nymoshopper · 5 months
The boy who went to see Oppenheimer:
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The boy who went to see Barbie:
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101 notes · View notes
sylvanian-cat · 5 months
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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐
PAIRING - Daniel Larusso x Reader
TAGS: Friend to lovers, kissing, violence but only hitting and punching, karate kid, angst, fluff, characters fall in love, heartbreak, characters break up, happy ending, slow burn
SUMMARY: After running into the new boy from the east coast, it’s almost painfully funny how trouble seems to follow him wherever he goes. Even on his first day of living in California…
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The following evening was spent pondering on what to wear, how to act like a normal person in front of Daniel, and how you’re going to break the news of your following teenage escapade to your mother.
Surprisingly, she wasn’t too worried about the evening party and was more relieved that you were filling your teenage years with adventurous memories, is what she said.
Desperately trying to choose out an outfit that would compliment your body wasn’t the only problem on your mind, but also the overwhelming thoughts of the neighborhood boy you just met a couple of hours ago. Daniel Larusso. All evening, the only thing that truly plagued your thoughts was how nice his hair looked, how big and bold his brown eyes were, and the way his gentle hands cupped your elbows when he was lifting you up from that hard concrete.
That he caused, you swiftly remembered. Your own thoughts were starting to worry you. Is it healthy to be falling for a guy this quickly, one that you’ve barely even spoken 20 words to? Probably not, that’s for sure.
Reassuringly, you tried to convince yourself that the only reason why you believed these thoughts of Daniel were crowding your head was because of the lack of male attention from peers was starting to get to you. Hopefully, you thought, it’s just a symptom of being a hormonal teen and not the start of something serious…
Besides, what if Daniel knew how hard you were thinking about him right now? Would he approve? Definitely Not!
You glanced at your clock and realized that the party was about to start in 30 minutes and just by walking to the beach alone, it took about that same amount of time in order to get there.
You quickly checked your outfit and hair in the mirror, making sure everything was to perfection and grabbed your bag and headed out of the small apartment building.
Once you reached the end of the staircase and pushed open the wooden entrance leading to the sidewalk, you spotted the one man that was filling your mind; Daniel Larusso.
Of course you would find him here, looking as dashing as he does.
He was standing there in the hot sun and holding his tall bicycle in place
Knowing of your presence, he craned his head behind his back to take a glance at you. His hair was slightly ruffled from the slight wind and he was still wearing that light blue muscle shirt that showcased his broad shoulders. His eyes lightened and his plump lips turned up into a smile.
He faced his body towards you and refreshingly said a nice “Oh hey Y/N! Are you heading to the party too? I was just about to head out until I realized I didn’t know the location haha.” You flashed him a friendly grin of your own. Hoping he wouldn’t notice the small nervousness in your voice, you replied back with a seemingly calm “Yeah I was just about to head out. Do you want help with directions? I can show you the way except I won’t be able to keep up with your bike because I’ll be walking.”
His eyes for a split second flashed with a bright light, almost as if he came up with a brilliant idea on the spot and stated, “Hey, you know we can ride together on my bike? It’ll be faster that way and I don’t wanna arrive there all alone looking like a sore loser who doesn’t know their way.” He let out a chuckle which in turn also caused you to let out a small breathy laugh. His laugh was so contagious, was he always this charming to everyone?
Wait, did he just ask you to take a ride on his bike with him…? To the beach? You and him together all alone being so close with one another?!
He must have noticed you spaced out because Daniel, still keeping his charming grin said, “Soooo, what will it be? Wanna take a ride with me on my Miyagii Turbo?”
Your mind suddenly focused back onto the attractive boy in front of you and as best and as calmly as you could, you replied back with “Yeah why not? How could I pass up a free offer to ride on a speedy motorcycle standing right infront of me?”
Seemingly understanding your teasing, he stated back with a friendly, “Well what are you waiting for? We don’t wanna be late for that awesome party your friend Freddy was gushing about.”
One of his hands held onto the bike handle while the other was held out in an opening embrace; wanting to show you to get on first. “Ladies first you know” he said with a small lipped smile .
Sheepishly, you walked up to the unmotorized vehicle and placed your legs between the bicycle seat. You could feel his weight fall onto the back of the seat you left open for him and in that moment, it was quite clear how close his body was to yours.
With his chest pressing up against your back, you prayed and desperately hoped he couldn’t hear the booming sound of your heartbeat beating loudly in your chest.
Once you two were fully on the bike, the dangers of what could possibly happen were starting to get to you. What if you both fall off the bike together and cause an embarrassment in the middle of the street? What if there’s a huge pothole and you both go flying and end up needing stitches? Or worse…crutches!
As if he was knowingly reading your mind, Daniel took your hands that were clutching the sides of your stomach and gently, placed them onto the metal bicycle handles. He reached his sleeveless arms to be positioned under your armpits and the warmth of him helped a bit in calming down your intense nerves. He reached his head to be on the side of your cheek, leaving a small gap between you two but at the same time, also being as close as ever.
