nostalgicish · 4 months
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he’s literally babygirl
edit: new pfp :)
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weaponizedducks · 2 months
poor shiro cannot catch a fucking break can he. first he gets a crippling disease he's got two years to live. then an angsty wattpad breakup with his boyfriend then he gets kidnapped by aliens and pumped full of alien weed then he crashes on earth with so much walking midlife crisis energy that he gains the skinning puppies to make a fur coat hair, and then he immediately gets shot right back into space by his shittass little brother and weirdo friends with the literal matt clone. then this poor man is made the leader of an alien war, becomes a father to four fuckass teenagers through accidental child acquisition, is forced into the kim kardashian lifestyle by a ginger on drugs, gets kidnapped again, gets cloned, fucking dies, somehow comes back (yeah I'm not really clear about this) then this pathetic wet cat of a man, this stressed jean valjean father of four, experiencing his fourth midlife crisis and millionth mental breakdown, gains that senior citizen swag at twenty five. you could colour match his hair with a polar bear. then he witnesses a walking loreal ad (derogatory) get melted alive, watches a castle get blown up, loses three years in a space time jump and then finds out his ex- fiance who broke up with him right before he left has fucking died in a purple thumb invasion before he got to marry him. but oh no no no that's not the end for this poor sad man. poor guy doesn't get a second to grieve before he is visually assaulted by a less cunty sue sylvester ripoff and her gang of bitchy cheerios (this is admiral s*nda), and yet again made a leader against his will, and shot right back off into space again. then he watches the only other responsible adult in this entire franchise (hot badass space princess who like shiro did not catch a break) sacrifice herself and is left a struggling father. ends up marrying some random fucko. all while suffering through his shitass hot topic brother and blueberry disaster's doomed yaoi romance. oh yeah and he's only got one arm. give the guy a BREAK. FREE my man he doesn't deserve this 🔥🔥
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klanced · 6 months
when adam met 11yo keith he immediately knew that keith was gay and was like i have GOT to support this kid!! (runs into traffic) meanwhile shiro spent years operating under the assumption that keith had like a gender thing going on
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 5 months
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some portraits based off frames I liked in the first episode of Voltron. The pilot episode still is everything to me. Thought this was a nice angle of Shiro <3 Wanted to play with giving Allura a different hair style while keeping the silhouette of her canon hair. I thought Sendak's evil little grin was fun
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autisticlancemcclain · 9 months
There’s a knock on his door.
Keith freezes. There’s never a knock at his door.
“…Yeah?” he calls out cautiously, dog-earing his book and setting it down on his mattress. Shiro doesn’t knock, Shiro just calls out from wherever he is. Or texts him. And it’s not like Keith even has friends over, because he’d have to have friends to have them over. Shiro is also, as it turns out, equally as uncool, and never has company.
The door handle turns, and Adam pokes his head through the crack.
“You busy?” he asks.
Keith blinks. “Oh. Hi.”
That makes sense. Adam is here a lot. Keith has kind of forgotten to count him as company, actually. He kind of just appears at random times. Keith is half convinced that Adam is actually some kind of hologram Shiro has created to argue with, mostly because imagining that is really funny.
But he’s never come to Keith’s room before.
“Hi,” he says back, smiling slightly. “Shiro had to run out to handle something because the Garrison would delve into chaos without him, apparently. So he’ll be gone until after dinner.”
He looks at Keith expectantly. Keith stares back, eyes big, because he has no idea what the hell to say to that. Like, he’s correct, Shiro is the one and only thing holding the stupid school together, but Keith’s not quite sure why Adam has come to announce that to him.
“So are you free?” Adam repeats.
“Oh,” Keith says, startling a little. This is a — Adam is seeking him out. Intentionally. Planned. The fiancé of his foster — father? brother? mentor? Keith should ask more questions — has made plans, and they include Keith. Keith is being considered as someone to be hung out with.
“Yeah,” he says, voice cracking. “I’m free.”
“Cool,” Adam says, nodding. “C’mon.”
Keith scrambles off his bed and to the door, not wanting to give Adam time to change his mind. Not that it matters, or Keith cares about hanging out with him. Or anybody for that matter. But he’s curious, so.
