#Laguna x Selphie
lochness-tess · 10 months
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"Everyone has to take care of themselves. I don't want to carry anyone's burden." - Squall Leonhart
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aleheartilly · 3 months
Aaaaand here comes a milestone I thought I'd already celebrated, and I somehow missed.
Latch has reached 2500 hits on FF.net!
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Latch, the first multichapter story I finished in English. In my idea it should have been just a oneshot, now I think it works much, much better like this and I love it.
Read it on AO3 or FF.net.
Inspired by this song:
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phoenix-flamed · 3 months
I'm replaying FFX finally, and if I were to make a multimuse blog of canon characters, or change or open up my XIV OC multimuse to canon characters, I'd be sorely tempted to pick up Lord Braska from X, Laguna Loire and possibly Selphie Tilmitt from FFVIII, Cid Highwind from FFVII, General Beatrix from FFIX, Basch fon Ronsenburg from FFXII, Misija Votyasch and possibly Ameliance Leveilleur from FFXIV, and maybe move my old Aymeric de Borel and Quintus van Cinna muses over to it as well, if I can actually regain muse for those two.
The problem stopping me is that I can't even keep up with one blog, let alone several. :sob:
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angelosearch · 10 months
I saw someone do this in another fandom and I had to try because... these are things I think about anyway. So...
What would Final Fantasy VIII characters' Spotify Wrappeds look like?
Squall - This year is the first year Squall has a Wrapped. He didn't listen much before, but somehow, after meeting Rinoa, music just started to make sense. Still, his taste is mostly emo-boy rock. Linkin Park, blink-182, and Paramore are a few of his favorites. There is this one acoustic song that makes him think about Rinoa that he's listened to more than anything else... He doesn't share his Wrapped with anyone, but, of course, Rinoa was able to steal his phone to take a look.
Top Song - Even Now (Acoustic) by Dashboard Confessional
Rinoa - Rinoa loves high-energy music that she can dance to. Kpop, Pop, and pop that yearns to be disco. Sparklely music. Her top artists include BLACKPINK, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Dua Lipa. But her top song ended up being "Steal the Show" by Lauv. She just couldn't stop listening to it after she heard the "I'll be waiting for you" line. 
Top Song - Steal the Show by Lauv
Zell - Zell mainly listens to music when he is working out, so he sticks to stuff that is loud, fast, and motivating. He is not opposed to pop but definitely leans more to the rock side of things, with some of his top artists being The Killers, Artic Monkeys, Fall Out Boy, and even Olivia Rodrigo on occasion. His favorite band to box to by far is Dragon Force. Their tempo is perfect for it.
Top Song - My Heart will Go On by Dragon Force
Quistis - Quistis listens to more podcasts than music. However, when she does listen to music, her taste is genre-defying and very specifc. Wetleg, Bloom Twins, Rubblebucket, and girl in red are some of her top artists. She also loved the song "You'd Be Stars" by Sydney Rose. But, "Hot Shame" was such an earworm it took first place this year.
Top Song - Hot Shame by FIGHTMASTER
Selphie - Every year, Selphie's Wrapped surprises everyone. Last year it was filled with belting pop divas. The year before that, it was almost entirely metal. This year, Selphie enjoyed bopping around to Hip Hop and Rap. Juice WRLD, Lil Nas X, and Eminem dominated her Wrapped. When asked about the darkness of some of her top song's lyrics, she said, "It's fun! Like a picnic!"
Top Song - TALES OF DOMINICA by Lil Nas X
Irvine - Irvine is embarrassed to share his Wrapped. He was hoping his manly country music and classic rock would show up, but nostalgic moods led to a top five full quieter indie artists. He listened to a lot of "long-haired magic mushroom men" like Hoizer and Noah Khan. 
Top Song - Jackie and Wilson by Hoizer
Laguna - Always the cheeseball, Laguna spent a lot of time jamming out to his early-2000s soft "rock": Maroon 5, Coldplay, John Mayer, Rob Thomas and the like. But in the latter half of the year, he and Ellone started having movie nights, and the soundtracks infiltrated his Wrapped. The movies always seem to have particular themes... so "We Don't Talk About Bruno" and "Journey to the Past" both made it on his top five. 
