#L.a. Cobra
hungercityhellhound · 8 months
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ninetyninedays · 2 months
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Charli xcx’s 32nd Birthday Party
pictures taken by The Cobra Snake on Saturday, August 3rd in L.A.
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Scripts for the following films:
12 Monkeys (1995)
American Psycho (2000)
The Apartment (1960)
Arthur Christmas (2011)
Babes in Toyland (1934)
Bad Santa (2003)
Batman Returns (1992)
Black Christmas (1974/2006)
Better Watch Out (2016)
Brazil (1985)
Carol (2015)
Catch Me if You Can (2002)
A Christmas Story (1983)
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
Cobra (1986)
Die Hard (1988)
Diner (1982)
Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Elf (2003)
Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
Four Christmases (2008)
Fred Claus (2007)
The French Connection (1971)
Go (1999)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
The Green Knight (2021)
Gremlins (1984)
Gremlins 2 (1990)
The Holiday (2006)
Home Alone (1990)
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
In Bruges (2008)
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
Jingle All the Way (1996)
Krampus (2015)
L.A. Confidential (1997)
Last Holiday (2006)
The Legend of Hell House (1973)
Lethal Weapon (1987)
The Life of Brian (1979)
Little Women (1994/2019)
The Lodge (2019)
Love, Actually (2003)
The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017)
Mean Girls (2004)
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
The Night of the Hunter (1955)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
Phantom Thread (2017)
The Polar Express (2004)
The Preacher's Wife (1996)
Prometheus (2012)
Rent (2005)
Rocky IV (1985)
The Santa Clause (1994)
Scrooged (1988)
Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)
Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
Spencer (2021)
Tangerine (2015)
Three Days of the Condor (1975)
Trading Places (1983)
While You Were Sleeping (1995)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
For some TV episodes/specials, click here.
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kleenexwoman · 11 months
Kk3 au where Johnny and Daniel end up together
1) Johnny isn't at school after winter break.
Daniel wonders if he's okay. He goes up to Jimmy, who isn't the most approachable Cobra but who is probably the least likely to kill him, and asks if Johnny's still in the hospital or something.
Jimmy looks at him blankly and says he doesn't think Johnny went to the hospital. He called him to see if he wanted to hang out before Christmas, but Johnny said he was busy with stuff and that he'd see him when he was finished with it.
Daniel asks what stuff. Jimmy says he didn't ask.
Bobby asks why the hell Daniel wants to know, then softens when Daniel reminds him that he saw Johnny get strangled by his sensei, too. Bobby tells him that Johnny isn't ready to come back to school, which makes sense.
Daniel says that he hopes Johnny feels better, and that if Bobby talks to him, maybe he can just tell Johnny that Daniel hopes he's okay. That there aren't any hard feelings. He'll even spar with Johnny if he wants.
Dutch sneers and says he's asking to get his ass kicked.
As Daniel walks away, he can hear Tommy saying, "I can't believe you even bothered to talk to that little maggot. You're not gonna tell Johnny all that shit, are you?"
2) It wasn't Johnny that Daniel was afraid of.
Newark was a hard, cold town. There wasn't much work, and there were plenty of brown faces in the town to turn against each other when the car company moved down to Mexico to find cheaper brown hands. Daniel knew the cold flash of fear in the pit of the stomach that comes when you see the glint of a knife or the barrel of a gun.
He'd gotten a switchblade from Cousin Enzo and taken it to school, flashed it at Peter Dabish when the oversized prick tried to fuck with his friend Cici, and nearly gotten kicked out of Aaron Burr High School, home of the Fighting Governors, in favor of the Joseph Pesci Reformatory for Boys.
California seemed safer. Sure, Compton was full of gangs, but Reseda was merely mildly seedy. And West Valley High School promised little more dangerous than social ostracism by blonde pastel-clad children of privilege.
For fuck's sake, the scariest guy in school did karate instead of carrying a piece. And he was skinny. Well, not so much skinny as slender, with long graceful limbs layered with gentle curves of muscle, and a tiny waist, and a chest more curved than barrel. The bruisers back home were all chunk, built like bricks, bulked with pasta and pork, heavy with flesh. Johnny looked like he'd been carved away over time by a stream of water.
Sure, five against one was shit odds, but Daniel knew that a knife doesn't help when you're outnumbered anyway. It's just another thing that can be taken and used to hurt you.
Daniel could have hurt Johnny badly enough to end it, if he'd wanted to. He wasn't an idiot. The kind of places that would sell a kid an illegal blade or even a gun under the table were always easy to spot in Newark, and they didn't look much different in L.A.
He was scared of what he saw when he'd looked into John Kreese's dark blue eyes. Whatever was in there was hungry, hollow, and blank. Something that had cut itself off and refused to be reached. Something that only took and didn't know giving. Something that didn't know limits.
Daniel was scared that the thing driving John Kreese would push Johnny too far. That the posturing, the pushing, the pressing against lockers, that it would explode into something real.
He really didn't want to have to hurt Johnny. Johnny had been hurt enough already.
3) The All Valley was the second night of Hanukkah and Johnny was sleeping in his car by the eighth night.
Sid had a big party at the house the night after. Since Mom was Christian, he liked to call it Christmas-kkah. There was a tree and ornaments, and there was an electric menorah in the window that looked like nine plain, ugly glass tubes that lit up in a plain, ugly sodium yellow. If that was supposed to represent the miracle of having enough oil or whatever the fuck the whole thing was about, that sure didn't look like it meant shit. The potato pancakes weren't even any good, soggy and flavorless because nobody was eating fat.
Sid gave Johnny a blue sweater that didn't fit him, a check for thirty-six hundred dollars, and a sweaty rant about how Johnny needed to stop getting his face beaten on purpose before a big party. Did Johnny want everyone to think Sid beat him, get a reputation for being a domestic abuser and ruin his career? Was that his game?
Johnny gave Sid a head hung low, a bite of the lip, and a tear in the eye. He gave Sid the generous, frankly unwarranted gift of the most sincere-sounding apology he could muster. He promised Sid that it would never happen again.
(He couldn't make himself tear up until he started to think about the prospect of leaving his mother alone with the bald piece of shit. But he'd begged Mom to just take the money she had tucked away and leave, let Sid take everything else in the inevitable divorce. She'd always said she couldn't.)
Mom gave him a bunch of things that were nice, but that he didn't really need and had never asked for. That weren't really his style, but something between the chunky, shiny bright reds he'd liked as a kid and the soft, slender pastels she seemed to like him in. She also gave him a card that had a little trophy on it and said "To A #1 Champion of A Son!" on the inside.
"I'm so proud of you," she said to Johnny, and hugged him. "You always do so well when you put your mind to it. You only ever have to try."
The report card came in. Johnny got more C's than D's this time, but Math had plummeted from a B to a D, and Phys Ed was a B instead of an A because of all the shit he'd given LaRusso that year.
Sid screamed at him that he was never gonna get into a college, that he'd wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on Johnny, that Johnny was gonna end up as a janitor scrubbing toilets. Then he shoved a brush and bucket into Johnny's hands and followed him around while he demanded that Johnny scrub all twelve toilets in the house by hand without gloves.
Later, retching, scrubbing his chapped hands with moisturizing soap, he looked to his mother for comfort.
She stood in the doorway and said softly that he'd done a good job cleaning the toilets.
Johnny left before sunrise, everything he wanted to take in the trunk of his Avanti, then drove to West Valley High and slept in the parking lot.
He found a new place to crash before the school year started up again. It wasn't hard. He looked good, and that made it pretty easy to make new friends who'd shoot you a few bucks now and again. As long as you were, you know... Properly grateful.
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karatekels · 1 year
I know a request of mine is still on the way but I thought hEY why not already give you the next one? I’m so sorry, the terry brainrot is doing this 😫
could we have more kk3 terry please? honestly when it comes to my requests, you can always make reader the innocent type. so maybe she randomly comes across the dojo and sees daniel train with terry. she‘s fascinated by terry’s skills and strength (and grows a crush on him) but doesn’t have the courage to go in. she‘d just pass by almost every day there to see if she can watch him train again. what she doesn’t realize tho is that terry‘s been aware of her presence since day 1 and is just waiting for the perfect opportunity to lure her in and of course also show her his true colors at some point
I’m super excited to write this one! I hope it doesn’t come across as too OOC for Terry, but I still think his actions fit with his character. Enjoy!
Payment Plan
They had moved your bus stop two blocks over, and an extra ten minutes away, a minor inconvenience that added up quickly into a more irritating problem when you used it to get to work six days a week.
Grumbling to yourself, you head up the more unfamiliar street, wanting to get to the bus stop a few minutes early just in case you had any trouble finding it. It was strange how you could live in one place for so long, but get so accustomed to your daily routes that anything beyond that felt new and interesting to you. There was a pottery and ceramics shop, what looked to be a bonsai shop opening soon, and…a place selling snakes? Strange, but then, this was L.A., and what else could a place called Cobra Kai possibly be selling?
Slowing your pace a bit – you had the time – you look in through one of the glass windows, wondering at what the store could be selling. To your surprise, there are no reptiles, no cages, just a largely empty room with training mats and mirrors. Taking a closer look at the sign on the door, you see that Cobra Kai is actually a karate dojo.
Sure enough, you see two people walk into the main training area of the dojo: a boy, probably close to finishing high school, in a white gi and nearly bouncing with enthusiasm, and a man that looked to be in his early thirties, in a half-open black gi, watching the boy with a stoic expression.