“What are we doing?” Keith asks, jogging after him. Adam is a power walker. There’s not a lot of space to power walk in the small apartment, but Adam manages to leave him in the dust anyway. More fuel to Keith’s hologram theory.
“Well, obviously I love your brother more than the moon and stars,” Adam says matter-of-factly, striding over to the kitchen and opening counters.
Keith blinks. Well. That’s one question answered, he supposes.
“But I’m worried.” Adam sets down his armful of supplies; a small mixing bowl, chopsticks, a knife, a cutting board, and an array of vegetables. “Takashi tries very hard at everything he does. It usually gets him quite far. But cooking?” He shakes his head, grabbing a strainer and a head of cabbage and stepping over to the sink. “I don’t know who cursed him, but he’s physically incapable. And you’re thirteen. You’re growing. You can’t eat boxed noodles and peanut butter sandwiches all day. It’s bad for you. Come here.”
“I eat a lot of fruit,” Keith offers, feeling strangely like he has to defend Shiro, or something. Not even necessarily against Adam. Perhaps against the Allegations. “He’s very big on oranges. And mandarins. All citrus, really. There’s a lot of it.”
Adam rolls his eyes. “That is because Takashi read a book about scurvy when he was fourteen and is now terrified of it, because he is a goober. He’s also afraid of squirrels, if you’re wondering. He found out that some of them are carnivorous and never recovered.”
A tiny, barely there smile quirks his lips. Keith bites the corners of his mouth so it doesn’t get any ideas, then steps hesitantly towards the kitchen island, across from Adam. He watches him scrub the leafy vegetable, careful to get in all the nooks and crannies, then pat it dry. He moves to set the cabbage down and then seems to think better of it, leaning back against the sink.
“Get me the salt,” he says, gesturing to a bowl on the counter with pursed lips.
Keith narrows his eyes at it suspiciously. “Why?”
“You ask a lot of questions,” Adam observes.
“You answer very vaguely,” Keith returns.
Adam barks a laugh. Keith finds himself pleased at the reaction.
“I’m going to scrub the cabbage with it,” Adam explains. “It’ll draw out the moisture and take out any leftover dirt, too.”
Satisfied at the answer, Keith grabs the salt bowl, bringing it over. He moves to go back to his spot but Adam stops him with a wet hand around his wrist, gently guiding his hands towards the cabbage. Keith wills his shoulders to relax.
“One hand open to support it, one hand in the salt bowl,” Adam instructs quietly. “Grab a handful and start rubbing it in.”
Hesitantly, Keith grabs the offered cabbage, hyperaware of how his shoulder brushes against Adam’s bicep when he moves; how he doesn’t move away, but he’s not crowding, either. Just…close.
“I can actively feel my fingers pruning,” Keith says in disgust.
Adam snorts. “Yeah, they do that.”
Step by step, Adam guides him through chopping vegetables, measuring spices, mixing sauces, and handling the stove until Keith is working his way through a basic stir-fry like a pro. He’s more shocked than he should be when he tries his first bite of it and likes it.
“You have managed to avoid being cursed, too,” Adam says around his own bite, pleasantly surprised. “I was worried that living with Takashi would curse you by proxy. But this is good.”
“I mean. It was stir-fry. We chopped and we fried. Hard to fuck up,” Keith points out.
“You’d think. When I tried to do this with Shiro, the pan was charred so bad we had to throw it out. I don’t even know what he did. I was right there. It’s like he destroyed it by rancid vibes alone.”
Keith hides a smile in his noodles. Adam notices anyway, and grins.
“Sounds about right.”
“You’re good, though, kiddo,” Adam says, and his hand is heavy on Keith’s head. “You’re good.”
Keith swallows the sudden lump in his throat. His face gets red.
