#Lee feliz
minhanniejoong · 1 year
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
Reminder this is just for pure imagination and is not intended for anything else.
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 months
felix coworker headcanons <3
a/n: i've got headspace focus music playing and i'm in my stray kids feels today so here is another coworker headcanons post !! this one realllllyyyy catapulted me into felix feelings, so i hope it brings you comfort and serotonin as well <333 pics not mine !!
content: fluff, nonidol!au | wc: 0.9k | warnings: none really! some mentions of food | pairing: coworker!felix x gn!reader | requests: open
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oh sweet felix!! 
you’ll never forget his first day–the receptionist was walking him through the workspace, introducing him to everyone, and explaining their roles. felix, a genuine ray of sunshine on that gloomy monday morning, smiled and waved at everybody with pure enthusiasm :’-)
when the receptionist introduced you, felix pointed at the mug on your desk and commented on how cute he thought it was ! you could practically hear the exclamation points in his voice when he spoke :,-)
later in the day, you noticed he was struggling with the coffee machine how rude of the coffee machine
you offered to help–though admittedly, you didn’t know much about it either–and he was so so grateful someone was being this kind to him 
like he actually was so touched he ended up telling his friends about it that night :,-(
but anyways back to you and felix vs. the coffee machine
eventually you did get it working…you just pressed different buttons a ridiculous number of times until felix’s hot chocolate came out properly
once his mug was full, felix cheered and high-fived you, promising to pay you back one day for your service
you assured him that he doesn’t owe you anything and that you’re happy he isn’t defeated by the coffee machine on his first day
that led you two into a conversation about what it’s like to work here, the do’s and don’t’s of the office, the cool people, tips and tricks for boring meetings, and so on
felix looks up to you so much after this interaction :,,,,-)
he calls you his mentor <333 
it doesn’t matter that you work in completely different departments–even the person who is supposed to be mentoring felix refers to you as his mentor lmao
at the end of his probation period, felix bakes brownies for you because he swears he wouldn’t have survived this long without you to keep him company <33333333
you two share the brownies during your lunch break while watching silly little videos 
it’s so cute that everyone is jealous but they wouldn’t dare interrupt because they know for a FACT that you’re felix’s favorite
aside from being your personal baker, felix loves to play little pranks on you in the office
they’re super harmless–i’m talking pranks like leaving stickers in random places around your workspace, so you can transfer them to your laptop or water bottle whenever you find them–but he is THRILLED every time you get a surprised look on your face as a result of his antics
there’s no doubt in your mind that felix was behind it, so you look over to where he’s sitting and he’s just staring at you like >:^)
while he’s too far away for you to hear him, you know that he’s doing his classic little heh heh and plotting his next attack :,-)
felix also has cute polaroids at his desk !!
you get him one as a gift :,-) and he cherishes it so much !!!!
it’s displayed at the center of all his polaroids and he even wrote “from y/n <3” on the bottom of it so everyone knew it was his most special one :-( 
he encourages you to decorate your desk because he thinks it's important to have things that make you smile while you're working !! and he's so right for that
if you don’t know where to start, felix will dedicate an afternoon to making a mood board for inspiration
he loves nothing more than shopping online with you for the perfect items
felix gets so invested that he helps you to organize everything and workshops all possible setups before you both decide on the best one though honestly he’s more concerned about it being the optimal arrangement than you are lol
after your new desk decorations are complete, felix proudly takes a picture of you at your redesigned workstation
when you make that your profile pic for your work chatting platform, felix just about faints from happiness
he’s practically twirling his hair, giggling, and kicking his feet when he messages you “nice profile pic!!” :,,,,,-) <3333
felix, though known as being happy-go-lucky, is far more in-tune with your emotions than you realize
if you come in sleep-deprived, felix is the first one to ask you if you would like coffee/tea/a pick-me-up
when you’re feeling stressed due to an upcoming deadline or having a pile of work upon your return from vacation, felix stays late with you to prioritize all your tasks so you have a clear game plan
he’s also always, always, always reminding you to take breaks !!
