#Lidewij Edelkoort
omagazineparis · 5 months
Anti_Fashion Project ou le renouveau de la mode
Depuis presque 10 ans maintenant, ce qu’on appelle “économie responsable” est sur toutes les bouches. Inertie de l’industrie de la mode oblige, ces acteurs ne sont passés à l’action qu’en 2015, grâce au manifeste de la célèbre prévisionniste de tendances néerlandaise ; Lidewij Edelkoort. Focus sur ce projet qui dessine déjà l’avenir de la mode… Genèse du projet : Lidewij Edelkoort Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas Lidewij Edelkoort, c’est un peu la Madame Irma de la mode. C’est elle qui prédit les tendances depuis près de 40 ans. Celle que l’on surnomme “la Pythie de l’industrie”, est connue pour son bureau des tendances parisien “Trend Union” ainsi que ses studios d’études éponymes présents à l’étranger. 2015 signe le début d’une nouvelle ère : la fashion prophète publie le manifeste “Anti_Fashion Project” comme réponse à une industrie dépassée. Anti-Fashion Project, kezako ? Bien plus qu’un projet visant à rendre l’industrie de la mode responsable, Anti_Fashion Project, c’est surtout une plateforme participative où idées, initiatives et réflexions s'entremêlent. Le but étant de créer et nourrir une nouvelle industrie de mode transparente avec en bonus l'aspect collaboratif. Le projet se concrétise grâce à des workshops, des rencontres mais également un programme de mentoring destiné aux jeunes de quartiers populaires. Le plus ? Que vous soyez étudiants, salariés, ou même sans activité, tous les acteurs de cette industrie, de l’industriel au consommateur, sont les bienvenus pour penser le futur de la mode ! Et en France, ça donne quoi ? Avec une carrière à la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture et la Fédération Française du Prêt-à-Porter (FFPAP) ainsi qu’à la Maison Méditerranéenne des Métiers de la Mode à Marseille (MMMM) en tant que consultante, Stéphanie Calvino est la porteuse du projet Anti_Fashion en France. Lassée de la passivité des fédérations de mode française, elle décide en 2016 de collaborer avec Lidewij Edelkoort. Le but ? Créer des actions concrètes autour du manifeste. En bref, les mots d’ordre sont le collectif et la transparence pour un système transversal gagnant ! A lire également : WildWild Paris, la mode made in Paris Prêts à devenir un allié anti-fashion ? Le projet qui s’est déjà arrêté à Roubaix, Marseille et prochainement New-York est gratuit ! De quoi réjouir les plus créatifs d’entre vous ! Sans mentionner la qualité des mentors : la célèbre écrivain et journaliste de mode Sophie Fontanel ou encore  Katell Pouliquen, directrice de rédaction chez Marie Claire. Rien que ça ! Si vous avez suivi l’actualité de près pendant le confinement, vous avez sans doute entendu parler du projet ! En effet, une dizaine de jeunes auraient participé à la confection de masques pour la ville de Roubaix. On ne peut que saluer cette jolie initiative solidaire ! Anti tendances oui, mais loin d’être anti-mode ! Alors, envie de bousculer la face entière de cette industrie désuète ? Read the full article
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We return to the book in its original form, then, held in our hands to discover that the future of information and knowledge has always been right there on our shelves. It’s presented not as a nostalgic reference to the analog medium, but rather as a concrete necessity to univocally approach the organized content of a single creator with a coherent vision — without losing ourselves in arbitrary hypertexts, connections and links. Here, the exhibit emphasizes the importance of the book to reveal time and concentration as two concepts found only in certain contexts.
