ranger-kellyn · 1 year
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Human Buddy from TFP Universe meeting MTMTE Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus
SFW, Platonic, slight angst, comfort, mention of Cliffjumper, Human reader
Buddy in the TFP universe was Ultra Magnus’s charge.
Buddy had known the Autobots a bit longer than the kids, having accidentally stumbled on Cliffjumper stretching in the middle of an empty ravine at 11:40 pm. It was a year before Cliffjumper’s death.
“…Ratchet is not going to like this…”--Cliffjumper
Cliffjumper had originally been Buddy’s guardian.
The pair had truly made a wonderful team showcasing the beautiful nature between Bot and Human.
Buddy had been waiting for him back at the base on that day. He promised Buddy to take them out for some takeout then get back for a movie night in his habsuite.
Cliff even managed to rope in most of the team to watch it with them. They had been waiting patiently for everyone to come back.
Buddy spots Arcee coming back and runs up to the railing with a big smile on their face.
“Arcee! Arcee!”--Buddy
“Hey what took you guys so long? I already have the movie set up and… where’s Cliff?”--Buddy
“Buddy… Cliff… Cliff’s not coming back.”—Arcee
Buddy’s smile drops.
“What do you mean ‘not coming back’?”—Buddy
The team looks sadly at Buddy.
“No… no… no… please. Please tell me he is just running late! He is just running the scenic route! No, he got caught with the boot again!”--Buddy
“Buddy he’s gone… I’m sorry… I need to go.”—Arcee
Arcee transforms and wheels out of the base.
“Wait! Arcee! Acree!”--Buddy
Beep. Beeeep. (I’ll keep an optic on her Buddy.)—Bumblebee
Bumblebee follows the blue motorcycle.
“I’ll make sure those two make it back.”--Bulkhead
“Wait--” –Buddy
Buddy’s eyes follow Bulkhead’s form leaving the base.
Optimus carefully approaches Buddy shaking form.
Buddy jumps the railing straight into the Prime’s chassis.
Optimus quickly holds Buddy form as they rake up a sob.
Optimus and Ratchet are helpless in trying to soothe Buddy’s crying.
After meeting Jack, Miko, and Raf, Buddy never really had a permeant guardian.
They honestly were a bit grateful for that. The wound was still too fresh. Instead, they opted to do rotations in guardians.
Somedays they would be with Arcee.
Somedays they would hang out with Bumblebee.
Somedays they would hang out with Bulkhead.
Rare days they would have Optimus, Ratchet or Wheeljack.
“Arcee? What are you doing here?”--Bulkhead
“I could be asking the same to you too Bulkhead. It’s your turn to pick up Buddy.”--Arcee
“No, it’s your day.”--Bulkhead
“Beeep. Bep. (I thought it was Wheeljack’s turn)”—Bumblebee
“Nope. Its Sunshine’s turn today.”--Wheeljack
“Very funny Wheeljack. Don’t call me that. Anyways today its Optimus’s turn.”--Ratchet
“…I thought it was Bumblebee’s turn today…”--Optimus
“…”—All the Autobots
“Did anyone pick up Buddy today!?”--Ratchet
Buddy at the library looking down the empty street.
“I think they forgot again…”--Buddy
Even after time mostly healed the wounds, Buddy didn’t have a guardian assigned to them. When Smokescreen arrived, they volunteered to be his charge. That didn’t last too long though.
“Smokescreen! Slow down!”--Buddy
“Why? You scared of a bit of speed?”--Smokescreen
“No I’m afraid of the ravine up ahead!”--Buddy
“What rev—AHHHHHHH!”--Smokescreen
Smokescreen was ecstatic to have a human charge, but it was soon found out that he wouldn’t be much fit as a guardian.
Buddy was back to the rotation with Smokescreen added in the mix. It looked like that was how things were going to stay in the meantime.
Then Ultra Magnus came in.
Buddy had offered their help to get the Second in Command up to speed. It took some getting used to for both parties.
“Those humans are breaking the law.”—Ultra Magnus
“What? Oh no, those kids are just crossing the street.”--Buddy
“Without a crosswalk.”—Ultra Magnus
“Magnus no.”--Buddy
“That’s Ultra Magnus sir.”—Ultra Magnus
Buddy had to get used to Magnus being so by the book and strict behavior.
Magnus had to get used to the whole new culture around him and the responsibility of taking care of another member of the team.
But the two slowly began bonding over considering themselves as outsiders within the team.
“Buddy is starting to become a mini-Magnus.”--Wheeljack
“What makes you say that?”--Bulkhead
“Watch. Hey Magnus!”--Wheeljack
“It’s Ultra Magnus sir.”—Buddy and Ultra Magnus
“Oh Primus…”--Bulkhead
“It’s getting worse.”--Wheeljack
“Hey!”—Buddy and Ultra Magnus
“Run before it spreads!”--Miko
After a couple more patrols, Ultra Magnus officially asked Buddy and Optimus to be Buddy’s full-time guardian.
Buddy said yes and the rest was history.
Now Buddy is Magnus’s problem.
“Has anyone seen Buddy? I thought they were in the other room, but they are not there.”—Ultra Magnus
“Nope can’t say I have.”--Wheeljack
“Hey now that I think about it, I haven’t heard Miko in a couple of minutes.”--Bulkhead
“…”—All the Wreckers
Wreckers sprinting out the door.
Buddy is fiercely protective of their kind but strict guardian. Buddy hid along with Miko inside Wheeljack on their way to deal with the Predacons.
 Magnus nearly had a spark attack seeing Buddy sheepishly come out of the compartment.
“Hi Magnus…”--Buddy
“… I expected this from Miko! Not you!”—Ultra Magnus
“Wrecker charges solidarity Magnus.”--Miko
Buddy did not leave Magnus’s side in the medbay after he had gotten his servo crushed by Predaking.
Absolutely refused to leave.
They made sure to help Magnus out in any way they could as he healed from his injuries.
Buddy does open up to Magnus about the loss of their first guardian and does not want him to going anywhere.
What is he crying?
No, no he is not.
The others are glad that Buddy finally has a guardian and happy that Magnus has loosened up a bit. Maybe things were finally looking up for the pair.
Now in the present...
The team had recently discovered a new relic from patrol.
Ratchet and Wheeljack are inspecting the new relic, trying to see what it could do.
Optimus was trying to decode its scripture meanwhile Ultra Magnus watched from Ratchet’s side.
Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Smokescreen are watching with some distance between them and the kids. They were all playing a game of catch near the groundbrigdes entrance.
Wheeljack touches one of the wires and Ratchet grazes over the machine.
The machine begins to light up and float.
“You can say that again Doc-bot.”—Wheeljack
“Don’t call me—WOAH!”
Ratchet ducks as the relic flies over his helm.
The relic zoomed over past the team and kids towards the bridge stopping shortly after the arc entrance and turned off and dropped on the floor.
Buddy ran over to it despite the Autobots protest to get the machine for them.
