#Level 3 Award in First Aid at work
safetycourses2022 · 6 months
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fateinthestars · 3 months
COMPLETED: The Star Crossed Myth Mansion in Sims 4
Way back in November last year I finished building the Star Crossed Myth Mansion in Sims 3 with aid of @star-crossed-mid 's blueprint post
NOW: I have also finished building the mansion in Sims 4 for those of you who want it for that game as well/instead!
(I used Sims 4 Tray Importer to save the file. I don't know whether you need that to add it back into the game, but details here just in case. Please tell me if this doesn't work!)
A few notes before I get to the tour and comparisons between the Sims 4 house and the in-game mansion:
Uses items from the following expansion packs: Discover University, Island Living, Get Famous, Seasons, Cats & Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work, Dine Out, My First Pet Stuff, Romantic Garden Stuff. (Note: The cushions in Aigo's room are from the current login rewards event thing)
The sims 3 version of the mansion was rather tight at the back so this time I made sure to make it have a slightly larger footprint so that the dining room should now be walk aroundable by the sims. The slight changes I made to the shape of the house also meant I was able to make Tauxolouve's bedroom less cramped.
The Sims 3 version of the mansion was on five floors, with just Hue's room on the fifth - unfortunately Sims 4 only supports four floors above ground so I've had to take some creative liberties with where Hue's room is (It's attached to the end corner of the fourth floor rather than being in the roof).
That said: Sims 4 allows for two basements, so instead of a really cramped reflecting pool room behind the main staircase, that is now a large basement area.
Some items were placed where they are with the bb.moveobjects on cheat so if anything chucks itself in the family inventory when you first place the house, please turn that on and use the screenshots below to put them back into place. (It shouldn't do this but if you decide to change part of the build, it might).
Hopefully that's covered everything. 😅 Oh! And I actually did part of the garden area this time!
Tour and comparisons between the Sims 4 House and the Mansion in-game under the cut. (So loads of images in this post)
And if you're asking will I also make the Gods to go with the house? The answer to that is the same as for Sims 3: I still hope so.
The Outside of the Mansion
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Garden Gazebo
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Reflecting Pool Room
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Ground (First) Floor
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Living Room/Parlour
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Leon's Room
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The Baths
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There wasn't really anything of the style of this statue to put in the middle - though if you've unlocked the Artist Career awards (I think it's for level 9?) the dancing lady statue thing could maybe go on the plinth if you want.
First (Second) Floor
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Scorpio's Room
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Ichthys' Room
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As per the Sims 3 house some creative liberties had to be taken here - though I think maybe this one works better? (Thanks again to @pwamisaurus for some suggestions)
Krioff's Room
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Partheno's Room
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Tauxolouve's Room
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I'm way too ludicrously happy about how this one turned out in Sims 4 😅
Second (Third) Floor
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Dui's Room
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Zyglavis' Room
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I've only seen the kitchen mentioned in some of the special stories and no picture so far. If it comes up I'll change it but I seem to recall Teo saying 'is that that weird room with all the gadgets?' so I'm taking it it is at least an advanced Kitchen.
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No idea whether there is actually one of not. But yeah just basics here so you can play a game of the sims properly if you wish.
Third (Fourth) Floor
Aigonorus' Room
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Teorus' Room
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Unlike the Sims 3 one I actually put the lighting on the wall in this one!
Karno's Room
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Dining Room
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The balcony in this one should hopefully be a better size, and yes I sort of attempted the canopy thing this time.
Huedhaut's Room
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As I said this isn't really in the right place, but it's a constraint of Sims 4 amount of floors. Hopefully it works where positioned here and hey - glass roof like it's supposed to have! (I've also just realised I didn't search for any jugs but those can be placed if you like - hardest part here was the bookcases, and yes this is one of the rooms that the moveobjects cheat was used for)
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ritunn · 1 year
Fabula Ultima: High Fantasy Atlas Review
Emmy award winning TTJRPG, Fabula Ultima, just released its first sourcebook in English! The High Fantasy Atlas is already a best Electrum seller on DriveThruRPG and at the time of writing, the best selling book on the platform this week... all within one day! But, if that hasn't convinced you, let me offer you my review.
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What do you get in the High Fantasy Atlas? Well you'll find the following:
Chapter 1 - Introduction: This section covers how the pillars of JRPGs work in High Fantasy games and offers more details and examples on how to implement them. Very useful for session 0 world design.
Chapter 2 - The World: This introduces 10 sample high fantasy locations you're likely to explore in a high fantasy world of Fabula Ultima game along with advice for creating new Arcanum for the Arcanist class, details concerning the creation of gods and demons, how the Stream of Souls functions, and info on tech and magic. The latter part of the chapter has new rare item rewards and artifacts you can give players!
Chapter 3 - Protagonists: This chapter includes sample PC ideas with info on them along with the new custom weapon, quirk, and zero power optional rules. The latter part of the chapter includes 4 new classes, the chanter, commander, dancer, and symbolist, along with heroic skills for classes new and old.
Chapter 4 - Antagonists: The first part of this chapter explores how to use antagonists in High Fantasy games while the latter half offers 5 villains from levels 10 - 60 you can use in your game or as a jumping off point to make your own!
Overall, 200 pages of content useful for not just High Fantasy games, but any really! Let's go over some of my favorite bits in each chapter.
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter, though the shortest, is incredibly helpful. Having examples and additional explanation for how to implement the pillars is useful for groups, especially those coming from systems like D&D and Pathfinder who might not be used to having such power to shape the world. Otherwise, it offers a solid introduction to the genre as well.
Chapter 2: The World
By far the longest chapter, there's a few notable things that aid immensely, but let us begin with how the sample locations work.
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Each of the 10 locations starts off like this with an intro and an "at a glance" sidebar. This really helps you conceptualize what the area is supposed to invoke feelings wise and offers you nice reference for travel rolls and what kind of enemies and discoveries you may find here. I highly recommend doing this for locations in general your group makes, it helps a ton.
After this, each location has some example quests and questions to ask your players to flesh out this area and areas like it. Perfect for giving others the ability to add their own flair to the area and to get them started with playing when they enter the area. These story hooks also often have a villain described with tactics they use and any relevant clocks, but they have no stat blocks, so you can make them to fit with your group's playstyle for combats.
Afterward is a section on how to run conflicts and make them memorable, helpful if that is something you've been struggling with. It also has some nice ideas regarding how to run fights against armies, which is certain to come up here and there in games.
Lastly, we explore the magic and tech of High Fantasy. The advice for making new Arcanum, whether for world building themes or for the Revelation heroic skill, is greatly appreciated as it's one of the hardest things to balance and get right without a good understanding of the game. Advice on how the afterlife and Stream of Souls works thematically in your game is also useful and it offers some nice plot hooks you can use with the ideas presented I've put into practice even before the release of the Atlas to great effect. Lastly, the section on technology is short but appreciated, exploring how it differs from a Techno Fantasy game.
The new rare items are mostly geared towards enhancing specific skills for classes rather than general use, but it's handy for figuring out how to price similar items focused on certain skills when making your own. The new artifacts are also grandiose and powerful additions to any game, magnificent rewards if your party can acquire them. My favorite is a book that contains all knowledge up to the present moment in time, but was sealed away in the far reaches of space... supposedly.
Chapter 3: Protagonists
The main course! This has the 4 new classes and a bunch of optional rules we saw in the playtest. But, first I want to take a look at the sample PCs.
