#Lao Zi
philosophical-daisies · 3 months
Stop being holy, forget being prudent,
it'll be a hundred times better for everyone.
Stop being altruistic, forget being righteous,
people will remember what family feeling is.
Stop planning, forget making a profit,
there won't be any thieves and robbers.
But even these three rules
needn't be followed; what works reliably
is to know the raw silk,
hold the uncut wood.
Need little,
want less.
Forget the rules.
Be untroubled.
Lao Zi, "Tao Te Ching"
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jwaluyo · 6 months
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Lao Tzu atau Lao Zi adalah salah satu ahli filsafat Tiongkok dan merupakan pendiri Taoisme yang lahir sekitar 570 sebelum Masehi pada zaman Dinasti Zhou
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polyglot-thought · 1 year
[Classical Mandarin->English]
Lao Zi (Lao Tzu/老子) Quote from Chapter 64 of the Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching/道德经/道德經) - Color Coded Translation
qiān lǐ zhī xíng,shǐ yú zú xià
The journey of 1000 (chinese) miles starts under your feet.
Please correct me if I made a mistake.
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lotus-duckies · 1 year
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Behold! A god who experiences primal fear upon seeing the guy who ate all his pills
also i like seeing grandpas being protective of their disciples it's cute
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blackcat-brazil · 1 year
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mitleid · 5 months
As coisas mais fracas do mundo podem se mover livremente
A coisa mais fraca do mundo é a água. O caminho da água é ilimitado quando é largo e é imensurável quando é profundo. A chuva e o orvalho caindo podem umedecer todas as coisas, todas as coisas são umedecidas pela água e devem crescer, tudo é movido pela água e tem que correr, mas a água cobre e transporta todas as coisas sem preferência própria, a água alimenta todas as coisas sem pedir nada em…
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joffartac · 10 months
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Old Master Q TG Adventure. Suddenly transformed into a woman similar to his love interest, Miss Chan
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gwyoi · 2 years
Dating sim where you date Jesus and Buddha and the prophet Mohammed etc etc.
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unwounding · 2 years
It's so crazy how I can be in a dour mood for a day or two then feel complete happiness the next. Of course, that is what the Buddha and also my therapists have been trying to get across--nothing lasts forever, including emotions. This is one reason my suicidality has plummeted over the years: I realize the absurdity of killing myself because I also realize that the feeling inspiring this desire will dissipate, and likely sooner rather than later.
Thursday I locked myself in my room and Friday I was near the Hudson with a friend I hadn't seen in nearly a decade and the Sun was bright and the sky clear and empty and in that moment I was so, so happy.
In conclusion, be like water and go with the flow.
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fannyjemwong · 1 year
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
[You did send a less detailed version of this ask a few days ago, I just hadn't gone through my inbox enough XD] + [I love the detailed responses though! It's nice to see so much interest in my silly aus!]
okay! I thought I sent one but I couldn't quite remember if I did XD Sometimes I feel like I ramble too much so I'm glad you like these! if it's not to much trouble do you mind answer the og post, you don't have to actually make any comments on it contents but I'm keeping notes on Slow boiled au for the fanfic I'm writing and their might be some details in there I forgot about, thank you.
[Peaches. Some days his brain/body just decides "Eww no. bleh. Spit it out right now" and the nausea hits him hard. Wukong is dismayed whenever it happens.]
at some point in s3 MK walks in on Monkey King crying over a peach with a single bite taken out of it, Wukong having gotten emotional when he his body couldn't handle the peach + stress (I headcanon that part of his obsession with peaches are because peaches are a comfort food for him, so not being able to eat one when stressed hit him pretty hard).
[Think of it like the formation of a geode - it can do it either over a natural couple of centuries, or in a few months with intervention.]
the geode comparison is really cool! especially considering it's a stone egg.
[it's possible MK *remembers* being held by someone soft with a round belly + gold eyes. He assumes throughout his life that this person was his birth mother before he was given up/orphaned.]
imagine monkey king asking MK about his family, wantingto know how his brother's reincarnations are doing, and MK talks about them then mentions he was actually adopted and MK offhandedly mentioning the one memory he has of his "birth mother" to Monkey king and monkey king just being like "oh. oh no."
