it.
“My Y/N,” he whispered.  “Moya lyubimaya devushka.”  My beloved girl in Old Ravkan, your heart fluttered.  “Your Y/N,” you replied, kissing him again.  The rest of the ball passed in a  blur of well wishes and congratulations with Aleksander’s arms around you the entire time.  The murderous looks shot at you from girls around the room didn’t go amiss, but any worries were soothed by your fiance’s lips.
“Pay them no mind, my sweetling,” he said, resting his chin on your shoulder, his arms around your waist.  “I always have been and always will be completely and utterly yours.”  “I know,” you replied.  “I just don’t like other people looking at what’s mine.”  Aleksander’s heart skipped several beats, and he’d be lying if your statement wasn’t a bit arousing.  “Well then,” he said, spinning you around so you were facing him.  “Perhaps we should show them who's I am.”  And he kissed you again, and again, and again, until all you could think about was him.
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freshfraise · 1 year
pairing: kylian mbappé x reader
summary: Childhood sweethearts. After a tearful, transformative departure at just 19, four years pass by. And now, at 23, you are being forced to awkwardly reunite with your ex-boyfriend to fulfill your dreaded journalistic duties.
authors note: this chapter is essentially the build up to when they meet again next chapter, so bear with me :)) thank you for all the love and comment if you want to be in the tag list!
previous chapter here
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You shake off your nerves as you enter your boss's office. You were specifically called over, which was extremely rare for a journalist of your level. Sympathetic glances are shot over from your colleagues, having you anticipate the worst. You wrap your trembling digits around the frigid doorknob and heave deeply. 
“I’m removing you from Educational Journalism and switching you to a different sector.” Your boss declares bluntly, barely leaving any time for your feet to be firmly planted on the floor.
“I believe your writing is better fit for a more riveting sector than Education. Something along the lines of Entertainment and Sports.” He continues, blocking out any sort of inquiry you may have. The word Sports rings in your head. It was only just four years ago. Four years ago since you last saw him. Of course, you saw the odd headline of him or a trending hashtag/tweet debating just how good of a player he is, but you made it your (extremely difficult) mission to ignore and block out as much as possible of your ridiculously illustrious ex-boyfriend. You prayed that your boss would lean more into the entertainment sector, as you definitely wouldn’t mind interviewing and writing about celebrities and media around the world.
“Okay well, is there any sort of training I need to take before I start?” You question quickly, wary that you would be cut off again.
“Your writing is just what we need, so no, none at all. In fact, you have a train to Paris booked for 7:45 am tomorrow, as you’ll be interviewing a popular football team at their stadium. I’ll confirm more details in the morning.” The ringing in your ears grows louder, almost deafening. Suddenly, your trembling fingers become slick with perspiration and your tongue abnormally scratchy. There’s no way, what are the odds? you think to yourself. Your breathing becomes more hollow and rapid, now audible.
“Ms. Y/L/N? Are-” 
You interrupt this time, (unintentionally, but nonetheless it felt good). “Is this confirmed? Is there any way to deny this? I have a lot of things going on-”
“Y/N, this job is highly sought after, so the fact you’re even considering denying this job is very telling of your dedication to your role.” Your boss reprimands, making you purse your lips in shame. “And, yes it is very much confirmed, both the train ticket and the interviews. I get it, it’s normal to get scared and anxious when meeting celebrities of such calibre, but, you’re a journalist and this is a part of your job. Paris Saint Germain is one of-” Your boss’s voice fades out in the abundance of thoughts swirling around in your throbbing head. Now, you’re regretting a lot of things. You’re regretting not keeping in touch, which would probably drastically reduce the levels of anxiety you’re feeling but also your insistence on keeping your relationship with him private, because if it wasn’t, maybe your boss would understand how uncomfortable this situation is. Although, it did save you a swarm of hate comments and death threats.
You tune back into your boss’s ongoing rant, “-I, myself, am a fan of PSG, so if you could maybe get a signature or two from a couple players, that would be great.” He suggests, voice evident of enthusiasm. You roll your eyes subtly before heading your way out of the office. 
“Oh, Y/N?” He calls out, making you turn back promptly. “A signature from Mbappé in particular.” He comments, a small smile on his face. You pinch your eyelids shut and nod, already embarrassed at the thought of asking your Ex best friend/boy friend for a signature. 
On the tiresome commute home, you take advantage of the empty bus and call your best friend to communicate your uneasy thoughts.
“Imani, should I quit?” You ask, slouched in your seat, head facing the bus ceiling. One of the first and only friends you made in London, Imani is the only person outside of your immediate family that knows of your past relations with the footballer. Initially, she thought that it was a very well thought out prank, before realising that it was, in fact real and ended up screaming down the phone at you in bewilderment, leaving you to explain the extensive history of Y/N and the Mbappé.
“Girl, you have bills to pay. So delete that from your options,” She states bluntly, earning a hearty chuckle from you. “Unless,” She says, dragging out the ‘S’.
“Unless what?”
“Unless you get back together with him, that financial burden is lifted off your shoulders, and I can become WAG adjacent again! Win win for all of us!” 
“Imani.” You say exasperated.
“I’m kidding. Kinda. If I’m being honest, I still don’t understand why you broke up with him. You guys were so cute.”
“First of all, It was mutual. Kinda.” You recall the series of events, remembering your desolation and ache. You bite your lower lip, not liking to think too much about the feelings that day.
“Yeah mutual, yet he was begging for you not to leave him.” Imani responds, making you giggle quietly at her cut throat attitude.
“That wasn’t funny.” You say blankly, not giving her the satisfaction of making you laugh. “Plus, that was years ago, he probably has a girlfriend now.” The thought scans your mind briefly, leaving you to ponder.
“I love you, and I don’t want to be with anyone else but you, Y/N."
“You know what that means.” Imani declares, interrupting your train of thought.
“Late night stalking session?” “Late night stalking sesh.” Imani affirms. A late night stalking session, consists of one dedicated hour to finding out everything, ever imaginable about a possible romantic interest. In this case, a past romantic interest. This should be easy, you think to yourself, due to his famed status.
After a long journey home and sixty fatiguing, extensive minutes of harassing online search engines, you and Imani concluded two things:
Ethan has grown a lot since you last saw him.
Kylian, as a matter of fact, does have a girlfriend, who apparently, he’s engaged to.
taglist: @aechii
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reiynm · 10 months
Reiyn- listen—
Listen to me
If you ever have the chance or patience, whenever you're bored and/or don't feel like doing much or have anything in the way
You should make a SFW Alphabet for your yandere. (And only if you're comfortable, an NSFW one too)
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I'm on my hands and knees here...
The world DEMANDS IT /j (no pressure just a suggestion ❤️❤️❤️)
Okay! Okay!! OKAY!! 😂
Just the sfw version for now tho, I'll tag you if I do a NSFW one ;D
Probably broken english btw I had to pass my english dictionary to my roommate and I don't know when I will get it again urg ;w;
SFW Alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) He's not particularly affectionate 🤔 But with you… He'd always be on you, if you'd let him!
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Hard to say… Before he met you, he wouldn't let anyone near him, let alone cuddle him. So I would say he likes it but only with you.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) He will never break up with you and he will never let you go.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Your hands and your forehead, but he just likes to smooch you (no matter where). And he loves to bite your bottom lip before kissing (if you're comfortable enough with him)
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?) Don't say it often but only because for him it's just obvious. He wouldn't go to so much trouble if he didn't love you xD Bro literally kidnapped you after all.
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?) Very jealous, and reacts to it very VERY badly. Can get nervous if you show a little too much attention to anyone. Situations where he could become jealous are to be avoided at all costs. He always has an eye on you, especially on the "roommate" route. If someone gets a little too close to you, even in a friendly way, you can be sure that this person will disappear the very same day (and no need to ask questions, he'll deny everything…)
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves?) Bwaha good luck with that. If you want to know stuff about his past or his life, you'll have to spy on him, because he'll never tell you anything. Never.[SPOILER] The only thing you know for sure is that he's not a bodyguard. It's an excuse he uses to not scare you.
p = patience (how easily angered are they?) He has the patience of a Saint. Seriously, even after all the times you try to escape xD The only thing that makes him freak out or lose his patience is attacking him and/or managing to hurt him (Y/N will learn it the hard way)
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?) Sleep with one eye open. If you try to do anything against him while he's sleeping, it won't work. He always shamelessly invites himself into your bed (no matter the path you choose) and wants to have Y/N against him when he sleeps.
P.S: I love @pica-bunny heacanon about his body odor. So now he smells like pine trees :D
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Hmmmm,,,, villain AU but not in the traditional sense,,,, like,,, if Reader is constantly being hailed as a god, with gods, ancient beings, and others willing to die for you,, you'd have to be a saint to not let that get your head,,,,
Like, IDK you're visiting Earth to meet up with your family again. A select few have been chosen to accompany you on this journey, once more adorning you in praise and gifts as gratitude
But when you visit your family, they don't seem happy. They don't seem happy when they tell you about all of the things you've created. They're concerned for your dearest acolytes, worried about the casual self-dehumanization. Telling them that's it's normal will only worry them more.
They tell you that power corrupts. They tell you that they're scared. Not of your power, not because they're jealous of you, but because they can't recognize you. The fine silks that adorn your body, the divine aura that you radiate, the way you talk to your acolytes (you treat these living human beings like they're pets, and they don't even deny it). They think you're not the Y/N they once knew. That your time in Teyvat has corrupted you.
It's only because of your divine mercy that the chosen acolytes don't kill your kin. How dare they disrespect the very one who shaped Teyvat's land! How horrible could they be??
And as you return back to the land that you supposedly created, the hearts of every acolyte shatter upon your disastrous experience. They once more adorn you in praise and gifts, whispering soft melodies of comfort as you sit on the throne of Cor Lapis and Crystal Marrow
You were never the Creator. You were plopped into this strange land, and the land decided that you were the one who gave to life. Whether it was the way the grass felt softer whenever you walked or the way the feared archon of electricity herself kneeled in front of you, however, maybe you were the true creator.
You, Y/N L/N, was always the creator, taken from the land that you had built with loving hands into a world that hadn't been blessed by your brilliance. Your family should've been kneeling at the very sight of you, and yet they didn't. They talked to you as if you were just like them when they were nowhere near your level.
Once upon the time, the acolytes had told you that you were the true Divine One only to met with weak whimpers. But after some time, after all of the praise, all of the gifts, and all of the sheer undying love that they gave you, you finally saw the light. You accepted your position as The Almighty as you sat on your rightful throne, calling them good boys and girls as they all kneeled.
Now, as you sit, misery about your predicament gone, you casually stroke the cheeks of one of your acolyte's as you think. Zhongli had created mountains out of stone spears that crushed his enemies. The Vigilant Yaksha had once devoured dreams. A chamber made out of the finest jade crushed the ocean's rejected child under the unwelcoming sea. You had the land service your every needs, and the minimum of people that were kneeling before you right know was around 56.
Earth was so bleak. Maybe they just needed a push in the right direction. When your memories were gone and you banished to the mortal realm you were always a human never a god you're living in a delusion, your temporary family had always treated you with the utmost kindness. Of course, their love could never be stronger than that of the Vision Wielders, but they were the ones who had helped you see the light what light You still cared for these humans. You wanted to see them rise above long fallen ashes.
