#For Goddard’s Sake
runningatypufullspeed · 6 months
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specialagentartemis · 2 years
Listening to Wolf 359, I never got the sense that the crew’s deaths were reported as soon as they left Earth.
I thought their deaths were reported the Christmas that Hilbert called to Earth with the Theta Scenario.
No, it’s clear that Goddard never really expected them to survive or succeed, but for the first part of the mission, Command was in semi-regular contact with the crew; Command only really abandoned them after the Theta Scenario turned out to be bunk. It’s also clear that Lovelace’s crew was well-chosen and wasn’t meant to die, so it’s not like Goddard considered Wolf 359 a total wash of a potential opportunity.
Basically, I think the first year and a half of the mission was legitimate. Hell, I think “Are the Space Suits Itchy?” was even somewhat legitimate and not wholly faked—why waste the astronauts they already have up there, after all? I think their deaths were only reported when the Theta Scenario in the s1 finale happened, when it became obvious they could not be allowed to survive. I don’t think Goddard ever particularly intended to bring them back, but I don’t think faking their deaths was worth doing until they found something worth covering up.
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starnightlover · 1 year
Manifestation is instant
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You’ve probably heard bloggers say this a million times, but I will say it a million times more. Manifestation is instant. The moment you desire something you have it that instant.
The 4d and 3d have zero separation this as soon as you imagine your desire you have it! All of this, every single thing in front of you is from your imagination. In this world it is just imagination protection imagination. It's all one, and that one is you. It is God. There is no seperation, not even if you think their is.
"So why do my desires not show up instantly?"
Well, here's the answer. You're not accepting that it is!! You are either "trying" to manifest something or you are assuming that there is this imaginary time lag that doesn't exist!! You are creating one.
Do you see your desires as something separate from you instead of being part of you? If so there is one of your problems!! You're desperately trying to get something instead of knowing it is done already.
"Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and continue feeling that it is fulfilled until that which you feel objectifies itself. If a physical fact can produce a psychological state, a psychological state can produce a physical fact. If the effect (a) can be produced by the cause (b), then inversely, the effect (b) can be produced by the cause (a). Therefore I say unto you, "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye have received them, and ye shall have them" - Neville Goddard
You seriously only need to accept that your desires are yours right now and persist in that notion! It instantly is done because it is in your imagination, and imagination is all there is.
"So how can I fix this problem?"
I believe people can work on this type of issue by working on self-concept, I know so many people think that self-concept is just how we perceive ourselves but it's so much more than that. Everything is SELF so we should work on how we perceive everything through self-concept, like removing our limiting beliefs, improving our self-belief, and fully transcending the ego through becoming aware of our self-concept. SELF is all there is, it is your physical body, your surrounding, the people around you, even the universe you're in. It is all imagination and that is SELF. That is consciousness, and when we rewire how we perceive that we will overcome all limitations.
“Consciousness is the one and only reality, not figuratively but actually. This reality may for the sake of clarity be likened unto a stream which is divided into two parts, the conscious and the subconscious. In order to intelligently operate the law of consciousness it is necessary to understand the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious is personal and selective; the subconscious is impersonal and non-selective. The conscious is the realm of effect; the subconscious is the realm of cause. These two aspects are the male and female divisions of consciousness. The conscious is male; the subconscious is female. The conscious generates ideas and impresses these ideas on the subconscious; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression to them. By this law-first conceiving an idea and then impressing the idea conceived on the subconscious-all things evolve out of consciousness;” - Neville Goddard
This is why everything and anything you could ever want is yours. It is in your imagination, and being that consciousness is the only reality it is done! Your failure to just accept that is the reason you are not seeing it right now! Manifestaion is always instant.
So be it now. Assume it now. Nothing is separate from you. BE it now!!!
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emp-t-man · 3 months
eiffel and minkowski are often perceived (either by the other characters of the podcast or its audience, but mostly by each other) as the lazy slacker who sucks at his job and the competent go-getter who’s the best at what she does, and yet neither of these things are true. i think one of my favorites of their parallels is they are both exceptionally good at what they do, and yet they both constantly suffer from doubts about their own abilities. they just have completely different ways of going about this insecurity, and that’s what creates this stigma about them.
eiffel has proven time and time again that he absolutely knows what he’s doing in his field. He’s extremely protective over his equipment, he knows exactly what to do when it doesn’t work ninety nine percent of the time, the man made two way radios from old audio recorders, for christ’s sake, not to mention the way he was able to figure out how to survive for months in the middle of deep space completely by himself. but one of his most fatal flaws is that he doesn’t believe he knows what he’s doing. his self hatred and insecurity run so deep that the moment he believes he’s not cut out for something, he stops trying entirely. he sees people like minkowski doing such a good job in their position, that when people like that tell him he’s incapable of doing the same, he believes it, because he never believed in himself, anyway. i think the most obvious example of this is after the season one finale, when he learns about the decima project. the minute he learns that being an officer of communications wasn’t his only purpose on that mission, he comes to the conclusion that he doesn’t serve that purpose at all. he resolves that he was simply an “experimental meatbag”, chosen for the mission because he had absolutely nothing else going for him. he’s so quick to dismiss his worth and his capabilities, and so he leans into this persona of a good for nothing procrastinator to avoid letting his peers down by never letting them form expectations of him in the first place. of course, he isn’t perfect, he is a bit of a procrastinator and a scatterbrain, but that’s far from all he is.
minkowski on the other hand, she’s constantly praised for all of her achievements and hard work, be it by goddard, by her students, her superiors, lovelace, and especially eiffel in the later seasons. she’s seen as strong, and resilient, and an excellent leader. but the thing is, she also constantly doubts her own ability. this can also be seen during the season one finale, where she apologizes to eiffel because she describes hera’s deactivation and hilbert’s mutiny as her own fault, because she wasn’t a good enough commander to prevent it. but the thing about her is when she starts to doubt her capability, she works overtime to try and prove herself and anyone else who may doubt her wrong, which is also unhealthy! it happens with the plant monster, when she continuously risks her own life just to prove to herself that she can have the slightest bit of control over a situation. it happens during pan-pan, where she attempts to keep the stress fractures in the station a secret and handle them on her own because she wants to be able to protect the lives and morale of her crew the way a “good commander” should! instead of giving up and saving herself the disappointment if ever she should fail, she does the complete opposite, working herself to the bone and obsessing over every detail to make sure she doesn’t fail, no matter what it takes.
now here’s the kicker— after the events of desperate times / desperate measures, eiffel and minkowski completely swap coping mechanisms. when lovelace comes to, minkowski almost immediately asks her to assume the position of commander in her place, because she thinks that the loss of lives means that she completely failed her objective and isn’t fit for the role. her stepping down is essentially giving up in her eyes, because why hold such an important position if you’re no good at it? meanwhile, in episode fifty two, after eiffel gets called out on his, while without malicious intent, inconsiderate and distasteful behavior, he completely withdraws from the rest of the crew in order to work extremely hard on his own tasks, ultimately risking his and the rest of the crew’s life in order to prove he can be useful. sounds familiar, right?