[So that Stone Egg been slow boiling from anywhere between 1394 to 1116 years. 0_o] + [Either way SWK has beaten Lao Tzu/Zi's mom (pregnant for 62-80 years), and def brags about that fact to whatever immortal will hear.]
honestly, after that long, he's earned bragging rights.
[DBK overhears LBD making threatening references to Wukong's conditon and immediately interrupts her villainy bs to yell at his sworn brother.]
LBD just giving up and leaving as the two bicker is hilarious. it also has the affect of eleveating some of Wukong's stress about LBD returning, and making him feel better about the rift between him and his brother once DBK accepts his proposal to be the egg's godparent. evn if offering such a title to someone other then Ao Lie leaves a bittersweet taste in his mouth. he knows Ao Lie would't mind him giving the title to someone he trusted, but he'd always been so sure that someone would be Ao Lie.
[After the initial shock wears off, PIF immediately summons a catalog to look for baby shower supplies. This is a monumentous occassion!]
all negitive feelings are forgotten when the excitement of a new baby within the sworn family is brought into everything + learning that Wukong very possibly could have lost his own child by helping with the Samadhi fire ritual, something he did becuase he was one of the few who could help them from losing their own child. from mother to mother(?), she understands how hard of a call that must have been to make.
[She ofc assumes it's Macaque's fault (she's not wrong XD) and that this might be her future sworn niece/nephew! She simply must organise everything for her idiot sworn brother and his mate!]
when Yuebei is born and has dark fur and glowing ears she feels it is confirmed that her assumption Macaque was the other parent was correct, no one corrects her about the bio parent situation.
[Red blinks in confusion before confronting the Monkie Kid gang about it later. Mei demands PIF's contact details right that second so that they can swap party ideas.]
red son is just going "WTH WTH WTH" the whole time as they explain, Mei would absolutely insert herself into baby shower planing the moment the idea is brought up.
[Macaque spends most of S3 trying to bat away any thoughts/predictive sounds of a happy domestic life him and Wukong cna have together.]
its dangerous to be thinking of such things with the lady bone demon breathing down his neck, but he can't help it. it gets overwhelming sometimes, the sounds of domestic moments from the past mixing with possible futures leave him questioning what it is exactly he wants anymore. but those are thoughts to process when LBD is defeated and the world isn't on the cusp of being destroyed. now of Wukong didn't put himself and the egg in one of the most compramising positions ever by being possessed in the meantime, that would be great. he makes up his mind the moment a just freed monkey king collapses into his arms crying like this is the only hug he's ever had in his life.
[Yuebei's first immortal kill is in fact LBD, preformed before she was even born. Once the switch "flipped" on the possesed SWK, the Egg recognised LBD as both a threat to her parent and a tasty source of Dao, hence; nom-nom-nom.] + [All thats left behind of the ancient bone demon is a picked-clean skull.]
not even out of the womb and already earning her "god killer" title. Wukong always guessed any kid that was solely his would be a menace, but now he's starting to get a little concerned.
I was doing some doodles for this au and I had the idea of Yuebei getting a staff of her own from her parents and I wanted it to have something to do with LBD's skull, but I couldn't make the design work. so I actually had the idea of her having her staff and wearing the front of LBD's skull like a mask. she legit wearing the skeletal face of her first kill, creepy, stylish, and effective at scaring off her enemies.
[Ah, a fellow party crasher, just like her baba.]
Wukong appreciates the hustle, but could she be a menace to everyone except him and is poor body please? he just got put through hell and now he's gotta get this egg outta him and that's probably gonna be less fun then getting possessed.
[Wukong and Macaque can barely enjoy the bowl of noodles they've stolen (in good humor) from MK when Wukong's face just drops from a shift in his body.]
Macaque feels Wukong's body suddenly go rigid and is confused, then he sees the look on Wukong's face and just knows. as soon as Wukong starts ordering Ne Zha to go get Guanyin he's instantly fussing and getting things ready for the undoubtedly long few hours ahead. surprisingly, the two monkeys are basically the only ones not panicking at this point, them and Guanyin once they're on the scene.