Perhaps you could gift another world with your divine benevolence.
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gxbbyhoneybadger · 1 year
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Richer than Gold
Pairing: !HH!Arthur Morgan x !F!Reader
Summary: Dutch has done it again, finding the jackpot for more money. He tells his gang about a rich man who spoils and loves his only child, hatching the perfect plan to kidnap the child for ransom. He sent his best men out to catch the victim, but what they got in return was something Arthur did not expect to meet, or better yet, fall for. But no one knew yet, just how dark the truth was behind the perfect dollhouse.
Warnings: adult language, guns, angst, tension, over-controlling parents, deception, abuse if you squint, forced arranged marriage, mutual pining, flirting.
This was just a drabble I thought of after I watched one of my favorite Pixar movies (Brave), I also added a twist to it, this was a winner at the polls!
The picture was edited by me.
Part 2, Part 3
Minors DNI 🔞 18 below the cut
Dutch had called everyone over, Tilly, Susan, Bill, Sean, Micah, Javier, Charles, John, Sadie, Mary-Beth, Molly, Lenny, Karen, Abigail, and the rest. Arthur approached after getting off his horse and listened to what Dutch was saying. "I've got a plan, this'll be our biggest and greatest heist there'll ever be!" Dutch said with a sly grin, "Just over in Saint Denis, a man named Richardson Jones, has just paid a visit to one of his many homes. And what's better than that! He has decided to bring along his greatest possession."
"Money?" Karen suggested. "Nope, his own youth." Dutch said. "A kid?" Bill chuckled. "Now, I know it sounds rather odd, but trust me when I tell you this. His child is his only weak spot, he'd do anything for his young'un to be happy! Spoiled to no end! We get our hands on his child and take it, he'll give us whatever we want! And trust me, Richardson is Richer than Gold itself." Dutch said.
"You want us to kidnap a child for ransom?" John questioned. "You won't even have to force the kid to follow, just use some damn candy." Micah snickered. John rolled his eyes as Jack wandered up to his mom's legs. "Arthur, John, Bill, Javier, Charles, Hosea, and I will leave to find Richardson's heir and bring it here for a day or two, afterwards, we get the money and book it to Tahiti!" Dutch said.
"But a child, Dutch?" Arthur finally said. "Yes, Arthur, a kid. It ain't going to be so terrible, we're not gonna hurt 'em." Hosea rubbed the back of his head as he listened, "It'll be a quick babysitting gig before we return the child, right, Dutch?" Charles questioned. "Yes, my boy." Dutch confirmed.
"He should be arriving pretty soon, we needa go and find out what our target'll look like. C'mon!" Micah yelled as he ran to his horse.
John, Arthur, Charles, and Javier, were set on catching the child as Dutch, Hosea, and Bill were gonna distract Richardson and his friends. "So he's the one richer than gold?" Javier asked as he looked through the binoculars at a handsome wealthy dressed man with a trimmed beard and silver eyes. The four men were hiding near the building which was close to the docks where the ship had been stationary for a while.
"Guess so." Charles said before looking himself. "You got candy, right?" John whispered to Arthur. "I got the damn candy, now I owe Jack." Arthur muttered. "Look! Look! Someone's coming out!" Javier warned the men. Richardson was speaking to a well dressed Dutch and Hosea.
"Gentleman, please meet my beautiful daughter, Y/n Jones L/n, she has her mother's last name." Richardson introduced as he raised his arm to point to a beautiful lady walking down the plank set on the dock. She had to be in her youthful years, beautiful jewelry, gorgeous dress, her hair done up in a stunning braid.
"Oh shit." Bill muttered, "I don't think he has a child, that has to be his wife."
"Hello, Gentlemen. It's an honor to meet my father's dearest companions." She smiled while bowing her head out of respect. Arthur held his face with on hand as he tried to contemplate a different way to get the girl. "Dammit, what are we gonna do now?" Javier asked. "Y'all keep an eye on her, I'll run to Dutch and Hosea, see what they think and I'll come back to you. Follow her." Bill said before running off.
John and Javier made their way towards an alley in the town while Arthur made his way closer to the docks to listen in on any conversation. "Oh. . . My." Hosea muttered when he and Dutch saw the young girl. "Mr. Matthews." Y/n smiled as she shook his hand, "Pleasure to meet you."
Arthur shook his head as he started to watch the girl, making sure she didn't take off. "Y/N!" A woman screamed as she ran towards her with excitement, holding her dress so she didn't fall and into Y/n's open embrace. "It's been so long!" The woman with red hair said.
"It has indeed, Kimberly! My goodness, look at you!" Y/n gasped as Kimberly spun around to show off her new purple dress. "It's beautiful, ain't it? Just got it yesterday from my daddy!", "Kimberly, my girl, you've grown up!" Richardson greeted as he hugged her. "I have, indeed, Mr!"
The two girls walked towards a small shop and sat down by a table, Arthur had quietly and discreetly made his way towards the corner and hid behind it to listen to the girls. "So! How old are ya, now?" Kimberly asked Y/n. "Can't you guess?", "Twenty-one!", "Nuh uh!", "Twenty-two?", "No.", "I don't know!"
Y/n let out a sigh and shook her head, "I'm twenty-four, Kim. It's only been five years since we last saw each other!" Y/n giggled, "It's strange to be here again, I forgot if it was nice here in Saint Denis?"
"Oh, absolutely! Except for the random robberies and such." Kimberly sighed. ". . . Robberies?" Y/n muttered with am inquisitive tone. Arthur rolled his eyes, already knowing what was going to come. The spoiled daddy's girl was about to complain and whine about the dirty old outlaws who take what they want.
"Where they really outlaws?!" Y/n gasped. Kimberly scoffed and crossed her arms, "I forgot you're a total freak when outlaws come up in a conversation. You don't even act like a lady!" Y/n laughed and pulled off her white gloves, "You know I hate wearing these dumb dresses, wearing this annoyin' heels, having my hair done in this tight and uncomfortable way! I despise it, Kimberly!" She whined.
That's a new one. Thought Arthur as he listened, Kimberly giggled and held Y/n's hands. "Thinking about sneakin' out tonight with me?" Kimberly asked. Y/n gasped and shook her head, "My daddy'll kill me!" Kimberly snickered and slapped Y/n's hand. "Ow-!", "Like you cared if he did. All you gotta do is cry and say that it was a mistake, then he'll just let you go as always. C'mon, I know you wanna. Maybe finally you'll find a man."
Y/n groaned and stood, "C'mon, my daddy already told me where our manor is. Let's go and have some fun before I roll my eyes outta my own skull." Arthur watched where they went and followed along. Soon, he and the two other men found Y/n at the large manor. This time she was wearing an entirely different attire.
She wore jeans with a button up red shirt, a cowgirl hat with some boots and a belt, her hair was down and hung beautifully down her back, and she was riding a large Shire Horse. All black with white cuffs around it's hooves and shins, it's mane was a beautiful raven color that shined off the sun. Y/n looked so small compared to the beast she was on top of. "Oh my goodness! Y/n's he's a big monster!" Kimberly gasped, still wearing her blue dress.
"He ain't no monster. He's big but really he's a big soft boy, ain't you Buckley!" Y/n cooed as she brushed Buckley's mane, his tail swished as he huffed out a thank you. "He likes it when you compliment him! Ugh! I've been waiting to get somewhere big and open for him to run in!" Y/n laughed.
"That a horse or a giant?" Javier asked with wide eyes. "My momma got 'em for me when I was just nine years old! Big boy here was still just a colt!" Y/n smiled as she clicked her tongue, Buckley's ears twitched before he started to walk forward slowly, each step he took, Y/n slightly bounced. "He's beautiful, ain't he?" She asked her friend. "A-Absolutely!", "Mother knows best! I've always wanted a horse and she got me the biggest one, daddy always said I'd never be able to handle one, but look at me now. She'd be proud. . ." Her smile faded as she held onto Buckley's reins.
"What's wrong, Y/n?" Kimberly asked. Y/n covered her eyes with one hand as she started to tear up. "Y/n!", "No, no. . . It's just my mother. . . I miss her. . . Ever since my uncle and my mother's death, daddy has been so different. . . He seems more cold to me, not in front of guests like you of course, but. . . With me, it's like he doesn't care. He sends me to all these classes, fencing, Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian and more but. . . He's never there for me, y'know. He doesn't like it when I take Buckley out, or even wear clothes like this. . . My mother always supported me, and so did Daddy, until she. . ." Y/n let out a stuttering sigh as she relaxed.
"Buckley and my bow are the only things my mother left me before she was taken away. . ." She whispered.
". . . Wait here." Kimberly said before running into the manor and coming out ten minutes later, dressed in a skirt and a shirt before jumping onto her own horse, a brown Thoroughbred with a black mane. "Kimberly!" Y/n said with a small smile. "I wanna see those talents put to work, here!" She said before tossing Y/n her signature bow and a quiver of arrows. She attached the quiver to her saddle and held onto her bow, "You really wanna see?" Y/n giggled while cleaning her tears.
"Course I do, I may be a Lady. But I always wanna see a good time." Kimberly smiled.
The girls laughed before their horses took off running down the large land of grass and towards the trees. "Keep an eye on them both." Javier warned the two before sneaking off to spy on any incoming guests. Arthur and John both found their horses and began to trail after the girls.
That was when the men saw the hidden talent that Y/n was hiding. Buckley ran and jumped over a fallen tree—Y/n had her bowstring pulled back before she released an arrow straight into an apple hanging from a tree. Buckley landed and kept running as Y/n reloaded another shot, she whistled and a flock of birds flew from the trees before she shot two with one arrow.
Buckley was quicker than the men's horses as he continued to pick up his speed. Kimberly was smiling at Y/n's joy as she leapt through the air with Buckley. Her hair flowed as she rode on through the woods, "Throw something!" Y/n shouted to Kimberly. Kim grabbed her old hat and threw it in the air, no longer than two seconds had passed before it was nailed straight into a tree by a sudden arrow.
"You're amazing at this Y/n!" Kimberly laughed. "Thank my momma!" Y/n smiled.
The men remained hidden til the girls rode him. They stayed hiding when a carriage came, carrying Richardson, another man and a woman, Dutch, Hosea, and even Bill who looked more cleaned up. "Gentlemen, let me bring you into our lovely home for a drink!" Y/n and Kimberly saw their parents exit the carriages.
"Oh no." Kimberly muttered before looking at Y/n, "Your dad doesn't like you wearing those clothes, don't he?" Kimberly whispered. ". . . No, no, he doesn't." Y/n hopped off Buckley and tapped his rear, "Go to the barn, boy. Put this back where you found it please, Kim?", "Okay. . ." She whispered.
She approached her father and looked at the men who finally saw her without the beautiful jewelry or the dazzling feminity she once carried in the morning. When Richard laid his eyes on his daughter, he practically gasped. "What do you think you're wearing?" He questioned her. "Daddy, don't get mad. It's just clothing-", "Excuse us, gentlemen, Antonio, please escort these men to the manor. Apparently, I must have a talk with my daughter about mannerisms and proper attire for a young lady." Richardson held her back before leading her to the side of the manor.
