141wh0re · 4 months
Mirage Masterlist- (Prince!Gaz AU)
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Warnings: This story will contain graphic violence, graphic sexual content, swearing, as well as historical inaccuracies.
AN: This story is heavily inspired by the live action remake of Aladdin. Though, my characters have more Egyptian roots (it's what works for the sake of the plot.), even though Canonically, Gaz is said to have Ghanaian descent. This fic is purely self-indulgent, but I hope you all enjoy it. - Skelly <3
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Summary: After King Garrick's mysterious murder, Kyle is given no choice but to leave behind his life of war and bloodshed to take on his responsibilities as the king's successor.
With the guidance of his mother and their family's trusted advisor, Kyle might just make a great king yet. Though, he must wed in order to take the throne. And if he must be wed, he wants to be wedded for love, just as his father and mother were.
But after traveling to countless palaces, searching for a noble princess to form a military alliance with through their marriage, Kyle has grown exhausted with his efforts.
Yet a certain street rat manages to dance her way into his heart and his mind. He can see things clearly when she's around, yet she's not a noble. He could never marry her.
Kyle will be forced to make a decision between marrying a noble, having a strong military, and a loveless marriage, only living his life filled with deception. Or he'll lose his status, marry for love, and see all truths that dare to be hidden from him.
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Part I: The Prince, The Street Rat, And The Worm
I. The Prince II.The Street Rat III. And The Worm
Part II:
Part III:
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Tag List (Open):
@v1naco /@pale-ghost-girl
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anexperimentallife · 10 months
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"Daddy, I wanna be in your jacket! I wanna take a picture with you!" Yeah, I'm still very sick, but she can always make me smile. And man, if you miss these moments, you don't get them back.
A few more words here: Most of my mutuals know I lost my two adult sons--one to sudden respiratory illness, and exactly one year and two months later, lost the other one to suicide. I was not on good terms with either of them at the time, because I made a lot of mistakes with them, and all three of us were too stubborn and demanding to reach out after arguments. To be clear, it was MY job to reach out. And I didn't.
Based on that situation, I have some unsolicited advice for you.
If you have a kid, and that kid wants your attention, then if at all possible (I know sometimes it's not), and no matter how tired or shitty you're feeling, you drop whatever you're doing, and you give them the attention they want. You're not "spoiling" them; you're teaching them that they're important to you. If you're doing something you CAN'T drop, tell them when they can have your attention, and follow through on it.
And if you have older kids who have maybe lost their temper and said things they shouldn't have (and/or vice versa), dont wait for an apology. Reach out to them and let them know you love them. I will go to my grave wishing I had done so, and I would give my right arm for one more day with either or both of my sons.
Since those terrible days, I have on several occasions come so close to death that I can tell you what detergent she uses to wash her robes (it's Tide Free, by the way), and I can promise you that when you're dying, no matter how much time you've spent with your kids, you will wish it had been more.
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poisoned-pearls · 11 days
Should I draw rsa Jamiazu today for day 4
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neoninky · 2 months
Writer Thoughts (I used to keep count but who knows anymore)
Hey y'all~ how is everyone?? Normally I'd be working on the next chapter of 'Her Devoted Shield' today BUT....I'm doing something a lil different than my norm. First, the flagship fic of my Sacred Crown TWST Canon x OC series, 'Her Ivory Crown', was started and finished in 2021. On paper, not that long ago, but it feels like a lifetime ago. Plus three years in internet time is basically a hundred years lol. Why do I bring that up, you, (your name here), may be wondering? Welp I woke up today with the best AO3 notifications waiting for me in the email: the 'someone commented on yo fic, babyyy!' notifications. Ah, chef kiss. To my surprise - it was on Her Ivory Crown. So my first thought was "damn people still read this??" Surprise part 2: I checked the stats and Her Ivory Crown has 7100 hits???! DAYUM, people still read this!
