#Lawn and Garden Consumables Market
vikaschauhanwriter · 2 years
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dbmr-blog-news · 11 months
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thoughtlessarse · 5 months
Gardeners are inadvertently killing scores of earthworms with soil conditioners marketed as “organic”, experts fear, as they call for tighter regulation on products that poison the invertebrates. Earthworms may appear humble, but Charles Darwin thought their work in improving soil structure and fertility was so important he devoted his final book to them and said: “It may be doubted if there are any other animals which have played such an important part in the history of the world as these lowly organised creatures.” However, some gardeners who want a tidy lawn remove worm casts, which can be viewed as unsightly, particularly if the casts – made of the worms’ excrement – are squashed and spread over the surface. Dozens of products available to gardeners and greenkeepers say they combat these casts, reducing the time-consuming task of their manual removal. However, most contain saponins, which have been found to be highly toxic to earthworms. Some of these are marketed as “organic soil conditioner” with no mention of the deadly effect they have on worms. Others promise to “irritate and deter” worms, pushing them to deeper soil – not mentioning the active ingredient that could kill them. Despite their potential toxicity to garden creatures, soil conditioners do not go through the same rigorous risk assessments as pesticides, experts say, and are lightly regulated.
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Soil conditions that kill the very thing that actually conditions the soil and without which we would have very poor soil. Those worm-casts are the true soil conditioner. Get rid of your waste-of-space lawn.
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What Was Ours Is Now Theirs
The huge increase in the urban population of 19th Century Britain was accompanied by dysentery, typhoid and cholera.
The poor were blamed for cholera outbreaks, the result of their ‘ignorance’, lack of hygiene and general moral depravity. The prevailing orthodoxy was that laissez-faire capitalism and the management of water property for profit would provide solutions. It didn’t, and both municipal and state solutions – public ownership and management of water resources – were needed to solve the problem. Eventually it was recognised that easy access to a clean water supply was a basic human need, via the Public Health Acts. But with the re-emergence of neo-liberal and neo-conservative ideas about the role of the state and the importance of market solutions to social problems, all this is changing.
Britain is water rich, with adequate rainfall and only occasional water shortages. Until recently, water was generally seen as a common good and water planners saw any form of supply restriction, even a hosepipe ban, as an admission of failure. Regional water authorities pooled access to water resources and made long term plans for a London ring main, recharging aquifers from winter river water. People and organisations cooperated to manage water resources relatively effectively and to save water when it was needed, such as during the drought of 1975/76. However, water was privatised by the Tories in 1989, despite defeat in The House of Lords and the threat of prosecution by the EU on water quality standards, attacks by environmental groups over standards and questions about the fate of water authorities’ huge land holdings. As a result, the average household experienced an increase in water costs of 67% between 1989 and 1995. Company profits rose by an average of 20% to 1993 and are still high. The highest charging area of Britain, South West Water, took 4.9% of income from a household of 2 adults and 2 children, 7.6% from a lone parent and child and 9.1% from single pensioners in 1994. The profits of the water supply companies are being subsidised by the poorest people in Britain, those least able to pay. Thousands of households now regularly have their water supply cut off. In the Sandwell Health Authority area (in the West Midlands), over 1,400 households were cut off in 1991/2 and cases of hepatitis and dysentery rose tenfold. In 1994 2m households fell into water arrears, with 12,500 disconnected. Half of the water companies in England and Wales have selectively introduced or are testing pre-payment meters. The increased use of metering, most often in poorer households, has either increased water bills or resulted in forced cuts in water use by those who need it most. Non-payers are automatically cut off and the supply is not restored until the debt is paid. 10,000 meters have been installed in Birmingham since 1992; there have been over 2,000 disconnections. The water companies have responded to increasing criticism of their disconnection policies by devoting a tiny proportion of their profits to charitable trusts that help the poorest customers. This is pure PR and gives the corporations tax advantages. In the 1980s and in 1994–96, community campaigns defeated attempts to introduce water taxes in Dublin; see Issue 3 of ‘Red and Black Revolution’ for an excellent analysis.
Encouraged by a surge of prosperity in the 1960s, the Spanish have ignored the fact that they live in a semi-arid country prone to periodic, lengthy droughts. Golf courses have been built for tourists, swimming pools for themselves and there are many lawns and gardens requiring daily watering. Farmers have diversified from their traditional drought resistant produce such as figs and olives into water-hungry crops like rice and strawberries. The result is that Spain is now the world’s 4th highest per capita consumer of water after the US, Canada and Russia. Now it has to build huge dams and pay the cost to divert rivers to over-developed areas, amid growing environmental and community opposition. Other factors (which apply elsewhere) are laws giving producers the right to squander resources so long as there is a consumer demand to be satisfied; and the role of the centralised State (largely controlled by business influences), with its control of revenue, command of resources, expertise and power to enforce policy on citizens, in arbitrating the management of resources.
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zerofuckingwaste · 1 year
Reasons to go zero waste that aren't because of the environment:
It's good for your wallet! Wasting less means that everything you buy either is reused, or consumed completely with zero excess; so you aren't paying for anything that's just going to end up in the bin.
It's much less stinky! And you'll get fewer flies, if you live in an area like me where fruit flies appear if you so much as leave a jam jar open for more than 2 seconds! If you compost whatever food waste you do produce rather than dumping it in the trash bin, then you'll end up with a centralized location where the food waste can properly decompose, thereby not producing a horrible methane-filled stench, and not stinking up your trash bag.
