ariadneamare · 1 year
OK so, since everyone's feeling so angsty, how about Hange and Levi get into an argument that like slowly ends up in them like throwing chairs at each other, but levi accidentally injures her, with a hurt/comfort ending ofc 🤭
The connection between Levi Ackerman and Hanji Zoe had been going strong for some time.
Neither confessed, but they both felt that there was something between them. Levi would often come down to her lab, and bring food. He would check in on her from time to time, and he was more protective during missions outside the walls.
Levi's initial jealousy stemmed from Hanji's time spent with an acquaintance. He attempted to conceal his emotions, but Hanji still felt something wasn't right. When she inquired as to his well-being, he responded angrily.
“Levi,” Hanji spoke softly, “you seem tense.” 
“Just lack of sleep.” The soldier answered sternly. 
“Are you su-” 
“You and Cory, huh?” He said sternly, a hint of sarcasm in his tongue. 
The candor caught Hanji off guard. "What do you mean by that, Levi?” 
“You seem to like him,” he continued. “He’s good for you.” 
“Stop that.” 
“Tch. I see you two sitting beside each other every meal, and I see how he looks at you,” he argues. 
“We’re friends, he’s a colleague.”
But Levi's envy prevented him from paying attention. 
“Bullshit,” he scoffed.
They were in the midst of an angry debate before either of them realized what had happened.
She could not believe that he refused to believe her. Him of all people. 
Hanji was never the type to play around. 
Did he really think she was that type of person?
Hanji has been having a really bad week, with her experiments not going the way she wanted, and the upcoming missions she have to prepare for. Levi being condescending instead of confronting her properly was the cherry on top. 
The brunette’s patience was wearing thin. 
“At this point, you could just announce your marriage.” That snapped Hanji, it ticked the time bomb in her head. 
“Oh, you’re so petty!” A book flew across the room. 
“Now I am petty?” His voice rose an octave. “I am not the one flirting with other people! I have been so patient with you. I ignored it because I trusted you.” 
Levi was too busy rambling that he did not hear the footsteps approaching him.
His best efforts to maintain composure were ultimately foiled by his rage. In his anger, he tipped over a table without noticing that Hanji was standing dangerously near.
Hanji collapsed to the floor, screaming in pain and clutching her ribs after the table had struck her in the side.
Levi turned his head so fast, he heard it click. His anger transformed into worry as he hurried to her side, cradling her gently.
“Are you okay? Where does it hurt?” His voice cracked as he said, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."
Although Hanji was in agony, she could read regret in Levi's expression. She had faith that he had intended no harm. 
"Calm down, I know you didn't mean it," she said to him. “No broken bones, I am okay.”
But Levi was not an easy person to console. He hated himself for doing harm to the one he cared about most. 
“No, no it is not okay.” 
“Levi, please, it is okay.” 
“No, it is not.” He finalized. “I cannot let my anger get the best of me, especially when it comes to you.”
“You are an enigma, Levi Ackerman.” 
“I care about you deeply,” he announced. “People call me Humanity’s strongest soldier, and I have this sense of duty to that. I cannot show them that I am anything but strong.” 
There was a pause in the air. Hanji does not reply. She gives him a moment to gather his thoughts. 
“But with you,” he begins again. “I can be anything.” Levi sighs heavily, leaning forward and letting his forehead rest against hers. “You are my rest.” 
“You could’ve easily said ‘I am in love with you, Hanji Zoe’.” She jokes, lowering her voice to immitate his. 
“Is this your way to break the ice?” 
“Yes,” she laughs. 
She laughs and he is okay. He holds her a little bit tighter, and they relish in each other’s presence.
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hange: *kneels in one knee*
levi: oh my god it’s finally happening
hange: *ties their shoe*
levi: shitty glasses stopped wearing crocs
I'm just now getting to this omg! absolutely, 100% accurate
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dannanina · 1 year
Drabble LeviHan
“Alguien te cuida”
Hange ve una última esperanza en el gris de sus iris y los latidos de su corazón...
(Historia de mi autoría)
Su cuerpo se sentía pesado, muy pesado, y no precisamente porque estuviera empapada de pies a cabeza, quizás era el cansancio que le producía el estrés al que la habían sometido desde hace unas horas.
Desde hacía tres años realmente, pero eso carecía de importancia ahora mismo.
Sus dedos se aferraban con delicadeza a las piernas de Levi que estaban posadas a los costados de su cintura mientras sus brazos colgaban del hueco entre su cuello y sus hombros.