it’s a mini tradition for you two to do desk stretches together :-( like you just look at each other from across the workspace and do the same stretches while making funny faces at each other and holding back all your giggles :-((((
activities and conversations with felix become so embedded in your daily routine that you can’t imagine how you got through the workday before he started here
one quiet afternoon when you two are hanging out in the breakroom, you ask him why he takes such good care of you
without missing a beat, felix smiles and answers, “i promised you i’d pay you back for helping me out with the coffee machine on my first day, didn’t i?”
all you can manage to do is smile and i’d be tearing up if i were you because, just by stepping into the breakroom and offering a hand, you met the brightest, sweetest, most loving man on the planet
little do you know, felix also can’t believe his luck in meeting someone as caring, reliable, and wonderful as you <333 
this is why, sitting in the breakroom where your friendship began, he pinky promises to stay by your side through coffee machine problems, stressful workdays, and whatever else life has in store for you :,-)))) 
oh i love felix so much i'm inconsolable my sweet baby angel </33
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if2kittie · 2 years
jeongin: hyung, whats nostalgia?
felix: it’s when you miss something that’s really old
[ 20 minutes later ]
chan: i’m home!
hyunjin: welcome back, we missed you!
jeongin: *whispers* nostalgia
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skz-streamer · 1 year
Felix As Reminders
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Simptober Reminders M-list
Pairing: Felix (skz) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff ;))))
Warnings: mention of food
Notes: made this one the most relatable, I think?
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
"Have you eaten?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The room was bathed in the soft glow of your desk lamp as you sat hunched over your textbooks and notes. With an important exam looming on the horizon, you had been deep into your study session, determined to absorb as much knowledge as possible. Hours seemed to pass by in a blur as you lost yourself in the world of equations and concepts.
However, a familiar chime from your phone interrupted your concentration. You glanced at your phone, its screen displaying a text message from Felix. Curious, you unlocked your phone and read his message, "have you eaten."
A pang of guilt swept over you as you realized that it was already 2:00 PM, and you hadn't eaten since dinner the previous day. You quickly typed out a response, your fingers dancing over the keyboard, "no.."
Before you could even set your phone down, you heard the door to your room gently creak open, and there stood Felix, holding a plate of delicious-looking food. He wore a concerned expression as he said, "Please eat something, love."
You couldn't help but smile at his thoughtfulness and nodded gratefully. "Thanks, Lix," you replied, taking a spoonful of the food and savoring its flavors. The warmth of his care and the comforting taste of the meal were exactly what you needed in that moment.
Felix's concern didn't stop there. He continued, "You wanna take a break? We can sit on the couch and watch something?"
You felt a wave of relief wash over you. A break and some quality time with Felix sounded like a perfect idea. "Sure, that would be nice, Lixie," you responded, feeling immensely grateful for his presence and his ability to brighten your day, even in the midst of your hectic study schedule.
With your exam temporarily forgotten, you followed Felix to the living room, ready to relax and recharge.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Lying in bed, you felt like the world's most pitiful sick person. Despite your insistence that you would be fine, the truth was that you were far from it. The fever had left you sweating and exhausted, and all you craved was the sweet release of sleep, which eluded you like a distant dream.
Desperation had led you to scroll mindlessly through your phone, seeking any form of distraction from the relentless discomfort. As you stared at the screen, your phone buzzed, drawing your attention to a new message. It was from Felix, your ever-attentive boyfriend.
"Have you eaten?" he inquired, his concern evident even through the text.
You sighed softly and texted back, "No, not really. Just don't feel like it." Your fingers hovered over the screen, and you couldn't help but admire how sweet and caring Felix was.
A reply soon came, and it warmed your heart even more. "I ordered food for you. I'll get one of the boys to drop it off. Love you."
Your heart swelled with gratitude and affection. All you could manage to text back was a simple, "Thanks, Lixie. I love you." The rest of your message was a blur as you drifted in and out of sleep.
Time seemed to pass by in a daze, the fevered dreams blending into reality. It was hard to keep track of time, but suddenly, you heard your bedroom door creak open. You expected to see Hyunjin, as Felix would often send him over for various chores and errands. However, this time, it wasn't Hyunjin who entered.
Your bleary eyes struggled to focus as you saw Felix standing there, a gentle smile on his face. He was holding a bag of food and a bottle of water.
