#Lae’zel bg3
lucklessrat · 4 months
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I added a Gale to this lineup. Gonna turn these in to stickers hehe
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bellamer · 11 days
My personal BG3 body headcanons
Lae’Zel: Flat chested, bottom heavy. She doesn’t need fucking boobs. “But what if they’re for sex purposes-“ shut up she doesn’t need boobs.
Shadowheart: Diamond shaped
Gale: Fat. “But what if he works out in his tower meh meh meh” shut up. What he does in his tower is read, feed and plays with his cat, cook a new recipe and and then realizes he has no one to share the family sized meal he made and eats it
Astarion: Skinny as a twig until you let him start drinking the blood of enemies every fight, then he plumps up just a little. It’s noticeable but it’s just a slight layer of pudge, nothing too drastic, you just can’t see his ribs anymore now that he’s freely gorging himself
Wyll: Doesn’t look like much until you see him take off his clothes. Total gunshow. Not big like Halsin but not small either. Can pick you up with one arm though. Also has a very grabable waist and the nicest butt in Baldur’s Gate.
Halsin: He’s fatjacked. Very muscular but still has a prominent belly. Like he can rip a tree stump out of the ground and his arms are huge and his pecs are toned yet still soft but you can still tell he loves his meals. His butt gives Wyll’s a run for its money.
Karlach: Absolutely jacked. Can rip a tree stump out with one arm, while carrying you in the other. Like that big bitch from Love Lies Bleeding
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lunorins · 5 months
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does this resonate with ANYONE
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anaviarts · 1 year
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My favorite group of little weirdos❤️
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zei-ord-art · 1 year
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hc about party member heights.
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astarions-wife · 10 months
Ranking Baldur’s Gate 3 Characters/Companions on if they’d be successful in helping you lace a corset.
Astarion: 11/10. He wears them himself, he probably even judges you on how you’re doing it wrong. He has it down to a science.
Shadowheart: 7/10. She wears that corset top to bed. She’s all for the use and style, but she prefers the ones without laces. Probably could do it, but with practice.
Minsc: 5/10. He says “Why do our QUEENS wear these things…” he doesn’t get it. But if asked to help lace a corset, it’s not that he couldn’t—it’s just he’d probably ask Boo to do it.
Lae’zel: 8/10 on skill, because she definitely can, but why would she? She’d click her tongue and call you weak for needing assistance.
Wyll: 10/10, he studies it to be a gentleman. He knows the correct tensions, how hard to pull, how to tie them, etc. he even knows the front lace ones.
Karlach: 6/10. Once the heat is cooled down enough so that she can touch you, I think she’s just so excited to have physical contact with anyone that she forgets the task at hand. She’d have to be reminded frequently.
Jaheira: 9/10, but in a practical way. Like she helps you lace them, while expressing concern about how tight they are, and focuses on doing it right to be supportive and practical for combat.
Gale: 2/10. Don’t get me wrong, he does it right. But he definitely has some kind of spell to do it for him. Now taking it off? That’s a 10/10, a proper science.
Aylin: 12/10, laces Isobel’s corset while proclaiming her love for her. It’s an art form, and Aylin has conquered it.
Isobel: No data. Hasn’t laced a corset since Aylin came back.
Halsin: 7/10, he definitely knows how! I just think he goes off about the “oak father” and how corsets are against natures very way as he’s doing it.
Orin: 0/10, would she even need to? She snaps her fingers to change forms. She wears human flesh on her body. She’d cut a corset off, and then probably you in the process.
Gortash: -2/10. The man can’t even lace his own shirt, let alone someone’s corset.
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baldursgatesimp · 4 months
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all romanceable companions 🤍
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literallylaezelswife · 5 months
I feel like Lae’zel asking her lover to protect her is severely under talked about in the fandom
The strong githyanki warrior, who will never admit weakness, telling her partner that she wants to be protected. Her going from seeing them as weak and inferior to seeing them as someone who can provide her safety. Seeing them as someone she can be vulnerable and soft around. Someone she can trust to save her when she gets herself in trouble and that she can trust to watch over her when she sleeps.
