sanstoons · 1 year
you know what i think i'm gonna actually join julance
no art block allowed in this house!! plus i need to do more of that "draw everyday no matter what" thing and this serves as a great motivation, so let's go
plus i don't know if i'm using tumblr right it feels so weirdkshdjdk too many options to talk in general
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definitelynotshouting · 11 months
the hashtag about the life series making you anxious while its ongoing is so real btw
OKAY! so my friend and i have been talking about the scarian dynamics in the life series for a while and while a lot of it REALLY hurts me (i have a very weak angst heart) ive discovered some aspects about this current dynamic that im absolutely chewing on.
SO! In limited life there was a family dynamic where Scar was the son of Cleo and Etho, and i can still see that playing out in secret life! Allow me to explain:
In the most recent episode Scar had to do the opposite of what everyone told him to do, so when grian asked him if he wanted to team, his response was very weird and "avoid"ey. Grian brought up MULTIPLE TIME in his video how "scar got really weird about teaming with me" (which to me totally reads as Grian overthinking the situation and thinking Scar doesnt like him anymore)
So anyway, Grian asks to use the enchanter and Scar says that Etho has it and he trusts Etho with it because "Etho is honest". Grian goes to Etho and Cleo and asks to use the enchanter only to find out that its NOT scar's enchanter. Etho says something along the lines of "well I dont know why Scar thinks hes in charge of our enchanter but yes we do have one" which TOTALLY sounded to me like a parent who's adult child feels a sense of entitlement to things they share with their parents (Ex. an adult child calling their parent's car theirs even though they share it).
Etho lets Grian use the enchanter and starts asking him how he's been and if hes been making any friends and the WHOLE interaction between Grian, Cleo, and Etho feels like parents trying to make conversation with their son's ex or something
Grian also brings up how he asked to be friends with Scar and "he got really strange about it.." and Etho went "yep that sounds about right" and Cleo agreed- WHICH SOUNDS LIKE PARENTS BEING LIKE "oh we know our son still loves his ex and everytime he talks about their interactions its awkward" LIKE THEY KNOW THAT ITS SO AWKWARD BETWEEN GRIAN AND SCAR AND THEYRE AAAAAAAAH
anyway the whole interaction to me seems like Scar's parents trying to welcome Grian back into their lives as part of the family in the hopes of setting the two of them up again because they love them both and can see how silly theyre being with all this miscommunication
do you hear me screaming
-Binge Reader
WOXNWKDNWKDNEKDNKWJDKEK WHEEEEEEEZE oh my gods i heard some stuff abt the scarian interactions this last episode and that grian teamed up with cletho but AKBDWKDNKADKSK THATS SO FUNNY HELP,,,,,,, "that sounds about right" ETHO WHAT ARE YOU TELLINGG USSSSSSSS ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ /SILLY
This is hysterical thank u for telling me abt whats going on AKDNQKSNWKSJDBWKS gods,,,,, i cant wait to hear abt what happens next week this is insane
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smiggles · 2 years
ok tumblr gave an error so im not sure if my ask went through the first time, but! do you allow for fanart of smi / any other ocs from godless realm? what are the limits regarding g0re etc.? should i tag you or use a hashtag or both?? thank you!!