Lidewij Edelkoort Talks Books, Analog vs. Digital, and the Metaverse
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gsantorini · 2 years
Class of 22 - Mini Doc LabCria 2022
Em parceria com o Coletivo Cria, o Santa Catarina Moda e Cultura (SCMC) trouxe 10 estudantes com habilidades complementares e diferentes backgrounds, o que maximizou a diversidade, enriquecendo as trocas e, consequentemente, os resultados. Juntos, os estudantes desenvolveram uma coleção autoral que foi apresentada no evento Coletivo Cria, um movimento de vanguarda que busca impulsionar toda a industria da moda brasileira. Essa edição aconteceu na FAAP, em Sao Paulo, de 20 a 22 de Setembro e contou com curadoria de tendencias por Lilli Tedde (Lidewij Edelkoort Studio, New York N.Y) e Rodrigo Zen. Foram 3 dias de muita troca de informação e experiencias. --- Aos nossos mentores, Rodrigo Zen, Fernanda Rickmann e Lili Tedde, gostaria de agradecer a experiência única que foi viver esse projeto. Vocês realmente montaram um time único e muito especial. Aos meus 9 labamigos, que prazer que foi poder conhecer cada um de vocês. com certeza tínhamos muitas expectativas quanto ao labcria no âmbito acadêmico e profissional, mas nem nos meus melhores pensamentos eu poderia imaginar a conexão que desenvolveríamos entre nós. hoje eu não consigo imaginar outros protagonistas para essa história. dividir esse pedaço de vida com vocês foi muito especial e com certeza algo que ficará comigo para sempre. cada um de vocês me apresentou novos pensamentos, jeitos e visões. conversamos muito sobre tudo isso e ficou claro que existem somente dez pessoas no mundo que sabem exatamente como foi dividir essa história, e cara, que bom que somos nós. Obrigado por dividirem comigo momentos que me marcaram tanto. fomos e somos realmente um time. Cada um de vocês foi essencial para fazer esses meses um grande acontecimento. Obrigado pela troca, pelas risadas e choros compartilhados. Dez pessoas completamente diferentes falando em uma só língua, o nosso labdialeto. Com certeza a palavra coletivo ganhou um novo significado. Carrego comigo memórias lindas repletas de muitas trocas e conexões. hoje sou 9 vezes mais do que eu era no inicio. --- A ideia de registrar os momentos da viagem com uma câmera de mão aos poucos foi tomando forma, e na brincadeira, já tínhamos apelidado de "o doc". O que era para ser apenas um amontado de videos virou um memory film da conclusão de 5 meses de pesquisa, criação, estudo e muita conexão. "Class of 22" é um singelo presente de mim para esse momento lindo da minha -e nossas- vidas. Espero que ele mantenha acesa a chama de tudo que vivemos juntos. "[...] mesmo que a gente se separe por uns tempos ou quando você quiser lembrar de mim." --- Class of 22 Músicas: "Balada do amor inabalável" - Terno Rei, Skank "Boa noite São Paulo" - Mano Brown, William Magalhães, Lino Krizz "Seen it all" - Jake Bugg "Infinito (-1)" O Grillo Imagens: Video: Gabriel Santorini Arquivos de story: Gabriel Santorini e Gabriel Fronza Câmera analógica: Georgia Kuchler Lietz Produção: Rejected Tapes Direção e edição: Gabriel Santorini
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ideaimateria · 2 years
La Col·lecció és... una visió d'un arxiu ple d'associacions poètiques, noves visions i perspectives. Art i disseny reunits en una col·lecció. Lidewij Edelkoort: "Una revolució per als museus per portar aquests mons en un pla uniforme".
La col·lecció és... una exposició (i un catàleg) on ​​el disseny i l'art visual es mostren colze a colze i entaulen un diàleg. Amb escenaris canviants sobre la condició humana, el zeitgeist actual i el context social. Mostra com l'art i el disseny s'han apropat l'un a l'altre i com de poderosos poden formar un vincle. Com fins i tot es necessiten els uns als altres i ja no es poden distingir clarament els uns dels altres.