And they’re probably the first person she’s ever felt this way around. All of her classmates could slit her throat at any sign of weakness, her teachers could beat her for the smallest mistake. But her partner? She can make mistakes around them. She can be vulnerable without fearing a dagger to the heart.
And no one ever talks about it. It’s so good, but it’s completely ignored.
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ladyblackbirdart · 8 months
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I’ve been depressy so I wanted to kiss all of the companions. Sorry I’m missing Halsin, Jaheira, and Minsc I got tired 😩
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lucklessrat · 4 months
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Wyllach warm hugs + alt versions of the other designs for fun
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bi-thot-daughter · 7 months
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BG3 Valentines ⚔️❤️
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rokkunzenith · 8 months
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And they kissed!
(The continuation of this post ↓ ↓ ↓ )
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vibingandsimping · 1 year
This is exactly who you think it is. 🦜🦜
Might I request the origin characters (+ Halsin) of your choice caring for a burnt out/sick Tav?
Hello! I shall call you bird anon…
(Leave me and my family alone)
But ask and you shall receive! Requests/thoughts always make my day.
Origin characters + extra companions taking care of an exhausted reader pt. 1
No forewarnings besides maybe some suggestive mentions and a little angst. Mostly all fluff + comfort… barely proofread
Characters included in this part: Astarion, Gale, Lae’zel and Jaheira
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Astarion, when you present him with the problem after his insistent pestering, is a little lost. Everyone has their breaking points and their limits. You just held a confident front for so long that he started to believe you truly lacked one. He suggests the pleasures of the flesh at first. “To ease that pretty mind,” he claims with a smirk. You can tell in his gaze it’s his default- he was used for his body for so long it’s clear he’s unsure of what else to say. A bit of frustration with both him and his past bubbles up. It hurts to know he values himself that little and at the same time… it’s frustrating that he thinks it will solve anything. After a curt “No thank you.” he seems to deflate a bit. You stalk off to your tent as he watches from afar.
He sat with himself as he contemplated his abilities. You’d done so much for him over the period of time you’d known each other. Quite frankly, he hates to say it but he’s realized he’s taken you for advantage. He reminisces over the times you’d let him feed and he has had his nose pressed into your skin. How he’d inhale your scent and memorize it with your blood. He broods over it for a little before beginning to test different scents and oils. What he believed would work with your body chemistry and what he knew you liked.
It’s an hour or so later when you hear slow footsteps. Whoever it was made their presence known, so as to not scare you with a sudden intrusion. You’d been laying with your head in silence and the dark due to how it throbbed. Everything seemed so loud and overwhelming. He speaks smoothly and announces his arrival, you just grunt in acknowledgment. It seems to amuse him as he laughs gently and places something on the ground. Which? You’re unsure- and you could care less to check right now. It’s only when you hear the flick of a match and the room illuminates that you peek. He has a couple of wax candles laid out that seem to be dripping in mixtures. He smiles at you in such a way that you push suspicions aside. The room flickers with the light of the candles. “Relax. I made these special for you. Just focus on them and let the world wash away.” You watch him for a minute more as he lights the candles and the scent grows stronger as it burns with the wax. At first, it also overwhelmed you. You decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and focus on taking deep breaths. With each inhale, you draw more of it into your lungs and feel your muscles slack. Whatever he used was working wonders to calm your body and ease your mind. He did miss his calling as a perfumer.