Top Song - Journey to the Past by Christy Altomare (Anastasia)
BONUS: Cat's in the Cradle is on Laguna's top five songs as well. He keeps sending it to Squall and... well, it has 0 listens in Squall's Spotify.
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toggle1-mrfipp · 10 months
Opera Omnia Burst Themes 1/?
With Opera Omnia shutting down, I decided to make a few posts about one of my favorite parts of the game: The Burst Weapons. Not because they were a powerful, much sought after weapon tier that gave big numbers with massive benefits, but because I have a love for Final Fantasy music, and what BTs I wanted was strongly dependent on what song would play when used.
These posts are meant to be more for the sake of archiving what there had been more than anything else, but at the very least I am going to list a large number of great FF songs.
The first listing will be the songs that we had gotten during the game's lifetime.
Final Fantasy I Warrior of Light: Battle Garland: Miniboss Theme
Final Fantasy II Firion: The Rebel Army Leon: The Imperial Army Minwu: Battle Theme A
Final Fantasy III Onion Knight: Battle 2 Cloud of Darkness: This is The Last Battle
Final Fantasy IV Cecil Harvey (Dark Knight): The Red Wings Cecil Harvey (Paladin): Battle 2 Kain Highwind: The Final Battle Rydia: Rydia's Theme Rosa Joanna Farrell: Theme of Love (Remake) Fusoya: The Final Battle (Remake) Golbez: Battle with the Four Fiends Rubicante: Battle with the Four Fiends (Remake) Ceodoe Harvey: Battle 2 (Remake) Ursula: Fabul (Remake) Leonora: Troian Beauty
Final Fantasy V Bartz Klauser: Battle 2 Faris Scherwiz: Pirates Ahoy! Lenna Charlotte Tycoon: Lenna's Theme Dorgann Klauser: Home, Sweet Home Kelgar: Deception Xezat: Castle of Dawn Gilgamesh: Battle on the Big Bridge Exdeath: The Final Battle
Final Fantasy VI Terra Branford: The Decisive Battle Locke Cole: Locke's Theme Sabin Rene Figaro: The Unforgiven Setzer Gabbianni: Setzer's Theme Edgar Roni Figaro: Edgar & Sabin's Theme Celes Chere: Searching For Friends Relm Arrowny: Relm's Theme Mog: Protect the Espers Strago Magus: Strago's Theme Leo Cristophe: Battle Theme Kefka Palazzo: Dancing Mad
Final Fantasy VII Cloud Strife: Fight On! Tifa Lockhart: JENOVA COMPLETE Yuffie Kisaragi: Wutai Vincent Valentine: Chaotic End Aerith Gainsborough: Aerith's Theme Cait Sith: Cait Sith's Theme Jesse Rasberry: Let the Battles Begin! Sephiroth: One-Winged Angel Zack Fair: The Price of Freedom Cissnei: Ecounter Angeal Hewley: Dreams and Honor Reno: Turk's Theme Rufus Shinra: Shinra Inc Kadaj: J-E-N-O-V-A (Advent Children) Weiss: Fight Tune: Weiss the Immaculate
Final Fantasy VIII Squall Leonhart: Force Your Way Laguna Loire: The Man with the Machine Gun Irvine Kinneas: The Stage is Set Quistis Trepe: Don't Be Afraid Selphie Tilmitt: Where I Belong Rinoa Heartilly: Premonition Fujin: Only a Plank Between One and Perdition Ultimecia: The Extreme
Final Fantasy IX Zidane Tribal: Not Alone Vivi Ornitier: Breaking Through the South Gate Garnet Til Alexandros XVII: Alexander Eiko Carol: Eiko's Theme Quina Quen: Quina's Theme Amarant Coral: Amarant's Theme Kuja: Dark Messenger Beatrix: Something to Protect
Final Fantasy X Tidus: Battle Theme Yuna: A Contest of Aeons Auron: This is Your Story Braska: Final Battle Seymour Guado: Battle with Seymour Jecht: Otherworld Paine: Yuripa, Fight! No. 2
Next Entry
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ruvelli · 2 years
Castle Swimmer x Final Fantasy VIII AU Update
Update to the list (almost have a full character roster now)
Some minor plot stuff to share.
