#Larry Zimmerman
A small Kansas town is reeling after a baby-faced 23-year-old manipulated procedural technicalities to reinstall himself as mayor in one night, seemingly taking a page from the playbook used by former President Donald Trump after he was voted out of office.
Only, this time, it worked.
“People have said this reminds them of Germany in 1935,” Jeffery Jones, whose bid for a council seat in Goddard, Kansas, collapsed last week as Hunter Larkin abruptly took control, told The Daily Beast. “Like, ‘Hey, we don’t like you anymore and we’re gonna vote you out and put our own person in.’”
The convoluted machinations by which Larkin maneuvered his way back into power were described as “essentially, a coup” and reminiscent of a totalitarian regime, according to one recently departed council member. And while Goddard, a Wichita suburb with a population of just under 5,400, isn’t necessarily going to influence policy shifts on a national scale, the strategy used by Larkin—a right-winger who last year promoted an appearance in Goddard by accused sex pest and conservative kingmaker Matt Schlapp—could serve as a stark warning of what’s possible elsewhere.
“I have to hand it to Larkin,” Wichita Eagle columnist Dion Lefler wrote. “I’ve covered cities for a long time and have seldom seen a political takeover that was this sleazy, and yet this well-orchestrated.”
Larkin’s improbable ascent to office can be traced back to August 2020, when the then-mayor of Goddard stepped down amid a fraud charge for counterfeiting tickets to the local zoo’s “Zoobilee” charity fundraiser. Then-21-year-old City Council President Hunter Larkin was appointed to the job.
In November 2021, Larkin, who by day works as an accounting manager for a fiberglass oil field pipe manufacturer owned by a wealthy local family that has helped fund his political aspirations, was busted for DUI. He later pleaded guilty, receiving a sentence of probation and staying on as mayor until May 2022, when he resigned in the wake of a news report calling his ethics into question. Larkin said he was leaving office to focus on a statehouse run, but kept a seat on the city council.
“This campaign is about giving a voice to the people of our community and defending what so many of us hold dear, like voter integrity, the right to bear arms, protecting the unborn and keeping Critical Race Theory (CRT) out of schools,” Larkin’s campaign website thundered. “As your next Representative, I can promise that I will fight for just that!”
Vice-Mayor Larry Zimmerman was then appointed Goddard’s mayor, and has filled the position since—until last Tuesday night.
The agenda for that evening’s city council meeting didn’t appear particularly unique, at least on the surface; members would, among other things, consider a sign regulation amendment, discuss a road closure request for a Lions Club car show, and appoint a new city councilperson after a councilman named Michael Proctor relinquished his seat on Dec. 31.
Zimmerman nominated Jeffery Jones, who works as a hospice chaplain, for Proctor’s old job.
However, the vote ended in a tie. So Zimmerman instead nominated Aubrey Collins, a radio host and residential solar panel salesman who goes by “Cowboy Rip.” Collins’ candidacy was approved, and he was sworn in.
And, according to Jones, “That’s when everything kind of went haywire.”
As Collins was being seated, Larkin, who lost his bid for the Kansas legislature, immediately moved to amend the agenda and hold a non-public executive session to discuss “unelected personnel.” According to Lefler, the newspaper columnist, Larkin was eager to cast out City Administrator Brian Silcott, who has been critical of him in the past.
At this point, Jones left, thinking the meeting was over.
“Had I known what would happen next, I would have stayed,” he told The Daily Beast. “Because when they came back, that’s when Hunter asked for the election of a new mayor.”
When they returned, Larkin swiftly proposed removing Zimmerman as mayor, a motion which was approved by all except Zimmerman himself. Vice-Mayor Sarah Leland was then installed as mayor of Goddard—briefly. She immediately addressed the others, saying she felt she did not have “the capability to do these job duties… especially the current situation we are dealing with, so I would like to nominate Hunter, as I feel he can complete the steps that need taking.”
And with that, Larkin became mayor, switching seats with Leland, now his second-in-command. Larkin quickly moved to oust Silcott, who he considered a fly in the ointment, prompting now-ex-Mayor Zimmerman to quit his city council seat in protest.
“Before you get to that point, I’d like to tender my resignation from the city council, effective immediately,” he said, and walked out.
The council then filled Zimmerman’s empty council seat with resident Keaton Fish, a support staffer at a local special-ed school. As he took his position, Larkin introduced a motion to terminate Silcott’s employment. They then went to a second closed session to discuss Silcott’s firing, where the decision was consummated. (The next day, Assistant City Administrator Thatcher Moddie resigned.)
“The day and age where unelected bureaucrats ran this town is over,” Larkin later exulted. “This governing body is going to be more involved than ever before.”
This, Jones argued on Friday, is wholly disingenuous.
“Hunter said ‘we’re tired of being run by unelected bureaucrats,’ but I’m like, ‘Well, you’re kind of unelected.’ He was elected as a council member, no one voted him in as mayor [either time]. And right now, there’s a petition out for a recall.”
The recall campaign was started by Proctor, the councilman who quit office on Dec. 31. He called the situation in Goddard “a disaster.”
“He needs to go,” Proctor told The Daily Beast of Larkin, adding that he was baffled by the vice-mayor’s support for his mayoralty.
He said he will need roughly 168 signatures to move the proposal forward, and feels confident he’ll get them.
“Look, there’s complete outrage over this,” he told The Daily Beast. “Getting those votes won’t be difficult, there are plenty of willing participants.”
Proctor has also started a Facebook group called “For Goddard’s Sake,” where he is organizing and rallying support.
“This city is a joke!” one commenter wrote. “in who’s right mind is DUI kid a good choice for mayor after not being re-elected.”
“[H]unter has made it clear that he intends to turn the city into a rental community by helping his developer buddies build as many multi family dwellings as possible,” wrote another. “This is a very clear pattern all in the name of ‘growth’ and it is going to fundamentally change this town. He and his gang now make a majority and will be able to approve whatever Hunter’s little heart desires.”
“So where can concerned citizens file complaints?” wrote a third. “Surely we have a lawyer or three within reach who can help Goddard with its latest problem. Anyone?”
Proctor said he will be filing a report with the sheriff’s office, alleging campaign finance improprieties by Larkin which Proctor claims violate the Goddard city code.
“Somebody’s gotta do it,” he said. “Somebody’s gotta stand up. Otherwise, there’s a vacuum that’s going to be filled by somebody who shouldn’t be doing it.”
Replacing Silcott will also be a heavy lift, according to Proctor, who said Goddard last week “went from a city where up-and-coming city managers would love to come and work, to a bottom-of-the-rung situation, overnight. He’s delivered quite a mess.”
Fish did not respond to a request for comment on Friday. Zimmerman, for his part, told local outlet KWCH that Larkin’s maneuvering “wasn’t right.”
Brady Burdge, an assistant district attorney in Wichita who was in the running for a council seat but withdrew his name on Monday due to his heavy workload, said he found the Larkin situation “really unfortunate.”
“It is definitely troubling,” Burge told The Daily Beast. “The local level is where it all starts, and you definitely don’t like to see things like that happening in your own community… [Larkin] has had trouble in the past building trust with our community, and it looks like it happened again.”
Jones said he is not planning to fight the outcome of the election, and is “just going to let the chips fall where they may.” At the same time, he isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon.
“I feel honored that the mayor at the time selected me, but I’m not going to raise a fuss,” he conceded on Friday. “I told them at that meeting that I want to effect change within Goddard, and if I can't do it from the [city] council, I’ll do it from the community. And I’m going to be there at as many council meetings as I can, where I’ll be bringing up questions that the people want answered.”
For his part, Aubrey Collins said he is looking forward to his first experience serving in public office.
“I have no comment other than, we’re going to do the best we can for the city,” Collins told The Daily Beast. “I believe the steps that were taken will allow Goddard to win. Goddard is gonna win, based on what transpired.”
Before the council session concluded, Larkin remarked, “Today was a tough day. I know. Wasn’t fun, I don’t think anybody here enjoyed it. But I want you all to know it was done out of love.”
Larkin, who told local NBC affiliate KSN TV that he’s not concerned about any challenges to remove him, did not respond to multiple requests for comment by The Daily Beast.
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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lecoindecachou · 5 months
Anybody here remember The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore? I'm still mad it was cancelled tbh.
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whencyclopedia · 5 months
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The Bear Man
The Bear Man is a Pawnee legend exemplifying the Native American understanding of the natural world and serving as an origin tale for the Bear Dance, which was performed to awaken the bears in spring from their winter hibernation and also to celebrate the season of choosing a mate. The Bear Dance is still performed by the Pawnee today.
The bear holds special significance for the Pawnee, as well as other Native American nations including the Ute, as a powerful animal and one of the Nahu'rac – the creatures who serve Ti-ra'wa ("Father Above"), as messengers and mediators – and who are considered brothers by various indigenous peoples. According to scholar Bobby Lake-Thom:
The Bear is always a good sign and a special power. He represents wisdom, insight, introspection, protection, and healing. If you see a Bear while hiking in the woods or along the river, then you know that a very sacred place is nearby. (78)
In The Bear Man, a father, concerned for his son, makes friends with a bear cub in hopes that the Nahu'rac will remember his kindness and look after his boy. Later in life, the Nahu'rac bears remember this kindness and repay it by bringing the boy back to life after he is killed in battle and teaching him their spiritual "medicine" (powers). The story shares similarities with other famous Pawnee tales including A Story of Faith and The Boy Who Was Sacrificed, which also feature the supernatural entities of the Nahu'rac.
The Bear Dance
In Native American belief, generally speaking, there is no spiritual difference between a human being, a plant, a tree, an animal, or a rock, as all things are imbued by the Creator with the same resonant energy. Humans are in no way superior to the natural world but are expected to act as stewards and care for their environment as they would for their own family and community. The Bear Dance grew out of this understanding as the dancers, as they perform wearing the bear hides which have been gifted to them by their bear relatives, become those bears and offer to others bear wisdom, healing, and power. Scholar Larry J. Zimmerman writes:
For Native North Americans, the boundaries between the world of the spirits and the world of living people were not clearly defined: a third "in-between" world of transition separated them. Every entity to some degree inhabited all three of these worlds. If a human carried out the appropriate rituals, he or she could be transformed into a being from one of the other two worlds.