“Don’t worry I got it!”--Buddy
“Buddy, I don’t—”—Ultra Magnus
“Wait, I want to see how far they try and carry it.”--Wheeljack
“Wheeljack—”—Ultra Magnus
“I bet a couple of feet.”--Bulkhead
“10 inches max.”--Smokescreen
“Smokescreen!”--Ultra Magnus
Magnus sighed a bit as he walked over to Buddy with the relic. Buddy managed to prop the machine up when it started glowing.
They just looked at the beautiful colors, completely oblivious to what was going to happen.
The next thing they remember was the swirling colors of the groundbrigde turning on and seeing Magnus’s servo brush their legs before blacking out.
The machine as it turned out had somehow activated the groundbridge remotely. The team was running towards the bridge, Magnus being the closest tried to reach out to grab Buddy.
He failed and fell flat on the concrete beneath him with no Buddy or machine to be seen.
Meanwhile on the Lost Light…
Rodimus, Magnus, and Megatron in a meeting discussing the latest reports.
A whirling portal suddenly shows up.
“What is that thing?!”--Rodimus
“How am I supposed to know?!”--Megatron
“If Brainstorm is doing another unauthorized experiment—”—Ultra Magnus
In a flash of green light, a small human and broken-looking machine fell rather ungracefully onto the table. Rodimus and Magnus immediately look at the human while Megatron comm in Ratchet to bring the med kit just in case.
“Which one is hurt this time?”--Ratchet
“Well… it’s not one of us exactly…”--Megatron
“Then who—”--Ratchet
“It’s a human.”--Megatron
“… what?”--Ratchet
Heavy footsteps get louder.
Buddy groans feeling a slight poke on their side and opens their eyes slowly.
They come face to face with a red, blue, and grey set of robots.
The grey one looked familiar, but Buddy couldn’t put their finger where they had seen him before.
The red one gave off Smokescreen and Bumblebee vibes for some reason.
But the Blue one...
Buddy only knew one Autobot with shoulder pads that tall.
“Umm… yes? How do you know my designation?”—Ultra Magnus
“… Oh, Magnus is going to kill me.”--Buddy
“Wait why would I do that?!”—Ultra Magnus
“No, not you, My Magnus. I think I’m in some other dimension or I finally snapped and I’m hallucinating everything now...”—Buddy
“I assure you everything here is real.”—Ultra Magnus
“Hey better question. Who are you?”
“I’m Buddy. Apparently, I’m from another dimension. And you guys are…”--Buddy
“I’m Rodimus! You somehow know Magnus here and that’s Megatron.”--Rodimus
“…No offense but why hasn’t he—Is he wearing an Autobot badge?!”--Buddy
“Yes, it was given to me by Bumblebee.”—Megatron
“…I need to sit down…”—Buddy
When Ratchet opens the door, he nearly walks out.
Rodimus was trying to talk to a small human on the desk, Magnus was looking for any injuries while glancing at the strange machine while Megatron was inching his way further and further from the human.
Then the Human looked at him with wide eyes before fainting on the spot.
“Ratchet I think you killed them.”--Rodimus
“They’re not dead.”--Ratchet
“Maybe it was the stress of them being in another dimension.”—Ultra Magnus
“They’re from a what now?”--Ratchet
Ratchet sighs a bit and begins his inspection on them. They do wake up within a minute.
“Let me guess I’m from your dimension.”--Ratchet
“Yeah… it’s a good thing some things don’t change.”--Buddy
Buddy was scared. Not only had they managed to travel to an entirely different dimension, any bot they knew before didn’t even know who they were.
They had to befriend practically everyone they knew all over again. What was up with Buddy meeting new Cybertronians in weird ways?
The news about a human on board catches on to everyone like wildfire. Especially Brainstorm, Nautica and Perceptor.
After a bit of analyzing the remains of the relic, Brainstorm finally concludes that it would take some time to get something like the relic to work.
Buddy is fine with the arrangements if they do get back. They are worried for their family back home, especially for their Ultra Magnus.
Buddy stays by a hand full of bots after stopping to get their basic needs. They tend to be closer to Ratchet and Ultra Magnus, especially with Magnus.
“So, tell me who else is on your team?”--Rodimus
“Well we have Optimus.”--Buddy
“Hush. Continue Buddy.”--Magnus
“We have Ratchet, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Arcee, Ultra Magnus, Bumblebee, and Smokescreen.”--Buddy
“And what? That’s the entire team.”--Buddy
“There’s no way—”—Skids
“Do you know if anyone else—”--Megatron
“I don’t know anyone else!”--Buddy
Which led to a funny moment when they found out about Minimus Ambus.
Buddy was taking a nap in his office after he said it was okay.
He had completely forgotten that Buddy was still in the room when he came out of the armor. That’s when he heard a shriek from Buddy.
“What! What is it!?”—Minimus
“Who are you! What have you done to Ultra Magnus?!”--Buddy
“What are—Woah! Buddy put down the sword—wait where did you get--”—Minimus
Buddy missed another swing with their new sword, complimentary of Brainstorm, and held it high.
“All right shorty Pringle man, I’m only going to ask you one more time. What. Did. You. Do. To. Ultra Magnus?”—Buddy
It takes a bit for Minimus to explain his whole situation.
They do calm down after a while and want to get to know him better.
Minimus isn’t crying. What’s crying anyways?
Buddy does eventually befriend with more bots on board but is never too far from Minimus or Magnus.
Buddy becomes a temporary mascot at Swerve’s.
“Swerve, have you seen Buddy?”--Magnus
Swerve pointing across the room.
Buddy is on top of Ten with a speaker next to Whirl’s holoform.
“You know what to do Buddy!”--Whirl
Buddy nods and plays the speaker.
“WE DON’T NEED NO EDUCATION!—”—Buddy and Whirl
Eventually the day comes for Buddy to return.
Buddy has a tearful set of goodbyes to all their friends.
They give the biggest hug to Minimus as they race to the portal.
Minimus now has a subspace filled with photos of him and Buddy with their mini adventures on the Lost Light.
Meanwhile in TFP universe…
Everyone is on edge.
The team had even gone and infiltrated the Nemesis multiple times trying to see if Buddy was on board.
The kids are just worried about their friend.
Ratchet and Optimus keep searching through radar and trying to decode some encrypted information via Decepticon radio.
Arcee would come to the roof more to talk with Cliffjumper grave about Buddy trying to cope.
Bumblebee and Smokescreen try extending their patrols to search for Buddy.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack taking the Jackhammer out to widen the search a bit.
Magnus tried to keep himself busy as much as he could and tried to figure out where Buddy could have gone to.
He knows the grim possibility of Buddy’s survival after a few days of the search, but is in denial, he knows Buddy is out there and wants to bring them home.
Later that day…
Buddy gets flung into the hard floor of the base, nearly sticking the landing if they didn’t trip on their own foot.
They slowly got up and looked around realizing they were finally back on the base.
They were so happy that they began to run to the main room.
Miko is the first to see Buddy and scrambles out of her seat alerting Jack and Raf.
Miko throws herself at Buddy knocking the two of them to the floor.
The boys join in hugging Buddy.