Ships are:
Not Yet Used Castle Swimmer Characters:
Seko and other sharks not listed might just be random SeeD.
Castle Swimmer FFVIII: (? = May not even use this person)
Headmaster Cid - Susca
Edea - Shoal
Squall - Siren
Zell - Pagoon
Xu - Pim
Quistis - Neth (Does NOT have a crush on Siren, does NOT lose teaching position)
Raine/Ellone - Galoo (Has Ellone purpose but also a grown woman who helps the Octos out in the flashbacks, as well as temporarily acted as an orphanage aid while in hiding for a while?)
Rinoa - Kappa
Angelo - Worm/Arp
Dr. Kadowaki - Nee and Krilli (Mostly Nee)
Combo Irvine/Selphie - Silver
Seifer - Fizz (NOT Kappa’s ex)
Laguna - Mucku
Kiros - Neth
Ward - Mono
Ultimecia - Jengu
Adel - Labbu
Fujin and Raijin - Fean and Finley
Biggs and Wedge - Reesha and Roc
General Caraway - (NOT Kappa’s dad)
Deling - Tunny
NORG - Ogo
Dr. Odine - Whisker
Nida - Skiff
There is still a Destined Children prophecy like in the game. Galoo during her time in the orphanage foresees it, as well as what will happen if it’s ignored/not met. Susca wanted to prevent her child having to head a wholeass war, but it was also her husband’s “last wish” to fulfill the prophecy. She continued with the plans they made and hoped to arm Siren as best she could for the coming hardships.
Everyone knows not to mess with Pagoon and Pim.
Pim is also a teacher at the Garden. Gets along with Neth/they’re practically Work Wives (tho Pim is straight and Neth is still asexual, so platonic wifeys).
Siren finds out with the rest what his parents are up to and who the sorcerer is.
One scene during the break out fighting in the garden, Siren bites another person on the shoulder (always gotta have him have them sharky teeth~) and as blood is dribbling down gestures to the next person as if they’re being invited in. Person runs, horrified. Gross, but most “peaceful” method to end things immediately. Siren then has to wash his mouth out because the guy tasted like he hadn’t bathed in a week.
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tsuburu · 5 years
final fantasy viii lockscreens
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simple and clean, white and basic 
credit @tsuburu and leave a little like or reblog if you decide to save or just like them 
don’t repost either, please and thank you!
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Final Fantasy VIII Review
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(A serious review this time, without spoilers.)
Year: 1999
Original Platform: PlayStation One
Also available on: PC, PlayStation Store
Version I Played: PlayStation One
Squall Leonhart is a new recruit of SeeD, a mercenary team protecting the world. Rinoa is a resistance fighter against the Republic of Galbadia, led by the Sorceress Edea who is suddenly hellbent on conquering the neighboring nations. Squall and his team attempt to assassinate Edea, but the mission goes awry.
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Final Fantasy VIII throws nearly every previous battle system out of the window. It’s nearly as radical as Final Fantasy II’s battle system. Enemies around the world map average their levels according to your average level among your characters. You only need 1,000 EXP (experience points) to rise to each level, unlike the other games where the EXP needed rises after each level. But that doesn’t mean your character levels up all their stats – that all depends on the summons, known in this game as Guardian Forces.
 Unlike other games, summons are crucial to the gameplay, despite not being crucial to the story itself. The Junction System has you “junction” each character with a GF, allowing you to assign different battle commands (Item, Draw, Magic, GF, etc). If you don’t assign a character a GF, all they can do in battle is “Attack.”