The feeling of cold hands on your neck tenses your so delicately relaxed frame. His voice comes out in a shush, making you shiver from the tone. The way his fingers move so slowly tells you he’s holding a part of him back. It’s likely the reflex to make things more… intimate. A part of you swells knowing that he is trying a more simple intimacy on you. Thumbs dig into the tense muscles until they’re worked from the stiffness. Soft moans of content escape your throat. Though, just the same are the groans of pain when he reaches a more tender spot. “You’re lucky you have such a caring companion.” He muses half-heartedly, an attempt to make you smile. It did, matter of fact. You’re sure he knows because his movements become more confident. You drop your head back into your pillow and breathe out a sigh. He didn’t say anything but you could feel his eyes on your back. It was quite comforting to know he was there if you needed it. You eventually drift into a half-conscious state as he works your tender flesh. By the time he’s left you to rest you were already asleep.
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Gale’s watchful eye concluded your growing burnout long before it settled in. He was a wizard- a man who studied for a living. He understood frustration and burnout. He’s faced it many times before… and it’s never an easy thing. When you settle down at the camp for the night, he can’t seem to get his eye off you. You walk around slowly and seem out of it. The man sits in his thoughts for a moment longer and decides to make his way over to you. You, of all people, deserved to have a moment to relax and truly replenish your mind. His hand makes contact with your arm and you’re snapped from your daze. He gazes down at you with a softness and silently asks you to follow him. You’re too worn down to argue and just nod.
He winds you out of the forest and towards a still lake. A drinking deer turns and shoots out from its spot when you two arrive. You quirk an eyebrow at him and he bashfully smiles. “Water is soothing to the mind and muscle. I’ll take care of you- let me.” The moonlight dappling the water is tempting and he seems harmless enough with his request. You relent and begin to slowly peel the clothing off your body. Turning back around you stride into the water only to find it pleasantly warm. It was almost hot- glancing up at him as he removed his robe, you knew he tampered with magic to heat the water. You’re not complaining though. It’s already doing wonders to work out the aches in your muscles. He slides in behind you and asks you permission to touch you. You hummed approval as you closed your eyes and put your trust in him.
He lathers his hands with soap and begins to work your muscles along your back. Simultaneously massaging gently and washing you clean. His fingers work from your neck to your shoulder blades, down your spine, and to your legs. He slowly turns you around so he can repeat the same process down your front. He’s careful around your more intimate areas, eyeing you cautiously to gauge what’s too much. It feels nice to be doted on and not have to bathe yourself for once. You’re sure he knows it, too. Then, he whispers for permission to do your hair. You barely speak and instead hum once more. He chuckles a little before wrapping an arm around you and one under your head. He dips you into the water until your hair is thoroughly soaked and pulls you back up. Like that, he begins to lather shampoo into your scalp. His fingers work wonders and you moan a little. The moment is gone too soon for your preference and he’s washing it out.
After a minute more of holding you in the water as he rinses you off, he guides you out. You almost protest like a child, wishing to relish the hot water a little longer. He hands you a large linen cloth and you dry yourself off. Squeezing your hair until it no longer drips annoyingly and wrapping it around yourself to conceal your intimates. He follows alongside you back into camp and you head into your tent. He lingers beside you while you settle down and gather some night clothes. Then, as soon as the eyes are noticed, he leaves you to your own devices. You manage to get to sleep surprisingly easily and the night passes mostly peacefully. In the morning, your previous clothes are folded neatly outside your tent. They’re clean and practically spotless. Gale must’ve taken the time to wash them while you slept and hung them to dry overnight.
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Lae’zel’s instinct is to scold you for showing weakness. Githyanki are warriors and have no time to tend to the frail. Yet, you’ve proven anything but frail in the time she’s known you. She’s utterly torn and wears it on her face obviously. You’re unsure why you turned to her for comfort, it was obviously a mistake. You sigh exasperatedly and trail off as she watches. You almost make it to your tent before her hand wraps around your wrist and tugs you to look at her. “Battle me,” she speaks blatantly. “Githyanki soothe their mind and body with battle. It is all I know to do. Battle me.” There’s a desperation in her voice. She cannot stand to see you so exhausted and fed up. You squint at her and almost protest that all the battling you’ve done is what led you to this point. The expression she held deterred you. You complied in the end.