The man was probably the most handsome man you’d ever seen – he was definitely the most attractive you’d see outside of TV or the movies, and he looked like an action star himself. Tall, incredibly built, with long dark hair and bright blue eyes, you didn’t think that people could be this attractive…
A car horn sounds suddenly in the street behind you, causing you to jump. You turn away from the window, not wanting it to be obvious that you were watching, and check your watch. You had to leave now or you would miss your bus! Reluctantly, you walk down the street, though you sincerely doubt you’ll be able to focus on work today…
Hours later, and you’re on the bus ride home, tired and looking forward to getting home. Your boss hadn’t shared your plans of not focusing on work, and you’d been pushed to the limit with a last-minute double-shift. You hop off the bus at the new stop just as dusk is starting to fall. Bracing yourself for your now-slightly-longer walk home, you look down the street, and see that the lights at the Cobra Kai dojo are still on across the street.
…A glimpse of the man you’d seen earlier would be just the thing to brighten your day. And it’s not like you’d be hurting anyone; they’d never even notice. He may not even be there, you reason to yourself as you cross the street, trying not to move too excitedly.
You slow your pace as you approach the dojo window, taking a quick look around you and noticing only a couple of people nearby. Good, you wouldn’t be noticed snooping by anyone out here, at least. Peeking into the dojo, you see the same two men as this morning – had they been at it this whole time?! Karate seemed like a ton of work.
The boy is looking exhausted, sweaty, his hair matted to his forehead, but the man looks as stunning as he had this morning; not even a hair out of place. You suppose that makes sense; he’s clearly the teacher here – sensei, you think it was called – so of course the student would be actually doing the most karate.
The man stalks around the boy, staring him down intensely as they have a conversation. Everything about him seemed so strong, but at the same time so controlled, like he was constantly on edge of unleashing all the power he was capable of. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him – he seemed so passionate when teaching the boy, and his student seemed responsive, wanting to please.
You could relate to him in that regard, you think to yourself as you all but drool at the sight of the man through the window. You wonder what his voice sounds like, you wonder about everything…
The two have moved over to a crude training dummy made of wood and pipes. The boy kicks the dummy’s “legs” a few times, but doesn’t make much progress, even appearing to hurt his foot at one point. The man seems to reassure him over a pep-talk, before moving over the dummy itself and demolishing it – legs, chest and head – in three quick strikes. Your jaw falls open – you’re pretty sure that the boy’s does as well, having never seen anything remotely like it in your life.
Realizing that you’ve been staring too long, you force yourself away from the dojo, heading home. You can’t say that you sleep well this night, but that your dreams are well worth the lack of rest.
Over the next week, you find yourself looking through the dojo’s windows twice a day, everyday, trying to commit every glimpse of the handsome man to memory. You’re sure that this isn’t healthy behaviour, but you don’t know how you could go about introducing yourself at this point. “Hi, I’ve been watching you teach karate without you knowing for the past week and have fallen head over heels for you. Would you like to get a drink?” Yeah, right.
You’ve even tried to do things to get his attention, despite knowing that it’s a futile effort – he was always so focused when teaching or practicing himself. You had started dressing in the nicest clothes you could get away with wearing to work without drawing attention, and had gone to the library on your day off to pick up some books about karate, wanting to secretly share this interest with him.
Clutching the book to your chest, you start to walk back home, looking forward to walking past the dojo as always. Looking into the window, pretending that you’re checking your reflection so that no passersby get suspicious, you gaze into the dojo, only to find that it’s empty, leaving you with an overwhelming feeling of disappointment.
“You know, you’ll never really learn karate from a book.”
Spinning around at the sudden voice from behind you, you come face-to-face with the subject of your infatuation, looking down at you with a friendly smile.
You’ve forgotten how to breathe.
“I…um…what?” you stammer, feeling yourself already blushing deeply. He was somehow even more attractive up close. This was the first time you’d seen him wearing something other than his gi, and he looks a bit less imposing in jeans and a grey sweatshirt, his hair in the same ponytail as always.
“I noticed your book,” he repeats calmly, stepping beside you to unlock the door to the dojo. “You can’t learn something like karate from a book; you need hands-on experience.”
“Oh, umm, I’m sure you’re right. This is just a newer interest that I’ve recently developed, so I wasn’t sure where to start…” you ramble, trying to not make a fool of yourself.
“Come inside, and I’ll teach you the basics!” he invites, giving you a smile that has you momentarily dazed. Eventually your mind registers what he’s said, and you rush to excuse yourself from accepting his request.
“Oh, I couldn’t! I’m sure you’ll be teaching today –”
“Nope, only one student at the moment, and he’s taken the day off.”
“Well, then I guess you’ll be practicing yourself, right?” You had watched him, one day last week, practicing punches and kicks, seeming to dance across the training mats in a blur of masculine grace. You’d love to see that again…
“There’s still plenty of time in the day for me to train, but no time like the present to train you!” he insists, his lips quirked as he holds the door open for you. “I won’t take no for an answer! C’mon, first lesson is free!” he jokes, and you can’t help but crack a shy smile – he was something of a drug to you.
You hesitate, and he takes the opportunity to snatch the book from your grip and slips into the dojo, giving you a mischievous look before the door closes.
“Hey!” you cry out, your heart thudding like mad. He’d come so close to touching you, and you steel yourself to go after… your book, you try to convince yourself. Certainly not the man who had taken it. Right.
Taking a deep breath, you open the door to the dojo and step inside, trying not to be too nervous. The man seems to have vanished, and you crane your neck as you look around for him. He was a very big person, there were only so many places for him to hide.
“Hello?” you call out, trying your best to make your voice loud and clear. “Can I have my book back, please?”
“Not yeeeet!” he bursts out in a singsong voice, emerging out of a room in the back, having changed into his gi. So he had been naked in here while you had been in here… your blush deepens.
“C’mon… oh, I’m sorry, I don’t even know your name!”
“It’s Y/N,” you say, shyly extending a hand to him, telling yourself you just wanted to be polite.
“Y/N,” he repeats, and wow do you love the sound of him saying your name. “I’m Terry, Terry Silver,” he says, shaking your hand, and you try not to smile, feeling overwhelmingly giddy at the fact that he’s touching you. “I’ll be your sensei for the day,” he bows down towards you, winking.
“Unfortunately, sensei,” you say, giggling at your use of the title, “I seem to have forgotten my gi, so if I could just get my book back…”
“I have spare gis in the back; I’m sure one is your size. C’mon, I’ll show you!” He wraps a friendly arm around your shoulders without another word, guiding you through the dojo to a spare room full of karate equipment that you know nothing about, and a collection of gis. He grabs a top about your size, holding it out to you.
“Put this on just for now, on top of your clothes, and I’ll show you how to tie it properly.” You swallow thickly, nodding mutely as you put your arms through the sleeves. He tells you how to tie it, the right side first, then the left, securing the top to you with two knots, and emphasizes tying the belt, called an obi, so that it rests on your hip bones, showing you how to tie it by demonstrating with his own.
You spend most of the demonstration remembering to breathe, and trying not to tremble at his proximity, at the fact that he was helping you dress yourself, and then Terry leaves you alone in the room to change. The instant the door closes, you fall back on top of a stack of training mats, needing a moment to collect yourself.
You were alone in a private place with the man you’d been drooling over for days now. You dreamed about this moment, never thinking that you would actually be in this situation, but here you are, and now you needed to handle yourself like the grown woman you were.
He’s just going to teach me some simple karate moves, that’s all, you repeat to yourself in your head, like a mantra, as you get changed, your body on autopilot. Doing some (completely inaccurate) punches and kicks to make sure that your gi stays in place, you force yourself to walk out the door.
Entering the main training area once more, you take off your shoes and socks, having noticed that that seemed to be the rule from your observations over the past few days. Looking around, you see that Terry has done some brief tidying, moving training dummies into the corner and closing the blinds.
“You closed the blinds?” you ask, frowning at him curiously.
“I got the sense that you were a bit nervous, and thought that maybe it would make you feel less self-conscious. I can open them up again, if you’d prefer,” he offers, but you shake your head, oddly touched that he’d recognized your discomfort and done something to alleviate it.
“No, that’s fine, you were right,” you say, smiling, and he nods.
“Yeah, I figured you wouldn’t want some creep staring in at you!”
You freeze, panicking, thinking that he caught you in the act, but he mistakes your fear for something else, trying to calm you down quickly.
“Hey hey, I was just kidding!” he exclaims, giving you a reassuring smile, and you let out a breathless laugh, smiling thinly. Phew…
“Alright, let’s get started!” he says, clapping his hands together once loudly, and you brace yourself, hoping that this goes well.
He puts you through the paces for a couple of hours, walking you through several kata and showing you how to correct your movements. You were a bit breathless and sweaty by the end, but you hadn’t actually had to hit anything, and he hadn’t touched you – for which you were both disappointed and extremely grateful – the entire time.
“Not bad, Y/N, not bad at all!” he says, smiling at you in a way that has you feeling funny all over. You smile back at him, feeling somehow more comfortable and more on edge around the man after this short time together. It’s like the more he drew you in with his presence, the harder you had to fight to keep away. “You think you’ll come back for another lesson?”
“Well, I think that would depend on your rates,” you tease, unsure where this part of you came from.
