#Levi Ackermann draw
redskull199987 · 2 years
Thought I might post some more sketches, so here we are-
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ponury-grajek · 2 years
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I can't believe I drew a fanart for this
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I'm imagining it being some years later and Levi and reader run into each other, both single and working hard in the careers they worked hard to get into after college. They both regret the way things ended and decide to try again. Before it was wrong time, right person. Now is the right time. :3 soulmates AU anyone??
k thanks sorry for making you sad als;dkfj;alsdf <3
i also got too excited while writing this and made it longer than intended so this is a oneshot now apparently alkdfjlksajfd
this is technically a sequel to this other drabble i wrote the other day :3 it got too angsty so i bullied sky into sending me a follow-up request jsdkfjksdf
I Do | 1k Follower Event | Modern!AU Fluff Oneshot
✧ word count ➼ 1.3k ✧ notes ➼ modern!au, fluff, implied soulmates!au, i screamed while writing this, i'm a sucker for stolen kisses under the night skyf dskfjlskdjf
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Even years after you last saw him, Levi was on your mind. There was something that felt right about being with him. Any partners that you've had in-between were short-lived. None provided you the passion, safety, love, and comfort that Levi had. You commonly found yourself staring at your phone, longing to reach out and go to him again.
After seeing you on the arms of someone else at that party all those years ago, you knew that he truly believed that you had moved on or hated him for pushing you away. It took everything in you to not pick up the phone and call him, to proclaim that you haven't taken a single step forward and that he was always at the forefront of your mind.
Thus, when you bumped into someone at a crosswalk and then immediately looked up into those gray eyes of his, you felt your heart soar and drop at the same time. You felt like you lost your ability to breathe. You felt your blood run cold. You couldn't bear walking away from him again. Now that he was in your presence again, you didn't know how you'd be able to cope with being forced to say goodbye again.
Even with completely different career paths and with the intent of flying far, far away from your alma mater, you both had still ended at the same town, walking down the same block, street, and crosswalk.
You weren't sure how long you were looking at him, getting lost in his steely gaze. You noted how mesmerizing his eyes were and how he was always able to communicate just through his gaze alone and how just him simply looking at you was enough to get your heart pounding.
You said shortly, as if you were frozen in place and was unsure of what to say or do.
"Hey," he responded quietly, sharing your thoughts of unease.
His eyes darted to the sidewalk and you quickly noticed that the light was about to turn green for the incoming traffic and the two of you quickly jogged to the other side of the street.
You awkwardly shuffled around him for a while. You could've just left, heading towards whatever original destination you had in mind, but something kept you from making that decision. Something in you wanted to be around him, as uncomfortable as it felt at the moment.
"Sorry," you apologized quietly, although you weren't sure what for. "Uhm-"
"-been a few years, hasn't it?" he spoke in a tone that indicated that he was feeling just as awkward as you did. However, he also couldn't bring himself to leave.
You looked up at him and nodded.
"Never thought I'd run into you here of all places," you said, throwing him a small smile in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"Neither did I."
There was silence again, except this time the two of you spent the time gazing into each other's eyes. He couldn't tell what was running through your mind and you couldn't tell what was running through his.
You finally spoke.
"Am I holding you up? You probably have somewhere to be."
Levi shrugged.
"Not really."
"Oh," you said quietly, awkwardly shuffling again. "Well, I should probably get-"
"Wanna grab coffee?" Levi asked before you could finish your sentence.
He didn't want to let you go again.
Part of you wanted to leave the situation and awkwardness as quick as possible, but a much bigger part of you wanted to be around him again. You couldn't explain it, but you were drawn to him, despite everything that had happened.
You nodded.
"I know a spot. It has..." he began talking, but eventually trailed off.
"It has...?"
"It has that one drink you liked," he mumbled quietly, almost as if he was embarrassed about the fact that he still knew that.
"O-Oh," you said quietly, looking away in an attempt to hide the pink tinting your cheeks.
You were mesmerized once you reached the cafe and you heard him ordering for you. Even years after you broke up and had no contact, he still knew you like the back of his hand. It brought up memories upon memories of all the little things that Levi did to show you his love for you. It was like a habit for him and he fell right back into it.
