jareckiworld · 2 months
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Eduard Ovčáček (1933-2022) — Monsters [oil on canvas, 1979]
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Isidore Isou, Nombre (XXI), (oil on canvas; from a series of 36), 1952 [Centre Pompidou, Paris. © Adagp, Paris. Photo: © Philippe Migeat/Centre Pompidou]
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davidhudson · 2 years
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Guy Debord, December 28, 1931 - November 30, 1994.
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"Le film est déjà commencé?" (1951) by Maurice Lemaître
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less-ismore · 2 years
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Guy Debord’s house at Champot.
Photo: Luc Olivier.
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pedal845 · 1 year
The most dazzling displays of intelligence mean nothing to us. Political economy, love and urban planning are means that we must master in order to solve a problem that is first and foremost of an ethical kind. Nothing can release life from its obligation to be absolutely passionate. We know how to proceed. The world's hostility and trickery notwithstanding, the participants in an adventure that is altogether daunting are gathering, and making no concessions. We consider generally that there is no other honorable way of living apart from this participation.
potlatch #2
information bulletin of the french section of the lettrist international
29 June 1954
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page-28 · 2 years
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Paris when it sizzles
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alvinsinger · 6 months
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imageculte · 1 year
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« Ghost in the Castle » (1981), collage, dessin et acrylique sur toile, par le plasticien tchèque Eduard Ovčáček. Un artiste dont le travail est à l’intersection de l’abstraction et de la poésie, influencé en particulier par le lettrisme et la poésie concrète de Pierre Garnier. Il a aussi participé activement au « Printemps » de Prague contre la dictature stalinienne.
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surrealistnyc · 1 year
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Lettrist Corpus, issue 92-93 of the Stockholm-based magazine OEI, covers Lettrist magazines over a 70-period: "This special issue, guest edited by writer, curator and sound artist Frédéric Acquaviva, is the very first comprehensive publication on Lettrist magazines. It describes, shows and contextualizes all issues of all 119 magazines created between 1946 and 2016 in, or in connection to, Lettrism – this vibrant and dynamic French avantgarde movement whose publishing adventures and efforts have, until OEI #92–93, been far too little known."
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marcogiovenale · 2 years
première manifestation lettriste
Sandro Ricaldone PREMIÈRE MANIFESTATION LETTRISTESalle des Sociétés SavantesParis, 8 janvier 1946
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jareckiworld · 3 months
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Eduard Ovčáček (1933-2022) — E. T. 423 [oil on canvas, 1978]
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garadinervi · 3 months
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Isidore Isou, (gouache), 1966 [Librairie Lecointre Drouet, Paris. © Isidore Isou]
Bibl.: Isidore Isou, La théorie nucléaire de la monnaie et de la banque : la carte copernicienne opposée à la carte ptoleméique de la monnaie et de la banque, réforme du système monétaire, épuration ou reconversion des dirigeants et des responsables des banques, 1966 [Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris]
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the-cricket-chirps · 10 months
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Cy Twombly, Apollo and the Artist, 1975
Jean-Michel Basquiat, Equals Pi, 1982
Cy Twombly, Leaving Paphos Ringed With Waves (IV), 2009
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"Le film est déjà commencé?" (1951) by Maurice Lemaître
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disease · 11 months
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"7 RUE DE TURBIGO, JULY 4" JACQUES VILLEGLÉ // 1976 [décollage mounted on canvas | 25 × 19 5/8"]
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