So before I say anything else - to everyone who has read and still reads Her Ivory Crown (or any of my fics frankly), y'all are the REALEST thank you thank you thank you! ;u;
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I have no idea what anime that gif is from if anyone knows tell me cuz it looks SO CUTE
SO with that said-*rewinds back to the part about doing something different*- I've been thinking of my other girls who were introduced in Her Ivory Crown but haven't been in the spotlight as much yet. My readers know Reine, Elise, the Cerith Sisters, and their whole crew. Reine keeps making cameos cuz she's the OG waifu who is a literal queen, but her story is pretty much complete as is the Mercrew's. So while I'm also working out details for Petra's far more complicated story, I think my other girls should have their turn(s).
Initially, I had planned for each girl to get their own full-blown stories like Reine, Elise, and now Petra. However, with that said, while the Princess Trio's stories are more grand in scale, and sometimes way darker and adventurous, my other girls' stories would be more slice of life, down to earth. Which may not call for a 16+ chapter story like the others. Granted I could prove myself wrong on that but even so, they would still have their own short(er) stories about how they and their canon bois got together. I have ideas in mind, some that are very K-Dramaesqe and I do love me a good K-Drama lol. Which honestly, I've been craving the latter lately. I'm still gonna work on Petra's story cuz I like finishing what I start. But today, I'm changing gears and writing for one of my other girls. Who up first? ..... ...........
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Scarabia fans rejoice - your time is now. We goin to the country of Scalding Sands and Hot Bois, babyyyy lol
Normally I put shorter stories in my Sacred Crown Shorts entry on my AO3 page since it's supposed to be more like an anthology. But not this time, oh no, the Almascaber/Scarabia adjacent girls are getting their own posted story: 'Her Third Wish'
So be on the lookout for that and thank you again so much for your likes/kudos, comments, and general enjoyment of my fics. Hope y'all have a good day!
*jumps down the writing rabbit hole*
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tagging peeps activated: @nuitthegoddess @wysteriadelights @thosebrookfieldgirls @iscarlettappel @foxwitchaine @victoria1676 @yunaemiya @feldya @ladyrosemoon @1ndigowitch @shironakuronatasa @sapphireblaster3000 @valy-gc
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andyridgeley · 5 months
that's it i can't trust myself drinking anything while reading andy's book cause he'll throw out a descriptor like "occasionally laddish manner" out of nowhere and i
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hedghost · 11 months
no but genuinely what do i have to do to keep gemma evans far far away from that pitch, like dear god - play a back three, give us an angel city-esque back two, give ar kid rabjohn a uwcl debut, chuck the laddinator in defence, play geyse at right back i don’t care, just please please no gemma evans i’m so serious 😭
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flowergirlmiwa · 1 year
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releaseholiday · 2 years
I sent you a previous ask not too long ago. I know you mentioned him saying he’s a trash man because he doesn’t like wine, etc. but that still isn’t toxic masculinity. That phrase is stigmatizing and misleading. I do agree with everything else you’re saying tho. He’s a better person than what he’s showing to the public and again I hope he figures that out soon so he can fix what image he’s trying to portray but what he’s been saying in these interviews is not to the extent of toxic masculinity. It demeans true examples of that phrase and labels him incorrectly. That also opens the door for cancel culture. I agree criticism of a fave is not harmful and isn’t a bad thing at all. But something like this can unintentionally go past the line of criticism.
I agree that calling it toxic masculinity is too far which is why I said “toxic masculinity-y” aldksjs idk how to articulate what I mean properly but remember when he said one time in an interview during walls era that he doesn’t have a face care routine bc his mates would’ve made fun of him for it? This is what I mean. His image is all about laddy laddines. A man who likes his beer and football and doesn’t put too much thought into anything and judges everyone for having fun. Idk how to call it but it’s off putting and I do hope, like you, that he fixes it soon before people can come at him for this.
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kiermasz · 3 days
was asked yesterday by a Girlie at the pub if my hair had been laminated. lads and laddines alike we still got it if necessary..
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141wh0re · 4 months
The Prince
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Tw: 18+ MDNI | un-aliving | weapons| violence| blood| angst if you squint.
