#Lean Korean
dreamer-hangugeo · 2 years
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Have you ever heard of the term "소확행"? "소확행" is a shortened version of "소소하지만 확실한 행복," which translates to "small but certain happiness." It's a way of saying that happiness doesn't have to come from big accomplishments or expensive possessions. Instead, it can be found in the small moments and experiences of everyday life. 소소하다 (adj): small 확실하다 (adj): certain, sure 행복 (n): happiness
So, what does “소확행” look like? Here are a few examples:
산책하며 신선한 공기와 햇살을 즐기기 (Going for a walk and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine)
가족이나 친구와 좋은 대화 나누기 (Having a good conversation with a friend or family member)
마음에 드는 음식이나 음료 즐기기 (Enjoying your favorite food or drink.)
몇 분 동안 명상하거나 정신 수행하기 (Taking a few minutes to meditate or practice mindfulness)
그림 그리기, 춤추기, 음악 듣기 등 자신에게 기쁨을 주는 취미 활동하기 (Doing hobbies that give you joy, such as drawing, dancing, and listening to music.)
So take a moment to appreciate the little things and find joy in the present moment – you might be surprised at how much happiness you can find in the small but certain pleasures of life!
🌸 🌼 🌻
Support me at: https://koreanlanguageloving.my.canva.site/
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drrav3nb · 11 months
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What is this? A severance pay.
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clairi-yos · 9 days
How cool would it be if they cut some of Sophies dresses (or even her Lady in Silver gown) like hanbok which also have high waistlines. Or she could have a spencer with the offset bow fastening that hanbok bodices have
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marymekpop · 1 year
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⟢ highlight of the hour: my perfect stranger [8/16] ⟣
home away from home
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
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Always remember to enjoy a balanced meal!!
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afza147 · 8 months
My demon ep16 behind the scene(1)
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Omg the leaning hug during rehearsal😍😍😍
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zhengzi · 1 year
okay i have a lot of unincubated thoughts on kim’s relationship to asian-ness as filtered through my own experiences as a chinese diaspora person navigating both my home country in se asia and also canada for a period of time
also i need more lore on seol, i must flesh out the context of kim’s seolite heritage in proximity to seol’s place within the wider geopolitics and culture
if there are gaps in the lore, i will certainly fill them in myself
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 5 months
so.. tale of the nine tailed 1938 beats tale of the nine tailed original flavour into the dirt in every conceivable area. just in case anyone was wondering about that
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akuma-tenshi · 4 months
there's this one artist on twitter who i really like how they draw dragon hunter so i'm just going through their entire account just downloading every single image that includes dragon hunter in it. i promise i am normal about that skin
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revasserium · 2 months
if you had to eat one singular meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
ask.revival 2024
tossup between like... kaiseki/sushi OR korean bbq
bc here is the logic right -- you get all ur food groups: protein, carbs, fiber, in one go. and it's usually pretty healthy!
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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Episode 4
What a fantastic episode. It gave such insight to a guy like Tae Hyun (SHIN YE CHAN) An orphan feeling unloved until a sweet woman gave him someone to call Mom.
A woman that finally got her dream of having a child of her own but still showed love to the one she adopted.
But then a senseless accident caused her to lose that and the following depression left her weak. And she ended her life.
But to let a child be thought of as a murderer was awful. So when Lee Da Yeol (KIM JAE HAN) showed genuine concern Tae Hyun seemed to get a little closure. Even just a little of compassion allowed that inner child to let go of some pain.
His father should have done better. Biological or not.
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dreamer-hangugeo · 2 years
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선택에 후회하지 마세요. 그 순간에는 그 선택이 당신의 최고의 선택이었을 테니까요. Don't regret your choices. At that moment, that choice was probably your best choice. ✏️ 𝐕𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲: 1. 선택: choice, selection 2. 후회하다: regret, feel remorse, repent 3. 순간: moment 4. 당신: you 5. 최고: the best ✏️ 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫: 1. V + 지 마세요: "Don't do (something)" or "Don't (verb)" ~ give a command or request in the negative form. E.g. 후회하지 마세요 = Don't regret 2. A/V + ㄹ/을 테니까요: "since" or "because" ~ indicate a supposition or assumption based on a certain situation or condition E.g. 최고의 선택이었을 테니까요 = It would have been the best choice
🌸 🌼 🌻
Support me at: https://koreanlanguageloving.my.canva.site/
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yaekiss · 3 months
som many thigns to do but so sleepy
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seoafin · 1 year
me on maskgirl episode 1: this is the most unhinged kdrama I've ever watched
me on maskgirl episode 4: this is a tragedy I am absolutely devastated the lesbians did not get an ending they deserved
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pepplemint · 2 years
It's really cool how some names exist in wildly different places with different origins - Yo-Han (korean) / Johan (scandinavian), Hana (japanese) / Hanna (european), Ayden (british) / Aydin (turkish)
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I’m two days late (and three by Korean time TvT) but happy belated birthday to Jung Heewon!! Beloved sword wife <3333
sorry for messiness and fucky perspective/anatomy and wtv TwT
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