but the thing is, they’ve each already spent so much time reverting to their original way of coping, that attempting the other’s method is immediately clocked as simply being concerning and out of character, rather than establishing them as the opposite archetype of being capable or not. lovelace expects minkowski to always resort to overachieving, but not because its a way to disprove her insecurity, but because it’s just “who she is”. so when she does the opposite, that’s when she realizes something is wrong, and resorts to comforting minkowski instead of simply letting her do what she’s elected to do. hera expects eiffel to laugh off any mistake he makes and go back to goofing off— not because it’s his way of avoiding disappointment from those he cares about, but because it’s just “who he is”. so when he does the opposite, focusing solely and intently on his duties where he was so comfortable neglecting them before, she realizes something is wrong. and when he explains to the rest of the crew that his actions are only to “help the only way he still can”, they realize something is wrong, and choose to comfort him rather than simply rolling their eyes and letting eiffel be eiffel.
it is. so incredibly late at night so i don’t know if this makes the sense i want it to make but i just. cannot get enough of how much they compliment and reflect each other. they seem to have nothing in common on the surface, but they fit together so well in terms of how they operate as people and i’m obsessed with it
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yinn · 23 days
-`♡´- Read this!!ㅤᵕ̈
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╰┈➤ If you feel lost in your shifting journey, entering the void state, understanding yourself or your religion, or feeling like your life is going downhill this post is for you. ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
First things first, You aren't bonded or tied to anything you don't want to be in this reality. I'll start off with something specific for example. I felt extremely tied to Christianity even though I didn't want to be. I only assumed what I was told was true since as a child your brain is like a sponge to any information. .ᐟ
•ﻌ• Justt like how when most people and probably you reading this post, Thought you needed a script or to drink 8 gallons of water and needed a method to shift. Maybe you also thought that the void state was a whole different reality.
I'll address this stuff here, Right now shifting Is extremely overcomplicated and I learned this myself literally yesterday. Shifting is easy. Don't even overcomplicate the sentence you just read, I said It so it's true.
See what I did there, That's how you shift. The best way to think of it is that you are everywhere all at once you are the past the future and the present all at once. It's mostly hard to understand if you are new to the concept but I'll try to break it down for you.
Imagine a straight line, Place a dot directly on top of it. The dot can go anywhere it wants and still remain over top of the line. It's still there and always will be although it's still there it is also in a different place at the same time. (´。• ◡ •。`)
The dot is your subconsciousness, It is the higher power. The line is the multiverse plane, That's the best way I can explain it.
ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
The point of this post is to understand that you are the beginning the middle and the end. Reality is what you perceive it, Live in your reality because you are already there. ˚⊱♫⊰˚
Do not use the two eyes that you are using to read this post to perceive and accept you use them to view use your third one to understand, assume, and conceive. Robotic affirmations are key, live by the simple "I want it I got it" rule.༘
“Consciousness is the one and only reality, not figuratively but actually. This reality may for the sake of clarity be likened unto a stream which is divided into two parts, the conscious and the subconscious. In order to intelligently operate the law of consciousness it is necessary to understand the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious is personal and selective; the subconscious is impersonal and non-selective. The conscious is the realm of effect; the subconscious is the realm of cause. These two aspects are the male and female divisions of consciousness. The conscious is male; the subconscious is female. The conscious generates ideas and impresses these ideas on the subconscious; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression to them. By this law-first conceiving an idea and then impressing the idea conceived on the subconscious-all things evolve out of consciousness;”
― Neville Goddard, “Feeling is the Secret”
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coraniaid · 3 months
Who do you think tended to be consistently the strongest and weakest writers on the Buffy staff? [With the obvious caveat that TV writing is collaborative of course.]
Looking only at writers who are credited with at least five episodes so that we've got a decent sized sample of their writing (and, as you say, pretending for the sake of the argument that each episode was written entirely by the writer named in its credits), our long list is:
Dean Batali and Rob Des Hotel co-wrote five episodes together, starting with Season 1's Never Kill A Boy On The First Date and ending with Season 2's Killed By Death
Jane Espenson wrote twenty-three episodes, starting with Season 3's Band Candy and ending with Season 7's End Of Days (co-written with Doug Petrie)
David Fury wrote seventeen episodes, starting with Season 2's Go Fish (co-written with Elin Hampton) and ending with Season 7's Lies My Parents Told Me (co-written with Drew Goddard)
Drew Goddard wrote or co-wrote five episodes, all in Season 7, starting with Selfless and ending with Dirty Girls.
Drew Z. Greenberg wrote six episodes, starting with Season 6's Smashed and ending with Season 7's Empty Places
David Greenwalt wrote eight episodes, starting with Season 1's Teacher's Pet and ending with Season 3's Homecoming
Rebecca Rand Kirshner wrote eight episodes, starting with Season 5's Out Of My Mind and ending with Season 7's Touched
Steven S. Knight wrote five episodes, starting with Season 5's Blood Ties and ending with Season 6's Seeing Red
Marti Noxon wrote twenty-three episodes, starting with Season 2's What's My Line? (Part 1) (co-written with Howard Gordon) and ending with Season 7's Bring On The Night (co-written with Doug Petrie)
Doug Petrie wrote seventeen episodes, starting with Season 3's Revelations and ending with Season 7's End Of Days (co-written with Jane Espenson)
Joss Whedon wrote twenty-seven episodes, starting with Season 1's Welcome to the Hellmouth and ending with Season 7's Chosen
Unfortunately for people who like to claim that being a good person and being a good artist are correlated, I think it's pretty much indisputable that Joss Whedon was consistently the best Buffy writer. As well as every season opener and season finale except for Season 5's Buffy vs Dracula and both Season 6's Bargaining and Grave, Whedon-written episodes include Lie To Me, Innocence, Doppelgangland, Hush, Who Are You?, Family, The Body and Once More With Feeling. You could easily make a plausible top ten of Buffy episodes without picking episodes written by anybody else.
It's true that Whedon has a very particular style, that his characters all tend to default to speaking in a certain way and that he is a lot better at mood and metaphor than tight, multi-layed plotting. I'm not sure this is an approach that necessarily works well outside of the show (as well as easy targets like Avengers 2 or Whedon's bizarre Wonder Woman script or whatever was going on in the post-Chosen comics, I should admit I don't think fan-favorite Firefly is very good either), and by all accounts he's a pretty terrible human being as well, but as a writer on Buffy I think his work is consistently very good. The worst Whedon-written episodes are probably the opening two parter, Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest, Season 1's Nightmares and Season 3's Amends, and I think it's a stretch to call any of them bad episodes.
Of the other good Buffy writers ... well, I wouldn't be much of a Faith fan if I didn't mention Doug Petrie (whose best episodes include Revelations, This Year's Girl, No Place Like Home and Fool For Love), but I think his Season 6 and Season 7 episodes are quite a bit weaker. I'm not a huge fan of Season 4's The Initiative either.
Marti Noxon had as big an influence as anyone on the show other than Whedon, but 'consistent' is not the word I'd use to describe her. Her best epsiodes (I Only Have Eyes For You, Consequences, The Prom, Forever, Bargaining) are fantastic, her worst ... well, she wrote the worst two episodes of Season 3 (Dead Man's Party and Beauty and the Beasts), she wrote Buffy vs Dracula (which I know some people love but I can't stand at all) and she wrote (or cowrote) Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered and Doomed and Into the Woods (all three of which, I think, would be in the running for a list of the show's worst ten episodes).