[Tang: "Oh gracious Buddha! The bodhisattva Guanyi herse-- oh gosh this is a lot grosser than I was expecting..." *gets woozy and hides face in Pigsy's chest*]
no matter the incarnation, every reincarnation of the golden cicada is squeamish.
[Imagine how much crying would be involved if little Yuebei just so happened to be born six-eared as well?] + [Hard to refute their claims when the little Monkey Princess has such lovely midnight-dark fur and glowing ears.]
I like to think that she wouldn't have his six sensitive ears because she didn't actually have the genetics for it, but her appearance could still be pushed so her ears do still glow a little.
even if their aren't six ears, the instant Macaque sees her ears glowing he would not be able to stop himself from squealing with joy and practically side tackling Wukong as he is incoherently babbling about how much he loves her.
[He def recorded a tape + wrote letters to Yuebei before she was born ala "For Steven" in Steven Universe... just in case his immortality didn't work in the end.]
he def let Guanyin know before hand so that if things did go wrong they'd know the tapes/letters were there to give to his infant.
[Little Yuebei spent so much time in the "final run" hearing show tunes, action movies, and the voices of Wukong's new found family/troop that she thinks theses are all "good noises"!]
this is super cute!
but to make a good thing angsty, what if she also has "bad noises" that she associates with certain things. what if when they first met Azure she was super aggressive towards him at first because she "remembers" hearing him being really mean and/or straight up hurting Wukong at some point in the journey. and what if she also isn't that trusting of macaque at first because she also only ever "heard" him when he was in the process of trying to hurt her baba and his friends, both in his first life and now in his second. this def upsets Macaque but also he did do that so he's the one who's gotta make up for it, luckily yuebei seems to warm up to him quickly when she sees him and Wukong being cuddly and reconciling.
[Yuebei decided that "Kitty" wasn't playing with her, wasn't holding her right, and wasn't even singing to her! And she wanted to make her frustrations known.]
c'mon Azure, if you're gonna hold a super strong baby that already doesn't like you the least you can do is try and keep her happy and preoccupied. he's got no one but himself to blame
sequel to this post!
Im uber excited to read more your fic btw!
[I headcanon that part of his obsession with peaches are because peaches are a comfort food for him, so not being able to eat one when stressed hit him pretty hard]
Wukong associates peaches with 1: Food security, 2: His Immortality, and most importantly, 3: His friendship/romance with Macaque. So his body deciding to reject peaches is a huge stresser for him, which leads to more stress and more nausea and less peaches, in an endless cycle. Peach chips at least dont seem to trigger the worst of his food adversion though, the crunchy chip texture seems to cancel it out.
[...MK talks about them then mentions he was actually adopted and MK offhandedly mentioning the one memory he has of his "birth mother" to Monkey king and monkey king just being like "oh. oh no."]
Oh MK sweetie no... :(
And the Monkey King is just silent cus he knows who MK is talking about [him], and even if SWK didn't create MK in the au, he was still the one to decide to send him to live among mortals for his own good. So the idea that MK potientially remembers Wukong from this time is a huge shock to him.
Wukong: "...your mother, what did they look like?"
MK, clueless: "Umm... their hair was a warm orange-y color. Like the sun. And I think their eyes was this really shiny yellow, or maybe amber colour? Oh! And they had this round stomach - I remember hugging it..." *gets kinda wistful* "I don't know why I'm not with them anymore, but hope they're doing ok if they're still out there."
Wukong, hand ghosting over his stomach: "You and me both bud."
[DBK accepts his proposal to be the egg's godparent. evn if offering such a title to someone other then Ao Lie leaves a bittersweet taste in his mouth. he knows Ao Lie would't mind him giving the title to someone he trusted, but he'd always been so sure that someone would be Ao Lie.]
Wukong def was hit hard by Ao Lie's passing. It pains him to give the godparent title to anyone else, but he knows when push comes to shove; his older sworn brother will be there to protect his infant. Ao Lie would just be glad that Wukong meant his offer all those centuries ago.
[all negitive feelings are forgotten when the excitement of a new baby within the sworn family is brought into everything + learning that Wukong very possibly could have lost his own child by helping with the Samadhi fire ritual, something he did becuase he was one of the few who could help them from losing their own child. from mother to mother(?), she understands how hard of a call that must have been to make.]