Word Count: 2059
A/N: After weeks of trying not to think about this and get through my last semester, we are finally here! I can't wait to rot your brains with this AU. I can't wait to see what you all think of this - Skelly xx
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12th Century A.D. - in the desert of Al Mazafin, along the Red Sea.
Prince Kyle Garrick kneels before the sacred fountain, performing his mid-day prayer.
A singular speck of dried blood stains the low ledge of the fountain's pool, taunting the prince for his loss. The same fountain his father - King Jeremiah Garrick- was murdered near. He was found lying face-down in the small pool of the sacred waters, his own blood tainting it. Murdered when he least expected it; praying for his family and the safety of their kingdom's people. Wishing them to be blessed and protected.
The inky, black and red, aged speck stares back at him as he glares at it, allowing it to invade his thoughts, tainting his own mind with the darker thoughts. Wanting revenge for his beloved father. To damn the person who bestowed such responsibility upon him so soon, by taking his father's life.
Kyle wasn't ready to be king. All he knew was war. As his father's second right hand, it was Kyle's duty to bring honor to their family name, fighting in his father's army, invading kingdoms who threaten to bring harm to their beloved city of Al-Mazafin. He was curated into a man used to bloodshed and battle.
He'd learned much of what his father had passed onto him, yet he felt as if he wasn't prepared enough. He knew the day would come. He knew he'd be crowned the successor of his father's throne. But it wasn't supposed to be this soon.
He glared at the fountain, losing focus on his mid-day prayer, due to the incessant pestering from that singular speck of his father's blood. A single drop of blood that caused such a ripple within his mind, disturbing the calmness of his thoughts. It opened him up to the grief and anger that took residence in his heart and in his bones, taunting his darker parts, begging for them to be unleashed. To feel the weight of a dagger sliding into another man's chest, or the sharp pinch of the bow string snapping between his fingertips as he propels an arrow into his enemy, atop the back of his horse.
But what he couldn't fathom was the silken dagger pouch that seemed to hum and buzz with endless energy. Or the faint glow of purple it emitted when sand entered the pouch. And the strange haze it seemed to pull his enemies into when he threw the sand in their eyes, blinding them momentarily in a fit of desperation, to bid him time to maneuver a counter-attack.
It was left for him, by his father, attached with a singular note scrawled in his father's writing. One sentence. "Use it well, and you shall always know the truth."
His mother's voice sounds from behind him, disrupting the chaos of his mind.
"Kyle? Alright, love?" she asked tenderly, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
He rises from his position of kneeling, his warm, chocolate eyes flickering towards her warm gaze.
"Fine, mother." he replied in a strained voice, fighting the guilt threatening to consume him for lying to his mother.
It wouldn't be the first time.
"He would be proud of you... of how you're handling everything since his passing." Queen Cyra offered in a gentle tone.
Her kinky, black curls rested along her back, stopping just below her slender shoulder blades. The same curls her son inherited - though Kyle never allowed his to grow out. White Persian silk flowed from her slender frame, delicate patterns with purple and gold embroidery adorned the capped sleeves of her gown, and a large, golden sun pendant lay flush to her smooth, brown skin.
Queen Cyra was the epitome of elegance and poised sophistication, ever the diplomatic woman, she commanded respect in the same manner, her late husband, King Jeremiah did.
"Yeah.. I'm sure." Kyle replied, not entirely believing his mother's words.
Cyra's eyes softened on her son, giving him a sympathetic look.
"Why don't you get out of the palace for a bit? Wander the streets of the city and enjoy some fresh air," his mother suggested, sensing the weariness of her son's mind.
"It'll do you some good to wander a bit. Ease your mind." she added in her caring tone.
Kyle pondered her idea thoughtfully. It wasn't a bad idea at all. He'd been cooped up within the palace for the last few days, ever since returning from a particularly horrendous journey to another kingdom, in search of a another noble to wed.
"Yeah. I think I will." Kyle finally agreed, flashing his mother a quick smile that hadn't quite reached his eyes.
She smiled in return before pressing a warm kiss on his smooth brown cheek.