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That gets super annoying when you’re moving around GFs between characters a lot but you forget to assign that one character a summon right before a major boss battle, so then they can’t do shit.
The drawing system is my favorite aspect of Final Fantasy VIII’s gameplay. Instead of harnessing magic by a points system (such as MP), you draw magic from enemies. Magic is only limited by the number of spells. For example, you fight an enemy and draw 5 Curas from them. You now have 5 Cura spells. You can hold up to 99 of any spell. You don’t have to worry about ethers or running out of MP. I guess it’s an incentive to battle enemies, as they are resources for magic.
But the way the GFs work annoy me the most. You to call upon GFs at any time in any battle for an infinite number of times. This doesn’t give you any incentive to even try battling. If something annoyed me, I just said, “Fuck it” and spammed GFs. Not only that, but you have to sit through the short cinematic sequence of your summon every time you call them. I must have viewed Shiva’s summoning sequence ten-thousand fucking times before finishing the game. This makes battling feel repetitive, tedious, and unenjoyable. Battling was a chore.
The Junction System overall is so complicated that you have to go through a tutorial within the first twenty minutes of the game. It’s aggravating enough already to sit through Quistis going, “Blah, blah. blah” but it’s actually super important because if you don’t pay attention then this game will be tedious.
The final battle though? That shit was epic. Hard. But epic. One of the best final battles.
This game took a different route in giving realistic proportions to its characters. While that’s a cool idea on paper, the overall effect is. . .boring? Almost every other Final Fantasy game has a cast of very distinct characters, like various species, age groups, or wildly different clothing. To suddenly play a Final Fantasy game with what looks like real people – like Bob, Joe and Jill – seems drab. Selphie by far has been the least interesting character to me. When your characters look and feel like NPCs, it’s hard to become invested in them.
I wasn’t a fan of many of the backdrops because for whatever reason I had trouble discerning some doors. I couldn’t tell what I was looking at in the background sometimes, like if there was a switch or button that I had to press.
The cinematics are great though – some of the best in the series. It has the most memorable opening sequence of any game – the duel between Squall and his rival Seifer. The cinematics were a MAJOR step up from Final Fantasy VII.
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Oh hey, so here’s a serious, non-spoiler, non-inflammatory review of Final Fantasy VIII.
Put this story side-by-side with Final Fantasy VII and you can see how they carried on the inspirations. Once again, the story is set in a more modern setting with cars, trains, etc. Squall is Cloud. Rinoa is Aerith. Etc., etc.
Squall Leonhart is the epitome of angst. You will spend the entire game rolling your eyes at Squall’s angsty introspective thoughts about the situations he’s in and people around him. Squall is essentially a bad version of Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII. Take Cloud but only take his cool design and angsty responses. That’s Squall Leonhart. Squall literally has no interesting qualities about him other than his physical design. He can rock that jacket and that scar on his face. Squall’s “romance” with Rinoa Heartilly is also a cardboard copy of Cloud and Aerith’s romance. Squall meets Rinoa by a chance meeting at a military ball. She serves as the optimistic, lively counterweight to Squall’s stoicism. But there’s hardly any depth other than Squall finding her pretty and Rinoa thinking he’s cute and handsome.
The cast of characters is bland, to say the least. They are composed of other students (Quistis being an instructor though) at Balamb Garden (except Irvine, who is a student of another Garden). They look boring. Their introductions are boring. Balamb Garden sounds like a cool idea – a mercenary school – except it plays off more like a poorly written high school anime drama, which is lame. At one point, Squall’s friends – Zell, Selphie, Irvine and Quistis – all try to conspire to get him to talk to Rinoa. You actually have to play through that of the plot and watch it unfold. But Squall tries to understand Rinoa’s upbeat attitude with lots of question marks in his thought bubbles and mumbling, “Whatever”. It’s jarring to sit through four discs of this over and over.