Less trash means fewer trips to the curb or dumpster! I know that taking the trash out is my absolute least favorite chore, even below snaking the drains. It can get really gross and grimy, and the trash bin itself, or dumpster, can be absolutely unholy.
It might help you achieve that lifestyle that you wanted to do for a while, but couldn't quite manage. Whether that style is minimalism, which is facilitated by the idea of only buying the things that you absolutely need, with minimal excess if any at all, or maximalism, which is conversely supported by the idea of using what you have without letting anything go to waste, or anything in between, you'll find that you can focus more on your lifestyle goals when you aren't wasting time, energy, and money on needless waste. (I'm a maximalist with a house that has been described as 'an ADHD dream' so I really do mean it when I say any lifestyle is attainable through zero waste ideas.)
It can help support your community in ways you might not have thought of previously. If you find that you have a lot of old kitchen supplies and clothing that are very nice but unnecessary, then you can easily donate them to organizations for folks in need. In your journey towards a zero waste lawn, with more native plants and less wasted space taken out by hungry grass, you might find yourself advocating for more native greenery in your town, and make it more beautiful as a result. Heck, just going to the farmers market regularly can help you build friendships with people in a way that you could not possibly do at the grocery store- all the while helping local businesses and farmers!
You might discover a new hobby by doing DIY, you also might discover that you absolutely suck at DIY, either way, you'll have new and creative experiences to look back on. Fondly or not.
And finally: it can be way better for your health. Micro plastics are a HUGE problem both environmentally and biologically. BPA (and all those other three letter acronyms) is extremely bad for your endocrine system, and is likely linked to a lot of the illnesses rearing their ugly heads as of late- not to mention the unknown long term exposure effects we've yet to realize. They can cause neurological issues, hormone imbalances, even cancers. Aside from all those physical things, a zero waste lifestyle can be great for your mental health- certain aspects can be therapeutic in a meditative way, (for me I find great peace in gardening and baking,) while others can lessen your anxiety, (again, for me, I have found great relief in knowing that I have a stocked pantry, and I no longer have allergic reactions to the occasional hygiene product because I actually know what's in them).
Feel free to add on! Not all of these will be applicable to everybody, but I hope at least one speaks to you. 🌺
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krishilearning · 10 months
Horticulture definition & Branches
Horticulture is a subfield of agriculture that focuses on the cultivation, management, and study of plants used for non-food purposes like medicine or industry. It also includes non-food crops like flowers and ornamental plants. In order to produce high-quality and profitable crops for a variety of uses, including food production, landscaping, ornamental adornment, and more, it involves a wide range of plant-related operations, including planting, breeding, irrigating, growing, harvesting, and post-harvest processing. Horticulture is a broad field that includes everything from modest backyard gardens to extensive commercial operations, and it frequently entails the use of specialized knowledge and techniques to improve the growth and development of plants.
Enhancing the quality, quantity, nutritional value, and aesthetic appeal of plants—whether they are cultivated for food, medicine, ornamentation, or other purposes—is the aim of horticulture. To maximize the growing conditions and productivity of plants, horticulturists use a variety of procedures, including breeding, grafting, pruning, and pest management.
Pomology: This branch of horticulture is concerned with the cultivation of fruits. Pomologists study the production, storage, processing, and marketing of fruit crops such as apples, citrus fruits, grapes, and berries.
Olericulture: Olericulture is the branch of horticulture that deals with the production and cultivation of vegetables. It includes the study of vegetables from seed production to harvesting, storage, and marketing. Common vegetables studied in olericulture include tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, and onions.
Floriculture: Floriculture focuses on the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for their aesthetic and decorative qualities. This branch includes the production of flowers, cut foliage, potted plants, and landscaping materials. Floriculturists often work in the floral and landscaping industries.
Viticulture: Viticulture involves the cultivation of grapes for wine, raisins, and table grapes. This branch covers various aspects of grape production, including vineyard management, pest control, and the study of grape varieties suitable for different purposes.
Oenology: While not strictly a branch of horticulture, oenology is closely related as it involves the study of wine and winemaking. Oenologists focus on fermentation processes, wine chemistry, and sensory evaluation to produce high-quality wines.
Pest Management: This branch is concerned with the study of pests that affect horticultural crops and the development of strategies to manage and control these pests. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an approach that combines biological, cultural, physical, and chemical control methods to minimize the impact of pests on crops.
Post-Harvest Physiology and Technology: This branch deals with the handling, storage, transportation, and processing of horticultural crops after harvest. It aims to maintain the quality and freshness of produce from the farm to the consumer.
Urban horticulture: This field of study focuses on the special difficulties and opportunities associated with cultivating plants in urban settings. In order to improve urban green spaces, it includes endeavors like rooftop gardening, vertical gardening, and community gardening.
Seed Science and Technology: Seed science involves the study of seeds, including their development, germination, storage, and viability. Seed technologists focus on the development of high-quality seeds for improved crop production.
Turf Management: Turf management is concerned with the cultivation and maintenance of grasses for lawns, sports fields, and other recreational areas. It involves aspects such as mowing, fertilization, pest control, and irrigation.
These different types of horticulture demonstrate the diversity of plant-related activities and the important role they play in providing food, beautifying landscapes, supporting the economy, and contributing to human well-being. Horticultural practices continue to evolve with advances in science and technology, contributing to improved crop yields, sustainability, and overall quality of plant products.