His voice was low and soft and the small warm breaths he would let out would hit the side of your cheek and flutter to your eyelashes. He let out a gentle, “Here, hold your hands onto the bike handles and put your feet on the side of the bike. If you feel like you’re gonna fall, put your feet on top of mine. This way, we’ll have no chance of falling. And if we do, blame it on me okay? Besides, I am the driver.” He let out a friendly grin and a calm chuckle at the end of his words.
He must’ve known about your nerves of falling off the old vehicle. He was so good, too kind.
You turned your head to glance a little back at him. From this angle, you could see all of his features in great detail. He was even prettier than you imagined. You took in his facial features as quickly as you could; the flutter of his soft lashes, the fullness and arch in his brows, the gleam to his soft lips.
Not wanting to seem like a creep, even though crushing on a guy you just met might already be a sign, you reassuringly stated a quiet “Okay, I trust you Daniel. We don’t wanna be late to the party yeah?”
His soft eyes held contact with yours and he gave an acknowledging nod “Yeah we better go, we don’t wanna get there too late then everyone already eating all of the marshmallows, that’ll be bad”
His eyes glanced up to the front of him and you took that as a sign he was about to start pedaling
As you two passed all of the town buildings and started coming closer to the grassland hills that lead to the California beach, Daniel began starting up a conversation.
His tone held a slight nervousness but it also held sympathy, “Y/N, I know you already forgave me but I’m real sorry that I kicked you like that. I swear! I thought no one was behind that creaky old door!”
The warm breeze brushed against your skin and you let out a giggle as you remembered the events that occurred just only hours earlier.
“Daniel I’m not mad. I told you I forgave you so don’t think too deep into it okay? It was only a silly mistake you made that happened to leave me with a bruised elbow.” You mumbled the last part of your teasing and he giggled at your antics.
As he spoke, the rumble of his chest could be felt against your back and in a way, it was comforting feeling those small vibrations against you. “You can probably already tell from my accent but uh, I’m from New Jersey, Newark New Jersey. Me and my mom just moved here because she got a job offer for some wacko computer stuff that I don’t know much about…”
he mumbled the last part and the tone of his voice wasn’t like the cheerful friendly boy you were talking to just a minute ago, it seemed like his voice was almost laced with a ting of sadness and exasperation.
In an effort to converse, you replied back with a “New Jersey is a long way, how are you feeling the Californian warmth? Better than Newark?
He gave a small breathy laugh and replied with his own “The Californian heat is okay… but I don’t think it can beat the peaceful summers of Newark like it is right now in August.”
It was evident that he clearly missed his hometown. Of course he would, after moving in just a day who wouldn’t?
His voice cut off your thoughts with words of his own, “But I guess Newark has its downs though. Ya know in the summer it gets real cold, like, freezing cold!” One day one of my buddy’s eyelashes were covered in frost just from doing a 15 minute walk to school.”
You let out a gasp and as you replied, your voice hitched a bit,”Woah! Really!? I don’t think that could ever happen here in this area. The only time I heard of something happening like that here was when a few kids passed out due to heat exhaustion.”
You could feel his jaw widen a bit against the back of your head. You giggled to yourself secretly, Daniel’s immense shock of the temperature change was quite amusing to you, you’ve never seen anyone be this interested over weather before. “Enough of weather”, Daniel started, “what about you? Have you lived here your whole life?” His chin was touching your cheek again and his body heat was even more prominent than before.
“Oh yeah, I’ve lived in California my whole life. You’ll get used to it after a while.” You noticed the entrance of the beach was coming into view and you shot out a direction to Daniel, “Oh hey! The beach is just right there, turn to the right and we’ll be at the party.”
His feet pedaled faster and he swiftly turned his bike to the right. As you two went down the small hill, you noticed almost everyone in your grade was here and maybe a few upper peers. The sound of 80’s pop could be heard from someone’s radio and groups of boys were playing a variety of sports while a few groups of girls were sitting down and conversing.
Daniel planted his bike in an area of cool shade and you took that as a sign that he was stopping here. You lifted your leg from one side and you kept one hand steady on Daniel’s bike while he took out the metal chain that hanged loosely around his Jean pocket.
“You head down Y/N, I still need put the chain on my bike and I’ll meet you there in a minute.” He leaned down to wrap the metal material around his bicycle’s tire and you replied back with your own “Sure thing Daniel, thanks for the ride by the way.”
He gave a small smile and said a friendly “Hey anytime, thanks for being such a good direction buddy”
He called you buddy, your heart will probably have to register that one later, but now was not the time. Not after seeing all of the wonderland festivities in front of you.
You headed down the steep pathway and into the full view of the beach. As you neared closer to the volleyball net, you heard one of your friends call you over. You recognized her immediately and the small nerves that were hidden deep in your chest were replaced with a feeling of serenity. You quickly jogged over to where she was sitting with a bunch of other girls near her and she patted the area next to her to show an act to sit down next to her.
A few of your prominent friends gave you smiles and waves and welcomed you to the party. One of your friends begins going on about how nervous she is to start school tomorrow while another goes on about how she’s going to miss summer vacation.
The conversation quickly starts to become white noise and your mind begins to focus on Daniel. He was walking down the same steep hill as you and his minute of loneliness was replaced by Freddy quickly calling him over to join them in a game of beach soccer.