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The plot is a butchered mess. After Disc 1 is when the plot gets strange like a fever dream. Plot twists happen left and right after Disc 1 without any rhyme or reason. Very little is explained and many twists are too convenient. Seifer is introduced as Squall’s rival and Rinoa’s original love interest, but then he inexplicably turns evil. In no dialogue or plot points do we ever learn why Seifer switches sides. None at all.
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There’s a particular interesting fan theory that actually makes infinitely more sense than the story that Square gave us. Here’s a hot tip – when fan theories start making perfect sense, you probably didn’t write a good story.
The best part of Final Fantasy VIII is actually Laguna Loire. Throughout the story, Squall and his friends pass out for mysterious reasons and you are introduced to Laguna Loire and his two buddies, Ward and Kiros (who are reminiscent of Biggs and Wedge from Final Fantasy VII). They partake in events set in the past. Laguna Loire hearkens back to the pre-Final Fantasy VII heroes – heroes like Bartz and Locke. He’s funny and charming. I wish the game was about him and his friends instead of angsty Squall and his cardboard friends.
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 So, for four discs you play through these parallel plots and then they merge by the end. The payoff isn’t so amazing. I expected something better. Time travel is involved, albeit in a way that doesn’t make sense. Time compression! The ability to compress time into a singularity because . . . because why again? I guess you don’t have to wait for the next season of Game of Thrones anymore. Is that what that means?  
Other notes I want to mention – Balamb Garden is an awful, clunky airship and the world map is the least interesting world map in the entire series. The only remotely interesting place is Fisherman’s Horizon.
 Final Fantasy VIII’s story is the second most radical departure from the series, the first being Final Fantasy X, which I will get to later. However, Final Fantasy VII lacks any meaningful depth or existential crisis for its main character to explore. There’s no grand critique on the meaning or life or anything like that. There’s one slight existential question that Rinoa faces near the end but it’s practically nothing. I admire what they tried to do but it fell flat on its face. It’s dull and insipid with its characters and the plot doesn’t steer in a clear direction.
Overall, I admire what they were trying to do by adding time travel to the story. But it became such a warbled mess that it failed to deliver. They took all the cool parts of Final Fantasy VII but didn’t bother to give them depth.
The music is the biggest highlight of Final Fantasy VIII. Laguna Loire’s battle theme is sexy as hell. It made me so sad to return to Squall’s timeline, because I wouldn’t get to hear that music again for a while. The world map theme irritated me. It has a jingle that didn’t jive well with wandering around. It probably also didn’t help that the world map is dull to run around in.
The game’s theme, Liberi Fatali, is damn epic. Liberi Fatali does have actual lyrics but the famous lines “Fithos lusec wecos vinosec” is actually nonsense. Maybe that nonsense reflects the nonsense that is the actual story. It would have been nice if they had actually incorporated those words into the story somehow, like some magic spell like “abracadabra”.
The love theme is Eyes on Me, performed by Faye Wong. It’s the first time that Uematsu composed a pop song for a Final Fantasy game. Its lyrics are nice and of course fitting for the love story. I like hearing it.
There are no other character themes in this score. The focus was all on Squall and Rinoa having their silly angsty romance.
The final boss theme is actually one of my favorites. It starts out eerie with the chorus singing “Fithos lusec wecos vinosec” but in this drawn out, ghost-like manner. Then the music picks up sounding like a typical Final Fantasy battle theme, then goes crazy from there on out.
Notable Score:
Liberi Fatali.
My least favorite Final Fantasy game. I would place it right at the bottom tier. The story is absolute gibberish. The gameplay could be fun once you wrap your head around it, which I didn’t and so it was a pain in the ass for me. Finding all the Guardian Forces can be fun. Laguna Loire is the best part of the story, and that’s really it. At the end of the day, probably put this one off until you play the better, more important Final Fantasy games. You are not missing anything if you never play this game.
Direct Sequel?
Keep it that way.
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What are your ff ships?
Final Fantasy IV:
Final Fantasy V:
Bartz/Faris, though Bartz/Lenna is cute too 
Final Fantasy VI:
Setzer/Daril in backstory, though that may be like saying Cyan and his dead wife?