"You didn't think I'd let the boys handle this, did you?" he teased, his voice laced with warmth and affection.
You couldn't help but smile through your illness, and with great effort, you reached out to him. Felix crossed the room in quick strides, his concern for you evident in every step. He set the food down and took your hand gently, his touch soothing.
"I love you," he whispered, his eyes filled with tenderness.
You managed to whisper back, "I love you more."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The hustle and bustle of the workplace surrounded you as you diligently went about your tasks. It was a busy day, and you found yourself engrossed in your work, with only the occasional break to grab a quick snack. However, amidst the emails and assignments, your phone buzzed, momentarily drawing your attention away from the computer screen.
The name on the message made your heart skip a beat; it was Felix. His message read, "Have you eaten?" It was a simple question, but it carried with it a warmth and concern that made you feel incredibly cared for.
You quickly typed a response, your fingers tapping away on the phone's screen. "I mean kinda, just had a few snacks here and there," you replied honestly.
Felix's next message, however, took you by surprise. He texted you a specific time and place, leaving you momentarily puzzled. "What?" you texted back, your curiosity piqued.
He replied swiftly, "Meet me there."
A smile crept onto your face as you read his message. Felix's caring and thoughtful nature never ceased to amaze you. It was these small, unexpected gestures that made your heart swell with gratitude.
As you prepared to leave work to meet Felix, you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and anticipation.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Tags: @eee5533 @mixtape-racha @cherry-edibles @ren0325 @felixvsp @hwangrimi @sanriiolino @painstakingly-juno @herarcadewasteland @dabiscrustyfeet @kai-jilee @sungiesoonie  @slvtty4channiee @revelaffee @buckys-pillow, @staygirl86 @chlodavids @jinnie-ret @bbygrlhannie @rebecca-johnson-28  @turtledove824  @interstellarairwaves @yearofthetiger25 @minhos4thkitty @fiqire @backintomykpopphaseagain @liknws @tinyelfperson @aaasia111 @yangbbokari @sleepyleeji @skzhoes @hafsah-ali
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myy-moonflower · 11 months
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Why didn't you come today?
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lovelynim · 29 days
Uta no Prince-sama - Ittoki Otoya x Tokiya Ichinose
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Okay, jokes aside, I hope this is not too f*cked up because I didn't have a lot of time to research about them and I wanted to be really subtle about it so... yeah. I tried my best, but you deserve more than my best, but I can only offer you my best and-
Anyway, happy bday!!!
also i kind of inspired of that drawing off "lee mood otoya" you did cuz it was really cute, ehe
Summary: Otoya decides to show off his "gains" after months of workout.
Word count: 1078 words.
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After months- no, probably a year already, it finally paid off! All those days struggling with lame diets and privating himself from eating tasty food… it was all worth it! 
Beaming with contempt, Otoya continued to admire his own brand new physique in the mirror, flexing his arms and turning around to check the defined muscles tensing up. He looked so cool! And even hot! Now, with his ultimate goal achieved, what should Otoya do?
Show off, of course.
Reaching for the plain white shirt that was laying around next to him, Otoya quickly got dressed up again and was ready to show off his brand new look. He couldn’t wait to brag about how awesome he would be in summer photoshoots or anywhere where he could show off his abs. So exciting!
Now, who should be the first one to know? Hmm…
Ah, of course. Who else better than the one next door?
“To-ki-yaaaa!! ~” Otoya sang, knocking on the door multiple times before walking inside the other’s room anyway. They were already beyond the level of intimacy where you’d need to wait for consent before walking in (at least, in Otoya’s view of their relationship). “Are you busy?”
No, he was - in fact - very busy. It’s been hours since he was drafting and trying out new lyrics, searching inside his head for anything that sounded nice in an eventual new performance. By now, even his legs hurt a little from sitting so long, waiting for the gears inside his head to turn. 
Still, just because he wasn’t making any progress, it didn’t mean he had time to waste with other things, like paying attention to whatever Otoya came up with this time. “Yes, so d-”
“Oh, oh, I promise it will be very quick!” Otoya spoke hurriedly, pushing the door close behind him - just to make sure he wouldn’t be shoved away again. “I just need to show you something. It’s really, really important!”