You can tag ; o ; ! Or both! I dont mind Im ok with it as long as they stay in character (which i understand can be a pain cuz im not as open with their personalities as i should be ahha) Under the cut
For gore:
My sona is okay-no beheading, he cant be the attacker, no sexual
Scorp- she does NOT bite, she attacks with her arms to smash or tear, she can be injured however she is mortal. light injuries are ok
Damien- he prefers blood and stabbing instead of messy organs. he doesnt like getting dirty if he can help it, hes cant truly die so large injuries are okay but VERY rare. he doesnt put himself in situations that would kill him. reforming is boring as hell to him and annoying Quint- Hes a zombie/vampire. Loves to bite, tear, eat bone marrow, hes weird and doesnt fully understand the concept of life or social queues. keeps to himself, treats people like npcs but not in a "they are lesser than me" but as a "i dont understand other peoples conscious minds and dont really think about it" Doesnt mind getting very messy and is a bit entitled/bratty
Molli- In a way he cant be injured since his form isnt static. Body horror, go fucking nuts. He can have a near unlimited amount of forms but hes not malicious or a killer. He keeps to scaring others to be a dick and thats about it. Toxic, pompous, blunt, a bit of a bully, very smart but has no reason to use his brain
Hora- Body horror is encouraged, she can split her body where the stitches are and expand her "blood" into appendages. They can protrude from her mouth in spider like legs. She does bite, has a high pitched laugh . Shes insane. 100% no grasp on reality. She is fully a yokai and lives within that mental space of torment
Husk- A beautiful woman. She will kill ANYTHING on site that crosses the boundary of her assigned patrol area. This unfortunately includes any animals or children. Zero humanity. Essentially a living robot. Besides her chest, which is the last remains of her former body, she is mechanical in anatomy and "mortal" if broken. Minimal damage is preferred My other ocs I prefer no gore for =w=a; Sorry that was so long lol
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kvtnisseverdeen · 2 years
i saw your post about wanting to bring back the old editing still. I was just talking to a friend about how i missed tumblr and making beautiful creative graphics
so lately this has been on my mind a lot because I've been going through the archives of editors that would post picspams/graphics/gifsets etc. that I'd be fond of and its soooo sad to see that creativity and talent like that doesn't exist anymore (please note: im not saying that edits these days are bad, they're just different from what i used to see on 2010-2014 tumblr days)
and i know no one asked but here are my top 4 theories as to why we no longer see those types of edits anymore:
a lot of those editors that were the OG creators of picspams/graphics/rainbow giftsets etc. left tumblr! i used to know a lot of those editors and recall them being in their late 20s/30s so perhaps they just grew out of it and have other things to tend to in their personal lives :)
the introduction of other social media apps and incentivites - now that there's instagram and tiktok...social media became more so about posting selfies and videos and getting compliments blah blah you know the whole ordeal BUT ALSO getting paid to create! people who make edits on tiktok literally get paid and same for instagrammers which is great but i found it so amazing that people would put so much effort into creating on tumblr circa 2010-2014 with no incentive other than showing their love for their fandom in a creative way
the. stupid. ass. like. button. UGH! the like button is seriously the downfall of tumblr like the current like to blog ratio is INSANE how is this allowed???? tumblr is not like other social media platforms...pls im begging y'all to reblog. there's nothing quite like a reblog with someone adding hashtags like I LOVE seeing the unhinged stuff ppl tag when they reblog ok that's the beauty of the reblog button
the new tumblr size limit...so yeah i remember being frustrated with the gif size limit but now that there's an increased limit people keep making big gifs and calling it a day WHICH there is nothing wrong with that but that meant people no longer made colorful sets like this or this which i absolutely adored! and genuinely i think those big gifs are more suited for tumblr mobile than tumblr desktop tbh
anyway here is the rant that nobody asked for lol but yeah hoping to see a comeback of picspams, graphics, colorful gifs and OH....follow forevers!! they were so cute :')
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
I absolutely LOVED reading your kingdom review. You gave me such an insight in things I never even considered, especially since our rankings are so different from each other. The Boyz was my favorite, the narrative was about RTK. How they felt bad for having to compete against their friends but eventually the groups only lifted each other up and it helped TBZ grow into the group they are now through the hardships and mental dilemma, falling into the next challenge right after they reached the top. It should have been more obvious though, I agree, it wasn't really visible for anyone who didn't know. I was wondering how you felt about the dancing in general? my reason for not ranking BTOB high was lack of choreo (and Peniel's verse), same goes for SF9. Mostly because I don't feel the hype when watching, it doesn't keep my focus on the stage. As a baby-performer myself, my goal is to make the viewer curious about what's next. is that the wrong way to look at it? that's what I've always been told, building the tension up and down to create focus. would love to hear your feedback on that! thank you so much for sharing, we need more reviews of people who actually know what they're talking about.