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garadinervi · 4 years
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Imaginings by Kiki van Eijk, Texts by Suzan Russeler, Lidewij Edelkoort, Marc Mulders, and Blaire Dessent, nai010 publishers, Rotterdam, 2020 [Exhibition: Imaginings, Dutch Design by Kiki van Eijk, TextielMuseum Tilburg, September 26, 2020 – September 12, 2021]
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fashionbooksmilano · 4 years
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A Labour of Love
Lidewij Edelkdoort & Philip Fimmano
Lecturis, Eindhoven 2020,  448 pages (English), hardcover, 17 x 24 x 5.2 cm, ISBN  978-9462263918
euro 60,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
With detailed profiles on over 70 creative studios in design, architecture, fashion and textiles, this highly visual publication is an educational reference and an inspirational guide for important materials and techniques in the years to come. Divided into 12 trend themes, this bold book introduces the new makers in contemporary design, previewing a future of responsible production, circular thinking, ethical practice and organic aesthetics. It offers insight into how designers are giving shape to materials and process, from reviving the loom and recycling waste to social inclusion and growing matter. Their conscious philosophies will change our world with careful and considered choices that can ultimately reconnect us to nature and guide us towards a better tomorrow. Beautifully-designed by Mariola López Mariño at Anthon Beeke Collectief in Amsterdam, at more than 5 centimetres thick, the book’s broad format and open spine binding embody the solid feel of a raw slab of industrial material. As Edelkoort observes “People know they need to slow down the pace of overconsumption and overproduction; otherwise our planet will be lost. The creative world gains insight and invents systems where values shift and design plays an activist role, developing ideas about sharing between designer and the worker, designer and the underprivileged, designer and the amateur, designer and the designer… This new era gives hope for other ways of perceiving what is considered success, renown and profit. Here, capital is strictly human.” Fimmano notes how “Suddenly the machine is no longer the antithesis of unbridled innovation but the handmaid of the designer; enabling, embellishing and advancing production. Man and machine finally merge and become one. Places for creating, sharing and manufacturing will become veritable cottage industries where the designer is at once the farmer, artisan and custodian of our earth, enamoured with all the phases and facets of the process. A labour of love.”
This publication accompanies the exhibition La Manufacture: A Labour of Love September 9- November 8 as part Lille Métropole 2020, World Design Capital
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emmaklee · 5 years
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Lidewij Edelkoort
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crazy4tank · 4 years
A new roaring twenties? What fashion can expect
New Post has been published on https://fashiondesigne.com/a-new-roaring-twenties-what-fashion-can-expect/
A new roaring twenties? What fashion can expect
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Caitlyn Terra
Monday, 15 February 2021
Trend forecasters Christine Boland and Lidewij Edelkoort have used the words ‘new roaring twenties’ to describe the particular coming trends and Belgian designer Raf Simons furthermore hinted at the possibility. If this can all be done securely, will people go crazy, or will they nevertheless keep a certain amount of decency the moment things reopen? And if therefore , what will this mean for that fashion industry?
Let’s return to the real ‘Roaring Twenties’, the particular decade of the 1920s which was also nicknamed the Jazz music Age. The world had simply ended World War We, then called The Great Battle, and the Spanish flu remaining more than 50 million fatalities worldwide. With a war plus a pandemic fresh in their thoughts, they wanted to celebrate existence again. It resulted in the particular (re)construction of an economy which usually resulted in enormous wealth meant for parts of society. Corsets had been put aside and women received plenty of room to move with all the necessary decorations. The 1920s is remembered by many being a time of glitz and glamor, but a lot more happened. The first time there was sportswear especially for ladies and bags were introduced within women’s clothing. Both advancements resulted in a series of freedoms which were suddenly acquired. The twenties of the twentieth century as a result signified a new time of freedom for part of society.
Roaring twenties 2 . 0
To life in 2021: Along with various approved vaccines as well as the start of the vaccination program, the entire world is starting to look just a little brighter. Although it remains to be seen just how great the impact from the pandemic has been on the economic climate, it is already clear that individuals are itching to go outdoors, eat, drink and celebration again. Not only is there corona fatigue, there also appears to be sweatpants fatigue. A stroll on Sunday has changed right into a ‘see and be seen’ trip with ladies in their greatest outfit. Anyone who goes to the particular supermarket puts on their greatest outfit just because they can. Individuals want to wear something good again but have no place to wear it.
This aggravation with the devastation comes as the counter-reaction that people will decorate again if the weather is achievable, according to trend forecaster Christine Boland during her web conferencing Soulful Solutions SS22. “When we can go to a restaurant or even go out again, you can rely on those high heels coming out of the particular closet. ” Trend forecaster Lidewij Edelkoort also views a roaring twenties taking place. “Having fun and celebrating lifetime will become very important when the climate is possible, ” she forecasts in her forecast ‘Blank Page’. Leading designer Raf Simons used the words ‘roaring twenties’ in an interview along with Belgian newspaper De Morgen. “If history repeats alone, and it happens more often, we have been now in the 1920s. And all know what the 1920s appeared as if: an explosion of style, going out, sex. It can obtain very exuberant. It can be alarmingly explosive. ” Fashion internet search engine Lyst also joins the particular ‘roaring twenties’ team. Following a year of sweatpants plus practical jackets, Lyst needs a return of extravagance plus daring in fashion, complete with vivid colors and decorations.