Your view of Daniel gets interrupted and instead, your gaze is replaced with two pairs of legs in front of you. You turn your head upwards and you recognize the faces of both. One girl is Ali Mills who was noticeably holding a colorful volleyball in her hand while another was a girl in your grade who you couldn’t quite place the name of. Ali begins to start with a friendly conversation of, “Hey guys, we were just wondering if you wanted to come and play a bit of beach volley with us?” she gives a beautiful smile and a few of your friends began to stand up and follow the two girls to the volleyball net.
Your legs were still a bit bruised from Daniel’s dramatic entrance just earlier this evening and you thought it might be best to continue sitting where you are right now.
As the sky became darker and the sun started to shine less, you and your friends passed the time by talking about random topics like recent gossip, the upcoming school year, and anything you thought was important and needed to be mentioned. Occasionally, you would sneak a glance to Daniel. You tried to convince yourself it was because you were worried about his well-being but you knew that the way you sometimes held your eyes to him too long did not fit the intentions you were trying to convince yourself of.
A group of boys started a small bonfire once the sunset began to show and the smell of hotdogs and sweet marshmallows filled the air. Your friends begin to lie down on the plush towels and you give an excuse of your back hurting.
Your back didn’t truly hurt, but from this position you could see Daniel clearly. His talent with soccer truly did shine and as you watched, mesmerized with the way his strong thigh lifted and touched the soccer ball with every bounce. You did a small grin to yourself but quickly hid your peering eyes from Daniel once you noticed a few nameless girls, including Ali Mills, were starting to make their way over to your area.
As they started to sit down and start a conversation, they first gave a greeting to you and your friends and began conversing with one another again. You silently continued to stare at Daniel until a conversation coming from one of the girls started to peak your interest.
One began a teasing remark of, “Hey you know Ali, that cute brunette over there is sure giving you the eyes. I think he might like you Ali.”
A few other girls started giggling and making oooing noises of their own. Even Ali herself started giggling. It wasn’t as if it wasn’t true. Daniel truly was staring passionately in Ali’s direction and Ali was doing the same. Daniel gave an almost dreamy look towards her while Ali continued to flash her beautiful smile at him. You’ve never seen him look that way before, not even at the old woman’s dog back at the apartment!
You could feel a tang of jealousy deep in your core. You couldn’t deny, it did hurt, but it wasn’t as if you two were dating! You didn’t even know him very well so it didn’t even matter that much anyways. But you still had to take your feelings into acknowledgment and realize a wave of jealousy was slightly attacking you.
Your mind now absentmindedly tried to focus on the bright and warm bonfire in front of you. However It didn’t take long for your thoughts to drift away from the crackling noises and into a series of how Ali Mills always got what she wanted. It wasn’t like she did anything to you, but she had almost everything. She had a nice house, a pretty face, and the attention of male peers that probably expanded until the end of this beach.
To put it in other words, it wasn’t fair, life wasn’t fair.
You eyed Daniel like a hawk, hoping your gaze wouldn’t catch the attention of him and your other peers. “Luckily” for you, he kept goo goo eyeing Ali so he probably wouldn’t notice anyways.
You watched as Daniel continued to smile and interact with Freddy near the campfire. Freddy was going on about something you couldn’t quite hear but Daniel obviously was pleased with the conversation because he kept giving Freddy a small smirk while also keeping his gaze steady on Ali.
Suddenly, Freddy quickly kicked the checkered soccer ball that was laying near his feet across to the group of girls you were sitting by.
You were in such a trance from watching Daniel and Freddy interact that you didn’t even realize Ali almost got hit with a soccer ball. You only started to come to reality when you saw Ali get up, soccer ball in hand.
You could hear a few girls in the back squeal and squirm as they watched their friend slowly walk towards Daniel, and with your eyes steady on her, you nervously watched as Daniel went up to her in order to retrieve the ball Freddy so purposely kicked.
He gave her that same charming smile he gave you when he offered to give you a ride, and suddenly, his grin didn’t feel so special anymore.
You continued to watch as Daniel gave Ali a greeting and of course, they started to easily converse with one another. Your ears started to perk up when Ali shyly told Daniel something along the lines of how she was impressed by Daniel’s soccer skills. Daniel gave a flustered reply back, his face shyly turned towards the ground and if you really paid attention, you could see a slight pink blush coating his high cheekbones. He took the ball from her delicate hands and started bouncing it on his leg just like he was doing before. He’s showing off, you thought exasperatedly.
One of your friends lightly tapped you on the back. You curiously turned your head around and she gave you one of those grins where she was about to say something giddy.
“You know… that new kid and Ali look really cute together. You think he’s gonna be the next Johnny? I hope he is! He’s cute..!”
Her voice trailed slightly as if she was almost talking to herself a bit and you gave her one of your own personal fake excited smiles in order to match her mood. You tried to hide the bits of disappointment that were laced in your tone when you gave her your own reply of, “Yeah they do look pretty cute together. I don’t know if I would call him the new Johnny though…”
Of course Daniel and Ali looked cute together, everyone says that with the new boy she dates every year. And Daniel couldn’t be the new Johnny. Johnny was a privileged rich boy from the hills. Johnny couldn’t even compare to Daniel if you truly wanted to be honest with yourself that day.
