#Leshawna's Grandma
amethyst-geek · 8 months
Just thinking about Leshawna's grandma appearing alongside the Tennis Rivals in the one of the newer episodes. Do you think Chris sent the following email to the various TD alums?
What up former contestants,
Do any of you have a grandma who would be willing to get into a pile of marmalade in order to make Julia face her fear of old people? And before anyone volunteers a grandPA, the Tennis Rivals already got the old man rep covered.
Love, the greatest host in the world, Chris
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dylanblakesgal · 7 months
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I love the updated look of Pete he's wearing red instead of orange looks like he got a wardrobe change Gerry looks like his armbands are blue instead of white same with Pete's armbands are red as for the headband and white shirt instead of orange they changed his outfit alot as I noticed as for Gerry he only gotten changed a little bit in his outfit I get there trying to make them more presentable and am up for it I am really digging this new look and that is Leshawna's Grandma interesting choice to put her in Total Drama Island she was originally in Total Dramarama I absolutely love when they put other characters from there spinoffs or other shows in Total Drama Island and connect the stories together so yeah am interested how they go with this series and characters.
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 5 months
which total drama character(s) need a grandma knit sweater an a cup of peppermint tea.
Topher and junior
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haroldherald · 8 months
Lerold headcanons because you ask it so nicely.
•They dedícate song to each other in a daily base. If you ask Harold, every single song he has ever sing with TDB were about her, even those ones that don't aply to their relationship in any way, because to be able to performe them he imagines is an AU of their life.
•Harold made them in the Sims where they have 6 kids. He took a bunch of screenshots and even print some of them.
•Harold convinced his grandma to gift her a family ring to propuse to Leshawna, and kept it hiden for years because Leshawna wanted to wait until at least one of them had a degree. Harold planed like 100 ways to propose, but none of one felt right enough; so at the end was Leshawna the one that did it, and both of them wear engagement rings.
•When they still lived in diferent houses Harold was always forgeting things when visiting, at the begining axidentaly but later on purpose when they discovered that Leshawna loved it. She would carry around the things Harold forget everywhere to feel them close.
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do u think leshawna’s fake crying thing in TDA was inspired by jonny fairplay’s dead grandma
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miss-bluerose · 8 months
TDI23 Season 2 ep 9-12 thoughts and theories. Spoilers ahead.
*This is a really long post, fair warning.*
Ep 9: Find something big on the island only to then break it apart to fit through a small window on a wooden door. I liked the twist in the challenge and the funny moments but the elimination was crap imo.
Ep 10: Memory game where they have to memorize a grid of eliminated contestants faces while standing on a punishment pod and then use their tablets to pick the right square when that person pops up. Guess wrong and suffer a punishment related to the person they chose somehow. I liked this challenge except for the fact that they could see who picked which square for some reason and the punishment for picking Chase was ridiculous 🙄. Also, the elimination was crap, AGAIN.
Ep 11: Get chased by one of "five" fierce police dogs and try to avoid being dragged back to the carpet. Three chances each, the dogs are tracking them by the smell of their socks. It was cool to see MacArthur again and I liked four of the five dogs (Edward Scissormouth, Beartrap, Chainsaw and Bloodhunter) but Booger looks very off/gross and reminds me of every tiny, annoying dog I've ever seen in my life.
Ep 12: Wearing a harness that has a hookable part on the front and each armed with a hook attached to a crane, they must hook each other until they are the last one standing in the pit. Hooked contestants get dropped into their tank of terror and must face their greatest fear to get out of the tank. Wouldn't it make more sense for each of them to start in their tank and have to fight their way out first? Idk, it's a weird challenge. We also got to see cameos of the tennis pros from RR and Leshawna's grandma from Dramarama apparently.
He enjoyed Chef's misery way too much. Added shared immunity in the memory game since no one was going to get to 10 points quickly enough. Seemed pretty forced imo. It was BS that he kept not giving the contestants 2 minutes to hide from the dogs. Seems to enjoy sending the dogs after them WAY too much. At least he won't abuse their allergies I suppose. Him calling Caleb basic was fantastic! And I actually liked that he combined his fears. I don't like how he put poisonous spiders inside the Snow Owls mascot costume and hurt the purple haired intern in the process. Says that he's had no work done and I instantly thought of that one Pahkitew episode and shuddered.
His kitten and tortoise video was super cute. I felt so bad for him watching his car get destroyed. 😞 Seems to ship Caleb/Priya which is a little weird but ok. "Yeah, we got a runner." Made me laugh a little. "You have the wooing skills of a dumpster fire." Killed me, oh my god. 🤣 He thinks Julia is more shallow than a kiddy pool and he's absolutely right. I laughed when he asked Priya if she could see the future because of how many times she was electrocuted.