I think Petrie and Noxon are probably the show's best two writers after Whedon. I know a lot of people really rate Jane Espenson's work, and I do like a lot of her episodes (Earshot and Band Candy are both very good), but she also wrote some real stinkers (Pangs, A New Man and ... again, Doomed). She doesn't quite have any real knockout episodes, for my money.
Worst writer is a more hotly contested category.
David Fury wrote (or co-wrote) Lies My Parents Told Me and Go Fish (and, not to keep banging on about it, Doomed) which is a pretty good claim to the title of "worst writer", but he also wrote Helpless, Choices, Fear Itself and Real Me and at least co-wrote Bargaining. So I don't think, hand on heart, that he can possibly be the worst Buffy writer. Certainly not consistently so.
David Greenwalt wrote (or co-wrote, with Whedon) School Hard and Ted and Faith, Hope & Trick and Homecoming, all very good episodes. But he also wrote Teacher's Pet, which .... uh.
Probably the consistently weakest writers are the ones who didn't really write anything dreadful but also never wrote anything particular amazing.
Dean Batali and Rob des Hotel's worst episode is the forgetable Killed By Death, and I'm not sure I could tell you what their best episode is. Never Kill A Boy On The First Date, maybe? I think I like that one more than most people do.
From the other end of the show's run, there's Drew Z Greenberg, whose worst episode is probably a tie between Him and Empty Places and whose best episode is ... uh. Entropy, maybe? And David Goddard, who only wrote for the show's worst season and who managed to cowrite Lies My Parents Told Me, easily the show's worst ever episode (and I am not as much of a fan of Selfless as many people, although I'd agree it's certainly his best work).
It's no secret that Season 7 is my least favorite season, and while I don't think Season 1 is objectively great, it -- and the early parts of Season 2 -- have a certain nostalgic charm I don't really get from the rest of the show. So I guess I'd pick one of the Drews, either Greenberg or Goddard, if I had to pick a single worst writer. Or fail to pick one, as it happens, because I can't pick between them.
Though I think the absolute best sign that an episode is likely to be a stinker is if it's credited to more than one writer, especially writers who don't normally write as a team. There are a handful of exceptions -- Conversations With Dead People comes to mind -- but on the hand you've got 'classics' like The Pack and Go Fish and Flooded and Life Serial and Sleeper and Bring On The Night and Lies My Parents Told Me and End Of Days. That's a pretty consistent list of dubious to terrible episodes right there.
Oh, and don't forget Doomed, the only episode of the show officially credited to three different writers. Have I mentioned that I don't like Doomed? Because I really don't like Doomed.
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mosneakers · 9 months
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Just a simple blink. And when Coraleye opens her eyes again, she and Agnes have transported to a new location.
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Momentarily disoriented, Coraleye gasps in awe as recognition dawns upon her. Coraleye: Oh, I've been here before! This was your home in Moonlight Falls, wasn't it? A really sweet girl named Janie lives here now; she let me stay over once.
Agnes: Oh yes, Ms. Books. I have a feeling you'll be revisiting this house again very soon, sweetheart. [Smiles]
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Agnes: [Continues] To answer your question, honey, Erik loved it here. We crafted a charming life for ourselves in this house. Our daughters thrived, we had good jobs. It was a time of contentment—a lovely chapter in our lives, really...
Coraleye: But something was missing...
Agnes: [Frowns and softly nods] Yes. And my goodness, did the guilt weigh awfully heavy on my heart! I had everything a poor widow could ask for: two darling daughters, a roof over my head, I was reunited with my beloved husband, for goodness sakes...
Coraleye frowns, offering comfort by softly grazing Agnes's back. Coraleye: [Softly] Grandma... Sometimes the heart wants what it wants, and it doesn't care about how things are "supposed" to go.
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Agnes: I was so young... just like you, darling. And at that age, I still yearned for the finer things in life. Though I never said it aloud, Erik knew. He'd write about it occasionally. If it were up to him, we'd have stayed put, and put our savings towards expanding our family. But for me, I was just fine with two daughters. I would've much rather put our earnings towards offering our children a more comfortable lifestyle in Sunset Valley.
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Coraleye: Well the difference is clear to see; you are beaming here! And it looks like those guests are really enjoying Grandpa's company. Agnes: Oh yes, that's Pauline and Hank Goddard. Erik was always the life of every party. Had almost everyone in stitches.
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Coraleye: I couldn't help but notice lots of whispering going around when you weren't looking, though... Agnes: My, my... you are quite astute, babydoll. No, truth is I knew all about the whispering. Hank Goddard's in law enforcement; he was there when Erik was pronounced dead. The story we presented them was that Erik miraculously recovered from a lengthy coma through the power of prayer. Christopher Steele has his suspicions, but kept quiet about them since that dreadful incident.
Coraleye's glowing eyes widen with intrigue. Coraleye: ...The Sunset Valley Massacre?
Agnes: [Single nod] That's the one. Come darling, our time is fleeting, and there's much more to explore. After all, we wouldn't want to leave two hearts vying for your attention alone together for too long. I've read my fair share of novels where such scenarios end disastrously. [Wink]
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Hi Maya, Hi anons! How are you guys doing? I hope you're all having a blast of love and positivity!
I was thinking about something and wanted to tell you guys and start a conversation about it:
Neville Goddard isn't a Law of Assumption God?! Why TF are some of you treating him like a sort of manifestation Jesus? When Neville created the TERM "Law Of Assumption" he was teaching things from HIS views, from HIS beliefs and even HIS limiting beliefs.
Neville wasn't the one human being that invented manifestation! Stop making your whole journey about him!
You guys HAVE to understand that it is YOUR reality for God fucking sake! You decide how things go, you make your own rules! There is no wrong or right way of manifesting!
The only thing i think you should understand is that: whatever you experience in imagination, you experience in the "outside" world.
(all of this apply to Edward Art and any other "teacher")
(i'm sorry for that possibly bad english =c)
(i'll send another ask talking about the 3D and other insights i've been having about manifestation if that isn't an annoyance for you, Maya!)
I love Neville and follow a lot if not most of his teachings but yea his followers can be… a lot. Regardless of who, are what you follow just remember despite all of that you are the only creator of your reality, and your rules matter the most. Neville isn’t going to rise from the dead (or maybe he will 🙃) and do it for you. Inhaling and reading every single piece of his work will do nothing If it 1. Doesn’t resonate with you and 2. You don’t apply it. But that applies to any teacher or concept :)!
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
I STARTED WOLF359 SEASON 2 AND FOUND SOMEONE I HATE MORE THAN HILBERT! (Or: my reaction to episodes 14-20 of WOLF359).
Gonna keep my intro for this one short and just dive right into it.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that. And for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs
Episode 14: The Kambaya Approach
Um… keyboard clicks and music?? WHO IS THIS? Goddard Futuristics? Who is David? Who is Saul? Rachel? WHY ARE YOU THREATENING TO THROW RACHEL OFF A BUILDING?
