#Liberation from fear
yashley · 8 months
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Did she keep you trapped?
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homophyte · 6 months
its an episode about the many ways morty fears rick.
its about being afraid of rick and being afraid of his sadness and his callousness and his power. its about morty knowing the power rick has over him and being afraid of that. and knowing that ricks decisions are fickle and often Bad and that morty is going to be beholden to them. when rick jumps morty is forced to follow after and pay the same price for no crime. and the fear that for his loyalty and obedience there is no reward . Morty Is Afraid Of Being A Dog.
if rick is in a simulation where hes given everything he wants and hes too selfish and cowardly to leave when it threatens his life, morty will have to die with him.
if rick is in a simulation where he has the option of pretending nothing is wrong and everything is fine and hes too selfish and cowardly to admit its a lie even when it threatens his life, morty will have to die with him.
if rick is forced to admit he cares for morty or die he would die before saying it. and morty knows it. and Im Going Crazy
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it does something incomprehensible to my little writer’s soul whenever alex articulates a phenomenon of the writing process i’ve always picked up on and then goes on to describe it in exactly the same way
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was meaning to write a serious and thoughtful meta on this shot as the show's first use of metatextual framing (a story within a story) linking its premise to the war movie as a genre (the show as a fascist gothic work) but yknow what. scratch all of that lmao. the only thought that matters is: the moment you really start thinking about the show as a reactionary post 9/11 power fantasy, you can't stop.
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metamatar · 4 months
when I engage with white people sometimes in the pnw, in a liberal university etc they're kind of afraid of making jokes or even really expressing any opinions about our cultural differences that are not like adoringly positive bc they are afraid of being accused of racism, and personally I delight in that and do nothing to ease their fear. It makes it less likely for them to actually be racist and I paid a lot of visa fees to get here. a lot of international grad students, esp south asians will ease them, like omg I'm not like those people, I don't mind and the those people being imagined there is I think a stereotype borne out of anti blackness.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The normalization of misogyny to the point that you are expected to self-censor/censor anything related to what people think of as "women's health" is so fucking infuriating.
Like, not only is it infantilizing as hell to be forced to couch everything you say in ~flowery, feminine language~ it also fucks up people's perspective about what healthcare for women* looks like. Suddenly, the only part of women's healthcare that matters isn't related to the woman, it's related to how she can be a woman of Good Breeding.
Women's healthcare matters - not because it might affect if they can be barefoot and pregnant but because these women are people. Women are inseparable from humanity.
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earthytzipi · 7 months
for people to say that young Jewish people breaking down out of fear (even fear that's not justified) is the same thing as white tears is despicable. did you all fucking forget about the Holocaust? why do you think a young Jewish person who's been told Zionism is the answer to antisemitism their whole life and that Hamas wants to kill them might react with fear? just use your fucking brains for One Singular Minute.
the answer to Zionism in Jewish communities is not the same as the answer to racism. telling Jewish Zionist people, who have been raised around people who suffered a genocide, who have this severe intergenerational trauma within living memory, that they are the same as a random white Christian American when they have a trauma response to something they've been told is an existential threat is not fucking helpful. in fact, it's only going to cement their Zionism.
do you actually want to eradicate Zionism in Jewish communities? start by acknowledging that antisemitism is real, still happening, and deadly. until you can do that, most Jewish Zionists are not going to be receptive to you. if you can't do that, I suggest leaving that work to Jewish antizionists and devoting your energy to political actions that will help Palestine, like calling your reps, protesting, and continuing to raise awareness about the situation on the ground there.
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kenobihater · 4 months
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i now have a 122 mm astarion figure to paint!!!!!! ibuprofen for scale :^)
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locrianking · 8 months
am yisrael fucking chai.
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fiapple · 4 months
repeat after me: if you are the descendent of colonizers living on stolen land, you do not get to judge the methods of decolonial resistance movements.