Eliminated contestants:
16th: Lauren/Scary Girl - RIP my Damien vs SG in the fear challenge theory, he didn't even make it that far. 💀
15th: Chase
14th: Millie
13th: Emma
12th: Nichelle
11th: Bowie
10th/9th: Axel/Ripper
8th: Zee 👑
7th: MK - She stole Chef's car and burned it to ashes AND lost the challenge so he lost his car for nothing. There is no way the others would vote for her over Julia who is CLEARLY the bigger threat in every way. The hug between them was cute I guess.
6th: Damien - I liked him trying to comfort Priya but I did say out loud "Yeah, you should feel bad" when he admitted to feeling a little bad for voting for Zee. I laughed at him translating Priya's feelings to Julia with emojis. Him trying to get the sheep to lose a little weight was funny.
Stop moving the idol around and just keep it on you dude, the pickpocket was just eliminated. Has memorized the periodic table and has an edge in this challenge but accidentally keeps picking the same squares as Julia earning her wrath for some dumb reason. Gets brutalized by a wrecking ball that looks like the skull Lauren took from last season. Good on him for giving Julia a taste of her own medicine. Landed in honey and then carried away by bees, forcing him out of the challenge... how is that fair? Oh wait, it's not! 😡 Total crap is what it is. Oh wow, his idol was stolen, who would have seen that coming? Not me hur dur. 🤪 Rest in peace, he was so robbed.
5th: Raj - 🕸️🍑💨 lol. Eating food that old probably should have killed him oh my god. 😱 Took a number of different punishments and then got beat up by a goose. It's nice that he and Wayne miss Damien. Dressing up the mannequin with his clothes was a brilliant plan. I loved how mature he was about his elimination, him shouting out the Snow Owls and Bowie was sweet to see. His final words to Wayne and the hug were very heartwarming.
4th: Priya - She seems to have gone off the deep end with how angry at Caleb she was. I laughed at her hugging the rock but wasn't the catapult a lot bigger than the rock? Got called out for attempted murder but that's pretty much a staple of the show by now so...🤷
WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO JULIA??? She can't be trusted and you KNOW this! Got blasted by farts, ew. Death by a thousand paper cuts, jfc. She accepts Caleb's confession and they make up. Finally realized that Julia was messing with them and decided to get back at her by attacking her during the final round. Stupidly picks up a tablet and picks right for Julia, allowing her to win immunity. 🙄 Probably should of gone home instead of Damien but oh no can't have that! Need to drag out the drama with Caleb for the rest of the season instead because she's mad at him again. 🤦
Decides to give an alliance with Caleb another shot. Gets mad at him for tackling her off a cliff into the water and away from her attack dog. 🤨 Loses the challenge thanks to Julia's infinite plot armor but survives the elimination ceremony. Seems to be back together with Caleb despite his questionable choices.
I don't approve of her physically hurting his hand like she did and bossing him around. Is afraid of thunder and lightning which I never would have guessed. Got hooked by the back of her pants and apparently doesn't wear underwear or the animators forgot to add them. Actually told Caleb to hook himself like wtf. She should have just eaten the marshmallow instead of gloating, it wouldn't have saved her but still. She wants to see Julia crushed into the dirt and so do I. "Avenge me! Avenge meeeeee!" Made me laugh a little. 😆 I still don't think she should have made it this far but this basically confirms that no contestant can be a finalist more than once.
Final Three
Is trying to fix things with Priya but keeps messing up. At least he's smart enough to avoid an alliance with Julia and MK. Dragged back a yacht and broke it down to win the challenge and stay on the island for another day.
He almost made up with Priya and then ran out of time, oof. Why would he ever listen to Julia's advice about anything, wtf is this 180 from last episode? Landed in trash and attacked by raccoons. Successfully fought off a goose but his tablet got knocked away right next to Julia and she decided to activate the punishments on him because he decided to confess to Priya at that moment thanks to Chef's speech. His confession was kinda sweet and they make up. Picks the wrong square and suffers a mini version of the death boot slide with Priya. Imo, he chooses the game over Priya by accepting Julia's agreement to vote how she wants him to and I can't believe this is happening, what the hell is this nightmare. 💀
Says that he accepted immunity from Julia so that he could spend more time with Priya but if she was voted off instead of Damien then he would be stuck on the island without her so idk, seems like a stretch to me. Gets outmatched by Booger, the smallest of the dogs and the craziest apparently, who can also drive a jet ski somehow. Got back into Priya's good graces despite everything.
Wants to not betray the agreement he has with Julia because his grandmother taught him to be truthful or something but his plan at the start of the season contradicts that imo. Actually hooks Priya because Julia told him to, damn dude that's just sad. His greatest fear is snakes and clowns which are both kinda basic so Chris combined them into a clown snake! 🤣 Is trapped by the snake's body and tries to escape by pulling on its tongue but it turns out to be just a bunch of cloths tied together and he passes out. "It'll all be over soon", he says as he's being swallowed by the snake made me laugh. Has to decide whether to hook Priya or Julia but he decided to hook both of them to win the challenge. Promised to win the final challenge for Priya but is frightened of her aggressiveness towards seeing Julia lose.
