#Lay Off
b0bthebuilder35 · 4 months
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goodomens-girlie · 10 months
I think it’s really funny when people ask writers and directors what’s going to happen in a new season of their show and expect an answer, specifically Neil Gaiman regarding Good Omens season 3. I have seen so many people asking Neil Gaiman for clues about season 3 so listen up y’all. You don’t ask a fashion designer what’s in their new collection, they’re not going to tell you. You don’t ask a singer what the lyrics to their upcoming song is, they’re not going to tell you. Neil Gaiman is not going to tell you what happens in Good Omens season 3, he’s just not. So just wait and be patient, I know it’s hard but there’s always fan fiction you can read until season 3 comes out.
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oneplusoneequalsfish · 6 months
It's always a little threatening when someone shows up outside your house at 6 am to chat. But when Pierre does it? I feel like I'm about to get shanked!
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piggys-plushies · 2 years
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mommymooze · 2 years
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I posted 5,958 times in 2022
That's 3,832 more posts than 2021!
28 posts created (0%)
5,930 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 111 of my posts in 2022
#fe3h - 11 posts
#fe16 - 9 posts
#fire emblem three houses - 8 posts
#rodrigue achille fraldarius - 5 posts
#hubert von vestra - 4 posts
#fe3h fanfic - 4 posts
#felix hugo fraldarius - 4 posts
#rodrigue birthday bash - 4 posts
#rodrigue fraldarius - 4 posts
#fire embelm three houses - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 61 characters
#tall quiet redhead in a polo shirt the color of byleth's hair
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Glenn Fraldarius, Original Female Character(s), Dedue Molinaro, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius, Garreg Mach Students (Fire Emblem), Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Sylvain Jose Gautier Additional Tags: Time Skips, Post-Time Skip, War, Blood and Injury, Fire, Burns, Angst Summary:
Glenn Fraldarius did not die. This is the story.
13 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Fire Emblem Engage is coming
Here I sit, in my little corner with a party hat and noise maker. Yay! New Fire Emblem
The rest of the world: my favorite is missing, I hate their art, this is a remake of 4. Coke/Pepsi or Toothpaste? We don’t like it.
Me: I’m going to love it. I will play it. It is so cool.
18 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Headcannon thought: Hubert leaves dead assassins on Byleth’s doorstep once a month.
Comparing him to a cat that gifts their owner dead animals all the time. 
20 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
I really liked your Seteth x Reader fic. Do you think Seteth considers his "true" name to be Cichol and that it would be more emotional for him to be called such, or do you think Seteth is his chosen name and that he prefers being addressed by this name at this stage in his life?
In my humble opinion, Seteth's given name being Cichol is certainly special to him. Throughout the many years, hundreds if not a few thousand, he recognizes that as his calling and only name. At that point in his life he considers Cichol to be his “true” name. The name given him when he was born. The name that he grew up with in his family, arguing with and being rowdy, rough housing with his brothers. The name his beautiful wife called him and filled him with joy whenever he heard her say it. It has so much emotion and feelings tied to its use.
Then, as sometimes it happens with beings that live extremely long lives, it behooves them to get lost within the rabble, take on a new name, a new location, and a new identity. The humans he lives among do not live for even a hundred years. Eventually they would discover a few of his secrets, notice that he is different. Humans do not understand that which is different. Different is wrong, misunderstood and feared. That which humans fear is hated and destroyed. Before things reach that point, he must disappear, and reappear in another place, reinvented.
This would be easy for a man on his own, however he has been blessed with a daughter. A daughter who fought alongside in a great war, suffered great injury and was in a restorative sleep for many, many years. He is her only protector. For her he will do anything that is necessary to guard her and her wellbeing. He would sequester himself away from all mankind, living on a distant seashore with only the birds and wild animals to keep him company to keep his only child safe in his care while she sleeps.
As we meet Seteth (as he calls himself currently) he poses as brother to his own daughter. It was his opinion that they would blend in more easily than if he were to say she is his daughter. For the security and safety of his daughter, he prefers the name Seteth. The location, at the church, surrounded by the history that shared of Saint Cichol, he knows how dangerous that could be. Kidnap Flayn, and the evildoers could possibly have a genuine bona fides Saint playing on their team.
As an act of great faith, trust and deep love with another person, it is possible that he would reveal his “true” name to another, to only be used in a manner of utmost confidentiality and only between the two of them. (plus Flayn/Cethleann).
I hope this answers your question. Thanks for asking! (off the record, I think it would be extremely romantic for him to tell his beloved that they may call him Cichol. The trust, the love, must surely be immense for him to agree to that!)
27 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
advice for teen authors?
First: do what you love, love what you do. Write for yourself first and foremost. If you write and do not like it or even hate it, how can you expect anyone else enjoy it?