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Each of the 10 sample PCs has a profile like such. It covers the usual Identity, Theme, and Origin, along with a Quirk and signature weapon. Quirks are a new rule that work as backgrounds, but suped up with powerful game changing and character altering effects ranging from gaining some spells to being able to choose to make costs for a spell or Ritual free at the cost of eventually summoning a supreme villain... that will come eventually whether you like it or not. Ones like those typically give you a free heroic skill when the big event comes and you lose the quirk. Preparing you to face a new horizon or final foe.
Back to Raisa however. As we can see here, it has info on her backstory, classes, what she gets to decide about world building wise, and how they'll grow in their own character arc. Useful for someone who wants to jump right in with a somewhat premade character, but even more useful for showing your players what you need to know about their characters if you're a GM. This should also help direct and inspire players during world creation. Which I greatly appreciate. Now, for the new optional rules (besides quirks).
Custom weapons are pretty simple. They're essentially weapons you design mechanically as a player. They're always two-handed, cost 300 - 400 zenit, can be any weapon type you want along with being melee or ranged, and deals [HR + 5] physical damage with a [DEX] + [INS/MIG] accuracy check depending on what you choose. You can then pick a few traits, like Powerful for extra damage, Defense Boost for extra armor and to make it count as a shield, or Transforming to let it switch between two different modes. Depending on what traits you pick, it may also become martial. This rule can be used by anyone who wants to use it without fuss unlike quirks and zero powers, as it adds no extra power and is fairly balanced. Some people could play with custom weapons, some without. But, it allows for you to add a lot of style to your character if you choose to do so.
Lastly, zero powers are a mechanic I've been using for half a year from the playtest and it's loads of fun! Want a limit break or perhaps combo attack in vein of Tales of Arise? Zero powers have you covered. When using this rule, you gain a 6 point clock that fills whenever taking damage, spending a Fabula Point to invoke a trait or bond, or via special Zero Trigger you pick when making your power. Then you pick an effect to go with the trigger you can unleash with an action when the clock is full, like Zero Limits which boosts all your stats by 1 die size or Zero Triangle to allow you and 2 allies to make a free attack with a +5 bonus to accuracy. Zero Powers are loads of fun and you can even allow for players to charge them up together for combo attacks with a variant rule for 4 or less player parties.
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Welcome to the show! The Chanter is your premier bard. Chanter's main skill is Magichant, which allows them to sing or play songs you compose yourself by picking a volume (to determine number of targets), key (to determine damage types, attribute, status effect, HP/MP), and tone (to determine the effect with info filled in by your key). It's an amazing support class with high MP usage, but they can easily target enemy Vulnerabilities or act as a debuffer too to tear their foes apart. Their other skills allow them to perform hearing-based illusion Rituals, increase damage or regain MP when enemies are hit, give damage reduction to themselves, or get a free attack with low and medium volume magichants.
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Being a chess master is the name of the game with Commander. Gaining access to martial weapons of all types, the Commander has skills focused on creating conflict scene wide buffs and debuffs to everyone. Use Bishop's Edict to double MP costs or increase all damage or King's Castle to increase HP/MP recovery or null it entirely. Their other skills allow them to command allies to make free attacks with handy bonuses and chain together their skills when doing so, leading to a flurry of activations. But be careful, one wrong move can lead to your downfall. Commander works best as a sort of Warlord class, they're a support martial pure and simple, but if the player using it isn't very smart about how they use their skills they can put everyone in a heap of trouble.
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Swift of step, Dancer's main skill is well... Dance! Dance allows you to spend 10 MP before or after an action to perform a dance (5 MP if you used Dance last turn). Dances provide a variety of effects but most give you resistance to a damage type or allow you to alter all your damage to that type until the end of the turn or give the enemy a status condition, or another different one if they already have it. There's also healing and haste dances if you want those too! Their other skills allow them to apply dances to others they have affection towards, dance and use the equipment action for free, get bonuses towards rolls involving acrobatics for Objectives, or increase the damage of their weapons or spells after dancing. Dancer is primarily another support class, but their ability to change damage types and increase damage makes them amazing at targeting Vulnerabilities and denying enemies damage by gaining Resistance.
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Symbolism has always been the heart of magic and the Symbolist knows this best. An IP focused class like Tinkerer, Symbolist's main skill is Symbolism. By spending 2 IP, you can create a symbol and attach it to an ally or make a free attack and apply it to every enemy you hit (amazing with multi). Symbols range in effect from halving recovery, providing one free IP expenditure, or even changing the creature type. Their other skills allow allies with a symbol cast your spells, make sight-based illusions with Rituals, track enemies with symbols, and increase damage or recovery on those with your symbols. The Symbolist, like the Tinkerer, is focused on IP usage and as such will need a class like Rogue, Merchant, or Wayfarer to help keep that up. However, symbols allow for a lot of strategy and creativity in character building that you can use to your benefit. Picking your symbols will be paramount to your build, so be smart about what you pick and smarter about who you apply them too. Sharpshooter and Weaponmaster are also great picks if you intend to apply symbols to enemies.
Lastly, the new heroic skills are all solid. Most focus on using specific types of weapons, now rewarding you for sticking to them as your signature weapon. There's even a few only available to level 30 and higher, notably, Bimagus, which let's you dualcast spells and Grand Summon, which allows you summon Arcanum as separate entities to help you rather than merging.
Chapter 4: Antagonists
Compared to the last two chapters, there's less to say here but there is some great content. This chapter includes 5 villains of levels 10, 20, 30, 40, and 60 that make for fun inclusions in any High Fantasy game. The villains range from a pirate queen to the incarnation of narrative tragedy itself and each comes with a statblock, minions (if they have any), and advice on how to run their encounters. Some even have multiple phases, which is a great example of how to build your own multi-phase boss fights, after all... this isn't even their final form!
One thing to remember when using these enemies (and the book points this out thankfully) is that Fabula Ultima is designed in a way where you, the GM, have to make monsters your party can reflect upon and has the tools to fight effectively. So, when using these, change up the affinities, give them a makeover to connect to the heroes if needed, and use them as you see fit!
Final Thoughts
If you have been loving Fabula Ultima, pick up this book. There's so much great advice for running games and new content for players and GMs alike. You won't be disappointed! There's also some more beautiful JRPG style art within just like the Core Rulebook. If you enjoyed Bravely Default, FFIV, FFIX, FFX, or Tales of Arise, this book will let you live out the same fantasies and journeys featured in those games and gives you even more tools to be your very own heroes of High Fantasy and challenge tragedy itself on the Final Days.
You can purchase it on DriveThruRPG for $14 USD ($20 CDN).
