#Light Sides
grey0-0 · 5 months
My Roman Empire is the sides and Thomas’s reactions after Janus got slapped
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touyubesposts · 1 year
My Sander Sides Enlightment
You know what’s always kinda bothered me? Those mean takes on the other sides. Like ‘Janus is manipulating Patton and isn’t actually trying to be friends with him,’ ‘Patton has too much moral superiority,’ ‘Roman never learns,’ So on and so forth. There is something bad to say about all the sides. No hate to anyone who's made one, you are valid and probably right in your own way. I think the only reason they bother me so much is because you can easily say the opposite. The most common phrase being ‘Nobody listens to ____’
“Nobody listens to Patton! He was trying to show the others that Virgil was good all along and only when Virgil was gone did they listen.”
“Nobody listens to Logan! He gets ignored constantly and he’s getting mad because of it.”
“Nobody listens to Roman! Every time he comes up with a solution, he gets shut down only to get blamed for not coming up with a solution.”
“Nobody listens to Virgil! He only gets listened to when he forces Thomas to hear him, and he doesn’t like doing that.”
“Nobody listens to Janus! Even when he has good ideas and arguments, they get pushed to the side because he is a dark side.”
“Nobody listens to Remus! That was the entire point of an episode. And all he wants is to be listened to, it doesn’t matter who.”
And all of these are valid points. But at some point, you have to wonder who’s not listening the most. Which is how I think the criticism posts of the characters came to be in the first place. But I don’t think any of them are to blame. Even when this new side gets revealed, it won’t be his fault either. The fault isn’t on Roman, or Logan, or Janus, or any of them.
It's on Thomas.
And of course I don’t mean ‘Writer Thomas,’ I mean ‘Character Thomas.’ Throughout the series, Thomas has always held himself high. You can’t be perfect, but you can try to be. And every time a situation comes up, he doubts himself, wondering if he’s even any good at all.
And in comes the sides, telling him that he can’t be bad and here's why. In fact, Thomas won’t let himself be bad at anything. Can’t be a bad worker, can’t be a bad actor or singer, and certainly can’t be a bad friend. Even in situations where he wouldn’t even be those things, he can’t even let himself risk it.
And so, the sides follow suit.
Logan becomes the perfect person for knowledge and learning, never letting himself be anything less than right all the time.
Roman strives to be perfect physically and materialistically, coming up with creative ideas that help Thomas move up in the world or, at the very least, make himself feel better.
Patton is the perfectly moral person. Make sure everyone is alright, help whenever and wherever you can, and always keep a smile on. Wouldn’t want anyone worrying for you, right? That wouldn’t be good.
Virgil is the perfect alarm system. Even false alarms are taken with the utmost seriousness. Just as long as no one else knows your anxious.
Janus is a deceiver. And Thomas lies often. So he needs to be the best at putting on a face and making sure nothing goes off without a hitch. Wouldn’t want people catching him in a lie. He needs to be the perfect liar.
And then there's Remus. The only one who tries not to be perfect. But that idea terrifies the others so much, Remus is left to pick up all of the imperfection slack. Maybe that's why Remus was offended when he was called ‘Scary.’
Trying to be so many perfect things all at once, you’re going to but heads with all of the different aspects of yourself. You're going to not listen. You're going to ignore. And in some cases, your perfectionism is going to make you look like the bad guy. And as someone with perfectionism, I relate a little too hard.
Thank you for reading.