Arthur watched and listened nearby as Richard sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "What did I say to you the moment we got on that ship?" Richardson asked her. "Daddy, I-", "Don't you "daddy" me, young lady! You are not to be wearing such demeaning outfits such as this! You look like a street rat or worse, one of them outlaws! I send you to the best of schools, just like you need, I get you your own personal trainer in fencing, a degree, money, everything a woman would want!" He said.
"B-But daddy, I don't want-", "Enough!"
"I am not going to kid around with this. Get those clothes off and put on a proper dress. You look ridiculous. I shouldn't have let you keep that damn horse, he's the reason why you're acting up like this." He snarled to her, she grew tears as she looked down at the ground in shame. Arthur felt sorry for the girl, her fists were clenched as she steadied her breathing.
"I ain't a little girl no more, daddy." She whispered. "What?" Richard scoffed. "You can't control me and tell me what I want or need anymore." Richardson laughed and brushed his hair back. "You ain't gonna leave any time soon. I'm selling Buckley-"
"I don't want that damn horse around anymore. Your witch of a mother bought that thing in spite of me." He growled. "Buckley didn't do nothing to deserve this! Mother got him for me as a gift-!" Arthur's eyes grew big when Richard slapped her. His hand slowly snaking down towards his holster as he glared at the rich man
"I am your damn father. If I say I'm going to sell a damn horse, I'm selling it. I'll buy you a pony instead, now, you are going to walk up those steps, change out of your clothes and into a proper outfit. Mr. Jameson is coming over later with his son, Damon, who'll be your fiancee."
Y/n looked straight at her father with wide eyes while she held the side of her face from the pain. "Daddy-", "He has asked for your hand in marriage, and I had agreed. It's about time I find you a husband, we'll receive more money and land afterwards. Don't worry, Damon will treat you well."
Y/n shook her head as she started to back away from her father. "Get up those steps, right now. I'm right behind you." He growled, ". . . You know what." He grabbed her arm and started to pull her into the manor, she didn't fight back but obeyed his directions.
He made her go up the steps and had the maids help her get dressed. She wore a dark teal cotton dress, with white tights then a tight corset underneath it, her hair was braided back into a French braid. She was then sent downstairs, and stood by her father who was laughing with Dutch and Hosea.
"Yes, yes, exactly!" Hosea chuckled, "Your daughter looks lovely, you must adore her." Richardson laughed and covered his mouth. "She's too much to handle, that's why I'm going to marry her off." Hosea was taken by surprise as he looked to Dutch who arched his brow. Y/n simply looked away before breaking out into a run, getting away from the room.
"Y/n!" Richardson shouted.
"Y/n?" Kimberly said when she ran past her. Y/n didn't stop when she ran through the door and towards the barn, unlocking the stall, quickly slipping on the reins, snatching her quiver and bow, before jumping onto Buckley's wide body. She kicked her feet and he took off running. Richardson made it outside only for Buckley to brush past him with such speed—the wind knocked him backwards onto his back. "Y/n!!" He shouted.
Y/n didn't listen, she kept running. Tears falling from her face as she started to cry, holding onto Buckley's mane as he charged forward. Unwilling to stop or rest, even being a horse, he understood her emotions better than any person could. He was indeed a special gift from her mother. He ran and continued to go wherever he intended to go, and he knew just the place.
But what they didn't know was that Arthur was chasing them close behind.
When Dutch and Hosea ran out after Richard, Y/n had blown by them. Arthur came running with John and Dutch spoke: "Don't worry, Mr. Jones, I'll send my best men to go and fetch your daughter. Callaghan, go and get his daughter! Right now!"
Arthur tipped his head and called his horse before jumping on and chasing after the girl. One hand, after to catch her, and on the other, to comfort the poor thing. He listened to the heavy running from Buckley, he saw her soon enough as the horse zoomed through the trees and branches. For a giant beast, he sure was agile.
Buckley whined when he approached stone pillars that were placed around in a large circle, grass was everywhere as the forest provided a large open space. Y/n opened her eyes and wiped her tears to see clearly. When she did, she saw the tall stones. "Buckley. . . You. . . You remember this place?" She muttered, slowly she got off her horse, sliding off her shoes and letting her feet touch the bare grass—entering the large circle. Looking at the stones.
She sniffled and stood in the grass, beside one of the pillars, a heavy puff of air was blown into her hair as Buckley slowly and gently knelt down on his knees before slumping against the pillar and lying down. Y/n knew that position he always made, she knelt and sat down. Leaning her back against his hefty shoulders before he rested his large head in her lap. Letting her brush his mane.
Her tears fell as she kissed his head, "He doesn't want me to have you. . ." She whispered with closed eyes, "I want to love him, Buckley, I really do. . . But he just makes things so much more difficult. . . First, he takes away my dreams to become an archer. Then my goal to become a seamstress, now the only two things my mother left me."
Buckley huffed and nudged his face closer into her chest, she hugged his neck and rested her head on his. Before hearing a crunch from afar, she stood and pulled out her bow. Aiming the arrow straight as Arthur who raised his hands.
"Hey now, easy there." He said while slowly walking towards her. Buckley stood and protectively walked up besides Y/n as he watched the strange man approaching. "I'm just here to bring you back home." He said. Y/n shook her head as she pulled the bowstring even tighter, "I'm not going back. . . Not without my horse." She muttered.
"I understand. What if we went somewhere, jus' for a day or two. You and me?" Arthur asked. "Why would I trust a stranger like yourself? You're just gonna be paid off by my father to drag me back!" She accused him, he kept his hands up and reached up for his hat before it was shot clean off his head and pinned into one of the stone pillars.
Arthur looked at her with shock as she instantly grabbed another arrow, "Don't move." She warned him. He simply nodded his head. "Want me to tell you somethin'?" He questioned, "I heard you chattin' with your friend, Kimberly her name? Said you was interested in outlaws robbin' Saint Denis. Lemme show you somethin'." Quicker than a blink of an eye, Arthur shot Y/n's quiver off her hip and placed his gun back in his holster.
She gasped and almost tripped as she jumped to the side. Still holding her bow as arrows spilled on the grass, she looked back at him and growled. "You owe me for that!" She hissed. "You come with me, and I'll pay you back. Buy a whole new case for yer." He offered.
"How do I know that you won't drag me back?" She questioned. "Lady, I'm not the type to force a woman to do what she doesn't want to do, but I am one to listen. And you can trust me when I tell you, I ain't takin' you back to your daddy." Arthur said.
Y/n was hesitant, but she glanced at Buckley who let out a soft huff from his large nostrils. She eased the tension on her bowstring and lowered her weapon, removing the arrow from the string as she let it drop onto the fallen pile of arrows. ". . . You swear?" She asked. "I swear, ma'am."
Y/n rolled her shoulder before strapping her bow into her chest then grabbing the quiver which now had a broken strap. ". . . Where to?" She muttered. "I know a place. Just, take your time getting on that horse." Arthur backed away and let her have alone time with Buckley.
Out of sight for a moment, he walked towards the tree and spotted Javier and John walking towards him. He stopped them before telling them his plan, saying to tell Dutch where he was going to be. "Yer goin' to Horseshoe Overlook?" John muttered. "Hosea said it was a good place to lie low, I'll be there with the girl. Holding her there for 'bout a day or two before I come back-", "About that, Arthur. . ." Javier cut in, "Dutch said we might need to keep her for a week instead."
"What?" Arthur mumbled. "Dutch said that he and Hosea could possibly raise the price to whoever finds her, from money to solid gold bars!" Javier whispered. "Where'd you go, Mr?" Y/n asked. John and Javier both ran off quickly as Arthur turned around, "Just about to grab my horse." He said. Y/n arched her brow and looked at his horse.
". . . She's beautiful." She muttered, Buckley following right behind her. "Thank you." Arthur said as he walked to his ride, he grabbed his hat first before setting it on his head. "Ma'am." He added before jumping into the saddle. Y/n climbed onto Buckley bareback and looked at Arthur. "I never got your name." She said.
"Arthur Callaghan." He replied, "Now, Y/n, follow me."
"Little brat just ups and decides to run off!" Richardson cursed, Dutch approached him and held his shoulder. "Callaghan is an amazing hunter, although he ain't exactly cheap for his type of service. He expects payment from me, which I can only get from someone else paying me." Dutch sighed.
Richardson groaned as he looked back at Hosea, "How much are you asking for?" Dutch just smirked.
Y/n rode close beside Arthur, he gave her a small cloak for her to wear and cover her head just in case it started to rain. "May I ask why you ran off so suddenly?" Arthur questioned. ". . . My father was plannin' on marrying me off to some random man I've never met. Selling my horse, and who knows what else." She said, "I wanted an out. . . So I left. I didn't expect this to happen."
Arthur shook his head and looked at Buckley, "What's his name?", "Buckley. . . Sometimes I call him Buck for short." Y/n answered. Buckley bowed his head and kept walking, "I taught him that trick." Y/n smirked.
Arthur chuckled at the small gesture. "C'mon, we needa speed up and get there before dark."
~Y/n pov~
The breeze was gentle, and the crickets chirping from the distance was calming to hear. I set Buckley by a tree and let him eat the grass, I looked over my shoulder and saw Arthur Callaghan fixing up a tent. I don't know where he got it from, but it's something. I've never slept in a tent before, or a cot.
I'm used to a large king sized bed, multiple blankets. Now it was just a small cot, a blanket, and probably campfire, one side of me was excited that I was camping, but another was terrified that I left my home with a stranger and I'm also staying with him. "So what's your plan?" I said. "What plan?" Arthur replied.
"When my father sends his men after me? He's going to send the entire town to find me.", "Trust me, ma'am, I don't plan on bein' caught." His southern drawl sounded rough but also sexy at the same time. I turned away from Buckley and slowly stepped closer as he tied something up, "You've done this before, I see?"
"Plenty of times, ma'am. Sometimes I travel with a group." He said. "Is it always this quiet?" I asked. "Rarely if I'm with a group." I sat on a log and sighed when my dress snagged on a twig, "Dammit." I scowled as I tugged it off. "You alright, there, Ma'am?"
"I'm okay, it's just, excuse my language but, it's my damn dress. It gets stuck on everything!" I sighed. I was looking at the sky when I heard Arthur approaching me, I turned my head and finally saw just how handsome he looked up close. "Do ya wanna buy somethin' else to wear?" He asked me. "I. . . Um, if you don't mind. I don't really care." I stuttered before looking away.
Were men's eyes always that blue? They look like pools of the ocean! "I can stop by a shop." He knelt down and started to stack a few sticks together for a fire later tonight, "I just needa know yer size and I'll be back, y'know, so people won't catch you sneakin' around." I just nodded my head while clenching my dress, I felt something tingling in my stomach but I didn't know what it was.
"Y-Yes, that'll be wonderful, Mr. Callaghan." I muttered, "I'd very much appreciate it." He set a small fire and wrote down my size for shirts and pants. "Thank you, really, Mr. Callaghan."
"No problem, ma'am. All you need to do is stay here. I'll be back." He said, he left soon after and I looked back at Buckley. "You like it here buddy?" I asked him. He flapped his ears and continued to graze the grass as he slowly found his way towards me.