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Rozonda Ocielian Thomas (born February 27, 1971), known by her stage name Chilli, is a singer, dancer, actress, television personality, and model who rose to fame in the early 1990s as a member of the group TLC, one of the best-selling girl groups of the late 20th century. She was first a dancer for Damian Dame. In 1991, she joined TLC, replacing founding member Crystal Jones, and was nicknamed "Chilli" by Lisa Lopes so that the group could retain the name TLC. The group went on to sell over 65 million records worldwide and became the best-selling American girl group of all time; only the Spice Girls has sold more. She has won four Grammy Awards for her work with TLC. Since the death of group member Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes, she and Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins has performed as a duo. She and Watkins performed a series of concerts in Asia. It announced plans to produce a biopic on TLC, CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story. She and Watkins signed on as producers. She made guest appearances on television shows such as The Parkers, Single Ladies, That 70s Show, Living Single, and Strong Medicine. She made a brief cameo in the video for "Jump" by Kriss Kross. She was featured in the made-for-television movies A Diva's Christmas Carol and Love Song and the film Snow Day. She co-starred in the action film Ticker and House Party 3. She played a small role in Hav Plenty. She made cameo appearances on Single Ladies. She and the rest of the members of TLC were big proponents of encouraging safe sex. For the music video of the song, "Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg" She and other band members wore condoms on their clothing. She and Watkins teamed up with Agouron Pharmaceuticals to create a national education program about HIV/AIDS. She started a non-profit organization called Chilli's Crew. The organization is an Atlanta-based program targeted at helping girls between the ages of 13-17 build healthy levels of self-esteem. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence @therealchilli https://www.instagram.com/p/CpKohDfLzZr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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DOUBLE Wine Tote Bag, Dog Show 8am Ring Time First Aid Recovery Kit - POODLES, Funny Sarcastic Gift, Dog Lover Gift, Wine Lover Gift, Wine Your favourite breed art print - head or body conformation - groomer gift - Other Breeds Available - dog breeder gift - regional specialty or national specialty prize gift idea Artwork by Ivy Fox Illustration Follow Ivy Fox Illustration on social media https://m.facebook.com/IvyFox.illustration/ https://www.instagram.com/ivyfox.illustration/ Find your dog breed: Personalized Pet Portraits: https://ivyfoxillustrates.etsy.com/ My website: https://ivyfoxillustration.com/ Art Prints Merch Original PaintingsThis funny and sarcastic tote bag is perfect for poodle fanciers who appreciate a good laugh. Featuring a design by Ivy Fox Illustration that reads dog show "8am ring time first aid recovery kit" - POODLES', it adds a playful and quirky touch to your outfit. This Double Wine Tote Bag is ideal for carrying two 25.4 oz wine bottles, making it a great accessory for picnics, wine tastings, or gifting to a fellow dog enthusiast. Perfect for dog lovers, wine aficionados, and those who enjoy a good sense of humor. Ideal for birthdays, holidays, and wine-themed celebrations. Product features - Interior divider for two wine bottles - Reinforced stitching on handles for durability - Made from 100% cotton canvas - Heavy fabric for strength and durability - One-sided print with a fun and sarcastic design Care instructions - Use warm water and dish soap to clean any spills or stainsContact Email: IvyFoxIllustration@ gmail(dot)com ———— Tags and other miscellaneous info: ———— Ivy Fox Illustration Ivy Fox dog art Museum of the Dog American Kennel Club Showsight - Where Champions Are Celebrated American Dog Fancier InfoDog Best In Show The Canine Chronicle AKC Gazette best pet portrait artist watercolor fine art unique art Akc meet the breeds Westminster kennel club dog show national dog show crufts grooming intergroom superzoo petquest groom expo dog sports well bred dogs purebred preservation breeders ethical breeders breeder of merit akc grand champion Ch – Champion of Record – earned by gaining 15 points in conformation wins. Points awarded is determined by the number of other entries the winning dog defeats. A dog must win at least two majors (by winning at two different shows under two different judges where there are enough entries defeated to equal 3-5 points by the AKC point system. OTCh – Obedience Trial Champion To earn an obedience title, the dog must have a passing score of 50% of possible points or better, and an overall passing score at three different competitions under three different judges. CD – Companion Dog (First Level Obedience Competition, basic obedience exercises) CDX – Companion Dog Excellent (Intermediate Level Obedience Competition, more advanced obedience work) UD – Utility Dog (Advanced Level Obedience Competition, difficult obedience work, including hand signals) UDX – The highest obedience degree AKC presently awards TRACKING TD – Tracking Dog TDX – Tracking Dog Excellent VST – Variable Surface Tracking HERDING HIC – Herding Instinct Certificate HT – Herding Tested PT – PreTrial Tested HS – Herding Started HI – Herding Intermediate HX – Herding Excellent HCh – Herding Champion AGILITY NA – Novice Agility OA – Open Agility AX – Agility Excellent MX – Master Agility Excellent NAJ – Novice Agility Jumper OAJ – Open Agility Jumper EAJ – Excellent Agility Jumper AKC Unofficial Titles CGC – Canine Good Citizen ROM – Register of Merit – A dog or bitch must earn a number of points specified by the DPCA rules, and also meet the numbers of champion and major pointed progeny required by DPCA. The requirements for bitches are less than the requirements for the dogs because males have the opportunity to produce a far larger number of offspring. ROMC – Canadian ROM ROM/C – designates that the dog has earned an American and a Canadian ROM. TT – Temperament Tested TC – Temperament Certified AOE – Award of Excellence-A dog must meet qualifications in conformation, obedience, and also be OFA´d to earn this award. New competitions are being added and rules for competitions change, for the most up to date rules and regulations, check with the AKC and the DPCA. Miscellaneous American titles often seen on pedigrees and in advertising. BIS – Best in Show at an All-Breed Show in conformation. BISS – Best in Show Specialty (where only dogs of the same breed are competing in conformation) BOB – Best of Breed BOS – Best Opposite Sex BOW – Best of Winners (best between Winners Dog and Winners Bitch in breed conformation class competition) WD – Winners Dog – the winning dog overall of the regular classes of his sex. WB – Winners Bitch – the winning bitch overall of the regular classes of her sex. RWD/RWB – Runner up to the winners dog and bitch, if the winner becomes ineligible for the award then the runner up will receive the points awarded from that show. Special – A dog that is already a Champion that is competing for Best of Breed only. A Champion cannot compete in the classes where points are earned (because a Champion has already earned them!) RTD – Registered Therapy Dog TD I- Dog has passed Therapy Dog International´s testing HEALTH CERTIFICATIONS OVC – Ontario Veterinary College OVC Hip Certification – A dog may be preliminary screened at a younger age, but will not receive a certification unless the dog is at least 18 months old. It was told to me by a tech in the radiology department of OVC that they consider hips to either be bad, in which case they are rated on a scale from 0 – 4, with 4 being the worse, or they are “good” in which case the animal will receive a certification number (if 18 months or older. Therefore they do not follow the U.S. rating system which includes “FAIR”, Good, Excellent”. Their exact words were “the hips are either GOOD or they are NOT. OFA – Orthopedic Foundation for Animals OFA Hip Certifications – dogs within a specified range of normal hip x-rays are certified OFA-Excellent, Good, or Fair OFA – Elbow Certification – Certified by OFA for normal elbows on x-ray, only one grade recognized as normal. Check with OFA for proper procedures and positioning for hip and elbow x-rays. A dog may be preliminary screened at a younger age, but will not receive a certification unless the dog is at least 24 months old. OFA is also now doing certifications for other canine health concerns such as normal thyroid levels, check with OFA for accurate data and rules concerning these. CERF – Canine Eye Registry Foundation-dog is certified to have normal eyes. Re-certification must be done annually. vWD – Von Willebrands Disease free-meaning the dog has been tested and found free of vWD, a bleeding disorder, vWD free ratings also are often given with a percentage listed. For the best information on Von Willebrand´s Disease, contact Dr Jean Dodds, who is the leading research specialist in blood disorders. Dog show prize idea
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newbeginningshc · 7 days
What Questions Should You Ask When Choosing Senior Care in Philadelphia?