My mind says to say Sabin/Cyan. I think it pulled that out of thin air
And none for Locke Cole byyyye
Final Fantasy VII:
Sometimes we just need some guilty pleasure, unhealthy Sephiroth/Cloud
I used to have some feelings about  Vincent/Lucrecia, but I would have to replay the original before I could say whether I still agree with my past self.
I also remember having opinions about Reno/Yuffie when I was much younger, but I cannot remember where that came from. Not that I think ships need to have a “reason.” I just don’t have an opinion presently. It’s only worth mentioning in case someone else ship this and wants to try and trigger a memory.
Final Fantasy VIII:
Final Fantasy X:
Final Fantasy XII:
Final Fantasy XV:
All four Chocobros together. So I guess I should also put Gladio/Noctis but I don’t usually get into them as a ship unless it’s just as completing the polycule.
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shiracaelum · 5 years
Final Fantasy Headcanons
♡Hello I’m taking requests♡
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VI - Terra Locke Sabin Celes
VII - Cloud Tifa Aerith Zack Reno
VIII - Squall Rinoa Zell Irvine Laguna Quistis Selphie Seifer
IX - Garnet Zidane Beatrix Steiner
X - Tidus Lulu Yuna
XIII - Lightning Snow Fang Vanille Hope Serah
XIV - Yshtola Lyse Aymric Haurchefant Alphinaud
XV - Noctis Prompto Luna Cindy Ravus Aranea
Crystal Bearers - Layle Keiss Belle Althea
Type 0 - Ace Nine King Jack Seven Queen Sice
every asks will be gn unless asked
Will not do
Character x Character 
poly relationships
Mental illness 
no more than 4 character per ask thanks~
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moombaliberator · 5 years
@sunny-explosions continued from X
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Already tipsy himself Laguna accepts the condition readily. Her words strike true and Laguna flushes, feeling a warmth not connected to the booze flowing through his veins.
“Uh, sure!” He answers, realizing she’s waiting for a response. Once the shot is acquired Laguna cheerily clicks the glass against Selphie, a satisfying chink breaking through the dim of the festival.
Like Selphie he downs in a gulp. The burn is poignant, burning all the way to his stomach and his eyes widen. What had she given him?
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aleheartilly · 6 months
Time for my weekly spotlight!
Here comes Latch, the first multichapter story I finished in English. In my idea it should have been just a oneshot, now I think it works much, much better like this and I love it.
Read it on AO3 or FF.net.
Inspired by this song:
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sunny-explosions · 5 years
@corditeheart | Continued from X
She sets her phone down once she sends the text, mostly expecting it to stay silent for the next few hours considering the time. Really, she shouldn’t be up either, but the insomnia is hitting her hard tonight; Selphie pulls her knees further into her chest, but stops when his ringtone breaks the silence.
She picks up on the second ring, barely able to get out a greeting before his yawn stops her - maybe this was a bad idea, disturbing him like this.
“I woke you up, didn’t I?” Initially, that had been the point of texting him in the first place, but the guilt of waking him up just for her own comfort was suddenly overwhelming; she starts apologizing before she can stop herself, her words tumbling off her tongue abnormally quickly.
“I’m sorry, Laguna... Go back to sleep, you don’t have to worry; it’s not a big deal--”
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corditeheart · 6 years
@sunny-explosions | x
[text]: Don’t die!!!
Oh, god, he’s humiliated, because Selphie Tilmitt is half his age and doesn’t need to be dragged into his personal bullshit, especially on one of those rare nights where he gives into his baser impulses. 
[text]: It’s not what it looks like I promise!
It is exactly what it looks like. He’s going to go outside and have Kiros break his hands so he can’t text for the next few months, quite frankly. Laguna tosses his phone on the desk, picking up his glass instead, and drains the whole thing in one long swallow. 