Such transformations often duplicated events of the "beginning time" when the world came to be as it is through the agency of culture heroes and tricksters. On ceremonial occasions, an individual might assume the appearance of such a figure and be thought, literally, to become that being. When a holy man put on a yellow bear hide, for his audience he actually was the bear. (126)
The Bear Dance was (and is) always performed in the spring, waking the bears from their hibernation, and signaling the time for young men and women to choose mates. Among the Ute and Pawnee, the traditional roles of festivals are reversed at this time as men, instead of women, prepare the area for the dance, and women, instead of men, initiate the dance to find a suitable mate. The Bear Dance may last ten days to two weeks and honor the spirit of the bears as much as that of the community and the natural world at large.
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List of Actors in Sanctuary who Also Appeared in Stargate (Spanning Entire Franchise).
Main Cast (Counting Regular Major Appearances):
Amanda Tapping. Sanctuary: Helen Magnus. Stargate: Sam Carter.
Christopher Heyerdahl. Sanctuary: John Druitt, Bigfoot. Stargate SG-1: Pallin. Stargate Atlantis: Halling and Todd the Wraith.
Ryan Robbins. Sanctuary: Henry Foss. Stargate Atlantis: Ladon Radim.
Agam Darshi. Sanctuary; Kate Freelander. Stargates Atlantis: Novo and Athosian 2.
Jonathon Young. Sanctuary: Nikola Tesla. Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Parrish.
Peter Wingfield. Sanctuary: James Watson. Stargate SG-1: Hebron and Taneth.
Jim Byrnes. Sanctuary: Gregory Magnus. Stargate SG-1: Documentary Narrator (Heroes Part 2). Stargate Infinity: voice (no character listed).
Significant Stargate Actors Not in Main Cast of Sanctuary:
Michael Shanks. Sanctuary: Jimmy (one episode). Stargate: Daniel Jackson.
Tom McBeath. Sanctuary: General Villanova. Stargate SG-1: Colonel Harry Maybourne.
Vincent Gale. Sanctuary: Nigel Griffin. Stargate SG-1: Deputy - Agent Cross. Stargate Universe: Morrison. (he was significant in Sanctuary and had a high episode list for Stargate, so no arguing)
Colin Cunnigham. Sanctuary: Gerald (one episode). Stargate: Major Paul Davis.
Paul McGillion. Sanctuary: Terrance Wexford (four eps + webisodes). Stargate Atlantis: Carson Beckett.
David Hewlett. Sanctuary: Larry Tolson (webisodes). Stargate: Rodney McKay.
Kavan Smith. Sanctuary: Joe Kavanaugh (two episodes + webisodes). Stargate: Evan Lorne.
David Nykl. Sanctuary: Strickland (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Radek Zelenka.
Sarah Strange. Sanctuary: Allison Grant (one episode). Stargate: Morgan Le Fey.
Dan Shea. Sanctuary: Transit Cop 2 (one episode). Stargate: Sergeant Siler.
Gary Jones. Sanctuary: George (one episode). Stargate: Walter Harriman.
Peter Flemming. Sanctuary: FBI Agent Bruce Tanner (one episode). Stargate: Agent Barret.
Martin Christopher. Sanctuary: False Priest/Father Clark. Stargate: Kevin Marks.
Barclay Hope. Sanctuary: Security Force Commander (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Col. Lionel Pendergast.
Peter DeLuise. Sanctuary: Ernie Watts (one episode/webisodes). Stargate SG-1: Sal's Diner Customer, Wormhole X-treme Replacement Actor, plus 20 other roles. Stargate Atlantis: Dr. P. Smith (uncredited). Stargate Universe: Peter. (<- also directed all four shows)
Significant in Sanctuary but not Stargate:
Shekhar Paleja (Credited in both as Shaker Paleja). Sanctuary: Ravi Ganapathiraman. Stargate SG-1: Jaffa. Stargate Atlantis: Doctor (uncredited, six episodes).
Ian Tracey. Sanctuary: Adam Worth. Stargate SG-1: Smith.
Pascale Hutton. Sanctuary: Abby Corrigan. Stargate Atlantis: First Officer Trebel. (<- almost/should have been main cast in Sanctuary)
Carlo Rota. Sanctuary: Richard Feliz. Stargate Universe: Carl Strom.
Other Actors in Mostly Minor Roles in Both (but often more significant in Sanctuary, for obvious reasons) Listed in Order of Sanctuary Appearance:
Lauren K. Robek (Credited as Kirsten Robeck in both). Sanctuary: Maryanne Zimmerman (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Lieutenant Astor.
Sheri Rabold (credited as Sheri Noel in all). Sanctuary: Molly (two episodes/webisodes), Helen Magnus Stand-in. Stargate SG-1: Physiotherapist. Stargate Atlantis: Scientist, Lab assistant.
Laura Mennel. Sanctuary: Caird (one episode/webisodes). Stargate SG-1: Mary. Stargate Atlantis: Sanir.
Alex Zahara. Sanctuary: Carver (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Motion Capture Warrior, Warrick Finn, Iron Shirt, Eggar, Shy One, Alien Leader, Alien #1, Micahel Xe'ls.
Peter Bryant. Sanctuary: Cabal Team Leader (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Hoskins and Fro'tak.
MacKenzie Gray. Sanctuary: Mr. Jones (one episode). Stargate Infinity: Pahk'kal, Napoleon Bonaparte (voices).
Matthew Walker. Sanctuary: Oliver Braithewaite (one episode). Stargate SG-1/The Ark of Truth: Merlin/Roham.
David Richmond-Peck. Sanctuary: Jake Polanski (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Jaffa Leader. Stargate Atlantis: Toran.
Panou. Sanctuary: Sylvio (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Lt. Fisher.
Katherine Isabelle. Sanctuary: Sophie (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Valencia.
Chuck Campell. Sanctuary: Two-Faced Guy. Stargate: Chuck the Technician.
Gabrielle Rose. Sanctuary: Ruth Meyers (one episode). Stargate: The Ark of Truth: Alterean Woman #2.
Daryl Shuttleworth. Sanctuary: (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Commander Tegar, Commander Rigar.
Rukiya Bernard. Sanctuary: Kayla Bradley (one episode). Stargate Universe: Airman Richmond.
Alex Diakun. Sanctuary: Doctor (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Tarek Solaman.
Chris Gauthier. Sanctuary: Walter (two episodes). Stargate: Mattas and Hertis.
Anne Marie DeLuise. Sanctuary: Rachel (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Amy Vandenberg, Farrell.
Aleks Paunovic. Sanctuary: Duke (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Rakai.
Ryan Kennedy. Sanctuary: Darrin Wilson (one episode). Stargate Universe: Dr. Williams.
Terry Chen. Sanctuary: Charles (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Monk.
Nimet Kanji. Sanctuary: Pili (two episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Doctor.
Ron Selmour. Sanctuary: Kanaan (three episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Jannick.
Raquel Riskin. Sanctuary: Cheryl (one episode). Stargate Universe: Mindy.
Eric Keenleyside. Sanctuary: Det. Michael Bronson (one episodes). Stargate SG-1: Fred.
Michael J Rogers. Sanctuary: Stanley O'Farrel (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Major Escher, Col. Richard Kendrick, Colonel John Michaels.
Fabrice Grover. Sanctuary: Father Nathaniel Jensen (one episode). Stargate: The Ark of Truth: Amelius.
Allison Hossack. Sanctuary: Lillian (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Zerina Valk. Stargate Atlantis: Perna.
Scott McNeil. Sanctuary: Birot (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Kefflin, Townsperson.
Jody Thompson. Sanctuary: Fallon (three episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Hospital Nurse.
Nels Lannarson. Sanctuary: Commander Tollan, Praxian Guardsman. (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Major Green. Stargate Atlantis: Captain Holland.
Sean Rogerson. Sanctuary: Castor (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Nevik.
Richard de Klerk. Sanctuary: U.S. Sergeant (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Dominic, Joe.
Aaron Brooks. Sanctuary: Lieutenant Hallman (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Nisal.
Collen Winton. Sanctuary: Anna (one episode). Stargate SG-1: National Security Advisor, Dr. Greene.
David Milchard. Sanctuary: Garris. Stargate Atlantis: SGC Technician.
Greyston Holt. Sanctuary: Lt. Coxswell (two episodes). Stargate Universe: Corporal Reynolds.
Brian Markinson. Sanctuary: Greg Addison. Stargate SG-1: Lotan.
Lara Gilchrist. Sanctuary: Cassidy (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Hewston.
John Novak. Sanctuary: Thug Boss (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Colonel William Ronson.
Martin Cummins. Sanctuary: Brad Sylvester (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Aiden Corso.
Kurt Evans. Sanctuary: Agent Gavin Crealy (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Col. Johnson.
Sage Brocklebank. Sanctuary: Canadian Press Photographer (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Rand Protectorate Tech.
Kwesi Ameyaw. Sanctuary: Colonel Bosh (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Olokun. Stargate Atlantis: Technical Sergeant.
J.C. Williams. Sanctuary: SCIU Agent (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Jaffa (uncredited), Stargate Universe: Marine (uncredited).
Caroline Cave. Sanctuary: Sheila Delacourt (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Cole. Stargate Universe: Dana.
Brent Stait. Sanctuary: Finn Noland (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Major Louis Ferretti.
Richard Stroh. Sanctuary: Orin (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Genii Soldier #2.
Venus Terzo. Sanctuary: Capt. Franklin (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Dr. Francine Michaels.
I spent entirely too much time on this, but I really got going. I also probably missed a few people (and didn't even start on the crew because of so much overlap). I'm not sure if this is just Vancouver film industry at work or what, but I am done.