PIF has to give Wukong mega-respect; putting himself and his baby on the line for the health of her own. Even if she considers it so stupid to agree to such a dangerous ritual when Wukong knew he was carrying, PIF just looks over at Red Son, alive and healthy, and just hugs Wukong the next time she sees him. Although she hasn't been the most welcoming sworn sister-in-law, she vows to make it up to him for saving her child from the Samadhi Fire.
A decent proper baby shower is first on her list of repayments.
[when Yuebei is born and has dark fur and glowing ears she feels it is confirmed that her assumption Macaque was the other parent was correct, no one corrects her about the bio parent situation.]
PIF just side-eyeing Macaque whenever she sees him, convinced from the talk of the two's bad breakup + Macaque not initially knowing about the pregnancy; that her lil sworn bro is the baby-daddy. And when Yuebei is born having "imprinted" on Wukong's yearning/love for Macaque...
PIF: *seeing the baby's dark fur and glowing ears* PIF (whispering so not to wake the baby): "I fcking knew it." Macaque: *is too tired/proud to argue with her* "Yeaaah..." :')
[red son is just going "WTH WTH WTH" the whole time as they explain, Mei would absolutely insert herself into baby shower planing the moment the idea is brought up.]
Red has no idea what to do in response to all this baby talk, so he just; tries to apologise to SWK for setting him on fire a bunch as a toddler??
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Wukong appriciates the effort.
Mei, PIF and Jiuweihuli get talking and soon Wukong is looking at a baby shower akin to a red carpet event.
[...but those are thoughts to process when LBD is defeated and the world isn't on the cusp of being destroyed. now of Wukong didn't put himself and the egg in one of the most compramising positions ever by being possessed in the meantime, that would be great. he makes up his mind the moment a just freed monkey king collapses into his arms crying like this is the only hug he's ever had in his life.]
Macaque spends episodes asking himself he truly wants to rebuild his and Wukong's relationship, and when the king holds him tight like he's about to disappear - Macaque decides to stay for good.
[not even out of the womb and already earning her "god killer" title.]
Imagine you're a random Celestial or demon and you hear the dreaded "God Killer" is gonna be at an event, and it's a tiny baby monkey in a papoose strapped to the Monkey King, or his many terrifying sworn family members.
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You'd honestly be more afraid of that baby.
[I was doing some doodles for this au and I had the idea of Yuebei getting a staff of her own from her parents and I wanted it to have something to do with LBD's skull, but I couldn't make the design work. so I actually had the idea of her having her staff and wearing the front of LBD's skull like a mask. she legit wearing the skeletal face of her first kill, creepy, stylish, and effective at scaring off her enemies.]
Oh that sounds so cool!!! Her divine skull weapon being a mask made from the skull of her first kill that she uses to channel her deadly power - like turning the Medusa's head into a shield. Her staff being a gift from her parents that has no inate magic ability beyond the fact that she puts her trust in it as her first "real" weapon.
I can imagine she uses a glamour/quick magic to put the skull/mask on (like Dr Facillier in "Friends on the Other Side") as a way of saying "You're f*cked" to her opponents.
I'm excited to see how your drawings go!
[-the two monkeys are basically the only ones not panicking at this point, them and Guanyin once they're on the scene.]
Wukong and Macaque are def panicking, though its more an excited kind of panicking. Nezha and MK are def screaming. Guanyin is the only one with a cool head the entire time.
Pigsy is good at pretending he isn't worried, but he ends up tearing apart the campsight's kitchen in a hurry to make enough food for everyone. Especially when DBK and PIF realise what's happening, and are posted incase Wukong's baby causes as much trouble for him as Red did to them.
[I like to think that she wouldn't have his six sensitive ears because she didn't actually have the genetics for it, but her appearance could still be pushed so her ears do still glow a little.
even if their aren't six ears, the instant Macaque sees her ears glowing he would not be able to stop himself from squealing with joy and practically side tackling Wukong as he is incoherently babbling about how much he loves her.]