She had her mouth slightly agape as if she was about to reply to your statement but her thoughts were interrupted when the loud noise of engines revving and motorcycles could be heard from the top of the beach hill. Everyone turned their heads towards the area of the cause of the interruption.
The boys driving the motorcycles were all young, steering red and gray noisy vehicles and wearing leather jackets with snakes imprinted all over. A sudden realization dawned over you when you started to add up all of the boys’ characteristics.
It was Cobra Kai…
They were notorious in Reseda for picking fights and winning by using their advanced karate skills. Even though most of the members were from The Hills and had money, they formed a small gang that was infamous around your town for holding no mercy for their victims. And ironically speaking of Ali’s boyfriends, Johnny, standing in the front of all of the other motorcyclists, was in the lead…
From your position on the beach, you peered over and saw that Johnny and his friends were shouting something non intelligible and waving their fists in the air on top of the hill as if they were colonists who just conquered some sort of great land.
You started to slightly grow annoyed at the ruckus they were making. What business did they have that they needed to interrupt the party and make a mess of everything?
Everyone’s eyes were on them as they noisily accelerated down the beache’s hill, dirt and mud flying past them, and a small feeling in your gut started to tell you something uneventful was going to happen. With Johnny Lawrence around, something uneventful always happens.
Johnny and his ruckus of a friend group abruptly parked their loud bikes near your area. More specifically, in front of Ali Mills. Everyone knew of their relationship and at their peak, everyone in the school halls would talk about how cute they looked together, how well they complimented each other. But then they suddenly broke up. No one truly knew the reason why. Some suspected Ali decided to break up with him because of Johnny Lawrence’s harsh behavior and dominating personality, but it was hard to see the border between school rumors and the truth.
However, everyone knew Johnny was still stuck on Ali Mills and her past love for him.
Your friend quickly turned her head and glanced in your direction, making a face of worry. She knew something was going to happen tonight too.
Johnny cockily stopped his bike near Ali’s beach towel. His face held a look of tension and if you dare say, a bit of nervousness? As you watched, you saw how he rapidly plopped himself down and folded his legs to sit beside Ali. You couldn’t quite tell what they were saying, something about needing to talk to each other? You couldn’t quite tell you and your friends were too far away to be able to listen.
Suddenly, Johnny harshly grabbed Ali’s radio and quickly stood up. Now with his face tough and shoulders high, he looked annoyed and angry, like a viscous dog festered with rabies ready to attack.
He turned the dial to zero and without the music, the only noise that could now be heard was the nervous murmur of the ongoing party goers and the shuffling of feet hitting the sand that was being caused by Ali and Johnny walking in circles. Without the music, the atmosphere started to grow heavy and tense, and if you may say, a bit awkward.
If Ali wasn’t annoyed now, she truly was this time. The look on her face matched Johnny’s, mean and annoyed.
Ali cried in an angry tone “Give me back my radio!”
Johnny huffed with an annoyed breath and the two started walking in circles again, this time, Ali actively kept trying to grab the radio from Johnny’s hands in which in return he would pull it behind his back.
Couldn’t Johnny see all the trouble he was causing? If he truly wanted to talk to Ali, why couldn’t he do it with her in private. Not doing it here and making a public scene.
Without any predictable notice, Johnny slammed Ali’s radio as hard as he could against the rough sand. You made a small gasp and winced to yourself as you watched, that radio was the latest technology and a bit pricey too if you may add.
By what you could tell, Ali was furiated. So much so that she pushed him real hard on the chest and if it wasn’t for one of Johnny’s friends standing behind him, he would’ve fallen.
You felt bad for Ali. She didn’t deserve this. It wasn’t right for Johnny to storm in here and ruin everyone’s evening. What gave him the right to just come here and ask Ali to talk, most likely about private matters, in front of all these people? What gave him the right to break an expensive radio he didn’t even pay for?
You got too coiled up in watching the fiasco of Johnny and Ali that you didn’t even notice Daniel slowly walking towards the two. In fact, you forgot he was even there at all!
You only started to remember his presence after he came into your peripheral vision and was now slowly bending down to pick up Ali’s now broken radio.
What was he doing? He’s going to get himself in actual trouble. And this time, there will be no mercy nor forgiveness.
A wave of nervousness and fear instantly shot through your chest as you heard Johnny shout some sort of command at Daniel. As if he was trying to pet a rabid dog, Daniel slowly inched the radio towards Ali and she, with the same sort of fear, tried to rapidly take it from him but instead was cut off by Johnny viscously snatching it from him.
You noticed the way Daniel still tried to keep calm and even nervously gave Johnny a friendly smile. You watched as Daniel backed up a few steps and then tried to give the radio back to Ali again.
Although this time, Johnny wasn’t playing anymore games.
Johnny brutally slammed Daniel to the ground and almost as if it were reflexives, you instantaneously shot up straight on your feet. You knew your friends were probably giving you scared and questioning looks right now. But you didn’t care, one of your own friends was in danger.