"Take Gaz with you." his mother advised, referring to his 2 year old guard dog, a South African Boerboel - a gift from an ally in the southern region of the continent.
He whistled at the large, sandy, short-haired mastiff who was standing dutifully at the pointed cinquefoil archway, keeping watch. Gaz snapped his attention from the archway and padded towards Kyle. "You heard the queen." Kyle spoke to the dog with a humorous lilt in his tone and a sly smirk adorning his full lips.
"I'll see you at dinner, mother." Kyle said as he pecked his mother's soft cheek, earning a warm smile.
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Live music floated about the town square where the townspeople hustled and bustled around the streets and the bazaar, in a dance of selling and buying goods.
The delicious smells of freshly made foods wafted throughout the marketplace: Malfuf Mahshi, rice and noodles, Bamia, Koshari, and Molokhia.
Kyle adjusted his white keffiyeh, ensuring his face was protected from the sun, sand, and the townspeople, simply so he could observe and blend in as a commoner to avoid being disrupted. Including ditching his palace robes for a lightweight, beige tunic and salwar pants to combat the dry, desert heat.
Gaz strolled beside Kyle, keeping on high alert while protecting his human. Though his nose would briefly drift when passing carts of various cuts of meat, yet he followed the prince with unwavering focus.
Kyle leaned against the corner of a clay-plastered wall of an alleyway, studying his city's people, and watched as they milled about. Children of all ages darted throughout the bazaar, gawking over jewels, silks, and weaponry. The prince's heart swelled with pride upon seeing the people happy and healthy. Trade was booming, and there were very few people that seemed to be struggling to make a day's wage.
He lowered his keffiyeh from his jaw to allow himself the pleasure of divulging in freshly baked, Egyptian flat-bread - aish baladi. Gaz sat at the prince's feet, in the shade, keeping a keen eye on the various people passing by.
Kyle cast a glance at his loyal companion, a gentle smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He broke apart a piece of bread and held it discreetly in front of Gaz's snout, to which the pup happily accepted the offering.
A commotion broke out in the distance, pulling both Kyle and Gaz's attention away from the market, redirecting their attention on a quaint building where thin tendrils of white smoke curled out of the geometric lattice - a shisha cafe.
Kyle adjusted his keffiyeh once more, shielding his face, before casually strolling towards the commotion.
As he approached the red-clay, colored building, he was met with the sight of the cafe owner -an older, pudgy man with tanned skin and white, balding hair- forcibly removing a woman from his place of business.
The owner's large palm wrapped firmly around the woman's bicep before harshly shoving her into the dirt of the street where she landed with a thud on her side.
"Your kind isn't welcome here! And if I catch you in here thieving from my clients again, it's to the palace where you'll have your hand removed!" the owner shouted angrily as he chucked her bag at her feet.
A woman thieving in the city? Curious.
Kyle waited until the owner ducked back inside his cafe before nearing the scorned young woman.
She begrudgingly pushed herself up to rest on her hip as she snagged her bag from the dirt and dusted it off.
Kyle extended his hand towards the supposed thief, wanting to help her to her feet.
From behind her jeweled veil, the woman glared up at him with fierce, green eyes, reluctantly taking Kyle's hand.
"Thanks," she grumbled in a hint of annoyance, though he could feel it wasn't directed at him.
"A thief, huh?" Kyle inquired with a cocked brow. He watched as she dusted her salwars, trying to rid them of the sand from the street.
"No. Not entirely." the woman replied in a melodic voice.
Kyle took a moment to take in her appearance. Black, thick and wavy tendrils cascaded down her back, stopping at the middle of her back. An hour glass figure with a soft tummy on display in her off-the-shoulder bandeau, and ample hips adorned her frame, standing a head shorter than the prince.
He tried to get a better glimpse of her features under the red, organza material of her veil, supple lips, and a slender nose are all he could make out. But he had to admit he was enthralled by her appearance.
What was a beauty like her doing thieving? Don't you know how dangerous that is, dove?
"So what was that all about then?" Kyle asked with piqued interest, observing the attractive woman before him.