“Ah yes, there is the subject of payment for today…” he says, his voice taking on a different tone and his eyes shining at you with an odd light. You cock your head at him.
“What happened to “the first one’s free,” then?” you quote, confused. Sure, you made decent money at your job; you could pay him, but he had told you that this would be free, and was holding your library book hostage until you agreed to let him teach you!
Terry smiles at you, a dark, predatory grin that makes your heart pound.
“Unfortunately, Y/N, we both know that you used up your free lesson a week ago.”
Your mouth goes dry at the implication.
“W-what?” you stammer, trembling now as he comes to circle around you slowly, intensely, just like you’d seen him do with that boy the first time you’d seen them training.
“Do you think I didn’t see you, watching us through the window? You should be more careful, spying on people like that; people could start to get the wrong idea,” he croons in your ear, and you take in a sharp, stuttering breath.
“You’ve had over a week’s worth of free lessons,” he continues, toying with the end of your ponytail. Your eyes flutter closed. “How should we go about making sure you pay for them?”
There’s no way this was happening.
“I…Terry –”
“That’s Sensei to you,” he purrs, giving your ponytail a tug. You let out a quiet whimper.
“Sensei, I’m sorry, I can go get money and pay you right now, just let me go get change –”
“That’s the dojo’s gi; I guess you owe me for that, too,” he murmurs contemplatively, considering you. “In fact, take it off.”
You feel your heart stop, you feel like swooning.
Terry doesn’t appreciate your failure to obey him immediately.
“Take. It. Off.” he growls, closing the distance between you with every word, “Now.”
“What?!” You’re flabbergasted, you’re horrified, you’re turned on like you’ve never been before. You had to be dreaming right now, right?
He steps into your personal space, and you step back, this dance repeating until he’s got you pressed up against the wall right beside the window you’d first spotted him through, caging you in with his arms.
No, you weren’t dreaming, you think to yourself as you tilt your head up to look at him. You didn’t have nearly this good of an imagination.
“Don’t be coy,” he says, smirking down at you. “You’ve been ogling me for days now. I know you want me, you know you want me, and I want you. What’s stopping you?”
“You want me!?” you squeak, shocked. Did that mean he had been watching you too?
“Very, very much,” he purrs, taking in a deep breath and smelling your hair in a move that makes you shudder.
“But I – I’m not – I haven’t,” you try to get the words out. You weren’t a virgin, having had a couple of awkward, fumbling encounters with a boyfriend in the past years back that had left you unsatisfied and disinterested in sex, until now, until this… surely he would want someone who knew what they were doing!
“Fuck, you’re a virgin?” he asks softly, the expletive making something in your belly clench. He certainly doesn’t seem upset by the notion, you think, as one of his large hands comes down to grip your hip tightly.
“No, but it’s been years and it’s never been good,” you admit, and you think you hear him snort a laugh in response. “I don’t know what to do…”
“Good thing you’re with a great teacher then.”
In an instant, his lips are on yours, kissing you with a passion that has your head spinning, his hands moving to your belt to untie it, while you reach up to clutch his shoulders, desperately trying to keep up. This one kiss already has you more aroused than you’ve ever been with anyone else, and it’s like it has awakened something in you, something primal and erotic and wanting. Moaning into the kiss, you trail your hands down his broad chest to his own belt, trying to take it off.
Naturally, he is successful first, pulling the belt off and tossing it to the side, untying one knot of your top and then the other, leaving the garment hanging open on you and revealing your lacy bra. Yeah, you’d worn it as a sort of dirty secret for yourself, hoping you’d see him today, but you never thought he’d know about it…
He takes in your half-bared torso with a hungry expression, and you swear he licks his lips before reaching down to his own belt, swatting your hands away in a move that has you blushing as he undresses himself, tossing his own top to the ground and leaving his chest bare. Your mouth drops open, and you’re sure your eyes are as wide as saucers as you drink him in with your eyes. Ancient statues weren’t as well-sculpted as this man.
“Are you even real?” you find yourself whispering, and he quirks his lips in a smile, reaching a hand out towards you.
“Come find out for yourself, doll,” he says, tugging you forward the instant you put your hand in his and laying your hand in the middle of his chest.
There’s something so intimate about the contact, and you melt into him, finding yourself kissing his chest, his neck, anywhere you can reach as you run your hands all over his body. He leans down to capture your lips once more, and you’re feeling so hot, so good, that you’re not self-conscious at all when he pushes the gi top off of your shoulders; you’re just grateful.
His hands come around your waist, lifting you up easily, and you wrap your limbs around him tightly, holding on to him desperately. He gives you a growl of approval, pinning you back against the wall just with his hips. He busies himself with taking your hair out of its ponytail, laying hot, open-mouthed kisses up and down your neck as he does so, making you squirm against him.
Finish raking his fingers through your hair, Terry’s hands move down to your chest, teasing you over your bra, his lips staying at your neck all the while. On a wild instinct, to keep yourself from mewling out loud at the sensations he’s making you feel, you bite down on the muscle of his shoulder. He tenses briefly, but then, without missing a beat, returns the gesture, biting you in a way that sends jolts of pleasure to your nipples and clit, making you moan needily.
“You don’t seem like you need much instruction, Y/N,” he teases, whispering in your ear before tracing the outer shell with his tongue. “No, you’re very good at this…”
“Terry, please!” you beg, panting against him. How could you feel so close already when you were both still half-dressed?!
“What’s that, baby?” he asks innocently, lowering you back to the ground. You stay leaning against the wall, not trusting your knees at the moment. “What do you want?” He toys with the waistband of his pants as he says this, fingertips disappearing just beneath the fabric, and you whine with need.
“You, Terry! I want you, please!”
Part of you can hardly believe that you’re doing this, having sex with someone you’d just met, but then, this man wasn’t just any man, was he? He was sex personified in every sense of the word, and he wanted you. Who were you to deny either of you what you wanted?
“What do you want, Y/N?” he coos, his voice mocking in a way that’s hot as hell rather than being condescending. “I wanna hear you say it. Look me in the eye, and say it.”
You do your best to lock your eyes with his, knowing that you’re blushing horribly and must look a mess. “I want you inside me, please!”
He grins wolfishly down at you before tugging you into his arms and carrying you over to a stack of unused training mats, depositing you onto them. Standing beside you, your prone form isn’t quite level with his hips, but you have a clear view of the large bulge in the pants of his gi.
Terry looks down at you, blue eyes glittering as he takes in your flushed appearance, and in one quick motion, tears your pants down your legs, leaving you in just your bra and underwear. Despite your lack of clothing, this move has you feeling hot all over, making you squirm on the training mats before him.
“Soon baby,” he promises you in a sultry voice, still with that mocking edge. “We’ve got to work out way up to that,” he says, leaning over you and laving one of your breasts over your bra with his tongue. Desperately, you arch your back, reaching behind you to unhook your bra and tear it off your arms, your fingers immediately moving to his scalp to keep his head where it is.
He laughs around your breast at your antics, and you feel vibrations course throughout your body before he focuses his attention on your nipple, swirling his tongue around the bud and making you cry out his name. He teases you like this for some time, switching back and forth between your breasts, eventually reaching a hand between your legs and teasing your clit with a finger through your drenched panties, until you think he’s going to drive you over the edge. You’re a moaning, panting mess, banging your head on the mats and responding to his every touch, and Terry looks like he’s having the time of his life tormenting you.
“Terry, please, I can’t take it anymore! What do you want? I’ll do anything!” you wail, fully meaning it in this moment. He grins down at you, obviously pleased that you’ve essentially written him a blank cheque for sexual favours. You truly couldn’t care less at this point; you wanted this man, you needed this man, right here and right now, and you’d make a deal with the Devil at this point if it meant he would take you.
“Say you’ll come back here tomorrow!” he requests, and you’d be more taken aback at this if you weren’t currently completely losing your mind with pleasure and desire.
“Yes, I’ll come back tomorrow! I’ll come back whenever you want, just please!” you beg shamelessly, grinding your hips up against his hand, desperate for friction on your clit, for release, for whatever you can get out of this man. He hooks a finger under the fabric of your underwear, brushing against your soaking wet slit for just a moment before tugging them off you, leaving you naked.
Your breath is coming fast now, knowing that he’s finally going to give you what you need, but your breath stops altogether when he takes his cock out of his pants. God, he was big, and God, you need to have him inside you filled every fibre of your being.
He pumps his cock a few times in his fist, and you whimper at the sight, before he moves to stand between your legs, spreading them to either side of his body. He grips your hips in his large hands, seeming to take a moment to savour the sight you make before him, flushed, breathless, desperate for him.
Finally, after what feels like forever, he lines himself up with your entrance, teasing you with the head of his cock. Right before you open your mouth to scream in frustration, he obliges you, thrusting inside you slowly, gradually, not pumping his hips but surging forward until he is fully sheathed within you.
You are breathless, you’re so full, and it feels absolutely incredible, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as he bottoms out.
“Oh fuck, Y/N, you’re so tight,” he groans, his grip on your hips likely to leave bruises as he stills within you. You try to buck your hips to make him move within you, but you can’t; he’s too big inside you, and he’s got you pinned down.
“Please Terry, stretch me out. I can take it,” you moan wantonly, trying to convey to him with every part of you how badly you need him to move at this moment. His eyes pin you in place with their intensity for a moment as he surveys you.
“God damn, I love the way you talk dirty,” he growls, finally starting to pull out of you before thrusting fully inside you again, setting up a slow but deep pace that has your toes curling. “Keep going.”
