#Lady Flava News
ladyflavanews · 10 months
A&E | Holiday Promotions
Do you Purchase merchandise, handmade made treasures, event tickets, services or yummies from Independent Creators? There is something special about experiencing a gift created by an amazing creative person…it creates memories that can last forever and support a small business person succeed. I wholeheartedly support Independent Business People during the Holidays and beyond. THIS IS THE TIME…
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paisholotus · 1 year
Judging by the cover/A friend is Coming
Season one
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khadijah walks into her office towards her desk, turns to check on Synclaire, but stops when the phone rings. Synclaire answers the phone with the most horrible British accent, "Hello, this is Flava Magazine. How can I help you, Love?" Synclaire asks cheerfully.
Khadijah scrunches up her face, "Synclaire, what are you doing?" Synclaire covers the end of the phone and whispers, "I'm making them think we're international." Khadijah bended down and said, "make them think we need some money." Bending back up, taking papers from off the desk. "And keep in mind, this is a grassroots publication." She said sternly. Synclaire nodded, returning back to the phone. "Got it. Yo, yo, yo! How could I hook you up, G?" Synclaire yelled through the phone.
Khadijah shakes her and looks to the elevator when no other than Regine, walking out. "Hello, ladies. I've got good news, and I couldn't wait till you got home to rub your noses in it." She said, smiling at Khadijah.
Khadijah rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "Well, if it isn't her royal heinie." Regine at the window turns around and smirks, "Look outside. What is Long, Black, and at the curb?" She said, pointing at the window. "I ain't touching." Khadijah said, walking back to her desk. Regine walks over as Synclaire runs to the window to be nosey. "Honey, it's a stretch limo." Regine said. "Well, good, it'll go with your stretchmarks." Khadijah said teasingly.
Regine scoffs, taking a deep breath side, eyeing khadijah. Synclaire walks up to the two, putting both arms on their shoulders. "Is it me, or do I sense a little tension here?" She asks. Regine and Khadijah look at Synclaire and roll their eyes. "Now, I know your Aries rising is constantly conflicting with her Taurus Moon, but can't we all get along?" She asked them nicely. Regine rolled her eyes again and huffed. "Well, look, you all can do whatever you like. I just came by to tell you that the limo outside happens to belong to my new boyfriend, Brad." She said, smiling dreamily.
Khadijah stood up, pushing Regine to the elevator, "If we didn't have so much work to do here, we'd love to hear more about your latest Canine Catch." She said, with a snide attitude.
Regine sits on Synclaire's desk, "Oh, would you?" She said. Patting khadijah on the arm. "Well, Brad and I were on our way to lunch, but we never made it out of the limo." She said, smirking. Synclaire gave her a dopey smile, while khadijah put her hand on her hip, not looking surprised. "He ate caviar from my cleavage, and we drank champagne from my shoe--ah!" Throwing her head back, laughing. "With them big old feet of yours, y'all must have been crazy drunk." Khadijah remarked, looking down at Regine's feet.
Regine waved her off and continued with her story. "I'm telling you, Brad, now, he could be the one. He is fine, educated, and wealthy. And has a butt that's dented on the sides, with the promise of power." Regine said. Fanning herself, giving the two women full imagery.
"We'll see how long this lasts." Khadijah said, shaking her head. Walking again to her desk. Regine frowned and got off the desk, walking to khadijah. "Wait a minute. What is that supposed to mean?" She asked, crossing her arms. Khadijah swung around, giving Regine a pointed look. "Men dump you like Eddie Murphy albums." Offended Regine looks away from Khadijah. "Look, Regine, if you want to have a lasting relationship, you need to start looking beyond man's wallet." She said, seriously.
"Eddie Murphy makes albums?" Synclaire asked, confused. Khadijah and Regine looked Synclaire with 'really' faces. "Synclaire, do your job, please." Khadijah told her. Synclaire nodded, going back to putting people on hold and reading her magazine. Khadijah snatched the magazine and threw it on her desk, causing Synclaire to pout.
Returning back to their conversation, Regine again gives khadijah an offended look. "Wait, are you saying I'm shallow?" Khadijah pretends to think for a second and eagerly nods. "As a kiddy pool." Regine makes an exaggerated gasp. "Mmct." She said, walking towards the elevator.
"I will see you at home, Synclaire. And by to you long neck Dinosaur." She said. Letting out her loud signature laughs, that could be heard from down the street.
Khadijah rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Going back to her papers, when the phone rings. "FlavaMagazine. Oh, hi, mommy." Khadijah said, smiling. Khadijah scrunches up her face in confusion, "who?" She asked. Khadijah smiled and signed, "You know ion like surprises." Khadijah told her. "Alright, I'll talk to you later, Ma, love you." She hung up the phone looking towards Synclaire.
"My mom said there was someone coming to visit. She said it was one of my best friends. But I wouldn't tell you because it's a surprise." Synclaire frowned in confusion, playing with a hair pink haired troll.
"Who do you think it is?" Synclaire asked. Khadijah shrugged, grabbing her bag and coat, "I don't know. But I know I'm hungry. Let's go." Synclaire rushed out the chair, grabbing her things, "don't have to tell me twice."
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ladyflava · 2 years
God’s Hand in The Arts & Entertainment Industry
This weekend I’ve been putting more thoughts into the direction I want to go with Lady Flava News. Years ago my Daddy told me that my ministry is with artists, creative soulz…he said it was not going to be easy but it’s the calling God has put on you. I have taken this very seriously over my 20 years of being Lady Flava. Through the Ups and downs…great memories and experience I wish I never had.…
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sharpen-jadescythe · 2 months
Sharpen's Warband, 3
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In the packed Dalaran portal room...
"This is impossible." Hotchkiss glowered, and it was especially dark for a demon hunter. "There are too many idiots in here. We should just save the world some trouble and CUT THEM DOWN."
It was so loud in the Dalaran portal room, nobody really heard Hotch's threat. Sharpen had, though. He shouldered his new crossbow, but kept getting squeezed as people pushed to get through. There were only three glowing silver portals, and worse, it wasn't clear whether this one was the one to enter, or if that one was where people were returning from. Or if that one over there led to a displacement site that was currently active or what.
"I... don't know--"
"Idiots!!" Hotch snarled again. He didn't like getting shoved, he decided to be the one shoving people back.
"Goddess only knows what's keeping that shifty Al. But where is Hainko?" Sharpen hoped that would be enough of a subject change for the irate demon hunter.
"She used her magic to avoid all this, obviously! A shaman can just go to wherever the elements need them, can't they?"
"Well, I doubt Thrall was standing on the other side, arms wide open to catch her like some giggling tauren-sized, woman-child. It's got to be hectic on her end, too. Maybe if we can communicate with her somehow, she could tell us which portal to enter?"
"She abandoned us!!" Hotch near-roared with his frustration.
"Hokaaay. This was a bad plan." Sharpen began to look around for any help at all. No one official seemed to be about. Unless they were already flattened beneath the throng.
A woman's familiar voice pealed nearby, "The Kirin Tor doesn't need help from adventurers, they need travel agents!"
"Oh gods, it's him! Why are you so obsessed with me, Sharpen? Stop following me!"
Trixany was joking of course. Well, he hoped. He was never sure, with that one.