Tokiya rolled his eyes, already doubting anything from him would, actually, matter. Memories of previous “important things” scrolled through his mind and, so far, he couldn’t find one that was, actually, important. Still, if that would allow him to get back to work and satisfy Otoya’s need for attention…
“Sigh, fine,” Tokiya sighed, leaning back in his chair and spinning it to face Otoya. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, but his eyes were fixed on the redhead, which was enough for the latter. “What is it?”
“Heheh…” Otoya grinned in a way that made Tokiya shiver in his place. He made sure to stand right in front of him, tugging at his shorts with one hand and at his shirt with the other. Tokiya widened his eyes, already thinking about and expecting the worst.
“Wait, Otoya, don-”
“Check this out!” Otoya cheered while Tokiya let out a squeal and covered his eyes, hesitating to peek at… Otoya’s stomach? “Huh? Huh? What do you think?” The redhead added, arching his back a little more to highlight… well…
“What am I supposed to see?” Tokiya sighed, already composing himself again after the initial scare of being flashed with Otoya’s stomach. “Are your stomach hurting?” He said nonchalantly, looking up from his midriff to his face.
That was clearly not the answer Otoya was expecting from him. The beaming smile quickly faded into a pout with furrowed brows and eyes, totally offended, staring at him. “W-what?!”
Tokiya sighed. “Did you burst into my room just to show me your- ahm, stomach?”
“No! My gains! Look at my gains!” Otoya whined, how could Tokiya not see his totally-awesome-and-hot six pack?!
Tokiya’s eyes moved back down and stared some more into Otoya’s body and, after focusing a bit more, he could see the faint outline of some muscles. Was that what he was bragging about? He couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle and peek back at Otoya’s reaction, his eyes almost meeting the latter’s expectant gaze. 
“Ohh,” he gasped, “I think I see now. Can I feel it?” He asked and cocked his head to the side, watching quietly as Otoya nodded to his request.
Tokiya’s hand slowly reached out, dragging his fingers - one at each direction - as he pressed his palm flat against the spot just above Otoya’s navel. The muscles were a little more perceptible through to the touch, he thought, caressing one of the nods of his pack.
To think about it, Otoya was working out a lot more lately, and even stopped eating th- Tsk. “Stop moving,” he groaned, looking back up.
“T-then don’t tickle me!” The redhead complained, puffing out his cheeks.
“I’m not tickling you.”
“You totally are,” Otoya continued, tightening the grip around the hem of his shirt and biting his inner lip as Tokiya resumed his inspection. There was no way he wasn’t doing it on purpose, he thought, sucking in his stomach as Tokiya’s digits brushed around his stomach.
“T-Tokiyahaha,” he giggled, stomping his feet like a kid throwing out a tantrum, “don’t be so gehehentle!”
It was almost as if asking for the exact opposite. Resting his hand in other hand, Tokiya continued to wiggle his fingers up and down, “feeling” Otoya’s so-called gains as he did so. If it tickled so bad, why was he holding out his stomach like? Did he really want to show off his stomach so bad?
“It’s not my fault you’re so ticklish,” he mocked, pinching Otoya’s left side and making him jump out of reflex, a high-pitched yelp leaving his smiling lips. “See?”
“S-stohohop it! You’ve seen enahAHAH!!” He laughed out loudly, letting go of his clothes in a desperate attempt to stop the two hands that had suddenly latched onto his exposed body. “T-TOKIYAHAH!!”
“What? There is no way you grew only that much muscle after working out for so long,” he continued, dragging Otoya closer to his chair at the same time as he dug into his sides, letting his fingers vibrate against the spot below his ribs.
“N-NOhohoh! L-LehEHEHET GOHOH!!” Otoya protested, nearly falling to the ground as his knees gave in to the ticklish feeling. “T-thehehere is no gahAHAhains theheHEHere!”
“Are you sure? Because I think I feel something right… here,” Tokiya grinned, sparking a new chain of reactions as his hands crept to another spot. Well, surely Otoya didn’t expect to come to him and not go through a whole inspection, right? This was definitely what he came for.
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scenesandscreens · 1 month
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Director - Alex Garland, Cinematography - Rob Hardy
"Every time I survived a war zone, I thought I was sending a warning home - "Don't do this". But here we are."