“You feel so good inside me, please don’t stop!” You’re not even thinking, obscene thoughts flowing from your lips as you take his cock again and again, never wanting this to end. “Please Terry, fuck me faster!” you plead with him, and he looks down at you again with that teasing look, maintaining his current pace.
“Now now, be careful what you ask for, doll. Too much too fast will leave you sore,” he explains, but you get the sense he’s more in agreement with your desires than he’s letting on.
“I don’t care, I need it! Fuck, I need you, Terry! Please don’t hold back,” you beg, arching against him desperately. This seems to be what he wanted to hear, and already you feel his pace start to quicken.
“I’ve got you, baby girl. I’ll give you what you need,” he promises, pounding into you hard and fast, your legs pressed against his front, your feet on either side of his head. “You need a good hard fucking, don’t you Y/N?”
“YES!” you scream, feeling your orgasm rapidly approaching, nearly faint from the stimulation. “I need it, I need you, please!”
He reaches down to rub your clit in circles, and that, combined with the way he’s pounding you, has you shrieking as you come hard around his cock. He doesn’t slow his pace, and he doesn’t move his thumb away from your clit, working you through the first orgasm until you an incoherent mess.
“Terry!” you cry out, your voice getting high-pitched as the overstimulation drives you wild.
“What do you want, baby? Tell me,” he orders, his own breath coming fast as he approaches his own release.
“Come for me, please!” you wail, barely able to string two words together. “I want you to finish inside me! Fill me up, Terry, please!” The thought had always repulsed you before, but when it came to Terry you wanted every bit of him you could get.
He grips your thighs, holding you still as he slams into you, coming hard with a growl of your name as he fills you with his cum. You’re both spent, and he only has the energy to pull you off the stack of mats and onto the mats on the floor with him, the pile not being large enough for the both of you. You snuggle into his side, feeling immensely satisfied and absolutely filthy with what you’d just done. His arms tighten around you, and you think you could happily die in this moment. Nothing could possibly be better than this…
Tilting your head to look up at his face, you decide to as a question likely inappropriate for your current position.
“Hey Terry?”
“Yes, doll?”
“Can I have my book back?”
“You’ll get it back tomorrow.”
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iamdangerace · 1 year
4 Albums Tag
Once upon a time, @ourladyofomega and @justmakesuresheeatsthemouse each posted 4 or 5 incredibly cool albums that they were listening to intensively during the weeks just prior to the time of their posts, which was, I am sorry to admit, quite some time ago. Then they tagged me to do the same. Thank you so much, both of you. Album tags are always fun, primarily because I got to listen to the music you selected, and you did not disappoint.
I prefer listening to LPs, Eps, singles with B Side songs over listening to song playlists. I think that in most cases albums of songs listened to as a whole best convey the artists’ expression of the complete story they want told. Listening to the individual songs is like reading a quotation from a book. It may be powerful, but it’s still being taken out of context.
At any given point in time, I listen most intensively to albums of which I recently acquired physical media. Here are 4 of the albums I acquired during the past few weeks:
Sonic Youth Live in Brooklyn, NY (2023)
This is the recording of the final live performance given by Sonic Youth in the U.S. after 30 some years of touring. It was played on an outdoor stage at the Williamsburg Waterfront in Brooklyn NY on August 12, 2011. Kim, Thurston, Lee and Steve (joined by Mark Ibold, of Pavement, on bass guitar) sound brilliant on this recording.
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Super Heroines, Cry For Help (1982/ 2014)
Super Heroines was the punkerest of the deathrock bands formed in Los Angeles during the early 1980s. Cry For Help was their debut album. On this album, Super Heroines featured Sandra Ross on bass guitar; Del Mar Richardson on drums; with vocals and guitar by Eva Ortiz. Eva O. was also briefly one of the many guitarists to come and go from Christian Death and she contributed to their album: Only Theatre of Pain (1982). She was Rozz Williams’ wife from 1987 until shortly before he hanged himself in 1998. She is alleged to have been in a relationship with The Night Prowler, Richard Ramirez, before his arrest. Eva’s 4 decades + making goth rock earned her the title of L.A.’s Queen of Darkness, and she continues to earn that title today. Cry For Help is an embodiment of her dark energy and talent. Eva’s throaty vocals and searing guitarwork gives the album a very cool goth punk sound.
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Magic Dirt, Girl (2008)
This is currently my favorite album by Australia’s seminal indie rock band from Geelong, Victoria. Magic Dirt is: Adalita (Srsen)(vocals/guitar), Dean Turner (bass guitar), Raul Sanchez i Jorge (guitar) and Adam Robertson (drums).
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Mannequin Pussy, Gypsy Pervert (2014)
Hella talented. Zero fucks to give. I think the band’s name stands for “zero fucks to give.” On Gypsy Pervert, Mannequin Pussy is: Marisa Dabeast (vocals and guitar), Thanasi Paul (guitar) and Drew Adler (drums).
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I’m going to take advantage of the precedent set by @ourladyofomega and add a bonus album: The Lion and the Cobra by Sinéad O'Connor (1987). Not something I just acquired. I acquired a number of copies decades ago. In fact, I was surprised to see that I have a cassette tape still in the factory wrap. I’ll have to give it as a gift to someone who I know will appreciate it. I also hadn’t listened to it much for a very long time until recently. Recently. I've listened to it very intensively.
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I tag: @ellingerfarmer @bonnieprincegnarly @sage9991 @maldoror-est-mort @experimentv @thedown5 @sexcaprice @cchris47 @left-handed-leftist @cavegirl66 @myfriendgoo94 @quietquietlife @xenon2022 @hannahcheeks @itsmsstone
Look, I know many of you taggees tagged me for similar things and I haven’t responded yet. I know this because I kept the email notifications. In some cases, it was a very long time ago. I didn’t ignore them. I’ve been slowly working my way through a massive backlog of follow-backs and tags. Maybe tagging you now isn’t the appropriate thing to do, but I also know you all have extraordinarily good taste in music and would probably throw up some pretty cool album titles that I'd like to see and hear. And isn’t what I want really the important thing here?
Also anyone else who wants to play please do it. You can even dm me and I’ll edit you onto the list of the tagged and no one will be the wiser. Then Bob’s your uncle.
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lvndrfucks · 2 days
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Your co-stars, Jacob and Xolo, asked you to be a guest star on their podcast, Lone Lobos. You had made yourself comfortable in the corner of the couch with a blanket over your legs. You had shared stories so far of how you started acting and what it’s been like on Cobra Kai.
“Okay, we’re halfway into the episode,” Xolo started. “Now we gotta get into the juicy stuff. Tell us about your relationship.”
A laugh sprang out at the sudden topic change. “What do you wanna know?”
“Well, you’re dating someone who’s in quite a famous band. How did you two meet?”
Your hum echoed into the microphone. “We met at a social event. His band was playing and I had already been a fan beforehand, so I was already freaking out a bit. I was able to go backstage and meet them. But at the time, he actually had a girlfriend.”
Both boys oohed.
“So, you were a homewrecker?” Jacob jested.
“No! Oh, my God, it wasn’t like that. I was just good friends with all of them,” you continued. “They’ve invited me to their shows before and we’ve hung out in groups. But, when they did break up, I was his shoulder to cry on.”
“So, you were manifesting?”
The three of you started laughing again.
“No, because I did ask her about it when I realized that I had feelings for him. We weren’t close, but she was still a good friend and I didn’t want it to seem like I was waiting for them to breakup,” you explained. “She was totally understanding of it.”
“And if she wasn’t,” Xolo questioned.
“Then, I’d be single and sad.” You chuckled a bit.
“How did you guys know you liked each other? Or was it like you had feelings for him, but you didn’t know if he had feelings for you?”
“Um, I didn’t think he liked me like that until he flew down to visit on set for the first time.”
“Oh, I remember that,” Jacob exclaimed.
You nodded. “Yeah, he came down and I was thinking it was a little odd he came by himself. I even asked him about it and he was like ‘oh, everyone else was busy and I wanted to surprise you.’ That’s when I thought does he like me? Because no one has ever done that for me before. Even on set, Mary and Peyton were saying that. My friend back home was too.
“And he was there while we were wrapping up, so we even flew back to L.A. together. Even afterwards, we still spent a majority of our time together.”
“How did he ask you out,” Xolo asked. “I’m getting so invested. I don’t think you’ve ever told me this story.”
“I don’t think I’ve told anyone except my best friend,” you said.
“Did he sing you a song?” Jacob guessed. “He brought you to the beach and whipped out a guitar like in Barbie.”
You covered your mouth while laughing. “If he did do that, he gets a pass.” The boys’ laughter followed afterwards. “No, he took me to an art museum, then we went to eat at a cafe afterwards.”
“That is the most cliché date I’ve ever heard of.”
“Hey! I like cliché things. It was very sweet and we both had a good time.”
“Did he bring you flowers?” Xolo glanced off camera. “For the audience’s knowledge, we actually have him here watching this live.”
Cole had been listening the whole time with a grin on his face.
“Do you wanna come say hi?” You offered. He stood up to stick his head in the camera and wave before sitting back in his original spot. “That was my boyfriend. He’s in a very underground indie band. You guys probably don’t know them.”
Jacob scoffed to add onto the joke. “Yeah. You’ve probably never seen them play in arenas, or festivals like Coachella or Lollapalooza. Just small venues.”