The sun was close to setting, I could see the darkness coming as the crickets started to grow louder. It was beautiful outside, I stood and walked towards the cot and saw the lamps inside the tent. He has done this many times.
It was odd being outside after dark like this. I was used to a curfew; I reached up and undid my hair and let it down, undoing the braids completely as I sighed with relief. The tension was undone. I believe thirty minutes or so had passed before Arthur came back, I looked and saw that he carried a few boxes and set them on a table he left behind. "I don't have much of a fashion sense but. . ." I approached the boxes and lifted the tops off each one, seeing a different outfit in each of them.
Red flannel with jeans, another set with a blue shirt and a beautiful belt, another with a black shirt and two different hats, each one had a spare white shirt to wear underneath, different set of undergarments. "I didn't know which one you'd like, so I bought the best three they had-", "Thank you so much, Mr. Callaghan!" I smiled while hugging him. Never has a man or even a boy bought me clothing that I always wanted to wear and feel comfortable in. "You don't needa thank me, ma'am. Oh, and here. . . Thought you might needa few pairs." He grabbed one more box and placed it in my hands.
When I opened it, I felt my eyes shimmer with joy as I overlooked a beautiful pair of boots. ". . . Arthur. . ." I mumbled as I let my finger trace over the delicate pattern of golden roses that blended beautifully with the rich tan and black color. "I sorta measured your shoe size when I was fixin' the fire." My smile was bigger than ever before when I grabbed the clothing. "Thank you!" I said again before running into the tent with two boxes.
~3rd pov~
Arthur didn't know how to react when she hugged him, or even thanked him for simply buying a few outfits. Never had he had a woman almost tear up over some clothes, even though he had Sadie and Tilly help him with the clothing choices at the shop. He brushed his hair and slipped his hat back on, he kept thinking how he was going to keep a woman inside a camp for an entire week without scaring her off.
He tended to the fire and walked to his horse which carried two hares that he had hunted down on his way back. "You won't last long." He muttered. "Mr. Callaghan?" Y/n said. "Yes?", "Can you help me with something?"
Arthur approached the tent and stood by the flaps, "Anything, ma'am." He replied. Y/n exited the tent and was only wearing her corset with her undergarments covering her legs. "Do you mind undoing this corset for me? I can't reach it, those maids tied it up in a way I couldn't undo it without someone's help." She awkwardly said.
"Oh. . . Of course, here. Turn around." He said, when she did, he felt a small smile tug at the corner of his lips. Her bashful face and her sweet voice made him smile. He pulled the strings loose and undid the different knots and ties before it came undone. "There you go.", "Thank you." She said before entering the tent once more.
"Was your daddy always this. . . Demanding?" Arthur asked her. "Uhm, no actually. When I was nine he wasn't like this at all. He liked it when I wore jeans and boots, supported me about my talents with my bow, but. . . Then his twin brother, or my uncle, and my mother were killed. That's when he changed. Ever since, he's never wanted me to shoot another arrow, dress the same, or even ride Buckley anymore." Y/n answered.
"Wait, how do you know that he was demanding? I never told you all of that." Arthur chuckled and let his thumbs hook onto his belt, "I sorta overheard your conversation by the side of your mansion, I heard him hit you. I was tempted to shoot him right there and then." He confessed.
Y/n was silent, Arthur thought he made her uncomfortable but inside of the tent. She was grinning as she slid the belt into the loops of her jeans. "Well, I appreciate the thought, Mr. Callaghan. Your wife must be lucky to have found such a good man like yourself." She complimented him.
"Nah, I ain't married. I was, but it didn't work out." He said. "Oh, I'm sorry.", "It's alright."
Y/n slid on her boots and sighed when she stretched her arms, she opened the flaps of the tent and walked out. "What do you think?" She asked. Arthur could feel his heart leap out of his chest when he saw her dressed. The jeans brought out her hips, the shirt fitted around her waist and chest so well. The hat on her head and her boots tied it all together along with two regular braids hanging off both her shoulders as she leaned on her leg and crossed her arms.
"Beautiful. . ."
"What was that?" Y/n smiled as she looked at Arthur's dumbfounded expression. "I. . . You look good." He said. Bringing a brighter smile to her lips as she spun around in her new attire, "This feels amazing! It's all brand new! I love these boots, the hat, everything!" She said.
"What do you think we can do tomorrow?" She asked him while looking at the sky. "Whatever you wanna do." He answered. Y/n giggled and took in a deep breath, "I think I like it here." She sighed, "Let's go hunting tomorrow! We can find a deer—oh! Or a bear!"
"A bear?" Arthur said. "I've always wanted to hunt a bear. Especially Mor'du." She muttered. "Who the hell is Mor'du?" Arthur questioned. "You never heard the legend of Mor'du?"
Arthur shook his head and Y/n grinned, "I'll tell you if you take me hunting." She said. Arthur hung his head and sighed, "Sure, we can go hunting tomorrow." He replied
"Yes!" She smiled before hugging him again, "This is going to be the best few days of my life!"
Part 2 coming soon!
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hiraeth-witch-11 · 1 year
The Greed of Men Part 5
Warnings: canon typical shit, Katya being a feisty little shit
Word count: 1600ish
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The next morning you are shown to your rooms. They aren’t as opulent as Alina’s, but you prefer them this way. The bed is still too soft, the sheets too smooth, the pillows too plump, but you force yourself to use them anyway. The wardrobe is stocked with functional clothing and 2 black coats that feel suspiciously like corecloth. You’d like to complain about the color, or at least about the assumption in making most of your clothing black, but it really does suit you, so you hold your tongue.
The next few days are relatively monotonous. Alina trains and you follow her around as often as you can. Usually watching from a distance so she doesn’t feel you hovering. She knows you’re there, though, and will wave when she catches your eye. The change in her hasn’t ceased to amaze you. It’s been so long since she seemed truly healthy and now, all of the sudden, she’s grown and strong and powerful in ways you had only ever been able to dream of for her.
Alina’s confidence is yet another thing you are happy to see improve. She is more sure of herself, of her place in the world, more comfortable in her own skin. You’ll never admit it, but you are grateful to the Darkling for keeping her safe and helping her grow. Arguably much of that change has come from Botkin and Baghra, but you catch the General checking in on her every now and then. Offering words of support, constructive criticism, and even praise. 
You still think he should at the very least be stabbed for this flirtation he has with your sister. She’s far too young for him. For now, you have decided to let the fragile peace remain between the 3 of you. You’ll save the stabbing for another day. So long as he keeps his hands to himself, you will allow him to keep his hands.
Today, you are observing Alina spar with a particularly skilled squaller, one you’ve noticed scowling in Alina’s direction frequently. You’re nearby this time, making small conversation with Botkin.
“Do you fight?”
“Often,” you reply with a grin. He gestures to the training field and you shake your head. “I couldn’t impose on you like that.”
“You are afraid.” Botkin states and you have the feeling he’s mocking you.
“It wouldn’t be fair for your students.”
“You would deny them the chance to learn?”
You watch the squaller knock your sister on her ass for the 3rd time today and shrug. “When you put it that way, I guess I have to do it now.”
“Who do you choose?”
“Who’s your best?”
“Zoya.” The squaller sparring with Alina looks up at his words.
“Perfect,” you say sincerely.
The two of you enter the circle drawn in the dirt.
“Kick her ass, Kat,” Alina says in your ear as you pass her. You smirk. This should be fun. Saints know you need some stress relief.
“I do have a few years on you, squaller. I’ll go easy on you.” You can’t resist the urge to taunt Zoya.
“From what I’ve heard, you’re a no-name street rat. I don’t expect it to be much of a fight.” 
You smile thinly, but you aren’t bothered by her words, and strike first. It’s more of a warning shot than anything, you are unsurprised when she dodges it. Zoya swings a fist towards your jaw and you block it with your left forearm, throwing a punch with your right fist. This one lands and she grimaces, recovering quickly, stepping closer to you and hooking a leg around your own in an attempt to throw you. You let her, but use the momentum of the move to continue rolling the two of you until you land atop her, hand resting on her throat.
“Good match,” you offer your hand out once the two of you are standing.
Zoya ignores it and hisses,” Beginner’s luck.”
“If you wanted a rematch, you only had to ask,” you quip with a shrug.
“Ms. Starkov,” The General calls from Botkin’s side. You and Alina both look towards him. “The elder Ms. Starkov.”
“Saved by your General, princess. Next time I won’t go so easy on you.” The look Zoya gives you might be strong enough to kill a lesser woman. 
You join the General and ask, “What do you need? Sir.” You add the ‘sir’ for the sake of appearances and because you know the Darkling will hear its sarcasm.
“Come take a walk with me, Ms. Starkov.”
You wait until the 2 of you are a safe distance away to begin your usual banter. “Are we going to have another one of our ‘chats’ where you ‘don’t’ try to kill me?”
“Baghra is aware of your ability,” the Darkling said, ignoring you.
“You mean you told her,” you say pointedly.
“Yes. She would like to meet you.”
“Oh, excellent,” you say with glee.
The Darkling turns to you with a raised eyebrow. “That is not the reaction I was expecting.”
“I heard she hits students with her cane, swarms them with bees, and other various tortures. I can’t wait to see what she tries with me.” There’s a skip in your step as you turn yourself around so you walk backwards as you speak with the General. “When does she want to meet me?”
“Now,” the Darkling says.
“Today is turning out great!” You exclaim, clapping your hands. “Oh come on, why are you looking at me like that? I like fucking with bullies. It’s one of my favorite, mostly legal, pastimes.”
“I look forward to hearing how it goes, Ms. Starkov,” he says and you swear he’s trying not to smile.
“You aren’t coming with?” You ask as you arrive by Baghra’s hut.
“Your… conversation with Baghra will likely be more productive without my presence. She and I do not see eye to eye on most things.”
“Really? You don’t get along with someone? That’s super surprising.”
“Very amusing, Ms. Starkov,” the General says dryly.
“I try,” you grin and give him a wink before stepping into the hut and closing the door behind you.
The woman in front of you is both ancient and ageless. Her skin is mostly smooth, but her hair is graying, and her eyes have a depth to them that only time can give.
“Have a seat, girl.”
“You wanted to talk with me,” you prompt as you sit across from her.
“Have some tea,” Baghra orders more than offers.
“I’m good, thanks.”
“Hm. So you are the woman who claims to be the Sun Summoner’s sister. I must admit, I fail to see the resemblance.”
“We aren’t related by blood, but we are family.”
“I see. You’ve known her for 10 or so years now, and you’ve never told her about your summoning. It sounds like you don’t trust her very much, for family.”
“So this is your angle then?” You roll your eyes. “Trying to drive a wedge between me and Alina, getting into my head. Very original. Do you have any family, Baghra?”
“This conversation is not about me, girl.”
“My name is Katarina, not girl, and this conversation is very much about you. What is it about you that is so broken you want to break everyone else?”
“How dare you?” Baghra spits out sternly.
“Quite easily. If this little chat doesn’t have a real purpose, then I am going to leave.”
Baghra’s posture relaxes slightly. “You aren’t what I expected.”
“The General tells me you are an adequate shadow summoner.”
“Does he really? High praise coming from him.”