Hearing the kids’ sudden movements and squeals Ratchet turns from his screen and nearly passes out gripping the railings.
Buddy was here.
Buddy was alive.
He is quick to get to Buddy picking them up and rushing to the medbay.
He is just focused on checking for any injuries.
Once he is satisfied, Ratchet will give Buddy a light scolding and hug.
Bumblebee then commed in for Ratchet to open the groundbridge.
He opens it leading Bumblebee, Smokescreen and Arcee into the base.
Bumblebee whirls in excitement seeing Buddy.
Smokescreen pauses with Arcee seeing Buddy but snaps out of it quick and races to Buddy with Bumblebee and Arcee hot on his tailpipe.
At the same time Bulkhead and Wheeljack had entered the base from their latest expedition on the Jackhammer.
They look over to see Buddy being nuzzled by Bumblebee and also go over to see how they are.
Wheeljack makes sure to at least ask Buddy a question only Buddy would know.
It wouldn’t have been the first time a member of team Prime was subjugated to mimics.
“Tell me something only the real Buddy would know.”--Wheeljack
“I know that Miko was the one who stole Jack’s last soda he was saving for finals.”--Buddy
“Wait that was you!?”—Jack
“I think we are not seeing the fact that this is the real Buddy!”--Bulkhead
“Yeah that’s great, awesome, but Miko—”--Jack
“Bloodshed later, Buddy hugs now.”--Miko
Finally, Optimus and Magnus enter the room.
They both freeze seeing Buddy.
Optimus is the first to welcome Buddy back.
Magnus was still in the same place.
Buddy walking to Magnus.
“Mags? You, okay?”--Buddy
Magnus drops to his knees in front of Buddy and scoops them in a hug close to his chassis.
Buddy does their best to hug back.
“I’m fine Mags. I’m here.”--Buddy
“…You’re here… you’re here…”--Magnus
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itsmattchou · 1 year
lightning straight to my heart !
pairing: zb1 maknae line x gn!reader warnings: none i think, english isn't my first language!!! genre: fluff synopsis: their reaction to their crush falling asleep on their shoulder notes: first zb1 post! tbh i love the zerose community on tumblr so i hope i find lots of friends here🫶🫶 part 2 will be posted on friday or maybe saturday :D
this is fine. this is fine! this is… AAAAAHHHHHH
you two were just peacefully hanging out and watching a movie at your place but you ended up falling asleep. with your head on his shoulder. obviously.
eyes widened, he still tried to maintain his cool guy facade (literally no one else is in that room) but soon enough he couldn't fight the lil smile anymore and then shyboy lovelicky took over
takes your hand into his and softly caresses it (he will let go of it the second he notices you're about to wake up)
his heart is pounding slightly faster for the entire time being, but tries to distract himself by watching the movie you picked for the two of you to watch
clears his throat every 5 seconds??? pls save him he's too shy for this
he just… broke???
doesn't move, doesn't breathe, just stares at your peacefully sleeping figure on his shoulder
so suprised that he has no idea how he's supposed to react
windows shut down sound
his heart is beating like CRAZY though. super loud too! he probably dies from a heart attack soon
he thinks you're totally adorable 💔💔
starts to move again after a minute and takes like 50 pictures of you, firstly to remind himself of this moment and secondly to tease you with them afterwards
yes he likes you a lot but he would never not tease you🤭
sets one picture that came out well (in his opinion) as his background wallpaper
inner panic
screaming inside his head
trying DESPERATELY to control his face muscles- he feels so many emotions at once, he might break his face if he allows all of them to show now😭
but he can't fight the redness on his cheeks HEHEHEHE
ready to hush everyone with that unnecessarily loud "SHHHH" and a death glare if anyone dares to make a sound 👹
he tells himself that he should be confident rn, as you, HIS CRUSH, just fell asleep on him during a study session in the library
… wait. you fell asleep. during a study session.
he's flustered, head over heels in love, ready to marry AND kind of upset now😒
you're on a schooltrip and you're sitting next to each other on the ride back
his eyes went as wide as a saucer as soon as your head hits his shoulder, he didn't even notice you falling asleep because he was busy playing a game on his phone
literally as stiff as a board and more awkward than ever
of course he finds this whole thing kind of cute but… pls give him a notice like 1 week in advance so he can mentally prepare himself for this next time
puts his baseball hat on your head in order to save your eyes from the blazing sun or something idk he saw it in all those romance kdramas
he may looks like he wants you to wake up to everybody else, but he actually wants to spend more time like this (maybe in private next time *cough*) 💔
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Creed Reader, in a Haunted Mansion AU, seeing a large, dusty painting hanging above the stairs: Huh, whoever the housekeeper is missed a spot wipes away the dust and grime to reveal a painting of the old feral family, and someone who looks eerily like them
Creed Reader: ... Well, this is creepy grabs an old curtain to throw over it
Creed Reader, wandering the mansion grounds: This is a nice day! The sky is cloudy, it's not too bright, and no one is bothering me!
A ghost, disguised as a human, pops up: And we're here to keep you company!
Creed Reader, staring at them: Who the h*ck are you and why are you dressed like some ancient dead guy?
Creed Reader, exploring a mausoleum: Wooo, this place is terrifying. I swear I can still hear the ghost of that poor kid who died...
Ghosts, face-palming: It's YOU, you sweet idiot!
Creed Reader: It's so strange, you can almost imagine their tortured wailing and fear...
Ghosts, screaming in frustration: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!
Creed Reader, asleep on a couch:
Ghosts Victor and Logan, spying on them:
Creed Reader: sneezes
Ghosts Victor and Logan: Bless you...
Creed Reader: Thank you, shadows! pauses Um... did I just talk to the wall, or is this place haunted?
Creed Reader with a shovel: humming a song
Random ghost appears, scaring them: HI there, old friend old pal!
Creed Reader: AAaaaHHHhhh! hits them with the shovel, causing them to crumple into a moaning pile on the ground
Creed Reader: ... Um... I apologize. I have a bad scare reflex. Let's just... pick you up, and get someone to check you for a concussion...
They're funny, with how they're oblivious to half of the going-ons of the mansion and its residents, and the ghosts are trying to get Reader to put the pieces together, that they used to be old kid Creed Reader in a past life, and keep either falling short or freaking Reader out. A little comical, but still with its dark streak... After all... how DID old kid Creed Reader die? Amd what happened to their family, and the guests of the mansion?
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alloutofgoddesses · 9 months
Percy Jackson TV thoughts -
Season 1, Episode 3
(I’m a book reader and I’m not holding back book spoilers)
The attic is show creaky
And apparently so is Percy
Walker is doing an incredible job portraying Percy’s “I hate everything” attitude
The craziest line reading it’s so stilted thank you Timm Sharp. Also condescending which is very Gabe
That’s awkward as hell why would you gather all the “good candidates”
Grover you’re killing me
That backpacks full of apples and tin cans you can’t fool me Underwood
“Don’t mix ‘em up” Luke I know I can’t trust you stop being witty
Annabeth saying goodbye to Thalia… I’m losing it she’s just a BABY
I shouldn’t laugh but I think Thalia would so we’re good
Percy. She’s always in charge.