She leads you into a dirt clearing and unsheathes her sword. Her face is like the steel she holds in her grasp and you ready yourself. There’s a moment of silence and anticipation that hangs in the air as you two lock eyes. She makes the first move, launching towards you and missing the side of your face by a few inches. You retaliate and dig your weapon of choice into her side. She grits her teeth as she is sent sprawling a few feet away. The girl gives you little time to react. Her next attack flies at you and you two are a clash of steel and flesh. There’s an adrenaline that elicits your veins and your head clears. The worries of taking care of everyone fade and you focus solely on your sparring partner. It’s like a second wind that envelops your body. It takes you a few hits until you realize she’s purposefully leaving herself open and using weaker moves.
She was allowing you to win. To taste her blood and victory in battle. You’re almost insulted if it weren’t so flattering that she was laying herself openly for you. You lay a final hit on her and she kneels with her head bowed. The two of you pant as wounds seep blood. Nothing is too deep and can easily be fixed by bandage or magic. She pulls herself to her feet and smiles softly at you. “A formidable opponent. You underestimate your power.” It was her form of a compliment, you supposed. She then followed you back into camp and sat you down. She runs a wet rag along your scrapes and cuts. The crimson washes off and leaves the wounds exposed to the fresh air. The githyanki is gentle in her touch as she wraps them with a bandage and secures it in place. The muscles in your body flex as you test the hold before turning your attention to her. You go to tend her wounds but are met with a hand in your face. “I am fine. I am strong enough to take care of myself. You, on the other hand, need to recover to lead us onward.”
You quirk a brow at her before pulling away and allowing the campfire to warm your bones. She works deftly on sealing her wounds and you can’t help but feel a little rejuvenated. It wasn't pampering of sorts- but she cared. She tried her best to show it and that’s truly what mattered. She fought against her nature to shame you and instead attempted to cure your ailments. She was rough around the edges but had a soft heart. The thought made you smile softly as you watched the shadows of fire dance along her olive-green skin. She catches your gaze for a moment and seems flustered. “Go rest.” She commands softly and you laugh breathlessly. It takes you a moment to get to your feet but you manage it. Some sleep would surely help repair the worst of it as long as you took it easy the next day.
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Jaheira was an older elf. She could spot the telltale signs of wear. Whether that be mental or physical. She took care of her harpers for just about as long as she could recall at this point. It felt nice to not have to be the one in charge- but maybe she took too much comfort in it. A little guilt weighed in her heart. Too late to dwell, though, you needed assistance. The crackle of the fire was all that could be heard as you sat in front of it. You were still- seemingly lost in thought. She groaned a little as she lowered herself to a seat. Her knees weren’t as they used to be. The sound alerted your mind and you snapped out of it to look at the woman. She smiled softly at you and handed you a goblet. In her other hand was a bottle of wine and her own goblet. “Do not worry, no funny games this time. Just something to unwind.” You scrunch your nose a little before grabbing it.
The bottle uncorks and she pours a glass for you two. It’s not the finest wine but certainly was much better than the gruel served at the tiefling party. You draw your knees to your chest and take a long sip. After she takes a sip of her own she clicks her tongue in thought. Her gaze isn’t on you but on the campfire as she begins to speak. “You are more powerful than you know,” she begins and you look at her from the corner of your eye. “I’ve seen it firsthand. You vanquished the curse of the shadowlands and defeated Ketheric Thorm. I am surprised you didn’t succumb to exhaustion sooner.” You tense, almost expecting it to be an insult. Her softness of tone betrays that thought. “You need to rely on your friends and company more. We are here to help. We care. I care.” She enunciates the last word by looking at you. You can’t help but feel a soft fuzz blooming in your chest. Was it her words or the alcohol?
