#Laura Alcoba
Tú Me Quieres Blanca | by Alfonsina Storni
Alfonsina Storni (May 29, 1892 – October 25, 1938) was one of the most important Argentine and Latin-American poets of the modernist period. She was also an early feminist poet, as this poem clearly shows.
Click below to read the English translation by Melissa Gioia and Laura Hakala. 
Tú Me Quieres Blanca Tú me quieres alba,  Me quieres de espumas, Me quieres de nácar. Que sea azucena Sobre todas, casta. De perfume tenue. Corola cerrada
Ni un rayo de luna Filtrado me haya. Ni una margarita Se diga mi hermana. Tú me quieres nívea, Tú me quieres blanca, Tú me quieres alba. 
Tú que hubiste todas Las copas a mano, De frutos y mieles Los labios morados. Tú que en el banquete Cubierto de pámpanos Dejaste las carnes Festejando a Baco. Tú que en los jardines Negros del Engaño Vestido de rojo Corriste al Estrago. 
Tú que el esqueleto Conservas intacto No sé todavía Por cuáles milagros, Me pretendes blanca (Dios te lo perdone), Me pretendes casta (Dios te lo perdone), ¡Me pretendes alba! Huye hacia los bosques, Vete a la montaña; Límpiate la boca; Vive en las cabañas; Toca con las manos La tierra mojada; Alimenta el cuerpo Con raíz amarga; Bebe de las rocas; Duerme sobre escarcha; Renueva tejidos Con salitre y agua; Habla con los pájaros Y lévate al alba. Y cuando las carnes Te sean tornadas,  Y cuando hayas puesto En ellas el alma Que por las alcobas Se quedó enredada, Entonces, buen hombre, Preténdeme blanca, Preténdeme nívea, Preténdeme casta.
You Who Want Me White You want me dawn, You want me sea foam, You want me mother of pearl To be a lily Above all, chaste. Of faint perfume. An unopened blossom. 
Not even a moonbeam To caress me. Nor a daisy that may call herself my sister. You want me snow, You want me white, You want me dawn.
You who had all The drinks at hand, With lips stained From fruits and honey. You who were in the feast, Who were covered with leaves, Who destroyed the flesh To celebrate Bacchus. You who in the black Gardens of deception Dressed in red Ran to ruin.
You who still preserve Your skeleton. I don’t even know For what miracles You expect me white (May god forgive you), You expect me chaste (May god forgive you), You expect me dawn.
Run away to the forest Leave for the mountains; Clean your mouth; Live in the shacks; Touch with your hands The wet earth; Feed your body With bitter root; Drink from the rocks, Sleep on the frost; Renew your flesh With salt and water; Speak with the birds And get up with dawn. And when your flesh Returns to you, And when you have put In it the soul, Which in the bedroom Was left tangled, Then, good man, Expect me white, Expect me snow, Expect me chaste.
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anticlluis · 3 months
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Elizabeth Laura Waldegrave, condesa Waldegrave, fue una mujer de la nobleza británica, cortesana y belleza de la sociedad. Sirvió en la corte como dama de la alcoba de Charlotte, princesa real, hija mayor del rey Jorge III. Se casó con su primo, George Waldegrave, cuarto conde de Waldegrave, en 1782.
PESO: 365 grs
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timriva-blog · 1 year
Un enfant disparait
Lors de leur exploration du nouveau continent, les Espagnols avaient été surpris par le vaste fleuve qu’ils avaient descendu. L’eau douce s’y mêlait soudain à l’eau salée de l’Atlantique. C’était le Río de la Plata, estuaire plus que fleuve qui baigne l’Uruguay et l’Argentine dans une lumière unique, singulière chamois ou ocre. Laura Alcoba revient par le souvenir dans son pays natal avec Les…
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mmepastel · 2 years
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Très beau roman.
Sur un sujet difficile, qui pourrait paraître racoleur, bref, hyper casse gueule : un double infanticide inexplicable par une mère dont on n’avait pas vu venir le désespoir.
Ce que j’ai aimé, c’est la subtilité et la délicatesse avec laquelle l’autrice aborde son sujet, un peu comme une enquête, 34 ans après les faits. La narratrice qui approche les protagonistes du drame le fait avec beaucoup de respect, dans une ouverture d’esprit totale, guidée par un désir de comprendre l’incompréhensible.