Ah a telephone! Could it be our crew?
Oh so THIS is Cutter. Who seems to be Hilbert’s boss. Don’t like him. Oh no did Hilbert find a way to contact him?
Oh now THERE is the telephone sound I heard at the end of last episode.
Renee? Oh so that’s her name. It’s a nice name. But I would prefer you called her “Commander Mincowski” Cutter. Give her respect, and stop acting so chipper. It’s easy to be that confident when you’re not the one in space.
And what kind of boss makes his employees work on Christmas or the day after?
Oh cool Hilbert’s name is Alexander? Wow, so cool, ✨I don’t care✨.
Cutter really seems to love the supervillain monologue. Yeah Doug, good call don’t tell them about the signal…
Incredible. I did not think it was possible for me to hate someone as much as Hilbert so quickly, but he did it! Less than six minutes into season 2, and by golly Mr. Cutter did it! Round of applause for him ladies and gentlemen, truly despicable, I hope he gets his karma.
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A complete waste of space. Horrible loser man.
Why do I not believe they’re actually on hold? Mincowski, please listen to him. But Doug get to the point: HILBERT WAS TRYING TO CONTACT CUTTER. HE LITERALLY SAID THAT.
Just pretend like Hilbert went insane.
YES! Taking my advice, smart play, smart play, act like you know nothing, tell them info they’d already know or could easily deduce anyway.
…Cutter. Stop calling her Renee! And stop being like this! What in the supervillain nonsense?
Oh money, of course it’s about money. And the backhanded compliments. OF COURSE DOUG IS THE BEST MAN FOR THE JOB HE’S THE ONLY OTHER MAN ABOARD.
Cutter man, your laugh… I picture him in a high school uniform kicking his feet in the air on his bed as he giggles to himself like an evil little schoolboy. “Hee hee hee I’m killing people in space 🤩” … shut up Cutter.
Okay. So. I know I wanted Hilbert to die earlier. But um… I think I might want Cutter to die more. Yeah… I’d be careful with what you transmit to Cutter. VERY careful.
Oh he knows. Doug he knows. You’re screwed. You’re… you’re completely done for.
Aw, Renee has a cute laugh. She’s nice. At least she and Doug are getting along.
But… will it be easy to get Hera back online? It’d better be. They better save her.
“No I’m not.” GOOD FOR YOU RENEE! Get something out of Hilbert. And yeah, watch the programming. Make sure if you DO get her back online that Hilbert can’t influence her.
Cutter’s instructions are BS… or wait! Is that Hera? Please be Hera.
Oh it’s the voices! It sounds like the echo in an indoor swimming pool.
“I don’t know who you are. I know you have no reason to believe anything that I’m about to say, and I know there’s nothing I can do to prove to you that this isn’t some kind of trick. But please believe me for your own sake”.
Solid start.
CAPTAIN ISABEL LOVELACE! I KNEW IT! Wait is it Lovelace or loveless??? Guess I’ll find out.
Oh the Hephaestus… but… WAIT. Are they in a time vortex? Are they getting signals from the past? Because Lovelace’s mission is over, her lab is sealed off. 955 days ago, okay, so longer than their mission, and a bigger crew too, 5 people plus Lovelace. And yeah, we got the lying thing down. and… yeah the “never make it back to earth” was also quite clear and VERY unethical. They played Hilbert like a fiddle. For a smart man, he’s far too trusting. Cutter was probably planning to shoot him the second he landed.
Communications and science officer got sick? Uh… sick from what? The astrophysicist just VANISHED? Okay… that doesn’t happen. It’s space! Where exactly could he go?
One thing is clear. These aren’t missions. They’re trials. The crew are lab rats. Though I must say, this is a very poorly designed experiment. What on earth are they even testing?
Oh right, Dr. Selburg. Wait. No. The spiders!
…but why would they be experimenting with that? If my crew was dead, and I found out I was sent to die, and I was in that situation, my first thought would not be “bummer. Oh well. Guess it’s time to make some poison spiders grow 🥰”. I honestly don’t know WHAT I’d do in that situation, but I can promise you, it wouldn’t be that.
And who is “THEY”? Command? And what something else??? THE EMPTY MAN?
Are… are the crews connected across time and space? Are they each other’s empty man? No, that wouldn’t match the messages’ warnings. Would be cool though.
“You’re not the first. We were here. Get out before it’s too late for you too.”
Poor Lovelace. And we never do find out what happens. Also Hilbert talked about a lot of other missions, implying that there were more AND that he was on them and somehow made it out alive.
Was he the astrophysicist that vanished?
Also the empty man messages: “There’s no way out…but there is a way in.” In where? Where are they supposed to go if they can’t get out?
Yikes. I guess that’s it then.
Episode 15: What’s Up Doc?
I like the title. Let’s see how the dear old doctor is doing. Perhaps he’ll be more cooperative when he finds out that his boss ordered his demise. But I doubt it.
Ah. Doug’s logs. Might want to be careful with what you say. Day 583.
Red menace’s damage to our autopilot 😂 Good to see Doug has his sense of humor. I think he’s gonna need it.
51 systems with glitches? You need Hera.
He’s playing chess? Well, looks like Doug and I have procrastination in common.
I’d hate playing any game with Hilbert. Chess or otherwise.
Huh. They don’t even have a record of Isabel Lovelace in the air force. Unless… wait crazy theory time: if time warping is a part of this, maybe Isabel is from a FUTURE crew of the Hephaestus not the past. It’s a possibility.
Also side note, but anytime I share literally any of my theories from this show, I get tons of comments that say things like “grinning like the Cheshire Cat right now”. Which is funny, because I do that when I read comments on my fanfics, and that grin usually means one thing: you found the pieces. You have all the pieces. But you won’t put them together and you won’t realize what they mean until it’s too late. I hope that’s not the case here. And if you’re Sophie please disregard this. And to the other TMBS mutuals, if you’re still reading my stuff, please disregard this.
Mincowski knows about Lovelace! Oh she doesn’t remember hearing the name in the lab. Wait… can they not remember the lab?
Yeah, we might want to isolate Hilbert a bit more. Maybe a few more days.
Oh dear. “Don’t get distracted”. Doug, please tell me you brought some adderall on board.
APPLIANCE?? He’s calling her an APPLIANCE? Hilbert. You better start coughing up some info.
Haha… her imitation of his accent 😂
Apple! 😋 I love apples. 🍎 Just the thing for my hypoglycemia. Nature’s instant sugar. You might want to consider the offer Hilbert. After going days without food, you should be craving something sugary right about now.
On that note, I just remembered I sliced myself up an apple earlier in the fridge. Bods’ snack time! 🥰
Don’t like how confident Hilbert is about the airlock. … oh Hilbert using it as leverage.
You can still be tortured Hilbert. Slowly and painfully tortured.
“You break me? You have no idea who I am what I have done what I have endured”.
Well, we know you’re a murderous loser and pawn Hilbert. Perhaps you shouldn’t overestimate yourself.
Uh Hilbert man wtf is up with your world view?
“No one who matters ends up in a place like this one”
Self-esteem issues doctor?