i'm glad that you got some insight from it! like i answered in the previous ask im here to hopefully bring some more depth and understanding for people that care and are curious!
you unintentionally proved my point about tbz’s performance: that is way too complicated! even the most talented solo dancers i can think of would have trouble distilling that down to something readable in 100 seconds, much less a group of like, a dozen people! the introductory stages are meant to show us the character of the group and their abilities in the most concise way possible, it's not the stage to do deep philosophical and emotional introspection. for a full stage? absolutely, go hog wild! but for this stage it was too ambitious and ultimately was ineffective to anyone that isn't a fan of them specifically. 
by dancing in general do you mean like, every group? i put most of my opinions on the dancing where i had them in each of the individual rankings but honestly? unless there is something that really stands out positively or negatively, a lot of ‘average’ kpop dance looks the same to me. i know it’s not, obviously, and if pressed i probably could do a more serious breakdown, but dance is only one element of performance. it has equal weight with all the others in my mind, and therefore i notice when it is either 
very good
does something unique
very bad, or
interferes with another element
which is the same as how i evaluate every element, if that makes sense. 
hmmmm. i thought about this a lot in the shower and turns out i had more opinions that i expected so i'll put them under a cut.
firstly, i don't think lack of choreo should be penalized or considered an ‘incomplete’ performance. at the end of the day, these are bands, and a part of their brand/product they sell is the music. complex choreo does not need to be attached to that to make it a successful performance. also, btob did have choreo. any movement on stage is technically choreography. but this terminology can cause confusion so usually non-dance choreo is referred to as ‘blocking.’ but they also did include the song’s original point choreo at 1.41. the blocking in their performance was well thought out and suited the arrangement, by placing spatial emphasis on each part of the song that needed it. obviously it comes down to personal taste if the performance is ultimately ‘successful,’ because all art is subjective, but just because something isn't as visually complex as something else doesn’t mean it doesn't have the same level of thought. think of it like this: one is a super clean-lined post-post-modern grey/white living room, and the other is a kitsch goth basement. both share interior design principles and have obvious care put into the space, but they are vastly different styles that appeal to different tastes.
part of the job of production designer/AD is to decide what gets emphasis. a question you're always asking yourself is ‘is this important to the story that we’re trying to tell?’ and btob/their AD made a very smart choice with their introductory stage because it says a lot about them and their abilities in a short amount of time. that stage said ‘our foundation is strong, we have the training and experience and confidence to be up here and not rely on visual tricks.’ because they know they physically cannot do the things the 4th gen groups can; they're a decade older and they only have four members, it's just not feasible. something you learn with experience is the power that specific and pointed emphasis holds, which segues into my answer to your last question. i don't necessarily think that ‘building hype’ is the wrong way to perform something, but i do think it is a flawed way to approach creating a performance.
i think that ‘hype’ is flawed concept at its core, and one that focuses on the idea that there’s always being something more, something next, beyond the work itself. now there’s nothing wrong with playing with tension within the internal structure of a piece, that's exactly how constructing a narrative happens. however, the flaws come once we extrapolate beyond the boundaries of that individual work. the idea of ‘whats next’ implies that you have to constantly be promoting, have a sequel coming, building hype etc so people will keep engaged with your work. which is deeply capitalistic in nature and operates on the assumption that art exists purely as a product to be sold. and in order to keep selling you need to keep making a bigger and better and more spectacular product. and this is not the case at all. marketability is not the essence of art, it merely a factor of creating it under this insufferable system. kpop in particular suffers from this because the industry is specifically fabricated to produce capitol. we can have discussions all day about idols and their artistic integrity but at the end of that day, they are all cogs working with a system that was specifically made up by essentially one person to be culturally exported and to just print buckets of money. so in following that train of thought, there is a constant attitude of bigger and better because shock value (whether positive or negative) gets social media attention and therefore it sells. and it has become exponentially easier (and also seemingly required) to make things that are bigger and better than ever before. i remember being blown away by the projection floor at the sochi 2014 olympics because something of that scale and complexity would never have been possible without literally having the funding of the olympics. now that technology is easily accessible to anyone with an amazon account and the time to learn how isadora works. in comparison, it took 2400 YEARS for just the job of a ‘theatre designer’ to be even become a job at all.
