#Lancelot and Guinevere
cowboyscaviar · 8 months
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thinking soooo many crazy thoughts rn
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cabbageheadss · 4 months
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BBC MERLIN | 2x04: Lancelot and Guinevere
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sunsofdawn · 3 months
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alicent hightower & criston cole + alfred lord tennyson’s “guinevere” (1867).
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pippin-katz · 2 years
Arthur’s Love Confession
The word choice for Arthur’s confession is really… interesting. As many people have pointed out, if you remove the pronouns from the conversation, everything Arthur says can be true for Merlin as much as Gwen.
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Here’s the thing: I’m a writer. I’ve said this before, and I’ll keep saying it when it comes to posts like this.
If I was writing a love confession from one of my characters, I wouldn’t have what they say be so vague that it would be unclear who they were referring to when taken out of context.
If you showed this conversation to someone who had no idea who these characters were other than a knight and a servant, it would be completely believable that the knight is talking about the servant he’s with.
Hell, Merlin’s reaction to Arthur being unable to say he’s in love and how certain he is that nothing could happen seems a bit strong considering the conversation is about Gwen, not him. He’s her friend and would understandably try to convince Arthur that they could be together, but the dialogue does it in such a round about, vague way before they get to the point. There’s no reason for them to be vague. They both know full well who they’re talking about.
I suppose I have to say this is an opinion of the writing because I can’t claim that the writers did anything with underlying intentions. It’s just seems strange to me how perfectly the description aligns. Even the lines not here could easily have the pronouns swapped and still make sense.
“How can I admit that I think about her (him/you) all the time? Or that I care about her (him/you) more than anyone? How can I admit that I don’t know what I’ll do if any harm comes to her (him/you)?”
It still works. We can’t prove that Arthur thinks about Merlin all the time, but there’s a damn huge amount of evidence that he cares for him deeply and can’t handle him being hurt. Anyone wanting to argue with me on this, go watch The Poisoned Chalice again, which is the FOURTH EPISODE by the way.
Other than that iconic episode, there’s plenty of other things. He doesn’t let Merlin drink the “poison” during the test at the labyrinth. He denies any accusations of him having magic whenever they come up, which is because he genuinely doesn’t believe he has any, but it also has to do with the fact that he would be executed. He always protects him in dangerous situations and tells him to run when things get too dicey. We all know how he acted when Merlin was believed to be dead.
Like I said, it’s weird how well the lines match up. And Arthur looks at him like this before the conversation:
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And like this after this conversation:
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Maybe I’ve just never had a “true bestie” because I have never looked at someone or had someone look at me like that. Arthur looks so flirtatious in that second gif man.
But anyway! That’s just some thoughts I was having about the love confession!
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adhd-merlin · 3 months
lancelot: I'm the queen's right-hand arm... man. I'm the queen's everything. I'm her confidant. her best friend. her silly rabbit
lady of the lake: her what?
lancelot: her silly rabbit :)
lady of the lake: is that what she calls you?
lancelot: no
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rosareversa · 2 years
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better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all...
Francesca and Paolo (Anselm Feuerbach, Dante Alighieri) // Orpheus and Euridice (Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot) // Lancelot and Guinevere (Julia Margaret Cameron) // Romeo and Juliet (John W. S. Hows) // Tristan and Isolde (Rogelio de Egusquiza) 
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sword-fighting-hermit · 7 months
[Fool]'s Favour
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Also known as: Our star-crossed lovers, Lancelot and Guinevere
The deal is, I really don't think Lancelot is a fool. But when I read the prompt, Lord Huron's lyrics ran through my head:
"I'm dangerous cause I'm a fool for love"
And I think of them
For @mortiscausa‘s March to Camelot
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fixing-bad-posts · 1 year
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[Image description: A cut-up poem, overlaid on a sepia-toned image of a man in chain-mail being knighted by a woman holding a sword. Transcript is below.]
Our honest woman made ALL of opinion in the hour of desire on that most natural lancing That's a home and we are finally more
if our Unpopular king noticed the cycle the proven con it meant more to not see and not say
I've errands, of honorable doing still I can't belong to such work (In tribute only for her)
on: the ill-made knight
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morsmortish · 2 months
“we must not let our passions destroy our dreams.” | bartylily
a bartylily as lancelot and guinevere study
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as tensions heat in the court of camelot between the king, his wife, and his favourite knight, arthur cautions: “we must not let our passions destroy our dreams.” he speaks of the bond between lancelot and guinevere that threatens to uproot everything they have all worked so hard to build. and yet, the pair can’t stifle all the feelings that seep through the cracks in the facades they’ve both built up. it was never meant to be like this. they were never meant to be together. guinevere is the queen: she has the responsibility of a kingdom of people upon her shoulders. lancelot is a knight: he exists to serve someone else. he lives his life in the capacity of how he can be useful to arthur. they are not a pair written in the stars. and yet. and. yet. they find whatever it is that they’ve been missing in each other. maybe it is the way they are able to see each other, in a way no one else can. through all the layers of expectations and facades of morality. they each see the souls beneath the armour or pretty dresses. and perhaps that is more powerful, more important, than what they’ve been living for until now. barty and lily are similar, in that they both see the other for who they are. behind lily’s “little miss perfect” facade is a real human being, with a soul made up of the same stuff as the soul that hides behind barty’s pretense of the ‘honourable son’ he is named for. they’ve both spent their entire lives pretending, living for other peoples expectations of them, and the freedom they find with each other is unexplainably special. the passions they experience much outweigh the dreams of other people that they’ve been living as thus far. “we must not let our passions outweigh our dreams.” but what if one’s passions become one’s dreams? what then? are the sacrifices worth it? for lancelot and guinevere, and indeed barty and lily, the answer will always be yes.
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cowboyscaviar · 6 months
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The Parting of Lancelot and Guinevere – Julia Margaret Cameron // Black Beauty – Lana Del Rey
requested by @mikushimada 💛
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gailyinthedark · 9 months
I remembered when Lancelot asked the widowed Guinevere to marry him and she said no and they both spent the rest of their lives doing penance and never saw each other alive again and now I'm crying
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thefollow-spot · 1 year
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Lancelot + Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
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mergwaine is REAL 🥰
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septembergold · 10 months
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Donato Giancola - Lancelot and Guinevere (2004)
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pippin-katz · 2 years
Favorite Merthur Things
The way Arthur uses Merlin’s name at every chance he gets.
Bonus: here’s my favorite time he says it
Arthur says Merlin’s name a lot, but this has to be my favorite moment because of just how he yells it & how the “-lin” part of his name is held longer than usual 😂
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