Choosing the right senior care for a loved one is a significant decision, especially when considering options in a bustling city like Philadelphia. With various care facilities and services available, making the right choice can seem overwhelming. However, by asking the right questions, you can better understand your options and find the best fit for your family's needs. Here are some crucial questions to ask when selecting Philadelphia senior care services.
1. What Types of Senior Care Services Are Available?
The first question you should ask is about the types of services offered by the senior care facility. Does the facility provide in-home care, assisted living, or nursing home care? It is important to match the level of care with the senior’s needs. In-home care allows seniors to remain in familiar surroundings while receiving help with daily activities. Assisted living offers more support while still promoting independence, and nursing homes are best suited for seniors who require 24/7 medical supervision.
2. What Are the Qualifications of the Caregivers?
The qualifications and experience of caregivers are essential factors to consider. Ask about the staff's certifications, training programs, and background checks. Caregivers should be trained in first aid, CPR, and handling emergencies specific to elderly care. Also, inquire if the facility provides continuous professional development for its employees. This ensures that caregivers stay updated with best practices, especially in dealing with conditions like Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other age-related issues.
3. How Is the Care Plan Customized for Each Individual?
Personalized care is a vital aspect of senior care. No two seniors have the same needs, and a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work. Ask how the facility creates and manages individual care plans. Is there an assessment process to determine the specific medical, physical, and emotional needs of your loved one? Does the facility regularly update the care plan to reflect any changes in health or preferences?
4. What Is the Cost and What Is Included?
Finances play a crucial role in choosing the right Philadelphia senior care facility. You need to know the cost breakdown and what is included in the fees. Does the price cover meals, medical care, personal assistance, and activities, or are there additional charges for certain services? Transparency in pricing helps avoid hidden costs, making it easier for families to budget appropriately.
5. What Is the Facility’s Reputation?
It’s essential to inquire about the facility’s reputation. You can do this by asking for references or reading reviews online. How long has the senior care facility been in operation, and does it have any accreditations or awards? Additionally, it’s beneficial to ask about inspection reports or any history of violations. Visiting the facility in person will give you a clearer sense of the environment, the staff’s attitude, and the overall atmosphere.
6. What Activities and Social Programs Are Available?
Keeping seniors engaged through social activities and programs is important for their mental and emotional well-being. Ask the facility what kinds of recreational and social activities are offered. Are there regular events, exercise programs, or hobby groups that align with your loved one's interests? Philadelphia has a vibrant culture, and many senior care facilities tap into local events and resources to enrich their residents' lives.
7. How Are Medical Emergencies Handled?
Finally, inquire about the facility's protocols for medical emergencies. How does the staff handle urgent medical situations, and what is the response time? Is there a doctor or nurse available on-site 24/7, or are they on-call? Understanding how the facility manages medical care is crucial for peace of mind.
Selecting the right Philadelphia senior care service is a decision that requires thoughtful consideration. By asking the right questions, you can ensure that your loved one receives the best possible care in a facility that matches their needs. Whether it’s the level of care, the qualifications of the caregivers, or the types of activities provided, each aspect plays a critical role in making an informed choice.
Visit Here - https://peatix.com/us/user/23870996
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hariramrinwa · 30 days
"Achieve Your Dreams with a Masters Degree in Australia"
Are you ready for the next level in your education and career? Going for your higher degree abroad, you not only activate your global exposure but also avail yourself of globally acknowledged quality education. Australia is one of the top destinations for international students joining excellent academic programs, generating diverse cultural experiences, and creating a pathway to where they can make their dreams come true. If you're mulling over whether this is the right step for you or not, here's how you can actualize your dreams with a Masters in Australia.
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Why in Australia?
Australia has emerged as the most sought-after center of further studies in the world. Most of the institutions have established a reputation for academic excellence, advanced research in all fundamental fields, and a very rigorous system of innovation. For those interested in business, engineering, medicine, or the arts, you will find opportunities to obtain a Master's degree in Australia, which will help you shape your future. Head on to opportunities of the future by choosing to Achieve Your Dreams with a Master's Degree in Australia.
Here is why doing your master's in Australia may be the right choice for you:
1. Globally Recognised Education
Australian universities are some of the top universities on the global level, based on their high academic provisions and quality research. Hence, a master's degree from Australian universities automatically crosses the international border and is held in high esteem in any part of the world. Such recognition will serve as a doorway to the career opportunities available not only in Australia but, as such, all over the world, to help you Achieve Your Dreams with a Master's Degree in Australia.
2. Wide Variety of Programs
Students rank Australian higher learning high due to the existence of many programs. From attaining the skills in the highly regarded specialties to general degree courses, Australia's higher learning universes offer master's programs in almost every course. Be it science and technology, humanities and social sciences, you will get a course that perfectly aligns with your career aspirations to help you achieve your dreams with a Masters Degree in Australia.
3. High Quality of Life
Australia is known for its quality of life, and hence, it is a natural choice for students from all over the world. Over and over again, cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth are mentioned as some of the most liveable cities worldwide, given their first-class infrastructure, quality healthcare facilities, and social life. With a master's degree in Australia, you will experience more than just the best education—a much better quality of life, which allows you to achieve all your dreams with a master's degree in Australia.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
It is quite understandable that one of the most common concerns of students seeking to pursue their education abroad is, most definitely, money. The good news is Australia provides a vast number of scholarships and financial support open to international students. Most universities and institutions offer scholarships with considerations based on academic merit, financial need, or leadership potential, so that you are able to attain your dream of gaining a Master's Degree from Australia without being under oppressive financial bondage.
Applying for these scholarship opportunities quite early is essential since competition can be tough. Some of the well-known scholarship programs include the Australia Awards and Destination Australia, along with many university-specific scholarships to assist international students in living their dream with a Masters Degree in Australia.
Work Opportunities
A great reason to study in Australia: work rights. As an international student in Australia, you are permitted to work up to 40 hours per fortnight during study sessions and work full-time when there are school breaks. This helps you to have hands-on work experience, meet your living costs, and add value to your résumé for furtherment in the process of Achieving Your Dreams with a Master's degree in Australia.
So, there are more varied post-study work visa options that Australia offers to its graduates in order to permit them to continue staying in the country and working after studies. One might be eligible to stay from two to four years in Australia, depending on the course of study and period of study, or even more perhaps, and have good enough time to settle into the profession and attain the cherished dream with a master's from Australia.
Networking and Global Connections
By studying a master's program in Australia, there are high chances for you to connect with a global community. Because Australia hosts so many students, you will be interacting with people from every part of the world, sharing experiences, making friends for life, and establishing professional connections which sometimes may work in your favor when looking out for job opportunities. Also, many of these universities have close links to industries, through which you may have professional networking, attend industry events, and secure internships, which are going to help you make your dreams with a master's degree in Australia come true.
Cultural Enrichment and Personal Growth
Studying abroad is far more than academics; it is an opportunity for personal growth and cultural enrichment. By studying in Australia, the myriad society will confer you with new perspectives, ideas, and ways of life, in general widening your outlook and developing skills that will benefit you professionally and personally. The study period attached to Australia will avail you the opportunity to accustom yourself to different cultures and achieve independence, which will ultimately grow you into a self-assured, all-around individual, prepared enough to meet the variable demands of the world today.
That life abroad also will further facilitate, through the course of overcoming many challenges for adaptation, achieving resilience and problem-solving techniques. 