because of kpop’s fan culture it is especially prone to ‘hype’ behaviour. in general with the accessibility of the internet and social media, everything has turned into a competition, and who can generate the most buzz ‘wins’. but ultimately that has taken away the general public’s ability to recognize that you can enjoy something quietly and you can enjoy something slowly. that the enjoyment of something doesn’t need to be all exclamation marks and keysmashes and trending hashtags on twitter. there is value in a work engaging in an emotion within you that is not just excitement. most of the artists and companies that i consume the work of i don’t do so because their work makes me excited, i do so because i liked the experience of engaging with that work. several years ago i saw the eternal tides by legend lin dance theatre, which you can watch a really short clip of here. that is not slow motion, that is actually how slow the dancers are moving. and 90% of the show is performed like that. and its two hours long. and it was one of the most incredible performances i've ever seen. if i ever get the chance I will go see another one of their shows again, not because i care about how they can top that experience i had, but because i know they can produce that experience, and that is enough to make me want to seek them out again. the speed of the internet has also loosened the general public’s understanding of just exactly how long creating a performance work can take. the lead dancer in the eternal tides was with the company for eight years before she and the piece were ready enough to be performed. large scale operas, musicals, and plays often have a year or more of pre-production before they even get to rehearsal. smaller theatre companies workshop new pieces for years at a time. performance is hard and it takes time. you can eliminate some of that with sheer amounts of money and people, which is what the kpop industry has done, but it speeds up the cycle of consumption to a degree that is not sustainable, especially for companies and creators who do not have that kind of access. performers and performance makers often don't put enough trust in their audiences. if they like what they see, they will come back. they dont need to be constantly bombarded with content at all times.
now that i’ve said a bit about why i think hype is a flawed concept, let's bring it back to kingdom. sf9 did something very interesting with their stage in that they actively chose to limit their dance time. and this plays very well off the performance film stage that taeyang did a couple of weeks ago. taeyang is talented and confident (for good reason), and his solo was incredible. but when it came to the intro stage, instead of trying to one-up the solo stage, the group instead said ‘well people are going to be looking at us because taeyang is insanely talented, so let's show them that we ALL have the confidence and the attitude to be up here.’ no need for flashy theatrics, they had the foresight to do something that would make them stand out from the rest of the groups. even if i was just casually watching the stages without doing any analysis on them (like i did for rtk), i would still be able to distinguish them because they had the stones to stand around for half their stage time. now i recognize them and would like to see what else they can do. same principle as what btob and also what ikon did. there is a fine line between anticipation and hype that gets equated in media consumption nowadays, but the two are not the same.
i think the tldr on this is that you dont need to ‘build hype’ or ‘go all out’ to make an interesting work. just focus on telling the narrative that you want to tell, and the people that recognize that will come. i could have a lot more things to say about peoples shrinking attention spans and the constant stream of information that we consume on a daily basis that devalues the labour done by artists in the eyes of the public and promotes hustle culture that is burning out and damaging creators at a rate that is both exponential and frightening, but that’s probably for another time, because this is SO LONG
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ntrending · 6 years
Everything you need to know from Facebook's 2018 F8 developer conference
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Everything you need to know from Facebook's 2018 F8 developer conference
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A lot has happened in Facebook world since its 2017 developers’ conference. The company’s user base continued to grow despite privacy issues so massive they spurred CEO and former dorm room resident, Mark Zuckerberg, into testifying before Congress. We expect this year’s keynote to focus firmly on security with some new user-oriented features thrown in to spice things up, including talk about VR, AI, and other technology acronyms. You can watch the live stream above and check out a running tally of the events and announcements below.