“But to answer your question,” you referred back to Xolo, “he did bring me flowers. They were lavender colored roses. And when he asked me to be his girlfriend, he got me red carnations.”
“Aw, that’s so sweet,” Xolo gushed. “I’m getting butterflies.”
“Don’t the different colors mean something?” Jacob added.
You looked at Cole curiously who pursed his lips, trying to hide his grin. There was a faint hue of pink on his cheeks.
“Lavender roses can represent love at first sight. People that are in love or adore their partners will find a lavender rose to be the perfect symbol to show their true feelings,” Xolo read from his phone. “And red carnations symbolize deep love. It is said that the deep red petals of the red carnation represent a beating heart that is filled with love too.”
The boys awed.
“Wait, stop because I’ll cry.” You giggled and looked at Cole. “I didn’t know that. I thought you got them because they were just pretty.” The boy simply shrugged.
“That’s so cute and wholesome, though,” Xolo said. “No one’s ever gotten me meaningful flowers.”
Jacob looked at him in offense. “I picked a daisy from the ground for you one time. I think that’s romantic.”
“Yeah, but we were at a gas station.”
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phantombandit-films · 2 years
Christian Slater Movie/Tv checklist.
When I find a actor/actress I like I will go through their IMDB and make a list of the films I think look interesting and watch them. Most of the time that means watching every single movie/ tv show they have been in. Titles with a ✔ at the end are the ones I've seen.
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☆ Tales from the Darkside. ☆ The Legend of Billie Jean. ✔ ☆ The Name of the Rose. ✔ ☆ Twisted. ✔ ☆ The Equalizer (Season 2, Ep 4) ☆ Crime Story. ☆ L.A. Law (Season 2, Ep 16) ☆ Tucker: The Man and His Dream. ☆ Heathers. ✔ ☆ Gleaming the Cube. ✔ ☆ Desperate for Love. ☆ Beyond the Stars. ☆ The Wizard. ✔ ☆ The Edge (Season 1, Ep 3) ☆ Tales from the Darkside: The Movie. ☆ Young Guns II: Blaze of Glory. ✔ ☆ Pump up the Volume. ✔ ☆ Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. ✔ ☆ Mobsters. ☆ Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. ☆ Kuffs. ✔ ☆ Where the Day Takes You. ☆ Untamed Heart. ✔ ☆ True Romance. ✔ ☆ Jimmy Hollywood. ☆ Interview with the Vampire. ✔ ☆ Murder in the First. ✔ ☆ Bed of Roses. ✔ ☆ Broken Arrow. ✔ ☆ Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery. ☆ Julian Po. ☆ Merry Christmas, George Bailey. ☆ Hard Rain. ✔ ☆ Basil. ☆ Very Bad Things. ☆ The Contender. ☆ 3000 Miles to Graceland. ☆ Who Is Cletis Tout? ☆ Zoolander. ✔ ☆ Hard Ca$h. ☆ Wind Talkers. ☆ The West Wing (Season 4, Ep 7,8,10) ☆ Masked and Anonymous. ☆ Alias (Season 2, Ep 15, 19) ☆ Mindhunters. ✔ ☆ The Confessor. ☆ Pursued. ☆ Alone in the Dark. ✔ ☆ The Deal. ☆ Hollow Man 2. ☆ Bobby. ☆ My Name is Earl (Season 2, Ep 8) ✔ ☆ He Was a Quiet Man. ☆ Slipstream. ☆ Love Lies Bleeding. ☆ Igor. ☆ My Own Worst Enemy (Season 1, Ep 1-9) ☆ Dolan's Cadillac. ☆ Lies & Illusions. ☆ The Forgotten (Season 1, Ep1-17) ☆ Sacrifice. ☆ Without Men. ☆ The River Murders. ☆ The Final Rites. ☆ Playback. ✔ ☆ Sofia. ☆ Freaky Deaky. ☆ El Gringo. ☆ Dawn Rider. ☆ Hatfields and McCoys: Bad Blood. ☆ Soldiers of Fortune. ☆ Breaking In (Season 1, Ep 1-7 - Season 2, Ep 1-13) ☆ Guns, Girls and Gambling. ☆ Bullet to the Head. ☆ Bound. ☆ Assassins Run. ☆ Stranded. ☆ Nymphomaniac: Vol. I ☆ Nymphomaniac: Vol. II ☆ Ask Me Anything. ✔ ☆ Way of the Wicked. ☆ Mind Games (Season 1, Ep 1-13) ☆ Mune: Guardian of the Moon. ☆ Hot Tub Time Machine 2. ✔ ☆ True Deception. ☆ King Cobra. ☆ The Summit. ☆ The Wife. ☆ The Public. ☆ Mr. Robot. ☆Dirty John (Season 2, Ep 1-8) ☆ We Can Be Heroes. ✔ ☆ Dr. Death (Season 1, Ep 1-8) ☆ Vindicators 2 (Season 1, ep 1,3,4,6,7,10) ☆ Archer (Season 5, Ep 9,12,13 - Season 6, 2,6,8,9,12,13 - Season 7, Ep 8 - Season 13, Ep 7,8) ☆ Inside Job (Season 1, Ep 1-10- Season 2, Ep 1-8) ☆ Willow (Season 1, Ep 6) ✔
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gedeonburkhard · 1 year
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Award-winning actor Gedeon Burkhard stars opposite Brad Pitt in the much anticipated Quentin Tarantino film Inglourious Basterds. Burkhard plays American Jew Sgt. Wilhelm Wicki who serves as a translator for Pitt’s character. Some of his other film credits include: The Last Train (directed by Joseph Vilsmaier), Melodies of Spring (directed by Martin Walz), Golden Times (directed by Peter Thorwart) and Making Up (directed by Katja V. Garnier).
Burkhard is the recipient of the Best Actor Bavarian Award for his work in Acting It Out and also received a Romy for Best Actor for the acclaimed his television series Detective Rex, which went on to sell to over 140 foreign territories. In addition, he also helmed a successful television series Alarm for Cobra 11 that aired in 120 countries.
Burkhard’s success in film and television has catapulted him onto the main stage in one of the most highly anticipated movie releases of 2009, Inglourious Basterds. IFQ caught up with Burkhard on the eve of the film’s premiere at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.
IFQ: You play opposite Brad Pitt in the much anticipated Quentin Tarantino film Inglourious Basterds. Without revealing too much about the film, can you tell me about your character Sgt. Wilhelm Wicki?
Gedeon Burkhard: He’s a Basterd! One of 8 Jewish American, Nazi killing predator’s, in a world gone awry. Especially for Jews! As far as his history goes, he was born in Austria, immigrated to America in the early 1920’s, became American and was one of the first in line to go fight when the US entered the war. Aside from killing and mutilating, he also translates for Brad Pitt’s character, Lt. Aldo Raine.
IFQ: You are an award-winning star of consecutive top-rated television dramas in Germany and over 120 territories worldwide, as well as starring in many films in German-speaking territories. How did you cross over and score a supporting role in Tarantino’s film?
GB: Ten years ago in Vienna, I come home from a night shoot and find one of the greatest Directors of our time, fast asleep, on my couch. As it turns out, my girlfriend at the time, Emma Hickox, and Q are old friends. Actually, one of the characters in Inglourious Basterds is named after her late father and director Douglas Hickox. One year later in L.A., Quentin tells me about this character he has me in mind for and then, very generously, gives me eight years to prepare for the audition.
IFQ: How did you prepare for this role? Were you previously familiar with the old school WWII epic films?
GB: When I was 11, working on a miniseries dealing with the rise and downfall of the Third Reich, I was confronted with the subject matter for the first time. Since then I have played a Jewish prisoner picked from a concentration camp to act in Jud Süss (Anti-Semitic propaganda film) and a Jewish boxer fighting for his family’s survival on the way to Auschwitz. So since a lot of research was already in place, I mainly concentrated on playing around with knives, handling guns, slitting throats, scalping and so forth. As far as WW II epics go, any existing gaps where closed by Q’s weekly screenings during preparation.
IFQ: What was your initial reaction when you first read the script? While shooting, did Tarantino make everyone stick to the script or was there any room to improvise?
GB: My initial reaction was, God I can’t wait to see this! And, who do I have to kill to be in it?! I’m not quite sure about the order. Who, in his right mind, would want to change a Quentin Tarantino script? You’re just happy to be one of the lucky f***’s chewing his dialogue. But Quentin is the easiest going Genius I ever met and he is always open for someone bringing something to the table.
IFQ: How was the experience working with Tarantino himself? What’s his working process like on set?
GB: A film set is always the realm of organized chaos and to me, Quentin is King Arthur and Merlin wrapped into one! So being one of his chosen Knights, I naturally look to him for direction and guidance, which he readily gives. But Quentin also likes to let you run free in his magic castle; his only demands are devotion to the cause, passion and concentration.
IFQ: What was it like working alongside such a diverse cast: Brad Pitt, Eli Roth, Samuel Jackson, Maggie Cheung, Julie Dreyfus and Diane Kruger? What was your rapport like with them on the set?
GB: I never had the pleasure of meeting Maggie or Samuel. Quoting Quentin, Brad’s not a star; he’s a planet! And still he manages to be nothing but inspirational and a pleasure to be around. He is a wonderful colleague whose huge talent just drags you along, making you be the best you can be. Eli is a great buddy, but on set he was also our boss, Sgt. Donnie Donowitz! So if you mishandled your weapon, on or off camera, he chewed your ass out! Julie and Diane are both gorgeous, inside and out! I didn't have the honor to work with Julie but Diane, who I worked next to for weeks, was an endless fountain of entertainment and laughs.