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citruside · 10 months
Sander Sides - 💙 Light 🩵 Side ❤️ Eyes 👁️
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Dark Side Eyes 💛💜💚
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creeky-cricket · 6 months
Bad psychoanalysis of the new sander asides video
first, THE OUTFITS FOR EVERYONE WERE SO CUTE second, THE LITTLE THINGS THAT SHOW THE CHARACTER DYNAMICS AND DEVELOPMENTS IN THIS--?!?!! virgil summoning only after patton got excited (the adrenalin) - in the beginning, he wouldn't do this, only showing up to create chaos. but now it just shows that he wants to protect the others!! roman and virgil being the only ones that are upset that the dark sides are gonna be there - showing how they have the most experience / resentment against them pls this doesn't even really contribute to my point but the way roman treats remus when he pops up is just funny to me the fact virgil knew who joanne fabric really was - might be a small detail but again, shows he's got more experience with the dark sides janus taking jabs at virgil and his gift for logan - clearly janus is having a hard time adjusting to being a light side still, plus virgil being protective of not only himself, but also something he knew logan would actually like. the subtle hints remus gives logan when he becomes frustrated - shows the kind of 'i can make him worse' mentality he's got on our poor boy (also count hint that within the next few sander sides videos we could get a logan breakdown) how virgil gets angry when janus makes fun of roman - this could just be because of the hatred he has against janus, but could also show that, despite the squabbling, he does care for roman. virgil finding romans slap funny - supports the same points as before THE ENTIRE INTERACTION BETWEEN VIRGIL AND LOGAN AT THE END- I DONT KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS ONE CAN SHOW BUT I LOVE IT ANYWAYS. there's more, but last but not least: also, at the end. nico asking thomas what the message was and him not being able to answer - this shows how thomas clearly isn't sure about nico, he wants to feel good about being with him but just. cant seem to grapple with it. also supported by a previous video with pattons hesitant answer to 'what is his opinion on nico'. @thatsthat24 :3
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gretacticdraws · 2 years
A Tender Touch - Prinxiety
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These soft boys has been living in my mind rent free for the past couple of weeks, and I had to draw them for once again ❤ if you can see the little easter eggs, mention them in the tags!
Please do not use or repost my artwork without my permission. You may use it as inspiration for writing, but credit must be given.
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star-gazing-doge · 1 month
Yk what
*makes all the light sides and redesigns my virgil & Roman*
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So kinda a weird theory for sanders sides
All of the Light Sides have their Dark Side opposite
now this may seem weird because you initially think that only Roman has his opposite- Remus. But hear me out. Deceit/Janus is Patton’s opposite because Deceit is the lying and dishonest part of Thomas. On the contrary, Patton is nice and honest. Also Patton seems to share the amount of hate for Deceit that Roman has for Remus. That leaves Virgil as the opposite for Logan. It’s not the hate factor, and you may find it weird since they can team up and work things out. But remember when Virgil said just “something was wrong”? And then Thomas says “Ugh, I hate when you’re so vague!”. On the other hand with Logan, he explains things to the very last detail.
If anyone has something to add to the theory, please go ahead
also please repost so Thomas can see this 👍
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lolia21 · 3 months
I have an angsty sanders sides hc
Hear me out
Virgil is Thomas' fear/anxiety so he reacts to when Thomas or any of the sides are upset about something. I came up with the when I was watching the intrusive thoughts episode and they point out that virgil and Patton where the ones freaking out. What if it was Patton freaking out and virgil was just reacting to how anxious that made Thomas?
So the hc is that Virgil doesn't actually dislike Janus or Remus. It's just his job to make sure that Thomas something is wrong or upsetting. Like he knows that those parts of him upset him or parts of him, so he naturally rejects them. He's like an unwilling Warden. In charge of making sure the parts of Thomas that could cause hum distress don't.
Janus knows this and knows it actually hurts Virgil a lot to go against sides that he used to (and still kind of is) be friends with. Janus and Remus are constantly referencing this secret Virgil has. Even after Thomas knows about the other dark sides. My hc is that they know the truth and what Janus, especially, is pushing for is Virgil explaining the impossible task he has.
Janus knows that part of Thomas taking care of his mental health is Virgil not constantly working over time reacting to Patton and Roman's negative reaction to them.
Virgil doesn't want to bring it up because he knows how guilty Patton and Thomas would feel. He also thinks being honest would make them and Roman feel like they have to change instead of letting them do it naturally.