"Nothing to concern yourself with." she quipped with a sharp finality in her tone. "I must be off to work, seeing as my other plan didn't work." she muttered lowly, letting out an exasperated sigh as she turned on the heel of her worn moccasins.
Kyle couldn't help but admire her no-bullshit personality. This was one of the thrills he received when roaming the town in disguise. He was treated as another dweller, and not some righteous soon-to-be king.
"Ah, so getting kicked out of the cafe wasn't the intended plan?" Kyle remarked with a humorous lilt in his deep, velvety timbre.
The woman stopped in her tracks with tensed shoulders, her fists clenched at her sides in irritation.
Ohh. We're a bit spirited, aren't we, dove?
She whipped her head around to face the disguised prince, "Why're you so nosy? What do you want, anyway?" Her eyes drifted away from him when she caught sight of a well-dressed, middle-aged-man passing them by on the street, three gold bracelets donning each wrist.
"If you'll excuse me." She dismissed herself before gracefully weaving through the crowd, like a black widow about to trap a fly in her webs.
Kyle was left reeling from the interaction. The mistress had already left such an impression on him from such a quick interaction. But his curiosity didn't stop him from trailing her.
He set off after her, bobbing and weaving through the crowded marketplace until he caught sight of her red veil once more, disappearing down a lesser-crowded alleyway.
Kyle hid behind a crate at the end of the alleyway, peering around it to watch as the woman leaned herself against the wall and ran her hand over the man's chest in a seductive lure. The man is so focused on her eyes and her words, he doesn't even notice her collecting the expensive-looking gold bracelets from his wrists. As if in a trance, the man careens his head towards her neck, speaking in a hushed voice as she nabs his bracelets, one by one. She keeps up her allure by running her freehand in his hair, pressing her supple body closer to him.
"What on earth are you doing, dove?" Kyle mumbled to himself. He kept his eyes trained on the young woman, unable to tear his gaze away.
His eyes darted towards the purple glint of the jewels on her veil, nearly the same purple the dagger pouch made when in contact with sand.
But weren't they red before?
"Seems you have many secrets, little dove." Kyle quietly mused with a smug smirk tugging at the corner of his lip under the lightweight material of his keffiyeh. "Who are you?" he wondered quietly to himself.
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Taglist: @pale-ghost-girl /@v1naco/ @starsofang
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sprocketsciencer · 1 month
Think whoever organised that bbq is the captain. Looks like Maya’s place but feels like she’s too young to become the captain. I think it might be Laddinator or Millie as the captain and Maya as the vice. Or maybe they’ll try out different skipper for each pre-season game and decide later.
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ineedasoldier · 5 months
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babypalms · 8 months
Marty's Groups and Single Artists - "L" Collection - January 24, 2024
This is the next collection of Groups and Single Artists for the letter “L”. There are about twenty-eight groups and single artists in this listing. Most of the listings have linked tunes and a few do not. Individual links for each artist will be updated for each tune over time. New tunes will be added over time. “L” Collection L’Captans La Rells Ladders Laddins Lamplighters Lar…
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mearpsdyke · 1 year
laddinator has never done anything wrong in her life wtf do you mean
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Hey, Have you entered this competition to win Kathy Lyons' Love and Explosions Giveaway yet? If you refer friends you get more chances to win :) https://wn.nr/nUJfG4H
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hedghost · 9 months
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maya getting a REST?! sorry am i SEEING THINGS?! am i DREAMING?!
other thoughts:
why the fuck is earps playing this is a perfect phallon opportunity ? this is even a perfect SAF opportunity ?
IRENE BACK my prayers have been answered can’t wait to watch her ball
zelem not playing - thank fucking christ we’re free for one friendly
big will start lfg
holly deering and mayzee davies let me see what you can do
irene g and laddinator midfield - i’m sat
anyway the girls are back thank fuck i’ve missed them
also skinner saying we’ll see ‘everybody tonight’ give me phallon NOW
note: we’re apparently playing two teams so we’re not zelem free for one friendly - i’m expecting magic in the first half prove us right irene
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