“He also tells me you claim to be self taught.”
“I am self taught, unless you know any other shadow summoners besides the Darkling running around Ravka, I didn’t really have any other option.”
“You taught yourself the Cut.”
“Simultaneous, multi-limbed movement?”
“Shields, walls, and barriers?”
“I’m still working on those,” you admit.
“Intriguing. I will teach you from now on.”
“No you won’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t like you and I think you are a duplicitous snake,” you respond cheerfully. While Alina may not have picked up on the depths of Baghra’s manipulative nature, you can tell this woman has about a thousand personal agendas just by looking at her. Much like the General, though you find Baghra to be more off putting. 
“You don’t know me, girl.”
“I trust my instincts.”
“Do you truly believe the Darkling to be a superior instructor? That he does not have any ulterior motives for everything he says and does?”
“Oh I’m certain he does.”
“Very well. I will not force you to stay.”
“Good, I don’t do very well with being forced into things.” With that, you get up and leave. You’re surprised to see the General still waiting for you on the other side of the door.
“You’re still here.”
“That was quicker than I expected.”
“Were you expecting me to drink the drugged tea?” 
The Darkling looks surprised. “I was not aware you knew about her tea drugging habits.”
“Alina told me. Don’t you think allowing her to beat, terrorize, and drug your soldiers is a bit much?”
“I admit some of her methods may be extreme at times, but they are effective.”
“If you have to harm a child to teach them, then maybe you aren’t a good teacher.”
“The world my Grisha grow up in is not good or fair, Ms. Starkov. They are in danger from the moment their abilities manifest. Sometimes cruel and extreme measures are needed to prepare them for that reality.”
“It shouldn’t be that way. Grishenka are training to be soldiers from the moment they arrive. No one should have to be concerned about war that young.”
“No, they shouldn’t,” the Darkling agrees, solemnly. “One day, Grisha will no longer need to fear the world around them. They will no longer live to be soldiers.”
“I hope I live to see that day,” you say earnestly.
“You will, Ms. Starkov.”
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iweb-rdc001 · 11 months
Exclusivité : Le président du CNSA Joseph Olenga Nkoy mandaté par le pouvoir en place pour négocier avec Joseph Kabila une transition de 12 à 18 mois avec Tshisekedi
Par Gilbert Ngonga   Le pouvoir, dit-on, est comme une drogue. quand on y a goûté, il est terriblement dur de s’en passer. Arrivé au pouvoir en 2019 à l’issue d’un scrutin très contesté par l’Opposition politique, Tshisekedi ne veut pas si tôt céder le fauteuil présidentiel.   En effet, l’élection présidentielle très attendue qui doit désigner éventuellement le successeur du président Félix…
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megalony · 11 months
Where Were You
This is another Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders) imagine, requested by the lovely @neonkiwi​ I hope this is what you were looking for. Any comments and requests would be lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @anonyymoouussssss​
Summary: Tommy takes care of his pregnant wife when she isn’t well, but he isn’t there when something happens.
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"Thank you," Forcing a smile on her lips, (Y/n) nodded at the man who placed down another stack of papers beside her on the table before he wandered off towards the black board on the wall to change the tally.
Yet more ledgers and bets for (Y/n) to write down in the leather book sprawled out in front of her. The book which only (Y/n) was allowed to write in for the time being because Tommy thought she 'had the best hand-writing' and the book needed to be eligable and easy to read and follow. He had been against (Y/n) helping out in the betting shop work until she showed she was more than efficient writing neat but fast, taking notes and adding and making up the bets, winnings and losses.
There wasn't much Tommy could deny (Y/n) and when Polly and Ada were involved in the business, he could hardly begrudge giving his wife a job role too and letting her help.
But this was where he drew the line and (Y/n) knew it. He didn't want (Y/n) getting involved with the Blinders. She went to all the family meetings, he told her what deals he was planning to make and who they were dealing with, (Y/n) could know everything and anything, he just didn't want her involved. Much like Polly, she knew what they were doing but she left the men to it.
With a sigh, (Y/n) rubbed her hand across her temple and tried to ignore the building headache forming behind her eyes as she looked down at the numbers that were almost bluring before her eyes.
A gasp escaped her lips and her hands furiously grappled with the stack of papers beside her when John slammed a book down on the table, knocking a stale coffee cup flying and spilling the contents across the pages.
"John! Honestly, can't you be careful?" (Y/n) chided as she swatted the coffee from the pages and tried wafting them in the air so they didn't smudge. She couldn't afford to go and ask someone to re-write all of those pages over again for her to copy down into the book. It would set them back hours which they didn't have and bets could be lost.
"Sorry," His shoulders slumped and his lips curled down around the cigarette between them in a way of apology.
Gathering the book and the papers in her arms, (Y/n) stood up from her seat and walked round the table.
The booming voices shouting out bets, calling out names and stakes and the ultimate rush of adrenaline was too much for (Y/n). She couldn't hear her own thoughts in the back room and it was fuelling her headache to the point she was ready to leave which she didn't want to do.
She held the papers close to her chest, curving them awkwardly over her protruding stomach while she weaved around the workers and headed over to Tommy's office. The office was still adjoined to the betting room but it had a wall, window and door to block out the noise and it was significantly quieter in there. It just meant that (Y/n) wouldn't get as much work transcribed when she was in the same room as her husband.
He served as a great distraction.
"Alright, love?" Tommy's low voice curled around a cigarette chomped tightly between his teeth and a puff of smoke swirled around his hair, distorting his features for a second or two.
"Yeah, can I work in here for a bit?"
"Course," Tommy was already up and out of his desk chair which he motioned towards with a quirked lip and a raised brow. It wouldn't be fair to make (Y/n) sit on the sofa with papers scattered on the floor and the book on her lap when she could take his seat at the desk for a while.
A wave of ease rushed through (Y/n) the moment she sat down and felt Tommy's hands rubbing up and down her bare arms. He had the cigarette clasped between his fingers and the smoke drifted through her nose and sent chills down her spine. (Y/n) didn't smoke often but if she couldn't smell the tobacco she started to panic. It was a scent she associated with Tommy, even when they were in bed or in the bath, he still had that lingering smell of smoke about him.
(Y/n) spread her papers about the desk and got started writing them into the book in her neatest penmanship while Tommy sat down on the desk on her left. He was close enough that her arm brushed his thigh every time she turned a page or moved some paper around, but it was comforting.
Every now and then, (Y/n) rested her hand on his upper thigh as he read through some paperwork and after a while, she leaned her cheek on his leg when she took a short break. Her head was as cloudy as the room was with Tommy's smoke and it was making it hard to focus on what she was trying to write.
Her uneasy headache, coupled with the tension in her stomach from the baby made (Y/n) wish time would go faster so they could go home.
Wordlessly, (Y/n) reached out for Tommy's hand that was planted on the desk near her papers, and pressed his palm against her stomach when their baby started to wriggle. She could see him smiling out the corner of her eye but he didn't say anything. He just kept his hand pressed where it was, smoothing his thumb over her stomach in a calming motion that made her feel a little better.
"Bathroom break," (Y/n) mumbled quietly, throwing her pen down on the table as she took a moment to straighten up in her chair and click her spine back into place.
Tommy leaned over to kiss her temple and his hand moved to the small of her back as she walked past him before she headed out the room.
There was a small toilet at the back of the betting room and it was the most convinient when (Y/n) didn't have the time or patience to wander through the house and up the stairs to the bathroom. The toilet was poxy, the room was barely five foot wide and (Y/n) had to wiggle round the door to get into the room and be able to shut it properly behind her.
Even in the small toilet the noises in the betting room overpowered her ears. The loudness, close proximity and stressful atmosphere never used to play on (Y/n)'s nerves until she was pregnant.
A shockwave rattled through (Y/n) and all the air got caught in her lungs when she looked down.
Why was she bleeding? There shouldn't be any blood in her underwear like this. A few drops in the beginning of her pregnancy, sure that was normal and nothing to worry about but (Y/n) didn't even get that. From the moment she found out she was pregnant, the thought and sight of blood had gone from her mind.
As if on cue, a small cramp twinged in the side of her stomach when the baby wriggled.
A tightness pulled around her lungs and squeezed her chest until she was barely breathing anymore, gasping for small streaks of air through dry lips. But (Y/n) managed a deep breath when the door suddenly screeched as it swung open and her wide, doe eyes locked with John.
"Shit! I- sorry, sorry I should have knocked!" John's hand tightened around the door handle and he snapped his eyes closed as he went to shut the door again. All of them seemed to forget that the lock on the door was broken and no one bothered to knock and check if it was in use or not.
"Can you get Tommy for me?"
"Wh- why?" The unease in John's voice was clear and he kept the door open just a crack so he could hear (Y/n) but couldn't see anything. He didn't want to go get his big brother because he would not be happy with John for this mistake.
"Please?" The pleading in her voice was evident because John shut the door and scampered off immediately.
"Learn some manners and fucking knock next time!" Tommy slapped his hand against the back of John's head, knocking his cap off into his hands before he bypassed his little brother and walked out the office.
He stormed passed the tables, nudging men out the way until he reached the back where the toilet was. A slither of worry rattled through his frame at the thought of why (Y/n) needed him. John didn't know, all he said was (Y/n) didn't seem well and wanted him to go to her but that could mean any number of things. She could have been sick, she could have slipped in that tiny fucking room, she could feel unwell, anything and everything rattled through his mind.
"Love, it's me. What's up?" Tommy carefully pushed the door open, being mindful not to bash it into (Y/n)'s legs before he knelt down on the floor in front of her.
His eyes cast down when (Y/n) pointed at her underwear hanging around her legs and he gulped at the sight of the blood. That wasn't a good sign. When he looked back up, he saw tears streaking down her face that had lost all its colour and she was biting her thumb out of anxious habit.
"Okay... let's get you in the house and Pol will go get the midwife. Hey, no tears," Reaching out, Tommy brushed his thumb against (Y/n)'s cheek and swiped away a stray tear. "You'll be fine."
(Y/n) let Tommy help her up and she bound her arms around his waist, burying her face in his shirt, inhaling his cologne that always calmed her nerves. She didn't dare look at anyone as Tommy guided her back through the room towards the main part of the house. She kept her eyes screwed shut and her face hidden as Tommy's arms tightened around her waist and shoulders, guiding her through and shielding her from any prying eyes.
He could be right, she might be fine, after all she wasn't exactly in any pain. Her head felt fuzzy but that was normal and the baby was moving around like a trooper, showing that they were okay. Maybe she had just been working a little too hard recently.
Rubbing his damp hair with a towel, Tommy sauntered out the bathroom and walked back towards the bedroom, surprised to find the bedside lamp turned on, illuminating the room in a deep golden glow. He couldn't stop the sigh from passing through his lips when he looked around the room and his eyes landed on his wife stood to the side near the wardrobe.
"What do you think you're doing?"
(Y/n) turned on her heels, coiling her arms to her chest as a small, sugary sweet smile broke out on her face when she looked over at her husband. His hair was stuck up at all angles after he'd just had a wash and he was wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. Showing off the white and baby pink scars, the black tattoos and the tense, taut muscles. But what her eyes focused on most was the quirk of his lip showing he was trying to fight off a smile.