Write. Write a lot, write all the time. Write good stuff. Write great stuff. Write things others won’t like. Write for yourself. Write in different styles. See what types of writing you feel most comfortable with.
Read. Learn from reading. Study other writers. Read books about your favorite subjects, remember those writers know how to get their work published. Reading gives insight as to how writers develop their characters, their plot. How to pace a story. How do they end a story? How do they begin it?
Develop your skills of observation. What happens when you eat a piece of toast? Sight, sound, smell, touch, feel, emotion, physical attributes, everything. Use all of your senses when writing, it brings your words to life. Keep notebooks and diaries about what interests you. What may have been a strange thought in your head before bed last week can suddenly be turned into a pivotal point in your next story.
Travel. See the world. Write it down as you go. Every single time I have traveled to someplace new, I buy a new notebook, filling it with the experiences. I write about things happening, people I have met, someone or something looking unusual. I make notes about something said that caught my attention, how someone saw a different side to things. While you are at it, take photos. Tons of photos. I take pictures of everything, a building, the sidewalk, marks on the walls, interesting carvings above a doorway.
There are a million resources available on the internet. Subscribe to some writing idea and writing improvement tumblrs, ones to help with writing better, follow blogs giving you ideas, look into those writing tips provided. I’ve reblogged quite a few different great blogs in the past. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Small steps forward lead to the greatest improvements.
Find friends, seek help from experts, take classes. Learn more about writing. Join a discord server where other people write stories like yours. Improve your vocabulary. Dictionaries & thesauruses are wonderful. Powerthesaurus.org is amazing. It can give definitions synonyms antonyms, thesaurus results then suggests words, phrases and idioms.
Talk to people. Maybe you are shy or introverted. Perhaps you can speak with someone in your own family? My grandmother shared so many stories of her youth, things were very very different at that time. I wish that I could have published her biography, she lived through so many different events. Some of her stories have become part of my stories. It makes me happy to the point of tears that I can include her stories as part of my own.  
Being a teen is hard. Go easy on yourself. Write. Maybe you will keep writing. Maybe you will take a break for 10 years and come back to it. That's fine. There are a million other things I would love to tell you that I've learned or found interesting that perhaps may be useful to you as well.
67 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dailyworldecho · 3 days
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drmonkeysetroscans · 3 months
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Yeah dude.
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xtrablak674 · 4 months
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Good May Day
[Originally posted on my Livejournal, Tuesday, May 23rd, 2000 at 12:12 am - edited for clarity]
Oh, I am exhausted. I met Stuart (from that group I used to volunteer with NYPAEC) we ate at Emerald Planet. He was very eager to hear about my escapades with the old job, and all about the new job. He is doing so well, he is about to turn 40 and doesn't look a day over 32.
Stuart is not working for the first time in his life, and is not paying rent and its so exciting for him, I am excited for him, he looks so good! For the record when we were working back in NYPAEC, I used to have such a crush on him. I don't think he knows it, but I guess I have a weakness for Jewish men, Oy Vey!
Anyway, he had to meet a friend and I need to buy some sneakers, so we went up town to H&M that sheik store in midtown that has all the designers at killer prices, and also killer lines, I found a nice light three-quarter jacket and a couple of t-shirts and Stuart had to return something, we waiting a very stunning thirty-five minutes in line!
Stuart is swearing off of H&M which is fine cause he is moving to San Francisco, coincidentally. After H&M, we parted with a hug, he had to catch up with his friend and go to Sachs to have these pants repaired...
SACHS he is SOOOO WHITE WOMAN! LOL, I was on the lookout for sneakers, I need a pair of sneakers so bad, and I want these New Balance I seen this guy wearing on the train, and its been so hard to find them I could just scream, I have to see if they have a web site. Anyway I was walking up 5th And there was a HUGE Banana Republic Men's Store, that I just had to stop in. I walked out with two tops and a pair of jeans. Next I stopped in Brooks Brothers had never been in there before, wasn't feeling it, too uptight and pricey.
What was really affirming all day is that all these guys were looking at me checking me out and cruising me, I haven't felt so attractive in a while, I don't know what it was about what I had on today that made them so receptive, but it was very good for my self-esteem which has been running low lately.
Oh while I am having this aside, I had an interesting chat with Tony. I was IM'ing with him about how I was going on a lunch date and we had a interesting conversation I will just paste it in here:
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Bboyblue32: I have a lunch date.
TonyBklyn: well well.
Boyblue32: oh puhlease!
TonyBklyn: powdering yourself?
Boyblue32: It's with a friend I did volunteer work with.
Boyblue32: He is in town.
Boyblue32: Are you jealous?
TonyBklyn: No, I am not.
boyblue32: darn...
TonyBklyn: I haven't put a ring on your finger. we haven't even really discussed what "we" are doing.
Bboyblue32: This is true... isn't it
TonyBklyn: I'm not being negative.