Oh gosh, Mac and Wukong just see Yuebei for the first time. She's still kinda gross, having *just* busted out of her thin ambiotic shell. Her fur dark... And her little ears glowing?! Both monkey parents are sobbing, especially when they learn that Yuebei was unconciously trying her best to look like Macaque's baby with the limited genetics available. Wukong has multiple centuries of love to dish out, and Macaque is catching up fast.
[he def let Guanyin know before hand so that if things did go wrong they'd know the tapes/letters were there to give to his infant.]
Guanyin has a secret stash in the Southern Ocean of all the letters and tapes (and even some drawings of what she might have looked like) Wukong ever made for Yuebei, in case he wasn't able to give them to her in person. Yuebei ends up finding them when she's a moody teenager, mad at her baba for something stupid.
Pre-series; In absense of any other godparent... I bet Wukong would have trusted Yuebei with Guanyin if possible. The goddess would have gladly taken the infant had Wukong not survived the birth, though it would pain her for many centuries to come.
[but to make a good thing angsty, what if she also has "bad noises" that she associates with certain things...] + [...and what if she also isn't that trusting of macaque at first because she also only ever "heard" him when he was in the process of trying to hurt her baba and his friends] + [...luckily yuebei seems to warm up to him quickly when she sees him and Wukong being cuddly and reconciling.]
ooohhhh :(
Wukong walks in after letting Mac take care of Yuebei while he was out, only to come back to see both of them crying. Yuebei is doing this sort of furious wailing while Mac just looks defeated.
Macaque: "She hates me!!" Wukong, picks up Yuebei: "No she doesn't plum. She cries at eveything." Yuebei: *calms down at sound of Wukong's voice* Macaque: "No! She started crying when I tried talking to her! And when I tried soothing her it just got worse and worse and-!!" (*Wukong places a soft hand on Mac's cheek, quieting him*) Wukong: "She'll warm up to you. Just be patient." Macaque: *leans into Wukong's hand, still crying." Yuebei: *looks confused before slapping a fat little hand on Mac's face in mimicry of her baba. chirping with delight* Macaque: :')
Once the relationship between Wukong and Mac improves, so does the baby's reaction to Mac's voice (symbolism). She finally starts to associate the "bad" voice with her bama, and soon it's not a "bad voice" anymore. Though there probably is a weird bridge-point where Mac has to put on silly accents/voices when he baby-talks to Yuebei or else she'll get mad at him.
[c'mon Azure, if you're gonna hold a super strong baby that already doesn't like you the least you can do is try and keep her happy and preoccupied. he's got no one but himself to blame]
I can just imagine Azure is too preoccupied with his plans for the Celestial Realm (and plans for Wukong), and fails to notice Yuebei getting more and more fussy as he holds her (poorly). Her face contorts like she's constipated and slowly gets redder and redder with anger.
Yellowtusk immediately notices and warns Azure to let the cub down so she can at least crawl and inspect her new surroundings. Peng laughs at the thought of letting "the hatchling" decide the terms of her imprisonment.
Then Peng feels a tiny, but powerful, hand grab their wing feathers...
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Yellowtusk leaves before the carnage reaches him.
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bzhitstruth · 4 months
Mysterious copywriting
One of the turtle bloggers on Weibo is surprised and delighted that GG's studio used in their text the same phrase that the turtle wrote earlier.
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It is also interesting that in the turtle’s text this phrase referred to information about DD.
In such cases, I always ask myself: how likely is such a coincidence? Repeating an entire sentence word for word, and within just a few hours.
Edit: this phrase is a quote from the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Zi 老子 (4th-5th century BC), it means the following: “When you're having good times, you don't need to show off too much. You must behave with restraint and as quietly as running water. No matter where you are, don't show off, don't be arrogant, only then can you hold on to your own blessings”. Doesn't this saying go so well with both of them? This is exactly what can be said about each of them!
I don't know how common this phrase is in China and how often it is used in texts, but in the comments people are also intrigued. Could this even be such a wonderful coincidence?
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ryin-silverfish · 2 months
What are the names of the fsyy immortal masters? The book translates the names into different ones. Could you please explain it? 🙏
Ah, the most irritating part of Gui Zhizhong's translation: names of immortal masters that are either too literal or make little sense.