He only smiled around (Y/n).
"Then get back in bed." Tommy clicked his finger and pointed over towards the bed as he threw the towel on the chair in the corner and folded his arms over his chest.
"Can't I come with you, please?"
A grin broke out on Tommy's face and for a few seconds, she thought he might agree. He stalked towards her like a predator slowly advancing on its prey until his hands were gripping her hips tightly and his eyes danced up and down her figure. Noticing that she was only wearing one of his button up shirts that was halfway undone, no bra or underwear on beneath.
The grin stayed on his face even as he slowly started to walk (Y/n) backwards until the back of her knees hit the bed and he carefully nudged her down until she was laying on the bed. He hovered above her, stood between her legs and leaned down until his abdomen was pressing against her bump and his nose was ever so slightly brushing against hers.
"Bedrest means you stay in bed, and you rest. What makes you think I'd let you come back to work?"
He could see the sorrow building up behind her eyes and even though it would usually crumble Tommy's hard persona, this time it didn't. The midwife had instructed bed rest and Tommy was going to ensure that it happened. He wasn't having (Y/n) come back down to the betting room and overwork herself or be around all the idiots he had working for him.
No way was Tommy going to have (Y/n) overdo it and find her crying in the toilet again or collasped down on the floor. He wasn't taking any risks with her or the baby. They had been lucky the midwife said it was only high blood pressure and stress that caused the bleeding two weeks ago.
"I'm bored Tommy. I can sit in the office with you and do the books, it isn't hard or tiring, please? I'll still be resting, I'll be sat down all day."
(Y/n) had managed two weeks stuck in their bedroom and she didn't know how much longer she could last. Two more months of this was going to kill her off and no one was listening to her. Polly and Ada agreed with the midwife and Tommy wasn't letting anyone else come up and visit her and no one was going to dare go against Tommy in favour of (Y/n) working.
She wouldn't even mind if he just brought the books up here for her to write in, it would give her something to do up here all day.
A groan passed through (Y/n)'s lips and Tommy swallowed it up, kissing and nibbling on her lip until she was lightheaded. When he mumbled 'no' against her lips, (Y/n) could of cried if he didn't continue to kiss her like he was trying to steal the life from her.
"Can you bring the book up here then and I'll transcribe all the bets in, please?"
"Nope. You can have any book you want to read, I'll bring you anything, but you ain't working and that's that. Now be a good girl and stay in bed, I've got to get dressed and go."
Shedding his cap and jacket, Tommy looped them on the hook by the door before he kicked off his shoes and undid the suspenders on his shoulders. He could barely see straight with how tired he felt and it had taken a lot of effort to scrub the blood from his face, hands and neck and change his clothes before coming home. He had taken the time to get the blood from beneath his fingernails too.
He didn't want to bring anything from the dark side of work back home to (Y/n). Whenever he came home to her, he was as clean and tidy as he was when he walked out the door.
His feet barely picked up to trudge up the stairs and he flicked the landing light on as he passed, needing some sort of brightness to wake him up because the darkness was calling his name. Begging for him to sleep and drift off into the dark corners of his mind.
He could feel a smile pulling at his lips when he reached the bedroom. All he wanted was to wrap his arms around (Y/n) and pull her into his chest, never to let her go again.
With his hand on the doorhandle, Tommy barely pushed the door open before something launched his way and had him ducking down, stumbling into the doorframe to be out of the firing line.
"Fucking Christ (Y/n)! What are you doing?!"
Turning to look behind him, Tommy felt his heart beating out of his chest as his eyes landed on a book strewn halfway down the hall behind him. She had thrown a book at him. A fucking book, and he didn't know why. What had he done to warrant that?
He kissed her before he left this morning, in fact he did more than that and she had been smiling tiredly when he left for work. He even sent Polly round this afternoon to check on her and make sure she was alright because he knew she was still struggling with bedrest. So why was she throwing things at him when he had barely walked through the door? Surely he hadn't forgotten anything, today wasn't an important or special day for any reason.
With a deep breath, Tommy stood back up to his full height and stepped into the room, his eyes focused on the bed but (Y/n) wasn't there.
A gurgling cry caught his attention and his wild blue eyes darted round until they landed on his wife. The one thing in his life that he couldn't live, breathe or think without.
She was on the floor.
Tommy tripped over his feet to get over to (Y/n) but he couldn't breathe when he reached her.
(Y/n) was laid on her side on the carpet, her legs curled up to her stomach that was hidden in one of his dark grey button up shirts which she had been wearing a lot recently. Her hair was strewn about all around her, fallen out of a messy bun long ago. One arm was coiled to her stomach and the other was stretched out in front of her clearly from when she had thrown the book towards him. Every part of her was trembling.
But it was the blood that got Tommy's attention. Her exposed thighs were caked in blood, both dried and new and it was soaked into the carpet beneath her. And when he dared to look up at the bed, he saw splatters of blood there too like one of the crime scenes he made his Blinders clean up.
"Fuck- oh shit. Love what's happened? Come on, talk to me."
A burning cry wrenched against the back of (Y/n)'s throat when she felt Tommy's arms cocooning around her. It felt so much better when he lifted her up and took her weight from her, he let her lean into his chest and held her up. Half of her body had gone numb from laying on the floor for so long.
She buried her face in his shirt but slammed her fist into his shoulder to hurt him like she had been hurt. Tommy took the few punches that followed, he tightened his chest and stayed still, letting her vent out her frustrations and he took the horrid scream she errupted against his chest.
"W-where, were you?" (Y/n) sobbed through her words and dug her nails into Tommy's shoulder, begging him to hold her tighter so she knew this wasn't a dream or a mirrage.
"Sweetheart I've been at work, tell me what's happened, please." The desperation in his voice was clear and the agony rattled through into (Y/n)'s chest.
He had been at work, where he had been all day since he left over twelve hours ago. He told (Y/n) he would be home late tonight but he would send Polly round to check on her and she had been okay with that. Why had things suddenly changed like this? He had been in the office until the afternoon and then he had been out on the streets for hours clearing up some business and getting rid of a few loose ends.
"My water broke a-and the blood... Tommy it hurts! I- I couldn't- I tried calling but someone unhooked the phone and..."
The moment the blood started to pool between her legs, (Y/n) tried ringing the office to get hold of someone, anyone who could pass the message along to Tommy that he needed to come home urgently. It rang twice and on the third attempt someone answered before unhooking the phone so no more calls could get through. Then when (Y/n) tried to move, she collapsed on the floor and her phone unplugged from the wall and she was left alone and defenceless.
She had been waiting in agony for Tommy to come home.
Tilting his head down, Tommy pressed his lips against her hair which soaked up the few tears starting to fall from his eyes. He breathed in her scent to stop himself from panicking and slowly swayed them side to side as he held her closer to his heart. Feeling (Y/n) sobbing into his shirt that she was clenching so tightly in her fists that she was about to rip through the material.
Why had no one answered her calls?
Why did no one come and get him? He could have been here hours ago if someone had bothered to hear his wife's calls.
"Love I- I'm so sorry. Let's get you on the bed and I can call the midwife, okay?"
Tommy didn't wait for an answer, he knelt up on the floor and hoisted (Y/n) carefully into his arms bridal style. They couldn't stay sitting on the floor like this and he needed to get her comfortable so he could plug the phone back in and call the midwife- and aunt Pol- and get them both here now.
He couldn't waste anymore time.
Turning her head to the left, (Y/n) buried her face in Tommy’s chest, smothering a sob in his shirt as she wished this would end soon. When both Polly and the midwife first arrived, both had been in agreement that Tommy should wait downstairs.
(Y/n), however, was not in agreement.
She wanted Tommy by her side, she wanted his arms around her, his lips on her flushed skin and his soft words in her ear. He promised to keep them safe, he couldn't do that from downstairs or waiting outside the door and he was in full agreement. He wasn't going anywhere without (Y/n).
Her skin was blotched red and dotted with sweat, her body was burning up like she was sitting on a coal fire and she couldn't feel a thing below the waist. 
Tommy, however, felt like all he could smell, see and focus on was blood.
The horrid smell was burning his nostrils and flooding the front of his mind and when he looked around the room, it was everywhere when it should be nowhere. There shouldn't be more than a few streaks of blood during this process that was supposed to be magical and heartwarming, not heart-wrenching and life threatening.
The blood on the carpet was dried and as black as the night sky and Tommy was already adamant that he was ripping that carpet up and replacing it when this was all over. The bedsheets were stained, (Y/n)'s legs were smeared pink from the midwife trying to clean the blood away that reappeared again just a few minutes ago. It was back under Tommy's fingernails from holding and moving (Y/n) around on the bed. He hated it.
Tommy pressed his hand to (Y/n)’s neck, kissing the top of her head repeatedly to try and calm her down because he could do little else but provide support.
(Y/n) tightened her hand around his own as she moved so she was leaning back against the pillows instead of Tommy. She could feel Polly dabbing at her neck and forehead with the ice-cold water she had just retrieved from the bathroom. She tried to scream but it came out rather defeated from the lack of energy and the searing pain.
“H-how much longer?” There was such a pleading tone to (Y/n)’s voice as she looked over at the midwife who pursed her lips.
“Not much longer. The head will be born soon.” She ran her hand up and down (Y/n)’s thigh to try and calm her down. “Come on now, another push for me.” (Y/n) did as asked, pressing her chin into her chest as she snapped her eyes closed, trying to ignore the pain that was consuming her but it didn’t work very well. She wanted this to be over, she wanted their baby to be delivered right now or for this to wait another two months so everything would be alright.
It wasn't supposed to happen like this.
(Y/n) was supposed to be on bed rest for another two months, one month in the very least, before they even had to think about labour. She had wanted Tommy here when it started and for things to go smoothly and to have a beautiful healthy baby in her arms. This was too early for that fantasy to become reality.
Tommy kept his eyes on the cream coloured sheet that had been placed beneath (Y/n)’s lower half but his nostrils flared and his jaw locked when he saw how it still started to get coated in blood.
“Shh, it’s alright love. You’ll be fine.” Tommy hushed, pressing his lips to her forehead as he brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear. She interlocked their hands together as her other hand pressed to her stomach, wishing the pain would go away.
“Push again for me, the head’s almost born.”
Tommy hooked his arm around (Y/n)’s waist to help her sit up, his other hand still interlocked with her own. He let her lean against his chest as (Y/n) both moaned and screamed at the agony that was tearing through her muscles. Letting out a sharp breath, (Y/n) closed her eyes as she buried her face into Tommy’s neck, feeling him muttering praise against the top of her head.
“Okay, the head’s born.” The midwife reached over for one of the towels resting near Tommy’s leg, not daring to look at him when she heard his sharp breath at seeing the blood on her hands.
(Y/n) started to push again on the next contraction like Mary advised but she felt like she was becoming lightheaded. Tommy kept his hand entwined with hers but moved his arms so they were wrapped around her waist, holding her to his chest. He could feel (Y/n)'s free hand moving up to grip his arm and it made him tremble from how badly she was shaking against him and he hated it.
"Hey, you stay with me, alright? Almost there sweetheart." Tommy's lips stayed pressed to the top of her head but he shook her a little when he felt her wavering against him. She was close to passing out.