Sharpen attempted to introduce the two Blood Elves, though there was a crowd pressing in on all sides.
"Trixany, this is my new demon hunter buddy, Hotchkiss. He's incubus-infused. Hotch, this is my friend Trixany. As in Horde B-celebrity Trixany Cuomo, rival to Haris Pilton? She's goblin-infused--"
"Don't tell him that! Hey, isn't that traitor tauren Hainko supposed to be with you? I've got the rest of the Kaja-Cola Flava Girls in my warband. This is Mojo Jojo, Black Cherry Dhalia, and Shuga Slam."
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A Troll, a Forsaken woman, and an Orc, all of them in slightly flashy armor and makeup, tried to make a greeting in the press of other armored, agitated, heroes' bodies. Sharpen had met these ladies before. "Aren't there like twelve of y'all?"
"Girls, he thinks he's teasing us, but he's not being very funny, is he?"
Hotch grunted, "Somebody didn't make the cut."
Sharpen noticed the edge of Hotch's grin returning, despite hectic circumstances. Trixany's mood started to lighten, too. She playfully stuck out her tongue.
"Alright, I call a timeout. Let's pretend this is a game of carpball and we need a break after a rough play. Let's go find someplace to sit down, away from this crowd, huh? We can't get anything done for Khadgar while trapped in here anyway."
The Legerdermain Lounge was an old, reliable comfort by now. All the upstairs rooms were booked up, as expected on such a day. But there was patio seating beyond the carved marble screen along the wall. A nice result of the coffee shop expecting so many people.
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They had tea. Sharpen felt anxious, knowing so much was wrong with the world and they couldn't get out there to address the problem. However, the Alliance, nor the Horde, had conscripted any soldiers yet. Things weren't exactly dire. Just... disorganized.
Shuga Slam, the orc lady, was always pretending to be from a different clan. Whatever seemed to be trending. She had finally done the unthinkable and claimed to be a Mag'har Orc from alternate Draenor. Trixany hated it.
"You don't even look like a Mag'har! You still have that fel-green skin."
"...Only on my father's side. Like Garrosh."
Several of them hissed in breath, decided not to touch that topic.
"Your dear leader." Hotch waggled his glass of tea. Iced tea. Everyone else had ordered a steaming cup of brewed tea from the pot. Again, he wasn't the edgiest demon hunter around, was he? By comparison to the Illidans of the world, he was sort of a... B-demon hunter.
They tried to speak about pleasantries again, or keep predictions about the portal situation light. However, Hotch in his blindfold was getting hotter glares from Shuga each time the conversation went around the table.
Finally, the worst thing happened.
"... I know you," Shuga bared a fang. "I used to know you well."
Trixany snorted laughter, "Not if you were a Mag'har on alternate Draenor! Uh-ooooh!!" And she high-fived her friends.
Sharpen remained concerned, though. He had to live with this guy. All their supplies and weapons, their maps and other documents, their lives, everything was mingled together back at their base camp in Thalzdraszus. They shouldn't fall out.
"Well, isn't that, whatever it is, in the past?" Sharpen shrugged, tried to be helpful.
Shuga nudged Trixany, hard. She had to do it twice. "Trixany, are you really going to tell me you don't recognize this guy?"
Trixany blinked, "Well. I admit that he does resemble my long-lost little brother some. Except that this guy's a platinum blonde. By the way? Go off, king!" She snapped her fingers with attitude, "You demon hunters have been through enough. Yes, you dye that hair! Go find yourself some joy, amirite?"
Sharpen kept looking from Hotch, to Trixany. And back to Hotch again. The others were doing the same.
Sharpen smacked his forehead and leaned over the table. "That's... that's Trixany's brother." He muttered to himself. "It's so obvious."
Hotchkiss high-fived Trixany, suddenly very upbeat, especially for a demon hunter. "Thank youuu! I followed someone I cared about to the Outland a while back. I even joined the Sunfury for her, when she did. Eventhough I knew it was wrong to follow our prince down an evil road. But still, I always feared she would reject the monster I had to become. However... you approve?"
Everyone sat there, extremely uncomfortable and quiet.
"I mean, yeah, whatever. Like I said. You do you." And then she ordered more macarons for the table. "These are good, but aren't as cool as the Tarts' macarons, you guys remember those? So much glitter!"
Welp. At least now Sharpen knew why this mysterious demon hunter had showed up in his life, his warband. But were they gonna survive the Cuomo blunder twins not dealing with the obvious??
Sharpen eyed Hotchkiss very hard, to please tread carefully. There was a lot of rough adventure ahead of them, yet. They needed to pay strict attention to--
Then Sharpen blurt out, "Wait, so Burmussia, Coco, Sandy Dunes, and that other Kaja-Cola Flava Girl whatsherface, are now in another warband? Haha! So this IS a second, B-warband isn't it? Didn't I say it?! Trixany, you guys didn't make the cut after all--OW!!"
Then again, Sharpen the himbo always was so easily distracted.
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megan-loves-surveys · 3 months
#41. iTunes/music survey
Section 1: Questions About iTunes & Your Songs How many songs total do you have?: 44,187 How many artists total do you have?: 4,761
How many playlists do you have?: I have like 100 lol How many music videos do you have (if any)?: A few but I never watch them How many TV shows do you have (if any)?: None How many podcasts do you have (if any)?: None How about books (if any)?: None How about apps (if any)?: None What is the longest song you have?: Aira Mitsuki - Tofubeats Mash UP includes 11 Aira Songs, it's 21 minutes and 15 seconds Shortest?: I have a bunch of 1 second clips from video games Do you use the iTunes Store?: Used to How many songs have you purchased from the iTunes store?: Not sure Which song did you purchase most recently?: - Which song did you purchase least recently (as in, purchased longest ago)?: - How many songs are in your "Recently Added" list?: 720 Which song was the most recently added?: Denisse Lara - One Have you recently added an album?: Loads Have you recently purchased an album (on iTunes or in real life)?: No If so, which?: - Have you recently downloaded an album?: Loads. If so, which?: - Which song has the most plays?: Five - It's The Things You Do, 710 plays Do you have a lot of songs you haven't listened to?: Thousands and thousands lol, I collect music then don't even listen to it xD
Section 2: Genre Bolding Bold the genres you have on your iTunes. Or, if you choose, bold the genres you like. Alternative Blues Blues-rock Children's Music Christian & Gospel Classical Comedy Country Dance Easy Listening Electronic Electronica Folk Hip Hop Holiday House Indie Industrial Instrumental Jazz Latino Metal Musical New Age Pop Punk R&B Rap Reggae Rock Screamo Soft Rock Soul Soundtrack Techno Thrash Metal Trance World
Section 3: Questions About Your Favourite Artist/Band Who is your favourite artist/band?: I'll go with Five. Do you have all their albums and/or singles?: Yep. Name all the albums/singles you have by them: Five, Invincible, Kingsize, Time, Greatest Hits, all their singles. Which song of theirs is the most played?: It's The Things You Do, 710 plays Which song of theirs is the most recently added?: No clue Least recently?: All of their stuff lol Which album of theirs is the most recently added?: - Least recently?: - Name your favourite song by them: It's The Things You Do Name a favourite lyric (or lyrics) by them: So hard to choose! Post a picture of your favourite album cover art by them: Too lazy to go find it Have you ever purchased their songs off iTunes?: No, I have all their CDs physically except Time which I listen to on Spotify Have you ever dowloaded any of their songs?: Unreleased demos and remixes and that
Section 4: Shuffle Simply put your iTunes on shuffle, then write the song you get for each, for 20 songs.