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phdmama · 1 year
Hi. I’m hoping you can help. For various reasons I want to move over to fics that aren’t Larry, the only fanfic I’ve ever read. (Love your writing and always excited when I see you post anything; love fics about actual adults; any shift I make won’t keep me away from your Larry fics!) Do you have a ship you think is similar to Larry and maybe easily accessible? One problem is that I haven’t watched the shows that underlie some of the other big ones I see, like Sterek or Destiel. From what little I’ve seen, Destiel especially piques my interest. Should I watch the show before reading? Any starter/foundational/really well known fics you’d recommend I start with? I’m sorry for bombarding you with questions. 🥴😔 Thank you so much!
First, thank you SO much for your lovely words about my writing!! xox
And I love this ask, but I'll be really open about my own bias, which is that I read ships/fic in stuff where I've never really interacted with canon and I'm fine with that. I'm much less picky about specific ship and much much pickier about writing and stories.
The other thing that might help me would be if you had a specific vibe about Larry that you've enjoyed?
If you are comfortable with Harry Potter, Drarry is an absolutely phenomenal ship and there's such an enormous depth of history and writing and talent in this fandom, I just cannot even. I've written a ton of Drarry, and I tend towards less "being dicks to each other" and much more towards "we've kind of sorted our shit out now let's gooooo" vibe. Even if you haven't read HP but have a pretty good grasp from just the cultural infusion perspective, you should be fine. And again, there's SO much amazing fic there, and I can totally point you towards some of my own favs. This list is woefully out of date, but there's so much good content here!
If you have seen Captain America TFA and the Winter Soldier, those are all you need for one of the most brilliant Stucky series ever, by my darling friend @vmohlere, the Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail. It's brilliant, just amazing, and I can't even tell you how many times I've read it or how much it's impacted me! (Honestly again, if you have sort of cultural knowledge of Steve and Bucky, you will probably be fine.)
I haven't read a ton of Destial, so I'm not sure I have recs there, but I will say, I've never watched the show and had no trouble with the fic!
I've only seen 30 minutes of the first episode of Teen Wolf and I have devoured about 8 billion Sterek fics and can give you so many recs if you want them! There's some absolutely stunning fic in that fandom!
Have you read Red, White & Royal Blue? I 100% recommend the book, I know not everyone loves it, but I really do, and it reads closer to a really good fic to me. And there's SO MUCH good fic!! @clottedcreamfudge is one of my all-time fav authors there.
Let's see. Are you familiar with Check, Please!? Online webcomic, gay college hockey players. Zimbits (Jack Zimmerman and Eric Bittle) might actually be one you'd enjoy. The comic is fantastic in and of itself, it's definitely a "small southern ball of sunshine and grumpy Canadian hockey-bot" (with a bunch of UST and pining and stuff)! So good. Highly recommend. And again, there's SO much great fic! I actually read a lot of different ships there, and there's great stuff!
Buddie seems to trend very much towards no smut/fluffy type fics, which I have to be in the right mood for, but there are some absolutely great writers in that fandom! (Including @hattalove who wrote some of my fav Larry fics!).
Okay, this is a lot, I know!! Please don't hesitate to message me for Sterek recs, and Drarry recs if you want! I'm currently absolutely OBSESSED with gay hockey players, both fictional and rpf, so reach out if you want some recs there!
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zaynjmsource · 2 years
Musician Zayn Malik, Simone Ashley (Bridgerton), and comedian Mo Gilligan are among the stacked cast who will lend their voices to the new CG-animated family comedy 10 Lives from director Chris Jenkins (Duck Duck Goose).
Sophie Okonedo (Hotel Rwanda) and Dylan Llewellyn (Derry Girls) round out the cast.
The flick is the story of a pampered and selfish cat who takes for granted the lives he has been dealt. After carelessly losing his ninth life, he begs to be given a second chance, an opportunity to show he can learn from his mistakes. Eventually, his wish is granted but with hilarious stipulations. GFM Animation will present first-look footage at AFM.
In the film, Gilligan voices Beckett, the pampered feline with a taste for fine food & lazy days who doesn’t know what’s about to hit him when he begs for a new set of lives. Ashley voices Rose, a dedicated and passionate research student intent on saving the world’s bee population. Malik voices two characters, Kirk and Cameron, twin brothers who like to think they are as tough as they come but who, deep down, want nothing more than to please their mum.
Okonedo voices Grace, an ethereal yet no-nonsense woman with the power to grant Beckett his new set of lives, and Llewellyn is Larry, Rose’s socially uncomfortable lab partner.
Producers on the pic are Guy Collins and Sean Feeney for 10 Lives Productions Ltd, with casting by Robyn Klein and Jeremy Ross. The animation studio is L’Atelier Animation in Montreal.
Mo Gilligan is repped by The UTC Group for worldwide management, Creative Artists Agency, Nelson Davis, and MBC. Simone Ashley is represented by Creative Artists Agency, Identity Agency Group and Myman Greenspan Fox Rosenberg Mobasser Younger & Light. Zayn Malik is represented by Nicola Carson (ZenKai Management/Taryn Zimmerman). Sophie Okonedo is represented by Creative Artists Agency and Hamilton Hodel. Dylan Llewellyn is represented by Hamilton Hodell.
Other titles on the GFM Animation slate include A Greyhound of a Girl, based on the Roddy Doyle book & directed by Enzo d’Alo, and Sneaks, an animated adventure featuring the voices of Laurence Fishburne, Roddy Ricch, Ella Mai, Macy Gray, Swae Lee, and Chris Paul.
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billscheft · 1 year
Day 17 of the Writers Guild Strike found me in Times Square at 8:00 AM in front of Paramount. I thought I recognized someone from my past, but didn’t say anything. And, of course, 10 seconds later, he said, “Bill? Hey, Bill Masters....”
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Bill Masters was a guy I met in my first year of doing stand-up in New York, 1981. He had recently moved from Washington DC and was a regular at the Comic Strip. I worked a lot of gigs with him and a DC comic friend of his, Ron Zimmerman, who died last summer. He was always an affable, funny guy, and though I didn’t realize it at the time, like me, really just wanted to be a writer. He worked a bit harder than I did on that in those days, and actually sold two screenplays and an early “Seinfeld” script to Larry David. He moved out to LA with his wife, the longtime television executive/producer Gail Berman, and bounced around from half-hour to half-hour, which is what guys did. (By the way, Gail was one of the producers on the great Baz Luhrman “Elvis” film, so everybody can just kiss her ass....)
I had last seen Bill in Zoom last August, when he was one of the speakers at  Ron Zimmerman’s memorial. But I hadn’t seen him in person for 30 years easily. Another Bill, Bill Maher, used to say the greatest thing about not seeing someone you like for a long time is that when you do see them, you get the “Best Of....” Well, we walked in a circle together for three hours and got fully caught up, giving each other nothing but “Best Of....” stories.
Here’s a beauty he told from the last Writer’s Strike, in 2007. Early on, there were big crowds at the picket lines in LA. It was a thing to do, and celebrities would show up all the time. One day, the then-unknown, but crazy handsome Gavin Newsom showed up with his then-unknown and pre-augmented wife Kimberly Gilfoyle.
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A fellow striking writer asked Bill Masters, “Who’s that guy over there?” And Bill said, “That’s Gavin Newsom, Mayor of San Francisco.”
And the guy said, “On what show?”
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blogger360ncislarules · 4 months
LA’s Nicely Entertainment has acquired campy telemovie Ladies of the ‘80s: A Divas Christmas, and is bringing its soap opera shenanigans to the Cannes Market.
The film stars Loni Anderson (WKRP in Cincinnati), Morgan Fairchild (Falcon Crest), Linda Gray (Dallas), Donna Mills (Knots Landing) and Nicollette Sheridan (Knots Landing) as five glamorous soap opera stars who reunite to shoot the final Christmas episode of their long-running show. Producer Alex (Travis Burns) and director Nell (Taylor Ann Thompson) do their best to keep things on the rails but old rivalries resurface and threaten to tear the production apart. The divas are forced to put their differences aside and the show becomes an unexpected ratings hit, creating a new TV format for them and a romance for Alex and Nell.
The movie’s score and theme song ‘Ladies of the ‘80s’ was written by Songwriters Hall of Fame’s Steve Dorff and Michael Jay and is performed by ‘80s pop sensation Tiffany, best known for ‘I Think We’re Alone Now.’ It debuted on Lifetime over the past holiday season.
Nicely, the company run by former Gaumont TV distribution chief Vanessa Shapiro, has taken the international rights and will launch the telefilm in Cannes this week. Buyers will also be targeted at the LA Screenings and NATPE Budapest. Nicely has carved out a niche as a go-to seller of Christmas romance and destination romance films .
“We’re thrilled to bring Ladies of the ‘80s: A Divas Christmas to the international marketplace,” said Shapiro. “It is so fun to see all these legends of the small screen united in this film, from Dallas’ Linda Gray to Knots Landing’s Donna Mills, I’m personally a huge fan and very excited to share this very original movie.”
“The beauty of an original, outrageous, Christmas story combined with my longtime respect and friendships with Donna, Morgan, Loni, Linda, and Nicollette, blessed me with the opportunity to produce this holiday movie. Few film producers find a gift like that under their tree, and Nicely Entertainment is the perfect Santa Claus distributor to deliver it to the world,” said executive producer Larry Thompson.
Ladies of the ‘80s: A Divas Christmas is produced by Larry Thompson Entertainment. Christie Will Wolf (Christmas on Candy Cane Lane, The Art of Passion) directs from a script by James Berg and Stan Zimmerman (The Golden Girls, Gilmore Girls) with Robert G. Endara II and Ed Polgardy producing.  