Most of these are not their real names, just their Daoist names: a long, fancy title given to immortals and gods whose worship is sanctioned by the imperial court, as well as the religious name Daoists chose for themselves.
Sect leaders:
Yuanshi Tianzun (元始天尊) - "Heavenly Primogenitor" Patriarch Tongtian (通天教主) - "Grand Master of Heaven" Lao Tzu (老子) Sage Zhunti (准提道人) - "Cundi/Candi" Sage Jieyin (接引道人) - "Buddha/Amitabha"
Even though people like to HC that Yuanshi, Tongtian and Lao Tzu are the Three Pure Ones and Tongtian represents Heavenly Lord of the Numinous Treasure (灵宝天尊), that is not the case in the novel.
Why? Because Lao Tzu's special attack in Chapter 77 is "Three in One Breath", in which he split out 3 streams of Qi that turned into the Three Pure Ones.
The Chan 12:
Guangcheng Zi (广成子) - "Grand Completion" Chijing Zi (赤精子) - "Pure Essence" Sage Huanglong (黄龙真人) - "Yellow Dragon Immortal" Ju Liusun (惧留孙) - "Krakucchanda" Sage Taiyi (太乙真人) - "Fairy Primordial" (no seriously, what?) Chief Priest Lingbao (灵宝大法师) - "Spiritual Treasure" Heavenly Lord Wenshu of the Grand Dharma (文殊广法天尊) - "Heavenly Master of Outstanding Culture" Sage Puxian (普贤真人) - "Universal Virtue" Sage Cihang (慈航真人) - "Immortal of Merciful Navigation" Sage Yuding (玉鼎真人) - "Jade Tripod" Heavenly Lord Daoheng (道行天尊) - "Heavenly Master of Divine Virtue" Qingxu Daode Zhenjun (清虚道德真君) - "Virtue of the Pure Void"
Generally: the last 2 characters of their Daoist names are job descriptions. 真人 = Sage, 真君 = True Master, 天尊 = Heavenly Lord, etc.
I...really don't feel like doing a list of all the Jie immortals that are only called by their Daoist names, bc there are just so many! And most of them were just named NPCs anyways.
However: they do have a lot of "Immortals" and "Holy Mothers" suffix. The latter in particular is very reminiscent of Ming folk religions like Luoism (罗教), with their veneration of maternal goddesses.
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kiiraverse · 7 months
some facts abt juno incase anyone wants to know more abt her (tw: mentions of death)
she’s a black edenian-earthrealm woman that was born in edenia but raised in Earthrealm.
she’s a motorcycle driver 👍
she got her facial scar in a bar fight with the black dragon in which she lost her best friend, this leads to juno having a boiling hatred against kano and the black dragon.
she’s got like a black cat personality, and she’s open-minded and also kinda snarky
her weapon that she uses is like a whip sword that looks like a normal sword when on lock mode, but it turns into like a blade whip when it’s on attack mode. (kinda like mitsuri’s sword!)
her fighting style is fan zi mixed with leopard.
she used to train with the shaolin monks, which is why her outfit kinda looks like a monks robe.
she has markings on her hands that represent her fire/explosion powers.
in an alternate timeline, she died by her own powers, she lost her hands and her hearing and died from loss of blood.
she’s an expert at kicking, her fatal blow is literally her kicking the shit out of her opponents face.
her ribbon that she wears around her head was gifted to her by her late best friend before she died.
she is insanely flexible, hence why she has a literal blade whip for a weapon.
her love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation, she loves to compliment and hug kung lao 🫶
she would kinda steal kung laos hat sometimes just for fun
ppl I wanna tag for funzies: @theelderhazelnut @wickettxborn @suga-catt @edrieis @breakfwest
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episodeoftv · 10 months
Round 1 of 8, Group 1 of 8
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propaganda and summaries are under the cut (May include spoilers)
Code Geass: 2.25 Re;
Lelouch tries to persuade Nunnally into giving him the key of Damocles as the battle concludes.