I liked him trying to defend Priya even if Caleb had already walked away. Him vs the outhouse killed me. 🤣 I've lost track how many times he's been hit in the crotch.
Him trying to feed Raj was funny. They don't study or take tests in school because of a tutor they have and to focus on hockey...oh my god. 🤦 Kept picking the same squares as Raj and kept getting punished for it. Got attacked by a goose as well.
Eating your socks was a bad idea. Climbing the tree was a good plan until the dog started chomping the tree but he actually managed to get away from him. I laughed when he cried over the destroyed mannequin. 😂 Flips a coin about who to vote off, saying he let the moose decide lol. Seeing him cry about Raj's elimination was sad to see, probably one of the saddest moments in the season, if not the saddest.
When the sad song started I thought it was him singing, kinda sounds like him a bit. Goes along with Julia's plan but "So you want to get married?!?!" got me lol. It takes him way too long to realize that Julia is playing him but I shouldn't be surprised. His greatest fear is Raj playing for a different hockey team but he overcomes it in no time at all. Hooks Caleb and is then hooked by Julia again. His second greatest fear is his own team's mascot: the Snow Owl! He also overcomes this fear and patches up the intern inside the costume which is nice to see. Gets hooked for a third time and is dropped into Caleb's tank, landing on the snake and freeing him in the process. Along with everyone else, he also never thought he'd make the finale lol.
She has zero tack I swear to god, at least MK faked being concerned for Priya for a few minutes. Cut down a tree and then proceeds to hack it apart. I laughed when the squirrel attacked her. Didn't win immunity but managed to avoid elimination thanks to a BS ploy that only worked because the rest of the contestants forgot that she is a manipulative challenge beast that has no standards whatsoever. 🙄
Oh look, she's successfully manipulating people who already know her game and somehow they believe her without much convincing, what an amazing plan! 🙄 Says that the others have no chance against her memory and is then surprised when Damien picks the same square as her, like what did you expect? Even if it wasn't on purpose she's still dumb for getting mad at him. Honestly, they all should have done the same thing to drive her insane lol. I laughed at her getting shoved by him and then getting blown high up in the air. Got hit by the wrecking ball skull too. Gets in a fight with Priya but still gets immunity of course. Made an agreement with Caleb and now has him under her thumb for the rest of the god damn season fml.
The cabin doors definitely don't lock and dogs can swim you idiot. Masking her sent with dumpster trash made sense but where the hell did she get a bucket of bacon grease from? Same day delivery my ass. FAKE NAILS ARE NOT STRONG! Get out of here with that crap.
Just in case Caleb betrays her, she goes to Wayne as a backup plan, acting like a hockey bro and he grosses her out lol. Has no problem betraying him multiple times. Finally gets hooked and her greatest fear is old people because they are a reminder that youth doesn't last forever, what a narcissist. Pulled out the immunity idol to save herself from elimination which wasn't a shock at all because of how obvious it was that she was the one who stole it. Karma is coming for you, bitch.
My motivation to write this was at an all time low thanks to the really wack writing in these episodes, what were they thinking??? At least the finale is a bit better than them but still, just wow.
Just one more post to go! 😄
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gwenwillilearn · 3 years
i remember when i first watched that episode of tdwt aftershow where leshawna sings that song that's basically an f you to alejandro, in the italian version of the song she says "bastard" and, as a polite 11 yo kid, i was like "you can say.......that.....on tv???????"
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type-a-princess · 7 years
Total Drama characters as parents
cool dad everyone wishes was theirs: Geoff
‘I’m the parent so I’m always right’ mom: Courtney
dad who’s kinda awkward but loves you the most: Trent
mom who tries to fit in with her daughter’s friends: Lindsay
dad who makes sure you’re not a dumbass: Noah
‘accidentally’ bad influence mom: Izzy
chill mom but makes sure you eat healthy: Bridgette
dad who’s still immature but can be serious if needed: Duncan
mom who gives great advice & understands your social life: Gwen
embarrassing dad who’s really panicky: Harold
mom who doesn’t care if you follow in her footsteps: Heather
‘a grandma when it comes to modern stuff’ mom: Zoey
‘I don't know how to punish you’ dad: Cameron
the ultimate mama bear: Leshawna
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dylanblakesgal · 8 months
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Ok noticed some people hasn't shipped these together this is a crackship am not being serious I made up names for Chef Hatchet's mom and Leshawna's Grandma I don't think they have names so when they do I change it so the ship name I come up with for them are Gerose or Rorry for Gerry X Rose and LilPete or Lete for Lily X Pete so no attacking me I was just being funny with this one if you do like them together ok cool like I said I haven't seen alot of certain older characters not getting shipped together so this was made.
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amethyst-geek · 3 months
Leshawna: Grandma, what would you agree to get into a box of marmalade just to remind Julia that we all age?
Grandma: you have your hobbies, and I have mine.
Leshawna: For the sake of my sanity, I'm just gonna assume the hobby you're referring to is reminding vain teenagers that youth and physical beauty are fleeting.
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