Rihanna - Question Existing (Live)
Soda - I Wanna Be
Saseline - Do It Again
All Angels - Ave Verum Corpus (Theme from Brideshead Revisisted)
MISIA - あなたにスマイル :)
Brown Eyed Girls - 날아갈래
AI - Beautiful Life (Live In Budokan)
Blue - 4Ever Ballad 2005
She Moves - You Make Me Believe In Magic
Tuula - What You're Going Through
Shota Kageyama - Pokémon Healed
ZARD - 揺れる想い
Bond - Beatroot
The Saturdays - Vulnerable (Demo 2)
浜崎あゆみ - Mirror
Stella Soleil - Angel Face
Red Velvet - Talk To Me
Kaci Battaglia - Bionic-Atomic
Atomic Kitten - Hippy
宏実 - 似たものどうし - Irie Flava
This might be the most utterly random shuffle I've ever seen from my library lmao. Like there's songs in there that I didn't even know I had!
Section 5: Alphabet – Artists Name an artist you have for each letter/number. A: Ayumi Hamasaki B: Blue C: Charli XCX D: Duncan James E: Electrik Red F: Five G: Girls Aloud H: HA:TFELT I: ICONIQ J: Jade Valerie K: Koda Kumi L: Lady Gaga M: Monrose N: Natalia Kills O: OLIVIA P: Perfume Q: Queensberry R: Rihanna S: The Saturdays T: t.A.T.u. U: Utada Hikaru V: Vanilla Ninja W: Wonder Girls X: XYP Y: Yun*chi Z: Zara Larsson #: 2NE1
Section 6: Top 25 Most Played List your Top 25 most played songs.
Five - It's The Things You Do, 710 plays
O-Town - We Fit Together, 397 plays
Blue - Back Someday, 384 plays
Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over, 310 plays
B*Witched - Leaves, 309 plays
Little Mix - Motivate, 303 plays
Charli XCX - Set Me Free, 238 plays
Spice Girls - Last Time Lover, 237 plays
Enya - Only Time, 234 plays
Kerli - Speed Limit, 229 plays
Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street, 223 plays
TLC - No Scrubs, 217 plays
Another Level - Freak Me, 211 plays
Dream - In My Dreams, 203 plays
Norma John - Blackbird, 203 plays
Talk Talk - Life's What You Make It, 197 plays
Little Mix - More Than Words, 183 plays
Holly Valance - Down Boy, 176 plays
Artsvik - Fly With Me, 175 plays
K/DA - POP/STARS, 174 plays
Blue - Get Down, 162 plays
Elina Nechayeva - La Forza, 161 plays
Five - Cold Sweat, 161 plays
Girl Thing - If That's What It Takes, 156 plays
Little Mix - Wasabi, 154 plays
Section 7: Recently Played & Recently Added List 10 recently played songs, then list 10 recently added songs.
Recently Played:
Atomic Kitten - Someone Like Me
Blue - Back It Up
Blue - Without You
Blue - Back Someday
Jamelia - Cutie
Liberty X - Never Give Up
Atomic Kitten - See Ya
Atomic Kitten - Hippy
B*Witched - Freak Out
Britney Spears - The Hook Up
Recently Added:
Denisse Lara - One
Alysha - Dreams
Devotion 2 Music - Blah, Blah, Blah
O-Town - One Heart
O-Town - Comin' To The Rescue
Plus One - With All Your Heart
"Weird Al" Yankovic - Polkamon
Innosense - To Know The Unknown
Diana Vickers - One (Radio 1 Live Lounge)
Diana Vickers - Cold Kiss (Demo)
Section 8: Shuffle with Questions Shuffle and list the first 10 songs you get, then answer the corresponding questions.
Sky Ferreira - 108
Five - When The Lights Go Out
Princess Superstar - I Love You (Or At Least I Like You)
Ciara - Pick Up The Phone
Christina Aguilera - Get Mine, Get Yours
G.R.L. - Ugly Heart
Bardot - I Should've Never Let You Go
浜崎あゆみ - tasky
Adam Lambert - Fever
Girls Aloud - Something New
Name a memory you have associated with song #5: None really, it's just prob my fave Christina song. What album is song #7 on?: Their self titled debut album. Is song #8 your favourite, or one of your favourite songs?: Not really, but it's really cool. How many times have you listened to song #1?: 4. Is song #4 on a movie or TV show?: Not that I know of. Do any of your friends like song #9?: They prob don't know it. Do you remember how you found out about song #6?: I saw it was becoming a hit in NZ and was a girl a group so I checked it out. Do you even like song #2?: Love it! A classic. Was song #3 made recently or a long time ago? Or maybe somewhere in between?: I'm not sure actually, but I think it's sometime in the early 2000's. Does song #10 have a music video? Do you like it or no?: It does, it's alright. Which of these songs do you like the best?: GMGY or Something New. The least?: 108 prob, but it's still good. Which of these have you listened to the most?: Definitely Something New or GMGY. Which would you say is the most well-known song out of these?: Depends where you live - in the UK, prob Girls Aloud or Five. GRL was a big hit in NZ where I live. Bardot was huge in Australia etc. Do many of these songs have music videos?: When The Lights Go Out, Ugly Heart, ISNLYG & Something New Are any of these songs from your favourite artist?: Yes.
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trixcuomo · 7 months
Domination Nation, 4
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Meanwhile at the Shady Lady in Stormwind...
Al: *looks around the bar* Kinda busy today. Is there a cultist convention in town or something? All those blue tshirts.
Balnazzar: *innocent grin, polishes glass* Oh, must be.
Trixany: *walks in with a Night Elf, a Goblin, and several other Horde people*
Al: Weird especially, because it's my job to know about such illegal happenings--Hold up, I know that particular washed-up Horde B celebrity!
Trixany: *monotone, wearing blue shirt* Alright. We give in, Balnazzar.
Al: *angry glare switches from Balnazzar to Trixany* And you're Horde. You're not supposed to be in this city!
Trixany: *monotone* Sharpen got tricked into wearing the Jailer's tshirt first, because he's...
Al: Sharpen?
Trixany: Yes. Then Sunthraze tricked me into trying one on, by taking me directly to Torghast H&M on a revenge date.
Sunthraze: *monotone* I said 'Let's go to the Maw,' she heard 'mall.' Was easier than I thought.
Trixany: Then Sunthraze also got dominated by Jailer magic after purchasing a blazer that was 99.9% off--
Al: Oh geez.
Trixany: Then I passed out the rest of the tshirts I bought at my Goblin sister's office, then to the Kaja-Cola Flava Girls. Haris Pilton later saw our monotone Domination Nation music video we did, and assumed it must be trending. She bought a Jailer crown.
Haris: *monotone, wearing jagged Jailer crown* Like our glorious leader. All realities should end, cause that's hot.