So no Seaweed Brain and Wisegirl? Rick when I find you
Percy you could’ve put them in your bag and left the box
The way Grover’s hair is styled to cover the horns more when they’re in the mortal world… hairdressers I love you
Can I have the full consensus song please I think it would actually be helpful
Also Grover being a 24 year old dealing with squabbling twelve year olds… Gods speed dude
Annabeth is so perfect. Like. She’s so annoying. It’s spot on. Annabeth is annoying in the books
SCREAM ALECTO!!! They hired the perfect actress for these lines
I get the plot reasons but if you had time to pick up anything WHY THE SHOES AND NOT THE BAG WITH MONEY IN IT PERCY
Please tell me they’re getting rid of the idea that demigods can’t use technology. I always thought it was dumb
Oh no Uncle Ferdinand…
Absolutely laying the tracks for Percy telling the gods to do better by their kids *chef’s kiss*
SO YOU FOLLOW IT? Grover you’re better than this
Hey. If the cyclops next season have those talons. I’m gonna be SO SCARED the whole time
MEEEDDDUUUUSSSSAAAAA!!!! I desperately want to cosplay this
I love the changes already
Percy… that beautiful fatal flaw
I mean yeah you’re mom is almost always right but still be on guard little man
Annabeth. I can’t wait for you to loosen up. She’s wound as right as a violin string.
*cheers from the crowd* I am fully on Medusa’s side btw. No matter what she was a victim of the god’s whims.
Annabeth my little baby you gotta think about multiple perspectives
The little milkshakes on the side. Does Medusa just wait for people to come along to feed or did she smell Percy from a couple miles away and really quickly whip stuff up
Thank god the box is being left behind
THE BASEMENT REALLY GUYS. There had to have been a back door
A MAIL CARRIER? What did a mail carrier do Medusa
I love that the snakes aren’t standing up like a lot of Medusa artworks portray… they’re noodles they wouldn’t be at attention all the time
Oh now THAT’S INSPIRED. Nkt as iconic as the reflective surface of an iPod though
Who’s gonna remind them there’s still one more. Also does this mean she’s a broken statue forever or since she’s a monster she’s reincarnating in Tartarus? I have so many questions
Oh Uncle Ferdinand. I’m glad Grover got to have an emotional moment that he wasn’t afforded in the book
Hell yeah good job Grover. Sometimes you Do have to be a little mean to get past some stuff.
Oh so we get the “I am impertinent” line verbatim but not SEAWEED BRAIN AND WISE GIRL
Percy I’m obsessed with you
Now who could this be
GAH LOOK AT HIM… he looks just a tad angry though lol
So does he have express straight to the throne room since he’s Hermes or did they change the placement of the elevator
AAAAAHHHHHH I need more immediately
Preview for next ep
Why are they splashing him
Very excited for the arch… I’ve been there and I will be honest I only remember some of the museum stuff at the bottom and how claustrophobic the top is so I’m excited to hopefully jog my memory
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pickless-99 · 6 months
Only just got to the new episodes because I'm stuck in the hospital so lemme start off by saying *ahem*
What the Fuck Dave
He missed?! he MISSED?!?!?!?!?!?! AAAAAHHHHHH! !!!!!!!!
Ok moving on (for now). Big ramble ahead.
This episode started at gloomy and ended at fucking hopeless for everyone except her. And I don't know if that's just her optimism/expectation of the plan having worked, but damn her demeanor on that last shot has me scared for the empire. I appreciate whoever pointed out that they've been storytelling through lighting because I haven't been able to un-notice it, and it's such a heavy hitting device in the last three episodes especially; I've never been unsettled by the color of a sky in a fictional TV show before now.
Wrecker is the most precious, protect at all costs. I believe that's at least the second time this season we've seen him wrap around another big thing and just launch. I think I might just be a fan of the fact that he can and does regularly man handle gonky.
Back to Crosshair missing the shot. !!!!!! I'm heartbroken for him, I gasped aloud in my bed at 5 am because I really didn't think he was going to miss!!!!!!!!! I'd really like to think that Hunter and Wrecker would see this course of action that was logically thought out by Omega and let him off the hook and just go get the girl, but I think all they're going to see is that she isn't there and that he missed. I hope I'm wrong. I want to be wrong, I want them to see that he's changed so so much since they got him back. His eyes have gotten so much softer.
Hemlock, fuck that guy, great villain though. I feel bad for Emerie. He's annoyed by her and she looks up to him so much. Well, she did.
I'm done talking about this show for now I gotta take a nap
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fan-a-tink · 6 months
Young Royals S3 thoughts
The queen saying it’s all exaggerated and she’s fine, and then immediately breaking down again… not a good sign. Willeeeeeeeee
Wille holding his knees in the fountain with the credits over it in light purple - poetic cinema. But also, aaaaahhhhhh!!!
„Why did you think I didn’t tell you anything?“ - Yes, Simon, please tell her. I really really want you guys to work this out
Those graduation caps look ridiculous
I’m sorry but every time Vincent opens his mouth I want to tell him to shut up. This man annoys me so so much.
Simon looks so rough, like he hardly slept. I fucking hate everyone who makes him feel that way.
@bjarsta.andreas who the fuck are you and what is you fucking problem. 
I hate it when they both don’t listen to each other, when they’re so wrapped up in their own problems they don’t see that the other one needs them right now. 
It feels a little bit as if Simon realizes for the first time what Wille is going through every day and what he is taking on now. 
„All I want is to be with you.“ Phew… 
Those girls mock singing Simon’s song can fuck right off. YOU are embarrassing!
Boris & August wheheeee :) I’m glad they’re getting a kind of reconciliation 
Simon turns down Pabellón. This is wrong, this is all wrong. Someone give my boy a hug and help him!!!
Is it bad that I think August is handling the situation really well? Like, he’s really trying…!
„Are you involved? … Of course you’re involved.“ - Wille, please, you don’t know what happened. You’re being unfair right now. But then again, if I were him, I’d probably think the same about August. 
Siiiimooooooooon….! I’m so so sorry, you don’t deserve this… aaahhhhhhh I can’t handle seeing you crying like this…
Cheeky make out session in the music room :))) they’re trying to trick me into thinking it’s all fine and then they’ll fight in there again. I don’t trust you! 
But also love them smacking their lips and acting all innocent when they’ve been caught :) „You two keep rehearsing…“ hahahahaaa
VINCENT HONESTLY YOU NEED TO JUST SHUT UP AND LEAVE SIMON ALONE! Why is Wille not standing up for Simon here? 
I feel like Felice is not getting enough screen time. And something tells me she will not just hush everything up but speak her mind! You go, girl!
I feel like Wille could check in on Felice a little bit more. And she on him. He shouldn’t lean only on Simon, he needs his friends too!
Sara laughing and smiling with her dad in the car. Healing. This makes my heart happy. 
I bet August thinks he’ll go and sweep Sara off her feet like Prince Charming. Even taking the bus, wow wow… I can already tell you it’s not going to work…
The way her face falls as soon as she sees him…. 