The two of you chatted, catching up about what life has been like since graduating. You were both single and focusing primarily on your careers post-college. You had fallen into the pattern of a mundane, everyday life.
Chatting with him felt more natural than you were willing to admit. Even talking to the friends you had made at work felt like more effort, but with Levi—it felt like second-nature.
You looked up as the waiter returned with a check for the two of you.
Almost as if you were on the same wavelength, you and Levi both attempted to place your cards on the table, with his hand brushing on yours.
Feeling his skin on yours momentarily paralyzed you.
You couldn't lie to yourself anymore. Being next to him, talking to him, and feeling his skin on yours just felt right. You had felt an empty pit within you for the past few years since graduating, and you knew it was because you longed for him.
That was on your mind the entire time as the two of you handled the check and found yourselves walking along the block away from the cafe and towards your respective homes. The sun had gone down and the street lights were beginning to turn on. With most people having either gone home or gone indoors to one of the local restaurants, it was only the two of you outside, bathed by the night lights.
You walked with your hands in your coat pocket, with the night air being slightly too chilly for your taste, although that gave you an excuse to explain the rising color in your cheeks.
You walked along the same block for a long time. It was so long that part of you forgot that you lived in separate areas and would have to arrive at a crossroads eventually. When you arrived at that crossroads, you felt yourself freeze again as you noticed him walking in a separate direction.
You couldn't let him go again.
You grabbed at his sleeve as he walked away, prompting him to stop.
"Levi, wait-"
He stopped walking immediately and looked over at you.
You looked into his soft, but concerned gaze. Your heart was pounding as every memory you had of being with him began to play on repeat in your head. You remembered the first time you met, the first time you kissed, as well as how absolutely heart broken you were when you left him all those years ago.
Before you could convince yourself otherwise, you pulled him in and pressed your lips against his.
You felt him freeze as he felt your lips on his again. His breath hitched right before returning the kiss a second or two later, placing his hand on the side of your face as you gripped onto his coat.
Feeling his lips on yours felt liberating. It felt like you were holding your breath every since you broke things off with him and now you were finally able to breath again. Your mind was overtaken as you felt his lips on yours, his hand on your cheek, and his body against yours.
You were meant for each other. You always were.
You slightly pulled away so that you could speak, but only slightly.
"I've dreamt of this," you whispered.
"Yeah?" he asked, matching your whisper.
"Where you're holding me and asking me if I wanna try again with you and..."
You trailed off.
"And...?" he asked expectantly.
"I do."
im literally sobbing djfkslfdj #: @chaotic-on-main (although its your ask jdkslfksd) @romantichomicide95 @lovolee3 @svftackerman @levisbrat25 @leviismybby @idkks4m @moonmalice @elnyrae @sleepyfairyxo @averysmolbear @cathybarn @tclbts @belovedackerman @bejewelledd @fuyulvr @sad-darksoul @levis-squishy-cheeks @roseofdarknessblog @anviacker @aam1na @luvjiro @noctemys @sixpennydame @dumbfound-princess @raenacreates @deepzombieyouth join my taglist!
Come participate in my 1K follower event!
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believemeiknow · 6 months
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So I drew that today. That’s not at all what planned to do in the beginning, but oh well. For someone who never draws, it ain’t bad. I’m pretty proud of myself! (Drawing with highlighters will always be weird, though…)
I’ll hang it at my desk, at work. Let’s hope my colleague will like it!
(…She doesn’t know what Attack on Titan is.)
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duraraross · 2 years
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really love them being domestic like this
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shikiii-skadi · 2 months
What is their handwriting like?
INCLUDES: eren jäger, mikasa ackermann, armin arlert, historia reiss, jean kirstein, annie leonheart, levi ackermann, hanji zoe, erwin smith, pieck finger
NAVIGATION: Attack on Titan Masterlist
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Eren Jäger:
4/10 - your average "boy handwriting". It is not pretty, but you are able to read it. Most of the time at least. Makes spelling and grammar mistakes more often than others.