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oinno · 5 months
Successfully Setting Goals
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ~Larry Elder Photo by Polina Zimmerman on Pexels.com As you can see, failing at our goals is often a lot easier than achieving them. You might be asking yourself why bother setting goals if you are going to fail. You can successfully achieve your goals if you take a few steps to set up the right kinds of goals. Those who succeed at reaching their goals…
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newcountryradio · 9 months
In The New Country Music Express 26e jaargang  #T1208 (S767) (C14)van 18 december 2023  (wk 51) uitzending op Smelne fm & Crossroads Country Radio
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Artiest                         nummer                     opmerking                 #
Travis Tritt – It’s A Great Day to Be Alive *maandartiest
Joshua Hedley - Country & Western          #1 2022
Zach Bryan ft Kacey Musgraves – I Remember Everything    #30
Tyler Hubbard - 5 foot 9                                                                  #29
Colby Acuff – Western White Pines                                               #28
Tony Jackson – Do You Remember Country Music                   #27
Dan + Shay – Bigger Houses                                                         #26
The Wilder Blue – The Line                                                             #25
Darius Rucker – Same Beer Different Problem                           #24
Alana Springsteen – Ghost In My Guitar                                      #23
Bertolf – Don’t Look Up                                                                    #22
Tanya Tucker – Breakfast In Birmingham                                     #21
Reba McEntire – Seven Minutes In Heaven                                #20
Re: Justin Moore – This Is My Dirt                         tip JT
Re. Tyler Childers - Percheron Mules ft Traveling McCoury tip H
Morgan Wallen – One Thing at A Time                                         #19     2e uur
Larry Fleet - Things I take for granted                                           #18
Gibson Brothers – What a Difference A Day Makes                   #17
Lukas Nelson & POTR – More Than Friends Ft. Lainey Wilson #16
Lukas Nelson & POTR – Icarus      tip H
Chris Stapleton – Higer                                                                    #15
Michael Cleveland - Luxury Liner                                                   #14
Bailey Zimmerman - Rock and A Hard Place                               #13
Brandon Ratcliff - Tale of two towns                                              #12
The Malpass Brothers - I’ve Got Her On My Mind                      #11
Tim McGraw – Standing Room Only                                             #10
Dale Ann Bradley - Kentucky Gold (met Sam Bush)                 #9
Luke Combs – Where the Wild Things Are          #1 B                #8
Luke Combs – Fast Car                              #1 B                #8                   
Re: Robert Weston - Sunday Mornin' Opry       tip B                            3e uur
Re: Dan + Shay We Should Get Married              tip JT
Dierks Bentley – Gold                                   #1 JT                          #7
Dierks Bentley - Cowboy Boots                  #1 JT                          #7
Willie Nelson - Slow Down Old World                                            #6
Vince Gill & Paul Franklin - Kissing Your Picture Is So Cold     #5
Riley Green – My Last Rodeo                                                         #4
Marty Stuart - Altitude                                                                      #3
Colter wall - Corralling the Blues                #1H     ��                       #2
Colter Wall – Little Songs                            #1H                             #2
Cody Johnson – Work Boots                                                          #1
Cody Johnson – The Painter                                                          #1
Cody Johnson - Long Live Country Music                                    #1
Re Brad Paisley – So Many Summer
Re Bonnie Raitt - Just Like That
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ailtrahq · 11 months
Real-world assets (RWAs) are emerging as one of the next mega trends in the crypto space, and according to a recent study by K33 Research, Chainlink could profit in a big way from this trend. In a recent study, the research firm projected that LINK would be the “safest bet” to capitalize on this impending boom. This sentiment reflects the broader industry outlook, especially given BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s earlier comments in May where he noted the potential of tokenization in securities. “The next generation for markets, the next generation for securities, will be tokenization of securities,” remarked Larry Fink during a New York Times DealBook event. He further elucidated that tokenization, which is the creation of a digital representation of an asset on a blockchain, would facilitate “instantaneous settlement” and notably reduce transactional fees. What Makes Chainlink The Go-To Choice? The growing interest in the tokenization of RWAs, which includes traditional financial instruments like private equity, credit, and bonds, has paved the way for the increasing valuation of LINK. Tokenization is no longer a buzzword but a mechanism to optimize financial transactions by reducing costs, streamlining operations, and enhancing transparency and accessibility. David Zimmerman, an analyst at K33 Research, mentioned, “If we wish to have exposure to the RWA narrative and avoid being sidelined when it takes off, LINK is the safest bet.” Global financial institutions and emerging cryptocurrency platforms are gearing up to leverage this trend. A testament to this is JPMorgan’s recent announcement about its first live blockchain-based collateral settlement transaction, which involved industry giants BlackRock and Barclays. Chainlink, as a project, has strategically positioned itself in this domain, acting as a bridge between blockchains and the external world. The project’s unique system of oracles and an expansive list of partnerships emphasize its pivotal role. “Chainlink, with its system of oracles and wide partnerships, is well-positioned to connect blockchains with real-world data, making it a strong player in the RWA narrative,” stated renowned crypto analyst Scott Melker, echoing Zimmerman’s insights. Zimmerman further opined that while Chainlink might not record the highest gains in this RWA movement, its robust infrastructure and pivotal role in the ecosystem make it one of the most well-placed projects to harness the potential benefits. Despite the undeniable potential and traction that RWAs have gained, Zimmerman highlighted potential challenges in realizing their full potential. Yet, the prevailing narrative’s allure is so compelling that we might witness “an isolated RWA crypto bubble” even before its tangible real-world impacts become ubiquitous. Zimmerman’s advice to potential investors is to be patient. The recommendation is to wait for the token to hit the long-term support level of around $5.70 before diving into long positions. LINK Price Remains Trapped In Trend Channel The Chainlink price has been trading within a descending trend channel since June last year. Even the recent hype around the partnership with Swift and the SmartCon was not enough to push LINK out of the trend channel. In total, LINK has been rejected at the upper trendline six times, last on October 1. A bullish sign at the moment is that Chainlink is holding above the 50% Fibonacci retracement at $7.19 despite the sharp correction in the broader crypto market. If this holds over the next few days, LINK could attempt a retest towards the upper resistance line. If the support breaks, K33 Research’s scenario could come true and Chainlink could fall below the $6 price again. Thus, the support is instrumental in determining whether Chainlink is currently a buy or sell. LINK remains trapped in trend channel, 1-day chart | Source: LINKUSD on TradingView.com
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emptyingthebucket · 1 year
Day 30. Mile 2674. Murals of Gallup.
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Twenty Four hand painted murals are highlighted in the brochure we pick up at the visitor center.
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Kimberly and Don join us on the walk. Good thing...'cuz they drove us into town.
Many impressive murals. We enjoyed the walk.
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Next to Richardsons Trading Post is a store called Zimmerman's. We go inside and see if we are related. Nope!
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We see a store front with signs indicating what they sell: Jewelry, Pottery, Fetishes and Kachinas. We know what Kachinas are because they sold many of them in Richardsons. Our Guide, Larry, told us about them. Fetishes on the other hand...Made by Zuni people. small carvings generally made of stone. They are used in ceremonies and are believed to hold protective and healing powers.
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I did not see the Code Talkers Museum. There is a mural concerning the code-talkers. We are grateful for their contributions during WWII. The American Institute of Architects says, "During World War II, 29 Navajo Marines created the unbreakable code that would be used and expanded by hundreds of Code Talkers over 26 years. In countless occasions, the Code Talkers saved American lives and played critical roles in many significant battles. For 25 years, the program was classified and the stories of the Code Talkers went untold. Now, the Navajo Code Talkers Association plans to build a Navajo Code Talkers Museum and Veterans Center, to preserve and pass on the legacy and language." The new museum is still not started, but the design looks fabulous. They need $40 million more to get started.
Another day of learning.
Back at camp, the dogs were happy to see us.
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The hearing aid snuggles in its cup...no more hearing aid hunting in the AM.
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whencyclopedia · 5 months
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Iktomi Tales
Iktomi (also known as Unktomi) is a trickster figure of the lore of the Lakota Sioux nation similar to tricksters of other nations, such as Wihio of the Cheyenne, Nanabozho (Manabozho) of the Ojibwe, Coyote of the Navajo, or Glooscap of the Algonquin. As a trickster, he may cause harm or good but always brings transformation.
The concept of transformation is relayed in the form of a lesson learned either by himself or another character in the story that teaches the audience any one of several lessons including respect for nature, the importance of telling the truth, recognizing falsehood, being content with what one has, respect for oneself and one's community, and many others. These stories always encourage recognition of some important cultural value either by illustrating the concept in action or showing the consequences of violating it. Iktomi sometimes appears as a spider, sometimes as a man (a Sioux hunter, warrior, or sage), and is variously known as Ictinike, Ikto, Unktome, and most famously Unktomi by the different bands of the Sioux.
When the character was created or how old the stories are is unknown. The tales were passed down orally, generation to generation, until they were written down by European and Euro-American settlers, primarily in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Native American writers began to record their nation's legends, and those of others, at about this same time, including the Iktomi tales.
Iktomi the Trickster
Iktomi often interacts with Coyote, who sometimes serves as the trickster figure while Iktomi is the one taught the lesson (just as Ma'ii, the coyote figure of the Navajo, does in those stories). There are many variations on the Iktomi character, and when first introduced at the beginning of a story, the audience has no idea what part he is going to play. The story itself, therefore, mirrors the changeable nature of the character. In one piece, he will be the villain, in another the hero, in another a sage mediator, and in another a clown or buffoon.
In The Bound Children, for example, Iktomi is the sage who mediates a dispute between members of the community, while in White Plume, he is the villain who tries to steal the hero's identity and claim the beautiful maiden as his own. In the two tales that follow, Unktomi and the Arrowheads and Iktomi and the Coyote, the character is presented as a helper who is mistreated and as a buffoon who cannot tell the difference between a living animal and a dead one, respectively. Unktomi and the Arrowheads encourages respect for other living things, while the moral of Iktomi and the Coyote would be similar to the old adage, "don't count your chickens until they hatch."