Kindly visit for more - https://krishilearning.com/branch-of-horticulture/
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Educational Resources - Our blog serves as a treasure trove of educational content, including articles and lesson plans, all designed to enhance your understanding of agricultural principles, practices and new technology in agriculture. We explore cutting-edge technologies, such as hydroponics, aquaponics, precision farming, and more, to help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of agriculture.
We have designed our website to be user-friendly, making it easy for you to navigate, access, and engage with our content. We value your user experience.
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Whether you are a farmer, a student, a teacher, or simply someone interested in the world of agriculture, krishilearning is here to guide you on your educational journey. Together, we can foster a more sustainable, innovative, and prosperous agricultural sector. Join us in cultivating knowledge, growing communities, and embracing the future of agriculture.
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rbdmachinenet · 11 days
RBD Brush Cutter Machine: Your Ultimate Grass and Weed Cutting Solution
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Maintaining a neat and tidy garden or farm can be a challenging task without the right tools. The RBD Brush Cutter Machine is the perfect solution to help you tackle even the toughest grass, weeds, and small shrubs effortlessly. Designed for efficiency, durability, and ease of use, this machine is ideal for both home gardeners and professional landscapers.
Why Choose the RBD Brush Cutter? Powerful Performance: The RBD Brush Cutter is powered by a robust engine that provides high torque, ensuring smooth cutting of thick grass and stubborn weeds. Whether you need to maintain a small yard or a large farm, this machine handles all tasks with ease.
Versatility: Equipped with various attachments like blades and nylon trimmers, the RBD Brush Cutter is versatile enough to tackle different types of cutting jobs. From precision trimming around edges to clearing dense undergrowth, it’s a multitasking machine that adapts to your needs.
Durability and Reliability: Built with high-quality materials, the RBD Brush Cutter is designed to withstand heavy-duty usage. Its long-lasting components ensure you get the best performance season after season without worrying about frequent maintenance.
User-Friendly Design: The ergonomic handle, lightweight body, and adjustable shaft make the RBD Brush Cutter easy to handle, even during extended use. Its low-vibration feature adds to the comfort, allowing users to work longer without fatigue.
Cost-Effective: Offering top-tier performance at an affordable price, the RBD Brush Cutter Machine delivers excellent value for money. It’s an investment that saves time and labor costs, making it a must-have for anyone serious about lawn care and maintenance.
Key Features of the RBD Brush Cutter Engine Power: Available in petrol and electric models to suit different preferences and needs. Cutting Attachments: Includes a blade for tough grass and weeds, and a nylon trimmer for lighter jobs and precision cutting. Adjustable Shaft: Easily adjust the length of the shaft to reach tight or difficult spaces. Fuel Efficiency: The petrol version is designed to consume less fuel, reducing operational costs while ensuring top performance. Low Noise Operation: The RBD Brush Cutter operates with minimal noise, making it an environmentally friendly option. Applications of RBD Brush Cutter Machine The RBD Brush Cutter is highly versatile and suitable for a wide range of applications:
Lawn Maintenance: Cut and trim overgrown grass, giving your lawn a manicured appearance. Weed Control: Remove weeds from gardens, farms, and roadsides with ease. Small Shrub Clearing: Efficiently cut through small shrubs and undergrowth. Agricultural Use: Perfect for maintaining farms, especially in areas where tractors or large machines can’t access. Landscaping: Ideal for professional landscapers who need precise, efficient cutting tools for various environments. Why the RBD Brush Cutter Stands Out When compared to other brush cutters on the market, the RBD Brush Cutter stands out due to its superior performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. It combines powerful cutting capabilities with ease of use, making it the go-to tool for garden enthusiasts, farmers, and professionals alike.
Contact details
📞📞 +91-9694949030 📞📞 +91-9782949030
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mrfrmarket · 14 days
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tamanna31 · 27 days
Outdoor Power Equipment 2022 Industry Report Potential Growth, Share, Demand And Forecast to 2030
Outdoor Power Equipment Industry Overview
The global outdoor power equipment market size was USD 46.53 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 76.61 billion by 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 5.9% from 2022 to 2030. The market growth can be credited to increasing demand for cordless outdoor power equipment as people are inclining more toward greater flexibility and portability.
Furthermore, the technological advancements of several companies in outdoor power equipment are also expected to drive market growth. For instance, in February 2020, Robert Bosch GmbH launched Indego M 700 and Indego M+ 700, two autonomous lawn mowers. These two connected lawn mowers feature 18 V lithium batteries with brushless DC motors that can cut of medium size gardens up to 700 square meters on a single charge.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Outdoor Power Equipment Market
The increasing urbanization, disposable income, and infrastructure activities coupled with rising demand for the landscaping services are the factors expected to augment growth of the outdoor power equipment market. Furthermore, growing awareness of environmental issues leads to increasing adoption of the outdoor power equipment using lithium-ion batteries, as they are environment friendly and maximize energy output. Several companies are focused on innovation in lithium-ion batteries. For instance, in 2021, Techtronic's Industries started using red lithium-ion batteries for its cordless power tools, as they work faster and deliver more than expected from the battery's life.
The gardening trend has increased rapidly, mainly among younger generations. Most young people are inclined toward growing vegetables, fruits, and herbs. As young people are more likely to live in smaller yard lots, the type of equipment, plant and tools they require should work in tighter spaces. The gardening and lawn industry is changing to adapt to various consumer requirements by launching equipment that is lighter in weight and makes work comfortable.