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Civil War (2024)
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aneldrichentity · 3 months
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minhanniejoong · 1 year
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modelsgf · 10 months
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christimas icons.
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catiuskaa · 1 year
[01:43 am]
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SUMMARY: study buddies are always close to each other. Still, exams week is over, so when Felix shows up in your room, a silly UNO game is the go-to for clearing things up… in a meme way.
WC: 2.1k
CW: fluff, fluff, fluff!
A/N: this can be read as a stand-alone or as the second part of my other fic which I'll link here
knock knock.
“Who’s there?”
“How many people come to your room at this time for you to ask?” he joked, putting a silly smile on your features.
Laughing in a low voice, you opened your room’s door, looking at the silhouette of the slightly taller man before you. He smiled when you opened, eyes almost forming crescent moons, and you chuckled.
“Holy shit, did you stick a fork in the electrical faucet or something? Did you even wash up?” You laughed, looking at the fluffiness of his hair.
Felix laughed as if he had written it, letting a dry “ha ha” leave his lips.
Lips you were trying to avoid looking at, but let’s pretend otherwise.
You let him in, and the silence that filled the room was uncomfortable as if you had stepped on a small LEGO piece that appeared out of nowhere.
You wished to find something to do because, even though at the beginning of whatever these meetings were, they consisted of study sessions for your Korean. However, the tests had finished for both of you, but you kept going to each other's dorms unconsciously.
The freckled Aussie had taken his phone out, and you kept staring at him as if someone had put you on pause.
His mere structure, his position laying on your bed as if the room belonged to him, the small purple LED lights that decorated the space shining on his face along with the blue light of his phone just enough so that his freckles looked like they were glowing… you let out a small, dreamy sight. You shook your head, a tad more nervous than before, as you scanned your room a third time, hoping to find a mutual distraction, considering you’ve watched all the DVDs you had, plus your Netflix account was giving issues… Suddenly, you smiled and rose, not noticing Felix’s brown eyes tracing your poorly illuminated figure with every step you took.
He was a goddam coward, and he insulted himself mentally for taking out his phone, his mind playing images of the classical Grumpy Cat meme staring at his soul, mad at his sins. He just couldn’t show up in your room and do nothing after what happened between you.
Because even though everything seemed fine and you guys’ teasing was still there, how could he even try to ignore that last dance training session you both had? How was he going to pretend that nothing had happened if feeling your lips against his was enough to make him forget not only which was left or right, but also up and down?
Without even realizing it, you both felt a shiver run through your backs, one that screamed at you to cut the tension and do something already.
“Brownie, leave TikTok for a sec and pay attention to me.”
And you took those red and black cards, stuck with a black hair tie, turning around to face him when your gazes locked. You smirked.
“Care for an UNO game?”
It was then when Detective Pikachu wanted to scream his ‘Now it’s getting interesting’, and damn, he was right.
Felix turned off his phone, staring at you as he mentally sipped from his "respect women juice”. You were wearing a hoodie that was probably big enough for both of you to fit in, and there would still be remaining space. Still, he couldn’t think of anything except how cute you looked. While he was at it, Walter White got into his mind Breaking Bad style, saying "You’re goddam right" as he left epically.
Sitting in front of him, you left the cards in the middle as you rolled your sleeves up to your elbows. He took the cards, and you couldn’t help but stare dumbfounded when he put the hair tie in between his lips, tying his hair up, while you didn’t even dare to not think about how good he looked with sleeveless shirts. Larry the Lobster was almost shouting “observe” in your ears, and shit, who were you to disobey Larry the Lobster?
“W-who starts?” you said, snapping out of your bubble called ‘Lee Felix’.
“Rock, paper, scissors?”
You nodded and both of you moved your hands forward, feeling a tingly sensation on the palm of your hands, wishing deep down, were the centre of the Earth, the lava and Chan’s healthy sleep schedule where for the other to take the contrary's hand and pull just so the tension could be fucking finished.
After you teased him for losing, he shuffled the cards and gave seven each, leaving the rest in the centre and starting with a green zero.
“Yo, wanna do something kinda stupid?” you smiled, eyeing those two +4 cards, the red skip card and the yellow reverse, the remaining three being a blue seven, a green seven and a red two.