Iktomi tales were, and still are, among the most popular Sioux legends as they are always entertaining while also providing an important cultural, religious, or common-sense moral. In this, they share ground with trickster tales of any culture, ancient or modern, around the world as trickster figures in general often drive the narrative of some of the most engaging texts, as with Loki in Norse mythology, Hermes in Greek mythology, or Reynard the Fox in European medieval folklore, among many others. Regarding such figures, scholar Larry J. Zimmerman writes:
Despite the different guises, the trickster exhibits similar characteristics wherever he is encountered. He can be a crafty joker and a bungler, who is usually undone by his own horseplay or trickery, ending up injured or even dead – only to rise again, seemingly none the wiser for his experience. At times irreverent and idiotic, his doings entertainingly highlight the importance of moral rules and boundaries.
The cultural importance of the trickster figure was recognized by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (l. 1875-1961), who included the concept in his archetypes as a psychological manifestation of one's juvenile and immature impulses, which, even so, should be acknowledged as, through its expression, one can recognize important personal truths. The trickster in Jung's work is an avatar, challenging how one defines oneself and offering the opportunity for change and growth. The Iktomi tales illustrate Jung's concept well in offering their audience the same possibility of seeing the world, and themselves, in a different light.
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Scarlet Cinema
Episode Recap #42: Scarlet Cinema Original Airdate: February 25, 1989
Starring: John D. LeMay as Ryan Dallion Louise Robey as Micki Foster Chris Wiggins as Jack Marshak
Guest cast: Jonathan Wise as Darius Pogue Julie Stewart as Carissa (as Julie A. Stewart) John Graham as Blair Westlake Peter Messaline as Professor R. Schwartz John Swindells as Taylor McDougall J.R. Zimmerman as Detective Matt Birman as The Wolf Man
Rest of cast listed alphabetically: Evelyn Ankers as Gwen Conliffe (archive footage) Lon Chaney Jr. as Larry Talbot - The Wolf Man (archive footage) Fay Helm as Jenny Williams (archive footage) Bela Lugosi as Bela (archive footage) Maria Ouspenskaya as Maleva (archive footage) Claude Rains as Sir John Talbot (archive footage)
Written by Rob Hedden Directed by David Winning
Open on a theater airing a screening of the Universal Monster classic The Wolf Man. College student Darius leaves at the end, walking to an alley. Under the full moon, he recites the werewolf lore from the movie as he scratches a wolf's paw across his chest, drawing blood. Unbeknownst to Darius, he is being watched by other college guys. His hope of becoming a werewolf is dashed, and the guys reveal themselves, and that they filmed him.
Another day, at film class, the professor is talking about classic films and seems to dislike Blair, the guy who filmed Darius, and engages more with Darius. Blair signals a friend, who turns off the lights and projects the footage of Darius on the screen, for the whole class to see his werewolf ritual. Students laugh, Darius is embarrassed, Blair continues to egg him on. Darius recalls scenes from the film before taking off. A female student, Carissa, seems to feel bad.
At Curious Goods, the gang is doing clean up and repairs, Jack knocking broken glass out of a window pane. Carissa shows up at the store, looking to rent some items for her student film, specifically masks, and when she mentions needing a camera, Jack knows a guy.
Later, at McDougall's pawn shop, Carissa is happy to get a deal on a camera. Darius comes in, and Carissa talks with him, looking forward to his project, and saying how sorry she is about what happened in class. She tries to raise his spirits. Darius spots an antique camera in a case and checks it out. McDougall says it is from 1930, but it's not for sale. Darius is adamant, but McDougall says no. He goes to get payment from Carissa, and Darius uses the distraction to steal the camera and take off.
Back at his dorm room, decorated in Wolf Man and other film memorabilia, he tries out the camera and gets depressed. The camera moves on its own, and Darius picks it up and looks inside. He sees McDougall from the shop, then Lon Chaney's transformation scene from The Wolf Man play out. After the scene where the Wolf Man prowls the cemetery, he appears at McDougall's pawn shop, stalking the man, who has noticed the stolen camera. McDougall then hears noises, thinking Jack has arrived. But the werewolf breaks in and kills him. Darius has seen this all through the camera.
Outside the pawn shop, the cops and a crowd surround the place as Jack approaches. He sees his friend's bloody body carried out on a stretcher. The cop tells Jack it looks like a wild animal killed him. Darius is in the crowd, also watching.
Back at his dorm again, he holds the camera and tries to figure it out. He pulls out the film and sees words written on it: "3 DEATHS AND YOU GET YOUR WISH". He looks at the Wolf Man poster and recalls more of the film, specifically scenes of Larry after he has turned human again, and sees the mark on his chest. Darius also sees this mark on his chest.
At the store, Micki and Ryan are talking about Jack not coming home last night when he does finally return. He is quiet, then tells them about McDougall's murder. Micki asks if he thinks one of their items are involved. Jack tells Ryan to return to the pawn shop, since a camera was missing, and wants Micki to pull out the files on werewolves, to their surprise.
At school, Darius asks Carissa how her project is coming. With this new found confidence, he attempts to asks her out when Blair interrupts. Darius takes off, and Carissa calls Blair an ass. Later Blair and his friends are walking and this time, Darius is recording them with the antique camera.
Ryan, investigating the pawn shop, notices the theater across the street showing The Wolf Man. He goes inside, where Darius is yet again watching the film, mouthing all the dialogue, which Ryan notices.
At the store, Jack is frustrated with not finding anything in the manifest relating to werewolves. Micki isn't having luck with the files, either. But Jack is sure some cursed item is involved. Micki thinks Ryan might be having more luck.
On the school campus, Ryan is following Darius, but loses him as he goes in his building, then spies him watching from his bedroom window. Ryan enters. Darius plays the camera, watching Blair walk to his car. Ryan looks for Darius' room. Darius keeps watching the film, as the werewolf approaches Blair in his vehicle. Suddenly, the werewolf pulls Blair out of the window and mauls him, killing him. Ryan hears the noise and knocks on Darius' door, pretending to look for a friend. Darius tells him he's busy and shuts the door, but Ryan has noticed his Wolf Man decor. Darius watches Ryan leave from his window, then uses the camera to tape him. Ryan notices that, too, then hears a wolf howl. Suddenly, Ryan is being chased across campus by the Wolf Man. Ryan gets into the car and thinks he's safe, then the Wolf Man breaks the window an tries to attack, but someone hears the commotion from Darius' room and tells him to keep it down. This distracts the werewolf from its attack. Darius tells the monster to be patient.
At home, a shaken Ryan has told Micki what happened and she is looking at his torn jacket, glad he wasn't bitten. Jack comes down, having found the camera in the manifest, thinking this must be the one stolen from McDougall's. Ryan tells them about Darius and his room, and Jack says they need protection before going back. He heads out to get silver bullets.
At school the next day, the professor acknowledges Blair's death, but says life goes on. Darius sits next to a surprised Carissa, as the professor begins his critiques, and first up is Darius' Wolf Man film, which includes scenes from the movie as well as Blair walking across campus and his attack by the werewolf. Everyone but Darius is shocked to watch this. The professor calls it irresponsible filmmaking, to Darius' surprise. The teacher goes on to say he wanted to burn the submission. Darius pulls out the camera and records the teacher and leaves the class.
Jack returns, having had a friend make six silver bullets, and says someone matching Darius description was there before him and had one bullet made. Ryan tells them about the death of a student when Carissa arrives to return the masks she borrowed. She hears them mention Darius and tells them about what happened in class. She also tells them about Darius and the werewolf ritual, and they all head off, fearing for the professor's life.
In his room, Darius picks up the camera and sees the werewolf stalking the professor in his classroom. Ryan, Micki and Jack arrive at the school and hear the commotion and enter the classroom, calling for the professor.
In his dorm room, Darius is approached by the wolf man. The creature snarls, then bites Darius, as he had hoped. Darius pulls out a gun with the silver bullet and shoots the monster, killing it before it dissolves. Darius hears a howl, looks at the full moon, then begins transforming.
The dorm is in chaos at all the noise, and Ryan and Micki arrive, with the loaded gun. Darius transforms as he recalls scenes from the film. Ryan breaks in as werewolf Darius leaps out of his window. Micki grabs the cursed camera. They find Jack and fill him in. Jack seems to have figured out how the camera works, and they rush off to find Darius.
Walking alone, Carissa hears a wolf howl. Darius is walking and reciting the werewolf lore. He stalks Carissa, telling her to not be afraid. She is shocked to see him, and Ryan shoots toward the werewolf, scaring him off.
They all arrive at the store, Jack has Micki take Carissa to the vault and tells Ryan to check the windows. Ryan gives Jack the gun. Once it is all secure, Jack sends a reluctant Ryan to the vault, as well. They hear wolf howling, but Ryan listens. Jack waits in the store for Darius.
Werewolf Darius breaks down the doors and attacks, Jack shoots but misses and the monster knocks him out and heads to the vault. He pries the doors open, looking for Carissa, and remembering The Wolf Man chasing Gwen in the film. Darius grabs Carissa and carries her upstairs. Ryan pulls film out of the camera, saying it is coating with silver nitrate. They rush after them, and Ryan wraps the film around the werewolf's neck, choking him, and burning him until he collapses. Micki and Carissa help Jack up, and he goes to Darius, who transforms back to himself as similar scenes from the movie play out. Darius, human again, lies dead.
Next day, Micki is cleaning up, as bandaged Jack and Ryan join her. Ryan wonders why Darius wanted this, and Micki says "Be careful what you wish for", and they all finish with "you might just get it." The last shot is claw marks on the wood outside the store.
My thoughts:
This has always been a favorite episode of mine. The liberal use of full on scenes from The Wolf Man make is quite intriguing and fun for fans of that classic, like myself.
Did notice some plot holes, like Jack saying McDougall had just reported the camera missing from his store, but when we see his death through the camera, he has only just noticed it missing before he is killed, no time to report anything.
And when the professor rips apart Darius' film, he says that replicating Blair's death is in poor taste, but the film clearly shows the actual Blair and his murder. Shouldn't he have alerted the cops to this, since is clearly seems like Darius recorded the murder and appears to be complicit in it?
Confused a bit how the camera also plays sound from what Darius watches, and at a loud enough volume to make others aware of the noise? I don't know much about vintage cameras, but I seem to doubt a camera from the 30s would also be replaying sound as it is watched. Maybe a perk of the curse.