Furthermore, the growing popularity of home improvement projects bodes well for the growth of the outdoor power equipment and garden tools market during the forecast period. Companies such as The Toro Company, Husqvarna, ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KG, and others gained profits from the stay-at-home trend due to the pandemic, which has extended the gardening season.
The pandemic in 2020 did cast a gloomy outlook on almost all industries, worldwide. The outbreak of COVID-19 impacted market growth during the initial few months of 2020. However, in later months, demand for various outdoor power equipment has witnessed strong growth with the resumption of operations in multiple industries. A considerable increase in the market for Do-it-yourself (DIY) equipment and do-it-for-me (DIFM) services in the commercial and residential segments are expected to drive market growth.
For instance, according to the Outdoor December forecast report in 2021, the commercial lawn mower grew by more than 15.0 % in 2020, with shipping of nearly 7.7 billion units. Furthermore, rising concern about the gasoline fumes and engine noise due to the COVID-19 has also increased the demand for energy-efficient outdoor power equipment.
Although the prospects look promising, the industry is still faced with several challenges regarding high maintenance costs. For accurate operations, one must inspect outdoor power equipment at various intervals. The factors to be reviewed regularly include inspecting cords, checking for damaged switches, sharpening, oiling, and other repairs needed for properly working of the equipment. Hence, the maintenance cost of outdoor power equipment is relatively high, which is expected to hamper the market’s growth.
Browse through Grand View Research's HVAC & Construction Industry Research Reports.
• The Middle East steel utility poles market size was valued at USD 5.29 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global electric water heater market size was valued at USD 14.67 billion in 2023 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 8.5% from 2024 to 2030.
Global Outdoor Power Equipment Market Report Segmentation
This report forecasts revenue growth at the global, regional, and country levels and analyzes the latest industry trends from 2018 to 2030 in each sub-segment. For this study, Grand View Research has segmented the global outdoor power equipment market report based on power source, end-use, type, and region.
Power Source (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Electric Corded
End-use (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Commercial/ Government
Type (Revenue, USD Million; Volume, Thousand Units, 2018 - 2030)
Lawn Mower
Walk-Behind Lawn Mowers
Ride-on Lawn Mowers
Robotic Lawn Mowers
Zero -Turn Mowers
Trimmer & Edger
Trimmers & Brush Cutter
Hedge Trimmers
Walk-Behind Edgers & Trimmers
Tillers & Cultivators
Snow Throwers
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; Volume, Thousand Units, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Rest of Middle East & Africa
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market is fragmented and characterized by high competition with companies such as Makita Corp, Techtronic Industries Ltd, Robert Bosch, Ariens Company, and more. These companies focus on acquisitions, launching innovative products, and investing in research and development. For instance, in January 2020, The Toro Company announced the acquisition of Venture Products, Inc., an articulating turf, snow, and ice management equipment. The acquisition was carried out to expand its business in the professional market.
Several companies focus on providing cost-effective and ergonomic products as an integral part of their product offerings. Similarly, In January 2022, Robert Bosch GmbH launched Keo a cordless garden saw. Keo is one of the products of 18V Power for All System, the alliance formed with Husqvarna Group. The product is acquainted with a powerful interchangeable battery pack with replaceable saw blades designed for DIY applications. Some of the prominent players in the global outdoor power equipment market include:
Husqvarna AB
Makita Corp
Honda Motors Co. Ltd
Briggs & Stratton Corp.
Andreas Stihl AG & Company KG
MTD Holdings Inc.
Stanley Black and Decker Inc.
Andreas Stihl AG & Company KG
CHERVON (China) Trading Co., Ltd
Techtronic Industries Ltd.
Yamabiko Corporation
Robert Bosch
AL-KO Kober Group
Ariens Company
The Toro Company
Deere & Company
Order a free sample PDF of the Outdoor Power Equipment Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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mehulseth · 27 days
Oberoi Sector 58 Gurugram | Buy Luxury 2 & 3 BHK Homes
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Oberoi Sector 58 Gurgaon provides luxurious 2 and 3 BHK homes in an excellent Gurgaon location, easily accessible to MG road and surrounded by major attractions like excellent schools, entertainment complexes, shopping malls, healthcare facilities and markets. The property benefits from its strategic location between Sector 84 Aqua line and IGI International Airport. Furthermore, this complex provides a variety of modern amenities such as a modular hall, swimming pool, outdoor café, gym, event lawn, children play area, clubhouse, multipurpose hall, deck for senior, path for people walking and runners, cycling area, 24/7 water and electricity supply with backup power and large parking spaces.
Location Advantages: Oberoi in Sector 58 Gurugram
An essential factor impacting the value of Oberoi 2 and 3 BHK residences is their outstanding location. Owing to its advantageous location in major towns and cities, these homes provide convenient access to important amenities entertainment and historical landmarks. A wide range of choices is available to consumers including shopping centres, high-quality restaurants, parks and entertainment facilities.
Oberoi offers convenient access to its high-end homes through a full network of highways and public transportation. Having easily accessible transport options near their homes can be beneficial for individuals, whether they are travelling to work or using Oberoi Sector 58 Gurgaon for city-exploration purposes. The strategic proximity of the train stations and bus stops allows an effective transportation system to different areas of the city, resulting in shorter travel times and smooth daily routes.
The Oberoi property implements unique measures to guarantee the safety and security of its guests. The houses have been equipped with advanced security equipment such as 24/7 surveillance, access control and vigilant security staff that consistently monitor the location. Residents may live without worry about intrusions, confident that their safety is being effectively controlled.