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Caroline Krouwels, director of Modefabriek, but also creative strategist, business owner and forecaster, indicates the fact that energy associated with the disappearance from the pandemic can certainly be compared to the ‘roaring twenties’, but it can also be associated with the liberated feeling associated with refer to the sixties. Overall, it will feel like ‘liberation day’, Krouwels told FashionUnited. “The fact is that we will decorate, that we will enjoy that minute for days and nights. That people will again experience the pleasure of really dressing to get a meeting, a party, an evening in the restaurant. The effect of this lockdown period will also mean that we are going to no longer completely get into the particular “suit” but that a mixture of convenience and elegance, comfort and ease and luxury with an androgynous and seductive aspect may arise. ”
“Dressing is all about who you are, who you are going to find, where you are, in which season, your feelings, but always about the correct combination, the silhouette as well as your personal preference. Fashion is a type of communication, an indication of times and gives an interpretation for your personality, ”adds Krouwels. “I wish everyone a new calendar year in which we will carefully display ourselves to each other again, may meet each other, we will feel the happiness of getting dressed once again and can celebrate the real connection with each other in beautiful clothes! ”
New roaring twenties: What does this mean to get fashion?
The explosion associated with color and decorations expected by Lyst, for example , is precisely in the vein of a brand new roaring twenties. However , the particular decade of the 2020s will appear slightly different from 1920. Whenever we rely on predictions for summertime 2022, the surreal plus sculptural trends that Boland spots lend themselves properly to the excesses. Think of suspended, almost fluid items that nevertheless look very sculptural. The particular botanical colors also match perfectly with this in huge and pronounced floral designs. Extravagance can of course suggest a lot. This could refer to the numerous decorations that could be seen in the particular 1920s, but it could also imply an explosion of colour that Lyst already forecasts. That extravagance, or ‘little puffs of pleasure’ since Edelkoort calls them, invariably is an extra layer on top of the fundamental collection of brands. “The simple collection is what they receive the money with and the puffs are for the pleasure from the designer and the customer, ” the trend forecaster predicts the particular change in the fashion program.
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Mainly because as outlined before, the particular 1920s also stood regarding freedom and more comfort. Within 2021 one cannot discard the corset again, however the skinny jeans can be burnt. What does this craving just for comfort that we have all skilled in 2020 mean? How can that affect the fashion from the 2020s?
Roaring twenties or even transitioning Twenties
In a phone conversation with FashionUnited, Boland goes into more detail concerning the prediction of the new roaring twenties and makes different comments. “There are several details going on at the same time. Yes, individuals have the need to dress up again and also a need for extravagance, but additionally, there are people who are very scared and can dress in items that protect all of them. ” Boland prefers in order to call the 2020s the particular ‘transitioning twenties’, with one particular side indeed the new ‘roaring twenties’, but on the other hand the ‘trembling twenties’.
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It is also vital that you note the need for extravagance. “That means something different for everyone. For just one this is an explosion of colour, for another this translates into ‘rich materials’ such as wool plus cashmere. And the virtualization that individuals are seeing now? “If you are talking about dressing using a nice top but sweatpants underneath, because we are just visible through the frame of the screen, we will soon end up being fed up with that. But comfort and ease remains important. Then it could be in super cool trousers that look beautiful, but additionally fit fantastic. Comfort is usually therefore taken to a higher degree. ”
Boland also shows that it is important not to instantly claim a decade. “We must not immediately assume that it will be a brand new roaring twenties like it was obviously a hundred years ago. They also left a war in addition to an outbreak. In addition , we have a completely various starting point. ” She furthermore indicates that, just like within 1920, there will be a level of society that can take pleasure in extreme extravagance, that will spend, but it will also continue to function very hard for a large group.