IFQ: How do you think the German population in general will react to the film? Will they be able to separate history’s past and appreciate it as an entertaining film on its own merit?
GB: Quentin has managed to deal with this difficult subject matter in a way that gives everybody in his right mind the possibility to access and partake in the story and the ones that don’t, can as far as I’m concerned go F*** themselves!
IFQ: You have worked on both German-speaking and American films. Can you compare and contrast working on German-speaking films/TV and the USA/Germany co-production film Inglourious Basterds?
GB: Crew size and Production value. Aside from that, everybody is trying to do the same thing: make a good movie!
IFQ: Can you tell me how your educational background has allowed you to play both American and German speaking characters?
GB: Being an impossible child and always getting kicked out of schools was, not at the time but in retrospect, a good thing. It led to me being educated, first in England and then in America, giving me the gift of two languages and two cultures.
IFQ: Since Inglourious Basterds will premiere at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival, will we see you there?
GB: Since I have never been to the Cannes Film Festival, you can bet your ass you’re going to see me there this year!
IFQ: Any upcoming projects?
GB: I just finished shooting a film called Mazel. It‘s a Jewish take on My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
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forbiddenfandom · 2 years
Fictober 2022 - Cobra Kai
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"Is this safe?"
As it turned out, L.A. was just as shiny and sunny as they left it. Daniel enjoyed his last day off work just resting in his own house, what was before only the Miyagi Do dojo, and before that Mr. Miyagi’s house. When he stopped to think about it, this was the first time he actually saw it as home since Mr. Miyagi’s death.  
In fact, it was the first day he actually felt like making it a home. Unboxing his stuff, cleaning the place, throwing out whatever he didn’t want anymore, making place for what he considered important. Ironically, he found a photo, a newspaper clipping actually, that Sam had given him the day after the All-Valley. It showed Silver and Kreese on one side, him and Johnny on the other. Without much thinking, he cut off the Cobra Kais from the picture, centering Johnny and himself. Then he carefully placed it in a frame and hung it on the wall, right next to the pictures of the kids and of Mr. Miyagi.   
Daniel took a step back to admire the photos and as his vision focused on Johnny’s smile, he considered taking it down, perhaps he was getting ahead of himself. Before he could, though, he heard a car pulling up.   
Imagine his surprise when he peeked through the window and spotted Johnny’s Dodge Caravan. Imagine the butterflies that formed in his stomach when Johnny came out all bashful, trying hard to sound nonchalant and casual, when in fact Daniel could see his hair was freshly combed and he sure as hell had bathed himself in perfume before leaving his house.  
“You too busy, LaRusso? Wanna go for a ride?” he asked, and Daniel hoped in his car immediately.  
By the time Johnny pulled up by the cliff, or the hill, it depends on which of them were talking to, Daniel couldn’t help but laugh.  
“You gotta be kidding me... Really, Johnny?”  
“What, it’s a great view from up here!”  
“Yeah, you should know, I didn’t really have the time to appreciate it as I rolled down the cliff, hanging onto the shrubs for dear life!”  
“C’mon, man, this’s barely a hill...”  
Either way they walked down it, coming to rest right by its edge, which overlooked the ocean below. They stopped just by the edge, their feet dangling over the ocean below as the sun was just starting to set, painting the sky with shades of yellow and pink.  
“Is this safe, Johnny?” Daniel asked after seeing that a few loose pebbles made their way into the ocean below, as they sat down side to side. Despite the warm evening, they sat so close to on another their sides were glued together.  
Johnny looked down at Daniel’s delicate hand resting on his own thigh, then gently covered it with his own, rubbing his thumb softly over it.  
“I-I don’t know, man... I really hope so.”  
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hungercityhellhound · 11 months
Bands I follow on Spotify with less than 500K listeners per month. I feel like it will be most of them. I will use the tag #<500K if you want to track along. I'll be doing 10 at a time.
Format Band name (# of listeners per month)
Lion (61K)
Monster Truck (214K)
Giuffria (20K)
Rock City Angels (649)
Girl (1K) -i.e. Baby Phil Collen and Phil Lewis
Turisas (446K)
L.A. Cobra (520)
Kick Axe (8K)
Junkyard (24K)
Blackfoot (319)
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escritordecontos · 1 year
Silêncio é a atual melhor série da Netflix. Pena que são 6 episódios. Assisti três ontem e três hoje. Acabou. Vai ter segunda temporada? Há possibilidade. No elenco Arón Piper e Manu Rios, este último na pele de um personagem que não tem muito a ver, mas ser um bom ator é isso, interpretar personagens inusitados, interpretar e.t.. Arón Piper interpreta o personagem principal, Sergio, um adolescente que matou os pais, sim, matou a mãe e o pai, jogou-os da sacada do apartamento, quem nunca teve esse desejo que atire a primeira pedra, a mãe ele já tinha furado num desentendimento que precedeu a briga que culminou no arremesso. Depois arrumou o pai com a habilidade de um atleta olímpico. Arremessar mãe e pai da sacada não é para qualquer psicopata, é para o melhores. A série também faz uma crítica oportuna para esses religiosos, no caso é um pastor de uma igreja não tradicional, que se metem a regenerar os perdidos. A gente sabe que está cheio de "crente" assim, gente de igrejas, que vão aos presídios e cadeias jogar as redes evangélicas em busca de pecadores arrependidos. Os arrependidos são bons em enganar essa gente. Sergio matou os pais ainda menor de idade, ficou uns anos num lugar que comparado ao que a gente sabe ser esses lugares similares aqui no Brasil, parece um hotel dos bons, mas Sergio vive em Bilbao e não Brasil, onde os presídios parecem os quintos dos infernos, nem Dante imaginou algo similar. Bilbao é um lugar que eu quero conhecer, Bilbao, Marbella, Lappeenranta (Bordertown/Finlândia), L.A., Nova York, São Francisco, Roma, Jerusalém, Cairo, Berlin, Paris, Londres, Barcelona, Lisboa, Madrid, Ancara, Capadócia... Mais ou menos nessa ordem, e espero começar a conhecer logo antes que a lista aumente. E ainda há mais cidades no mundo e sobretudo no Brasil que eu quero conhecer, no Brasil tem as exóticas como Manaus e Belém, depois todas as capitais do Nordeste e Porto Alegre, cidades clichês. E ir principalmente a pequenas cidades com Paraty, São João Del Rey, Bonito (Bonito tenho medo porque tem cobra grande lá, e eu tenho medo de cobra grande)... Na verdade eu gostaria de ter novamente o pique que tinha quando era mais novo para aventuras rodoviárias, pegar o carro e sair por aí viajando. Hoje tenho um Jeep, um Renegade, acho tão propício para isso, mas o máximo que o meu carro faz é sair de Curitiba cerca de 100 quilômetos, Ponta Grossa e o litoral, depois de uma certa idade passei a achar as estradas muito perigosas, para distâncias mais longas vou de avião, que acho bem seguro, ao contrário da Rita Lee eu acredito nos aviões, mesmo nos brasileiros. Acho que seria super agradável com uma companhia agradável fazer uma agradável viagem de carro pelo Brasil afora, Jeep é um carro bem legal para viajar. É o vinho. De volta ao assunto, Arón Piper está muito bem no papel do psicopata Sergio, se bem que acho que qualquer pessoa fica bem no papel de um psicopata, seja no cinema, numa série e até na vida real. Verdade. Como diria a irmã Nadir, vai para o inferno sim, mas vai em grande estilo. Vocês estão sem os pelos cu de tanto saber o que acho da vida, primeiro que é rápida, segundo que não existe nada pior do que ser uma pessoa comum, uma vadia básica. Se não assistiu Silêncio, assista logo, puta, e se delicie com a série, depois criamos um grupo do herege Telegram e organizamos uma excursão para Bilbao, visitamos os lugares onde a série foi filmada e organizamos uma masturbação coletiva imaginando Piper e Rios transando.
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zappedbyzabka · 2 years
I'm at a witch convention and taking a break from ppl.
You know that post going around about 80s fake martial arts magic? What if Miyagi and the Cobra Kais were that. You have Miyagi teaching Daniel-san how to do reiki and align auras and connect with plants in a Shinto way, and then you have these Cobra combat veteran magicians teaching Johnny and the gang how to do qi blasts and wire-fu.
Wizard wars are just very fun and sexy to me, and L.A. is full of woo.
I haven’t seen the post you’re talking about but that’s a rad idea
I can vividly picture Daniel slowly learning different kinds of real magic with Miyagi and the Cobras learning darker magic—the things they’re learning are a little too deathly. I can specifically see Daniel also learning how to control water (thinking sort of a Last Airbender kinda thing with that), because imagine Daniel running away from the cobras and ending up running on water to get away (Jesus style) and the cobras being like "???" The thought is hilarious to me.
Daniel growing to firmly believe that all of the magic Johnny and his gang were doing should never be used and that it’s too dangerous, but maybe years later, when he and Johnny merge dojos, he sees that Johnny’s darker magic can be used for good too.
And omg, Terry and Kreese as evil wizard karate husbands.