Trixany: *languid high-five with Haris* Also, we strangely get along now.
Al: *grabs Balnazzar's shirt collar over the bar* Why is the entirety of Team Trixany dominated by Jailer magic?? Fix them back!
Balnazzar: She just explained! It wasn't me. I'm just an innocent dreadlord who runs a wine bar in a gentrified neighborhood in Stormwind.
Al: You, sir, forgot that I stuck around for the Shadowlands expansion! I'm caught up on my intel.
Balnazzar: ... crap.
Al: Also, you're obviously a dreadlord with a Torghast H&M store card! It had to be you. Why are you doing this all of a sudden anyway? The Shadowlands conflict was over years ago. You couldn't really have hoped to turn anyone, not when the Jailer is long dead.
Al: *bangs his fist on the bar* And Denathrius is trapped in a sword! Who are your orders coming from now? Who?? You targeted my friend Sharpen, and now this! Answer me, is it Xal'atath??!
Balnazzar: Torghast H&M offered me new, free Twisting Nether delivery. No charge for shipping goods across the realities. What? So only mortals can have shopping addictions? The minute a dreadlord gets a colorful ad in the mail and falls off the wagon, suddenly he's a villain.
Al: I... I need to stop drinking at this bar.
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longimagine · 2 years
Spock gif live long and prosper
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Guy #2: The colors look so random so he must be a spock. Guy #1: Look at Brian's new $200 dollar shoes. Spocks hate on people with common sense and think they are good enough for every girl. Generally, spocks spend too much money on customized basketball shoes with colors that don't match and over exaggerate their actually ability to lift bro. Usually play sports such as american football and hockey but receive C's, D's, and F's in their classes. However, you can also upload your own templates or start from scratch with empty templates.
People often use the generator to customize established memes, such as those found in Imgflip's collection of Meme Templates.
Spock: Live long and prosper bitch.Ī sped jock. It's a free online image maker that lets you add custom resizable text, images, and much more to templates. Entdecken Sie Star Trek Spock Live Long And Prosper Graphic Tshirt Größe Large Retro 2008 TOS in der großen Auswahl bei eBay. Also his hair cut and insane wit is very attractive to many women.Ī person who looks like commander Spock from Star Trek James Slattery is Spock The way his ears and eyebrows are pointed turn on many women.
He always says facinating and illogical " facinating" says spock after something cool hppens. On this animated GIF: 60s, live long and prosper, vulcan salute, from Adorius Download GIF spock, perfect, star trek the original series, or share hulu, 60s tv, leonard nemoy, You can share gif live long and prosper, vulcan salute, 60s, in twitter, facebook or instagram. He is super logical and that turns some people on like the girl on the planet with all those drugs. I got a glock, wit my man Spock.Ī vulcan who is half human. Then slowly penetrate firmly but briskly in a repeated action while whispering "Who's ur captain Kirk" "This bitch was pure filth, she not only wanted me to spunk in her mouth, She wanted a SPOCK!!!"Ī wack nigga with mad flava. But as this video montage shows, they’re far from the only one to say it. While making the Vulcan sign with your fingers(ie a V shape, 2 on the left and 2 on the right), slowly insert two fingers inside the anal passage and 2 inside the vagina. Entdecken Sie Star Trek 2008 Spock Live Long and Prosper Graphic T-Shirt Men’s Size Large Rare in der großen Auswahl bei eBay. It’s primarily associated with Vulcans and Spock. This involves for fingers and a lady of your choice. While making the Vulcan sign with your fingers(ie a V shape, 2 on the left and 2 on the right), slowly insert two fingers inside the anal passage and 2 inside the vagina. To try to bring logic to a situation where logic is impossible don't try to go all Spock on us 1)to spock.This involves for fingers and a lady of your choice. One badass nigga muthafucka with a bowl cut the size of Africa Spock said " Beam me up, bitch" In a fitting extraterrestrial tribute to the late star, NASA Astronaut Terry Virts has tweeted a picture of the Vulcan gesture from the International Space Station, looking.
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ladyflavanews · 10 months
A&E | The Coffee Is The Experience
My life as Lady Flava began at my coffee house, Flava Coffee House in North Seattle 2003-2008 To me coffee is about the experience. Everything in life to me is about the experience. Coffee has become an experience of calm and warmth. Plus, I know several people that have business meetings or work from their laptop at a coffee shop. I’ve had plenty of Lady Flava meetings at my coffee house to a…
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paisholotus · 2 years
Season One
Judging By The Cover/A Friend Is Coming pt1
khadijah walks into her office towards her desk, turns to check on Synclaire, but stops when the phone rings. Synclaire answers the phone with the most horrible British accent, "Hello, this is Flava Magazine. How can I help you, Love?" Synclaire asks, cheerfully.
Khadijah scrunches up her face, "Synclaire, what are you doing?" Synclaire covers the end of the phone and whispers, "I'm making them think we're international." Khadijah bended down and said, "make them think we need some money." Bending back up, taking papers from off the desk. "And keep in mind, this is a grassroots publication." She said, sternly. Synclaire nodded, returning back to the phone. "Got it. Yo, yo, yo! How could I hook you up, G?" Synclaire yelled through the phone.
Khadijah shakes her, and looks to the elevator when no other than Regine, walking out. "Hello Ladies. I've got good news, and I couldn't wait till you got home to rub your noses in it." She said, smiling at Khadijah.
Khadijah rolled her eyes crossing her arms. "Well, if it isn't her royal heinie." Regine at the window turns around and smirks, "Look outside. What is Long, Black, and at the curb?" She said, pointing at the window. "I ain't touching." Khadijah said, walking back to her desk. Regine walks over, as Synclaire runs to the window to be nosey. "Honey, it's a stretch limo." Regine said. "Well, good, it'll go with your stretchmarks." Khadijah said, teasingly.
Regine scoffs taking a deep breath side eyeing khadijah. Synclaire walks up to the two putting both hands on their shoulders. "Is it me, or do I sense a little tension here?" She asks. Regine and Khadijah looks at Synclaire and roll their eyes. "Now, I know your Aries rising, is constantly conflicting with her Taurus Moon, but can't we all get along?" She asked them, nicely. Regine rolled her eyes again and huffed. "Well, look, you all can do whatever you like. I just came by to tell you, the limo outside happens to belong to my new boyfriend, Brad." She said, smiling dreamily.
Khadijah stood up pushing Regine to the elevator, "If we didn't have so much work to do here, we'd love to hear more about your latest Canine Catch." She said, with a snide attitude.
Regine sits on Synclaire's desk, "Oh, would you?" She said. Patting khadijah on the arm. "Well, Brad and I, were on our way to lunch, but we never made it out the limo. She said, smirking. Synclaire gave her a dopey smile, while khadijah put her hand on her hip, not looking surprised. "He ate caviar from my cleavage, and we drank champagne from my shoe--ah!" Throwing her head back laughing. "With them big old feet of yours, y'all must have been crazy drunk." Khadijah remarked, looking down at Regine's feet.
Regine waved her off and continued with her story. "I'm telling you, Brad, now, he could be the one. He is fine, educated, wealthy. And has a butt that's dented on the sides, with the promise of power." Regine said. Fanning herself, giving the two women full imagery.