Idk I just like the idea that Virgil is torn between the two sides not only because he wants the light sides and Thomas to like him but also because it's literally in his nature to react negatively to them regardless of his personal feelings.
I really like leaning into the nature of them being representations of emotions and the limitations and complexity that would bring.
I like to imagine that he just collapses at some point and asks for Janus to take care of him becuase that what he always does. Janus takes him back to where the dark sides are and finally explains the situation. It's a moment of really healing and comfort for Virgil and we get to see peak mom friend Janus. Also the light sides and Thomas trying to figure out how to navigate this.
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analoceits · 6 months
roman logan and patton as iterators from rain world. this drawing took me ages but i fucking love it.
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outfit-less version bc i spent too much time on them to NOT show off
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some quick lore under the cut for this au
this will make 0 sense if you dont know rain world lore so. sorry
this also might make 0 sense if do know the lore bc this is mostly memory on how rw works.
pattons the oldest. hes actually a very old model of iterator, probably one of the first few made.
his city was a big local capital, and there were two nearby cities.
logans and romans!!
as time went on, and all three cities expanded, getting closer and closer until they were practically touching.
after a while, a solution was clearly needed for this.
soo.. the cities were fused.
this now left 1 mega city being supported by three iterators!! the dramaaa
logan and roman were at first. a bit Disgruntled
after a while, tho, the three managed to actually bond.
no clue what the dynamic is yet exactly. but theyre close <3
(bonus hint for a future drawing: in this au, the dark sides are scugs)
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pickledoctopushair · 1 year
Okay since we know that Thomas loves Steven universe one can only assume that so do the sides so, which Steven universe characters do each of the sides kin? I'll start Remus most definitely kins/relates to amethyst. I mean just think of how he acted in dwit, while yes he was just saying most of that to get Thomas to believe he was a bad person his words of being made the way he was definitely had amethyst seeping through.
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How ticklish would you hc each Sanders Sides character from 1-10? (Emile Picani and Remy optional)
Hmmm okay so PERSONALLY I'm a sucker for a good trope so I'm always feeling Virgil is the most ticklish.
so starting with Light Sides we have
Logan: 5 (average ticklish person, mostly have to be really keyed up to get a big reaction but ticklish none the less. can hide it the best out of all the sides)
Patton 5.5 (Slightly more ticklish then Logan, but despite that, he has some of the biggest reactions because he's having fun and the bigger the reaction, the more the others will tickle him!
Roman 8 (V ticklish!! despite being the primary Ler in the Mind Palace, he's actually the second most sensitive side. he has big hearty laughter that everyone loves if they dare to try!)
Virgil 9.5 (sweet boi, literally touch him ANYWHERE he at the very least giggles, and at the most screams. hates it with a passion ((not really)) but puts up with it for everyone else ((again not really)) )
Remy: 4 (def ticklish in one very specific spot and no where else for some reason. will laugh alot and have fun with it but he's much more of a Ler)
Emile: (y'all don't kill me please I've never seen cartoon therapy I keep meaning to but still haven't so all I know is he's a therapist(?) so I can't really do him but for the heck of it I have him as 6.9)
Janus: 6.5 (Fairly ticklish, mostly in obscure (?) places and almost none in the traditional "tickle spots". places like palms, ankles, wrists, face, and neck. He hides it well but if you're persistent he'll die)
Remus: 3 (in my personal HC I don't really like Remus all that much so I just hc him not at all but realistically I think he's a solid 3 cause that's like everyone on earth tbh. he hides it incredibly well tho)
anywho these are my personal HC thank you so much for the ask anon!!!!
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grey0-0 · 1 year
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Thought I’d upload something for my birthday, enjoy 💚
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doreomilkshake · 2 years
Logan: How did none of you hear what I just said?!
Virgil : I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Patton: I got distracted halfway through.