Luxury living includes not just the physical dimensions of a living area but also the modern facilities and comforts that come with it. The Oberoi Sector 58 apartment complex is equipped with a wide range of top-notch facilities that specifically meet the varied requirements and preferences of modern households. Current people have the chance to relax in the beautifully maintained gardens, swimming pools and fitness centre which have been specifically designed to inspire a state of optimal health.
The Oberoi lovely 2 and 3 BHK apartments change the city living experience by providing an ideal combination of expertise, opulence and convenience. These homes offer favourable places to live, convenient accessibility, strong security measures and a wide range of remarkable amenities providing a lifestyle that goes beyond mere survival to living. The Oberoi Sector 58 Gurgaon project is an ideal choice for anyone seeking to invest in a luxurious property that effectively combines modern amenities with a high degree of quality and originality.
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saltypeanutnerd · 27 days
Petit moteur, Prévisions de la Taille du Marché Mondial, Classement et Part de Marché des 11 Premières Entreprises
Selon le nouveau rapport d'étude de marché “Rapport sur le marché mondial de Petit moteur 2024-2030”, publié par QYResearch, la taille du marché mondial de Petit moteur devrait atteindre 14410 millions de dollars d'ici 2030, à un TCAC de 3.6% au cours de la période de prévision.
Figure 1. Taille du marché mondial de Petit moteur (en millions de dollars américains), 2019-2030
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Selon QYResearch, les principaux fabricants mondiaux de Petit moteur comprennent Honda Engines, Yanmar, Kohler Power, Briggs & Stratton, Kawasaki, Kubota, Generac, Changchai, Yamaha Motor, Hatz, etc. En 2023, les cinq premiers acteurs mondiaux détenaient une part d'environ 65.0% en termes de chiffre d'affaires.
Figure 2. Classement et part de marché des 11 premiers acteurs mondiaux de Petit moteur (Le classement est basé sur le chiffre d'affaires de 2023, continuellement mis à jour)
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The small engine market, which encompasses engines typically used in lawn and garden equipment, portable generators, pressure washers, and other utility equipment, is influenced by several key drivers:
: With an increasing focus on home improvement and landscaping, there's a surge in demand for lawn mowers, trimmers, chainsaws, and other outdoor power equipment. This trend, fueled partly by the growing interest in gardening and backyard beautification, directly impacts the small engine market.
: As urban populations grow, there's a greater need for efficient maintenance of public parks and green spaces, increasing the requirement for commercial-grade small engine equipment. Additionally, smaller living spaces in cities drive the demand for compact, portable power tools.
: Advances in engine technology, such as the development of more fuel-efficient, low-emission engines, are driving market growth. Features like electronic fuel injection (EFI), reduced noise levels, and better durability attract consumers and commercial users alike.
: Stricter emissions standards, particularly in developed markets, are pushing manufacturers to develop cleaner and greener engines. This has led to the growth of electric and hybrid alternatives alongside traditional gasoline engines, expanding the market's scope.
: Small engines are widely used in construction equipment such as portable generators, air compressors, and concrete mixers. An upswing in construction activities worldwide, particularly in emerging economies, fuels demand for these engines.
: The increasing frequency of natural disasters and power outages has led to a rise in demand for portable generators equipped with small engines, especially in residential areas.
: The need to replace aging equipment also contributes to market growth. As older equipment reaches the end of its lifespan, users look to upgrade to newer, more efficient models.
: The do-it-yourself (DIY) movement encourages homeowners to undertake maintenance and renovation projects themselves, thereby increasing the demand for small engine-powered tools and equipment.
: The proliferation of online sales channels has made it easier for customers to access a wide variety of small engine products, contributing to market expansion.
These factors collectively propel the small engine market forward, shaping its evolution and responding to changing consumer needs and environmental imperatives.
À propos de QYResearch
QYResearch a été fondée en 2007 en Californie aux États-Unis. C'est une société de conseil et d'étude de marché de premier plan à l'échelle mondiale. Avec plus de 17 ans d'expérience et une équipe de recherche professionnelle dans différentes villes du monde, QYResearch se concentre sur le conseil en gestion, les services de base de données et de séminaires, le conseil en IPO, la recherche de la chaîne industrielle et la recherche personnalisée. Nous société a pour objectif d’aider nos clients à réussir en leur fournissant un modèle de revenus non linéaire. Nous sommes mondialement reconnus pour notre vaste portefeuille de services, notre bonne citoyenneté d'entreprise et notre fort engagement envers la durabilité. Jusqu'à présent, nous avons coopéré avec plus de 60 000 clients sur les cinq continents. Coopérons et bâtissons ensemble un avenir prometteur et meilleur.
QYResearch est une société de conseil de grande envergure de renommée mondiale. Elle couvre divers segments de marché de la chaîne industrielle de haute technologie, notamment la chaîne industrielle des semi-conducteurs (équipements et pièces de semi-conducteurs, matériaux semi-conducteurs, circuits intégrés, fonderie, emballage et test, dispositifs discrets, capteurs, dispositifs optoélectroniques), la chaîne industrielle photovoltaïque (équipements, cellules, modules, supports de matériaux auxiliaires, onduleurs, terminaux de centrales électriques), la chaîne industrielle des véhicules électriques à énergie nouvelle (batteries et matériaux, pièces automobiles, batteries, moteurs, commande électronique, semi-conducteurs automobiles, etc.), la chaîne industrielle des communications (équipements de système de communication, équipements terminaux, composants électroniques, frontaux RF, modules optiques, 4G/5G/6G, large bande, IoT, économie numérique, IA), la chaîne industrielle des matériaux avancés (matériaux métalliques, polymères, céramiques, nano matériaux, etc.), la chaîne industrielle de fabrication de machines (machines-outils CNC, machines de construction, machines électriques, automatisation 3C, robots industriels, lasers, contrôle industriel, drones), l'alimentation, les boissons et les produits pharmaceutiques, l'équipement médical, l'agriculture, etc.