Loved Darius' dorm room decor. Pretty nice tribute to the Wolf Man and classic films, and I think there is also a glimpse of a poster for Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood. Cool!
Also liked the little repair work the gang is doing to the store, only to have the werewolf do so much damage they feel like they are back to square one at the end.
I also like when the cursed items seem to be almost "alive" and proactive in getting the person to use them for their own ulterior motives. Usually the price needed is told to the user almost subliminally, but here it is spelled out on the film strip itself!
Fun episode, if you are a fan of the show and The Wolf Man.
Next week: The Mephisto Ring
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strangunddurm · 3 years
Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery
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Pairing: Flip Zimmerman x fem!reader
Word Count: 6.8k
Warnings: PinV sex, unprotected sex, self pleasure, fingering, masturbation, degradation, swearing, dirty talk, food, eating, alcohol consumption, you have breasts, age gap (unspecified how big but reader is an adult ofc and has a job)
"Adultery? Thou shalt not die. Die for adultery! No, the wren goes to't, and the small gilded fly does lecher in my sight. Let copulation thrive."
- William Shakespeare
He hadn’t meant to cheat. Truly, he didn’t mean to do it; does anybody go out with the intention to cheat? But then he met you and it was the beginning of the end. You were oh so lovely and oh so sweet that he couldn’t help himself. He fell for you and all that you were.
The entire situation wasn’t improved by the fact that you were his wife Carolyn's niece. He tried not to think about that small detail, but it was hard to ignore. You were after all only ever around if was to visit her, “your favourite aunt in the whole, wide world”. Ignored was the fact that you only had the one aunt, so it wasn’t particularly hard to claim the title.
The first time he had met you was imprinted in his mind. He could never forget that day — would never. It was one of those memories that, no matter how much time went by, he would always remember as clearly as if it had happened just a few seconds before. You had stepped out from the train onto the platform like a saving grace, absolutely glowing with delight as you tossed your arms around Carolyn's neck with a greeting and a chuckle. Flip had never been able to come with whenever Carolyn went out east to visit you; always too busy with a case or something else that was urgent and “couldn’t wait”. He would always immensely regret never coming along.
You were so sweet to everyone. You were never mad, never angry or upset. You were so easy to have a conversation with; everything interested you and you were curious about each and every thing the world had to offer. Nothing was ever boring with you. You had that uncanny ability to find bliss in even the most bitter moments. Of course, it was easy to think that when he only ever met you briefly as Carolyn helped you get settled into the town.
Colorado Springs was your new home and Flip was certain that he was being blessed by somebody that must've been watching over him. You had graduated from grad school with a master's degree, ready to take on the world of accounting, having a job lined up upon graduating at a major firm. But then you started coming over more often — being the victim of a roommate that enjoyed the comfort of dishes, dirt, and disaster — and it was hard to keep his hands to himself. Quick hugs grew to be more and more lingering, hands travelling lower, becoming more inappropriate.
Flip didn’t think you would reciprocate any sort of feelings. But then he started to notice the way you would look up at him and press up just a little closer to him whenever you could. At first, he tried to be rational, reasoning that it was just him that was hyper-aware of everything that you did, and, therefore, overanalysing every single situation.
But then you brushed up against his front in that absolutely sinful little dress you had been wearing in the Colorado summer heat, and he was sure that you were just as interested in him as he were you, if not even more.
It had been at that quaint little bar on the corner that he tended to frequent together with a few of his and Carolyn's friends whenever there was a small enough reason for a celebration. Everyone had been so drunk on the energy that was vibrating through the room that they couldn't notice anything that wasn’t themselves.
He had been so nervous when Carolyn had said that she had invited you. He didn’t want to spend time with you because the feelings that bubbled within him felt like he was betraying his marriage. But then again, he hadn’t asked Carolyn to invite you, so it wasn’t devious on his part in any way.
Flip was several glasses in, standing at the bar, getting ready to order the next round. You had came with him, scooting out of the booth after him as you offered to help him carry everyone’s orders back. You were so kind and he couldn’t refuse your help; he didn't want to give you any reason to think that he was pushing you away, but he was so scared of you to come closer.
It was crowded, yes, but it hadn’t been necessary for you to stand so close to him. And it definitely wasn’t necessary for you to press against him the way that you did as you stood in front of him, leaning over the bar as you talked to the bartender. He thought it was an accident at first, causing him to shuffle awkwardly a few paces to the left. But then you sneakily came shuffling after him pressing into him again and he definitely knew it was intentional that time.
Could you feel what you were doing to him? You had to feel the bulge that was beginning to grow in his pants. Your dress was made of such thin material that it was almost see-through, and his dress pants - forced upon him by Carolyn - did nothing to hide the feeling of his semi-hard cock.
He stayed frozen in the same place, not daring to move a muscle for fear that he would scare you away. His mind didn’t even begin to think about the possibility of anyone seeing the two of you, all he could focus on was the feeling of you and the feelings you triggered to rush through him.
His breath shuddered slightly before he pressed forward ever so lightly, testing your limits. It was such a small movement that it could easily be explained away as him bumping into you if it was needed; it was a bar that they were in, after all.
The feeling that fluttered through him when you didn’t shy away from him was indescribable. Especially when you, after a few moments, pressed back firmly into him, rubbing against him. There was no denying it then, the intentions behind your actions.
Flip's breath stuttered as he shakily exhaled. His cock was almost fully hard at this point, over-sensitive to even the slightest whisper of a touch.
His own needs took over, rutting into you as discreetly as he could, craving the friction. The music was loud but the rumble of voices that penetrated the air was even louder. It drowned out the low sounds of pleasure that Flip couldn’t help but release under his breath.
Only one of his hands was placed on the bar in front of the two of you, needing some sort of support for fear that his knees would buckle at any moment. The other was just hanging by his side, unsure what to do next. He wanted to touch you; wanted to feel your skin under his fingertips; wanted to drag up the hem of that dress so that he could just slip into your slickness and take you right then and there. But he didn’t — he couldn’t.
Thankfully, the bartender had served the drinks before he could do anything else. The clink of the glasses as they were placed down in front of you pulled Flip out of his less than clean thoughts so quickly that he took a step back without thinking about it, bumping into a passing patron. He apologised with raised hands before fumbling as he tried to grab as many glasses as he could.
He didn’t dare meet your eyes, but it was impossible to miss the way you smiled up at him in that mirthful way.
Flip didn’t see you for a while after that. It was probably for the best, perhaps it was the universe trying to give him a chance to put a stop to whatever inner turmoil was brewing within him. But absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Because right now, he was sure that he had never felt for another person what he felt for you. What he once had thought to be lust had merely been the illusion of it. A delusion made to make him believe that what he had been feeling for Carolyn was driven by anything other than the need to look complete in the eyes of others. The perfect man had a perfect wife by his side; but what are the perks of being perfect? Flip had this irresistible urge to do something irrational; to act up and make irreversible mistakes that he would lay awake, thinking about at night for weeks on end.
And here you were, strutting down the halls of the Colorado Springs Police Department, practically begging him to fall in love with you from the way your hips swung salaciously. It was entrancing, and unfortunately, he wasn't the only one that was entranced by it. You were turning heads left and right as you passed by his colleagues and it infuriated him like nothing before.
Flip shifted uncomfortably in his chair as he watched you get closer and closer to him with the brightest of smiles on your face. You were so focused on him and only him that you didn't even turn your head as one of the younger officers whistled teasingly at you. But Flip heard, and Flip saw exactly who had been watching you with as much interest as he, himself, had. And at that moment, Flip decided that he hated that officer.
"Hi!" Were you ever in a bad mood? Flip had to reflect over it for a moment, you were like a constant ray of sunshine whenever you were around him, but he knew that that wasn't always the case; Carolyn had informed him of as much. It appeared as if you too were unable to keep a smile from your face whenever you were together.
"What are you doing here?" Flip straightened his back slightly, subconsciously puffing out his chest just a tiny bit and clearing his throat. It wasn't that he wasn't happy to see you, not at all, it was just that he couldn't help himself from growing hard in his jeans whenever he saw you.
"I brought you lunch, a little birdie told me that you usually skip it." You didn't seem to notice his obvious apprehension as he glanced nervously around the room to see if anyone was watching the two of you, or perhaps you just decided to ignore it.
"You didn't have to do that." Flip tried not to appear over eager as he attempted to sneak a peek inside the bag you had been lugging over your shoulder, filled with whatever you had cooked up. Carolyn would always brag about your cooking skills to her girlfriends whenever they were over at the house for dinner. But Flip hadn't had the privilege of tasting your food yet.
"Oh, don't be silly, I wanted to." You lightly tap his shoulder teasingly, sending him another of those smiles that practically made his heart stop for just a few moments. He couldn't stop the shy grin that he sent you in return, even if he had wanted to. "Do you want to eat here?" You continued, glancing around the room for the first time, taking in all the paperwork and all the people that were trying, and failing, to inconspicuously listen in on the conversation the two of you were having.
"Let me just clear some of this stuff up." Flip stood shakily as he shuffled through the piles of papers, making room for the both of you on his cluttered desk. It wasn't exactly the ideal place to be, he wanted you alone, away from all these people, but Flip knew that he wouldn't be able to control himself if it was only the two of you in a room, and he couldn't risk that, not yet.
Flip was stuffing the last few papers of the report he had been working on into the desk drawer, slamming it shut when Jimmy came waltzing up to the two of them, whistling mischievously as he surveyed you with a glint in his eyes.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A grin wider than the Cheshire Cat's made its way across his face. Jimmy didn't try to hide the way he dragged his eyes up and down your figure, but Flip got a distinct feeling that he did it more to annoy him than it was to appreciate your looks. But could he be blamed even if that wasn't the case? You had this air around you that would draw people in, no matter who they were. It drew one in with a promise of the possibility of exhilarating moments, intimately shared between you, them, and the world. It gave Flip the impression that if you asked, he would do anything for you.