Roman : Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
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citruside · 10 months
Orange Relationships with the other Sides: Light Edition -Patton, Roman & Logan (2/2)
While Patton is aware of Lucius’s existence, he never talks about him unless the topic is brought up. Considering how he represents an ugly emotion and is referred to as “The Devil”, he doesn’t think too well of him even though he’s a part of Thomas who wants to help him just much as everyone else. If they were to meet, Patton would be extremely cautious and wary around him, despite him being a very sweet guy who likes dad jokes just as much as he does.
Roman sees him as a villain, a monster, the literal devil himself trying to ruin everything for Thomas. The thought of him puts him on edge, always high alert, holding his sword out in defense, ready to attack when necessary. Despite his devilishly good looks and charming good voice, he will not be swayed by the Angel of Darkness’ words. As tempting as they are, sounding like music to his ear.
As for Logan, he visits Lucius down in the basement to see how he’s doing and asks about how Thomas is doing since Lucius monitors his body. He brings down freshly baked cookies as “sacrifices” for the devil, which in turn Lucius tries to help Logan understand and deal with his emotions, while also talking about his issues too. He has found The Devil’s company quite nice and refreshing, finding peace and comfort in his arms whenever he comes down to visit him.
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“Now then, what is it you wanted to talk about?”
Bonus - Nicknames/names used to refer to Lucius by the sides: 
Luci (Patton uses this name a lot if he has accepted Lucius, Roman uses it too but to make fun of him)
Luci-poo (Remus)
Lucifer (Roman)
The Devil (Patton)
Angel of Darkness (Roman)
Who’s Lucius? Learn about him here!
Dark Side Relationships 💛💚💜
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creeky-cricket · 6 months
ok, so the orange side...
so, I've been seeing quite a bit of discussion on the topic of what the orange side could represent/what their name will be. so I thought I'd share my thoughts. personally, I feel as if the orange side would represent anger. or, more specifically rage. most of the encounters we've ever had with the side have been related to some standard or linked back to the thought of anger. Some examples of this would be, obviously when logan lost his cool while trying to explain to Remus why he felt as if his actions were unfair and then shouted. then later on when Logan became frustrated and Remus tried to push saying 'It kinda makes you wanna scream, huh.' I have also seen quite a few theories saying that this new side could represent repressed thoughts, while this is a good theory, I don't think so. if it was, then they would have appeared in the episodes with Patton talking about his repressed thoughts and also in dealing with intrusive thoughts when they got onto the topic of repression. now onto the name. as we can see, there are a lot of patterns with the names given to the sides. one of the first being the fact that all of the names have only two syllables. the second being that, both Janus and Remus' names are of Greek origins Janus' meaning two faces or doorways and Remus' literally means twin. and the last pattern with the names of the characters is the endings, (log-an, rom-an, patt-on. and rem-us and jan-us) Virgil being the outlier of this because as Thomas had depicted before he's like a grey side, sitting in the middle of the black and the white me and my friend actually discussed this a while ago, trying to keep all of these patterns in mind, two of the most likely ones that we found were either Marius/Marcus or Sirius. Marius as a name means dedicated to Mars, the Roman god of war, while it's not a Greek name, the definition goes along with the idea that the orange side is supposed to depict rage. Also, to be shortened down could go to Marcus, which means the same thing only with two syllables going along with the first pattern. and obviously, Marius ends with the same syllables as Remus and Janus. The second name, Sirius is another good option in my opinion. the definition of Sirius as a name is burning/glowing which also contributes to the idea of anger or rage. 'burning rage' etc. the origins of the name Sirius are also Greek, meaning that it would go along with the other dark sides along with eh fact it ends with '-us'. (also doesn't support anything at all I just think it would be cool cause Sirius is actually a star and it would be funny that he'd be related to Logan a lot.) the only thing wrong with this name is that it has three syllables instead of 2.
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notnobot · 7 months
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WANNING: FUCK IS SAID!!! was bored...and was in a sanders' sides mood. Sorry, it's bad quality because I didn't want to re-do this.
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