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nefeliproperty · 1 month
Comprehensive Property Maintenance Services in Johannesburg
Owning a property in Johannesburg comes with the responsibility of ensuring it remains in top condition. Whether it's a residential home, commercial building, or rental property, regular maintenance is crucial to preserving its value and ensuring the comfort and safety of its occupants. That's where professional property maintenance services in Johannesburg come into play.
Why Property Maintenance is Essential
Property maintenance involves a wide range of tasks, from routine inspections and repairs to more extensive renovations. Regular upkeep not only prevents minor issues from turning into costly problems but also enhances the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the property. In a bustling city like Johannesburg, where properties are exposed to various environmental factors and wear and tear, professional maintenance services are indispensable.
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Key Services Offered
General Repairs: Over time, wear and tear can lead to various issues, such as plumbing leaks, electrical faults, and structural damage. Professional maintenance services ensure that these problems are addressed promptly and efficiently, preventing further deterioration.
Electrical and Plumbing Maintenance: Proper functioning of electrical and plumbing systems is crucial for any property. Regular inspections and maintenance help identify potential issues early, ensuring the safety and comfort of the property's occupants.
Painting and Decorating: A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for a property's appearance. Professional painting services ensure a high-quality finish, whether it's a touch-up or a complete overhaul of the property's interior and exterior.
Garden and Landscape Maintenance: A well-maintained garden or landscape not only enhances the curb appeal of a property but also adds value. Services include lawn care, tree trimming, and landscape design, ensuring that the outdoor spaces are as inviting as the interior.
Roof and Gutter Maintenance: Johannesburg’s weather can be unpredictable, with heavy rains and storms. Regular roof and gutter maintenance help prevent water damage and leaks, protecting the property from potential structural issues.
Pest Control: Pests can cause significant damage to a property if not dealt with promptly. Professional pest control services ensure that your property remains free from infestations, safeguarding its structural integrity and the health of its occupants.
Benefits of Hiring Professional Property Maintenance Services
Expertise and Experience: Professional maintenance teams bring a wealth of experience and expertise, ensuring that all aspects of your property are maintained to the highest standard.
Cost-Effective: Regular maintenance can save property owners money in the long run by preventing costly repairs and extending the life of various property components.
Time-Saving: Property maintenance can be time-consuming. Hiring professionals allows property owners to focus on other important tasks while ensuring their property is well cared for.
Compliance with Regulations: Professionals are well-versed in local building codes and regulations, ensuring that all maintenance work is compliant, which is particularly important for commercial properties.
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Investing in professional property maintenance services Johannesburg is essential for any property owner looking to preserve the value, safety, and aesthetic appeal of their property. From routine repairs to more specialized services, a dedicated maintenance team ensures that your property remains in top condition, providing peace of mind and long-term savings. Whether you own a residential property or manage commercial spaces, regular maintenance is the key to protecting your investment in Johannesburg's dynamic property market.
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Lawn Mowers Market Size To Reach USD 48.60 Billion By 2030
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Lawn Mowers Market Growth & Trends
The global lawn mowers market size is expected to reach USD 48.60 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 6.0% during the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The industry's growth saw a minor setback in 2020 due to supply shortages brought on by COVID-19, albeit only by a maximum of 1%. The newly established work-from-home model made it possible for many customers to engage in leisure activities like gardening and lawn mowing. The market for lawnmowers regained pre-COVID levels of growth as a result of people shifting money away from vacation and toward home landscaping tasks. However, the prices of lawnmowers are being influenced by factors such as rising labor costs ongoing semiconductor shortages, and materials associated with improved customer comforts, more durable frames, and high-quality mowers, which is limiting the market growth over the forecast period.
Over the forecast period, the market is anticipated to be driven by the growing popularity of autonomous or robotic lawn mowers. As consumers become more tech-savvy, they are choosing electric and robotic mowers over fuel-powered or traditional manual ones. The lawn mower market has, on the whole, been quite stable over the past few years, but the introduction of items like a battery or electric-powered mowers has provided some relief recently. Over the projection period, the demand for innovative products will continue to expand moderately. Consumers are eager to adopt innovative technology that simplifies their lives. As a result, throughout the course of the projected period, the robotic mowers market will increase at a robust compound annual growth rate.
Additionally, the emergence of products with Bluetooth, sensors, and Wi-Fi capabilities, as well as the consumer trends discussed above, will favor the expansion of the market throughout the anticipated period. With the help of these technologies, users can conveniently control the gadget from a distance using a smartphone. Positec Germany GmbH, Robomow, and The Husqvarna Group are a few businesses that sell robotic lawn mowers that are controlled via apps.