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queencobrakaii · 2 years
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karatekels · 1 year
I saw your writing recently, and I must say, I love,love love it! Do you think you could write something about kk3 Terry? The reader maybe training along with Daniel during that time. Him not being able to say no to keep the act up and genuinely training her on the side, a contrary to Daniel's 'classes'. Maybe they've been a little flirty here and there but as soon as she found out Terry's plans, she's been rather cold. She gets a little too 'friendly' with Daniel and Terry snaps with the immediate need to claim her *spicy spicy* , dragging her to his home that night to make her his! The little virgin gal...
I'm sorry I went on forever there, but my brain conjures up scenarios 100 miles a minute for this guy! Thank you in advance🤍🤭
I’m happy to give it a try, anon – this will be my first KK3 Terry request (though I do have an ongoing fic on AO3 with him right now!) This should be in 2 parts, so enjoy! (Part 2 | Oops, I lied. Part 3)
This now has a sequel that starts here!
Silver Seduction - Part 1
“Trust me, Y/N. Mr. Silver offered to train me, and since Mr. Miyagi won’t, I’ve got to take him up on it! I can’t let those guys knock me around, and if you’re going to be hanging out with me too, I need to be able to keep you safe!” Daniel LaRusso explained, walking with you through L.A. to a karate dojo. You had only known the boy for a week or so now, but he seemed to have latched onto you with the attentiveness of a puppy and a strong sense of chivalry.
Danny was a sweet boy, just shy of eighteen, but was entirely too sweet, not to mention young, for you. You had been introduced by your little sister, Jessica Andrews, who was planning on leaving L.A. to reunite with her on-again, off-again boyfriend, just as you had arrived to visit your aunt. You were on summer break from university and having just turned 21, were looking forward to a bit of independence in a city as big and important as L.A.
Before leaving, Jessica had filled you in on what had been going on with Daniel. A karate champion from last year’s All-Valley, Daniel had had several unpleasant run-ins with bullies trying to threaten him into competing in the tournament again, and was currently having a strained relationship with his mentor Mr. Miyagi, who he was living with for the summer. Your heart went out to him, imagining he must be quite lonely without any family or friends his own age to confide in, and you agreed to keep an eye on him while you were in L.A., as you didn’t have any friends here either.
“Settle down, Danny – no one has attacked me yet!” you point out, laughing good-naturedly at his enthusiasm for playing the knight in shining armour.
“And I won’t let it come to that,” he promised sagely, and you bite back a smile at his serious tone. “Okay, here we are!” he announced, pointing to the entrance with a grand gesture.
“Cobra Kai karate?” you say incredulously, reading the name above the door. “Isn’t this the place where the last bullies came from?” you ask, trying to keep things light, but unsure if the boy had thought things through.
“Yeah, but that was under the old sensei, Sensei Kreese! Mr. Silver said that he had died, and he’s done nothing but help me so far. He seems like a really nice, hard-working guy, and he doesn’t have any students right now since he’s fixing up the place.” Daniel explains. “Now come on, I don’t want Mr. Miyagi to find out we were here.”
Danny leads you into the dojo, and you walk in quietly to see a man training on his own. He moved through a series of punches and kicks; his kicks were especially amazing, especially for such a tall guy! After a moment or two, he bowed to his reflection in the mirror and turned to face the two of you, trotting over to greet you both. Uh-oh, busted.
“Hey hey, Danny!” he welcomes Daniel warmly, seeming excited, and you take a moment to look at him more closely. He was an incredibly handsome man, probably in his late-twenties or early-thirties, with long black hair tied back in a tight ponytail, stunning blue eyes, and a friendly smile. He seemed to be looking you over as well, his eyes twinkling as he takes you in. Maybe accompanying Daniel on his karate quest had been a good idea after all?
“Hi, Mr. Silver. Listen, I thought about your offer, and-”
“Now Danny, where are your manners? Don’t you think you’d better introduce me to your lovely friend here?” he interrupts. “C’mon, am I gonna need to teach you how to be a gentleman and karate?”
“Oh, uh, sorry, Mr. Silver, of course. This is Y/N Andrews, she’s visiting for the summer. Y/N, this is Terry Silver – he’s going to train me in a different kind of karate.”
Mr. Silver turns to you, bowing, and you blush lightly. “Y/N,” he repeats, savouring your name, “great to meet you.” He hasn’t turned any lights on in the dojo, and the light from the windows is fairly dim, which must explain why his eyes look like they’re glinting.
“Likewise, Mr. Silver,” you reply, smiling shyly. He looks like he’s about to say something else to you, but Danny cuts in.
“So yeah, Mr. Silver, if it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to take you up on your offer. Just short term, I mean…”
“Trouble? Are you kidding? It would be an honour!” He responds to Daniel with enthusiasm that seems genuine, but you think you may have seen a flash of annoyance on his face as he turned from you to the boy.
“How does Mr. Miyagi feel about it?”
Daniel hesitates. “Mr. Miyagi, he uhh… he doesn’t know about it.”
You give the two of them some space, stepping away to take a closer look at the dojo as the matter didn’t concern you. You had never been in a karate dojo before, but it felt a little familiar. You had taken gymnastics classes for years, while your sister had taken up rock-climbing, and you imagine that this was where the feeling of familiarity stemmed from. Based on the moves you’d just seen from Mr. Silver, karate sure looked like a lot fun. Maybe he could teach you too, you thought, half-serious.
“It’s not much yet,” Mr. Silver says, and you jump, not having heard him approach. He puts a hand on your shoulder to steady you, giving you an apologetic smile. “But it will be when I’m through with it!”
“I’m sure it’ll be great, Mr. Silver! Danny says you’ve been working really hard to fix it up,” you encourage. He smiles at you, taking a couple of steps closer and bending down to speak in your ear.
“Hey, c’mon, you’re not some kid I’m teaching. You can call me Terry when it’s just us!” he whispers conspiratorially. You find yourself smiling, pleased that he sees you on more equal footing with himself.
“Okay, Terry,” you emphasize, and he gives you a pleased smile. “Where’s Daniel?” He gestures down the hall to a closed door.
“Changing; I had a spare gi in the closet. He wants me to train him, and we’re not gonna waste any time!” he declares. You find it sweet of him to take Danny under his wing so immediately. “What are you doing with that kid, anyway? You his babysitter or something?”
“No, nothing like that,” you laugh. “My sister introduced me to him before she went back home, said he’s been dealing with some kids harassing him. I don’t really know anyone here, and he’s a nice kid, so I thought I’d keep an eye on him.”
“Hey, you know me now, so you can hang out with someone your own size!” he jokes, clearly referencing Daniel’s short stature. You take a step back, making a show of looking up at him to emphasize your height difference, and he laughs. “Well, someone who’s also an adult, then,” Terry concedes, smirking slightly and looking over your shoulder.
“I’m basically an adult!” you hear a voice from behind you, and turn to see Danny standing there, having changed into the uniform for training.
“Danny! Wow, you look great,” you say, gesturing to his gi. You hope you haven’t embarrassed him with your conversation. How long had he been standing there listening, anyway?
“Thanks, Y/N!” he says, beaming at you. He was so sweet and innocent, and it was so easy to make him happy. “Are you gonna stay and watch me train?” he asks hopefully, and you can tell he’s eager to show off. You look over at Terry.
“I’d love to, if it’s okay with Te- with Mr. Silver, of course,” you say, winking at him. He grins, giving you a once over, and you blush. “I mean, I’d love to learn a few moves myself. Oh, I know!” you exclaim, hopping up and down in your excitement. “You guys can use me to practice on!” Daniel balks at the idea immediately, but Terry considers you with a thoughtful expression.
“I don’t wanna hit you, Y/N!” Daniel protests, but you shake your head.
“No, nothing like that. But if Mr. Silver is going to show you how to flip someone or sweep their leg or something, you can practice on me! That way he can make sure you’re doing it properly. I won’t get hurt, I’ve done gymnastics for years and I know how to land safely! Please let me help?” you ask, looking at them both hopefully.
“I don’t know…” Danny hesitates, still seeming uncomfortable with the idea, so you turn to Terry, knowing that if you can convince him Daniel will have to go along with it.
“Oh, come on! I let you and Danny practice tossing me around, and I pick up a few moves in the process! It’s a win-win! Please?” you ask, eyes bright. You had told Jess that you would keep an eye on Danny, especially with the bullies that had been bothering the two of them lately, and this would give you a great opportunity. Plus, you really wanted to spend some more time with Terry. You’d had fun talking with him today, and he was more than easy on the eyes. Terry eyes you, sizing you up and clearly contemplating something.
“Alright, alright!” he gives in, raising his hands up and grinning. “I guess I could use the help. But you’re both gonna have to listen to me, alright?”
You and Danny both nod, excited to watch Daniel train and to learn from Mr. Silver – Terry – yourself.
You landed on the floor on your back as your legs were kicked out from under you, hitting the ground the way Terry taught you, and giggled breathlessly. That was fun!
“You like that, huh?” he asks, grinning down at you. You take his offered hand and hop to your feet, smiling back. You had had a great time, watching Terry put Daniel through the paces – you tried to follow along with the kata as best you could, trying to copy them but not wanting to take Terry’s attention away from Danny. He’s the one that really need to be trained, after all.
“See, Danny? I’m totally fine!” you point out to him, and he folds his arms and rolls his eyes, but gives you a smile.
“Fine, I guess it’s okay,” he concedes, and you and Terry share an amused look.