Also what was THAT? Doug? Empty man? Blessie?
No. Doug do not. Do not. He’s running experiments on you. He’s probably been waiting for this.
He’s annoying him to death. I love it 😂.
The good times? When you tried to kill each other?
Afraid of folks back home? Now that might actually be something. And yeah, they have been lying to you.
The truth about how you ended up here? Oh was I right? Did he do crimes?
Hilbert, I think that she’d respect Doug more than you. I certainly do.
Okay good, he didn’t murder anyone. Nice to know.
Hard drive? Oh right his secret experiments.
And he probably has more backups somewhere. But for the ones we have…
✨It’s Hammer Time ✨
He’s a geneticist? Why just question this now?
Radioactively charged microbes make more soap products… is soap products a code for something.
Renee. RENEE. You are on point, but… Doug is a friend.
Mission on the ship? Wolf359 unique energy signal different from other stars. Properties used for mutations… viruses?
Doug, Hilbert doesn’t strike me as the cancer curing type.
Man made retrovirus? Reverse cellular damage? That’s huge. Theoretically… it could reverse aging… and death.
Decima is “unmanageable”?? “Active environment??” HIS BLOOD STREAM?
That is VERY illegal. You used your colleague as incubator for your pet virus? And no. No apples for you doctor. You don’t deserve apples. Apples are for people who don't do unethical science on their friends!
Episode 16: Painfully Ever After
This one is not going to be as detailed because I'm also half doing work, but I have no self control and need to know more.
...My goodness I really AM like Eiffel. I think it's the ADHD. Let's blame that.
Also..."navigation off by a few clicks...probably not important".
Um...not critical maybe, but why is navigation off? Don't think you can just slip little details like that in there and not expect me to notice. Don't think you can use my own schemes against me.
Remember when Mincowski nearly shot Hilbert over ice cream? Those were the days...
Man this apple is delicious 😋🍎.
And yeah. No painfully ever after. We still have several seasons left. We need Hera!
I agree about the math Eiffel. I got a test coming up. I should be studying, but this is clearly more important.
Ugh. Don't give Hilbert food. Not a lot at least and not the good stuff. Just enough to keep him alive. Barely anything. I want him to be nothing but skin and bones.
Don't like the ominous music.
Everyone has their limits...oh good point! Hilbert needed a fail safe plan. DO NOT SHUT THE DOOR. DO NOT TALK TO HIM.
"I'd do anything to help get her back online again, but I'm not letting him mess around in her mind again. She deserves better" / "Yes she does" 🥺
Hera! You need to come back! You need to know that your friends care about you!
...and...and I really hope Cutter isn't already doing anything to her to make her betray them. I really hope so.
Cranial reconstruction surgery? Wow, they really did model her after a human brain. Dangerous move.
And Hilbert. Dude. Lack of trust? You. Tried. To. Murder. Everyone. On. Board.
Why would they trust you?
"Tell me you're not still obsessing over your experimental exposure, as long as I maintain it's dormancy, you have nothing to worry about." Oh great. I can't tell you how many times I've read or heard in fiction that as long as X doesn't happen, then Y won't happen, and X is such a low probability it probably isn't even worth worrying about.
Sure, what could possibly go wrong? It's just a teeny tiny itty bitty baby killer virus 🦠🥺 all it wants to do is swim around in Doug's blood stream and not make any trouble I'm sure.
Improve the lives of millions? Uh, Hilbert. What exactly is your definition of improvement?
Yeah...how was command aware of alien life? What made them want to look for that?
"Survival depends on never ever keeping information from Mr. Cutter"
Oh dear.
And what does Mr. Cutter want with aliens? Probably to kill them, that seems to be a hobby of his. I guess he got bored of killing members of his own species and animals from his own planet so he decided to set his sights farther afield.
CHANGES IN PROGRAM? But...what about Hera? The Hera that's our friend? ...don't like that noise... REALLY don't like that noise.
She's alive 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
YIPPIE!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Hm. Looks likes Hera's back. A bit more sarcastic, but she's back. And yeah, get Hilbert away.
Hera saved them! I knew she could do it! 🥰
Glad alpha victor is deleted. But we should keep the gag on. He could have more code.
Good job captain. Use those direct orders!
Something to write with? Oh boy...what on earth has Hilbert been doing?
“I missed you.” Aw. “ I wanna hang out with you and talk”. Aw. See Hera. They do care. 🥺 Aw he's sleeping. 😴 Goodnight Doug. Hopefully there will be answers in the morning.
Episode 17: Bach to the Future
I like the title. Does this mean the music is coming back?
Yeah Hilbert. Have a good long think about what you've done.
Wait are they...bored? Bored because there is no crisis? But there's like a thousand mysteries on board on the ship.
"It's like someone moved everything off just a tiny bit...so small that you don't even notice anything's off until you try to find something, and then you can't find anything".
Why do I think that's not just a metaphor for Hera's brain?
Star charts? Why do I think those might not be harmless?
Rock climbing and trail hiking are good hobbies. And... yeah a bit odd she has a husband she hasn't seen in over a year and hasn't told any of them about.
HERA 😂. "I though that was a typo".
Mr. Kodeleka? (I think that's the spelling). Foreign correspondent for the globe?
Oh dear. Oh Mincowski. This is so sad. She needs to get home now. 💔
More music! 🎶📻
Aw, Hera. 🥰 I love watching them become better friends.
Why DID they send you up here? Something to keep him occupied? Keep him from being bored? What IS his job? Dying, but what else?
...not all superintelligences are created equal. And who made you randomized? Wait you did psych evals and behavioral tests? That's a lot emotionally for the first six months of your existence. Even if you have adult superintelligence auto-established, you still don't have experience using it. Or practice controlling your emotions. In a lot of ways, you’re still just a kid. A baby even.
Hera...Hera what happened to you? No, Hera you and Doug matter so much. Wait was Hera crying?
Oh yeah the music? Bach...and yeah Doug she has recording capabilities. She could play that back easily. You lost.
Only one star? Glessee 163? 46 light years away from current position? Red dwarf, similar to Wolf359? Interesting...
Did they send a different crew to 163?
555? Oh finally one she doesn't know! "Good communication habits. Be in touch with other crewmembers."
Bet over. Wow. Doug has really been holding that in.
Haha...oh dear. 59 mins 29 sec. Poor Doug. Close but no cigar. Ha, exactly.
Oh dear. Doug has broken. Hilbert ugh why is he still on the line?
Episode 18: Happy To Be Of Assistance
"Why was it that easy to kill everyone! I never thought it would be that easy!"
...uh Hera? Why were you thinking about it at all? Did Cutter do something to you? Are you trying to kill them and like...dragging your...hypothetical feet about it?
Oh good the hidden lab.
...hopefully the spiders are dead...
And hopefully this is where they FINALLY remember who Lovelace is.
Alien Mothership? Advanced scout? Back of head and under tentacles? Is this a joke? Oh it is. I like her.
Lambert? Who is this?
Day 97, early in the mission then. So who is the crew? Dr. Selburg. Dr. Who and Who? Officer Fischer? Okay so Lambert is communications? Reya? Oh so that's their AI. But it looks like she just beeps.