You saw how Daniel’s smile faded and his friendly and easy going personality was now over. His eyes were now filled with an unexpected rage and emotion you would have never thought he could have had. He quickly stood back on his feet and tried to lunge towards Johnny in an attempt to knock him over.
You wanted to scream and shout at Daniel that Johnny truly would kick him until he bled. You felt slightly guilty for not being able to tell Daniel that Johnny was a skilled fighter who took expensive fighting classes. But your hands were tied. If you rushed over there and told Daniel to quit it and go home then you too would be targeted. And if you stayed here you would have to watch your friend get embarrassed and beaten in front of all these people, making a fool out of himself in the end.
Johnny put his foot in front of Daniel, making him effectively trip over himself. Daniel awkwardly fell face flat onto the rough sand, you winced a bit as you noticed Daniel getting a handful of sand in his mouth and was now subtly spitting it out while still maintaing eye contact with now an even angrier look in his eyes than before.
Even after that quick embarrassing moment, Daniel shot straight back up onto his feet again and went into an almost awkward type of karate fighting stance.
Karate wasn’t weird or anything. But after seeing his horrible posture and slightly shaking arms that were balled into tight fists, you could positively say it was quite embarrassing and after seeing him try to take down Johnny using Karate, you knew you wouldn’t be able to watch anymore.
You started to quickly jog over to the area where Daniel’s bicycle was placed and you hid behind a tree. From this view, you watched as Johnny continued to beat the tar out of Daniel. Each time Daniel tried to fight back, he always ended up back on the ground again. You thought Freddy might’ve tried to end the fight or at least help Daniel, but all he was doing was standing there, giving Daniel pitiful looks while he was weak and vulnerable on the ground.
Thankfully, Johnny had enough of roughing up Daniel and ended the fight by giving Ali back her radio and giving Daniel one last harsh shove.
His group of Cobra Kais evilly chuckled and watched as Daniel stood lying there with a bag full of sand in his mouth and clothes. You felt terrible for having to leave Daniel there all alone, but for his and your safety, you had to hide out for a bit longer until everyone left.
You peered over and saw how the Cobra Kai’s quickly left, riding almost triumphantly on their red and black motorcycles and Cobra Kai jackets. Everyone, including your friend group, started to quickly pack up and leave after watching the foolish “fight” between Daniel, Johnny, and Ali.
You were tired and you too, wanted to leave yourself. But you knew you had to stay here and at least help Daniel get home safely.
You continued to closely watch as each and every one of your future classmates who attended the party leave in bundles; all leaving without never having something to say about what went on tonight.
Finally, the last person to leave was Ali Mills. She bent down and gave Daniel a comforting rub on his back. From your view, you had no idea what she was telling him but she must’ve been trying to comfort him or something along those lines.
You gave a guess that he must have dismissed her since she started to slowly walk back towards where her and her friend’s car were stationed.
Once everyone was finally gone, you gave a sigh of relief and quickly and silently as best as you could, making sure to hide in the shadows to avoid the stares of the possible night surfers that were still beside the beache’s waves, you jogged over to where Daniel was now sitting up beside the ongoing campfire that was now abandoned and left to burn.
He was sitting on a wooden bench that was beside the fire with his arms on top knees. His cheek was resting on his biceps and he looked deep in thought. The expression on his face was solemn and cheerless.
The slightly cold summer night breeze gave a small harsh blow, your hairs and goosebumps stood up and you started to realize how nervous you were about having to confront Daniel about this. You knew he was your friend, but what if he didn’t want anymore company after what happened today? What if he got mad upon seeing your presence and told you to scram, breaking your newly formed and possibly delicate bond?
As if you were approaching a ferocious tiger, you quietly and tensley walked behind Daniel’s broad shoulders.
Politely and not wanting to disturb his peace, you stiffly anchored your body to sit down beside him.
You curiously turned your head towards Daniel just enough to see his reaction. Even from just his side view, you could see that his soft lips turned upwards into a friendly smile, almost happy if you didn’t notice the ting of sadness that was evident in his eyes.
You gave a quiet sigh of relief to yourself and before you could even turn your head to fully face him, his lips quirked up into a small, friendly, tight lipped smile. “Hey y/n” his voice was soft and acknowledging, but also held a small trace of needing a large amount of good quality sleep.
“Hey Daniel, I just, um, I saw what happened-between you know, you and Johnny” Your nerves were all over the place again and all you wanted to do was just get Daniel and you back home so you could fall asleep in your soft, deliciously enticing bed. You didn’t want to touch on the subject anymore, but you knew that you had to confront Daniel about it in order to see if he was okay.
He let out a short and soft hushed laugh “Yeah I mean, it’s fine I guess. It was-it was stupid of me to stand up to him like that.”
Your eyebrows narrowed in frustration. “No, no, it’s not okay! He shouldn’t have pushed you down like that-he shouldn’t- he didn’t have the right to just disrespect you and treat you like that in front of everyone.” You were rambling, but you didn’t care, you wanted to shove it through Daniel’s thick skull that he wasn’t allowed to think it was alright to be treated like that, especially by Johnny.