Felix saw the way your eyes started to glow and swallowed the need to say “I’m kinda stupid, do me,” and instead smiled softly, murmuring a low “surprise me” that made you feel chills all over your body as if you had suddenly turned into that meme video where a girl was doing makeup during an earthquake.
“Say, for example. Even though I really can’t choose a favourite one, blue hair really looks good on you, and aside from the damage, it’s quite soft and I really like it,” you mentioned with a small smile that quickly grew on his face too as you settled the green and blue sevens on top of the green zero. “And green, eh… oh, right. During the maniac comeback you wore a green jacket, right? For the M/V?” He blinked, as he didn’t really remember. “I think so. Well, it looked good on you too.”
Feeling blessed, convinced that if he just looked up he could say “Hey God, it’s me again” and He would answer “What’s up my g”, he blushed fiercely, failing to hide his face between his cards, making you giggle softly.
You paid close attention to the pinkish-coloured mess you had turned your… friend?
Damn, guess who’s red now too.
“It’s ok if you don’t want to continue the game like this,” you backed up, your brain screaming ‘abort the mission, soldier’ with a cutesy smile.
Yongbok smiled, relaxing again, setting a blue +2 on the cards you had put. You looked stunned at the freckled boy, the image of that blonde woman crying and screaming to a cat suddenly in your head due to the treason that had been committed.
“So… I really like playing with you… +2…?”
And that was the moment you knew no matter the outcome of the game, if the case happened and he had all the plus cards, you wouldn’t even dare to complain if that meant he would have to say corny things like that for the rest of the play.
The flattering comments followed each card, the +4, +2, and even a wild one, because “I like every one of your colours”, Lee mentioned, which made your intestines churn and turn as Steve Harvey fixed his tie while saying, "Everybody feels better now."
Until you reached that move.
The alarm clock that rested on the side table signalled 1:43 am in a deep red colour. You had two cards remaining, the +4 you’d kept since the beginning of the play and a yellow reverse. Between the pretty boy in front of you and yourself rested a blue four and you could smile because the win was near.
But Felix had only one card remaining.
You had filled each other to the brim with compliments, so much that if the case had been that they had to be written in paper, you would’ve filled notebooks till the limit. It had ended up being so easy to flatter the person in front, because even what could appear as flaws to one turned out to be the most beautiful qualities to the other’s eyes.
And as the game continued, holding close to your heart that clip where Han screamed “There’s nothing wrong with falling in love” in case you lacked the courage, you dropped the bomb with that card that had been waiting patiently for its moment of glory.
“I have a crush in you.” You let out, letting the +4 fall on the rest of the deck. “UNO.”
Felix couldn’t even hold back his blush at this point. He had been a mess since the game started, and there was only you to blame for it. Ever since the study sessions (and probably earlier, if he thought about it), you had settled on his mind without planning to move, wreaking all in your way. And this game had somehow triggered him, like a sort of… boom. He couldn’t even word it.
With his mind still a blabbering mess, something gave him the impulse. Maybe it was some fucked-up courage that got out for some reason, maybe the lack of sleep, the memes, or perhaps all of it at the same time. Something made him settle that card and that sentence.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you all fucking night.”
Holy Jesus of Mother
Saying you were left speechless would be as dumb as obvious because you were unable to reply. You lifted your gaze from that coloured card that hours ago would’ve meant a death wish and a war declaration but you suddenly had the need of hugging it and read bedtime stories for it every night as a form of gratitude. Settling your eyes on Felix’s tender features, going from his eyes down to his lips just to go back to his brown ones, you settled that reverse on top of it.
In a game with several people, that would’ve lost its meaning, but just between the two of you, it was the spark of consent that the freckled boy needed.
Brutally ignoring the fact that he had lost the game, that he would have to pick up eight cards, none of the two would actually know who threw themselves first, but you could swear that you felt fireworks running up your bloodstream after arriving at the conclusion that the tension around you was as real as it was going to get and that it had remained there since the blue-haired idol entered the room (or even before, if I may) and in the blink of an eye your lips crashed in a small kiss, one that looked more like a way of asking for permission.