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Mikasa Ackermann:
7/10- like everything that Mikasa is doing, her handwriting too is straight to the point. No fancy letters or bows. Just pure neat writing. Has average grammar.
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Armin Arlert:
9/10 - very pretty handwriting. It's easy to read. Armin always pays attention to grammar and spelling.
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Historia Reiss:
10/10 - not only easy to read but also very fancy. She writes with lots of bows and such, but it's like still easy to make out the words. Her grammar is pretty good as well.
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Jean Kirstein:
7/10 - actually has a pretty nice handwriting. He is good at drawing so his hand movement has the perfect momentum when writing. Has average grammar. And you know that Jean would never let Eren live down that his handwriting is prettier than his.
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Annie Leonheart:
3/10 - not a nice handwriting. You are not able to read most of it and it doesn't look pretty. But Annie makes spelling and grammar mistakes only sometimes.
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Hanji Zoe:
1/10 - not pretty at all. Hanji is a fast writer because she fears she will lose all the thoughts she has if she doesn't write them down as fast as possible. Doesn't look at spelling at all. Sometimes she will begin a sentence but doesn't finish it and instead, it's fused with the next sentence, because her thoughts come faster than her hand can write.
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Levi Ackermann:
0/10 - not readable at all. Levi was illiterate for most of his life, so writing isn't easy for him. He puts too much pressure on the tip of the quill causing lots of ink to always spill on the paper. Makes a lot of spelling mistakes and in general writes letters wrong sometimes, for example writing them mirror-inverted or forgetting things.
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Erwin Smith:
10/10 - easy to read and nice to look at. Erwin can write fast and it will still look pretty. He is used to writing fast, because of all the paperwork he has to do as commander. Also makes spelling and grammar mistakes only very rarely.
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Pieck Finger:
6/10 - her handwriting looks very pretty from a distance but as soon as you try to actually read what she has written down, it's kinda difficult to make out the words and letters. Has average grammar.
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kazemi-archive · 1 year
The Elements of Love
Summary: What it feels like to love within the elements
Includes: various from BLLK, AOT, BNHA, JJK, HQ
A/N: Idk man. This is just all based off vibes I get from them. Feel free to disagree with some or all and give me your input for what you think should be different!! (Just be nice about it <3) Or if I missed a chara you wanna tell me about feel free 💜 ||| Shoutout to Aims for letting me ramble about the elements when I started this idea, and shoutout to Caly and Echo for helpin me associate some of the characters <33 ||| don’t perceive me pls
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water = friends with benefits to lovers/will they-wont they
water is always like that comforting feeling of floating, of lulling back and forth on soft waves, of like just the comfort of the waves taking you where you're meant to be. but when it turns to rip tides where they pull you under and there's no way to survive fighting against it, it catches you no matter what, the only way to exist is to go with it, to swim with the tide. and its a little scary at first to get pulled under when you've tried not to be but if you just relax and let yourself look under the surface its fine, you can swim with the tide until you're back in soothing waves just deeper than before. but tsunamis come out of nowhere, the pulling away, leaving you unsuspecting before it hits you out of nowhere, the utter feel of drowning in a love you never expected
BLLK: Otoya Eita, Niko Ikki, Kunigami Rensuke, Itoshi Rin; AOT: Erwin Smith, Hange Zoë; BNHA: Tōgata Mirio, Shinsō Hitoshi, Todoroki Shōto, Shindō Yō; JJK: Itadori Yūji, Chōsō; HQ: Matsukawa Issei, Suna Rintarō, Miya Atsumu, Kozume Kenma, Kageyama Tobio, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Hirugami Sachirō, Sakusa Kiyoomi
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fire = slowburn romances/enemies to lovers