Request a free sample copy or view report summary: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/lawn-mowers-market
Lawn Mowers Market Report Highlights
he market has recovered to pre-COVID-19 levels, but as remote working becomes more popular, consumers are anticipated to spend more on home landscaping projects, which will increase demand for lawnmowers
By 2030, it is anticipated that the residential lawn mower segment market would exceed USD 30.0 million. Due to customers' increased interest in domestic gardening activities in the wake of the pandemic, segment growth is favorably affected
From 2023 to 2030, the robotic lawn mowers market is anticipated to grow at a significant CAGR. This market is gaining momentum in developed regions
Over the course of the forecast period, lawnmowers are anticipated to become more prevalent in landscaping projects in commercial locations. Over the projection period, infrastructure expansion will help to drive segment demand
The regional demand will grow in North America, led by the United States, and in Europe, led by the United Kingdom. Over the forecast period, demand for visually pleasing landscaping in both residential and commercial environments will encourage segment expansion.
Product Insights
The electric-powered lawn mowers segment dominated the market and accounted for the largest revenue share of 29.18% in 2022. This growth is ascribed to ease of use and high torque to weight ratio, enabling these lawn mowers to cut tall grass. The segment captured a sizeable share in 2021 and is anticipated to register a steady CAGR exceeding 5.4% from 2023 to 2030. Furthermore, these lawn mowers are now one of the most often used alternatives among consumers due to innovation and development in battery-powered engines that have boosted their robustness and efficiency.
Lawn Mowers Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global lawn mowers market based on product, product type, propulsion, end-use, and region:
Lawn Mowers Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Lawn Mowers Product Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Ride-on Mowers
Push Mowers
Robotic Mowers
Lawn Mowers Propulsion Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Lawn Mowers End-use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Professional Landscaping Services
Golf Courses
Regional Insight
North America dominated the lawn mowers market and has the largest revenue share of 35.03% in 2022. Developed markets such as North America and Europe markets with high demand. In 2021, these regional markets held their leading positions in terms of market share, collectively surpassing 60%. Over the last few years, increasing urbanization in Western Europe has made houses smaller, in turn reducing garden size. This trend may become a serious threat to the uptake of lawn mowers in the region. However, the maintenance and development of lawns in commercial buildings will provide some respite to the otherwise challenged lawn mowers industry growth.
Lawn Mowers Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
List of Key Players in the Lawn Mowers Market 
American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Ariens Company
Briggs Stratton
Deere & Company
Falcon Garden Tools
Husqvarna Group
MTD Products
Robert Bosch GmbH
Robomow Friendly House
The Toro Company
Browse Full Report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/lawn-mowers-market
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1776stumpgrinding1 · 2 months
Hidden Gems in Buffalo NY: Off-the-Beaten-Path Adventures
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Buffalo, NY, often recognized for its rich history and iconic architecture, has a wealth of hidden gems that offer off-the-beaten-path adventures for the curious explorer. These lesser-known spots promise unique experiences that go beyond the city's well-trodden attractions.
Start your adventure at Silo City, a testament to Buffalo’s industrial past. This cluster of abandoned grain elevators has been repurposed into a cultural and artistic hub. Wander through the towering silos, attend poetry readings, or enjoy outdoor concerts amidst a backdrop of industrial ruins. The site offers a hauntingly beautiful juxtaposition of nature reclaiming human-made structures.
Next, immerse yourself in nature at Tifft Nature Preserve, a tranquil oasis just a few miles from downtown. This 264-acre preserve is home to diverse wildlife, serene walking trails, and a picturesque boardwalk over marshlands. It's an ideal spot for bird watching, photography, or simply unwinding in a natural setting away from the city's hustle.
For a taste of Buffalo's quirky side, visit the Buffalo Museum of Science and explore the Rocks, Gems, and Minerals exhibit. Here, you can marvel at a stunning collection of geological wonders, including rare gems and fossils. This exhibit offers a fascinating glimpse into the natural history that shaped the region.
Don’t miss Larkin Square, a revitalized urban space in the Larkinville district. Once a bustling industrial area, it now hosts food truck rallies, outdoor markets, and live music events. The whimsical decor and vibrant atmosphere make it a delightful spot to relax and enjoy local flavors.
Finally, venture to the Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens. While it may not be entirely off the radar, its lesser-known night tours and seasonal flower shows reveal an enchanting side of this horticultural haven that many overlook.
Buffalo's hidden gems provide a blend of history, nature, and culture, offering adventures that showcase the city’s rich and diverse character. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, these off-the-beaten-path destinations are sure to enrich your Buffalo experience.
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Stump grinding is an essential service for homeowners and property managers who need to remove tree stumps efficiently and safely. Unlike traditional methods that involve digging out the stump and roots, stump grinding employs a powerful machine to grind the stump into small wood chips, leaving the area ready for replanting or landscaping.
The process begins with assessing the stump and its surroundings. Professional stump grinders evaluate the size, type of wood, and proximity to structures or underground utilities. This assessment ensures the grinding process is both effective and safe. Once the area is deemed clear, the stump grinder—a machine equipped with a rotating cutting disk with sharp teeth—grinds the stump down to below ground level. Get more info.
Stump grinding offers several benefits. Firstly, it is much quicker than manual removal, which can be labor-intensive and time-consuming. A typical stump can be ground down in a matter of hours, depending on its size and hardness. Secondly, grinding is environmentally friendly. The wood chips produced can be repurposed as mulch, which helps retain soil moisture and reduce weeds in gardens. Additionally, stump grinding prevents the regrowth of trees from the remaining roots and eliminates the potential for pests and diseases that can inhabit decaying stumps.