"We'll see how long this lasts." Khadijah said, shaking her head. Walking again to her desk. Regine frowned, and got off the desk walking to khadijah. "Wait a minute. What is that supposed to mean?" She asked, crossing her arms. Khadijah swung around, giving Regine a pointed look. "Men dump you like Eddie Murphy albums." Offended Regine looks away from Khadijah. "Look, Regine, if you want to have a lasting relationship, you need to start looking beyond man's wallet." She said, seriously.
"Eddie Murphy makes Albums?" Synclaire asked, confused. Khadijah and Regine looked Synclaire with 'really' faces. "Synclaire, do your job, please." Khadijah told her. Synclaire nodded, going back to putting people on hold, and reading her magazine. Khadijah snatched the magazine and threw it on her desk, causing Synclaire to pout.
Returning back to their conversation, Regine again gives khadijah a offended look. "Wait, are you saying I'm shallow?" Khadijah pretends, to think for a second and eagerly nods. "As a kiddy pool." Regine makes an exaggerated gasp. "Mmct." She said, walking towards the Elevator.
"I will see you at home, Synclaire. And by to you long neck Dinosaur." She said. Letting out her loud signature laughs, that could be heard from down the street.
Khadijah rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Going back to her papers, when the phone rings. "FlavaMagazine. Oh, hi mommy." Khadijah said, smiling. Khadijah scrunches up her face in confusion, "who?" She asked. Khadijah smiled and signed, "You know ion like surprises." Khadijah told her. "Alright, I'll talk to you later, Ma, love you." She hung up the phone looking towards Synclaire.
"My mom said there was someone coming to visit. She said it was one of 'my best friends'. But wouldn't tell me because it's a surprise." Synclaire frowned in confusion, playing with hair pink haired troll.
"Who do you think it is?" Synclaire asked. Khadijah shrugged grabbing her bag and coat, "I don't know. But I know I'm hungry. Let's go." Synclaire rushed out the chair grabbing her things, "don't have to tell me twice."
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ladyflava · 2 years
Can You Plot & Plan Without Understanding Your Industry?
Can You Plot & Plan Without Understanding Your Industry?
Can you plot and plan with out understanding the industry you are apart of? I feel it is so important to do your research on what the ins and outs of your chosen area of interest and strengths in an industry and how it works today. I have found that much of the information I have obtained over the years about Indie Arts & Entertainment is the same but the presentation is different. Industry…
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thesustainableswap · 4 years
BLM Master Post / Resources
No blog post this week. I felt like this was much more important. Here is a master post of everything I’ve found regarding the BLM movement, from petitions, to where you should donate, to reading, to accounts, to business... hopefully most of what you’re looking for can be found below. If I’ve missed anything vital please let me know and I will add it.
Justice for George Floyd (White House) | Justice for George Floyd (change.org) | Justice for George Floyd (change.org) | Justice for George Floyd (color of Change)
RAISE THE DEGREE - Remove bail for Derek Chauvin, murderer of George Floyd (White House) | Arrest The Other Three (White House) | Raise The Degree (change.org) | The Minneapolis Police Officers to be charged for murder (change.org)
#JusticeforBre (MoveOn.org) | #JusticeforBre (color of Change)
Justice For Ahmaud Arbery (change.org) | Justice for Ahmaud Arbery- Pass Georgia Hate Crime Bill (change.org) | Disbarment of George E. Barnhill (change.org)
Trayvon Martin Law (change.org)
Hands Up Act (change.org)
Justice for Belly Mujinga (change.org)
Justice for Tony McDade (change.org)
Justice for Alejandro Vargas Martinez (change.org)
Justice for Regis Korchinski-Paquet (change.org)
Wrongful Conviction: Julius Jones is innocent (change.org)
Wrongful Conviction: Kyjuanzi Harris (change.org)
Willie Simmons has served 38 years for a $9 robbery (change.org)
Defund The Police Minneapolis (Every Action / Reclaim The Block) | Mandatory Life Sentence for Police Brutality (change.org) | National Action Against Police Brutality (change.org) | Against Police Brutality in France (change.org)
Demand Racial Data on Coronavirus (BLM) | Coronavirus: Demand More from the Government (BLM)
Get Schools to Speak Up (change.org)
Stand with BLM (organizefor.org)
Organisations to Donate to
George Floyd Memorial Fund
Minnesota Freedom Fund
Black Visions Collective
Reclaim the Block
Campaign Zero
Black Lives Matter
National Bailout Fund
Black Earth Farms
Communities United Against Police Brutality
Unicorn Riot
Louisville Community Bail Fund
Rebuilding the Community (We Love Lake Street)
United Families and Friends Campaign
COVID-19: Supporting BAME Communities
House of GG
Trans Justice Funding Project
The Okra Project
Youth Breakout
Black AIDS Insitute
Trans Cultural District
LGBTQ+ Freedom Fund
For If You Have Little Money to Spare:
Check out these YouTube videos and play them while you go about your day (or actively watch! Up to you.) The ad revenue will be donated to organisations supporting black lives - but make sure you turn off your adblocker first.
By Zoe Amira
By Francesca Grace
By Cindy Marshall
By Danni and Emmyn
Instagram Accounts (source)
Nova Reid
Layla Saad
Rachel Cargle
Check Your Privilege
Rachel Ricketts
The Great Unlearn
Reni Eddo Lodge
Ibram X. Kendi
The Irin Journal
Women Who
For Working Ladies
Black Girl Fest
UK isn’t Innocent
Mikaela Loach
About Race with Remi Eddo-Lodge
Conversations with Nova Reid
iWeigh with Jameela Jamil
The YIKES podcast
Have You Heard George’s Podcast?
The World Wide Tribe
Zero Hour Talks
1619 by the New York Times
TV / Film (source)
When They See Us
The Black Power Mixtape 1967 - 1975
I Am Not Your Negro
The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution
If Beale Street Could Talk
The Hate U Give
American Son
Trial by Media
Books: (Source)
How To Be Anti Racist by Ibram X. Kendi
Me and White Supremacy by Robin Diangelo and Layla Saad
Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race by Remi Eddo-Lodge
So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
Minor Feelings by Cathy Park Hong
America’s Original Sin By Jim Wallis and Bryan Stevenson
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
Blindspot by Mahzarin R. Banaji & Anthony G. Greenwald
Good Talk by Mira Jacob
Between The World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
How Does It Feel To Be A Problem by Moustafa Bayoumi
The Fire This Time by Jesmyn Ward
White Fragility by Robin Diangelo
I’m Still Here by Austin Channing Brown
When They Call You A Terrorist by Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Asha Bandele, et al.