fires always start as a spark, small and unsuspecting and they grow into a fire. like campfires that are warm and inviting, feel like comfort and home. it feels like you could stay curled up into it for the rest of your life. fire that sparks up a little more with the smallest of circumstances. it grows and expands and engulfs everything in its path. wildfires that rampage through you and erase everything you've known, begging you to start anew and to grow new love from the wreckage of everything else. all-consuming and rebirth. slowburns, volcanos that build slowly for years before the smallest thing makes them erupt, forcing them to blow over, explode, spontaneous confessions of love after years of pining, before spreading and slowly consuming the ground you'd stood on, creating a new landscape for both to explore
BLLK: Shidō Ryūsei, Bachira Meguru, Raichi Jingo; AOT: Jean Kirschtein, Conny Springer, Porco Galliard, Levi Ackermann; BNHA: Dabi, Bakugō Katsuki, Shigaraki Tomura, Kaminari Denki; JJK: Sukuna, Fushiguro Megumi, Fushiguro Tōji; HQ: Daishō Suguru, Satori Tendō, Bokuto Kōtarō, Hinata Shōyō, Ukai Keishin, Yaku Morisuke, Tsukishima Kei, Akaashi Keiji
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earth = friends to lovers/exes to lovers
earth is grounding, something solid to put your feet on, a basis for everything else, always growing and sprouting new things. its the feeling of laying in the grass or digging your toes into the sand, the comfort of feeling something sturdy to latch onto. it turns to earthquakes, the rumbling of the ground under you of your lover changing your world, shifting the plates of the earth in order to draw you closer, creating mountains and valleys, shifting your entire terrain. its the gravity constantly pulling you back to them no matter how far you go, the need to be close, to watch them literally move the earth for you, to adjust everything you both are and create something new. slow changing where you cant notice from one second to the next but building wonders that force awe out of anyone that sees them
BLLK: Karasu Tabito, Barō Shōei, Mikage Reo, Aiku Oliver; AOT: Eren Jaeger, Reiner Braun; BNHA: Aizawa Shōta, Bakugō Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirō; JJK: Inumaki Toge, Getō Suguru, Nanami Kento; HQ: Miya Osamu, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Terushima Yūji, Sawamura Daichi, Ojiro Aran, Konoha Akinori, Iwaizumi Hajime, Meian Shūgo, Hirugami Fukurō
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air = love at first sight/love by chance
air is soft wind at first, the way it tickles like breath against your neck, like gentle fingers through your hair, soft kisses against your cheeks before it grips you like a vice. there's no way to hide from the air, especially when it turns to tornados. it picks you up and makes you dizzy, rips everything you know to shreds and spins you in circles. it steals the breath from your lungs and leaves you gasping though you'll never know if its because you want less or more. it carries you from one place to another, its impossible to not follow to not chase the wreckage you'll both leave behind and watch it happen over and over again. a sudden change from nothing to everything with barely any warning, just the urge to relive the thrill over and over again
BLLK: Itoshi Sae, Nagi Seishirō, Chigiri Hyōma; AOT: Armin Arlelt, Bertholdt Hoover; BNHA: Toyomitsu Taishirō, Amajiki Tamaki, Midoriya Izuku, Sero Hanta, Kaibara Sen; JJK: Gojō Satoru, Okkotsu Yūta; HQ: Sugawara Kōshi, Oikawa Tōru, Kita Shinsuke, Kuroo Tetsurō, Hanamaki Takahiro, Adriah Thomas, Semi Eita, Kamasaki Yasushi
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" A farewell for a beginning"
Chapter 2
Falco has been in the air for three hours, and even if he wanted to keep going, his stamina is almost exhausted. The Beast/Jaw Titan returns drained with Captain Levi to the colossal form of the commander.“We should briefly discuss the situation with the Commander ,Grice. Is there any way you can land near him?” Falco's Titan lands on Commander Arlert's shoulder.
Falco is grateful to be able to take a short breath and the captain has apparently noticed his dwindling strength. Erens Jaeger's Titan has been standing still for a short while, Commander Arlert's Colossal Titan keeping him under strict control.
A treacherous silence and calm returns.
The young woman named Mikasa has been in Eren's Titan for what feels like an eternity, but it is probably only a few minutes.