Roaring twenties, swinging 60s, or trembling twenties: It really is clear that enough is all about to happen. As much as people need crystal ball (When may we cuddle again, whenever can we go to a cafe again, when can huge weddings take place again? ) Everything indicates that one is usually ready for a change. Boland’s ‘transitioning twenties’ seems like the perfect phrase for the coming period. It’s not going to go back to the old days, yet what will the future bring? Only time can tell, so stay tuned…
This article has been originally published on FashionUnited. NL, translated and modified to English by Kelly Press.
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branda · 4 years
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Lidewij Edelkoort: Green Wave – Selvedge Magazine
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omagazineparis · 5 months
Anti_Fashion Project ou le renouveau de la mode
Depuis presque 10 ans maintenant, ce qu’on appelle “économie responsable” est sur toutes les bouches. Inertie de l’industrie de la mode oblige, ces acteurs ne sont passés à l’action qu’en 2015, grâce au manifeste de la célèbre prévisionniste de tendances néerlandaise ; Lidewij Edelkoort. Focus sur ce projet qui dessine déjà l’avenir de la mode… Genèse du projet : Lidewij Edelkoort Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas Lidewij Edelkoort, c’est un peu la Madame Irma de la mode. C’est elle qui prédit les tendances depuis près de 40 ans. Celle que l’on surnomme “la Pythie de l’industrie”, est connue pour son bureau des tendances parisien “Trend Union” ainsi que ses studios d’études éponymes présents à l’étranger. 2015 signe le début d’une nouvelle ère : la fashion prophète publie le manifeste “Anti_Fashion Project” comme réponse à une industrie dépassée. Anti-Fashion Project, kezako ? Bien plus qu’un projet visant à rendre l’industrie de la mode responsable, Anti_Fashion Project, c’est surtout une plateforme participative où idées, initiatives et réflexions s'entremêlent. Le but étant de créer et nourrir une nouvelle industrie de mode transparente avec en bonus l'aspect collaboratif. Le projet se concrétise grâce à des workshops, des rencontres mais également un programme de mentoring destiné aux jeunes de quartiers populaires. Le plus ? Que vous soyez étudiants, salariés, ou même sans activité, tous les acteurs de cette industrie, de l’industriel au consommateur, sont les bienvenus pour penser le futur de la mode ! Et en France, ça donne quoi ? Avec une carrière à la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture et la Fédération Française du Prêt-à-Porter (FFPAP) ainsi qu’à la Maison Méditerranéenne des Métiers de la Mode à Marseille (MMMM) en tant que consultante, Stéphanie Calvino est la porteuse du projet Anti_Fashion en France. Lassée de la passivité des fédérations de mode française, elle décide en 2016 de collaborer avec Lidewij Edelkoort. Le but ? Créer des actions concrètes autour du manifeste. En bref, les mots d’ordre sont le collectif et la transparence pour un système transversal gagnant ! A lire également : WildWild Paris, la mode made in Paris Prêts à devenir un allié anti-fashion ? Le projet qui s’est déjà arrêté à Roubaix, Marseille et prochainement New-York est gratuit ! De quoi réjouir les plus créatifs d’entre vous ! Sans mentionner la qualité des mentors : la célèbre écrivain et journaliste de mode Sophie Fontanel ou encore  Katell Pouliquen, directrice de rédaction chez Marie Claire. Rien que ça ! Si vous avez suivi l’actualité de près pendant le confinement, vous avez sans doute entendu parler du projet ! En effet, une dizaine de jeunes auraient participé à la confection de masques pour la ville de Roubaix. On ne peut que saluer cette jolie initiative solidaire ! Anti tendances oui, mais loin d’être anti-mode ! Alors, envie de bousculer la face entière de cette industrie désuète ? Read the full article
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arlindogrund · 4 years
Webinar :: Li Edelkoort discute tendências e o consumo pós-pandemia
Webinar :: Li Edelkoort discute tendências e o consumo pós-pandemia
Lidewij Edelkoort é uma das analistas de tendências mais famosa do mundo e juntamente com sua equipe ministra palestras sobre as previsões de tendências nas principais capitais do planeta. Devido à pandemia do coronavírus, a apresentação do brasil referente à temporada outono/inverno 2021-22 será online. 