Moreover, stump grinding improves the aesthetics and safety of a property. Leftover stumps can be unsightly and take up valuable space in gardens or lawns. They also pose tripping hazards and can interfere with lawn maintenance, making mowing more difficult and damaging equipment. By grinding down the stump, the area becomes more uniform and usable for other landscaping projects. https://www.google.com/maps?cid=5230268347574751323
Choosing professional stump grinding services ensures the job is done efficiently and correctly. Professionals have the necessary equipment and expertise to handle various stump types and sizes, ensuring that the remaining ground is level and free of hazards. They also handle any clean-up, leaving your property neat and ready for your next project.
In conclusion, stump grinding is a practical, efficient, and eco-friendly method for stump removal, enhancing both the functionality and appearance of your landscape.
1776 Tree Service 20 Stewart Ct, East Aurora, NY 14052, United States 716–309–4050 https://1776stumpgrinding.com/
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ggmgroup · 2 months
What Are the Best Uses for Tree Stump Grinders?
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Tree Stump Grinders are among the most critical machines you should have. Their primary role is tree stump removal – they crush the stumps into chips that you can then dispose of or reuse. These machines are useful in both commercial and residential spaces. Some of their areas of application include:
The Importance of Stump Grinders in Landscaping
If there is an area where stump grinders are widely used, it is in both residential and commercial landscaping.  These crucial tools play important roles in this area. The machines’ top benefits in landscaping include:
Improving Your Space’s aesthetic appeal
A tree stumps-strewn space looks unsightly – you may not feel comfortable in such a landscape. Fortunately, these spaces don’t have to remain like this. Stump grinders can help you remove these stumps, ensuring you create visually appealing and functional gardens, yards, parks, and public spaces. A well-maintained, stump-free yard is more attractive to potential buyers, thereby increasing the property’s market value.
Maximise Usable Space in Your Landscape
You may want to create useful spaces such as lawns, patios, and seating areas within your property. However, the tree stumps may not allow you to do so – the huge tree stumps eat up these spaces. With stump grinders, you can remove these stumps making it easy for you to undertake modifications and expansions – plant flowers, redesign sitting areas, and pave your pathways.
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Enhance Safety in Your Space
These stumps are known to be tripping hazards, especially for children and the elderly. You should create a safe landscape for everyone. When you grind these tree stumps, you get rid of the tripping hazards. Besides, Mowing, weeding, and general upkeep become more straightforward and less time-consuming without the obstacles posed by stumps.
Stump Grinders and Agriculture
These tools are also in agriculture and its associated activities. For example, they play a critical role in agricultural land preparation. Tree stumps reduce the amount of usable land – you can’t plant crops in a space with many huge stumps. Removing stumps using stump grinders increases the amount of usable land available for planting crops. Also, farm equipment including ploughing and tilling tools can easily navigate a stump-free land.
You can also improve soil quality and promote plant health with the removal of these stumps. First, the chips obtained by grinding the stumps can act like natural fertiliser – they decompose naturally, adding organic matter to the soil and eventually to the crops. By removing these stumps, you remove pests and insects that can damage your crops including termites, ants, beetles, and rodents that live in these stumps.
Importance of Stump Grinding in Construction
Whether you have a small or large construction project, you’ll require enough space. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to implement such projects in a space full of tree stumps. The stumps limit the movement of construction equipment, make it hard to design strong foundations, and pose safety hazards to construction professionals. Stump grinders can help in fast-tracking successful construction projects.
Tree stump grinding has many benefits in construction projects. For example, you create enough space for the design of foundations for your different construction projects including road construction, buildings, and even pathways. A stump-free space also reduces obstacles to construction equipment and enhances safety for construction professionals.
 Get Your Stump Grinders for Sale Today
Top-quality stump grinders are used in different areas. For instance, they are useful in landscaping as they create more useful land, enhance safety, and improve the visual appeal of your spaces. In agriculture, the grinders are useful in farming land preparation. Still, these machines are important in construction projects – enhance safety and create spaces for construction projects. For reliable Stump Grinders for Sale, you can trust us at GGM Groundscare – get yours today!
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pranalipawarshinde · 3 months
Non-Agriculture Smart Irrigation Controllers Market : Detailed Research Study And Forecast 2024-2033 
Global Insight Services offers unparalleled market intelligence and strategic consulting services to businesses worldwide. Our expertise spans across various industries, including healthcare, technology, and consumer goods, providing comprehensive analysis and actionable insights. By leveraging advanced data analytics and in-depth market research, we empower our clients to make informed decisions, identify growth opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition.
Non-agricultural smart irrigation controllers are devices that automatically regulate the irrigation of lawns, gardens, and other non-agricultural landscapes. These controllers use weather data to determine how much water is needed and then turn the irrigation system on and off as needed. This can save water and money, as well as reduce the amount of water that is wasted through evaporation or runoff.
Key Trends
Some of the key trends in non-agricultural smart irrigation controllers technology include the use of weather-based controllers, soil moisture sensors, and wireless connectivity. Weather-based controllers use data from weather stations to adjust irrigation schedules based on conditions such as precipitation, evapotranspiration, and wind speed. Soil moisture sensors measure the moisture content of the soil and provide information to the controller to help it determine when and how much water to apply. Wireless connectivity allows controllers to be monitored and controlled remotely, which can be especially helpful for large commercial or municipal irrigation systems.
To Know More@ https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/non-agriculture-smart-irrigation-controllers-market
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