Falco notices the captain's growing concern and nervousness and although Falco has only known him for a short time, the captain's strong concern for the young Eldier woman is as apparent as his own for Gabi. "Shit. It's been taking too long. What is that brat doing over there? Falco, get out of your Titan and take a break, but be ready to take off if you need to.” He instructs. “Commander, should I follow after Mikasa?"
The Colossal Titan gives his consent with a silent nod. He looks worriedly in the direction of the missing woman, Falco notes.
Falco is grateful for the short break and climbs out of his Titan, all the while making sure that he does not come into contact with the Colossal's hot flesh. “If I am not back with that gloomy brat in ten minutes, help the others with the fucking worm. We will have to take care of Eren alone if necessary.”
There is a noticeable desperation in the Captain’s voice as he says thesewords. Then, he looks at the Commander and Falco once more. “And stay alive. That’s an order!” And with that, he sets off with his 3DM gear in the direction of Eren Jaeger's Titan. "You too, Captain!" Falco calls after him, and he is amazed at the toughness of the captain for being capable enough to make such manoeuvres with his serious leg injury and worrying condition. He assumes that worry drives him to draw on his last reserves of strength.
Falco recalls that Colt, his older brother, and Commander Zeke Jaeger, as well as he and the other younger cadets, shortly before the attack in Liberio, once warned about which the Ackermanns should never engage in a fight. That was about 3 months ago now. Colt, Zofia and Udo were still alive there, Falco notes painfully, but neither of the Ackermanns are responsible for their deaths. He and Eren Jaeger have to bear this responsibility alone. If only he hadn't sent this unfortunate letter, maybe they'd all still be alive and Gabi wouldn't be in this terrible position. His thoughts float over to Gabi. He remembers her last look, both pleasing and fearful. Even while knowing he has a job to finish, he can’t shake his desperation and worry over her condition.
Will Gabi soon be one of those people who will only live on in his memories? He immediately suppresses this thought and looks in the direction where Reiner and the other titan warriors are trying to stop all the pure titans and buy them time here so that Erens Jaeger's crazy rumbeling can be stopped.
“Commander Arlert. What will become of Gabi and the other Eldiern now?” He asks with great fear and looks into the eyes of the Colossal and sees only a mixture of helplessness and despair that robs him of all hope. Then, the colors of the Commander's eyes change from sky blue to stone grey. Falco realises what is happening almost too late and just manages to get out of his titan. In seconds, his titan and that of the commander turn into pure rock.
Terrified, Falco moves away from his titan and tries on the one hand not to stay in contact with his Titan and on the other hand not to plunge into the depths. He accidentally comes into contact with the colossal, no reaction from burned flesh, but what he feels is only painfully cool stone. “Commander, are you all right?” Knowing full well that this question is completely superfluous. Because his titan and that of the commander turned to stone at almost at the same time, he has little hope for Reiner and the other warriors.
Nevertheless, he climbs in their direction onto the Colossal's shoulder, who, luckily, has such coarse muscle tissue that he can find a hold and ascend with ease. When he arrives, he tries to get an overview and sees a frighteningly calm scene.
Nothing of the fighting can be seen any more. The wind still stirs up the dust from the fight. It doesn’t take Falco long to become painfully aware that he was just very lucky, and that the others are locked forever in a case of stone, probably formed from the inside out.
Bile comes up and he vomits. He almost can’t take it anymore, the losses far greater than any child his age should have to witness. It’s enough to make it hard to believe that he’s only a kid. More than anything, he just wants to go back to his family and forget everything.
But now that he is alone, he’s is very afraid. Not that he has been able to do this since his basic training as a cadet, his emotional state worries him more to have to survive in this destroyed world.
What is he supposed to do? He looks in the direction where both Ackermanns have disappeared, then looks in the direction
where Gabi could be and has to decide. He doesn't want to risk a new titan transformation for fear of turning to stone, but following one of the Ackermanns directly still fills him with fear.
From what he knows about his brother and the fight in Liberio, both of the Ackermanns had a reputation for being ‘monsters’.