Boyblue32: I know your not.
Boyblue32: I am just agreeing with you.
That was an interesting dialog, its been about five weeks that we have been seeing each other, I just checked my sex database. So anyway, I then went to the Warner Bro store to pick up so more slippers my Taz slippers are a little worn, but they said they were out! I was so bummed I really want a new pair. The next pair I get I am going to get the soles reinforced.
Then I wandered off to FAO Schwartz and got Adam the Barbie Collector's Item Wonder Woman, very cute doll, she has the cape and everything very very cute. I then stopped off in Crate & Barrel to check some of the furniture and saw this chest I am really feeling. By this time my feet were nearly bloody wearing my new J Crew shoes, trying to look cute!
Oops, I didn't upload this entry!
I went and took a nap and sort of left it sitting here, I was so exhausted it was disgusting. To add to this I am so happy to have a clothing rack again, you may not understand the significance of this, but I had a fire October 21, 1998 and at the time all my clothes were on a rack, and I lost all of the clothes in the fire. I didn't buy one stitch of new clothing for a year, and now just about two years later I have finally bought a clothing rack, so I am really happy with myself for making such bold steps and progress.
Some may think oh that was two years ago get over it, but with the history of loss in my life, this was another blow that was very hard to deal with, that and being homeless again, was not cute. With the strength of God and good friends I actually pulled thru, and Anastasia, God bless her heart was caught in the fire, she pulled thru too.
[Twenty-four years ago! #wow The biggest thing NOT being said in this entry is that I was miserable! I was the heaviest I had ever been in my short-lived adult life. The job I was working at would only last another month or two before laying me off. I was on the precipice of a huge life-change!
At the time I was making sixty-five thousand dollars a year, the most money I had ever made at that time in my career, I felt flush especially since my rent was a little over five hundred dollars. I had this thing called disposable income, and that is apparent in how much shopping I had done in this one day, spending money without a care.
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I am also tickled at my avoiding my feelings for Stuart cause I still clearly had a crush on him, how many times can I say how good he looked? And then there's Tony who had been a one-night stand that had turned into a sort-of dating situation, which I can tell you didn't last. We just ended up being friends for over a decade before he eventually just begin to ghost me.
The last big revelation was the fire of '98 and how that emotionally impacted me. I haven't really thought about that fire and the future repercussions it would have on my entire building. The official cause was old wiring, and this lead the landlord to finally upgrade the electrical system of the entire building, we even got an intercom! Before you couldn't run a microwave and air conditioner at the same time, now we could run all the appliances and not trip the circuit breaker. I guess this sort of makes it my fault that my all-Black building became infested with young whyte women.
Lastly I also love the time capsule feel of the moment, albeit the internet was in its 1.0 phase, things like AOL's Instant Messenger were dominate communication platforms. The fact that I didn't just photograph those New Balancesneakers I wanted and do a reverse look-up wasn't even a concept back then, I had to go by memory.
It would be nearly twenty years before I got my first New Balance sneakers, and bare-feet is now the norm in my home after my new floors were installed. My clothing racks have been replaced with shelves that have built in racks. My experience and relationship to my space has changed so much in the last quarter century I can say definitively I have made a lot of progress and growth during this time.
Photos by Brown Estate]
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mercoglianotrueblog · 8 months
Bitter economic headlines persist
#US debt is undue cost on #taxpayers& hit #middle-class,small #businesses while #Mexico biotech #corn ban,#Brazil #ethanol tariffs hit #farmers
most Americans cannot pay $1,000 for #emergency
big Co.#layoff staff as #eBay and..#looting become way of life
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fandom-madness69 · 8 months
For the love of God if y'all don't stop posting that same fucking gif set in a new post of Jensen playing golf I'm going to crash this website for a fucking week with nothing more than a request to Lilith
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bellabebold · 1 year
Wish to Care Less: a recollection
April 1st, 2019 “How are you…feeling?” The hesitation before he said the word feeling made her laugh. He had never been one to ask about her feelings, not since he had first hired her, a year and a half ago. When they had first met, she had been in an overpriced blazer that she had bought when she didn’t wear a 1X, pants she no longer owned and tan flats that pinched her toes as she walked.…
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literateur · 1 year
I am being Plagued by Visions (weird and upsetting dreams) and I would like it to Stop
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canajunfinances · 1 year
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
Today on Donuts and Dogs we encountered a large dog with a muzzle in a group with a few other dogs on the trail. I didn’t initiate anything but the dog came up and rubbed so aggressively affectionately on us that we had to pet him.
I offered that I’ve seen dogs muzzled to prevent them eating rocks as a roundabout question. His mom sighed and said he has to wear it because otherwise he eats marijuana.
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hinamie · 1 month
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thank u canon plant nerd megumi for my life
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dailyworldecho · 2 months
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