No próximo dia 28 de maio, Li Edelkoort fará o webinar Stillness AW 2021-22, com…
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dailyblogwillemijn · 4 years
today I went back on working with the sewing machine.I made a top of an old bed sheet and then colored it myself using textile paint.I was very satisfied with the end result.a
t first i never thought i could do something like that.
I suddenly have all the time in the world, so I also spend more time learning new things.I am currently very focused on fashion and clothing and its craft.
I just watched an episode of Tegenlicht in which trend watcher Lidewij Edelkoort and psychologist Dirk de wachter tell about what they expect how we will continue when Corona is over.I found that they had a very interesting view on it and I can recognize meself in it.
Lidewij Edelkoort predicts that people will study more crafts in the future. She calls the time of the amateur. I was pleasantly surprised that she said that. especially now that I am also very interested in developing crafts myself.
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ideaimateria · 4 years
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Canvi climàtic
Economia circular
Economia circular
Economia circular labcccb
Economia circular CCCB
canvi climàtic
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http://www.monografica.org/01/ Medi ambient
Pure Gold - Upcycled! upgraded!  (procés de transformació de subproductes, residus, productes inútils o no desitjats en nous materials o productes de millor qualitat o amb un millor valor mediambiental).Tracta el tema dels residus i presenta propostes per a la reutilització del material ja processat com a matèria primera per a la creació d'objectes nous i d'alta qualitat. Els manifestos de disseny discuteixen sobre el maneig de residus i materials barats i demostren que el upcycling no és ni un mode de producció inferior ni un projecte de nínxol ecològic o una estratègia “postmoderna” específica, sinó un concepte de disseny contemporani adoptat a tot el món. L'exposició Pure Gold - Upcycled! Organitzada per l'Institut de Relacions Culturals Exteriors proporciona per primera vegada una visió general dels mètodes de fabricació i disseny experimental i, per tant, contribueix a transmetre aquest flux de disseny global actual a un públic ampli.
PAAN Saruta Kiatparkpoom, THA, 2012
en relació aquí:
Idees pel vostre vídeo
Plat Institute es una plataforma creativa que a través de la investigación y el desarrollo, la innovación y la educación, aborda los problemas alimentarios que enfrentará la humanidad de cara al futuro. ¡Donde profesionales y entusiastas de la comida se unen para aprender, descubrir, crear y prototipar el futuro de la gastronomía! Creado por Estruc24.
Disseny especulatiu
Futur 2050
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garadinervi · 6 years
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Esther Cleven, Looking with Anthon (pdf here), in Lidewij Edelkoort, Anthon Beeke. It’s a Miracle!, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam, 2013, pp. 418-436
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Issey Miyake   A View on Colour Special 13
View on Colour
Anthon Beeke, Lidewij Edelkoort
United Publishers Paris 1990, 32 pages, 24 x 31 cm, paperback, ISBN 9771243401008
euro 65,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Issey Miyake was one of the first designers View on Colour ever interviewed, back in October 1993 for our third issue. Five years later, on the occasion of his 60th birthday and his personal show at the Fondation Cartier in Paris, we are proud to feature him again with our thirteenth issue. Thirteen is a special number for Mr.Miyake, as the characters for “Issey” mean “one life” and those for Miyake mean “three houses2 - thus “I” and “Mi” together make 13, a very lucky number indeed.
A poem of paper and cardboard
Our homage to Issey’s 35 years of creation feauturing paper dresses that outline a few of his major contributions to designs
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craft2eu · 4 years
Li Edelkoort - WORLD OF HOPE Manifesto: zur Eröffnung des Virtual Design Festivals 15. 04. bis 20.06.2020
Li Edelkoort – WORLD OF HOPE Manifesto: zur Eröffnung des Virtual Design Festivals 15. 04. bis 20.06.2020
Da mein Beitrag über das Interview mit Li Edelkoort über “das Zeitalter der Amateure” (30.03. 2020) auf so überwältigendes Interesse hier auf dem Blog gestossen ist – und das originale Interview auf DEZEEN viral ging, wie man das heute so nennt – möchte ich nun einen weiteren Hinweis geben. Weil ich glaube, dass uns allen so viel kreativer Optimismus sehr gut tut und uns nachdenklich und…
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