In stark contrast, however, is his experience with both of them, such as how Captain Levi behaved towards him and Gabi; the latter in particular, who used to be the more suspicious of the two, but quickly gained confidence in the male Ackermann. The female Ackermann was muchmore reserved and colder, which was probably due to the connection to Eren Jaeger, but was nonetheless friendly to both children. Gabi had told him that the female Ackermann saved her life, when the girl Kaya tried to stab her after it came out that Gabi had shot her sister in Liberio, of all people.
He closes his eyes, thinking of his girlfriend, with whom he wanted to build a future after the war. “I'm sorry, Gabi. Hold on a little longer. I'll get help.” He sees that Commander Arlert and Eren Jaeger’s titans have moulded together by the arms: a crazy possibility for him to get to the two Ackermanns. He looks down and estimates that it must be around fifty to sixty meters long. He observes the wind to assess whether it is safe to walk over this overgrown bridge, hoping that it won’t collapse in the meantime.
But what choice do I have? He thinks painfully, and makes his way to Eren Jaeger's Titan.
Levi arrives in Eren's maw with great concern. He is depressed by what has become of the boy who was once believed to be hope for humanity and what in the end has come true for his prediction. He hates this quality of himself because of the fact that he’s been all too often right in his judgments and has never been able to save anyone in the end.
He was not able to save his first squad, nor Erwin, his old friend, just as little to prevent Hanji from sacrificing theirself today.
Fate has always played a shitty game with him and has proven it again today. First, Hanji sacrifices their life so that everyone can flee from Eren's Colossal Titans by flying boat, only for them to learn that Falco possessed the ability to save them all the while.
Tch. It's all a shitty joke, he thinks.
But, insignificant as it now seems in light of the current situation, there was a time when he had really been able to save someone's life. His thoughts drift over to the gloomy brat of his squad, remnants of their fateful encounter in the giant tree forest flooding through his memories.
Back then, she had defiantly set out to pursue Annie's female titans in a blind rage to free Eren. She would have almost surely lost her life back then if he hadn't come to her aid. He looks down at his injured leg because it was the same leg that was injured back then.
Some things never change.
He tries to convince himself that the reason he thinks of her so often is because she has shown a tendency to be suicidal at a young age. In addition, she often questioned his arrangements and assessments, a quality for which, while initially irritating to him, he later secretly admired her.
The ability to think independently (unless Eren was involved) and to confront superiors with their decisions did not exist too often among the soldiers of the survey corps… Shit! Among any unit.
But why the hell does he have to think about it right now?
Kenny's last words come back to him that everyone is drunk on something or someone. Does that mean he's drunk on Mikasa?
He would probably scoff, were it not for the blind panic that now fills him as a worrying scene appears before his eyes:
Mikasa is lying on the floor covered in blood, next to her is the telltale red scarf that seems to be hiding something or part of someone. It doesn’t take much for him to imagine what is in it and the very thought makes him nauseous.
In the past four years, he has learned to hate this piece of red cloth. At first, he couldn’t help but laugh inwardly at the ragged piece of fabric, but after she was accepted into his second squad, he learned that this scarf was a sign of Eren's solidarity. Armin once made a joke that it was Eren's engagement ring. Hanji was once so crazy to suggest that he give Mikasa a scarf himself, and if they hadn't become such an important friend to him, he would have broken their arm out of blind anger or at least dislocated it.
With pain and great effort, he manages to drag himself toward her on his remaining three extremities. He taps her shoulder roughly to get a hoped for reaction from her that is not returned. Her skin already looks paler than usual. A fear now fills him; the very same kind that he had felt the last time he saw Isabel and Farlan.
PLEASE! Not again! I beg you! Is all he can think as he struggles to raise himself with his upper body and instinctively takes her in his arms, but there is no reaction on her part. Normally, she would have pushed him away immediately, but this realisation alone makes him even more desperate. Feelings and tears that he has suppressed for so many years and not allowed to show come out in a torrent and fall onto her forehead. First one, then two, and then, there are more and more, pouring faster and heavier, until her skin is glistening with his grief.
He gently caresses a blood-smeared strand of hair from her face, hoping to be able to alleviate something within her; that a single touch would be enough to bring her back to him. The reality is unfortunately different, he realises. In his desperation, he holds her, forehead to forehead, so that he might feel a breath from her, but there is nothing. Nothing at all.