Therefore, go ahead and invest in the future by exploring all those opportunities that a masters degree in Australia can provide for your chase of the dream. Your aspiration is at the tip of your fingers, and with that reliance and resilience in walking through, you will have it in your hands.
0 notes
alexander-clifford · 7 months
Breaking down HMRC's guidelines for compliance for a successful R&D claim
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R&D legislation is always evolving to prevent fraud and to ensure that the incentive covers all types of costs for innovative businesses carrying out research and development. HMRC has developed an informative resource known as the Guidelines for Compliance (GfC3) to make a successful R&D claim. The purpose of the guidance is to help you avoid common mistakes in claiming R&D tax credits to increase the chances of a successful application. In this article, we will outline the key R&D tax relief guidance to function as your handy guide, helping you to provide HMRC with what they are looking for in your claim, as well as filling in the blanks where confusion sits.
What are HMRC’s latest guidelines for compliance for R&D?
HMRC’s guidelines for compliance were first published in 2021 and have been evolving since then. We see this guidance as an essential resource for R&D claimants. Over the last few years, HMRC has increased their vigilance over fraud and errors in R&D claims, even employing extra inspectors to monitor the compliance levels of R&D tax credit claims. They write in part one: “We want to help you make a correct R&D claim, avoiding the penalty we charge if carelessness leads to an inaccurately high claim.” The guidance they've offered aids in reducing the likelihood of an inquiry which is made up of 6 parts that cover:
Part 1: Purpose, scope and background
This details what to expect from the following parts. The guidance summarises best practices for claiming R&D tax credits and provides key information on: 
Understanding what HMRC expects of you as the role of the claimant. 
How to identify who is a ‘competent professional’ in the eyes of HMRC.
Knowing if your work qualifies as R&D. 
Pinpointing what they mean by ‘scientific or technological advancement’ as this is a central component of the R&D eligibility criteria. 
Detailing the scientific or technological advancement of your project and knowing how it counts as an advancement.
The importance of identifying exactly when your R&D project began and finished. This requires an understanding of what counts as R&D.
Knowing what evidence and documentation is required for your R&D claim.
Part 2: Expectations of claimants
This part of the guidance is all about what you need to do before you make the R&D claim. HMRC provides 13 steps that you need to take. Examples include that the competent professional should be responsible for: 
Identifying the R&D projects you're claiming for (they must have the aim to create an advance past existing knowledge and your competitors’ capabilities). 
Outlining the beginning of each uncertainty and at which point it was solved. If it wasn’t solved in the year you’re claiming, make that clear. 
Describing what the plan was to tackle the uncertainty. 
Validating if the R&D costs align with the eligibility criteria.
Part 3: Importance of a competent professional
A common error that arises in R&D claims is the incorrect identification of the competent professional. You’ll need to consult with this individual for your claim to gain their insights regarding the R&D projects. A competent professional is someone with relevant experience or qualifications in the specific field of the R&D project you're engaged in. Perhaps they have industry awards, a degree, continuous professional development in the field, or a relevant publication in the field, as examples, and this would make them a competent professional. Having a competent professional involved in your R&D claim serves the purpose of utilising their expertise to identify uncertainty and technological advancement.
Part 4: How to identify qualifying R&D activities
When we discuss an R&D project, what we mean is a series of R&D activities and HMRC provides extensive information on what counts as eligible R&D activities in part 4. Each of these activities works together collectively to reach a goal. A project is a necessity - a common error that keeps arising is when a business has advanced in science and technology, but if it has not been as part of a project then it can’t count for R&D tax credits. If the project just had purely commercial aims as opposed to actually resolving technical or scientific uncertainties, then it doesn’t qualify. It can’t use readily available information either. 
Read about the examples of R&D projects. In simple terms, an R&D project may seek an advancement by creating or improving a: 
Part 5: The recommended approach to R&D claims and record keeping
A lot of documentation goes into each R&D claim and this involves extensive record keeping. The main point HMRC iterates is that if you believe the work you’re doing is eligible R&D then you should plan for your R&D claim by writing as you go along. We recommend you journal your activities, including the failures, because it will strengthen your technical narrative being able to see exactly how you made the technical advancement and the key dates involved. Keep all receipts and invoices to help you create a claim with financial accuracy. 
Of course, it is common that you may identify eligible R&D activities after the project has been completed. We often find this with our clients because we reach out to them to check if their innovative project qualifies. This can often make the documentation difficult because you have to cast your mind back to the little details of the project. A competent professional or R&D tax credit specialist such as ourselves can help you determine eligibility when looking back.
More records will be needed if HMRC decides to open a compliance check into your claim. Essentially, they’ll need to see some evidence. This could look like: 
Seeing requesting documents 
Visiting your site 
Examining the completed products or prototypes 
Speaking to your team
Part 6: Further information
In this part of the R&D tax relief guidance, HMRC details what to do if you have made an error in an earlier R&D claim as well as other key pieces of information and key contact details. 
How should you use this guidance?
These guidelines for compliance from HMRC are incredibly helpful for all R&D claimants; however, without an in-depth understanding of R&D legislation, there is still scope for error which needs to be avoided in light of HMRC’s crackdown on non-compliance. In other words, it is not a substitute. Professional R&D advice is always recommended to accompany this guidance for your claim.
What are the latest changes to R&D tax credit relief in 2024?
This guidance was almost overshadowed by the changes to R&D tax credits that were announced in the Autumn Statement 2023 and will commence after the 1st of April 2024. Here’s a recap of what they are:
There are no longer separate R&D tax credit schemes based on the size of your company and expenditure. The 2 schemes have merged into one with the same rate of 20%, seen as an above-the-line benefit. 
The rate for loss-making companies is 25%. 
The R&D expenditure threshold has been reduced to 30%.
There is a one-year grace period if you don’t meet the 30% intensity threshold. 
Payments will no longer be sent to third parties.
There is still a requirement to notify HMRC if you are claiming for the first time and to fill out an R&D additional information form.
Key takeaways
The recently issued R&D tax relief guidance by HMRC is an information-dense resource that serves as a helping hand for R&D claimants. It focuses on the importance of properly preparing your claim with a correctly chosen competent professional and knowing about what qualifies as an R&D activity. Understanding this guidance enables you to provide HMRC with the exact information they need, speeding up the process of receiving your tax benefits directly and reducing the chance of undergoing a time-consuming (and sometimes costly) compliance check.
How can Alexander Clifford help you? 
As R&D tax credit specialists with a long track record of successful R&D claims, our experts understand the intricacies of R&D legislation and use HMRC’s R&D tax relief guidance in our processes for each R&D claim. Whether you’re ready to start your claim or you want to check if you’re eligible, our team is here to help. Get in touch with our team of sector specialists. 
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kashiffitlife · 8 months
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I. Introduction
A captivating introduction emphasizing the growing interest in holistic health and the role of nutrition.
Briefly introduce the concept of Bloom Nutrition as a transformative player in the wellness landscape.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Blossoming Beginnings of Bloom Nutrition
III. Understanding Bloom Nutrition’s Unique Formula
IV. Benefit #1: Energy Elevation
V. Benefit #2: Immune System Boost
VI. Benefit #3: Radiant Skin and Hair
VII. Benefit #4: Digestive Harmony
VIII. Benefit #5: Weight Wellness
IX. Benefit #6: Mental Clarity and Focus
X. Benefit #7: Long-Term Health and Wellness
XI. Conclusion
XII. Bonus: Exclusive Tips and Recipes
XIII. Engagement Section
Q: What is BloomNutrition, and how does it differ from other supplements in the market?