You turned to look at Daniel and you were surprised that he was now shooting you a charming smile, very unlike the one he was displaying just minutes before. “Thanks y/n, I’m glad you stayed and waited for me.” His view turned to focus on the gentle beach waves in the distance that were reflecting a beautiful image of the silver moon.
You followed his gaze. “No problem-I mean, who else was gonna take me home on their Miyagii Turbo.”
He gave a soft but happy giggle at your words and you were just glad that he was starting to feel better. However, all of your problems weren’t solved yet. You were so focused on making Daniel feel better that when he turned to face you again, the left side of his face was now fully exposed; revealing his dark purple, bruised and swollen black eye.
The dark purple stain started from the top of his eyelid and traveled all the way to his cheekbone. The wounded bruise was almost laughable if you weren’t so worried about Daniel’s wellbeing right now. It was slightly funny due to him resembling those cute panda bears you see when going to the zoo.
Worriedly, you gasped upon seeing his eye. “Oh gosh Daniel, are you um, does your black eye hurt at all right now?”
His face quickly switched to an expression of confusion but mainly, shock. “Oh man I got a black eye? I knew my eye was hurting real bad for no reason. I thought I just bruised it a little bit nothin too serious…” His hand went to touch the bruised flesh on the left side of his skin, feeling around the center of his eye until he gave another worried expression. “Oh man… I don’t- I don’t know what I’m gonna tell my ma. She’s gonna be worried sick if she ever saw me wearing this panda eye around!
In an attempt to calm him down again, you suggested a solution that would hopefully, smooth his worries and definitely solve yours too. “Daniel, how about we go back home. It’s getting late and… I have some ointment at home that’ll help with that…” you pointed towards his bruised eye and watched as his anxious expression turned blank.
He blinked, looking almost stooped for a moment and then turned to face the sea again. “I mean… yeah it is getting pretty late and-everything that went on today is kinda starting to get to me.”
His hand reached up to rub his sleepy eyes, wincing after he accidentally rubbed his panda eye. You chuckled to yourself quietly after watching him make a silly mistake that he would probably only do.
You noticed that his hand was littered with small cuts and bruises, you’ll have to patch that up too when you both get home.
You silently got up and stretched you arms and legs, you peered down to watch Daniel and lightly tapped his shoulder to signal to him you were leaving.
As he turned his head to look at you, you began walking back to where his bicycle was, he gave you a smile with squinted eyes and dimples lightly fading into his skin.
He quickly started to get up and ran towards your direction, yelling a friendly command to wait up for him.
As you two walked back towards his bicycle, he laid his arm on top of your head and gave you a happy smile and then turned to look up towards the sky, watching the bright and beautiful full moon shine in the dark hours of the night.
You couldn’t help but smile as you watched his sultry eyes show a reflection of the moon he was so admiring right now.
You both were admiring the same moon, the same beauty and shine, just in different views and eyes.
He continued to walk with you, his arm still laying on top of your head. He lowered it and it was now lazily wrapped around your shoulders, his slender fingers now cupping the heel of your shoulder in his hand. You tried not too hard to focus on the way his warm skin was rubbing against the back of your neck. But it was almost impossible with the way his warmth was comforting you in the cold night.
He turned to look at you again, the bright moon still shining in his eyes. “You know y/n, you’re a real good friend. I’m not real sure what I would’ve done without you right now but… I’m glad you stayed for me. Even though we just met, I can tell we’ll be real good friends.”
You pushed the thought of Daniel only seeing you as a “good friend”. And for right now, you couldn’t ruin this moment with Daniel and you didn’t want to either. Instead, you just gave a small meek smile of your own and turned to meet his sleepy eyes again. “Yeah me too.. I um, I agree. I think we’ll be really good friends too.”
You both continued to walk up the hill, finding peace in each other's silence and instead focusing on the light whispers of the wind and the small swoosh noise the dark waves would make in the black ocean.
Daniel untied his bike from the large tree stem and grabbed the handle bars with his two hands, holding on to them so you could get on with stability.
Instead, you didn’t want to be the one to go on first, you knew that on the way back home, your body would betray you and you would probably end up hitting your head on the metal bicycle bar from immense exhaustion.
“Daniel, if you don’t mind…do you think that this time I can, I don’t know, maybe ride in the back instead of the front?”
His mouth fell slightly agape with a small emotion of suprise. He blinked. “Yeah of course, no problem. Hold on to my shoulders though so you don’t fall yeah?”
You gave him a friendly nod of agreement and as soon as he settled himself against his bike, you sluggishly sat on the remainder of the bicycle seat.
You were too tired to really think anymore, your body just did what it thought was best and you totally forgot about holding onto Daniel’s shoulders and instead, your arms instinctively went underneath Daniel’s armpits and wrapped around his muscular flesh.
After that, everything felt like a blur. The last thing you could remember was laying your cheek against the warmth of Daniel’s back and as your mind started to fade into the land of dreams, the last thing you could sense was the small rumble against your cheek and a low chuckle coming from the person you were wrapped around, succumbing to only being able to feel the comforting warmth that was radiating from the man in front of you.