“Stay with me! PLEASE! I need you to stay with me! MIKASA!” he cries desperately, holding her tighter, closer to himself in spite of the fact that he must stink like a rotten corpse. In desperation, he recalls one of Hanji's emergency manoeuvres to save the lives of the unconscious: all he has to do is touch her mouth with his and press air into her.
He hesitates. At any other opportunity, he would blush madly and at the same time be deeply disturbed, reminded by the grim fate of his mother, who had spent her life being forced to please strangers. The thought of forcing himself onto Mikasa disgusts him similarly, but time leaves him little choice to think more about it.He leans in.
A short time later, Falco arrives at Eren's mouth. With great difficulty, he move across the overgrown bridge, the wind now his strongest adversary, threatening to blow him down with so much as the slightest. I'll have it in a moment, he thinks, and glides over it, little by little.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he gets into the mouth of the other titan with the hope of meeting both Ackermanns just as a disturbing thought occurs to him: what if both have been turned to stone?
Immediately, he banishes this thought, because the fear alone is enough to almost paralyse him.
What he stumbles upon, however, are not two stony figures after all, but an intimate scene between the captain, still very much alive, and the Ackermann woman, the former hunched over the latter who is held carefully in his arms, his face pressed fiercely against hers, as though they were…
No… wait…
Are… they kissing?!
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decimatlas · 1 year
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COMMANDER ERWIN SMITH ; he’ll burn you down like wax if you let him. you’ll think it’s love, while he dines on your heart. and maybe it will be. but he’s so hungry, he’ll eat you all in one sitting, and you’ll be in his belly, and what will you do then? / art credit.
Under the ‘read more’ is info for my portrayal of Erwin Smith of Shingeki no Kyojin.
FULL NAME. Erwin Smith TITLE. 13th Commander of the Survey Corps BIRTHDAY. October 14, 810 AGE. 38 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Cis male, he/him SEXUALITY. Bisexual ETHNICITY. Eldian SPECIES. Human OCCUPATION. Commander of the Survey Corps RESIDENCE. Wall Rose, Survey Corps Barracks
HEIGHT. 6'2" (188 cm) WEIGHT. 203 lbs (92 kg) HAIR. Blonde EYES. Blue BUILD. Mesomorph, athletic, built OTHER. Missing his right arm (Clash of the Titans arc)
ZODIAC. Libra MBTI. ENTJ-A (Commander) ENNEAGRAM. Type 8 (The Challenger) ALIGNMENT. Chaotic Good
LEVI ACKERMANN. @spatzenn (subordinate → complicated → lovers) / main.
Playlist. Study. Pinterest board.
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Devil of necessity, larger than life – a beacon thousands follow. He's more than a man, or perhaps less. And yet, Erwin Smith – mighty thirteenth Commander – was once human. Human, with light in his eyes, with far-flung dreams, with burning desire to seek truth. Truth took his father, left eyes dimmer. He would wander – ever-seeking, ever-searching. Truth took many things, ripping connections from hands that grew more calloused; truth left despair in its shadowy wake. But his search never ceased, never slowed. The higher he climbed in the ranks of the Survey Corps, the more eyes dimmed, the more soul warped. But he grew stronger – tactful, efficient. A strategist.
And ever the strategist, Erwin became skilled in drawing people in. Natural propensity fueled by fight for truth – many would begin to revere him. And it seemed a natural role for him – Squad Leader, slowly lifted onto a pedestal, yet eyes always remained trained forward. Icy blue stare would bore past those who looked to him, look onto horizons in search of his next move, his next step forward.
Until, of course, that icy gaze of his found itself locking onto another. There's fight in his eyes; familiar intensity bores into his own. This Levi – he seeks something, too. Perhaps he would find it in Erwin's ever-mangling soul. And so he rose from the world below, if only to follow Erwin into hell.