„August Horn of Årnäs“ - „Micke Eriksson of Bjärstadt“ hahahaaaaaa this will never not be funny 
„Better to have a dad with bad episodes than no dad at all“. Ouch, that hurt. 
Surprise, surprise, it didn’t work. But also, it’s good that you’re apologizing and showing that you want to make amends, but you’re only talking about yourself! Have you ever thought about asking Sara how she is, or what she thinks and wants? 
Sad August is making me sad. What is the world coming to?
The. Baking. Scene. fljkh esPOUFRHQasd mknöwejfnb lhbsdyxkjvcnpq wjbfeasdyx
Not Sara zooming in on the first picture in weeks in which Felice is smiling. They need to taaaaalk!
I feel like Micke deserves some credit for his parenting this season. He is actually doing a decent job at supporting Sara. Just really hope it doesn’t go downhill.
Wille singing is hilarious :)) 
That song they play when the torch procession comes is a vibe though :)
„You can just stand there and feel things and be open and vulnerable.“ - „Yeah but I wasn’t this time. It’s getting harder to stay relaxed when I sing. It’s not as much fun anymore.“ - I am broken. Simon losing the joy in singing. That is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. 
Sara is so brave for going there. I would have run away before anyone could have seen me. 
That kiss by the window in the candlelight is gorgeous. 
I love the music over that whole sequence. And the ‚I love you’s at the end. Can we please just pause this here? I don’t need any of the drama, I just want them to be able to stay happy forever. 
Ohhhh nooo, Micke! I don’t know if I believe him or not. Please don’t let Sara down again. 
„Erik could never have done that to me.“ Oh Wille, you don’t know. You don’t know what he did. And part of me hopes you’ll never find out. 
„So how can I ever trust anyone?“ - „You can trust me.“ - This is going to go wrong, I can feel it.
Simon wrapping himself in his purple hoodie. And a woman with purple hair coming up to him with her son. Alt er love. 
I really really want Simon to take that picture so that he can feel that people appreciate him. But also, don’t post it on instagram!!! This will only lead to problems. Pleeeeaasseee.
Maybe it would be better if Farima talked to Simon…? Then Wille wouldn’t have to constantly police his boyfriend like that. 
Oh no. Oh no. Oh noooooooooooo!!!! Siiiimmoooooooon!!!! 
Uuuughhh, whenever this show gives you like a crumb of happiness, it takes it away just as fast. Like Simon was just starting to feel a little better about the online hate and their position in the world, and then - snap - someone throws a stone at his house. He just wants to be safe and be with his boyfriend. Why does the world have to be so cruel? 
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Another part of the Vacation arc! ( Apparently, Tumblr just keeps cutting it shorter and shorter for both me and Bloom😢, so close...)
Kat: *chuckles* *sends meatball pun to group chat*
Everyone: .... Seriously?...
Kat : what? It's funny!
*Kabiguan opens the zipper on the bag and looks inside. He's happy to see the botbots, every bot realises that... No one knew what happened earlier inside the infinity mall. To the human allies, it's just nothing. Every bot agrees to keep this to themselves.
The human allies dropped off Kat and Marvin and continued their vacation.*
Marcus: alright everyone! We only have a few more days left
(@deepfriedhopesanddreams : and literally limited reblogs for me and Bloom)
Marcus: how about we speed things up?
Everyone: yea-
Cosmopatty: yeah! Montage! *Snaps fingers*
Everyone: Aaaaahhhhhh!!!! Who are you-
*Everyone was experiencing a montage. They took photos, but they can't remember how.... They kept going and going until the final day of their vacation*
Gabby: whoo! That was fun! That was... That was fast... Do you guys remember anything?...
Everyone: no/not really/ what's going on?
Gregory: okay that bot over there is responsible
Cosmopatty: what? I'm only helping my boss
Dave: wait who's your-
Cosmopatty: buh bye! *Flies back into the bag*
Hiraya: okay... That happened...
Raven: okay, she ruined our fun!
Todd: but at least we got pictures?
Marcus: yeah, and it's our last day, let's just.... Go home...
*Rough Ride was about to drive back. But Cosmopatty just has to intervene and snap their finger again. In an instant, they went back like it was minutes*
Rough Ride: how the- what the fu- damn... I thought we're already off the "eldritch bull####t" hook, damn
Gabby: yeah... What's going on- oh hey, it's my mom's gardening store!
*they were right in front of Evelyn's Gardening store, she was about to close.*
Evelyn: what the... Back so soon?
Gabby: hi mom!
Evelyn: hi sweetie!-
*Gabby stepped out of Rough Ride to give her mom a hug. Box followed behind Gabby. Evelyn had a frown on her face*
Evelyn: oh, your father's gift is... Floating...
Gabby: oh yeah it's a long story...
Box: Eve...
Evelyn: Adam?
Dave: wait your name's not Taurus?
Kabiguan: *sticks his head out* oh! Is that "Mom"?
Evelyn: !!! , A transformer?! Wait ... Mom?...
Gabby: it's also a long story-
Cosmopatty: I hate "long stories", let me help again! *Claps his hands*
Everyone: ...
Hiraya: what did you do?...
Cosmopatty: mmm maybe you should check on the mall... The mall that Dave works at, not the food mall
*Everyone was confused. They don't have much time to explain it to Evelyn. Rough Ride suddenly moved by herself, she wasn't in control. Driving over a safety barrier and several familiar looking vehicles. She drove close to the mall. But something isn't right...
Agents... Lot's of them, surrounding the mall. They hand this odd wire around the mall, like securing it. The human allies quickly hid somewhere, they got closer to listen in any of them. What is going on?*
Agent Wagner: are you sure?
Agent Mordecai: affirmative, look *shows her the energon tracker* see this? This place... Is contaminated with energon...
*Everyone was shocked, there's energon residue?*
Agent Mordecai: ... Alright, men, do it now
*one of the agents flips some switches. A large surge of shock was activated. The wires shake violently. Suddenly, the ground begins to shake.
A large arm emerges out of the mall then another, the whole mall begins to transform, it was a Titan... Everyone's eyes grew wide at his presence. He was in absolute pain, the shock hurt him so much, he tried to stand up but the tough wires kept him down. The agents started to fire at him, this made things even worse. They began to fire missiles at him. He manages to throw one away, but it crashed into Evelyn's Gardening store*
Evelyn: oh no!-
*back at the parking lot*
Gabby: oh boy, I hope that missile didn't hit a civilian...
*the Titan struggles to move, everything hurts*
Marcus: what are we going to do?! This is bad
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shippinginthedeep · 1 year
OMG! this episode seriously, I'm so happy that apparently they're changing Guinevere's character from the book. I read that part of the book (I'm weak, I had to) and guys, it's bad, so bad (sorry book fans) The gold digger is such a sexist trope and it makes Arthur look so so stupid. But it seems that in the show Guinevere will try for Arthur to choose her instead of Cenwyn to escape Gordfydd, and honestly, I'm not judging, you go girl, do what you have to do to survive.