Q: Can you explain how BloomNutrition contributes to increased energy levels?
Q: Are there any scientific studies supporting the immune-boosting properties of Bloom Nutrition?
Q: How does BloomNutrition promote radiant skin and healthy hair?
Q: Can BloomNutrition aid in maintaining digestive harmony?
Q: Is BloomNutrition effective for weight management, and how does it work?
Q: How does BloomNutrition contribute to mental clarity and focus?
Q: Can Bloom Nutrition be used for long-term health benefits?
Q: Are there any exclusive tips or recipes for incorporating BloomNutrition into daily life?
Q: How can I share my Bloom Nutrition experience or connect with the community?
II. Blossoming Beginnings of Bloom Nutrition
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Delve deeper into the origins of Bloom Nutrition, its founding principles, and the vision behind its creation.
Discuss any notable milestones, awards, or recognition that the brand has achieved.
III. Understanding Bloom Nutrition’s Unique Formula
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Break down the key ingredients in Bloom Nutrition and explain how each contributes to its effectiveness.
Highlight any proprietary blends or cutting-edge components that set Bloom Nutrition apart from conventional supplements.
IV. Benefit #1: Energy Elevation
Explore the science behind how Bloom Nutrition enhances energy levels naturally.
Share personal success stories, testimonials, or even before-and-after experiences from individuals who have experienced increased vitality.
V. Benefit #2: Immune System Boost
Provide an in-depth analysis of the immune-boosting properties present in Bloom Nutrition.
Reference relevant scientific studies or clinical trials showcasing the positive impact on immune health.
VI. Benefit #3: Radiant Skin and Hair
Explore the connection between nutrition and skin/hair health, focusing on Bloom Nutrition’s positive effects.
Include beauty tips, perhaps an interview with a skincare expert endorsing the product.
VII. Benefit #4: Digestive Harmony
Dive into the digestive benefits of Bloom Nutrition, breaking down how it supports a healthy gut.
Include practical tips for maintaining digestive health and possibly a Q&A section with a nutritionist.
VIII. Benefit #5: Weight Wellness
Elaborate on Bloom Nutrition’s role in supporting healthy weight management.
Share personal transformation stories or expert insights on the interplay between nutrition and weight.
IX. Benefit #6: Mental Clarity and Focus
Explore the cognitive benefits of Bloom Nutrition, shedding light on how it contributes to mental acuity.
Include tips for mental well-being, mindfulness practices, and the role of nutrition in cognitive function.
X. Benefit #7: Long-Term Health and Wellness
Summarize the cumulative health benefits of long-term Bloom Nutrition usage.
Discuss the potential preventive aspects in terms of long-term health and wellness.
XI. Conclusion
Recap the top 7 benefits, reinforcing the transformative impact of Bloom Nutrition on overall health.
Include a compelling call to action, urging readers to take the first step toward a healthier lifestyle with Bloom Nutrition.
XII. Bonus: Exclusive Tips and Recipes
Offer additional insights on incorporating Nutrition into various lifestyles.
Include exclusive recipes, meal plans, or snack ideas that complement the benefits of Bloom Nutrition.
XIII. Engagement Section
Encourage readers to share their stories, questions, or experiences in the comments.
Propose a community challenge or interactive element, fostering a sense of community among readers.
Prompt readers to share the post on social media, using a designated hashtag to create a viral buzz.
This extended outline provides a comprehensive and immersive journey into the world of Bloom Nutrition, ensuring readers are not only informed but also inspired to embrace the product for their health and well-being.
Q: What is BloomNutrition, and how does it differ from other supplements in the market?
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A: BloomNutrition is a revolutionary wellness supplement crafted with a unique blend of [highlight key ingredients]. What sets it apart is [mention any proprietary blends or cutting-edge components], ensuring a distinctive approach to holistic health.
Q: Can you explain how BloomNutrition contributes to increased energy levels?
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A: Absolutely! BloomNutrition enhances energy naturally by [explain the science behind it]. Many users have reported a noticeable increase in vitality, allowing them to tackle daily activities with renewed enthusiasm.
Q: Are there any scientific studies supporting the immune-boosting properties of Bloom Nutrition?
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A: Yes, numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impact of BloomNutrition on immune health. [Reference specific studies or clinical trials], showcasing the effectiveness of key ingredients in supporting a robust immune system.
Q: How does BloomNutrition promote radiant skin and healthy hair?
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A: Nutrition’s influence on skin and hair health is attributed to [explore the connection between nutrition and beauty]. Alongside testimonials, consider consulting a skincare expert for insights on achieving radiant skin and luscious hair with Nutrition.
Q: Can BloomNutrition aid in maintaining digestive harmony?
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A: Certainly! Nutrition supports digestive health by [dive into the digestive benefits]. Additionally, we provide practical tips for maintaining a healthy gut, ensuring holistic well-being.
Q: Is BloomNutrition effective for weight management, and how does it work?
Tumblr media
A: Bloom Nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting healthy weight management by [elaborate on its role]. Explore personal transformation stories or include expert insights on the synergy between nutrition and weight wellness.
Q: How does BloomNutrition contribute to mental clarity and focus?
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A: The cognitive benefits of Nutrition involve [explore the cognitive benefits]. In addition to nutritional support, share mindfulness practices and tips for enhancing mental acuity.
Q: Can Bloom Nutrition be used for long-term health benefits?
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A: Absolutely! Long-term usage of Nutrition offers cumulative health benefits by [summarize the long-term health benefits]. It acts as a preventive measure, promoting overall health and wellness.
Q: Are there any exclusive tips or recipes for incorporating BloomNutrition into daily life?
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A: Certainly! Discover exclusive tips on integrating Nutrition into various lifestyles. Additionally, enjoy exclusive recipes, meal plans, or snack ideas that complement the benefits of Nutrition.
Q: How can I share my Bloom Nutrition experience or connect with the community?
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A: We encourage you to share your stories, questions, or experiences in the comments section. Join our community challenge and connect with other users. Don’t forget to share your Nutrition journey on social media using the hashtag #[yourdesignatedhashtag].
0 notes
ehs-consultants · 9 months
What is in emergency first aid?
Emergency first aid refers to the initial care provided to someone who has been injured or is experiencing a sudden illness. The primary goals of basic first aid are to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery. While not a substitute for professional medical care, CRP first aid can make a significant difference in the outcome of an emergency situation. Here are some common elements of emergency first aid:
1. Assessment:
Ensure your safety and the safety of others.
Assess the situation and identify any potential hazards.
Check the person's responsiveness and breathing.
2. Activation of Emergency Medical Services (EMS):
Call for professional medical help by dialing the emergency number.
3. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation):
If the person is not breathing or has no pulse, CPR may be necessary. This involves chest compressions and rescue breaths.
4. AED (Automated External Defibrillator):
Use an AED if available. AEDs can deliver an electric shock to the heart to restore a normal rhythm in cases of sudden cardiac arrest.
5. Control of Bleeding:
Apply direct pressure to wounds to control bleeding.
Elevate the injured limb if possible.
Use a tourniquet as a last resort if bleeding cannot be controlled by other means.
6. Treatment of Shock:
Keep the person warm.
Have them lie down with their legs elevated (unless it causes further injury).