Ha their reactions to Lovelace😂
Yeah they have a lot of crew. Gen0 AI? Hm.
Day 383. Wait WHOSE PROJECTIONS WERE OFF? (Hilbert?)
Day 435. Selburg again. Oh Fischer is dead. Oh dear. Weird that Hilbert isn't mentioned when he had other missions. I wonder what name he was using.
Yeah...Day 944...so they left them? Weird that the timelines don't match up.
Oh wow...when they are in the room Hera can't even tell who she's speaking too. Unless...yeah something's up.
More Lovelace: At night when alone? Noise in the walls? Um...Blessie? Empty man? Anyone?
Another crew member died. Oh dear. It seems Dr. Selburg survived a good while. I hope that's not Hilbert's alias.
Oh. The crew member who died. He had a family too. 🥺.
Cutter needs to be ended.
Lovelace, I don't think Goddard Futuristics ever cared to begin with. Sam Lambert. So that's his name.
Run and hide? Dr. Selburg and Lovelace have a way off? Um...maybe don't tell them that. But I love the attitude.
Eiffel, this seems like a bit of a happy attitude, if they got away, then um... where are they now?
A message for who?
Oh I do not have time for one more episode...but... dang it I just saw the title. I have to know. First I'm gonna listen to Goodbye Earl by the Dixie Chicks to pump myself up.
One moment please.
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Episode 19: Let's Kill Hilbert
And...we're back! Now it's time to say goodbye to our crazy science friend. Adios Hilbert you will not be missed! 👋 First we toss you out the airlock, and then it's back to earth to finish off Mr. Cutter and company!
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Does Hilbert know enough to justify keeping him on board? The real question is: will he share enough?
And listen to Hera. She might have things she's trying to tell you as best she can.
Hera...oh Hera has PTSD. Oh dear Hera.
Um... is she trying to kill them? In comedically obvious ways so that they notice? No wonder she needs Hilbert dead, what if he gave her bad code again? Or maybe she’s just experiencing trauma.
Mincowski! No! She's trying to save you! Please just throw Hilbert out the airlock, I listened to Dixie Chicks for this! I hyped myself up!
Did Hera just say "I'm dead?"
Hera. Hera are you trying to kill Doug? Doug, I trust Hera too, but I do not trust Hilbert! Okay...looks like we're good...
Never mind.
Eiffel. What is happening? Are you on laughing gas? Are you being drugged? Oh dear. Hera what did you do?
Wait. Why is HE losing air? Hera...were you trying to kill Hilbert?
Do machines dream electric sheep? Was that Hilbert? What happened to Hilbert? OH NO.
"You're going to unplug me anyway at least I can do this for the two of you" oh Hera 🥺
I love it. Save our moron!
And everyone's okay.
Doug knows Hera's there. Aw, he's making her feel better. And she's back! 🥰
Wait. What about Hilbert? What about interrogating him about being the other doctor guy? What about killing him? Man, what a bummer.
Oh well. we can always hope. Maybe next time he can finally die. Or at least give us some information.
Episode 20: The Paranoia Game
I really should not be listening to more, but I have an exam tomorrow, and nothing gets me motivated like good old procrastination. Besides, it's not like I had much of a chance on that thing anyway. Oh, I mean, um: Don't listen to me kids, studying is important. But you'll understand if you get to certain level of school at a certain age. You discover that some things that you thought were bad and confusing are actually much more bad and confusing than you could have ever imagined.
Anyway, let's get into it.
Oh good some info on Hilbert's past missions. Hilbert it is ABSOLUTELY relevant. You were experimenting on humans without their consent!
Lovelace was incinerated? Hilbert, for your sake, you better hope that's not true.
Who is listening to this?
Oh dear Hilbert is out of his cage. And YES the handcuffs are necessary. Hilbert has some nerve asking these questions.
"Why am I in cuffs. Seriously all I did was try to kill you. So dramatic🙄"
Irregularity in backup life support? What was that?
Screwdriver is missing. Huh. I wonder where it could have gone...check his pockets.
But then there is the empty man...and Blessie...
Shut up Hilbert. You had someone else help you get the screwdriver. The invisible empty man or someone else. Your promises mean NOTHING Hilbert.
✨ Nooooooooooooo... ✨
Oh you know who took it do you Hilbert? BLAMING THE ROBOT? She has a NAME Hilbert. And if she wanted you dead, she could do that in much worse ways than stealing the screw driver.
"Everything is always Hilbert's fault"
And do you REALLY think even IF Hera did this, that her whole plan is gonna go like this: "Well we were cool with Hilbert being on board earlier, but GASP! a stolen screwdriver? I can deal with multiple counts of attempted murder and unethical experimentation, but this is simply a bridge too far. TO THE AIRLOCK!"
Yeah. And also. How does she steal the screw driver?
Oh goodness. She is the brains you are...not brains.😂
Hilbert. YOU are the one involved in a conspiracy. You're seeing plots where there aren't any. I guess the old saying is true. The wicked run from no one.
"How do you like that" "I like it just fine"
...no comment.
Oh poor commander. I hope they didn't...
...oh they did.
Good heavens. Have you all forgotten about Blessie? Have you all forgotten about the empty man?
"Mistake Eiffel was going to make"..."Evil plan Hilbert was cooking up" PLEASE 😂😂😂
I love that these are the same voice actor. It makes in 20x funnier too.
The perfect crime? Do you know how crazy you sound?
Poor Mincowski. She needs to go back home and be with her husband. After all this she deserves it.
Hilbert. It involves Large powerful magnet. 😂😂🧲
Yes PLEASE put your clothes back on. Good heavens.
Ah yes. Those sounds. PLEASE question them.
What if we are not the only ones here? FINALLY. Hilbert, I don't like you but at least we're getting to...wait Hera I thought you did detect something moving about earlier.
Tentacle with a flower? Of course, Percival B. Eternal, you silly goof!
But uh...why would it want a screw driver? EXACTLY! It is a bad thing! Why has no one been asking more questions about this?
Well hopefully we'll FINALLY get more of dear Blessie. Thank you for listening to my reactions my friends. I'm enjoying season 2, and hope to have more for you soon. Bye-bye.
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lasisgood · 1 year
Jimmytimmy new power hour idea!
Poof somehow ends up in Jimmy's dimension, and realizes its Timmy's godparents kid toght away, and is like
"Aw, you poor little guy, you miss your parents? And Timmy? I'll make an invention so we can get you back home, okay?"
He's very gentle with poof and is like, "Hmm, can you transform into a lil goddard? Then I'll be able to take you around with me."
Poof does, and he's seeing into Jimmy's everyday life, like going to school, and how Jimmy isn't quite bullied like Timmy is, but he's made to feel bad. He tells Jimmy that Timmy's bullied by Francis.
Jimmy feels like he should protect Timmy. Maybe he'd make another invention.
Poof is also confused, by how jimmy doesn't get F's all the time. Like Timmy does. He asks Jimmy. Who is like ??? Timmy's smart. He shouldn't be getting F's all the time. It makes him mad for Timmy's sake.