I also hate the love at first sight trope (again, sorry book fans, but that's just bad/lazy writting) but it can work if they make the first time the pair meets a poweful moment, impactful or at least significant, if a connection is created. And by the Gods, that scene was so GOOD, I can't. Arthur now believes it was destiny and the gods will, so it will be easier to justify his decision to himself (he's going to fuck up so much, omg! he was the one to propose the marriage alliance! aaaaahhhhhh!)
So yeah, I'm really excited for what's to come and all the drama, it's going to be great!
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I am officially back with some big surprise for you guys
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I have came up with the perfect comic cover ideas for the upcoming Mighty Solars fanfic stories coming soon, except one is done which is Taken Away from Me, something you guys might find being enjoyable to do someday:
So here are the Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars comic ideas:
Issue #1- “A Mighty Solar”: On the top, it shows five shaded silhouettes of the five Mighty Solars Qausarblast, Mighton, Vil-Gil-An-T, Fung-irl and the Mighty Pupa while the bottom shows Korvo courageously getting out his lethal force sword while being a foggy setting with clouds surrounding him.
Issue #2- “Quasarblast Rises”: Korvo transforming into Qausarblast for the first time with a serious look on his face while the background shows lecture light aquamarine lightening sparks.
Issue #3- “Nice to Do Things as a Family”: Korvo as Qausarblast coming home tiredly with groceries in his hands while Terry was looking at him confused, Yumyulack and Jesse were playing laser tag, Pupa was playing with his baby toys and Phoebe was vacuuming the floor while she is humming lovely tune.
Issue #4- “Fighting for Family”: Terry, Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa cheering for Qausarblast fighting a bad guy on the news on TV with Phoebe also watching the news, smiling.
Issue #5- “Alien’s Night Out”: Located at a block party with Korvo blushing while looking at Terry enjoying the party with a pair of red eyes looking at them far away.
Issue #6- “Nightmare Part. 1”: Qausarblast looking around curiously in a dark foggy giant spider webbed area.
Issue #7- “Nightmare Part. 2”: Terry gooblering and whimpering in his sleep since he is having a nightmare as the bedroom becomes foggy and it shows the shadow of Platinum Belt looming and watching over him evilly above the wall.
Issue #8- “Love, Loss and Double Cross Part. 1”: Terry puts his hands on his head and screams in pain, while a giant version of Sarah possessed by Platinum Belt is shown above trying to control his mind.
Issue #9- “Love, Loss and Double across Part. 2”: Qausarblast crying over Terry as he holds his mind-raped husband as Terry’s eyes are still open and glowing white while Platinum Sarah prepares to attack from behind to attack him. Inspired by this: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/powerrangers/images/d/d9/MMPR_Issue_26_Final_Cover.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180412102509
Issue #10- “Mighton’s Requiem”: Terry painfully transforms into Mighton for the first time as he screams in fury, but it’s not monstrous. Just normal superhero transformation. Inspired by this: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/sonic/images/2/21/StH_265_Cover.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190727210042
Issue #11- “My Hero”: Qausarblast and Mighton staring lovingly and smiling at each other in this My Chemical Romance-style cover, inspired by this:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Cheers_for_Sweet_Revenge#/media/File:Three_Cheers_for_Sweet_Revenge.png
Issue #12- “Trouble in the City”: Qausarblast and Mighton looking around the city for any trouble in sight, while green slime is oozing from their mouths and their bellies swelling up.
 Issue #13- “Knothole Fury”: The Solar Opposites and Phoebe, while wearing their pajamas, looking worriedly at a giant fortress with a giant fence over it.
Issue #14- “Fight Night”: Yumyulack, with a black eye, walking through the lockers as his normal grumpy self with torn up posters of a resistance that is falling apart is shown.
Issue #15- “Pride Goes Before the- AAAAAHHHHHH”: Yumyulack screaming as his eyes started to shoot laser beams out of it for the first time as Jesse and the school kids watch in fear.
Issue #16- “Losing Yumyulack”: Yumyulack, wearing a backpack full of his favorite things for a bounty hunter himself, is tearfully looking back at his family’s house while Qausarblast and Mighton watch from up on the house roof, worriedly.
Issue #17- “End of the Dance Line”: Yumyulack as Vil-Gil-An-T watching Mark, from outside far of the window, lovingly.
Issue #18- “Hunt Off”: Qausarblast, Mighton and Vil-Gil-An-T hiding from behind the cough as the female bounty hunter villain starts looking for him.
Issue #19- “Darkness Falls”: The nine possessed monsters as shadows watching over Earth-4 as the bottom shows Jesse walking with Monica while laughing with her like besties do.
Issue #20- “Cheer Up Jesse”: Jesse crying on her bed with her family and Phoebe comforting her as the background shows fungus flowers growing on Jesse’s bed stool.
Issue #21- “Just Have a Little Fung-Irl”: Jesse transforms into Fung-irl for the first time as she soars happily while growing a fungus from her hand.
Issue #22- “Who’s That Girl”: Jesse hiding from behind the school door which shows a teenage villainess mind controlling Monica and the rest of their classmates as her pink eye glowing zombies.
Issue #23- “Little Pupa Lost”: The Solar Opposites desperately looking for Pupa. The expressions on the family shows Korvo hugging Terry in worriedness while Terry is crying, Yumyulack is desperately putting up “Missing Pupa” posters and Jesse keeps calling out for the Pupa tearfully.
Issue #24- “The Mighty Pupa”: The Mighty Solars hugging the Mighty Pupa in joy.
Issue #25- “The Misadventures of Pupa”- The Mighty Pupa standing up to a candy-themed villain holding Sherbert hostage.
Issue #26- “That’s A Kid Thing”: Qausarblast and Mighton tied up and gagged at the upper shaded part while the bottom shows Vil-Gil-An-T, Fung-irl and Mighty Pupa ready for action.
Issue #27- “Rock Fraud”: A rock n roll villain taking Mighton’s voice away with a voice sucker.
Issue #28- “A Horrifying and Fucked Up Betrayal”: Phoebe enraged by Brea’s betrayal after she knock out Korvo and Terry on the floor.
Issue #29- “Starburst Rises' ': Phoebe turning into Staburst for the first time while doing a Wonder Woman stand.
Issue #30- “Fantasies Are Just Fiction”: A young woman and robot looking at a crystal ball that shows an image of Qausarblast sleeping in a meadow full of flowers and grass.
Issue #31- “Aliens vs. Robots”: Yumyulack and Jesse exchanging nervous awkward looks at each other after the robot beats up some schoolmates of theirs while Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie hid behind them.
Issue #32- “Taken Away from Me”: Already Done
Issue #33- “Lifeline”: Monica transforming into Lightspeed as she uses her super speed while the citizens watches her in confusion
Issue #34- “Creature of the Dark Water”: Nova getting taken by a monstrous scaly black blue hand into the dark indigo river at a dark swamp as she screams in terror while Korvo. Terry and Phoebe with Cherie, who is holding Pezlie in her arms, and Montez watches in horror from behind the trees.