An African American and Latin History of The United States by Paul Ortiz
Citizen by Claudia Rankine
An Indigenous Peoples’ History of The United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Mindful of Race by Ruth King
Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
Tears We Cannot Stop by Michael Eric Dyson
Stamped From The Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi
Have Black Lives Ever Mattered? By Mumia Abu-Jamal
The Coloraturas of Law by Richard Rothstein
The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? By Beverly Daniel Tatum
Stamped by Jason Reynolds & Ibram X. Kendi
This Book Is Anti Racist by Tiffany Jewell and Aurelia Durand
Brit(ish) by Afua Hirsch
Children’s Books: (Source)
Malcolm Little by Ilyasah Shabazz
Let It Shine: Stories of Black Women Freedom Fighters by Andrea Davis Pinkney
Something Happened in Our Town: A Child’s Story About Racial Injustice by Marianne Celano, Marietta Collins and Ann Hazzard
My Hair Is A Garden by Cozbi A. Cabrera
Separate Is Never Equal by Duncan Tonatiuh
Young Water Protectors by Aslan Tudor
My Family Divided by Diana Guerrero
We Are Grateful by Traci Sorell
I Am Not A Number by Jenny Kay Dupuis and Kathy Kacer
Schomburg: The Man Who Built A Library by Carole Boston Weatherford
Lailah’s Lunchbox: A Ramadan Story by Reem Faruqi
The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson
The Whispering Town by Jennifer Elvgren
When Harriet Tubman Led Her People To Freedom by Carole Boston Weatherford
When I Was Eight by Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margaret Pokiak-Fenton
Happy In Our Skin by Fran Manushkin
Chocolate Milk, Por Favor by Maria Dismondy
Voice of Freedom: Fannie Lou Hamer by Carole Boston Weatherford
When We Were Alone by David A. Robertson & Julie Flett
Shining Star The Anna May Wong Story by Paula Yoo & Lin Wang
Little Leaders: Bold Women In Black History by Vashti Harrison
Maddi’s Fridge by Lois Brandt
Hair Love by Matthew A. Cherry
Sulwe by Vashti Harrison
A Is For Activist by Innosanto Nagara
Intersection Allies by Chelsea Johnson, LaToya Council & Carolyn Choi
What Is Race? Who Are Racists? Why Does Skin Colour Matter? And Other Big Questions by Clair Heuchan & Nikesh Shukla
Black Owned Businesses: (source)
Wales Bonner
Daughter of a Bohemian

Daily Paper
Aaks: Basket Bags
Martine Rose
Nubian Skin
Sincerely Nude
Liha Beauty
Beauty Stack
Bouclème: Afro and Curly Hair Products
Afrocenchix: Hair Products
The Afro Hair and Skin Company: shampoo bars, hair masks, face masks
Prick: Cacti and Plantcare
La Basketry: homeware
Bonita Ivie: stationery & design
Reset travel: travel cards and workshops
Bespoke Binny: homeware
New Beacon Books: Specialists in African and Caribbean Literature
Original Flava by Craig & Shaun McAnuff
Zoe’s Ghana Kitchen by Zoe Adjonyoh
Hibiscus by Lopè Ariyo
Ethiopia by Yohanis Gebreyesus
Belly Full by Riaz Phillips
Chika’s Snacks
Berry and Brie Grazing Boxes
Yard Confectionery Chocolate
Cabby’s Rum
Cham Cham Hot Pepper Sauce
Stay strong, and get learning (or unlearning)!
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🔥 First LT Ed product I am super excited about is our new FANORAMA Mascara! 🔥
💙 DID YOU KNOW in Mary Kay, it is all about the mascara wand? 🔹️ YUP - MK found a way to engineer different wands to do different things for your lashes! ♡ This is our Lash Love mascara formula with the LT Ed Fanorama flava! ♡
🖤 Check out this FANORAMA Fan Club!! 🖤
These ladies are all wearing our New LT Ed Fanorama Mascara! I mean it’s SOOOO good, it will probably sell out, guys!
▫️ It has 3 special sides so you can fan out your lashes from corner to corner and root to tip!
▫️ It has special bristles at the tip of the wand to grab tiny lashes!
😂 Now we gotta convince MK to not keep it LT Ed! LOL who wants to be the first "Fan" of it?! 🎉
Thanks to my MK sisters for these awesome photos! I haven't gotten mine yet, but will be ordering on the 15th! 😍🔥
P.S. I love how long our mascara lasts! - Before MK, everything I had gotten from the store was drying out within a week or two and got icky. MK MASCARA does NOT do this! Hallelujah! 🙌
🖤 Available May 15th! 🖤
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afrobeatsindacity · 4 years
Harmonize returns with the official music video for hit recent debut "Wife" which  features Bongo Flava queen; Lady Jaydee.
A smooth romantic love song,  the enchanting music video showcases Harmonize and his wife; Lady Jaydee as they boldly vow to one another on their wedding day.
This track is produced by The Mix Killer and the official music video was shot and directed by Hanscana.
Watch, Share and Enjoy “Wife”
Afrobeats City
Follow @Afrobeatscity on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
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trixcuomo · 4 years
Ally’s Angels fires back!
((It’s Flava Girl Wednesday again!! A rival to the Kaja-Cola Flava Girls? Already?? Wait, which one is the ‘good one’? Which Warcraft girl band is evil? Or, are they both morally grey... Whu-oh!))
Daily Mail Stormwind: Good evening everyone, this is the sister studio to Daily Mail Orgrimmar--or they’re our little sister? Anyway, it doesn’t matter. We have breaking news. Long-time favorite energy drink GNOMEADE has released the following statement recently after the blow out between Trixany Cuomo and Phurr of the musical band Ally’s Angels--have you seen it? Here’s a re-cap and what Kaja-Cola rival GNOMEADE had to say in response.
Daily Mail SW: GNOMEADE’s statement released as an exclusive first to the Daily Mail Stormwind is as follows:
Ally’s Angels stands for unity not only among the super-friends of the Alliance but also harmony and justice for all of Azeroth. Trixany Cuomo had no legal call to throw one of her plate greaves at Phuur--not even during a time of war between the Alliance and the Horde would Miss Cuomo have a right to throw an item at the lead singer of GNOMEADE’s premier girl-band.
Miss Cuomo’s actions were completely uncalled for and GNOMEADE will be seeking legal repercussions against Miss Cuomo, the Kaja-Cola Company, and The Kaja-Cola Flava Girls band, whatever they stand for.
But, then again, that seems to contradict with what lead singer Phuur said immediately after the incident, which wasn’t so nice and tidy. Let’s play that clip:
“I vould NEVER normally talk about someone’s racial leader... But zhis girl is supposed to be at ze peak of her career, and she’s out here throwing metal greaves... Trixany needs to know: I’m not ze fellow Hordie down ze bar at ze Wyvern’s Tail, or in trashy Silvermoon.”
Daily Mail SW: Snap! Goodness--I have friends in Goldshire who would have behaved better than these ladies, even IF someone had made a comment about their racial leader--
Phuur: *sage Draenei voice* Zhat sound clip of my voice was heavily edited. Also, I did not insult Lor’thremar, the current leader of ze Blood Elves. I insulted Kael’thas Sunstrider, who is vastly different.
Daily Mail SW: And she feels such conviction about her position too! Phuur, lead singer of GNOMEADE’s Ally’s Angels, cut me right off. I was just about to introduce you Miss Phuur and let the folks out there know we have the Ally’s Angels ladies themselves here, in studio tonight. I was going to ask if you cared to back up GNOMEADE’s evident sass in response--but you’re well on your way to greatness here with your words. Please, continue. Do you think Trixany really is all that upset about Kael’thas? Still?