Car, la mère qui a fait ce geste atroce sur ses deux fils, a irrémédiablement brisé deux existences évidemment, mais a également foutu en l’air la sienne, celle de son mari, Claudio, et aurait pu bousiller complètement celle de sa plus grande fille, rescapée de ce moment de folie (comment appeler ce passage à l’acte ?). Or, la mère, Griselda, est un personnage sombre, torturé, au passé violent, fait de ruptures et de manque d’amour (sur le plan familial et politique : elle subit le régime argentin de l’époque) ; Flavia au contraire, la fillette rescapée de six ans, est devenue 34 ans plus tard, une jeune femme solaire et talentueuse (photographe renommée), qui s’est construite malgré cette histoire, en parvenant à maintenir à bonne distance les parcelles de famille et de vérité qu’elle a pu obtenir. Grâce notamment au couple qui l’a presque adoptée et menée voir une forêt, de beaux endroits, qui a su maintenir un semblant de normalité et une authentique affection.
Le pitch dit que grâce au mystère des contes contenu tout entier dans une forêt, la jeune Flavia parvient, sinon à une compréhension, mais a une acceptation des événements. J’ai trouvé l’idée séduisante. Cependant, sur cette dimension, qui m’intéressait énormément, je suis un peu restée sur ma faim, sans doute parce que l’écriture de Laura Alcoba est à ce moment du récit, très elliptique. Je n’arrive pas à savoir si c’est suprêmement élégant ou juste un peu « raté ».
Néanmoins j’ai vraiment été touchée par ces destinées. Ce chemin, par la forêt, apporte in fine, beaucoup de lumière et de tristesse mêlée, c’est très émouvant. (Griselda m’a broyé le cœur à Pantin.)
On n’est pas dans le jugement, mais devant un tableau poignant et douloureux d’où jaillit malgré tout de la lumière, comme dans une tragédie grecque (Médée ?) ou dans un conte particulièrement bien composé.
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sublecturas · 4 years
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“La casa de los conejos” de Laura Alcoba
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timorousghost · 3 years
[...] peut-être parce que, sans m'en rendre compte, j'étais déjà en train de devenir quelqu'un d'autre.
Le Bleu des abeilles, Laura Alcoba, 2013
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exnoctambulo · 4 years
Pero antes de comenzar esta pequeña historia, quisiera hacerte una última confesión: que si al fin hago este esfuerzo de memoria para hablar de la Argentina de los Montoneros, de la dictadura y del terror, desde la altura de la niña que fui, no es tanto por recordar como por ver si consigo, al cabo, de una vez, olvidar un poco
Laura Alcoba, La casa de los conejos
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guillermoloren · 3 years
"Trilogía de la casa de los conejos", de Laura Alcoba
“Trilogía de la casa de los conejos”, de Laura Alcoba
«Te preguntarás, Diana, por qué tardé tanto en contar esta historia […] Por fin voy a evocar toda aquella locura argentina, a todos aquellos seres arrebatados por la violencia. Me decidí a hacerlo porque muy a menudo pienso en los muertos, pero también porque sé que no hay que olvidarse de los sobrevivientes.» . Cubierta de: ‘Trilogía de la casa de los conejos’ Por fin se publican reunidas en un…
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savagebooks · 6 years
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ocioenlinea · 5 years
Clásicos Instantáneos: Cantautores con celular
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Desprovistos de toda solemnidad en cuanto a la forma en que asumen su vocación de hacer canción con espontaneidad a rajatabla, una veintena de cantautores latinoamericanos respondieron al llamado del mexicano El David Aguilar y el venezolano Ulises Hadjis para intercambiar trabajos a través de su teléfono celular; esos bosquejos de canción que recurren tan sólo a voz e instrumento, sea guitarra, piano o ukelele. Así nació el Núcleo Distante, colectivo de amigos que muy pronto reunió suficiente material para armar un disco recopilatorio que hoy materializa y oficializa su complicidad. Participan en éste, entre otros, el uruguayo Franny Glass, la argentina Loli Molina, la chilena Paz Court, los peruanos Alejandro y María Laura, el panameño Carlos Méndez, el brasileño To Brandileone, la guatemalteca Gaby Moreno, el colombiano Andrés Correa y los también mexicanos Silvana Estrada y Ampersan.