Seguía inconsciente mientras ella caminaba con dificultad con él en su espalda y le repetía una y otra vez “Estoy contigo, nadie podrá lastimarte. Te protegeré.” y a la vez trataba inútilmente de convencerse que todo estaría bien. ¡Mierda!, Nada estaba bien, ahora todo se había ido al carajo y en la amargura del momento solo podía sentir las lágrimas surcando su mejilla y empapando sus labios con su salado sabor. Sus piernas estaban a punto de ceder al cansancio y su respiración entrecortada amenazaba con hacerla hiperventilar en cualquier momento, pero aún en la profundidad de su agonía podía sentirlo, aún en su sueño, ceñirse a su cuerpo, sujetándose débilmente y buscando desesperado su calor. Su corazón dió un vuelco al sentirlo ahí, tan frágil y tan vulnerable, queria acariciar su rostro, curar sus heridas y quedarse a su lado.
Quería pensar que la guerra no existía, mandar todo eso a segundo plano y escapar con él, eliminar cualquier rastro de que alguna vez existieron, que frente al mundo ellos solo fueran unos cadáveres desaparecidos, y egoístamente conformarse con una cabaña en el bosque donde estuviera Levi. Su Levi.
Depósito su cuerpo en la hierba fresca y se aferró a él cuál madre con su criatura en brazos, lo quería proteger, quería pensar que las alas de la humanidad los protegían pero ahora el mundo se había puesto en su contra, las murallas de pronto se habían hecho diminutas y ya no quedaba espacio para dos amantes que soñaban con encontrarse una y otra vez en el vasto mundo exterior.
Todo parecía voltearse de repente y entonces los cantos del ayer se volvieron fúnebres y las risas se volvieron llanto, el cielo teñido de un hermosos azul no era más que un cielorraso y de pronto la ilusión de un nuevo comienzo se consumió junto a sus corazones consagrados.
Pero entre los matices grises que decoraban esa tarde de septiembre también había un Levi cuyo corazón latía y una Hange que estaría a su lado siempre.
Ella juró protegerlo y él entre la obscuridad de sus párpados cerrados le juró que no importaba cuando ni cómo, siempre se volverían a encontrar.
Hello! Es mi primera publicación en esta cuenta LeviHan. Quería empezar con lo que mejor se me da, escribir. Así que nada, espero no haberlos decepcionado un poco 🤭
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djmarinizelablog · 2 years
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Free-Falling, a Levihan fanfic, is now on Wattpad!
Link here (English).
Link here for the Spanish translation by makiryn aka @love-is-our-resistances
Skydiver and tea shop owner Levi Ackerman meets the town's resident mad scientist and tries to convince himself that he's not falling for her. 
[Cross-posted from ao3. Cover by Jill or @jumpinguptothesky.]
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hangenious0 · 2 years
Happy birthday @tundrainafrica
I remember coming across 3rd chapter of "A Tale of two Slaves" when I just got into Levihan. I read it until early morning and oh, it was so satisfying.
And later, I got to meet you in the server and discovered that in addition to being a wonderful writer, you have increadible sense of humour, wide range of interests and best discussion topics.
Wish you all the best, Sav. Hope you like this art inspired by " Coast Lights", one of my favourite fics.
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phantomstar104 · 3 years
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a redraw from my very first aot fanart. 
but a bit of a modern AU inspired by Bones. Levi as a detective and Hanji a medical examiner. 
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spitfire101 · 3 years
Incorrect Attack On Titan Quotes
Erwin: I can’t believe you and Levi broke the bed last night!
Moblit: Yeah, what were you even doing?
Hanji: Um….
[Last night]
Hanji: I bet you can’t jump high enough to touch the ceiling.
Levi: Try me.
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keikojune · 2 years
THANK YOU @dokashibichan (dtiys #doka100k only on instagram tho so if you have insta and you ship levihan, this is the best opportunity to show some love this wonderful ship, fanfiction are also accepted) AMAZING DTIYS I LOVE UU 
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DETAILS <3 <3 <3
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dokashibichan · 3 years
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Wild Levi
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nathaliacroft · 2 years
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Lara [English Translation] - Chapter 5 - Responsibility (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1180543178-lara-english-translation-chapter-5-responsibility?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=NathaliaPBarbosa&wp_originator=4KevSG31iZbK%2BU%2BhAmBjmLcQ8y4jpMEdKi4XVwgy4n2iKNmv%2FvbrYTvhCHVyh6NggapUg7TJN7JG8Jm6nl5JAQsMBXf%2BiIp9FiBweS14Th5HNfsmdT%2FDlKTdoZbhQ2db Follow Lara's journey, an orphan girl of just ten years old, who joins the Survey Corps. Having Levi Ackerman and Hange Zoë as her tutors, her life takes on a new meaning as the relationship with these two soldiers grows. And, as time goes by, she discovers new friendships with the cadets of the 104th Training Corps, especially from Armin Arlert. - Complete reinterpretation/rewrite of Attack on Titan.
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lunayakamoto · 2 years
Another LeviHan story I'm looking forward to! Art isn't mine, but the story itself is!