7. Treatment of Burns:
Cool the burn with running water for at least 10 minutes.
Cover the burn with a clean, non-stick bandage.
8. Treatment of Fractures and Sprains:
Immobilize the injured area.
Use a splint if available.
9. Choking Maneuver:
Perform the Heimlich maneuver for a conscious choking victim.
10. Seizure Management:
Protect the person from injury by moving nearby objects.
Place the person on their side after the seizure to maintain an open airway.
11. Assisting with Medications:
Assist the person in taking any prescribed medications if necessary.
12. Providing Comfort and Reassurance:
Keep the person calm and reassured.
Offer comfort and support.
It's important to note that first aid techniques may vary based on the specific situation and the resources available. Additionally, receiving formal first aid training from certified organizations can enhance your ability to respond effectively in emergency situations.
HABC Level 3 Award in Emergency first Aid at Work is a one-day course that offers the basics of first aid treatment in an emergency, such as incident or accident in the workplace, or the sudden illness of a colleague or customer. Emergency first aid at workplace courses offer a convenient, complete, and ongoing solution to meeting regional workplace compliance standards in CPR, AED and encompass adult, child, and infant CPR and first aid skills, and incorporate Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training.
HABC Level 3 Award in Emergency first Aid at Work is approved by Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services, Dubai municipality, Trakhees, Dubai Aviation City Corporation.
Call For Registration & Get Certified!
+971 52 416 9197 | [email protected] | www.ehsconsultants.com
EHS Consultants
Office no. 209, second floor, Brashy Building
Near Onpassive Metro Station, Sheik Zayed Road
Dubai, UAE
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0 notes
lboogie1906 · 7 months
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Rozonda Ocielian Thomas (born February 27, 1971), known by her stage name Chilli, is a singer, dancer, actress, television personality, and model who rose to fame in the early 1990s as a member of the group TLC, one of the best-selling girl groups of the late 20th century.
She was first a dancer for Damian Dame. In 1991, she joined TLC, replacing founding member Crystal Jones, and was nicknamed “Chilli” by Lisa Lopes so that the group could retain the name TLC. The group went on to sell over 65 million records worldwide and became the best-selling American girl group of all time; only the Spice Girls has sold more. She has won four Grammy Awards for her work with TLC.
Since the death of group member Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, she and Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins have performed as a duo. She and Watkins performed a series of concerts in Asia.
It announced plans to produce a biopic on TLC, CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story. She and Watkins signed on as producers.
She made guest appearances on television shows such as The Parkers, Single Ladies, That 70s Show, Living Single, and Strong Medicine. She made a brief cameo in the video for “Jump” by Kriss Kross. She was featured in the made-for-television movies A Diva’s Christmas Carol and Love Song and the film Snow Day. She co-starred in the action film Ticker and House Party 3. She played a small role in Hav Plenty. She made cameo appearances on Single Ladies.
She and the rest of the members of TLC were big proponents of encouraging safe sex. For the music video of the song, “Ain’t 2 Proud 2 Beg” She and other band members wore condoms on their clothing. She and Watkins teamed up with Agouron Pharmaceuticals to create a national education program about HIV/AIDS.
She started a non-profit organization called Chilli’s Crew. The organization is an Atlanta-based program targeted at helping girls between the ages of 13-17 build healthy levels of self-esteem. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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ehsconsultants · 10 months
What is in emergency first aid?
Emergency first aid refers to the initial care provided to someone who has been injured or is experiencing a sudden illness. The primary goals of basic first aid are to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery. While not a substitute for professional medical care, CRP first aid can make a significant difference in the outcome of an emergency situation. Here are some common elements of emergency first aid:
1. Assessment:
Ensure your safety and the safety of others.
Assess the situation and identify any potential hazards.
Check the person's responsiveness and breathing.
2. Activation of Emergency Medical Services (EMS):
Call for professional medical help by dialing the emergency number.
3. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation):
If the person is not breathing or has no pulse, CPR may be necessary. This involves chest compressions and rescue breaths.
4. AED (Automated External Defibrillator):
Use an AED if available. AEDs can deliver an electric shock to the heart to restore a normal rhythm in cases of sudden cardiac arrest.
5. Control of Bleeding:
Apply direct pressure to wounds to control bleeding.
Elevate the injured limb if possible.
Use a tourniquet as a last resort if bleeding cannot be controlled by other means.
6. Treatment of Shock:
Keep the person warm.
Have them lie down with their legs elevated (unless it causes further injury).
7. Treatment of Burns:
Cool the burn with running water for at least 10 minutes.
Cover the burn with a clean, non-stick bandage.
8. Treatment of Fractures and Sprains:
Immobilize the injured area.
Use a splint if available.
9. Choking Maneuver:
Perform the Heimlich maneuver for a conscious choking victim.
10. Seizure Management:
Protect the person from injury by moving nearby objects.
Place the person on their side after the seizure to maintain an open airway.
11. Assisting with Medications:
Assist the person in taking any prescribed medications if necessary.
12. Providing Comfort and Reassurance:
Keep the person calm and reassured.
Offer comfort and support.
It's important to note that first aid techniques may vary based on the specific situation and the resources available. Additionally, receiving formal first aid training from certified organizations can enhance your ability to respond effectively in emergency situations.
HABC Level 3 Award in Emergency first Aid at Work is a one-day course that offers the basics of first aid treatment in an emergency, such as incident or accident in the workplace, or the sudden illness of a colleague or customer. Emergency first aid at workplace courses offer a convenient, complete, and ongoing solution to meeting regional workplace compliance standards in CPR, AED and encompass adult, child, and infant CPR and first aid skills, and incorporate Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training.
HABC Level 3 Award in Emergency first Aid at Work is approved by Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services, Dubai municipality, Trakhees, Dubai Aviation City Corporation.
Call For Registration & Get Certified!
+971 52 416 9197 | [email protected] | www.ehsconsultants.com
EHS Consultants
Office no. 209, second floor, Brashy Building
Near Onpassive Metro Station, Sheik Zayed Road
Dubai, UAE
0 notes
ABDOMAX [ALERT] ABDOMAX REVIEW - 8-Second Hack To Help Support Healthy D...