Before the event, Mark Zuckerberg issued a statement on his own Facebook page about what to expect from the event. The first development is a “clear cache” button that wipes away the data Facebook has about you from some of its tracking utilities. Hopefully, this is a chance for Zuck to get into the nitty-gritty of the privacy updates without having to navigate around the clumsy questions he encountered during his Congressional testimony.
Zuck comes out smiling. He says this has been an “intense year,” and he’s right. Clearly, there’s going to be a lot of security talk at this event. The first real announcement is that App Review process is happening again so developers can actually make apps.
Now we’re moving into Facebook’s role in elections. He’s going over the tools we already knew about like the fact that you can see who bought an ad and the fact that there will be 20,000 people working on content review by the end of the year.
Zuckerberg says that there are three categories of people they’re trying to combat on Facbeook during elections:
Spammers who just want money
Fake accounts created by “bad actors”
Real people who are sharing fake information
We’ve heard these three categories before as well. Zuckerberg says they’re using task forces and AI among other things to combat it.
1:14 PM is the first time we hear mention of GDPR, which is clearly looming large over this conference.
The first big new tool is a user tool called Clear History. You can see information gathered from Facebook integration onto other sites, including apps and websites that use Facebook’s ads. Zuckerberg says “we’re building this,” but doesn’t offer a date for it to roll out. He does, however, say that you can turn off that tracking forever once you clear it. It will be limited at first. Gut reaction is that this is a little unclear about whether or not this is all the data Facebook has about you.
Watch Party
“People want Facebook to be about friends and interacting with people,” is a theme. Watch Party is a feature that lets you watch videos in small groups and chat with your friends. He uses his own Congressional testimony video as an example. This seems like something that will get more popular with more content partnerships like the one it already has with the MLB.
Zuckerberg says that Groups will become a larger part of the Facebook experience. There will soon be a “join group” button that creators can use in order to build on the community. So, you can put the button on web pages and in emails. You can be friends with more #brands on Facebook.
Facebook is taking aim at Tinder and wants to build “long-term relationships.” It’s optional and you’ll only get suggested people who aren’t your friends that have opted into the Dating section.
Dating profiles use just a person’s first name and none of the content shows up in Newsfeed. Users can browse groups and events to find people who share specific interests. You “unlock” an event by clicking on it and then you can browse people who are there or will go there. Once you reach out to someone, you have a text-only message service that isn’t tied into Whatsapp or Messenger.
Now we’re onto Facebook’s other apps, starting with Instagram. More than 100 million people now follow hashtags on Instagram since last December.
Explore is getting a new design oriented around topic channels. Hopefully it will recommend fewer vapid “influencers” all the time now.
Video chat will let you talk one-on-one or in groups with people directly within Instagram. This has been rumored for a long time.
AR camera effects are coming to Instagram now, which means stories are about to get even more insane looking.
Whatsapp is now getting group video calling over its encrypted network so you can talk to multiple people instead of just one.
Facebooks IM platform is getting a new design that’s “faster and cleaner.”
More than 300,000 businesses are using Messenger and bots, and they’re sending 8 billion messages per month.
Virtual Reality
Facebook is mapping real spaces so you can interact with content in VR and AR.
Oculus Go starts shipping today for $199. It’s launching with more than 1000 apps and has high-quality lenses and optics. “It’s the easiest way to get into VR.” Facebook clearly sees this as a gateway for people into interacting with VR content. Zuckerberg announces that everyone at the conference is getting a free Oculus Go and a lot of gross cheering and clapping happens.
Safety Check
Now, in addition to the “check in” features, Facebook allows for “First Party Accounts,” from people who are in the area of a natural disaster. So, they can share updates about things like traffic or conditions. It’s a roundabout way for Facebook to prioritize information that’s coming from people directly in the affected area.
Written By Stan Horaczek
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