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My Wattpad is sylvanian_cat
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moonrusso · 5 months
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salzaps · 4 months
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Hex codes in order! (I think)
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 9 months
The time is right, your perfume fills my head
All Johnny can make out is the scent of LaRusso by his side, the salt from the ocean sticking to his tanned skin and mixing well with the cheap body wash his mother had gotten this time around.
The stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue
The stars are shining but he doesn’t even see them. Too busy looking at Daniel who’s looking out at the sky, small smile quirking the corners of his mouth as his gaze flicks between one indistinguishable thing and the next.
And then I go and spoil it all
He doesn’t even realise he’s opening his mouth, brain putting no thought behind the words about to escape. Heart feeling too full for him to handle and body feeling as if he has to get rid of the feeling somehow, someway.
By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"
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sexybeee · 2 years
y'all, i just got the best idea for a cobra kai headcanon/imagine. so, the reader Anthony's twin, and basically Anthony sees Kenny looking at the reader with heart eyes <3333. and that's why anthony starts bullying kenny/starts bullying kenny even more, cuz he's an over protective brother.
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m1ke0whee1er · 1 year
Anthony Larusso!!!
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The Karate Kid Part II (1986) Whumplist
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Character: Daniel LaRusso (played by Ralph Macchio)
Age Rating: PG
Available to rent on Amazon
(The styling of this whumplist is inspired by @love-me-a-lotta-whump​ who has an amazing blog, go check them out!)
Genre: Action, High School, Romance, Drama, Found Family
Synopsis: Six months after the events of the first movie, Daniel travels to Okinawa with his beloved karate mentor. However, the trip quickly turns south as he finds himself embroiled in an old conflict between Mr. Miyagi and his former friend. 
Note: This is my favorite out of the trilogy, which I don’t think is an unpopular opinion. I’ve seen this movie the most (mainly because my family watched it so much when I was younger), and it still holds up. Great whump and storyline. 
TW’s: child abuse, bullying, violence, blood, death (minimal and non-violent), violence towards women, destructive/severe weather emergencies
List Key: 
bold = favorite whump scenes
46:20: talking about his dad’s death, sad 
50:30: falls into water (comedic)
51:25: almost hit by a falling fish hook, shocked
58:06: kicked in the ribs, groaning, half-collapsed, threatened, heavy breathing, holding his ribs, strained voice, helped to stand, helped to walk, in pain
1:15:44: grabbed by the shirt, slammed into a wall, kicked in the ribs, strained voice
1:18:06: manhandled, arms held behind his back, worried, struggling, upset, held at spear-point, scared, kicked, choked, struggling, gasping for air, in pain, shoved to the ground, clutching his throat, heavy breathing, strained voice, “he was really gonna kill me”, helped to stand, stumbling
1:27:23: worried, upset
1:37:08: scared, concern for him, fallen to the ground, helped to stand
1:46:03-1:52:00: very rough fight, kicked/hit repeatedly, bloody face, groaning in pain, heavy breathing, weak, sweaty 
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nymoshopper · 5 months
Bobby speaking to Daniel: "Johnny Lawrence is really a tough guy, spoiled, selfish, preppy, bossy and with a strong temper, but when he manages to trust you completely, you can be sure that he will be the first to show up to solve the problem, that is if he wasn't the one who started it, I know he's a pain in the ass, Daniel, trust me, I've had my share of experience, but he's definitely the person you trust the most. He's just very...Johnny, he needs a pat on the head to calm him down...or make him go down in his knees, whichever comes first works"
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sylvanian-cat · 5 months
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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏
PAIRING - Daniel Larusso x Reader
TAGS: Friend to lovers, kissing, violence but only hitting and punching, karate kid, angst, fluff, characters fall in love, heartbreak, characters break up, happy ending, slow burn
SUMMARY: When A frazzled, and quite handsome boy from New Jersey slams a door in your face on the last day of summer vacation, you quickly take in interest in him after his magnanimous apology.
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The hot and glorious sun shone upon your skin and the tall pine trees swayed, dancing in the light California breeze. You could feel the uncomfortable pile of sweat that hanged in the back of your shirt due to the simmering heat and you became aware of the strain the trash bag was starting to cause on your muscles.
The trash can wasn’t far, only right after the apartments’ wooden entrance then finally, after this tedious task was finally done, the rest of your evening could be spent doing whatever your teenaged heart pleased-
“HEEYAH-“ a loud and quick noise, so sudden, came from the front of the entrance and almost at the exact same time, your body slammed into the rough solid pavement.
Before you could even properly acknowledge your scratched up arms and the abandoned trash bag laying on the pavement you quickly sat up on your elbows ready to body slam whoever thought it was okay in their crazy mind to karate kick an apartment entrance as such.
You registered the feeling of a solid object hitting the ground, like a suitcase, and suddenly, a rushed and panicked but soft voice came before you could let out a whine of pain “Are you okay? Let me help you up yah!?”
Just from his voice alone, you could tell he was not from around here. His accent was unfamiliar, almost New-Jersey like, it was soft but gruff.