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ariadneamare · 1 year
idk if you're still taking requests but a conversation I had with a friend yesterday resulted in a prompt "what if eren straight up strangled hange at the prison cell" (with a side of protective levi cause he saw the bruises)
Hanji Zoe strode into the dimly lit room, searching for Eren's cell. 
Hanji's voice was scarcely above a whisper as she greeted Eren. "I wanted to have a word with you."
Eren Jaeger sat on the uncomfortable mattress, staring intently at the ground. Hanji observed how tense his muscles were and how his hands were balled at his sides.
Eren inquired, his tone bitter, "What do you want?"
Hanji approached them with the intention of closing the distance. "I just wanted to check up on you," she said. "And maybe...discuss some matters with you."
Eren's irises blazed with rage as his head jerked up. "I was betrayed," he sputtered angrily. 
Hanji exhaled, anticipating the challenge of what was about to be discussed. “It was a tough decision,” she told Eren. “We had no other choice, you were a danger to society.”
Eren's pupils shrank. He hissed at her, "You're all cowards. The reality was too much for you to bear, so you put me in jail.”
Hanji advanced further, her hand still extended in a conciliatory motion. "Eren, can we talk about this for a second?"
Before Hanji could complete her thought, Eren pounced, his arms wrapping around Hanji's neck. She heaved a sigh of relief and struggled to free her wrists from Eren's hold, but he was too powerful.
Hearing the disturbance inside, Levi, who was patiently waiting outside, rushed in with his knives drawn. 
When he saw Eren strangling Hanji, he acted immediately.
“Let her go, Jaeger” he screamed. Opening the cell door, he aggresively pulled Eren’s hands off Hanji and tackled him to the ground.
Eren retaliated with everything in him, but Levi was too swift and strong for him. With his blade at Eren's neck, he managed to pin him down.
Levi growled, "You son of a bitch."
Eren's eyes were wide with anger as he glared up at Levi. He hissed, "You don't understand. For the sake of mankind, I had no choice."
Levi's hand clenched around the knife. "I don't give a damn about your excuses," he berated. “You put your fucking hands on Hanji.”
Levi didn't recoil as Eren spat in his face. 
Silence washed over the two. 
Hanji coughed in the background, bringing Levi back to reality. He drowned in anger that he did not notice Hanji on the ground, coughing and heaving. 
For a second, Levi listened to Hanji breathe heavily. Making sure she was okay.  
And then he threw a punch at Eren. Hanji let out another labored breath. Another punch at Eren. 
Despite Eren's grunts, Levi continued. He continued to throw heavy punches, repeatedly striking Eren until the latter was a gory mess on the floor.
Hanji, who had finally recovered, gasped as she saw Levi launch an assault on Eren. Though she understood that he meant well, the constant threats of violence were too much for her to endure.
Her voice trembled as she pleaded, “Levi, stop!”
Levi paused, his gaze darting to Hanji's bruised neck. Realizing he had allowed his temper to get the better of him, a wave of regret washed over him. He grabbed Eren by his collar, and threw him to the wall. 
Walking out, and locking the cell. Levi offered his hand to Hanji. 
“That was a warning, Jaeger.” The soldier spoke, guiding Hanji out the room. 
The two walked in silence until they reached Hanji’s office. Levi gently ushered the brunette to sit. 
“I lost it,” Levi admitted. 
“Yes,” Hanji said sternly. “That was so irresponsible of you.” 
Levi hung his head low, avoiding her gaze. He did not want to see the disappointment plastered on Hanji’s face. 
The scientist raised his head with both her warm hands, “thank you. I understand you were looking out for me.” 
Levi looked up at her eyes, feeling warmth surge through his body. He trailed his eyes down to her neck, seeing the bruises. Levi felt the hairs on his skin stand. God, did he want to hurt Eren even more badly with it. If anyone else were to ever lay their hands on Hanji like that again, heaven forbid Levi go into a frenzy.
 Every nerve in his body craved nothing but her safety and happiness.
 She was like morphine to him. 
“No one can hurt you for as long as I am here,” he promised. 
Hanji chuckled, “I have Humanity’s strongest soldier protecting me?” She caressed his cheek, “I must have done something so good in my past life to deserve you.” 
He traced her face like constellations with his eyes.
 He must save humanity in this life to deserve another life with her.
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Hange: I used to wonder why it was hard for some people to accept constructive criticism, but when I'm the one receiving it, my feelings are hurt :( Levi: all I said was wearing family guy socks with your crocs may not be the best fashion choice. Hange: oh yeah? what shoes your mom got on? hm? what's she wearing in that casket?
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such-a-downer · 4 years
Here's more to feed you, levihans!
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hangenious0 · 3 years
Had a strong urge to draw Levihan wallpaper and here it is
Please someone teach me how to draw flowers 😂
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phantomstar104 · 3 years
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LeviHan Bones
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