"You've done it, you've done it." Polly gripped (Y/n)'s arm and sat down on her other side on the bed, shaking her like Tommy had when (Y/n)'s eyes rolled to the back of her head for a second before she seemed to come back around again.
"Good girl," Those two words sent (Y/n)'s heart alight and made her want to smile but all she could do was nuzzle into her husband, hoping everything would stop now. It didn't seem to sink in with (Y/n) that she was still pushing and the afterbirth came swiftly.
Tommy handed the midwife another towel and she nodded in thanks, gently wrapping it around the tiny newborn. after doing a few checks, she motioned the small bundle towards Tommy, silently asking him to take the newborn but she reeled back when he shook his head. A definite 'no' angrily spat through his lips and he looked at his aunt instead who took the hint.
He wasn't holding his baby until (Y/n) was stable and alright, he couldn't let go of her in case something happened. It felt as if letting go of her would cause her to slip away from him and Tommy couldn't handle that.
His heart hammered away in his chest as he watched Polly take the tiny bundle into her arms, a breathless smile on her tear-drenched face. She quietly mouthed 'girl' at Tommy before she started to rock the small bundle side to side.
“Alright miss.” The midwife hushed soothingly, rattling through her bag before retrieving a small clear glass bottle and a needle. She injected a fair amount of what Tommy guessed was clotting medication into (Y/n)'s lower stomach.
Tommy bit down on his tongue to stop himself from crying or shouting or simply exploding when (Y/n) groaned quietly. Her back arched up from the bed and her head pressed bruisingly into his shoulder but he didn't care. Carefully, Tommy sat (Y/n) forward so he could move around behind her and lean back against the pillows. He sat back against the pillows and headboard and slowly lowered (Y/n) back so she was leaning against his chest, laid between his spread legs.
This was how they laid thousands of times at night, (Y/n) between his legs wrapped up in his embrace like she was a child needing comfort. This way Tommy could kiss her head and keep his arms around her chest and give her the comfort she was seeking.
The midwife gave (Y/n) another injection in her elbow and then started to place rags dipped in ice water over (Y/n)'s neck, wrists and stomach to help cool her down so she didn't fall into a fever.
Time seemed to disappear from them and Tommy wondered if he had slipped into a trance and for how long until he suddenly felt (Y/n) relax in his arms. Whatever the midwife had given her seemed to have done some good, she wasn't trembling against him or moaning in agony and he knew she was still awake which was another good thing.
"No stitches required but she's lost a lot of blood. I'm going to call for a doctor, she might need to go to hospital for a transfusion and fluids and it would be safe for baby to be checked over at hospital. For now, they're both stable."
Tommy refrained from rolling his eyes. The amount of blood he'd seen (Y/n) lose was enough to bring the dead back to life. She needed blood, Hell Tommy would give her pints of his own blood if they matched and it meant she would get better. He knew she wasn't going to be impressed about going to hospital but he needed her to get better and recover.
But for now he could relax a little and let down the guard he had built up to keep himself contained and in check. (Y/n) wasn't on the verge of death, she wasn't in immediate danger.
As if a light had gone off in his head, Tommy looked over at Polly and let his gaze fall down on the bundle in her arms.
Surely two months early meant their baby girl was going to have some sort of complications or issues. Tommy could see already that she was tiny, she wouldn't even measure to the size of his lower arm and the clothes they had clearly weren't going to fit her. But she was breathing, she was whimpering and moving and that was more than he could have asked for in this situation.
"Pol," Ticking his head, Tommy looked down at (Y/n) before back to his aunt who got his silent request and leaned closer to the couple.
She was gentle when she slipped the baby into (Y/n)'s trembling arms, moving the towel back so they could see her face and the newborn could have skin to skin contact with (Y/n).
Tilting his head down, Tommy rested his chin on (Y/n)'s shoulder and moved his hand so he could delicately brush his finger over his newborn's cheek.
"She's beautiful."
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midnight-rain-fics · 2 years
{Fandom: Grishaverse}
{Pairing: Zoya Nazyalensky}
Summary: Y/N was the sunshine that brightened Zoya’s darkest days. Zoya was the moon that comforted Y/N on her loneliest nights.
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“She was sweet like Honey,
But she stings like she means it
She's mean and she's mine”
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Y/N L/N was a miracle. The very personification of everything good in the world.
Or at least that is what Zoya believed and she would be damned if she let anyone convince her otherwise.
They had been friends since Y/N quite literally stumbled into Zoya’s life when they were 13.
Zoya was becoming one of General’s favoured Grisha after she had acquired her amplifier, the remainder of which was forever etched on her back.
Zoya’s world was tipped off its exits as an unknown girl barged into her, resulting in both of them stumbling to the ground.
The poisonous insult on Zoya’s tongue died in her throat as Y/N grinned unabashedly at her, helping Zoya to her feet.
Y/N had been an awakening. An earthquake sent to shatter her to her very core and rewrite everything she had believed to be true.
Zoya had tried to hate her. She really did. But she could never succeed, not when Y/N flashed her that damned smile that Zoya knew was only reserved for her.
The warmth in Y/N’s eyes felt like home to Zoya. The sweetness of her lips pressed against her own reminded her of the honey cakes Aunt Liliyana used to bake. They were only made on special occasions and Zoya always looked forward to eating them, the honey melting on her tongue as she savoured the last bite.
A hand obstructed Zoya’s view as the familiar presence of her lover cocooned her in golden light that the girl somehow managed to carry with her.
Y/N’s lips ghosted over Zoya’s ear, “guess who?”
“Is it Genya?” Zoya’s lips pulled up in a smirk.
Y/N pinched her waist, earning an undignified squeak that Zoya would deny for the end of her days, “I was kidding, I know it’s the bothersome love of my life”
Y/N removed her hand and came to stand in front of Zoya, a dimpled smile brightening up her face, “I am the love of your life?”
Zoya rolled her eyes, “I don’t just tolerate all your shenanigans for fun”
Y/N seemed not to hear her as she took Zoya’s face in her hands, thumbs caressing her soft cheeks, “you, Zoya Nazaylensky, love me”
Zoya’s forehead pressed against hers, “of course, I do”
Y/N’s smile was blinding and Zoya felt she might believe in Saints for a moment if the saint was Y/N. Whatever she felt cannot be anything but holy. Y/N’s lips captured hers before Zoya could form another coherent thought.
Y/N’s back pressed against the wall as Zoya towered over her. Hands roamed wherever they could reach and Zoya’s fingers gripped the fabric of Y/N’s purple kefta as she tried to close whatever minuscule space remained between them.
The loud knock on the door forced them apart, both panting and still drunk on the feel of holding the other so close. The knocking ceased and then it started again in an impatient manner.
Zoya straightened her kefta and opened the door as Y/N sat down on the bed, running a hand through her hair.
Nikolai strolled into the room, spotting Y/N and flopping down beside her, “there you are, lovely Y/N, I was looking everywhere for you”
“Why?” Zoya questioned, crossing her arms over her chest. She was quite annoyed at being interrupted.
“If you must know, Zoya, me and Y/N have a date with a very beautiful aircraft” Nikolai smirked, wrapping an arm around Y/N’s shoulder. Zoya’s jaw ticked unconsciously at the action.
“Oh, I had completely forgotten!” Y/N clapped her hands, eyes shining brightly as she turned towards Zoya, “you have to come see it when we are done remodelling it, Zoya, it’s gorgeous!”
Zoya’s posture softened, lips quirking up in a half smile, “well if you say so, love”
“That reminds me I have to change my kefta,” Y/N told Nikolai and stood up, pecking Zoya on the cheek as she dashed into the joined bathroom that she and Zoya shared.
Zoya watched her go, something tugging at her heartstrings, something that felt suspiciously like love.
“You guys are adorable,” Nikolai remarked, grinning when Zoya glared at him.
“You better look out for her, she gets too excited and forgets to take care of herself” Zoya pointed a threatening finger at Nikolai, “I want her back with no injuries and not a hair out of place”
“You got it, Zoya, no harm will come to your girl” Nikolai held up his hands up in surrender, lips pressed together to stop the knowing smile from forming.
It was no secret that Zoya Nazyalensky was hopelessly in love with Y/N L/N but Nikolai had enough self-preservation to not declare that in front of his terrifying general.
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shannaraisles · 3 months
No More - for @megasaurusssss
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A piece for @megasaurusssss, who has also been an absolute delight with the patience of a literal saint. It was fun to dip my toes back into Dragon Age, and Chris was such a joy to write. Thank you so much!
No More
“I would have preferred to remain with the rest of the men.”
Chris couldn’t help the sting that snapped through him at the sound of Cullen’s quiet complaint. Surely it wasn’t so bad to be left alone with him, was it? All right, so they were not exactly on an even keel in terms of their relationship after everything that had happened, but even so ... would the commander rather have ordered someone else to keep watch over the declared most precious asset the Inquisition had than stay another minute in proximity?
“I ...” He paused, taking a moment to scan the sentence before he said it aloud, seeking out anything that might further upset his companion. “I can try to go faster, we ... we could catch up sooner if we don’t stop so much.”
Cullen cast him a sharp glance, taking in the heavy splint that guarded a badly broken leg and the fresh scar decorating his face. 
“You can barely walk, let alone quickly, Christopher,” he said, his tone gruff but, for a split second, his eyes were kind. “We will make our own way. Unless you believe me incapable of protecting you on a two day journey to the main camp?”
And there was the sharpness again, that prickly coat that wrapped so tightly around the commander’s heart and mind in defense against anything and anyone that might even suggest a sense of closeness he was not prepared to risk. It brought back the sting of his initial words, confusing the softness of affection with the sandpaper roughness of defensive fear. There was more than just that hostility there, he was certain of it. In fact, he knew now that hostility was not even directed personally toward him - it was born of an old fear, past trauma, and wielded like a weapon against anyone who so much as brushed up against any similarity to those that had inflicted that trauma in years gone by.
But behind the hostility, Chris had seen softness. It was there in the care Cullen showed for his soldiers’ wellbeing. It was there in the scrupulous attention to detail that had fortified and armed Skyhold within a few weeks of their arrival. It was there in the meticulous concentration on every task or problem, narrowing with laser focus until the commander found the solution that would cost the least lives on either side. It was even there with his worried oversight of the mages - overbearing, yes, but it was born more of fear of who might be harmed than of what could happen. 
“Why are you so far away?”
The question seemed to come from nowhere, rising from Chris’ chest, blurted from between frozen lips, ears barely believing what they had just heard that familiar voice say. Cullen’s head jerked up, his whiskey-warm eyes snapping to meet Chris’ gaze, wet with icy shock at the question. They both knew it had nothing to do with his physical distance. 
“You know why.”
The words were cold, but the heat was there, barely hidden beneath the surface. But was it heat from anger, or something else? Was he denying his fear, or denying his desire? Chris didn’t know. Cullen could be hard to read at the best of times, and this clearly was not the best of his times. 
“No. No, I really don’t.” Chris held up a hand, preventing his companion from interrupting with snatched, thoughtless words. “You say I’m different. You ... you treat me, treat me as though I am sometimes your friend and sometimes your lover, and sometimes I-I’m  ... sometimes it feels like I’m not even me to you. Sometimes I think you look at me, and you’re looking at someone I’ve never even met.”