“I think that’s enough for today,” Terry says. “Why don’t you go get changed, Mr. LaRusso, and I’ll walk Y/N through another couple moves so that she can practice with you tomorrow?” Danny nods, heading back down the hall to get changed. Terry turns back to you, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
“You’re a pretty fast learner, Y/N,” he compliments. “I saw you trying to follow us through the kata, and you’re not bad. I bet I could really teach you a lot if I didn’t have to focus on the Karate Kid,” he says, pointing back to where Daniel was with his thumb. You blush at the praise.
“Thank you, Mr. Si- Terry,” you correct yourself, and he smiles wolfishly. “But Daniel only has a few days to train, so he should of course take priority.”
“So I’ll train you separately!” he proclaims, and you go to protest, but he cuts you off. “I was gonna have to train Danny without you anyways, to go over the stuff that you can’t help with, and he can’t train all day; he’ll wear himself out!”
“Won’t you wear yourself out, training both of us all the time?” you point out, raising an eyebrow at him.
“It takes a lot more than that to tire me out,” he says, winking at you, and you bite the inside of your cheek to keep you from smiling. Still, you hesitate, not wanting to take up too much of his time.
“The response you’re looking for is ‘Yes, Sir’,” he offers teasingly, quoting himself from an earlier conversation with Daniel, but his eyes are intense. You bite your bottom lip, and see that his eyes track the movement.
“Yes, Sir!” you concede, giving him a mocking salute. Terry beams at you.
And so it went. Terry would spend the next few days alternating between teaching you and Daniel together, going through the kata and using you to demonstrate moves, and then teaching you separately, Daniel visiting the dojo in the early afternoon and you coming by in the evening.
You were on your way to the dojo now for your evening class, and took the time during the walk over to think about all that had happened in the past week. You were definitely sore, and had more than your share of bruises, but from the way Daniel had been limping around (trying his best to hide it), you can tell that Terry was training him way harder.
Still, the training had been worth it – not only were you learning to be a decent fighter, and helping Daniel to improve, but getting to spend time with Terry, especially during your 1-on-1 sessions, was really fun. You had been getting more comfortable with one another, and had definitely been flirting throughout your private training with him. Did he get a little closer to you when correcting your form than he would need to, and did his touches linger as he adjusted your hips, adjusting your stance to land a proper punch? Most definitely, but you couldn’t find it in you to mind. Terry seemed genuinely pleased by your progress, and you loved the charming smile he gave you when you perfected a move. And yesterday, when you walked into the dojo, he had presented you with a beautiful flower, saying that he’d seen it on his drive over earlier that day and that he couldn’t resist picking it for you. You had accepted the gift, smiling shyly, and had reached up, pulling him down into a hug so you could place a quick kiss on his cheek.
He was just so wonderful, and you could definitely feel yourself falling for him. You were very inexperienced when it came to dating, having only had a couple of relationships in high school, and had been too focused on studying in college to waste your time with boys. But if Terry decided to ask you for a date, you knew you would be helpless to resist him.
Smiling at the thought, you turned the corner to the Cobra Kai dojo, but were startled out of your daydreaming by the sound of a panicked scream and laughter. The door banged open, and you quickly dashed into the bushes outside to hide. Daniel came running out, clutching his stomach, and you could see blood on his shirt and that he looked absolutely terrified. What on earth was going on?
You heard the door open again, and heard bare feet hitting the pavement at a run.
“Get back in there, LaRusso,” demanded a young boy in a white Cobra Kai gi.
“Leave me alone, Barnes! I’m not fighting anymore!” Still, he turned to face the boy as he said this, assuming a defensive stance and trying not to let the pain on his face. Barnes? Wasn’t that one of the kids that had been harassing him and Jessica? What was he doing here?
“Hey, we ain’t done with you yet!” yelled the boy, taking a threatening step towards Daniel.
“But he is now done with you.”
Mr. Miyagi stepped in between the boys, appearing from nowhere. Where had he come from? Had he seen you? You tried not to panic, pushing yourself further against the outer wall of the dojo to stay hidden.
“Was I talking to you, old man?” Barnes sneered dismissively.
Quick as a flash, Mr. Miyagi had picked up the boy and thrown him clean through the dojo door.
“You stay here, Daniel-san.” He ordered, walking in after the boy. Daniel hesitates, eyes wide, but after a moment or two sneaks in after him. You hear a scream, and the lights in the dojo go out. Turning, you try to see what’s going on through the window. Where was Terry? Was he alright? But you can’t see anything through the closed curtains, and can only hear the sound of fighting. Just how many of them were there? You couldn’t bear the thought of Mr. Miyagi going up against more than one person. You knew he was a good fighter, but he was so small.
Suddenly, you hear the now-familiar sound of Terry’s voice, but he doesn’t sound quite right. He sounds mean.
“You think this is the end of it, old man? I’m going to open Cobra Kai dojos all over this valley!” you hear him scream. Terry was fighting Mr. Miyagi?
“Hell, I might even teach for free! From now on when people say karate around here, all they’ll mean is Cobra Kai karate – John Kreese’s karate! You won’t even be a memory!” Kreese? Hadn’t Daniel said he died? What the hell was going on.
You hear Daniel’s voice, close to the entrance. “Yes he will! You won’t!” he cries passionately, and the door opens again, and you see Danny and Mr. Miyagi step out onto the street once more, both thankfully looking unharmed. As the door swings shut, you hear the sound of men laughing evilly, like hyenas, and it sends a chill up your spine.
“Now will you train me?” Danny asks desperately.
“Hai,” the man agrees, nodding sagely, and the two of them head down the street back home. But Daniel suddenly stops in his tracks, looking horrified.
“We gotta tell Y/N to stay away from them! She’s probably on her way for her lesson!” he exclaims, taking off down the road. Mr. Miyagi walks quickly after him, and you feel your heart warmed at the thought that they were looking out for you. But you were an adult, and you didn’t need others to take care of you, at least, not without you getting a word in first.
Steeling yourself, you take a deep breath and walk into the dojo. Immediately, you take in the mess of broken glass and paint, and are immediately relieved that Danny and Mr. Miyagi appeared to walk out unharmed. Stepping quietly into the dojo, you see the younger boy, Mike Barnes, on the ground, looking bewildered with his head in his hands. Terry – covered in paint, for some reason – is talking in a low, angry voice, to a shorter yet still very intimidating-looking man, who you recognized from signs in the dojo as John Kreese. So, not dead then, you realize, and your heart immediately clenches at the realization that Terry had been in on it from the beginning. How could you have been so stupid?
“Terry?” you call out to him, hating how your voice comes out weak and shaky, but your anger has caught you so off-guard it isn’t able to burst out of you quite yet. Barnes jumps to his feet and immediately takes a fighting stance, but Terry waves him off with a hand. The three of them move to approach you, with Terry in the centre, eyes wild with excitement.
“Hey hey, beautiful!” he greets boisterously, clapping his hands. You’d think he’d be a bit less exuberant, covered in paint and having had his ass kicked by a man twice his age and half his size. He lopes over to you, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you over to the others, and you’re in such shock by his lack of awareness that you let him.
“Johnny, this is Y/N! Ain’t she something?” he asks, standing behind you with his hands on your shoulders and looking to Kreese for approval. The older man looks you up and down, and you feel dirty.
“When you told me to enjoy myself in Tahiti, Terry, I felt bad enjoying the company of those women you’d provided. It would’ve cleared my conscience to know you had found yourself a girl stateside!” Kreese joked, leering at you. The pair share a laugh that sounds more than a little cruel, and you feel yourself start to tear up. But the feeling of devastation is quickly overwhelmed by your anger.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” you yell at him, wrenching yourself out of his grip. “What did you do to Danny?” he crosses his arms, looking down on you like he’s disappointed that you’re even asking, and shakes his head.
“Don’t worry about it, baby girl,” he croons, reaching for you, but you swat his hand away, and a flash of anger crosses his face. “That little prick ruined the name of this dojo, my dojo, and I needed to teach him a lesson!”
“What are you talking about? I saw him come out of here bloody and hurt! He’s just a kid!” you exclaim, and he laughs under his breath, smirking. Who was this guy, and where the hell had the sweet, kind Terry you’d gotten to know gone? “You… you lied to me.” You hear your voice shaking, and you’re close to tears. You hate how weak you must look in front of these men, these monsters, who would jump a kid just for winning a karate tournament.
“Hey, I didn’t lie to you,” Terry says smoothly, and you try to interrupt him, but he continues. “I lied to him, and you just happened to be there.”
You’re shocked at how cold and callous he’s being, your mouth falling open, and he comes towards you once more. You feel yourself shrink back in fear.
“Come on, doll. This doesn’t have to get in the way of you and me,” he croons, reaching towards your face. Without thinking, you reel back and punch him in the face, causing him to stumble back, more from the surprise than the force.
“Don’t you ever come near me again, do you hear me? I’m fucking done with you!”
Kreese looks shocked, but doesn’t make a move towards you, standing his ground with his arms crossed and surveying the situation, but Barnes comes towards you again, fists clenched. Terry, one hand clutching his bleeding nose, reaches out with the other to stop the boy.
“Leave it,” is all he says, and Barnes obeys like a well-trained dog. You back out of the dojo, staring at Terry through your tears, and as soon as your back hits the door you turn, running off into the night.
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jaybe11 · 10 months
L.A. Cobra - She’s My Prison (Official Video)
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