“I-i…” Felix stuttered, perplexed, fascinated, feeling like he could suddenly go bungee jumping.
You got closer to the freckled boy in front of you, stopping merely a centimetre away from his face. You could taste the minty flavour of his toothpaste just from the air he was letting out.
“Do that again.”
Not much thinking added, getting bravery from who-knows-where, he took your face in between his hands softly, linking your lips in a way more intense kiss. You felt his touch equally soft and firm, much to differentiate from the last one. You let out a shaky sigh when you felt his tongue brushing your lips. A bit anxious, you let your hands wander through Felix’s body, feeling his smile in the kiss, only for him to grasp your hands tenderly and settle them on his shoulders, breaking the kiss and quickly hiding in the crook of your neck.
“I’ve been waiting so long to kiss you that if you do something else I really believe you could kill me,” he mentioned against your neck, his breathing tickling you as much as the soft strokes of his hands on your waist.
You laughed teasingly, feeling how he also laughed silently, his chest vibrating under you.
As revenge for making him lose, which he hadn’t totally forgotten yet, he pinned you to the floor, forgetting the cards, the game and how late it was for him to have practice tomorrow and still be awake as he started tickling you and pampering you with kisses because you were finally in his arms.
And when you didn’t care what could happen the following morning or how would you manage to get him out of your room so no one could see him exiting, as it wasn’t something too serious for the members to tell them right away; the fact that he was able to wake up next to you, the realization hit him, knowing that that’s what he wanted his future to be…
And your answer would always be a reverse.
soft hours!
~Kats, who uses UNO as a way of existing, included flirting (just sometimes, with certain someones lol)
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skiiyoomin · 1 year
felix with an idol girlfriend??
ღFelix with an idol s/o
ʚContent: gn!reader, swearing, fluff
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Y'all are the sunshine couple!
everyone ADORES you two being together
like it's literally impossible to hate on you
i will never stop saying how Felix is a literal sweetheart, well with you it just multiplies by a million
the way he looks at you is just so hdksfhw
atp there's no point in trying to hide his heart eyes during award shows
it's safe to say the majority of tik tok edits of yall are just clips of Felix giving you heart eyes
but honestly, how can that not make anyone soft
if you're dating publicly, you better bet he's gonna be your hype man
screams the lyrics to your songs and quite literally goes wild when you perform
when he performs he always looks for you in the crowd and sends winks and kisses your way
like get a room 😀
no matter what people say, he is NOT ashamed of expressing how much he truly loves you and nothing haters say will ever make him doubt that
if you aren't public then obviously he'd try to not be as obvious
but honestly, nothing he does can hide how he looks at you
there's so many scandals and theories about you both
but he could care less about them
assuming you're under the same company, he tries to see you as much as possible
at the beginning of your relationship, Chan and his manager would try to stop him, but he speedy af
clings to you A LOT whenever he can
if you're not under the same company, he texts you extremely often
expect to be sent random ass tik toks at the most randoma ass hours
also sends you all the ship edits fans make of you, cause he thinks it's adorable
if either of your schedules allow, you'd spend the night at his dorm or him at yours, just chilling or playing video games
since you can't go out often either way :/
he can tell inmediately if you're feeling down
the solution? his famous brownies :D
but he geniuenly wants you to feel ok and never take to heart the criticism sent your way
you eventually start having an aussie accent
like it's impossible to not end up with an aussie accent
when either of you are on tour, you're on video calls literally all the time
even if it's silent and you're both doing your own thing
but simply being present with each other comforts you both
LOTS of tik toks together
like A LOT
it's so suspicious
listens to your songs on repeat
and watches literally anything you're in
whether it's mvs, interviews, ANYTHING
and then he compliments you saying how amazing and talented you are
the same way he sends random memes and tik toks, he also sends sweet messages that encourage you and make your day 100x better
he's honestly just the sweetest man ever and deserves the whole world :(
he's the best bofie in the world
even if you both being idols can be hard sometimes, you both push forward no matter what
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mulletlix · 2 years
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Felix - Christmas Evel SBS Gayo Daejeon 2022 (x)
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straykidsclothes · 6 months
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Stray Kids X SLBS (Han Jisung & Felix)
February 15, 2024
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