I hope you guys love these comic cover ideas, you guys can choose each one that you want, except for Issue #32 which has already been done by someone. But, please take your time because I know how much some of you guys have college and other stuff to work on, and I want to be mindful. Like I say, it’s free to make these covers! But I want to be mindful and wait for that to happen, because I want to you guys to continue your works too. So, please let me know when you have gotten started on a comic cover, and if you enjoyed it. I am so glad to be back with you guys! I love you all so much! 💕 so let me know when you have gotten started on a comic cover idea that you like from there. Love ya! Solar Opposite for life! 🩵🧡💜🩷💚
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kamurocho-lullaby · 1 year
So I was planning to go through and pretty this up but I just haven't had the energy so I'm just gonna dump them here.
These are my notes from my first time watching the Yakuza movie!
I've added a cut because they're long. There's typos, they're not edited, it's literally just chaos bullet points but tadaaaah. There's also a lot of cussing, swearing, whatever u call it, so sorry.
Date is just so fuckin done with the Tokyo PD's shit I love him.
Throwing down in a Don Quixote, yes Kiryu.
Wait who's this little shit bleeding in Kazuki's floor?
Kiryu's fight in the DQ reminds me of that gif of him fucking up a Poppo it's so good.
HOLY SHIT ITS MILENNIUM TOWER! I sure hope that doesn't explode.
HERE HE IS! Mr Tumblr Sexyman himself.
I can't get over the fact Majima supposedly reads the financial times
"where's Kiryu?" "Somewhere" "not good enough" *murder*
I love the idea that Majima is at the batting cages so often it's his office. Like he absolutely painted that sign himself what a dork.
This chick is insane and wants to go robbing stores when a Yakuza war is breaking out, side story material
Date is so fuckin done literally said "not my Division"
Kiryu seems a lot colder in this movie than he is in the games idk maybe he'll warm up
Who is this cocktail making silent man I am so confused
Why is Kazuki so hot?!
Majima and crew are goofy as fuck and I really love them literally everyone is scared of them it's fucking hilarious
HE CALLS HIS CREW KIDDIES and then ditches them to get his rocks off in a video store and the guy he beaned with a fuckin baseball in his own crew is like "ILL FOLLOE U TO THE ENDS OF THE ESRTH"
This man is goofy as fuck one second and then breaking fingers and toes to find his boyfriend the next
Oh fuck he's got a gun, nobody should allow Majima a gun
Literally the Majima fam have a "oh fuck the boss has got a gun" emergency plan
I just noticed he's wearing a studded belt omg
Kiryu needs more frown lines
Haruka got some sass I love her
"don't be corrupting her mind" what the fuck Date he found her like that
Majima was fuckin up Pink Street why didn't he go karaoke
Lol the guy at Ebisu Pawn gives zero shits about being robbed
Kiryu, Haruka and the dog make a cute picture I love it
Fuckin Majima isn't even like looking for intel he's just wandering around shouting about Kiryu-chaaaaaaaan
Lol Kiryu gets a flip phone and it's got a charm on it omg
"over the top shit is his trademark" you don't fuckin say
LOL DATE he's just like Kiryu and Majima are up to shit it's your fuckin problem I'm out "the military won't even save your asses" omg
Don't tell me the fuckin Jingweon are here I don't wanna fuckin deal with thaaaaaaat
"Yokohama's Lau Kalong" WAIT WHAT (having learned more about 7, YES that Lau Kalong apparently the Snake Flower Triad are a bunch of assholes and they're also like everywhere)
Oh fuck this kid's been sent to kill Kyohei Jingu?! no shit of course he has
Oh fuck SERENA I didn't think we'd see that in this movie
Lol Kiryu knows the RGG way, they ain't dead until you see a body and even then cough cough Kashiwagi cough cough
Lol Haruka teaching him to use a cellphone
Majima taking a break from getting his ass kicked by Kiryu to beat up his boys is so fuckin funny
Haruka's just on the sidelines like "these fuckin dumbass boys smh"
I'm sad it's not his lacquered tanto
Yo Kiryu is fuckin merciless what?!
LOL HE JUST FUCKIN DROPPED Kiryu is so done with his dumbass boyfriend flopping on the groud
Lol all the Yakuza in Kamurocho mobilising like the fuckin Avengers
LOL the bank robbers feeding everyone in the bank is just wild I love it, still can't figure out who they are tho (they're side story material)
How is Majima MORE unhinged in this movie than he is in the games
Theatre square! Honestly the shots in this movie are actually pretty good, im surprised
The Jingweon's gun is a monstrosity why the fuck
Is that supposed to be Shimano?
Kazuki getting all intimidating with the weapons dealer do be kinda hot tho why he gotta grab him by his chin like thst
Also why does Kiryu know this guy and why does he know he's a massochist?!
LOL Kiryu protecting Haruka from the creep but like why is she there?!
Kiryu hearing all this shit about his kyoudai and he's just like... Stomping around like a mad man
Wait is Kazuki an imposter yet? (Spoiler alert, probably)
Lol these idiots cleaning up Pink Street like Majima isn't just gonna whirlwind through it again
"Don't fall for hosts, they'll get you in the end" solid advice Kiryu but are u talking from experience or? Like iirc hosts weren't a thing when u went to jail my man.
What the fuck is this dramatic military shit what who is this man?!
Kiryu actually trusts Majima to not go after Haruka! And he doesn't! He's actually genuinely not a bad man he's just mad as a bag of cats
Oh that whole Majima and Kiryu not killing people thing is out the window in this movie omg
"Kiryu-chan, you're so cool" Majima says through a mouthful of blood after he's been knocked fuckin cold onto his ass. This man has it so bad I love it
Fuckin Majima just pelting Kiryu in the gut with baseballs omg this movie is wild
Dude these guys literally kick the shit out of each other it's vicious I love it
The level of choreographed homoerotic whump in this movie
He just straight up put his foot on his ass
"Fuck you murder dad you shot my boyfriend"
Wait do I get to see Nishiki?!
The fuckin Staminan X and shit in the shop that's so rad, of course Kiryu is like I'll just chug some of this shit and go fuckin kill my bro I'm fine
Oh hey it's Zombie Majima
Who allowed a military helicopter into fuckin Kamurocho airspace that's gotta be so illegal what the fuck
OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THE BANK ROBBERS I love how they're just laying on the floor with the staff resigned to their shit
Nishiki put the fish away you dumb fuck
Lol Kiryu literally doesn't give a fuck about the Tojo and here's Nishiki making it all about the Tojo like bro wise up Kiryu is done with your shit
Kiryu just stone cold dead until he gets some of that Staminan that's a full triple heat gauge baby the dragon is back omg this movie is the dumbest shit I love it
The fuckin slow mo! 2007 did not deserve this movie
Top ten ways to kill your kyoudai, number 12 will jack your dad!
Wait we're not gonna get Mr "Beautiful Eyes" here are we?
Akiyama come get ur cash!!!!
Moooooom, Millennium Tower blew up again!
Y'know Date is kinda hot...