His voice wasn’t the only thing that was attractive too, his skin was tan and his jet black hair was fashionably parted; reminding you of those boys you and your friend would squeal and gush over when flipping through those 99¢ teen magazines .
The boy’s large brown eyes darted worriedly over your face, as if wanting to check for any sign of injury he might’ve caused.
“Oh god that was stupid, I shouldn’t have kicked the door like that. Are you alright miss….” His voice trailed off and his face was still covered with an expression of worryness.
His hands grabbed the ends of your elbows and your hands instinctively held onto his shoulders. Softly, as if he was handling glass, lifted you back onto your feet.
Stunned from the boldness of his actions, your voice came out quick and splurged replying with a nervous “Oh sorry! I’m Y/N, I live in apartment 15. You must be the new residents right?”
He flashed a nice smile with his bright teeth and replied with a friendly “Oh yeah! I just got here. I was just about to head up with my stuff but ya know…” he trailed off again and this time, glanced at the ground nervously and almost so quickly it could be easily missed.
Suddenly, the pounding of feet came from behind you and the handsome boy turned his gaze to behind your shoulder. You turned your head around and saw that it was the neighborhood boy, Freddy, who was your age and went to the same school as you.
“Hey Y/N, you alright down here? I heard the commotion and wanted to check what was up”
The new boy quickly, so quickly it could almost be missed if you weren’t focusing so hard on his handsome face, glanced worriedly in your direction and you realized he must have thought that Freddy was probably more than just a neighbor who lived in the same apartment complex as you and probably was coming down in order to defend your honor. Once Freddy descended down the stairs, he greeted the handsome boy with a friendly handshake and contently said
“Hey, you must be the new people in apartment 20 right? Freddy Fernandez apartment 17.”
The tan boy in return, did a small nod to show respect and replied back contently, “Daniel Larusso”
Freddy offered to take his bike upstairs, however, Daniel seemed hostile and instead you offered to take his suitcase in which he agreed with a small, satisfactory smile.
The two boys continued conversing on random topics most boys their age would do. However, you noticed Daniel seemed more stiff with his shoulders tense and his eyebrows pulled into a small wrinkle that could be unnoticed by the normal eye.
As you reached the last staircase, the neighboring hostile old woman was sitting in her chair with her pup, as usual. It was quite sweet seeing the way Daniel shoulders pulled back into a relaxed position and how his lips pulled into a small smile when interacting with the usually grumpy old woman. As you three continued up the stairs, you noticed his apartment was coming near and the number 20 on the front blue door was coming into view. You felt a small pang of sadness but quickly washed it over and instead, handed Daniel his suitcase back in which he quietly thanked you for.
Freddy interrupted your thoughts of Daniel with an outgoing invite of, “Hey you know Daniel, we’re gonna be throwing a party at the beach later tonight if you wanna come? It’ll be a way to put yourself out there and see what Reseda is like.”
As if he was thinking, Daniel’s eye darted to the corner and his face went blank; his polished brows slightly deepened. His gaze flickered back to Freddy and he replied quite calmly “Yeah, sure why not?”
His eyes side eyed you for a brief second until he twisted his whole body to face you
“Hey Y/N, you going too? I’m not really sure I wanna go if you ain’t there with me.
Again, his bold actions towards you were definitely shocking. No boy in this California town treated you like this random new kid from New Jersey did. You felt a bit ashamed by the delusions you were feeding yourself. He’s only being friendly because he doesn’t want you to be mad about the whole karate kick thing. Or maybe, that’s how boys from Jersey were, cute and bold.
“Oh yeah, umm definitely I’ll be there” you gave him a small smile in return so he could be shyed away from the overthinking thought of you not showing up.
Daniel softly took the suitcase from your hands and began rolling his bike towards the entrance of the building 20 and as he stood beside the door, he looked behind his shoulder facing you two as he talked, “Okay cool, I’ll meet you both there then yeah?”
Freddy replied back nonchalantly“Yeah definitely man, see ya there” and as Freddy continued towards his doorway, you decided it was best to continue back to your apartment and forget the delusional thoughts of the cute New Jersey kid who was just a hallway down from you. Maybe these beach hangouts won’t be as boring as they usually are now that there is somewhere more interesting, and definitely much more cuter in town…
Next Chapter (2)
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familyjoule · 2 years
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moonrusso · 6 months
I Wanna Feel You BaBy
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lucidknight-blog · 17 hours
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moonxnite · 30 days
I smile like an idiot when I see my man, who’s not my man, on my television screen.
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sentimentoz · 9 months
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 9 months
Something in your eyes was so inviting
There’s a defiance he’s never seen before in those eyes. A bravery that nobody around him has had in a long time because of what he does.
Something in your smile was so exciting
The little shit looks too cocky for his scrawny frame. Too full of himself in the way he smirks at Johnny. Too challenging for Johnny to just ignore and let go.
Something in my heart
His entire being thrums with a want to see more of it. See more from this Jersey twerp and find out exactly what he could possibly do for Johnny. See exactly how he’d challenge him and make his boring life more exciting.
Told me I must have you
Something about LaRusso makes him want him more than anything.
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