Word of Honor: 1.34 Ep 34
Ye Bai Yi instructs Lao Wen to close down Ghost Valley forever and the crowd disperses peacefully. The victors have drinks where Lao Wen reveals how he had managed to convince everyone around him to get along with the plan. Zhou Zi Shu is happy for him, but in pain that he only had a few more days left to survive. Scorpion King has a talk with the now disabled Zhao Jing in which he reveals his true intentions and feelings about what he thought about him. A drunk Lao Wen elatedly describes that meeting Ah' Xu had changed him. He asks him to accompany him to his parents' old hometown for a proper burial and Ah' Xu tearfully agrees. At Ghost Valley, preparations for Ah' Xiang's wedding takes place. Aunt Luo tells her plan to stay at the valley forever with Qian Qiao, who had decided to drink the Water of Lethe and forget Yu Qiu Feng. Cao Wei Ning is increasingly nervous and confesses that he had always hoped that his wedding would be attended by his seniors and Masters. The Gentle Wind Sword Sect arrives and Mount Qingya and they are let in. Master Mo Huai Yang openly disrespects Ah' Xiang. (Source: MyDramaList)
(Spoilers) Look the emotional rollercoaster this episode is like Wen Kexing finally got his revenge and Ye Bayi is like just close down the ghost valley and we'll call it even and it's like yes!!!! No more bloodshed!!!! And everyone is having dinner together and Wen Kexing is literally having the best day of his life!!! But then Zhou Zishu is like dealing with all the turmoil and angst that WKX's little stunt put him through and that he's going to die in a few days but nobody knows and he doesn't want to bring down the mood and then there's heartbreaking scene where WKX is drunk and is so happy and cuddling ZZS and is like I'm so happy you're my soulmate and everything is great and we'll travel the world together this is amazing!!! And you can see the pain on ZZS's face because WKX doesn't KNOW!!!! And then there's the confrontation between Scorpion King and Zhao Jing which is !!!!!!!!!!!! And then they're preparing for Gu Xiang and Cao Weining's wedding!!!!! And it's so sweet because everyone is just so happy!!!! And like WKX is in full dad mode which is great. But it's just like an episode where the characters can just all love each other because there's no sign of immediate danger (well besides ZZS' stuff) but like it's so heartwarming and sad and tragic when you know what happens right after like !!!!!!!!!!!! It's also one of the highest rated episodes (on mydramalist) with a 9.3 so there's that too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9zRSFzOfTc&t=1230s
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novelcain · 1 year
really gotta admire wukong's stubbornness perseverance tho, like man got his skull crushed by tripitaka for protecting him, and still insists on protecting him, meanwhile i get yelled at and i wanna take century-long nap for the rest of the day
You just like me, anon.🥲 As soon as someone yells at me I just blue screen and my brain says, "yeeeeah ima head out now have fun freezing up like a moron🤪"
But fr one thing I don't see people talk about very often just how strong willed Sun Wukong is simply for continuing to come back to Tripitaka time and time again despite always being physically and verbally abused for any small thing even when he’s not at fault!
Like the fillet's curse is described by Wukong as one of the worst pains imaginable. So much so that he immediately tries to bash his own head in to get it off which isnt saying too much considering who we're talkin bout and when the monk stops him by using the circlet again, Monkey wastes no time and attempts to straight up kill Tripitaka, and when that fails, he even stoops to begging for mercy.
Think about it. It makes even the prideful Handsome Monkey King push aside his ego and gravel to a mere human monk. Though I suppose Tang Sanzang IS the Golden Cicada🙄. The same Great Sage Equal to Heaven, whose body is said to be refined like that of a divine diamond from Lao Zi's Trigram Furnace and took on Heaven’s armies even before that, so you know he can take a hit. And it was even enough of an incentive to make Wukong not pursue vengeance on Guanyin for giving such a horrible torture device to the monk in the first place.
And the fact that he just keeps. Comin. Back. For. More. Absolutely BAFFLES me! He’s either the most stubborn demon to ever exist or damn near the stupidest only being beaten in that regard by anyone dumb enough to challenge this motherfucker
Ngl tho his sheer persistence makes me wonder how he’d be if he ever fell in love😳. Mans would pull a whole Ogie from the Waitress. He’d be like ong.
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