Suzuki also has no business being that hot
Fuckin Majima's dumbass batting cages sign someone better save his ass I swear to fuck
Fuckin dumbass got shot and he thinks he's got the flu lol
Oh shit there's Kiryu oops guess he's not to blame for the dog
Question, how the fuck they gonna get down from the tower?
Oh my god okay it's done I'll clean this up later (spoiler alert, he did not clean it up later)
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aajjks · 5 months
hang up ☎️
alinaaaa!! sunshinee!! pick uppp!!! you guys!! jungkook just said he’s gonna propose and i’m freaking out!!! ajskskakakahshsaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! do i look cute? is my hair okay? I LOOK A MESS!! 😭😭
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
The Red Carpet Suprise
Part 1
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“Why did this world have to celebrate asses like them.”
“Hey! Bradley Cooper”
“Bradley here”
“Over here “
“Good job”
“Keep posing “
“Look sexy”
“Show off”
“For me “
“Show those teeth”
“Sexy lips”
“So pretty “
“Ok guys! That’s enough”
“Damn it”
“The flashes”
“So bright”
“I can’t stop”
“Beautiful like spiral”
“Don’t touch me”
“Fuck you!”
“I will lay down the law”
“I own you now Bradley”
“Just smile”
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On my command his smile widens waving in his hand feverishly catching all of the lovely attention from his fans he has no idea who I really am.
Tapping his shoulder I send him off in to the elongated white and gold hall of the Gala he is attending for the movie premiere of Walt Disney Guardian’s Of The Galaxy.
Pointing to a chair he walks gliding on to it he finds his place in the middle awaiting further instructions for me in the longterm of it all.
“Bradley Cooped face me the man who is in my debt now and forever.”
“I am instructing you to obey my all of the commands I issue.”
“Relax! I promise this will only hurt but a pinch.”
“Yyyyyeeeeesssss! Master Lawrence “
“I hear and I submit”
“I should obey”
“Nighty nite “
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Weak ass fuck”
“Perfect “
“Ok guys! Remove this lump of sack”
“Yes Sire!”
“Sir Yes Sir”
“Submit completely too me”
“I am at your will”
“So drugged up”
“You are a pathetic excuse for a human “
“Brainless piece of trash”
“A nothing a nobody “
“Bottom of the door chain”
“I own you freely”
“Without question “
“Answer me properly “
Part 2
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“Excellent! Next part”
“Chris Pratt?”
“Go get them”
“With pleasure
“We have eyes on him”
“Reaching for the gun”
“Filling up the dart”
“Setting it up”
“Preparing for shooting”
“Direct on target”
“We got it”
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“His body collapses completely “
“Falling face forward “
“You own him now”
“Go collect him”
“On our way “
“We are bringing him”
“Here you go Sire”
“Give me his hand”
“Slam it”
“My god”
“Calm down Chris”
“You obey me…OBEY”
The end
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 1 year
Adult Cyrus: Mom, I'm having my first heat. What do I do?
Mileena: Don't worry, I'm sure we can find someone in your clan to help.
Mileena goes up and makes an announcement at a podium, calling a clan meeting, not telling anyone what the meeting was for: Excuse me, my precious son is undergoing an important milestone in his life and he needs some assistance in dealing with this. Can one of you volunteer in helping my son for a week? I'll pay you in gold to anyone who steps up for the task.
The rest of the clan runs away screaming bloody murder as they make a break for the exit.
Hydro: Every Lin Kuei for himself!
Bi-Han: Run for it if you want to live!
Smoke: Oh hell no!
Cyrax, Sektor and Orino just stare at Mileena, as they are the only ones who didn't flee.
Mileena: Hey! Come back! Where are you going!?
Cyrax facepalms: Oh my god...
Orino: Mileena, they are not coming back after that. I don't know what possessed you to think anyone was going to volunteer to be your son's vent for sexual frustration but this is not the place to get it.
Mileena pouts: You guys kill for money yet sex is off the table?
Sektor: We are assassins, not prostitutes, Mileena. Look elsewhere for a solution to your son's problems....
To this day, Mileena is the person who can have an entire clan of hardened assassins go screaming bloody murder.
Making Grandpa Kahn proud, sending a group of assassin' screaming.
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k-half-blood · 2 years
𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓰𝓲𝓯𝓽 ‘lavendar roses’ 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮.
“hi jaem. happy valentine’s day~ hope you like your gift. i didn’t know what to get you so i didn’t go too extreme hehe. cant wait to see you later.
𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝒿𝒶𝑒𝓂𝒾𝓃~~
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Aaaaahhhhhh look at these!!! They’re so adorable! Guys! Look at him, he’s so cute look at what he got me *happy dancing around*
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girlwholovesturtles · 8 months
I gotta stop listening to the Hazbin sound track, so I'm doing this instead...
The "creation" of a person? Did he build her?
Uh... yeah, probably should have just burned- wait! Agnes, I totally missed the name at first until they mentioned Jude. Gertrude, I don't know what you did but you are almost certainly responsible for this...
Literally never heard the word stevedore before, interesting...
Dear lord, so Agnes was their anti-Christ. That's amazing.
I'm guessing this is the clearing that the one dude walked into on accident in that episode from forever ago.
A child with god like powers was wild and unruly? Ya don't say? What the hell did they even think they would get out of this kid?
Makes sense, was wondering why Agnes was ever in Hilltop Road. Also interesting to find out that the Web and the Desolation seem to be very specifically at odds with each other. Oh shit, Agnes was bound to the place apparently? Because the boy she kissed I assume? I always assumed that her kiss somehow saved him from Hilltop but it never occurred to me that it might have actually effected her at all.
First time hearing the word "besotted" as well. This series really is teaching me a bunch of words I will literally never use in my day to day life. Regardless, yeah, Jude was definitely more in love with her as a woman than a god, I think.
Oh... well that's not... great... worse and worse... oh... oh... Eugene, you are a very bad man... The institute need to stop letting these people in here...
Wait! Did Agnes actually fall in love with the coffee shop guy? Oh honey, no, you can do better. You've got a buff woman who is absolutely smitten wi- Oh, apparently Eugene here doesn't think it was love? ... can't believe coffee shop guy accidentally saved the world by being an awkward dork.
Ah, so she's dead now. I guess it's for the better but damn...
Wait? "Whatever you did." What exactly did Gertrude do?
"Nice to see Gertrude also got a lot of threats." Jon, I get where you're coming from but damn.
Good to hear the girls are doing okay-ish. SURPRISED to hear about Helen, if I'm being totally honestly. Nah, I kind of agree, you should not knock and should not trust her. That's dangerous and I don't know if your relationship is enough to keep the Distortion from eating you if you ever wandered in.
I have been asking these question at length! What the hell- Aaaaahhhhhh!
"I need him to be okay." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have TOO MANY feelings about this single sentience!
Uh... don't strain yourself too hard there, bud... is Peter about to show up? Oh, nope, just gonna realize that was a bad decision.
Not to continuously go back to World of Darkness with this show but if that game taught me anything, it's that you don't try to scry on something that can look back.
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