#this isn’t in relation to the last reblog itself it just reminded me of something#thoughts#sarahofmagdelene has some good shorts about this on insta though#like specifically abt how it relates to white feminism + patriarchal notions of (white) womanhood#the skinny of it being that white women tend to impose the standards of white womenhood laid out by white patriarchy onto those who they ar#*womanhood#(​sorry all over the place today)#complicit in the oppression of with the added specifically racialized view of violent resistance through the lens of various savage tropes#have to get a copy of her book after the strike tbh#but yeah i think a lot about this in congruence with how authoritarianism is such a deeply engrained aspect of whiteness & how that itself#contributes to the attitudes being discussed here being so prevalent even among my fellow white people who consider themselves leftist or#progressive (& how that relates to how many white people are liberals/neoliberals posing as being farther left than they are)#but if we were to relate this specifically to the last reblog i would like to point out that another part of that is the whiteness frames#good & bad as an immutable either/or binary & the way super fucked up notions of purity play into whiteness#which (not an excuse absolutely not acting like this is still 100000% white supremacist at its core) is what leads my fellow white people t#be so fearful of having current or past wrong doings pointed out as such & why so many are more concerned with being seen as racist than w#the actual racism they perpetuate/garner privilege from#because that means being horrible with no chance of change (thoug oppressed ppl do 100% hold the right to view their oppressors as such#the white guilt this often leads to when self imposed is what leads to attitudes like the article from the last post describes)#(& so the difference of perspective in the oppressed feeling that way & the oppressor using it to self flagellate is v important here)#& all of this is ultimately rooted in the carcerality inherent to whiteness as a social construct#both in terms of the far worse tangible violence imposed upon poc (particularly black people & fn ppl here in canada) & the carceral view o#morality white “culture” imposes upon those white people who are unwilling to fully do the work to divest from whiteness#hope this is coherent#also if any of this is out of line plz lmk#but basically to cut to the chase power (& as a result empowerment of the oppressed) viewed through the lens whiteness has set for it will#always be fucked up & lead to completely racist conclusions about liberation movements for poc#& the reason i mention this in relation to decolonial movements specifically is due to whiteness being an inherently colonial construct it’#*itself#racism
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worsehaircut · 26 days
the rest of the world watching the lead up to the US election and the arguments surrounding it:
wait, that just sounds like a fascist dictatorship with extra steps!
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streakoflavender · 7 months
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ronithesnail · 1 year
I may have crippling social anxiety but at the end of the day I’m still a goddamn Leo.
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Currently resisting the urge to blackmail my father into therapy
#At this point I’ve almost said “well if you don’t talk about your Jehovah’s Witness trauma with someone; I will#because yours is directly related to mine due to having vented on me about it since I was six”#I’ve almost said it ten times within the past hour#exjw#And this is the congregation he thought was our family’s eternal salvation from my apostacy. Ha!#“Jehovah is guiding us here” Jehovah didn’t do shit for you except give you PTSD-induced gout and kidney stones; come off it#Get out of her my people#I’m not even sorry for him. What the elders said to him wasn’t his fault; but he 100% got himself into this mess#for my benefit (to strike the fear of god into his disgusting homosexual sinning boygirl daughter with raging hormones)#And his homophobic rant he went on… please just call me a faggot#I’m having it out with him before I go for no other reason but my own satisfaction#ex cult#”I can’t talk to a worldly therapist because they won’t want to worship Jehovah when someone preaches to them”#Why — pray tell — will they react in that way? Because it’s a cult#Cult: spelled “C-U-L-T.” You didn’t listen to the content of my diaries (which you read against my will) and now you’re suffering#Play stupid games win stupid prizes#He’s the most traumatized out of the two of us as a direct result of him trying to “fix” me…#also because I don’t keep touching a hot stove after it burns me. JWs are a toxic cult; so I no longer believe them#My mental health is better as a result#I have worldly comfort media and I swear liberally (which is proven to soothe physical pain)#I’ve accepted myself as queer. I’ve accepted my dark tastes in music and media.#I’ve started doing something with my life to get out ASAP.#Life isn’t good but it’s gotten better once I changed my mindset and stopped being a close-minded homophobic asshole#Just because a couple gay guys were creepy towards you doesn’t mean they’re all like that#Straight guys have been creepy towards me and I never said I wished death upon all straight men#A creep is a creep is a creep; sexuality doesn’t make you a creep — being creepy makes you a creep
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murobrown · 11 months
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uniteds · 2 years
catholic guilt and evangelical conservatism aren’t the same thing
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