Phuur: Vell, I just think ze whole vorld of Azeroth would agree. And Darenor. Kael’thas vas a fiend and a villain. He deserves to be insulted in public. Why she felt so insecure after so many years serving as a Sunfury, being faced with the inanity of her own crimes first-hand--Trixany did live through Voren’thall the Seer surrendering to the Sha’tar, did she not? I vas there in Shattrath ven it happened, no?
Daily Mail SW: Ohh, it gets even more interesting! Were you an Aldor at the time that Trixany was a Scryer?
Phuur: Vat? Are you stirring things up intentionally? No, as I said. She vas vorse zen even a Scryer. She vas a Sunfury soldier misguidedly serving under Kael’thas all those years ago!
Daily Mail SW: I thought that was what you said, but I guess my mind still would not go there? Trixany Cuomo, an evil Sunfury! Get out!
Phuur: Yes, yes!
Daily Mail SW: Man, that blows my mind all over my face. *handsome smile* Not to over-focus on Phuur, ladies. I definitely want to get the other Ally’s Angels a chance to react to this--
Ally’s Angels: *the girls nod and politely reassure the Human man interviewing*
Phuur: And more zen even zat! I saw Trixany back then, vith my own eyes--who could miss her tangerine red hairdo? I saw her valk back, ooover the bridge when Voren’thaal and ze others surrendered to ze Light. She vent right back to Kael’thas.
Daily Mail SW: You must have some memory, Phuur!
Phuur: I do! It sounds crazy, but I do! They put Trixany in jail for it later, and that’s in the record books--but it’s like she came out of the Sunspire Keep last year after her sentence, and she learned absolutely nothing.
Daily Mail SW: Hold on, *taps his Gnomish hearing device* I’ve checked with our producers. This isn’t another rumor, this is true. Trixany Cuomo did, in fact, serve prison time in Silvermoon City after the Burning Crusade in Outland. It was because she started a pro-Kael’thas riot, even after the poor fel-addicted prince died. Apparently, Trixany’s completely reformed now. Or so we think?!
Phuur: Reformed? How? She got violent ven I spoke a truth about Kael’thas. Her fractured vision of the vorld--two vorlds--zat is the fallacy.
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Ally’s Angels: Gelica (Human), Phuur (Draenei), Roary (Worgen)
Daily Mail SW: Spoken like a true follower of the Light and of the great Naaru who, as we know, saved our bacon on many occasions. Gelica? Roary? Do you have anything to add to this? It must have been a traumatic experience, seeing your lead singer being attacked in this way. It was at a pretty prominent event as well, right?
Gelica: *confident Human voice* Yes. It was the Gala for the Orphans of Azeroth. I just don’t understand how this Flava Girl band can claim to be cross-faction, or even sing cross-faction songs, when their leader behaves this way. I even heard they were singing something about Malfurion when they were at your sister studio, in Orgrimmar. What right did they have to do that?
Roary: *chipper, yet gravelly Worgen voice* Oh gods, that--Looky hea, yeah? I’m a druid myself. I almost gagged hearin’ that gab. That was ‘orrific. And how is Tyrande supposed to feel? Eh? Because that’s not a kind thing to say about someone’s wife, *she sings it* ‘my Shan’dooo’? That their husband belongs to you--
Gelica: *nods agreement* I am sad for Tyrande but honestly... It kinda is about time someone wrote a love song for Malfurion. *blushes* He’s such a sweetie.
Phuur: You know, everyone secretly loves Malfurion. If anyzing, zat vas our brand, not theirs. Hrmph. Zey vent too far.
Daily Mail SW: It almost sounds like Ally’s Angels is jealous that the Flava Girls grabbed such a hot topic in one of their songs. Did I guess right? It must burn that they made a song about a prominent Alliance leader when the flagship girl-band of GNOMEADE, who is a direct rival to Kaja-Cola, and named for the Alliance itself--Ally’s Angels--failed to hit that benchmark. Care to comment on that?
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Roary (Worgen), Phurr (Draenei), Gelica (Human) in their proud Alliance officer armor-slash-costumes
Ally’s Angels: *cross their legs in unison, intelligent silence*
Daily Mail SW: How about it! Did I step right into the middle of what is really a GNOMEADE versus Kaja-Cola war, ladies? Did GNOMEADE tell you to insult Kael’thas at the orphans gala? Saying that Kael’thas used to punt gnomes off the decks of the Mechanar to go flying across Area 52, and at a save-the-orphans event? I guess that is kind of a big tell, right there.
Phuur: *polishes her nails on her blue tabard*
Daily Mail SW: I suppose I should also inform you ladies that I used to be SI: 7 before I took up this gossip rag gig.
Phuur: ...No comment. Vut those do sound like ze kind of conspiracy ideas you’d get by drinking Kaja-Cola.
Gelica: Ha! Good one, Phuur...
Phuur: *smirks* Hey, ven I see it, I see it.
Daily Mail SW: Excellent come back, ladies. Now, not to be outdone by the Orgrimmar studio, would you like to sing a little something to prove your merit? That you are the best Azeroth girl band by far and would never stoop so low as to sabotage the Horde’s Flava Girls?
Phuur: Look at him. He thinks he’s so clever, but I can see he’s put us on the spot. Ladies? Shall we?
Ally’s Angels: *stand and close their eyes reverently, then sing out loud and proud*
We are Alliance (what), We're not gonna give up (what), Allies don't stop (what), Allies slay harder (what) We are Alliance (what), Together we make it (what), Ally's Angels don't stop (what), For the Alliance!
Daily Mail SW: Sexy and inspirational! Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know who could have said it better. Except for maybe... the Kaja-Cola Flava Girls? They’re bound to prepare a rebuttal to that argument, and I don’t think it’s going to be a fluffy cross-faction song this time. This should be an exciting, entertaining year with GNOMEADE and Kaja-Cola at each other’s throats via their respective girl bands and I, for one, can’t wait for the flavorblasted fallout.
Ally’s Angels: *pump fists, cheer and high-five one another as if after a good battle. An ice cold pitcher of bright blue GNOMEADE with glasses is wheeled out on a silver cart by a trio of Gnomes in corporate blue-and-yellow suits and ties. Phuur hands a glass over to their handsome Human host and toasts her bandmates before they take coordinated, elegant sips*
Daily Mail SW: Yum! Refreshing! Well it ain’t Kaja-Cola but it’s been giving me ideas all evening *he looks over a leggy, winking Phuur*. From everyone here at the Daily Mail Stormwind, *he raises his glass* thank you, and good night!
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my-plastic-life · 5 years
Before there was the Wild Hearts Crew, there were Flavas. First released in 2003, these dolls didn't last long on the shelves because Mattel had to pull them due to so many people complaining about their hip hop theme. I still have my collection from all those years ago, 100% complete right down to the tattoos meant to go on their clothes that I never used. :D So with a new month comes a new doll diorama! I'm showcasing this series (this is the first wave; I have sporadic dolls of the other waves but this is the only complete one I have) because I thought it was time to show them some love again. The crew is busy with their spray paint, giving those plain brick walls some character. Why? Because their boxes were literally covered in graffiti, and that back wall has the official logo and their names from their boxes, plus the heart from their Street Rod (I have it, but it won't fit in there with all the dolls lol). I also made all the little spray paint cans, and I finally got them right! The hardest part was making the lids because they had to fit on the cans just right in order to be removed if desired, as can be seen because some dolls are holding the cans without the lids. So without further ado, let's welcome the Blast from the Past - the Flavas crew!