He leans into the touch.
other parts in this universe
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khaopybara · 7 months
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❝ I see. Is that so? I'm feeling happy. Even though, he's really not my type. ❞
What Did You Eat Yesterday - Episode 5
[ Part 1 ]
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mobblespsycho100 · 18 days
Me: I am so full of love in my heart. peace and love on planet earth 💌💓💕💞💗💝🩷🫶🥰
Some guy who is wrong: Shuro is a bastard ableist neurotypical asshole who HATES laios (my white autism baby boy baby son not a grown man who is friends with him and communicated and stopped fighting him 🥺🥺🥺) and also cis straight alloromantic/allosexual man
Me (suddenly possessed by the spirit of Namari and her epic dwarf fellow daddy issue haver protective fighting spirit autism) : ... CALL AN AMBULANCE, 🚑🚨🩸 BUT NOT FOR ME 💥💥💥🗡️🔪👊🎒👎🦵💪🥋💣🪃🤯🔫🌋‼️⁉️❗‼️ NO MORE MR. NICE GUY LET'S GO TOSHIRO RELEASE UR INATTENTIVE TYPE ADHD + AUTISM + ANXIETY ASIAN ELDEST SON (DAUGHTER) RAGE RAHHHH 🗣️⚔️🗣️🍜🗣️⚔️🗣️🍜🗣️‼️‼️‼️
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keithsautism · 8 months
I feel like Keith and Lance are both ND but in different ways. Keith is the kind of guy who would really like physical contact and words of affirmation as love languages. He's pretty good at telling Lance how he feels about him later in the series. He'd probably appreciate the lack of ambiguity and take things at face value/put trust in I love yous.
Meanwhile Lance grew up in a big family so they might not have had as much money. Receiving gifts was a really big deal for him growing up. I can imagine Keith giving Lance a cool blue shell he found at an alien market and being all confused, thinking Lance doesn't like it when he goes still. Like he wants to take it back and is disappointed that Lance doesn't like it. But he does, he's just a bit overwhelmed by the gesture. Trying to show why he thought getting some silly shell was a good idea, Keith meekly tells him to look at this pretty part of it, turning it over in Lance's hands, pointing out an opalescent part that's all different kinds of blues. Says it reminds him of Lance's eyes.
Lance says something like "How would you know what colour my eyes are" because eye contact is not Keith's forte, but there's no bite behind it, and Keith doesn't get the joke anyway, just looks nervous. Keith just says they're pretty, as if he couldn't not have noticed. Lance puts it down on his side table gently. Keith says "You don't like it?" Lance gives him a super tender kiss. They kiss for a while holding each other, and Keith hugs him, sighing with contentment into lance's shoulder. Says "Holding you feels like home" then Lance dies on the spot
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What Did You Eat Yesterday? S1 (2019) Episode 4
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mothmanavenue · 10 months
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i don’t know why all the trees change in the fall /// now i know why all the trees change in the fall
but i know you’re not scared of anything at all /// i know you were on my side, even when i was wrong
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edenfire · 5 months
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✨️💜 kissy kissy 💜✨️
I've been listening to my sheith amv playlist on repeat and now im crying I just love these two so much!!💘
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illgiveyouahint · 6 months
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Kinou Nani Tabeta 2.01
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 5 months
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Oh do not seek to know what lies Behind these mild and patient eyes For I have seen the demons power And even let the monster run In certain unforgotten hours
The fire that sleeps within the blood Can waken to a burning flood That sweeps away whatever moves Before the wordless killers eyes
Shiro's time as Champion lives rent free in my head but the show said you get crumbs and nothing more
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
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happy birthday to the boy with the biggest bleeding heart in the universe. keith kogane i love you
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keithbutgay · 1 year
I think my favorite Adashi thing is the idea of Adam calling Shiro Kashi
We know that, in canon, Adam is the only person who really calls Shiro by his first name, Takashi.
The only times Shiro ever really used that name (besides with Adam) were when he was being introduced to new people, introduced as this famous and incredible pilot
Takashi means "esteem", or "boasting"
Most of the time, Shiro obviously goes by his nickname. But it means "white". He feels empty without Adam besides him, and even more so being separated from Earth itself while out in space
The thing is, Kashi means "sweet".
It also means "song", and "poetry", among a few other things. Including "visible"
Adam makes Shiro feel seen. He knows he belongs. Adam is his home, and Adam sees him for who he really is. He calls Shiro "sweet", he calls Shiro his "song".
And we know that Shiro finally feels whole again.
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lesbian-myth · 11 months
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Yeah that pretty much sums it up.
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