“I took care of my harpers for a century or more. It is hard work to look after the well-being of everyone else and yourself. I think I became too comfortable in letting you guide me. I apologize for that, truly.” You open your mouth to speak but she shushes you with a point of her goblet. That gesture makes you flush a little and take a sip of your wine once more. “I have seen many people in my life. I have lost many people in my life. You are among some of the most… wonderful I have seen. I will be damned if I lose you to anything beyond yourself.” She smiles at you, the age lines on her face only speaking to how truthful she is being. You can’t help but feel relaxed by both the influence of the alcohol and her words. You realize anything you say would be practically pointless. So, you just shuffle to her side and press against her. She hums in satisfaction and wraps an arm around you. You can hear her swallowing her wine more clearly. There’s a comfortable silence that is punctuated occasionally by the crackling of the fire.
“Another pour?” She offers as she holds the bottle and you cannot help but laugh while gesturing your goblet. Indulging for a night hurt nobody and hell you deserved it. She refills the two glasses and rests her head against yours. There’s a mutual understanding of comfort and connection between you two as you sip and watch the fire. It’s nice to not have to say anything in return. To be able to simply sit and digest the fact that somebody appreciates the fact that you work so tirelessly for them and everyone around you. It’s only til your goblets empty again does she finally pull away and cork the wine. You stand and allow the buzz of the alcohol to warm your veins and loosen your mind. She offers a hand out with a sheepish smile, “Help a gal up?” you tease her for a minute and grab her hand as she hoists herself off the ground. She regards you with a softness and plants a gentle kiss against your forehead. You two part and head to your respective tents to sleep the night away.
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bl3ss3dbyt1amat · 9 months
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my babies. my rides or dies. i’m so sorry shadow heart you got cropped cause i couldn’t get your sketch right <3333
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astariontopofme · 1 year
Lae’zel: *burning a fish on the campfire*
Astarion: *eyebrow raised* I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to be cooking it.
Lae’zel: Chk! If you don’t like it then you’re more than welcome to go find a nice rat to suck on.
Astarion: How dare you! *frowning* I’d never put my mouth on Gale like that!
Wyll: *chokes on his water*
Karlach: PFFFFT-
Gale: *frowning grumpily with his arms crossed*
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astarions-wife · 11 months
The overarching theme of loss and sacrifice is so very prominent in BG3, but especially with some of the companion quests.
Like with Shadowheart, she can either free herself of the curse or save her parents—and ultimately she has to decide.
With Astarion, he can either ascend, thus losing himself in the process—or choose not to, thus dooming himself to (possibly) an eternity of hiding in the shadows.
Lae’zel wants to free Orpheus so badly, and you can—but to prevent yourself or anyone from turning Mind Flayer you have to sacrifice Orpheus to undergo the transformation himself. Even if you did everything for her, she’s either fighting a potentially losing battle, or she’ll stay behind—with the explicit knowledge that the Githyanki Queen will be after her.
Karlach is one of the most devastating, as she can either die a hero, or return to the very world that she worked so hard to escape from.
Wyll is one of the closest to a “happy” ending that we receive, but his loss is very early in the game. If Karlach is spared then he’s cursed as a devil. If Karlach isn’t spared, he isn’t punished of course—but he remains under the contract of Mizora which is arguably, bad.
Lastly, Gale. Where do we even begin? He can help save the entire world, at the cost of his life in let’s face it, a horrific way. He can also become a God at Mystra’s side, which sounds awful knowing what she’s done to him… or he can turn the crown in, leaving that part of his past behind. But even this good ending has a symbol of loss behind it.
Playing this game is so. Intense. Because you can pick the best option, but ultimately there will always be some sort of sacrifice or loss with it. They really make you choose.
I didn’t include Halsin, Minthara, or Jaheira in this, as they’re both subjective to player choices more so—and I haven’t done enough analysis of them 🫶🏻
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