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@milkchocobo So after like an hour of scrolling through your account, I got the distinct impression you liked Selphie x Laguna, and while I never knew people shipped this I kinda like it. so here is a doodle of Selphie wearing his jacket-
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forhcarthandhome · 4 years
Bold = Main Ship(s)
Final Fantasy VII
Rude/Tifa | Leslie/Tifa | Reno/Tifa | Kunsel/Tifa | Aerith/Tifa | Tseng/Aerith | Aerith/Biggs | Zack/Aerith | Zack/Cloud | Reno/Rude | Cid/Vincent | Rufus/Tseng/Elena | Rufus/Elena | Poly Turks/Rufus
Final Fantasy VIII
Seifer/Rinoa | Laguna/Raine | Zell/Rinoa | Squall/Selphie | Selphie/Quistis | Quistis/Irvine 
Final Fantasy X / X-2
Yuna/Tidus | Shuyin/Lenne | Braska/Jecht/Auron
Final Fantasy XII
Balthier/Basch | Balthier/Fran | Balthier/Ashe | Ashe/Basch | Vossler/Ondore
Final Fantasy XIII
Serah/Snow | Fang/Vanille
Final Fantasy XIV
Gaia/Ryne | Urianger/Thancred | Dulia/Chai-Nuzz | Y’shtola/Lyse | Y’shtola/Runar | Cid/Nero | Lyse/Fordola | Estinien/Vrtra
Final Fantasy XV
Cindy/Holly | Cindy/Aranea | Cindy/Crowe | Cindy/Lunafreya | Crowe/Lunafreya | Nyx/Lunafreya | Noctis/Prompto | Prompto/Gladio | Ardyn/Verstael | Ardyn/Aera | Monica/Cor | Monica/Dave | Cor/Dratuos 
Final Fantasy XVI
Terrence/Dion | Cid/Gav | Cid/Clive
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim 
Hijiyama/Okino | Keitaro/Natsuno | Ei/Iori | Ei/Miura | Yuki/Ryoko | Nenji/Tomi | Hijiyama/Keitaro | Keitaro/Natsuno/Ei (13SW!AU) | Yuki/Iori | Yuki/Tamao
Eighty Six 
Persona 5
Ryuji/Ann | Ryuji/Ann/Ren / Ann/Ren
Devil May Cry
Blake/Sun | Blake/Sun/Yang | Blake/Weiss | Qrow/Ironwood | Qrow/Clover | Roman/Neo | Coco/Velvet | Ren/Nora | Ruby/Penny | Pyrrha/Jaune | Robin/Fiona | May/Joanna | Emerald/Mercury | Summer/Raven
Fyra/Sechs | A2/Anemone | Kaine/Nier (brother) | 2B/6O | Weiss/Nier (Dad) | Caim/Angelus | Two/Cent
Red vs Blue
York/Carolina | Carolina/Kimball | Locus/Felix | Grif/Simmons | Wash/Tucker | Church/Tex
Life is Strange
Chloe/Max | Chloe/Amber
Assassin’s Creed
Altair/Malik | Ezio/Leonardo
Resident Evil
Jill/Chris | Jill/Carlos | Jake/Sherry | Billy/Rebecca
The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
Sokka/Suki | Korra/Asami | Zuko/Katara
Mass Effect
F!Shepard/Garrus | F!Shepard/Thane
Kingdom Hearts
Namine/Xion | Aqua/Cinderella | Kairi/Olette
Fire Emblem
Shiro/Allura | Allura/Lotor
The Legend of Zelda
Link/Mipha | Link/Sidon | Midna/Zelda
Itto/Gorou | Stelle/March 7th | Stelle/March 7th/Dan Heng
Star Wars
Ahsoka/Barris | Obi-Wan/Cody | Riyo/Fox | Bly/Aayla | Bail/Breha/Fox | Boba/Din
  Aoife Dia (OC) /Dave Auburnbrie | Cora Thuraine  (OC) /Thancred Waters | Nero Sinclair (OC) /G’raha Tia
Sebastian Blake/Cain Holt | Arethasgr/Unnamed Knight | Laughter/Axil
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