Left to right: Kiyoni Brown, TIka, P. Bo, Liam, Tre', and Happy D.
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Kiyoni Brown, TIka, P. Bo, and Liam
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Tre’ and Happy D
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P. Bo is dancing! This is one of the first lines of dolls Mattel made that featured different heights/shapes for bodies. Yes the ladies are all skinny, but each has a different shape to her. Tika, for instance, has one hip extended outward to make it look like she's dancing. Happy D is the shortest of the group while P. Bo is the tallest.
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Kiyoni Brown
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Tika is putting the finishing touches on her name!
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Looks like Liam is also enjoying the music!
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Spray paint:
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Top 20 Top 40 Hits of 1994
Honorable mentions: Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm -- Crash Test Dummies (#4 -- peak Apr. 16) (#35 -- YE 1994)* Can You Feel The Love Tonight (From “The Lion King”) -- Elton John (#4 -- peak Aug. 6) (#18 -- YE 1994) I’ll Remember (From “With Honors”) -- Madonna (#2 -- peak May 28) (#13 -- YE 1994) Far Behind -- Candlebox (#18 -- peak Oct. 1)* Stay (I Missed You) -- Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories (#1 -- peak Aug. 6) (#6 -- YE 1994)* You Want This/70′s Love Groove -- Janet Jackson (#8 -- peak Dec. 24) (#64 -- YE 1995) Crazy -- Aerosmith (#17 -- peak Jul. 30) (#68 -- YE 1994)* This D.J. -- Warren G (#9 -- peak Sep. 10) (#59 -- YE 1994) The Power of Love -- Celine Dion (#1 -- peak Feb. 12) (#4 -- YE 1994) Come To My Window -- Melissa Etheridge (#25 -- peak Aug. 13) (#43 -- YE 1994) I Swear -- All-4-One (#1 -- peak May 21) (#2 -- YE 1994) Here Comes The Hotstepper (From “Ready To Wear”) -- Ini Kamoze (#1 -- peak Dec. 17) (#24 -- YE 1995) What’s The Frequency, Kenneth? -- R.E.M. (#21 -- peak Nov. 5)* Lucky One -- Amy Grant (#18 -- peak Oct. 8) Mary Jane’s Last Dance -- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (#14 -- peak Mar. 19) (#77 -- YE 1994)* Tremor Christ/Spin The Black Circle -- Pearl Jam (#18 -- peak Nov. 26)*
20. Another Night -- Real McCoy (#3 -- peak Nov. 12) (#63 -- YE 1994) 19. 100% Pure Love -- Crystal Waters (#11 -- peak Oct. 8) (#46 -- YE 1994) 18. Whatta Man -- Salt-N-Pepa featuring En Vogue (#3 -- peak Feb. 26) (#14 -- YE 1994) 17. Flava In Your Ear -- Craig Mack (#9 -- peak Nov. 12) (#81 -- YE 1994) 16. Regulate (From “Above The Rim”) -- Warren G & Nate Dogg (#2 -- peak Jul. 2) (#22 -- YE 1994) 15. Streets of Philadelphia -- Bruce Springsteen (#9 -- peak Apr. 23) (#54 -- YE 1994) 14. Anytime You Need A Friend -- Mariah Carey (#12 -- peak Jun. 25) (#47 -- YE 1994) 13b. I’ll Stand By You -- Pretenders (#16 -- peak Dec. 3) (#95 -- YE 1995)* 13a. Because the Night -- 10,000 Maniacs (#11 -- peak Feb. 19) (#40 -- YE 1994)* 12b. Don’t Turn Around -- Ace of Base (#4 -- peak Jun. 18) (#10 -- YE 1994) 12a. The Sign -- Ace of Base (#1 -- peak Mar. 12) (#1 -- YE 1994) 11. The Most Beautiful Girl In The World -- Prince (#3 -- peak Apr. 30) (#19 -- YE 1994) 10b. What’s My Name -- Snoop Doggy Dogg (#8 -- peak Jan. 1) (#62 -- YE 1994) 10a. Gin and Juice -- Snoop Doggy Dogg (#8 -- peak Mar. 26) (#52 -- YE 1994) 9. Fantastic Voyage -- Coolio (#3 -- peak Jul. 30) (#20 -- YE 1994) 8. Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia) -- US3 (#9 -- peak Mar. 5) (#41 -- YE 1994) 7. Linger -- The Cranberries (#8 -- peak Feb. 12) (#49 -- YE 1994)* 6. I Wanna Be Down -- Brandy (#6 -- peak Dec. 31) (#49 -- YE 1995) 5. Loser -- Beck (#10 -- peak Apr. 30) (#50 -- YE 1994)* 4. Shine -- Collective Soul (#11 -- peak Aug. 13) (#31 -- YE 1994)* 3. Mr. Vain -- Culture Beat (#17 -- peak Jan. 29) (#76 -- YE 1994) 2. Keep Ya Head Up -- 2pac (#12 -- peak Jan. 8) (#61 -- YE 1994) 1. Always -- Erasure (#20 -- peak Aug. 6) (#73 -- YE 1994)*
Albums Worth Checking Out: Dookie -- Green Day Ready To Die -- Notorious B.I.G. The Downward Spiral -- Nine Nich Nails CrazySexyCool -- TLC Illmatic -- Nas Definitely Maybe -- Oasis MTV Unplugged in New York -- Nirvana Weezer -- Weezer Grace -- Jeff Buckley Ill Communication -- Beastie Boys Monster -- R.E.M. Cracked Rear View -- Hootie and the Blowfish Sixteen Stone -- Bush Superunknown -- Soundgarden Korn -- Korn Live Through This -- Hole Smash -- The Offspring Parklife -- Blur Throwing Copper -- Live No Need To Argue -- The Cranberries
The Bottom of the Pile: You -- Candlebox (#78 -- peak May 7)* Cannonball -- The Breeders (#44 -- peak Feb. 26)* Closer -- Nine Inch Nails (#41 -- peak Oct. 15)* March of the Pigs -- Nine Inch Nails (#59 -- peak Mar. 19)* Afro Puffs -- The Lady Of Rage (#57 -- peak Aug. 20) Leaving Las Vegas -- Sheryl Crow (#60 -- peak May 21) The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get -- Morrissey (#46 -- peak May 21)* God -- Tori Amos (#72 -- peak Apr. 9)* Spin The Bottle (From “Reality Bites”) -- Juliana Hatfield (#97 -- peak Nov. 19)* Selling The Drama -- Live (#43 -- peak Jul. 23)* Laid -- James (#61 -- peak Apr. 9)* Fade Into You -- Mazzy Star (#44 -- peak Nov. 26)* Big Time Sensuality -- Bjork (#88 -- peak Feb. 19)* Sound of Da Police -- KRS-One (#89 -- peak Feb. 5)
Songs with Peaks Unavailable: Backwater -- Meat Puppets (#47)* Am I Wrong -- Love Spit Love (#83)* It’s Over Now (It’s Alright) -- Cause and Effect (#67)*
Alternative songs are the ones starred.
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