Flip got so distracted by it that he didn't pay attention to you making nice and introducing yourself to Jimmy. He was so preoccupied with worrying about the possibility of other men's attraction to you that he could barely focus as he glowered around the room, meeting the hungry gazes of some of his fellow deputies. What if you found somebody else? Somebody better? Somebody who could give you everything that you deserved. Flip didn't think about the fact that he had a wife at home; a wife who deserved much more than a man who was lusting after her niece.
"Have you been keeping her from us, Zimmerman?"
"Huh?" Flip blinked a couple of times, trying to make his mind focus on what Jimmy was saying but it was close to impossible.
"Oh, he can't be blamed," You had obviously taken notice of his distracted state and placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort, squeezing tightly as you let out an infectious laugh. It offered him more comfort than anything ever before.
You had moved closer to Flip, choosing to stand next to him rather than across like you had done at first. Flip didn't know whether it was subconsciously done or not, but he welcomed it nonetheless. Standing next to you was like standing next to the sun, heat radiating off of you in waves of comfort.
"She's too nice to be around you guys," Flip muttered gruffly. Jimmy laughed as if it was a joke, but Flip was more than half-serious as he said it. He didn't like sharing; never did, never would do.
"Yeah, yeah, I hear ya', I'm getting out of here." And just like that, Jimmy was gone and the two of you were alone again; as alone as you could be with a room full of people.
"So, let's eat." You clasped your hands in front of you, rubbing them together in infectious excitement.
It was impossible for Flip to stop thinking about you after that. That small act of kindness, of bringing him lunch, replaying over and over in his head. He wasn't used to people taking care of him. He had been as independent as one could be since he turned 18, despite having been married for an odd number of years. Carolyn had never even mentioned the possibility of her bringing him lunch.
Flip and Carolyn's marriage had been on the rocks for a while now; in fact, Flip could argue that it had been that way since the start. Affection wasn't exactly an active part of their relationship and they were both more interested in other people than each other. But still, Flip had never cheated on Carolyn; he hadn't ever felt the need to, he had always been perfectly contempt in the arrangement that they'd had. He didn't know if Carolyn had shown him the same respect, it wouldn't surprise him if she hadn't.
He knew that he should've divorced her a long time ago. He had been meaning to for a while, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. But you... you were bringing feelings to the surface which he had ignored for so long, and he didn't know if he could keep doing that for much longer.
You brought along a shift in his marriage to Carolyn. A shift that he had been too blind to see in the beginning but was beginning to become clearer and clearer to him now. The rows which he and Carolyn would have started becoming more and more heated, more and more frequent. Constant arguing over the smallest of things became a regularity in their daily life and there was barely a cool-down period between each one by now.
Maybe that's why he did what he did; why he invited you in when you came knocking on the door the night Carolyn was out with her friends. Of course, you weren't there for him, it was her you were seeking on your way home from a latenight shift at work. But he couldn't resist having a moment alone with you; a moment completely by yourselves.
"Carolyn is out with friends." Flip didn't miss the pleased look that flashed across your face as you took in the news whilst you stepped into the house.
"Oh, that's too bad." Was it really? He'd like to think of it as a stroke of luck.
"Can I get you anything?" Flip scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he fumbled over his words from nerves. It was almost an automatic reaction, palms becoming clammy and heart beating wildly in his ears whenever he would see you.
"I brought a bottle of wine that I though we could share?"
"I bought it on the way home... work has really been riding me this week so I need it." Riding you. Did you do it on purpose? Say these things to rile him up and make him want to take you that much more? You had to be. You were an absolute minx, fuelling the fruitless fantasies of a dirty old man. But you were a bad girl, weren't you? A bad girl that needed to be punished and he wouldn't mind volunteering himself for the job. Yes, Flip could definitely imagine it happening in quite a few ways.
You pulled out the bottle of red from the convenience store bag that had 'thank you, thank you, thank you' displayed in red across the front and was tightly grasped in your hand. You wiggled the bottle slightly, trying to tempt him even more, but Flip didn't need much convincing. In fact, he probably needed none at all.
The two of you settled into peaceful conversation after Flip had gotten the bottle opener from the kitchen along with two wine glasses. How is it that you can fall into such easy-going conversations with a person you barely know? It had been that way from the start. Flip had never felt the pressure and stress that could often accompany conversations with others. He never had to wrack his brain for a topic that was only minutely interesting in an attempt to avoid awkward silence. With you, everything was so different, fresh, and new. It made Flip realise that he had perhaps always settled before; or perhaps saying always was unfair, but a majority of the time, at least. Settled when it came to friends, settled when it came to his job, settled when it came to his wife.
Was it love that he felt for you? Perhaps. After all, you had made Flip question everything and that included what he had interpreted as love before, how could he possibly ever know what love was again? Did he love you? No, he knew that much, or at least he wasn't in love with you and that was an important distinction. But he loved you for the way that you made him feel, for the way you made him realise that happiness was within his reach.
Was it him that had moved closer to you? Flip didn't know, but all of a sudden he realised that your thigh was pressed up against his own and it took everything within him not to reach out and touch you again. He wanted to feel what your supple skin felt like underneath his fingers and what a moan that slipped past your lips would sound like. Flip needed to know how you would feel with your walls wrapped around his cock as he pumped into you. He needed it like he needed air to breathe; so, was it his fault when he finally let his arm fall over your shoulders mid-laugh?
You didn't shy away from his touch. Far from it, you welcomed it whole-heartedly, pressing into his side and slinging your outer leg over his lap. There was a brief pause of silence as he surveyed you, breath shakily exhaling as he thought his options through. He could either push you away and make up some sort of excuse as to why you would have to leave, or, he could pull you even closer and deal with the consequences afterwards.
Planting his hand on your thigh and pulling you so that you were straddling his lap was the obvious choice for Flip. It might not have been the right choice, the chivalrous choice, but he would never find himself regretting the decision, not ever.
You let out a giggle as you got settled, hips pressed flush against one another, hands coming to rest on the backrest of the couch on either side of his head, caging him in as his own rested securely on your hips. He felt like the vulnerable prey under your gaze; you were the predator, watching him in trepidation, ready to pounce and claim what you deemed yours at a moment's notice.
Flip had to crane his head back to be able to meet your gaze. There was a dangerous and hungry glint in it, hiding behind feigned innocence that could fool anybody, even him. You weren't a completely innocent party; you knew what you wanted, and what you wanted you would get as the final victor in it all.
"You're so pretty." It was a reflection that Flip had meant to keep for himself but he feared that he would regret not saying the words now, just in case he never got the privilege to say them again.
"You think so?" The grin that weaved its way across your face was far less than bashful, it was full of pride as you knew just what you did to him.
Flip hummed lowly in reply, continuing to admire you. He wasn't shy as he let his eyes wander to your cleavage that was practically calling his attention as it paraded in front of him.
His hand came up to finger at the neckline, pulling at it to reveal even more of your skin to him. A groan caught in the back of Flip's throat as he saw the lace of the bra you were wearing; the flesh of your breasts almost spilling out of it as it fought its confinement.
There wasn't even a hint of hesitancy as you brought the garment over your head, flinging it away to an unimportant corner of the room before retaking your position on top of him.
You were glorious; the most beautiful creature he had ever had the pleasure of seeing.
"And what do you think of this?" You asked cheekily, tongue running along the inside of your lips as you tried to not grin too widely.
Flip couldn't hold himself back any longer. He had to know what every inch of you tasted like, even if it was the last thing he ever did.
His left hand, the hand that had been toying with your shirt, travelled even further north to wrap around your neck, finding a home there and pulling you forward gently so that he could finally press his lips roughly against your own.
You tasted just like he had dreamed, soft, sweet, and subtle under the traces of wine. There was no stopping him after that; he crave more and more with every low moan of pleasure that escaped you.
Your hips had begun to grind down against his in small waves, seeking any sort of friction to alleviate the throbbing that had been steadily growing between your legs throughout the night.
Flip bucked his hips upwards and the sharp jolt caused you to disconnect your lips from his for a brief moment to let out a wanton moan.
"You like that?"
"I love it."
Flip wanted to make you moan. He wanted to make you scream and weep and laugh as he made you cum over and over again. He wanted to bury his face between your legs and feast until he was no longer hungry; he wanted to thrust into you without abandonment until he had coaxed a thousand orgasms out of you; he wanted to fill you up and watch as his creamy, white spent leaked out of you and then he wanted to do it all over again and again and again. Flip was prepared to offer everything he had and more just so that he could see your face furrow as an orgasm caused your body to convulse and chest heave.
"We shouldn't." Flip tried to be the mature one in the situation but it was as if neither you nor himself had heard him as you both continued grinding down and up against each other, chasing whatever relief that was offered.
You know those moments when you know that you should be doing anything but what you are doing at that instant? but then you cannot possibly even consider doing anything else but. This was one of those moments.
Flip's lips devoured your own in a frenzy. It was like he could never get enough of you, biting and pulling at your lips, trying to sate the need he had for you in any way that he could. His tongue explored your mouth with a delighted moan, and you grew wetter with every nibble.
Flip's hands clumsily made quick work on your bra, pulling it from your body eagerly. The swell of your breasts was glorious, and he didn't hesitate to disconnect his lips from yours so that he could wrap them around your nipple, giving it the same treatment as he caressed and tugged and nibbled at it.
His actions caused shockwaves of pleasure to run through your body, straight to your core as you pulled on his dark hair as you tried to not lose yourself to the overwhelming pleasure of it all too soon.
Each of you moved as rapidly as the other, pulling at your clothes to undress as rapidly as you could. As you were finally rid of your clothes, Flip wondered for an instance if he could keep you like this, gloriously nude and practically drunk on the thought of him.
"I’m gonna fuck you right here on the couch, do you want that, sweet girl?" Flip cooed at you in only his boxers, his shirt having been discarded and pants being pushed down to his ankles. His hand caressed your cheek briefly before trailing all the way down to your clit, giving it a quick rub and flick, eliciting another soft whine from you.