        Núcleo Distante, el compilado, está disponible para su escucha o venta en todas las plataformas de streaming; un álbum con 22 tracks en los que se respira ese aire de alcoba en el que parece que todas estas canciones fueron  imaginadas por sus autores. Abre con “Subibaja” de El David Aguilar y cierra con “Lost In A Cloud” de Gaby Moreno. En la primera, el sinaloense exhibe su destreza para escribir letras que esquivan el lugar común y trazar melodías que anima su gusto por la experimentación. “Éste porque sí, de ser así / Desfachatada marioneta / Me dejó salir, a relucir / Mi corazón en patineta…”, escribe él en uno  de sus versos. La última es la única cantada en inglés por la Moreno, residente en Estados Unidos, que indistintamente lo hace así o en español.
        Emociona constatar la profundidad de sentimiento y la fuerza interpretativa que varias de estas canciones irradian a pesar de su economía de recursos. Por ejemplo, la veracruzana Silvana Estrada aporta una versión austera de “Lo sagrado”, la canción que diera título a su álbum de 2017. En ésta, una balada de distanciamiento sentimental, su voz inconfundible canta: Sálvame del ruido y del silencio / Que no me queda nada si te vas (…) Y entiende por favor, yo te lo pido /  Que sin tus manos este cuerpo estás de más…” Por su parte, Alejandro y María Laura cantan a dos voces en “Babas”, algo así como una tonada amodorrada a un ser amado, versos con cierto humor y evidente cariño: Cuando despiertes y hayas crecido / Días y noches / Besos y babas / Serán recuerdos / Recuerdos sólo míos…”
        En gran medida, Núcleo Distante da cuenta del estado actual de la canción latinoamericana, develando las temáticas que inquietan a sus autores, su manera de asumir su propio quehacer y, especialmente, el interés que tienen por compartir con otros y sumarse en solidaridad. Aquí están algunos nombres que significan un dignísimo relevo generacional a voces ya consagradas en el ámbito de la canción latinoamericana que fluctúa entre géneros, es decir de Andrés Calamaro a Jorge Drexler y de Juana Molina a Fratta.
Enrique Blanc. No.1117. 080219
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sawreadreviewed · 2 years
Las malas - Camila Sosa Villada
This book is a broken window refracting light. Sosa Villada’s writing is at once lush, sensual, and brutal. It is full of glory, magic, and violence*. If you want a haunting story of trans beauty and resilience, read this. If you are tired of tragic endings for trans communities, don’t.
*Las malas contains, among much else, graphic descriptions of sexual assault.
**This book hasn't been translated to English (yet). If you read French, you can also find it as Les Villaines, trans. Laura Alcoba
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r1-fitness · 3 years
Apple Cider Vinegar – Uses And Side Effects
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has a huge fan following mainly due to the claim that it helps to deal with many diseases. From diabetes to hypertension, dental problems, obesity, eczema and even cancer, new demand is popping up every day in favor of ACV. This has lent this vinegar quite a celebrity status in the superfood world, with some health blogs even referring to it as “golden nectar.”
More info@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/29/638/
But consuming ACV irresponsibly, that is, without dilution or in large quantities, can lead to many negative long-term and short-term effects. You should know that you are using it in the wrong way and stop your ACV consumption immediately if it triggers the following reactions from your body. Most of these side effects are based on unconfirmed ACV from real-life users.
Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar
As the name suggests, vinegar is made from apples. Peeled fruits are subjected to fermentation and fermentation processes, obtaining a medicinal product with high nutritional value. The finished product contains over 60 different organic compounds, including 16 amino acids, which are vital for humans.
The great benefits of apple cider vinegar for the body are explained precisely by its unique composition, which includes the same valuable substances as apples, but in a concentrated form. The product is rich in ascorbic acid, vitamins E, A, group B, as well as macro-and microelements – sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, copper. When used correctly, it allows you to heal the body and has many beneficial effects:
– improves metabolism; – has a beneficial effect on the immune system; – normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract; – helps to reduce blood pressure in hypertension; – normalizes sugar and cholesterol levels; – removes slags; – prevents aging processes; – improves the condition of hair, nail plates, skin.
To slim down your figure, you can regularly drink apple cider vinegar and lose weight without any problems. It contains a lot of pectins, which saturates the body with “slow” carbohydrates, breaks down polyunsaturated fatty acids and eliminates the feeling of hunger.