Cindy sees Jimmy's new dog and absolutely adores him, Libbey as well. Carl asks what his name is. Poof says poof. And everyone laughs.
Carl holds poof like he's gonna break. And coos and plays with him. It makes poof feel less homesick.
Jimmy later pulls Carl and sheen aside telling them that Poof is actually one of Turners fairies.
Sheen is ecstatic to see Timmy again. Cindy pips up at the sound of Turners name.
"Oh Timmy! He's so sweet!"
A knot forms in Jimmy's stomach but he pushes on that they gotta get Poof home.
Timmy and the gang back home are worried sick and Timmy cries cause he misses poof.
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welikeonion1 · 11 months
Curie really sacrificed everything for the sake of trying to fix Faraday’s mistakes. She had to save his apprentices from Goddard, threw herself under the bus so that he wouldn’t get found out(and to protect citra), and died so that Faraday’s apprentices would survive Endura.
idk what Faraday did to deserve her.
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heavenlythea · 2 years
who are you?
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do you know what's the difference between a good actor and a bad one? when the bad one is performing it's from the idea that right now they're acting. the fact that they're acting is much bigger in their mind than the character they're playing. as a result, everything ends up feeling unnatural and overplayed. if you would ask them in the middle of the performance who they are, they'd say that they are an actor.
the good one goes straight to the nature of the character they're portraying. they drop the idea of acting and instead become someone else for the sake of the performance. their performance feels natural because they feel just like the person they're playing. all of their reactions are genuine. if you'd ask them who they are in the middle of the performance, they'd tell you the name of the character they're portraying.
you can apply the same to the law. are you what you desire to be? or are you still caught up in the fact that you are manifesting it?
“The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be — of already having what you desire.” - Neville Goddard
so if i'd ask you who you are what would be your reply? someone who is manifesting your desires or someone who has them? it's all about your identity. drop the idea of manifesting altogether and go straight to your desired end. be who you want to be. the physical world is none of your concern, you can identify yourself with anything in your mind. and only your own perception of yourself matters. that's why you got into law in the first place, to be who you want to be.
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leilani221 · 1 year
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why did my mind made this connection...
You can not tell me this is not the scythe Goddard gang
But like, I love how this meme is getting popular, I love it
Og source: https://youtu.be/T_c3GpCJKSA
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miemexw · 3 months
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Well, hello starseeds, my name is Dovie and I will be writing this introduction post while trying to make it not-so-long. Before we start, I want to make it clear I don't have a DNI list because I believe anyone can be friends if their opinions are respected mutually. However, this is an adult space, so if you're a teenager, please get out, and if you still proceed be mindful that I'm not responsible for what you see, cheers. Thank you for understanding and don't be afraid to befriend me.
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As I said, my name is Dovie, your local fandom mom(my) who's invading fandom spaces since I was 8 y/o. A big nerd indeed. I'm 100% pro-fiction and pro-kink and I stand for "ship and let ship" and "don't like it don't read". Although I am all of that, I was an anti before in my teens, so yes, I've seen both sides. Still wondering if I'm INFJ or ISFJ, the more I read about personalities the more I get confused oh what you did to me personality database. This blog IS ABOUT MY OPINIONS and fandom in general, I do have many interests and I will talk about them for sake of finding cool people, but have in mind this is mostly a blog made from a woman who's sick and tired of fandom policing, censorship and harassment. Especially as a NSFW artist and being constantly blamed for "male gaze" (I'm an adult woman) because I like to see other women in skimpy clothing. Always lurked on tumblr from time to time but never created an account until now. For reasons that I'm a bit low-profile... Femme4femme, loves makeup, fashion, skincare and all girly things. Although this is not a spiritual blog, I AM very spiritual and I will not tolerate any hate towards religion and spirituality on my blog (and I said hate, not opinions), I WILL BLOCK. Have in mind that... I'm a solitary witch and I practice all kinds of spiritual practices such as: spells, subs, shifting, LOA, manifestation, APing, sigils, ho'oponopono and I eat Neville Goddard's books every day for fun... before you come into my comments to cry about how cringy it is etc. I don't really care. As long as you're not crying and harrassing you can think whatever you want about it, it makes ME happy and it helped me get everything I have in life right now and that's what matters. Peace.
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Interests I have: ᡣ𐭩 Astronomy. ᡣ𐭩 Spiritual stuff and Astrology (though I still don't like interacting too much with some astrology girls because they only care about your sun and forget about everything else). ᡣ𐭩 Cats. ᡣ𐭩 Psychology. ᡣ𐭩 Anime. ᡣ𐭩 Games like Muse Dash, Geometry Dash, The Sims, Animal Crossing... + ᡣ𐭩 Manga, Manhwa and Manhua (especially baihe and yuri). ᡣ𐭩 Furries. ᡣ𐭩 Language learning (currently learning Greek). ᡣ𐭩 As for fandoms I collect, some are: Genshin, TF2, Touhou, MLPfim, ᡣ𐭩 Undertale, FNAF, I can't think anymore but I have more- ᡣ𐭩 Reading Dead Doves on AO3 until I explode. ᡣ𐭩 Boring stuff like gardening, meditation, cooking and those things your average girl would do I guess. ᡣ𐭩 Talking about life and existence while stargazing and feeling small until I have an existencial crisis. As you can see, the AUDHD makes my brain a mess and keeping too many interests can be tiring.
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Aethy: miemexw AO3: miemexw
Phew... that's mostly it, bye bye!
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sunsetshifting · 1 year
this may be a dumb question but how does shifting work? like i believe its possible but i wanna know how its possible 😶‍🌫️
Not a dumb question at all! In fact, that's a really, really good question that I'm happy to share my opinion on!^^ :D
Shifting is not an exact science, nor is it something that everyone can inherently agree on the logistics or inner workings of. I can, however, provide my own take on it!~ Prepare yourself, though, this is definitely gonna be a long post.^
(Additionally, I will be sharing five tips that helped me on my shifting journey <3)
(This can easily twist into something very difficult to explain, so I'll try to keep it as simplistic and accessible as possible.)
From how I gather things, shifting is the practice of becoming aware of your consciousness in another reality, and then 'moving' (not literally) from your OR/CR to your DR/IR.
Of course, there's more to it than that! We want to know how it works!
Shifting, generally, works by convincing your conscious/subconscious mind that you are already exactly where you want to be (or are on your way there.) In doing this, you are aligning your consciousness with the version of yourself that you desire to be (your DR self!)
Something that can help to explain this is the law of assumption, popularized by Neville Goddard; the 'law of assumption' refers to the belief that your beliefs, positive or negative, determine your reality. By making use of this principle, whether we're aware of it or not, we are able to shift across realities!^^
"It can't really be that simple, can it?" It can, and it is! Shifting is a very simple task, all things considered (though simplicity does not equate to how easy it is to perform.) Related to that talk of difficulty, it's important to acknowledge that everyone's shifting journey is wildly different. Some people shift on their first try, some people shift after three years, it all depends on the individual. It's important to keep a positive mindset and figure out what works for you. To help a little with this, here's 5 things that helped me with my journey~
Stop comparing your progress/journey to someone else's- They are not you! What helps you shift could be completely different from what helps someone else. You should not be forcing yourself to adhere to the rules and constraints of someone else's journey, as it will only end up slowing you down in the long run. Find what helps you. If other people's methods or tips work for you, great! If not, don't force yourself to use them! Speaking of methods...