"Right in plain view of the door so that if Carolyn comes home early, she will see exactly what a bad fucking girl you are as you take my cock." You couldn’t help the moan that slipped out, and a grin grew on Flip’s face as he heard it.
”You’d like that, wouldn’t you? My naughty girl” Flip wanted Carolyn to come home now. He wanted her to watch as he made his dick disappear into you whilst he fucked you with a passion that was completely unknown to her. He wanted you to ride him, walls engulfing his thick shaft, his fingers circling your clit as she sat in the chair across from the two of you, mesmerised by the sight
“Get up.” Flip demanded impatiently, tapping your side lightly with a finger. He lifted up his hips just high enough so that he could slide his boxers down to join his pants, cock slapping against his stomach as it was exposed to the cold air.
You fell to your knees at the sight of him, hands resting on his thick thighs as you lurched forward, needing to taste him but Flip stopped you with a hand before you could. Flip loved seeing you like this, on your knees for him. He fisted his length, spreading the small bead of pre-cum over his tip with a thumb as he came to the top. He was painfully hard, head was angrily red, weeping for your mouth.
"There's no need to rush, sweet girl." Flip chuckled as you pouted. He felt exactly like you did, but he didn't want it all to be over far too quickly. However, he could just take you again after this so what was the point of going slowly?
"Open your mouth."
Of course, you were compliant, eagerly opening your mouth to take him in. He took the thumb that was smeared with pre-cum and brought it to your lips, letting you wrap your lips around it and sucking it into your mouth. He groaned at the sight of you, eyes wide and glossy. Your mouth was hot around him, tongue lapping him clean and it was impossible to hold out even longer after that.
He was quick to grip his hand on the back of your head, guiding you as you took him in your mouth. The pace he set was merciless. He made it clear that he was the one in control as he forced your head down the length of his shaft, making you gag around him as he hit the back of your throat. You were incredible, taking it all in stride as his hips rutted upwards needing to feel you taking him even further. His head fell back against the couch for a brief moment, eyes almost going cross as you hollowed out your cheeks.
"Fuck!" He groaned out. You were watching him from under hooded eyelids, eyes practically glowing with lust and his gaze was intense as he stared back. ‘I knew you’d love sucking my cock, you dirty girl’ He smirked.
You moaned around him, a small dollop of drool trailing down your chin. One of your hands moved from his thigh to gently play with his balls and he moaned before giving a final thrust into your mouth and then pushing you back by your shoulder to withdraw himself from you.
There were tears of pleasure trickling down your cheeks and Flip couldn’t help but smile in satisfaction as you wiped your mouth clean with the back of your hand.
"Come here." Flip was pumping his fist around his shaft as he watched you stand, legs coming onto either side of him before sitting down. Your breasts were pressed up against his, his cock wedged in between your bodies and pulsing angrily as he felt you rub against him, leaving a wet trail in its wake, practically dripping onto him. He planted another kiss on your lips, this one was softer than all the others but still portrayed the rabid need he had for you.
He was admiring you. Taking his sweet time. There was an incredible yearning for you inside of Flip. It was as if his entire body was buzzing from how horny he was and the pressure in his cock was beginning to become too much for him to take. He needed to be inside of you, to feel your walls wrapped around him.
You didn't appear to be enjoying it as much as he was. It was obvious that you needed to be touched by the way you had slid your fingers closer to your core, ready to plunge them into yourself to get some kind of relief. But Flip stopped you with a swat to your ass and a tut. You yelped over the surprise at the stinging feeling.
"I didn’t say that you could touch yourself." Flip reprimanded. He palmed your ass, kneading your cheeks firmly with both hands.
"You’re so gorgeous." He breathed out shakily, completely enamoured at the sight of you above him. "I’m gonna keep you like this, fucking you and filling you up until you're swollen with me.’
Another whine slipped out of you as you jerked even closer to him, clit rubbing against his shaft in long, slow movements.
"Do you want me?"
"Of course." Flip had never felt more satisfied than he did at that moment, hearing your reply.
Flip helped you balance on a foot and knee, coming up higher and spreading wide so that you line the head of his cock up with your entrance. His hand on your hip stopped you from sinking down completely, instead, he used his other to gently and slowly drag the thick head of his cock through your folds, coating it in your slickness. Flip enjoyed torturing you and seeing the twisted look of annoyance that took over your face, it was adorable. There was an obvious look of need that crossed over your face as you bucked your hips, trying to get him to slide into you.
"I don’t know if you deserve this," Flip mused, sounding far too calm and unaffected by the situation "you’ve been such a bad girl." He started withdrawing himself from you, hands leaving your flesh, but you reacted quickly, grabbing a hold of his wrist and tugging it back to your hip.
"No, no, no, please, Flip. I’ll be good, I’ll be so good, please just-" It was beautiful the way you pleaded for him. He wouldn't have stopped either way, but Flip loved seeing you beg, to know that you wanted him as much as he wanted you. It was so painfully obvious that you were ready to do just about anything for his cock.
It was easy to relent, to let you finally sink down onto his massive shaft and let him bury his thick cock to the hilt inside of you. The entire room practically shook from the loud groan he let out as he split you open.
”Jesus Christ, you take me so- fucking well.” Flip felt like he was almost in disbelief, elated from the sight of his throbbing cock disappearing into the sweetness that was you, buried deep inside your slick warmth. You felt so good, so perfect, walls tightly gripping every inch of him as they pulsed. You let out a shuddering gasp as he stretched you out.
Flip didn’t let you adjust, not really, he only allowed you to stop for a few moments, basking in the feeling of your fluttering walls clenching around him before he urged you to pull up and sink back down onto him roughly, bouncing up and down as rapidly as you could.
"Feels so- good." You breathed out shakily between urgent thrusts and grinding of hips.
"Yeah?" Flip cooed as he watched you pull back up, only keeping the very tip of him in before sinking back down. "You like my cock? I’m gonna make you feel so much fucking better."
He planted his feet firmly on the ground and delivered a sharp and precise thrust upwards the next time you came back down.
"Flip!" You cried out, falling forward as pleasure mixed with the slightest hint of pain bloomed through you. You braised yourself, holding yourself up by the back of the couch as Flip slid down to get better leverage and began drilling into you at an unrelenting and frenzied pace. His grip on your hips was so incredibly hard as he used it to slam you back against him, but you didn’t care, too lost in the waves that were overtaking you.
All mercy had left Flip as he forced you down onto him over and over again, small praises escaping his lips every now and then as he met each movement with one of his own. You moaned and whined helplessly, clawing at the fabric of the couch underneath your hands, needing something to hold on to through his ruthless thrusts.
"You feel so good around my cock, Sweetheart." He praised in a murmur. "So fucking tight." Flip grabbed a hold of your arms, pulling you off him and down, pressing your face deep into the couch and pulling your ass high up in the air before entering you again swiftly and continuing pumping into your sweet cunt. He had you pressed down firmly by the back of your neck, your back arching as the sound of skin slapping and the wet squelches of your sopping wet pussy echoed around the room. It made you even more drenched; the mixture of your pleasure pooling around the base of his cock, running down the inside of your thighs.
One of Flip’s hands shifted to palm at your ass while the other travelled downward to roll and lightly pinch at your clit while rolling his hips and you writhed against him.
"You’re gonna be a good girl and cum around me." He instructed lowly followed by a sharp slap to your right ass cheek. “Can you do that for me?"
Flip pushed you down even further into the couch for just a short moment and a deep thrust before you could heed his command, unsheathing himself from you.
He didn’t even have to begin to miss the feeling of you clenched around him before he had wrestled you into the position he wanted you in with legs bent as far as they would go over your chest and back to the bed so that he could easily drill into you in deep and sharp strokes, but he didn't enter you just yet. He leaned back, admiring you as his hands spread you wide, baring you to him. You had the prettiest pussy he had ever seen and he was compelled to kiss it. A sweet kiss and a short suckle on your clit that had you crying out from oversensitivity before he sank into you again.
Flip felt himself slowly losing whatever composure he had left as your muscles began to tighten around him over the coiling tension that was begging to snap. Your walls gripped him tighter and tighter until finally, Flip watched as your eyes rolled back when reached your peak, walls spasming and moans bouncing around the room. You were seeing stars as your legs shook uncontrollably from the overwhelming feeling.
Flip was relentless as he continued pumping into you throughout your convulsing climax, determined to make you feel the best you ever had, although the pace was much slower than previously. His breaths were coming out in short pants whilst your own were breathy moans as you trembled.
You reached up, treading your fingers through his hair to pull him down slightly to connect your lips in a kiss. It was soft; a lot softer than any kiss you had shared previously.
"You're so pretty when you cum for me." He murmured after he let you come down for your high for a few moments whilst leaving kisses on your neck. Flip picked up the pace of his hips once again, balls swinging as they slapped against you every time he pressed himself into you.
He was deliberately rubbing his pelvis flushed against your clit to drive you toward the edge again. He needed to see you fall apart for him again, he craved it. It was easy for Flip to tell that you were close to the edge once more. Your eyes had begun glazing over again, becoming hazy with lust as your legs started to tremble.
"Think you can come again?" He didn't expect a reply from you, Flip didn't actually think that you were coherent enough at that moment to even begin to form a word with your lips. Instead, you were babbling like a brook, head falling from side to side as your back arched, jutting out your chest as your second orgasm was steadily building up inside of you.
"Fuck. You look so good fucking gorgeous like this.’ He praised with a wet and sloppy kiss to your lips.
Flip was so close to coming, but he wasn't finished just yet, surprising you as he flipped you over, planting you on all fours before pushing your front over the armrest. He didn't care if it wasn't the most comfortable position as he drilled into you, and neither did you, judging by your moans.
"I'm so close." He groaned out, hips starting to stutter, unable to keep up the tempo he had previously kept so easily as he leaped and bounded closer to climax.
Flip’s orgasm washed over him with a deep jerk forward, spilling into you with a loud cry. He continued thrusting into you, albeit at a much more languid pace, milking himself completely dry as he twitched slightly. He didn't want to withdraw from you, but when he finally did he couldn't help but admire the way he leaked out of you.
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