Guilt, fear, a moment of frenzied fear ... all these flickered across those warm, cold eyes as Cullen let him speak. However much the commander may have wanted to shut his ears against these words, he had never done Chris the disservice of not hearing him. Not listening sometimes, certainly, but he always heard.
“I don’t know what you are looking for, Christopher,” he answered, stiff and brittle in the face of emotions rising that were unaccustomed and terrifying. “You are ... dear to me. I care for you, as far as I can. But I am more broken than you know.”
“So am I!” Frustration painted the outburst as Chris flared in the face of that outright denial. “So is everyone! You are not the only broken person in this world, Cullen! But you-you are ...” He swallowed against the choking lump in his throat, wondering why his words kept trying to dry up before they could be released. “You are the only one I know who refuses to believe he can even begin to mend.”
The ice seemed to thicken over Cullen’s eyes, the leather of his gloves creaking as he flexed and clenched his fingers.
“You do not know what you are speaking of,” he said, and in his tone, his posture, in every facet of his being was a warning. The beast within was riled, and who knew what it might do if he lost control for even a moment? “The things I have done, that I have allowed to be done ... that I have experienced ... don’t spout your nonsense to one who has lived through more than you should ever be in a position to even see.”
“You are not special,” Chris snapped back at him, more hurt than angry, more roused than riled by the heat lurking beneath the ice in Cullen’s eyes. “Well, you’re special to me, but not because of what you’ve suffered. It’s not a competition to see who’s had it worse.”
A low snarl erupted from the commander, and in a flurry of movement, suddenly Chris found himself flat on his back, one of Cullen’s hands gently cradling the back of his head, the other gripping his hip with possessive demand. Nose to nose, he could taste the commander’s breath on the air between them, his focus narrowing to the scarred lips hovering so very close to his own. 
“I would not say such things if I were you,” the former Templar warned, his breath hot against Chris’ lips. 
“Stop me, then.”
Where that challenge had come from, Chris could not have said, but barely a moment later, he did not care. Cullen’s mouth crashed into his own in a punishing, devouring kiss that was more teeth than lips, more passion than care, and more wonderful than the rushed desperation they had shared at Adamant. Chris gave as good as he got, nipping, licking, tasting, hands grasping and groping, tugging at hair, clothing, hating the breastplate that kept him from feeling the full heat and hardness of the commander flush against his form. Even the sharp lurch of pain from his splinted leg wasn’t even to make him pull away, even as he hissed in pain, filling that kiss with his own breath. But the sound of pain was enough to rouse Cullen from his passion, concern clouding that ardor in his eyes as he began to pull back.
“Your leg -”
“Forget it.”
Chris’ grip tightened in the soft fur of Cullen’s mantle, dragging him back into that needful kiss, unable to say what he needed to say, only daring to hope that this closed off, imperfect, wonderful man could somehow understand those unspoken words if he was shown in a different way. The commander groaned, and somehow that kiss softened, wordless surrender to a feeling he did not truly wish to fight any longer but did not know what to do with. Hands gentled, the snarling faded, and soon the small clearing was filled with the sounds of passion kindled at last away from the gossiping eyes of the Inquisition. 
It was awkward, what with the broken leg and the half-plate armour, but even that awkwardness was a release of some of that tension, unexpected laughter burbling between the two men as they fumbled to be rid of the cold metal, to adjust until Chris was no longer in danger of undoing the good work done in splinting his leg just for the sake of their shared desire. And even in the midst of that simmering heat, they retained enough sense not to disrobe fully ... Cullen was not a man to lose his senses so wholly as to be both naked and distracted while on the road. 
Finally there he was, hisplate and gambeson discarded, the mantle rumpled beneath them, his rust-stained undershirt hanging open to reveal the paler skin of his chest ... not quite as ripped as barracks gossip declared him to be, but no less a feast for the eyes for the suggestion of softness. Indeed, Chris was almost glad to see that softness; he knew Cullen as a man who drove himself hard, to the point of self-denial and even, perhaps, self-harm at times. But perhaps he wasn’t quite as hard on himself these days he once had been. He was certainly self-conscious, rose painting his cheeks as he panted, casting his eyes away from Chris’ earnestly admiring gaze in shy uncertainty.
“Christopher, I ...” He blew out a harsh breath, his hands trembling where they lay against Chris’ arms. “This is farther than I ... than I have ever ...”
Chris reached up, gently smoothing his fingers over those deliciously scarred lips to still the emerging burble of cautious fear. 
“Do you want to?” he whispered, curling his palm to the other man’s cheek, drawing Cullen’s whiskey-bright eyes back to his own. He needed to see the consent, as well as hear it. They both did. “I, I know I do, but ... but you have to want it too.”
“Maker’s breath ...” The curse was barely a ghost of a breath between them, a slow, longing shudder rippling through Cullen’s tense frame as he propped himself over Chris in the soft, mossy grass. “I do, I ... I do not know what, or how, or -”
His words faded, strangled in a rushing groan of fever-filled lust as Chris’ hand slipped between them to cup the straining leather of his lover’s britches. The whiskey-warmth flared to burning ardor, head dipping down to demand the kiss that was so willingly given even as Cullen now found himself rolled to his back. Chris smirked against his lips, finally in a position where he knew what he was doing more than the commander could bluff himself through it. 
“Just relax, if you can,” he murmured, trailing kisses over the blunt line of Cullen’s jaw, dragging his teeth briefly against the scratch of stubble as he let his clever fingers figure out the lacing at the commander’s waist and gain entry to the hidden jewels within. 
His reward was a swallowed cry of pure, startled lust, an almost violent bucking of Cullen’s hips, and the sight of the always cool and mostly collected Commander Rutherford writhing on the rumpled folds of his own mantle, fingers digging deep into the mossy ground beneath them as his teeth bit down just shy of drawing blood in an attempt to hold back the sounds of his visceral pleasure. 
“Easy,” Chris murmured, unable to hold back his laugh at Cullen’s unintelligible response. 
The commander sounded somehow both eager and embarrassed, and oh, so ready for him to continue, finding his words only after several moments of slow, tender touches that seemed designed to reduce every bone in his body to quivering jelly. 
“I ... what about ... what about you ...”
Chris couldn’t help his satisfied grin, lips curving against the stiff line of Cullen’s throat, tasting the dampening salt-sweat of the man’s skin as he trembled in the grip of his passion. His busy hand abandoned Cullen’s cock for just long enough to wet his palm before returning, the new lack of friction somehow setting his commander to greedier trembling under his practised fingers. 
“Don’t worry about me,” he murmured, letting out a gasp of his own as Cullen’s fingers gripped his hair, dragging his mouth back for a fresh onslaught of hungry kisses. 
He’d take care of himself later, if he had to. Right now, the commander needed this release so much more than he did and, if he were truly honest with himself, leaving Cullen in his debt might give the man more motivation to see this through to the end, rather than try to pretend there was nothing left between them once this night was done. He needed Cullen to surrender to this, to accept it and even embrace it, if he could. They both deserved more than the harsh recriminations this war was forcing between them thanks to magic and its misusers. 
So Chris dedicated himself to Cullen for these too-short moments. He stroked and teased, palmed and played, urged, toyed, guided ... he gave as much as he could, learned as much as Cullen would let him, until the commander burst through his fears and worries and uncertainties to lie panting and spent in his arms, eyes whirling with as much tenderness as shock that this kind of intimacy was possible for him.
How long they lay together, he couldn’t have said, revelling in the soft silence between them, in the play of Cullen’s sweaty fingers through his hair and the sound of the man’s heartbeat slowing beneath his ear. This moment of freedom for them would not kast too much longer; too soon, the commander would return to full strength and regain his composure along with his pants and armour. But for now, in this moment, it was enough to listen to his breathing and know he had given into the heat between them. To hope that it would be the first time, and not the last. 
“I should not have allowed that,” Cullen said, his voice a mere murmur beneath the soft night breeze. “To leave us both so vulnerable ... it was a foolish whim.”
Chris raised his head, looking down at the dishevelled man in his arms in hurt disbelief. 
“Foolish?” he repeated, almost daring Cullen to clarify himself. 
The commander’s scarred lip pulled taut for the briefest of smiles, amusement flickering in his warm eyes. He drew his knuckles against Chris’ cheek, a kiss of skin to skin, before moving to set himself to rights. Chris sat up, watching him clean himself, lace his shirt, pull the gambeson back over his head, his own brow furrowed in a deep frown, uncertain quite what to say in the face of those words. 
Cullen paused under the weight of that gaze, raising a brow in curiosity at the expression on the other man’s face.
“Christopher.” He reached out, rubbing a gloved thumb between Chris’ brows to smooth out that frown. “I’m not so much a fool as to say never again. But to take such a risk with your life and mine?.”
He bent, daring to brush a hesitant kiss to Chris’ upturned mouth before drawing back swiftly to buckle his armour. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing, and I will not be much good at it,” he said, shrugging to settle the plate more comfortably before reaching for his mantle. “I daresay I will cause more harm with thoughtless words in the weeks and months to come. But ...” His expression gentled, that tenderness reemerging for Chris’ eyes only. “I believe I am done running from it. No more cowardice. No more running.”
The relief was a palpable flare in Chris’ chest. Cullen never said anything he would not hold to, never promised anything he felt incapable of delivering. If he was saying this, then ... there would be no more running. No more cowardice. No more lashing out with the intention of causing pain. And Chris could try to be more understanding of his reactions, if it meant that no more became a daily occurrence. If it meant that no more might become forever. He’d thought he had forever once, and lost it far before he could ever have been ready to be without it. So perhaps this was enough, for now. For Cullen, he could live with no more.
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
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home; fc barcelona x lionel messi
1. the wanderer by celine zabad / 2. lionel messi of fc barcelona celebrates after scoring his team's third goal during the copa del rey round of 16 match between fc barcelona and cd leganes at camp nou on january 30, 2020 in barcelona, spain. (photo by quality sport Images) / 3. lionel messi of paris saint germain celebrating his goal during the ligue 1 match between paris saint-germain and rc lens at parc des princes on april 15, 2023 in paris, france. (photo by antonio borga) / 4. tweet by juegosimple / 5. translation of said tweet. / 6. remembering messi's first barcelona contract, 20 years after it was signed… on a napkin / 7 & 9. interview with sport, 21/11/2019 / 8. lionel messi of fc barcelona celebrates scoring his teams second goal during the uefa champions league quarter final second leg match between fc barcelona and manchester united at camp nou on april 16, 2019 in barcelona, spain. (photo by chloe knott) / 10. sergio busquets of fc barcelona lifts the laliga santander trophy as players of fc barcelona celebrate after being crowned league champions after the laliga santander match between fc barcelona and real sociedad at spotify camp nou on may 20, 2023 in barcelona, spain. (photo by pedro salado) / 11. tweet by gaston edul / 12. translation of said tweet. / 13. lionel messi celebrates at the nou camp stadium the day after barcelona won the uefa champions league cup final on may 28, 2009 in barcelona, spain. barcelona beat manchester united in the final in rome. (photo by denis doyle) / 14. l. frank baum, the wonderful wizard of oz.
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