The product is often used to improve performance, reduce irritability, and stabilize the nervous system. Many people are familiar with its ability to soothe joint pain, eliminate sweating, and treat fungal diseases. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has powerful prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
Women will like it as an excellent cosmetic product that can be used for face and hair care. Its use allows you to normalize the pH of the skin, remove age spots, give curls shine and volume.
Short Term Side Effects Of Apple Cider Vinegar
1. Frequent Urination
Consuming ACV when you are already on diuretics, which increase your urine production anyway, forces your body to release more than the required amount of toxins, making you want to urinate more often. If you continue, it can lead to dehydration.
2. Nausea And Stomach Pain / Upset
Any of these symptoms is a sign that you need to dilute the ACV more or reduce the amount of intake. Drink plenty of water to flush the ACV down and take care not to drink on an empty stomach.
3. Dizziness Or Headache
As ACV promotes the release of toxins from the body, overdose can lead to loss of minerals. This can lead to a drop in potassium levels in the body, and if left unchecked, it can lead to a decrease in bone density. ((Lhotta K, Höfle G, Gasser R, Finkenstedt G, Hypokalemia, Hyperreninemia, and Osteoporosis in Patient Swallowing Large Amounts of Nephron Apple Cider Vinegar 1998; 80: 242-243.))
Several studies have also presented some of the long-term negative effects of consuming high amounts of ACV.
Long-Term Side Effects Of Apple Cider VinegarIrritation 1. Skin
Be careful when using ACV on inflamed or scaly skin and dry scalp, as its low pH can irritate it further and even damage hair cells. ((Johnston, Carol S. and Cindy A. Gaas “Vinegar: … medicinal and anti glycemic effect. “Medscape Healing 8, No. 2 (2006): 61.)) There have also been cases of chemical burns that have been reported after using apple cider vinegar unattended to remove moles ((Feldstein, Stephanie, Maryam Afshar and Andrew S. Krakowski. “Vinegar Burns Following Internet-Based Protocol for Self-Removal of Nevi.” Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology 8, no. 6 (2015).)
2. Stomach Problems
Delaying bowel movements means that food is not absorbed over time, which in turn can wreak havoc on your blood sugar control. So consuming large amounts of ACV to keep diabetes under control may simply reverse the recognized benefits.
Excessive intake of ACV can lead to constipation or delayed gastric emptying, which refers to the passage of food from the stomach into the small intestine. A study published in the BMC Journal of Gastroenterology and conducted on patients suffering from type 1 diabetes mellitus showed that out of 10 subjects, those who consumed ACV were found to have delayed gastric emptying. ((Hlebowicz, Joanna, Hassan Darwich, Ola Björgell, and Lars-Olof Almer “The effect of apple cider vinegar on delayed gastric emptying in patients with type 1 diabetes: a pilot study.” BMC Gastroenterology 7, No. 1 (2007): 1 .))
3. Damage To Food Pipes
Thanks to the endless good press that ACV has gathered, the demand for ACV tablets and supplements is booming. However, researchers warn against using such capsules as they can cause irreparable damage to the esophagus or esophagus.
A study by the American Dietetic Association undergoes eight different brands of ACV tablets for their pH level, acid content and microbial activity. ((Hill, Laura L., Logan H. Woodruff, Gerald S. Foote, and Morela Barreto-Alcoba. “Esophageal Injury from Apple Cider Vinegar Tablets and Subsequent Food Evaluation.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 105, No. 7 (2005): .. 1141-1144)), the study found that the capsules had pH values ​​in the range of 2.9 to 5.7, with pronounced doubt as to whether the ACV was even an ingredient in the capsule. “Inconsistency and inaccuracy in labeling, dosage recommendations, and unreasonable health claims make it easy to question product quality,” the study concluded.
4. Herod Your Tooth Enamel
In North African cultures, ACV is considered a miracle diet pill; young women and bodybuilders are known to use it to keep fat. But a study published in the Dutch Journal of Dentistry found that drinking a glass of ACV every day was the main cause of a reported case of tooth enamel erosion in a 15-year-old Moroccan girl. ((Gambon, Mark DL HS, and Eck Veerman “[. Unhealthy Weight Loss Erosion from Apple Cider Vinegar].” Nederlands tijdschrift package tandheelkunde 119, no. 12 (2012): 589-591)).