Don't rely so heavily on methods- Now, what exactly does this mean? I want to be clear, I'm not saying that you shouldn't use methods! What I'm saying is that you shouldn't place so much importance or emphasis on the method itself. Methods aren't actually necessary for shifting! They're simply used to build confidence for an attempt, or to help you focus! The method is NOT what makes you shift. YOU are what makes you shift! By placing so much importance on the method, you're distracting yourself from making actual progress and focusing on things that could actually be helping you to shift (such as connecting to your DR, scripting [If you want to, as this is also not necessary!], or just taking care of yourself and your sleep patterns [if you're using sleep methods.])
Take breaks- I promise, you will not lose progress if you take breaks. In fact, taking breaks could be really good for you! Attempting to shift daily/nightly can be absolutely exhausting, due to how mentally draining the process can be (due to the amount of focus or energy people tend to put into it), so taking breaks is darn-near essential. Coming back to things with a refreshed mind (after the break) can also lead to better results, as you may return with ideas or revelations that you were too stressed or too tired to have had prior to the break! However, don't just take breaks for the sake of benefitting your shifting journey. You should also be taking breaks to benefit yourself. Your health, your comfort, your ability to function, all of that comes before shifting, always. <3
Don't bother with anti-shifters or their rhetoric- If you're anything like me, seeing anti-shifting rhetoric can be quite the mood or motivation killer. Not to say you shouldn't ask questions about shifting, or ignore people who do, because that's absolutely not the case! What I'm referring to when I say "anti-shifting rhetoric" or "anti-shifters" is people who interact with the community in bad faith. This refers to people who accuse shifters of being delusional, having mental disorders, or simply calling them 'stupid'. These people are not interested in actually discussing anything, and there is no point in interacting with them, as they're more often than not already completely set in their ways and uninterested in actually learning about shifting or hearing anybody out. As such, there's no reason to burn yourself out trying to talk to them, or even acknowledging their posts/comments. It's only going to demotivate you :(
Relax and stay positive- The most common sort of advice when it comes to anything of this nature, but nonetheless extremely important. It's crucial to remind oneself to relax, and to take things at one's own pace. This relates back to tips 1-3, but is still important enough to be said on its own.^^ There is no rush, no time limit, nothing of the sort. The reality you're attempting to shift into isn't going anywhere, it will not slip away from you simply because you haven't yet shifted there. It will be there, waiting for you, no matter how long or how short your journey is. A way of looking at it that really helped me (think I saw it on tiktok or youtube? Please someone tell me if they know what account it was from!) is that each shifting attempt is a single step up a staircase. Some staircases have ten steps, and some have one hundred steps. What they all have in common is that they all end. Keep taking things, one step at a time, and you will eventually reach your goal.
Whew, okay, that was a lot. I hope that helped, in some capacity? It took me a lot longer to write than I thought it would, haha. Sorry I sorta hijacked your ask to elaborate on some other stuff, but I thought it would be helpful, nonetheless!~
Feel free to send another ask if you need any more clarification, alright? I'm always happy to help :)
<3 Happy Shifting! <3
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kiivg · 2 years
Do you have any additional Wardens, Hawkes, and Inquisitor OCs? Or are the ones seen on your blog the sole iterations
.Kind of? 🤔. Imean my characters are linked with specific events that happen so changing them out would affect what I consider to be my world state; like Goddard Trevelyan is present in the Battle of Denerim and saves Andrastopher Cousland’s life, which makes sense because Goddard is serving penance in the Fereldan army, hence why he’s there. Whereas I feel like an Adaar wouldn’t have a place there, (re: Sten being the only Qunari in Ferelden apparently??) I mean Lavellan could be there as an original member of the Dalish clan in DAO assuming you kept them alive (I didn’t haha) or Cadash could be a Legion of the Dead member who helped with the battle and then left the order to remain topside.
.But then with Goddard, Andrastopher asks Anora to give him a secret boon (in return for saving his life) which in turn allows Goddard to ask for his freedom to return home to rule his bannorn, and then eventually become Inquisitor. Ofc I could just say some random person saved Andrastopher and maybe Goddard simply went home after serving penance and lived happily with his wife and children, and then had to endure crippling sadness knowing his youngest son died at the hands of the Inquisition, and never knowing his bastard son either, and then descending into madness knowing he had failed his child and swore to avenge him by turning against the Inquisition and possibly the Chantry and in turn losing his faith and driving House Trevelyan into the ground 👹💣💥. Or he could not go home, suffer the same knowledge, and avow to destroy the Fereldan monarchy for keeping him indebted and not being there to save his son.
.With Hawke he’s kind of interchangeable because his storyline is kind of pre-written as you’re always going to be Hawke the Eldest Sibling and certain events will always happen. But I do like Doherty more than Marcus (my previous Hawke) because I get to make his life sadder as he sides with the Templars to eradicate blood magic in the Kirkwall Circle and then offers to sacrifice himself in place of Anders (who he has already forced to flee) whereas Marcus always sided with the Templars to protect Templar!Carver. Personally I love siding with the mages and that would be a nicer ending for Doherty, but I need to side with the Templars for a specific ending 🥲.
.Still! My Hawke allows the HoF group to stay at their house (Leandra having recognised the giant son of the Couslands and knowing that they need to offer him safety and succour) whilst they’re in Lothering, and in turn Andrastopher warns them to flee whilst they can, as the dark spawn horde are advancing rapidly. This creates a kind of friendship that means Andrastopher is paramount in saving Hawke from the Seekers later as they attempt to recruit either of them for the job of Inquisitor.
.However!! I do want to make a new Warden Commander for the sake of padding out my hero count and also allowing Andrastopher to abandon the cause he detests (Grey Wardens) and also to focus solely on vengeance (Killing all Howes and stealing from the nobility who shunned him), which gives him a more stable relationship with Zevran in the end.
.But to get back to the original point of “other heroes” I do have not super developed other characters that could have been the hero. Like I have an Aeducan prince who helps the HoF team in the Deep Roads, after surviving on spider meat and mushrooms for months, and my Dalish HoF who is a transient elder who offers aide to all those in need (who leaves the clan pre-DAO). And I recently started playing a Cadash who hates the Chantry but is paramount on figuring out what happened at the conclave as some of his best friends were killed there (plus big boom?? He needs that kind of power in his arsenal) and maybe he gets a smooch along the way 😘. There are some I can’t have because they technically would die with the choices I make, like the Human/Elf mage in DAO will always be killed by Andrastopher in the circle quest, and the Dalish will also die as Andrastopher sides with the werewolves. And technically all the heroes you don’t choose do end up dying because either Duncan doesn’t show up to save them or they get killed in the Conclave explosion. Ofc that’s easily changeable like they didn’t contract the blight etc in DAO or they weren’t in the Temple when it exploded in DAI.
.TLDR: Yes but they’re all in the same world state and not technically HoFs/Hawkes/Inquis’ because I have a one track mind for this game!!!.
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