✅Official WebSite: https://cutt.ly/-Abdomax-Official- 
ABDOMAX [ALERT] ABDOMAX REVIEW - 8-Second Hack To Help Support Healthy Digestion I really hope that this Abdomax review helps you with important information about improving digestive health. In this Abdomax review, I have mentioned important information that you need to know before you actually buy Abdomax. What is Abdomax? Abdomax Capsules are a dietary supplement designed to support healthy digestion. These capsules contain a combination of natural ingredients that promote digestive health, improve immunity, and aid in the absorption of nutrients from food. Hello Guys! welcome to my review about abdomax, my name is aline and here in this video my goal was to tell you if abdomax is good, if it works, if it is worth buying and especially where you can buy safely. I want to clarify that this abdomax review is honest, independent and very real, I see several reviews of customers that seem like a fraud and here you can be sure you came to the right place to know everything about this product. Does Abdomax Works? You can trust in this product! The main active ingredients of Abdomax Capsules are herbal extracts, minerals, and vitamins. The herbal extracts such as turmeric, ginger, and cumin are known to have beneficial effects on digestion and to reduce inflammation. The minerals calcium and magnesium are also included to support bone health and to reduce indigestion. The vitamins A, C, and E are included to help boost immunity and protect against oxidative damage. Check all the benefits: 1. Improved Digestive Health: One of the most important benefits of Abdomax Capsules is that they help to improve digestive health. 2. Relaxed and Soothed Muscles: Another great benefit of Abdomax Capsules is that they help to relax and soothe tired and tense muscles. 3. Improved Immunity: Abdomax Capsules are also packed with essential vitamins and minerals which help to give your immune system a boost. 4. Improved Nutrient Absorption: Another key benefit of “Abdomax Supplement Singapore” is that they support improved nutrient absorption. 5. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Stress and anxiety can take a huge toll on your digestion, which is why “Abdomax UK” can be beneficial for those dealing with these issues. 6. Increase in Energy Levels: “Abdomax Australia” also help to give your energy levels a boost. 7. Clearer Mind: Finally, Abdomax Capsules help to support clearer thinking and better mental clarity. 8. Overall Improved Wellbeing: The overall benefit of taking “Abdomax USA” is improved wellbeing. Abdomax Capsules are the perfect supplement for supporting your overall health and wellbeing. Vérifiez les avis et les prix d'Abdomax au Canada et en France. Are there any potential side effects? “Abdomax Australia” are made from natural ingredients and are generally safe to take. Abdomax Price for Sale: The price also creates a big difference to people and that’s why there are several options available. Few of them are: 1 bottle at $49 with a small shipping fee. 3 bottles + free bonus bottles $45 per bottle with small shipping fee. 5 bottles + free bonus bottles $41 per bottle with free shipping. Try Abdomax Capsules today and see the benefits for yourself! Check Abdomax avis en francais au Canada & France. I hope this vídeo review has helped you to decide buy abdomax today! Access the oficial site here! ✅Official WebSite: https://cutt.ly/-Abdomax-Official- Abdomax, 60 Day MoneyBack Guarantee: Abdomax is backed by a 100% money back guarantee for a full 60 days from your original purchase. If you are not totally and completely satisfied with Abdomax, its results or your experience within the first 60 days of purchase, simply let us know by contacting our award-winning US-based customer support team at [email protected] and they will provide a refund within 48 hours of returning the product. That's right, simply return the product, even empty bottles, anytime within 60 days of purchase and you will receive a refund, no questions asked!
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brian72 · 2 years
AMSUK (Event Medics & Training) Ltd based in Peterborough offer a range of training courses to businesses and members of the public who want to learn new skills, update their knowledge or just re qualify a certificate that’s due to expire.
First Aid Level Courses.
QA Level 3 Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF )(1 day)
QA Level 3 Award Emergency Paediatric First Aid (RQF)(1 day)
Combined Emergency First Aid at Work and Emergency Paediatric First Aid
QA Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (RQF)(3 day)
QA Level 3 Paediatric First Aid (RQF)(2 day)
Combined First Aid at Work and Paediatric First Aid
QA Level 2 Basic Life Support and safe use of an Automated External Defibrillator (RQF)
QA Level 2 Award Basic Life Support for Adults and Children (RQF)
QA Level 3 Award in Administering Emergency Oxygen (RQF)
Pre Hospital Care Courses.
Qualsafe First Response Emergency Care (Level 3)
QA Level 4 Certificate in First Response Emergency Care (RQF) Must hold FREC 3 qualification or equivalent
QA Level 3 Award in Administering Emergency Medical Gases (RQF)
QA Level 4 Award in Immediate Life Support (RQF) Must hold FREC 4 Certificate
Other courses available
Levels 1-4 in Health and Safety
Health and Social Care Package for Care Homes and others wanting to be employed as HCAs.
Level 1-2 Fire Marshall
Email our training team: [email protected]
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josephschool · 2 years
Admissions Open for st joseph school,kota cbse board for the session 2023-2024
It is well said that school is the primitive foundation of a child and it shapes the personality of the child. In today’s world, where competition is rising day by day and everything is getting so difficult, one must have to stand extraordinary in order to excel in every domain. Due to awareness about education and literacy during recent years, not only government is taking huge steps in educating the children of the country but private schools are being set up to raise the quality of education. Private schools are not just aiming to provide education but develop the student’s other aspects, the physical, social, psychological, etc. Every parent is now a day is so concerned about the growth and development of his child. That is why schools are not only focusing on the education of children but also the extracurricular activities. Parents choose that school for their children which provides every activity so that their child becomes an all-rounder. The extracurricular activity that the schools provide are: Leadership Work and Positions Part-Time Jobs. Sports and Athletic Participation Academic Clubs and Teams Artistic and Creative Pursuits Volunteering and Community Service Internships. Abroad Summer School Exchange Ties up with Foreign universities Sports Equipment Debate Competitions Out-of-State/Country Tours Acting Clubs Dance clubs High Infrastructure Smart Classes Pottery
Kota, a city in the state of Rajasthan is known for its paintings, palaces, and monuments. But in the past two decades, its gaining popularity for its coaching centers. It is also known as “the coaching capital of India”. The city is famous for its quality education and many students from all over the country move here to pursue higher education. The educational institutes here prepare students for competitive exams. Not only that, the schools here are providing such good education that the concepts are being cleared at early classes and a proper foundation is laid for higher classes. There is no doubt that Kota city consists of some of the best schools in India which not focuses only on the education of students but lays the foundation and platform for the personality of the child by providing almost every facility. St Joseph School is the leading CBSE school in Kota. Initially, founded as Public School in 1988, Saint Joseph is a private school run by ST Joseph Educational and Welfare Society. With almost more than 30 years of experience, it has shown its excellence in every aspect from academics to sports to extra curriculum activities. The school has stayed true to its motto which is “ FACTA NON VERBA”. Some of the recent achievements of the school are : International Award in Business Productivity Credent Indian Achievers Award for Pioneer in E-Education. Social Connect Award 1st position in IMAS National Combine Sports & Games Tournament. 35 Gold Medals, 13 Silver Medals, 3 Bronze Medals & 4 Championship Trophies in IMAS Winner of “Bharat Shiksha Ratna Award”. Best NGO Award. Maximum 10 CGPA in Class 10 High Rank-All over India in IIT-JEE. A large number of selections in PMT, CA, C.S., and other professional courses. 57th District Tournament Swimming Champion. 1st position- under 14 cricket team 57th District Level Sports Tournament Best 8- Handball Team CBSE West Zone (under-19 Boys). 58th District Tournament Swimming Champion. NTSE Best Participation School. Gold Medal in Badminton National Level. Selection for IIT Delhi for Robotics Competition. Extra- Curricular Activities St Joseph offers:
CBSE high-level curriculum High skilled facility Less Student-Teacher ratio Children Security Regular educational tours Best Board Results Outdoor game facility Swimming pool for children Indoor games Highly skilled doctors in the first aid room Well structured classrooms Best Library and other separate rooms for different activities
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cyanheartsblog · 2 years
First Aid at Work (FAW) Training Course in London, UK
First Aid at Work training course is designed to comply with HSE guideline and Health and Safety (First Aid) regulation 1981. This is the full comprehensive first aid course, for anyone would like to qualify as a First Aider at Work. Duration of FAW course is 3 days. Learner who passes the assessments will be awarded a Nationally recognized level 3 certificate valid for three years. All our courses will be delivered by highly qualified experienced First Aid Trainers. Our scenario practices will boost the delegates confident to deal with any workplace First Aid emergencies confidently and able to manage and control any First Aid emergencies at work.
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