Science-Backed Popular Claims
Some popular claims have been scientifically proven:
ACV can help manage diabetes. ((Mitrou, Panagiota, Eleni Petsiou, Emilia Papakonstantinou, Eirini Maratou, Vaia Lambadiari, Paneietis Dimitriadis, Filio Spanoudi, Sotirios A Raptis and George Dimitriadis. “Vinegar consumption increases the diabetes-stimulated insulin-induced glucose uptake in people with type 2 glucose in humans.) Diabetes Research 2015 (2015)))
The real acetic acid in ACV can help your weight loss efforts because you feel fuller. ((Kondo, Tomoo, Mikiya Kishi, Takashi Fushimi, Shinobu Ageijin, and Takayuki Kag. “Vinegar intake reduces body weight, body fat mass, and serum triglyceride levels in obese subjects” Japanese Bioscience, Biotechnology, Biochemistry and 73, No. 8 (2009): 1837-1843.).).
It can also lower cholesterol levels.
There are, however, many so-called “positive degrees” of ACV that are unfounded and spread without any research
False Claims
1. It Is Rich In Vitamins And Minerals
Many claims that ACV helps several healing processes due to the presence of nutrients like pectin, beta-carotene, sodium, potassium and others. Due to the presence of beta-carotene, ACV is also said to be able to slow down the aging and regeneration of skin cells.
2. It Is The Best Remedy For Hair Lice
In popular media, all types of vinegar are approved as really good treatments for hair lice. However, a study published in the Journal of Pediatric Nursing found that out of seven home remedies tested, vinegar was the least effective in eliminating hair lice. ((Takano-Lee, Miwa, John D Edman, Bradley A Mullens and John M. Clarke “Home remedies for controlling lice: Evaluating home remedies for controlling human head lice, human lice versicolor. (Anoplura: Pediculidae)” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 19, No. 6 (2004): 393-398.))
3. Can Remove Warts
Several studies have shown that using a 99 percent acetic acid solution can help relieve warts. But since apple cider vinegar contains only 5 percent acetic acid, its use may not be effective for this condition. ((Conzuelo-Quijada lvaro Emmanuel, Sergio Rodriguez A. CUEVAS and Sonia Labastida-Almendaro. Treatment of large genital warts with local excision plus local acetic acid preliminary study “Journal of Reproductive Medicine 48, No. 7 (2003): … 506 -508)).
So while there may be several benefits, including small amounts of ACV in your diet, try not to overdo it. Look out for organic ACV and go through the fine print on the label well before buying all the bottles off the shelf.
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timriva-blog · 1 year
« Les Rives de la mer douce » de Laura Alcoba, écrire après une dictature
Son enfance en Argentine durant la dictature, le silence imposé, la résistance organisée entre femmes. Autant de sujets au cœur du nouveau roman de Laura Alcoba. Écrit par Sylvie Tanette C’est comme si on entrait dans les coulisses d’un travail d’écriture. Laura Alcoba a raconté dans plusieurs romans autobiographiques son passé de petite fille née en Argentine sous la dictature, ses parents…
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depoesiaypoetas · 7 years
Cuál es tu escrito favorito, ya sea tuyo o de alguien más 👁🌻💜
No es mi favorito, pero ayer leía a Laura Restrepo y me gustó este, es bonito y cierto...creo
A un hombre no lo enamoras con maromas de cama ni trucos de alcoba —fue su primera indicación estrictamente profesional—. Eso déjaselo a las que no tienen otras habilidades. Lo que debes hacer es consentirlo y consolarlo como en este mundo sólo lo ha hecho su propia madre...
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sublecturas · 6 years
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"La casa de los conejos", de Laura Alcoba
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objecteiespai · 4 years
https://statics.ccma.cat/recursos/ccma/sant-jordi/2020/rosa-xarxes-MIREIA-CALAFELL.mp4 https://mireiacalafell.com/
Poeta de guàrdia
La cuarentena de los escritores
El aislamiento y el silencio serían condiciones “ideales” para la creación. Pero hay pasiones como la escritura y la lectura que no pueden darle la espalda a un mundo que está estremecido por el avance vertiginoso del Covid-19. Enrique Vila-Matas, Laura Alcoba, Sergio Chejfec, Luisa Valenzuela, Edgardo Cozarinsky, Jorge Consiglio y Carla Maliandi reflexionan sobre el tema.
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Origami / Kirigami
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