And to hell he would go, there was no question. His soul would continue to twist, heart would harden. The Survey Corps needed a devil, and a devil he would become. Erwin rose to the top of the ranks, and was bestowed with the mantle of Commander. Heavy was the burden, lives of thousands in his hands. And his search for truth never once slowed. It was a steady march forward – for humanity, for the good of all.
High above, a figurehead – Erwin Smith was a bird of prey, and Levi, sparrow, soared alongside him. Blades drawn, heart dedicated, forever given to his search for truth.
Was truth unlocked with a key? Was it chained up in a room, a cellar? It would be fitting, really; shadowy truth – sought by the devil himself, lodged deep underground. What do you see here? What do you think the enemy is? The question remained loud, above hellish screams, blood shed, lives lost. He would lead thousands to hell, turn them to fodder, to answer that very question.
Truth bared its teeth – shred his limb, yet the Commander continued his charge. Humanity was on borrowed time, and Erwin wagered with fate. Commander wagered with sins, with blood. Dimmed, devilish eyes still held his dream. That search birthed by the human he once was clutched in demonic grasp; he would ride into hell for the answer, for humanity. He would command others to do the same. They would listen. They would die for this wager with fate. Strategist, calculated – chessboard lived, breathed, bled. And he would charge forward with meticulous, purposeful strides. He was the King, adorned with flesh and bone like bloodied robes; he was the vital piece, crown placed upon his head by souls sacrificed.
The devil of necessity was once human. And, though one shan't tell a soul, he still is. He stands upon a mountain of corpses, fallen comrades, bathes in blood and tears; and it chews away at him. The souls of many tear, claw at him. Shall you let us die in vain? Where is your truth, mighty Commander?
Where is his truth? Ah. Truth – as it took all things – would take him, too. Give up on your dream and die; an order – a choice made for him. Sparrow perched, talons loosened devil's grip on the souls of thousands, sharing that burden. Lead the recruits straight to hell.
Commander Erwin Smith, Devil of Necessity, would make one last charge. Straight to hell. Truth – wretched, beautiful thing. He would not hold it in his hands. Mangled remnants of a man would find themselves in the arms of the one that commanded his gaze all those years ago. A devil, in the arms of humanity's pinnacle. This devil, this mutilated soul – chained, shackled, damned to search for truth, to wager with blood that was not his own. Truth imprisoned him, but humanity set him free.
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wortverlust · 3 years
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okay...I'm sorry. It just popped in my head!!! urgh
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blaaart · 4 years
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weirdagnes · 4 years
SNK x Haikyuu!! (part 2)
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The volleyball team of Paradis High in Eldia Prefecture!
Their uniform is Karasuno's, and if it's colored, it'll either be the s4 Survey Corps uniform (black), or the Survey Corps' insignia palette (navy blue and white). Yeah the little patch on their right chest is supposed to be Survey Corps insignia but it's too detailed to draw it that small on paper.
Paradis' specialty would probably be teamwork, communication, sheer will and counter attacking.
Their libero Levi is extremely agile, flexible and quick in receiving. Similarly, Mikasa is also quick on her feet and spikes perfectly. She is one of the top aces in Eldia. Armin is a smart setter and he's one of their biggest advantage. Sasha has good instincts and reflexes as a spiker, and as a pinch server, she misses often when she's nervous but when confident, she serves well.
Paradis often lose the first rounds, until Armin and Erwin finished observing and understands their opponents, and plans during a time-out (usually turns the tables afterwards).
Paradis' players are often injured for some reason (lol)
Levi sprained his ankle many times, Mikasa got seriously hit in the head by one of Eren's serves, Marlo and Marco got hit in both right eyes by opponent spikers at some point (by Zeke and Annie respectively). Even though they'd get injured a lot though, Liberio is both amazed and exasperated by their will and determination to win.
[Part 1/Part 3]
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ponury-grajek · 1 year
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rat man and monke man, what a beautiful combination
(pic without the censorship can be seen on my Patreon)
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emilyirvineart · 3 years
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formal occasion
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bobaa-bunnyy · 2 years
lip gloss
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stardust-ti · 3 years
I was sketching and got out of hand and now this exists.
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